To Invest or Not To Invest? Factors Affecting IT Investment Decisions
To Invest or Not To Invest? Factors Affecting IT Investment Decisions
To Invest or Not To Invest? Factors Affecting IT Investment Decisions
To I n v e s t o r N o t t o I n v e s t ?
Factors affecting IT investment
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................... 1
1.1 Problem discussion ................................................................................2
1.1.1 Research questions................................................................................3
1.2 Purpose of study.....................................................................................3
1.3 Delimitation of study ...............................................................................3
1.4 Perspective.............................................................................................3
1.5 Definitions...............................................................................................4
1.6 Interested parties....................................................................................4
2 Theoretical Framework ............................................................. 5
2.1 Overview of the theoretical framework ...................................................5
2.2 IT investment Decision making process .................................................6
2.3 Decision Making Environment ................................................................7
2.4 Internal factors affecting IT investment decision.....................................7
2.4.1 Organizational factors.............................................................................7
2.4.2 Business factors .....................................................................................8
2.4.3 Competitive advantage and reducing costs............................................8
2.4.4 Human Resources..................................................................................9
2.4.5 Technological factors............................................................................11
2.5 External factors affecting IT investment decision .................................11
2.5.1 P.E.S.T Model ......................................................................................11
2.5.2 Environmental change, focus on financial crisis ...................................13
2.5.3 Framework For evaluating factors: SWOT analysis..............................13
2.5.4 Combination of SWOT and PEST ........................................................15
3 Methodology............................................................................ 16
3.1 Knowledge Approach ...........................................................................16
3.2 Research approach ..............................................................................16
3.2.1 Qualitative method................................................................................18
3.2.2 Observation ..........................................................................................18
3.3 Case Study...........................................................................................19
3.4 Data Collection .....................................................................................19
3.4.1 Literature review ...................................................................................19
3.4.2 Interview ...............................................................................................20 Interviewee parties....................................................................................................... 20 Interviewee correspondents......................................................................................... 22
3.4.3 The link between research questions and interview questions.............22
3.4.4 Interpretation of the Empirical Findings ................................................23
3.5 Research credibility ..............................................................................23
3.5.1 Reliability ..............................................................................................23
3.5.2 Validity..................................................................................................24
3.5.3 Generalisability.....................................................................................24
4 Empirical findings ................................................................... 25
4.1 Fagerhult ..............................................................................................25
4.1.1 Environmental change, focus on financial crisis ...................................29
4.2 Sogeti ...................................................................................................30
4.3 Expert: Mats-Åke Hugosson.................................................................31
5 Analysis ................................................................................... 33
5.1 Internal Factors ....................................................................................34
5.1.1 Organizational Factors .........................................................................34
5.1.2 Business Factors ..................................................................................35
5.1.3 Competitive Advantage and Reducing Costs .......................................36
5.1.4 Human Resources................................................................................37
5.1.5 Technological Factors ..........................................................................38
5.2 External Factors ...................................................................................39
5.2.1 Political Factor ......................................................................................39
5.2.2 Economical Factor................................................................................39
5.2.3 Social Factors.......................................................................................39
5.2.4 Technological Factor ............................................................................40
5.2.5 The effect of the current Financial Crisis on IT investments .................40
6 Conclusion .............................................................................. 42
7 Closing discussion ................................................................. 44
7.1 Reflections............................................................................................44
7.2 Further Research..................................................................................44
7.3 Acknowledgement ................................................................................45
List of Figures:
Figure1: Overview of the theoretical framework………………………………………….6
Figure2: ERP adoption intention model………………………………………………….9
Figure3: PEST- Analysis Framework, own illustration (Campell & Craig, 2005)…………12
Figure4: SWOT model…………………………………………………………………..14
Figure5: Research approaches (Lindh. J, 2009)…………………………………………..17
Figure 6 - Distinctions between quantitative and qualitative data (Saunders et al.,
Figure7: Overview of where the empirical findings was collected………………………..25
Figure8: significance of the factors and its ranking by Hellman………………………….28
Figure9: SWOT model applied on Fagerhult…………………………………………….33
Appendix 1: Interview Question (Fagerhult)…………………………………………...49
Appendix 2: Interview Questions ( Sogeti)……………………………………………..51
Appendix 3: Interview Questions (Expert)……………………………………………..52
1 Introduction
This section introduces the reader to the introduction of the research at hand, the background of the study
and with a funneled down approach introduces the research questions in which the thesis aims to fulfill. This
section concludes by defining the common terms which will be used throughout the thesis with clarification of
the acronyms used.
IT has become a critical role in the support of the day to day operations and strategic posi-
tioning of organizations and investment in Information Technology (IT) within organiza-
tions almost invariable results in a wide variety of significant improvements, on the design
of the business, the work conditions of employees and economic performance (Doherty
&King, 2005). This has lead to IT decision making being one of the most important orga-
nizational and managerial activities (Doherty& King, 2005).
A sound decision making practice for technology adoption is very important for organiza-
tions due to the fact that it eliminates the risk of committing to IT investments which
could have a positive impact, either directly or indirectly on the overall prosperity of the
organization(Bacon 1992). Many managers, practitioners and scholars have various metho-
dologies of IT investments, but there seems to be a negative aspect of making IT invest-
ments. This brought about the famous debate of the “Productivity paradox” and “IT for
value” which is still evident even in today’s investments (Hitt & Brynjolfsson (1996;
Brynjolfsson & Hitt, 1998). Many even argue about the significance of adopting IT viewing
that it brings no increased business value (Carr 2003). However, the bottom line is that IT
investments bring along positive results but the demonstration of its benefits has proven
relatively difficult (Wang, 2006; Mahmood& Mann, 2000).
Before investing in any type of IT system, there is the decision phase which must been
done before actually picking a particular system. Many academia and industries have pro-
posed different frameworks or methodologies on how to go about making technology in-
vestment decisions but a mutual conclusion is that no single, simple methodology will give
a consistent, reliable and optimal solution to managers facing an IT investment decision
(Schniederjans,M.J. & Hmaker,L.J., Schniederjans,M.A. , 2004).
Organizations have three basic stages of planning as viewed in the MIS hierarchical frame-
work namely strategic, tactical and operation planning (Irani & Love, 2002).
The strategic planning stages deals with developing specific systems to implement corpo-
rate-wide strategy (Adler, 2000). This stage touches issues such as examining the external
analysis of the environment and threats and internal analysis of its strength and weaknesses.
Many studies indicate that there are numerous factors that promote or hamper the adop-
tion of IT applications and are a prime concern for many researchers and practitioners
(Abrahamson, 1991). Two main factors which need to be examined closely when making
decisions about IT investments are the internal and external factors.
Since these factors play a great role in decision making of IT investments, it is imperative
to study their impact on the strategic planning because this forms the founding blocks for
IT decision making.
As the business environment keeps on changing, managers need to thoroughly scan the
environment before investing in IT systems. The reason is to identify the major factors that
can be detrimental to the organization from reaping the potential rewards from their IT in-
vestments. Sutton (1998) views the process of environment scanning as a technique to
identify threats and opportunities while improving long and short- term planning.
These steps must been undertaken before adopting any kind of IT system. These decision
making steps are affected tremendously by the external/ internal factors due to the influ-
ence they have in shaping the outcomes. Laudon and Laudon (2004) states that IT invest-
ments and decision making methodologies should be studied because collectively they can
be seen as a way of achieving a competitive advantage.
These decision making steps starts with the study of the various factors both internal and
external, that effects the organization in making the right decision in order to gain its com-
petitive advantage, and sustain business value. As noted earlier, these factors are critical for
an organization to investigate because they determine if they should proceed on making IT
investments. During downturn times, many companies are going bankrupt and a lot are
holding their IT investments spending. With the current financial crisis that started in 2007,
there seems to be a pandemic concern in the massive and inevitably this has lead to a risen
concern for organizations to carefully study this particular factor when deciding on invest-
ing in new information technology. On the other hand, “New research shows that companies that
want to continue climbing the productivity curve understand the importance of IT” (Microsoft,
The question here is how to evaluate these factors in order to make justified decision?
Many theories recommend different methodologies on how to evaluate these determinants,
and to give it a value in order to make sense of the exploited factors; such as the SWOT
1.1.1 Research questions
Based on the discussions above, these questions have been identified intriguing thus wor-
thy of investigation so as to guide us in achieving our goal. They are;
1.4 Perspective
This work will encompass three different actors, a company (Fagerhult), a consultancy firm
(Sogeti) and an Expert (Mats-Åke Hugosson). First of all, we will study the internal and ex-
ternal factors affecting IT investment decisions in organizations and base our theory on
Fagerhult. With the current financial crisis, we want to study more deeply this factor and its
effect on IT investment decision. Therefore we want to interview two actors namely, Hu-
gosson and Mats Ekelund the marketing sales director in Sogeti. Hugosson will give an ob-
jective view on the effect of the economical crisis on IT investment decisions and how
companies should react in downturn environments. Ekelund on the other hand, will give
insights about what is really happening in real life on what concerns IT investments due to
his position in Sogeti as Sales director, he will have the data and figures that will give a bet-
ter insight on how companies are responding to the current economical crisis. In addition,
we will study the effect of the financial crisis on Fagerhult, thus they have already adopted
an ERP system in 2006, and this will deepen our study to see whether they are still invest-
ing in IT projects.
The view from three different perspectives will increase the credibility of the report. The
expert will be more objective due to his non-involvement into a company or a consultancy
firm, on the other hand the consultancy firm, if asked ‘To invest or not to invest during
downturn times? The answer will probably be ‘they should invest’ in order for them to sell
their products and services. Therefore we want to see different views and try to analyze
these data and make it as valuable as possible for companies thinking about adopting an
ERP system.
1.5 Definitions
Information technology: refers to technology in general, it can be both tangible and intangible
which facilitates the acquisition, processing, storing, delivery and sharing of information
and other digital content (Ward, 2007). In this thesis IT and IS are used interchangeable.
Information systems are systems which people in organizations use in gathering,
processing, storing and disseminating information (Beynon, 2002).
IT investments: “It is the acquisition of computer hardware, network facilities, or pre-developed software or
any “in house “systems development project that is expected to add to or enhance organization’s information
systems capabilities and produce benefits” (Bacon, 1992, p.335).
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): It is software that enables the automation and integration
of an organization major business processes thus sharing real time data across the whole
enterprise (Seddon, Shanks & Willcocks, 2003).
Decision making: it is a process that involves a sequence of actions with the identification of
an Information system related problem issue or opportunity and ends in the approval of an
IT project (Boonstra 2003).
Financial crisis: “A situation in which the supply of money is outpaced by the demand for money. This
means that liquidity is quickly evaporated because available money is withdrawn from banks (called a run),
forcing banks either to sell other investments to make up for the shortfall or to collapse” (American Psy-
chological Association, 2009).
Evaluation: “Make a judgment based on criteria; determine the value of” (Board of studies, 2009).
2 Theoretical Framework
This section presents the theoretical framework which will be used in achieving the research objectives. The
section aims at presenting the chosen theoretical framework and justifying why the chosen framework suits in
the authors quest for answering their research objectives.
Internal Factors:
1. Organizational factors
2. Competitive advantage and
reduce costs
3. Human Resources Factor
4. Business Factors
5. Technological factor
Evaluation of
Factors: IT investment
SWOT decision making
External Factors
1. Political
2. Economical
3. Social
4. Technological
5. Financial Crisis
The analysis and planning stage is as mentioned before very crucial for the scope of the
project, because it presents a road map and enabler for making decisions. In this phase, the
current situation (internal/external environment), the business strategy and IT strategy
should be analyzed so as to have a clear vision of the IT investment decision making.
While introducing a new Information technology into an organization, there is a shift from
the organizational innovation perspective to technology based organization innovation
since the latter focuses on the adoption of a new Information technology (Boynton &
Zmud, 1987). Schniederjans, Hamaker (2004) highlights the fact that culture is a very im-
portant in analyzing in the organizations environment due to the fact that it helps identify
the strengths and weakness in the company. They further argue that in the cultural aspect,
attention to should be focused on “how it promotes a high service level and employee
loyalty” (Schniederjans, M.J. & Hmaker, L.J., Schniederjans, M.A., 2004).
The membership an industrial group (either as the holder or as a controlled firm): this variable deals
with the extent of the alignment between the different units within the organization and
with its suppliers. In other words it is the obligation of common operating systems be-
tween the members of the industrial group in order to enhance efficiency and flexibility
(Buonanno et al., 2005).
The presence of branch offices (localization and number of branches): this factor deals with the man-
agement of information flow in the organizations. Horgan (1997) argues that the use of
intranets in large organizations is often characterized by a lack of coordination while other,
organizations face issues related to cultural and technological.
The level of diversification (in terms of products, markets, technologies): this factor plays a great role
because operating in different product-market combinations introduces a high level of
complexity (Yasia- Ardekani and Haug, 1997). In related- diversified firms, the higher
number of information processing demands high business unit-interdependencies (Hill &
Hoskisoon, 1987; Kerr, 1985; Michel & Hambrick, 1992; Pitts & Hopkings, 1982).
information visibility, better efficient processes and improved customer satisfaction (Sed-
don, 2005).
Davenport, Harris and Cantrell (2002) , go on further stating that competitive advantage in
organizations is apparent when adopting an ERP system in terms of better management
decision-making, cost-savings in headcount reduction, more efficient and faster transac-
tions and thus cycle time reduction. Also, improved customer service and retention and
improved financial management (Seddon, 2005).
Strategic Value
Pressure or
Attitude Toward Intention
Organizational ERP Adoption Toward ERP
Perceived Ease
Of Use
faction. Thus the Perceived strategic value can result into negative outcomes, Liu and Wei
(2003) defined the perceived risk as “a subjective probability of suffering a loss in the pur-
suit of a desired outcome or a person’s perception of the possibility of having negative out-
come or suffering harm or losses associated with ERP” (Hwang et al. 2008, p.3122).
Organizational Readiness:
Organizational Readiness can be underlined under the resources as a company assesses.
Resources in terms of costs and expertise are two important factors that should be consi-
dered before any adoption of ERP software. Kuan and Chau (2001) highlighted that the fi-
nancial and technological readiness as perceived elements. Moreover, “fast communication,
proper structure to implement, enough financial resources, rich and competent knowledge
and skills, and top management support are factors for organizational readiness” (Hwang et
al., 2008, p.3122). In turn, these perceived measures will result in a positive outcome on the
attitude toward ERP adoption.
Perceived Usefulness:
According to Davis (1998), perceived usefulness is “The extent to which a person believes
that using a particular technology will enhance his or her job performance” (Hwang et al.
2008, p.3123). The higher the person’s perceived usefulness towards the adoption of an
ERP system, the more positive affect will have on the attitude toward the IT investment.
2.4.5 Technological factors
This factor is seen as one of the major reasons for the adoption of ERP systems. Accord-
ing to Oliver and Romm, (2000); and Ross, (1999), the need to improve the performance
of ongoing operations is one of the main reasons for investing huge amounts on ERP sys-
tem. As a measure to ameliorate the lacking existing systems (inefficiency, inflexibility) the
shift towards adopting a system such as ERP system becomes more anticipated. This was
apparent during the time of the Y2K bug (Dolmetsch,R., Huber,T.,Fleisch,E.,Österle,H.,
1998) or the switch to the Euro in the countries of the European Union (Kennerley &
Neely, 2001). Dolmetsch et al. (1998), further argues that the expiration of a maintenance
contract for one of legacy systems is also seen as a strong incentive to adopting a new ERP
Other incentives to adopt new systems could be seen as the need to integrate data and sys-
tems together (Raymond,L. & Uwizeyemungu,S. , 2007). ERP systems provide this solution
whereby it integrates all the different systems in the whole organization together and facili-
tates in the exchange of real time data Gable and Stewart, (1999). Oliver and Romm (2000)
divide the factors that affect the decision in making an eventual ERP system adoption into
three categories:
(1) The need to improve the performance of ongoing operations.
(2) The need to integrate data and systems.
(3) The need to avoid a competitive disadvantage or to avoid that a business risk becomes critical. (Ray-
mond,L. & Uwizeyemungu,S. , 2007, p.489)
Technological Social&
THE Demographic
Factors ENVIRONMET Factors
Figure 3 PEST- Analysis Framework, own illustration (Campell & Craig, 2005).
Political factors deal with policies and actions created by government bodies which affect
the way in which organizations carry out daily activities. Legislation may hamper an organi-
zation in several ways thus it needs to be closely examined. There are different levels in
which political institutions generates namely; international, national and regional (Campell
& Craig, 2005). Other issues to be examined under the political frame are tax regimes and
fiscal policy.
Economical factors deals with the issues relating to the economical environment that can
affect the organization tremendously. Key measures that need to be examined in this envi-
ronment are the Gross domestic power, Gross national Purchasing power, interest rates,
inflation, exchange rates, unemployment figures, wage and price controls (Campell & Craig,
Social factors focus mainly with people attitudes and belief and is closely linked to the
demand and supply of the organization (Campell & Craig, 2005). It also covers the size of
the market and potential targets to move into it. Demographic factors such as skill and
education, birth rates, population growth, regional population shifts etc, play a major role
due to the fact that they can help in the increase of sales. Organizations need to be able to
position their market in suitable areas so as to gain profit.
Technological factors deals with the rate of technological advancement. With the rapid
changes in technology, it is mandatory for organizations to look into the emerging technol-
ogy in the market so as to adapt to the technological change. The use of technology in or-
ganizations helps in numerous ways such as reduction of costs, increased productivity and
enhanced business processes so it is crucial for an organization to be continuously updated
with future changes with technology (Campell & Craig, 2005).
The inception of SWOT was proposed by scholars in the business management field and is
extensively used in even today’s organizations. The aim of SWOT analysis in strategic
planning is to allow an organization to maximize the strengths and opportunities and mi-
nimize/ avoid the weakness and threats. Kotler ( 1988) views the internal analysis of an
organization strength and weakness as a way for creating strategies that they can exploit, by
highlighting certain issues that might need to be corrected(Karppi et al., 2001).
The meaning of each component is:
2. Weaknesses deals with the limitation or defect in the organization that can result in
the organization not attaining its objectives.
4. Threat deals with a devastating situation that can paralyze the whole company and
leave it crippled (Karppi et al., 2001).
Figure 4: SWOT model, (Alfred Humphry, 1960), own illustration (Kamp företagsutveckling,
The actions to be undertaken that can be deduced from these four elements are:
· Build on strengths
· Eliminate weaknesses
· Exploit opportunities
· Mitigate the effect of threats
(Karppi et al., 2001).
3 Methodology
This section highlights the methodological framework for the whole thesis. It covers major issues such as how
the authors went about in carrying out their investigations in close relation to their research objectives. It en-
compasses the types of research adopted, the type of knowledge that the thesis aims of generating, what kind
of data collection would be used and lastly presenting a clear relation of how the interview questions was
chosen and the credibility of the research.
A method is a set of tools and techniques for gathering and analyzing data for the aim of
new knowledge (Holme & Solvang, 1997). The procedures and techniques are the steps in-
volved in solving the problem at hand or simply finding different approaches in discover-
ing new insights to the issue at hand (Holme & Solvang, 1997). The method of choice in
academic writing is very important because it guides the author/ researcher in achieving
appropriate results in relation to their research objectives. Numerous literatures presents
abundant ways of methods to proceed in carrying out a study and in this part justification
will be made by the authors of the chosen methods used.
lected empirical data to find out if they both correlate to each other. The deductive ap-
proach process involves the researcher indentifying a specific theory in reality that needs to
be investigated, and then from this theoretical foundation, certain hypotheses are formu-
lated to find out its credibility. With the formulated hypothesis, empirical data is collected
and then tested against the proposed hypothesis to see if it was validated in reality or not.
When this is achieved, a deductive approach has occurred.
On the other hand, inductive approach is the opposite of deductive approach whereby it
follows the opposite cycle. In inductive approach, empirical data is collected then new
theories or generalizations are formed.
Inductive Deductive
Theories Idea
Categories Hypothesis
Empirical Empirical
Data Data
World Test
In carry out in this thesis, a look into the comprehensive literature study will be conducted
in order to enlighten us with the different concepts involved in the decision making
process of making IT investments in general and particular ERP systems. Then from this,
we will narrow our literature study to the factors affecting the decision making; thereafter
align our problem discussion to the research at hand. This will allow us in defining our re-
search objectives for fulfilling our thesis investigation. After this empirical gathering, differ-
ent theories developed from the concerning topic factors affecting the decision making of
IT investments will be gathered and analyzed in relation to the indentified theoretical
framework thus from this a deductive approach is our research approach for accomplishing
our research objectives.
Saunders et al. (2007), conclude that there is a clear distinction made between qualitative
and quantitative. In contrary to this, it seems to be rather problematic in differentiating the
distinctiveness of qualitative research from quantitative research. When trying to highlight
the differences between both methods, looking at the data produced by qualitative research
reveals the differences in both methods (Saunders et al. 2007).
The indentified distinctions between both can be seen in the figure below:
Figure 6 - Distinctions between quantitative and qualitative data (Saunders et al. 2007, p. 472).
Dey (1993), points out that “the more ambiguous and elastic our concept, the less possible
it is to quantify our data in a meaningful way” (Saunders et al. 2007, p. 472). On the other
hand, qualitative data is characterized by its richness and fullness which gives the author the
possibility of exploring the subject in as real a manner as is possible (Robson, 2002).
3.2.2 Observation
Saunders et al. (2007), acknowledges the fact that observation is an important aspect of re-
search stating that it is rewarding and enlightening to pursue because it adds richness to the
research data collected. Observation basically involves the systematic observation, record-
ing, description, analysis and interpretation of people´s behavior (Saunders, et al. 2007).
There are two types of observation namely; participant and structured observation and
since we have chosen to use qualitative data, participant observation suits our research.
According to (Saunders et al., 2007, p. 283), participant observation is where “the research-
er attempts to participate fully in the lives and activities of subjects and thus becomes a
member of their group, organizations or community. This enables researchers to share
their experiences by not merely observing what is happening but also feeling it” (Gill and
Johnson, 2002:144).
Saunders et al. (2007), states that participant observation involves the researcher having a
specific role and these roles are:
Complete participant;
Complete observer;
Observer as participant;
Participant as observer;
In our research, we took the participant as observer approach. We revealed to our corres-
pondents our identity and clearly explained to them what our research entailed. By doing
this, both we and the respondents were aware of the nature of the research and we feel that
this helped us gather more concrete data. Apart from reasons such as the time we had to
conduct this study and organizational access, we felt that this approach would be suitable
because it would allow us to deepen our study by asking following up questions and clarifi-
cation of certain things which was stated during the interview.
In our paper, investigating the factors affecting IT investment decision will be highlighted,
and in order to get a deeper and more accurate understanding of these factors a case study
will be conducted in an organization. Furthermore another case study will be conducted in
a consultancy firm in order to get a better insight on the effect of the financial crisis on
ERP adoption.
Moreover, according to Ghauri and Grønhaug (2005, p.116), a case study methodology is
to be done “if we want to follow a theory that specifies a particular set of outcomes in
some particular situation, and if we find a firm which finds itself in that particular situation,
we can use the case study method for a critical test of theory and its applicability to the or-
ganization”. Following this guideline of the case study, we will investigate whether the
theory presented in this paper is accurate in real life and also as mentioned above investi-
gate the factor of the financial crisis on ERP adoption.
In this paper, we will use the literature review in order to collect the pertinent and accurate
theories about the factors affecting the IT investment decision. The theoretical framework
part will cover all the theories related to internal and external factors affecting the IT in-
vestment adoption.
The sources for the literature review will be collected using primary and secondary data
from reports, theses and company reports; also from books journals and newspapers from
the internet and trustworthy databases.
3.4.2 Interview
In our work at hand, we will use interviews in order to collect the data needed. The choice
for interviews is being made for the aim of getting a better understanding about real life
cases when it comes to ERP adoption and the factors affecting this decision. In the prob-
lem at hand, the question will be which sort of interview we will conduct, Structured, semi-
structured or unstructured interviews?
Semi-structured interviews are conducted in a way that “the researcher will have a list of
themes and questions to be covered… the order of questions may also be varied depending
on the flow of the conversation” (Saunders et al. p.312). Semi structured interviews are
used to collect qualitative data.
Unstructured interviews has “no predetermined list of questions to work through in this
situation…The interviewee is given the opportunity to talk freely about events, behavior
and beliefs in relation to the topic area, so that this type of interaction is sometimes called
non-directive” (Saunders et al. p.312).
In order to get the best result from our interviews, we think that a semi-structured inter-
view will give us a more desirable outcome. Three different interviews will be conducted in
our thesis namely, to Fagerhult to a consultancy firm and to an expert. Each of these par-
ties will be asked different questions in order to get a holistic view and figures related to the
factors and the financial crisis affecting the adoption of ERP systems.
During 1974 till 1976, they purchased studio lamp and the parent company changed its
name to AB Fagerhult. They were doing considerable well in terms of their turnover and
soon went ahead in registering on the stock exchange and opened their sales offices and
showroom in Hamburg (, 2009).
AB Fagerhult emerged with other small groups over the years and is now known as Fager-
hult Retail Lighting. They comprise of about 2 000 employees and hold a large portion in
the lighting industry. It has the largest group in the Nordic region and one of Europe's
leading lighting groups. Their business are involves developing, manufacturing and market-
ing professional lighting systems for public environments and offers variety of interior
lighting. The Group has sales companies in various countries namely; Sweden, Norway,
Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Holland, France, Germany, Estonia, Poland, Russia, Dubai,
Australia and China. However, their main production (Manufacturing units) is located in
several regions in Sweden, England, Australia and China. Their headquarters is located in
Sweden Habo and have smaller manufacturing units namely; Habo, Varberg, Falkenberg,
Buras and Åhus in Sweden. The group, which Fagerhult Belysning, studio lamp, Belid, Fa-
gerhult Retail, ELENCO, Eagle Lighting, Project Lighting and Whitecroft Lighting is in-
cluded, sales of approximately 2 500 MSEK. (, 2009)
About Sogeti
The name Sogeti originates from France and is generated from the entire Cap Gemini
Group that was founded by Serge Kampf in 1967. Sogeti is an acronym for "Société pour
la gestion et le traitement de l'information”. Before 2002, the Swedish branch within the
Gap Gemini Group was called Cap Gemini Sogeti; and later changed the name to Cap
Programator, Cap Gemini and Cap Gemini Ernst & Young. Sogeti Sverige AB was
founded in January 1, 2003 (, 2009).
The organization have many years of expertise in many different sectors such as Finance
and Insurance, Energy, life sciences, public, Industry and Transport and Logistics. Sogeti
offers its clients different services such as:
IT Management – Management and control of IT, the connection between IT and business
(, 2009)
About Expert- Mats-Åke Hugosson
Hugosson is an adjunct Professor of Informatics at Jönköping International business
School (JIBS). He is also working as a consultant within the area of development and im-
plementation of business oriented IT-strategies in different companies such as Astra, Stora-
Enso, Akzo-Berol, Bofors and Trelleborg. Professor Hugosson has been researching and
studying the business and IT environment, his research studies mainly focused on the
Coordination of business and IT management , Strategic planning and control of It-
development, Strategic structures of information systems and Governance models for
business oriented IT-management. Interviewee correspondents
Getting the right people in order to fulfill our research objectives and answer our research
questions was a challenge due to its impact on the credibility that we aim to achieve in this
thesis. Thus in fulfilling this purpose, we thought that the CIO of Fagerhult will be the
most suitable person to interview in order to get a better insight over the factors that af-
fected the ERP adoption done in Fagerhult in 2006. Moreover, being the IT chief in the
company, he is aware of the factors affecting this adoption and played a major role in ana-
lyzing a pre-study that outlines these different factors in order to get the best outcome
from this IT investment.
Secondly, Ekelund, the Marketing Sales Director, in Sogeti, suits our research objective on
what concerns the impact of the financial crisis and its influence on IT investment deci-
sions. Being the Sales Director in Sogeti he has the knowledge and expertise needed to an-
swer the follow up research question: How the current financial crisis has influenced IT investment
decisions? His background as a business consultant since 1989, and him being a key actor in
the Sales department at Sogeti will make our empirical findings more interesting and valua-
In developing our interview questions, we first draw up our research questions derived
from our problem discussions. Since our research question involved us finding out the fac-
tors affecting the IT decisions in making IT investments, the first few interview questions
were mainly focused on finding out the factors which affected the decision making in IT
investments. Secondly, the interview questions aimed at finding out the significance of
these factors since certain factors could me more important than others. The interview
question was constructed so as to allow the respondent to rank which of the stated factors,
he felt were of uttermost significance in making IT investments decisions.
Thirdly, the interview question aimed at finding out how these indentified factors are eva-
luated. Different evaluation frameworks were presented to the respondent in order to see
which framework was used in the company.
Lastly the interview took another approach whereby the interview questions aimed at find-
ing out the impact of the financial crisis on IT investments. Since this a sub question in the
authors research, the questions aimed at first finding out the general outcomes of the fi-
nancial crisis and ways in which organizations are reacting towards their investments and
possible ways of re-acting to this instability in order to sustain competitive advantage.
3.5.1 Reliability
Reliability refers “to the extent to which your data collection techniques or analysis proce-
dures will yield consistent findings” (Saunders et al.2007, p.609). The reliability stage ac-
cording to Saunders et al.(2007) can be assessed by three questions. First, if the measure
will yield the same result on other occasions? Secondly, whether the same insight of the re-
search would be assessed similarly by other observers? Thirdly, if there is a distant way
showing how the raw data was achieved?
The reliability factor is exposed to four different threats according to Robson (2002). The
first is subject or participant error. Saunders et al. (2007) emphasizes the importance of
choosing the right day while conducting the interview or the questionnaires. Different re-
sults can be attained depending on the day of the week the observation is being made. Fri-
days afternoon and Monday mornings are non-neutral days thus employees are looking
forward to the weekend or ‘high’, ‘low’ where the employees have the working week in
front of them. Therefore, while collecting our data, we made sure that our meeting with the
correspondents is on Wednesday, to make sure that the person interviewed is in good psy-
chological shape in order for us to get more trustworthy information.
The second threat is the participant bias, when observing employees in organizations an-
swers from them can be a factor of fear, employees end up saying what their bosses wanted
them to say Saunders (2007). Our data collection was sampled from two high manag-
ers in companies, namely Hellman the CIO of Fagerhult, and the Manger Sale Executive in
Sogeti. Fearfulness from bosses is therefore eliminated in the context of our thesis.
The third threat is known as observer error. In this case, an example can be that four per-
sons conduct four different interviews, with the same questions. Nevertheless, these four
observers might conduct the questionnaire in four different ways, thus end up with a bi-
ased result. If the same observer in the future conducts the same research within the same
circumstances, the results will be the same.
The last threat known as the observer bias is a result when data is being interpreted in dif-
ferent ways by the researchers. We intend of avoiding this by sending our collected data to
the respective respondents so as to ensure that we the interviewers have not miss-
interpreted the data given out by the interviewee
3.5.2 Validity
“Validity is concerned with whether the findings are really about what they appear to be
about” (Saunders et al., 2007, p. 149). It answers if the relationship between two variables is
a casual relationship (Saunders et al., 2007). Our data collection is being framed in conjunc-
tion with our research objective and theoretical framework so we feel that our work is
proven valid to a great extent.
3.5.3 Generalisability
This is also known as external validity. This deals with the extent to which the research re-
sults are generalisable; that means whether the findings may be equally applicable to other
research in the same settings (Saunders et al., 2007). Our research could be considered to
be generalisable given the same settings (geographically, time etc) the authors were sub-
jected to was applied during the study.
4 Empirical findings
This section presents to the readers the empirical findings derived from the interview with the three respon-
Internal Factors
External Factors
4.1 Fagerhult
As revealed from the interview with the CIO Hellman, he had a major role in the decision
making of the New ERP system in Fagerhult. Before Hellman took the position as the
CIO in the organization, the current IT infrastructure did not support the fast growing
business strategy in the organization. As he said “something needed to be done urgently”
(K. Hellman, personal communication, 2009-05-06). The CIO of Fagerhult states that be-
fore implementing the ERP system, the business process and the IT environment looked
like ‘spaghetti’ meaning that the structure of the IT infrastructure and how IT supported
the business was cluttered and lacked a governance model.
In regards to the different actors involved in the process of studying the factors that played
a major role in the IT investment decision making, there were three main actors namely;
Top management, the CIO and Cap Gemini. The respondent states that the Consultancy
firm (Cap Gemini) acted as the information provider whereby they studied the environ-
ment of the organization and reported directly to the CIO, and his duty was then to discuss
the information provided with Top Management.
“The better the information we get, the better the decision we make” (K. Hellman, person-
al communication, 2009-05-06), was stated by the respondent when asked about the signi-
ficance of looking into the factors affecting IT investments. He went on further stating that
all organizations should perform a pre-study on what concerns the internal and external
environment of the organization in order to plan strategically in the fierce environment.
Fagerhult had many reasons effecting their decision in making IT investment in 2006. As
of that year, there was a major concern for Fagerhult to use IT to suit their new business
strategy. The current business process and IT infrastructure (built on legacy systems) were
ineffective and inefficient and adopting a new ERP system seemed like the only means of
pursuing their goals. When asked about the factors affecting the implementation of the
ERP system in Fagerhult, the respondent highlighted different factors. One of the main
factors was the size of the organization. The respondent mentioned that being a large or-
ganization was an enabler and factor for them investing in a new ERP system and neces-
sary for them to carry some of the operations global, they needed software that could be
used as backbone for the whole organization business processes. Other factors highlighted
were business factors such as the market area; this was also one of the factors they consi-
dered before adopting the new ERP. The respondent emphasized that extending their
business outside the “Swedish borders” and unto international markets such as China made
them consider the adoption of a new ERP system that can support the business processes.
When asked about the membership an industrial group, Fagerhult says “focus on suppliers in
order to have an efficient supply chain” (K. Hellman, personal communication, 2009-05-
06). He further said that enhancing efficiency and flexibility between the member of the in-
dustrial group demands standardization of the systems throughout the whole network
chain (from suppliers to customers). Also Fagerhult wanted to focus on efficient relation
with their supplier, the current IT systems in the company was not able to support that,
this also was a factor affecting their IT investment because the organization valued its sup-
pliers as a very important actor. In other words, Hellman emphasized the importance of an
efficient Supply chain in the company supported by IT. A follow up question posed to the
respondent was if the presence of branch offices was a factor in deciding on ERP system and he
shortly answered saying that the new ERP system enabled them to manage the information
flow in the organization. Moreover, he stressed the importance of having a standardized
system in order to offer the customers a better service and a faster delivery time.
In regards to the Level of diversification, the company was moving from an exporting manu-
facturer to an international and global business organization where it was growing interna-
tionally at a fast and aggressive pace. In addition, the CIO emphasized that the speed and
complexity of the environment made them re-think their IT strategies; they needed ERP
software that would support their business process in the global environment they were in.
Furthermore, Fagerhult decision making was influenced by the need of focusing on ratio-
nalizations and efficiency to improve margins in order to enhance a harmonized processes
and uniform standards in their international company.
The respondent mentioned also that many technological factors affected their decision making
towards an ERP system; he explains that the current IT situation and architecture in Fager-
hult did not support their flexible and fast integration with other systems and partners. The
production being moved to China and then augmenting their branches into many countries
have made them re-think their IT strategy. Also the IT before 2006, was not flexible and
was not adaptable to functional changes and additions. He stresses that the organization
needed a system and IT architecture that supports the future business processes and the
mission of Fagerhult.
The culture in Fagerhult assured that the organization most valued assets contributed in ac-
complishing their goals. According to the CIO, they share common goals when it comes to
IT being optimized efficiently in the organization. Fagerhult developed a common under-
standing between the business and the IT therefore, they share the same goals, and in order
to achieve these objectives, they needed the support of a new ERP system.
When asked about the factor of competitive advantage and reducing cost, the respondent
emphasized that an ERP adoption would enable them to automate their business
processes, facilitate information sharing throughout their supply chain. He mentioned that
one of the short/ long term objectives of the organization was cost savings and further
went on stating that in order of the organization to reduce lead time, reduce time in pro-
duction planning, cut cost in terms of personnel, and increase customer satisfaction, the
ERP system would enable them.
Human resource was one of the major factors that propelled Fagerhult into adopting a new
ERP system. He mentioned the importance of him being a CIO in the organization be-
cause Fagerhult lacked any kind of strategic IT planning before he took the position in Fa-
gerhult. In order to gain top management support, he created a good business case which
was seemed flawless.
In addition to that there were many factors that didn’t encourage Fagerhult to implement a
new ERP system, The employees in the company were quite old and not used to that kind
of change and also their level of education was low so implementing a new system posed a
threat on them. It was a major concern for them because the new IT system involved lots
of changes into the normal way of doing things in the organizations and with a great per-
centage of the workers being above (50) made this a big issue for Fagerhult. The employees
are loyal and want the best for the company, but on the other hand they feel unsafe, unse-
cured and stressed when dealing with change issues. This was a challenge for everyone in
the company to deal with in order to deliver the best outcome from the ERP implementa-
tion. The top management in the company had to deal with issues surrounding acceptance
and user resistance.
The next phase of the interview was to allow the respondent to rank the significance of the
factors and how it affects the IT decision making of ERP investments and the outcome
looks like this in figure 8
Figure8: Significance of the factors and its ranking by Hellman.
The complex environment Fagerhult was working in made their decision making towards a
new ERP system more feasible. Their external environment was too complex and in order
to support their business processes they needed a new ERP that can manage their business
internationally. As Hellman emphasized, the production was moved from Sweden to China
and more branches were being expanded therefore one standardized system was needed in
order to manage the efficiency of their business processes in Fagerhult.
In terms of the PEST model, Hellman said that this theory was used in order to study the
external environment of Fagerhult so as to make the right decision and not be disadvan-
taged in the market they intended on penetrating. He outlined the importance of looking
into the four components of the PEST model, due to the fact it encompasses the whole ex-
ternal environment. Hellman, explained the importance of the political factor and its influ-
ence on their decision making on ERP adoption, he stressed that Fagerhult was moving
from a national production organization to an international one where the targeted market
of the company was being expanded to Europe and some part in Asia. Concerns were di-
rected to different ways of doing business in Sweden and the other parts of the world. The
CIO of Fagerhult said that factors related to different tax regimes and fiscal policy affected
the decision making in the company towards the adoption of a new ERP system that could
handle these issues.
When asked about the Economical Factor and how it affected the decision making of the
ERP adoption, Hellman explained how Fagerhult moved their production plant from Swe-
den to China in order to meet their business strategy by cutting costs.
Furthermore, the social factor being influenced by the market potential targets and how to
move into it. The CIO of Fagerhult explained the need for an ERP system that could sup-
port the strategy and to be able to govern the different markets in Europe and Asia.
On what concerns the technological factors and its influence on ERP adoption in Fager-
hult Hellman said that: “the technological factor mainly concern was if the system could in-
teract with other systems and environment easily and efficiently” (K. Hellman, personal
communication, 2009-05-06). He went on saying that the company needs software that
could support the business strategy and enhance business efficiency.
4.2 Sogeti
The result obtained from the respondent (Marketing Sales Director, Ekelund) in Sogeti
outlined how the financial crisis of 2007 factor affects IT investment decisions, in specific
the adoption of ERP software. As the sole purpose of the interview was focused on finding
out the impact of the financial crisis, this section would present the empirical findings de-
rived from the view of the IT consultant Sogeti.
Sogeti view on how the financial crisis affects the decision making varies from organization
to organization. The Market Sales Director expresses that mature and economical stable
organizations have not really felt the impact of the financial crisis when investing in ERP
systems. He goes further saying that the organizations which have been affected are the
ones that fall under the non- public sectors and in particular industrial companies unlike
those in the public sectors. Since governmental organizations have deeper pockets, they
are more equipped in allocating resources into IT investments. On the contrary, they are
more cautious on spending resources on ERP software and even software applications.
The effect on organizations has taken a different turn due to fact that they do not have
enough financial resource. He went on further stating that during hard economical times,
organizations with fewer resources have to be more careful while investing in IT because
they cannot avoid to carelessly throwing huge sums of money on unwanted IT invest-
Ekelund emphasized that organizations normally invest in ERP systems as a measure to
reduce lead times, ameliorate business process thus making work more efficient. However
with the financial crisis severely impacting organizations, there has been a shift towards the
cost related with the adoption of the ERP system and it is viewed as the main and only rea-
son organizations are willing to adopt an ERP system.
In terms of the difference in the sales figures before and after the financial crisis, there has
been a deviation in the figures from before and of present. Sogeti has been affected be-
cause a lot of their clients are not investing in ERP systems or application software. He
views the point that it is not only their organizations that has been affected in terms of
sales and generalizes that it has affected nearly almost all IT consultancy firms. However,
he said that the major reason for them not being effected from the financial crisis in terms
of cash flow because they have two very strong clients.
Ekelund when asked about the factors affecting ERP adoption outlined, two main factors
that he thought are enablers for IT investment and an encouragement for the board direc-
tors to put money on the project, namely, a clear business case and a skilled CIO. He went
on saying that CIO in the present business environment plays a big role in affecting the IT
investment decision, first due to their position in the board of directors and secondly their
clear vision concerning ERP investment and their effects on business.
In regards to forecasting ahead to the end of 2009 and into 2010 on what were the most
pressing concerns facing investments in their organization and potential customers. The
respondent commented about a “must do” versus what they are actually doing in terms of
ERP investments. In general organizations are being more precautious and putting their
IT investments on hold when it comes to ERP adoption and even additional software ap-
plications that they require from Sogeti. His opinion was that “companies are afraid’ to in-
vest when the market is unstable, unpredictable and turbulent.
Furthermore, the must do, is that companies should invest in IT in order to be capable to
face the market and their competitors when the downturn is over. Moreover, he went on
saying that some companies do not have the resources now, waiting or holding their in-
vestment 6 months is not tremulous but rather a strategic weapon for them to stay in busi-
ness with their competitors.
Also, the respondent talked about the measures they as an organization were taking in or-
der to meet the market in the upcoming year, he said that most of their resources were al-
located into marketing activities. “We are forecasting ahead in order to meet the market
and the need of our customers after the financial crisis is over” (M. Ekelund, personal
communication, 2009-05-12). And the most reasonable way to do this is by putting a lot of
efforts on Sales personnel that are out in the market trying to lure new customers.
When it comes to short term actions organizations are likely to take with their investment
strategies, He said that they had five big customers that have done the budgeting; planning
of an ERP implementation, but the financial crisis has caused these five companies to put
their resources on hold. In relation to this a follow up question was to find out the long
term action they should take with their investments strategies. He voiced that it is better to
continue planning on investing in ERP systems due to the fact that the financial crisis is
ever-changing and will be over in the upcoming years.
Lastly, the respondent recommends that organizations should invest in ERP systems if they
have the money internally in the organization and strongly feels that investing in ERP sys-
tems will be more beneficiary to the organizations in the long run.
cus on their current IT investments and see how these investments can enable them to be
well armed for the future ahead.
In response to the short and long term actions organizations are likely to take with their in-
vestment strategies, the respondent states that for short term strategies, organizations are
going to invest in IT projects where they can see the return of investments quicker. He ex-
pands on this view by stating that during financial crisis; unfortunately IT is only viewed as
a cost and nothing else so organizations will only invest in IT projects which will yield ben-
efits fast. He states that there is a fearful atmosphere diffused into a lot of organizations
that IT investments are costly and the only measure to reap the fruits from IT investments
is to initiate small scale projects. On the other hand, long term strategies will be directed
towards bridging the gap between the organizations business and IT strategies. He men-
tions that the goal of any IT investments in an organization is to support the business strat-
egy thus investing in IT should be harmonized with the business strategy.
In addition to this, the respondent states that very often organizations see IT “we shouldn’t
but we see” as a total cost including both in investment and cost. Organizations tend to put
together the total IT spending to a sum which consequently leads Top management to be
skeptical about the high cost thus cutting down staff as a measure to reduce cost. In this
perspective, organizations consider IT investments as a cost and not an enabler.
In conjunction to this, the next question was for the respondent to render some advice to
organizations that are embarking on IT investments and the response was "When you
don’t see IT investment as an enabler to change then it is seen as a cost”. However, if the
organization does not have the resources, then they should not invest in IT. On the other
hand, if they have the allocated resources, then it would be strategic to invest still more in
IT to enable efficiency in other parts of the organizations.
A follow up question posed here was if organizations should put IT investments on hold
during the downturn and he states that putting IT investments on hold is not easy as it
sounds due to the other issues which it brings such as damaging the image on stakeholders.
He further says that organizations do not want to put their IT investments on hold because
it can be detrimental to the stakeholders investing in them but however, the organization
needs to look closely at exactly what kind of IT investments is involved and prioritize it or
5 Analysis
In this section, the empirical data derived from the qualitative interviews from the three respondents will be
analyzed using the authors chosen frame of references.
might need to be corrected. In other words, this method acts as a guiding tool, which al-
lows organizations in evaluating the factors affecting IT investment decision. This model
was used by Fagerhult in identifying different internal factors that was categorized as both
strengths and weaknesses. As revealed in (Figure 9), the weak factors were greater than the
strengths but due to the fact that these strengths were valued more for the business strate-
gy as a whole, it still lead to the ERP adoption. On the other hand, the weaknesses were
factors highlighted in the internal environment and Fagerhult saw the opportunity to turn
these factors into their advantage, by adopting ERP software. In terms of membership in an
industrial group, an ERP system would facilitate the alignment between the different units,
suppliers and thus increasing efficiency in the organization. Moreover, the ERP system
would help in the seamless co-ordination and management of information sharing
throughout the network chain. In terms of the level of diversification, the organization was
growing rapidly and expanding internationally and the existing IT infrastructure did not
support their business strategy and this was seen a weakness in the organization.
Another point of weakness was the technology factor in Fagerhult, their existing infrastruc-
ture and legacy systems was not aligned with their IT and business strategy, the CIO of the
company saw an opportunity in adopting a new ERP system that will allow the organiza-
tion to re-structure their business processes to be better aligned with their IT strategy. In-
cluding to this, the market area and human resources were seen as weaknesses to Fagerhult and
it is worth mentioning that this factor will not only change by just implementing a new
ERP system but efforts need to be in place such as educating/ training of staff members
and constant monitoring of the legitimate markets.
In regards to the evaluation of the external factors, the economical and social factors were seen
as opportunities for the organization to implement the ERP system. The production being
moved to china brought a lot of benefits socially and economical in terms of the cost re-
duction and cost savings. On the other hand, technological and political were seen as threats
for Fagerhult due to the different laws and regulations guiding different countries and the
intense rivalry among their competitors in terms of the use of more advanced IT.
by stating that a different approach should be applied on the industry the organization falls
under. In that perspective, Fagerhult is a big size company and this was a plausible reason
to why this factor affected their decision making in making ERP investments. Meaning by
this, large companies are in need of a software system similar to an ERP system that could
store all data in one place and serve as a support for the business processes across the value
chain of the organization.
The culture of the organization to a great extent was seen as a crucial factor to why Fager-
hult adopted their ERP system. In order for any IT investment whether ERP or a basic
computer system, to be adopted, the culture of the organization has to be willing to accept
the Information Technology system. The CIO emphasized that their organization had an
“open” culture and employees were willing to ensure that the new ERP system being im-
plemented was accepted. The CIO ensured that all the different departments from top
management to the ground level had the same beliefs when it comes to the ERP adoption
so as to ensure a positive outcome from the IT investment decision. According to Schnie-
derjans and Hamaker (2004), they state that cultural aspects should be addressed because it
promotes a high service level and loyalty. From this, we can draw the conclusion that the
culture of the organization is utterly important to highlight when deciding to implement
ERP software in order to outline the strengths and weaknesses. The culture factor in the
company, as revealed in the case study with Fagerhult has the influence of promoting or
hampering the thought of adopting ERP. The greater a company share common beliefs,
have relationships built on trust and IT is well understood from the business side, the high-
er the probability of adopting ERP software.
According to Wang (2007), gaining top management support engage a mutual understand-
ing of the potentiality and restraints of the adopted system, further on try to establish an
overall understanding of the new ERP system to all the workers in order to communicate
the overall IT strategy among all employees. Hellman mentioned that he presented a solid
business case which was used to persuade and get top management on board with the IT
investments. The business case was divided into two parts namely financial and technologi-
In the financial aspect, he presented to the shareholders the positive outcomes, emphasiz-
ing the potential revenue that the new IT investment will generate. As for the technological
part, he demonstrated how the new IT infrastructure would support and ameliorate their
business processes and handle their international activities. Funding onto IT projects de-
mands a dedicated and supportive top management board in order for the project to
achieve the intended goal and, if there is lack of commitment from them, the IT project is
very much predestined at the very start so organizations need to pay attention to this be-
fore investments.
ing communicate with the different offices without restraints related to communication is-
The next factor which affected the adoption of an ERP system is the member of an indus-
trial group. It was a strong and plausible reason for Fagerhult deciding on adopting an ERP
system. The correspondent mentioned the fact that in order to pursue their new business
strategy, they needed a system that could help them achieve this. As stated earlier, the busi-
ness strategy involved them expanding globally which consequently leads to more collabo-
rations between different groups (suppliers/customers).This factor clearly influences the
decision making because if Fagerhult did not see the need for this, it could have been a rea-
son for not adopting the new ERP system. With that being said, the presence of branch of-
fice is closely related to this because the latter focuses on managing the information flow in
the organization. Hellman mentioned that information needed to be handled accordingly
and with information coming from different locations, an ERP software was in need. The
ERP system would enable them to collect all the data from the various departments into
one place where it could be accessed when needed.
The level of diversification can be approached in terms of the product and market the or-
ganization is operating in. The more diversified the firm is, the higher demand for informa-
tion –processing in order to maintain an efficient capital market. The CIO explained that
the situation of the organization on it being moving from a local exporting manufacturer to
an international and global business organization demanded the organization to adapt fast
in order to gain a competitive advantage. Therefore, their decision towards the adoption of
an ERP system was influenced by the need for harmonized processes and information
processing standards in the company.
To sum it up, these factors are important and influence the decision making of ERP in-
vestments. As noted earlier, Fagerhult adopted the ERP system because of the global chal-
lenges they were facing and as a way to address this issue; increased the likelihood of in-
vesting in an ERP system.
world, making the supply chain between the production and the sales department faster
and more efficient. Thus these factors are directly related to cost reduction in terms of
personnel, and work time.
In addition, Organizational Readiness is tagged under the resources a company assesses. Re-
sources in terms of skills and money are two important factors that affect the attitude to-
ward ERP adoption. In other words, if a company can afford the adoption of an ERP sys-
tem then it is more likely to adopt one due to the positive returns it can get from this adop-
tion, also having the right expertise and the skilled personnel is crucial in order to carry out
the implementation phase with the least risk of failure. For Fagerhult, capital resources was
not a problem, it is financially stable and could afford the adoption. Meanwhile, due to fact
that they outsourced the IT software, more professional expertise was guaranteed from the
consultancy firm, thus gave the employee in Fagerhult more assistance in terms of technol-
ogical help.
Furthermore, External pressure or Support encompasses the pressure a company gets from
competition and dependency on other firms already using ERP. Organizations faced with
this pressure feel the need to adopt an ERP system to stay in business or to sustain its
competitive advantage. On what concerns the support element, it is what the company gets
in terms of training maintenance and updating when outsourcing. In other words the high-
er the pressure and the support are the more positive reaction the organization will have
towards ERP adoption. Fagerhult was faced with both pressure and support, pressure from
its rivals that have adopted ERP system and also pressure on its suppliers. They needed
software that could enhance communication with the different suppliers. Including to this
during outsourcing, they got the support needed in terms of training and maintenance.
Thus all these factors had a positive impact on the adoption of ERP software.
Moreover, the perceived Usefulness of new software is the degree the new software is perceived
by the organization as a technology that will enhance the job performance. In a matter of
fact, when deciding about an adoption of a new ERP system, the perceived usefulness is
only seen by the top management. It is not guaranteed that the employees will have the
same view on the job enhancement with the new IT. In Fagerhult, top management had a
vision and objectives that the new software will improve their business processes, but due
to the culture in the company, more than half of the personnel being over 50 years old, un-
secure and afraid of changes, the perceived usefulness were not grasped from the person-
nel. In addition, the Perceived Ease of Use was a challenge in Fagerhult, while implementing
the new software, the old system was still up and running, employees felt more secure us-
ing the old system instead of the new one. Managing the personnel in the organization is a
must in order to get their acceptance and commitment so they get the best outcome from
the ERP adoption.
These factors, presented above have a major role and effect on IT investment decision
making, the more positive these factors are the more a company is likely to adopt a new
ERP system. Furthermore, it is important to mention, that these factors measures only the
attitude of Top Management attitude towards ERP adoption. Their attitude can be divided
into two categories, cognitive and affective. The affective attitude, deals with how much the
person likes the object at hand whether the cognitive deals more with the evaluation of the
object in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. The positive outcomes that an ERP offers
was one of the major factors that affected the attitude of the top management in Fagerhult,
the perceived strategic value of the software gave a positive influence on the attitude towards a
new IT software thus influenced the adoption. Even though, the perceived ease of use and the
perceived usefulness were disablers for the adoption, Fagerhult dealt with that through training
and meeting sessions in order to get the employees’ trust and commitment.
The latter being the need to integrate data and systems together. As mentioned by the CIO,
there is a need for organizations to get the right data at the right time in the right place to
ensure that justified decisions are made. The legacy systems at the organization were old
and could not support the exchange of data which was detrimental in the business opera-
tions. In addition, the legacy systems could not communicate with each another which
made it hard for them to exchange data. The need for an ERP system was inevitable and
propelled their decision making in choosing the ERP system (Microsoft Dynamics). This
ERP system would allow them to share information seamless at real time within their
whole supply chain.
5.2.4 Technological Factor
The adoption of an ERP system in organizations has many positive outcomes in terms of
cost reduction, increase productivity and enhance business processes (Campbell & Craig,
2005). In this perspective we can relate this situation to Fagerhult in terms of their business
objectives and its influence on IT adoption. The company was expanding and getting more
complex and as mentioned by Hellman there was a need for software that could support
their business strategy and enhance business efficiency. The external technological factor
differed from the internal one because it focused mainly on what competitors had as an in-
novative technology and how Fagerhult intends on positioning themselves ahead of their
rivals in terms of the technology adoption.
In relation to this there has been a steady decline in sales of ERP software and application
as revealed by the IT consultant firm. The views goes against what was said since one party
strongly feels that organization should continue investing in ERP investments but as the
figures reveal, investments in ERP systems and IT has actually reduced.
In regards to what organizations should do in terms of short term and long strategies of
ERP investments. Two of the parties (Fagerhult and Sogeti) voiced the same opinion stat-
ing that a short strategy for organization is to withhold all their IT investments and wait for
the crisis to be over while a long term strategy is to proceed in investing so as to ameliorate
their business processes. In relation to this, Hugosson feels that this Long term strategy is
the key for organizations to bridge the persistent alignment problem in organizations. Eke-
lund strongly feel that as for a long term strategy, organizations should continue investing
in areas where their current IT support is viewed ad-hoc and inefficient (in support to both
Fagerhult and Sogeti).
Ekelund states that short term strategies should be focused on IT investments that yield
the return on value quicker which holds strongly to trends and literature. For decades, or-
ganizations have always invested in IT which they see the return of investment on a short
period of time (neglecting other issues such as customers’ satisfaction) and given the finan-
cial situation, this seems more credible due to uncertainty attached with IT investments.
According to Cook (2007) in his book, “making decisions in complex environment”,
decisions are made based on three assumptions, and The Third assumption follows a ratio-
nalized approach of selection. The choice is made through a methodology whereby differ-
ent alternatives are being attributed by different values and in the end the highest alterna-
tive value is chosen (Cook et al. 2007).In other words, companies when placed in downturn
economical times, decision making towards the adoption of an ERP software get more
complex, and companies will invest only if they see visible value outcomes from the Sys-
tem. Therefore, this assumption can be seen as to the reason behind organizations making
IT investments only based on getting the return of investments as soon as possible.
A popular view among literature and the three parties is that the economic crisis is going to
end eventually and organizations need to strategically plan ahead with their IT investments
in order not to be disadvantaged with the fierce market when the economy has re-stabilized
again. All parties abreast to the developing financial crisis and advices that organizations on
the journey of making IT investments should continue if the financial resources permit
them to. The CIO of Fagerhult lays down three guiding principles on the how organiza-
tions should prioritized their IT investments. He states that organizations can put on hold
certain investments while others need to be proceeding in regardless of the financial crisis.
The three types of investments are transitions, optimize and technical. The transition in-
vestments demands change, and the CIO states that these investments should be put on
hold due to the current financial instability. The optimized investments deals with present
investments in order to finalize a started project should proceed in regardless of the finan-
cial situation, while the technical investments should be re-invested.
With that being said, one of the major issues when it comes to IT investments during hard
times is that all IT related projects are viewed as cost. When IT investments are viewed as
cost enabled and not IT enabled, it raises concerns on whether they should continue in-
vesting or not which gives credibility to what the three parties said. Even though, literature
argues that organizations should continue investing in IT investments regardless of the fi-
nancial crisis, the question most organizations should ponder over is firstly the obvious
which is, do we have the resources available? And if that is not a constraint, the next issue
is how we can get the optimal value from our IT investments?
6 Conclusion
Concluding remarks from the thesis will be divided into two sections. The first section answers the first re-
search question on the method of evaluating the factors affecting IT investment decisions and latter, deals
with the financial crisis and its influence on IT investment decisions.
The effect of the financial crisis has taken the world by storm and is plaguing a vast majori-
ty of organizations. The uncertainties and complexities attached to it has toiled many IT
managers, executives into a state of “defense”, which has lead them into doing two things;
putting all investments on hold or proceeding with their Investments, only if the resources
allows them which holds true to the views by the respondents. IT investments have been
labeled with a bad connotation and are now seen as a cost and nothing else. Organizations
who continue investing in IT use one main criterion as an incentive which is fast returns of
investments. If the IT investments cannot bring back quick wins in a short time frame, it is
not even looked upon by Top managers or board of directors which could be a reason to
the decline of sales from IT consultant firms.
Literature and experts advices organizations to not stop making investments in IT but on
the contrary, organizations have cut down their IT investments due to the fact that they are
not willing to put their IT investments in the red zone. There has brought about a dilemma
which organizations are faced and challenged with because the “wise” advices on carrying
on but they are not abiding to this. One thing that is certain is even though organizations
do not adhere to this; they need to be utterly certain that they are looking at trends in the
market so as not to be disadvantaged after the economy has re-stabilized. Nevertheless, if
they have the financial resources and skilled human resources, they need to capitalize on
these assets and strategically plan for the future. An advice for organizations is despite the
financial crisis, the question they ought to ponder over is firstly the obvious which is, do
we have the available resources? And if that is not a constraint, the next issue is how we
can get the optimal value from our IT investments and Hugosson laid it out clearly; organi-
zations need to plan ahead and continue making IT investments that aims at creating a
suitable balance/ fit or harmonization between their IT and business strategies.
7 Closing discussion
This part will focus on few reflections in our thesis, and few recommendations that would have given new in-
sights into our research study.
7.1 Reflections
As an overall perspective from our research, we think that we accomplished our purpose
within this research study. Nevertheless, we think we could have taken a different method
on the factors affecting IT investment decision making. Firstly, we could have studied
more than one company in order to get a better and enriched view on the different factors
that affects different companies, because we are aware that factors differ from company to
another, therefore we believe that capturing this differences would have increased the cre-
dibility of our work.
Secondly, the information gathered from Fagerhult, would have been more concrete if we
would have conducted our interview with both the CIO and a representative of the consul-
tancy firm that was involved in studying the internal/external environment of the organiza-
tion. Getting both sides of the coin on the significance of the making/planning stage would
have given us a deeper understanding and more substantial data.
On what concerns the study of the financial crisis and its effect on IT investment, the study
we conducted from the three correspondent, Hellman, Hugosson and Ekelund, would
have been more interesting if the interview with the three actors was done in a form of a
debate, where all actors will be present at the same time and from this we can draw even
better conclusions.
Since this paper focuses on the phase before the implementation of ERP software, a fur-
ther study could be to investigate different companies’ way of conducting the pre-study (in-
ternal and external factors) and its effect on the organization after implementation. The-
reafter, outline the cons and pros of each method in order to help organizations choose the
most efficient method.
The authors of this paper studied the effect of the financial crisis on IT investment deci-
sion making and how companies should react in downturn times. A further research could
also be, to study and analyze the effect of this investment on companies that have done an
IT investment from 2007 when the financial crisis is over. This will justify or disclaim the
findings of this thesis and also help companies in the future when faced with complex and
unstable environment in order to place them on the safe zone in making IT investments.
7.3 Acknowledgement
We would like to thank everybody that contributed to our thesis in one way or the other.
Our sincere thanks and gratitude to our supervisor Professor Jörgen Lindh, who was ge-
nuinely interested in our work, guided and inspired us to achieve this research.
Special thanks to Assistant Professor Ulf Seigerroth who gave us new insights and contri-
buted to make this paper possible.
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Appendix 1: Fagerhult
1. Can you describe the purpose of Fagerhult as an organization?
2. How many employees does Fagerhult have?
3. Can you tell us a brief history of Fagerhult?
4. What is your role in the organization?
5. What are your main duties?
Decision Making:
6. What role did you have in influencing the decision making process? (Where you a
decision maker or information provider)?
7. Looking at the strategic planning stage on making IT investments, how did Fager-
hult embark on making their decision of adopting an ERP?
8. What is the significance of looking into the internal and external factors before
choosing the ERP system?
Internal Factors
9. Referring to the literature, how did these internal factors affect IT investment deci-
sion in Fagerhult:
Organizational Factors:
Size of the company
Business Factors
Business Factors:
The Market area
The membership in an industrial group
The presence of branch offices
The level of diversification
External Factors
11. Referring to the literature, how did these external factors affect IT investment deci-
sion in Fagerhult:
Economical: Financial Crisis (Complexity and Uncertainty)
12. What was the most critical factor that influenced the IT investment decision?
Evaluation Phase
13. How were these factors evaluated? And how it affected the outcomes?
14. What methods or frameworks were used in the evaluation of these factors?
Study of the Economic crisis effect on the decision making of ERP investments
15. How does the organization cope with the effects of the financial crisis in terms of
IT investments, also ERP investments?
16. What implications does the financial crisis have on the decision making process of
investing in ERP systems in comparison to the normal ways of making IT invest-
17. What short-term actions are Fagerhult likely to take with their investment strate-
18. What long-term actions are Fagerhult likely to take with their investment strategies?
19. What recommendations would you give to organizations as they embark on invest-
ing in ERP systems?
Appendix 2: Sogeti
1. Can you describe the purpose of Sogeti as an organization?
2. How many employees does Sogeti have?
3. Can you tell us a brief history of Sogeti?
4. What is your role in the organization?
5. What are your main duties?
Study of the Economic crisis effect in decision making of ERP investments: IT consultant
6. How has the recent financial crisis affected the decision making of IT investments
(ERP systems in particular)?
7. What is the difference in the sales figures from before the financial crisis and as of
8. What implications will the financial crisis have on the decision making of investing
in ERP systems?
9. Forecasting to the end of 2009 and into 2010, what are the most pressing concerns
facing the investments in ERP systems in organizations?
10. What short-term actions are organizations likely to take with their investment strat-
egies given the financial situation?
11. What long-term actions are organizations likely to take with their investment strate-
gies given the financial situation?
12. What recommendations would you give to organizations as they embark on invest-
ing in ERP systems? Should they proceed on IT investments or should they wait till
the crisis is over? Why?
Appendix 3: Expert