Evaluación Diagnóstica Inglés - 5 Quinto
Evaluación Diagnóstica Inglés - 5 Quinto
Evaluación Diagnóstica Inglés - 5 Quinto
The Tumbes Region is an area that in this season the temperature increases a lot,
producing heavy rains that cause material damage due to the overflow of the river and,
above all, the economy of the population has progressed since many depend on
agriculture, fishing and the main sources of work in this area of the north. Likewise, it has
been possible to observe the appearance of mosquitoes, causing some diseases that
threaten people's health.
Ana 5rd grade high school student, has also been able to notice that due to the rains, the
drainage networks have collapsed, causing water shortages. She is concerned about this situation
that not only her family but the population as a whole suffers, since each year is the same when
these rainfalls are registered and they do not receive help from the authorities.
Due to the rains, what would be the main problem that occurs in the district of La Cruz and what consequences?
What action proposals would you carry out to prevent the effects produced by the rains in our district? How would you
promote these proposals?
Competencias a evaluar
- Lee diversos tipos de textos escritos en inglés como lengua extranjera
- Escribe diversos tipos de textos en inglés como lengua extranjera.
Activity 1. Observe and read the text and answer the questions
Observamos y leemos la información sobre el calor extremo para responder las preguntas
Extreme Heat
Activity 2. Analize the opinion piece on heatstroke
Leemos , analizamos e identificamos las partes de un artículo de opinión sobre el golpe de calor, para después de la
lectura responder las preguntas y elaborar nuestro articulo de opinión sobre ¿Qué propuestas de acción realizarías para
prevenir los efectos producidos por el golpe de calor en nel distrito de la cruz?
Nadia Cespedes
In hot temperatures your body may be unable to properly cool itself, leading to serious
health problems.
When the temperature is very high stay indoors. If you must go outside, dress properly and
take breaks often. Know who is at high risk for heat stroke and heat exhaustion.
Tips to Beat the Heat
Drink plenty of water!
Check on friends and neighbors at high risk for heat-related illness
Find airconditioned places to cool off (shopping malls and libraries)
NEVER leave kids or pets in a closed, parked vehicle
Know the signs of heat stroke and heat exhaustion.
Heat Stroke
Signs & Symptoms
Very high body temperature (above 103°F)
Red, hot, and dry skin (no sweating) information
Rapid, strong pulse
Heat Exhaustion
Signs & Symptoms
Heavy sweating
Muscle cramps
If you see any of these signs, get medical help
While waiting for medical attention, you can help someone with heat stroke
or heat exhaustion.
Activity 3. After read the opinion piece , answer the questions and you elaborate your opinion piece.
Ahora respondemos estas preguntas relacionadas con la información que aparece en el artículo de opinión que
hemos leído
What is this opion article ?
Planificando la escritura de mi artículo de opinión
¿A quiénes estará dirigido ? ¿ De qué tratara tu artículo ¿Para que la elaborarás ? ¿Qué necesitas para
de opinión? elaborarla?
Competencias a evaluar
-Lee diversos tipos de textos escritos en inglés como lenga extranjera
-Escribe diversos tipos de textos en inglés como lengua extranjera.
Lista de cotejo
Competencia : Lee diversos tipos de textos escritos en inglés como lengua extranjera