Duration: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 40: Course: Human Resource Management - Course Code: MGA - 607
Duration: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 40: Course: Human Resource Management - Course Code: MGA - 607
Duration: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 40: Course: Human Resource Management - Course Code: MGA - 607
Instructions: Write the registration number and page number at the top right corner of your answer sheet. Scan all
the answer sheets and save it as a single PDF file with your registration number as the file name and upload it in the
assignment link of the course. Good Luck!
1. ‘HR functions have no more remained auxiliary function. In the current business
environment, HRM has acquired a more strategic role. It has evolved from mere
personnel management to human capital management’. In the context of the above
statement critically evaluate the strategic role of HRM. (10
2. A well-thought-out orientation program is essential for all new employees, whether
they have experience or not. Explain why you agree or disagree with this statement.
3. Traditionally HR department has been termed as cost Centre. Strategically it is a
profit Centre. Justify and prove it with various examples. (10
4. The world-renowned British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, known for his
contributions to the fields of cosmology, general relativity and quantum gravity
especially in the context of black holes, says that “Artificial Intelligence will never kill
human brain”. Taking a cue from Mr. Hawking’s comment, can you say that human
beings can never be replaced by artificial intelligence and robots in the workplaces?
Substantiate your point of view on this issue. (10
5. Using a need assessment model, explain the various steps in identifying the training
needs of an organisation. Also list out the various tool and techniques involved in this
process. (10
6. Identify and discuss popular selection techniques that organizations use to hire new
employees. (10 marks)