CHRA Manual

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Chapter 1 : Introduction 1
Chapter 2 : Concepts 4

Chapter 3 : Steps in Assessment 7

Chapter 4 : Deciding the Assessor 10

Chapter 5 :Gather Information 12

Chapter 6 : Divide into Work Units 15

Chapter 7 : Determine Degree of Hazard 17

Chapter 8 : Evaluate Exposure 22

Chapter 9 : Control Measures 32

Chapter 10 : Concluding The Assessment 37

Chapter 11 : Action to be taken 41

Chapter 12 : Record Keeping 45

Chapter 13 : Review Assessment 46




Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000



Appendix 1: Routers of entry

Appendix 2: Health Effects
Appendix 3: Procedure for CHRA
Appendix 4: Registration as Assessor
Appendix 5: Format of the Chemical Register
Appendix 6: CSDS Requirements under CPL 1997
Appendix 7: HR Determination & Exposure
Appendix 8: Sampling Strategy
Appendix 9: Occupational Exposure Limits
Appendix 10: Quantitative determination of inhalation exposure magnitude from
airborne measurement result
Appendix 11: Estimation of Exposure
Appendix 12: Factors Affecting Inhalation Exposure
Appendix 13: Factors Affecting Dermal Exposure
Appendix 14: Solvent Drying Time
Appendix 15: Odour Level Thresholds
Appendix 16: Degree of physical activities & breathing rate
Appendix 17: Procedure for Estimating the Degree of Exposure

Form A : List of chemicals
Form B : Work unit description
Form C : Task description
Form D : Workplace exposure assessment
Form E : Risk matrix
Form F : Action to be taken

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000


These guidelines may be cited as the Manual for the Assessment of the Health Risks arising
from the use of Hazardous Chemicals in the Workplace: Second Edition (hereinafter referred
to as “the Manual”). The purpose of this Manual is to provide guidance for assessors to
conduct an assessment of the health risks arising from the use, handling, storage or
transportation of chemicals hazardous to health at the workplace as required by the
Occupational Safety and Health (Use and Standard of Exposure of Chemicals Hazardous to
Health) Regulation 2000 [P.U.(A) 131].

This is the revised edition of the 1996 manual. This revision is necessary due to the
enforcement of the Occupational Safety and Health (Classification, Packaging and Labelling
of Hazardous Chemicals) Regulations in 1997 and the Occupational Safety and Health (Use
and Standard of Exposure of Chemicals Hazardous to Health) Regulations in 2000.

Among the changes to the first edition are :

• Hazard rating standardized with classification under Occupational Safety and

Health (Classification , Packaging and Labelling of Hazardous Chemical)
• Changes sequence of t opics and topics now follow closely assessment steps
• Use of risk matrix to ease risk making decision & to prioritise control actions
• Additional information e.g toxicological principles, sampling strategies,
exposure limits, etc

To keep it up to date, it will be review from time to time

I would like to thanks the staffs of the Division of Industrial Health for their effort in the
preparation and publication of this Manual.

Director General
Depatment of Occupational Safety and Health

December 2000

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000

Chapter 1

Protecting employees from the adverse effects of chemicals is one of the primary
duties of an employer under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994. To
perform this duty, an assessment of all chemicals used in the workplace must be
carried out in order to identify, evaluate and control any health risk associated with
work activities involving the use of the chemicals.

Under the Occupational Safety and Health (Use and Standard of Exposure of
Chemicals Hazardous to Health) Regulations 2000, hereinafter referred to as
USECHH Regulations 2000, the duty to perform an assessment of health risks arising
from the use of chemicals hazardous to health at the place of work is mandatory
whereby employers are not permitted to use any chemicals hazardous to health unless
an assessment has been conducted. To provide guidelines for employers and safety
and health practitioners, this manual has been compiled to assist them on the
procedures and protocol for conducting an assessment, hereinafter referred to as
chemical health risk assessment or in short CHRA.

1.1. Purpose and Objectives of a Chemical Health Risk Assessment

A CHRA is conducted with the purpose of enabling decisions to be made on

appropriate control measures, induction and training of employees, monitoring and
health surveillance activities as may be required to protect the health of employees
who may be exposed to chemicals hazardous to health at work.

A CHRA has the following objectives:

a) To identify the hazards posed by each chemical substance used, stored,

handled or transported within the place of work;
b) To evaluate the degree of exposure of employees to the chemicals hazardous
to health, either through inhalation, skin absorption or ingestion;
c) To evaluate the adequacy of existing control measures;
d) To conclude on the significance of the health risk posed by the chemicals
hazardous to health; and
e) To recommend further appropriate control measures to prevent or reduce risks.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 1

1.2. Content of Assessment

The USECHH Regulations 2000 stipulates that the assessment conducted must
contain the following: -

(a) The potential risks to an employee as a result of exposure to chemicals hazardous

to health;

(b) The method and procedures adopted in the use of the chemicals hazardous to

(c) The nature of the hazard to health;

(d) The degree of exposure to such chemicals hazardous to health;

(e) The risk to health created by the use and the release of chemicals from work

(f) Measures and procedures required to control the exposure of an employee to

chemicals hazardous to health;

(g) The measures, procedures, and equipment necessary to control any accidental
emission of a chemical hazardous to health as a result of leakage, spillage, or
process or equipment failure;

(h) The necessity for employee monitoring programme;

(i) The necessity for health surveillance programme; and

(j) The requirement for the training and retraining of employees.

1.3. Application

This manual had been prepared to provide guidance for assessors to conduct a CHRA
by going through a step-by-step procedure and using prescribed techniques and
format. This manual is to be used by an assessor for the purpose of conducting
assessment of health risks arising from the use, handling, storage or transportation of
chemicals hazardous to health in the place of work as required by the USECHH
Regulations 2000.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 2

1.4. Types of Assessment

The steps described in this Manual are appropriate for all type of assessment.
However the amount of work and detail of a particular assessment will depend on the
chemicals hazardous to health involved and the complexity of the work processes in
which there are used. There are basically two types of assessments depending on the
chemical use situation and the complexity of the work process: -

a) Generic assessment; and

b) Full assessment

1.4.1. Generic Assessment

A generic assessment may be used where a chemical hazardous to health or a group of

chemicals hazardous to health are used in the same way in several workplaces
provided that the control measures in place are similar. In generic assessment, an
assessment is made of a representative workplace or job, and this assessment is then
used for the similar work activities that involve comparable risks.

Generic assessments may be done for a number of similar workplaces such as a chain
of fast-food outlets or service stations.

It should be emphasized that generic assessment is only valid for work activities that
are clearly similar, with comparable levels of risk, and which have the same type of
control measures to control those risks.

1.4.2. Full Assessment

For other situations, a full assessment should be conducted for each and every
workplace where chemicals hazardous to health are used. A report must be made of
the assessment and presented to the employer.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 3

Chapter 2

Before going into assessment there are a few basic concepts that the assessor must
understand. These are:
a) Hazard, exposure and risk
b) Rating hazard, exposure and risk
c) Similar risk groupings or Work units

2.1. Hazard, Exposure and Risk

2.1.1. Hazard

Chemical health hazard is the potential of a chemical to cause harm or adversely

affect health of people in the workplace. Adverse health effect ranges from fatality,
permanent and serious health impairment to mild skin irritation at the other end. For
example, the hazard of cyanides is that they are very toxic and a small quantity, if
ingested, can cause death. Chemicals that can adversely affect the health of an
exposed person is termed as chemicals hazardous to health. Under the USECHH
Regulations 2000, a chemical hazardous to health is defined as any:
a) Chemical listed in Schedule I to USECHH Regulations 2000;
b) Chemical categorised under Part B of the CPL Regulations 1997;
- those classified as very toxic, toxic, harmful, corrosive and irritant (and
sensitising); and include carcinogens, mutagens, and teratogens.
c) Pesticide as defined under the Pesticides Act 1974; and
d) Scheduled waste listed in the First Schedule to the Environmental Quality
(Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 1989.
For further discussion on the health effects of chemicals, please refer to
Appendix 2.

2.1.2. Exposure

A worker is exposed to a chemical if there is a possibility of the chemical being

breathed in; getting it on the eye or skin or absorbed through the skin; or being
swallowed. A chemical may exert its effect either at the site of contact; or at a site
away from the initial point of contact and takes place after it has entered the body
through the various routes of entry. Exposure through inhalation is most common,
especially for airborne chemicals such as gases, vapours and particulate. Skin
absorption is common for lipid soluble chemical especially in the form of liquid or
mist. Ingestion is not as common as inhalation or skin absorption, but nevertheless
through poor personal hygiene and work practices it could be an important route of
exposure. Injection through the skin can also occur, for example, when syringes are
used. Refer to Appendix 1 for further discussion.
Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 4

2.1.3. Risk

Risk is the likelihood that a substance will cause adverse health effects or illness in
the conditions of its use. The risk to health usually increases with the severity of the
hazard, the amount used, and the duration and frequency of exposure.
Mesch and Kugele (1992) have suggested a risk equation as follows:

Risk = [How x How Bad x How Much] ---------------------- (1)

Which proposes that health risk is a function of three (3) things, i.e.:
a) The likelihood of exposure or contact with the chemical (How);
b) The potential of the chemical to cause harm or its hazard (How Bad); and
c) The degree of exposure to the chemical (How Much).

Risk has also been defined as the probability of over exposure and the consequences
of that exposure. This is so because a potentially toxic chemical may cause death or
serious health effects if the exposure is substantial. Therefore the risk equation can
also be defined as

Risk = Hazard x Exposure --------------------------------------- (2)

The hazard component will take into consideration the nature of hazard and the
potential adverse health effects from the possible routes of entry or contact,.
The exposure component looks at the chance of overexposure occurring by taking into
account the frequency of exposure, the duration of exposure, and the intensity or
magnitude of exposure.

Before any risk conclusion is made one has to take into account the work practices
and personal factors including individual susceptibility.

2.2. Rating Hazard, Exposure & Risk

The approach adopted by this manual is qualitative with a rating system, in that the
severity of hazard and the chance of overexposure are rated on a five- (5) scale rating.
To ensure that the risk rating value is consistent with the hazard or exposure rating,
the above equation (2) is redefined thus:

RR = √ (HR x ER) -----------------(3)

Where RR is the risk rating (1 to 5) indicating the likelihood of injury or illness;

HR is the hazard rating (1 to 5) indicating the severity of adverse effects; and
ER is the exposure rating (1 to 5) indicating the chance of overexposure to
the chemical hazardous to health.
(Note the scale of 1 to 5 is in an increasing order of magnitude, i.e. a rating of
1 means very low and 5 means very high and 3 is medium)

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 5

2.3. Similar Risk Groupings or Work Units for Assessment

In the evaluation of exposure to a particular chemical, the worker or person exposed

to the risk should be identified. Ideally the risk of each worker exposed to the
chemical hazardous to health should be assessed. However, this practice of assessing
each individual worker would be too time consuming and a burden not only to the
assessor but also to the employer. In order to avoid these problems, workers are to be
assessed in groups whom the employer believes to be exposed to similar health risk
arising from the use of a particular chemical hazardous to health. This manual
describes such grouping of workers as a work unit.

A work unit must fulfil two basic requirements: -

i) Work similarity
- Workers in the work unit must perform similar tasks
ii) Similarity with respect to the hazardous agent
- Workers using or are exposed to the same chemicals hazardous to health.

Similar tasks means that the workers are having similar potential for exposure.
Exposed to the same chemical hazardous to health means that the workers are
potentially exposed to the same hazard. Even though the workers are exposed to the
same chemical hazardous to health the risk may not be the same as other factors may
affect the severity of the health effects, such as susceptibility. Therefore the risk to
health could only be said to be similar.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 6

Chapter 3

3.1. Steps in Chemical Health Risk Assessment

The procedures in carrying out a CHRA is given in Appendix 3, which consists of ten

Step 1: Deciding the assessor

Step 2: Gather information about chemicals, work & work practices
Step 3: Divide into work units
Step 4: Determine degree of hazards
Step 5: Evaluate exposure
Step 6: Assess adequacy of control measures
Step 7: Conclude the assessment
Step 8: Identify actions to be taken
Step 9: Reporting the assessment
Step 10: Review assessment

3.1.1. Step 1: Deciding the Assessor

The employer of a place of work is to appoint an assessor who has the knowledge and
basic skills in doing an assessment. The appointed assessor must be given the
authority to do the work, and should have enough resources to gather information,
consult the appropriate people, review existing records and examine the workplace.
The employer should be aware of the limitations in the experience and knowledge of
the personnel conducting an assessment and should be willing to engage specialist
assistance, if necessary. Refer Chapter 4.

3.1.2. Step 2: Gather Information about Chemicals, the Work and Work

The purpose of this step is to identify all chemicals hazardous to health found in the
workplace and to gather information about the work and work practices involving
chemicals hazardous to health. Refer Chapter 5.

3.1.3. Step 3: Divide into Work Units

An inspection of the work areas where chemicals are used, handled, or released into
the working environment is necessary before the workers is divided into work units
for assessment.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 7

During this inspection identify where and how chemicals hazardous to health are used
or handled or released; who are exposed to the chemicals hazardous to health; and
how they are exposed. Refer Chapter 6.

3.1.4. Step 4: Determine Degree of Hazard

Identify all the chemicals hazardous to health to which the work unit is exposed to,
either from the chemicals used or handled by the work unit or chemicals released
from the work activities. Refer Chapter 7.

3.1.5. Step 5: Evaluate Exposure

The purposes of this step are to assess the exposure of the work unit to each of the
chemical hazardous to health used/handled by or exposed to the work unit and at the
same time assess the adequacy of the existing control measures (Step 6). Refer to
Chapter 8.

3.1.6. Step 6: Assess Adequacy of Control Measures

The presence and adequacy of existing control measures are evaluated for each work
unit. This assessment is to be conducted simultaneously with the exposure
assessment. The adequacy of existing control measures is assessed by inspecting the
existing control measures; checking records of air sampling, biological monitoring;
and checking records on the inspection, testing and examination of control equipment.
Refer to Chapter 9.

3.1.7. Step 7: Concluding the Assessment

Conclude the assessment for each work unit. This will be useful in determining
whether actions to control risk need to be identified. Before concluding the
assessment the assessor needs to consider the following:

a) Whether there is sufficient information to decide on the degree of hazard

b) Whether there is certainty in evaluating or estimating the degree of exposure;
c) Whether the risk is “significant” or “not significant”; and
d) Whether the existing control measures are adequate.

The risk to each hazardous chemical is evaluated by combining the hazard rating and
the exposure rating to give the risk rating. A risk rating of 3 or greater is considered to
be significant while below that the risk is considered as not significant. Refer to
Chapter 10.

3.1.8. Step 8: Identify Actions to be taken

Identify possible action to be taken including suggesting further precautions and

control measures based on the conclusion of assessment from Step 7. Refer to
Chapter 11.
Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 8

3.1.9. Step 9: Reporting the Assessment

Recording of an assessment is important because it will be useful for the purpose of

follow-up action, review and compliance with legal requirements. The USECHH
Regulations 2000 stipulates that the assessor must submit a report to the employer
within one month of the completion of the assessment. The information to be recorded
in the report include:

a) Name and address of the workplace;

b) Particulars of chemicals being assessed including their hazard description and
hazard rating;
c) Description of work units;
d) Particulars of the workplace assessment including exposure description and
rating and adequacy of existing control measures;
e) Risk evaluation and conclusion of assessment;
f) Recommendations for further action;
g) Date of the CHRA; and
h) Name and position of the assessor/assessor team.

The assessor should not only submit but also present his assessment report to the
employer so as to inform and highlight him on his findings and recommendations.
Refer Chapter 12 for details of the records to be kept.

3.1.10.Step 10: Review Assessment

The assessment made will not be applicable for all times or changing situations.
Therefore the assessment needs to be reviewed from time to time. The USECHH
Regulations 2000 stipulate the requirements for reviewing an assessment. An
assessment needs to be reviewed:

1. When there has been a significant change in the work to which the assessment
relates. A significant change in the work means that the risk situation has changed,
such as due to:
• Changes in the chemicals used or handled;
• A significant change in the quantity of chemicals hazardous to health used;
• Changes in methods or rate of work
• Deterioration in the efficiency of control equipment; or
• Plant failure or system failure.

2. Every five years;

3. When so directed by the Director General, Deputy Director General, or the

Director of Occupational Safety and Health.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 9

Chapter 4

In carrying an assessment involving a large number of chemical substances, chemical

mixtures or preparations or complex chemical processes, a team comprising of
assessors or comprising an assessor and specialists or competent person is
recommended. However, for a simple assessment formation of a team may not be

4.1. The Assessment Team

It is recommended that an assessment team be set up to ensure that the assessment can
run smoothly. This team is to be headed by a registered assessor and assisted by one
or more of the following team members where appropriate:

a) The company’s safety and health officer or safety engineer;

b) The company’s doctor, preferably a registered occupational health doctor;
c) The company’s process/chemical engineer or chemist;
d) An experienced and knowledgeable member of the safety and health
e) An industrial/occupational health nurse.

4.2. Competency of an Assessor

The would-be assessor should have the abilities to:

a) Interpret the information in the Chemical Safety Data Sheets (CSDS) and
b) To understand the hazard classification as prescribed by the Occupational
Safety and Health (Classification, Packaging and Labelling of Hazardous
Chemicals) Regulations 1997;
c) Observe the conditions of work and foresee potential problems;
d) Communicate effectively with employees, contract workers, managers,
specialists and others;
e) Draw all the information together in a systematic way to form valid
conclusions about exposures and risks;
f) Report the findings accurately to all parties concerned.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 10

For the purpose of complying with the USECHH Regulations 2000, the appointed
assessor must be registered with the Director General of Occupational Safety and
Health, Malaysia. For details please refer to the Guidelines for the Registration of
Assessors, Hygiene Technician and Occupational Health Doctor (ISBN:983-2014-06-
9). Refer to Appendix 4.

4.3. Duties of an Assessor

The Assessor is expected to: -

a) Carry out assessment of health risks arising from the use of chemicals
hazardous to health at the workplace;
b) Furnish a report of the assessment to the employer of a place of work
appointing him as the registered assessor within one month of the completion
of the assessment;
c) Without any delay inform the respective employer of the immediate danger
discovered during the assessment process;
d) Make recommendations on the necessity to: -
i) make changes or institute a programme to control exposure of
employees to chemical hazardous to health;
ii) control any accidental emission of a chemical hazardous to health as a
result of leakage, spillage, or process or equipment failure;
iii) carry out a health surveillance programme;
iv) conduct exposure monitoring programme; and
v) institute a training programme for employees.
e) Present his findings and recommendations to the employer upon completion of
the assessment report; and
f) Submit, within thirty (30) calendar days upon completion of the assessment,
a summary to the Director of the nearest DOSH office and forward a copy to
the Director General. The format of this summary is set out in Appendix 4b.

4.4. Specialist Advice

In certain cases, an assessor may not be able to conclude the assessment due to lack of
expertise or information. The assessor is not expected to conduct employee exposure
monitoring, biological monitoring or health surveillance unless he/she is competent to
do so. The assistance of a specialist may be required. The common specialist who
may be consulted upon may include, but is not limited to, the following:
a) An industrial hygienist – an expert on the exposure evaluation and control
b) An occupational health physician – expertise on health surveillance programme.
c) A hygiene technician −expertise on the inspection and testing of local exhaust
ventilation system and the monitoring of airborne contaminants; and
d) A toxicologist – an expert on chemical toxicity.
Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 11

Chapter 5

5.1. Information to be gathered

The assessment begins with the gathering of the following information:

a) Chemicals hazardous to health used or released in the workplace

b) Layout plan of work area
c) Process flow chart
d) Employees at risk
e) Control equipment design parameter and maintenance
f) Accident and incidence
g) Monitoring record
h) Health surveillance programme
i) Training programme
j) Personal protective equipment programme

5.1.1. Chemical Hazardous to Health

The information required on the chemical hazardous to health are: -

a) List of chemicals used or released in the workplace and their harmful effects;
b) The nature and degree of exposure to the chemicals;
c) Exposure standards and performance criteria against which to evaluate the risk
to health; and
d) Recommended control measures for the chemical substance.

Create an inventory of all chemicals hazardous to health used or released in each work
area and obtain health hazard information on each. Use Form A to capture the
necessary information. This information may be obtained from the chemical register,
which is mandatory to be kept by the employer under the USECHH Regulations 2000.
A detailed discussion on the register is found under paragraph 5.2.1.

5.1.2. Layout Plan

Obtain the layout plan for each work area where chemicals hazardous to health are
used or released. In the absence of such layout plan, a sketch should be made showing
the locations of the machinery, tanks or vessels, engineering control equipments,
barriers or enclosures, the locations of chemicals hazardous to health and the locations
of employees.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 12

5.1.3. Process Flowchart

Obtain the process flowchart for all work processes carried out in the premise. The
flowchart should show the various steps in the process starting from the raw material
to the finished product or starting from the preparatory stage to the completion of the

5.1.4. Employees at Risk

Obtain information on those employees that are exposed to chemicals hazardous to

health and should include the following: -
a) Number of male and female employees in each work area;
b) Working hours: and
c) List of job categories handling or exposed to chemical hazardous to health and
the number of male and female employees for each job categories for each
work shift.

5.1.5. Engineering Control Equipment

Obtain information on the design parameters of the engineering control equipments

and the records of their maintenance. This should include: -
a) Design parameters such as the hood face velocity and duct transport velocity for a
local exhaust ventilation system;
b) Record of inspection by the employer;
c) Record of examination and testing of the control equipment by a registered
hygiene technician;

5.1.6. Accident and Incidences

Obtain the accident and incidence records. This record gives information on the
nature of accidents or incidences occurring.

5.1.7. Monitoring Programme

Obtain monitoring reports by competent persons, if such monitoring was carried out.

5.1.8. Health Surveillance

Obtain health surveillance records. This record should include the biological
monitoring results, biological effect monitoring results, and summary of complaints
and cases of occupational illnesses diagnosed.

5.1.9. Training Programme

Obtain records of training conducted. The record should include the training syllabus,
training schedules and attendance.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 13

5.1.10.PPE Programme

Obtain specifications on the personal protective equipments provided to employees,

the issuance record of these equipments, and the record of personal protective
equipment training provided.

5.2. Sources of Information

5.2.1. Information on Chemicals

An important source of information is the chemical register kept by the enterprise.

Under the USECHH Regulations 2000, it is mandatory to keep a chemical register of
the chemicals used, handled or stored at the workplace. The chemical register in the
workplace will provide information on the trade and common names, chemical
compositions, quantities used or stored and locations where chemicals are used or
stored. The register must include the Chemical Safety Data Sheets (CSDS) for each of
the chemicals hazardous to health listed. Refer to Appendix 5.

Where a CSDS is not available, the supplier should be contacted to get a copy of the
CSDS. Under the OSH (Classification, Packaging & Labelling of Hazardous
Chemicals) Regulations 1997 it is the supplier’s duty to furnish an up-to-date CSDS.
Refer to Appendix 6 for explanation on the CSDS requirements.

Where the required information is not available or suspected to be inaccurate, other

information sources should be consulted. These sources of information include

a) Chemical hazard or toxicity reference book;

b) Material safety data sheets (MSDS) from the national CIS centre (currently
managed by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health);
c) The International Chemical Safety Data Card (ICS Card) published by the
International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS);
d) Chemical information from the International Registry of Potentially Toxic
Chemical (IRPTC) database (managed by the Department of Environment);
e) MSDS from Internet sites; and
f) National Poison Centre, Universiti Sains Malaysia (by subscribing to TELITA).

5.2.2. Other Information

For other information the sources of information will depend on the type of
information. The Personnel or Human Resources Department will most probably keep
the employees’ particulars and training records; the Maintenance Department will
probably have records on the maintenance of the engineering control equipment; the
Medical Department or clinic will probably keep the health surveillance records, and
the Production Department should have the plant layout and the process flow chart.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 14

Chapter 6

In this chapter the discussion is on the assigning of workers into similar risk groups or
work unit so that assessment could be conducted for each work unit where there are
exposures to chemical hazardous to health.

6.1 Categorisation of a Work Unit

In the evaluation of exposure to a particular chemical, the worker or person exposed

to the risk should be identified. Workers should be assigned work units for evaluation
based on similar risks. A work unit is essentially a group of workers doing similar
tasks (i.e. having similar potential for exposure) whether in one work area covering
several work areas and exposed to the same chemicals hazardous to health.

Identify all potential exposures by reviewing the various tasks carried out by the work
unit in normal operations and any foreseeable abnormal exposures such as from leaks
or accidental releases. Likelihood of an increase in exposure such as change in the
physical form of the chemical as a result of the task (e.g. grinding, spraying), increase
in exposure duration due to increased workload, heavy intake by doing heavy work or
malfunctioning of control equipment need to be considered.

Assess how frequent job or task is carried out. Whether it is a routine or non-routine
task; production of one-off items or isolated batches, trials; maintenance work, repair
operations; etc.

For a complete assessment the work units should not only be limited to production or
maintenance workers but those persons who may be in the work area and exposed to
chemicals hazardous to health. Work units are to be considered from these groups of

- Production employees
- Ancillary or support employees (e.g. cleaners, maintenance staff,
laboratory staff)
- Contractors on site
- Visitors
- Supervisors and managers
- Students
- Office workers

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 15

6.2. Work Unit Identification

This is where the assessor needs to identify and observe the tasks carried out by
workers in a certain work area where workers are exposed to chemical hazardous to
health and should be assigned work units for evaluation based on similar risks

Employees and other workers should be assigned work units based on the same
chemical substances used or handled and carrying out similar job tasks. The steps to
categorise a work unit is as follows:

a) Conduct a ‘walk-through’ inspection to identify all persons who might be

exposed, this might include persons who

• Work directly with the chemical;

• Work near or pass through areas in which the chemical is used, produced
(including discharge of emissions), stored, transported or disposed of;
• Enter a confined space in which the chemical might be present; or
• Clean, perform maintenance or other work in areas where the chemical
might be present

b) For each department or work area get the list of job title groups;

c) For each job title groups identify the chemical hazardous to health they were
using or exposed to, the tasks carried out and the location within the work

d) Talk to supervisors and employees at each work location regarding practical

information about work practices and procedures;

e) Characterise the work unit as follows:

Work area + work performed = work unit

(E.g. mixing area) (E.g. operator) (E.g. mixing operator)

f) Where the chemical hazardous to health used or exposed to and the tasks are
similar for a number of job title groups, they may be group together and
considered as a single work unit (e.g. a line leader and the production
operators under his supervision may be considered a work unit);

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 16

Chapter 7

The hazard rating is used to prioritise hazard based on the potential health effect of
the chemical. The hazard of a chemical is rated on a 1 to 5 scale with a rating of 1
implying not hazardous and a rating of 5 implying most hazardous to health. This
hazard rating is harmonised with the classification of hazardous chemical for Part B
hazardous chemicals (categories of hazard based on health effect) under the
Occupational Safety and Health (Classification, Packaging and Labelling of
Hazardous Chemicals) Regulations 1997, hereinafter referred to as CPL Regulations.

7.1 Hazard Information

Hazard information can be obtained from various sources. A complete CSDS provides
useful information such as the hazard description, the toxicity data, and the acute and
chronic health effects. Based on the toxicity data, the health effects and the risk
phrases assigned to each hazardous, the hazard of each chemical can be evaluated and
assigned a hazard rating (HR).

However, for chemicals released into the work environment as a result of chemical
reaction, decomposition or thermal degradation, hazard information may need to be
obtained from other sources as the supplier’s CSDS only provides information on the
supplied products.

The sources of information have already been discussed under Chapter 5. However, a
summary of the necessary information and its sources is given below:

Information Source

Chemical classification Label, CSDS, ICS card

Health effects, LC50 and LD50 CSDS, MSDS, ICS card, Poison centre,
chemical safety literature

Risk phrases Label, CSDS, ICS card

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 17

7.2 Hazard Rating Determination

For the purpose of assigning a hazard rating, chemicals hazardous to health need to be
categorised into two groupings based on systemic effects and local effects. These
groupings are meant to separate those chemicals that may be absorbed into the body
and causing damage to organs or systems of the body and those that may cause effect
at the site of contact either on the skin or eyes.

The procedure to assign a hazard rating to a pure chemical or a preparation containing

a mixture of chemicals is as follows: -

a) Get information on the hazard categories, hazard classification; risk phrases,

the acute and chronic effects, and the LD50 and LC50 for the chemical
substance or preparation;

b) Use Table 1 to get hazard rating based on the health effect description or use
Table 2 to get hazard rating based on the hazard classification or hazard
categories, or risk phrases;

c) List the hazard ratings obtained in descending order;

d) Assign a single hazard rating based on the greatest degree of hazard from
Group 1 hazard categories: -

Group 1: Very toxic R26-28, 39, 45(1), 46(1), 47(1), 49(1)

Toxic R23-25,39, 48, 45(2), 46(2), 47(2), 49(2)
Harmful R20-22, 40, 40(3), 40(M2), 48,
Respiratory sensitiser R42
Respiratory irritant R37

e) Assign an “sk” notation for those chemicals in Group 2 hazard categories: -

Group 2: Corrosive to skin/eye R34, 35

Skin and eye irritants R41, 38, 36

f) For a chemical substance or preparation that fall solely under Group 2, i.e. do
not fall into Group 1, the hazard rating assigned is to be based on Group 2.


Tables 1 and 2 describe the assignment of hazard rating:

• Table 1 describes the assignment of hazard rating based on health effects
and hazard categories.
• Table 2 describes the assignment of hazard rating based on risk phrases
assigned to the hazardous chemical substance under the CPL Regulations.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 18

The risk phrases used in Table 2 are:

Acute effects:
Acute lethal effects (R20 to 28)
Non-lethal irreversible effects after single exposure (R39, 40)
Corrosive (R34, R35)
Irritant (R36 to 38, R41)
Sensitiser (R42, R43)

Chronic effects:
Severe effects after repeated or prolonged exposure (R48)
Carcinogen (R40, R45, R49)
Mutagen (R46, R40)
Reproductive hazards (R60 to 64) including
teratogen (R47 – this r-phrase no
longer in use in EU))

6.3. Example of Determining Hazard Rating

Example of Determining the Hazard of a Pure Chemical

As an example, ethyl dimethylamine is harmful through inhalation and if swallowed

(R20/22) and at the same time corrosive to skin (R34).

According to the CPL Regulations, corrosive is of a higher degree of hazard as

compared to harmful and so this chemical is classified as corrosive.

For assessment purposes these health hazard categories (i.e. harmful and corrosive)
will be used to determine the hazard rating.

From Table 2, the hazard ratings are as follows: -

Group 1: Harmful R20/22 gives a hazard rating of 3
Group 2: Corrosive R34 gives a hazard rating of 3.

Assign a hazard rating of 3 (based on Group 1)

Assign a “sk” notation (based on Group 2)

Since this chemical is harmful if inhaled or ingested, the exposure through these two
routes must be assessed. Even though exposure to skin is not assessed, control of skin
contact is mandatory because of the “sk” notation.

Examples of determining the hazard rating for preparations or mixtures of

chemicals hazardous to health are given in Appendix 7.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 19

Table 1: Hazard Rating


Local: Injury to the skin, eyes, or mucous *Very Toxic chemicals:-

membranes of sufficient severity to -LD50<25 mg/kg (oral)
threaten life by single exposure -LD50<50 mg/kg (skin)
Systemic: Severe irreversible effects (e.g. -LC50<0.5 mg/litre
5 central nervous system effects, kidney
necrosis, liver lesions, anemia or
paralysis) after a single exposure

Known human carcinogens, mutagens or *Category 1 carcinogen,

teratogens mutagen and teratogen

Local: Injury to the skin, eyes, or mucous *Very Corrosive (R35:

membranes of sufficient severity to cause Causes severe burn)
permanent impairment, disfigurement or *Toxic chemicals:-
irreversible change from single or -LD50: 25-200mg/kg(oral)
4 repeated exposure -LD50: 50-400mg/kg(skin)
Systemic: Very serious physical or health -LC50: 0.5-2 mg/litre
impairment by repeated or prolonged

Probable human carcinogens, mutagens or *Category 2 carcinogen,

teratogens based on animal studies mutagen and teratogen

Local: Serious damage to skin, eyes or mucous *Corrosive(R34:Cause burn)

membranes from single or repeated *Respiratory sensitisers
exposure *Irritant-serious eye damage
Systemic: Severe effects after repeated or *Harmful chemicals:-
3 prolonged exposure -LD50:200-500mg/kg(oral)
-LC50: 2-20 mg/litre

Possible human or animal carcinogens or *Category 3 carcinogen and

mutagens, but for which data is inadequate mutagen

Local: Reversible effects to the skin, eyes or *Skin sensitisers

mucous membranes not severe enough to *Skin irritants
2 cause serious health impairment
Systemic: Changes readily reversible once
exposure ceases

1 No known adverse health effects Not classified as hazardous

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 20

Table 2: Hazard Rating Based on Risk Phrases



Very Toxic Acute R26 R27 R28 R39 5

Chronic - - - -

Toxic Acute R23 R24 R25 R39 4

Chronic - - - R48, R39

Harmful Acute R20 R21 R22 R40 3

Chronic - - - R48, R40

Corrosive Acute R35 4

R34 3

Irritant Acute R37 - R41 3

- R38 R36 2

Sensitising Acute R42 - 3

- R43 2
R49(1) R45(1) 5
Carcinogenic Chronic R49(2) R45(2) 4
- R40(3) 3
R46(1) 5
Mutagenic R46(2) 4
R40(M2) 3
R47(1) 5
Teratogenic R47(2) 4

ASSESSMENT Inhala- Skin Eyes Inges- All Routes
REQUIRED tion tion

Note: For R39 and R48, the classification of the chemical or preparation need to be
considered together in determining the hazard rating.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 21

Chapter 8

The purpose of determining exposure rating is to assess the potential of the chemical
hazardous to health entering the body through the various routes of entry causing
systemic effects or potential for contact with the eyes, skin or the respiratory tract
causing localised effects.

8.1. Exposure Parameters

The first step is to identify who are exposed and what chemicals hazardous to health
used or formed in the process carried out by the work unit.

The next step is to identify the tasks in which chemicals hazardous to health are being
used or where there is likely exposure to chemicals hazardous to health during normal
operation by going through their work procedures, observation of the various tasks
performed and interviewing the members of the work unit.

Important considerations in the assessment of an exposure in the workplace are:

a) Degree of Exposure
- Who is exposed?
- How and in what circumstances is the exposure
- Frequency of exposure
- Duration of exposure; and
- Intensity or magnitude of exposure
b) Other factors, such as training & information of employees, monitoring of
exposure, and health surveillance.

Exposures are evaluated by assessing the likelihood of contact of the work unit with
the hazardous chemical; how the chemicals are released into the work environment;
the method of handling the chemical; the way the chemical enters the body; the
frequency and duration of exposure; and the intensity or magnitude of each exposure.

Apart from assessing exposures during normal operation, the possibility of exposure
due to spillage, leaks or accidental entry into the body such as through injection is to
be considered.

Special consideration is required for some person who may be at increased risk, such
as pregnant women; person with medical condition such as suffering from bronchitis
or asthma; untrained or inexperienced workers; smokers, who may be at increased
risk of additive or synergistic effects.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 22

8.2. Degree of Exposure

The degree of exposure is to be estimated for the various probable route(s) of

exposure. The probable routes of entry or contact are decided by taking into
consideration the physical form of the chemical and the effects it could have through
the various routes of entry or contact, as described by the risk phrases assigned to it.
This has been discussed under Chapter 5. Examples of decision to be taken with
respect to which route of entry or contact to be assessed is given in Appendix 7.

Where a chemical exerts a direct effect on the skin or the eyes, such as corrosives
and irritants, an ‘Sk’ notation should be made to indicate that skin and eye
exposure needs control regardless of absorbed dose.

Estimation of the degree of exposure is primarily based on these parameters:

a) Frequency of exposure, F;
b) Duration of exposure, D; and
c) Intensity or magnitude of exposure, M.

The more frequent or the longer the duration a hazardous chemical is used, the higher
is the degree of exposure. The greater the amount of chemical being absorbed into or
enters the body or in contact with the eye/skin the higher is the degree of exposure.

8.3. Frequency of Exposure

For assessing the likelihood of acute effects, the frequency of exposure is determined
as the frequency of exposure has a significant effect on the degree of exposure. For
example, twice the frequency would yield a two-fold increase in exposure. The
frequency of potential exposure can be estimated from observation of the work
activities and feedback from the workers and management. Frequency rating is used
and is determined from Table 3:

Table 3: Frequency Rating

Rating Description Definition

5 Frequent Potential exposure one or more time per shift or
per day
4 Probable Exposure greater than one time per week
3 Occasional Exposure greater than one time per month
2 Remote Exposure greater than one time per year
1 Improbable Exposure less than one per year

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 23

8.4. Duration of Exposure

A duration rating is used to assess chronic or routine exposures. Duration of exposure

also has a significant effect on the exposure. Twice the exposure duration results in
twice the exposure. For assessing chronic exposures use the total exposure duration
rather than the frequency of exposure. The total exposure duration is the product of
the number of exposures and the average duration of each exposure. Refer to Table 4

Table 4: Duration Rating

Rating Total Duration of Exposure*

% work hour Duration per 8-hr shift or per 40-hr week

5 > 87.5 % > 7 hrs/ shift or > 35 hours/ week

4 50-87.5 % 4 to 7 hrs/ shift or 20 to 35 hours/ week

3 25-50 % 2 to 4 hrs/ shift or 10 to 20 hours/ week

2 12.5-25 % 1 to 2 hrs/ shift or 5 to 10 hours/ week

1 < 12.5 % < 1 hr/ 8 hr shift or < 5 hours/ week

*Note: Total exposure duration per week (TD)

= (Number of exposure per week) x (Average duration of each exposure)

8.5. Intensity or Magnitude of Exposure

For estimating exposure intensity or magnitude there are two possible ways, either
quantitatively or qualitatively. In the presence of quantitative inhalation exposure
data, this will form the basis of the estimate.

In the absence of quantitative data, a qualitative estimate of exposure will be used.

8.5.1. Quantitative Evaluation- inhalation exposure

Quantitative evaluation of exposure is carried out for inhalation exposures if air-

sampling data for the exposed employees are available. Where exposure data is
limited or unavailable the assessor should assess the exposure qualitatively. The
evaluation of inhalation exposure is without regards to the use of respirators.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 24

Inhalation exposure evaluation is based on

Current measurement of personal airborne exposure
Estimation from previous measurement of personal airborne exposure
Estimation of personal exposure from ambient or general air levels

Estimation of personal exposure can be made from breathing zone measurements by

the use of direct reading instruments (such as multiple gas infrared analysers or
respirable dust monitors). Refer to Appendix 8 for discussion on sampling
The flowchart for assigning an exposure rating by using quantitative data is
given in Appendix 17. Rating Acute Exposure

For chemicals with acute effects, the exposure will be based on instantaneous
measurement result. The magnitude rating is assigned based on the fraction of the
measurement result to the ceiling limit or the maximum exposure limit, whichever
results in a higher exposure rating. Refer Table 5. Rating Chronic Exposure

For chemicals with chronic exposures the time period for assessment period is one
week and will be based on the 8 hours time-weighted-average (TWA) exposure. The
magnitude rating is assigned based on the ratio of the TWA to the 8-hour TWA limit.
Refer to Table 5.

The TWA is calculated as follows:

TWA = C1T1 + C2T2 + … + CnTn

T1 + T2 + … + Tn
Where C is the concentration of each sample and T is the sampling time for that
sample. Estimation of 8-hour Exposure Using Direct-reading


For a work unit exposed to a particular chemical at various job tasks, estimation of the
8-hour exposure may be determined by measuring the average concentration for each
task (C) and the average duration (D) for each task exposure.

TWA = (D1 x C1) + (D2 x C2) + ... + (Dn x Cn ) ------------ (4)

D1 + D2 + … + Dn

Where n = tasks involving exposure to the assessed chemical

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 25

Table 5: Inhalation Exposure based on Airborne Exposure Measurement

Time-weighted average (TWA) or Magnitude Rating

Maximum Concentration

≥ 3 x O.E.L* 5
≥ O.E.L but < 3 x O.E.L 4
≥ 0.5 O.E.L. but < O.E.L 3
≥ 0.1 O.E.L, but < 0.5 O.E.L. 2
< 0.1 O.E.L 1
*Note that (a) OEL is used because the limit used is not only limited to the Malaysian
Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL) as in the absence of a Malaysian
PEL, other exposure limits may be adopted;
(b) 3xPEL is the Maximum Exposure Limit under the USECHH
Regulations 2000

A discussion on the Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL) is given in Appendix 9. Rating Exposure Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health


An exposure magnitude of 5 is assigned when the potential exists for an exposure at a

concentration level that is immediately dangerous to life and health, such as entry into
confined spaces or other workplaces where workers would be expected to don self-
contained breathing apparatuses to prevent acute exposure. An exposure is rated 1
when no reasonable potential exposure exists. The basis for this determination is
professional judgement and/or exposure measurement. Rating Additive Effects

Where workers are exposed to two or more chemicals that are not known to act
independently of each other, they should be treated as acting additively and a
“combined OEL’ can be made which should not exceed unity.

For example, toluene and methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) are common solvents that act
on the same target organ i.e. the central nervous system. OEL of toluene is 100 ppm
and MEK is 200 ppm. If 50 ppm of toluene and 80 ppm of MEK are present in the
workplace air, then

50 /100 + 120/200 = 0.5 + 0.6 = 1.1 > 1,

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 26

Which means that the combined exposure is above the OEL. From Table 6 below, the
Magnitude Rating assigned for exposure to the MEK and toluene exposure is 4.

Table 6: Magnitude of Exposure rating for additive effects

Magnitude Rating Sum of ratios of air concentration to OEL

5 >3

4 1-3

3 0.5 - 1

2 0.1 - 0.5

1 < 0.1

Examples on how to use the exposure measurement results to determine the

magnitude of exposure are given in Appendix 10.

If a chemical hazardous to health do not have an OEL, then the qualitative

assessment method for estimating exposure should be used.

8.5.2. Qualitative Estimation Of Magnitude Of Exposure

The estimation of exposure is made for the two main routes of entry, i.e. the
inhalation route and dermal route of exposure. If the contribution to the overall
exposure by ingestion is significant, record the finding and suggest appropriate
actions to be taken. The flowchart to determine exposure is given in Appendix 17.

The magnitude of exposure is assessed based on the estimated absorbed dose through
inhalation and skin absorption. It must be borne in mind that skin or eye absorption is
not only from direct contact with liquid substances but also from airborne gas, vapour
or particulate. Where this is the case, the airborne chemical concentration may be
considered when assessing the degree of skin or eye exposure.

For this estimation we can look at the degree of chemical release or presence and the
degree of chemical absorbed or likely to be absorbed at the exposure boundary. As a
rule of thumb, twice the volumes of material released will double the concentration.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 27
CHRA MANUAL 2nd EDITION Degree Of Chemical Release Or Presence

The degree of chemical release or presence in the environment can be estimated from
the chemical's physicochemical properties, the process characteristics, the quantity
used, the method of handling, and the atmospheric conditions. This information may
be obtained from the Chemical Safety Data Sheet, process descriptions, and from
observation of environmental conditions. Refer to Appendix 11 and 12.

Use Table 7 to determine the degree of release or presence for inhalation exposure.
The degree of release assigned will be based on the observation resulting in the
greatest degree of release.

For example a worker frequently contaminated his clothing while using Chemical B,
a non-volatile liquid (i.e. low release into the air) but is lipophilic (high ability to
dissolve fat and hence able to be absorbed through the skin). The degree of release is
assigned is Moderate.

Table 7: Degree of Chemical Release or Presence


Low Low or little release into the air.

No contamination of air, clothing and work surfaces with chemicals
capable of skin absorption or causing irritation or corrosion.

Moderate Moderate release such as

a) Solvents with medium drying time* in uncovered
containers or exposed to work environment;
b) Detectable odour **of chemicals with odour thresholds
exceeding the PELs.
Evidence of contamination of air, clothing and work surfaces with
chemicals capable of skin absorption or causing irritation or

High Substantial release such as

a) Solvents with fast drying time* in uncovered containers;
b) Sprays or dust clouds in poorly ventilated areas;
c) Chemicals with high rates of evaporation exposed to
work environment;
d) Strong odour of chemicals with odour thresholds
exceeding the PELs.
Gross contamination of air, clothing and work surfaces with
chemicals capable of skin absorption or causing irritation or
*Refer to Appendix 14 **Refer Appendix 15

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 28
CHRA MANUAL 2nd EDITION Degree Of Chemical Absorbed Or Contacted

Use Table 8 below to assess the degree of chemicals being inhaled and absorbed
through skin. Chemical substances with the ability to be absorbed through the skin
include organic solvents and many pesticides. The degree of chemical absorbed or
contacted should be based on the observation resulting in the greatest degree.

Table 8: Degree of Chemical absorbed or contacted


Low Low breathing rate (light work)*

Source far from breathing zone
Contact with chemical other than those described under "Moderate"
and "High".
Small area of contact with chemicals capable of skin absorption -
limited to palm (intact skin). <2% or 0.04m2
No indication of any skin conditions. Intact/normal skin
No contamination of skin or eyes

Moderate Moderate breathing rate (moderate work)*.

Source close to breathing zone
Contact with eye or skin irritants, sensitisers or chemicals capable
of skin penetration, except those described under ' High'
Moderate area of contact- one or both hands up to the elbows. Skin
area >2% or 0.04m2
Skin dryness and detectable skin condition. Dry, red skin

High High breathing rate (heavy work)*.

Source within breathing zone.
Gross contamination of eye or skin with skin or eye irritants,
sensitisers or chemicals capable of skin absorption
-skin soaked or immersed in chemical capable of skin penetration.
Area of contact not only confined to hands but also other parts of
body. Skin area>50% or 1m2
Follicle rich areas.
Skin damaged.
Severe drying, peeling and cracking.

*Refer to Appendix 16

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 29
CHRA MANUAL 2nd EDITION Assigning Magnitude Rating (MR)

This table is to be used to assign the magnitude rating:

Table 9: Magnitude Rating

Degree of release Degree of absorption MR




The magnitude (MR) above may however be modified by other factors such as bad
work habits, poor personal hygiene, complaints of ill effects, results of biological
monitoring or biological effect monitoring, signs and symptoms of related disease or
illness or confirmed cases of occupational disease or illness. Use Table 10 below to
modify the magnitude rating before assigning the exposure rating.

Table 10: Modifying Factors


+1 Bad work practice or poor personal hygiene including partaking of

food or drink in the work area or using contaminated hand.
(maximum Reported cases of chemical exposure incidences- e.g. splashes
MR not to Results of biological monitoring exceeds the Biological Exposure
exceed 5) Index (such as those described by the ACGIH)
Widespread complaints of ill effects related to the chemical being
exposed, in the work unit.
Reported cases of employees with pre-clinical symptoms related to
the chemical exposure.
Susceptible persons in work unit

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 30

8.6. Assigned Exposure Rating

Based on the frequency or duration rating and the magnitude rating, an exposure
rating may be assigned. Use Table 11 below to assign the exposure rating:

Table 11: Exposure Rating


1 2 3 4 5

1 1 2 2 2 3

2 2 2 3 3 4

3 2 3 3 4 4

4 2 3 4 4 5

5 3 4 4 5 5

Note: Assign ER=5 if confirmed case(s) of occupational disease due to exposure to the
chemical hazardous to health have been reported for the particular work unit.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 31

Chapter 9

Control measures are all the steps taken to prevent or minimise risks. They include
elimination of the hazardous chemical; substitution of the chemicals hazardous to
health with a less hazardous chemical; isolation of the process releasing hazardous
chemical; the use of engineering control equipment; adoption of safe work practices
and procedures; and the use of personal protection. Control equipment is equipment
used for controlling risks, such as a local exhaust ventilation system, water spray or
enclosure. In trying to control the identified risks, the measures taken should be in a
certain hierarchy or order of priority and an assessment of the adequacy of the control
measures need to be made.

9.1. Hierarchy of Control Measures

Significant risk arising from the use of chemical hazardous to health is to be

controlled, in this following order: -

a) Elimination of chemical hazardous to health from the workplace;

b) Substitution of chemical hazardous to health with a less hazardous chemical;

c) Total enclosure of process and handling systems;

d) Isolation of the work to control the emission of chemicals hazardous to health;

e) Modification of the process parameters;

f) Application of engineering control equipment;

g) Adoption of safe work systems and practices that eliminate or minimise the
risk to health; and

h) Provision of approved personal protective equipment.

a) Elimination of chemicals hazardous to health

This includes the total removal of a hazardous chemical by the use of other
processes not involving chemicals hazardous to health.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 32

b) Substitution

The substitution here is the substitution of a chemical hazardous to health with

a less hazardous substitute such as the use of a water-based detergent instead
of the neurotoxic n-hexane.

c) Total enclosure of process and handling systems

Totally enclosing the process and handling systems emitting chemical

hazardous to health can prevent or minimise their release into the work

d) Isolation of the work to control the emission of chemicals hazardous to


This can be achieved by segregation, either by distance or a physical barrier,

of the hazardous work, process or chemical hazardous to health from workers.

e) Modification of the process parameters

Such as the use of lower operating temperature or pressure to minimise the

release of chemical hazardous to health into the workplace environment.

f) Application of engineering control equipment

This is control through the application of engineering control equipment such

as local exhaust system, general ventilation, and water spray.

g) Adoption of safe work systems and procedures

Safe work system and procedures that eliminate or minimises the risk to health
can be adopted.

h) Provision of personal protective equipment

Provision of personal protective equipment and clothing includes the proper

selection, correct fit, proper use, care and maintenance, and available
replacement when required.

9.2. Other Control Measures

Other measures although do not directly remove or minimise the risk, are equally
important as they support or strengthen the above control measures and are part of a
chemical health risk management.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 33

Such measures include: -

a) Personal hygiene;
Washing hands before partaking of food by hand
Keeping fingernails short and clean
Bathing, where contamination is widespread

b) Maintenance of the control equipment;

Regular inspection, examination and testing
Immediate repair on breakdown of equipment

c) Providing information, instruction and training to workers;

Those handling or exposed to chemicals hazardous to health
Safe use and handling of chemicals
Proper use and care of personal protective equipment

d) Monitoring of personal exposures and general air levels

Personal exposures on those work units where an assessment indicates
the necessity to determine personal exposure; and the availability of an
approved method of sampling and analysis and an OEL
General air levels, where appropriate, to check on the effectiveness of
control measures;

e) Health surveillance on those workers handling any chemicals hazardous to

health listed in schedule 2 of the USECHH Regulations 2000 and where an
assessment shows that:
There is an identifiable work-related disease or adverse health effects
for that hazardous chemical used in the work;
It is likely that the disease or condition might occur during the
conduct of the work; and
Valid techniques are available to detect early signs of the disease or

f) Emergency procedures and first aid.

To minimise the consequences of chemical accidents
Availability of emergency response plan or procedures
Emergency eye wash and shower
First aid facilities

9.3. Adequacy of Control Measures

The existing control measures need to be assessed whether they are adequate or not.
Taking into consideration the following factors we can assess whether the control
measures are adequate or not: -

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 34

a) Suitability;
b) Use
c) Effectiveness; and
d) Maintenance.

A control measure is considered adequate if

a) It is suitable for protecting the employees, taking into consideration the

physical form and toxicity of the chemical, the nature of work, the routes of
entry of the chemical and not prejudice to the health of the employees;

b) It is used according to the manufacturers’ instructions & recommendations;

c) It is effective in preventing or minimising exposure; and

d) It is regularly maintained in good working condition.

9.3.1. Suitability

Suitability of control measures depends on:

i) The toxicity of chemical

For high toxicity chemicals the use of local exhaust ventilation is
suitable while the use of general ventilation is not.
The use of job rotation is not suitable for chemical hazard
For personal protective equipment, the degree of protection must
match the level of risk.

ii) The physical and chemical properties of the chemical

The control equipment is designed to control the chemical in the
physical form employees is exposed to.
E.g. use of dust mask is not suitable to protect against organic solvent

iii) Nature of work

Suitable if the nature of work does not hinder the efficiency of the
control measure or the control measure does not give rise to the
potential for an accident or to another hazard.

iv) Adaptability
Suitable if control measures are adapted to the work capacity and
capability of the workers involved.

v) Route of entry
Control measures selected prevent entry of the chemical through the
probable entry route.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 35

9.3.2. Use and Effectiveness

By observing the following, the effectiveness of control measures can be assessed:

i) In general
Minimal contamination of the air, work clothing, or work surfaces,
odour or irritating sensation;
Minimal or no release or emission of chemical into the working
Minimal or no exposure or contact of workers to chemical;

ii) For local exhaust ventilation system (LEV)

No accumulation of substance around the hood;
Smoke tube test indicates good suction-smoke directed towards the
The capture velocity is within the recommended value for the specific
contaminant; and
The positioning of hood is such that it is very close to (within 1 hood
diameter) or enclosing the source.

iii) For personal protective equipment

Use of correct type with adequate degree of protection;
Properly worn - have undergone instruction or training session and
Correctly fitted - have been carefully chosen and fit tested;
Worn continuously at the designated work area - with constant
supervision ; and
Equipment still functioning properly - not defective or damaged or has
not expired its shelf life

9.3.3. Maintenance

Maintenance of control equipment is an important aspect in ensuring that the health

risks are continuously under control. This would entail the following: -

i) For engineering controls

Periodic inspection, examination and testing to ensure effectiveness;
Immediate repair when there is a breakdown in the equipment; and
Re-testing of equipment effectiveness after any repair work.

ii) For personal protective equipment

Available replacements for defective part(s) or ineffective equipment;
Regular inspection and care of equipment; and
Provision and use of proper equipment accommodation.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 36

Chapter 10

10.1. Evaluation of Risk

Chapters 6 and 8 have described the procedures to estimate the values of hazard rating
(HR) and exposure rating (ER), respectively. These values are used to compute the
risk based on equation (3) below: -

RR = √ (HR x ER) ---------- (3)

When the square root is not a whole number, the next highest whole number is
designated as the risk rating.

Example: HR = 3; ER = 4;

∴ RR = √ (3 x 4)

= 3.46
Thus assigned RR =4

A fast and easy way to compute the risk rating is to use the risk matrix. Refer Table

10.2. Significance of Risk

Risk is evaluated as either "significant" or "not significant". Risk is regarded as not

significant if it is unlikely that the work exposure will adversely affect the health of
the workers. This situation arises when either there is no likelihood of exposure or the
chemical is least hazardous (HR=1) or the exposure is very low (ER=1).
Another situation is that the chemical is of low toxicity (HR=2) and the exposure level
is below 0.5 PEL (i.e. ER=2). This situation is considered as presenting a non-
significant risk. Hence those risk situations where RR is either 1 or 2 is considered as
not significant.

Table 12 below summarises the decision for the risk evaluated.

To prioritise action to control risk is by using the risk matrix below. For each work
unit, enter the name of the chemical in the appropriate cell.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 37



1 2 3 4 5

1 RR=1 RR=2 RR=2 RR=2 RR=3


2 RR=2 RR=3 RR=3 RR=4

3 RR=2 RR=3 RR=3 RR=4 RR=4

4 RR=2 RR=3 RR=4 RR=4 RR=5

5 RR=3 RR=4 RR=4 RR=5 RR=5

The above risk matrix may be used to identify and prioritise control strategies.
Priority in implementing control measures will depend on the degree of risk, the
number of person at risk, and the practicability of the control measures.

For the purpose of prioritising action to control risks, two categories can be assigned
under significant risk:

Category 1

Risks to be controlled to below the permissible exposure limits or to as low as

reasonably practicable (ALARP) where no limits are specified. Under the
Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994, practicable means practicable after
taking into considerations:

a) the severity of the risk;

b) the state of knowledge about the risk and the availability and
suitability of ways of removing or mitigating the risk; and
c) the cost of removing or mitigating the risk.

Action to control risks under category 1 is considered to be of lower priority

than controlling those risks under category 2.

Use Form E to summarise the risk conclusion for each chemical found in the
work unit.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 38

Category 2
This is considered intolerable risk, where the chemical hazardous to health
should be eliminated. If this is not possible then substitution of the hazardous
chemical with a less hazardous chemical; total enclosure of the process and
handling system; or isolation of the work to control emission of chemicals
hazardous to health is to be adopted so that employees exposure are kept well
below the permissible exposure limits.

For example,

A work unit J exposed to chemical Y with hazard rating of 5 and exposure rating of 1
(i.e. risk rating of 3). Another work unit K is exposed to chemical Z with hazard rating
of 3 and exposure rating of 5 risk rating of 4.

This shows that the control strategies for J would be based on elimination of chemical
Y, possibly by substituting Y with a less hazardous chemical (i.e. low hazard rating)
so that the risk now will be not significant.
For K, the control strategies will be based on the reduction of exposures to a level
where the exposure rating is 1.

10.3. Conclusions of CHRA

Based on the risk decision and the assessment of existing control measures there are 4
conclusions that could be reached from the assessment. These conclusions are denoted
by C1, C2, C3, C4 or C5.

C1: Risks not significant now and not likely to increase in future

If the assessment shows that a hazardous chemical is: -

Already controlled or can be readily controlled in accordance with the
CSDS; and
There is not a significant risk to health
then the assessment is complete. The likely conclusion is that the risks are not
significant now and not likely to increase in future.

C2: Risk significant but already adequately controlled could

increase in future.

This conclusion applies to conditions where adverse health effects could

increase in future, due to control measures failure or deterioration. Risks,
while at present adequately controlled, could increase in future due to, for
example: -

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 39

Undetected deterioration in the efficiency of control measures;

Plant, equipment (including personal protective equipment) or system
Control measures not used properly;
Human error, from lack of awareness, monitoring failure or inadequate
Changes in methods or rate of work;
A significant increase in the quantity of chemicals hazardous to health

C3: Risks significant now, and not adequately controlled

This conclusion applies to conditions where workers are at risk of adverse

health effects since their exposure to the hazardous chemical is not adequately

C4: Uncertain about Risk: Insufficient information

This conclusion is arrived at if there is insufficient information to determine

the degree of hazard.

C5: Uncertain about Risk: Uncertain about degree and extent of


This conclusion is arrived at if the level of exposure cannot be estimated with


The conclusion of the assessment, taking into considerations the significance of risk
and the adequacy of control measures, is summarised in Table 13 below:

Table 13: Conclusion of Assessment.


Risk Not Significant - C1
Risk Significant Adequate C2
Not Adequate C3
Insufficient Information - C4
Uncertain about exposure - C5

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 40

Chapter 11

The actions to be taken are based on the risk decision obtained at the end of the
assessment. These actions include:

a) Taking appropriate measures to control overexposures;

b) Measures to eliminate the risk if the risk is intolerable;
c) Ending assessment and setting new date for reassessment or review of
d) Determining whether monitoring of exposures and health surveillance is
e) Planning out long term strategies to control exposure to as low as reasonably
f) Obtaining information or specialist advice on certain issues; and
g) Maintaining control equipment in good working order by implementing
preventive maintenance programme.

11.1. Actions to be taken

For risk decision C1 the actions required are:

- End current assessment; and

- Review assessment every five years or when there is a change in
circumstances or as directed by DOSH.

For risk decision C2 the actions required are:

- Determine precautions to maintain controls and minimise chances of

higher exposure occurring;
- Determine additional measures for regaining control if a high-risk event
occurs, despite precautions;
- Identify measures, procedures and equipment to prevent or control any
accidental emission of chemical hazardous to health;
- Determine if monitoring or health surveillance is required to check on
effectiveness of controls; and
- Review assessment every five years or when there is a change in
circumstances or as directed by DOSH.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 41

For risk decision C3 the actions required are:

- Identify and implement immediate measures and procedures for preventing

or controlling exposure;
- Identify measures, procedures and equipment to prevent or control any
accidental emission of chemical hazardous to health;
- Establish the need to stop the process;
- Begin review of longer terms control requirements;
- Re-evaluate exposure when the upgraded control measures are in place;
- Determine if monitoring or health surveillance is required;
- Determine if training and retraining of employees is required
- Review assessment every five years or when there is a change in
circumstances or as directed by DOSH.

For risk decision C4 the actions required are:

- Obtain additional information. Obtain specialist advice if necessary;

- Meanwhile, implement good work practices to minimise exposure.

For risk decision C5 the actions required are:

- Conduct a more detailed assessment. Obtain specialist advice if necessary;

- Meanwhile, implement good work practices to minimise exposure.

11.2. Specific Actions to be Taken

Apart from the general line of action to be taken under 11.1 exposure to these
chemical substances warrant special attention and action: -

a) Chemicals with ‘sk’ notation;

b) Carcinogens, respiratory sensitisers; and
c) Situations likely to cause immediate danger to life or property

11.2.1. Chemicals with ‘sk’ notation

Skin exposure needs control regardless of absorbed dose. Skin contact is to be

prevented or minimised by the use of suitable personal protective equipment
or clothing.

11.2.2. Carcinogens, respiratory sensitisers

Exposures to carcinogens or respiratory sensitisers are to be avoided or

controlled to as low as is reasonably practicable. Respiratory protection to be
made mandatory irrespective of absorbed dose or airborne concentration. For
detailed actions for exposure to carcinogens, please refer to the “Guidelines
for the Control of Chemicals Hazardous to Health”.
Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 42

11.2.1 Immediate danger to life or property

Under regulation 12(2) of USECHH Regulations 2000 the assessment must

inform the employer immediately about the immediate danger arising from the
place of work, plant, or process; or arising from the use of chemicals.

11.3. Necessity for Employee Exposure Monitoring Programme

Monitoring is to be conducted on employees exposed to chemicals hazardous to

health listed in Schedule II of the USECHH Regulations 2000 and where an
assessment shows that
• It is required to ensure that the employees exposure levels are maintained below
the Permissible Exposure Limits; or
• It is requisite for ensuring the maintenance of adequate control of the employees
to chemicals hazardous to health; and
• There is an approved method of sampling and analysis for the chemical hazardous
to health

A hygiene technician who is registered with the Department of Occupational Safety

and Health must conduct monitoring of exposure in order to comply with the law.

Therefore in recommending an employee exposure-monitoring programme, the

identity of the chemical hazardous to health, the perceived exposure level, the
availability of an occupational exposure standard and the availability of an approved
method of sampling and analysis are to be considered.

11.4. Necessity for Health Surveillance Programme

Health surveillance programme is to be conducted on those workers handling any

scheduled chemical (Schedule II to the USECHH Regulations 2000) and where an
assessment shows that:
• There is an identifiable work-related disease or adverse health effects
for that hazardous chemical used in the work;
• It is likely that the disease or condition might occur during the
conduct of the work; and
• Valid techniques are available to detect early signs of the disease or
A registered occupational health doctor must conduct medical surveillance, which
form part of the health surveillance programme.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 43

11.5. Necessity for Employee Training & Retraining

Training is necessary for those employees who are exposed or are likely to be exposed
to chemicals hazardous to health. These include:

• Workers who may be exposed to a chemical hazardous to health

• Supervisors of workers at risk from exposure to a chemical hazardous to health
• Members of a safety and health committee
• Workers responsible for the purchasing of a chemical hazardous to health
• Those who have direct involvement in fire or other emergency action

The training provided is to enable them to know, as a minimum:

(a) The risk to health created by such exposure; and
(b) The precautions that should be taken.

The scope of training should include

• Legislative requirements
o General duties of employer, chemical suppliers, and employees
o Purpose and basic requirements for health surveillance
• Information on chemical hazardous to health
o Recognise and interpret CSDS and labels
o Ability to use chemical register and access the CSDS
o Understanding of any work practice or procedure to be followed in the
use of chemical hazardous to health
o Understanding of control measure to be used in the workplace
• Personal safety
o Understanding of routes of entry
o Risks presented by chemical hazardous to health
o Methods used to control risks
o Precautions taken for a particular risk
o Correct use, fit and maintenance of personal protective equipment and
• Emergency procedures
o Procedures to be followed in an emergency
o First aid or incident reporting procedures to be followed in case of
injury or illness

Retraining of employees should be carried out

• At least once a year
• Each time there is a change in
o Information provided on a CSDS
o Any hazard information available
o A control measure
• Each time a worker is assigned to:
o A new task; or
o A new work area.
Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 44

Chapter 12

The assessor shall communicate the result of the assessment to the employer in the form of a
report containing the following information:

Executive Summary
- One page summary of the purpose, main activities, findings and conclusions.

- Description of work site, processes carried out and workers
- Summary of previous assessments and findings

Assessment Methods
- Describe the assessment methodology

- Results of hazard determination for the chemicals used/exposed to
- Results of exposure assessment
- Adequacy of existing control measures
- Risk decisions

Discussion of findings
- Discuss factors that contribute to the significant health risks

Action to be taken
- List down the actions to be taken by the employer in accordance with The
Occupational Safety and Health (Use and Standard Exposure of Chemicals
Hazardous to Health) Regulations 2000Recommendations to minimize the health
risks of workers to chemicals

Assessor’s Particulars
- Name and DOSH Registration Reference
- Location and Date of Assessment

- Forms A, B, C, D, E and F
- Machines lay-out and the location of the workers selected for assessment
- Process flow-chart
- Other relevant information

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 45

Chapter 13

Review of an assessment is necessary to check whether the risk situation has changed or there
is a need to change the control strategies or alter exposure parameters. A review is to be
carried out when

a) There has been a significant change in the work to which the assessment relates;
b) More than five years have elapsed since the last assessment; or
c) Directed by the Director General, Deputy Director General or the Director of
Occupational Safety and Health.

Significant change in the work means changes that may affect the risk decisions, the
adequacy of control measures or the conclusion of an assessment. This may include
• Changes in the chemicals used or handled; or
• Increasing or decreasing utilisation of chemicals hazardous to health used; or
• Changes in the methods or rate of work; or
• Deterioration in the efficiency of control equipment; or
• Plant failure or system failure; or
• New information on the hazards of the chemical becomes available; or
• New or improved control measures become practicable.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 46

1. The Australian National Occupational Health and Safety Commission’s ‘Guidance

Note for the Assessment of Health Risk Arising from the Use of Hazardous Substances
in the Workplace’, 1994.

2. ‘Health Risk Assessment’, paper presented by Anuar Mohd. Mokhtar at the

government occupational safety and health officers’ seminar, Port Dickson, Oct.

3. Code of Practice for the Management of Hazardous Substances, Division of

Workplace Health and Safety, Department of Employment, Vocational Education,
Training and Industrial Relations, Queensland, Australia, 1995.

4. Illing, H.P.A (1991), Extrapolating from Toxicity Data to Occupational Exposure

Limits: Some Considerations, Ann. Occup. Hyg., Vol 35., No.6. pp 569-580

5. Assessment of The Health Risks Arising From The Use of Hazardous Chemicals in
The Workplace - A Manual of Recommended Practice, Department of Occupational
Safety and Health, Malaysia, First Edition, 1996.

6. Mesch, K.A. and Kugele, T.G. (1992) Use of Organotin Stabilisers-Risk Assessment
Analysis. Journal of Vinyl Technology 14.

7. Exxon Exposure Assessment Strategy-User'

s Guide (1996). Exxon Biomedical
Sciences, Inc., New Jersey, USA.

8. P.U.(A) 131: Occupational Safety and Health (Use and Standard of Exposure of
Chemicals Hazardous to Health) Regulations 2000. Malaysian government gazette:
4th April 2000.

9. P.U.(A) 143: Occupational Safety and Health (Classification, Packaging and

Labelling of Hazardous Chemicals) Regulations 1997. Malaysian government
gazette: 15th April 1997.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 47



In industry inhalation is the most significant route of entry. The respiratory system consists of the upper
respiratory tract (nose, mouth and throat), the air passage ways (trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and respiratory
bronchioles) and the gas exchange area (alveoli). The total surface area of the alveoli in a healthy adult is 90
square metres. A worker performing a moderate task inhales about 8.5 cubic metres of air in the course of an 8-
hour shift.

For liquid or solid particulate, size and shape of the particles are among the key factors that influence the site of
deposition, retention, distribution and ultimate health effect. Generally particles larger than 50 µm aerodynamic
diameter are prevented from entering the system as a result of inadequate suction power. Particles between 10
and 50 µm are effectively filtered in the nose. Particles of 7-10 µm on impact with the mucous surface are
carried outwards by the ciliary escalator up the pharynx within a few hours where they are either expectorated or
swallowed. Particles of 0.5-7 µm aerodynamic diameter are deposited in the respiratory bronchioles and alveoli.
Very soluble particles pass through the lungs in minutes. Less soluble matter trapped in the alveolar region is
scavenged by large phagocytic cells which either cross the alveolar membrane or exit via the ciliary escalator to
be ultimately swallowed or expectorated. Particles smaller than 0.5 µm and gases remain airborne and are
exhaled out.

One of the prime functions of the skin is to provide a protective barrier for the body against invasion by foreign
substances. The skin is not a perfect barrier and its large surface area (about 1.7 square metres for the average
adult) and its direct contact with the external milieu render it vulnerable to hostile environment. Absorption
through the skin is another important route of chemical entry, especially for chemicals that are lipid soluble such
as pesticides. These chemical penetrated the intact skin and get into the blood stream. Other chemicals may
enter the body through cuts or damaged skin. Different parts of the body have different skin structure and
thickness and hence different resistance to chemical penetration.

Penetration of organophosphates and carbamate insecticides through human skin:

Site *Penetration potential

Forearm 1
Palm of hand 1
Dorsum of hand 2
Abdomen 2
Follicle-rich sites (e.g. scalp, forehead, angle of jaw) 4
Intergenious axilla 4 -7
Scrotum almost complete

*Using the forearm as a frame of reference, i.e. penetration potential of 1

Ingestion does not constitute a significant route of exposure of industrial chemicals because:
•Fewer chemicals can enter via this route.
•The duration of exposure via ingestion is usually shorter than by any other routes
•For many chemicals oral toxicity is lower than inhalation toxicity or skin penetration
•The hazard can be significantly reduced by the prohibition of eating or drinking in the workplace and
good personal hygiene.

For some chemicals ingestion can become problematic when personal hygiene is poor. Awareness of
this hazard is essential to minimise accidental contact by contaminated skin or protective gloves. Accidental,
careless or irresponsible contamination of the food chain can also lead to ingestion hazard.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 48



Acute & Chronic Effects

Acute effects are effects that are caused by short periods of exposure (e.g. seconds or
minutes) to high concentrations of a substance. An example of acute effect is carbon
monoxide poisoning where a brief exposure to a high concentration of carbon
monoxide causes asphyxiation.
Chronic effects or long-term effects are effects that resulted from repeated or
prolonged exposure (continuing day after day or week after week), typically involving
relatively low levels of a substance. An example of chronic effect is silicosis, where
prolonged exposure over a number of years to crystalline silica causes fibrosis of the

Local & Systemic Effects

A local effect is one that occurs at the site of first contact with the chemical. An
example is the corrosive action (chemical burn) on the skin caused by an acid
spillage. Irritation of the eyes, skin or the respiratory system is another example of
local effect.
A systemic effect occurs at a site distant from the initial point of contact, and
takes place after a chemical has been absorbed into the body. An example is lead that
enters the body either by inhalation of dust of fumes or by ingestion. It is then
absorbed into the blood where it exerts its effect by interfering in the production of
haemoglobin in red blood cells. Chronic lead poisoning may result in a reduced ability
of the blood to distribute oxygen throughout the body, a condition known as anaemia.

Immediate & Delayed Effects

Immediate effects are toxic effects that develop soon after exposure occurs. An
example is narcosis due to the inhalation of a high concentration of toluene vapour.
Delayed effects are effects occurring some time after exposure has taken
place. An example is mesothelioma, a lung cancer that occurs many years after first
exposure to asbestos fibres.

Target Organs

The target organ of target tissue is the organ or tissue where adverse effect occurs.
This differs from chemical to chemical as different chemical substance may affect
different organs in the body in different ways. The reason for this may be the
tendency of a particular to accumulate in a specific tissue or organ. Cadmium, for
example, can accumulate in the kidneys and, with repeated exposure can cause kidney
failure. For some chemical substance there may be more than one target organ. For
example, exposure to inorganic mercury compounds can lead to renal toxicity and
central nervous system toxicity.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 49

Reversible and Irreversible Effects

Reversible effects are effects that subside once exposure ceases. An example is the
irritation or the eyes, skin and respiratory tract, resulting from exposure to chlorine
gas. These effects recede once exposure ceases.
Irreversible effects are effects that remain following the cessation of exposure,
and may even progress. Cancer is a typical example of an irreversible effect. n-
Hexane is a chemical that demonstrates both reversible and irreversible effects,
depending on the level and duration of exposure. Repeated exposure to n-hexane can
cause peripheral neuropathy (disease of the peripheral nerves), an irreversible effect.
Acute exposure to n-hexane can lead to narcosis, due to a repressive effect on the
central nervous system.

Some Specific Effects

Carcinogenicity is a multistage process whereby exposure to a substance results in

genetic damage within a cell, leading ultimately to uncontrolled proliferation of cells
and the induction of tumour. Benzene is a carcinogen in that it causes leukaemia in
exposed workers.
Mutagenicity refers to a permanent change in the genetic material of a cell,
which may be passes to the next generation of cells. If a substance causes mutations in
the genetic materials of germ cells (reproductive cells, including sperm or ova), the
genetic damage may be passed to offspring. If a substance causes mutations in
somatic cells (non-reproductive cells in the body), this could provide the basis for the
development of cancer.

Teratogenicity is the process that induces the formation of developmental

abnormalities in a foetus. Known teratogens include the drug thalidomide, ethyl
glycol, and dimethyl formamide.

Sensitisation or allergic reaction is the immunological reaction of the body to the

presence of a particular substance called allergen. Sensitisation may appear after
repeated contact with an allergen. Once sensitisation has been induced, even low
doses can provoke a reaction.
• Skin sensitisers are substances that induce an immunologically mediated skin
reaction in certain individuals as a result of skin contact. Chromium compounds
(trivalent and hexavalent compounds) is an example of a skin allergen or

• Respiratory sensitisers (or asthmagens) are substances that induce a state of

specific airway hyper-responsiveness in particular individuals. The mechanism
involved in respiratory sensitisation may be immunological or irritant. Toluene
diisocyanate is an example of a respiratory sensitiser that can cause occupational
asthma to exposed person.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 50



1. Deciding the Assessor

2. Gather Information

Information Go to step 7: C4

3. Divide into Work Unit

4. Determine Degree of

5. Evaluate Exposures

Estimated with Go to step 7: C5
certainty ?

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 51


6. Assess Adequacy of
Control Measure

7. Conclude Assessment Risk C1: Risk Not

Significant Significant Now

8. Identify Actions to be
Taken C2: Risk
Control Significant but
Adequate? Not Adequately

9. Keep Record C3: Risk
Significant and
Not Adequately

10. Review Assessment

C4: Insufficient

C5: Uncertain
About Exposure

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 52




Any person wishing to be registered, as an Assessor or a Hygiene Technician or an

Occupational Health Doctor must fulfil the following requirements:

a) be a Malaysian citizen; or if a foreign resident, must hold a valid Malaysian working

b) must not be less than twenty-one (21) years of age at the time of submitting application;
c) is a healthy person of good character;
d) has not been found guilty for any act or omission which amounts to
professional negligence as a professional engineer or a medical practitioner;
e) has not been convicted of an offence under the Act or regulations made there under; and
f) has not been convicted of an offence under any law and sentenced to more than one year
imprisonment or a fine of more than two thousand Malaysian ringgit.

Qualification & Training

A person applying to be registered with the Director General as an Assessor, in addition to

the requirements of the above paragraph, must at least: -

a) be a certified industrial hygienist as recognised by the American Board of Industrial

Hygiene or by any other accredited certification body recognised by DOSH;


b) (i) possess a degree or postgraduate diploma in occupational

safety and health; occupational safety; occupational health; or
industrial/occupational hygiene recognised* by the Government of Malaysia;
(ii) has a minimum of one (1) year practice in occupational safety and health;
(iii) has conducted a chemical health risk assessment or has successfully attended
the course for assessor on chemical health risk assessment conducted by
NIOSH or by any training provider recognised by DOSH


c) (i) possess a degree in medicine, engineering, physics, chemistry, biochemistry,

ergonomics or natural and applied sciences, recognised* by the Government
of Malaysia; and
(ii) has a minimum of three (3) years practice in occupational safety and health;
(iii) has conducted a chemical health risk assessment or has successfully attended
the course for assessor on chemical health risk assessment conducted by
NIOSH or by any training provider recognised by DOSH;

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 53


d) (i) possess a diploma in engineering, physics, chemistry, biochemistry,

ergonomics or natural and applied sciences recognised* by the Government of
Malaysia; and
(ii) has a minimum of five (5) years practice in occupational safety and health;
(iii) has conducted a chemical health risk assessment or has successfully attended
the course for assessor on chemical health risk assessment conducted by
NIOSH or by any training provider recognised by DOSH;


e) (i) possess the Higher School Certificate / Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia
(STPM) , a Polytechnic certificate or equivalent with at least a credit in
chemistry at the Malaysian Certificate of Education (MCE) / the Sijil
Persekolahan Malaysia (SPM) level;
(ii) has a minimum of seven (7) years practice in occupational safety and health;
(iii) has successfully attended the course for assessor on chemical health risk
assessment conducted by NIOSH or by any training provider recognised by
DOSH; and
(iv) has passed the examination for assessors conducted by NIOSH.


f) (i) a registered safety and health officer;

(ii) has a minimum of ten (10) years practice in occupational safety and health;
(iii) has successfully attended the course for assessor on chemical health risk
assessment conducted by NIOSH or by any training provider recognised by
DOSH; and
(iv) has passed the examination for assessors conducted by NIOSH.

* However for those with qualifications not recognised by the Government of Malaysia they
may be registered on condition that they, in addition to the respective conditions under
paragraphs b), c) or d) had passed the examination for assessor conducted by NIOSH.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 54

Name and Address of Company Assessed: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Date of Assessment : ……………………………………………..

Work Area/ Work Unit No. Workers Chemicals hazardous to Assessment Recommendations
Department in Work Unit health in Work Unit Conclusions

I hereby declare that the particulars in this report are accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Name:. ……………………………………………………………………………. (Signature of Assessor)

Registration No. : ………………………………… Date:

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 55
Disediakan oleh (nama dan tandatangan) : …..………………………………………… Tarikh disediakan: ___/ ___/ ____

Jawatan: ……………………….………………………………………………………..



Nama dan Alamat Tempat Kerja: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Poskod: ________________

No. Telefon: ____________ No. Fax: ______________ No. Pendaftaran JKKP (jika ada): _______________ Jumlah Pekerja: Lelaki ______ Perempuan: ___________


Bilangan bahan kimia digunakan Bilangan bahan kimia yang dihasilkan Bilangan sisa bahan kimia yang dihasilkan


Bil. Nama Bahan/ Nama Kimia/ Jenis CSDS Lokasi Kimia Kuantiti Nama dan No. CAS Kelas
Produk Ramuan Aktif * ** Digunakan/ *** Alamat Pembekal #

Penggunaan Keluaran Penstoran


* Jenis: B = Bahan keluaran sampingan O = Bahan selainnya P = Produk R = Bahan mentah W= Bahan buangan
** CSDS: Kewujudan Risalah Keselamatan Bahan Kimia; Tandakan (Y) jika ada; dan (N) jika tiada
*** Kuantiti: Nyatakan sama ada purata setahun atau sebulan
**** No. CAS: Nombor bahan kimia seperti yang didaftar dengan '
Chemical Abstract Service'di Amerika Syarikat
# Kelas: Pengelasan bahan kimia menurut Peraturan-Peraturan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (Pengelasan, Pembungkusan dan Perlabelan Bahan Kimia Berbahaya), 1997.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 56



The duty to furnish an up-to-date CSDS for each hazardous chemical is on the supplier as
stipulated under Regulation 9(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health (Classification,
Packaging and Labelling of Hazardous Chemicals) Regulations 1997 [P.U. (A) 143],
hereinafter referred to as the Regulations. A supplier is a person who supplies chemicals and
includes a formulator, a manufacturer, an importer or a distributor.

The information that a supplier should provide on the CSDS is stipulated in Regulation 9(2)
of the Regulations and consists of the following:

(a) The chemical product itself including the trade or common name of the chemical
and the company identification with details of the supplier ;
(b) The composition of the ingredients that clearly identifies the hazardous
chemical for the purpose of conducting a hazard evaluation;
(c) Hazard identification;
(d) First-aid measures;
(e) Fire-fighting measures;
(f) Accidental release measures
(g) Handling and storage;
(h) Exposure controls and personal protection (including possible
methods of monitoring workplace exposure);
(i) Physical and chemical properties;
(j) Stability and reactivity;
(k) Toxicological information (including the potential routes of entry into
the body and the possibility of synergism with other chemicals or hazards
encountered at work);
(l) Ecological information;
(m) Disposal information;
(n) Transport information; and
(o) Date of preparation of the Chemical Safety Data

The regulations also require that the supplier reviews and revises the CSDS whenever there are
new information on the particular hazardous chemical.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 57



Example 1:

Preparation Z contains 20% benzene, 50% xylene, and 30% non-hazardous

ingredients. This preparation has been categorised as carcinogenic (R45 (1)), toxic
(R48, R23/24/25), harmful (R20/21), and irritant (R38). By referring to Table 2,
preparation Z is reclassified for assessment purposes as below:

Group 1: Carcinogenic-R45 (1) (HR=5)

Toxic-R48 (HR=4)
Toxic-R23/24/25 (HR=4)
Harmful-R20/21 (HR=3)
Group 2: Skin irritant-R38 (HR=2)
a) Hazard rating for preparation X is 5 based on its carcinogenic effect.
b) The exposure assessment necessary is on ALL routes of exposure since the
chemical may be hazardous through any routes of entry or contact
c) Assign ‘sk’ notation due to skin irritant.

Example 2:

Preparation Y contains 45% sulphuric acid and 55% non-hazardous ingredients. This
preparation has been classified as corrosive (R35). Referring to Table 2 Y is

Group 2: Corrosive-R35 (HR=4)

a) Hazard rating for preparation Y is 4 (corrosive to skin & eyes).
a) The exposure assessment necessary is only for skin & eye contact.
b) Assign ‘sk’ notation since corrosive to eyes or skin.

Example 3:

A chemical preparation containing 30% xylene and 70% non-hazardous ingredients.

This preparation has been determined to be harmful by inhalation and in contact with
skin (R20/21) and irritating to skin (R38). Referring to Table 2, this preparation is
reclassified for assessment as follows:

Group 1: Harmful-R20/21 (HR=3)

Group 2: Skin irritant-R38 (HR=2)
a) Hazard rating for preparation is 3 (harmful through inhalation & skin contact)
b) The exposure assessment necessary is for inhalation & skin contact
c) Assign ‘sk’ notation.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 58

Sampling Strategy
Objective of Strategy

The objective of the sampling strategy is to reduce the variation in the sampling results so that a reliable
estimate can be made of the time- weighted average exposure concentration.

Variations in Results

Estimates of occupational exposure averages are affected by a number of factors. Error in sampling can broadly
be categorised as random error and systematic error.

Random errors cannot be prevented but can be accounted for statistically. Typical random errors are:
-random sampling device errors (as random fluctuations in pump flow rate)
-random analytical method errors (as random fluctuations in a chemical laboratory procedure)
-random intraday (within day) environmental fluctuations in a contaminant’s concentration.
-random interday (between days) environmental fluctuations in a contaminants concentration

Systematic errors are errors cannot be accounted for statistically but can be prevented. These errors include:
-systematic errors in the measurement (improper calibration, improper use of equipment, erroneous
recording of data, etc.) and
-systematic changes in a contaminant’s airborne concentration (as due to the employee moving to a
different exposure concentration or shutting off an exhaust fan)

Sampler Deployment

The deployment of samplers will depend on the purpose of sampling, whether concerning contaminant
emissions or concerning contaminant exposures. For assessing emissions, the device is located at a fixed point
and for assessing exposure, the sampler is placed within the breathing zone of the exposed worker.

Basically there is two type of sampling:

a) area sampling- located at fixed points in the vicinity of contaminant sources; and
b) personal sampling - attached to workers with the sampling head within the breathing zone.

The breathing zone is an ill-defined atmospheric region extending outwards from the face and chest within
which it is assumed that the concentration of the contaminant is identical with that in which air actually enters
the nose. In order to overcome the practical difficulties associated with measurement at the entrance to the nose,
it is common practice to locate the sampler at an unspecified distance in front of the face or by attaching it at the
worker’s shirt collar or lapel.
(Although the commonest site is the lapel, studies have shown that sampler mounted at that location is capable
of producing a result anywhere from one half to twice the actual exposure concentration).

Number and duration of samples

The results of exposure sampling are intended for eventual comparison with some form of hygiene standard
such as Occupational Exposure Limits of Threshold Limit Values. These standards have been developed usually
from dose-effect relationships where the dose is the estimated body burden of the contaminant accumulated over
a short time for a substance producing acute effects or over a long period for a substance giving rise to chronic
effects. In order to predict the biological effects of exposure to a fast acting contaminant, it is necessary to
sample for brief periods of time so as to detect the transient concentration peaks. Conversely if the airborne
substance only produces its effects in the long term after a build-up of a large body burden, then a series of
measurements of atmospheric concentrations carried out over an extended time period will be appropriate.

The possible sampling systems are listed below in descending order of accuracy in estimating exposure:

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 59

a) Full period consecutive samples

- Obtaining several samples, whether equal or unequal time duration, obtained during the
entire period appropriate to standard (e.g. 8 hours)
b) Full period single sample
- Involves taking of a single sample for full period of standard. It has the advantage of less
analytical cost. This system is practical in situation where the dust concentration is low.

c) Partial period consecutive samples

-One or several samples, whether equal or unequal time duration are
Obtained for only a portion of the period appropriate to the standard.
This portion of the period should cover at least 70 to 80% of the full period.
d) Grab samples
-Samples taken over some number of short periods of time (less than 1 hour each-generally
only minutes to seconds). These samples are taken at random intervals over the period of time
for which the standard is defined.

Who to sample ?

The purpose is to get the highest exposure from a group of workers doing a similar job at the same work area.
The highest exposed worker may be determined from observation of the workplace. These factors may be
considered when selecting the highest risk worker:
a) nearness to source;
b) duration and frequency of exposure;
c) nature of work or work practice; and
d) availability of control measures
If it is not possible to identify the most exposed worker to be sampled due to the homogeneity of the exposure,
then a random selection workers need to be carried out such that a least one of the randomly selected worker for
sampling will represent the high exposure subgroup.

In random selection, the following steps are adopted:

a) a list of workers is prepared,;
b) number the worker consecutively 1,2,3, … ,n ;
c) determine the sample size N from a statistical table to obtain a high probability of
sampling a high risk employee (e.g. sample size for top 20% and confidence level of 95%
given below)
d) randomly select the N workers by using a table of random numbers (or other generated
random numbers) by selecting an arbitrary starting point, and from there, list the first N
different integers between 1 and n.

Table : Sample size for top 20% and confidence 0.95

Size of group 7-8 9-11 12-14 15-18 19-26 27-43 44-50 50-∝
Required no. of
measured worker 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14

Air Sampling Procedures

The procedure for air sampling can be divided into 3 stages:

a) preparation
b) taking samples
c) analyse sample


Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 60

Preparation for monitoring of airborne contaminant is the crucial stage in deciding the best strategy to be
adopted. It starts with the preliminary inspection and ends when samples are collected. Steps in the preparatory
stage are:

• preliminary inspection is carried out to identify the air contaminants to be sampled and the high
risk workers for exposure monitoring
• look up air sampling method (e.g. NIOSH Methods) to determine the instruments to be used; the
appropriate sampling media; the pump flow rate; the number of samples to be prepared based on
the minimum and maximum sample volume recommended; the number of blanks; and the sample
handling and transport requirements
• discharging and charging of pump batteries
• calibration of pumps to desired flow rate
• preparation of sampling media
• e.g. filters to be conditioned inside the weighing room before initial weighing
• packing of sampling media
• check availability of monitoring forms, whirling hygrometer and other equipment

Taking samples

Taking samples involve various activities from the assembling of sampling instruments to the transportation of
samples for chemical analysis. The steps involved are:
• assemble sampling instruments
• assemble selected workers & record their particular
• brief them on the purpose of monitoring & the do’s and don’ts
• mount the sampling device on to the workers
• start pump & record start time
• during monitoring,
• check pump flow rate & condition of sampling device & sample
• measure & record the wet and dry bulb temperatures & the record weather conditions
• observe work routines and practices
• observe availability and effectiveness of control measures
• at the end of sampling period,
• collect the samples and packed properly so as not to dislodge particulate or escape of contaminant
during handling & transportation of sample
• check pump flow rate - final flow rate to be within ± 10% of the initial flow rate
• sent sample for analysis

Analyse sample

Analysing of samples includes the chemical analysis and the determination of the sample concentration.
• for gravimetric analysis, condition the filter first before weighing
• determine the amount of sample collected
• determine the volume of air sampled ( flow rate X sampling duration )
• determine contaminant concentration
• blanks correction

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 61



In Malaysia the occupational exposure limits (OEL) are termed Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL)
and these are found in various Regulations gazetted by the Government. For the purpose of this
manual, the OEL to be used is the Malaysian PEL.

There are three types of PEL found in the Regulations:

• TWA limit
-the time-weighted average airborne concentration for a normal eight- hour workday,
to which nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed, day after day, without any
adverse effect.
• ceiling limit
-the airborne concentration that should not be exceeded during any part of the
working day.
• maximum exposure limit
-a fifteen-minute time-weighted average airborne concentration that is defined as
three times the TWA

Where a PEL is not available for a chemical substance, the assessor may use other OEL such as the
Threshold Limit Values (TLV) published by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial
Hygienists (ACGIH).

The OEL for a liquid mixtures where the atmospheric composition of the vapour above the mixture is
similar to that of the mixture, may be determined by the use of the following formula if the percentage
weight composition and OEL of individual components are known:

1/ OEL = f1/OEL1 + f2/OEL2 + … + fn/OELn

where fn is the fraction by weight of component n in the mixture.

An application of this formula to calculate the ‘in-house’ OEL is for an organic solvent mixture such
as white spirit that contained alkanes, cycloalkanes, and aromatics.

For work shifts longer than eight hours adjustment has to be made to the OEL since the longer the day
over which the contaminant is absorbed, the shorter the period of recovery before the next insult. This
adjustment is by multiplying the OEL with the following factor (Brief and Scala, 1975):
8 x 24 - H
H 16
where H is the number of hours worked.

For example, a worker working on a 12-hour work shift will be working for 12 hours and then rest for
the next 12 hours (the recovery period) before the next 12 hours exposure. The adjustment factor is
0.5, meaning that the OEL for this worker is half that for a worker working an 8-hour shift.
The limitation of this formula is that it does not apply to continuous 24-hour
exposure, work periods of less than 7-8 hours per day or 35 hours per week or for concentration-
dependent acute toxicant.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 62




Example 1: Measurements from Direct Reading Instruments (e.g. MIRAN 1BX)-

Similar exposures during each task

A worker is exposed to toluene once a day for a five-day working week. The average
duration of exposure to toluene is about 3.5 hours per day. Measurement using direct
reading equipment showed that the average concentration of toluene is 350 ppm
(PEL = 200 ppm).

Computation: TWA concentration = (3.5 x 350) + (4.5x 0)

= 153 ppm (or 0.8 PEL)

Example 2: Integrated Sampling – Partial Period Consecutive Samples

A worker is exposed to asbestos fibres. Results of two samples taken over an 8-hour
period are:
Duration Results
200 minutes 1.1 fibre/ml
230 minutes 1.3 fibre/ml
(PEL for asbestos exposure is 1 fibre/ml)?

What is his degree of exposure assuming

a) similar exposure for the unmeasured time period?
b) zero exposure for the unmeasured time period?

a) Similar exposure:
TWA concentration = (1.1 x 200) + (1.3 x 230)
200 + 230

= 1.2 fibre/ml (or 1.2PEL)

b) Zero exposure:
TWA concentration = (1.1 x 200) + (1.3 x 230) + (0 x 50)
200 + 230 + 50
= 519

= 1.08 fibre/ml (or 1.08PEL)

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 63


Estimation of Exposures

The qualitative estimation of exposure is based on an exposure model that consists

essentially of a source, a transmission path and a receiver (the worker). The dose and
effect resulting from exposure is also taken into account. An outline of the model is
given below:

Source Path Receiver


It should be noted that exposure modelling is subject to considerable uncertainty

(C.N. Gray, 1999)

The qualitative exposure assessment is based on industrial hygiene professional

judgement. This generally involves the comparison of observed exposure situation
with other operations the assessor has experienced and for which measured exposure
data are available.

It is based on the concept that the amount of chemical absorbed or contacted or in

contact with the body depends on degree of chemical release or presence and the
degree of reception or retention at the boundary of contact.

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 64



The intensity or magnitude of exposure at the route of entry can be estimated by looking at the various
parameters that contributes toward the accumulation or build-up of the chemical substance assessed at the
boundaries of exposure (e.g. breathing zone for inhalation exposure).


a) Contaminant Release Rate

physical form of chemical, size and density
• whether gas, vapour ,airborne particulate – gas & vapour more easily to be released to
volatility & evaporation rate
more volatile (high vapour pressure & low boiling point) more easily vapour will be
released into the air
high evaporation rate means faster release
b) Quantity Used or Handled
quantity used or handled
more used, more will be generated
c) Air Contamination
contamination of surrounding air, clothing or work surfaces
presence in air (visually, odour, sensation)
contamination of work clothing or on work surfaces
type of release
hot or cold process – hot process usually high releases
batch or continuous process- batch process usually higher releases
d) In Vicinity of Source
closeness to source
source/contamination within or outside breathing zone
direct handling
e) In Enclosed/Confine Space Where Contaminant is Present
ventilation rate / accumulation in working environment
enclosed or open work area/space
well ventilated or not


The degree of chemical reception and reception is influenced by the following factors:

a) Work Practice
nature of handling / work practice
manual or mechanised operation
good or bad work practice
b) Air Intake
rate of breathing
carrying out light, moderate or heavy work
c) Contaminated Clothing & Surfaces
degree of contamination
d) Workers Awareness
information, instruction & training
e) Personal Hygiene
cleanliness of face & hands

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 65



The potential for skin or eye absorption is influenced by the following factors

chemical characteristics
the higher the fat solubility the higher is the skin penetrability
the higher the molecular weight the slower is the absorption rate
chemical with ' skin'notation means that it can be easily absorbed through
the skin

condition of the skin

whether healthy, dry, cracked, scarred, damaged

the surface area of contact

the larger the contact area the higher is the degree of chemical absorption
or injury

the site of contact

certain parts of the body are more penetrable than others, e.g. follicle-rich

The potential for skin/eye contact is influenced by these factors:

concentration of chemical in solution or in air

higher concentration of the chemical in solution or in air, the higher is
damage potential

nature of contact
direct or indirect

work practices
good or bad practices affect the degree of skin/eye contact

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 66



SOLVENT Dry Time Relation Degree of Drying

Ethyl Ether C.P 1.0

Petrolene 1.8
Carbon Tetrachloride 1.9
Acetone 2.0
Methyl Acetate 2.2
Ethyl Acetate 85-88% 2.5
Trichlorethylene 2.5
Benzol (Industrial) 2.6 Fast
Methyl Ethyl Ketone 2.7
Isopropyl Acetate 85% 2.7
Ethylene Dichloride 3.0
Solvsol 19/27 3.7
Ethylene Chloride 4.0
Propylene Dichloride 4.1
Troluoil 4.1

Methanol 5.0
Toluol (Industrial) 5.0
Methyl Propyl Ketone 5.2
V.M & P 5.8
Perchlorethylene 6.0
Nor. Propyl Acetate 6.1
Sec. Butyl Acetate 6.5
Solox (Anhydrous) 6.5
Isobutyl Acetate 90% 7.0
Apco thinner 7.0
Ethyl Alcohol, Den. No. 1 7.7 Medium
Solox 8.0
Isoproply Alcohol 99% 8.6
Nor. Propyl Alcohol 9.1
Solvsol 24/34 9.4
Nor. Butyl Acetate 9.6
Diethyl Carbonate 9.6
Methyl Butyl Ketone 9.7
Xylol (Industrial) 9.7
Monochlor Benzol 10.0
Tertiary Butyl Alcohol 11.9
Sec. Butyl Alcohol 14.0

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 67

SOLVENT Dry Time Relation Degree of Drying

Sec. Amyl Acetate 16.9

Amyl Acetate 17.4
Isobutyl Alcohol 17.7
Methyl Cellosoive 18.0
Butyl Propionate 18.0
Pentacetate 20.0
Turpentine 20.0
Butanol 21.0
Sec. Amyl Alcohol 25.0
2-50- W Hi-Flash Naphtha 27.5
Amyl Alcohol (Fusel Oil) 32.1
Di Isopropyl Ketone 33.9 Slow
Ethyl Cellosolve 36.2
Odorless Mineral Spirits 38.6
Ethyl Lactate 40.0
Sec. Hexyl Alcohol 41.7
Solvsol 30/40 43.2
Pentasol 45.0
Hi-Solvency Mineral Spirits 46.7
No. 380 Mineral Spirits 47.0
No. 10 Mineral Spirits 55.0
Distilled Water 60.0
Apco No. 125 60.5
Cellosolve Acetate 65.0
Sec. Butyl Lactate 73.0

Sec. Hexyl Acetate 76.5

Butyl Cellosolve 88.5
Dipentene 89.2
No. 140 Thinner 91.0
Octyl Acetate 152.5
Isobutyl Lactate 156.5
Hexalin 177.5
Solvsol 40/50 270.0 Nil
Methyl Hexalin 276.5
Butyl Lactate 339.0
Excellence 384.0
Special Heavy Naphtha 403.0
Dispersol 425.0
No. 50 Kerosene 626.7
Triethylene Glycol Over 5200.0
Dibutyl Phthalate Over 5200.0

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 68



**TLV (ppm) *OT (ppm) OT/TLV

Acetaldehyde c25 0.5 0.02

Acetic acid (glacial) 10 2.0 0.2
Acetone 750 2.0 0.003
Acrolein 0.1 2.0 20
Acrylonitrile 2 20.0 10
Allyl alcohol 2 2.0 1
Ammonia 25 20.0 0.8
Aniline 2 1.0 0.5
Arsine 0.05 0.5 10
Benzene 10 2.0 0.2
Butane 800 5000 6.25
2-Butanone (MEK) 200 5.0 0.025
n-Butyl Acetate 150 10.0 0.07
Carbon disulphide 10 0.1 0.01
Carbon tetrachloride 5 70.0 14
Chlorine 0.5 3.0 6
Chloroform 10 100.0 10
Cyclohexane 300 300.0 1
Dioxane 25 150.0 6
Ethyl Acetate 400 10.0 0.025
Ethyl alcohol 1000 5.0 0.005
Ethyl ether 400 1.0 0.0025
Ethylene oxide 1 1.0 1
Formaldehyde c0.3 1.0 3.3
Hexone (MIBK) 50 0.5 0.01
Hydrogen chloride c5 10.0 2
Hydrogen cyanide c4.7 1.0 0.2
Hydrogen selenide 0.05 0.5 10
Hydrogen sulphide 10 0.0002 0.00002
Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) 400 50.0 0.125
Methyl alcohol 200 10.0 0.05
Methyl methacrylate 100 0.2 0.002
Methylene chloride 50 200.0 4
Nitrobenzene 1 0.005 0.005
Nitrogen dioxide 3 1.0 0.3
Perchloroethylene (tetrachloroethene) 25 5.0 0.2
Phenol 5 0.3 0.06
Phosgene 0.1 0.5 5
Phosphine 0.3 0.02 0.07
Pyridine 5 0.01 0.002
Stibine 0.1 0.05 0.5
Styrene, monomer 50 0.05 0.001
Toluene 50 2.0 0.04
Toluene-2,4-diisocyanate 0.005 0.2 40
Trichloroethylene (TCE) 50 20.0 0.4
Vinyl toluene 50 25.0 0.5
Xylene 100 0.5 0.005

* Odour threshold ( Ref.: Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene )

** Threhold limit values (Ref.: TLV s and BEIs -ACGIH Handbook)

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 69



Physical Activity Breathing Rate

Light Work

Sitting, moderate arm and trunk movements Low

(E.g. desk work, typing)
Sitting, moderate arm and leg movements
(E.g. playing organ, driving car in traffic)
Standing, light work at machine or bench,
mostly arms

Moderate Work

Sitting, heavy arms and legs movement Medium

Standing, light work at machine or bench, some
walking about
Standing, moderate work at machine or bench,
some walking about
Walking about, with moderate lifting or pushing

Heavy Work

Intermittent heavy lifting, pushing or pulling High

(E.g. pick and shovel work)
Hardest sustained work

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 70












(TABLE 11)

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia December 2000 71


WORK UNIT: ________________________________

No. Name of Chemical & Indicator Physical form Source of Classification of Risk Phrases Skin Hazard
ingredient Information hazard notation ? Rating

CHEMICAL MOVEMENT Include the storage, movement, handling and use, transportation and disposal

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia September 2000


WORK UNIT: _____________________________________

1.WORK AREA 7.EMPLOYEE HEALTH FEEDBACKS Describe any ill-effects experienced by employees


3.NUMBER OF EMPLOYEE (attach list of employees as appendix) 8.REPORT ON HEALTH EFFECTS Summarise cases of health effects reported to employer

Male: Female:
Production workers Maintenance workers 9.WORKERS WITH SUSCEPTIBLE CONDITIONS Describe conditions

Supervisors & Cleaners

Office workers Storekeeper 10.POSSIBILITY OF ABNORMAL EXPOSURES Other than during normal work or operation

Contractors on site R&D workers

Visitors/students/ Forklift/Truck driver 11.POSSIBILITY OF MIXED EXPOSURES Presence of other chemicals affecting the same system/organ
Others Crane operator


From: To:

Work Arrangements (tick): Normal Shift work


Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia September 2000




Chemical Hazardous Task Frequency Routes Of Existing Suitable & Maint. Adequate? Degree Degree MR ER
To Health Duration Entry Controls Effective Testing & Yes / No Chemical Contact/
Yes/No Exam. Release Inhale



Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia September 2000








Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia September 2000


1 2 3 4 5




Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia September 2000



(Comment on whether the control was
appropriate and adequate)


1.4.Work practice/
System of work
1.5.Personal protection

(Whether maintenance was appropriate &
(Provide summary and attach details as
appendix. Whether monitoring was
appropriate & adequate)
(Provide summary and attach details as
appendix. Whether monitoring was
appropriate & adequate)
(Summarise the conclusions, and attach
details as an appendix if appropriate)


(Describe existing training procedures for
work unit)
(Describe existing procedure)
JKKP Registration Number
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF I hereby declare that the assessor has briefed me on the report.
(Name, IC No., Signature & Date)

Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia September 2000

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