Relationship Between Conics
Relationship Between Conics
Relationship Between Conics
Lesson Relationships
between Ellipses
12-5 and Circles
eccentricity of an ellipse
In some ellipses, the major axis is much longer than the minor axis. Mental Math
In others, the two axes are almost equal in length. The diagrams
Describe a
below illustrate three of the possible cases. All three ellipses have the transformation or
same focal constant. You can see that when the focal constant stays composite of
the same, the positions of the foci in an ellipse affect its shape. The transformations that
closer the foci are to the origin, the rounder the ellipse appears. will map (x, y) onto
the given point.
a. (x + 7, y - 2)
b. (3x, 2.5y)
c. (3x + 7, 2.5y - 2)
(0, 1)
(᎑10, 0) (10, 0) x d. (2.5y - 2, 3x + 7)
(0, ᎑1)
F1 F2
x2 y2 (0, 9)
+ =1
100 1
Major Axis: 20
Minor Axis: 2
(᎑10, 0) x
F2 0 F1 (10, 0)
(᎑10, 0) (10, 0) x
x2 y2
F2 0 F1 + =1
100 81
Major Axis: 20
Minor Axis: 18
(0, ᎑5)
x2 y2
+ =1
100 25
Major Axis: 20
Minor Axis: 10
x 2 + y 2 = 100.
This is an equation for the circle with center at the origin and
radius r. So, a circle is a special kind of ellipse whose major and
minor axes are equal in length.
Find an equation of the
ellipse with center at the
Ellipses as Stretched Circles origin and major and
An ellipse can be thought of as a stretched circle. The transformation minor axes of length 14.
that stretches and shrinks figures is the scale change, which you
studied in Lesson 4 -5.
Consider the unit circle with equation + = 1 and a scale y2 4
change with horizontal magnitude 4 and vertical magnitude 2. 3
The x- and y-intercepts of the unit circle and their images under 2
this scale change are graphed at the right. x
᎑5 ᎑4 ᎑3 ᎑2 ᎑1 1 2 3 4 5
S4, 2 : (1, 0) → (4, 0) ᎑1
S4, 2 : (0, 1) → (0, 2) ᎑3
S4, 2 : (–1, 0) → (–4, 0) ᎑4
S4, 2 : (0, –1) → (0, –2) ᎑5
From these four points you can see that the image of the unit circle
under this scale change is not a circle. It appears to be an ellipse with
foci on the x-axis.
Find an equation for the image of the unit circle x2 + y2 = 1 under S4, 2.
Find an equation for the
image of x2 + y2 = 1
A Formula for the Area of an Ellipse under S6, 14.
Consider the figure below at the left. If each grid square has area 1,
the area of the figure is equal to the number of grid squares inside
the figure. Now suppose the scale change S a, b is applied to the figure
and the grid. The result is the figure at the right below. Each grid
square is transformed into a rectangle with length a, width b, and
area ab. Since the area of each rectangle is ab times the area of one
grid square, the area of the transformed figure is ab times the area
of its preimage.
1 b
This illustrates that in general, the area
of the image of a figure under the scale
(0, b)
change S a, b is ab times the area of the (0, 1)
preimage. This fact can be used to x x
derive a formula for the area of an (1, 0) (a, 0)
ellipse. The area of the unit circle
is π(1)2 = π, and the ellipse with
y 2
equation _2
+ _2 = 1 is the image of area: πab square units
a b
the unit circle under S a, b. So, the area area: π square units
of this ellipse is π(ab) = πab.
(0, ᎑8)
16. In 1937, a Whispering Gallery was constructed in the
Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. The
Gallery was constructed in the form of an ellipsoid (an
ellipse rotated around its major axis). When a visitor
located at one focus whispers, the sound reflects
directly to the focus at the other end of the gallery. The
width of an ellipse in the plane of the foci is 13 feet 6
inches, and the length of the ellipse is 47 feet 4 inches.
a. Find an equation that could describe this ellipse.
b. How far are the foci from the endpoints of the major
axis of this ellipse? (Lesson 12-4)
27. a. Cut out a paper circle and make a dot anywhere in its interior.
Fold a point on the circle onto the dot then unfold. Repeat
with other points on the circle. What shape is outlined by the
crease lines (shown as segments in the diagram)?
b. Use a new circle. Place the dot at the
center of the circle and repeat the
activity in Part a.
c. Explain your results in Parts a and b. O
y 2
1. _ _
49 + 49 = 1 or
x 2 + y 2 = 49
y 2
2. _ __
36 + 196 = 1
3. 1992π ≈ 6258 ft2