Instagram Dentistry: Hui Lynn Ooi, Martin G.D. Kelleher
Instagram Dentistry: Hui Lynn Ooi, Martin G.D. Kelleher
Instagram Dentistry: Hui Lynn Ooi, Martin G.D. Kelleher
Instagram Dentistry
Instagram, a photo and video social networking site, is gaining popularity in the
dental world and it is easy to see why this is so. Instagram’s potential to share
information in an engaging way allows dental professionals to share clinical
work and provides a unique way of learning.
Advertising on Instagram has blossomed. Some of this is for self-promotional
reasons, for practice building, or for marketing of new techniques and products by
manufacturers. One ought to be cautious about the implications of some patients’
quest for ‘dental perfection’. That is especially the case when destructive dentistry is
being undertaken by dentists trying to replicate what they have seen on Instagram
in potentially much more challenging patients. Some of those demanding patients
request very ambitious treatments with sometimes hugely unrealistic expectations.
Arguably, Instagram could be the new major trend in dentistry.
The total number of active monthly While Instagram can be viewed on your
Instagram users worldwide reached one computer webpage, it was designed
billion in 2020, with over two-thirds primarily for smartphone use with its
of them below the age of 34.1 Instagram easy, palm of your hand access.
is fast increasing in popularity among
12 to 34-year-olds and in that category, An Instagram account can either be private
it has surpassed Facebook’s market share or public. As the name suggests, public
by 66% to 62% in the US population in accounts can be viewed by anybody,
2019.2 whereas private accounts can only be
viewed by approved ‘friends’. This means
Instagram’s methods of engaging users that a dentist posting pictures or videos
with its images make it popular in with dentally related content on a public
dentistry, which is arguably a very visually account can have it viewed by anyone –
demanding field. Instagram has changed be that by existing patients, dental
the way dentistry is advertised, portrayed colleagues or prospective ‘clients’.
to the public, and is being used amongst
a whole new generation of dentists and Instagram’s news feed consists of either
potential patients. Love it or hate it, a photos or short videos that are up to
wave of ‘Insta Dentists’ has arrived. 60 seconds long.
14 Pr i ma r y De n ta l J ou r n a l
in to see what friends, colleagues and
relatives are up to, and occasionally,
some interesting dentistry might catch
the eye. So, for the general dentist with
a personal Instagram account, browsing
dental content could be a great way to
see techniques that are not routinely
done in practice, or to get inspiration for
the work ahead, as depicted in the posts
that comprise Figure 3.
Instagram advertising
When posting on Instagram or any
social media, it is all about the image
someone wishes to portray, or the story
they want to tell the world. Be it one’s
own image, a brand, a technique or
a product, one can control what other
people using Instagram will see. There
is a natural tendency to present one’s
best aspects, which fuels the debates
about image and social media.
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Instagram Dentistry
16 Pr i ma r y De n ta l J ou r n a l
available and easy to use. Arguably, want similar treatments, or among professional’s training and should be
some of the content uploaded other dentists who may well be continued during continued professional
online by less-ethical dentists might be influenced into thinking this is an development (CPD) extending across the
heavily edited or ‘doctored’ and thus, acceptable, or indeed preferable, whole dental team.12
can easily result in unrealistic form of treatment.9
expectations of ‘dental perfection’. Dangers may well arise with advertising
Even worse, some practitioners may on Instagram where manufacturers are
manipulate images to mask Ethical advertising and making ambitious and often
unsatisfactory treatments. pitfalls unsubstantiated claims about products.
Social media has blurred the boundaries One only needs to input ‘teeth whitening’
Hence, an ethical obligation to post between professional and personal life, in the search box to find a plethora of
unedited photos of clinical work is and it is easy for one to negatively products being recommended by ‘brand
needed to maintain trust in the impact the other. It is prudent to keep ambassadors’ promising instantly whiter
profession. Although one would hope these as separate as possible and to teeth which can be easily purchased
that all dentists are honest about their establish a separate professional online. It is important to note that these
work, there is also the possibility for Instagram account from one’s personal ‘brand ambassadors’ – individuals
people to steal images of work seen on account. with a high social media following –
Instagram and pass it off as their own. generally receive income from promoting
An electronic image can be easily The first General Dental Council (GDC) products on their Instagram accounts.
obtained, altered and shared without the advice on using social media was Unsubstantiated, financially driven
author’s knowledge.8 published in 2013 and was updated claims for products or dental techniques
in 2016.10 The guidance focuses on can be dangerous to the general public
maintaining patient confidentiality. due to the potential for dissemination of
Variations in dental Content posted must not be identifiable disinformation and information.13
philosophies in different to patients or others unless the
cultures patient’s explicit consent has been There is very little quality control with
One important point to note is that granted. Certainly, with the increasing content posted online compared to much
there are very different styles of use of social media today, it would be of the information published in journals
dentistry practised around the world. prudent for clinicians to include in the which undergo a strict peer-review
Instagram facilitates the sharing of consent form explicit permission for process.14
these and provides exposure to use of patients’ clinical photographs
techniques, philosophies and ideas on social media. Ethical marketing in healthcare is
from other countries. complex, difficult and dangerous.
That could complement the requirement The complexity lies in the range of
It’s worth noting that some countries
for detailed consent discussions to be problems present in dentistry; difficult,
tend to favour a destructive/invasive
documented carefully in the records to in appeasing patients who hold
style of dentistry, for example, with
include ‘Montgomery consent’ about unrealistic expectations; dangerous,
multiple ceramic veneers being the
‘material risks’ – giving explicit when opinions are plentiful and
common go-to treatment for improving
permission for publications and teaching verifiable facts are rare.15 Things have
smile aesthetics quickly. Some posts
purposes as well as for advertising. been made more complicated by
even show the provision of ceramic
veneers on unrestored virgin teeth to Instagram and other data gathering
The GDC also mentions the professional applications which can then target
improve the colour and shape of the
responsibilities in maintaining susceptible or gullible people in
teeth. This type of unnecessary
appropriate boundaries with patients, persistent and yet subtle ways. Not all
destruction would be criticised quite
and maintaining public trust in the dental dental treatments seen on Instagram
harshly by some more conservative UK
profession. ought to be ‘sold’ to every patient.
Serious ethical and consent issues can
Many UK dental institutions teach GDC guidance on online advertising is arise when a patient demands an
dentists to practise minimally somewhat limited to websites and does inappropriately destructive treatment
destructive dentistry and often not really cover social media platforms that they have seen on Instagram.
advocate align/bleach/bond such as Instagram, Facebook or
approaches to preserve sound tooth Twitter.11 Proper marketing should be patient-
structure for the benefit of patients in focussed, ensuring that a particular
the long term. However, the use of In addition, there have been disciplinary treatment is appropriate for that patient
extensive, almost three-quarter crown actions by the GDC related to social at that time and that the other available
style preparations for ‘ceramic media use. This strongly suggests an realistic options are discussed in a
veneers’ can be common practice in urgent need for social media awareness neutral and balanced way.
some other countries. This to can training for all members of the dental
create an unrealistic and dangerous team. This training needs to be part of The potential to ‘over-promise and
expectation among patients who may early education during the dental under-deliver’ is a major source
Vol. 1 0 No . 1 M a r c h 2021 17
Instagram Dentistry
Dentists need to be modest in what they the dentist’s Instagram posts, that they An option would also involve referral
promise and remain acutely aware that would automatically end up with the to a specialist dentist and, if this offer
nearly 50% of patients showing up for ‘perfect smile’, then the implied contract is declined by the patient, clear
plastic surgery have a recognisable was to deliver that outcome. If the patient documented evidence of this is
psychiatric disorder, as described in subsequently feels that they did not get prudent.
a classic paper by Napoleon in their subjectively perceived ‘perfect
1993.16 In addition, patients with body smile’, then there could be a tort on that Claims on the longevity of restorations
dysmorphic syndrome seeking cosmetic implied contract. provided should also be quoted
dental treatment are often dissatisfied from a dentist’s own audited figures,
with any procedure provided and Specialist lawyers may well run the and not those from some highly
therefore deem the treatment and that case on a ‘no win no fee’ agreement for experienced specialists. This is needed
dentist a failure.17 If their expectations the patient. Patients frequently allege to provide a clearer and honest picture
are in any way unrealistic, that needs “not understanding that there was a for the protection of patients and for
to be challenged and addressed at an danger of a less than perfect outcome” maintaining the reputation of the
early stage. when they signed the documents, despite dental profession.
extensive discussions.
A visual analogue scale can be used to Dentists need to be self-critical and to
get an insight into the patient’s Patients’ records are vital in such cases, take into consideration the variability of
aspirations or expectations as part of the documenting clear references to a outcomes in clinical dentistry and the
initial assessment before undertaking sensible consent process. A diagnosis of difficulty in reproducing work precisely
any elective cosmetic dental procedure. the cosmetic problem must be present, every single time, particularly in very
Figure 4 depicts an example of a and pre-operative photographs and study challenging patients with very complex
patient’s completed visual analogue models and radiographs are always problems.18
scale (VAS) that clearly highlights serious helpful. Photographs of a direct composite
concerns. As can be seen from this visual mock-up done on the patient’s teeth
analogue scale, the patient is hoping to before undertaking treatment can also Conclusion
achieve a superb appearance, longevity, demonstrate what was actually promised, The ethical and diligent use of Instagram
and preservation of tooth structure with as opposed to a laboratory wax-up, has the potential to contribute greatly
little dental destruction but has virtually which might not be feasible in practice. to the world of dentistry by serving
no real concerns about the risk level of as a source of education and improving
the procedures.15 A detailed record of consent, explaining clinical outcomes for patients. Instagram
any reasonable options, ought to be used for advertising can yield decent
In providing cosmetic dentistry, the risk subjected to a BRAN test–benefits, risks returns but precautions need to be taken
of an implied contract between patient and (doing) nothing, taking into account to always act in a way that is ethical,
and dentist remains high. If a patient the Montgomery ruling on consent, sensible and appropriate and thereby
felt that by receiving extensive dentistry which relates to a patient’s protect patients and reflect well on the
from that particular dentist based on understanding of any material risks. dental profession.
18 Pr i ma r y De n ta l J ou r n a l
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en_GB. Guidance on using social media. and professional concerns with 2012;39:472-486.
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FGDP(UK) and FDS’ new guidance on antimicrobial prescribing
helps dental professionals fulfil their statutory duty to ensure
appropriate use of antibiotics. It gives clear and practical advice on
when to prescribe, what to prescribe, for how long and at what dosage.
The new edition updates the 2012 version and widens the scope to all of dentistry,
including management of oral and dental infections by specialists and trainees in hospital
environments. It also covers prescribing to both adults and children, and was created
in response to the increasing development of antimicrobial resistance worldwide.
& Record-Keeping
Vol. 1 0 No . 1 M a r c h 2021 19