English Interpreting
English Interpreting
English Interpreting
The commemoration of National Teacher's Day 2020 is very different from previous years. This year we
commemorate National Teacher's Day during the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Education systems
everywhere, around the world, are directly impacted.
Schools have to be closed for a while. UNESCO's data notes more than 90% of the above 1.3 billion
global student populations should be home schooled. Almost one generation in the world has been
disturbed by education.
As a result of the pandemic, millions of educators are required to be able to do distance learning or
study from home. This is done so that we can protect ourselves from the potential for being exposed to
the virus while breaking the chain of transmission. As human beings, these difficult situations
sometimes make us feel uncomfortable and helpless.
There is an option to give up, there is an option to complain. However, we choose to keep getting up
and fighting. That's because of the belief that we can still strive for sustainable learning for our beloved
students despite all the limitations.
I firmly believe that there is a lesson in everything that happens. Many stakeholders in shoulder to
shoulder, working together to cope with a complexity of the situation never before imagined.
Parents are very actively involved in accompanying their children when learning from home. Father and
mother work together to motivate, accompany learning, and even become teachers for their children.
Millions of Indonesian teachers take part in thousands of webinars and online trainings. Indonesian
teachers are active in looking for the best solutions for the sake of learning during the pandemic.
These positive attitudes, unyielding spirit and mutual cooperation are an example for our children, our
students, the nation's successors. I hope that all education personnel will use this pandemic situation as
a joint laboratory to forge an unyielding mentality and develop a culture of innovation. I also invite all
parties to continue the collaboration that has been formed.
The pandemic has given us momentum and valuable lessons to accelerate the rearrangement of the
education system to make a leap in producing Superior Human Resources for Advanced Indonesia.
On this occasion, we would like to express our highest appreciation to all teachers, education personnel,
local governments, education stakeholders who have created extraordinary changes and innovations.
With high fighting spirit and the patience of all teachers, so the learning continues even with all the
I am very touched to see and hear great stories, dedication, seriousness of Mr and Mrs teachers to move
to find solutions so that the learning process of Indonesian children does not stop. Some have done
online learning.
There is a teacher who makes the children into small groups and is visited in turns. Some enter school
using a rotating schedule with very strict protocols. There are those who come to students' homes and
discuss with their parents to help the teaching and learning process at home. Someone is looking for a
signal across the river, and so on.
Everything is proof that we are all heirs of warriors who don't want to give up on circumstances. We are
able to adapt by continuously learning, sharing, and collaborating.
Our various policies and programs were made during this pandemic, (l) Internet data quota assistance;
(2) Flexibility in the use of School Operational Fee (BOS) funds; (3) Allocation of BOS (School Operational
Costs) Affirmations and Performance BOS (School Operational Costs) for Covid-19 assistance in public
and private schools most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic; (4) Wage Subsidy Assistance for teachers
and education personnel of non-PNS or non-Civil Servants; (5) Emergency Curriculum; (6) Teacher
Learning Program; (7) Teacher Sharing Pages; (8) TVRI's Home Learning Program; (9) Pandemic
Webinar Series; etc. All of these policies and programs are designed to help as many teachers and
education personnel as possible to be able to continue learning for Indonesian children.
Teaching is a noble and honorable profession. We have made various efforts to achieve placing teachers
in that position. In 2021, we are committed to fighting for honorary teachers through a democratic
selection for non-civil servant teachers (PNS) to become government civil servant teachers with contract
agreements or ASN PPPK with a fairly large quota according to the needs of each region. We ask for the
prayers of all teachers so that our steps to fight for the rights of educators can run well and smoothly.
My infinite gratitude goes to Mr and Mrs teachers who have sacrificed their time, energy, even part of
their own lives for the sake of their beloved students. Once again, thank you for being a painter of the
future and civilization of Indonesia.
Happy National Teacher's Day 2020. Continue to inspire and unite for Indonesian children.