944 Gfak
944 Gfak
944 Gfak
26 June 1944
Army Troops:
649th Propaganda Company
550th (mot) Mapping Detachment
531st (mot) Signals Battalion (4 cos)
3/607th Flak Battalion (12 20mm guns)
118th ARKO
7th Signals Battalion
649th Propoganda Company
550th (mot) Mapping Detachment
631st Survey and Mapping Battalion
501st Flash Ranging Company
1198th (mot) Artillery Battalion
XIX Fortress Pioneer Regiment
17th Fortress Pioneer Battalion
11th Fortress Pioneer Battalion
9th Fortress Pioneer Battalion
36th Fortress Pioneer Regiment
94th Construction Battalion
803rd Construction Battalion
Kampfgruppe von Schlieben
17th (mot) Machine Gun Battalion
Fortress Cherbourg
Det/77th Infantry Division
Det/91st Infantry Division
Det/243rd Infantry Division
Det/709th Infantry Division
7th AOK Sturm Battalion
Staff Company (4 120mm mortars, 1 75m PAK 40,
2 50mm PAK 38, & 4 20mm guns)
4 Grenadier Companies
1 Battery (4 105mm Czech howitzers)
2 Pioneer Companies
Staff/101st Werfer Regiment
206th Panzer Battalion
2 Medium Companies (5 Renault B2 tanks,
21 Hotchkiss, & 10 Souma)
561st Ost Battalion
649th Ost Battalion
795th Georgian Battalion
Army Troops:
474th ARKO
118th ARKO
460th (mot) Signals Batatlion (3 cos)
460th (mot) Supply Troop
84th (mot) Transportation Company
84th (mot) Reconnaissance Company
460th (mot) Military Police Troop
7th (mot) Troop Company of the Waffen SS
802nd Construction Battalion
752nd Grenadier Regiment z.b.V.
797th Georgian Battalion
353rd Infantry Division
Kampfgruppe Böhmen (organization unknown) detached from div
1 Division Staff
1 (mot) Mapping Detachment
1/,2/941st Grenadier Regiment
each batalion had:
3 Grenadier Companies
1 Machine Gun Company
1/,2/942nd Grenadier Regiment
1 (tmot) Panzerjäger Company (1 75mm PAK 40)
1/,2/943rd Grenadier Regiment
1 (tmot) Panzerjäger Company (1 75mm PAK 40)
353rd Fusilier Battalion
3 Bicycle Companies
1 (mot) Company
4/353rd Artillery Regiment
10th-12th Batteries (4 105mm leFH)
13th Battery (4-150mm sFH)
353rd Panzerjäger Battalion
1 (motZ) Company (5 75mm PAK 40)
353rd Reconnaissance Battalion
3 Bicycle Companies
1 (mot) Reconnaissance Company )
353rd (tmot) Signals Battalion
353rd (tmot) Pioneer Battalion
2 Pioneer Companies
1 (Bicycle) Pioneer Company
93rd Feldersatz Battalion (5 Companies)
353rd Divisional Supply Troop
353rd (tmot) Supply Company
1 (mot) (90 ton) Transport Company
2 (60 ton) Transport Companies
353rd Field Bakery
353rd Butcher Company
353rd Divisional Admisitration
353rd Medical Company
353rd (mot) Medical Company
353rd (mot) Ambulance Company
353rd Veterinary Company
353rd (tmot) Military Police Detachment
353rd (mot) Field Post Office
König Detachment (91st Infantry Division)
Eltner Group
3/894th Grenadier Regiment
11th & 12th Cos detached
5th Co/895th Grenadier Regiment Attached
2/1049th Grenadier Regiment
2/895th Grenadier Regiment (5th Co detached)
12th Co/894th Grenadier Regiment
Det/902nd Sturmgeschütz Battalion
Remains, 91st Infantry Division
Jäger Group
11th Co/894th (less 1st Platoon, plus pioneer platoon
896th Grenadier Regiment)
17th SS Panzer Reconnaissance Battalion (less 2nd Co)
Klosterkemper Group
1 platoon, 1059th Grenadier Regiment
1 platoon, 1058th Grenadier Regiment
1/1050th Grenadier Regiment
Det/902nd Sturmgeschütz Battalion
Remains, 243rd Infantry Division
17th SS Panzer Division
Detachments exist
Division Staff
(mot) Mapping Detachment
Divisional Escort Company
Motorcycle Platoon
Self Propelled Flak Battery (4 20mm guns)
Self Propelled Anti-Tank Platoon (3 75mm PAK 40)
Infantry Gun Platoon (2-75mm leIG)
Mixed Panzergrenadier Platoon
17th SS Panzer Battalion (Detached to divisional reserve)
1 Panzer Flak Platoon (12 Flakpz 38)
3 Sturmgeschütz Companies (42 StuGs)
1/,2/,3/37th (mot) SS Panzergrenadier Regiment
(1/,2/37th Detached to Kampfgruppe Heinz)
Each Battalion with:
3 Companies
1 Heavy Company
1 Mortar Platoon (4 120mm mortars)
1 Panzerjäger Platoon (3 75mm PAK 40)
2 Infantry Gun Sections (2 75mm leIG ea)
16th (self propelled flak) Company (12 20mm)
17th (motZ infantry gun) Company (6 150mm sIG)
18th (mot) Pioneer Company
1/,2/,3/38th (mot) SS Panzergrenadier Regiment
(Regiment detached to divisional reserves)
Each Battalion with:
3 Companies
1 Heavy Company
1 Mortar Platoon (4 120mm mortars)
1 Panzerjäger Platoon (3 75mm PAK 40)
2 Infantry Gun Sections (2 75mm leIG ea)
16th (self propelled flak) Company (12 20mm)
17th (motZ infantry gun) Company (6 150mm sIG)
18th (mot) Pioneer Company
17th SS Reconnaissance Battalion (2nd Co detached)
1 Armored Car Company (18 20mm)
3 (halftrack) Companies
1 (halftrack) Company
1 Pioneer Platoon
1 Panzerjäger Platoon (3 75mm PAK 40)
1 Infantry Gun Section (2 75mm leIG)
17th SS Panzerjäger Battalion
1 Self Propelled Panzerjäger Company (14 75mm PAK 40)
1 (motZ) Panzerjäger Company (12 75mm PAK 40)
1 Self Propelled Flak Company (12 20mm)
Staff/17th SS Panzer Artillery Regiment
1 Self Propelled Flak Battery (4 quad 20mm)
1/,2/,3/17th SS Panzer Artillery Regiment, each with:
2 (motZ) Batteries (6-105mm leFH ea)
4//17th SS Panzer Artillery Regiment, each with:
2 (motZ) Batteries (6-150mm sFH)
1 (motZ) Battery (6-105mm sK 18/40 guns)
17th SS Flak Battalion
3 (motZ) heavy Flak Batteries (4 88mm, 3 20mm)
1 (motZ) Medium Flak Batteries (9 37mm)
1 (motZ) Searchlight Platoon
17th SS Panzer Pioneer Battalion
3 (mot) Pioneer Companies
1 Self Propelled Medium Flak Battery (9 37mm guns)
17th SS Panzer Signals Battalion
17th SS Feldersatz Battalion (5 Companies)
17th SS Supply Troop
1-3rd/17th SS (mot) 120 ton Transportation Companies
4-6th/17th SS (mot) 90 ton Transportation Companies
17th SS (mot) 20 ton Light Flak Supply Column
17th SS (mot) Workshop Company
17th SS (mot) Supply Company
17th SS Truck Park
1/17th SS (mot) Maintenance Companies
2/17th SS (mot) Maintenance Companies
17th SS (mot) 75 ton Heavy Maintenance Supply Column
1/,2/17th SS (mot) Medical Companies
1/,2/,3/17th SS Ambulances
17th SS (mot) Bakery Company
17th SS (mot) Butcher Company
17th SS (mot) Divisional Administration Platoon
17th SS (mot) Military Police Troop
17th SS (mot) Field Post Office
Kampfgruppe Heinz
1/,2/37th Panzer Grenadier Regiment
6th Fallschirmjäger Regiment
2 Platoons, 3rd Co/243rd Fusilier Battalion
Remains/635th Ost Battalion
Divisional Reserve
38th SS Panzer Grenadier Regiment
17th SS Panzer Battalion
621st (mot) Artillery Regimental Staff z.b.V.
456th (mot) Artillery Battalion
1 (mot) Battery (4 122mm (r)39 Guns)
2 (mot) Batteries (4 152mm howitzers ea)
457th (mot) Artillery Battalion
1 (mot) Battery (4 122mm (r)39 Guns)
2 (mot) Batteries (4 152mm howitzers ea)
Independent Units
unknown Army Panzerjäger Battalion
343rd Pioneer Company
Bunjatschenko Ost Battalion
657th Heavy Panzerjäger Battalion
Huber Ost Battalion
627th Ost Battalion
Det/441st Ost Battalion
1/752nd Ost Artillery Battalion (76.2mm guns)
Ost Co/752nd Pioneer Battalion
II Fallschirm Corps
II Sturmgeschütz Brigade:
Organization unknown
Kampfgruppe Böhm
Staff/943rd Grenadier Regiment
2/943rd Grenadier Regiment
353rd Fusilier Battalion
3rd Co/353rd Pioneer Battalion
352nd Infantry Division:1
1/,2/,3/914th Grenadier Regiment
1 Infantry Gun Company (1 150mm sIG & 6 75mm leIG)
1 Panzerjäger Company (2 75mm PAK 40 & 1 50mm PAK 38)
1/,2/,3/915th Grenadier Regiment
1 Infantry Gun Company (1 150mm sIG & 5 75mm leIG)
1 Panzerjäger Company (2 75mm PAK 40 & 1 50mm PAK 38)
1/,2/,3/916th Grenadier Regiment
1 Infantry Gun Company (1 150mm sIG & 1 75mm leIG)
1 Panzerjäger Company (2 75mm PAK 40 & 1 50mm PAK 38)
352nd Divisional (A.A.) Fusilier Battalion
1/,2/,3/352nd Artillery Regiment, each with:
(3 btrys with 4 105mm leFH)
4/352nd Artillery Regiment
(3 btrys with 4 150mm sFH)
352nd Panzerjäger Battalion
1/110th Self Propelled Panzerjäger Company
(14 75mm PAK 40)
3/352nd Self Propelled flak company ((9 37mm guns)
1352nd Sturmgeschütz Company (10 StuGs)
352nd Fusilier Battalion (4 cos)
352nd Pioneer Battalion (3 cos)
352nd Signals Battalion
352nd Feldersatz Battalion (5 cos)
352nd Division Supply Troop
1 (mot) 90 ton transportation company
2 60 ton transportation company
1 supply company
352nd Veterinary Company
352nd Medical Battalion
352nd (mot) Field Bakery
352nd (mot) Butcher Company
352nd (mot) Administrative Company
352nd (mot) Maintenance Company.
352nd (tmot) Military Police
352nd Field Post office
Kampfgruppe Fraböse
A note indicates that there are no complete units of this division present. It is unclear if
the division is here, or if it is included in the various kampfgruppe indicated below. Some of
those units, notably the 943rd, are part of the 352nd Infantry Division, indicating that all
divisional units present are listed or contained in the following listing of units.
2/943rd Grenadier Regiment
353rd Fusilier Battalion
30th Schnell Brigade
Kampfgruppe Lages
Kampfgruppe Arends
Det/17th SS Division (organization unknown)
3/9th Fallschirmjäger Regiment
Autun (mot) Heavy Artillery Battalion
Angers Pioneer Battalion
3rd Fallschirmjäger Division
1 Division Staff
1 Division Staff Company
1 Bicycle Reconnaissance Company
1/,2/,3/5th (mot) Fallschirmjäger Regiment
1/,2/,3/8th (mot) Fallschirmjäger Regiment
1/,2/,3/9th (mot) Fallschirmjäger Regiment
3rd Fallschirmjäger Artillery Battalion
3 Fallschirmjäger Batteries (4 105mm leFH &
3 20mm guns ea)
3rd Fallschirmjäger Flak Battalion
3 (motZ) Heavy Flak Batteries (4 88mm, 2 20mm guns)
1 Self Propelled Flak Battery (9 37mm flak guns)
1 Fallschirmjäger Self Propelled Flak Battery
(12-20mm guns)
3rd Fallschirmjäger Panzerjäger Battalion
3 Fallschirmjäger Panzerjäger Companies
(4 75mm PAK ea)
3rd Fallschirmjäger Pioneer Battalion
4 Fallschirmjäger (mot) Pioneer Companies
3rd Fallschirmjäger Signals Battalion
3rd Fallschirmjäger Supply Troops
1 (mot) Transportation Column (3 light supply columns)
1 (mot) Transportation Column (1 light, 1 heavy supply
column & 1 fuel supply column)
1 (mot) Supply Company
1 (mot) Maintenance Platoon
1 (mot) Maintenance Company
1 (mot) Butcher Company
1 (mot) Baker Company
1 (mot) Administrative Platoon
1/3rd (mot) Medical Company
2/3rd (mot) Medical Company
3 Ambulances
1 (mot) Fallschirmjäger Field Hospital
1 (mot) Military Police Troop
1 (mot) Field Post Office
761st Artillery Regiment z.b.V.
Kampfgruppe 266th Infantry Division
I/Suippes (mot) Artillery Battalion
28th (mot) Observation Battalion
460th (mot) Heavy Artillery Battalion
2 (mot) Batteries (4-152mm Russian guns ea)
1 (mot) Battery (4-122mm Russian guns
1194th (mot) Heavy Artillery Battalion
937th Artillery Battalion
15th Fallschirmjäger Regiment
unidentified Fallschirmjäger Artillery Battalion
Corps Troops
130th ARKO
115th Static ARKO
425th (mot) Signals Battalion (2 cos)
307th (mot) Supply Battalion
1 (mot) Maintenance Platoon
1 (mot) 90 ton Transportation Company
307th (mot) Miltiary Police Troop
307th (mot) Field Post Office
631st Survey and Mappoing Detachment
307th (mot) Light Supply Column
(mot) Weather Station
2nd Panzer Division:
1 Division Staff
82nd (mot) Mapping Detachment
82nd (mot) Divisional Escort Company
1/3rd Panzer Regiment
4 Panzer Companies (22 PzMk V ea)
2/3rd Panzer Regiment
4 Panzer Companies (22 PzMk IV ea)
1(halftrack)/,2(mot)/2nd Panzergrenadier Regiment
1(halftrack)/,2(mot)/304th Panzergrenadier Regiment
2nd Reconnaissance Battalion
1 Armored Car Company
1 (half track) Armored Car Company
2 (half track) Reconnaissance Companies
1 (half track) Heavy Reconnaissance Company
1 (mot) Light Reconnaissance Supply Column
38th Panzerjäger Battalion
3 Self Propelled Panzerjäger Companies
(14 75mm PAK 40)
1/74th Panzer Artillery Regiment
2 Self Propelled Batteries
(6 105mm leFH Sd Kfz 124 Wespe ea)
1 Self Propelled Battery
(6 150mm sFH Sd Kfz 165 Hummel)
2(mot)/74th Panzer Artillery Regiment
3 (mot) Batteries (4 105mm leFH ea)
3(mot)/74th Panzer Artillery Regiment
2 (mot) Batteries (4 150mm sFH ea)
1 (mot) Battery (4 100mm K 18 guns)
273rd Army Flak Battalion
1-2nd (motZ) Heavy Flak Batteries
(4 88mm, 3 20mm)
3rd (motZ) Light Flak Battery (12 20mm )
4th Self Propelled Battery
(9 20mm & 2 quad 20mm flak guns)
38th Panzer Pioneer Battalion
1 (half track) Pioneer Company
2 (mot) Pioneer Companies
38th Panzer Signals Battalion
82nd Feldersatz Battalion (4 cos)
82nd Divisional Supply Troop
1-7/82nd (mot) (120 ton) Transportation Companies
82nd (mot) Supply Company
1-3/82nd (mot) Maintenance Companies
1 (mot) Heavy (75 ton) Replacement Supply Column
82nd (mot) Bakery Company
82nd (mot) Butcher Company
82nd (mot) Administration Platoon
1/,2/82nd (mot) Medical Companies
1/,2/,3/82nd Ambulance Companies
82nd (mot) Military Police Troop
82nd (mot) Field Post Office
1192nd (mot) Heavy Artillery Battalion
704th (mot) Artillery Brigade
861st (mot) Artillery Battalion
3 (mot) Batteries (4-105mm lFH 18 ea)
934th (mot) Heavy Artillery Battalion
3 (mot) Batteries (3 210mm mortars ea)
151st (mot) Artillery Battalion
3 (mot) Batteries (4 100mm guns ea)
628th (mot) Heavy Artillery Battalion
3 (mot) Batteries (3 210mm mortars ea)
625th Heavy Artillery Battalion
(3-170mm guns ea)
217th Panzer Artillery Battalion
(probably 3 batteries, each 4 105mm leFH
Sd Kfz 124 Wespe ea)
14th (mot) Observation Battalion
Unidientified (mot) Army Panzerjäger Battalion
I SS Corps:
Corps Troops:
Staudinger ARKO
Panzer Lehr Division
Divisional Staff
130th (mot) Division Mapping Detachment
Divisional Escort Company
Self Propelled Flak Platoon (4 20mm guns)
Heavy Anti-Tank Platoon (3 75mm PAK 40)
130th Panzer Regiment
1 Panzer Flak Platoon (12 37mm flak guns)
1/130th Panzer Regiment
4 Panzer Companies (22 Panther PzMk V Tanks ea)
2/130th Panzer Regiment
4 Panzer Companies (22 PzMk IV Tanks ea)
1 (halftrack)/,2(halftrack)/901st Panzergrenadier Lehr
Self Propelled Infantry Gun Company
(6 150mm sIG)
(halftrack) Pioneer Company
130th Panzer Lehr Reconnaissance Battalion
1 (halftrack) Armored Car Company
1 Armored Car Company (25 SdKfz 234/2 with 50mm gun)
2 (half track) Heavy Reconnaissance Companies
1 (half track) Heavy Company
1/130th Panzer Artillery Regiment:
2 Self Propelled leFH Batteries
(6 105mm leFH SdKfz 124 Wespe ea)
1 Self Propelled Battery
(6 150mm sFH SdKfz 165 Hummel)
3/130th Panzer Artillery Regiment:
3 (motZ) Batteries (4 152mm Russian howitzers)
Panzerjäger Lehr Battalion
1 Staff & Staff Battery (3 StuGs)
2 Sturmgeschütz Companies (10 StuG ea)
1 (motZ) Panzerjäger Company (12 75mm PAK 40)
1 (mot) Supply Company
331st Army Flak Battalion
1/,2/,3/331st (motZ) Heavy Flak Batteries
(4 88mm, 3 20mm flak guns ea)
130th Panzer Pioneer Battalion
2 (halftrack) Pioneer Companies
1 (mot) Pioneer Company
130th Panzer Signals Battalion
130th Divisional Supply Troop
1-6th/130th (mot) 90 ton Transportation Column
130th Supply Company
1/,2/,3/130th (mot) Maintenance Companies
130th (mot) Heavy Maintenance Supply Column
130th (mot) Bakery Company
130th (mot) Butcher Company
130th (mot) Divisional Administration Company
1/,2/130th (mot) Medical Companies
1/,2/,3/130th Ambulance Platoons
130th (mot) Military Police Troop
130th (mot) Field Post Office
12th SS Panzer Division "Hitlerjugend"
Division Staff
1 (mot) Mapping Detachment
Divisional Escort Company
Self Propelled Flak Battery (4 20mm guns)
1/12th SS Panzer Regiment
2/12th SS Panzer Regiment
1/,2/,3/1st SS Panzergrenadier Regiment Hitlerjugend
1 (motZ) Infantry Gun Company (4 150mm sIG)
1 Self Propelled Flak Company (12 20mm guns)
1 Motorcycle Company
1 (mot) Pioneer Company
1/,2/2nd SS Panzergrenadier Regiment Hitlerjugend
3rd (halftrack)/2nd SS Panzergrenadier Regiment Hitlerjugend
12th SS Reconnaissance Battalion
2 Light Armored Companies
2 (halftrack) Reconnaissance Companies
1 (halftrack) Heavy Reconnaissance Company
12th SS Artillery Regiment
1st (Self Propelled) Battalion
2 Self Propelled leFH Batteries
(6 105mm leFH SdKfz 124 Wespe ea)
Records of Headquarters, German Army High Command, National Archives Microcopy No.
T-312, Roll 1566, American Historical Association Committee for the Study of War
Documents, Washington, DC., 1960