The Presidency-Towns Insolvency Act, 1909
The Presidency-Towns Insolvency Act, 1909
The Presidency-Towns Insolvency Act, 1909
1. Short title and commencement.
2. Definitions.
8. Appeals in insolvency.
Acts of insolvency.
9. Acts of insolvency.
Order of adjudication.
10. Power to adjudicate.
11. Restrictions on jurisdiction.
12. Conditions on which creditor may petition.
13. Proceedings and order on creditor's petition. M. Conditions
on which debtor may petition.
15. Proceedings and order on debtor's peiilion.
16. Discretionary powers as to appointment of interim receiver.
17. Effect of order of adjudication.
576 . The Presidency-towns Insolvency Act, 1909.
[Act in18. Slay of proceedings.
18A. Control over insolvency proceedings in subordinate Courts' 19. Power
to appoint special manager,
20. Advertisement of order of adjudication.
Annulment of adjudication.
21. Power for Court to annul adjudication in certain cases.
22. Concurrent proceedings in Courts in India.
23. Proceedings on annulment.
Proceedings consequent on order of adjudication.
24. Insolvent's schedule.
25. Protection order.
26. Meetings of creditors.
27. Public examination of the insolvent.
Composition and schemes of arrangement.
28. Submission of proposal and acceptance by creditors.
29. Approval of proposal by Court,
30. Order on approval.
31. Power to re-adjudge debtor insolvent,
32. Limitation of effect of composition or scheme.
Control over person and property of insolvent.
33. Duties of insolvent as to discovery and realization of property.
34. Arrest of insolvent.
35. Redirection of letters.
36. Discovery of insolvent's property.
37. Power to issue commissions.
Discharge of insolvent.
38. Discharge of insolvent,
39. Cases in which the Court must refuse an absolute discharge.
40. Hearing of application for discharge.
41. Power to annul adjudication on failure to apply for discharge.
42. ■ Renewal of application and variation of terms of order.
43. DuLy of discharged insolvent to assist in realization of property.
44. Fraudulent settlements.
45. EffecL of order of discharge.
of 1909.]
The Presidency-towns Insolvency Act, 1909. 577
Proof of debts.
46- Debts provable in insolvency.
47. Muiual dealings and sct-orf.
48. Rules as to proof of debts.
49. Priority of debts.
50. Rent due before adjudication.
Property available for payment of debts.
51. Relation of assignee's title.
52. Description of insolvent's property divisible amongst creditors.
Effect of insolvency on antecedent transactions.
53. Restriction of rights of creditor under execution.
54. Duties of Court executing dccree as to property taken in execution.
55. Avoidance of voluntary transfer,
56. Avoidance of preference in certain cases.
57. Protection of bona fide transactions.
Realization of property.
58. Possession of propeny by official assignee.
59. Seizure of property of insolvent.
60. Appropriation of portion of pay or other income tocrcdi tors.
61. Vesting and transfer of property.
62. Disclaimer of onerous properly,
63. Disclaimer of leaseholds,
64. Power to call on official assignee to disclaim.
65. Power for Court to rescind contract.
66. Power for Court to make vesting order in respect of disclaimed
67. Persons injured by disclaimer may prove.
68. Duty and powers of official assignee as to realization.
Distribution of property.
69. Declaration and distribution of dividends.
70. Joint and separate properties.
71. Calculation of dividends.
578 The Presidency-towns Insolvency Act, 1909.
72. Right of creditor who has not proved debt before declaration of
[Act in dividend.
73. Final dividend.
74. No suit for dividend.
75. Power to allow insolvent to manage property, and allowance to
insolvent for maintenance or service.
76. Right of insolvent to surplus.
77. Appointment and removal of official assignees of insolvent's estate.
78. Power to administer oath.
79. Duties as regards the insolvent's conduct.
80. Duty to furnish list of creditors,
8.1. Administrative control over official assignee and deputy
official assignee,
81A. Salary, allowances, pension and conditions of servicc of
official assignee and deputy official assignee. 8IB.
Establishment of official assignee.
82. Misfeasance.
82A. Liability of Slate Government for cosls in legal proceedings, etc.
82B. Certain liabilities not to be incurred without the express
direction of the Court.
82C. Sums paid under section &2A or scction 82B to be realised from the
estate of the insolvent.
83. Name under which lo sue or be sued.
84. Office vacatcd by insolvency.
84A. Account of official assignee, investments and proceeds of
85. Discretionary powers and control thereof.
86. Appeals lo Court.
87. Control of Court.
88. Committee of inspection.
89. Control of Committee of inspection over official assignee.
90. Powers of the Court.
91. Consolidation of petitions.
92. Power lo change carriage of petition,
93. Continuance of proceedings on death of debtor.
94. Power to slay proceedings. %
95. Power to present petition against a partner.
96. Power lo dismiss petition against some respondents only.
97. Separate insolvency pelitions against partners.
of 1909.]
The Presidency-towns Insolvency
98. Suits by official Act, and
assignee 1909. 579
involvcnl's partners.
99. Proceedings in partnership name,
100. Warrants of Insolvency Courts.
Li M [TAT [ON.
101. Limitation of appeals,
i 01 A. Exclusion of lime in compulation of period of limitation in certain
102. Undischarged insolvent obtaining credit. .
103. Punishment of insolvent for certain offences. 103A.
Disqualifications of insolvent.
104. Procedure on charge under section 103.
[05. Criminal liability after discharge or composition.
106. Summary administration in small cases.
Exemption of corporation, etc., from insolvency proceedings.
Administration in insolvency of estate of person dying insolvent.
Vesting of estate and mode of administration. Payments or transfer by legal
Saving of jurisdiction of Administrator-General.
107. PART XI
Power of State Government to make rules.
Sanction to rules.
Publication of rules.
[Act m of 1909.]
The Presidency-towns Insolvency Act, 1909. 580
] 15. Exemption from duty of transfers, clc., under this Acl.
116. The Gazelle lo be evidence.
117. Swearing of affidavits.
118. Formal defect not to invalidate proceedings.
119- Application of Trustee Act to insolvency of trustee. [20. Certain
provisions to bind the Government,
121. Saving for existing rights of audience.
122. Lapse and credit to Government of unclaimed dividends.
123. Claims to monies crcdiled to Government under section 122,
124. Acccss to involvent's books.
125. Fees and percentages.
126. Couns to be auxiliary to each other.
127. Saving.
Act III of 1909.
(The Presidency-Towns Insolvency Act, 1909.)'
Act XI of 1920.
Act IX of 1926. Act
XXXIV of 1926. Acl
XI of 1927.
AMENDED .................................... Aci XIX of 1927.
Act III of 1929.
Acl X of 1930.
Ac I III of 1950.
Act LVin of 1960. Ben. Act
XVIH of 1936. Acl 28 of
(a) T
he Government of India
(Adaptation of Indian
Laws) Order, 1937.
(b) The Government of
India (Adaptation of
Indian Laws) Supple
mcntary Order, 1937.
ADAPTED ............ ... ... (c) The Indian Indepen
dence (Adaptation of Central Acts and Ordinances) Order, 1948. (<J)
The Adaptation of
Laws Order, 1950. (e)
The Adaptation of Laws (No.
2) Order, 1956.
[12th March, 1909.]
An Act to amend the Law of hi solvency in the P reside ncy- Iowhs * *
WHEREAS it is expedient to amend the law relating to insolvency in the
Prcsidency-towns3 ' ' "; it is hereby cnactcd as follows:—
1. (7) This Act may be called the Presidency-towns Insolvency Act,
(2) It shall come into force on the first day of January, 1910.
2. In this Acl, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or
Shon tide
context,— and coin- m
(A) "creditor" includes a dccree-holdcr; en cement.
l b ) "debt" includes a judgment-debt, and "debtor" includes a judgment- Definitions,
' For S lawmen I of Objects and Reason, see [he Gazette of India. 1908. P I. V. page 275; for
Repon of Select Comminc, see ibid.. 1909, Pi, V, page 3: and for Proceedings in Council, see ibid..
1908, Pi. VI pages 41 and 182, and ibid, 1909, P L VI, pages 12 and
The Acl has been amended in Bombay by Bom. Acis 20 or 1933 and 15 of 1939; and in
Madras by Mod. Act 5 of 1943.
The words "and the [own or Rangoon" were o mined by para. 3 and ihc First Schedule of the
Cove mine lit of India (Adaptation of Indian Laws) Order. 1937.
The words "(owns of Rangoon and Karachi" were first sutjslilulcd for [he words "Town of
Ragoon" by s. 2 of ihc Insolvency (Amendment) Act, 1926 (IX of 1926) and [hereafter the woids
"towns of were substituted for the words "[own of Rangoon and" by para. 3 anil Ihc First Schedule to
(he Govern merit of India (Adaptation of Indian Laws) Order, 1937. Then again the words "and (he
town of Karachi" were omiued, by para. 3 and [he Firs! Schedule lo the Indian Independence
(Adaptation of Central Acts and Ordinance si. Order. 1948.
(Preliminary.—Part 1.—Constitution and powers of Court.— Sections 3—5.)
582 The Presidency-towns Insolvency Act, 1909.
(c) [Act in assignee" includes an acting official assignee "[and a deputy
official assignee, whether permanent or acting];
(idJ "prescribed" means prescribed by rules;
(e) "properly" includes any properly over which or the profits of which
any person has a disposing power which he may exercise for his
own benefit;
(/) "rules" means rules made under this Act;
( g ) "secured creditor" includes a landlord who under any enactment for
the time being in force has a charge on land for the rent of lhal
(/i) "the Court" means the Court exercising jurisdiction under this
(0 "transfer of properLy" includes a transfer of any interest
therein and any charge crcaled thereon;
"[(/) "Slates" means all the territories, *(which, immediately before the
1st November, 1956, were comprised) within Part A Stales and
Part C States.]
3. The Courts having jurisdiction in insolvency under this Act shall be
'[the High Courts at Calcutta, Madras and Bombay],
from an order made by a Judge in the exercise or (he ordinary original civii
jurisdiction of Lhe Court.
Acts of insolvency.
Ac,s of
9. '(7) A debtor commits an aci of insolvency in each of the
insolvency. r ,, .
following eases, namely:—
(«) if, in 1 [the States] or elsewhere, he makes a transfer of all of
substantially all his property lo a third person for the benefit of his
creditors generally;
(f>) if, 5 [the Slates] or elsewhere, he makes a transfer of his properly or
of any pari thereof with intent to defeat or deJay his creditors;
(c) if, - [the Slates] or eisewhere, he makes any transfer of his property
or of any pari thereof, which would, under this or any other
enactment for the time being in force, be void as a fradulent
preference if he were adjudged an insolvent;
(id) if, with intent to defeat or delay his creditors,—
CO he departs or remains out of - [the States], (i"0 he departs from
his dwelling-house or usual place of
business or otherwise absents himself,
{Hi) he secludes himself so as lo deprive his creditors of the means of communicating with him;
(e) if any of his property has been sold or attached for a period of not
less than twenty-one days in execution of the decree of any Court for the
payment of money; (/) if he petitions lo be adjudged an insolvent;
if he gives noiice to any of his creditors that he has suspended, or
that he is about to suspend, payment of his debls;
(/i) if he is imprisoned in execution of the decree of any Court for the
payment of money.
Section 9 was renumbered as sub-sec lion {/) of that section by s. 2(a) of [he Insolvency
Laws (A men dm cm) Act. 1973 (Acl XXVI11 of 1978) which was thereafter repealed by s. 2 and Sch,
1 or ihe Repealing and Amending Acl, I9S8 {Act XIX of 1988).
TJic words "lhe Provinces" were first subsliluied for ihe words "British India" by para. 3 (2)
of the Indiw Independence (Adaptation^ Central Acls and Ordinances) Order. 1948, Thereafter ihe
word "States" was substituted for ihe word "Provincus" by pain. A (!) of (he Adaptation of Laws Order,
'Sub-sections (2), (J), (J) and (J) wen; inserted by s. 2 (o) of the Insolvency Laws (Amendment) Acl, 197S (Acl XXVIII of
1978) which were thereafter repeated by s. 2. Sell.I of ihc Repealing and Amending Act, 1988 (Act XIX of 1988).
Cmli: -II
The Presidency-towns Insolvency Act, 1909. 585
of 1909.]
"(5) Any person served wilh an insolvency noticc may, within the period
specified therein for its compliance, apply to the Court to set aside the
insolvency notice on any of the following ground, namely;—
(а) that he has a counter-claim or set off against the creditor which is
equal to or is in excess of the amount due under the decree or
order and which he could not, under any law for the time being in
forcc, prefer in the suit or proceeding in which the decree or order
was passed;
(б) that he is entitled to have the dccrce or order sel aside under any
law providing for the relief of indebtedness and That—
(0 he has made an application before the competent authority
under such law for the setting aside of the decree or order; or
(I'O the lime allowed for the making of such application has not
( c ) that the decree or order is not executable under the provisions of
any law referred to in clause (b) on the the dale of the application.
Explanation - For the purposes of this section, the act of an agent may be
ihe act of the principal, even ihough the agent have no specific authority lo
commit the act.
Order of adjudication.
p0Vl,cr t 0 10. Subject to the conditions specified in this Acl, if a debtor
odjudicaic. commits an act of insolvency, an insolvency petition may be present
ed either by a creditor or by ihe debtor, and the Court may on such petition make
an order (hereinafter called an order of adjudication) adjudging him an insolvent.
( a ) the debt owing by ihe debtor to the creditor, or, if two or more creditors join in the petition,
the aggregate amount of debts owing lo such creditors, amounts to five hundred rupees,
(ib) the debt is a liquidated sum payable, either immediately or at some certain future lime, and
(c) the acl of insolvency on which ihe petition is grounded has occurred wilhin three months
before the presentation of the petition:
'Provided that where the said period of three months referred to in clause (c) expires on a day
when the Court is closed, ihc insolvency petition may be presented on ihe day on which ihe Court re-
(2) If ihc petitioning creditor is a securcd creditor, he shall in his petition cither slate
thai he is willing to relinquish his security for the benefit of the creditors in the event of the Conditions
debtor being adjudged insolvent or give an estimate of the value of the security. In the lauer on which
case he may be admitted as a petitioning creditor to the extent of the balance of the debt due to creditor may
him after deducting the value so estimated in the same way as if he were an unsecured
13. (1) A creditor's petition shall be verified by affidavit of the creditor, or of some Procce dings
and order on
person on his behalf having knowledge of the facts.
[Act III
'The original section 14 was re-numbcrcd as sub-scction (7) of Ihal seel ion by s. 2 of the Insolvency (Amendmeni) Acl. [927
(XI of 1927).
of 1909.]
The Presidency-towns Insolvency Act, 1909. 589
'Added by s. 2 of ihc Insolvency (Amendment) Acl, 1927 [XI or 1927), - Added by s. 3 of the
Presidency-towns Insolvency (Amendment) Act. 1927 (XIX of 1927).
[Act in
590 The Presidency-towns Insolvency Act, 1909.
'Ins. b>'s. 3 of the Insolvency Law (Amendment) Act. 1930 (X of 1930). 'Substituted for the words "(ecal
official Gaicttc" by para. A {!) of the Government of India (Adaptation of Indian Laws) Order, 1937.
of 1909.]
The Presidency-lawns Insolvency Act, 1909. 591
Proceedings on
'The words "in Ihc Gaze lie of India and" were omitted by para. 3 and the First Schedule of the annulment.
Government of India (Adaptation of Indian Laws) Order, 1937. ''Sec fool-note 2 on page 590. ante.
'Subs, by s. 3 of Ihc Insolvency Law (Amendment) Acl. 1950 (III of 1950), s. 3, for Ihe words 'Ihe Court
may. on Ihe application of any person interested.". 'Added by s. 3 of Ihc Insolvency (Amendment) Acl, 1927 (XI of
1927). 'Substituted for the words "British Coun" by para, 3 and the First Schedule of the Adaptation of Laws Order,
*Sec fool-note 2 on page 584-. ani e.
[Act in
592 The Presidency-towns Insolvency Act, 1909.
(Part II— Proceedings from act of Insolvency to Discharge- Sections 24, 25.)
(2) Where a debtor has been released from custody under lhe provisions of Ihis Acl
and the order or adjudication is annulled as aforesaid,.the Court may, if it ihinks fil,
recommit the debtor lo his former custody, and lhe jailor or keeper of the prison to whose
custody such debtor is so recommitted shall receive such debtor into his custody according
to such recommitment, and thereupon all processes which were in forcc against the person
of such debtor al lhe time of such release as aforesaid shall be deemed lo be siill in forcc
againsl him as if such order had not been made.
(J) Noticc of the order annulling an adjudication shall be published 1 * * * in Lhe -
[Official Gazette] and in such oibcr manner as may be prescribed.
Proceedings consequent on order of adjudication.
24. (!) Where an order of adjudicalion is made against a debtor, he shall prepare
and submit to lhe Courl a schedule verified by affidavit, in such form and containing such
particulars of and in relation to his affairs as may be prescribed.
(2) The schedule shall be so submitted within the following Limes, namely:—
( a ) if the order is made on lhe petition of the debtor, within thirty days from
Insolvent's the date of lhe order,
( b ) if the order is made on the petition of a creditor, within thirty days from
the dale of service of Lhe order. .
(5) If lhe insolvent fails, without reasonable excuse, lo comply with the
requirements of this section, the Court may, on the application of the official assignee or of
any creditor, make an order for his commilal to the civil prison.
(4) If the insolvent fails lo prepare and submit any such schedule as aforesaid, the
official assignee may, al the expense of lhe estate, cause such a schedule to be prepared in
manner prescribed.
25, (/) Any insolvent who shall have submitted his schedule as aforesaid may apply
to the Court for protection, and the Court may, on such application, make an order for the
protection of the insolvent from arrest or detention.
(2) A protection order may apply eilher to all the debts mentioned in the schedule or
lo any of ihem as the Court may Ihink proper, and may commence and take effect al and for
such lime as the Court may dircct, and may be revoked or renewed as the Court may think
(j) A protection order shall protect the insolvent from being arrested or
detained in prison for any debt to which such order shall apply, and any insolvent
arrested or detained contrary to the terms of such order shall be entiLled Lo his
'See fool-note 1 on page 591, ante. : See fool-nolc 2 on
page 590. time.
The Presidency-towns Insolvency Act, 1909. 593
of 3909.]
( 7 ) When the Court is oT opinion that (he affairs of the insolvent have been sufficiently
investigated, it shall, by order, declare that his examination is concluded, bui such order shall not preclude
lhe Court from directing further examination of the insolvent it may deem fit to do so.
( 8 ) Where the insolvent is a lunatic or suffers from any such mental or physical affliction or
disability as in the opinion of the Court makes him unfit lo attend his public examination, or is a woman
who according to the customs and manners of lhe country ought not to be compelled to appear in public,
the Court may make an order dispensing with such examination, or directing lhal lhe insolvent be
examined on such terms, in such manner and at such place as lo the Court seems expedient.
Composition at id schemes of arrangement.
28. (I) An insolvent may at any lime after lhe making of an order of adjudication submit a
proposal for a composition in satisfaction of his debts or a proposal for a scheme of arrangement of his
affairs in the prescribed form, and such proposal shall be submitted by the official assignee lo a meeting of
( 2 ) The official assignee shall send to cach creditor who is mentioned in the schedule, or who
has tendered a proof before the meeting, a copy of lhe insolvent's proposals with a report thereon, and if
on the consideration of such proposal the majority in number and three-fourths in value of all lhe creditors
whose debts are proved resolve to accept the proposal, lhe same shall be deemed lo be duly acceptcd by
or proposal
the creditors.
and acccp- ( 3 ) The insolvent may al ihe meeting amend the terms of his proposal if the amendment is in the
lancc by opinion of the official assignee calculated to benefit lhe general body of creditors.
( 4 ) Any creditor who has proved his debt may assent to or dissent from the proposal by a letter,
in the prescribed form, addressed to the official assignee so as to be received by him not later than the day
preceding the meeting, and any such assent or dissent shall have effect as if the creditor had been present
and had voted at the meeting.
29. (/) The insolvent or the official assignee may after ihe proposal is acccplcd by the creditors
apply to the Court to approve it, and notice of the time appointed for hearing the application shall be given
to each creditor who has proved.
(2) Except where an estate is being summarily administered or spccial leave of the Court has been
obtained, the application shall not be heard until after ihe conclusion of ihe public examination of the
insolvent. Any creditor who has proved may be heard by Lhe Court in opposition lo the application
notwithstanding Lhal he may at a meeting of creditor have voted for ihe acceptance of lhe proposal.
Approval of
proposal by
The P res id cricy-tawns Insolvency Act, 1909. 595
of 1909.]
(3) The Court shall, before approving Ihe proposal, hear a report of ihc official assignee as to the
terms thereof and as lo the conduct of the insolvent and any objections which may be made by or on
behalf of any creditor.
{4) Where the Court is of opinion that the terms of ihe proposal arc not reasonable or are not
calculated to benefit the general body of creditors or in any case in which the Court is required lo refuse
the insolvent's discharge, Lhe Courl shall refuse to approve the proposal.
(5) Where any facts are proved on proof of which lhe Courl would be required either to refuse,
suspend or attach conditions lo lhe debtors' discharge, the Court shall refuse to approve the proposal
unless it provides reasonable security for payment of noi less than four annas in the rupee on all the
unsecured debts provable against the debtor's estate.
(6) No composition or scheme shall be approved by lhe Court which docs not provide for the
payment in priority lo other debts of all dcbls directed to be so paid in the distribution of the property of
an insolvent.
(7) In any other case lhe Court may either approve or refuse lo approve the proposal.
30. (I) If the Court approves the proposal, the terms shall be embodied in an order of the Courl,
and an order shall be made annulling ihc adjudication, and the provisions of section 23, sub-section (1)
and (J), shall thereupon apply, and lhe composition or scheme shall be binding on all the creditors so far
as relates lo any debt due lo Ihem from the insolvent and provable in insolvency.
(2) The provisions of fhe composition or scheme may be enforced by the Court on application by
any person interested, and any disobedience of an order of the Court made on lhe application shall be
deemed a contempt of Court.
31. [I) If default is made in the payment of any instalment due in pursuance of any composition
or scheme, approved as aforesaid, or if it appears Lo the Court that ihe composition or
scheme cannot procccd without injuslicc or undue delay or thai the approval of the Order on Court
was obtained by fraud, the Courl may, if it thinks fit, on application by any person approval,
interested, re-adjudge the debtor insolvent and annul the composition or scheme, and the
properly of the debtor shall thereupon vesl in ihc official assignee but without prejudice to the validity of
any transfer or payment duly made or of anything duly done under or in pursuance of lhe composition or
(2) Where a debtor is re-adjudged insolvent under sub-section (7), all dcbls provable in other
respects which have been contracted before the dale of such re-adjudication shall be provable in the insol-
Power IO rc-
adjudgc dcbior
596 The Pre side it cy-to 1171 j Insolvency Act, 1909.
[Act III
f Pari I!.—Proceedings from act of Insolvency to Discharge.— Sections 32—34.)
32. Notwithstanding the acceptance and approval of a composition or scheme, lhe composition or
scheme shall not be binding on any creditor so far as regards a debt or liability from which, under the
provisions of this Acl, lhe insolvent would not be discharged by an order of discharge in insolvency,
Limitation of unless lhe credilor assents to the composition or sheme.
effect or
Control over person and property of insolvent.
33. (/) Every insolvent shall, unless prevented by sickness or other sufficient cause, attend any
or schcmc.
meetings of his creditors which Lhe official assignee may require him 10 attend, and shall submit, lo such
examination and give such information as the meeting may require.
( 2 ) The insolvent shall—
(<i) give such inventory of his property, such list of his creditors and debiors, and of the debts due
Duties of
lo and from them respectively,
insolvent as (b) submit 10 such examinaiion in respeci of his properly or his creditors,
10 discovery (r) wait at such times and places on lhe official assignee or special manager,
and realiza- (d) execute such powers-of-atlorney, transfers and instruments, and
tion of pro-
(e) generally do all such acts and things in relation to his property and the distribution of the
proceeds amongst his creditors,
as may be required by the official assignee or special manager or may be prescribed or be direclcd by lhe Court
by any special order or orders made in reference lo any particular case, or made on the occasion of any special
application by the official assignee or special manager, or any creditor or person interested.
(3) The insolvent shall aid, io the utmost of his power, in the realisation of his property
and the distribution of the proceeds among his creditors.
(4) If the insolvent wilfully fails to perform lhe duties imposed upon him by this section,
or to deliver up possession to lhe official assignee of any part of his property, which is divisible amongst
his creditors under this Act and which is for the time being in his possession or under his control, he shall,
in addition to any other pun- ishmeni to which he may be subject, be guilty of a contempt of Courl, and
may be punished accordingly.
34. (/) The Court may, either of its own motion or at the instance of the official assignee or of any
creditor, by warrant addressed lo any policc-officcr or prescribed officer of the Court, causc an insolvent lo
be arrested, and committed to ihe civil prison or if in prison lo be deLained until such time as the Court
Arrest of
597 The Presidency-towns Insolvency Act, 1909.
of 1909.]
'Substituted for lhe word "Crown" by para. 4( 1) of the Adaptation of Laws Order, (950.
[Act in
602 The Presidency-towns Insolvency Act, 1909.
{ d ) any liability under an order for maintenance made under section 488 of lhe 'Code of
Criminal Procedure, 1898. vof]898,
(2) Save as otherwise provided by sub-seciion (/), an order of discharge
shall release the insolvent from all debts provable in insolvency.
(5) An order of discharge shall be eouclusivc evidence of the insolvency, and of the
validity of lhe proceedings therein.
( 4 ) An order of discharge shall not release any person who at ihe date of
ihe presentation of the petition was a partner or co-trustcc wilh Lhe insolvent or was
jointly bound or had made any joinl conlracl with him, or any person who was surely
or in the nature of a surety for him.
Proof of debts.
Debts pro- 46. (V) Demands in lhe nature ol" unliquidated damages arising
vablc in in- otherwise than by reason of a contract or breach of trust shall not be
solvency, provable in insolvency.
(2) A person having notice of the presentation of any insolvency petition
by or againsi the debtor shall not prove for any debL or liability coniractcd by
the debtor subsequently lo the dale of his so having notice.
(J) Save as provided by sub-sections (7) and (2), all debts and liabilities,
present or future, certain or contingent, lo which (he deblor is subject when he is
adjudged an insolvenl or lo which he may become subject before his discharge
by reason of any obligation incurred before the dale of such adjudication, shall
be deemed lo be debts provable in insolvency.
( 4 ) An estimate shall be made by the official assignee of the value of any
debt or liability provable as aforesaid which by reason of its being subject to any
contingency or contingencies, or for any other reason, docs noi bear a certain value :
Provided lhat if in his opinion the value of the debt or liability is
incapable of being fairly estimated, he shall issue a certificate to that cffect, and
thereupon lhe debi or liability shall be deemed to be a debt not provable in
Explanation.—For the purposes of this scclion "liability" includes any
compensation for work or labour done, any obligation or possibility of an
obligation to pay money or money's worth on lhe breach of any express or
implied covenant, contract, agreement or undertaking, whether the breach docs
or docs noL occur, or is or is noL likey lo occur or capable of occuring, before
the discharge of the debtor, and generally it includes any express or implied
engage mem, agreement or undertaking to pay, or capable of resulting in the
payment of, money
Sce fool-note I on page 601, ante.
[Act in
604 The Presidency-towns Insolvency Act, 1909.
of insolvent's
of 1909.]
The Presidency-towns Insolvency Act, 1909. 605
'Substituted for ihc words "before the dale of ihc order of adjudication and before he had Dunes of
notice or [he presentation of any insolvency petition by or against the debtor", by s. 4 of the Court exe-
Insolvency Law (Amendment) Act, 1950 (III of 1950). cuting de-
cree as (o
token in
606 The Presidency-towns Insolvency Acl, 1909.
[Act in
(2) The official assignee shall, in relation to and for ihe purpose of
acquiring or retaining possession or the property of the insolvent, be in the same
position as if he were a receiver of the property appointed under lhe Code of
Civil Procedure 1908, and the Court may on his application cnforce such
acquisition or retention accordingly.
(J) Where any pari of the property of the insolvent consists of slock,
shares in ships, shares, or any other property transisls of stock, shares in ships,
shares, or any other property transferable in the books oT any company, office or
person, ihe official assignee may exercise lhe right to transFer the property to the
same extent as the insolvent might have cxcrcised it, if he had not
becomc insolvent.
(4) Where any part of the properly of the insolvent
consists of things in action, such things shall be deemed Lo have been duly trans-
ferred to the official assignee.
(5) Any treasurer or other officer, or any honker, attorney or agent of
an insolvent, shall pay and deliver to the official assignee all money and
securities in his possession or power as such officer, banker, attorney or agent,
which he is nol by law entitled to retain as against lhe insolvent or lhe official
assignee. If he fails so co do, he shall be guiliy of a contempt of Court, and shall
be punishable accordingly on ihc application of lhe official assignee. .
59. (/) The Court may grant a warrant to any prescribed officer of lhe
Court or any police-officer ahove the rank of a conslablc to seize any parL of the
property of an insolvent in the custody or possession of the insolvent or of any
other person, and with o view to such seizure to break open any house, building
or room of the insolvent where the insolvent is supposed to be, or any building or
receplaclc of the insolvent where any of his properly is supposed to be.
(2) Where the Court is satisfied that there is reason to believe that
property of Lhe insolvent is concealed in a house or place not belonging to him, Seizure of
lhe Courl may, if it thinks fit, grant a search-warrant lo any such officer, as properly of
aforesaid who may execute it according to its tenor.
60. (/) Where an insolvent is an officer of Ihc '[the Indian Army or Appropriation
of portion of
Navy], or an officer or clerk or otherwise employed or engaged in the civil
pay or other
scrvice of the 2[Government], the official assignee shall receive for distribution incomc lo
amongst the creditors so much of lhe insolvent's pay or salary liable to creditor.
attachment in execution of a decrce as the Court may direct.
(2) Where an insolvent is in Lhe rcccipL of a salary or income other than
as aforesaid, the Court may, at any lime afler adjudication and from time to time,
make such order as il thinks just
See fool-note 1 on page 601. u/ne.
[Act III
60S The Presidency-wwns Insolvency Act, 1909.
for the payment lo the official assignee, for distribution among the creditors of
so much of such salary or income as may be liable lo attachment in cxcculion of
a decree, or of any portion thereof.
<1. The property of the insolvent shall pass from official assignee lo
Vesting and official assignee, and shall vest in the official assignee for lhe time being during
transfer of
his continuancc in officc, without any transfer whatever.
62. (/) Where any pari of the properly of an insolvent consists of land of
any tenure burdened wilh onerous convenams, of shares or slocks in companies,
Disclaimer of of unprofitable contracts, or of any other property that is unsaleable, or not
readily saleable, by reason of iis binding the possessor thereof lo the
performance of any onerous acl or to the payment of any sum of money, lhe
official assignee may, notwithstanding thai he may have endeavoured to sell or
have laken possession of the property, or exercised any act of ownership in
relation thereto, but subject always lo lhe provisions hereinafter contained in that
behalf, by writing signed by him, al any time wilhin twelve months after the
insolvent has been adjudged insolvent, disclaim lhe properly:
" Provided that, where any such property has not come to the knowledge of
the official assignee within one month after such adjudication as aforesaid, he
may disclaim the property at any lime within twelve months after he has first
become aware thereof.
(2) The disclaimer shall operate to determine, as from lhe date thereof,
the rights, interest and liabilities of the insolvent and his property in or in
rcspecL of the property disclaimed, and shall also discharge the official assignee
from all persona) liability in respect of the properly disclaimed as from the date
when the properly vested in him, but shall not, except so far as is necessary for
lhe purpose of releasing the insolvent and his property and the official assignee
from liability, affect the rights or liabilities of any other person.
63. Subject always to such rules as may be made in ihis behalf, the
official assignee shall not be entitled to disclaim any leasehold interest without
the leave of the Court; and the Court may, before or on granting such leave,
require such notices to be given to persons interested, and impose such terms as
a condition of granting leave and make such orders wilh respect lo fixtures,
tenant's improvements and other mailers arising out of the tenancy, as the Court
Disclaimer of
ihinks just.
64. The official assignee shall not be entitled to disclaim any property
in pursuance of section 62 in any case where an application in writing has been
made to the official assignee by any person interested in the property requiring
him to decide whether he will disclaim, and the official assignee has for a period
of iwenty-eight days afier the receipt of the application, or such extended period
Power lo call
on official
assignee lo
The Presidency-wwns Insolvency Ad. J 909. 609
of 1909.]
as if lhe lease had comprised only the property comprised in lhe vesting order.
67. Any person injured by the operation of a disclaimer under the
foregoing provisions shall be deemed to be a creditor of the insolvent to the
Persons in- amount of lhe injury, and may accordingly prove (he same as a debt under the
jured by
may provo.
68. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the official assignee shall,
wilh all convenient speed, realize lhe properly of the insolvent. and for the
Duiy and
purpose may-
powers of
fa) sell all or any pari of lhe property of lhe insolvent;
(£>) give receipts for any money received by him;
assignee lo
and may, by leave of the Court, do all or any of the following things,
(c) carry on lhe business of lhe insolvenl so far as may be necessary for the
beneficial winding up of lhe same;
(J) institute, defend or continue any suit or other legal proceeding relating to the
properly of lhe insolvent;
(e) employ a legal practitioner or other agent to take any proceedings
or do any business which may be sanctioned by the Court;
(f) accept as lhe consideration for the sale of any property of the
insolvent a sum of money payable al a future time or fully paid
shares, debentures or debenture slock in any limited company
subject lo such stipulations as to security and otherwise as the
Court ihinks fit;
(g) mortgage or pledge any part of the property of the insolvent for lhe
purpose of raising money or for the payment of his debts or for the
purpose of carrying on lhe business;
(/i) refer any dispute to arbitration, and compromise all debts, claims and
liabilities, on such terms as may be agreed upon;
(0 divide in its existing form amongst the creditors, according to ils
estimated value, any properly which, from ils peculiar nature or
other special circumstances, cannot readily or advantageously be
(2) The official assignee shall account lo the Court and pay over all
monies and deal with all securities in such manner as is prescribed or as lhe
Court directs.
Distribution of property.
Declaration and
69. (7) The official assignee shall, with all convenienl speed, declare
distribution of
dividends, and distribute dividends amongst the creditors who have proved their debts.
The P residency-lowns Insolvency Act. 1909. 611
of 1909.]
(2) The first dividend (if any) shall be declared and be distributed wilhin
'[one year] after lhe adjudication, unless the official assignee satisfies the Court
that there is sufficient reason for postponing the declaration to a later date,
(J) Subsequent dividends shall, in the absencc of sufficient reason to the
contrary, be declared and be payable at intervals of not more than six months.
(4) Before declaring dividend, the official assignee shall cause noticc
of his intention lo do so lo be published in the prescribed manner, and shall also
send reasonable notice thereof lo each creditor mentioned in the insolvent's
schedule who has not proved his debt.
(5) When the official assignee has declared a dividend, he shall send
to each creditor who has proved a notice showing the amount of the dividend,
and when and how it is payable, and, if required by any creditor, a statement in
lhe prescribed form as to the particulars of the estate.
70. Where one partner in a firm, is adjudged insolvent, a creditor to
whom the insolvent is indebted jointly wilh other partners in (he firm or any of
them shall not receive any dividend out of the separate property of the insolvent
until all the separate creditors have received the fuil amount of Ihcir respcciivc
debts. Joinl
71. (7) In the calculation and distribution of dividends, the official and
assignee shall retain in his hands sufficient assets (o mecl-
pro pen
(o) debts provable in insolvency and appearing from (he insolvent's ics.
statements or otherwise to be due to persons resident in places so
distant in the ordinary course of communication they have not had
sufficient lime lo lender their proofs;
(b) debts provahle in insolvency the subject of claims not yel tion of
determined; dividends.
idends, but he shall nol be entitled lo disturb the distribution of any dividend
declared before his debt was proved by reason [hat he has not participated
73. (7) When the official assignee has realised all the properly of the
Final insolvent, or so much thereof as can, in his opinion, be realised without
dividend. needlessly protracting the proceedings in insolvency, he shall wilh the leave of
the Court, declare a final dividend; bui, before so doing, he shall give notice in
manner prescribed to the persons whose claims to be creditors have been notified
to him but nol proved thai, if they do not prove their claims, lo the satisfaction of
ihc Courl, within the time limited by the notice, he will proceed to make □ final
dividend without regard lo their claims.
(2) After the expiration of the time so limited, or, if ihe Court on
application by any such claimant grams him further time for establishing his
claim, then on the expiration of lhat further lime, the property of lhe insolvent
shall be divided among the creditors who have proved their debts, without regard
to the claims of any oihcr persons.
74. No suit for a dividend shall lie against the official assignee, but,
where the official assignee refuses to pay any dividend, the Court may, on the
application of the creditor who is aggrieved by such refusal, order him to pay it,
and also to pay out of his own money interest thereon at such rate as may be
No suil for prescribed for the lime thai it is withheld , and the costs of the application.
75. (/) Subject to such conditions and limitations as may be prescribed,
lhe official assignee may appoint the insolvent himself to superintend Ihc
management of the properly of Lhe insolvent or of any part thereof, or to carry
on Lhe trade (if any) of the insolvent, for the benefit of fiis creditors, and in any
other respect lo aid in administering Ihe property in such manner and on such
Power lo terms as the official assignee may direct.
insolvent lo (2) Subject as aforesaid, the Court may, from lime to time, make such
allowance as it thinks just to the insolvent out of his properly, for the support of
property, and
allowance lo
lhe insolvent and his family, or in consideration of his services, if he is engaged
insolvent for in winding up his estate, but any such allowance may at any time be varied or
main- determined by ihc Courl,
lenance or
service. 76. The insolvent shall be entitled lo any surplus remaining after
payment in full of his creditors, with interest, as provided by this Acl and of lhe
expenses of the proceedings taken thereunder.
Right of
insolvent to
The P residency-lowns Insolvency Act. 1909. 613
of 1909.]
77. '(1) The 2 [Stale Government] shall, after consullaiion wilh and with Appointment or
the concurrence of lhe Chief Justice, appoint substantively or lemporarily a official
person to the office of official assignee of insolvent's estates for the High Court 3 assignee and
deputy official
[at Calcutta] and may, after the like consultation and with the like concurrence, assignee of
appoint, substantively or temporarily, a person or persons to Lhe office of deputy insolvents'
official assignee for the said Court. estates,
(M) Subject to rules made under scction 5[112A], the deputy official
assignee shall have all the powers and shall discharge all the duties and in
exercise of such powers and in the discharge of such duties shall be subject to all
the liabilities of the official assignee under this Acl.
(2) Every official assignee J[and every deputy official assignee] shall give
such security and shall be subjcct to such rules and shall act in such manner as
may he prescribed.
(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (7), the person
substantively or temporarily holding lhe office of official assignee under this
AcL for the High Court - [at Calcutta] immediately before the commencement of
the Presidency-towns Insolvency (Bengal Amendment) Act, 1936, shall, without
Ben. Ad.
further appointment for lhal purpose, become lhe official assignee substantive or
temporary, as the ease may be, as if appointed by lhe 3 [State Government] under 1936.
subsection (/).
78. An official assignee may, for lhe purpose of affidavits verifying
proofs, petitions or oLher proceedings under this Acl, administer oaths.
Power lo
administer 79. (7) The duiies of an official assignee shall have relation Lo the
oalh. conduct of the insolvent as well as to lhe administration of his estate.
(2) In Particular it shall be the duty of the official assignee—
Duties as
regards [he
(a) to investigate lhe conduct of the insolvenl and to repon to the Court
insolvent's upon any application for discharge, stating whether [here is reason
eon- duel. to believe that the insolvenl has committed any act which
constitutes an offcncc under this Act or under sections 421 to 424
of the Indian Penal Code in conncction with his insolvency or
which would justify lhe Courl in refusing, suspending or qualifying
an order for his discharge;
(b) to make such other reports concerning lhe conduct of the insolvent
XLV of
as the Court may direct or as may be prescribed; and IH60.
(c) lo take such pan and give such assistance in relation to the
prosecution of any fraudulent insolvent as the Court may dircct or
as may be proscribed.
Duiies to 80. The official assignee shall, whenever required by any creditor so to
furnish list
do, and on payment by the creditor of the prescribed fee, furnish and send to the
of cre-
creditor by posl a list of the creditors showing in the list the amount of Lhe deb[
due [o each of the creditors.
The P residency-lowns Insolvency Act. 1909. 615
of 1909.]
Ben. Acl 3 No remuneration whatever beyond lhal referred to in sub-scclion (/) shall be received
XVIII ofby an official assignee as such.".
1936. 'See foot-nole 2 on page 613, ante.
SubstiluieJ for lhe original sub-section by s. 3 (c) or lhe Presrdency-iowns Insolvency
(Bengal Amendment) Act. 1936 (Ben. Act XVIII or 1936).
The sub-section which was substiluted is as follows, namely:— ^ "(J) Notwithstanding
anything in sub-section (I). lhe persons substantively or temporarily holding the office of official
assignee immedialely before the commencement of this Acl in the Courts for the relief of Insolvent
Debtors at Calcutta. Madras and Bombay respectively under the Indian Insolvency Act. 1943, shall,
wilhoul further appointment for that purpose, become the official assignees, substantive or temporary, as
the case may be. under Ifiis Acl in the High Courts at Fori William, Madras and Bombay respectively.".
'See foot-note 3 on page 613, ante,
See foot-nole 2 on page 613, ante.
'Section 82 was le-numbered as sub-seel ion (/) of thai section and after that sec lion as so re-
numbered sub-see I ions (2) and (J) wen: added by s. 5 of lhe Presidency- towns Insolvency (Bengal
Amendment) Act, 1936 (Ben. Acl XVIII of 1936).
'Sections 82A, 82B and 82C were inserted by s. 6 of the Presidency-towns Insolvency (Bengal
A mend muni) Aci, 1936 (Ben. Acl XVIII of 1936).
'See Tool-note 2 on page 613. utile.
'Seelion 84A, was inserted by s, 7 of the Presidency-towns Insolvency (Bengal Amendment)
[Act III
60S The Presidency-wwns Insolvency Act, 1909.
under lhal sub-section from the person who was holding the office of official
assignee when the misfeasance, neglcct or omission occurred.
Liability or
Si ale Gov-
'82A. Where the official assignee has incurred, whether before or after
emmcnl for the commencement of lhe Presidency-towns Insolvency (Bengal Amendment)
costs in legal Act, 1936, in the matter of insolvency-
proceedings, (a) any costs in legal proceedings taken by him under the direction of
etc. the Coun, or
(b) any civil liability, bona fide in lhe discharge of his duties, Ihc
revenues of lhe 1 [State Government] shall be liable for the payment of such
costs or liability, in so far as the assets realized by the official assignee in respect
of such insolvency are insufficient lo meet such costs or liability. ■
liabilities not to
'82B. Where an insolvent's esiale has no available assets, the official
be incurred assignee shall not incur any costs, charges or expenses in rcspccl of such estate
without ihc without the express direction of the Court, but lhe Court on lhe application of the
express official assignee may empower him to spend an amount specified by lhe Courl in
direction of ihe payment of any costs, charges and expenses of or in connection with the
Coun. realization or administration of ihe estate of the insolvent, and the revenues of
Sums paid lhe 1 [Slate Government] shall be liable Tor lhe payment of such amount.
under section 82C. Any sum paid oul of the revenues of Lhe 2 [Slate Government]
82A or section under section 82A or section 82B in respeel of an insolvent's estate shall be
82B to be reali- repaid to the -[Slate Government] by the official assignee out of any assets of the
zed (torn (he estate which may subsequently become available, in priority to all other claims
estate of the
and charges on such assets other ihan fees and percentages chargeable by Lhe
insolvent. Naine
official assignee under ihis AcL.
under which to
sue or t>e sued. 83. The official assignee may sue and be sued by the name of "lhe
official assignee of the properly of—, an insolvent," inserting the name of the
insolvent, and by lhal name may hold properly of every description, make
contracts, enter into any engagements binding on himself and his successors in
Office vacated office, and do all other acts necessary or expedient lo be done in the execution of
by insulvcncy.
his officc,
84. If an order of adjudication is made against an official assignee, he
Account of shall thereby vacate the office of official assignee.
official as-
signee. in 84A. (/) The official assignee shall maintain an account in the
vestments prescribed manner and shall pay into such account, after making any prescribed
and proceeds deduction-
of in- fa) all monies received by him in the realization of insolvent's estates and
(b) any other sums that may be prescribed.
(2) Subject to Lhe control of lhe1 [State Government], whenever the cash
balance standing to the credit of the said account is, in lhe
opinion of the official assignee in cxccss of the amount which is required for the
lime being to meet demands in respect of insolvents' estates, or to make the
payments required under section 122 or any other payments that may be
prescribed, the official assignee shall invest such excess in the prescribed
(3) Subject to Lhe control of the 6 [State Government], whenever any
part of the money so invested is, in the opinion of the official assignee, required
to meel any demands in respect of insolvents' estates, or to make Lhe payments
required under section 122 or any other payments that may be prescribed, the
official assignee may realize such part of the said investments as may be
necessary, and shall credit lhe proceeds of such realisation to the said accounl,
(4) The official assignee shall transfer and pay to such authority and in
such manner and at such limes as may be prescribed in this behalf the proceeds
of such investments, and lhe same shall be carried to the accounl and credit of the
[State Government].
(J) The provisions of sub-section (4) shall apply to the balance of the
proceeds, accumulated before the commencement of the Presidency-towns
Insolvency (Bengal Amendment) Act, 1936, of the investments made by the
official assignee of sums received by him in lhe realization of insolvents' estates,
whether such balance or any part thereof has been invested or not.
(6) Subject lo the provisions of sub-section (5), the provisions of sub-
sections (I), (2) and (5) shall apply lo all monies in the hands of the official
assignee at the date of the commencement of the Prcsidcncy-lowns Insolvency
(Bengal Amendment) Act, 1936, and to all investments made by him before that
date. l
85. (7) Subject to the provisions of this Act and to the directions of the
Court, the official assignee shall, in the administration of the property of the
insolvent and in the distribution thereof amongst his creditors, have regard to any
resolution that may be passed by the creditors al a meeting.
(2) The official assignee may, from time lo time, summon meetings of
the creditors for the purpose of ascertaining their wishes, and it shall be his duty nary
to summon meetings at such limes as the creditors, by resolution at any meeting, powers
or the Court may direct, or whenever requested in writing to do so by one-fourth and
in value of lhe creditors who have proved. control
(3) The official assignee may apply to the Court for directions in relation
to any particular matter arising under the insolvency.
Ste fool-note 2 on page 613, ante.
[Act III
60S The Presidency-wwns Insolvency Act, 1909.
(Part IV.—Official Assignees.—Sections 86, 87.—Part V,— Committee of Inspection.—Sections 88, 89.)
(4) Subjcci lo the provisions of ihis Act, the official assignee shall use
his own discretion in ihe management of the estate and its distribution among the
Appeal to g6. If ihe insolvent or any of the creditors or any other person
'' is aggrieved by any acl or decision of the official assignee, he may
appeal lo lhe Court, and the Court may confirm, reverse or modify ihc act or decision
complained of, and make such order as it thinks just.
Control of
87. (/) If any official assignee does not faithfully perform his duties and duly
observe all the requirements imposed on him by any enactment, rules or otherwise, with
respect lo the performance of his duties, or if any complaint is made lo the Court by any
creditor in regard thereto, the Court shall enquire into ihc matter and take such action
thereon as may be deemed expedient.
(2) The Court may at any lime require any official assignee Lo answer
any enquiry made by it in relation lo any insolvency in which he is engaged, and
may examine him or any other person on oath concerning the insolvency.
(J) The Court may also direct an investigation to be made of the books
and vouchers of the official assignee.
88. The Court may, if il so thinks fit, authorize the creditor who have proved, lo appoint
of inspec- from among the creditors or holders of general proxies or general powers-of-attomey from
tion. such creditors, a com- millcc of inspection for the purpose of superintending the
administration of the insolvent's property by the official assignee:
Control of
of inspec-
tion over
The P residency-lowns Insolvency Act. 1909. 619
of 1909.]
90. (/) In proceedings under this Acl the Court shall have the Powers of like powers and
follow lhe like procedure as il has and follows in lhe thc CourI- exercise of ils ordinary original civil
Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall in any way limit the jurisdiction
conferred on the Court under this Act.
(2) Subject to lhe provisions of this Act and rules, lhe costs of and incidental to
any proceeding in the Court shall be in the discretion of the Court.
(J) The Court may at any lime adjourn any proceedings before il upon such
terms, if any, as it thinks fit to impose.
(4) The Court may at any time amend any written process or proceeding under
this Act upon such lerms, if any, as it thinks fit to impose.
(5) Where by this Act or by rules the time for doing any acl or thing is limited,
the Court may extend the time either before or after the expiration thereof, upon such
terms, if any, as the Court thinks fil lo impose.
(6) Subject to rules, the Court may in any matter take the whole or any part of
lhe evidence either viva voce or by interrogatories, or upon affidavit, or by commission.
(7) For the puipose of approving a composition or scheme by joint debtors lhe
Court may, if it ihinks fit, and on the report of lhe official assignee lhal it is expedient
so lo do, dispense with the public examination of one of lhe joinL debtors if he is
unavoidably prevented from attending the examination by illness or absence abroad.
I* * * * * * *
Sub-seel ion (A) was omiiicd by pan, 3 (/) and (he Schedule of [he Indian Independence (Adaptation
of Genual Acts and Ordinances) Order. 1943.
[Act III
60S The Presidency-wwns Insolvency Act, 1909.
92. Where lhe petitioner does nol proceed wilh due diligence on his petition, the Court
Powers lo may substitute as petitioner any other creditor to whom the debtor is indebted in the amouni
change carriage required by this Act in the case of a petitioning creditor.
of pelilion.
93. If a debtor by or against whom an insolvency petition has been presented dies, the
Conli nuance Dr
proceedings in ihe matter shall, unless ihe Coun otherwise orders, be continued as if he were
proceedings on alive. .
doaih of debtor.
94. The Court may, at any time, for sufficient reason, make an order slaying the
Power to
slay pro-
proceedings under an insolvency petition, either altogether or for a limited time, on such terms
codings. and subject lo such conditions as the Court thinks just,
95. Any creditor whose debt is sufficient to. entitle him lo present an insolvency
Power lo present petition against all the partners in a firm may present a petition againsL any one or more partners
pctilion against a
in the firm without including the others.
96. Where there are more respondents than one to a petition, the Court may dismiss
Power to dismiss
the petition as to one or more of them without prejudice lo lhe effeel of the petition as against the
petition against other or others of them.
some respondents
only. 97. Where an order of adjudication has been made on an insolvency petition against or
by one partner in a firm, any other insolvency petition against or by a partner in the same firm
Separate shall be presented in or transferred to the Court in which the first-mentioned petition is in course
of prosecution; and such Court may give such directions for consolidating the proceedings under
pel) Lions
lhe petitions as it thinks jusl.
98. (7) Where a partner in a firm is adjudged insolvent, the Court may authorise the
official assignee to continue or commence and carry on any suit ar other proceeding in his name
and lhat of the insolvent's partner; and any release by the partner of the debt or demand lo which
the proceeding relates shall be void.
Suits by officio] (2) Where application for authority to continue or commence any suiL or any other
assignee and proceeding has been made under sub-section (J), notice of the application shall be given lo lhe
insolvent's partner, and he may show cause against it, and on his application the Court may, if il
thinks fit, direct that he shall receive his proper share of the proceeds of the proceeding, and if he
does not claim any benefit therefrom he shall be indemnified against costs in respect thereof as the Court
The P residency-lowns Insolvency Act. 1909. 621
of 1909.]
99. (/) Any two or more persons, being partners, or any person carrying on business under a
partnership name, may take proceedings or be proceeded against under ihis Act in lhe name
of lhe firm :
Proceedings in
Provided that ill thai case the Court may, on application by any person interested, partnership name.
order the names of the persons who arc partners in lhe firm, or lhe name of the person
carrying on business under a partnership name, lo be disclosed in such manner and verified on oath or
otherwise, as the Court may direct,
(2) In the case of a firm in which one partner is an infant, an adjudication order may be made
against the firm other than the infant partner.
100. (1) A warrant of arrest issued by the Court may be executed in the same manner and
subject to the same conditions as a warrant of aiTest issued under the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898,
may be executed.
(2) A warrant to seize any part of the property of an insolvent, issued by the Court under section
59, sub-scction (7), shall be in the form prescribed, and sceLions 77 (2), 79, 82, 83, 84 and
102 of ihe Code shall, so far as may be, apply to the execution of such warrant. Warrants of
(5) A search-warrant issued by Lhe Court under section 59, sub- sccLion (2), may be Couns.
executed in lhe same manner and subject to the same conditions as a search-warrant for
property supposed to be stolen may be executed under the said Code.
101. The period of limitation for an appeal from any act or decision of the Limitation of
official assignee, or from an order made by an officer of the Court empowered appeals.
under section 6, shall be twenty days from lhe date of such act, decision or order, as
the case may be.
'101A. Where an order of adjudication has been annulled under this Act, in Exclusion of lime in
computing lhe period of limitation prescribed for any suit or other legal proceeding computation of period of
limitation in conain cases.
(other than a suit or legal proceeding in respcct of which lhe leave of lhe Court was
obtained under section 17) which might have been brought
[Act III
but for Lhe making of an order of adjudication under this Acl, lhe period from lhe
dale of ihc order of adjudication to the dale of the order of annulment shall be
excluded :
Provided that nothing in this section shall apply to any suit or other legal
proceeding in respect of a debt provable but not proved under this Act.
(a) fraudulently wilh lhe intent lo conceal the state of his affairs or to
Punishment or defeat Lhe objects of (his Act,—
insolvent for certain
offences. 0') has destroyed or otherwise wilfully prevented or purposely withheld
the production of any book, paper or writing relating lo such of his
affairs as are subject to investigation under ihis Acl, or
( i t ) has kept or caused to be kept false books, or
(iii) has made false entries in, or withheld entries from, or wilfully
altered or falsified, any book, paper or wriling relating lo such of his
affairs as are subject to investigation under this Act, or
(b) fraudulently with intent to diminish the sum to be divided amongst his
creditors or of giving an undue preference lo any of lhe said
103A. (7) Where a debtor is adjudged or readjudged insolvent under this
Act, he shall, subject to the provisions of this scction, be disqualified from—
(a) being appointed or acting as Magistrate; fications of
(b) being cleclcd to any office of any local authority where the
appointment to such office is by election, or holding or
exercising any such office to which no salary is attached; and
(c) being elected or silling or vol i ng as a memberof any 1 ocal
(2) The disqualifications which an insolvent is subject to under this section
shall be removed, and shall ceasc if—
(J) The Courl may grantor refuse such certificate as it thinks fits.
104. (1) where ihe Courl is satisfied, afler such preliminary inquiry, if any,
as it thinks necessary, that there is ground for inquiring into any offence referred to
in section 103 and appearing lo have been corrtmUied by lhe insolvent, the Court
may record a finding to lhat effect and make a complaint of the offence in writing ta
a Presidency Magistrate or a Magistrate of the first class having jurisdiction, and
such Magistrate shall deal with such complaint in ihe manner laid down in the Code
of Criminal Procedure, 189B.
of charge
under sec-
(2) Any complaint made by the Courl under sub-section (I) may be signed
tion 103.
by such officcr of the Court as ihe Court may appoint in this behalf,
105. Where an insolvent has been guilty of any of the offences specified in
scction 102 or section 103, he shall nol be exempt from being proceeded against
Acl V of
therefor by reason thai he has obtained his discharge or that a composition or
scheme of arrangement has been accepted or approved.
liability after
discharge or
[Act III
60S The Presidency-wwns Insolvency Act, 1909.
Inserted by s. (o) of ihe Presidency-towns Insolvency (Bengal Amendment) Act, 1936 (Bin. Aei
XVtlt or 1936)
Inserted by s. B(i>) (i), ibid.
The Presidency-town Insolvency Act, 1909. 627
of 1909.]
'[and, in the case of the .High Court at Madras, may also provide for and
regulate the remuneration of the official assignee and lhe payment of lhe costs,
charges and expenses of his establishment.]
112A, ( J ) The [Slate Government] may make rules for carrying into Power of
cffecL lhe objects of this Act in regard to those functions or the official assignee Siaic Gov-
ernment I D
which are discharged under the administrative control of lhe 6 [Slate Government].
moke rules.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing
power, such rules may provide for and regulate—
(a) the fees and percentages to be charged by lhe official assignee for and in
respect of proceedings under this Acl and the manner in which the
same arc lo be collected and
628 The Presidency-towns Insolvency Act. 1909.
[Act in
accounted for;
(b) the receipts, payments and accounts of the official assignee; Exemption
(c) ihe audit of the accounts of the official assignee; from duly
(d) the security to be given by the official assignee and his deputy or of transfers,
etc.. under
deputies; this Act.
(e) the distribution of work between ihc official assignee and his
deputy or deputies;
if) the conditions of service of lhe officers and servants of the
official assignee;
(g) the payment by the 9 [Stale Government] of sums under subsection The Gaicde to be
(2) of section 82, or under section 82Aor section 82B; (/i) lhe repayment evidence
(k) the transfer and payment by the official assignee of the' proceeds of
investments to the authority referred lo in subsection (4) of section
84A, and (i) the transfer and payment by the official assignee of
fees and percentages, and of commission o; other remuneration, lo
the authority referred to in section 125.
(5) Rules made under ihis section shall be published in the 1 [Official
Gazette] and shall thereupon have the same force and effect as if they had been
enacted in this Acl.
113. Rules made under the provisions4 [of scction 112] shall be subjcct
to the previous sanction of the ' [State Government.]
114. Rules so made and sanctioned shall be published ******* in Lhe 1
[Official Gazette],and shall thereupon have the same force and effect with regard
to proceedings under this Act in the Court which made them as if they had been
enacted in this Act.
(Part XII.—Supplemental.—Sections ! 15-117.) PART xn
Subsliiuied Tor lhe former s. by pom. 3 and the Firsl Schedule, itiJ,
' Substituted for the words "oflhis Put" by s, lOofthc Prcsidcncy-iowns Insolvency (Bengal
Amendment) Act, 1936 (Ben. Act XVIII of 1936).
Thc words "in ihc Gazette uf India" were omilied by para. 3 and the First Schedule of ihe
Govern mem of India (Ad Dp ID Lion of Indian Laws) Order, 1937.
"The words "us the KSC may be" were omined, ibid.
'The words "the Provinces of India" were first substituted for Lhe words "British India" by para. 3
(J) and the Schedule of the Indian Independence (Adaptation of Central Acts and Ordinances) Order, 1948.
Thereafter the word "States* was substituted Tor the word "Provinces" by para. 4(/) of ihe Adaptation of
Laws Order, 1950, and lhe words "of India" were omitted by para. 3 and the First Schedule of that Order.
'Substituted for the words 'a British Minister or British Consul or Political Agent" by para. 3 and
the First Schedule of (he Adaptation of Laws Order, 1950.
The P residency-lowns Insolvency Act. 1909. 629
of 1909.]
officcr as '[ [he Stale Government] may appoint in this behalf, calling on the
officcr to show causc, within one month from the date of the service of the
notice, why the order should not be made.
124. {/) No person shall, as against the official assignee, be entitled lo Access io
withhold possession of lhe books of accounts belonging lo the insolvent or lo set insolvent's
up any lien [hereon.
(2) Any creditor of the insolvenl may, subjcci io the control or the Court,
and on payment of such fee. if any, as may be prescribed, inspccl al all
reasonable limes, personally or by agent, any such books in the possession of the
official assignee,
125. - (/) Such fees and percentages shall be charged for and in Fees and
respect of proceedings under this Acl as may be prescribed. .
(2) The official assignee shall transfer and pay to such authority and in such
manner and at such times as may be prescribed in this behalf all fees and percentages received by
him after the commencement of the Prcsidency-lowns Insolvency (Bengal Amendment) Acir
1936, and the same shall be carried lo lhe account and credit of lhe 1 [Slate
Ben Acl
XVttl of 2
1936. (5) Any percentages or commission or other remuneration received by
the official assignee if appointed as a trustee in a composition or as agent of
another official assignee shall be similarly so transferred and paid by him.
126. All Courts having jurisdiction under this Acl shall make such
orders and do such things as may be neccssary io give cffeci tu seclion 118 of the
Bankruptcy Act, 1883, and lo scction 50 of ihe
hi or 1907. Provincial Insolvency Acl, 19074; Conns to
he auxi-
46 and 47
Meetings of
127. s* * * * * * liary *lo(2)' * * * The proceedings under an insolven
Vict., c, 52.
Credit OR. n and 12 die Indian Insolvency Act, 1848, pending at the commencement of.this each
Vict., c. 21. Act shall, except so far as any provision of (his Act is expressly applied ■ to other.
pending proceedings, continue, and all the provisions of the said Indian Insolvency Act
shall, except as aforesaid, apply thereto, as if this Act had not been passed. Saving.
Summoning of
(The First Schedule.—Meetings of Creditors.—rules J-8.) THE FRIST SCHEDULE
Notice of
meetings (iSee section 26.)
1. The official assignee may al any time summon a meeting of creditors, and shall do
Duty of in-
so whenever so directed by the Court or by the creditors by resolution at any meeting or
solvent to whenever requested in writing by one-fourth in value of the creditors who have proved.
attend if 2. Meetings shall be summoned by sending notice of the time and place thereof to
each creditor at the address given in his proof, or, if he has not proved, at lhe address given in
the insolvent's schedule, or such olher address as may be known lo the official assignee.
Proceedings 3. The notice of any meeting shall be sent off not less than seven days before lhe day
not to be avo- appointed for lhe meeting and may be delivered personally or sent by prepaid post letter, as
ided for non-
may be convenient. The official assignee may, if he thinks fit, also publish the lime and place
ruccipt of
Proof of issue
of notice.
Costs of
632 The Presidency-towns Insolvency Act. 1909.
[Act in
Subsitutcd for Lhe words "local Official Gazelle" by para. 4 (/) of llic Adaptation of Laws Order, 1950, ■
of 1909.]
The Presidency-towns Insolvency Act, J 909. 633
9. A creditor shall nol be entitled to voLe al a meeting unless he has duly proved a
Right to vote.
debt provable in insolvency lo be due to him from lhe insolvent, and lhe proof has been
duly lodged one clear day' before the time appointed for the meeting.
10. A creditor shall not vole at any such meeting in rcspect of any unliquidated or
contingent debt, or any deb I the value of which is noi ascertained. No vole in
res peel of certain
11. For lhe purpose of voting, a secured creditor shall, unless he surrenders his debts.
security, slate in his proof lhe particulars of his security, the date when it was given, and
the value at which he assesses it, and shall be entitled to vote only in respcct of (he Secured creditor.
balance, if any, due to him after deducting the value of his security. If he votes in respect of
his whole debt, he shall be deemed to have surrendered his security, unless the Coun on
application is satisfied thai the omission to value the security has arisen from inadvertence.
12. Where a creditor seeks lo prove in respect of a bill of exchange, promissory note,
or other negotiable instrument or security on which the insolvent is liable, such bill of exchange,
note, instrument or security must, subject to any special order of the Court made lo the contrary,
be produced to the official assignee before the proof can be admitted for voting. ■
13. Il shall be competent to the official assignee, within twenly- eight days after a
Proof in
proof estimating the value of a security has been made use of in voting at any meeting, to
respcct of
require the creditor to give up the security for the benefit of the creditors generally, on negotiable
payment of the value so estimated. instrument
14. If one partner in a firm is adjudged insolvent, any creditor to whom Lhat
partner is indebted jointly wilh the other partners in the firm, or any of them, may prove
his debt for the purpose of voting at any meeting of creditors and shall be entitled lo vote
Power to require
15. The official assignee shall have power to admit or reject a proof for the creditor to give up
purpose of voting, but his decision shall be subject lo appeal to lhe Court. If he is in doubt security.
whether the proof of a creditor should be admitted or rejected, he shall mark the proof as
objected to, and shall allow lhe creditor to vote, subject to the vote being declared invalid
Proof by
in the event of the objection being sustained.
17. Every instrument of proxy shall be in the prescribed form and shall be issued
by lhe official assignee. Power of official
assignee lo admit
or reject proof.
of proxy.
634 The Presidency-towns insolvency Act, 1909.
[Act HI
(The First Schedule.—Meetings of Creditors.—rules 18-22.— The Second Schedule,—Proof of
Debts.—rules i-6.)
18. A creditor may give a general proxy lo his attorney or to his manager or clerk, or
any other person in his regular employment. In such case lhe instrument of proxy shall slate
General the relation in which Lhe person to act thereunder slands to the creditor.
19. A proxy shall not be used unless il is deposited with the official assignee one
clcar day before the tim& appointed for the meeting at which it is to be used.
Comenb of affi
Affidavit io
siaic ir creditor
holds security.
Cost of proving
The P residency-lowns Insolvency Act. 1909. 635
of 1909.]
9. If a secured creditor realizes his security, he may prove for the balance due to
him, after deducting the net amount realized.
10. If a secured creditor surrenders his security to lhe official assignee for the Proof where se-
curity realized.
general benefit of the creditors, he may prove Tor his whole debt.
11. If a secured creditor does noi either realize or surrender his security, he shall, Proor where
before ranking for dividend, slate in his proof the particulars of his security, the date when security is
it was given and the value at which he assesses il, and shall be entitled lo receive a dividend
only in respect of the balance due to him after deducting the value so assessed. Proof in other
12. (/) Where a security is so valued the official assignee may at any lime redeem
it on payment to lhe creditor of assessed value.
(2) If the official assignee is dissatisfied wilh ihe value at which a security is
assessed, he may rquire that ihe property comprised in any security so valued be offered for
sale ai such times and on such terms and conditions as may be agreed on between the
creditor and the official assignee, or as, in default of agreement, the Court may direct. If the Valuation of
sale is by public auction, the crcdilor, or the official assignee on behalf of the estate, may sceuriiy.
bid or purchase:
Provided that the creditor may at any lime, by notice in writing, require the official
assignee to eleel whether he will or will nol exorcise his power of redeeming lhe security or
requiring il to be realized, and if the official assignee does nol, within six months after receiving
the notice, signify in writing to lhe creditor his election lo exercise the power, he shall not be
entitled to exercise il; and lhe equily of redemptions or any oiher interest in lhe properly
comprised in the security which is vested in the official assignee, shall vest in ihe creditor, and
the amount of his debt shall be reduced by the amount at which the security has been
valued. . Amendment of
13. Where a creditor has so valued his security, he may al any lime amend ihe
valuation and proof on showing to the satisfaction of the official assignee, or the Courl, that lhe
valuation and proof were made bona fide on a mistaken estimate, or that lhe security has
636 The Presidency-towns insolvency Act; 7909.
(The Second Schedule.—Proof of Debts.—rules 14-18.)
diminished or increased in value since its previous valuation; but every such amendment shall
be made al the cost of the creditor, and upon such terms as the Court shall order, unless lhe
official assignee shall allow lhe amendment without application to the Court.
14. Where a valuation has been amended in accordance with lhe foregoing rule, the
creditor shall forthwith repay any surplus dividend which he has received in excess of thai to
Refund of excess which he would have been entitled on the amended valuation, or, as the case may be, shall be
entitled to be paid out of any money for the time being available for dividend, any dividend or
share of dividend which he has failed to receive by reason of the inaccuracy of the original
valuation, before that money is made applicable to the payment of any future dividend, but he
shall not be entitled to disturb lhe distribution of any dividend declared before lhe date of lhe
15. If a creditor after having valued his security subsequently realizes it, or if il is
realized under the provisions of rule 12, lhe net amount realised shall be substituted for lhe
amount of any valuation previously made by the creditor and shall be treated in all respects as an
amended valuation made by the creditor.
where security
16. If a secured creditor does not comply with lhe foregoing rules, he shall be excluded
subsequently from all shares in any dividend.
17. Subject to the provisions of rule 12, a creditor shall in no case receive more than
sixteen annas in lhe rupee and interest as provided by Ihis Act.
Exclusion from Taking accounts of properly mortgaged, and of the sale thereof
sharing in
dividend. 18. Upon application by any person claiming to be a mortgagee of any part of lhe
Limit of insolvent's real or leasehold estate and whether such mortgage is by deed or otherwise, and
whether the same is of a legal or equitable nature., or upon application by lhe official assignee
wilh the consent of such person claiming to be a mortgagee as aforesaid, the Court shall proceed
to inquire whether such person is such mortgagee, and for what consideration and under what
circumstances; and if it is found that such person is such mortgagee, and if no sufficient
Inquiry into
objection appears to the title of such person to the sum claimed by him under such mortgage, the
mortgage, etc. Court shall direct such accounts and inquiries lo be taken as may be necessary for ascertaining
the principal, interest and costs due upon such mortgage, and of lhe rents and profits, or
dividends, interest or other proceeds received by such person, or by any other person by his
order or for his use in case he has been in possession of the property over which the mortgage
extends, or any part thereof, and the Court, if satisfied that
The P residency-lowns Insolvency Act. 1909. 637
of 1909.]
there ought lo be a sale, shall (Erect noticc lo be given in such newspapers as the
Court thinks fit, when and where, and by whom and in what way, lhe said
premises or properly, or lhe interest therein so mongaged. are to be sold, and lhal
such sale be made accordingly, and .
lhal lhe official assignee 11 [{unless it is otherwise ordered for reasons to be
recorded in writing)) shall have the conduct of such sale; but it shall not be
imperative on any such mortgagee to make such application, At any such sale
the mortgagee may bid and purchase.
19. All proper parties shall join in lhe conveyance to lhe pur- Conveyance, chaser, as the
Court directs.
20. "Die monies to arise from such sale shall be applied, in the Proceeds of sale, first place, in
payment of lhe costs, charges and expenses of and
occasioned by the application lo the Court, and of such sale and the commission
(if any) of lhe official assignee, and in the next place in payment and
satisfaction, so far as the same extend, of what shall be found due lo such
mortgagee, for principal, interest and costs, and lhe surplus of the sale monies (if
any) shall then be paid to the official assignee. But if the monies to arise from
such sale are insufficient to pay and satisfy what is so found due to such
mortgagee, then he shall be entitled to prove as a creditor for such deficiency,
and receive dividends ihereon rateably with lhe other creditors, but so as not lo
dislurb any dividend then already declared.
21. For the belter taking of such inquiries and accounts and Proceedings on making a title to
[he purchaser, all parties may be examined by the inquiry.
Court upon interrogatories or otherwise as the Court thinks fit, and
shall produce before ihe Court upon oath all deeds, papers, books and writings in
their respective custody or power relating to the estate or effects oF the insolvent
as the Court directs.
Periodical Payments .
22. When any rent or other paymenl falls due at stated periods, Periodical payments
and the order of adjudication is made at any time other than one of those periods,
lhe person entitled lo the renl or payment may prove for a proportionate part
thereof up to the dale of (he order as if the rent or paymenl due grew from day to
23. V ) On any debt or sum certain whereon interest is not interest, reserved or agreed for,
and which is overdue when the debtor is adjudged an insolvent, and which is provable under this Act,
the creditor may prove for interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum— .
(c) if the debt or sum is payable by virtue of a written instalment at a certain time, from lhe -time
when such debt
Substituted for the words and brackets "(unless ii is olfienvise ordered)' by s, 12 of Lhe
Presidency-towns Insolvency (Bengal Amendment) Act. 1936 (Ben. Act XVJIT of 1936),
638 The Presidency-towns Insolvency Act. 1909.
[Act in
Inserted by s ? of lhe Presidency-town Insolvency (Amendment) Acl, (920 (XI of
-Subsliiutcd by s. 9 of the Insolvency (Amendment) Acl, 1926 (IX of 1926).
Clauses (ii), (<fl, M, if). 0?). (A). (0 an J Or) were omitted by s. 8 (b)(ii),ibid. The clauses which were a mined arc
is follows, namely :—
"(ii) the investment, whclher separately or collectively. of unclaimed dividends, b at ances and other sums appertaining to
(hecslalos of insolvenl debtors, whether adjudicated insolvent under this or any former cnaccment; and ihe application of ihe proceeds
of such investment
M) the remuneration of the official assignee;
(?) the ruecipts, payments and at counts of die official assignee;
(/) the audit of the accounts of the official assignee;
(p) the payment o f I he re mu n cratio n of the o fflcial ossi gnee, of the c os I s. ch arges and expenses of his establishment,
and of the costs of (he audit of his accounts out of lhe proceeds or ilie investments in his hands;
[h) the payment of the coils incurred in the prasccution of fraudulent debtors and in legal proceedings taken by the official
assignee under lhe direction or the Court out of the proceeds aforesaid:
(/') lhe payment of any civil liability incurred by an official assignee acting under the order or direction of the Court;
(i) Ihcdistribulionorv/ork be; ween the official assignee and his deputy or deputies;",
640 The Presidency-towns Insolvency Act. 1909.
[Act in
Substituted for the word "Crown" by para. 4 ( ! ) of ihc Adaptation of Laws Orrici,
'The Words "the Provincial Government" were first substituted far Lhe words "the Govemmcnl of India" by para. 3 and the
First Schedule of the Government of India (Adaptation oflndian Laws) Order, 1937. Thereafter, the word ."Slate" was substituted for
the word "Provincial" by para. 4 (/) of (he Adaptation of Laws Order, 1950.
'The words "the Provincial Govcrnmeni" were substituted for (he words "lhe Governor-General of
India" by para, 3 .Tnd the Firs* Schedule or the Coi crnnteni of India (Adaptation of Indian Laws) Order, 1937.
Thereafter, the word "Sine" was subsliluled for the word "Provincial" by parL 4 (/) of ilie Adapiaiion of Laws
Order. 1950
'Seclion 125 v.1 as rc-numbcrud as sub-section (J) of lhal section and after that scction. as so re-
numbered, sub-section (2) and (3) were added by s, 11 or ihe Presidency- towns Insolvency (Bengal Amendment)
Acl. 1936 (Ben, Acl XVItl of 1934). >Sre fool-nolc 2 on page 613, ante.
'See now the Provincial Insolvency Act, 1920 <V of 1920).
Sub-sect ion (/) and ihe words "Noiwilhs landing the repeal effected by litis Acl." in sub-sec lion (2) W
LIU icpcalcd by s. 3 and Sch. II of ihe Repealing nnH Amending Act. 1914 (X of 1914).
642 The Presidency-towns Insolvency Act. 1909.
[Act in