A Conversion of Shadowrun To Savage Worlds Adventure Edition

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A Conversion of Shadowrun to Savage Worlds Adventure Edition

Playtest Version 1.3


CHARACTER CREATION • Major Hindrance – Outsider (-2)
• Reduced Core Skills: Stealth (-1)
SETTING RULES • Attribute Penalty: -1 to Smarts rolls (-2)
• More Skill Points
• Multiple Languages HINDRANCES
• No Power Points All characters may take up to 6 points of Hindrances
Suggested Other Setting Rules instead of the standard limit of 4 points.
• Born a Hero
For 2 points you can:
• Gritty Damage
• Raise an attribute one die type, or
• Wound Cap
• Choose an Edge
Choose one of the following races to begin character For 1 point you can:
creation. • Gain another skill point, or
• Gain additional starting funds equal to twice
Dwarf (+4) your setting’s starting amount (+100000 nuyen)
• Infravision (1)
• +1 Vigor (2) (Starting Vigor d6, Max Vigor d12+1) TRAITS
Determine Traits as standard for SWADE, p. 9, with
• +1 Spirit (2) (Starting Spirit d6, Max Spirit d12+1)
the except that the Setting Rule More Skill Points, SWADE
• Smaller (-1) (Increased Lifestyle Costs +20% to
p. 140 is in effect, granting 15 skill points instead of 12.
account for equipment adaptation; using
equipment not designed for their size imposes -
1 penalty)
The characters in Savage Worlds Shadowrun are all
multilingual with the Multiple Languages Setting Rule
Elf (+4)
(SWADE p. 140), gaining the benefits of the Linguist Edge
• Low Light Vision (1)
for free. This grants all characters a number of languages
• +1 Agility (2) (Starting Agility d6, Max Agility
equal to one-half their smarts die type at d6.
• +1 Smarts (2) (Starting Smarts d6, Max Smarts NEW/MODIFIED HINDRANCES
d12+1) The following are new or altered Hindrances Specific
• Quirk – Favor Elves over other Races (-1) to Savage Worlds Shadowrun. Hindrance points spent
for Starting Funds grants 50000 nuyen instead of what is
Human (+4) stated in SWADE.
• Adaptable (2) (1 Free Edge)
• Start each session with +1 Bennie (2) (stacks SINNER (MINOR OR MAJOR)
with Edges that increase Bennies) The character has a legal and registered System
Identification Number (SIN). The character’s personal
Ork (+4) and biometric information is on file with the authorities,
• Low Light Vision (1) and as such it makes them incredibly easy to find should
• +1 Strength (2) (Starting Strength d6, Max they commit a crime.
Strength d12+1) As a Minor Hindrance, the character has a National
• +1 Vigor (2) (Starting Vigor d6, Max Vigor d12+1) SIN and is expected to pay taxes and is likely to be a
• Minor Hindrance – Outsider (-1) target of incredibly personal spam.
As a Major Hindrance the character is either a
Troll (+4) Criminal with a SIN, which means most SINners shun
• Infravision (1) them because of their criminal past (treat as an Outsider
• +2 Strength (4) (Starting Strength d8, Max amongst SINners) or possess a Corporate SIN, meaning
Strength d12+4 including Size) most SINless shun them because of their ties to the
• +2 Vigor (4) (Starting Vigor d8, Max Vigor d12+1) Corporate world (treat as an Outsider amongst SINless).
• +2 Size (2) (+2 Toughness) This is in addition to being expected to pay taxes as a
• Big (-2) (Increased Lifestyle Cost + 100% to Minor Hindrance above.
account for equipment adaptation; using
equipment not designed for their size imposes - DOUBTING THOMAS
2 penalty)
Because of the omnipresent Magic, Astral World, STARTING FUNDS
paracritters and metatypes, this Hindrance is not All characters start the game with 50000 nuyen in
appropriate for Savage Worlds Shadowrun. starting funds. Hindrance points can be spent as normal
to increase the starting funds by 100000 per Hindrance
The following are new or altered edges specific to
Savage Worlds Shadowrun. STARTING GEAR
Characters use their starting funds to purchase their
ARTIFICER starting gear. The only restrictions are that starting
Besides being able to create Arcane Devices characters may not purchase any piece of gear with an
(SWADE, p. 153), the magician may create permanent Availability higher than 6.
Arcane Devices called Foci (singular: Focus). Artificer
may also be taken as a Novice. See Enchanting, p. xx, for CONTACTS
more information on Foci. Shadowrunners can be defined sometimes by who
they know. This is where Contacts come into play.
DRONE WARFARE Contacts are archetypical characters in the world of
REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Hacking d8 Shadowrun that serve as friends, accomplices,
The character may spend bennies for Drones under information brokers, or businesses associated or
their control. This includes drones that they are not frequented by the character.
currently “Jumped Into”. Contacts are defined essentially by 2 different
special Traits. The first is Connection, which is a general
GHOST IN THE MACHINE rating of how successful they are in their chosen
REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Hacking d8 expertise or how well connected they are in their chosen
The Ghost is a silent master of Hosts. While hacking field. The second is Loyalty, which is a measure of how
a Host, the character gains +1 to any Hacking rolls related likely they are to keep their interactions with the
to infiltrating and manipulating the Host. This also character a private affair.
applies to Cybercombat against IC and to resist being Characters buy their Contacts using an allotment of
detected by the Host security. points from character generation. They have an amount
of points equal to double their Spirit die type (i.e. a
HIRO PROTAGONIST character with Spirit d6 has 12 points to purchase
REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Hacking d8 Contacts). Each point put into a Contacts special Trait
The Hiro Protagonist hacker is a master of increases the die type by 1. No contact can have a Trait
Cybercombat, gaining +1 to any Hacking rolls in higher than d12 (or 5 points worth).
Cybercombat and gains +1 Firewall for their Cyberdeck. If a contact is ever put in a position to test their
loyalty to the character, make a Loyalty test against a TN
MENTOR SPIRIT 4 with bonuses or penalties based on the specific
REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Arcane Background (Any) situation they are presented with. Success means they
A character with a Mentor Spirit offsets -1 in remain loyal to the character, failure meaning they have
penalties on Spellcasting rolls for any two Powers they given up something of value. Critical failure means that
know for Mages and Shamans. Mentor Spirits for Adepts the contact may be lost permanently or semi-
grant +1 to a specific skill. The Powers or Skills affected permanently (killed, captured, blacklisted, deciding that
must be chosen when the Mentor Spirit Edge is taken, the character is the reason for their problems, etc.).
though they may be changed (at Game Master’s Characters can purchase additional contacts during
discretion). character creation for 1000 nuyen per point of
Mentor Spirits often have some type of restriction Connection and Loyalty.
on the character’s behavior or a mental or physical Once the game is begun, Connection and Loyalty for
drawback associated with them, so Game Masters and existing contacts may change based on circumstances in
Players should work together to determine what those the game and is up to Game Master discretion. New
are when a character has this Edge. contacts may also be acquired during gameplay as the
Game Master deems appropriate.
Costs for using Contacts range from 100 nuyen times
points in Connection for information delivered to 1000
nuyen times points in Connection for services rendered.
This can be reduced by 10% times the points in Loyalty if
the Contact is feeling particularly appreciated. Note that
these costs don’t necessarily mean cash, as gifts and such solid earth and living things. Everything else may be
as can always be substituted if appropriate. passed through as if they were merely smoke.
Astrally Projected characters cannot affect things in
MAGIC the material world that do not also have a presence in
Magic in Shadowrun is generally the same as for the Astral Plane. Anything that is magically created, or
Arcane Background (Magic) in SWADE. The main rule is that is dual-natured may be affected by an astral
there are three different Arcane Backgrounds: Hermetic character.
Magic, Shamanic Magic, and Physical Adept.
Hermetic and Shamanic Magicians are essentially the RESTRICTED POWERS
same as Arcane Background (Magic), with the major The following list are powers that are not available
difference being what Attribute their Spellcasting skill is to any Arcane Background:
linked to. Hermetic Magician (i.e. Mage) Spellcasting is
linked to Smarts and Shamanic Magician (i.e. Shaman) Detect/Conceal Arcana
Spellcasting is linked to Spirit. Other than that, the Drain Power Points
background is identical to the standard Arcane Growth/Shrink
Background (Magic). As an added benefit, they have Intangibility
access to Astral Perception (detailed below) as a free Object Reading
Power. Resurrection
Adepts have a much more limited selection of Shape Change
Powers that they can choose from, but the advantage is Teleport
that their powers always work without a Power Zombie
activation skill.
SETTING RULES – SHADOWRUN MAGIC Ritual casting is a method of activating powers at a
The following rules are common to Shadowrun slower pace to enable using the power with much
campaigns. greater effectiveness and a higher chance of success.
Ritual Casting has several benefits but also several
BORN A WIZARD drawbacks. Though it is often used by multiple
Characters with Arcane Backgrounds may choose to magicians, a Ritual Casting can be performed by a lone
learn Powers with a Rank higher than their current Rank. magician if desired.
When activating powers with a Rank higher than their
own, a Critical Failure causes Backlash as normal, but Ritual Leader
instead of suffering Fatigue, the character suffers 1 One magician is chosen as the leader of the Ritual
wound that cannot be soaked. and will perform use their Spellcasting skill to determine
success on the arcane skill roll for the ritual spell. If
SPIRIT WORLD performing a ritual with a single magician, that magician
Next, the Summon Ally power is limited to the Spirits is the Ritual Leader by default.
listed in this Sourcebook or any future Savage Worlds –
Shadowrun sourcebooks. Magical Lodge
A Ritual Casting must be performed in a magical
ASTRAL INTERACTION lodge appropriate to the Leader’s tradition. The Rating
Perception into the Astral Plane grants the ability to of the Lodge provides the maximum number of rounds
affect entities that exist on the Astral Plane. A character for the Dramatic Task.
may make melee attacks or cast spells against Astral
entities while perceiving the Astral Plane. Spell Choice
Some entities exist in the material world and the The spell or spells cast from the ritual must be
Astral Plane simultaneously (called dual-natured). A known to each member of the ritual group. Considering
magician using the Astral Perception power becomes there is no set spell list within this sourcebook, assume
dual-natured while the power is active. that a magician knowing the same base Power type
Astral entities are unable to affect the material qualifies as knowing the spell. The trappings of the spell
world unless they manifest physically. Astral entities can are still limited to that known by the Ritual Leader. A
affect entities in the material world that are currently ritual using a Spotter does not require the Spotter to
perceiving the Astral Plane. know the spells being cast.
The physical world has a warped representation on
the Astral Plane but the only barriers to movement are Ritual Targeting
Targeting for the ritual spell can be based on the Performing the Ritual
Line of Sight of the Leader or one designated member of Ritual casting is performed as a Dramatic Task, with
the group called the Spotter. the number of Task Tokens needed equal to the total
The Spotter does not contribute to the bonus for the arcane skill penalty from the spell or spells. Each round
Spellcasting skill roll as detailed above, and must be in the Ritual is 1 hour, and the Ritual Leader must decide
present and within the magical lodge when the Ritual how many rounds the task will take, with a minimum of 1
begins. The Spotter must then travel physically or to a maximum equal to the Rating of the Magical Lodge.
astrally (see Astral Projection Power) to the location Each member of the group that is not involved with
where they can perceive the target in the Astral Plane. Spotting for the ritual performs a Spellcasting roll to add
While spotting for a Ritual, the spotter has a link to task tokens to the total. Reagents may be used in this
the Ritual that can be perceived with Astral Perception. Spellcasting roll, providing +1 for every 5 reagents used.
This link can be traced back to the Ritual’s location by Achieving the required number of task tokens in the
Assensing the Spotter. A success on the Notice roll as a number of rounds means that the ritual is successful.
Ritual Casting, and a success with a Raise allows the Count the number of surplus task tokens generated in
Assensing magician to follow the link back to the source. the ritual. Failing to achieve the requisite number of task
Rituals that involve Spell Stacking (see below) may tokens means the ritual fails.
utilize multiple Spotters if the targets of the spells are If a group member fails to add Tokens to the task
not visible to a single Spotter. total, they suffer no ill effects of failing to contribute in
the round. If a group member suffers Critical Failure,
Material Components they are Shaken, their powers are canceled, and they
Reagents equal to the total Power Point cost of all suffer Backlash, p. 151.
spells included in the ritual must be expended.
Additional reagents may be used to improve the arcane Success
skill rolls of each individual mage as detailed in Reagents, If the ritual is successful, the Leader makes a
p. xx. Spellcasting roll for each of the included spells with no
arcane skill roll penalty. Surplus task tokens may be
Range divided between all spells cast in the ritual to provide a
Range for the spell is determined from the ritual +1 bonus to the Spellcasting roll per task token used.
leader or the Spotter, whichever is most beneficial for
the ritual. Range Power Modifiers may be added Duration
normally as is standard for SWADE, p. 152. A ritual spell that has been cast successfully lasts the
Because the Spotter is used for Range, spells with a normal duration. The ritual spell may be maintained
Touch duration may be cast using the Spotter as the focal while all members of the ritual group maintain the spell,
point. following the standard rules for maintaining powers,
If the Spotter is the party that determines Range, SWADE, p. 140. If a single member ceases to maintain
their Attributes are used to determine the Range of the the spell, the spell is disrupted and ends.
spell. For example, if the Leader has Smarts d12, and the
Spotter has Smarts d8, a Ritual Bolt spell has Range of Failure
24” when cast from the Leader, or 16” when cast through If the ritual fails, all Material Components spent in
the Spotter. the attempt are lost, the time taken during the ritual is
Spell Stacking
Multiple spells can be cast through a Ritual Casting, Example
each with different targets, provided there are Spotters Talon, a mage with the Rising Sons magical group
that can see all of them at the time of the Ritual’s decides that they need to target a rival group leader,
completion. Crow, that has been harassing their members. Talon’s
To stack spells, each additional spell adds the cost of Smarts is d10 and has spellcasting d10. He has gathered
the additional Spell to the total Power Point cost of the a group of six magicians, each of which know the spells
Ritual. Additionally, each additional spell adds another Fly, Invisibility and Puppet.
+1 to the Power Point cost. They begin performing the ritual in a Rating 6
Stacked spells are assumed to hit at the exact same Magical Lodge, deciding to take 3 hours to perform the
time, meaning one spell cannot be used to lower the ritual. They send one of the mages with d8 Smarts as a
defenses of the target before another spell from the Spotter to follow Crow physically until the ritual is
same ritual hits the target. completed. After the casting time is completed, the
Spotter is unable to get within 8” of the target (the range
of Fly, Invisibility, and Puppet), and the Range power Vigor roll with a penalty equal to the number of wounds
modifier is added to the spell as +2 PP (tripling the caused by the attack that incapacitated them or lose
range). Each of the supporting mages has Spellcasting at access to a Power (chosen at random) until they are fully
d6. healed from their wounds.
The total Power Point cost for the ritual is 3 (Fly) + 5 An Adept’s powers turn off when unconscious or
(Invisibility) + 3 (Puppet) +2 (Range) +2 (Additional Spells Incapacitated.
x 2) for a total of 15. This means that with a casting time
of 3 hours (3 rounds), they must achieve a total of 8 task ARCANE BACKGROUND (HERMETIC MAGIC)
tokens (15 / 2 = 7, rounded up to 8). With 1 magician • ARCANE SKILL: Spellcasting (Smarts)
spotting, Talon and the other 5 magicians begin their • STARTING POWERS: 3 (plus Astral Perception)
ritual casting. At the end of 3 rounds, they have The character follows the hermetic tradition of
generated 12 task tokens, during which, they have spent spellcasting and is generally referred to as a Mage. The
15 drams of reagents for the ritual, and another 25 character can perceive the astral plane and cast spells of
drams of reagents to help the individual group members all manner.
with their Task rolls, for a total of 4000 nuyen in reagents
With 12 Task Tokens, the ritual is a success, and • ARCANE SKILL: Spellcasting (Spirit)
Talon has 4 surplus Tokens to spend in the final castings. • STARTING POWERS: 3 (plus Astral Perception)
Talon makes a Spellcasting roll for Fly and succeeds The character follows the shamanic tradition of
with an 8, granting him a Raise and the target 24” Flying spellcasting and is generally referred to as a Shaman.
Pace. The character can perceive the astral plane and cast
Talon makes a second Spellcasting roll for Invisibility spells of all manner.
and succeeds with a 6. Not enough for a Raise, but good
enough to make the target Invisible, with -4 to Notice NEW/MODIFIED POWERS
rolls to see them.
Talon decides to spend all the Task Tokens on the ASTRAL PERCEPTION
Puppet spell for a total of +4 to Spellcasting for the third Rank: Novice
Spellcasting roll, rolling a total of 12 against the target’s Power Points: 1
Spirit roll of 7. With the bonus from the surplus Ritual Range: Self
Tokens, he has achieved success with a Raise against the Duration: 30 minutes
rival mage. Crow is now completely under Talon’s Trappings: The characters eyes glow slightly, and their
control. vision seems to be a little bit “off” as they stare into the
With their ritual now completely successful, the Astral Plane.
Rising Sons can now command their newly controlled This Power allows the character to shift their
puppet to fly invisibly to a secluded spot where they can perception to the Astral Plane, where they may see the
exact the next phase of their plan. magical energies of spells, wards, or astrally present
creatures. While perceiving Astrally, the character
ARCANE BACKGROUNDS suffers a -1 penalty to any Notice tests for things
The following are the allowed Magic Arcane happening in the physical world. Once the power is cast,
Backgrounds for Shadowrun Savage Worlds. the character may shift between perceiving the Astral
All arcane backgrounds activate Powers as normal Plane and the physical world as a free action.
and suffer Backlash (p. 151) for Critical Failure. While perceiving the Astral Plane, the character is
immediately aware of living creatures, astrally present
ARCANE BACKGROUND (SOMATIC MAGIC) beings, and magical effects within line of sight.
• POWER POINTS: 8 A character that is using Astral Perception may
The character follows the somatic tradition of Assense a target (any astral presence) as an Action using
spellcasting and is generally referred to as an Adept. The the character’s Notice Skill. Success on the test provides
character is not able to perceive the astral plane by one piece of the following information: the target’s
default but may choose to learn the power. Adepts do health state in general terms, the target’s emotional
not choose powers in the traditional manner but spend state in general terms, or the target’s magical status
their Power Points to purchase from a special list of (mundane or Awakened).
powers that just work. Taking the Power Points Edge
grants 4 more Points to be spent on additional powers. MODIFIERS
There is a drawback to an Adept’s inherent magical • CLARITY (+1): Assensing a target now grants more
ability, if they are ever Incapacitated, they must make a knowledge, once per successful Notice roll: the
presence and location of cyberware implants in the penetrated provided the attacker is attacking from
target, the class of the magical target (spirit, spell, Astral space. All other standard power modifiers
focus, etc.), or general diagnosis of any health may be applied to the Mana Barrier with Damage
maladies affecting the target. With a raise on the and Hardened being particularly common for long
Notice roll, Assensing grants additional information: term ritual castings. Mana Barriers that have the
the presence and location of bioware implants in the Damage power modifier automatically deal their
target, any single Trait value of the target, or an damage to any entity that attacks it, regardless of
accurate diagnosis of any health maladies affecting range.
the target.
Rank: Novice Power Points: 3+
Power Points: 3 Range: Smarts
Range: Self Duration: 5
Duration: 30 minutes Trappings: Shimmering in the air as the spirit manifests
Trappings: Body slumps to the ground as the character’s in the physical world.
consciousness takes flight in the Astral Plane. Except for the costs and available summoned allies,
Astral Projection allows the character to leave their the power functions the same as for SWADE, p. 169.
physical body behind and travel the Astral Plane, a world The following spirits are available to Magicians with
parallel to the physical one. the Summon Ally power.
A character that is in Astral space ignores up to -2 in The Traits of the Spirit are based upon the Rank of
Multi Action Penalties while projecting. A character that the spell when cast, noted as R. The Traits may be
is using Astral Projection also gains the power of Astral modified based on the type of sprit summoned, with
Perception. each level of change equal to a die type (for example,
A character that is in Astral space has a Pace equal to Shooting of R+1 cast at Seasoned Rank (d6) would be d8;
their Smarts x 10 with a Running die of d10 x 10. Agility of R-1 cast at Novice Rank (d4) would be d4-2.
While in Astral Space, regardless of whether they
have the Dispel Power normally or not, they may cast MODIFIERS
Dispel on any magical effect that is within Range as an • OPTIONAL POWER (+1): Grants the ally one
action. additional power or spell from the Optional Powers
Characters that are projecting may attack other and Optional Spells list. This may be taken multiple
astrally present characters using their Spellcasting skill as times per Ally.
a Ranged or Melee attack and dealing Spirit + d4 damage • BOUND SPIRIT (+6): Summoned Spirits are no longer
to the target’s Toughness (physical armor is no benefit, maintained by the magician and last until dismissed
though protection spells work normally). by the magician (a free action), the Summon Ally
While their consciousness is in astral space, the power is Dispelled, or until destroyed. Attempting
character has no knowledge of the surroundings of their to Bind the spirit requires Reagents equal to Rating
physical body. If the body is Shaken or Takes a wound, die type x 25, regardless of whether the Spellcasting
the character may return to it instantly as an action. A roll succeeds or fails, and these reagents do not
character attacking the body of an astrally projecting reduce the arcane skill roll penalty for Summon Ally.
character always gets The Drop. A character whose
physical body is killed while in Astral space lingers for a SUMMON ALLY RANKS
number of hours equal to their Spirit die type, after Spell Rank Trait Base (R) Power Point Cost
which they fade out of existence. Novice d4 3
Seasoned d6 6
BARRIER Veteran d8 9
Barrier functions normally as in SWADE with the Heroic d10 12
following new power modifier. Legendary d12 15


• MANA BARRIER (+0): This modifier is only available Attributes: Agility R+1, Smarts R, Spirit R, Strength R-1,
for the Barrier power and makes the wall created by Vigor R
the power only present in the Astral plane, Skills: Fighting R, Shooting R, Notice R, Spellcasting R
preventing Astral or Dual-Natured creatures from Pace: 6” +1d10; Parry: 2+½ Fighting Die type; Toughness:
passing through it. It may still be attacked and 2+½ Vigor Die Type
Edges: Same Arcane Background as the summoner • Immunity to Normal Weapons: +R die type Armor;
Special Abilities bypassed by magical weapons and unarmed attacks
• Accident: Curse targets of its choice within a Large Spells (Spellcasting R)
Burst Template to suffer -1 penalty to all actions for • Animal Control: Beast Friend
2d6 rounds unless they make a Spirit roll. • Fearsome Presence: Fear
• Astral Form: As Astral Projection Power except no • Movement: Sloth/Speed
physical body is left behind Optional Spells
• Dual-Natured: May be attacked from Astral Space or • Concealment: Boost Trait (Stealth)
physical space when not in Astral Form. • Confusion: Blind
• Elemental: Ignore Called Shots bonus damage, • Noxious Breath: Stun
ignore 1 point of Wound penalties, immune to Optional Powers
poison/disease, doesn’t breathe or eat, healed only • Guard: Blesses targets of its choice within a Large
by magic or natural healing Burst Template to be immune to the effects of the
• Immunity to Normal Weapons: +R die type Armor; Accident power. Immediately ends any Accident
bypassed by magical weapons and unarmed attacks powers affecting chosen targets.
• Search: May locate objects/people/places that the • Search: May locate objects/people/places that the
summoner can envision with a mental image upon a summoner can envision with a mental image upon a
successful Notice test for an object within the Smarts successful Notice test for an object within the Smarts
die type x 10” die type x 10”
Spells (Spellcasting R) • Venom: target must succeed on a Vigor test when
• Concealment: Boost Trait (Stealth) hit in melee or suffer Mild Poison (Fatigue or
• Engulf: Havoc Exhaustion on Critical Failure)
• Movement: Sloth/Speed
Optional Spells SPIRITS OF EARTH
• Air Attack: Burst Attributes: Agility R, Smarts R-1, Spirit R, Strength R+1,
• Electrical Aura: Damage Field - Electricity Vigor R+2
• Fearsome Presence: Fear Skills: Fighting R, Notice R, Shooting R, Spellcasting R
• Noxious Breath: Stun Pace: 6” +1d6; Parry: 2+½ Fighting Die type; Toughness:
• Psychokinesis: Telekinesis 2+½ Vigor Die Type
Optional Powers Edges: Same Arcane Background as the summoner
• Guard: Blesses targets of its choice within a Large Special Abilities
Burst Template to be immune to the effects of the • Melee Attack: Str+d8 Melee Attack
Accident power. Immediately ends any Accident • Astral Form: As Astral Projection Power except no
powers affecting chosen targets. physical body is left behind
• Dual-Natured: May be attacked from Astral Space or
SPIRITS OF BEASTS physical space when not in Astral Form.
Attributes: Agility R, Smarts R, Spirit R, Strength R+1, • Elemental: Ignore Called Shots bonus damage,
Vigor R+1 ignore 1 point of Wound penalties, immune to
Skills: Fighting R, Notice R+1, Spellcasting R poison/disease, doesn’t breathe or eat, healed only
Pace: 6” +1d6; Parry: 2+½ Fighting Die type; Toughness: by magic or natural healing
2+½ Vigor Die Type • Guard: Blesses targets of its choice within a Large
Edges: Same Arcane Background as the summoner Burst Template to be immune to the effects of the
Special Abilities Accident power. Immediately ends any Accident
• Melee Attack: Str+d6 Melee Attack powers affecting chosen targets.
• Astral Form: As Astral Projection Power except no • Immunity to Normal Weapons: +R die type Armor;
physical body is left behind bypassed by magical weapons and unarmed attacks
• Low Light Vision • Search: May locate objects/people/places that the
• Dual-Natured: May be attacked from Astral Space or summoner can envision with a mental image upon a
physical space when not in Astral Form. successful Notice test for an object within the Smarts
• Elemental: Ignore Called Shots bonus damage, die type x 10”
ignore 1 point of Wound penalties, immune to Spells (Spellcasting R)
poison/disease, doesn’t breathe or eat, healed only • Binding: Entangle
by magic or natural healing • Movement: Sloth/Speed
Optional Spells

• Concealment: Boost Trait (Stealth) Edges: Same Arcane Background as the summoner
• Confusion: Blind Special Abilities
• Engulf: Burst • Melee Attack: Str+d4 Melee Attack
• Fearsome Presence: Fear • Accident: Curse targets of its choice within a Large
• Throw Stone: Bolt Burst Template to suffer -1 penalty to all actions for
2d6 rounds unless they make a Spirit roll.
SPIRITS OF FIRE • Astral Form: As Astral Projection Power except no
Attributes: Agility R+1, Smarts R, Spirit R, Strength R-1, physical body is left behind
Vigor R • Guard: Blesses targets of its choice within a Large
Skills: Fighting R, Notice R, Shooting R, Spellcasting R Burst Template to be immune to the effects of the
Pace: 6” +1d8; Parry: 2+½ Fighting Die type; Toughness: Accident power. Immediately ends any Accident
2+½ Vigor Die Type powers affecting chosen targets.
Edges: Same Arcane Background as the summoner • Infravision
Special Abilities • Low Light Vision
• Melee Attack: Str+d6 Melee Attack • Dual-Natured: May be attacked from Astral Space or
• Accident: Curse targets of its choice within a Large physical space when not in Astral Form.
Burst Template to suffer -1 penalty to all actions for • Elemental: Ignore Called Shots bonus damage,
2d6 rounds unless they make a Spirit roll. ignore 1 point of Wound penalties, immune to
• Astral Form: As Astral Projection Power except no poison/disease, doesn’t breathe or eat, healed only
physical body is left behind by magic or natural healing
• Dual-Natured: May be attacked from Astral Space or • Immunity to Normal Weapons: +R die type Armor;
physical space when not in Astral Form. bypassed by magical weapons and unarmed attacks
• Elemental: Ignore Called Shots bonus damage, • Search: May locate objects/people/places that the
ignore 1 point of Wound penalties, immune to summoner can envision with a mental image upon a
poison/disease, don’t breathe or eat, healed only by successful Notice test for an object within the Smarts
magic or natural healing die type x 10”
• Immunity to Normal Weapons: +R die type Armor; Spells (Spellcasting R)
bypassed by magical weapons and unarmed attacks • Concealment: Boost Trait (Stealth)
• Weakness: Double damage from Water-based • Confusion: Blind
attacks • Influence: Puppet
Spells (Spellcasting R) Optional Spells
• Confusion: Blind • Fearsome Presence: Fear
• Engulf: Havoc • Innate Spell: Knows any one spell known by the
• Fire Aura: Damage Field summoner (may be taken multiple times)
• Fire Bolt: Bolt • Movement: Sloth/Speed
Optional Spells • Psychokinesis: Telekinesis
• Fearsome Presence: Fear
• Noxious Breath: Stun SPIRITS OF WATER
Optional Powers Attributes: Agility R+1, Smarts R, Spirit R, Strength R,
• Guard: Blesses targets of its choice within a Large Vigor R
Burst Template to be immune to the effects of the Skills: Fighting R, Shooting R, Notice R, Spellcasting R
Accident power. Immediately ends any Accident Pace: 6” +1d10; Parry: 2+½ Fighting Die type; Toughness:
powers affecting chosen targets. 2+½ Vigor Die Type
• Search: May locate objects/people/places that the Edges: Same Arcane Background as the summoner
summoner can envision with a mental image upon a Special Abilities
successful Notice test for an object within the Smarts • Melee Attack: Str+d6 Melee Attack
die type x 10” • Astral Form: As Astral Projection Power except no
physical body is left behind
SPIRITS OF MAN • Dual-Natured: May be attacked from Astral Space or
Attributes: Agility R+1, Smarts R, Spirit R, Strength R-1, physical space when not in Astral Form.
Vigor R • Elemental: Ignore Called Shots bonus damage,
Skills: Fighting R, Notice R+1, Spellcasting R ignore 1 point of Wound penalties, immune to
Pace: 6” +1d6; Parry: 2+½ Fighting Die type; Toughness: poison/disease, doesn’t breathe or eat, healed only
2+½ Vigor Die Type by magic or natural healing
• Immunity to Normal Weapons: +R die type Armor; created. Failure means that the time and reagents are
bypassed by magical weapons and unarmed attacks wasted, but the formula and telesma may be reused. But
• Search: May locate objects/people/places that the the time and reagents must be restarted and spent again
summoner can envision with a mental image upon a to make another attempt.
successful Notice test for an object within the Smarts
die type x 10” Artificing Target Number Table
Spells (Spellcasting R) Focus Type Target Number
• Concealment: Boost Trait (Stealth) Enchanting Focus Rating x 4
• Confusion: As Blind Power Power Focus Rating x 6
• Engulf: Havoc Qi Focus Rating x 4
• Movement: Sloth/Speed Spell Focus Rating x 4
Optional Spells Weapon Focus Rating x 6
• Water Attack: Bolt
• Binding: Entangle DISENCHANTING
• Water Aura: Damage Field A magician can deactivate an active focus from the
Optional Powers Astral or Physical Plane by having line of sight to the
• Accident: Curse targets of its choice within a Large focus and spending an action to make an Opposed
Burst Template to suffer -1 penalty to all actions for Spellcasting roll with the owner of the focus. On a
2d6 rounds unless they make a Spirit roll. success, the focus deactivates and must be reactivated.
• Guard: Blesses targets of its choice within a Large A focus can be permanently disabled and some of
Burst Template to be immune to the effects of the the materials recycled. To do so, the magician must have
Accident power. Immediately ends any Accident contact with the focus and perform the Opposed test as
powers affecting chosen targets. above if the focus is bonded or a standard roll against the
Artificing Target number for the focus if not bonded.
Characters with the Aritificer Edge may create two REAGENTS
different forms of magical items using either Alchemy or Reagents are a type of material component that may
Artificing. be gathered or purchased by magicians for use in various
magical applications. The potency of Reagents are
ALCHEMY measured in drams of orichalcum (referred to as drams),
Creating alchemical preparations is the same as which is the purest reagent known.
creating Arcane Devices (SWADE, p. 153). Reagents come in various forms, and naturally
occurring reagents vary by magical tradition. Hermetic
ARTIFICING magicians prefer minerals, pure elements, old trinkets
Artificing is how characters may create magical foci. and the like. Shamans prefer plant or animal parts,
First, the character needs to buy a Focus Formula for the naturally polished rocks, or intricate hand-made items.
type of focus they wish to create. The Focus Formula Uses for reagents vary wildly as detailed below.
must be a rating equal to the rating of the focus being
created. The limit is equal to half the Spellcasting die of SPELLCASTING
the artificer (i.e. a magician with a Spellcasting of d8 The Spellcasting penalty is reduced by 1 for every 5
cannot create a focus with a rating greater than 4). drams of Reagents spent. This can make the penalty -0.
First, each Focus Formula specifies a type of item for This works the same for Alchemical Preparations.
the focus, such as a wand, amulet, bracer, sword, etc.
This item is referred to as the Telesma. ARTIFICING
Creating a focus also requires a Magical Lodge with a Creating a Focus requires the use of Reagents as
rating equal to or greater than the rating of the focus listed in the Enchanting section.
being created.
Next, Reagents must be spent equal to double the RITUAL CASTING
target number needed to create the focus (see the During the Performing the Ritual stage of Ritual
Target Number table below). Spellcasting, every 5 drams of reagents grants +1 to the
Last, the magician spends a number of days equal to Spellcasting roll.
the rating of the focus being created gathering mana and
infusing it into the telesma. At the end of this time, the BINDING SPIRITS
artificer makes a Spellcasting roll against the target See the Summon Ally power for more details on
number of the focus. Success means that the focus is using Reagents to Bind Spirits.
A Spell Focus adds a new power usable by the
You can create a temporary magical lodge by
spending drams of reagents equal to Rating of the lodge. SPIRIT FOCUS
The lodge takes one hour per point of Force to create A Spirit Focus adds its rating as free services to
and thereafter lasts until sunrise or sunset, whichever successfully summoned spirits.
comes first.
FOCI A Weapon Focus adds its rating to the damage dealt
Foci (singular: Focus) are magical items that grant when making a melee attack using the weapon. Weapon
perks to the magician with which they are bonded. Foci Foci can only ever be melee weapons.
can typically have any form, but are usually low tech.
Common forms are wands, amulets, bracers, brooches, MENTOR SPIRITS
or articles of clothing. Instead of creating a list of mentor spirits that could
Foci must be bonded to a user, and only characters not possibly cover the entirety of every possible mentor
with Arcane Background can bond a Focus. Bonding a spirit type, the Edge Mentor Spirit is left open-ended to
focus takes a number of days equal to the Rating of the allow for the character to choose one as a type of special
Focus, synchronizing its magical aura to the user. Once Power Edge. Any sort of restrictions a mentor spirit
the time has passed, the Focus is bonded and may be would place upon benefits from the Edge should either
used by the character. be handled through roleplaying or by taking Hindrances
Foci must be activated to be used, which takes an that represent the effects of having the mentor spirit’s
Action. While active, the focus is present on the Astral influence.
Plane and may travel with a magician using Astral
Projection. Foci may be deactivated as a free action, and ADEPTS POWERS
automatically deactivate if the character loses possession
Foci have auras that are visible from Astral Space Cost: 1
even when not activated, so they may be detected by Levels: 1
others. Effect: The Adept gains the Power of Astral Perception at
A single character can only bond a number of foci will (see New Powers Astral Perception).
equal to their Spirit die type.
A focus must be upon the character’s body to be of DANGER SENSE
use. Taking a focus away removes its benefits until the Cost: 1
person it is bonded to reacquires it. If a focus becomes Levels: 1
bonded to another character, any previous bond it may Effect: The character gains a free reroll on any failed
have had is removed. Notice roll when they are in immediate danger,
regardless of whether they are expecting it or not.
The Enchanting Focus adds its rating to the DIRECTION SENSE
Spellcasting roll for Artificing. Cost: 1
Levels: 1
POWER FOCUS Effect: The Adept always knows which direction they are
The Power Focus offsets some or all the arcane skill facing and never get lost in an area they are familiar
roll penalty for casting spells. The penalty is reduced by with. They always have a mental map of their recent
the Rating of the Power Focus. Only a single Power movements and can backtrack automatically.
Focus can be used for each spell cast, and only once per
Cost: 1
QI FOCUS Levels: 2
A Qi Focus adds Power Points equal to its Rating for Effect: The Adept gains +1 per level of this power to a
a new Power or to increase the potency of existing specific skill, chosen when the power is acquired.
Powers that are usable by the Adept.
Levels: Unlimited
Effect: Improved Attribute increases 1 Attribute, chosen
at the time the power is acquired by 1 die type per level. NATURAL IMMUNITY
This power can be taken multiple times for different Cost: 1
attributes. Since the power is not always active, this Levels: 2
does not change the cost to purchase skills. Effect: The Adept becomes immune to Toxin or Disease
for 1 level or both for 2 levels. The immunity target is
IMPROVED REFLEXES chosen when the power is acquired.
Cost: 2
Effect: Enhanced reflexes allow the adept to ignore 2 Cost: 2
points of Multi-Action penalties each turn. Levels: 1
Effect: A second shaken result in combat does not cause
Cost: 1
Effect: The Adept is preternaturally sensitive with their Cost: 1
fingers and able to determine slight imperfections by Levels: 2
touch alone. Each level adds +2 to Notice rolls based on Effect: The Adept is preternaturally sensitive to
touch. The Adept also always knows the weight of an differences in sounds. For each level of the power, the
object they lift down to the ounce. character gains +2 to Notice rolls to determine
differences in sound (such as a wavering voice when
KILLING HANDS someone is lying). The character is also always on pitch
Cost: 2 when singing.
Levels: 3
Effect: For each level of Killing hands, the Adept either SPELL RESISTANCE
increases the die type of their unarmed attack by 1 or Cost: 1
adds AP 2 to their unarmed attacks. The exact effects Levels: 2
are determined when the power is acquired. Effect: Gain +2 Armor or +2 to a resistance roll for each
level to resist damage or effects of a spell.
Levels: 1 Cost: 1
Effect: The Adept can jump twice as far as listed under Levels: 1
Movement, page 92 SWADE. In addition, they add +4 to Effect: The Adept sees heat signatures which halves
damage when leaping as part of a Wild Attack instead of Illumination penalties when attacking warm targets
the usual +2 (unless in a closed or confined space where (including invisible beings).
they cannot leap horizontally or vertically – GM’s call).
Cost: 1 Levels: 2
Levels: 1 Effect: The Adept can move over surfaces (even loose
Effect: The Adept ignores penalties for Dim or Dark surfaces such as sand, snow, etc.) without leaving visible
illumination (but not Pitch Darkness). traces. The Adept also makes no noise through contact
with the floor. Any hearing-based Notice rolls to detect
MISSILE PARRY the Adept suffer a -4 to the roll. The character cannot
Cost: 2 move across liquids but can walk atop deep snow
Levels: 2 without sinking.
Effect: Ranged attacks against the Adept suffer -1 per
level of this power. VOICE CONTROL
Cost: 1
Cost: 1 Effect: The Adept can change their voice’s pitch
Levels: 2 modulation and tone at will as well as increase volume.
Effect: Activating Mystic armor grants the Adept +2 They can mask their voice and imitate sounds within the
Armor for each level taken. normal range of metahuman vocalization and mimic the
voices of others. Besides these effects, the Adept gains nuyen, the character is Fatigued, which they can recover
+1 to Performance and Persuasion rolls. from after a night of rest.


The following are new rules associated with The following rules determine how Hacking is
Cyberware and Bioware as well as a table detailing Costs, handled and specifies rules for running the Matrix in
Essence Costs, and the effects of implants. Shadowrun for Savage Worlds.


Whenever a character with Augmentation takes a Most devices that use the Matrix have their own
Wound, one implanted item may be damaged as a result device ratings which determines how difficult they are to
and require repair. The Game Master should determine hack. In order to provide more protection to these
the implant randomly and the implant then makes a devices, they may be slaved to a Commlink or Cyberdeck,
Structure test as if it were Soaking a number of wounds which becomes the master. In order to hack a slaved
equal to the number taken by the character (after device, one must penetrate the defenses of the master
Soaking Wounds) on the attack. The character gets their device first.
Wild die if they are a Wild Card. On a failure, the implant A device that can be designated as a master has a
is damaged and no longer functions until repaired. limit to the number of devices that can be slaved to it
To repair the piece, the character must undergo equal to double the Processing attribute (i.e. a Process of
Light surgery, with cost to repair being 10% of the base d8 can have 16 devices slaved to it).
value of the implant times the number of wounds If a hacker is connected to a slaved device through
suffered by the implant. direct connection (i.e. not wireless), the master device no
Augments that change a character’s Attribute are longer provides protection.
not permanent, so they do not change the costs to If a master device is compromised in a hack, all
purchase skills. Attributes should be notated with the slaved devices are also compromised and able to be
adjusted value in parentheses after the base value (such controlled by the hacker.
as Strength d6 (d10).
Augments also cause some issues when combined WIDE AREA NETWORK (WAN)
with Magic. Mages and Shamans that have augments A Wide Area Network is a Host version of a PAN,
suffer a -2 penalty to all Spellcasting rolls. Adepts that usually with many devices slaved to it. There is no
have augments lose 2 Power Points worth of their Adept practical limit to the number of devices that can be
powers. They must also abide by the other rules for slaved to a Host.
Augmentations. Lastly, any character, regardless magical
ability, that have Augments implanted are more difficult CYBERDECKS
to heal with magic, imposing a -2 penalty to Spellcasting Cyberdecks provide a few key stats for potential
rolls for any healing spells. Deckers.
Processing: the die value that is used by the
CYBERWARE AND BIOWARE GRADES cyberdeck to perform or resist Matrix actions on its own.
The grade of the implant changes its monetary cost, Firewall: the difficulty (target number for hacking) to
essence cost, and Structure value (used in Structure tests detect or affect the persona by other personas/Hosts.
above). Shielding: the difficulty to damage the persona in
Grade Cost Mod Structure Stability: measures the number of wounds the
Used x0.5 d4 cyberdeck can sustain before being hacked.
Standard x1 d6 Programs: the number of programs that the
Alpha x1.5 d8 cyberdeck may have Active at one time. The character
Beta x2 d10 may switch programs from Storage to Active using the
Delta x2.5 d12 Change Programs Matrix Action.
Noise Filter: the amount of penalty from Noise that
SURGERY AND RECOVERY is ignored when performing Matrix actions with the
A character that gets Augments implanted during cyberdeck.
the game takes a wound for every 50000 nuyen worth of
gear that is implanted during the same surgery, up to a REPAIRING MATRIX DAMAGE
maximum of 3 wounds. If the total is less than 10000 The character may repair Matrix damage by perform
an Electronics skill roll to repair 1 wound dealt by
Cybercombat. A Raise on the roll repairs 2 wounds. The
process takes a base time of 1 hour to perform. The Situation Noise Penalty
device is offline while repairs are being performed. A Directly connected (any distance) 0
critical failure on the test permanently bricks the device. Distance less than or equal to 50” 0
51 to 500” -1
AUGMENTED REALITY (AR) 501” to 5 miles -2
This allows the character to perceive the physical 5 miles to 50 miles -3
world at the same time as they are utilizing the Matrix. It Greater than 50 miles -4
is the default mode of Hacking and gains no benefit nor Faraday Cage No roll
penalties (other than Noise in the area, see below). The
Jamming Rating
only advantage of using AR over VR (below) is that
Wireless negation Rating
attacks in the Matrix that usually cause physical damage
Spam Zone Noise Penalty
cannot deal damage to the decker’s body.
City Downtown -1
VIRTUAL REALITY (VR) Sprawl Downtown -1
This allows the character to completely immerse Major event or advertising blitz -2
themselves in the world of the Matrix. It requires a Commercial area in a city -2
direct neural connection to a Matrix device (such as that Commercial area in a sprawl -3
from a datajack or trodes). The advantage of VR over AR Massive gathering or during widespread -4
is that the character may ignore up to -2 in Multi-Action emergency
Penalties for any Matrix actions. The disadvantages are Static Zone Noise Penalty
that the character is no longer aware of their physical Abandoned building -1
world surroundings, and the character is susceptible to Abandoned neighborhood, barrens -1
any Matrix attacks that would cause damage to their Rural area, abandoned underground -2
physical body. area, heavy rain or snow
Wilderness, severe storm -2
DUMPSHOCK Remote place with satellite access only -3
If the user is using VR and is ejected from the Matrix, Remote enclosed place (cave, desert -4
by Jacking Out or some other means, they suffer a level ruin)
of Fatigue.
MATRIX PERCEPTION This is a list of the most common actions that can be
Characters can automatically see online matrix taken while in the Matrix as well as the amount of time it
devices within 50” (100 yards) of their current physical takes to complete. Using any of the actions on a host or
location. To locate a device that is known to exist or grid where permissions are granted is a Common
suspected to exist beyond 50” (75 feet) requires a Knowledge test. Using the action while permissions are
Hacking test modified by the current Noise level. Once a not granted is a Hacking test against the Firewall value of
device is located, it may be subject to Hacking attempts. the target or Host.
Characters may turn off any devices to prevent them A character can always substitute their Hacking skill
from being subject to Hacking but derive no benefit from for Common Knowledge tests for Matrix Actions.
the device until it is turned on.
RUNNING SILENT Change from one host to another, from one Grid to
Any device can be set to run silent, which means another, or from a Grid to a Host or vice versa. Entering
that they are not immediately obvious in the matrix. a restricted Host requires Host Hacking (detailed below).
They must first be located with a Matrix Perception roll.
The drawback to running silent is that any use of the CHANGE PROGRAMS
device imposes a -2 penalty to any roll. The decker can exchange one program for another
(or load a program into space that is available) as an
NOISE Action.
Noise is any kind of interference or signal distortion Switching multiple programs as a single action is
that can happen within the wireless Matrix. It manifests possible, requiring a Hacking test at -2 per additional
as a penalty to any Matrix tests but is offset by a program switched (i.e. a decker trying to switch out 3
cyberdeck’s Noise Filter. The following tables detail programs at once would make a Hacking roll at -4).
modifiers for Noise. Success means all programs are switched as desired.
Failure means that none of the programs can be Copying a file makes the copier the file’s new owner.
switched on this action. If the file has protection, the copy automatically fails. If
the file has a data bomb, it is detonated.
Performing illegal actions in the Matrix may increase FULL MATRIX DEFENSE
your Overwatch Score (see below). Using this action, the A decker can choose to focus all their energy into
character can check their status and see how close they defense against attacks in Cyber Combat. The character
are before GOD descends upon them. must be using a cyberdeck to use Full Matrix Defense.
This increases the Firewall of their cyberdeck by +4 until
CONTROL DEVICE their next action. This requires all the decker’s attention
Provided the character has permissions (or and they cannot perform Multi-Actions. The decker may
penetrated the firewall of the host they are currently on), move normally but they may not run.
they may control any device attached to the host.
Multiple devices of the same type may be used at once if HIDE
they are issued the same command. The decker takes an action to remove some trace of
their presence when on a Host. One Mark is removed for
DATA BOMB ACTIONS each success and raise against the Host’s Firewall rating.
You may set or disarm a Data Bomb on a file with Alternately, each success and raise against the
this action. Firewall of an icon’s attempt to Trace removes one Mark,
Setting a Data Bomb means that anyone that to a minimum of zero.
attempts to perform a File Action on the file without
using the determined password is exposed to Processing JACK OUT
+ d6 Matrix damage to the icon that triggered it. The Attempting to sever the connection to the Matrix
bomb can also be set to delete the file but is and reboot the device. If the user is Link-Locked, this is
unnecessary. The data bomb, once detonated, is then an opposed action with the device that created the lock.
deleted. A Hacking test is all that’s required to set a data If the character is in VR when jacking out, they suffer
bomb. from Dumpshock.
Detecting a Data Bomb requires a Notice test with a
target number equal to the Firewall of the host. QUCK HACKING
Disarming a Data Bomb is an opposed Hacking test The decker attempts to take temporary control of a
between the disarming character and the character that device that is not currently protected by another decker.
originally set the bomb (though they need not be See Quick Hacking below for more information.
Using the password to access the file does not REBOOT
detonate the Data Bomb. It remains in place until The device is immediately shut down and rebooted.
detonated or disarmed. It returns to active at the end of the next turn. If the
device had an Overwatch Score, it is immediately reset to
DATA SPIKE zero. A delay on the reboot time may be designated by
As an Action, the decker attacks the target to whomever performs the Reboot action. This action has
attempt to break through its Firewall by reducing its no effect on Hosts.
Stability. This is resolved as an attack roll against the
system being targeted. See Cyber Combat below for SEARCH
more information. Search the Matrix for any sort of information. Game
Masters should determine penalties for hidden
FILE ACTIONS information as appropriate.
Provided the character has permissions (or
penetrated the firewall of the host they are currently on), SWITCH INTERFACE MODE
they can perform any file action, such as copying, editing, Switch from AR to VR or vice versa.
deleting, or creating a new file. Files may be encrypted
to prevent tampering and must be decrypted before any TRACE ICON
other actions are available. The target number to The decker attempts to trace a Matrix icon to the
decrypt is based on the Firewall of the host. physical location it originated from. Make a Hacking test
Each action taken to Edit files can change one detail against the Firewall rating of the icon the decker wishes
of the file: a short paragraph of text, a single detail of an to find. Each success and raise grants one Mark toward
image, or 3 seconds of video or audio. finding the physical location of the icon’s source. If
enough Marks are accumulated equal to the Stability of is to run illegal commands on the Host and is the target
the icon, the physical location of the icon is determined. number for Hacking tests. Shielding measures the
strength of the Hosts security and how resistant IC is to
HACKING successful attacks. Stability measures how many wounds
Hacking is handled as a combat action, and deckers it takes to defeat any IC generated by the Host before
that are in full hot-sim VR may ignore -2 in Multi-Action being defeated in Cyber Combat.
Penalties for Matrix actions. Being in full hot-sim VR Entering a Host requires the decker to succeed at a
means that the character is unaware of their meat-body Hacking test with a target number equal to the Firewall
surroundings and fully immersed in the Matrix. rating of the Host. Anytime a decker fails any Hacking
Hacking requires that the character have a test within the Host, the Host is granted a Processing test
Cyberdeck (or be a Technomancer, covered later). against the intruder’s Hacking to see if it can find the
Hacking has two distinct flavors. The first is to try to hack intruder. Each time an intruder fails after the first, they
an individual device (or devices slaved to a single device, have gained a Mark. Marks are added directly to the
either a cyberdeck or a commlink). The second is to hack Host’s Processing tests to detect the intruder.
a Host, a vast network of computers and devices typically If the Host has detected in intruder, it informs its
used by businesses or corporations. owner (or whomever is designated to be informed) and
may start deploying IC to defend itself. For information
QUICK HACKING on IC, see Intrusion Countermeasures below. A Host may
Quick Hacking is performed with a test against the have as many different IC running equal to one-half it’s
Firewall Rating of the device or the master device that Processing die type. The Host may deploy one IC per
has the target device slaved to it, whichever is greater. If round once it has determined there is an intrusion. IC
a device has no Firewall or Processing attribute listed, attack using the Host’s Processing die type, have Firewall
assume Firewall 3 and Processing d4. Success grants and Shielding equal to the Host, and require as many
access to the Control Device or File Actions on the wounds in Cyber Combat to be defeated as the Host’s
hacked device until the beginning of the decker’s next Stability. If IC is defeated in Cyber Combat, the Host may
action. A Raise grants control until the beginning of the redeploy new IC in its place, one per round.
next action after that.
If the master device is a cyberdeck wielded by a CYBER COMBAT
decker, quick hacking cannot be attempted until the When hacking a PAN, the decker uses their
defending decker is defeated in Cyber Combat (see cyberdeck, loaded with programs, to attack the target’s
below). system, which is protected by a Firewall. Once the
A device can be bought as a Throwback which Firewall is overcome and the device’s Stability reduced,
cannot be accessed wirelessly but will have a data port the decker has access to the system and any slaved
that can be accessed through a wired connection using a devices and may execute commands to control devices
very common cable (assumed to be had by anyone with a and access files.
commlink or cyberdeck). Throwbacks do not cost any Attacks are executed by rolling the Hacking skill (or
more than a wireless version of the same device. It takes Processing Rating for IC) against the target’s Firewall
an action for the wire to be connected to access a attribute. Success means the target is hit and damage is
Throwback device. determined. Damage is compared to the target’s
Shielding score (as for Toughness) and Shaken or
HOST HACKING Wounds are determined normally.
When hacking a Host, the decker infiltrates the If a cyberdeck takes more Wounds than its Stability
system attempting to control or access the files or score, the attacker may brick the device (effectively
devices within. A Host is constantly checking security, disabling it until repaired) and force the user to Jack Out.
though, and if an infiltrating decker is found within the Alternately the cyberdeck is completely compromised
system, security measures, such as Intrusion and the attacker has complete control of the Matrix
Countermeasures (IC) or security deckers may be Activity of the cyberdeck and any slaved devices.
deployed to expel, track, or kill the intruder, depending If IC takes more wounds than its Stability score, it is
upon whose system they are in. Typically, after an alarm destroyed, making room for new IC to be deployed by
is sounded, deckers may need to engage in Cyber the Host.
Combat with IC or security deckers.
Hosts have a Processing, Firewall, Shielding, and OVERWATCH SCORE
Stability attributes much the same as for cyberdecks. This is a measure of how much attention the decker
Processing is a measure of processing power and is used has garnered from the Grid Overwatch Division (GOD).
to make or resist tests. Firewall measures how difficult it Every illegal action that is attempted and failed increases
the character’s Overwatch Score by 1. Critical Failures Exploit: Analyzes and scans a target for weaknesses in its
increase the Overwatch Score by 3. Also, after Firewall. Gain +1 to Hacking tests outside of Cyber
performing and failing the first action, every 15 minutes Combat.
thereafter, the Overwatch Score increases by 1d6 (rolled Fork: Perform a normal Matrix action on two targets at
secretly by the Game Master), as the demiGODs take the same time (use the same roll to determine success).
time to analyze the decker’s activities. Guard: +1 Firewall.
When the Overwatch score hits 20, the decker is Hammer: Attack program that deals Processing + d6
subject to Convergence. The demiGods converge on the damage to the target of a successful attack in Cyber
decker, immediately hitting the icon with 2d10 matrix Combat.
damage. They also force the persona to reboot, perhaps Lockdown: When an attack succeeds, the target is Link-
causing dumpshock. The decker’s physical location is Locked (see below) until they Jack Out or you stop
reported to the owner of the Grid they were on and the running the program.
owner of the Host they were in (if they were in a Host). If Mugger: Any attacks performed by the deck running
the decker was in a Host, the Host immediately detects Mugger suffer a -1 to the Hacking (attack) roll but deal +2
them and may deploy IC as above, but none of the other damage. Can be combined with Decryption.
effects (damage, reboot) take effect until the persona Shell: +1 Shielding and +1 Armor against Biofeedback
leaves the Host (it may be better to just jack out instead). attacks.
Overwatch Scores only apply to those not officially Stealth: Impose -2 penalty to Host’s tests to detect the
sanctioned by GOD to operate, even if they are intrusion of the icon in the system.
performing illegal activities. Track: +2 to any action used to Trace targets in the
PROGRAMS Trackless: Impose -2 penalty to any action used to Trace
The following programs may be run on a Cyberdeck you in the Matrix
to increase the capabilities of the decker. Warhammer: Improved Attack program that deals
Processing + d10 damage to the target of a successful
Common Programs attack in Cyber Combat but reduces Firewall of the
These programs are available to anyone and are cyberdeck running it by 1 when loaded and reduces the
considered harmless. Program rating by 1 die type.
Wrapper: Makes your icons look like whatever you want.
Browse: Cuts the time for matrix searches in half. The advantage is that others must succeed at a Notice
Edit: Add +2 to Hacking tests to edit files. test to see what your icons really are.
Encryption: +1 to Cyberdeck’s effective Shielding.
Signal Scrub: +1 to Cyberdeck’s effective Noise Filter. Agents
Toolbox: +1 to any Hacking tests that are not illegal. Agents are programs with limited artificial
Virtual Machine: Reduces Stability by 1, but increases intelligence that run on a cyberdeck. Agents use the
Programs by 2 attributes of the cyberdeck in which they are running and
take one program slot. Agents may utilize any of the
Hacking Programs other programs that are currently running on the same
These programs are considered dangerous and are cyberdeck.
usually illegal to buy, own or use without a license. Agents have a Rating which represents the skill level
of any Matrix actions it can take. Agents do not gain the
Armor: +1 to Shielding benefit of the wild die of their owner. Any attacks on an
Baby Monitor: Always know Overwatch Score agent causes damage/effects to the device that it is
Biofeedback: When you hit with an attack in running on, even though the agent is a distinct persona
Cybercombat against targets that have a biological and may be operating remote from the Host/Grid where
nature (i.e. another decker), the attack deals 2d6 damage the owning decker is located.
to the physical body of the target and ignores physical Agents can ignore -2 in Multi-Action Penalties when
armor. in Cybercombat.
Biofeedback Filter: Gain 2 points of Armor against
Blackout: As Biofeedback above but does not kill targets. Below is a list of intrusion countermeasures and
Decryption: +1 to any Attacks tests in Cyber Combat. their capabilities.
Defuse: Gain 2 points of Armor against Data Bombs. Intrusion Countermeasures attack using the
Demolition: Increases the difficulty to defuse of any Data Processing Rating of the Host they are deployed in. Base
Bomb you set by 1. damage is based on the Processing Rating of the Host.
They have a Firewall and Shielding equal to that of the (possibly suffering Dumpshock). On a Raise in the
Host. Stability is also determined by the Host. Any IC opposed test, the reboot is immediate.
that has its initial effect successful may then attack for Sparky: When Sparky IC hits, it deals Processing + d6
Matrix damage at Processing + d4. Matrix damage and deals the equivalent lethal damage
to the body of the decker ignoring armor.
Acid: On a successful attack, perform an opposed Host Tar Baby: When Tar Baby IC hits, it link-locks the target.
Processing vs. persona Processing test. If the Acid wins, Track: On a successful attack, perform an opposed Host
it reduces the persona’s Firewall by 1 (or 2 on a Raise) for Processing vs. persona Processing test. If the Track wins,
5 Rounds. Cannot be lowered below -2 and additional it gains a Mark toward the Trace Icon action (or 2 Marks
hits beyond the first have no effect. on a Raise, see above). When it has 3 Marks, the
Binder: On a successful attack, perform an opposed Host decker’s physical location is known and reported to the
Processing vs. persona Processing test. If the Binder authorities immediately.
wins, it reduces the persona’s Processing by 1 die type
(or 2 die types on a Raise) for 5 Rounds. Cannot be RIGGERS
lowered below d4 and additional hits beyond the first The following rules determine how Rigging is
have no effect. handled and specifies rules for use a Control Rig in
Black IC: When Black IC hits, it link-locks the target. It Shadowrun for Savage Worlds.
deals Processing + d8 Matrix damage and deals the
equivalent lethal damage to the body of the decker JUMPING IN
ignoring armor. A character with Control Rig cyberware can take
Blaster: Also known as Grey IC. When Blaster IC hits, it direct control of a drone or vehicle that is equipped with
deals Processing + d6 Matrix damage and deals the rigger interface gear, allowing them to virtually be the
equivalent non-lethal damage to the body of the decker machine. While in AR, it takes a Standard Action to jump
ignoring armor. into a drone or vehicle. While in VR, the rigger may jump
Crash: On a successful attack, perform an opposed Host into a device or from one device to another as a free
Processing vs. persona Processing test. If the Crash wins, action.
one of the cyberdeck’s running programs crashes,
selected at random. Programs crashed this way cannot COMMAND CONSOLES
be reloaded until after a reboot. Cyberdecks provide a few key stats for potential
Jammer: On a successful attack, perform an opposed Deckers.
Host Processing vs. persona Processing test. If the Rating: the value of combined Noise Reduction and
Jammer wins, the decker suffers a -1 to all Cyber Combat Sharing used by the Command Console. Noise Reduction
attack tests (or -2 on a Raise) for 5 rounds. Cannot be is used as with all Matrix activity to reduce the penalties
lowered below -2 and additional hits beyond the first imposed by Noise in the Matrix. Sharing is the number
have no effect. of Autosofts that the Command Console can run on all
Killer: When Killer IC hits, it deals Processing + d6 Matrix slaved drones at the same time. If a drone is running any
damage. of its own Autosofts, it cannot use any from the
Marker: On a successful attack, perform an opposed Command Console.
Host Processing vs. persona Processing test. If the Devices: the number of devices that can be slaved to
Marker wins, it reduces the persona’s Firewall by 1 (or 2 the Command Console.
on a Raise) for 5 Rounds. Cannot be lowered below -2 Processing: the die value that is used by the
and additional hits beyond the first have no effect. Command Console to perform or resist Matrix actions on
Patrol: Patrol IC may be deployed before an alert has its own.
been sounded. The effect is that any time a decker Firewall: the difficulty (target number for hacking) to
performs any test, regardless of success or failure, the detect or affect the Command Console by hacking
Host gets an attempt to detect them. attempts.
Probe: On a successful attack, perform an opposed Host Shielding: the difficulty to damage the persona in
Processing vs. persona Processing test. If the Probe wins, cybercombat.
any damage dealt by IC to the persona is increased by +1
(or +2 on a Raise) for 5 Rounds. VIRTUAL REALITY AND RIGGING
Scramble: On a successful attack, perform an opposed Being jumped into a vehicle requires that the rigger
Host Processing vs. persona Processing test. If the be in VR. It requires a direct neural connection to a
Scramble wins, it begins a Reboot of the persona. If the Command Console (such as that from a datajack or
Scramble wins another opposed test, the persona is trodes). The advantage of VR over AR is that the
immediately rebooted and kicked from the system character may ignore up to -2 in Multi-Action Penalties
for any Matrix actions and may utilize the benefits the number of devices that may be controlled by a rigger
granted by Control Rig cyberware. The disadvantages are acting as a security spider.
that the character is no longer aware of their physical
world surroundings, and the character is susceptible to DRONES
any Matrix attacks that would cause damage to their These are unmanned vehicles that are used remotely
physical body. by riggers via Command Consoles or autonomously.
Drones have a Device Rating that determines how easily
NOISE AND RIGGING they may be Quick Hacked if not slaved to a Command
Controlling a drone or vehicle wirelessly always Console or Cyberdeck. A drone uses its Device Rating or
imposes the normal Noise penalties (as for in the Matrix, the rating of a Commlink master to determine the target
p. xx) to any actions performed through that drone or number for Quick Hacking. Note that drones can be set
vehicle. Directly connecting to a drone or a vehicle, to follow voice commands and do not necessarily need to
Noise penalties do not apply. be linked to a Commlink or Command Console, but
A rigger using a Command Console can also spend an control is limited to the drone’s ability to perceive the
action to make an Electronics skill test with a TN of 4, and controller’s voice.
every point higher than 4 reduces the effective Noise for
them by 1 for the rest of the turn. PILOT PROGRAMS
Pilot programs are a type of artificial intelligence
BIOFEEDBACK that allows drones to function semi-autonomously.
When a vehicle or other device that a rigger is Intelligence may be a generous description as they are
jumped into takes damage, the rigger is attacked by very limited in decision-making and tend to only follow
Biofeedback damage that deals xd6 the bypasses physical orders given to them.
armor, where x is the number of wounds dealt to the Pilot programs are specific to the device it is
vehicle. currently installed in and cannot be moved between
different devices.
CYBERCOMBAT AND RIGGING The Pilot Program has a rating in die type that it uses
Though Riggers cannot use the Command Console to for any Smarts or Spirit tests. Also, when faced with a
initiate or attack in Cybercombat, Deckers can attack a decision that it has no order or previous programming
Rigger’s Command Console with the attempt to crash it for, it makes a Pilot Program test (TN 4). On a success,
or take control of drones and vehicles. The Command the controller may suggest a course of action (with Game
Console must be defeated in Cybercombat (like a Master discretion) that the drone may follow.
Cyberdeck) before control is gained by a Decker. All Otherwise, it will continue its previous course of action
Command Consoles have Stability 3 when in or cease to don anything until given a specific command.
Vehicles controlled through Commlinks can by Quick AUTOSOFTS
Hacked like all devices slaved to Commlinks, unless the These are specialized programs used by Riggers to
Commlink is slaved to a Cyberdeck, in which case, normal increase the effectiveness of their drones. Command
Cybercombat rules apply. Consoles may run a number of programs that they have
Command Consoles may take advantage of Full designated from their Rating (see p. xx, Command
Matrix Defense while in Cybercombat as well. Consoles). Drones may run a number of programs as
determined by the Programs attribute of the specific
DUMPSHOCK AND RIGGING drone. Swapping Autosofts is an action, whether done
If a vehicle or drone is destroyed while the rigger is on a Command Console or on the drone itself.
jumped into it, they are affected by Dumpshock, causing Autosofts that have the ‘[Model]’ keyword are
them to suffer a level of Fatigue. specific to the model of drone and cannot be used
interchangeably between different models. If a drone
HOSTS AND RIGGERS does not possess an Autosoft it can make a test at d4-2.
A rigger that is connected to the physical security The common Autosofts are listed below:
devices of a Host is often referred to as a security spider. Clearsight: This is the drone’s Notice skill.
These riggers slave their Command Console to the Host, Electronic Warfare: not used.
granting them access to any of the physical security [Model] Evasion: This is used similarly to an Agility
devices on said Host. Physical distance is non-existent to attribute to resist attacks or powers.
the devices on the Host regardless of how far the rigger [Model] Maneuvering: This acts as the skill needed
is from the Host’s physical location. There is no limit to to control the vehicle (Boating, Driving, or Piloting).

[Model] Stealth: This acts as the Stealth skill for the Assume at least a 10% fee for the Contact’s time unless
drone. the contact has a Loyalty of d8+.
[Model] Targeting: This acts as the Shooting skill for
Gear Cost Delivery Time
DRONE MULTIPLE ACTIONS Up to 100 nuyen 6 hours
Because of their processing power, drones can easily 101 to 1000 nuyen 1 day
multitask, allowing them to ignore -2 in Multi-action 1001 to 10000 nuyen 2 days
penalties and draw their own card for initiative (though 10001 to 100000 nuyen 1 week
multiple drones of the same type may share a single More than 100000 nuyen 1 month
action card).
CYBERCOMBAT AND DRONES Availability on a piece of gear helps when trying to
Drones may be attacked in cybercombat to put them offload items to a buyer. To fence gear, one must find a
out of commission permanently. Treat the Drone Rating buyer by make a Persuasion Test with a TN 10, adding
as both Firewall and Shielding with 3 wounds before the Availability Rating of the gear as a bonus to the test.
being crashed. Note that a drone slaved to a Command This takes a period of time equal to the Delivery Time for
Console is protected until the Command Console is the specific gear.
compromised. Repairing Matrix damage is the same as Once a buyer is found, an Opposed Persuasion roll is
for Cyberdecks (see p. xx, Repairing Matrix Damage). made between the seller and buyer. The base value of
the fenced item is 25% of its standard value. If the seller
GEAR wins the Opposed roll, for each point the test is won,
increase the price by 5% per point the test is won. If the
ACQUIRING GEAR buyer wins the Opposed roll, subtract 5% from the price
Each piece of gear has an Availability Rating that per point difference in the test. This determines the
determines how easy it is to obtain. If the Availability is price for this buyer, and the seller can opt to sell at this
blank, then the item is commonly available and may be price or start the process all over again to find a new
purchased at an appropriate store. If the item has a buyer.
numerical Availability, it can only be purchased through A critical failure on the test to find a buyer means
the Black Market or similar channels. that the selling process has attracted unwanted
To purchase an item from the Black Market, make a attention, which could be in the form of law
Research skill test using the Availability as the Target enforcement, underworld entities, or rival runners. A
Number referred to as an Availability Test. Success on critical failure on the haggling test means that the buyer
the test means that the gear is acquired at the given is insulted, or some other suitably problematic situation
price and it is delivered in the amount of time noted on has arisen.
the Delivery Times table below. If the test is failed, the
item cannot be attempted to purchase for double the FENCING THROUGH CONTACTS
time listed on the delivery table (i.e. failing an Availability Gear may always be fenced through an appropriate
Test for an item that would be delivered in 2 days contact, such as a fixer, with the contact offering 5% per
requires the searcher to wait 4 days before trying again). points in Loyalty (not the die type), no questions asked.
Money can be used to make the Availability Test
easier. For every 25% of the item’s base cost, +1 is REPAIRING GEAR
added to the test to a maximum of +12. If gear becomes physically damaged, a Repair test is
A critical failure on the Availability Test means that used to remove damage from the item. This is most
the inquiry has attracted unwanted attention, which often used for Vehicles but may be appropriate for use
could be in the form of law enforcement, underworld with any piece of gear that could become damaged.
entities, or rival runners. For gear with Wounds (such as vehicles and drones),
each wound costs 10% of the base item in material costs
CONTACTS AND AVAILABILITY to repair (material costs have an availability of one-half
A character’s contacts may be employed to acquire of the complete item, rounded up).
gear for them. If the contact is appropriate to acquire The interval is determined by the type of item being
gear, they may gain a bonus to the Availability Test, repaired. Small, simple items (melee weapons, personal
assuming the contact can acquire gear at all. The contact armor, non-electronic gear) have an interval of 1 hour.
would use their own Connection rating in the Availability Larger or more complex item (firearms, most electronics,
Test, modified by spending extra money as above. drones) has an interval of 3 hours. Very large or very
complex items (passenger vehicles) has an interval of 1 To find the total payout for the run multiply the Base
day. Make a Repair test with TN 4. Success means 1 Cost by the total modifiers. This is amount, per runner,
wound is removed. Each Raise on the test reduces the that is offered by the employer.
time by half (so one-quarter base interval on the second The runners can then make an opposed Persuasion
raise). roll against the employer, increasing the Payout by 10%
The following table modifies the test based on on a success, and +40% per Raise.
Situation Modifier
Working Conditions:
Distracting -1
Poor -2
Bad -3
Terrible -4
Superior +1
Tools and/or Parts are:
Inadequate -2
Unavailable -4 or NA
Superior +1
Plans/Reference Materials:
Available +1
Augmented Reality Enhanced +2

There is a general formula to determine how much a
run should reward the characters in money (nuyen). The
following table breaks down how to determine the
proposed cost of a run, should the Johnson be forthright
in their dealings. Note that this is somewhat different
than SR5 rules (which assume, strangely, that you agree
to a run without knowing what the price will be). In
Savage Worlds Shadowrun, the price is determined up
Base Cost 3000
Situation Modifier
Opposing Force is Low Skilled +0
Opposing Force is Moderately Skilled +1
Opposing Force is Highly Skilled +2
Opposing Force is Elite +4
Opposing Force is the Best in the World +8
Opposing Force is expected to outnumber +1
the runners
Opposing Force is known to be 6 or more +1
Opposing Force is known to be 3 or more +1
Job to be completed in short timeframe +1
Runners expected to risk public exposure or +1
a raised profile as part of the job
Job expected to bring the runners into direct +1
contact with a notably dangerous part or
element of Sixth World lore


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