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Company Name HCL Technologies Limited (HCLTECH.


Currency Rs. (In Crore)

Last Historical Period Mar-19

HCL Technologies Limited (HCLTECH.NS)


2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012
10 11 12

Revenue from operations

Sale of services 525.97 616.29 20,114.39

Sale of hardware and software 11,610.32 15,114.14 716.16
12,136.29 15,730.43 20,830.55

Segment revenue from customers by geographic area based on location of the customer

America 6,852.19 8,654.18

Europe 3,430.52 4,250.67
India * 660.75 742.43
Rest of the world 1,192.83 2,083.15
12,136.29 15,730.43
FY 2013 1Q 14 FY 2014 1Q 15 15 1Q 16 2Q 16 3q 16
13 1Q 14 14

24,350.92 30,784.11 35,174.81

1,230.14 1,359.55 1,526.41
25,581.06 30.2288 32,143.66 34.24 36,701.22 1133632 1151921 11814.2

16,858.55 20,139.99
9,257.97 10,065.24
1,488.43 1,456.62
4,538.71 5,039.37
32,143.66 36,701.22
4q 16 9m 1Q 17 2Q 17 3Q 17 4Q 17 1Q 18


30,318.89 46,556.74
817.05 1,010.79
12897.8 31,135.94 12,149.00 12,433.00 12,809.00 13,178.00 47,567.53 13878

18,260.85 27,372.09
8,225.00 12,708.22
944.08 1,994.45
3,706.01 5,492.77
31,135.94 47,567.53
2Q 18 3Q 18 18 1Q 19 2Q 19 3Q 19 19

49,031 58,434
1,538 1,993
14860 15699 50,569 16,427 17,527 18,135 60,427

29,463 35,972
13,843 16,136
1,995 2,118
5,268 6,201
50,569 60,427
HCL Technologies Limited

FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012

All amounts in crores of Rs.

I) Revenue
Revenue from operations 12,136.29 15,730.43 20,830.55
Other income 154.12 299.65 206.5
Total income 12,290.41 16,030.08 21,037.05

II) Expenses
Direct cost
Purchase of stock-in-trade 443.55 522.13 611.99
Changes in inventories of stock-in-trade
Employee benefi ts expense 3,498.48 4,163.18 11,104.55
Finance costs 204.14 160.37 142.63
Depreciation and amortization expense 418.11 459.69 549.24
Outsourcing costs
Travel & conveyance
Exchange gain/ loss
Other expenses 6,253.70 8,589.60 5,418.84
Total expenses 10,817.98 13,894.97 17,827.25

III) Profi t before share of profi t of associates and tax

IV) Share of profi t of associates
V) Profi t before tax 1,472.43 2,135.11
VI) Tax expense
Current tax -270.22 -492.52 -934.42
MAT credit entitlement
Deferred tax credit 53.02 4.04 151.7
fringe benefit tax 3.77
Total tax expense
VII) Profi t for the year 1,259.00 1,646.63 2,427.08

VIII) Other comprehensive income

(A) (i) Items that will not be reclassifi ed to statement of profi t and loss
(ii) Income tax on items that will not be reclassifi ed to statement of profit & loss
(B) (i) Items that will be reclassifi ed subsequently to statement of profit and loss
(ii) Income tax on items that will be reclassifi ed subsequently to statement of profit & loss

IX) Total other comprehensive income

X) Total comprehensive income for the year
Profi t for the year attributable to
Shareholders of the Company -4.31
Non-controlling interest 0.19 -0.12 -0.07

Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to

Shareholders of the Company
Non-controlling interest
4,251.74 5,181.65 2,422.70
Earnings per equity share of ` 2 each
Basic (in Rs) 18.69 24.09 35.06
Diluted (in Rs) 18.27 23.61 34.43

Dividend per equity share of ` 2 each

Interim Dividend
9 Months Ended
FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019

25,581.06 32,143.66 36,701.22 31,135.94 47,567.53 50,569 60,427

351.11 677.4 1,139.46 866.13 1,073.32 1,217 943
25,932.17 32,821.06 37,840.68 32,002.07 48,640.85 51,786 61,370

959.34 920.92 1,306.38 812.73 826.21 1,251 1,615

108.06 -35.65 -108.75 -11.1 104 81
12,574.17 14,906.36 17,726.43 15,203.25 22,866.18 24,729 29,283
105.62 114.5 91.23 73.9 89.09 69 174
636.76 680.86 403.75 409.86 828.13 1,383 2,073
5,014.14 8,665.37 8,620 9,761

6,386.39 8,173.03 9,231.48 3,561.02 4,836.32 4,619 5,761

20,662.28 24,903.73 28,723.62 24,966.15 38,100.20 40,775 48,748

7,035.92 10,540.65 11,011 12,622

20.06 39.9 4.76 2.1 13 -
7,917.33 9,117.06 7,040.68 10,542.75 11,024 12,622

-1,244.46 1,692.25 2,128.42 1,663.50 1,885.38 2,386 3,094

-120.36 -311.95
19.15 -162.32 -1.36 -224.5 50.9 -84 -592

1,409.57 1,815.11 1,439.00 1,936.28 2,302 2,502

4,044.58 6,527.82 7,341.85 5,601.68 8,606.47 8,722 10,120

11.27 -6.55 34 10
-2.48 1.28 -7 -2
130.57 -186.66 155 186
-11.6 -109.56 78 -4

127.76 -301.49 260 190

5,729.44 8,304.98 8,982 10,310
-0.21 5,602.43 8,606.33 8,721 10,120
-4.28 -0.75 0.14 1-
5,601.68 8,606.47 8,722 10,120

6,509.51 7,317.07 5,730.19 8,343.11 8,981 10,310

18.31 24.78 -0.75 -38.13 1-
4,040.09 6,527.82 7,341.85 5,729.44 8,304.98 8,982 10,310

58.15 46.59 52.09 39.79 60.33 62.23 73.58

57.2 45.96 51.79 39.69 60.27 62.19 73.55
HCL Technologies Limited
1Q 2010 2Q 2010 3Q 2010
All amounts in crores of Rs. July-Sept 09 Oct - Dec 09 Jan - Mar 10
(1) Non-current assets
(a) Property, plant and equipment 1628.9 1628.8 1755.6
(b) Capital work in progress
Right of use assets
(c) Goodwill
(d) Other intangible assets 4546.1 4528.5 4239.4
(e) Financial assets
(i) Investments 20 20 50
Investment in Equity Investee 16.9 17.5 17.1
(ii) Loans
(iii) Others 905 971.6 913.3
(f) Deferred tax assets (net)
(g) Other non-current assets
(2) Current assets
(a) Inventories
(b) Financial assets
(i) Investments 966.6 626.2 989.2
(ii) Trade receivables 3043.5 2756.2 2863.8
(iii) Cash and cash equivalents 356.8 339.8 333.2
(iv) Other bank balances 1393 865.3 847.5
Deposits 100
(v) Loans
(vi) Others
Unbilled Receivables
Current tax assets
(c) Other current assets 959.1 828.5 830.6
TOTAL ASSETS 13835.9 12636.5 12939.8
(a) Equity share capital
(b) Other equity
Reserves and surplus
Equity attributable to shareholders of the Company 6028.4 6347.5 6568.8
Share application money pending allotment
Non controlling interest 1.6
(1) Non - current liabilities
(a) Financial liabilities
(i) Borrowings 3782.9 2484.1 2788.7
(ii) Others
(b) Provisions
(c) Deferred tax liabilities (net)
(d) Other non-current liabilities 874.1 788.2 669.8
(2) Current liabilities
(a) Financial liabilities
(i) Borrowings
(ii) Trade payables
(iii) Others
Operating lease liabilities
(b) Other current liabilities 3148.9 3016.8 2912.4
(c) Provisions
(d) Current tax liabilities (net)
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 13835.9 12636.5 12939.8
FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015
July-Sept 1Oct - Dec 1 3Q 15 2q 16

5,448.75 1,906.90 2,063.80 5,855.17 1,918.03 2,192.54 2,657.52 3,168.06 3,403.69 371,948.00
578.47 493.84 530.95 553.74 551.52 60580
78.77 558363
4,249.50 4,192.10 4,535.07 4,560.00 4,786.42 - 4,871.58 309096

831.7 95.2 95.1 737.5 127 85.87 55.4 9.87 106.81 15897
48.2 49
996.24 1,273.96 1,329.08 15.01 1,442.19 9
19.7 20.5 426.09 417.71 475.73 630.82 1,032.37 42367
375.67 363.26 661.57 741.88 814.96 1,646.02 789.71 187,499.00
1,074.00 1,039.50 1,302.51 141,593.00
50 50
65.17 110.6 110 166.35 226.16 231.5 122.3 157.61 157.61 29587

273.2 212.6 546.2 627.17 606.29 767.46 762.58 52470

2,521.06 2,454.10 2,619.80 2,611.28 3,875.66 4,497.15 5,682.84 6,563.04 6,538.69 783,750.00
1,580.37 425.20 306.60 1,729.56 1,947.69 3,577.11 8,807.30 1,355.81 9,786.23 124,716.00
946.21 1,309.90 1,442.90 1,291.44 674.69 1,571.81 2,520.97 8,476.55 3,612.85 901,102.00
100.00 100
833.79 1,146.08 1,824.92 2,128.78 1,589.93 1,222.11 2,188.84 203,543.00
3,253.06 58,861.00
755.9 676.7

2,360.63 991.60 1,169.90 2,888.06 1,340.91 434,179.00

9,016.75 13,863.90 14,148.60 9,843.99 18,337.79 22,399.32 29,979.69 35,345.11 35,244.67 4,275,560.00

135.76 137.74 138.66 139.37 140 281.2 281.2 28218

2.01 1 9,696.43 13,019.61 19,402.18 24,085.48 23,943.19 2,903,473.00
6,151.06 7,514.25
6,288.83 7,447.90 7,647.20 7,652.99 9,835.09 13,158.98 19,542.18 24,366.68 24,224.39 2,931,691.00
2.77 5.01 7.65 0.29 0.02 18,365.00
3.68 3.71 1.07 44.68 57.33 82.11
24,366.97 2,950,056.00

2,345.90 2,593.90 2,600.70 2,143.43 1,077.20 796.73 200.64 167.89 167.89 49027
715.5 639.1 661.64 720.21 735.75 44.42 614.57 53389
206.82 201.48 194.36 523.04 210.64 85413

578.2 33322

378.34 43.86 448.99 128.52 205.83 355.48 355.48 1427

469.44 401.38 468.48 626.61 625.41 71427
4,168.18 5,220.73 7,105.30 5,875.73 7,230.62 248,525.00

2,979.93 3,063.03 1,410.26 607,662.00

606.04 993.62 1,466.59 1,721.60 1,462.17 323.83 1,733.54 49010
3,106.60 3,261.60 1,072.68 126,302.00
9,016.75 13,863.90 14,148.60 9,843.99 18,337.79 22,399.32 29,979.69 35,345.11 35,244.67 4,275,560.00
FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019
2Q 17 2Q 18 2Q 19 3Q 19

3,595.38 3,367.00 3,998.30 4936 4,560.0 5,262.0 852.2 5,293.0

610.9 293 447.94 354 320.0 257.0 235.0
5,775.32 6,504.38 2,380.0 341.2
345.39 551.00 4,733.30 9277 6,799.0 15,725.0 9,061.0
146.33 5462 125.81 8955 7,394.0 13,767.0 4,135.0 8,534.0

15.58 3810 34.25 1576 303.0 72.0 5.6 85.0

15 0.07 505 235.0 50.0 355.0

684.54 85 709.57 934 857.0 1,873.0 5.1 1,201.0
1,811.09 1,292.00 1,651.85 2241 1,837.0 2,200.0 306.7 2,455.0
1,359.37 649.00 1,094.19 1281 1,160.0 1,576.0 502.6 1,634.0

264.48 59 275.58 91 172.0 123.0 27.0 91.0

536.47 2469 1,145.67 2949 2,357.0 2,836.0 745.5 2,220.0

7,721.14 5,058.00 8,301.26 10826 9,639.0 13,779.0 1,859.2 11,706.0
732.91 137 1,321.13 2042 1,699.0 1,720.0 460.0 5,934.0
8,601.69 2,900.00 7,722.71 1559 2,319.0 135.0 468.1 1,938.0

2,050.02 2,528.00 2,528.16 3466 3,410.0 3,094.0 1,312.0

3,443.49 1,551.00 3,407.24 4838 3,456.0 7,843.0 4,569.0
1,631.50 752.00 1,768.03 1854 1,506.0 2,105.0 780.0 1,952.0
39,340.60 30,963.00 45,769.44 57684 48,023.0 74,963.0 10,914.8 58,575.0

282.08 278 285.36 279 278.0 271.0 271.0

27,108.69 24,215.00 32,664.49 40757 36,108.0 45,419.0 41,095.0

27,390.77 24,493.00 32,949.85 41036 36,386.0 45,690.0 41,366.0

210.66 172.53 101 - 106.0 70.9 103.0

27,601.43 33,122.38 41137 36,386.0 45,796.0 6,873.0 41,469.0

737.4 36 382.64 2911 338.0 4,657.0 2,977.0

210.93 12 25.2 920 246.0 886.0 536.0
597.04 443 696.12 735 700.0 901.0 821.0
192 34.0 96.0 226.0
365.35 58 201.45 261 212.0 679.0 247.0

214.44 4 62.06 6 42.0 1,117.0 572.6 724.0

703.47 598 800.62 1346 918.0 1,257.0 1,305.0
5,848.01 3,558.00 7,544.62 7251 6,606.0 14,051.0 316.1 6,950.0
1,618.99 1025 1,721.84 1459 1,325.0 3,880.0 2,759.91,810.0
335.55 122.00 473.47 582 530.0 649.0 586.0
1,107.99 614 739.04 884 686.0 994.0 924.0
39,340.60 30,693.00 45,769.44 57684 48,023.0 74,963.0 10,914.8 58,575.0
HCL Technologies Limited

All amounts in crores of Rs.

Jun-10 Jun-11

A. Cash flows from operating activities

Profi t before tax 1,472.43 2,135.11
Adjustment for:
Depreciation and amortization 418.11 459.69
Interest income -98.8 -135.9
Dividend income -27.65 -25.82
Provision for doubtful debts / bad debts written off, net
Income on investments carried at fair value through profi t and loss
Profit on sale of investments carried at fair value through oth -5.59 -3.89
Loss on sale of long term investment in joint venture
Loss on sale of business
Interest expenses 147.54 125.38
Loss (profi t) on sale of property, plant and equipment (net) -2.38 -2.74
Share of profit of an associate
Share of profi t of an associate
Employee stock compensation expense / (written back) 49.84 133.22
Other non cash charges (net) 2.17 -41.63
Operating profi t before working capital changes 1,955.67 2,643.42
Movement in working capital
(Increase) decrease in trade receivables -417.82 -101.88
(Increase) decrease in inventories 104.33 -100.94
(Increase) decrease in other fi nancial assets and other assets 8.64 -264.89
Increase (decrease) in trade payables -38.23 -317.96
Increase (decrease) in provisions, other fi nancial liabilities and 513.65 233.67
Cash generated from operations 2,126.24 2,091.42
Direct taxes paid (net of refunds) -335.06 -328.51
Net cash fl ow from operating activities (A) 1,791.18 1,762.91
B. Cash fl ows from investing activities
Investments in bank deposits -1,616.24 -1,163.05
Proceeds from bank deposits on maturity 2,013.64 1,065.47
Purchase of investments in mutual funds -10,628.44 -5,918.08
Proceeds from sale of investments in mutual funds 9,871.92 6,061.82
Investment in bonds -50 -92.78
Proceeds from sale of bonds 20 50.00
Purchase of investments in securities
Proceeds from sale/maturity of investments in securities
Payment for investment in mutual fund
Investment in equity instruments carried at cost
Deposits placed with body corporate -100 -50
Proceeds from maturity of deposits placed with body corporate 100
Net cash in subsidiaries being disposed off [refer note 2(b)(ii)]
Payment for deferred consideration on business acquistion -10.05
Payments for business acquisitions, net of cash acquired -50.82 -60.46
Proceeds from sale of long term investment in joint venture
Investment in associates
Investment in limited liability partnership
Purchase of Licensed IPRs
Purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangibles -646.82 -785.11
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 14.82 3.03
Advance against sale of building 14.66
Entrusted loan provided
Decrease in entrusted loan receivable
Interest received 143.8 104.37
Dividend received from joint venture 27.65 25.82
Taxes paid -13.62 -36.21
Net cash fl ow used in investing activities (B) -1,014.11 -690.57
C. Cash fl ows from fi nancing activities
Proceeds from issue of share capital 103.99 89.55
Repayment of debentures 1,000.00 -
Proceeds from long term borrowings 1,243.51 12.28
Repayment of long term borrowings -2,488.99 -171.96
Proceeds from short term borrowings 496.88 790.1
Repayment of short term borrowings -610.53 -1,115.86
Payments for deferred consideration on business acquisitions
Buyback of equity shares
Expenses on buyback of equity shares
Dividend paid -269.61 -444.6
Corporate dividend tax -45.57 -73.32
Capital contribution from non-controlling interests
Proceeds from entrusted loan
Interest paid -141.31 -126.9
Increase (decrease) in principal on fi nance lease obligations, ne -16.21 -13.58
Net cash fl ow used in fi nancing activities (C) -727.84 -1,054.29
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) 49.23 18.05
Effect of exchange differences on cash and cash equivalents hel 29.83 33.56
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 404.26 483.32
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 483.32 534.93
9 months ended
Jun-12 Jun-13 Jun-14 Jun-15 Mar-16 Mar-17 Mar-18

3,209.80 5,269.89 7,917.33 9,117.06 7,040.68 10,542.75 11,024

549.24 636.76 680.86 403.75 409.86 828.13 1,383

-138.46 -213.32 -544.86 -814.2 -654.2 -799.65 -467
-34.65 -23.95
91.15 8.23 80
-22.79 -54.88 -162
-16.57 -58.73 -36.8 7.63 18.51 -
-26.68 - 13.49
112.42 70.7 54.33 21.15 -145.52 5.79 22
-1.72 -0.07 -47.82 -155.83 6.27 - -1
-4.76 -2.1
- 116.03 -13
135.29 14.97 30.92 -15.39
318.47 180.38 113.77 -31.53 6.27 18.57 52
4,150.39 5,905.30 8,145.80 8,501.70 6,734.59 10,681.38 11,918

-946.09 -638.9 -1,188.47 -886.97 -1,087.16 -742.62 -1,126

-51.27 2.16 113.03 -41.11 -86.73 -20.21 117
-327.38 -367.33 -172.82 122.6 -446.59 573.79 3
-554.83 -285.02 -185.7 -1,640.81 47.88 56.31 243
1,048.57 1,139.62 1,189.90 1,258.26 69.48 453.43 -471
3,319.39 5,755.83 7,901.74 7,313.67 5,231.47 11,002.08 10,684
-766.04 -1,264.18 -1,444.96 -1,774.47 -1,408.85 -2,006.95 -2,356
2,553.35 4,491.65 6,456.78 5,539.20 3,822.62 8,995.13 8,328

-1,326.67 -3,849.07 -7,785.10 -8,449.80 -4,595.10 -7,779.29 -2,328

1,144.66 2,364.85 2,861.22 7,782.07 4,469.84 8,659.18 7,731
-4,884.06 -4,771.15
4,980.42 4,751.09

-7,852.04 -8,205.25 -6,868.97 -11,666.10 -20,027

7,985.26 8,144.97 7,121.42 11,209.73 18,714
- -11.94 -3
-50 -692 -571 -1,193.00 -2,008.95 -2,499.51 -3,643
- 50 742 571 1,216.55 1,985.40 2,500

-100.64 -1,182.88 -487.55 -107

66.32 9 .93
-40.73 -13.66 -14.24
-10.18 -3.98 -7.24 -2
- -2,643.57
-909.41 -618.69 -719.56 -1,208.16 -941.84 -1,278.46 -5,344
3.61 1.63 60.74 6.54 193.63 110.26 23
196.79 180
-25.44 - -7.53
- 24.89
163.47 175.31 500.93 830.46 645.04 853.92 500
34.65 23.95 - 6.08
-41.57 -52.91 -183.55 -272.73 -219.8 -264.53 -153
-1,026.27 -2,353.88 -4,840.10 -2,013.51 -2,188.70 -3,816.58 -2,283

39.13 33.6 34.47 10.45

-170 -330 - -500
23.68 65.06 11.34 90.58 0.91 0.15 19
-698.77 -619.13 -33.7 -17.09 692.99 31.27 -134
787.05 48.19 73.47 581.53 -68.84 -243.18 -
-294.86 -391.99 -456.25 52.21 196.63 -33
-195.25 -380.63 -16
- -24.89 -3,500
- 7.53 -14
-691.02 -694.55 -1,118.39 -2,385.11 - -32.96 -1,691
-112.1 -113.75 -184.45 -439.27 -2,251.33 -3,385.17 -340
-445.85 -682.62 -
-114.15 -74.75 -54.46 -23.69 -7.62 -18.51 -14
-7.8 -8.83 -36.25 -26.93 -14.31 -0.72 9
-1,238.84 -2,086.15 -1,307.97 -3,140.34 -2,237.09 -4,533.10 -5,714
288.24 51.62 308.71 385.35 -603.17 645.45 331
-135.27 -7.59 -2.18 -74.06 -19.73 -57.23 47
523.7 676.67 720.7 1,027.23 1,355.81 732.91 1,321
676.67 720.7 1,027.23 1,338.52 732.91 1,321.13 1,699
Mar-19 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22
















HCL Technologies Limited
Historical Da
All amounts in crores of Rs. Jun-12 Jun-13 Jun-14

Freehold land
Opening Gross block 85.24 86.57 86.95
Additions 0.21
Acquisitions through business combinations
Translation exchange differences 1.12 0.38 0.09
Gross block as at 31 March 2019 86.57 87.04
Accumulated depreciation
Charge for the year
Acquisitions through business combinations
Deduction/other adjustments
Translation exchange differences
Accumulated depreciation
Net block 86.57 86.95 87.04

Opening Gross block 738.85 967.54 1286.32
Additions 211.87 313.33 531.69
Acquisitions through business combinations
Disposals 11.69
Translation exchange differences 16.82 5.45 4.37
Gross block as at 31 March 2019 967.54 1286.32 1810.69
Accumulated depreciation 106.8 154.64 216.16
Charge for the year 45.17 60.38 74.59
Acquisitions through business combinations
Deduction/other adjustments 7.25
Translation exchange differences 2.67 1.14 2.41
Accumulated depreciation 154.64 216.16 285.91
Net block 812.9 1070.16 1,524.78

Plant and equipment

Opening Gross block 635.46 772.42 922.51
Additions 137.83 161.11 244.88
Acquisitions through business combinations
Disposals 11.24 13.7 33.82
Translation exchange differences 10.37 2.68 4.2
Gross block as at 31 March 2019 772.42 922.51 1137.77
Accumulated depreciation 428.57 531.3 635.55
Charge for the year 107.35 116.54 132.09
Acquisitions through business combinations
Deduction/other adjustments 10.49 13.55 33.76
Translation exchange differences 5.87 1.26 3.31
Accumulated depreciation 531.3 635.55 737.19
Net block 241.12 286.96 400.58

Office Equipment
Opening Gross block 203.92 235.02 248.32
Additions 29.91 22.8 16.13
Acquisitions through business combinations
Disposals 2.04 12.38 45.01
Translation exchange differences 3.23 2.88 1.65
Gross block as at 31 March 2019 235.02 248.32 221.09
Accumulated depreciation 159.34 185.2 200.4
Charge for the year 25.84 25.14 24.24
Acquisitions through business combinations
Deduction/other adjustments 2 12.24 44.91
Translation exchange differences 2.02 2.31 1.42
Accumulated depreciation 185.2 200.4 181.15
Net block 49.82 47.92 39.94

Computers and networking equipment (owned)

Opening Gross block 1169.35 1492.58 1495.75
Additions 332.81 185.63 168.76
Acquisitions through business combinations
Disposals 97.89 213.9 101.06
Translation exchange differences 88.3 31.47 34.28
Gross block as at 31 March 2019 1492.57 1495.78 1597.76
Accumulated depreciation 849.4 1033.19 1125.97
Charge for the year 204.49 272.05 267.93
Acquisitions through business combinations
Deduction/other adjustments 96.78 206.91 100.49
Translation exchange differences 76.07 27.64 22.36
Accumulated depreciation 1033.18 1125.97 1315.77
Net block 459.39 369.81 281.99

Computers and networking equipment (leased)

Opening Gross block 0.01
Acquisitions through business combinations
Translation exchange differences
Gross block as at 31 March 2019 0.01
Accumulated depreciation 0.01
Charge for the year
Acquisitions through business combinations
Deduction/other adjustments
Translation exchange differences
Accumulated depreciation 0.01
Net block

Furniture & fixtures owned

Opening Gross block 496.4 587.97 625.15
Additions 79.18 68.55 66.85
Acquisitions through business combinations
Disposals 10.24 38.13 49.97
Translation exchange differences 22.63 6.76 10.55
Gross block as at 31 March 2019 587.97 625.15 652.58
Accumulated depreciation 434.16 489.17 508.19
Charge for the year 46.51 48.33 63.94
Acquisitions through business combinations
Deduction/other adjustments 10.24 35.3 49.92
Translation exchange differences 18.74 5.99 9.24
Accumulated depreciation 489.17 508.19 531.45
Net block 98.8 116.96 121.13

Vehicles Owned
Opening Gross block 21.93 52.12 76.91
Additions 31.32 31.91 18.01
Acquisitions through business combinations
Disposals 1.21 7.16 8.45
Translation exchange differences 0.08 0.04
Gross block as at 31 March 2019 52.12 76.91 86.47
Accumulated depreciation 6.67 13.39 23.58
Charge for the year 6.97 12.52 16.12
Acquisitions through business combinations
Deduction/other adjustments 0.32 2.37 3.9
Translation exchange differences 0.07 0.04
Accumulated depreciation 13.39 23.58 35.8
Net block 38.73 53.33 50.67

Vehicles Leased
Opening Gross block 45.44 23.36 12.12
Additions 0.05
Acquisitions through business combinations
Disposals 22.13 11.24 9.61
Translation exchange differences
Gross block as at 31 March 2019 23.36 12.12 2.51
Accumulated depreciation 24.31 13.42 8.18
Charge for the year 7.04 3.18 1.28
Acquisitions through business combinations 17.93
Deduction/other adjustments 8.42 7.51
Translation exchange differences
Accumulated depreciation 13.42 8.18 1.95
Net block 9.94 3.94 0.56

Leasehold land
Opening Gross block 131.87 131.87 169.35
Additions 37.48 0.02
Acquisitions through business combinations
Disposals 4.65
Translation exchange differences
Gross block as at 31 March 2019 131.87 169.35 164.72
Accumulated depreciation 9.6 11.11 12.84
Charge for the year 1.51 1.73 1.88
Acquisitions through business combinations
Deduction/other adjustments 0.83
Translation exchange differences
Accumulated depreciation 11.11 12.84 13.86
Net block 120.76 156.51 150.83

Furniture & fixtures leased

Opening Gross block 0.07
Acquisitions through business combinations
Disposals 0.07
Translation exchange differences
Gross block as at 31 March 2019
Accumulated depreciation 0.07
Charge for the year
Acquisitions through business combinations
Deduction/other adjustments 0.07
Translation exchange differences
Accumulated depreciation
Net block
Historical Data Forecasted Data
Jun-15 Mar-16 Mar-17 Mar-18 Mar-19 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22

87.04 87.12 55.11 55 55

- - - 19
- - - -
0.27 32.28 - - -
0.35 0.27 -0.14 -
87.12 55.11 54.97 55 74
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - -
87.12 55.11 54.97 55 74

1,810.69 2,123.83 2,184.51 2,581 2,827

361.54 77.21 371.48 246 165
- 29.85 - -
51.68 17.83 - 3 -
3.28 1.3 -5.46 3 4
2,123.83 2,184.51 2,580.38 2,827 2,996
285.91 352.38 420.21 537 674
96.75 80.95 119.84 137 144
- - - -
30.9 12.97 0.09 3 -
0.62 -0.15 -3.47 3 1
352.38 420.21 536.49 674 819
1,771.45 1,764.30 2,043.89 2,153 2,177

1,137.77 1,272.49 1,380.57 1,464 1,565

209.24 83.84 145.38 108 120
61.21 6.25 6 22
82.13 39.66 53.56 26 17
2.08 2.69 -14.12 13 2
1266.96 1,380.57 1,464.52 1,565 1,692
737.19 720.17 756.34 832 925
61.79 63.06 104.11 114 119
5.94 -0.85 1 15
82.01 33.62 20.74 25 16
0.86 0.79 -6.42 3 -3
717.83 756.34 832.44 925 1,040
549.13 624.23 632.08 640 652

221.09 241.8 252.42 270 296

27.43 23.14 22.98 33 55
0.66 3.18 - -
5.44 13.88 4.68 12 12
-1.28 0.7 -3.37 5 1
241.8 252.42 270.53 296 340
181.15 189.96 194.11 209 227
15.46 15.38 21.68 24 34
- - - -
5.39 11.59 3.57 11 12
-1.26 0.36 -2.65 5 2
189.96 194.11 209.57 227 251
51.84 58.31 60.96 69 89

1597.76 1,906.10 2,267.21 2,584 3,194

308.42 326.83 533.65 816 1,151
178.74 5.34 3 74
14.58 154.52 136.06 296 201
-7.33 10.06 -86.38 87 4
1884.27 2,267.21 2,583.76 3,194 4,222
1315.77 1,422.81 1,421.74 1,627 1,808
114.85 142.59 315 405 590
0.2 0.01 1 45
14.57 149.29 50.53 281 165
-2.96 5.43 -59.34 56 -1
1413.09 1,421.74 1,626.88 1,808 2,277
471.18 845.47 956.88 1,386 1,945


652.58 703.98 697.6 701 718

68.22 53.66 40.4 51 100
6.3 6.69 1 110
24.86 66.93 29.77 49 104
-5.22 0.59 -13.88 14 4
690.72 697.6 701.04 718 828
531.45 534.72 504.09 511 526
26.37 28.15 42.08 49 62
0.44 -0.37 - 90
24.82 59.15 21.17 46 100
-4.4 -0.07 -14.11 12 2
528.6 504.09 510.52 526 580
162.12 193.51 190.52 192 248

86.47 98.45 104.96 110 119

23.94 20.61 30.62 34 34
0.49 - - 1
11.96 14.59 25.77 25 27
- - - -
98.45 104.96 109.81 119 127
35.8 45.75 50.56 51 54
17.26 15.32 20.99 23 23
0.02 - - -
7.32 10.53 20.74 20 20
0.01 - - - -
45.75 50.56 50.81 54 57
52.7 54.4 59 65 70

2.51 0.51 0.32

- -
- -
2 0.19 0.27
- -
0.51 0.32 0.05
1.95 0.43 0.27
0.07 - -
- -
1.59 0.16 0.22
- -
0.43 0.27 0.05
0.08 0.05 -





HCL Technologies Limited
Historical D

All amounts in crores of Rs. Jun-14 Jun-15

Number of shares
Opening Balance
Profi t for the year
Other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income for the year
Buyback of equity shares
Expenses on buyback of equity shares
Transfer to special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer from special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer to retained earnings
Shares issued for consideration other than cash
Shares issued for exercised options
Change in non-controlling interest
Excess tax benefi t from share-based payments
Closing Balance

Share capital
Opening Balance
Profi t for the year
Other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income for the year
Buyback of equity shares
Expenses on buyback of equity shares
Transfer to special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer from special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer to retained earnings
Shares issued for consideration other than cash
Shares issued for exercised options
Change in non-controlling interest
Excess tax benefi t from share-based payments
Closing Balance

Retained Earnings
Opening Balance
Profi t for the year
Other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income for the year
Buyback of equity shares
Expenses on buyback of equity shares
Transfer to special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer from special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer to retained earnings
Shares issued for exercised options
Change in non-controlling interest
Excess tax benefi t from share-based payments
Closing Balance

General Reserve
Opening Balance 1,609.15 2,209.15
Profi t for the year 600 650
Other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income for the year
Buyback of equity shares
Expenses on buyback of equity shares
Transfer to special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer from special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer to retained earnings
Shares issued for exercised options
Change in non-controlling interest
Excess tax benefi t from share-based payments
Closing Balance 2,209.15 2,859.15

Securities Premium
Opening Balance 1,863.83 1,933.97
Add: Exercise of stock option by employees 70.14 87.81
Less: Amount utilized for issuance of fully paid up bonus shares 140.57
Profi t for the year
Other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income for the year
Buyback of equity shares
Expenses on buyback of equity shares
Transfer to special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer from special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer to retained earnings
Shares issued for consideration other than cash
Shares issued for exercised options
Change in non-controlling interest
Excess tax benefi t from share-based payments
Closing Balance 1,933.97 1,881.21

Capital redemption reserve

Opening Balance 45 45
Profi t for the year
Other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income for the year
Buyback of equity shares
Expenses on buyback of equity shares
Transfer to special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer from special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer to retained earnings
Shares issued for exercised options
Change in non-controlling interest
Excess tax benefi t from share-based payments
Closing Balance 45 45

Share based payment reserve

Opening Balance
Profi t for the year
Other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income for the year
Buyback of equity shares
Expenses on buyback of equity shares
Transfer to special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer from special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer to retained earnings
Shares issued for exercised options
Share based payments to employees
Change in non-controlling interest
Excess tax benefi t from share-based payments
Closing Balance

Special economic zone reinvestment reserve

Opening Balance
Profi t for the year
Other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income for the year
Buyback of equity shares
Expenses on buyback of equity shares
Transfer to special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer from special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer to retained earnings
Shares issued for exercised options
Change in non-controlling interest
Excess tax benefi t from share-based payments
Closing Balance

Foreign currency translation reserve

Opening Balance 1,070.04 1,416.38
Profi t for the year
Other comprehensive income 346.34 17.7
Total comprehensive income for the year 346.34 17.7
Buyback of equity shares
Expenses on buyback of equity shares
Transfer to special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer from special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer to retained earnings
Shares issued for exercised options
Change in non-controlling interest
Excess tax benefi t from share-based payments
Closing Balance 1,416.38 1,434.08

Cash flow hedging reserve

Opening Balance 488.52 210.28
Profi t for the year
Other comprehensive income 278.24 169.6
Total comprehensive income for the year 278.24 169.6
Buyback of equity shares
Expenses on buyback of equity shares
Transfer to special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer from special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer to retained earnings
Shares issued for exercised options
Change in non-controlling interest
Excess tax benefi t from share-based payments
Closing Balance 210.28 40.68

Debt instruments through other comprehensive income

Opening Balance
Profi t for the year
Other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income for the year
Buyback of equity shares
Expenses on buyback of equity shares
Transfer to special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer from special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer to retained earnings
Shares issued for exercised options
Change in non-controlling interest
Excess tax benefi t from share-based payments
Closing Balance

Attributable to Shareholders of the Company

Opening Balance
Profi t for the year
Other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income for the year
Buyback of equity shares
Expenses on buyback of equity shares
Transfer to special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer from special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer to retained earnings
Shares issued for consideration other than cash
Shares issued for exercised options
Share options exercised pending allotment of shares
Change in non-controlling interest
Excess tax benefi t from share-based payments
Closing Balance

Non Controlling Interests

Opening Balance
Profi t for the year
Other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income for the year
Buyback of equity shares
Expenses on buyback of equity shares
Transfer to special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer from special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer to retained earnings
Shares issued for exercised options
Change in non-controlling interest
Excess tax benefi t from share-based payments
Closing Balance

Share application money pending allotment

Opening Balance
Profi t for the year
Other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income for the year
Buyback of equity shares
Expenses on buyback of equity shares
Transfer to special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer from special economic zone re-investment reserve
Transfer to retained earnings
Shares issued for exercised options
Share options exercised pending allotment of shares
Change in non-controlling interest
Excess tax benefi t from share-based payments
Closing Balance

Debenture redemption reserve

Balance as per last financial statements 400 500
Add: amount transferred from surplus in the statement of prof 100
Less: amount transferred to surplus in the statement of profit and loss 500
Closing Balance 500

Share options outstanding

Balance as per last financial statements 278.42 206.92
Add: Options granted during the year 2.89
Less: Transferred to security premium on exercise of stock o 74.39 85.74
Closing Balance 206.92 121.18

Surplus in the statement of profit and loss

Balance as per last financial statements 8,305.19 13,301.04
Add: Profit for the year 6,509.51 7,317.07
Add: Transfer from debenture redemption reserve on redemption of debentures 500.00
Amount available for appropriation 14,814.70 21,118.11
Less: Appropriations
Interim dividend 699.1 2,385.59
Proposed final dividend 1.17
Total dividend 700.27 2,385.59
Corporate dividend tax 113.39 439.27
Transfer to general reserve 600 650.00
Transfer to debenture redemption reserve 100
Net surplus in the statement of profit and loss 13,301.04 17,643.25
Closing Balance 19,402.18 23,943.19
Historical Data Forecasted Data
9 Months ended
Mar-16 Mar-17 Mar-18 Mar-19 Mar-20 Mar-21

1,405,978,418 1,410,381,314 1,426,783,424 1,392,246,384

35,000,000 36,363,636

4,402,896 838,680 462,960 396,120

1,410,381,314 1,426,783,424 1,392,246,384 1,356,278,868

281.2 282.08 285 278

7 7

0.88 0.17

282.08 285.36 278 271

17,793.93 20,691.86 25,240 31,634

5,602.43 8,606.33 8,721 10,120
8.79 5.27 27 8
5,611.22 8,601.06 8,748 10,128
2,697.59 4,068.73 2,032 1,321
14 12
310 440

15.7 17.53 1 3
20,691.86 25,241.72 31,634 38,964

2,859.15 2,859.15 2,859 2,607

252 2,387


2,859.15 2,859.15 2,607

1,881.21 1,963.01 3,244 5

3,248 10

81.8 17.41 9 7
1,963.01 3,244.33 5 2

45 45 45 52

7 7


45 45 52 14

113.17 37.65 21 12

81.79 17.41 7

37.65 20.24 12 5


310 440
310 440

1,433.68 1,503.88 810 1,351

70.2 695.03 541 146

70.2 695.03 541 146

1,503.88 808.85 1,351 1,497

40.68 8.09 445 137

48.77 437.08 308 34

48.77 437.08 308 34

8.09 445.17 137 171


24,085.48 27,108.69 32,664 36,108

5,602.43 8,606.33 8,721 10,120
127.76 263.22 260 190
5,730.19 8,343.11 8,981 10,310
2,697.59 4,068.73 2,032 1,321
3,493 3,993
14 12

0.01 1,263.91
0.05 0.05
6.27 0.03
15.7 17.53 1 3
27,108.69 32,664.49 36,108 41,095

0.29 210.66 173

0.75 0.14
0.75 38.13

211.12 173 103

210.66 172.53 103

0.02 0.05
0.02 0.05
0.05 0.03

0.05 0.03
asted Data


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