Chapter Iii
Chapter Iii
Chapter Iii
This chapter presents seven topics dealing with the research method. There
are research design, population and sample, data collection method, research
A. Research Design
the problems that happen in process teaching and learning. The design of the
based methods (in particular statistics). In the quantitative research there are
research, the researcher identifies variable and may look for relationship among
variables, and observer the effect of the manipulation on the depend variables. An
1. It establishes the condition for the comparisons required to test the hypothesis
of the experiment.
group pretest – post test design), which researcher only uses one class as the
subject of study without control group or comparison group and in this research
study consists of pre-test, treatment and post test. The pretest and post test are
given to take the score of the students’ achievement before and after being taught
using Group Investigation (GI) technique. The both of the score were computed
Y1 X Y2
of the treatment is aimed at proving whether the increase score possibly got by the
researcher. Thus, the effectiveness of that treatment will know the significant
score when the student taught using Group Investigation (GI) technique.
1. Population
important that the research must be designed carefully and completely. In this
research, the researcher took the population of the class seventh grade of MTs AL
Sample is a part of population which will to be analyzed. Sample taken from the
Sampling is the process of taking sample. Ary (2002: 163) states “The
the teacher who handle English lesson in MTs Al Ma’arif Tulungagung .On VII D
class the students tend to be passive in learning English especially for reading
yang that suitable to prove the problem, because Group Investigation (GI)
technique is one kinds of cooperative learning method which is useful for students
not only to comprehend the English text but the students can learn how to share,
discuss and work together with another because this technique requires students
work in a group. And it makes the condition in the classroom become conducive
and active.
Data collection method is the method to obtain the data in the research. In this
research the data collection method is administering test that consist of pre test
and post test. The procedure of administering test was clarified as follow:
1. Pre-test
As the first meeting, the researcher gave a pre-test to the students. It was
taught the treatment. This test is given in order to know how far the students
2. Post-test
The post-test is given to the students after conducting the treatment of using
D. Research instrument
is test. Test is a method to gain the data by giving some question to the
respondent. In this research the writer used achievement test to collect data.
Achievement test measures what a person has learn (achieved) during a course of
before and after being taught by using Group Investigation (GI) technique in MTs
AL Ma’arif Tulungagung. She used two kinds of test pre-test and post-test. The
first was pre-test, which was given before students are taught by using Group
Investigation (GI) technique. The second was post-test, which was given after
students are taught by using Group Investigation (GI) technique. Before she
conducted pre-test and post-test, researcher developed the instrument. The several
Try out
Final drafting
is to get data on the materials used for pre-test and post-test, so that the instrument
of test would test what should be tested, hence the instrument met the criteria of
content validity.
In addition, she reviewed syllabus as well. This is done in order to know the
materials and basic competence which should be mastered by the students of the
seventh grade of MTs AL Ma’arif Tulungagung. Moreover, the syllabus also told
competence, material, source study and etc. The result of reviewing literature was
1.2 Drafting
The next steps is drafting. In process of drafting, researcher started this step
by determining kinds of reading test that would be used and suitable with the
students in seventh grade. Before writing instrument, she also asked her advisor to
give suggestion about the test, type of the test, and content of the test. She
1.3 Validity
After drafting the researcher should doing validity of the test. Validity is
measure. to strengthen this instrument, she needs to test its validity including
main component to collect data is test. If test do not have validity it’s also
researcher do not have valid data. To do validity, she going to met expert validity,
In this step, the researcher met an expert of ELT mainly on reading learning
to check the content, type of test, and level of difficulty of the draft of the research
choices and 5 true or false. (it can be seen in appendix 2). The experts that she met
There are some feedback that given after researcher met the expert of
validity. This feedback is used to revise the draft of the instrument. First the
instruction in the question should clearly. Because the instruction in the question
is very important for students. Students will be know the way to answer the
question by read an instruction firstly. The second the researcher should correct
the grammar in the test as well. The last, the questions in the test should
Beside the researcher checked the validity of the test. The researcher also
conducted a try-out. The purpose of try out is to know the validity and reliability
of instrument. The researcher tryout of the test to the same students of another
class, that were students of VII B class of MTs AL Ma’arif Tulungagung. That
The last step is final drafting, it is rewrite instrument after researcher checked
the validity and reliability of the test. The final drafting is used by the researcher
1. Validity
measurements of the test. Validity is defined as the extent to which the instrument
validity are used. Content validity is the content about what we say test about. The
relevancy of the objective of the test and the content of the test items are show the
In this study, the test had content validity because this test based on the
Meanwhile, construct validity is test that measure the ability want to know.
expression, as the overall aim is to justify a test in terms of the construct or model
of the abilities that is seeks to measure. Researcher should be careful choose the
kinds of reading test and also the content should representative with the content
Besides the researcher checked the validity of the test used content validity,
the researcher also conducted a try-out of the test to the same students of another
class, that were students of VII B class of MTs AL Ma’arif Tulungagung to know
the validity and reliability of the test. The test consisted of 10 multiple choice and
5 True / False items of try out test were same with the items of pre-test and post-
test. The data of students’ score after finishing of try out can be seen in table.
1. A 70
2. B 65
3. C 55
4. D 75
5. E 80
From the presentation of the result of try-out, the students’ score could be
1. A Excellent 86 – 100
2. B Good 76 – 85
3. C Average 56 – 75
4. D Poor 46 – 55
5. E Very poor 0 – 45
Based on the table 3.3, it was found that A, B, and D got score 56 – 75
showed that their score was categorized as average. C got score 55 showed that
his score was categorized as poor. And E got score 80 means that his score was
categorized as good. After finishing try-out, then the researcher analyzes the test
based students’ score to know the instruction of the test clear or not and level of
2. Reliability
The way to know a good test is by reliability. Ary (2002:250) states that
degree to which an instrument measures the same way each time it is used under
To measure that reliability of test item, the researcher firstly gained Try-out.
researcher used SPSS 16.0 for windows to know the reliability of test instruments.
From the answer of students’ response in try-out test the researcher then
analyze using reliability test based on Cronbach’s Alpha. The result of reliability
test was:
Reliability Statistics
Alpha N of Items
.633 10
Reliability Statistics
Alpha N of Items
.802 5
From the computation in SPSS, the reliability value of multiple choice test
was 0.633 Based on the Cronbach scale in table 3.4 it lies on the Cronbach value
between 0.61-0.80 so it can be said that the instrument was reliable. And the
reliability value of true / false test was 0.802 based on the Cronbach scale in table
3.5. It lies on the Cronbach value between 0.61-0.80 so, it can be said that the
F. Data analysis.
The researcher is used the application SPSS Statistics 16 for windows to analyzed
Paired-Sample T-test. There are some steps in analyzing data in SPSS 16. Firstly, the
researcher input the data in SPSS Statistics to know the frequency of pretest and post
test score. After that, by using this application the researcher know the mean, median,
mode and standard deviation. Then, from the compare of data the researcher know the
pair sample statistics and finally the researcher find pair sample correlation from two
kinds of test. The researcher cans analysis about the result of significant two tails and
degree of freedom.
After the researcher knows the result of significant two tails from SPSS
Statistics, the researcher can give the conclusion about the effectiveness or not about
the treatment Group Investigation (GI) technique in reading descriptive text. This
technique is used to find the significant different on the students reading descriptive
text using Group Investigation (GI) technique. If the significant two tails is smaller
than the level of significant (0,05), the alternative hypothesis (ha) is accepted. It
means that, there is different score of students’ achievement before and after taught
using Group Investigation (GI)technique. On the other hand, if the significant two
tails is bigger than the level of significant (0,05) the null hypothesis is rejected.
Indicating that, there is no different score of students’ achievement before and after