Utilization of Fish Head As Feed Flour

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Utilization of Fish Head as Feed Flour

Tia Yulianti1 and Junianto2

1) Student of Fisheries and Marine Science, Padjadjaran University

2) Lecturer of Fisheries and Marine Science, Padjadjaran University


Fishery waste is often not utilized and thrown away, even though fishery waste
can still be utilized in various ways. One of them is fish head waste from various
processing industries or household waste that is not consumed, which can be used
as a product that can be useful for other things such as feed flour.This article aims
to research the use of fish heads into feed flour. Based on the results of a literature
study, information was obtained that fish head meal has good potential and
acceptability to be used as fish feed or animal feed (chicken) even fish head meal
can replace fish meal as fish feed. In addition to the low price, fish head flour also
has good quality for fish growth or sufficient intake of fish protein needed.

Keywords : Potency, Raw material, Protein, Substitute.


Fish is one of the foods that humans need. Fish is very beneficial for
humans because it contains various substances needed by the body, such as
protein, vitamin A, vitamin B1 and vitamin B2. In addition, compared to other
sources of protein production such as meat and milk, the price of fish is relatively
cheap (Lawang 2013). However, in fish there are fish components that are often
not used and even thrown away or often referred to as waste. One of the wastes
from this fish is fish head.

Fish head is one of the waste products from the fishery product processing
industry which is still often not utilized. In the fish processing industry and in the
use of fish by households, part of the fish that is wasted and becomes waste
including the head, tail, fins, bones, and offal resulting in 65% of waste
(Manullang et al., 2018). Fish heads also even though they still contain
components that can be utilized. The components of the fish head still have the
potential to become fish meal, one of which can be used as raw material for
making cheap feed for aquaculture (Miranti and Putra 2019).

Fish meal is a dry solid product produced by removing most of the liquid
and some or all of the fat contained in the fish body. Fish meal is also the best
source of protein for fish, besides being rich in essential amino acids, it also
contains carotenoids and its profile is also suitable for the nutritional needs of fish
(Guillaume et al., 2001). Fish meal is generally considered the best source of
protein, because fish meal has an essential amino acid profile similar to the
requirements of most fish species and high nutrient availability (Houlihan et al.,
2001 in Prawira 2017). The need for fish meal as a raw material for feed is still
quite large in Indonesia, but because of the production of flour fish is still
minimal, so 90% must be imported. In 2011, imports of Indonesian fish meal
amounted to 167,224,729 kg or worth USD 44,384,799 with an average increase
in imports per year of 39%. Meanwhile, in 2014, according to the Director
General of Processing and Marketing of Fishery Products (KKP), the need for fish
meal in 2014 was 90,000 tons, and imports of fish meal amounted to 80,000 tons
reaching US$ 480 million or Rp. 5.7 trillion (Miranti and Putra 2019). Imports of
fish meal can be reduced by turning fish waste into flour, one of which is from
fish heads, namely fish head flour.

Fish head meal is a diversified fish meal that relies on waste products in
the form of fish heads. Fish head flour is also an alternative to fish meal which has
a fairly high price. This fish head flour becomes an alternative for farmers to get
fish meal which has a fairly good content but at a fairly cheap price.

Therefore, the manufacture of fish head based feed flour needs to be

discussed because this fish head based feed flour has good potential and selling
value. This article aims to research the utilization of fishery waste from fish heads
which are used as feed flour.

Fish are cold-blooded aquatic animals, have spines, gills, fins, and
especially fish are very dependent on water as a medium for where they live. Fish
have the ability to move in the water by using their fins to keep their body
balanced so they don't depend on currents or water movement caused by wind
direction. Fish is a food that has high protein and is easily digested by the body,
because fish contains essential amino acids, saturated fatty acids, omega 3, and
DHA which function as a preventative for atherosclerotic heart disease.

Fish is a source of animal protein and also has a high nutritional content
including minerals, vitamins and unsaturated fats. Protein is needed by the body
for growth and replacement of body cells that have been damaged. The
composition of fresh fish per 100 grams is as follows: water (76%), protein
(17%), fat (4.5%), minerals and protein (2.52-4.50%) (Nuraini 2008).

Fish flour

Fish meal is the best source of protein for fish, besides being rich in
essential amino acids, it also contains carotenoids and its profile is also suitable
for the nutritional needs of fish (Guillaume et al., 2001). Fish meal is generally
considered the best source of protein, because fish meal has an essential amino
acid profile similar to the requirements of most fish species and high nutrient
availability (Houlihan et al., 2001 in Prawira 2017).

Fish meal is also an important raw material for feed because it is high in
protein and contains minerals and vitamins, but as the demand for fish meal
increases, the price of fish meal increases and will periodically result in
overfishing or reduced fish stocks in public waters for the sake of aquaculture.

Fish Head Flour

Fish head flour is one of the uses of fish waste that is used as a product
that can be reused.Fish head flour is also a diversification of fish meal that relies
on waste products in the form of fish heads. According to Widiyanto (2018), the
results of a proximate analysis of African catfish head flour (Clarias gariepinus)
have a chemical composition with the protein content of the African catfish head
meal recorded quite high at 50.94% which means that the African catfish head
(Clarias gariepinus) have good nutrition.

Fish head is part of fish waste that is usually not used anymore. While fish
meal is the result of utilizing fish waste that is used as flour and can later be used
for anything, especially for fish feed itself. According to Prawira et al. (2014),
fish head waste can be used as raw material in the manufacture of alternative
feeds as a substitute for fish meal.Fish head flour has several advantages including
being easy to obtain, has a relatively cheap price value and has a fairly high
nutritional content such as catfish flour, namely 45.70% protein, 0% carbohydrate,
21.465% fat, 32.72% ash and fiber. 0.02%.

Manufacturing Procedure

Procedure for making fish head flour to be processed into feed flour
(Miranti and Putra 2019)

1. Sample Collection

Samples of head waste are collected from several fish sellers or processed
residues from fish processors

2. Fish Waste Flouration Process

After the samples were collected, the fish waste was floured for further
testing. The flouring process follows the following procedure:

a. The fish head is steamed for about 30 minutes or until it is soft and slightly
b. The steamed fish head is dried in the sun to dry.
c. The results of the drying are ground into fish meal using a flour machine.
d. The fish flour is sifted so that the results are uniform, then packed
Product quality

The quality of feed flour products made from fish head waste from several studies
are as follows:

1. Prawira's research (2017), about the replacement of fish meal with catfish
head meal in feed on the efficiency of feed utilization and the growth of
juvenile white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) with treatment A (fish meal
only), B (replacement of 25% fish meal with catfish head meal) , C (50%
replacement of fish meal with catfish head flour), D (75% replacement of
fish meal with catfish head flour) and E (100% replacement with catfish
head flour) showed the results that catfish head flour could replace fish
meal up to 50% and did not affect the efficiency of feed utilization and the
growth of juvenile vannamei shrimp.
2. Research by Ali et al. (2015), about the effect of substitution of fish meal
with anchovy head meal on the growth of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
with treatment A (100% fish meal), B (25% anchovy head meal + 75%
fish meal), C (50 % anchovy head meal + 50% fish meal), D (75%
anchovy head meal + 25% fish meal) and E (100% anchovy head meal)
showed that the results of the feed formulation with 100% anchovy head
meal gave the best growth. to tilapia seeds.
3. Research Manullang et al. (2018), about the effect of substitution of fish
meal with catfish head meal (Pangasius sp) on the growth of sangkuriang
catfish (Clarias sp) with treatment A (100% fish meal), B 70% fish meal +
30% catfish head meal) , and C (40% fish meal + 60% catfish head flour)
showed that by giving 70% fish meal added 30% catfish head flour gave
the results the best on the absolute growth of sangkuriang catfish (Clarias
sp) of 40.25 g, and a daily growth rate of 0.67 g/day.

From some of the research above, it can be seen that fish head meal can
replace fish meal as feed flour with various types of levels depending on the
content of fish head flour used and the type of fish tested. With the results
obtained, namely catfish head flour can only replace fish meal by 50% but does
not affect the efficiency of feed utilization and growth of juvenile vannamei
shrimp, while catfish head flour can replace 30% fish meal in sangkuriang catfish
feed and gives the best results. for absolute growth of catfish sangkuriang of 40.25
g with a daily growth rate of 0.67 g/day.

Market Segmentation and Price

Market segmentation is an attempt to improve the company's marketing

accuracy. Market segmentation needs to be done considering that in a market
there are many buyers with different wants and needs. Basically market
segmentation is a strategy based on a consumer-oriented marketing management
philosophy (Sudartono 2019).

A market segment consists of a large, identifiable group within a market

with similar wants, purchasing power, geographic locale, buying behavior and
buying habits. Therefore marketing managers must divide the market into
strategically more manageable parts, so that they can determine the target market
and satisfy the needs of the targeted market more accurately by making small
changes in the marketing mix (Agustini 2003).

Market segmentation or market segmentation of fish head flour itself is

still very rare and if there is on average it is still a side industry from the
processing industry or is still on a household scale and usually not only from fish
head waste but also fish bone waste. For the price of fish head flour itself, the
average is around Rp. 6,000, - to Rp. 7,500, - and this shows that it is relatively
much cheaper than fish meal.


Fishery waste is often not utilized and thrown away, even though fishery
waste can still be utilized in various ways. One of them is fish head waste from
various processing industries or household waste that is not consumed, which can
be used as a product that can be useful for other things such as feed flour. Fish
head flour has good potential and acceptance to be used as fish feed or animal
feed (chicken) even fish head flour can replace fish meal as fish feed. In addition
to the low price, fish head flour also has good quality for fish growth or sufficient
intake of fish protein needed.


Agustini, NKY 2003. Market Segmentation, Target Setting and Positioning.

Journal of Accounting Management Economics. 1 (2) : 91 – 100

Ali, M., Santoso, L., and Fransiska, D. 2015. Effect of Fish Meal Substitution
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Apriyana, I. 2014. Effect of Addition of Catfish Head Flour (Clarias sp) in

Making Cilok on Protein Content and Organoleptic Properties. Unnes
Journal of Public Health. 3 (2).

Guillaume, J., S. Kaushik., P. Bergot and R. Métailler. 2001. Nutrition and

feeding of fish and crustaceans. Chichester:Praxis Publishing Ltd

Mahary, A., E. Lelawati and Rumondang. 2017. Effect of Feeding Anchovy Head
Dregs on Growth and Survival of Dumbo Catfish (Clarias gariepinus)
Seeds. Fisherina's Journal. 1 (1)

Manullang, Y., Santoso, L and Tarsim. 2018. The Effect of Fish Meal Substitution
with Catfish Head Flour (Pangasius sp) on the Growth of Sangkuriang
Catfish (Clarias sp). Journal of Indonesian Swamp Aquaculture. 6 (2) : 129-

Miranti, S and Putra, WKA 2019. Testing the Potential of Fish Waste from
Traditional Markets in Tanjungpinang City as Alternative Raw Materials for
Making Feed for Marine Fish Cultivation. Aquaculture Intek, 3 (1):8-15

Prawira, MA, Sudaryono, A., and Rachmawati, D. 2014. Replacement of Fish

Meal with Catfish Head Flour in Feed on Feed Utilization Efficiency and
Juvenile Growth of Vannamei Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Journal of
Aquaculture Management and Technology, 3 (4) : 1-8

Prawira, MA 2017. Evaluation of Fish Meal Substitution with Catfish Head Flour
in Feed on Growth and Efficiency of Feed Utilization for Juvenile Shrimp
Vename (Litopenaeus vannamei). Journal of Aquaculture Technology
Science, 1 (1) : 1-10. ISSN 2599-1701.

Putra, WK A and S. Miranti. 2019. Test the Potential of Fish Waste from
Traditional Markets in Tanjungpinang City as Alternative Raw Materials for
Making Feed for Marine Fish Cultivation. Aquaculture Intek. 3 (1) : 8-15.

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Widiyanto, RR. 2018. Chemical Composition Analysis of Dumbo Catfish Head

Flour (Clarias gariepinus). Essay. Faculty of Fisheries and Maritime
Affairs, University of Riau. Pekanbaru

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