Gerry Copeman April 3 2022 Rev4 PDF

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Sunday April 3th,2022
The Value Vault Donations
Welcome Rev Gerry Copeman
The Value Vault at Sudbury Secondary School (SSS)
is used by students who need food, clothing and
small household items, pens, pencils etc.…
Thank you for any donations.
We can also receive offering by e-mail transfer
E-mail “[email protected]

Our Prayer List

The Lalic family
Phyllis Middaugh
People of Ukraine
Nancy McDonald
Bryan Marsh
Gil Davies

PROCESSIONAL Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!

Facebook @allpeoplesunited
Words of Welcome
Upcoming Speakers CALL TO WORSHIP:
April 10th April 17th April 24th On this fifth Sunday of Lent,
we come open to God's call.
In these challenging times on our journey,
we come seeking to grow in our faith.
Quieting our minds, opening our hearts,
Rev Gerry Rev Gerry and longing for the divine mystery to make itself known,
Copeman Shannon Copeman we come to experience God's presence.
Opening Hymn VU 266 Amazing Grace Offering Prayer
In offering these gifts, we express our commitment to your way.
OPENING PRAYER May they bring hope and peace to us and to our world.
Timeless God, your radical message of inclusion is often In the name of Christ, we pray. Amen.
You offer us welcome, and call us to open our hearts to affirm that we PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE
are all siblings in Christ. May the cry for justice, dignity, and equality THE LORD’S PRAYER
be the song we sing harmoniously. Guide our lives with the power of
Closing hymn VU 635 All the way my saviour leads me.
your all-encompassing love. In the name of the liberating Christ, we
Let us go forth from this place empowered and empowering,
ANNOUNCEMENTS understanding what is possible when prejudice is put aside.
May the love that proceeds from the example of Jesus
SCRIPTURE READINGS sustain us in our mission, and the Spirt that awakens in us
Philippians 3:8-14 make faithful all our acting in the cause of equality and acceptances.
Psalm 126 (Page 850 VU)
John 8:1-11 BENEDICTION: (Sung by all)
May God’s sheltering wings,
Readings Response: Her gathering wings protect you
All: This is the word of the Lord, Thanks be to God. May God’s nurturing arms,
His cradling arms sustain you.
Gloria Patri: And hold you in her love and hold you in his love
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit . . .
Message: Welcome to the family of All People’s United Church!
If you are joining us for the first time, please sign the guest book.
Hymn VU 225 We praise you for the sun We meet in this historical church which has humble beginnings
since 1927. May what we do in this time and in this place bring
OFFERING Song (Sung by all) glory to God and express love of neighbour
Praise and thanksgiving, thanks be to God
Thanks for the food we eat, With heavy hearts we are sad to announce the
And for the friends we meet; Passing of Nick Lalic.
For each new day we greet Nick was a faithful member of All Peoples and
Thanks Be to God! He enjoyed singing in the choir and playing guitar.
Nick also made great Pizza and he will be missed.
Deepest Condolence’s to his wife Dorothy and family

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