Isyana Sarasvati
Isyana Sarasvati
Isyana Sarasvati
On this occasion, allow me to make an introduction. Afraid you all forgot my name.
The first is about her backround, second about her personality and the last about her career journey.
Isyana sarasvati is a well-known singer and a song writer from Indonesia. She was born in Bandung,
on 2nd May 1993. She graduated her diploma from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts in Singapore and
got her bachelor degree from Royal College of Music, London. She had become an opera singer in
Singapore too. Isyana does classical music and she wrote all of her songs herself.
Isyana mulai meningkatkan kemampuan musiknya mulai dari 4 tahun. Isyana menyukai azz, RnB,
pop, dan soul. Dia juga bisa bermain piano, saksofon, dan biola. Ibunya adalah seorang guru musik
klasik sehingga tidak mengherankan bahwa Isyana memiliki darah musik di dalamnya. Isyana
Sarasvati memulai debutnya di industri musik di negara ini pada tahun 2014 dan menjadi terkenal
karena lagu romantisnya yang berjudul "Keep Being You" dan "Tetap Dalam Jiwa".
isyana begin to improve his musical abilities from 4 years. Isyana likes jazz, RnB, pop, and soul. She
also can play piano, saxophone, and violin. Her mother is a teacher of classical music so it is not
surprising that Isyana has musical blood in them. Isyana Sarasvati made her debut in the music
industry in the country in 2014 and become famous because her romantic song entitled "Keep Being
You" and "Tetap Dalam Jiwa".
Isyana memiliki keinginan yang begitu kuat untuk belajar music. Semasa sd hingga sma nya dia
menghabiskan waktunya untuk belajar musik. Berbagai cara dia lakukan untuk mengasah
kemampuannya termasuk rajin mengikuti audisi dan perlombaan.
Isyana has such a strong desire to study music. During elementary school until high school she spent
her time studying music. Various ways she did to hone his skills including diligently auditioning and
Isyana memiliki kelemahan yaitu dalam hal bersosialisasi, bersosialisasi bukan menjadi keahliannya
kala itu. Televisi juga tidak pernah jadi teman. Seolah memang hidupnya hanya untuk bermusik.
Apalagi sewaktu kecil, Isyana lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu di Belgia karena kedua orang tuanya
yang melanjutkan pendidikan di sana. Bahasa Belanda jadi lebih familiar di lidahnya dibanding
Isyana has a weakness in terms of socializing, socializing is not her expertise at that time. Television
has also never been a friend. As if indeed her life was only for music. Especially when she was a child,
Isyana spent more time in Belgium because her parents continued their education. The Dutch
language is more familiar on its tongue compared to Indonesian.
Berbicara soal personality nya isyana is kind of introvert girl. She seems very quiet. But actyally she is
friendly enough to people. Meskipun banyak sekali yang iri, Isyana tetap bangkit dan tetap
melanjutkan sekolah musiknya.
Beranjak ke bangku SMA, keinginan Isyana untuk bisa meneruskan ke sekolah musik semakin dekat.
Lulus audisi Nanyang Academy of Fine Art (NAFA) yang berada di Singapura, dia lantas mendapat
beasiswa untuk menempuh pendidikan di sana. Meski saat itu masih belum lulus, Isyana sudah bisa
melanjutkan tanpa perlu menamatkan SMA.
Prestasi cemerlang yang ditunjukkan Isyana saat berada di NAFA membuat dirinya kembali
mendapat tawaran beasiswa. Kali ini, tawaran itu datang dari Inggris. Di Royal College of Music,
Isyana kembali berhasil lulus dengan menyandang predikat cum laude.
Talking about her personality, Isyana is kind of introverted girl. She seems very quiet. But actually
she is friendly enough to people. Even though there were many who were jealous, Isyana still got up
and continued her music school.
Moving on to high school, Isyana's desire to be able to continue to music school is getting closer.
After passing the Nanyang Academy of Fine Art (NAFA) audition in Singapore, she then received a
scholarship to study there. Even though she still hadn't graduated yet, Isyana was able to continue
without needing to finish high school.
The brilliant achievements shown by Isyana while at NAFA earned her another scholarship offer. This
time, the offer came from England. At the Royal College of Music, Isyana successfully graduated with
I learn from her, that to reach all dreams is not as easy as turning your hand, you need a process to
develop skills and talents that you have . Seeing the journey, it makes me believe that if we really
mean to achieve a dream, we will get it someday..
Masih muda, cantik dan penuh prestasi. Tidak salah jika hal ini bisa menjadi inspirasi bagi kita yang
masih muda yang masih berusaha meraih mimpi. Konsisten dengan mimpi yang ingin diraih akan
memudahkan untuk membuatnya menjadi realita. Untuk Kamu para milenials, jangan pernah
menyerah untuk selalu berusaha meraih mimpi ya. Semangat terus!
She is still young, beautiful and full of achievements. It is not wrong if she can be an inspiration for
those of us who are young who still achieve dreams. Consistent with the dream you want to achieve
will make it easier to make it into reality. For you millennials, don't ever give up trying to reach
dreams. Keep the spirit!