Enduring Self (A Self That Stands The Test of Time and
Enduring Self (A Self That Stands The Test of Time and
Enduring Self (A Self That Stands The Test of Time and
Self-orientedness – (also called ‘egoism’) describes the Buddhist philosophy refutes the idea of having an
self as existing and distinct from others. The self is free to enduring self (a self that stands the test of time and
express itself. implies that something is permanent or never changing).
Individualism foregrounds that a human being has a self, Human being is a product of five changing processes: the
is an individual, and is a person. processes of the physical body, feelings, perceptions,
responses, and the flow of consciousness.
Others-oriented – the eastern conception of the self is
collectivistic; it gives more importance on relationships, ‘Anatta’ (no-self) – is not a denial of existence; it is a
roles, duties, obligations, and the preservation of culture conviction that no words can define the essence of this
and tradition. Prioritizes the needs and goals of society present moment of existence.
over the needs and desires of every individual; Puts more
importance on belongingness to a larger group and
emphasizes social obligations. Confucianism – regards an individual as a member of a
Collectivism stresses that an individual has “many larger whole, not as a separate being.
selves” instead of having a one knowable self. Self is Confucius’ Five Cardinal Relationships or Five Bonds:
viewed as part of a “We” instead of only a “Me”.
The king (ruler) and his subject (ruled)
Collectivism is an idea that man should think, live, and
Father and Son
act toward certain goals that benefit the group.
Husband and Wife
A group may be a family, clan, community, nation, or Brothers
the entire human race. Friends
To subdue oneself means to practice ‘ren’ (human- Physical self – refers to the body; it is the tangible
heartedness) – the hallmark of Confucian ethics. aspect of the person that can be directly observed and
Ren – is a Confucian virtue characterized by altruistic
behavior that must be nurtured in every person. The physical self is defined by physical characteristics
that are visible: sex, height, weight, complexion, hair
Subdued self = being a “person for others”. and facial features.
a. Condom – is a thin material made of Vasectomy – sterilization of the male; the tube
rubber used during sexual activity. The through which sperms are transported, is tied off
man wears the condom on his penis to or cauterized.
prevent the sperm from entering the Tubal Ligation – sterilization of the female; is a
vagina. major surgical procedure in which the woman is
b. Diaphragm – is a shallow rubber cup put under anesthesia, a large abdominal incision
inserted into the vagina. This is coated is made and the fallopian tubes are cut and tied.
with spermicidal cream or jelly to prevent
the entry of sperm into the uterus. 8. Injectables – one of the latest forms of
c. Cervical Caps – these are fitted over the contraception. This is injected in a woman to
cervix by a doctor. Usually, these can be inhibit ovulation (an injection usually lasts for
worn for a month starting after three months).
menstruation up to the onset of the next