Voltage Transformers For Gas-Insulated Switchgears (Gis)

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Presentation | 4

Applications |7

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Range | 10

Voltage Transformers For Gas-Insulated Switchgears (GIS) 3


Arteche Gas Insulated Instrument All professionals at Arteche Gas Insulated
Transformers (AGIT) born with the aim Instrument Transformers (AGIT) follow the
to become the reference as independent established environmental and quality policy
manufacturer in SF6 gas insulated voltage guidelines.
and current transformers’ market, for Gas
A sum of regulated procedures based on
Insulated Switchgears.
communication, teamwork, preventive
The production plant is located in Vitoria- analysis and continuous improvement, which
Gasteiz, in northern Spain with good logistics includes advanced sustainability criteria in
communications to provide close support and productive work and in bringing new products
ensuring short delivery times, improving the to the market and developing them, as well
competitiveness of our customers. as plans to promote internal talent and help
attract external talent.
Arteche Gas Insulated Insturment Transformers
(AGIT) was born as a joint venture between The service offered by Arteche Gas Insulated
ARTECHE GROUP and NISSIN ELECTRIC CO, Instrument Transformers (AGIT) is based on
although it currently belongs to Arteche Group. a close relationship with the customer, as
AGIT has extensive worldwide experience in reflected in the comprehensive after-sales
the Instrument Transformers field with the service procedure and structured customer
purpose of becoming a trustworthy partner survey system. In addition to guaranteeing the
for all European GIS substation manufacturer. customer a rapid response to any incident, it is
the basis of a continuous service improvement
In Arteche Gas Insulated Instrument
plan and, at the same time, underpins the
Transformers (AGIT) we share a vision of
contents of the extensive training program
future for our projects. Innovation is our key
taught via courses, publications, conferences,
to find more efficient solutions through most
advanced technologies and resources, which
will further strengthen our position in the
market, being able to successfully face the
challenges in a sector in continuous evolution.

4 Voltage Transformers For Gas-Insulated Switchgears (GIS)


Voltage Transformers For Gas-Insulated Switchgears (GIS) 5


_Model UG1 up to 800 kV
_Model UG3 up to 170 kV

6 Voltage Transformers For Gas-Insulated Switchgears (GIS)


Inductive Voltage Transformers for measure and
protection at the GIS
Inductive voltage transformers are designed to reduce voltage to
values that are manageable and proportional to the original primary
voltage, separating measuring instruments, meters, relays, etc. from
the high voltage circuit.
Main applications for the GIS substation:
› Voltage input to different types of protection relays.
› Measuring for billing thanks to its high accuracy.
› Discharge of high voltage lines.

Power Voltage Transformers for Auxiliary Services

(PVTs) at the GIS
Power voltage transformers for auxiliary services (PVT or SSVT) are
used to supply low voltage electrical power directly from high voltage
lines up to 550 kV. Located within the GIS substation itself, they can
provide power ratings up to 100 kVA per phase in a reliable and cost-
effective manner.
The design of the PVT is similar to an inductive voltage transformer
to meet the dielectric requirement, coupled to a larger core similar to
that used in distribution transformers. Using advanced materials and
design techniques, a fully qualified, compact, and dielectric design is
Main applications:
› LV power supply for the auxiliary services of the substation.
› Power supply for the auxiliary services of wind turbines.
› Power supply in mining, oil, and gas pumping stations.

Voltage Transformers For Gas-Insulated Switchgears (GIS) 7


Model UG1 up to 800 kV.
Model UG3 up to 170 kV.

1. Insulator
2. Connecting conductor
3. High voltage shield
4. Primary winding
5. Secondary winding
6. Gas filling valve
7. Magnetic Core
8. Pressure relief device
9. Secondary terminal box


6 8

› Singlephase voltage transformer.

Model UG1.

5 6


› Threephase voltage transformer.

Model UG3.

8 Voltage Transformers For Gas-Insulated Switchgears (GIS)



There are two types of gas insulated VTs: one is single- FILLING VALVE FOR SF6 GAS
phase type, the other is three phase type.
A filling valve for SF6 gas is provided on a side of the tank.
A three-phase Gas-VT consists of three units of single- Gas runs between Gas-VT and GIS through this valve in
phase VT which are enclosed in a tank. Both type Gas-VTs operation. Therefore, monitoring devices for gas leakage and
are connected to GIS through an insulator. gas pressure are not provided generally on a Gas-VT itself.

A terminal box is provided on a side of the tank.
Heat-resisting electric wires with synthetic resin coating
and plastic film with high dielectric strength, high A low voltage terminal of primary windings and secondary
mechanical performance and moisture free are used. terminals of secondary windings are brought out in this
terminal box through SF6 gas seal tightness bushings.
Insulation medium between winding layers is SF6 gas and
plastic film.
Iron cores are made of silicon steel plates.

› Convenient and easy for GIS designing. Gas insulated › Full reports of type tests in accordance with
voltage transformers (Gas-VTs) are designed to be international standards.
light and compact and furthermore can be connected › Incompliance with all national and international
to GIS in horizontal, vertical or inverted position. standards.
› Safety. No oil is used as an insulation medium. Therefore,
our Gas transformers are appropriate for indoor use in
safety conditions.
› High-reliability of insulation. A superior distribution of Voltage transformers include usually the following
electric field in primary windings ensures high-reliability accessories:
against incoming surge voltage.
› Line trapped charge discharging. Line charge, which is › Terminal box (1 piece).
trapped after opening the line circuit breaker of a long › Secondary (Tertiary) terminal block (1 set).
transmission line or power cable, is discharged through
VTs, if either is connected to the power line or cable.
› Earth terminal (1 piece).
› Easy for maintenance. SF6 gas is used as insulation › Nameplate (1 piece).
medium like GIS. Thus, its maintenance is easy. Main › Inlet valve for gas (1 piece).
components are enclosed in SF6 gas and hermetically
sealed. Thus no maintenance is required for them.
› Lifting lugs (1 set).
› High level of accuracy (up to 0.1%), maintained OPTIONS:
throughout the device’s life, with maximum reliability. › Secondary sealable terminals.
› Up to 4 secondary windings with or without › Different packing and accessories available.
measurement devices, with measurement, protection
or dual function. › Wide variety of secondary terminals.
› Internal arc test following IEC 61869 and other › Secondary protection devices inside the terminal box
standards. (fuses or MCB).
› Designed to operate at nominal voltage with internal › Independent densimeter compensated by temperature
atmospheric gas pressure. with two alarm levels that can be connected to the
control equipment for remote monitoring.
› Without maintenance requirements during all of its
more than 30-year useful life. Only periodic monitoring
is recommended.
› Designed to minimize gas volume, pressure and
leakage, with a leakage rate of <0.5%/year (lower
values available upon request), which reduces its
environmental impact. Each unit is tested individually.
› Tanks are designed, manufactured, and tested
according to international pressure vessel standards.
› Quality management system certifications: ISO 9001,
ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.
› Each unit is routinely tested according to the applicable

Voltage Transformers For Gas-Insulated Switchgears (GIS) 9


Arteche can manufacture to comply with any
national or international standard. All kinds of
burdens and accuracy classes can be met.


Connexion typical diagram
Single phase

Power Lightning Switching

Highest Rated
frequency impulse impulse
system primary
Model withstand withstand withstand
voltage voltage
voltage voltage voltage
(kV) (kV)
(kV) (kV) (kV)

UG1-72 72,5 66/√3 140 325

UG1-123 123 110/√3 230 550
UG1-145 145 132/√3 275 650 › THREE PHASE
UG1-170 170 154/√3 325 750 Connexion typical diagram
UG1-245 245 220/√3 460 1,050
UG1-300 300 275/√3 460 1,050 850
UG1-362 362 345/√3 510 1,175 950
UG1-420 420 380/√3 630 1,425 1,050
UG1-550 550 500/√3 680 1,550 1,175
UG1-800 800 735/√3 975 2,100 1,550

Data subject to change without notice.

Three phase

Power Lightning
Highest Rated
frequency impulse
system primary
Model withstand withstand
voltage voltage
voltage voltage
(kV) (kV)
(kV) (kV)

UG3-72 72,5 66/√3 140 325

UG3-123 123 110/√3 230 550
UG3-145 145 132/√3 275 650
UG3-170 170 154/√3 325 750

Data subject to change without notice.

10 Voltage Transformers For Gas-Insulated Switchgears (GIS)


Voltage Transformers For Gas-Insulated Switchgears (GIS) 11

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Version: A0

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