Self-Monitoring To Prevent Non-Communicable Diseases

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI- Western Visayas
City of Roxas

Self-Monitoring to Prevent Non-Communicable Diseases

Grade 7 – MAPEH (Health)
I. Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
- Consistently demonstrate personal responsibility and healthful practices in
the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases
II. Subject matter
A. Topic: Demonstrate Self-Monitoring to Prevent Non-Communicable Diseases
B. Materials: Laptop, camera, green screen effects, projector
C. Reference: MELC MAPEH 7 (HEALTH): EASE: Health Skills Never Spill Non-
communicable diseases, H6EH-IIIa-1, H7DD-IVa-24, H7DD-IVb-d-25, H7DD-
IVf-27, H7DD-IVg-h-28, H7DD-IVg-h-29, H7DD-IVg-h-30, H10CH-Id-25
D. Concept: By understanding the dangers of small habits that compromise the
immunity of a person against non-communicable diseases, to practice and
demonstrate self-monitoring for a healthier body.
E. Value Focus: Health Consciousness
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings:
Good day everyone! I am Sir Joshua, (Student’s cheerfully reply to the
your Grade 7 MAPEH Teacher. remarks of the teacher)
Is everybody having a great day? I hope
you do, because today we’re having our
health class.

Just as they say “Be at ease without


2. Online Netiquette
(Pays attention to the teacher and
A.) Listen carefully, and remember the
follow the instructions of the teacher)
key concepts the teacher discussed
B.) Use your notebook or paper to jot
down important details
C.) Follow the instruction the teacher
will give for each activity.

3. Review/Recall (Gives the satisfactory answer

In managing mental health disorders reiterating the previous held lesson)
such as anxiety and depression, can
anyone remind me how to deal and help
cope with people experiencing anxiety
and depression?

Wow! That’s amazing, you’re right we

can alleviate such traumas by seeking
professional help, and we can help cope
with it by:

1. Developing a strong support network

2. Improve sleeping
3. Reducing stress load
4. Curbing negative thinking

Alright! That’s all for our simple review!

B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation:
Alright let’s begin!

Have you ever heard your parents “Yes sir, there was a time when my
complaining how their bones are parents told me that my grandparents
creaking and joints popping? This may also felt the same and usually
seem as simple as it is, but it actually complained about it.”
means a lot.

Some diseases such as diabetes runs

through our blood from generation to
generation. This is the mystery of
genetics and hereditary. We inherit
such diseases from our forefathers and

Directions: I’m going to give you a few

examples of diseases and it’s your job
to determine whether they are
communicable or non-communicable.
(Students’ will answer)
Disease Classification
1. Rabies C
2. Cancer NC
3. Arthritis NC
4. Diabetes NC
5. Coronavirus C
Good job everyone! I hope you guys
enjoyed our little game but the fun’s
just going to start. Let’s move on to our

2. Presentation:
For our today’s lesson, we will be
introduced to how we can demonstrate
self-monitoring to prevent non-
communicable diseases.
Before we go further with our “NCDs, also known as chronic diseases,
discussion, can anybody tell me what tend to be of long duration and are the
are non-communicable diseases? result of a combination of genetic,
physiological, and environmental
Yes, you’re right we began learning
about Non-Communicable Diseases or
simply NCDs!

But sadly, NCDs excessively affect

people in low- and middle-income (Student’s will be listening to the
countries where more than three teacher’s discussion)
quarters of global NCD deaths of 32
million – occur.

Luckily, we can intervene in such

situations by knowing how such
diseases come about in our lives.

Such illnesses start from the following:

1. Frequent use of Tobacco
2. Alcoholic Abuse
3. Physical Inactivity
4. Unhealthy Diet
5. Metabolic Risk Factors

3. Analysis:
These unhealthy practices are the root
cause of NCDs but we can counter
them with these simple key elements
for leading a healthy life.

1. Self-discipline
2. Daily exercise
3. Well-balanced diet
4. Stress management
5. Frequent hydration

(A) Self-discipline
- To live a better, healthier life, and
have more control over your actions,
you need a certain degree of self-
discipline. Having such discipline
enables you to resist temptations and
distractions, improve endurance, and
can help you overcome negative habits.

- By having self-control, you can avoid

acting impulsively. Impulsiveness
means a lack of control and acting
without thinking. If you have no control
over your actions and the words you
say, you might get yourself into trouble,
and sometimes, into dangerous

- When you possess discipline, it

becomes easier to reduce the quantity
of alcohol you drink. A heavy drinker
might find it difficult to show discipline,
and would therefore require additional
means and help.

However, a great number of people

who drink not too much alcohol would
find that the possession of a certain
degree of discipline is most useful to
keep this habit in control.

- How many people do you know, who

tried to lose weight, but could not
follow their resolution? Maybe you too
tried to lose weight, but could not resist
the tasty food, the enticing cakes, or
the delicious ice cream.

Maybe you tried several diets but quit

after a week or two.

What stopped you from losing weight?

It is a lack of discipline and self-control.
Just imagine how slimmer you can be if
you have control over the amount of
food you eat.

(B) Daily Exercise

- Daily physical activity can help
prevent heart disease and stroke by
strengthening your heart muscle,
lowering your blood pressure,
improving blood flow, and increasing
your heart's working capacity.

- Regular physical activity can reduce

hypertension in those with high blood
pressure levels. Physical activity
reduces body fat, which is associated
with high blood pressure.

- Physical activity helps to reduce body

fat by building or preserving muscle
mass and improving the body's ability
to utilize calories. When physical
activity is combined with proper
nutrition, it can help control weight and
prevent obesity, a major risk factor for
many diseases.

(C) Well-balanced Diet

- "You are what you eat." You know
your diet impacts your health. Certain
nutrients affect certain parts of the
body. Without enough calcium, your
bones can become unhealthy, brittle,
and weak.

- This makes you more susceptible to

bone deterioration. Therefore, a diet
that is high in calcium can help prevent
osteoporosis. The same holds with
saturated fat and cardiovascular

- Too much-saturated fat in your diet

can lead to high cholesterol and high
blood pressure, two major risk factors
for cardiovascular disease.

(D) Stress Management

Being able to recognize common stress
symptoms can help you manage them.
Stress that's left unchecked can
contribute to many health problems,
such as high blood pressure, heart
disease, obesity, and diabetes.

We can reduce our stress levels by:

- Getting regular physical activity
-Keeping a sense of humor
-Spending time with family and friends
-Setting aside time for hobbies, such as
reading a book or listening to music

(E) Frequent hydration

Water helps to carry oxygen to your
body cells, which results in properly
functioning systems. It also works in
removing toxins from the body, so
drinking more of it could help prevent
impurities from building up and
harming your immune system.

Sipping water in the form of hot tea is

also a great option among immune-
boosting drinks. Tea has been linked to
muscle endurance improvement and
reducing the risk of a heart attack.
Drinking warm water, like tea, can
provide antioxidants for your body –
which may destroy harmful elements
that can compromise your health toll
and protect against cancer.

C. Abstraction
1. Analysis:
What have you learned today? “Sir Joshua, it’s all about how to
demonstrate self-monitoring to
prevent NCDs.”

2. Application:
What are the practices that you need to Sir we can do it by exercising the
prevent NCDs? following:

a.) Self-discipline
b.) Daily exercise
c.) Well-balanced diet
d.) Stress Management and
e.) Frequent Hydration
Very good, you truly learned well from
me, I’m really impressed!

3. Value focus:
During our lesson, what do you think is Sir the very essence of your lesson is
the most essential use of Self- it’s being health-conscious and mindful
monitoring to prevent non- of our habits, though small as they may
communicable diseases in our lives? seem but can drastically compromise
our health, as the rising cases of NCDs
have taken their toll on our nation.
Wow, that’s a great response and I’m
here to inform you that according to
the World Health Organization, 4.8% of
the Philippines’ GDP is allocated to the
burden NCDs caused. A total of PHP
756.5 billion is lost every year to
alleviate the havoc NCDs wreaked.
D. Application
ZUMBA Dance: Everybody stand up and
let’s dance to the music. (Students will move to the beat, and
This is one of the healthy practices you jive to enjoy the Zumba dance the
need in order for you to have a healthy teacher is demonstrating)
IV. Evaluation
Directions: Identify the following
situations if they are demonstrating
healthy practices to prevent NCDs.
Provide your answer by putting a
check mark (✓) for healthy practices
and a cross mark (✗) if not. (Students will assess the following
situations whether they are
1. Smoking demonstrating healthy practices to
2. Sedentary lifestyle prevent NCDs)
3. Exercise
4. Drinking alcohol
5. Eating unhealthy foods

V. Agreement
Directions: Research and identify two “Yes sir! We will do so.”
programs and policies to prevent and
control non-communicable and
lifestyle diseases.

Alright students! That’s all for today

and remember that “Be at ease without

This has been your Grade 7 MAPEH

Teacher, Joshua Augustine C. Dorado.
Good bye! Stay safe and take care!

Prepared by:
Teacher Applicant

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