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7 - History - Delhi - Sultans - Part 1

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Bal Bharati Public School, GRH Marg

Social Science

History- chapter 3

Delhi sultans (part 1)

Introduction: Delhi became an important city in 12th century. Delhi first became the capital of a
kingdom under the Tomara Rajputs . who were defeated in the middle of the twelfth century by the
Chauhans of Ajmer.

Reference book: NCERT : OUR PASTS -29 ( PAGES 30 - 33)

Specific points: The students will be able to:

• Develop a better understanding about History of Delhi .

• Understand administrative reforms done under different rulers of Delhi Sultnate. •
Prepare a time line chart.
• Appreciate the Indo- Islamic style of Architecture

Define Dehliwals?

Delhi became an important commercial centre during the time of Tomara rajputs and Chauhans. Many
rich Jaina merchants lived in the city and constructed several temples. Coins minted here, called
Dehliwal , had a wide circulation.

The delhi sultans built many cities in the area that we now know as Delhi.
Looking at the above map , find some of the names of old city which are known by the same name
even today?
Finding about Delhi Sultans.
Although inscriptions , coins and Architecture provide a lot of information, the ‘histories ‘ are very
valuable. Tawarikh was written in Persian, which was the language of administration under Delhi
Sultans. Tawarikh was written by learned men, who were secretaries, administrators, poets and
courtiers, who both recounted events and advised rulers on governance ,emphasizing the importance of
just rule.

Tarikh: Singular of Historical information

Twarikh: Plural of Historical information

Define the following:

Birthright : Birthright means privileges claimed on account of birth. People believed that nobles
inherited their rights to govern because they were born in certain families.

Gender distinctions :Social and biological differences between women and men. Usually, these
differences are used to argue that men are superior to women.

Q. Give a detailed account of authors of Tawarikh?

Ans. 1. Authors of Tawarikh lived in cities and hardly ever in villages.

2. They often wrote histories about the king in the hope of high rewards.

3. These authors advised the kings on an ideal social order based on birth right and gender

distinctions. Q. What did Minhaz – I- Shiraz wrote about Raziya?

Ans. In 1236, Sultan Iltutmish’s daughter , Razziya became Sultan. The chronicler of the age, Minhaj –i
Shiraz recognized that Razziya was more able and qualified than her brothers .But he was not
comfortable to make her queen as ruler. Nor were the nobles happy at her attempts to rule
independently . She was removed from throne in 1240. She went against the ideal social ordercreated
by God, in which women were considered to be subordinate to men.

Study from the following link for better understanding of the topic.



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