2nd Infantry Division
2nd Infantry Division
2nd Infantry Division
The 2nd Infantry Division’s artillery opened up on the hill, said, “I knew you were coming but I couldn’t do anything.
thrashing the defenders hapless enough not to be in their I could see no one to shoot. The first American soldier I saw
foxholes with over 45 tons of high explosives. When the dust was the one who captured me!”
settled the first of the Indianheads charged into the assault.
With the fall of Hill 154, German resistance on the penin-
German mortars opened up and took a toll on the American
sula fell apart. The Indianheads then set up Task Force X
soldiers and the attack stalled. The Shermans went to work
(later known as Ivory X), an artillery group consisting of 57
pounding the hillside relentlessly as the American infantry
.50 cal machine-guns, 12 tank destroyers, and eight 40mm
bounced back into action.
anti-aircraft guns. From their positions Ivory X was able to
The fight for the hill continued to be tough. At one location, hit the Germans from behind. They kept up a hail of fire
named “Kraut Corner”, German paratroopers fired on the supporting the Indianheads during the assaults on Brest
Americans from an elaborate system of concealed dugouts and itself.
tunnels. Frustrated by these crafty defenders, the Indianheads
called up Sherman tanks fitted with bulldozer blades and Hill 105
simply buried the Germans—soldiers, weapons, and all—and On September 1 the 23rd Infantry Regiment of the 2nd In-
then moved on to Hill 192. Very few, prisoners were taken at fantry Division attacked Hill 105. Capturing this hill was
Kraut Corner, such was the intensity of the fight. the key to folding the German defences on the outside the
The 2nd Infantry Division pushed through the defenders and city. Companies A and C of the 5th Rangers Battalion were
reached the hill’s summit around noon. They had achieved attached to help them with this task.
success through close cooperation between tanks, infantry, The Indianheads and the Rangers assaulted with the help
engineers, and artillery. of Ivory X which pelted the defenders from behind with
With Hill 192 secure, the 2nd Infantry Division settled into .50 calibre ammunition. The Americans poured around and
the defensive along with the rest of the V Corps until 26 July. over the top, capturing the important hill.
The American breakout during Operation Cobra propelled
them across northern France. The Indianheads crossed the City Fighting
Vire River and liberated Tinchebray on 15 August 1944. With Hill 105 captured, the 2nd advanced to the city itself.
After the battles around Saint-Lô, the 2nd and 29th Infantry The journey was painfully slow, as the Germans had seeded
Division were transferred west to Brittany as a part of the the approaches with thousands of mines and booby traps,
newly formed VIII Corps. Their job was to capture the deep including rigged naval shells and torpedoes. Amongst these
water port of Brest in what would become a very difficult the Germans had machine-gun emplacements, but the ever-
and bloody fight. resourceful Indianheads called upon M12 155mm self-pro-
pelled guns to blast them apart at close range.
Brittany When the Indianheads reached the city they fought street-
During the breakout of Operation Cobra, two American by-street eliminating each German strongpoint one by one.
armoured divisions crashed into Brittany and raced for the The advance was slow, but progress was being made, until
seaport of Brest. The US VIII Corps was then organised to the Indianheads hit the city wall on 16 September.
tackle the city itself with three infantry divisions: the 29th
from the north, the 8th in the centre and the 2nd in the The Wall
east. The Indianheads were also tasked with clearing out the Brest’s city wall was built in medieval days. It was 35 feet
Daoulas Peninsula to the south. (11m) tall and 60 feet (18m) wide in some places, making
it impervious to artillery fire. The Germans had also cleared
Task Force B everything in front of the wall out to 300 yards, giving them
The Daoulas Peninsula struck out into the ocean just south excellent fields of fire.
of Brest and contained high ground overlooking the city, The ancient wall frustrated the Indianheads until a patrol
which made it a prized objective for American artillery. The found a neglected part of the wall that was only eight feet
Germans also realised this and heavily fortified the area. (2.4m) tall and only a foot (30cm) thick. The Indianheads
The 2nd Infantry Division assembled Task Force B to capture blasted through and got behind the last of the German
the peninsula. The force was built around the 38th Infantry lines.
Regiment with support from a company of Sherman tanks, a Soon the Indianheads met up with their comrades from the
company of tank destroyers, three battalions of artillery, and 29th Infantry Division and the two pressed home the attack.
Task Force A, a cavalry and tank destroyer unit. After sporadic fighting the Germans finally ran up the white
On 22 August Task Force B moved to hit its first objective, flag. General Robertson accepted the surrender of Fortress
the heavily fortified Hill 154. The Indianheads used the Brest on 18 September 1944, only 39 days after Hitler had
tactics they had learned in the hedgerows of Normandy. The demanded the city resist for three months.
men crawled flat on their stomachs slowly and deliberately The 2nd Infantry Division left Brittany as an extremely well
toward the bunkers using each and every bush and rock to organised and highly professional unit. During the battle, the
conceal their movement. Suddenly, they leapt up overran the Indianheads had suffered 2,314 casualties, but captured over
German bunkers with flamethrowers and hand grenades. The 13,000 prisoners, nearly half of the total taken at Brest.
surprise was so complete that one German taken prisoner
2nd Indianhead Division Special Rules
A Rifle Company from the 2nd Indianhead Infantry Division Winter Training
uses all of the normal US special rules found on pages 157-
The Indianheads received winter training in Sparta,
161 of the Flames Of War rulebook as well as the following
Winsconsin. They trained intensely for four-months during
special rules.
the freezing winter conditions and blizzards of the American
While playing under winter conditions, 2nd Infantry
Division Infantry and Man-packed Gun teams treat deep
snow as Cross-country Terrain instead of Difficult Going
(see page 244 of the rulebook), allowing them to move At
the Double across deep snow covered terrain.
Tank Special Rules
Tank Telephones Hedgerow Cutters
Telephone boxes were welded to the back of tanks to help Hedgerow cutters were remarkably simple. Just a few
improve infantry-tank coordination in combat. This helped lengths of steel welded on the bow of a tank allowed it to
tanks find difficult targets in the dense terrain of northern tear out a section of Bocage hedgerow. Hedgerow cutters
France. were simultaneously invented by several units, but Technical
Sergeant Curtis G Culin is the most famous. Tanks fitted
If a Sherman or Stuart tank and an adjacent Infantry team
with the cutters are appropriately known as ‘Rhinos’.
did not move in the Movement Step and are not Pinned
Down, the Infantry team can point out targets for the tank When a tank fitted with a hedgerow cutter attempts to cross
instead of shooting. a Bocage Hedgerow, it successfully crosses on a roll of 2+
rather than a Skill Test. If it fails, the tank Bogs Down on
The Infantry team pointing out targets for the tank counts
the hedgerow as normal.
as a Recce Platoon using the Eyes and Ears rule (page 149
of the rulebook) to reveal a Gone to Ground enemy team If it crosses successfully, then any other Fully-tracked Tank
for that tank. If other tanks in the platoon fire, they must teams adjacent to the hedgerow can follow it through on a
either have their own Infantry team pointing out the target, roll of 2+ instead of a Skill Test as well.
or continue to treat the target as Gone to Ground.
Rifle Company
2nd ‘Indianhead’ Infantry Division
(Infantry Company)
Company HQ You must field one platoon from each box shaded black and may field one platoon from each
box shaded grey.
Company HQ
Weapons Platoons
Infantry Machine-Guns
Armour Artillery
Tank Platoon
Field Artillery Battery
Infantry Machine-Guns
Chemical Mortar
Armour Platoon
Armored Field Artillery
Rifle Platoon Machine-gun Platoon
Heavy Anti-aircraft
Artillery Platoon
Tank Destroyer
Infantry Artillery Platoon
Towed Tank Destroyer Artillery
Field Artillery Battery
Machine-guns & Anti-tank
Artillery Field Artillery Battery
Truck Section
Armored Field Artillery
Anti-tank Platoon (155mm Gun SP)
Weapons Platoon
Infantry (155mm Gun SP)
Ranger Company
Regimental Support Platoons
Anti-tanK Anti-Aircraft
Intelligence &
Cannon Platoon
Motivation and Skill
Reluctant Conscript
The 2nd “Indianhead” Division has been selected often to experiment with new assault
Confident Trained
techniques and tactics. Now the time has finally arrived to put these experiments into
action in Normandy and Brittany. Fearless Veteran
A Rifle Company from the 2nd Infantry Division is rated as Confident Trained. 2nd “Indianhead”
Infantry Division
Company HQ
Company HQ 15 points
Company Command 2iC Command Bazooka Bazooka
• Replace all Carbine teams with SMG teams for Carbine team Carbine team team team
+10 points per Carbine team. Company HQ
• Add Bazooka teams for +15 points per team.
Rifle Company HQ
• Add up to three Sniper teams for +50 points per
Combat Platoons
Rifle Platoon
Platoon Lieutenant
HQ Section with: Lieutenant
You may replace up to one Rifle team or SMG team per Rifle team Rifle team Rifle team Rifle team
platoon with a Flame-thrower team at the start of the game
before deployment. Rifle team Rifle team
Rifle Squad Rifle Squad
The 2nd Infantry Division’s soldiers were among the best
in the US Army. They have trained with a wide variety of Sergeant
equipment including flame-throwers, Thompson subma-
chine-guns and demolitions. These came in handy in the
Rifle team Rifle team Rifle team
hedgerows of Normandy and will serve well in Brittany too.
Rifle Squad
rifle platoon
Weapons Platoon
Platoon Lieutenant
HQ Section with: Lieutenant
• Add Jeep with .50 cal AA MG for +5 points. Sergeant Sergeant
Weapons platoon
Weapons Platoons
Machine-gun Platoon
HQ Section with:
2 MG Sections 100 points
1 MG Section 50 points
• Add Bazooka teams for +15 points per team.
• Add Jeep with .50 cal AA MG for +5 points.
• Add Jeeps with trailers for +5 points for the platoon.
Mortar Platoon
HQ Section with:
3 Mortar Sections 120 points
2 Mortar Sections 85 points
1 Mortar Section 45 points
• Add Bazooka teams for +15 points per team.
• Add Jeep with .50 cal AA MG for +5 points.
• Add Jeeps with trailers for +5 points for the platoon.
Anti-tank Platoon
Platoon Lieutenant
HQ Section with: Lieutenant
Ammunition & Pioneer Platoon
Platoon Lieutenant
HQ Section with: Lieutenant
The Ammunition & Pioneer Platoon blasts away the enemy’s Pioneer Rifle team Pioneer Rifle team Pioneer Rifle team
fortifications, allowing your rifle platoons to flood in and
capture the objective. Alternatively, they are excellent tank- Pioneer Rifle team Pioneer Rifle team Pioneer Rifle team
hunters, with two bazookas and enough explosives to open A&P Squad A&P Squad A&P Squad
enemy tanks like tin cans!
Ammunition & Pioneer platoon
Cannon Platoon
Platoon Captain
HQ Section with: Captain
Lieutenant Lieutenant
• Add Jeeps and DUKW trucks for +5 points for the
• Replace all DUKW trucks with 1½-ton trucks at no M3 105mm light howitzer M3 105mm light howitzer
Gun Section
Cannon platoon
Intelligence & Recon Platoon
Platoon Lieutenant
HQ Section with: Lieutenant
VIII Corps was organised to carry out the liberation of Brittany. It included many of the
Reluctant Conscript
fresh troops from Normandy and were well equipped with heavy weapons to accomplish their
mission. Confident Trained
Fearless Veteran
Support platoons are rated Confident Trained.
Tank Platoon
Platoon Lieutenant
5 M4 or M4A1 Sherman 345 points Lieutenant
4 M4 or M4A1 Sherman 275 points
3 M4 or M4A1 Sherman 205 points
• Fit up to half of the platoon’s tanks with Hedgerow Command Tank
Cutters for +5 points for the platoon.
• Equip one M4 or M4A1 Sherman tank with a dozer Sergeant Sergeant
blade making it a Bulldozer for +5 points.
5 M5A1 Stuart 235 points
4 M5A1 Stuart 190 points Tank Tank
3 M5A1 Stuart 145 points
• Fit up to half of the platoon’s tanks with Hedgerow
Cutters for +5 points for the platoon. Tank Tank
Tank Section Tank Section
The Indianhead Division has had a lot of opportunities Tank Platoon
to work closely with their tank support since the bloody
hedgerow fighting around St. Lô.
Sherman and Stuart tanks in an Independent Tank Platoon
use the Tank Telephones and Hedgerow Cutters special rules
found on page 4.
Tank Destroyer Platoon
Platoon Lieutenant
HQ Section with: Lieutenant
Tank Destroyer Platoons use the US Tank Destroyers special Carbine team M20 utility Carbine team M20 utility
rules on page 157 in the Flames Of War rulebook.
Tank Destroyer were critical in the Brittany campaign, offering M18 Hellcat M18 Hellcat
their guns to blind bunkers and blast infantry positions.
Tank Destroyer doctrine called for some of the Tank Destroyer Bazooka Bazooka Bazooka Bazooka
battalions to be converted to towed 3” anti-tank guns. These team team team team
are much easier to conceal than a self-propelled gun and pack Tank destroyer Tank destroyer
Section Section
a mean punch.
Towed Tank destroyer Platoon
On one occasion a company from the 612th (Towed) Tank
Destroyer Battalion was called upon to put down harassing
fire as a part of Ivory X, however ammunition shortages pre-
vented them from launching full-scale bombardments.
Truck Section
Platoon Corporal
HQ Squad with: Corporal
A Transport Section follows the rules for Transport Platoons Truck Squad Truck Squad
found on pages 29, 119, and 194 of the Flames Of War Tech 5
• Add M3 37mm gun for +15 points.
• Replace the M3 37mm gun with a Bazooka team at
no cost.
• Add Bazooka teams for +15 points per team.
• Add Pioneer Supply 2½-ton truck for +25 points.
• Add a Bulldozer for +5 points, a turretless M4
Sherman dozer for +10 points, or an M4 Sherman
tank fitted with a dozer blade for +70 points.
• Arm up to two 2½-ton trucks with .50cal AA MG for
+10 points per truck.
You may replace all Pioneer HMG teams with Pioneer Rifle
teams at the start of the game before deployment.
The engineers helped keep the way open for supplies to reach
the front as well as remaining on hand to take down a dif-
ficult bunker with explosives.
Engineer Combat Platoon
Ranger Company
Company Captain
2 Ranger Platoons 270 points Captain
1 Ranger Platoon 135 points Captain
• Upgrade the Command Rifle/MG team to a Command M2 60mm
Rifle/MG team mortar
Command SMG team at no cost.
• Add M2 60mm mortars to all platoons for +20 points
per mortar. Sergeant Sergeant
At the start of the game before deployment you may make Rifle/MG Rifle/MG Rifle/MG Rifle/MG
any or all of the following changes to each Ranger Platoon team team team team
at no additional cost:
• Replace up to one Rifle/MG team with a Bazooka team. Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
• Replace up to one Rifle/MG team with a Pioneer Rifle Ranger Section Ranger Section
team. Ranger platoon
• Replace all Rifle/MG teams with Rifle teams. Lieutenant
• Replace all M2 60mm mortars with M1 81mm mortars. Lieutenant
At the start of the game before deployment you may
group both of a company’s mortars into one of its Ranger
Command M2 60mm
Platoons. Rifle/MG team mortar
Cavalry Recon Platoon
Platoon Lieutenant
3 Cavalry Recon Patrols 210 points Lieutenant
2 Cavalry Recon Patrols 140 points
1 Cavalry Recon Patrol 70 points
Command Mortar Jeep Recon Jeep
M8 armored car
Cavalry Recon Patrol
Cavalry Recon Patrols are Reconnaissance Platoons.
Sergeant Sergeant
Your corps will provide excellent reconnaissance using its
Cavalry group. These troops will scout ahead of your force,
identifying possible ambushes and concealed troops.
Command M8 armored car Command M8 armored car
Recon Jeep Recon Jeep
Before deployment you may choose to dismount your
Cavalry Recon Platoon. If you do this, all of the Cavalry
Recon Patrols operate as a single infantry platoon. Designate Mortar Jeep Mortar Jeep
any one of the teams as the Platoon Command team. The Cavalry Recon Cavalry Recon
platoon remains a Reconnaissance Platoon. Patrol Patrol
If you choose to dismount, the entire platoon must dismount Cavalry Recon platoon
and send its vehicles to the rear. Replace all of the vehicles
in each Cavalry Recon Patrol with any two of the following Cavalry Recon Patrols may operate as separate platoons,
teams for each Patrol: each with their own Command team. Although its patrols
count as separate platoons for all other purposes, a Task
• Carbine teams
Force Cavalry Recon Platoon doing this deploys all at the
• .50 cal MG teams same time as a single platoon.
• M1919 LMG teams
For example, the entire Cavalry Recon Platoon would be
• up to one Bazooka team per Cavalry Recon Patrol. treated as a single platoon when calculating the number of
• up to one M2 60mm mortar team per Cavalry Recon Patrol. platoons held in Ambush or Reserve.
Field Artillery Battery
HQ Section with:
2 Gun Sections 140 points
1 Gun Section 75 points Observer
Carbine team
• Add ¾-ton and 2½‑ton trucks to the battery for
+5 points.
The M2A1 howitzer has proven itself time and again through-
out North Africa, Sicily, Italy, and now in Normandy. The
M2A1 105mm howitzer M2A1 105mm howitzer
Field Artillery batteries are well-trained to deliver massed
firepower on top of the German positions with devastating
Their accurate barrages keep the enemy pinned down and
soften them up for the assaulting infantry. Use them to
prepare the way for your assault or to break up enemy attacks
M2A1 105mm howitzer M2A1 105mm howitzer
before they hit your line. Your riflemen should be able to
mop up what ever is left!
Chemical Mortar Platoon
Platoon Lieutenant
HQ Section with: Lieutenant
• Add Jeep and M2 Half-tack to the battery for
+5 points.
• Replace Jeep with an unarmed M2 half-track for
+5 points.
• Arm unarmed Jeep or M2 half-track with an AA MG
for +5 points per vehicle.
Corps Field Artillery Battery (155mm Gun SP)
HQ Section with:
2 Gun Sections 280 points
1 Gun Section 150 points Observer
Carbine team
• Add ¾-ton trucks at no cost.
You may not field a Corps Field Artillery Battery (155 Gun
SP) unless you are also fielding a Field Artillery Battery, an
Armored Field Artillery Battery, a Field Artillery Battery,
or a Armored Field Artillery Battery with at least three
guns. M12 155mm GMC M12 155mm GMC
Heavy Anti-Aircraft Artillery Platoon
Platoon Lieutenant
HQ Section with: Lieutenant
• Model 90mm Anti-aircraft gun with eight or more crew Sergeant Sergeant
and increase their ROF to 3 for +10 points per gun.
• Add a Jeep and M5 high-speed tractors for +5 points
for the platoon. M1 90mm gun M1 90mm gun
Each M49 quad .50 cal AA gun counts as two weapons Automatic Automatic
Weapons Section Weapons Section
when firing a bombardment.
Anti-aircraft Artillery Platoon
Air Support
Priority Air Support Flight Lieutenant
P-47 Thunderbolt 190 points Flight Lieutenant
Liaison Aircraft
The L4 Grasshopper liaison aircraft flew low over the front L4 Grasshopper AOP
lines looking for the enemy and reporting their positions. AOP
Although slow compared to fighter aircraft, they are still fast
enough to get from one part of the battlefield to another. Air Observation Post
Anti-aircraft Fire The L4 Grasshopper does benefit from its height by allowing
it to re-roll the third attempt to range in if it failed on that
The Grasshopper pilots relied on being inconspicuous to
survive in their defenceless light aircraft. Sometimes it
worked, and sometimes it didn’t.
Tank Teams
Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower
M5A1 Stuart Fully-tracked 4 2 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, AA MG, Light tank.
M6 37mm gun 24”/60cm 2 7 4+ Stabiliser.
M4, M4A1, or M4A3 Sherman Fully-tracked 6 4 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, .50 cal AA MG.
M3 75mm gun 32”/80cm 2 10 3+ Smoke, Stabiliser.
M4 or M4A Sherman dozer Fully-tracked 6 4 1 Co-ax MG, .50 cal AA MG, Bulldozer.
M3 75mm gun 32”/80cm 2 10 3+ Smoke, Stabiliser.
Tank Destroyers
M18 Hellcat GMC Fully-tracked 2 0 0 .50 cal AA MG, Light tank.
M1 76mm gun 32”/80cm 2 12 3+
M7 Priest HMC Fully-tracked 1 0 0 .50 cal AA MG.
M2A1 105mm howitzer 24”/60cm 1 9 2+ Hull mounted, Smoke.
Firing bombardments 72”/180cm - 4 4+ Smoke bombardment.
M12 155mm GMC Fully-tracked 0 0 0 Awkward layout.
M1918M1 155mm gun 24”/60cm 1 13 1+ Hull mounted, Bunker buster.
Firing bombardments 104”/260cm - 5 2+
M4, M4A1, M4A3 Sherman OP Fully-tracked 6 4 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, .50 cal AA MG.
M3 75mm gun 32”/80cm 1 10 3+ Smoke.
M8 armored car Wheeled 1 0 0 Co-ax MG, .50 cal AA MG.
M6 37mm gun 24”/60cm 2 7 4+
Recon Jeep Jeep - - - AA MG.
Mortar Jeep Jeep - - -
M2 60mm mortar 24”/60cm 2 1 3+ Hull mounted, Portee, Can fire over friendly troops.
Firing Bombardments 32”/80cm - 1 6
Vehicle Machine-guns
Vehicle MG 16”/40cm 3 2 6 ROF 1 if other weapons fire.
.50 cal Vehicle MG 16”/40cm 3 4 5+ ROF 1 if other weapons fire.
Infantry Teams
Team Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower Notes
Carbine team 8”/20cm 1 1 6 Automatic rifles.
Rifle team 16”/40cm 1 2 6 Automatic rifles.
Rifle/MG team 16”/40cm 2 2 6
SMG team 4”/10cm 3 1 6 Full ROF when moving.
Bazooka team 8”/20cm 1 10 5+ Tank assault 4.
Flame-thrower team 4”/10cm 2 - 6 Flame-thrower.
Staff team cannot shoot Moves as a Heavy Gun team.
Aircraft Weapon To Hit Anti-tank Firepower Notes
P-47 Thunderbolt MG 2+ 6 5+
Bombs 4+ 5 1+
Gun Teams
Weapon Mobility Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower Notes
M2 .50 cal MG Man-packed 16”/40cm 3 4 5+
M1919 LMG team Man-packed 16”/40cm 5 2 6 ROF 2 when pinned down.
M1917 HMG team Man-packed 24”/60cm 6 2 6 ROF 2 when pinned down.
M2 60mm mortar Man-packed 24”/60cm 2 1 3+ Can fire over friendly troops.
Firing bombardments 32”/80cm - 1 6
M1 81mm mortar Man-packed 40”/100cm - 2 6 Smoke bombardment.
4.2in Chemical mortar Light 48”/120cm - 3 4+ Smoke bombardment.
M2 .50 cal AA gun Heavy 16”/40cm 4 4 5+ Anti-aircraft, Turntable.
Firing bombardments 40”/100cm - - -
M49 quad .50 cal AA gun Heavy 16”/40cm 6 4 5+ Anti-aircraft, Turntable.
Firing bombardments 40”/100cm - - -
M1 Bofors gun Immobile 24”/60cm 4 6 4+ Anti-aircraft, Turntable.
Firing bombardments 48”/120cm - - -
M1 90mm gun Immobile 40”/100cm 2 13 3+ Anti-aircraft, Turntable.
M3 37mm gun Light 24”/60cm 3 7 4+ Gun shield.
M1 57mm gun Medium 24”/60cm 3 10 4+ Gun shield, No HE.
M5 3in gun Immobile 32”/80cm 2 12 3+ Gun shield.
Firing bombardments 64”/160cm - - -
M3 105mm light howitzer Heavy 16”/40cm 1 7 2+ Smoke.
Firing bombardments 56”/140cm - 4 4+ Smoke bombardment.
M2A1 105mm howitzer Immobile 24”/60cm 1 9 2+ Gun shield, Smoke.
Firing bombardments 72”/180cm - 4 4+ Smoke bombardment.
M1 155mm howitzer Immobile 24”/60cm 1 10 1+ Bunker buster, Gun shield, Smoke.
Firing bombardments 88”/220cm - 5 2+ Smoke bombardment.
Transport Teams
Vehicle Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower
Jeep Jeep - - - Optional Passenger-fired AA MG or .50 cal AA MG.
Dodge ¾-ton or GMC 2 ½-ton truck Wheeled - - -
DUKW truck Wheeled - - - Optional Passenger-fired .50 cal AA MG, Amphibious.
M5 high-speed tractor Fully-tracked - - - .50 cal AA MG.