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Development and Evaluation of _ ~.

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Prosopis juliflora Pods Mixed Cheap ~ 'C. ......
leAR and Balanced Feed for Lactating Cattle ~';,~;

B.K.Mathur, A .C.Mathur, J.C.Tewari and M.M.Roy

• 2011
Jodhpur- 342 003 (Rajasthan)
Web : www.cazri.res.in
Livestock keepers in developed countries having organized dairy
farms prepare feed concentrate for their animals by engaging labour,
electricity and machines etc., unlike in India, such procedures are not
followed, since they are not able to meet the cost involved with each
step of feed preparation process and ultimately feed becomes highly
costly and effecting cost benefit ratio (B: C) and net returns to the
Keeping this in view, a simple technology was followed for the
preparation of a scientificaHy formulated cheap and baJanced
concentrate feed mixture utilizing locally available ground feed
ingredients viz. Prosopis juliflora pods, rumba (Citrullus colocynthis)
seed cake, Guar (Cyamopsis tetragonaloba) Korma, Til (Sesamum
indicum) seed cake, Wheat bran, Maize grain, common salt, mineral
mixture etc. as per requirement and mixing them properly with a spade
and filling them in gunny bags for storage. Farmers accept this process
technology very easily since it is feasible at livestock owner's doorstep.
Yfixing feed ingredients

Cheap and balanced concentrate mixture

To evaluate and understand

palatability, acceptability, digestibility and
effect on production by feeding of
Prosopis juliflora pods (upto 25%)
containing cheaper concentrate mixture,
an experimental feeding trial was initiated
on Tharparkar cattle, at Research cum
Demonstration Unit, KVK, CAZRI,
Feed evaluation
Twelve (12) lactating Tharparkar cattle were randomly divided
into three groups of 4 each forming (T 1); (T2) and (T3) groups. T 1
group cattle were maintained on standard palleted concentrate feeding
during morning and evening as per requirement with six (6) hours
grazing on Cenchrus ciliaris dominated pasture and water ad libitum.
T2 and T3 groups cattle were fed as per requirement with cheaper
balanced concentrate mixture having 20% crude protein and 73%
Total Digestible Nutrient (TDN), however, in T3 group concentrate
mixture was partially replaced by ground Prosopis juliflora pods. The
pods were ground using a grinder. Concentrate mixtures of T2 and T3
groups were isonitrogenous and isocaloric. These lactating animals
were provided with concentrate as per their maintenance and
production requirement.
The major observations recorded were monthly body weights,
daily concentrate feed intake, blood parameters-haematological and
biochemical, daily milk yield with quality analysis at weekly interval
for fat and SNF and health check by veterinarian.
"eeding concentrate mixture

Live body weight changes

All the experimental animals were weighed in morning before
feeding on day zero and thereafter at fortnightly interval, in addition to
daily examination for health by veterinarian. The initial live body
weights (kg) ofTl, T2 and T3 group were 330.6 ± 15.32,384.75-±
29.51, 352.75 ± 16.45 and final were 315.581:10.96, 369.26±14.ll,
344.0 ± 30.51 respectively. Most of the animals in all the three groups
had parturition in-between November 2009 to March 2010; however,
they maintained their live body weights and their body weights are
comparable among the groups during the given period of time.
Monthly Body weight changes m experimental lactating
Tharparkar cattle fed on Concentrate Mixture Containing Prosopis
}uliflora Pods
Cattle May June July Aug Sep Oct
T-l AV 330.6 320.4 330.9 310.71 302.98 323.43
SE 15.32 15.05 18.60 24.63 21.65 18.24

T-2 AV 384.75 367.25 381 367.96 360.63 398.20

SE 29.51 26.75 26.74 21.24 19.81 21.97

T-3 AV 351.00 347.06 369.25 369.85 360.45 385.67

SE 13.77 15.36 16.12 13.54 11.77 10.63

Cattle Months
Nov Dec Jan Feb March
T -I AV 319.43 324.67 345.86 317.51 315.s-g--
SE J9.58 23.70 26.99 20.56 JO.96

T -2 AV 392.20 368.33 370.72 366.17 369.26

SE 25.36 14.24 13.59 11.70 14.11

T-3 AV 370.67 378.33 398.63 382.8 344

SE 13.67 20.32 11.97 18.19 30.51

Feed, water intake and digestibility

Digestibility trial was conducted for T2 and T3 groups' animals
after the year long feeding trial. The data of dry matter consumption of
all the animals in the feeding trails were pooled and palatability scores
were calculated as dry matter intake (DMI) which was noted as 2.8.5
and 3.0 kg/IOO kg body weight for control and treatment groups
respectively. The average water intake/animaVday of TI and T2 were
4S.0± 0.38 and 44.0 ± 0.77 litres respectively. The study showed non
significant difference of water intake between the groups. The
digestibility coefficient of nutrients was comparable between the

Milk yield and quality

The average milk yield ofTI, T2 and T3 groups were calculated
and was 19 % higher in T3 than T2 and differs significantly. During
the experiment calving interval of animals of TI and T2 had non
significant difference, while T3 had significantly longer calving
interval than TI and T2 groups. The fat and SNF% of milk of all the
groups that is TI, T2 and T3 showed no significant difference in
quality. The fat percentage in TI. T2 and T3 ranged from 3.13 t 0.23
to 4.58±0.13; 3.4± 0.01 to 5.8±O.97; 3.08±0.32 to 4.80·t:O.12
respectively whereas SNF% ranged from 7.96;1.:0.15 to 9. 76.I0.19; .
7.71 ±0.75 to 9.90±0.07; 7.93±0.lS to 9.73±0.14 in TI, T2 and T3
groups, respectively. They varied with the stages of production and

Blood Parameters:
To study the effect of Prosopis juliflora feeding on the body
function and health and diseases, quantitative estimation of blood
parameters was done. During the fceding experiment, blood was
collected at monthly intervals from all experimental animals in the
morning before offering feed from the neck region by jugular vein
puncture. Immediately blood was taken to laboratory for
hematological analysis i.e. haemoglobin (gm %) and then plasma was
separated for biochemical parameters like glucose, total protein,
. albumin, blood urea nitrogen, cholesterol, creatinine, calcium and
inorganic phosphorus. All these blood parameters were in nonnal
range and showed non significant difference between TI, T2 and T3
groups. The result of the blood study showed that animals had normal
body function with no change in blood chemistry and lactating
Tharparkar cattle maintained nonnal health.

Reproduction and Production Status:

Utilizing this cheaper concentrate mixture a long tenn feeding
trial was conducted on lactating Tharparkar cattle. Animals conceived
timely and carried normal pregnancy, which finally terminated into
normal calving and the calves were of good health and live body
weight. It was noticed that expulsion of placenta after parturition in all
the three groups of animals ranged between 3 to 6 hrs. The milk yield
of cattle fed on Prosopis juliflora pods containing concentrate nllxture
was significantly increased and had higher palatability score with
extended calving interval. The results showed that inclusion of
Prosopis juliflora pods in concentrate mixture had no adverse effect on
health, reproduction and production.

Thus, cheaper concentrate ration reduces cost of milk production
and showed comparable digestibility of this ration with fairly good
nutritive value. Results revealed that this process technology of hand
mixing feed ingredients involving minimum labour and
electricity/energy inputs utilizing Prosopis juliflora pods along with .
another local resource for protein - Tumba (Citrullus colocynthis) seed
cake for the formulation of low cost ration is quite feasible at livestock
owners' doorstep to economize cattle production

Measuring Milk of lactating Tharparkar cllttle fed on Concentrate ......

.Mixture Containing Prosopis jlllij10ra Pods

For further details contact: B.K.Mathur, CAZRI, Jodhpur- 342 003 -a;
Email: [email protected] '*i:

Published by: Director, Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur (Rajasthan), India ~
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