Balance Sheet For Mahindra & Mahindra Pvt. LTD.: Assets Amount (In Crores) Non-Current Assets

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Balance Sheet for Mahindra & Mahindra Pvt. Ltd.

Non-current assets
a) Property, plant and equipment
b) Capital Work in progress
c) Intangible assets
d) Intangible assets under development

e) Financial assets
i) Investments
ii) Loans
iii) Other financial assets

f) Income tax assets

g) Other non-current assets
h) Deferred Tax Assets
Total Non-current assets

Current assets
a) Inventories

b) Financial assets
i) Investments
ii) Trade receivables
iii) Cash and cash equivalents
iv) Bank balances other than (iii) above
v) Other financial assets
vi) Loans

c) Other current assets

d) Assets held for sale
Total current assets



a) Equity share capital
b) Other equity

Non-current liabilities
a) Financial liabilities
i) Borrowings
ii) Other financial liabilities
iii) Trade Payables

b) Provisions
c) Deferred tax liabilities (net)
d) Other non-current liabilities
Total Non - Current Liabilities

Current liabilities
a) Financial liabilities
i) Borrowings
ii) Trade payables
Total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small
Total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro
enterprises and small enterprises
iii) Other financial liabilities

b) Other current liabilities

c) Provisions
d) Current tax liabilities (net)
Total Current liabilities



Amount (in crores)
As on 31st Mar, 2020 As on 31st Mar, 2019 As on 31st Mar, 2018 As on 31st Mar, 2017
7980.76 7614.71 6507.95 6536.72
1196.68 706.77 1079.72 409.78
2413.83 2467.04 1351.46 1234.32
2812.78 1713.02 2048.99 1630.62

17748.48 19032.07 16645.48 14301.70

138.86 37.55 43.01 34.12
486.38 494.18 488.73 378.59

929.28 827.56 637.08 489.89

1653.52 1733.10 2139.86 2089.74
- - - 254.84
35360.57 34626.00 30942.28 27360.32

Amount (in crores)

3400.91 3839.27 2701.69 2758.01

2189.65 2983.96 3937.49 3606.70

2998.98 3946.30 3172.98 2938.84
2323.51 2237.58 1417.95 546.09
1913.00 1494.08 1475.78 1141.39
506.41 556.22 621.53 571.29
512.02 673.40 975.16 506.51

1297.01 2321.84 2061.79 539.17

- 18.41 110.10 -
15141.49 18071.06 16474.47 12608.00

50502.06 52697.06 47416.75 39968.32


Amount (in crores)
596.52 595.80 594.97 296.81
33871.32 33613.43 29699.07 26488.81
34467.84 34209.23 30294.04 26785.62
Amount (in crores)

2032.03 2031.78 2195.90 2233.99

560.07 451.18 374.35 419.36
- - - -

922.98 1016.93 861.81 824.45

1408.17 634.13 277.24 -
138.15 153.74 90.20 70.85
5061.40 4287.76 3799.50 3548.65

Amount (in crores)

900.00 448.54 668.47 538.88

8603.40 6881.08
102.11 118.98 - -
6683.72 9559.17 - -
1052.85 956.14 906.99 757.01

1422.22 2362.57 2212.42 696.81

595.56 554.67 667.39 565.48
216.36 200.00 264.54 194.79
10972.82 14200.07 13323.21 9634.05

16034.22 18487.83 17122.71 13182.70

50502.06 52697.06 47416.75 39968.32

As on 31st Mar, 2016












P&L Statement for Mahindra & Mahindra Pvt. Ltd.

Amount (in c
INCOME As on 31st Mar, 2020 As on 31st Mar, 2019
a) Revenue from operations 45487.78 53614
b) Other income 1667.81 1688.97
Total Income 47155.59 55302.97

EXPENSES Amount (in c

a) Purchases of stock-in-trade 8349.36 12111.61
Changes in inventories of finished goods, stock-in-trade and work-in-
b) progress 409.49 -950.19

c) Employee benefit expense 2880.08 2980.22

d) Finance costs 113.23 113.39
e) Depreciation, amortisation and impairmentexpense 2222.63 1860.4
f) Cost of materials consumed 22873.74 27095.07
g) Other expenses 5384.59 5867.23
h) Excise Duty - -
Total 42233.12 49077.73
Less: Amounts capitalised 207.54 129.5
Total Expenses 42025.58 48948.23

Profit before exceptional items and tax 5130.01 6354.74

Exceptional Items -2013.98 -29.73
Profit before tax 3116.03 6325.01

Tax Expense Amount (in c

a) Current tax 996.98 1179.12
b) Deferred tax 788.5 349.85
Total tax expense 1785.48 1528.97

Profit for the year 1330.55 4796.04

Other Comprehensive Income
a) Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
Remeasurements of the defined benefit plans -11.18 -13.6
Equity instruments through other comprehensive income -0.78 -0.73
b) Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified to profit or 3.25 4.75
c) Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss
Debt instruments through other comprehensive income 0.68 1.88
Effective portion of gains/(losses) on designated portion of hedging -35.28 31.84
instruments in a cash flow hedge
d) Income tax relating to items that will be reclassified to profit or loss 11.21 -11.79
Total Other Comprehensive Loss -32.1 12.35
Total Comprehensive Income/(Loss) for the year 1298.45 4808.39

Earnings per equity share (Face value Rs. 5/- per share) (Rupees)
Basic 11.16 40.29
Diluted 11.12 40.13
Amount (in crores)
As on 31st Mar, 2018 As on 31st Mar, 2017 As on 31st Mar, 2016
49444.99 47383.74 43638.9
1036.36 1345.46 849.93
50481.35 48729.2 44488.83

Amount (in crores)

10,674.47 10,893.63 10409.26

194.87 57.87 -257.97

2,840.89 2,714.43 2348.72

112.2 159.59 186.05
1,479.42 1,526.38 1068.1
23,265.31 21,129.65 19364.88
5,614.45 4,880.33 4469.5
759.44 3,330.24 2763.83
44,941.05 44,692.12 40,352.37
128.46 137.07 79.26
44,812.59 44,555.05 40,273.11

5,668.76 4,174.15 4215.72

433.61 548.46 68.74
6,102.37 4,722.61 4284.46

Amount (in crores)

1,211.23 973.67 857.65
535.13 105.55 222.24
1,746.36 1079.22 1079.89

4,356.01 3,643.39 3204.57

12.43 -4.99 10.6
-4.31 0.17 -0.04
-4.36 1.73 -3.67

-0.98 -1.2 3.06

-20.36 9.87 31.91
7.41 -3 -12.1
-10.17 2.58 29.76
4345.84 3645.97 3234.33

36.64 30.69 53.05

36.47 30.54 52.8
Balance Sheet for Apollo Tyres Pvt. Ltd.

Non-current assets
a) Property, plant and equipment
b) Capital Work in progress
c) Intangible assets

e) Financial assets
i) Investments
ii) Loans
iii) Other financial assets

f) Other non-current assets

Total Non-current assets

Current assets
a) Inventories

b) Financial assets
i) Investments
ii) Trade receivables
iii) Cash and cash equivalents
iv) Bank balances other than (iii) above
v) Other financial assets
vi) Loans

c) Other current assets

d) Assets held for sale
Total current assets


a) Equity share capital
b) Other equity

Non-current liabilities
a) Financial liabilities
i) Borrowings
ii) Other financial liabilities

b) Provisions
c) Deferred tax liabilities (net)
d) Other non-current liabilities
Total Non - Current Liabilities

Current liabilities
a) Financial liabilities
i) Borrowings
ii) Trade payables
Total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small
Total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro
enterprises and small enterprises
iii) Other financial liabilities

b) Other current liabilities

c) Provisions
d) Current tax liabilities (net)
Total Current liabilities



Amount (in millions)
As on 30th Sep, 2020 As on 31st Mar, 2020 As on 31st Mar, 2019 As on 31st Mar, 2018
91482.89 92531.56 63680.79 56793.23
15699.60 12720.71 6549.00 6717.86
272.73 320.36 314.39 345.45

24095.06 24095.19 22325.73 16393.76

- - - -
1959.90 2326.12 1210.57 882.92

3402.11 3650.49 7304.50 1523.34

136912.29 135644.43 101384.98 82656.56

Amount (in millions)

14714.69 18082.51 20514.79 17214.91

- - - 13390.47
5202.36 4450.83 7794.95 5501.46
4363.01 2256.26 2103.80 2544.51
11380.85 109.58 71.85 60.72
200.33 99.57 283.38 433.10
- - - 5718.10

4315.08 4176.71 4335.62 3905.95

- - - -
40176.32 29175.46 35104.39 48769.22

177088.61 164819.89 136489.37 131425.78


Amount (in millions)
5522.27 572.05 572.05 572.05
78001.85 76349.42 75839.56 72034.06
83524.12 76921.47 76411.61 72606.11

Amount (in millions)

41974.77 32083.24 24438.55 18643.88

5410.69 5319.45 15.34 131.60

492.78 503.32 498.82 450.73

5579.58 5312.69 5754.60 5443.36
3100.30 3754.95 2879.47 3433.39
56558.12 46973.65 33586.78 28102.96

Amount (in millions)

5000.15 11180.69 2925.07 6474.24

299.89 170.80 128.55 133.27

15798.88 15936.37 13558.05 14992.45
11207.34 10182.59 4572.62 3193.21

2223.31 1092.90 2842.88 2341.96

1856.52 1801.91 1659.79 2651.16
620.28 559.51 804.02 930.42
37006.37 40924.77 26490.98 30716.71

93564.49 87898.42 60077.76 58819.67

177088.61 164819.89 136489.37 131425.78

As on 31st Mar, 2017 As on 31st Mar, 2016
47709.47 32869.00
6214.76 4163.71
242.20 129.26

10048.62 10043.21
17.11 12.81
919.12 1258.83

1718.89 2505.44
66870.17 50982.26

17293.98 10197.49

3944.44 5017.68
3864.92 2927.56
1340.88 2867.68
52.93 42.06
342.49 523.98
1755.15 18.24

3295.17 2618.58
- -
31889.96 24213.27

98760.13 75195.53

509.02 509.02
52802.87 46069.33
53311.89 46578.35

8340.25 2572.90
142.64 -

391.71 69.55
4927.34 4445.25
2884.35 741.30
16686.29 7829.00

7840.04 3737.18
10407.54 8565.68
- -
- -
4961.49 3066.87

1293.96 1370.25
3229.94 2758.67
1028.98 1289.53
28761.95 20788.18

45448.24 28617.18

98760.13 75195.53
P&L Statement for Apollo Tyres Pvt. Ltd.

INCOME As on 30th Sep, 2020 As on 30th Jun, 2020

a) Revenue from operations 28,613.87 17,272.62
b) Other operating income 488.57 452.08
c) Other income 303.24 152.63
Total Income 29,405.68 17,877.33

a) Purchases of stock-in-trade 1,674.82 881.03
Changes in inventories of finished goods, stock-in-trade and work-in-
b) progress -137.50 2731.98

c) Employee benefit expense 2,165.29 1957.28

d) Finance costs 1,017.68 1027.88
e) Depreciation, amortisation and impairmentexpense 1,743.12 1714.5
f) Cost of materials consumed 15,270.59 7287.64
g) Other expenses 4,646.03 2961.28
h) Excise Duty on sales - -
Total Expenses 26,380.03 18,561.59

Profit before exceptional items and tax 3,025.65 -684.26

Exceptional Items 48.36 0
Profit before tax 2,977.29 -684.26

Tax Expense
a) Current tax 414.41 -
b) Deferred tax 400.47 -147.8
Total tax expense 814.88 -147.80

Profit for the year 2,162.41 -536.46

Other Comprehensive Income

a) Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
Remeasurements of the defined benefit plans 84.3 -61.35
b) Income tax -29.46 21.44
c) Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss
Effective portion of gains/(losses) on designated portion of hedging 275.12 -257.37
Income tax in a cash flow hedge
d) -96.14 89.94
Total Other Comprehensive Loss 233.82 -207.34
Total Comprehensive Income/(Loss) for the year 2396.23 -743.800000000002

Earnings per equity share (of Rs. 1 each)

Basic 3.58 -0.9
Diluted 3.58 -0.9
Amount (in millions)
As on 31st Mar, 2020 As on 31st Mar, 2019 As on 31st Mar, 2018 As on 31st Mar, 2017 As on 31st Mar, 2016
108,326.97 120,895.83 103,881.26 98,066.22 96,514.81
2,293.31 2,641.82 1,687.92 1,170.67 1,086.68
348.98 1,114.70 1,195.18 1,353.34 2,037.89
110,969.26 124,652.35 106,764.36 100,590.23 99,639.38

Amount (in millions)

6,517.26 7,355.28 2,517.58 2,209.55 2,244.04

1,128.28 -2,614.66 125.46 -3,181.54 1,266.22

8,261.17 7,372.42 7,096.78 6,207.81 5,659.42

2,256.96 1,378.55 1,375.41 887.84 901.41
6,207.05 4,463.32 3,643.81 2,881.99 2,651.37
60,729.50 75,838.42 62,811.50 53,132.29 46,411.33
20,055.19 20,795.10 17,971.80 17,696.75 16,330.61
- - 2,548.91 9,899.20 10,029.73
105,155.41 114,588.43 98,091.25 89,733.89 85,494.13

5,813.85 10,063.92 8,673.11 10,856.34 14,145.25

0 2,000.00 0 0 0
5,813.85 8,063.92 8,673.11 10,856.34 14,145.25

Amount (in millions)

1,026.56 1,806.52 1,884.66 2,310.28 3,700.78
-298.95 336.31 564.57 518.48 422.98
727.61 2,142.83 2,449.23 2,828.76 4,123.76

5,086.24 5,921.09 6,223.88 8,027.58 10,021.49

-245.4 27.94 -106.18 13.53 7.43
85.75 -9.76 36.75 -4.68 -2.57

-163.71 -99.69 204.43 -118.66 -19.8

57.21 34.83 -70.75 41.07 6.85
-266.15 -46.68 64.25 -68.74 -8.09
4820.08999999999 5874.41000000001 6288.13 7958.83999999998 10013.4

8.89 40.29 11.55 15.77 53.05

8.89 40.13 11.55 15.77 52.8
Date Open High Low Close
01-04-2015 591.775 644.5 569.875 572.575
01-05-2015 572.575 638.5 572.575 630.1
01-06-2015 627.5 671.075 588.45 640.6
01-07-2015 642 689 623 680.8
01-08-2015 677.5 720.725 603 611.475
01-09-2015 611 637.375 547.5 630.35
01-10-2015 631.5 650.45 587.5 591.25
01-11-2015 601 684.825 600.5 683.625
01-12-2015 684.5 690.4 598.15 635.775
01-01-2016 632.5 639 551.2 616.35
01-02-2016 616.4 634.025 546 613.4
01-03-2016 612 640 592 604.825
01-04-2016 609.95 698.225 593.9 665.875
01-05-2016 667.475 681.925 630.525 662.35
01-06-2016 665.5 718.7 657.5 714.475
01-07-2016 714.95 742.5 714.95 733.45
01-08-2016 734 754.4 702.575 719
01-09-2016 721.2 750.55 675.1 702.975
01-10-2016 701.5 727 645 655.375
01-11-2016 659 696.5 577 592.975
01-12-2016 593 608.725 570.9 592.225
01-01-2017 592.5 634.5 585.55 619.675
01-02-2017 622 663.325 613.75 653.475
01-03-2017 658 680.85 628.75 642.35
01-04-2017 647.275 681.5 626.9 669.9
01-05-2017 669.9 724.5 650.3 708.175
01-06-2017 715 729.75 672.2 673.825
01-07-2017 675.5 711.875 671.55 701
01-08-2017 701.5 716.975 666.55 672.375
01-09-2017 677.475 677.475 612.5 626.875
01-10-2017 626.875 696.75 626.875 672.5
01-11-2017 672.5 1385 660.5 1361.5
01-12-2017 705.6 1390 683.5 751.05
01-01-2018 752 775.5 738.5 763.45
01-02-2018 765 802.8 700.15 728.75
01-03-2018 730 759.75 704.55 740.2
01-04-2018 743.25 878.4 738.2 872.65
01-05-2018 872.65 932.45 813 923.5
01-06-2018 924 927.75 874.55 896.8
01-07-2018 908.5 940.95 878.6 933.9
01-08-2018 936 992 910 965.25
01-09-2018 976.6 978 840 860.7
01-10-2018 863.7 863.7 715.15 763.35
01-11-2018 769 808 738.15 790.2
01-12-2018 801 814 695.2 803.7
01-01-2019 805.1 813.95 662 680.8
01-02-2019 689 715 615.75 646.55
01-03-2019 651.7 703.8 642 671.8
01-04-2019 679 695.5 640 645.45
01-05-2019 645.45 682.35 598 647.1
01-06-2019 648.5 662.75 608 655.9
01-07-2019 658 675 541.65 550.25
01-08-2019 549.4 563.7 502.85 528.9
01-09-2019 528.9 601.9 503.5 547.25
01-10-2019 553 621 537 606.1
01-11-2019 614 614 528.35 530.05
01-12-2019 527.95 539.3 502.7 531.45
01-01-2020 534.4 589.85 519.1 567.35
01-02-2020 547.45 589.7 453.8 456.4
01-03-2020 456 482.25 245.8 285
01-04-2020 284 395 265.55 366.6
01-05-2020 351.1 449.5 341.1 436.4
01-06-2020 440.25 527.4 440.25 510.7
01-07-2020 511.05 624.9 494.5 606.5
01-08-2020 613.8 648.55 595.3 606.5
01-09-2020 610 666.35 566 607.65
01-10-2020 612.95 647.45 587.3 593.85
Adj Close Volume
533.2806 3805610
586.8578 1689976
596.6373 3948914
634.0784 2292606
580.3262 2882994
598.2397 4050820
561.1315 3747108
648.8009 2151886
603.3884 3607390
584.9529 2109414
582.1531 4341280
574.015 3550736
631.9551 3532332
628.6096 4080750
678.0793 4382546
696.0878 2982514
693.7744 3814172
678.3116 2196740
632.3817 2365070
572.1709 4709936
571.4472 2925026
597.9342 4076032
630.5483 4190424
619.8136 4232498
646.3971 11278398
683.3292 3641138
650.1844 5226202
676.4059 6111792
654.9705 2987354
610.6483 2671266
655.0923 2641028
1326.257 6897211
731.609 6627829
743.688 3228096
709.8862 11511087
721.0399 3193735
850.0614 3760851
899.5951 3516965
873.5862 2395620
909.7259 2545847
947.9039 2213550
845.2327 3067631
749.6321 5340715
775.9997 3505500
789.257 4033605
668.5656 6689698
634.9311 5458095
659.7274 6921754
633.8509 4402559
635.4712 3399703
644.1131 23848587
540.3617 2828295
526.64 3001467
544.9116 3496197
603.51 4512058
527.785 2358494
529.1791 2477094
564.9256 2060533
454.4497 2391788
283.7822 4334764
365.0335 5145904
434.5352 5905726
508.5177 5360670
603.9083 7216226
606.5 4059293
607.65 5270217
593.85 3926045
Date Open High Low Close
01-04-2015 169.9 193.8 165.7 173.15
01-05-2015 173.15 191 162.05 189.85
01-06-2015 190.5 192.4 156.4 169.7
01-07-2015 170.6 209.9 165.15 202.5
01-08-2015 202.6 223.3 166 212.35
01-09-2015 180.1 197.6 163 179.9
01-10-2015 180.2 198.7 168.4 171.05
01-11-2015 172.15 172.7 151.1 162.4
01-12-2015 162.5 166.8 145.1 156.15
01-01-2016 156.2 162 127.95 147.6
01-02-2016 147.5 166.3 133.8 157.9
01-03-2016 158 181.65 157.5 175
01-04-2016 175 176.25 158.15 160.2
01-05-2016 158.5 164.9 147 156.25
01-06-2016 154.1 157.7 139.35 151.5
01-07-2016 151.9 165.15 149.35 163.1
01-08-2016 164 190 154.65 183
01-09-2016 184.05 225.1 182 220.2
01-10-2016 223.8 235 198.25 201.95
01-11-2016 201.4 209.3 173.3 191.05
01-12-2016 191.5 203.7 179.6 197.3
01-01-2017 186.15 198.6 179.05 180.7
01-02-2017 182 189.3 171.6 187.6
01-03-2017 188 213 178 208.65
01-04-2017 210 249.9 209 244.1
01-05-2017 244.1 253 217.5 228.4
01-06-2017 228.5 266.4 227.8 241
01-07-2017 242 270 242 266.55
01-08-2017 268.1 288.3 246.3 253.2
01-09-2017 254.9 268.75 240 244.95
01-10-2017 244.95 249.95 236 245.3
01-11-2017 247.5 259.5 228.3 250.7
01-12-2017 255.8 271 236.75 268.8
01-01-2018 269 288.8 251 254.75
01-02-2018 254.5 279.9 229.6 274.6
01-03-2018 275 279.5 251 275.4
01-04-2018 279.7 307.15 273.45 294.45
01-05-2018 294.45 300.4 266.2 269.15
01-06-2018 270.1 279 246.85 255.15
01-07-2018 258 296.55 246.75 292.8
01-08-2018 296 299.8 248.8 251.35
01-09-2018 254.8 254.8 206.1 212.35
01-10-2018 211.7 225 192.1 218.35
01-11-2018 219 240.65 212 238.4
01-12-2018 241.05 244.9 220 235.9
01-01-2019 236.8 236.85 199.65 204.4
01-02-2019 204.4 219.25 193.85 217.1
01-03-2019 218 235.7 210.3 221.75
01-04-2019 224 227.5 204.35 205.7
01-05-2019 205.7 206.6 174.2 194.9
01-06-2019 194.5 205.5 184 200.6
01-07-2019 200.65 204.55 145.3 157.55
01-08-2019 157.5 174 144.05 171.15
01-09-2019 171.15 192.2 167.8 181.35
01-10-2019 181.9 194.4 162.7 190.3
01-11-2019 192 196.7 161.95 168.3
01-12-2019 170 178.15 159.35 163.95
01-01-2020 165 182.3 158.55 166.45
01-02-2020 165.45 171.05 141 142.95
01-03-2020 143.5 145.8 73.55 79.35
01-04-2020 80 104.8 76.8 96.25
01-05-2020 96 100.8 81.6 97.1
01-06-2020 99.4 114.95 98 108.2
01-07-2020 108.2 119.5 105.9 108.35
01-08-2020 108.25 138.95 107.6 123.7
01-09-2020 122.95 135.55 109.6 130.9
01-10-2020 131 152.55 124.1 139.9
Adj Close Volume
154.1899 5483174
169.0612 7994169
151.1176 5802757
180.326 6491249
189.0974 11903036
161.7614 4644380
153.8037 3558893
146.0258 6298123
140.406 4279730
132.7181 3719756
141.9795 6210633
157.3555 3749877
144.0477 3579195
140.4959 4769593
136.2249 3120666
146.6553 7013328
164.5488 11979941
200.4562 9009621
183.8425 7754150
173.9198 5670043
179.6095 5550046
164.4979 5595343
170.7792 4656119
189.9418 9236431
222.2132 11337920
207.9209 7985334
219.3912 8956084
245.6337 6320455
233.3313 9213939
225.7287 4572442
226.0512 3696696
231.0275 4764500
247.7072 3643914
234.7596 3066814
253.052 8969251
253.7893 1871320
271.3444 4592213
248.0297 3007908
235.1283 2692970
269.8239 2983729
236.7794 4586885
200.0402 3761740
205.6924 4172814
224.5801 5760359
222.2251 2646511
192.5511 2715645
204.5149 3133050
208.8953 2803525
193.7757 1779260
183.6018 2978168
188.9714 12953191
148.4169 4308003
167.5291 3592536
177.5133 2895659
186.2739 3052328
164.7393 4032084
160.4814 2324706
162.9285 1829878
139.9257 2617517
77.67123 4680764
96.25 8411937
97.1 8717976
108.2 12744041
108.35 7319513
123.7 13648348
130.9 9574961
139.9 6157015
Date Open High Low Close
01-04-2015 27954.86 29094.61 26897.54 27011.31
01-05-2015 27242.05 28071.16 26423.99 27828.44
01-06-2015 27770.79 27968.75 26307.07 27780.83
01-07-2015 27823.65 28578.33 27416.39 28114.56
01-08-2015 28089.09 28417.59 25298.42 26283.09
01-09-2015 26127.04 26471.82 24833.54 26154.83
01-10-2015 26344.19 27618.14 26168.71 26656.83
01-11-2015 26641.69 26824.3 25451.42 26145.67
01-12-2015 26201.27 26256.42 24867.73 26117.54
01-01-2016 26116.52 26116.52 23839.76 24870.69
01-02-2016 24982.22 25002.32 22494.61 23002
01-03-2016 23153.32 25479.62 23133.18 25341.86
01-04-2016 25301.7 26100.54 24523.2 25606.62
01-05-2016 25565.44 26837.2 25057.93 26667.96
01-06-2016 26684.46 27105.41 25911.33 26999.72
01-07-2016 27064.33 28240.2 27034.14 28051.86
01-08-2016 28083.08 28532.25 27627.97 28452.17
01-09-2016 28459.09 29077.28 27716.78 27865.96
01-10-2016 27997.29 28477.65 27488.3 27941.51
01-11-2016 27966.18 28029.8 25717.93 26652.81
01-12-2016 26756.66 26803.76 25753.74 26626.46
01-01-2017 26711.15 27980.39 26447.06 27655.96
01-02-2017 27669.08 29065.31 27590.1 28743.32
01-03-2017 28849.04 29824.62 28716.21 29620.5
01-04-2017 29737.73 30184.22 29241.48 29918.4
01-05-2017 30021.49 31255.28 29804.12 31145.8
01-06-2017 31117.09 31522.87 30680.66 30921.61
01-07-2017 31156.04 32672.66 31017.11 32514.94
01-08-2017 32579.8 32686.48 31128.02 31730.49
01-09-2017 31769.34 32524.11 31081.83 31283.72
01-10-2017 31537.81 33340.17 31440.48 33213.13
01-11-2017 33344.23 33865.95 32683.59 33149.35
01-12-2017 33247.66 34137.97 32565.16 34056.83
01-01-2018 34059.99 36443.98 33703.37 35965.02
01-02-2018 36048.99 36256.83 33482.81 34184.04
01-03-2018 34141.22 34278.63 32483.84 32968.68
01-04-2018 33030.87 35213.3 32972.56 35160.36
01-05-2018 35328.91 35993.53 34302.89 35322.38
01-06-2018 35373.98 35877.41 34784.68 35423.48
01-07-2018 35545.22 37644.59 35106.57 37606.58
01-08-2018 37643.87 38989.65 37128.99 38645.07
01-09-2018 38915.91 38934.35 35985.63 36227.14
01-10-2018 36274.25 36616.64 33291.58 34442.05
01-11-2018 34650.63 36389.22 34303.38 36194.3
01-12-2018 36396.69 36554.99 34426.29 36068.33
01-01-2019 36198.13 36701.03 35375.51 36256.69
01-02-2019 36311.74 37172.18 35287.16 35867.44
01-03-2019 36018.49 38748.54 35926.94 38672.91
01-04-2019 38858.88 39487.45 38460.25 39031.55
01-05-2019 39036.51 40124.96 36956.1 39714.2
01-06-2019 39806.86 40312.07 38870.96 39394.64
01-07-2019 39543.73 40032.41 37128.26 37481.12
01-08-2019 37387.18 37807.55 36102.35 37332.79
01-09-2019 37181.76 39441.12 35987.8 38667.33
01-10-2019 38813.48 40392.22 37415.83 40129.05
01-11-2019 40196.07 41163.79 40014.23 40793.81
01-12-2019 41072.94 41809.96 40135.37 41253.74
01-01-2020 41340.27 42273.87 40476.55 40723.49
01-02-2020 39701.02 41709.3 38219.97 38297.29
01-03-2020 38910.95 39083.17 25638.9 29468.49
01-04-2020 29505.33 33887.25 27500.79 33717.62
01-05-2020 32748.14 32845.48 29968.45 32424.1
01-06-2020 32906.05 35706.55 32348.1 34915.8
01-07-2020 35009.59 38617.03 34927.2 37606.89
01-08-2020 37595.73 40010.17 36911.23 38628.29
01-09-2020 38754 39359.51 36495.98 38067.93
01-10-2020 38410.2 41048.05 38410.2 39614.07
Adj Close Volume
27011.31 218100
27828.44 217100
27780.83 241700
28114.56 217000
26283.09 286800
26154.83 313100
26656.83 242600
26145.67 196700
26117.54 218600
24870.69 220300
23002 364500
25341.86 301700
25606.62 236300
26667.96 280500
26999.72 245400
28051.86 266300
28452.17 280700
27865.96 258900
27941.51 228500
26652.81 261000
26626.46 189300
27655.96 201400
28743.32 240100
29620.5 1536500
29918.4 194700
31145.8 282400
30921.61 329400
32514.94 258300
31730.49 241300
31283.72 233900
33213.13 209400
33149.35 718100
34056.83 252700
35965.02 397600
34184.04 358100
32968.68 266400
35160.36 227700
35322.38 239400
35423.48 321000
37606.58 273300
38645.07 263300
36227.14 305800
34442.05 441200
36194.3 399800
36068.33 121837500
36256.69 133470600
35867.44 60134300
38672.91 318000
39031.55 312900
39714.2 396100
39394.64 311500
37481.12 445000
37332.79 558800
38667.33 565500
40129.05 859000
40793.81 711300
41253.74 538200
40723.49 204300
38297.29 201400
29468.49 702000
33717.62 346600
32424.1 544100
34915.8 541900
37606.89 442900
38628.29 381900
38067.93 309800
39614.07 323000

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