Main Idea of Marxism
Main Idea of Marxism
Main Idea of Marxism
Ans. German philosopher Karl Marx is said to be the father of modern socialism or communism. Karl
Marx was the first philosopher who suggested that the end of capitalism and the establishment of
communism were inevitable. Marx did not justify communism on the theoretical basis, but proved that
the establishment of communism is necessary according to the theory of social development. It has
described the ideas of Marxism on the following grounds (1) Materialist concept of history - Marx has
presented a materialistic economic system of human history. Marx, like Hegel, accepts history as a
dynamic flow, but Hegel presents a spiritual, spiritualist ideological interpretation of history. Marx
accepts the primacy of matter in the study of human history without giving importance to sensation,
thought and imagination. He also regards thought as material, a creation of matter of the mind.
According to him the political, religious, imaginary and philosophical life of the society can be explained
only in the material life of the society. Not outside that and this material condition of the society is
mainly physical and economic. (2) Theory of Surplus Value The main pillar of Marx's communism is the
proof of its surplus value. According to Marx, the labor involved in production is the source of the value
of the product produced. The value of a commodity is socially determined on the basis of the amount of
labour. In the present society, the means of production are in the hands of some capitalists and most of
the people only sell their labour. The capitalist buys labor power on the strength of his capital and pays
wages to the workers, but the wages of the workers are much less than the prices which the capitalist
gets in the market on the materials prepared by him. In other words, the laborer does more labor, but
his remuneration gets very less in that proportion. (3) Theory of class struggle The theory of class
struggle propounded by Marx is the achievement of historical materialism itself. Marx has made
economic or materialistic system of history on the basis of his dialectical theory and has considered class
struggle as a fact of human development. He has emphatically stated that in the absence of class
struggle there is a principle of social development, then class struggle represents its mechanics. If the
economic interpretation of history represents the theory of social evaluation class struggle represents its
mechanism .According to Marx, due to the incompatibilities of capitalism, economic crisis is present in
the society. There is increasing dissatisfaction among the people, especially among the workers.
Poverty, unemployment, hunger, etc. increase. Since only a few people have the right to the national
property, the society suffers from poverty and exploitation. Under capitalism, the class which
establishes its right over the means of production, the struggle of the classless class is inevitable. This
struggle goes on continuously. (4) In order to establish communism, the dictatorship of the working
class has to be established in the beginning after the revolution. This would be the first stage of the
establishment of communism. This dictatorship would act as a representative of the revolutionary
working class and would gradually destroy capitalism. (5) Contribution to Marxism - Despite these
weaknesses, Marxism is an important intellectual force. He has analyzed the economic cause which was
hitherto neglected in an important manner. According to Sevin, the economic interpretation of history
was certainly one of the many important contributions to the sociology of the nineteenth century. (6)
Volshevikism as a Variation of Marxism- Marxism The natural end of communism is anarchism, but the
supporters of Volshevikism do not believe in anarchism. They do not believe that the state institution
will be merged in the post-solstice. To conclude, we say that according to his view, that form of state
will end in the post-solstice, which is merely an organization of ruling a class.