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Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Critical Hydraulic Gradients in Tailings Dams

Isabel Jantzer Critical Hydraulic Gradients in Tailings Dams Comparison to Natural Analogies
Division of Mining and Geotechnical Engineering

Critical hydraulicto Natural inAnalogies
gradients tailings dams
ISSN: 1402-1757 ISBN 978-91-7439-055-1
Comparison to natural analogies
Luleå University of Technology 2009

Isabel Jantzer

Isabel Jantzer
Luleå University of Technology
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Division of Mining and Geotechnical Engineering
Critical hydraulic gradients in tailings dams
Comparison to natural analogies

Isabel Jantzer

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Division of Mining and Geotechnical Engineering
Luleå University of Technology
Printed by Universitetstryckeriet, Luleå 2009

ISSN: 1402-1757
ISBN 978-91-7439-055-1
Luleå 2009
This licentiate thesis was granted by the Swedish Hydropower Center SVC and was carried
out at the Division of Geotechnology, Dept. of Civil, Mining and Environmental Engineering
at Luleå University of Technology. The main part of this study was carried out between
February 2005 and September 2008, and it was continued and finished in fall 2009 after a
temporary employment abroad by the author.
First of all, special thanks to my supervisor Sven Knutsson for the continuous support and
encouragement, and for the patience and trust in me all the many times I was doubtful,
confused or lost motivation.
I would like to thank the participants in the reference group, Annika Bjelkevik at Sweco,
Malin Söderman at Boliden, and Lars-Åke Lindahl at SweMin for their invaluable experience,
comments and encouragement. In addition to participating in the reference group, Annika
Bjelkevik always had extra time, listened, commented, helped, supported and encouraged me
whenever I felt that research was a tough process, which I am deeply grateful for.
Posthumous thanks to Erik Kitok, who helped me with many practical issues regarding field
work. He will be remembered being a straightforward, encouraging personality with an
unbelievable amount of energy to make things happen.
At the department, I would like to thank Thomas Forsberg and Ulf Stenman for their
invaluable experience, practical ideas and help. Both laboratory and field work can sometimes
be frustrating, but they simply add a little serenity, a little more interest and commitment,
making testing simpler and results clearer. I also would like to express my deep appreciation
for my colleagues at the Division for the nice working environment we share. Thanks for the
coffee breaks, especially when I felt overloaded and thought I did not really have the time.
There is always time for coffee; I should have learned that during the years living in Sweden.
Thanks to the research group, Gunnar Hellström, Hans Mattsson, and Staffan Lundström for
interesting discussions and adding a new perspective. Special thanks to Gunnar who always
knows about where to go for conferences, meetings and travels, which I otherwise certainly
had missed.
Very special thanks to Karin & Magnus and their family for their friendship and making me
feel at home in Luleå. Thanks to my old friends Pia and Serge for being close despite the
distance. Thanks to Lisa and John, in various ways. Thanks to Eva and all the wonderful
people I shared such a good time with skiing and climbing, which gave both the physical and
mental strength that I could use so well in continuing this work. And thanks to the fantastic
group I started to paint with; I would not have been able to write this thesis without the
creative breaks and inspiration.
Finally, I do not know how I possibly could thank you, David, for your love and never ending
patience, for cheering me up and never letting me down, for following me and giving me a
home. May we stay Forever Young.

Isabel Jantzer
November, 2009

The increasing demand of metals and minerals has made it economical for the mining
industry to mine low-grade deposits, which results in immense quantities of by-products. In
fact, such by-products, i.e. tailings, are the largest waste volumes produced on earth. Ore from
sulfide rich geological formations result in sulfide rich tailings that can cause major
environmental problems upon oxidation and acidic seepage. One way of economically and
effectively preventing unwanted chemical reactions and leaching is the deposition in an
impoundment surrounded by tailings dams, where tailings are allowed to settle and covered
effectively by a water level against oxidation.
In order to prevent environmental impacts and possible long term contamination from tailings
dams, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket), demands a long
term stability without maintenance that refers to thousands of years or more, resulting in a
design period of 1000 years for tailings dams. The stability of tailings dams in long term
perspective depends, amongst others, on the prevention of internal erosion, a process that
results from an exceeding seepage pressure causing particles in a dam to migrate, with
possible consequences of damage and failure of the dam construction. Therefore, the main
question in this thesis is: Which maximum hydraulic gradient can we allow for a tailings dam
construction in order to prevent internal erosion in a long term perspective?
With regard to the long term design of tailings dams, natural analogies to dam constructions
are considered, i.e. formations from the last glaciation period that have fulfilled the task of
damming water. Such structures are especially interesting with regard to their obvious
stability against internal erosion over long time, otherwise they did not exist today.
Consequently, it is assumed that a critical hydraulic gradient exists, and that the material
composition and compaction reaches an optimum which allows seepage without erosion.
This study provides basic knowledge on tailings dam construction and a State-of-the-Art
report on current knowledge on internal erosion. A summary of natural analogies to dam
constructions that have been stable dams since the last glaciation in Sweden is presented. In
the context of this work, a case study was conducted at the company area of Boliden in
Gällivare, northern Sweden, with the aim to study the geotechnical properties of such a
natural stable embankment. This case study includes field studies, ground water monitoring
and sampling. Complementing laboratory analysis covers an analysis of the materials’
properties with regard to composition, density, compaction and hydraulic conductivity. The
formation consist of a well graded glacial till which is compacted to an optimum in situ above
what could be obtained in laboratory conditions. The hydraulic conductivity of laboratory
compacted samples shows a minimum of 2,60 * 10-10, which implies that the material is
practically impermeable, which may be an explanation for the absence of ground water during
Critical hydraulic gradients found in literature range between 4,8 and 14 %. Current tailings
dam design guidelines in Sweden relate the maximum gradient to the internal angle of
friction, thus resulting in gradients of about 12 to 27 %. Gradients in long term stable natural
formations are between 2 to 5 %. The calculated hydraulic gradient in the case study is 6,7 %;
however, the actual gradient could not be determined due to the absence of pore pressure
measurements during ground water monitoring. With regard to long term stability, possible
degradation and results from comparisons to long term stable natural analogies, a
modification of the design criteria for Swedish tailings dams should be considered.

Extend of thesis

The present licentiate thesis covers this embracing thesis, including a State of the art report
and field studies. In addition, four conference papers are part of this thesis:

o Jantzer I., Bjelkevik A. and Pousette K. (2008). Material Properties of Tailings from
Swedish Mines. Nordic Geotechnical Meeting NGM. Sandefjord, Norway. September 5,

o Jantzer I. and Knutsson S. (2007). Effects of Freezing and Thawing in Embankment Dams.
Proceedings of “International Symposium on Modern Technology of Dams – the 4th
EADC Symposium”. Chengdu, China. October 14, 2007.

o Jantzer I. and Knutsson S. (2007). Seepage and Critical Hydraulic Gradients in Tailings
Dams and Natural Formations. Proceedings of “2nd International Conference on Porous
Media and its Applications in Science and Engineering” (ICPM2). Kauai, Hawaii, USA.
June 19, 2007.

o Jantzer I. (2006). Frost action processes in the Eastern Suorva hydropower dam.
Proceedings of “17th European Young Geotechnical Engineers’ Conference”. Zagreb,
Croatia. July 20, 2006.

Preface .................................................................................................................................... i
Abstract ................................................................................................................................iii
Extend of thesis..................................................................................................................... v
TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................vii
1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background.............................................................................................................. 1
1.1.1 Tailings and tailings dams in general................................................................ 1
1.1.2 Design of tailings dams ...................................................................................... 2
1.1.4 Tailings dam construction in practice ................................................................ 4
1.1.5 Internal erosion................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Objective .................................................................................................................. 9
1.3 Method...................................................................................................................... 9
1.4 Outline .................................................................................................................... 10
2 STATE OF THE ART ........................................................................... 11
2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Classification of hydrodynamic soil deformations ............................................. 12
2.2.1 Suffusion .......................................................................................................... 12
2.2.2 Erosion ............................................................................................................. 13
2.2.3 Clogging ........................................................................................................... 14
2.2.4 Heave................................................................................................................ 14
2.3 Geometric criteria ................................................................................................. 15
2.3.1 Filter concepts .................................................................................................. 15
2.3.2 Internal stability and characteristic grain size .................................................. 16
2.4 Hydraulic criteria.................................................................................................. 17
2.4.1 Hydraulic conductivity..................................................................................... 17
2.4.2 Critical hydraulic gradients .............................................................................. 25
2.4.3 Design criteria for Swedish tailings dams........................................................ 27
2.4.4 Further aspects on hydraulic force ................................................................... 28
2.5 Initiation of internal erosion................................................................................. 29
2.5.1 Settlements ....................................................................................................... 29
2.5.2 Inhomogeneous material .................................................................................. 30
2.5.3 Hydraulic fracturing ......................................................................................... 31
2.6 Statistics and risk assessments ............................................................................. 31
2.6.1 Statistical approach .......................................................................................... 32
2.6.2 Risk assessment................................................................................................ 32
2.6.3 Risk analysis..................................................................................................... 33
2.7 Discussion and conclusion .................................................................................... 34

3 NATURAL ANALOGIES.................................................................... 35
3.1 Natural formations in Sweden ............................................................................. 36
3.1.1 Lake Ragunda................................................................................................... 37
3.1.2 Lake Hennan in northwest Hälsingland ........................................................... 37
3.1.3 Lake Mången at Brattforsheden ....................................................................... 38
3.1.4 Styggtjärn ......................................................................................................... 39
3.1.5 Skuttungesjö ..................................................................................................... 39
3.1.6 Summary of formations studied by SGU ......................................................... 39
3.2 Case study .............................................................................................................. 40
3.2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 40
3.2.2 Description of field work ................................................................................. 42
3.2.3 Results of pore pressure measurements ........................................................... 48
3.2.4 Soil description – laboratory analysis .............................................................. 51
3.2.5 Tests on hydraulic conductivity ....................................................................... 56
3.2.6 Assessment on hydraulic conductivity in field conditions............................... 64
3.2.7 Comments on the laboratory testing technique ................................................ 68
4 DISCUSSION ......................................................................................... 70
4.1 In situ density and Proctor compaction .............................................................. 70
4.2 Hydraulic conductivity ......................................................................................... 71
4.3 Ground water monitoring .................................................................................... 72
4.4 Critical hydraulic gradients ................................................................................ 73
4.5 Future work ........................................................................................................... 74
5 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................... 75
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.............................................................................. 76
REFERENSES................................................................................................... 77
APPENDIX 1 ........................................................................................................I
Results from hydraulic conductivity tests: Flow vs. time ..................................................I


1.1 Background

1.1.1 Tailings and tailings dams in general

The term tailings refers to the solid rest product from industrial mining activity, i.e. fine
crushed rock from which minerals have been extracted (Vick, 1990). During the process of
extracting valuable minerals, crushed rock is grinded into fine particles. Further washing,
cleaning and extraction often includes treatment with chemicals. Minerals and tailings are
separated and the smaller amount of valuable minerals (about 0,4 – 30%) is then removed.
The vast amounts of left-over tailings (about 70 – 99%), however, is of no value and has to be
Tailings usually leave the production plant after some dewatering or thickening together with
process water in a slurry form and are pumped to a tailings impoundment to be left for
settlement. Process water is then clarified and either discharged in a stream, left for
evaporation, or re-circulated. Due to this sequence, storage of process water in an
impoundment surrounded by embankments, i.e. tailings dams, and/or natural heights is
always involved to some extend during mining operation.
The increasing demand of metals and minerals has made it economical to mine low-grade
deposits, which in turn results in immense quantities of waste material. In fact, mine wastes
are the larges waste volumes produced on earth (Mitchell & Soga, 2005; Bjelkevik, 2005a).
These waste volumes comprise fine grained particles with varying characteristics dependent
on the origin of the ore and different extraction processes. The physiochemical nature of the
originally natural material is altered; the particles have an increased and a chemically treated
surface after processing. The storage, closure and remediation of tailings storage facilities is
therefore of utmost importance to inhibit environmental impact (Bjelkevik, 2005a).
There are many different types of tailings dependent on the type of ore, the extraction and the
processing. In Sweden, mainly ferrous ores are produced, but also ore from sulfide rich
geological formations is used, resulting in sulfide rich tailings. Oxidation of such sulfide rich
tailings and acidic seepage can present major environmental problems. When a mine is mined
out and mining activity comes to an end, the mining company has to take measures to leave
the site including the tailings storage facilities. A major concern is to minimize the
environmental impact from tailings, i.e. the release of trace elements from tailings themselves,
due to oxidation and weathering, or the release of acidic water due to leakage from the pond.
This applies to the storage of tailings both during active mining and when a mine is closed.
However, this thesis concerns the remediation of tailings deposition in a long term perspective
after closure of a mine.
There are basically two different ways for remediation of tailings dams: the coverage of
tailings by dry cover or by wet cover. Applying the dry cover method includes the drainage of
all water from the tailings storage and subsequent enclosure with suitable material, which
would result in huge amounts of material for coverage. Therefore, remediation by water cover
is often chosen, which does not only require less resources, but is also an effective barrier for
The wet cover method implies the coverage of tailings with a certain water level to prevent
possible oxidation and weathering. This method is often chosen, because water is not only an

effective barrier for oxygen, but also because it requires less resources than the dry cover
method. Tailings covered with dry material may probably become subject to external erosion
and abrasion, which is not included in this thesis. Instead, this thesis refers to remediation by
the wet cover method which involves water storage and a tailings dam construction, i.e.
impoundments with surrounding embankments constructed partially with tailings, as such
structures may become exposed to internal erosion processes in the embankments. Here,
tailings dam construction becomes crucial for the long term storage.

1.1.2 Design of tailings dams

Swedish tailings dams are usually constructed similar to conventional earth- and rockfill dams
in order to create an impoundment for tailings storage. Yet, tailings dams are considerably
different from water retention dams (WRD) in both construction material and structure. To
built tailings dams as efficiently as possible, tailings themselves are often used as construction
material in the dam body. An essential difference to WRDs is that tailings dams are raised in
stages or continuously along with mining production. Thus, the tailings impoundment will
grow in size and capacity over time. To meet increasing capacity requirements, there are
basically three different methods for tailings dams construction: The upstream construction,
the centerline construction, and the downstream construction. The following explanation is
described according to Bjelkevik (2005a).

Upstream construction
Applying the upstream method, a starter dike of borrow material is constructed. The discharge
of tailings is done from the crest of the dike surrounding the impoundment. Tailings settle and
create a so-called “beach” from the crest inwards. Upon filling of the impoundment, a
following dike is constructed partly on the previous dike and partly on the settled tailings as
depicted in Figure 1. The upstream method is relatively cheap and simple to apply. There are
several restrictions, amongst others that the storage capacity will gradually be reduced,
drainage layers are difficult to apply, and the capacity of water storage is limited. Successive
raise of this construction is limited by the drainage of the settling tailings and the dissipation
of pore pressure. The long beach can cause problems with dust during high winds.

Tailings discharge
Tailings beach Starter

Ponded water Perimeter


Figure 1: Successive construction with the upstream method (after Vick, 1990)

Centerline construction
The centerline construction is similar to the upstream construction, with a dike of borrow
material as starting construction. The next raise is done partly on settled tailings, i.e. the
beach, the top of the previous dike and the downstream slope, see Figure 2. The centerline
method enables the application of drainage layers within the dam body to control the
hydraulic gradient in the construction. Consecutive raise of the dam is not restricted as for the
upstream method as the following dam section is not placed completely on tailings. Besides,
the structure is less dependent on pore pressure dissipation due to application of filters.

Tailings discharge
Starter dike
Tailings beach Internal

Figure 2: Successive raising using the centerline construction (after Vick, 1990)

Downstream construction
The downstream method also applies a starter dike made of borrow material. Again, tailings
are pumped as slurry together with process water from the crest of the dike along the
periphery of the impoundment. Raising the embankment is done at the downstream slope of
the previous dike as depicted in Figure 3, thus making it possible to integrate drainage layers
to control the hydraulic gradient in the structure. This method is cost-intensive because of the
large amounts of fill material needed.

Starter dike
Ponded water
Impervious element
Internal drain

Figure 3: Consecutive raise using the downstream method (after Vick, 1990)

1.1.4 Tailings dam construction in practice

Historically, remediation of tailings depositions was not regarded being important because the
extend of environmental consequences from tailings were not known. Nor was the amount of
tailings produced as large as today where it has become more and more profitable to mine low
graded ore. Moreover, the indifference to tailings deposition was supported by the lack of
economic interest; waste handling presents an additional cost to mine operation. Tailings were
simply deposited without any structure or type of remediation. Yet, the increasing awareness
of environmental consequences has resulted in harsh requirements on operation and closure of
tailings deposition. Today, mining companies and regulators have to meet strict regulations
regarding remediation and long term stability of tailings dams (Bjelkevik, 2005b).
Construction methods for tailings dams were derived an developed from the construction
knowledge on earth- and rock fill dams, and supplementary expertise from e.g. soil mechanics
and hydrology was gradually adopted. Applying new knowledge was subject to trial and
error, and as it was passed on and refined, structures of tailings dams were gradually adjusted.
Tailings dams have then been built and raised continuously along with the production,
sometimes lasting over three and more decades. Hence, tailings dams usually do not follow
one single construction method as described above, but rather resemble a mixture of different
construction principles, sometimes even with special adjustments or support structures, see
Figure 4. A variety of reasons may be responsible for such variations and changes, e.g. new
knowledge, environmental concern, new demands from the company and society, changing
staff, or changes and developments in the mineral extraction processes (Bjelkevik, 2005a).

Upstream construction

Buttress support

Impoundment, i.e. tailings

Downstream construction



Support fill Moraine Moraine


Figure 4: Examples of Swedish tailings dam construction in practice

It is common practice in Sweden to relate the design of tailings dams to basic soil mechanics
and slope stability problems. The general rule given by the Swedish Environmental Protection
Agency (Naturvårdsverket) assesses the safety factor for tailings dams slopes based on slope
angle and internal angle of friction of the material in the slope. This results in some
geometrical definition on how the tailings dam should be constructed, with a minimum
seepage distance and maximum slope angle, and thereby involves basically even some kind of
definition of a maximum hydraulic gradient for the dam structure (Bjelkevik, 2005a).
Because tailings are partly used as construction material in the embankment structure itself,
the geotechnical and environmental properties of tailings have to be identified. Knowledge
about tailings’ density, shear strength parameters, and hydraulic conductivity is vital for
tailings dams design and construction. Measurements on tailings’ density are relatively easy
to carry out, while shear strength parameters and hydraulic conductivity are difficult to
determine. Especially the friction angle is difficult to determine and varies to a large extend.
Parameters also vary significantly with sampling and testing techniques, thus complicating
calculations assessment of results, and construction design.
Major problems in the determination of the properties of tailings arise from two different
circumstances: Firstly, the nature of the hydraulic deposition makes representative sampling
difficult. Tailings pumped out to the pond in a slurry settle in horizontal layers according to
their grain size and specific gravity at varying distances from the outlet. The settlement in the
pond is significant for the water level, the beach formation above water table, and the sloping
surface below water table. Normally, the beach is steeper close to the discharge point.

Variations in grain size with distance from the discharge point have a considerable effect on
the permeability in the dam construction. Secondly, the particles themselves are subject to
variations in the production process. Crushing and grinding creates particular units with high
angularity and grain sizes similar to clay and silt, but with different behavior than natural
particles at that size.
Despite these difficulties, geotechnical properties and possible variances and degradation in
the material have to be considered to built safe embankments in both short and long term
perspective. Regarding short term assessments, it appears that common geotechnical testing
methods for determining properties of tailings are not sufficient (Jantzer et. al., 2008).
Another unknown is the long term performance of the material. How are tailings and their
geotechnical performance affected by degradation?
Tailings dams must be stable over long time periods in terms of not having any environmental
impact in the future. They are subject to an after care phase which extends from the closure
of mining activity until the company actually may leave the site. In Sweden, this period is
approximately 30 years. After that follows a long term phase, during which the tailings dam is
supposed to be stable.
In this context, the expression stability has sometimes been misunderstood, because long term
stability does not only refer to slope stability in geotechnical terms. When speaking about
tailings dams, the word stability is often used in terms of overall stability, often in connection
with the time frame these constructions are supposed to fulfill their function, including slope
stability, as well as stability against environmental harm. Stability of tailings dams therefore
often also means their stability against internal erosion, i.e. the elimination of particle
migration due to the hydraulic gradient from the artificial lake in long term perspective.
According to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket) long term
stability refers to thousands of years or more, or in a philosophical sense to the next glacial
period, after which we do not expect man made structures above ground to be standing.”
(Bjelkevik, 2005a, 2005b) Hence, internal erosion must not occur, a direct contradiction to a
statement made by Lofquist in 1988: “No fine-graded soil is absolutely resistant to piping
failure. It is a matter of hydraulic gradient and time.”

1.1.5 Internal erosion

Research and discussion on internal erosion is mainly related to WRDs. Such dams are built
in order to retain water for varying purposes, such as hydropower production, irrigation, or
flood control. Therefore, they are exposed to a relatively high hydraulic gradient and seepage
pressure, resulting in a natural seepage flow through either the porous structure of the
embankment itself, the foundation, or close to abutments. This seepage is generally not
regarded being a problem, as long as it occurs in a controlled manner, the leaking water is
clean, and there is no particle migration involved. However, if particles in the embankment
start to move due to the hydraulic gradient they are exposed to, seepage may exceed and
further wash out of grains through an unprotected, i.e. open or unfiltered exit, may result.
This particle migration may then become a continuous process including the formation of a
“pipe”, i.e. an unprotected pathway for water and particles to escape. The concentrated
leakage can result in serious consequences of damage or failure of a dam. Due to the
formation of a pipe-shaped erosion channel internal erosion is often called piping (Terzaghi et
al., 1996; Fell et al., 2005).

Because of topographical advantages and material supply found in Scandinavia, WRDs are
often constructed with natural materials as earth- and rock fill dams. They may have a
homogeneous structure, but are many times built as zoned embankments in order to control
seepage through the dam body. A zoned embankment dam usually has an impervious core as
hydraulic barrier, adjacent gradually coarser filter zones to provide seepage control and
impede particle migration, i.e. internal erosion, as well as gravel and rock fill in order to
provide stability for the construction, see Figure 5.

Figure 5: Example of a zoned embankment dam: (1) Core, (2) filter zones, (3) rockfill, (4) rip rap
(Fell et al. 2005)

Knowledge on tailings dams construction has been derived from WRDs, but there are some
significant differences between those two structures. One important distinction is that the
tailings dam can never be removed, which is theoretically possible for a WRD. WRDs are
built to their final height in one stage and are subject to maintenance and surveillance during
their service live, whereas tailings dams are raised in stages and may be inspected and
maintained particularly during mining operation, which is only a comparably short period
when the mining company is present. Yet, the larger part of a tailings dam service period will
be without maintenance and surveillance. Seepage flow through a WRD is regulated by filter
zones, thereby allowing controlled drainage and pore pressure reduction in the structure.
Tailings dams sometimes also comprise such filter zones (compare Figure 2 and Figure 3).
However, their function is often only taken into account in short term perspective. When
assessing a tailings dams’ long term performance, filters are usually not regarded, due to the
possibility that they may become clogged, or loose their function because of other degradation
Internal erosion in WRDs often starts in connection with irregularities in the material of the
embankment, the foundation, at the interface between embankment and foundation, or at
conduits and other material intersections where grains find less resistance to migration.
Regarding tailings dams, analogical initiating circumstances are encountered:
inhomogeneities in the fill material leading to cracks and settlements, variations in fill
materials, as well as even concrete surfaces from conduits through the embankment introduce
similar problems in tailings dams as in WRDs. Contrary to WRDs, the hydraulic deposition in
tailings ponds results in a higher horizontal than vertical hydraulic conductivity, a favorable
situation for seepage and internal erosion. However, the continuous rise of a tailings dam
compensates settlements resulting from a compressible foundation (Vick, 1990). Therefore,
erosion through particle migration in a tailings dams embankment appears to be most likely.

Concerning erosion in the embankment, two different modes of erosion in a dam have been
identified: backward erosion and concentrated piping. The difference between these two is the
initiation of the process: backward erosion refers to a leakage on the downstream part of the
dam progressing backwards to the upstream side, see Figure 6a. Concentrated piping develops
in the dam by cracking or leakage directly from the water source to an exit point, where the
pipe grows and the erosion increases, as shown in Figure 6b. The final breach mechanisms are
profound enlargement of the pipe, unraveling of toe bank, sinkholes or settlements in the crest
leading to overtopping, as well as slope instability (Fell et al., 2005).



Figure 6: Backward erosion (a) and concentrated leak (b) (Fell et al. 2005)

Extensive statistic research carried out by Foster et al. (2000a) recognized internal erosion as
one of the major incident and failure causes for embankment dams. Almost half of all known
embankment dam failures were related to piping. In the research on tailings dams operation,
Bjelkevik (2005b) found that both international and Swedish data on incidents and failures is
incomplete. It was shown that about 20 % of the reported events at Swedish tailings dams
were related to internal erosion. These incidents did not result in failure in the past.
Nevertheless is the assessment of internal erosion processes in a tailings dam crucial to its
long term performance.
In summary, internal erosion in tailings dams should be regarded separately as there are
several important differences in both structure and construction material. The varying
construction stages make it difficult to locate the internal water level and to determine the
hydraulic gradient in the structure, which in turn complicates internal erosion and slope
stability assessments. Moreover, incidents and failures of WRDs are more detailed reported
and investigated than those of tailings dams. WRDs have been subject to extended statistical
data collection and research, where especially the phenomenon of internal erosion has led to
thorough discussion on filter criteria. This knowledge may not be applied to tailings dams
structures without adjustments and separate research on the performance of tailings and
tailings dams structures.

1.2 Objective
The objective of this study is to contribute to the understanding of the long term stability of
tailings dams with special regard to internal erosion. One of the most important factors with
regard to long term stability is the prevention from internal erosion, i.e. particle migration
initiated by seepage pressure. Internal erosion is a process not yet completely understood. It is
related to the seepage rate, and the seepage rate is directly connected to the hydraulic gradient.
The hydraulic gradient is therefore crucial for embankment stability and prevention of particle
migration, and the basic research question covered in this thesis is:
What maximum hydraulic gradient can we allow for a tailings dam construction in long term
perspective in order to not to have particle migration and internal erosion?

1.3 Method
Defining a maximum hydraulic gradient for a long term stable tailings dam is a complex task.
In general, the design of civil engineering structures is based on experience, knowledge and
research. Most materials can be tested, properties determined, and failure mechanisms be
described. This is not the case for tailings dams construction, where the construction material
differs significantly from natural soil, with a design and service life far longer than other civil
engineering structures.
Theoretic knowledge on internal erosion is collected in a literature study on the topic, which
focuses on hydraulic conductivity, laboratory testing, methods for calculation and critical
hydraulic gradients for various soil types.
Because of the difficulties the long term perspective introduces to tailings dam design and
construction, natural analogies to dam structures can give valuable information. The most
recent melting of continental ice in Sweden took place about 15000 to 8000 years ago, and
from this period many natural dammed lakes can be found today. Examples on such natural
dammed lakes which have been stable since the last glaciation are presented and analyzed
with respect to the hydraulic gradient the soil has been exposed to over a period of several
thousand years.
With respect to the research question, an analysis of a natural analogy to a dam construction
was carried out at the company area of Bolidens mine in Gällivare. The analysis includes field
studies and laboratory testing, with the aim of determining the properties of the soil. The
hydraulic conductivity was tested in laboratory conditions and related to conditions in situ, as
well as calculated with empirical relationships on basis of the determined properties. Results
are compared to knowledge collected in the literature study, and conclusions on the hydraulic
conductivity and gradient in the natural dam analogy are then related to tailings dam

1.4 Outline
To provide a basis for research, a State of the Art report on internal erosion is presented,
covering definitions, geometric and hydraulic criteria on seepage through soil, the hydraulic
conductivity and critical gradients, as well as factors initiating internal erosion, statistics and
risk assessments.
An overview on natural analogies based on a study provided by the Geological Survey of
Sweden SGU is given in the next section. This overview provides basic information on the
location, formation and age, as well as material and hydraulic gradient the structure has been
exposed to.
As a next step, a natural formation has been analyzed with respect to geotechnical properties.
Analysis includes in situ testing and groundwater monitoring over a period of two years.
Laboratory testing on material collected in test pits was carried out for determination of the
soils’ properties, and tests on the hydraulic conductivity were conducted.
On basis of laboratory testing, the hydraulic conductivity of the soil is evaluated, both by
relating laboratory results to in situ conditions as well as by calculating the hydraulic
conductivity with well established empirical relationships.
Finally, the results are discussed and related to tailings dam construction.


2.1 Introduction
Internal erosion is a problem which has been responsible for accidents and failures of dams all
over the world. Wherever water is dammed by an embankment of soil, gravel and rock, the
soil particles are exposed to a certain hydraulic gradient. Seepage forces and openings in the
soil skeleton can create a situation where particles start to move and are washed out through
an unprotected exit in the soil structure, a process which, upon progression, may eventually
result in erosion holes and concentrated leakage through an embankment. An overall failure
statistic carried out by Foster et al. (2000a) showed that 30,5 % of failures of large
embankments, i.e. WRDs, were due to internal erosion through the embankment. Bjelkevik
(2005b) analyzed incidents at Swedish tailings dams and found that 19% of the reported
events were related to internal erosion.
Before giving an overview on internal erosion itself, hydrodynamic soil deformations are
classified in order to define various expressions related to internal erosion. Further, principle
thoughts and research on internal erosion is presented in a rough timeline. Studies on internal
erosion originally focused on mechanical principles: geometric criteria, i.e. particle and
opening sizes in the soil matrix which allow particles to move, and hydraulic criteria, i.e.
hydrodynamic forces responsible for displacement of the grains. Many geometric
considerations are still based on Terzaghi’s filter criteria from the early 1920’s (Terzaghi et
al., 1996). Both the internal stability of a material itself as well as filtering concepts of two
adjacent materials have been tested and discussed extensively by e.g. Sherard (1984, 1986),
Kenney & Lau (1984, 1985), Skempton & Brogan (1994), and Fannin & Moffat (1996). In
contrast, research on hydraulic criteria appears not to be as detailed as that of geometric
criteria, which is due to difficulties regarding representative laboratory testing and varying
methods for the calculation of the hydraulic conductivity. Critical hydraulic gradients have
been summarized by Perzlmaier (2007) based on research by Bligh, Lane, Chugaev, Müller-
Kirchenbauer, and Weijers & Sellmeijer.
During the last few years, publications and research seem to have concentrated on
phenomenological descriptions of internal erosion, i.e. how does the process start and what
are the factors that lead to progression and eventually accidents and failures? Seepage paths
may create from settlements and subsequent cracks in the embankment and have been
described by Kjærnsli et al. (1992) and Fell et al. (2005). Other inhomogeneities such as
material segregation or frost action have been identified as initiation factors by Kenney and
Westland (1993), Kenney & Lau (1985), Milligan (2003), and others. In addition, the term
hydraulic fracturing introduced by Sherard (1986) is explained and discussed.
Finally, statistical analysis and risk assessments are presented. Thorough statistical analysis
on accidents and failures in WRDs has been carried out by Foster et al. (2000a, 2000b) with
the objective to make future estimations on the likelihood of piping failures from the historic
frequency of accidents and failures in embankment dams. Apart from statistical analysis, the
European Working Group on Internal Erosion has been working on risk assessments and risk

2.2 Classification of hydrodynamic soil deformations
Hydrodynamic soil deformations include local deformations as well as global deformations
such as e.g. slope stability problems arising from seepage forces. The term internal erosion is
often used for particle transport in general. Many other expressions are used in the field of
internal erosion, such as piping, suffusion, backward erosion. A distinct classification has
been made in German-speaking countries, where Ziems was the first to define and organize
hydrodynamic soil deformations in 1969. This classification has been accepted by various
different German authors such as Wittmann (1980), Muckenthaler (1989) and Perzlmaier
(2007). English speaking literature generally does not use similarly detailed specifications
between suffusion, erosion, piping and clogging. In English literature, internal erosion is
sometimes referred to as piping, suffusion may also be called internal instability, and the term
contact erosion may also represent a situation of ‘joint erosion’. Therefore, an overview of the
different processes and definitions are presented below.
Generally, the above mentioned processes can be subdivided further according to their
location, i.e. external, internal, and contact suffusion/erosion, respectively. If material
transport occurs at the surface, it is external, and if it occurs inside a soil, it is internal. A
special form of internal transport is contact suffusion and erosion, where the process develops
at an interface between two different materials such as between fine and coarse grained soils,
i.e. base soil and filter. Clogging is the inverse process to suffusion and erosion where pores
are clogged by particle transport.

Suffusion Erosion Clogging

”Internal Instability” ”Colmation”, ”Colmatation”

External S. External E.

Internal E.
Internal S. Backward
Erosion /
Contact S. Leak
(Joint) E.

Figure 7: Classification of hydrodynamic soil deformations (Ziems, 1969)

2.2.1 Suffusion
Suffusion refers to the selective transportation and washing out of fines from the coarser soil
skeleton (Figure 8), where both the coarser skeleton and the original volume of the soil
initially remain (Ziems, 1969). This applies to so-called internally unstable material.
Suffusion alters the grain-size distribution, increases the porosity and the hydraulic
conductivity, and decreases the density and the coefficient of uniformity. The washout of
fines may create an initial state for internal erosion; internally unstable soils are therefore
regarded as being susceptible to erosion. Cont act suffusion describes the transportation of
fines into the voids of an adjacent coarser soil in particular. Suffusion sometimes is spelled
“suffosion”. Soils susceptible to suffusion are gap-graded and have a gravel content > 60 %,
or coarse and widely graded (Wan & Fell, 2004 a, b).

Figure 8: Schematic description of suffusion after Ziems (1969)

2.2.2 Erosion
When soil particles of almost all different grain sizes are washed out from a soil to a degree
that the soils volume decreases and the structure of the soil skeleton is altered, erosion takes
place. The progressing loss of material may finally lead to breach, or to sinkholes and
settlements of the embankment, thereby lowering the capacity of water storage. Variations in
density and compaction, cohesion and stresses, and the anisotropy of soil enhance the
development of internal erosion (Ziems, 1969).
Erosion can be subdivided into external, internal and contact erosion. Similar to contact
suffusion, contact erosion forms at an interface between different materials as shown in
Figure 9. The English term “contact erosion” is mainly used for erosion in connection with
conduits or other concrete structures through the embankment. These have been identified as
increasing factor for internal erosion, since the intersection between earth fill and the concrete
surface can act as a wall for a pipe, thus supporting an open channel for material transport.
The German speaking countries are more specific and use “contact erosion” for intersections
between different graded soils and “joint erosion” for intersections with concrete structures.
However, “joint erosion” will be identified as contact erosion in this paper to avoid additional

Figure 9: Internal erosion at the interface of different materials after Ziems (1969)

Internal erosion is often referred to as piping, which implicates that a continuous open
seepage path grows, i.e. a ‘pipe’, through which particles are carried away, see Figure 10.
The development of a pipe requires that the material is able to ‘support’ a roof (Fell et al.,

Figure 10: Piping in uniform material after Ziems (1969)

A special form of internal erosion is backward erosion, where material starts to erode at a free
and unfiltered exit of the seepage path. The process then continues backwards towards the
upstream face of the dam. Concentrated leakage erosion may result from poor compaction,
differential settlements, frost action, desiccation or hydraulic fracturing.

2.2.3 Clogging
Clogging, sometimes also referred to as colmation or colmatation, is the inverse process to
erosion, where fine particles are deposited in the pores and the hydraulic conductivity is
reduced. The rearrangement of the particles in the soil matrix can have a positive effect on the
structure as the geometric (or internal) stability is partly restored.

2.2.4 Heave
Heave (or ‘blow out’) may also be counted among hydrodynamic deformations. Here, the
seepage force acts vertically upwards against gravity forces, and the pressure gradient exceeds
the weight of the submerged soil, so that the effective stress between soil particles becomes
zero. This is primarily a problem of balance between upward and downward acting forces; it
may, however, leave an unfiltered exit and initiate backward erosion if the seepage gradient
remains sufficiently high.

2.3 Geometric criteria
The mutual effects between different soils and seepage forces are described in various criteria.
Geometric criteria refer to the structure of soil only, where either one soil fabric or two
adjacent soil layers are regarded in terms of their grain size distribution, pore volume and
openings in the soil skeleton that leave a path for particles to escape.

2.3.1 Filter concepts

Erosion has for a long time been regarded as a filtration problem, i.e. particle migration
through a porous soil system. Focus has been on the geometry of the pores and the grain size
distribution which was considered being responsible for possible particle transportation. Self-
filtering or internal stability of a soil implies that the coarser particles act as filter for the finer
particles, and loss of granular material through voids in the soil is impeded. Erosion and
suffusion are closely related problems; for instance, erosion in a fine graded base soil may
become suffusion in the adjacent filter layer.
Filters have traditionally been applied to provide a base soil with the sufficient drainage to
prevent from exceeding pore pressures and are therefore usually coarser than the protected
base soil. On the other hand, the structure of the filter has to be such that movement of
particles is impeded by sufficiently small pore spaces. Filters are often applied in the body of
embankment dam structures. Filtration problems may also occur between the dam body and
the foundation, in case the nature of the foundation does not meet filter criteria.
Terzaghi introduced a filter concept in the early 1920’s. This criterion has been modified,
refined and been adapted in different countries’ practises over the years. However, the
traditional thought of providing a stable and filtering material remains and is still in use. The
two established rules are: (1) for erosion control, the relation between filter (D) and base soil
(d) should be D15/d85 ≤ 4, and (2) to guarantee drainage the relation should become D15/d85 ≥
4. The index denotes the grain size for which 15% or 85% is finer, respectively (Terzaghi et
al., 1996).
These relations have been discussed by many researchers, among them Sherard et al.(1984),
Lafleur (1984), Kenney & Lau (1985), Lafleur et al. (1989), and Chapuis (1992). Despite all
studies and filter testing, the concept of retaining particles and ensuring of drainage is still in
use. Moreover, Sherard et al. (1984) stated that Terzaghis criteria ‘employ the appropriate
characteristics of the filter and the base’, so that the ratio ‘should be continued as the main
criterion for judging filter acceptability’. Recent laboratory studies carried out by Fannin &
Moffat (2006) also approved the concept introduced by Terzaghi.
Filter criteria were developed with respect to the interaction of a filter with a base soil, i.e.
two adjacent soils. The self-filtration problem, i.e. internal instability in one soil itself, was
not yet regarded. Kenney and Lau (1985) described the soils structure being consistent of two
units, a primary fabric which transfers load and stress, and loose particles in the voids of the
primary fabric. The loose particles have the ability to move through the skeleton of coarser
particles. Skempton & Brogan (1994) found that internally unstable sand experienced fine
grain migration, which was explained by Kenney and Lau’s theory of a load carrying skeleton
where the smaller particles do not transfer effective stress, see Figure 11.

Figure 11: Example of stable and unstable soils. (a) internally stable material, (b) unstable gap-graded
material, (c) unstable material with loose large grains (Vattenfall, 1988).

Sherard (1979) defined an instability degree for suffusion, using a similar principle to that of
Kenney & Lau, namely by dividing the grain size distribution curve into two parts, a coarse
and a fine fraction, so that the shape of the gradation curve could be analyzed. The relation
between the coarse fraction and the fine fraction of the gradation curve should meet filter
criteria and be D15(coarse) / D85(fine) < 5.
Internal stability and filtration has been recognized being not only dependent on grain size
distribution, but influenced by factors such as porosity, the disturbing effects of forces from
seepage and vibration, and segregation of the soil during placement (Kenney & Lau, 1985,
Chapuis, 1992). High seepage forces and vibrations were considered not to occur and
therefore not to be regarded in dam constructions according to Milligan (1986).

2.3.2 Internal stability and characteristic grain size

Both the internal stability and the hydraulic conductivity of a soil are related to the size of the
grains. The inherent stability is ascribed to the shape of the gradation curve, i.e. the
coefficient of uniformity Cu, whereas the hydraulic conductivity is influenced by the size of
the pore channels in the soil. However, researchers have not come to an agreement on a
representative grain size that governs the size of the pore channels. Kenney et al. noted that
the size of the pores primarily depends on a representative grain size, whereas the shape of the
complete gradation curve was noted to have a minor effect on the pore size channels in the
soil structure (Kenney et al., 1984).
Hazen found in 1892 that the relationship between pore size and hydraulic conductivity was
proportional, and that an increase in hydraulic conductivity is related to the square of a
‘characteristic grain size’ De (Terzaghi et al., 1996). The characteristic grain size that
governed the hydraulic conductivity was set to D10, i.e. a 10% limit of the particles of the soil.
Kenney et al. (1984) stated that the permeability was primarily dependent on the finer
particles with the grain size D5. Sherard et al. (1984) found this grain size to be D15, whereas
Fell et al. (2005) agree with Hazen on D10 being the defining factor. This discussion shows
the variety of views; a consensus seems to be difficult to reach. Nevertheless, it is generally
agreed on that it is the fine particles and roughly 5 to 15 % of the soil which affect the
hydraulic conductivity considerably.
While the hydraulic conductivity has been recognized being strongly dependent on the
amount and size of soil particles between D5 and D15, the filtering ability of a soil has been
related to the shape of the total grain size distribution. For instance, filter criteria concerning
the ratio between base and filter have sometimes been extended with recommendations such
as that in the USBR method: The curves of the base soil and the filter should be parallel (Fell

et al., 2005). On the contrary, Sherard et al. (1984) found that such a similar shape of
gradation curves is not necessary. However, broadly graded or gap graded soils may display a
lack of certain grain sizes that are needed for an optimum in structure, pore sizes and
successful filtration.
The coefficient of uniformity Cu was not accounted for in filter criteria, and suggestions on
the shape of the grading curve by means of the coefficient of uniformity Cu, i.e. the ratio
D60/D10, have not been clearly expressed. Yet, most filter tests have been carried out using
uniformly graded material with a coefficient of uniformity lower than 6. Materials for which
the ratio is less than 10 are regarded as being stable, while a ratio above 20 is considered
being unstable (Skempton & Brogan, 1994). Practical problems can be connected to wide
graded materials because of their susceptibility for segregation during placement. Milligan
(2003) stated that the instability of material tested by Kenney & Lau (1985) was closely
related to material which was typically susceptible to segregation during construction works.

2.4 Hydraulic criteria

Hydraulic criteria summarize the boundary conditions for critical hydraulic loads acting on a
soil particle and forcing it to move. Even if the soils structure geometrically allows an
opening size in the pore matrix large enough for displacement, a hydraulic load exceeding the
drag force, i.e. the particles’ self-weight and its interaction with other grains, is needed to
actually move a particle. The type of flow and the hydraulic conductivity of a soil are
significant properties in internal erosion processes. In order to present limit values for the
hydraulic load a soil can be exposed to without experiencing particle migration critical
hydraulic gradients have been introduced.

2.4.1 Hydraulic conductivity

In order to understand the process of water permeating a soil matrix it is important to look at
the various forms water can exist in the matrix. A saturated soil is a two-phase system where
all voids are filled with water. This system contains free pore water, i.e. water which is able to
move in the voids. In the three-phase system of an unsaturated soil the voids are partly filled
with water and air. Water in the pores is attracted to the particles and tends to wet the solid
surface, while air strives after minimizing contact to solids and tries to form as spherical
bubbles as possible. Water wetting the solid surface can be summarized as bound water.
Adsorbed water is an extremely thin layer of water bound strongly to mineral surface by
molecular forces so that hydrodynamic forces cannot move this layer. A thicker hydration
shell of bound water around grains can be called solvate water. Density and viscosity of this
water vary from normal water, but these molecules are mobile when exposed to
hydrodynamic forces (Kézdi, 1974).
The hydraulic conductivity of a soil is influenced by many factors. Among them are porosity,
grading, fabric, its chemical composition, and the properties of the permeating fluid.
However, the size and shape of the pores is essential for flow through the soil matrix. Given
that smaller particles are located between larger and therefore control the void size, fine
particles are much more significant for the hydraulic conductivity than the large grains
(compare Figure 11). In addition, physical factors such as saturation, compaction or
temperature make the hydraulic conductivity a dependent variable rather than a material
constant (Mitchell & Soga, 2005).

Permeability and hydraulic conductivity
When speaking about water flow through the porous media soil the soils ability to allow this
water flow is generally referred to as permeability. However, this term is not correct, because
permeability in general describes a materials’ ability to transmit a fluid. In case of water flow
through soil it is therefore more precise to refer to the hydraulic conductivity k because it is
dependent on the properties of water, i.e. density and viscosity, which are affected by
temperature. The hydraulic conductivity k is related to the intrinsic permeability Κ, the
property of fluid flow through porous media with regard to the dynamic viscosity μ, the fluid
density ρ, and the acceleration of gravity g:

K= [m2]

Note that the intrinsic (or specific) permeability K is measured in units of area [m2], whereas
the hydraulic conductivity k is measured in units of velocity [m/s].

Darcy’s Law and its validity

Water flow imposes a seepage pressure on the soil mass as a result to the dimensionless
hydraulic gradient i, which is defined as the ratio between the rate of head loss Δh to the flow
distance ΔL:

i= [-]

The hydraulic conductivity k (or Darcian coefficient of permeability) is a proportionality

factor in Darcy’s Law that states the proportionality between flow rate and gradient. The flow
rate is inversely proportional to the length of the flow path. Darcy’s Law in its general, one-
dimensional form relates the hydraulic conductivity k to the ratio between discharge velocity
v and hydraulic gradient i:

k= [m/s]

This linear relationship is valid for laminar flow in porous media, i.e. the validity is dependent
on the Reynolds number Re which denotes the ratio between inertia and viscous forces to
describe flow transitions from laminar to turbulent. It is generally accepted that Darcy’s law
applies at low Reynolds numbers up to 1 and 10 (Bear, 1972; Todd & Mays, 2005). The limit
value of 10 is confirmed in numerical studies carried out by Hellström, who states that inertia-
effects have to be taken into account when the Re exceeds 10; i.e. the linearity of Darcy’s law
cannot be applied longer. The pressure drop then increases and non-linear terms have to be
added; a problem that can be solved by using Forchheimers equation:

K Δp Q ⎛Q⎞
= + b⎜ ⎟
μ L A ⎝ A⎠

where K is the intrinsic permeability, μ the viscosity of the fluid, and Q the flow rate through
the area A. Δp describes the pressure drop over a length L in flow direction, b denotes a
property of the porous media and m is a measure of inertia. Turbulent effects occur when Re
is larger than 100 (Hellström, 2007).
Limit values for Darcian, Forchheimer and turbulent flow given by Perzlmaier et al. (2007)
vary slightly compared to those presented by Hellström: Darcian flow occurs at Re between
10-5 – 2,3, Forchheimer flow at Re between 5 – 80, and turbulent flow at Re larger than 120.
These results appear to be unusually precise. For instance, Kézdi (1974) states that the it is not
possible to determine the exact transition from pure laminar flow to slightly turbulent flow.
Variations of these limit values may be a result of different empirical observations as well as
varying definitions of the Reynolds number, which is, amongst others, defined by means of a
length dimension of the flow path. The flow length can therefore be regarded on macroscopic
basis being equal the length of a sample, or on a microscopic basis to account for interstitial
flow and the tortuosity, as suggested by Mitchell & Soga (2005), or be defined by some
representative grain size (Bear, 1972).
Flow in soils finer than coarse gravel is laminar, thus obeying Darcy’s law (Mitchell & Soga,
2005). Detailed values are given by Perzlmaier et al. (2007) stating that the validity of
Darcy’s relationship is given for effective particle diameters smaller than 1,5 mm, whereas
turbulent flow starts at diameters larger than 20 mm.
In addition to the deviations from Darcy’s law at high Reynolds numbers, a minimum
gradient below which either no or non-linear flow takes place has been discussed by some
authors (Bear, 1972). Laboratory tests have shown that Darcy’s law deviates in fine-grained
materials and increases more than proportionally with increasing gradient. This phenomenon
is most significant at low hydraulic gradients, and it is presumed being due to migrating
particles that open or block passages, as well as local consolidation or swelling in the soil.
The assumption that non-Newtonian flow properties, i.e. a fluid with a non-linear relation
between shear stress and strain rate that cannot be described by a constant viscosity value,
was found not to be responsible for non-Darcian flow (Mitchell & Soga, 2005).

Laboratory testing
The hydraulic conductivity can be measured in laboratory tests. There are various systems for
available for testing, but virtually all are based on the idea to expose a soil sample to a certain
gradient and measure the quantity of water percolating through a sample with a given length
and cross-sectional area during a time span. A basic testing arrangement is shown in Figure


Q l

Figure 12: Standard laboratory test to measure the hydraulic conductivity of a soil

In case of retaining a constant water supply to the intake the hydraulic gradient will remain
the same during testing and we speak of a constant-head permeameter. In a falling-head
permeameter, there is no additional water supply and the total head decreases with time
during testing. During a constant head test, the output flow is measured over time and related
to the head that creates a constant seepage pressure. In a falling head test, the input flow is
measured by using a standpipe with decreasing water level over time that indicates a negative
In general, it is stated the constant-head permeameter is suited for coarse material with high to
moderate hydraulic conductivity, whereas the falling-head permeameter gives better results
for fine-grained material with lower conductivity (Smoltczyk, 2002; Terzaghi et al., 1996).
On the other hand, Lambe & Whitman (1979) suggest to restrict the use of the falling head
permeameter to pervious materials. In addition, it is stated that tests with variable head should
not be carried out on unsaturated samples due to changes in saturation during testing. Testing
a soils hydraulic conductivity is often difficult because of the variety of factors influencing
the test. Hydraulic gradients found in nature are rarely not above one, which complicates
duplication of field conditions. During laboratory testing it is usually not suitable to apply
such low gradients because of the extensive and hence inappropriate time needed for testing
(Mitchell & Soga, 2005). In order to receive test results in a reasonable time span fine-grained
soil samples are therefore often tested at much higher gradients than those found in nature.
The evident disagreement whether to use the constant-head or the falling-head permeameter
may arise from varying practical experiences. A falling head test is easier to carry out on a
relatively dense material because the measurement of inflow is faster and can be observed
more accurate instead of trying to achieve a steady flow through the sample and measure the
output. Moreover, Kézdi states that evaporation from the slow output would make constant-
head permeameter test results unreliable.
Permeameters can have rigid wall or a flexible wall devices. A rigid wall device has the
advantage of being cheaper and are more convenient when testing compacted samples.
However, the rigid wall of a cell decreases the resistance for particle migration, and so-called
sidewall leakage can result in inaccurate and too large measurements of the hydraulic
conductivity. Therefore, a flexible wall permeameter should be used when testing fine grained
materials, because they minimize the risk for leakage along the sides of the sample. They are

also preferred when testing samples with back pressure, as the cell allows for measurement of
volume change (Daniel et al., 1985)
With regard to Darcy’s law and its validity it is important to try to keep the flow through the
sample laminar. Hence, various materials require adjustments of boundary conditions in
laboratory testing in terms of keeping the seepage pressure sufficiently large to actually obtain
flow through the sample, while at the same time retaining laminar flow. This is difficult to
achieve when testing very fine-grained materials with low hydraulic conductivity. Such a
sample would demand the application of relatively high pressures in order to receive results.
An alternative is therefore to calculate the hydraulic conductivity indirectly from
consolidation test (Kézdi, 1974). An additional possibility is the use of a constant-head
apparatus with a cell similar a triaxial testing device, which gives the possibility to apply high
pressures with an associated backpressure. The hydraulic gradient is then given by the
pressure difference between top and bottom of the sample and can be controlled with suitable
instrumentation. (Smoltczyk, 2002).

Unsaturated samples
Darcy’s law applies also for unsaturated samples. However, the hydraulic conductivity is not
constant, but dependent on the degree of saturation. In a non-saturated system, pores are filled
with both water and air, where water covers the particle surface, and air is filling the voids’
center. Water will then, when applying low pressure, move first along the particles’ adsorbed
water film. The hydraulic conductivity is therefore dependent on whether the voids are filled
with water and in how far the pore water is continuous, see Figure 13.

Figure 13: Unsaturated soil with continuous water film (Mitchell & Soga, 2005)

The unsaturated hydraulic conductivity in a soil is, amongst others, a function of the
volumetric water content, the degree of saturation, matric suction. The hydraulic conductivity
can be expressed as a function of the saturation, which is related to the Kozeny-Carman
equation presented in the following section:

⎛γ ⎞ 1 ⎛ e3 ⎞ 3
k h = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜ ⎟ [m/s]
μ 2 2 ⎜ 1 + e ⎟S
⎝ ⎠ 0 S0
k T ⎝ ⎠

where k0 is a pore shape factor, T a tortuosity factor, S0 the wetted surface area, and e the void
ratio. As shown in the equation, the hydraulic conductivity varies as the cube of the degree of
saturation. This relationship has been found adequate for degrees of saturation above 80%
(Mitchell & Soga, 2005).
Applying a seepage pressure, the voids first are filled with water before water can actually
permeate through the system. A soil with a degree of saturation above 80% behaves as if it
was saturated, while a soil with a degree of saturation below 20% appears not to be permeable
(Kézdi, 1974). In the latter case, the water content is reduced so far that only water strongly
attracted to the particles is left, so that the non-continuous path in the pores is impeding the
flow. It will then take longer time to fill the voids with water, so that the hydraulic
conductivity will increase over time (Mitchell & Soga, 2005).
The flow through an unsaturated sample is not constant, but depends on the amount of pores
as well as their interconnection. To determine the hydraulic conductivity in laboratory tests,
the saturation conditions of the sample have to be controlled. Again, applying back pressure
for saturation of the sample can be useful in order to press out air pockets. However, air
pockets can not only block pores in the sample, but also other instrumental parts in the system
(Knutsson, 2009).

Evaluation of laboratory testing

The determination of the hydraulic conductivity often involves problems and errors that are
common for laboratory testing. Leakage in the interface between sample and cell wall may
increase the flow and can lead to particle migration. Due to practical reasons, samples are
often tested under an increased pressure gradient to reduce time and costs in the laboratory,
with the result of excessive flow rates, particle migration and clogging of filters. Such an
increase of pressure gradient does not only affect the flow and the application of Darcy’s law,
i.e. laminar, inertia dominated or turbulent (Hellström et al, 2009), but may also lead to
actually testing the hydraulic conductivity of the filter rather than that of the sample in case of
clogging (Stenman, 2009).
The validity of Darcy’s law is given when both volume and shape of the water passages
remain independent from pore water pressure and time, i.e. the flow remains steady.
Deviations can occur due to air bubbles or particle migration which decrease or clog
percolation. On the other hand, increasing pressure can decrease air pockets in the sample,
thus increase the hydraulic conductivity (Terzaghi et al. 1996).
Test results can vary significantly because of the difficulty of uniform sample preparation, i.e.
differences in degree of compaction or water content. Another difficulty is the saturation of a
sample which cannot be controlled or checked (Fell et al, 2005), but is rather an assumption
on basis of some kind of steady flow condition.
Laboratory testing depends on the reliability of the sample, and the fabric of the soil can have
a significant influence on testing results. The value for hydraulic conductivity tested in
laboratory conditions does not take stratification or fissures in soil masses in situ into account.
The horizontal hydraulic conductivity kh may be considerably higher than the vertical
conductivity kv, and the ratio between horizontal to vertical conductivity kh /kv may be as high
as 100. Representative samples and relations between test results and field conditions are
therefore difficult to obtain (Fell et al, 2005).

Calculation of the hydraulic conductivity
To calculate the hydraulic conductivity of a soil, a variety of different equations have been
introduced. All equations take some kind of effective particle size and/or void ratio into
account. In general, laminar flow is assumed.
Hazen suggested a simple formula from his works with loose sand, where the hydraulic
conductivity k was directly related to the ‘effective grain size’ d10 (in mm):

k = C ⋅ (d 10 )2 [m/s]

In order to calculate the hydraulic conductivity k in m/s, the factor C in the formula is usually
set to 0,01, and the grain size is given in mm. If k is given in cm/s, C is set to 100. This
equation is not recommended for application in case of clay and coarse gravel (Fell et al.
Chapuis (2004) presented a method for estimation by regarding both the effective diameter
d10 (in mm) and void ratio e of the soil. The method may be applied to clean sand and gravel
and is an extension of Hazen’s formula, which did not take the actual porosity into account.

⎛ d 2 ⋅e3 ⎞
k = 2,4622⎜ 10 ⎟ [cm/s]
⎜ 1+ e ⎟
⎝ ⎠

The Kozeny-Carman equation was originally proposed by Kozeny and improved by Carman
and describes the permeability of porous media. In case of complete saturation, i.e. S = 1, the
intrinsic permeability K can be calculated by taking a pore shape factor k0, a tortuosity factor
T, the wetted surface area S0, the void ratio e into account (Mitchell & Soga, 2005):

⎛μ⎞ 1 ⎛ e3 ⎞
K = k h ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = ⎜ ⎟ [m2]
⎜1+ e ⎟
⎝ γ ⎠ k 0T S 0
2 2
⎝ ⎠

Carrier (2003) gives detailed instructions on calculations with this formula. For water at 20º,
the term μ/γ equals 9,93*104 1/cm s. The pore shape factor k0 is set to 2,5, while the tortuosity
T2 is equal to 2. The wetted surface area S0 can be estimated from the grain size distribution
by S0 = 6/Deff, and D is related to an effective diameter:

Deff = [cm]
∑( f i / D ave,i )

where fi is the fraction of particles between two sieve sizes, and Dave,i is the average particle
size between two sieve sizes.

There are various formulations of the Kozeny-Carman equation; one published by Fell et al.
(2005) takes the void ratio e, the specific surface area S and an angularity factor f into

2 ⎛⎜ e 3 ⎞⎟
k= [m/s]
fS 2 ⎜⎝ 1 + e ⎟⎠

The angularity factor f considers the shape of the particles and ranges from 1,1 to 1,4 for
round and angular particles, respectively. In this case, the specific surface S can be calculated
with regard to the maximum and minimum size particles in the soil d1 and d2 (in mm):

d1 / d 2

Aubertin et al. (1996) present a different version of the Kozeny-Carman equation

c1 g 1 e3
k= [m/s]
μ w ρ w D r2 S 2 (1 + e)

where c1 is a material parameter, g is the gravitational acceleration, μw is the viscosity and ρw

is the density of water, Dr is the average relative density of the solid grains, and S is the
specific surface.
As shown here, it may appear that the Kozeny-Carman equation is slightly different in each
text, because there are various parameters. However, the variation is always related to the
grain size distribution and the grains’ specific surface, thus affecting the wetted surface area
as well as the pore space and shape. Even though the parameters seem to be slightly different,
the equation itself remains the same, which demonstrates the importance of pore size and the
grain size distribution. Mitchell & Soga (2005) point out that the flow rate is proportional to
the fourth power of the radius
On basis of experimental studies, Aubertin et al. (1996) introduce a modified version of the
Kozeny-Carman equation on the hydraulic conductivity of tailings. The equation includes a
grain-size distribution function as well as an extended void ratio function to take tortuosity
into account:

γ w 2 1 / 3 e 3+ x
k =c D10 CU [m/s]
μ (1 + e)

The authors express some reservations in the use of this relationship: even though the results
show good agreement with experimental tests, it should be considered that the angularity of
tailings is not included and that the equation refers to materials which are homogenized and

saturated. The angularity of the crushed material may have a relevant influence on the
hydraulic conductivity. It is therefore pointed out that the hydraulic conductivity may vary by
a factor of about 1,5 – 2, where the value k is larger for rounded particles than for angular
The deficiency in the relationships presented by Hazen and Chapuis is that attention is
primarily paid to particle size and void ratio. The composition, soil fabric and the saturation
of the soil material are not included. However, Fell et al. (2005) do not regard the formula
being more precise than Hazen’s relationship, despite the attention to particle shape in
Kozeny-Carman formula. In contrast to that, Aubertin et al. (1996) state that their version of
the Kozeny-Carman relationship “offers a relatively good fit to the experimental results” for
part of their experiments on hydraulic conductivity of tailings.
In contrast to that, Carrier (2003) criticizes the use of Hazen’s formula due to the variance of
the factor C. It is stated that Hazen’s formula is widely used because of its simplicity, despite
its validity for a water temperature of 10º instead of the usual 20º. This discrepancy is thought
to be neglected because of the formulas general inaccuracy. A reason for not using the
Kozeny-Carman equation is considered to be related to the specific surface area; i.e. Carrier
states that many geotechnical engineers are not used to measure the specific surface area of
particles, and that factors such as surface area of tortuosity are difficult handle.

2.4.2 Critical hydraulic gradients

Perzlmaier et al. give an overview of hydraulic criteria based on critical hydraulic gradients
and critical flow velocities in their contribution “Hydraulic Criteria for Internal Erosion in
Cohesionless Soil”, which was published in the intermediate report of the European Working
Group of ICOLD in 2007. The following part is mainly based on this paper, if not referred to
other authors.
Because the flow to an unfiltered exit differs from the flow within a soil matrix, two different
critical gradients are considered. For backward erosion to an unfiltered exit, the basic idea for
the critical gradient is related to the relation for heave or blow-out. The critical gradient
(1 − n ) ⋅ (γ s − γ w )
i crit =

The value for the critical gradient is reduced for a process occurring inside the soil matrix:

(1 − n ) ⋅ (γ s − γ w )
i crit = {0,7 to 0,8}

Criteria for suffusion considered acceptable by Perzlmaier et al. (2007) are dependent on the
coefficient of uniformity Cu:
⎧0,3 to 0,4 for C u < 10 ⎫
⎪ ⎪
i crit = ⎨ 0,2 for 10 ≤ C u ≤ 20⎬
⎪ 0,1 for C u > 20 ⎪⎭

Empirically derived values for hydraulic criteria for both backward erosion and piping have
been summarized by Perzlmaier and shown in Table 1. The average gradients are divided into
groups according to the material. The lowest average gradients were presented by Lane in
1935, followed by the values from Bligh from 1912, and by those of Chugaev from 1962.
Mueller-Kirchenbauer presented a range of critical gradients by defining upper and lower

Table 1: Critical hydraulic gradients to initiate backward erosion and form a pipe (Perzlmaier et al, 2007)

Type of soil Gravel Coarse sand Medium sand Fine sand

Icrit Chugaev 0,25 0,25 0,11 0,10

Icrit Bligh 0,11 0,083 0,067

Icrit Lane 0,095 0,067 0,056 0,048

Icrit Mueller-Kirchenbauer, lower limit 0,12 0,08 0,06

Icrit Mueller-Kirchenbauer, upper limit 0,17 0,10 0,08

Icrit Weijers & Sellmeijer, Cu = 1,5 0,28 0,18 0,16 0,09

Icrit Weijers & Sellmeijer, Cu = 3 0,34 0,28 0,24 0,14

Weijers & Sellmeijer (1993) described a method for calculation of the average critical
gradient in 1993, where a mathematical description by means of the geometry of the structure
was presented. The difference in water head H and length of the seepage path L, as well as a
certain seepage thickness layer under the dike D are related to each other. In addition, the
coefficient of uniformity Cu (i.e. d60/d10) is taken into account. The study presents a solution
for calculation of a critical water head and is verified by large scale tests. Yet, it is limited to
geometry and material properties of the sand used in the Netherlands, and application of the
results for different material is uncertain.
Skempton & Brogan (1994) state that the critical gradient at which particles start to move
differs from the theoretical critical hydraulic gradient that has been applied in filter studies. It
is shown in tests that instable material experiences particle migration at much lower hydraulic
gradients than stable material. For laboratory conditions and horizontal flow, the critical
gradient of stable material is set to 70 %, whereas the critical gradient of unstable material is
only 17 %. These gradients obtained in the laboratory are much higher than the gradients
found in natural conditions. However, it is a well known practice to apply much higher
gradients in the laboratory tests as described in chapter 2.4.1, so that conclusions from
laboratory results to in situ conditions should be drawn with precaution.

2.4.3 Design criteria for Swedish tailings dams
For the design and construction of tailings dams in Sweden, none of these critical values are
used. Instead, the factor of safety for such constructions is related to basic soil mechanics and
slope stability, which can be found in various textbooks on soil mechanics, e.g. Cernica,
(1995). The slope stability is generally simplified as shown in Figure 14, where an infinite
slope of constant inclination with a parallel water table and seepage flow is considered.

Figure 14: Basic slope stability consideration (after Cernica, 1995)

The shear strength τf along a potential failure plane can be calculated taking the effective
stress σ’ and the internal angle of friction φ’ of the material into account:

τ f = σ '⋅ tan φ '

Relating the retaining and driving forces, i.e. the mobilized shear strength and the actual shear
strength in the sloping mass to each other, the safety factor F for such a theoretic plane


This equation is origin for the determination of long term stability of slopes of tailings dams
applied in Sweden. The safety factor is based on the internal angle of friction, as there are
currently no written criteria available, especially with regard to long term stability. A general
rule is given by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket), where the
safety factor FS for tailings dams slopes are assessed by means of the internal angle of friction
φ’, the angle of the slope β, and the mass density ρ:

ρ tan φ '
FS = ⋅
1 + ρ tan β

A rule of thumb for practical use to determine a maximum slope angle is to apply the
materials friction angle φ’ multiplied by the factor 0,5, and this rule is, despite the lack of
scientific verification, commonly accepted for the long term stability of tailings dams slopes
in Sweden. According to the Swedish dam safety guidelines RIDAS, the safety factor FS of
1,5 is regarded being sufficient (Bjelkevik, 2005a). By defining a geometric design with a
maximum slope angle, a minimum length of the embankment is defined. Thus, a minimum
length for the seepage path is set, and thereby also a maximum hydraulic gradient somewhat

2.4.4 Further aspects on hydraulic force

To develop a model on critical hydraulic head, the hydraulic shear stress has been subject for
discussion. Wan and Fell made an attempt to investigate the rate of erosion of soils in
embankment dams on basis of a hydraulic shear stress: the soils erosion characteristics are
related to its behavior regarding the rate of erosion under a certain hydraulic shear stress. It
was found that this critical shear stress was lower for coarse grained soils, which implies that
they erode more rapidly than fine grained soils. By using two test methods, the hole erosion
test and the slot erosion test, a critical shear stress can be determined. However, this value
varies to a large degree and cannot be related to other soil properties. A calculation of the
hydraulic shear stress in an open crack in the embankment is presented, but to be able to
analyze this value, the geometry of the crack has to be known. The problem of non-visibility
of such cracks and erosion processes inside the soil matrix sets a limit for application. The
study confirms practical information about the erosion rate: it is strongly influenced by the
degree of compaction and the water content of the soil. Compaction to a high dry density on
the wet side of optimum water content was found to show a higher resistance against erosion
(Wan & Fell, 2004a).
The critical hydraulic gradient is the average value for the hydraulic force acting on a soil
volume. Perzlmaier et al. (2007) consider the average value not sufficient for description of
the force acting on a soil particle, which is why the hydraulic load should be regarded on
micro scale. Critical pore velocity derived from the particle sink velocity, taking the friction
forces on the particle at rest into account, are considered to be more precise. The critical flow
velocity may be developed from the particle sink velocity, from the drag force on the resting
particles, or from sediment transport. The particles’ sink velocity in relation to the flow
relative to a particle, forming an equilibrium between forces is thought to be suitable to
describe the flow to an unfiltered exit. A critical pore velocity may be calculated based on the
materials’ friction angle resulting in a friction force. Concepts of deriving a critical pore
velocity for sediment transport from shear stress and adhesion require quantification of the
ratio between mean pore velocity and shear velocity at the particles’ boundary layer.
In general, critical pore velocities seem to involve extensive calculations based on a variety of
variables, such as a drag force coefficient based on the Reynolds number, or the tortuosity, i.e.
the ratio between the shortest distance of two points and the effective length of the winding
flow path through pores. Even though critical pore velocities would be more precise than
average critical gradients, field conditions do not seem to allow such specified values at
present, especially in relation to the continuously ongoing construction and the non-
homogeneous structure of a tailings dam, but may become more interesting in the future
considering the increasing possibility to use computational tools.

2.5 Initiation of internal erosion
Some general principles about the initiation of internal erosion have been summarized by Fell
et al. (2005). Four factors have to exist for internal erosion to occur: a water source and
seepage path, erodible material in the seepage path, an exit where the eroded material can
escape, and soil material that is capable to form and maintain a so-called ‘pipe’, i.e. an open
channel for the eroded particles. Seepage paths may emerge from settlements and
inhomogeneities as described in the following. Erosion can occur in the dam body itself, in
the foundation, or from the dam body into the foundation. Further, the process of internal
erosion is divided into four stages: initiation, continuation, progression, and finally breach or
failure. The initiation stage is characterized by the formation of leakage. This leakage
continues until progression, where the erosion path expands and a pipe is formed, which may
finally lead to an accident or failure of the dam construction.

2.5.1 Settlements
Dams are subjected to a variety of deformations and displacements because of diverse forms
of compression, extension, or shear distortion. The state of pore pressure and effective stress
changes during proceeding construction works. Horizontal and vertical stress increases with
the imposed load, thus leading to consolidation and settlements in the dam body. Steep
abutments, varying materials and properties, a compressible foundation or settlements of the
embankment itself are major reasons for differential settlements and can result in fissures and
cracks in the dam body. Conduits through the embankment are generally recognized giving
rise to variations in stress distribution because of the interface between different materials.
Compaction usually is difficult adjacent to the stiff walls, thus creating weak zones
susceptible to initiate piping.
Differential settlements in the dam body have been recognized being responsible for so-called
arching and the development of cracks, which in turn may lead to potential weak zones as
starting point for internal erosion. Displacements and settlements have been described by Fell
et al. (2005). In addition, Kjærnsli et al. (1992) described several cases of dams which have
experienced settlements and displacements. These observations and descriptions were mainly
based on experiences from zoned water retention dams, where different materials cause
varying settlements and cracks develop at interfaces. It was considered that settlements in the
core are larger than that in the fill so that the core material is ‘hanging’ on the shoulders of the
coarser fill material. Fissures or cracks in the embankment may be found along the dam crest
or transversal to the crest as shown in Figure 15, the latter introducing serious problems as
they create a path for seepage.
Settlements resulting from a compressible foundation and leading to a lowering of the crest
are not considered being a problem for tailings dams, as such settlements can be adjusted by
continuous raising of the structure (Vick, 1990). However, open cracks may remain also in a
tailings dam.

Figure 15: Transverse differential settlements (Fell et al., 2005)

2.5.2 Inhomogeneous material

A majority of incidents and failures in embankment dam engineering are due to some kind of
inhomogeneities in either the embankment material of the foundation. Inhomogeneities are
either given, e.g. fractures in the foundation, or develop during or after construction, e.g.
segregation of fill material during placement, variations in water content and compaction,
conduits and walls in contact with fill material, or variations in weather conditions such as
rain and freezing temperatures. Generally, most of such variations in the embankment or
foundation can create a potential weakness zone susceptible to increased seepage and erosion,
either by cracks, “hydraulic fracturing”, settlements, sinkholes, or various forms of “piping”,
which is why these all have been summarized under the term inhomogeneities.
The segregation of granular materials has been studied in the laboratory by Kenney &
Westland (1993), where it was found that all dry sands and gravels segregate and that the
patterns of segregation in such materials can repeatedly be tested, thus suggesting that many
core and filter materials will separate into finer and coarser layers during construction
placement. The use of broadly or gap-graded internally unstable material as discussed by
Sherard (1979), Kenney & Lau (1985) and Milligan (2003) may also be regarded as
contribution to inhomogeneities. For instance, the failure of the Teton dam in Idaho 1976 is
considered to be due to a fractured foundation in connection with easily erodible core
material, so that a combination of cracks, settlements at steep abutments, as well as internally
unstable material led to failure (Sowers, 1993).
Variable weather conditions, especially cold weather, may affect embankment construction
significantly in countries in North America, northern Asia, or Scandinavia. Milligan (2003)
describes several embankment dam constructions which have suffered from frost action.
Freezing and thawing changes a soils hydraulic conductivity , thus reducing the function of a
hydraulic barrier, increasing the flow and eventually resulting in internal erosion (Viklander,
1997). Annual freezing and thawing of frost susceptible fill material in embankment dams
has been reported to result in fissures and cracks (Jantzer, 2006; Jantzer & Knutsson, 2007).

2.5.3 Hydraulic fracturing
The term hydraulic fracturing still is discussed in Sweden, though Sherard has raised this
subject almost four decades ago (Kenney, 1974). In 1986, an article on “Hydraulic fracturing
in embankment dams” was published, where Sherard stated that concentrated leaks are
common in embankment dams. Reservoir water pressure is considered to have the capability
to open and enter cracks when the hydrostatic pressure exceeds the effective stress. Leakage,
often initially caused by differential settlements and cracking, is thought to be kept open by
acting water pressure. Cracking by means of differential settlements in connection with
reservoir filling is considered to create a horizontal plane in the core material where water is
able to enter, i.e. hydraulic fracture, in a thin channel, thus forming a ‘wet seam’. The initial
crack is regarded being too small for erosion to take place, because the flow velocity is not
sufficient. However, water pressure in the crack is higher than the pore water pressure in
adjacent layers, which creates seepage and can leave the crack open. Increasing water
pressure during further reservoir filling may be responsible for further opening of cracks. As a
result, a wet seam either softens, collapses, and eroded material is carried away, or the flow
velocity is so low that no significant erosion takes place. Sherard (1986) considers the
development of wet seams in embankment dams being common.
It appears that the term hydraulic fracture has led to misunderstanding. Whether or not water
has the ability to jack open cracks has been questioned, as the total stress condition has not
been regarded being likely to become equal to the hydraulic pressure, thus reducing the
effective stress to zero regarding non-cohesive soils. Yet, the term hydraulic fracturing is also
used in case of water entering already existing cracks, which seems to be more likely to occur.
Lofquist (1988), as well as Mesri & Ali (1988), stated in a following discussion that hydraulic
fracturing itself is not the cause for damage and failure, but rather inhomogeneities in the
material arising either from the layered placement or from settlements in the embankment.
Differential settlements and movement of material in different zones relatively to each other
may cause zones with increased porosity. Circumstances during construction, such as poor
compaction and separation of the material during placement may contribute to the
development of such weak zones.
Influences on the likelihood of hydraulic fracturing have been summarized by Foster and Fell:
Hydraulic fracture is more likely to occur in case of deep and narrow valleys, where the
abutment slopes are steep. Changes and irregularities, differential settlements in the
foundation, a narrow core with different stiffness compared to shell layers, as well as
irregularities during construction may contribute to hydraulic fractures (Fell et al., 2005).

2.6 Statistics and risk assessments

Research on internal erosion and piping has been extended by the fields of statistics, risk
assessments and risk analysis during approximately the last two decades. Statistical analysis
of incidents, deteriorations and failures have been carried out by the International
Commission on Large Dams ICOLD, showing that overtopping and internal erosion are the
main causes to failure (Fell et al., 2005). Risk assessment has traditionally focused on a dams
structural elements, i.e. the construction materials and the foundation conditions, where
monitoring and surveillance was a central instrument for assessments. Today, risk assessment
is based on quantitative and qualitative methods, where both the relative importance of
different structural factors are linked together with uncertainties and unknown factors.

2.6.1 Statistical approach
A detailed statistical analysis of embankment dam failure has been carried out by Foster et al.
(2000a), where the relative likelihood of failure is estimated from the frequency of incidents
related to dam characteristics. In their following study based on the obtained statistical data, it
was assumed that is “reasonable to make estimates of the relative likelihood of failure from
the historic frequency of failures”. Besides core soil types, filters and zoning of a dam, which
have been taken account for earlier, characteristics such as the age of a dam, the foundation
geology, compaction and the dam’s performance, monitoring and surveillance were regarded.
Weighing factors were developed by means of structural elements and their potential
likelihood of influencing initiation of piping of failure, which are multiplied by an average
historical frequency of failure based on a statistical analysis of historic cases. This method is
intended to serve as primary assessment in order to develop a priority range for dams which
need further detailed studies (Foster et al., 2000b).
For Swedish tailings dams, Bjelkevik (2005b) developed statistics on incidents and failures. It
was found that data, especially in historical perspective, is incomplete, and difficult to gather
in international perspective due to different levels in reporting. However, it could be
concluded that documentation and accessibility of data on incidents and failures provides
valuable information, and that internal erosion is one of the main causes leading to incidents
and failures. In general, it appears that qualitative analysis of internal erosion processes is
mainly applied on WRDs and should be implemented also for tailings dams.

2.6.2 Risk assessment

In their latest report the European Working Group on Internal Erosion has summarized 8 steps
to assess the risks of internal erosion in an embankment as shown in Figure 16 (Fry, 2007).
These steps are based on the initiation and progression principles presented by Fell et al.
(2005). The initiation results from a load condition which may be hydrostatic (water level or
flood), seismic, or environmental (e.g. freezing and thawing) that has an impact on the
structure at a certain location, i.e. in the embankment, the foundation, or between both. Step 3
is the actual initiation of internal erosion may arise from either a concentrated leakage,
backward or contact erosion, or suffusion. Continuation, also referred to as filtration, is the
following fourth phase where filter criteria apply. Dependent on the grain size distributions of
base and filter material, particle transport occurs respectively, so that four different levels
from ‘no erosion’, ‘some’, ‘excessive’ or ‘continuing’ erosion can be distinguished. Phase 5,
progression, is dependent on the hydraulic or mechanical condition. Steps 6 and 7 are
detection and intervention, including the ability for detection and stopping the process.
Finally, breach prediction includes different failure modes such as enlargement of the pipe,
general or local instability, or overtopping resulting from crest settlement.

No Erosion
Embankment Some Erosion
Foundation Excessive Erosion
Embankment to Foundation Continuing Erosion

1 Prediction
2 3 4 5 6 7
Load &
Location Initiation Filtration Progression Detection Intervention
Condition Population

Hydrostatic Backward Erosion Mechanical Condition

Seismic Concentrated Leak Hydraulic Condition
Environmental Contact Erosion

Figure 16: Steps to assess the risks of internal erosion (after Fry, 2007)

2.6.3 Risk analysis

The work of the European Working Group on Internal Erosion includes practical tools for risk
analysis and management. As part of this work, a framework for risk analysis has been
presented by Brown (2007), where the process of risk management was broken down into
four basic questions:

1. What are the failure modes?

2. What are the consequences of progressing erosion?
3. How large is the probability of a failure mode?
4. What are the consequences in case of a reservoir failure?

Brown (2007) states that “risk assessment is the process of deciding whether a risk is
sufficiently significant to require additional control measures”. Risk assessment should use
quantitative methods to pay respect to the relative importance of various factors, whereas
qualitative methods provide an understanding for risks. Failure modes need to be studied in a
systematic way in order to become valuable for the risk analysis. Significant effects on the
risk analysis may arise from unknown factors as well as uncertainties in known issues and
factors, so that these have to be considered in particular. Due to the fact that the understanding
of internal erosion still is limited, case histories, theoretical analysis as well as field
investigations and laboratory testing should be taken into account.
Basic techniques for risk control include detection by instrumentation, i.e. monitoring and
visual observation, i.e. surveillance, emergency planning, and physical “upgrades” of the dam
structure for intervention (Brown, 2007).

2.7 Discussion and conclusion
Knowledge on internal erosion is often related to embankment dams constructed to retain
water. Internal erosion in tailings dams is only regarded in a limited extent, which can be
noticed in this literature study. Research in the field of internal erosion has changed over the
years; from the original thought of creating criteria for filters and hydraulic conditions to
statistical analysis, attempts to describe the mechanism, and based on that risk assessments.
Geometric criteria are designed for natural materials, and the same applies for the assessment
of the hydraulic conductivity by empirical relationships. The uniformity of tailings and their
angularity are usually not taken into account in these considerations; both the filtering
capacity in relation to adjacent fill material of dikes, as well as flow patterns in tailings
themselves are generally not studied as well as those of natural, rounded material in literature.
The hydraulic conductivity of a soil is difficult to determine in laboratory conditions. Besides
many problems and possibilities of error in the testing procedures, it is difficult to draw
conclusions from laboratory results to the complex conditions in situ. In addition, there are
numerous equations to calculate the hydraulic conductivity, as well as a great variation in the
form of an equation, as can be seen from the different presented versions of the Kozeny-
Carman equation. The basic principle is the same, but there are many variations including
different factors for particle shape, pore shape, effective grain size and others. All these
different versions show the importance of an effective grain size, the pore size and shape, and
the particle shape for the hydraulic conductivity. Nevertheless, the chemical nature of tailings,
their angularity and specific surface area may affect the flow pattern and hydraulic
conductivity considerably. Despite all various factors for particle shape, pore space, etc., can
the specific characteristics of tailings not be taken into account, thus making it difficult to
calculate reasonable values.
Due to the presented difficulties in laboratory testing should empirically derived values for
the critical hydraulic gradient to initiate erosion be regarded with attention to their
verification. The design criteria for Swedish tailings dams is completely independent from
values for the critical gradient, which may be a result of deviating values for different
materials and in situ conditions.
Following geometric and hydraulic criteria does not eliminate the risk for internal erosion,
because the boundary conditions appear to vary to a relatively large extent. Besides,
researchers have not come to conclusions on hydraulic and geometric criteria, which is shown
by the continuous and ongoing discussion in both fields. In addition, structural variations and
construction practices cannot be calculated or accounted for in construction, which is why
statistical analysis and risk assessments have to complete structural shortcomings.
In general, this study shows that most research has been directed to water retention dams and
natural materials which may be a historic effect of economic interests regarding water
retention dams. The knowledge on and geotechnical testing of tailings and their behavior is
not sufficiently developed, especially with regard to the hydraulic conductivity.

Tailings dams are supposed to be long term stable without supervision and maintenance. As
described in the introduction, the uncontrolled release of trace elements from tailings can
result in unwanted effects on the environment. The remediation of tailings dams has to be
regarded with respect to providing a safe structure that is environmentally vindicable for
future generations. In order to prevent environmental impacts and possible long term
contamination, the physical stability of a tailings dam, e.g. slope stability, stability against
erosion, or settlements, is essential. In Sweden, the design period for this long term stability is
normally regarded being about 1000 years.
Experience on such extended design periods is relatively limited. There are few examples on
long term stable constructions that can be found in ancient structures, such as e.g. pyramids.
Additional examples are e.g. stable slopes of man-made earthen mounds in China that have
been stable over several thousands of years. These mounds were studied with respect to stable
slope angles; their inclination varies from 16º to 28º. There are additional examples of man-
made earth mounds, burial and entombment sites all over the world that are up to 6 000 years
old. (Bjelkevik 2005a).
In Sweden, the current long term design on tailings dams in Sweden is not related to ancient
constructions, but instead based upon knowledge on natural examples; i.e. moraine formations
which have been stable in a long-term perspective (Bjelkevik, 2005b). Geological formations
which have and partly still do fulfill the function of damming water have been examined by
Agrell at the Geological Survey of Sweden SGU (2002). The landscape in Scandinavia,
especially northern Sweden, is characterized by its numerous lakes in various dimensions.
These are a result from an inland ice cover that was responsible for sedimentation and
erosion. The most recent melting of continental ice in took place about 15 000 to 8 000 years
ago, so that the landscape is relatively young with regard to its geological age. However, such
landforms are considered to give valuable information on the long-term performance of man-
made dam constructions. Agrell states that there is an “infinite number of natural landforms
similar to dam constructions” creating long-term stable hydraulic barriers, and that it is “most
probable” that a barrier of soil can withstand aging and deterioration and retain water without
experiencing significant erosion processes.
The study provided by the SGU described several examples of natural dammed lakes that can
be dated back to the last glaciation in Sweden. It is shown that natural barriers are capable to
operate effectively as a hydraulic barrier in long-time perspective. However, information on
the geotechnical properties is for the most part missing, which is why it is necessary to study
such analogies in their geotechnical composition. Generally, the design of civil engineering
structures is based on well known and laboratory-tested materials with quite accurately
defined failure mechanisms. This is usually not the case in geotechnical engineering; e.g. a
slope stability problem cannot be tested under laboratory conditions. It is therefore important
to study analogies in nature in their geotechnical formation. Such a study can give valuable
information for the long-term design of man-made dams based on the geotechnical properties
of natural long-term stable structures.
In order to be able to evaluate information from natural analogies for tailings dam
construction, the material and properties of the natural dam have to be known. Natural
dammed lakes are especially interesting with regard to their obvious stability against internal
erosion. Consequently, it is assumed that a critical hydraulic gradient exists, and that the

material is compacted to some kind of optimum which allows a hydraulic conductivity
without migrating particles. Analysis in a case study included in this work covers, besides
monitoring of ground water conditions in the field, grain size distribution, density,
compaction and hydraulic conductivity in the laboratory.

3.1 Natural formations in Sweden

In the study conducted by SGU, Agrell listed several geological formations that fulfil a
function similar to tailings dams. The primary focus in this study is the long-term stability of
a geological structure with regard to the mean hydraulic gradient it is exposed to. In addition,
information about the geological structure, the material, as well as to how a formation can be
related to a dam construction is given.
Unfortunately, the given information about the
landforms acting as hydraulic barrier is rather
general from a geotechnical point of view; the
main aspect in the study is the hydraulic gradient,
i.e. width of the landform acting as dam, and
differences in water table on the “upstream” and
“downstream” side. Three of the given examples
are presented more detailed: lake Ragunda, lake
Hennan, and lake Mången at Brattforsheden.
Additional examples are Styggtjärn and
Skuttungesjö. Locations of examples of natural
analogies, as well as the location of the case study,
are shown in Figure 17.
Lake Ragunda has been subject to a doctoral thesis
in geology. Geotechnical investigations have been
carried out at lake Hennan, because the structure
of the landform is similar to a dam construction
with different zones. Lake Mången has been
subject to examination due to its relatively high
hydraulic conductivity despite its damming
capacity; there are numerous springs in the area.
Apart from the existing doctoral thesis on lake
Ragunda, further information beyond Agrells
report has not been available, which is why
additionally selected examples can only be
roughly described, but not presented more
In order to study a natural dammed lake with
respect to geotechnical properties, a case study has
been carried out in south of Gällivare in northern

Figure 17: Location of natural analogies

3.1.1 Lake Ragunda
The lake Ragunda (Ragundasjö in Swedish) was a
25 km long lake at Indalsälvens valley in northwest
Sweden (see Figure 17). The lakes’ original
southern part formed two narrow bays. At the
eastern outlet the mean water level was regulated
by the waterfall Storforsen, and the western bay
Sandviken formed a natural dam, see Figure 18.
Sandvikens bay was about 600 m long and 200 m
wide, and the formation of the southern barrier
which dammed the lake was dated back to
approximately 6500 B.C. Sandvikens eastern and
western border consisted of rock, while the
southern barrier was formed by clay. The clay
ridge consisted of 60m glacial clay in layered
deposits of alluvium, i.e. sediments with low
hydraulic conductivity deposited by a stream or
other running water. In the doctoral thesis, Ahlman
et al. (1924) stated that the difference in height
between the water levels upstream and downstream
of the ridge was 40 m over a distance of 1000 m ,
thus corresponding to a mean hydraulic gradient of
4 %.
The lake is well known because of historical events
and has been documented comprehensively. It is
presumed that the natural dam at Sandviken would
still exist if not a human being had destroyed it: by
digging a channel to drive timber, the dam broke
and the lake was drained about 200 years ago.

Figure 18: Lake Ragunda before and after

Sandviken bay broke (modified after
Ahlman et al, 1924).

3.1.2 Lake Hennan in northwest Hälsingland

Lake Hennan is located upstream of the Lake Storsjön in central Sweden in the county of
Gävleborg. The water level of lake Hennan ranges between 206,9 to 208,8 masl, while
Storsjöns water level is only 186,8 masl. This results in a water level difference of about 20 m
with the headland between these two lakes only being about one kilometer wide, resulting in a
mean hydraulic gradient of 2 %, see Figure 19.

Figure 19: Map of Hennan

The village of Hennan is located on the ridge between the lakes. The responsible geologist for
this area strongly believes the ridge to consist of moraine and well compacted material from
an earlier glaciation. Drilling carried out in the headland showed that bedrock was located at a
depth of 47 m, with an overlying sediment layer from a glacial stream which is about 32 m
thick. Above that, a moraine layer with a thickness of 8 m was found. The lake is therefore
considered to be dammed by a core of fine stream deposit surrounded by moraine, which is
similar to an earthfill dam construction with central core and filter layers (Agrell, 2002).

3.1.3 Lake Mången at Brattforsheden

Brattforsheden is an area in Värmland, western Sweden. Several lakes can be found in this
area, among them lake Alstern and lake Mången.
Alstern is the largest lake and is 13 km long,1 km
wide, has a maximum depth of 54 m, and a mean
water table at about 157-158 masl. Mången is a
smaller lake southwest of Alstern at a level of 166,5
masl, see Figure 20. Both lakes are dammed at
Brattforsheden by a southern border of glacio-fluvial
deposits (i.e. moved and deposited material by
running water associated with glaciers), a
combination of rubble, gravel, sand, fine-sand and
silty loam reaching a height of 170 to 180 masl. It is
noted that lake Mången has been dammed by this
formation during the past 11 000 years, despite the
relatively high hydraulic conductivity southwest of
Brattforsheden. Several springs can be found in this
area, and ground water observations have shown that
the difference in water tables between lake Mången
and the southern springs (east of Lindfors, see Figure
20) is 16,5 m over a distance of 1,4 km, thus
resulting in a hydraulic gradient of 1,2 %. Agrell
considers this formation being the best example of a
natural dammed lake in Sweden.
Figure 20: Lake Mången and lake Alstern at Brattforsheden

3.1.4 Styggtjärn
Styggtjärn is located at Rogen natural preserve in Härjedalen in the county of Jämtland, close
to the Norwegian border. This landscape is, as many other places in Sweden, characterized by
hilly terrain with many small lakes, which is a result from dead ice from the last glaciation.
A plateau consisting of glacial till serves as natural
dam for the eastern lake Styggtjärn with a water table
at 779,6 masl. On the “downstream” side to the west
of the ridge lake Kärringsjön is located, which has a
water level of 777,5 masl. The difference between
water tables is 2,1. The natural dam between is about
500 m long and 100 m wide, so that the formation is
exposed to a hydraulic gradient of 2 %. The plateau is
marked in Figure 21.

Figure 21: Styggtjärn and Kärringsjön at Rogen nature preserve

3.1.5 Skuttungesjö
Lake Skuttunge (Skuttungesjö in Swedish) was a lake that existed between 1500 B.C. to 500
B.C. in the Uppsala region. The lake was shallow, and Agrell (2002) states that it likely that
climate changes increased the water level so that the natural dam at the southern border was
overtopped. This natural dam was 10 m high and 200 m long, and the mean hydraulic gradient
had a maximum of as much as 5 %.

3.1.6 Summary of formations studied by SGU

The natural formations presented withstand hydraulic gradients between 1.2 % to 5 % and
have been stable up to the past 11 000 years. A summary is presented in Table 2.

Table 2: Natural analogies to dam constructions in Sweden (modified after Bjelkevik, 2005a)

Place Difference in Distance Hydraulic

height gradient
Δl [m] Material
Δh [m] Δh/Δl [%]

glacial clay in layered

Ragundasjö 40 1000 4,0
deposits of alluvium

glacial till over well

compacted sediments
Hennan 20 1000 2,0
from glacial stream from
earlier glaciation

rubble, gravel, sand,

Mången 16,5 1400 1,2
fine-sand and silty loam

Styggtjärn 2,1 100 2,1 glacial till

Skuttungesjö 10 100 5,0 not known

3.2 Case study

3.2.1 Introduction
In order to analyze a natural analogy in its geotechnical properties, a natural dammed lake in
northern Sweden was chosen, see map in Figure 22. Several small lakes at varying water
levels can be found at the company area of Bolidens mine Aitik in Gällivare, about 260 km
northwest of Luleå. These lakes have not been studied with respect to their geological age, but
referring to the study conducted by SGU (Agrell, 2002) it is assumed that such small lakes are
typical landforms resulting from dead ice from the last glaciation in northern Sweden. The
selection for studying the formation located south of the mining area was of practical and
economical nature: because of the development of mining activity, construction works were
carried out close to the three lakes which were noticed to have different water levels with
short distances in between. In connection with these construction works it was possible to
carry out field investigations.

Figure 22: Location of field studies of a natural dammed lake southwest of Gällivare

The following aerial view in Figure 23 shows the location of three lakes at Kiilavaara road
south east of Gällivare. The central “u”-shaped lake has a water level of approximately 459,5
masl. Originally, it was thought to analyze the soil structure between the central lake and the
lake located north at a distance of 260 m. The water level of this lake is 441,5 masl, which
results in a relatively high hydraulic gradient being 6,9 %. Unfortunately, the companies’
construction works were extended over this area, so it was not possible to carry out field
research here. Instead, the formation between the central and the southern lake, which has a
mean water table of 456,8 masl, was chosen. The difference between water tables results in
2,7 m over a distance of 40 m, which gives a mean hydraulic gradient of approximately
6,75 %.

Figure 23: Layout of the three lakes at Kiilavaara, Gällivare.

Despite the relatively high hydraulic gradient the soil is exposed to when comparing to
hydraulic gradients in natural formations (see Table 2), the soil seems to be well compacted
and the hydraulic conductivity sufficiently low, thus resulting in a capacity to withstand
exceeding seepage, particle migration, and internal erosion in a time perspective that probably
may not be “long-term” in the sense of “thousands of years”, but at least extending over a
time span of a few thousand years. If the soil was loosely compacted and had a high hydraulic
conductivity, the lakes would not exist the way they do. However, even though the material
well consolidated, the water tables are expected to correspond with each other, so that not
only material properties, but also ground water conditions need to be analyzed.
In order to be able to analyze the soil mechanical properties of the natural dam, field
investigations were carried out. These included the excavation of two test pits where soil
samples were collected at a depth of 2 m below ground surface. In addition, the materials’
compaction in situ was studied at the bottom of each test pit using the balloon test principle,
see chapter 3.2.2. To be able to study the ground water condition, pore pressure gauges were
installed. Further laboratory analysis was carried out to study the grain size distribution, the
water content, the optimum dry density by using the Proctor compaction method, and to
determine the density of the solid particles. With these values, the degree of saturation and
porosity could then be calculated. Finally, tests on the hydraulic conductivity were carried out
applying different gradients on samples with varying porosity. The results from laboratory
tests were then compared to those from field studies for evaluation.
Studies of the water balance in the area have not been carried out, but should be considered in
future research.

3.2.2 Description of field work
Field investigations were carried out in September 2007; a schematic illustration of the
analyzed profile can be found in Figure 31. The field work was carried out together with lic.
tech. Håkan Åkerlund, working at the company WSP during that time.
On both sides of the road, a test pit was excavated to a depth of approximately 2 m from
ground surface using an excavator. The location of the test pits is shown in Figure 23. The
depth was measured using a GPS, see Figure 24. At the bottom of each pit the soils’ density
was measured by using the principle of a rubber-balloon test. Soil samples were taken for
further laboratory analysis. For mapping, surveying was carried out using a GPS system as
shown in Figure 24. To be able to monitor the ground water conditions, several pore pressure
gauges were placed in the profile at varying depths.

Figure 24: Excavation of test pits and surveying using a GPS with amplification

In-situ density and collection of samples

Determination of the density in situ can be done using
various methods; in this case, the principle of the rubber-
balloon method was applied with slight modification. The
rubber-balloon test is described in textbooks on soil
mechanics (e.g. Cernica, 1995) or in Swedish Standard SS
02 71 10. There are different instruments for this test, but
the principle is the same: A volume of soil from a “small
test pit” with a diameter of about 10 – 20 cm is removed
and collected for water content determination in the
laboratory. The apparatus, see Figure 25, is then put above
the resulting pit, which is supplied by a tightly fixed
rubber-balloon on the bottom. The pit is then filled by a
water volume in the balloon. The amount of water needed
to level out the pit can be measured, so that the volume of
the removed soil can be determined.
Figure 25: Rubber-balloon test apparatus

One problem using the rubber-balloon test apparatus is that the soil sample is relatively small
and easily disturbed by stones of small sizes. It is difficult to obtain a test pit in a well graded
glacial till because of the large variety of particle sizes. The pit then becomes irregular and
cannot be filled with the balloon properly. As can be seen in Figure 26, there is a significant
amount of gravel and boulders included in the material. In order to increase the reliability of
the sample it was therefore chosen to apply the same principle, but a larger test scale. Instead
of a rubber-balloon, the test pit, which had a diameter of about 0,5 m, was provided with a
watertight film and filled with water from containers which contained a certain amount of
water, see Figure 26 left. In doing so, the volume of the test pit could be determined.

Figure 26: In-situ density measurement using the principle of a balloon density apparatus

In order to be able to obtain the density in situ, the water content of the removed sample from
the pit has to be determined in the laboratory, which is described in chapter 3.2.4. Two such
density tests were carried out, one in each test pit, respectively. The test result was modified
by means of adjustment of the water volume in subsequent evaluation of the test. As can be
seen in Figure 26 to the left, the plastic film used in the pit was quite stiff, so that the pit was
difficult to fill accurately. The plastic film was pulled away, so that the water used to fill the
pit ran directly into the pit, see Figure 26, right. It is visible that the water did not level out the
pit completely. Therefore it was considered suitable to add an additional liter of water to the
measured quantity in both tests. The results are shown in Table 3.

Table 3: Results from in situ density measurements

Test Weight Quantity Water Density Dry Degree of Porosity Void

soil of water content density saturation n ratio e
[l] w [%] ρd [%] [-] [-]

1 28,5 10,57 7,8 2,46 2,29 68 0,185 0,227


2 24,9 8,74 8,8 2,56 2,35 82 0,164 0,196


The calculation of both the degree of saturation and the porosity in Table 3 includes the
density of the solid particles ρs, which was analyzed in laboratory tests and found to be 2,81
t/m3, see chapter 3.2.4.

Installation of pore pressure gauges
For ground water monitoring and study of variations in the hydraulic gradient in the soil
between the two lakes, an overall number of six pore pressure gauges at three different places
in the profile were installed, see Figure 31. These pore pressure gauges were expected to give
valuable information on as to how far both water tables communicate with each other and
how water permeates through the soil, which is an important part for comparison and
assessment to dam construction.
For placement of the gauges, the section was organized geometrically as shown in the
schematic diagram in Figure 27. As a first step, the ground water table was assumed to be a
straight line between both water tables. Thereafter, the distance between both lakes was
divided into thirds. The first pore pressure gauges were placed in the middle of the section,
and additional gauges one third of the distance to each side, so that a distance of one sixth
from the gauges to the left and the right to each water table remained.

Figure 27: Schematic diagram on the placement of pore pressure gauges

The difference in height of the two water levels was also divided schematically. The
difference in height between the water levels of the lakes was calculated and divided into four
parts. Pore pressure gauges were then placed according to the geometric scheme. With this
arrangement, it was assumed that those gauges located deepest were placed at the same level
as the lower lakes water table. The difference in water tables was measured by GPS and set to
1,70 m. For instance, in accordance to the measured height difference of 1,70 m, pore
pressure gauges in the middle were supposed to be located at the assumed water table, about
0,40 m and about 0,85 m below the presumed ground water level.
It was chosen not to include actual heights in this schematic diagram in order to present the
basic way of thinking. During the progress of the study it was found out that mapping with the
GPS did not work reliable and various values for heights of water tables and ground surface
were measured. Several measurements were compared and evaluated, and a final
measurement was carried out with the help of the pore pressure measurement device. To be
able to measure the height of a water column, a cylinder was placed on ground surface and
filled with water, see Figure 28, left. This water level was measured so that the distance from
cylinder to ground surface was known. It was then possible to measure relative heights to
several points in the section with the help of pore pressure measurement equipment, which
shows the height of the water column in mH2O, see Figure 28, right. With these values, a new
evaluation on actual location of ground surface and depth of pore pressure gauges could be
made, which is presented in Figure 31.

Figure 28: Checking heights in the profile with the help of a water reservoir. Measurement of water
column from one point on ground surface to location of water table of lake.

The new mapping made it possible to present a section with locations of pore pressure gauges
which appears relatively exact to the author with respect to problems with the GPS. The
section with heights of ground surface, water tables and placement of pore pressure gauges is
presented in Figure 31.
From the middle of the section (about 13,5 m to the left) two pore pressure gauges were
installed (A and B) at a distance of 6,75 m from the upper lake; i.e. the lake with a water table
at about 459,5 masl. These two were set at two different levels: A at a depth of 2,2 m from
ground surface, and B at a depth of 3,0 m from ground surface. In the middle, three
piezometers were set at three different levels, C, D1 and E at depths of 3,1 m, 3,6 m, and 4,1
m, respectively. At a small distance, a fourth pore pressure gauge (D2) was set at the same
depth as D1, namely 3,1 m, in order to be able to compare and check the reliability of the
following measurements. In the right section, piezometer F was installed at a distance 13 m
from the middle section at a depth of 3,6 m, which corresponded to the water table of the
lower lake.
The system installed is BAT piezometer, which is a proven system for pore pressure
measurements in soils with low hydraulic conductivity in both saturated and unsaturated
conditions (Åkerlund, 2007) Drilling and placement of the piezometers was done by
personnel from WSP. The filter tip with a flexible membrane was saturated before placement,
see Figure 29, left. It was then set on the pipe, Figure 29, right, to be lowered into the drilled

Figure 29: BAT Piezometer

To measure the pore pressure, the membrane can be penetrated by

lowering an injection needle connected to a pressure sensor as
shown in Figure 30. The pore pressure is the directly converted
and displayed in water column [mH2O] on the instrument.
In order to cover possible seasonal variations, pore pressures were
checked once a month during the first year. The piezometers need
some time to adjust to the ground conditions (Åkerlund, 2007), so
that the first measurement was carried out in late November 2007,
two months after installation.

The section displayed in Figure 31 also includes two additional

piezometers that were installed in February 2009, because it was
found that most of the pore pressure gauges in place did not
provide valuable information, which is described in detail in the
following chapter. Those two devices, numbered H and G, were
set at a depth of 5,4 m below ground surface, about 1,2 m below
the lower lakes’ water table. Another adjustment at device B was
made when reading the latest pore pressure measurement. The
gauge was driven down another 0,8 m into the ground in order to
check if an additional measurement at a deeper depth could be
carried out.

Figure 30: BAT piezometer

(modified after Geometric.se, 2009)

Figure 31: Profile of the analyzed structure and location of pore pressure gauges
3.2.3 Results of pore pressure measurements
The results of the pore pressure measurements are shown in Figure 32. The diagram shows
the location of each piezometer in meters above sea-level [masl] as a starting point on the y-
axis. The measured pressure can then be described by a water column with a height according
to the measurement [mH2O] and can be displayed in [masl] by adding the measured water
column to the piezometers level. Note that the diagram starts at September 2007, even though
the first measurement took place in November. This first level at “Sept. 07” was included to
illustrate the location of the piezometer as a starting point.
Measurements were carried out with approximately one month intervals during the first year
for piezometer A – F. After that, the two new piezometers G and H were installed. In order to
be able to depict their variations their original location is displayed according to all other
piezometers on the y-axis denoted “Sept. 07”, even though they were set in February, 2009.
Devices G and H were first checked in May 2009, and finally all piezometers were read for
the last time in October 2009.

Pore pressure level with respect to location of pore pressure gauges [masl]












Ju l.
Sep .

Fe b.

Dez .

M ai.


A C B D1 D2 E F G H

Figure 32: Results of pore pressure measurements

When measuring the pore pressure, the sensor is lowered into the pipe and the needle
penetrates the membrane, which was explained in the previous section. Before lowering the
needle into the membrane, it should be left hanging just above, so that the instrument can be
set to “zero”. Otherwise, the reading is not correct, because the zero value fluctuates. After
setting the instrument to zero, the sensor can be lowered into the membrane and the pressure
is measured. After that, the sensor is lift up just above the membrane again in order to check if
“zero still is zero”, i.e. if the zero value for the reading has been constant or fluctuating. If
another value than zero is shown, this value is added to the reading, e.g. if the pore pressure is

0,50 m and the subsequent zero-reading is -0,05, the final value for the pore pressure becomes
0,55 m. The procedure of finding a zero value is especially difficult to carry out during winter
time, because the instrument is sensitive to temperature (Forsberg & Stenman; 2007, 2009).
The zero value is therefore almost always shifting. The instrument has to be handled with
accuracy, because even slight changes in the pressure chamber can cause deflection.
It can be seen from Figure 32 that most readings were discrete, with relatively insignificant
pore pressure changes around zero. Analysis of readings of pore pressure gauge A lead to the
conclusion that the gauge was located above the ground water level, because all
measurements were zero. The same applied to pore pressure gauge F. Readings B, C, D1, D2
and E show an amplitude during late winter 2008. Table 4 shows the exact measurements,
where measurements above 0,10 mH2O were marked red. It can be seen that most of the
increases in pore pressure seen in the diagram are variations below 0,30 mH2O.
Such small values are difficult to interpret, because variations of displayed values can cover a
range of about +0,67 mH2O to -0,67 mH2O, which is especially the case during wintertime,
when the sensor is more sensitive to temperature. It was noted that measurements during
winter were difficult to carry out due to shifting readings and reference of zero. Measurements
in October 2008 showed negative pore pressure in point C and D1, which implies that the
gauge is located above the ground water table.
Pore pressure gauges D1 and D2 were set at the same distance from both lakes and same
depth in order to check the reliability of measurements. In spring 2008, both gauges showed
an increase in measured pore pressure between 0,15 mH2O and 0,30 mH2O. However, no
conclusion could be drawn from the measurements; both gauges vary differently in ranges of
values between 0,0 mH2O and 0,3 mH2O, which are found to be too small values for
interpretation with respect to shifting the zero reference.
Two additional pore pressure gauges G and H were set at a significant larger depth of 5,4 m
below ground surface in order to find out if the ground water level was located deeper than
originally hypothesized. The first measurement of G and H in May 2009 showed 0,59 mH2O
and 0,27 mH2O, respectively. However, gauge G was not readable at the last occasion, while
the pore pressure at gauge H had increased to 0,53 mH2O. With Pore pressure gauge G not
operating, even these values were difficult to evaluate.
Finally, pore pressure gauge B was driven down 0,8 m deeper in the ground and has a new
location at 3,8 m below ground surface. A measurement carried out directly after movement
showed a value of 0,25 mH2O, a value that also was fluctuating continuously with respect to
the zero value.

Conclusions of the pore water pressure measurements

With most of the measurements in the region of zero and some readings only slightly above
zero, it is concluded that the pore pressure gauges are either located above ground water table
or that the ground water flows’ orientation is perpendicular to the drawn section. Even those
measurements above 0,20 m appear to be unreliable, since the zero value was shifting
permanently, as described above. On several occasions, the instrument displayed negative
values, which were set to zero when they occurred in gauges that were located above others
that displayed zero or just above zero. Such negative values sometimes occur when the
pressure chamber is slightly deflected by some air bubble that can occur in the instrument, or
when the injection needle is bent and has to be replaced.

In addition to the gauges being located above the ground surface it may even be possible that
individual piezometers do not operate correctly. The flexible membrane in top of the filter tip
is supposed to seal the filter tip and is penetrated by a needle for measurement. It has been
hypothesized that this membrane does not seal the tip, and that it can only withstand a limited
amount of penetrations.

Table 4: Results of pore pressure measurements












A 458,8 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,05 0,02 0,07 0,00 0,00 0,25

B 458,0 0,08 0,02 0,00 0,30 0,02 0,07 0,00 0,00 0,00

C 457,9 0,11 0,02 0,02 0,24 0,02 0,03 0,02 -0,37 0,11

D1 457,4 0,10 0,41 0,01 0,20 0,30 0,27 0,25 -0,14 0,03

D2 457,4 0,10 0,10 0,01 0,15 0,37 0,16 0,06 0,03 0,00

E 456,9 0,09 0,14 0,42 0,11 0,14 0,03 0,02 0,05 0,05

F 456,8 0,07 0,02 0,08 0,19 0,00 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,00

G 455,4 0,59 0,00

H 455,4 0,27 0,53

3.2.4 Soil description – laboratory analysis
Soil samples were taken from the test pits described in chapter 3.2.2 for further laboratory
analysis. At first, the water content and the grain size distribution of the till was determined
on samples that resulted from the pit excavated for the rubber balloon test; the determination
of the water content in the laboratory is needed for the final result of the in-situ density. The
grain size distribution also was determined using samples from the in-situ density test pit. In
addition, analysis of the density of solid particles, the optimum compaction according to the
Standard Proctor test, as well as tests on the hydraulic conductivity was carried out. The
samples analyzed in these tests were collected at the bottom of the test pit, i.e. at various
places at a depth of 2,0 m below ground surface.

Grain size distribution

The grain size distribution was determined according to the Swedish Standard SS 02 71 23 on
samples being used by the in-situ density measurement. Sieving was carried out on two
samples per in-situ density test, see Figure 33. The particle size of finer grains was
determined by sedimentation, i.e. the pipette method. Sedimentation was carried out on one
sample per in-situ density test, see Figure 33.

Figure 33: Explanation on sieving, sedimentation, and development of grain size distribution curves

The two sieving curves then were completed with the corresponding sedimentation curve
from the in-situ density test. Because the rubber balloon test was carried out in both test pits,
two soil samples were available, so that the above described procedure was carried out two
times, resulting in four grain size distribution curves, see Figure 34. The result shows that the
material can be described as well graded fine grained till (in Swedish gr sa si morän) with
approximately 7 % clay, 19 % silt, and 45 % sand, and the uniformity coefficient Cu is 44.

Clay Silt Sand Gravel

percent finer by weight < d [%]





0,063 2 60
0,001 0,002 0,01 0,1 1 10 100
particle size d [mm]

Figure 34: Grain size distribution of samples taken in field tests

Regarding water retention dam construction, such a material has a sufficiently low hydraulic
conductivity and would be adequate as hydraulic barrier if compacted at optimum water
content or up to 3 % above optimum water content, with a degree of saturation of 65 – 100 %,
according to the Swedish guidelines for dam safety RIDAS (2004).

Mass density of solid particles

The density of the solid particles ρs is defined by their mass divided by the volume of the
mass and is determined as described in Swedish Standard SS 02 71 15. A soil sample is
placed in a pycnometer, a glass bottle with close fitting lock with known mass and volume.
The soil sample is placed in the pycnometer and filled with completely with distilled water, so
that no air remains in the pycnometer.
From the measured masses of the sample, the pycnometer and glass plate and the density of
water, the density of solid particles can then be determined. This test was carried out four
times to verify the relatively high density of ρs = 2,81 g/cm3, see Table 5.

Table 5: Results of grain density test

Test No 1 2 3 4 Mean

ρs 2,81 2,81 2,83 2,81 2,81

Proctor compaction test
In order to find out the optimum dry density for the till, compaction tests were carried out
according to the Standard Proctor test procedure described in Swedish Standard SS 02 71 09.
This test is described in textbooks on soil mechanics (e.g. Cernica, 1995) and is used to test a
soils optimum dry density at a certain water content. In order to standardise the volume of soil
a special mold is used. The soil is then tamped in the mold with a standardized hammer at
defined falling height to obtain a constant energy impact. To determine the optimum dry
density ρd, several soil samples with varying water contents are compacted and the result can
then be plotted in a diagram. In relation to the other samples, sample 4 was best compacted to
an optimum dry density of 2,22 g/cm3 at an optimum water content of 7,6 %. The dry density
of samples 1, 2, and 3 is relatively similar with 2,15 g/cm3, 2,13 g/cm3, and 2,16 g/cm3,
respectively. However, sample 1 has the least water content with 5,1 %, while samples 2 and
3 were compacted almost equally with a water content of 8,6 % and 8,3 %. Sample 5 was
least compacted with an optimum dry density of 2,08 g/cm3, at a water content close to
saturation, 12 %. The result of the test is shown in Figure 35 below, and discussed further in
chapter 4.

No 4
Dry density [g/cm ]

2,16 No 3

No 1 No 2
No 5

5,0 7,0 9,0 11,0 13,0
Water content [%]

Figure 35: Result of Proctor compaction test

The compacted samples remained in the mold for further tests on the hydraulic conductivity
described in chapter 3.2.5. Therefore, the samples’ water content in Proctor compaction could
not be determined on the samples by removing soil from the mold and drying it. Instead, it
was chosen to determine the water contend on the relatively small amount of soil that was left
from each particular test. This small portion of leftover soil may have been affected by drying
out, which may give some variation in the test result. In order to compare and check the
samples’ density, the porosity of the sample was determined after conductivity tests. This
procedure is shown in Figure 36.

Figure 36: Procedure of determination of the soil samples properties before and after testing the hydraulic

By determining the density of the solid particles and determining the dry density of the
sample, the porosity can be calculated. Both the porosity and the dry density of the samples
after performing hydraulic conductivity tests are displayed in Figure 34. Comparing the
samples’ dry density before and after hydraulic conductivity tests it can be seen that the dry
density after testing is fractionally lower. The relation between the samples’ compaction is
nevertheless the same. For instance, sample 4 was best compacted and sample 5 least, while
samples 1, 2 and 3 differ between 2,11 g/cm3 and 2,14 g/cm3. Comparing the porosity of the
samples to the dry density, it is shown that the higher the dry density, the lower the porosity.
Hence, the values for porosity and dry density are mirror-inverted as shown in Figure 37.

0,26 2,20

Dry density ρ d


0,24 2,14


0,22 2,08
1 2 3 4 5
Sample No
Porosity Dry density

Figure 37: Porosity of the compacted samples after testing the hydraulic conductivity

From this comparison, it is concluded that the Proctor compaction test is representative,
despite the fact that the water content of the samples could only be determined on a small
amount of soil from the sample compacted as described above.

Apart from porosity and dry density, the values of the bulk density ρ, water content w and
degree of saturation Sr before and after hydraulic conductivity tests were determined and are
presented in Table 6. During hydraulic conductivity tests, the samples are exposed to a
seepage pressure and allowed for saturation. Therefore, the degree of saturation in the samples
after conducting tests on the hydraulic conductivity is be expected to be 100 %, with a
corresponding water content at approximately 12 %. However, the degree of saturation in
samples 1, 3, 4, and 5 is found to be considerably lower, i.e. between 55 and 75 %. Only
sample 2 has a water content of 12 % and is 100 % saturated, which appears to be appropriate
after allowing the sample to saturate during conductivity testing.
Well graded glacial till such as the present contains a low pore volume due to the large
amount of fines in pore spaces. Upon hydraulic conductivity testing, air can remain confined
in few and small pores, so that water cannot fill the total pore space. Therefore, the sample
does not attain complete saturation. A value somewhat below 100 % saturation could
therefore regarded as acceptable, with the explanation of confined air bubbles. However, the
discrepancy in saturation found is too large for such an effect. It is therefore considered being
due to not drying the samples completely after carrying out tests on the hydraulic
conductivity. The amount of soil to be dried in the oven is about 2,2 kg per sample. The used
drying time is based upon a much smaller soil sample, normally less than 100 g. Thus, the
drying time should have been increased significantly. The water content determined is
therefore considered to be too low, resulting also in a too low degree of saturation.
Nevertheless, the difference between dry density ρd before and after testing the hydraulic
conductivity is considered relatively small, so that the Proctor compaction is regarded being
representative for dry density, water content and degree of saturation of the samples.

Table 6: Results from Proctor compaction compared with values after testing the samples on hydraulic

Sample no 1 2 3 4 5

ρ [g/cm3] 2,26 2,32 2,34 2,39 2,33

ρd [g/cm3] 2,15 2,13 2,16 2,22 2,08

Proctor compaction

w [%] 5,1 8,6 8,3 7,6 12,0

Sr [%] 47 76 77 80 96

e 0,309 0,317 0,303 0,268 0,353

n 0,236 0,241 0,233 0,211 0,261

ρ [g/cm3] 2,31 2,36 2,30 2,35 2,23

after conductivity test

ρd [g/cm3] 2,13 2,11 2,14 2,18 2,09

w [%] 8,5 12,0 7,8 7,6 6,8

Sr [%] 75 100 70 75 55

e 0,317 0,333 0,314 0,287 0,346

n 0,241 0,250 0,239 0,223 0,257

3.2.5 Tests on hydraulic conductivity
The hydraulic conductivity in field conditions can be determined in pumping tests in situ.
Such large scale tests are both cost – and time demanding. To determine the hydraulic
conductivity of the natural dam, it was therefore chosen to carry out laboratory tests, which
are presented in this section.
The hydraulic conductivity k varies with void ratio e and porosity n in the soil. In order to be
able to assess the hydraulic conductivity k in the natural dam with a certain compaction and
porosity in situ, laboratory tests were carried out on samples compacted to different dry
densities and porosities using the Standard Proctor method. These laboratory tests provide a
basis for the development of a relation between compaction and hydraulic conductivity in
laboratory conditions and in situ, with the final aim to estimate the hydraulic conductivity in
field conditions.
In order to be able to relate compaction, density and flow through the samples to the situation
in nature, each sample was tested under three different hydraulic gradients: i = 3, i = 5, and i =
7,3. An additional testing gradient of i = 0,3 was applied on one sample for practical reasons,
which are explained in the following. The hydraulic conductivity was tested under constant
head conditions, i.e. with a constant water supply level, as described in chapter 2.4.1. The
hydraulic gradient stands for the relation between the rate of head loss Δh to the flow distance
ΔL through the sample. For the samples with the height of 11,6 cm, the hydraulic gradient
was adjusted by the distance to the water supply, i.e. 34,8 cm, 58 cm and 84,7 cm,
respectively. For the gradient 0,3, the distance was 2,5 cm. The testing principle is shown in
Figure 38. The order of the applied gradient was not appointed, but random. Due to the
compaction method, the samples had to be allowed for saturation.

Figure 38: Testing principle for hydraulic conductivity tests

Preparation of test series
After compaction in the Proctor cylinder, the bottom of the cylinder was removed and sample
was closed by rubber forms on both sides with double o-rings and double filter layers, as
shown in Figure 39. The stamp shown in Figure 38 was used to cut filter sheets so that they fit
accurately into the bottom of the rubber form, which corresponds to the samples’ diameter.

Figure 39: Testing equipment for hydraulic conductivity tests

The samples were closed tightly with the rubber lock and placed in the testing assembly
shown in Figure 40. The samples were arranged on metal frame and fixed tightly by metal
screws on top of a spacer piece which allowed for the discharge pipe to fixed to the top lock
of the sample. The frame with the sample in place could then be moved up and down along a
metal bar for adjusting the hydraulic gradient, i.e. the samples’ height in relation to the water
supply level. Unfortunately, the water supply level is not included in Figure 40.
The flow through the sample was directed from bottom to top as suggested by Forsberg
(2007). By directing the flow upwards, particle migration was considered to be reduced. The
discharge was collected in bottles that were covered by plastic sheets in order to prevent
evaporation. It was possible to test several samples in the experiment arrangement at the same

Figure 40: Experiment arrangement for testing the hydraulic conductivity

The test results of the different tests with varying gradients were collected for setting up one
diagram for each sample. In each diagram, the hydraulic conductivity k is plotted versus time.
Even though the hydraulic conductivity k is measured in m/sec, it was decided to present time
on the x-axis in hours to make it easier for the reader to see how long each test lasted.
On samples no 1, 2, 3 and 4 three tests were carried out, i.e. one test for gradient 3, 5, and 7,3,
respectively; sample 5 was tested twice under a gradient of 0,3, because it appeared that the
sample was much more pervious than the previous samples. All tests with the corresponding
evaluation of k are described below.
Due to the proctor compaction method used for preparation of the samples they had to be
allowed for saturation. The saturation phase can be identified in all diagrams presented in the
following test description. It is characterized by an increase of the hydraulic conductivity
during the first hours of testing. The length of the saturation phase varies between 2,5 to 65
hours; however, most samples reach saturation during the first day, approximately. The
hydraulic conductivity then remains at the attained level or decreases. A decrease implies that
grains in the soil structure reorganize due to the seepage pressure they are exposed to;
migrating particles open and clog pathways for percolating water.
In an ideal case, the hydraulic conductivity reaches a steady flow through the sample at an
ideal soil structure where all particles remain in place. The hydraulic conductivity can then be
evaluated from this steady state condition. This was not the case in all tests; the corresponding
evaluation of results is given in each section on the particular sample tested.

Sample 1
Sample 1 was tested first under a gradient of 7,3. Saturation of the sample took place during
the first three to four hours of the test. Plotting the hydraulic conductivity k in m/sec versus
time showed a relatively straight and nearly horizontal curve, so that the value for the
hydraulic conductivity was easy to evaluate; k = 8,22 · 10-9 m/sec.
The following test was carried out with a gradient of i = 3. The hydraulic conductivity
decreased steadily during the nearly two-week long test, but did not reach an equilibrium. It is
assumed that the curve would have reached some kind of balance after the last reading, so that
the last measured value of 5,87 · 10-10 m/sec was regarded being representative.
The final test on sample 1 carried out with a gradient of i = 5 showed that the hydraulic
conductivity first increased slightly, decreased afterwards and finally evened out at a medium
value of 2,66 · 10-8 m/sec. The results are shown in Figure 41.


Hydraulic conductivity (m/sec)







0 48 96 144 192 240 288 336
Time steps (hrs)
i=3 i=5 i = 7,3

Figure 41: Test results for sample 1

Sample 2
Sample 2 was first tested under a gradient of i = 3. After the saturation phase the hydraulic
conductivity reached a maximum and then reduced gradually to a value of 4,11 · 10-10 m/sec.
The subsequent test carried out with a gradient of i = 5 showed a steady increase in flow, but
appeared to even out after the last reading. The last two values measured were considered
relevant, i.e. 2,40 · 10-9 m/sec.
The sample was then tested under a gradient of 7,3, and the hydraulic conductivity showed to
be relatively constant at 2,01 · 10-9 m/sec. However, the final two measurements appear to
include a mistake in reading, because the curve shows a crack upwards. This section has
therefore not been included in the evaluation. The test results are shown in Figure 42.

Hydraulic conductivity (m/sec)






0 48 96 144 192 240 288 336
Time steps (hrs)
i=3 i=5 i = 7,3

Figure 42: Test results for sample 2

Sample 3
Sample 3 was first tested under a gradient of 7,3. During the first 20 hours, the sample
saturated and k reached an equilibrium at 1,39 · 10-9 m/sec.
During the following test with i = 3 the hydraulic conductivity decreased to a value of 3,13 ·
10-10 m/sec. Due to the small scale in the diagram, k appears to be relatively steady. However,
it was gradually decreasing and the curve had not evened out after 14 days of testing, which is
why the final measurement was chosen as representative.
During the last test under the gradient of 5 the hydraulic conductivity was relatively consistent
at 1,75 · 10-9 m/sec. The test results are shown in Figure 43.

Hydraulic conductivity (m/sec)

0 48 96 144 192 240 288 336
Time steps (hrs)
i=3 i=5 i = 7,3

Figure 43 : Test results for sample 3

Sample 4
The first test on Sample 4 was carried out with a gradient of 7,3. The flow increased during 3
days until a maximum was reached; this was the longest saturation phase. The flow then
decreased steadily and did not reach an equilibrium after 8 days. The last measured value of
4,43 · 10-10 m/sec is considered being representative for this test.
The following test was carried out under a gradient of 3, with a result similar to the first test.
The flow gradually decreased and the final reading of 3,25 · 10-10 m/sec was regarded as
The final test under a gradient of 5 showed an almost constant flow through the sample which
resulted in a mean value of 2,60 · 10-10 m/sec. The test results are shown in Figure 44.



Hydraulic conductivity (m/sec)







0 48 96 144 192
Time steps (hrs)
i=3 i=5 i = 7,3

Figure 44: Test results for sample 4

Sample 5
Sample 5 was compacted at a water content close to complete saturation. It was therefore
chosen to test the sample first with application of i = 3. Shortly after starting the test, water
together with fine particles was pressed out of the cylinder at both top and bottom lock. Since
this seepage pressure obviously was too high for the sample, a gradient of i = 0,3 was applied,
which corresponds to a height difference of only 2,50 cm from water supply level to sample.
The first test carried out with a lower gradient resulted in k = 4,72 · 10-7 m/sec, see Figure 45.
Because the sample was relatively pervious, the discharge collector had to be emptied after
each measurement, it would otherwise overflow. This test lasted only for 37 hours.

Hydraulic conductivity (m/sec)




0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42
Time steps (hrs)

Figure 45: Result of the first test on sample 5

It was then decided to test the sample again under the same conditions, which resulted in a
decrease of the hydraulic conductivity by two orders of magnitude: k = 4,65 · 10-9 m/sec, see
Figure 46.

Hydraulic conductivity (m/sec)

0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168
Time steps (hrs)

Figure 46: Result of the second test on sample 5

Despite the fact that sample 5 was leaking and fine particles had been washed out by seepage
pressure when trying to test it under a gradient of i = 3, the hydraulic conductivity measured
in the second test reduced by two orders of magnitude. This reduction in hydraulic
conductivity might be due to some rearrangement of particles in the sample. However, it is
considered that the fine particles migrated and were captured by the filter layers. The filters
then become plugged by particles, and as a result it is rather the hydraulic conductivity of the
filter that is measured instead of that of the samples actual hydraulic conductivity. Because of
this uncertainty, it was decided not to regard the test results of sample 5 in following
The order of applied gradients was 7,3 – 3 – 5, except for sample 2, which was tested in the
order of 3 – 5 – 7,3. This exception was not planned. It was assumed that starting testing
samples under the highest gradient would increase the density due to reorganization of
particles under a larger seepage pressure, so that k would decrease in the following tests.
However, such an effect could not be concluded from test results. A summary of all test
results is given in Table 7.
It can be noted that measurements of k in sample 1 for i = 5 is larger than at other gradients
and differs by one order of magnitude. The difference is less in sample 2 and 3, but the
hydraulic conductivity is largest for the intermediate gradient of 5. In general, sample 4 has
the lowest hydraulic conductivity compared to other samples, except sample 5. This can be
related to the degree of compaction, which was highest for this sample. In contrast to the
above described samples, the hydraulic conductivity measured under gradient i = 5 in sample
4 is lowest.

Table 7: Summary of measured values for the hydraulic conductivity

Sample 5
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4
ρd = 2,08 t/m3
ρd = 2,15 t/m3 ρd = 2,13 t/m3 ρd = 2,16 t/m3 ρd = 2,22 t/m3
Gradient w = 12,0 %
w = 5,1 % w = 8,6 % w = 8,3 % w = 7,6 %
n = 0,261
n = 0,236 n = 0,241 n = 0,233 n = 0,211
i = 0,3
[m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s]

i=3 5,87 · 10-10 4,11 · 10-10 3,13 · 10-10 3,25 · 10-10 Test 1: 4,72 · 10-7

i=5 2,66 · 10-8 2,40 · 10-9 1,75 · 10-9 2,60 · 10-10 Test 2: 4,65 · 10-9

i = 7,3 8,22 ·10-9 2,01 · 10-9 1,39 · 10-9 4,43 · 10-10

3.2.6 Assessment on hydraulic conductivity in field conditions

Assessments on the hydraulic conductivity in field conditions were carried out in two
different ways. First, the hydraulic conductivity measured in laboratory tests was related to
field conditions as described below. The conductivity was then calculated using well known
equations presented in chapter 2.4.1.
In order to be able to assess the hydraulic conductivity of the natural dam in field conditions,
the results from the laboratory test series are collected and related to the samples’ porosity.
The hydraulic conductivity varies, among other factors, with the porosity, as described in the
Sate of the Art report in chapter two. By developing a relation between porosity, gradient and
hydraulic conductivity in test conditions and applying the measured value for the porosity in
situ in this relation, conclusions on the hydraulic conductivity in situ can be drawn.
Figure 46 is based on information given in Table 7, where all test results are summarized. In
addition, this table includes information on the samples’ porosity which was determined in the
Standard Proctor compaction. The hydraulic conductivity measured under the three different
gradients was plotted versus the porosity n in samples 1 – 4. In this diagram, all obtained
values for k were included without review, even though k in sample 1 under gradient i = 5 and
i = 7,3 is by one order of magnitude lower than all other measured values for k.

Assessing the hydraulic conductivity in situ on basis of laboratory testing

To be able to calculate the hydraulic conductivity for the porosity in situ, a mathematical
relation between the test results has to be established. In reference to the section on
mathematical calculations of the hydraulic conductivity presented in the State of the Art
report, a power function was chosen. The corresponding equation for each trend line is
displayed in the diagram shown in Figure 47.

Hydraulic conductivity k [m/sec]


2,4832 2,427E+01 15,501
y = 2E-08x y = 7,836E+06x y = 14,038x



0,21 0,215 0,22 0,225 0,23 0,235 0,24 0,245
Porosity n
i=3 i=5 i = 7,3 Power (i = 5) Power (i = 7,3) Power (i = 3)

Figure 47: Measured values for the hydraulic conductivity in laboratory conditions versus the samples’
porosity, all values included

The applied porosity in situ is a result from the field density test described in chapter 3.2.2.
Table 3 presents the results from both rubber balloon tests, where the porosity was
determined: nTest 1 = 0,185, and nTest 2 = 0,164. Further calculations on the hydraulic
conductivity including an effective grain size and a mean value for the porosity will be
presented in the next section. With respect to these following calculations a mean value for
the porosity is also used in this section: nm=0,175. Inserting this mean porosity measured in
field conditions into the equations evaluating the relationship between hydraulic conductivity
and porosity in laboratory conditions results in a hydraulic conductivity between 2,64 · 10-10
m/s and k = 3,33 · 10-12 m/s in the natural dam, see Table 8.

Table 8: Calculation of k in field conditions using relationships obtained in laboratory

Gradient Equation (see Figure 46) Result [m/s]

i=3 k = 2 · 10-8 · n2,4832 k = 2,64 · 10-10

i=5 k = 7,836 · 106 · n24,27 k = 3,33 · 10-12

i = 7,3 k = 14,038 · n15,501 k = 2,59 · 10-11

Because the measured hydraulic conductivity in sample 1 under gradient 5 and 7,3 was by one
order of magnitude higher than that measured in other samples (sample 5 excluded), an
additional relation between hydraulic conductivity and porosity excluding those two values
was established. The trend curve then appears to fit measured values of k better, see Figure



Hydraulic conductivity k [m/sec]

2,4832 11,43
y = 2E-08x y = 0,0234x
y = 4,035E+02x




0,21 0,215 0,22 0,225 0,23 0,235 0,24 0,245
Porosity n
i=3 i=5 i = 7,3 Power (i = 5) Power (i = 7,3) Power (i = 3)

Figure 48: Measured values for the hydraulic conductivity in laboratory conditions versus the samples’
porosity, two values from sample 1 excluded

Again, the hydraulic conductivity was calculated using the mean porosity in field conditions,
nm = 0,175, as done previously in calculations presented in Table 8. The result is a hydraulic
conductivity between 2,64 · 10-10 m/s and k = 9,78 · 10-12 m/s in the natural dam, see Table 9.

Table 9: Calculation of k in field conditions using relationships obtained in laboratory, excluding values
for k in sample 1, i = 5 and i = 7,3

Gradient Equation (see Figure 47) Result [m/s]

i=3 k = 2 · 10-8 · n2,4832 k = 2,64 · 10-10

i=5 k = 403,5 · n17,99 k = 9,78 · 10-12

i = 7,3 k = 0,0234 · n11,43 k = 5,21 · 10-11

Comparing results from Table 8 and Table 9, the calculated hydraulic conductivity increases
slightly for gradients 5 and 7,3 when excluding laboratory values that deviate by one order of
magnitude. The lower value of k = 2,64 · 10-10 m/s remains the same, because the trend curve
for gradient 3 is not affected by excluding values.
However, all calculated results are in the range of 10-10 to 10-12, which implies that the soil in
the natural dam is “practically impermeable”, according to Mitchell & Soga (2005).
Regarding the pore pressure measurements presented in chapter 3.2.3, which did not provide
information on the ground water conditions, this result shows that it may be possible that the
ground water table is significantly lower than assumed due to relatively impermeable

Calculations of the hydraulic conductivity using empirical equations
A second comparison can be made by calculating the hydraulic conductivity on basis of the
grain size distribution and mean porosity in situ, using equations presented in the State of the
Art report in chapter 2. Three equations were chosen for comparison: Hazen, Chapuis, and
To calculate the hydraulic conductivity with these equations, an effective diameter based on
the grain size distribution of the glacial till is used. The effective diameter d10 refers to the
grain size for which 10 % is finer. The analysis of the grain size distribution is presented in
chapter 3.2.4, and the mean value from all four sieving curves results in an effective diameter
of d10 = 0,0172 mm. The porosity used for calculations is the mean value nm = 0,175 as
described above, so that the mean void ratio is em = 0,212.
The Kozeny-Carman equation includes several factors that are explained in detail in the State
of the Art report, see chapter 2.4.1. The wetted surface area S0 is related to an effective
diameter and has to be calculated using the relation Deff = , which results in
∑( f i / D ave,i )

Deff = 0,0187 mm for the given material.

The results of these calculations shown in Table 10 are considerably higher than those
obtained from laboratory results and differ between one up to six orders of magnitude. The
calculated values are in the range of those proposed by Todd & Mays (2005) for glacial till,
and can be regarded as low or very low according to Mitchell & Soga (2005).

Table 10: Results from calculations of the hydraulic conductivity with well-established equations

Equation Result [m/s]

Hazen k = C ⋅ (d 10 )2 2,96 · 10-6

⎛ d 2 ⋅ e3 ⎞
Chapuis k = 2,4622⎜ 10
⎜ 1+ e

9,62 · 10-7
⎝ ⎠

Kozeny- ⎛μ⎞ 1 ⎛ e3 ⎞
K = k h ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = ⎜ ⎟ 1,52 · 10-7
Carman γ 2 2 ⎜1+ e ⎟
⎝ ⎠ k 0T S 0 ⎝ ⎠

The values obtained in laboratory tests are considerably lower compared to those calculated
by well established empirical relationships. The range for the hydraulic conductivity of glacial
till presented by Todd & Mays (2005) is between 10-6 to 10-10, so that the laboratory tests
themselves may have acceptable results, whereas results on the hydraulic conductivity in field
conditions from laboratory relations appear to be remarkably low. The material practically
would be impermeable, which probably could be applied in case of a different material, i.e.
clay instead of well graded till.

3.2.7 Comments on the laboratory testing technique
As Hellström et al. (2009) state, the flow through a soil sample in geotechnical laboratory
testing is not always clear whether the flow is truly laminar, if inertia effects occur or the flow
in the sample is turbulent. As described in the State of the Art report, Darcy’s law states that
the hydraulic conductivity is independent from the gradient, i.e. when plotting the relationship
conductivity versus gradient, the results should be located on a horizontal line. Thus, to
experimentally derive if the flow is laminar, the various applied hydraulic gradients are
related to the hydraulic conductivity k. A dependency of k to the pressure gradient implies
non-Darcian flow, i.e. inertia dominated or turbulent flow.
The measured hydraulic conductivity in present laboratory tests is therefore related to the
applied gradient. The hydraulic conductivity in sample 1 differs by as much as one order of
magnitude, and the dependency between k and the applied pressure gradient becomes clearly
visible, see Figure 49.


Hydraulic conductivity k [m/sec]





2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Gradient i [-]
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4

Figure 49: Results for hydraulic conductivity versus gradient

The dependency between hydraulic conductivity and gradient is striking. Tests on sample 1
appear to be representative, as discussed in the previous section. As done in the assessment on
the conductivity in situ, results from sample 1 are removed from the diagram displayed in
Figure 48 to obtain a better view on the relation between conductivity k and gradient i in
samples 2, 3, and 4, see Figure 50.


Hydraulic conductivity k [m/sec]





2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Gradient i [-]
Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4

Figure 50: Results for hydraulic conductivity versus gradient, excluding Sample 1

Both diagrams show that the flow through the samples during laboratory testing may not have
been laminar. Other possibilities for non-Darcian flow behavior can be of practical nature and
be due to redistribution and migration of particles, as well as leakage or other irregularities in
the measuring cell (Hellström et al, 2009). Hence, the presented deviation may imply non-
linear flow through the sample, but could also be due to migrating particles or leakage along
the rigid cell walls which could not be observed due to the non-transparency of the proctor
cylinders used. It should therefore be considered to test the material in a closed system with a
transparent cell where it is possible to apply backpressure and control flow conditions through
the sample much more accurate than in a constant head permeameter.

The experience of dam constructions and their function in long term perspective is limited.
One way to overcome this lack of information is to study long term stable natural formations
from the last glaciation. Such structures can give important information on the performance of
water retaining embankments over long time periods. This time period may be up to
thousands of years. A study provided by the Swedish Geological Survey SGU (2002) shows
that many formations similar to dam constructions exist in nature, and such structures are
stable over time periods extending up to 8000 to 15000 years.
In this context, the author carried out field studies on a natural analogy located at the
company area of Boliden in Gällivare, northern Sweden. These studies were complemented
by laboratory tests and analysis, with the aim to provide knowledge of the geotechnical
properties of such a long term stable formation. Field work included the excavation of test
pits, measurement of in situ density, sampling, and installation of pore pressure gauges for
ground water monitoring. The laboratory analysis ranges from grain size distribution, water
content, the degree of compaction and the determination of the density of the solid grains.
Further, a test series on the hydraulic conductivity of differently compacted samples were
carried out. The results are discussed in the following.

4.1 In situ density and Proctor compaction

The material analyzed is a well graded glacial till, with a clay content of 7 %, and a silt
content of 19 %, see chapter 3.2.4. For hydraulic conductivity tests, 5 samples were
compacted following the Standard Proctor method, which enables compaction of different
samples with varying water content under a defined energy input. The obtained dry density
from Proctor compaction ranges from 2,08 g/cm3 at a water content of 12 % to 2,22 g/cm3 at a
water content of 7,6 %. However, the two in situ density measurements resulted in 2,29 g/cm3
at a water content of 7,8 % and 2,35 g/cm3 at a water content of 8,8 %. Because of the
comparatively higher dry density in situ it is assumed that a possible maximum for the dry
density in laboratory conditions was not reached. A possible modified result of the Proctor
compaction is therefore considered as shown in Figure 51.

Figure 51: Possible modification of the Standard Proctor test results

The higher degree of compaction in situ compared to what was obtained in laboratory may be
due to an inaccuracy in both field and laboratory testing methods. It may possibly even
display how well nature can compact a material over time. In any case, the measured void
ratio and porosity of the soil in situ is lower than that obtained by manual compaction in the
laboratory, which plays an important role when assessing the hydraulic conductivity of the
natural dam.

4.2 Hydraulic conductivity

The hydraulic conductivity was tested on 5 samples with porosities ranging between 0,21 to
0,26. The latter value is that of sample 5, which was not included in further analysis due to
leakage in the testing apparatus. Therefore, this discussion covers the remaining samples 1 to
4 with a porosity between 0,21 to 0,24, which corresponds to a void ratio of 0,27 to 0,32, see
chapter 3.2.4. The samples were tested under three different hydraulic gradients, and the
hydraulic conductivity measured is between 2,66 · 10-8 m/s to 2,60 · 10-10 m/s, see Table 7,
chapter 3.2.5. Most measurements are in the range of 10-9 m/s to 10-10 m/s. Such low values
imply that the till is practically impervious (Kézdi, 1974; Mitchell & Soga, 2005; Todd &
Mays, 2005).
With the results from conductivity tests, a mathematical relation between porosity n and
hydraulic conductivity k is established. The hydraulic conductivity in the analyzed natural
formation can then be determined by applying the porosity in situ. The porosity in situ is a
mean value from both in situ density tests, nm = 0,175, which corresponds to a void ratio in
situ of em = 0,212, compare Table 3, chapter 3.2.2. Because the compaction of the material in
nature is denser and thus both the corresponding porosity and the void ratio lower, the
hydraulic conductivity in situ results in a lower value compared to laboratory measurements.
Performing an evaluation according to the established relations the hydraulic conductivity in
field conditions is determined to range between 2,64 · 10-10 m/s to 3,33 · 10-12 m/s, see Table
9, chapter 3.2.6.
The hydraulic conductivity appears to be too low for a glacial till by several orders of
magnitude. The range given by Todd & Mays (2005) for glacial till is between 10-6 m/s and
10-10 m/s, whereas Kézdi (1974) considers conductivities between 10-3 m/s to 10-7 m/s
reasonable for fine sand, sandy silt or silt, and values below 10-7 impervious and typical for
clay. Applying empirical relationships presented in chapter 2.4.1 for the calculation of the
hydraulic conductivity predicts a significantly higher hydraulic conductivity between
2,96 · 10-6 m/s to 1,52 · 10-7 m/s. This is a difference up to five orders of magnitude
compared to results related to laboratory tests.
The hydraulic conductivity in situ often differs significantly from that determined in the
laboratory, since the natural soil mass is affected by stratification and inhomogeneities which
cannot be simulated in laboratory tests (Kézdi, 1974). It may be possible that the test result
from the in situ density test may be too low due to irregularities in the testing procedure, i.e.
errors in the determination of the volume of the pit as described in chapter 3.2.2. However,
the strikingly low results from laboratory tests compared to those calculated with empirical
relationships remain, thus leading to the presumption that the testing technique, i.e. the
application of a constant head permeameter, may not have been suitable for the material. To
check the results, testing in a triaxial cell under application of backpressure should be
considered. Such tests would also allow the change of flow direction, reduce the risk for
clogging filters and thus most likely give better results.

4.3 Ground water monitoring
The low hydraulic conductivity could be an explanation for the absence of ground water
during pore pressure monitoring, which is described in 3.2.2. Results and conclusions of the
pore pressure measurements were presented in chapter 3.2.3.
The originally assumed hydraulic gradient was 6,7 %, which results in an inclination of
approximately 4º, see Figure 52. If the material actually has such a low hydraulic
conductivity, it could be possible that the inclination of the groundwater table, i.e. the
hydraulic gradient, is significantly higher than assumed in the first place. The water table
would then have an inclination of 30º, which corresponds to a gradient of as much as 58 %,
see Figure 52.

Figure 52: Assumption of ground water table

In this case, all pore pressure gauges would be located above the ground water table, which
could explain the deficiency of pore pressure measurements. Another possibility for not being
able to locate the phreatic surface may be a different water balance in the area, i.e. an absence
of ground water communication between both lakes. The hydraulic gradient could correspond
to the lower lake at a distance of 260 m with a water table of 441,5 masl, which was originally
considered for analysis, see Figure 53.

Figure 53: Possible alternative for ground water conditions in the area

Several pore pressure gauges may not function correctly, but it appears unlikely that all of
them are malfunctioning, so that this source of error is not considered responsible for the
complete absence of ground water.

4.4 Critical hydraulic gradients

A summary of critical hydraulic gradients according to different soil types (gravel, coarse,
medium and fine sand) was presented in Table 1, chapter 2.4.2. The critical hydraulic gradient
varies with grain size and hydraulic conductivity of a material. Further, it increases with
increasing particle size.
The natural analogies to dam structures studied by the Geological Survey of Sweden SGU
mainly consisted of glacial till, clay, fine sand or silty loam, see Table 2, chapter 3.1.6. The
material of analyzed structure presented in the authors case study was well graded glacial till
with a significant amount of fines, see chapter 3.2.4. For comparison and discussion of critical
hydraulic gradients in such material, the part referring to the least particle size, i.e. fine sand,
presented in Table 1 is extracted and shown in Table 11.

Table 11: Excerpt of critical hydraulic gradients from Table 1 (after Perzlmaier et al., 2007)

Type of soil Fine sand

Icrit Chugaev 0,10

Icrit Bligh 0,067

Icrit Lane 0,048

Icrit Mueller-Kirchenbauer, lower limit 0,06

Icrit Mueller-Kirchenbauer, upper limit 0,08

Icrit Weijers & Sellmeijer, Cu = 1,5 0,09

Icrit Weijers & Sellmeijer, Cu = 3 0,14

The gradient in the formation analyzed in the case study is 0,067, which is in the range of
values given in Table 11. However, the calculated gradient of 0,067 appears relatively high
with respect to the gradients found in natural analogies, which were lower and in a range
between 0,012 and 0,05, see Table 2, chapter 3.1.6. The hydraulic gradient of 0,012 applying
for lake Mången should be disregarded in this context because of the considerably coarser
material and its notable large hydraulic conductivity.
The range for natural formations presented by SGU is therefore reduced to 0,02 to 0,05,
which is lower compared to the given range of 0,048 to 0,14 for fine sand, see Table 1. The
decrease for the critical hydraulic gradient in natural formations could probably be related to
the lesser particle size in the material, i.e. glacial till with a significant amount fines and a
lower hydraulic conductivity compared to fine sand.
Due to the lack of reliable ground water measurements in the case study it is difficult to
determine the hydraulic gradient that actually exists in this structure. Because of the large

amount of fines in the soil, the calculated hydraulic gradient of 6,7 % may be reduced with
regard to suggestions on critical gradients made in Table 1. In contrast to that, the hydraulic
gradient might also be considerably higher and be as much as 58 %, as discussed above. A
well graded glacial till may also be exposed to larger gradients due to its increased internal
geometric stability, as discussed in the literature study, see chapter 2.3.
Critical values for well graded material with smaller fractions than fine sand are not available.
Reference values in Table 1 can therefore only be applied limited to the analyzed structure,
thus limiting the comparison to the given critical gradients. In addition, the origin of the
critical hydraulic gradients in Table 1 varies, they are partly developed in laboratory studies,
or calculated with regard to the geometry of a soil structure, thus making further conclusions
Considering a gradient of 5 % for a stable natural formation, the water table would have an
inclination of about 3º. The design criteria for Swedish tailings dams presented in chapter
2.4.3 relates the safety factor to the internal angle of friction, and a rule of thumb is to apply
the materials friction angle φ’ multiplied by the factor 0,5 under the assumption that the water
table and the slope surface coincide. As presented in Paper A, a major problem for this
assessment is the determination of tailings’ friction angle, as it can vary between 18º up to
45º. For a material with a friction angle of 20º, a slope inclination of 7º and a gradient of 12 %
could be accepted, and for a material with a friction angle of 40º, a slope inclination of 15º
and a gradient of 27 % would meet requirements for the safety factor. Hence, the design
criteria for tailings dams results in larger inclinations for the required slope of an embankment
than in natural examples. However, the slope angle does not necessarily correspond to the
inclination of the phreatic surface and the resulting hydraulic gradient in a tailings dam. In
addition, it is not know how degradation affects the internal angle of friction on which the
design criteria is based upon. With regard to long term perspective, it is likely that the
material properties of tailings will change. The originally angular material will probably
become more round, which reduces the friction angle, thus reducing the allowed inclination
for the embankment. The degradation and its effects on the material properties and design
criteria are beyond the scope of this work. However, further research on the material
properties of tailings is needed to provide a basis for comparison and conclusions on the
hydraulic gradient for the long term stability of tailings dams.

4.5 Future work

Due to the low hydraulic conductivity obtained in laboratory testing it should be considered to
carry out further tests on the material for comparison and evaluation. These tests should be
carried out in a closed system with the possibility to apply backpressure.
The water balance in the area should be considered for further studies in order to locate the
ground water table for clarification of the flow conditions and the hydraulic gradient the
natural dam is exposed to.

Natural analogies to dam constructions are considered giving valuable information on the
long term stability of tailings dams. On basis of information provided by the Geological
Survey of Sweden SGU, natural formations being exposed to seepage and a hydraulic
gradient over long time periods have been presented and analyzed. These examples show that
it is basically possible for an embankment to withstand a certain hydraulic gradient over long
time periods; in this case since the last glaciation, i.e. thousands of years.
The objective of this study was to contribute to tailings dams design in long term perspective,
in respect to critical hydraulic gradients. Information on critical hydraulic gradients given in
literature was collected, and long term stable natural formations were presented. In addition, a
case study on a natural dammed lake was carried out. From these studies, the following
conclusions can be drawn:
o Critical hydraulic gradients for fine sand given in the literature range from 4,8 % to 14 %.
o The design criteria for Swedish tailings dams results in theoretic hydraulic gradients
between 12 % to 27 % based on a friction angle ranging from 20º to 40º. It should be
stressed that using a criteria of this type excludes the degradation of the material over time.
The design should not be based upon properties obtained from laboratory testing of “fresh”
materials only. Upon degradation, the angularity of tailings is expected to decrease and the
particles will become more round, thus reducing the internal angle of friction. With regard
to both degradation and the comparison to gradients found in natural formations, the design
criteria should be modified to reduce the currently allowed gradient.
o The hydraulic gradients in natural formations presented on basis of the Study conducted by
SGU are between 2 % to 5 %.
o The calculated hydraulic gradient in the case study is 6,7 % and therewith higher than that
of other natural formations presented. In case of a ground water table located below pore
water gauges, the hydraulic gradient would increase to a value of 58 %. However, the
actual hydraulic gradient remains unclear due to the absence of pore pressure readings.
o It is considered that natural deposits can be compacted to an optimum over long time
periods, thus resulting in considerable low hydraulic conductivities.
o Whether the results from laboratory tests on the hydraulic conductivity are reasonable or
not remains questionable; calculations with empirical relationships result in a hydraulic
conductivity up to almost five orders of magnitude higher.
o The low hydraulic conductivity in the natural dam could explain the absence of ground
water during pore pressure monitoring. Another possibility for not being able to locate the
ground water level is a different water balance in the area.


The research presented in this thesis was carried out as a part of "Swedish Hydropower Centre
- SVC". SVC has been established by the Swedish Energy Agency, Elforsk and Svenska
Kraftnät together with Luleå University of Technology, The Royal Institute of Technology,
Chalmers University of Technology and Uppsala University.
Participating hydro power companies are: Andritz Hydro Inepar Sweden, Andritz Waplans,
E.ON Vattenkraft Sverige, Fortum Generation, Holmen Energi, Jämtkraft, Karlstads Energi,
Linde Energi, Mälarenergi, Skellefteå Kraft, Sollefteåforsens, Statkraft Sverige, Statoil
Lubricants, Sweco Infrastructure, Sweco Energuide, SveMin, Umeå Energi, Vattenfall
Research and Development, Vattenfall Vattenkraft, VG Power and WSP.


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Results from hydraulic conductivity tests: Flow vs. time

Flow Sample 1


Flow (ml/sec)





0 48 96 144 192 240 288 336
Time steps (hrs)
i=3 i=5 i = 7,3

Flow Sample 2


Flow (ml/sec)





0 48 96 144 192 240 288 336
Time steps (hrs)

i=3 i=5 i = 7,3

Flow Sample 3
Flow (ml/sec)

0 48 96 144 192 240 288 336
Time steps (hrs)

i=3 i=5 i = 7,3

Flow Sample 4
Flow (ml/sec)

0 48 96 144 192
Time steps (hrs)

i=3 i=5 i = 7,3

Flow Sample 5 Test 1


Flow (ml/sec)





0 24 48 72 96 120 144
Time steps (hours)

Flow Sample 5 Test 2



Flow (ml/sec)




0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168
Time steps (hours)

Conference paper #1
Jantzer, I., Bjelkevik, A., and Pousette, K. (2008).
Material Properties of Tailings from Swedish Mines.

Nordic Geotechnical Meeting NGM.

Sandefjord, Norway. Sept. 5, 2008.
Material properties of Tailings from Swedish mines

I. Jantzer
Luleå University of Technology, Sweden, [email protected]
A. Bjelkevik
Sweco AB, Sweden, [email protected]
K. Pousette
Luleå University of Technology, Sweden, [email protected]

Abstract: Tailings impoundments are designed and constructed for disposal of mine waste,
i.e. tailings, environmentally safe in a long-term perspective. Tailings dams are raised along
with a mines production. Important for tailings dam design and construction are the material
properties of tailings, with shear parameters and hydraulic conductivity in focus. Studies on
these properties have been carried out and are presented. Results show a large variation of
properties, thus suggesting that common geotechnical test methods may not be applicable for


Tailings impoundments are constructed to store the fine residual from mining activities. Ore is
crushed and milled to a fine sand in the plant to enable extraction of material of interest,
which normally are metals. About 70-99% of the ore is leftover, non-valuable crushed and
milled material, i.e. tailings, which is often pumped with process water as slurry from the
plant to a tailings impoundment. At the tailings impoundment the rest material is allowed to
settle, and thus the water is cleared and can be reused in the plant.

The tailings impoundment is normally surrounded by tailings dams (embankments) and, if the
topography allows for it, natural heights. In order to build the tailings dams as efficiently as
possible, tailings themselves are often used as construction material. When tailings are used
for dam construction the geotechnical (and environmental) properties of the material become
important to know in order to build safe embankments in both short and long term

To design and construct tailings dams, geotechnical properties of tailings, in particular

density, shear strength parameters and hydraulic conductivity, normally have to be known.
While the density is relatively easy to measure, shear strength parameters and hydraulic
conductivity vary significantly with sampling and testing technique and are therefore difficult
to determine and assess. This has an impact on calculation procedures and obtained results. A
major problem is that the production process creates angular particles at a size similar to clay,
slit and fine sand, which do not behave in the same way as natural geological material.

This paper presents laboratory test results from tailings in a short term perspective.
Parameters are important to know in a long-term perspective. They will be essential when
assessing the mechanical and environmental behavior of embankment structures in the future,
but are not discussed in this paper.

Tailings dam construction is normally divided into three main construction methodologies;
upstream, centre line, and downstream construction, as depicted in Figure 1, respectively.
Many Swedish tailings dams are originally constructed more or less like conventional earth
and rock fill water retention dams. One main difference between tailings dams and water
retention dams is that tailings dams are raised in stages or continuously as the impoundment is
filled up with tailings along with mining production.




1 Starter wall, 2 deposited tailings, 3 support fill

Figure 1. The three main construction methods for tailings dam construction. Upstream (a),
centre line (b) and downstream (c) construction.

A common trend involves more and more tailings being used for construction of tailings dams
and application of the upstream method. Applying the upstream method, a starter dike is
constructed with borrow material, because tailings are not produced at this time. Tailings are
then discharged from the crest of the dam along the impoundments periphery and left for
sedimentation, thus creating a tailings beach from the dam crest towards the impoundment.
When the impoundment is full, or rather before that, a second dike is constructed on the
settled and consolidated tailings beach. This process continues as the tailings dam increases in
height [3].
Due to many reasons, such as new knowledge, new demands from both the company’s and
society’s point of view, extended environmental concern, improved extraction process,
changing staff, etc. the construction methods at Swedish dams have changed over the years.
Figure 2 shows some example of how Swedish tailings dams may look in practice. Tailings
dam construction does not follow one construction principle, but often becomes a mixture of
different construction practices and special adjustments.
Upstream construction

Impoundment, i.e tailings Buttress


Downstream construction



Support fill

Dyke Beach


Support fill

Figure 2. Tailings dam construction in practise for three different Swedish tailing dams (after

Advantages of the upstream construction method are [1]:

• Low cost and simplicity.
• The man made dikes may be constructed of sand and this process is simple and ongoing.
• The method results in a low hydraulic gradient due to long beaches and gradually coarser
fractions of tailings closer to the dam crest as a result from the hydraulic deposition. A
low hydraulic gradient is favorable for long term conditions [1].
• The outer slope can be remediated during operation as the crest moves inwards.
Disadvantages or factors that are a constraint to the application of the upstream construction
include [1]:
• control of the hydraulic gradient as filter layers are difficult to apply
• gradually reduced space for deposition of tailings and water because of inward
• susceptibility to seismic liquefaction due to ongoing construction on deposited tailings
• lower raise rate because the deposited material has to settle and consolidate before further
• dust control at high winds

In order to construct a safe tailings dam using tailings and the upstream construction method
it is important to understand and know the:
• principles for upstream construction
• geotechnical properties of the tailings
• behavior of the tailings material
• water balance

This article does not discuss all four issues, but the geotechnical properties of the tailings.


Tailings are particles of crushed rock with particle sizes ranging from clay to sand. Normally,
the grain size varies from 0,01 mm to 1,0 mm, but up to 20 % clay-sized particles, i.e. 0,002
mm, can be found. Such variations occur dependent on sedimentation, site and processing
methods. Tailings could be regarded as natural materials as they are basically crushed rock,
but the fine material contains chemicals and metals, which may be environmentally harmful
when released in combination with water and air. They can be described in soil mechanical
terms and the geotechnical properties can partly be compared to natural materials. Yet,
tailings characteristics can diverge in their characteristics due to the variations in origin and
processing of the ore, as well as deposition methods. The origin affects the size and the
gradation of the grains, the internal friction angle and the particle density; whereas the
deposition method is responsible for bulk density, void ratio and porosity, and the hydraulic
conductivity. Tailings generally have high water content and porosity, a low to moderate
hydraulic conductivity and a low plasticity when compared to soil. The shear strength was
rated low to moderate by ICOLD, but found to be moderate to high in relation to the grain
size compared to natural material [2].

3.1 Shear strength

Direct shear tests and triaxial tests were carried out on tailings samples from Boliden’s mine
Aitik in northern Sweden. Samples were taken at different points from the outlet of the
pumping station at different depths. A test program for a variety of undisturbed samples
according to CPT-results was carried out. Samples with low CPT resistance are called
“loose”, whereas samples taken from depths with higher resistance are called “consolidated”.
Samples “from beach” are taken close to the discharge point at the dam crest. “Fabricated
samples” are tailings samples fabricated in the laboratory. Both loose and consolidated
samples from different depths in the impoundment were tested. Loose samples were taken at
depths ranging between 3-17m, whereas consolidated samples were taken at 12-20m depth. It
is not only the depth, but grain size and settlement that control the depositions influence on
the samples’ compaction and drainage. Direct shear tests where carried out on 18 samples,
where 15 samples where taken from boreholes and 3 samples where fabricated in the
laboratory. Consolidation was carried out at 20 kPa, 150 kPa, and 300 kPa, respectively.
Results are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Results from direct shear tests (drained) on tailings [4]

Sample Friction angle, respectively Inclination of stress path
Loose 24 / 22 / 20 c = 3,9 kPa φ’ = 19,4°
Loose, fabricated sample 33 / 22 / 19 c = 8,6 kPa φ’ = 18,2°
Consolidated 46* / 32 / 28 c = 13,7 kPa φ’ = 26,7°
Consolidated (from beach) 34 / 31 / 18 c = 9,4 kPa φ’ = 16,0°
Consolidated (from beach) 45 / 34 / 26 c = 8,9 kPa φ’ = 23,9°
* peak value

The angle of friction varies between 18° and 46° regarding single values, and it is even lower
when regarding the inclination of the failure envelope. The failure shear strength is obtained
from the deformation at 0,15 rad, a peak value was only obtained in one case. The friction
angle decreases with increasing consolidation stress. The evaluation of test results as shown in
Figure 3 contains both values for the angle of friction for each of the three points in the graph,
i.e. the inclination of the connecting line to the origin, and the angle of the envelope, which is
an approximation based upon linear regression from the failure shear strength at different
consolidation stresses. Even though tailings are considered non-cohesive, the stress path does
not intercept the origin on extension, thus implying a value for cohesion.

Figure 3. Principle for evaluation of results from direct shear tests [4]

The test program for triaxial tests included 12 tests, whereof 10 samples where taken from
boreholes and two samples where fabricated in the laboratory. Active isotrope consolidation
was carried out to in-situ stress. Pore pressure was measured in undrained conditions. Results
from the tests are shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Results from triaxial tests on tailings [4]
Sample Test Cons. Evaluation of φ’ Evaluation φ’ Evaluation φ’
conditions stress Deviatoric stress Residual stress 15% deformation
(maximum value)
Consolidated drained 140 40 35
Consolidated drained 200 37 32
Consolidated drained 300 39 37
Consolidated undrained 150 40
Loose drained 40 *42 *41
Loose drained 90 43
Loose drained 170 40 37
Loose undrained 40 41
Loose undrained 90 43 40
Loose undrained 170 41 40
Loose, fab. drained 40 40 38
Loose, fab. drained 100 38 36

Maximum deviatoric stresses have been evaluated in most of the tests. Those samples which
did not have a peak value were evaluated using a 15% deformation limit. In one case, marked
with *, a maximum value was reached after a 15% deformation. Results from triaxial tests do
not vary as much as results from direct shear tests, but friction angles are generally higher
compared to results from direct shear tests. Despite the larger variation of consolidation stress
in triaxial tests, the friction angle has a comparatively narrow range from 32°-43°.

3.2 Hydraulic conductivity

Tailings generally have a relatively low uniformity coefficient Cu between 3 and 8 [2]. The
value is not constant, as it varies with the distance to the discharge point because of the
sorting effect of sedimentation. The hydraulic deposition affects the properties of tailings, so
that the parameters change with distance from the outlet. The slurry’s flow, velocity and solid
content have additional effect on the sedimentation. With increasing distance from the outlet,
the bulk and grain density decrease, thus resulting in varying void ratio, porosity and dry
density. The dry density also decreases at larger distance, whereas both the void ratio and
porosity are relatively smaller closer to the discharge point [2].

Results from the study on tailings from different Swedish mines carried out by [2] are shown
in Table 3. The vertical hydraulic conductivity kv has been measured on undisturbed samples
and compared with calculated values. The hydraulic conductivity can be calculated in
numerous ways; well known empirical relationships are those from Hazen, Kozeny-Carman,
and Chapuis, which take grain size, porosity and particle shape differently into account.
Measured and calculated values have been compared to each other by calculation of a ratio.
Maximum and minimum values of measured and calculated values, as well as maximum and
minimum ratios are printed bold. Results vary significantly, so that the calculation of an
actual value by empirical relationships does not appear adequate. The study conducted by [2]
shows that observed values for void ratio and hydraulic conductivity do not correspond to
each other.
Table 3. Hydraulic conductivity of tailings [2]
Ratio Ratio Ratio
Measured Calculation Measurement Calculation Measurement Calculation Measurement
kv Hazen / Kozeny- / Chapuis /
Calculation Carman Calculation Calculation
Site [10-6m/s] [10-6m/s] [%] [10-6m/s] [%] [10-6m/s] [%]
Kiruna 14,7 36,00 40,8 12,20 120,5 64,34 22,8
6,08 49,00 12,4 51,56 11,8 263,99 2,3
5,67 39,96 14,3 23,99 23,6 124,62 4,5
16,3 56,25 29,0 19,25 84,7 92,12 17,7
18,7 39,69 47,1 18,08 103,4 93,35 20,0
2,54 1,00 254,0 0,50 510,1 5,73 44,3
Aitik 1,41 2,56 55,1 1,58 89,2 14,91 9,5
1,01 2,56 39,5 3,24 31,1 32,11 3,1
2,56 1,44 177,8 1,67 153,2 18,58 13,8
2,78 0,36 772,2 0,47 588,2 7,19 38,7
2,68 1,21 221,5 0,79 338,6 8,81 30,4
1,70 0,36 472,2 0,52 328,9 7,94 21,4
Zinkgruvan 5,41 4,00 135,3 2,92 185,0 25,22 21,4


Studies on shear parameters show that the variation of results is generally large, and that
results from direct shear tests vary more than those from triaxial tests. The angularity of
tailings may be one explanation for diverging results; the stress concentration at edges during
shear probably leads to further crushing and higher resistance to shear. Crushing and grinding
creates particles that are much more angular than natural grains. While natural material has
been tested and described extensively, tailings properties raise new questions. Porosity, shear
strength, and hydraulic conductivity are usually well-described properties for natural round
and well-graded material. Because of saturation and the lack of cohesion, the placement of an
undisturbed tailings sample in a triaxial test device is difficult to carry out, thus making
representative laboratory testing on tailings difficult.

Measurement and calculation of the hydraulic conductivity of tailings appears to be difficult

as the study shows that obtained values have a large variation and that increased void ratio
does not correspond to increased hydraulic conductivity. The nature of the hydraulic
deposition seems to play an important role. In addition, questions arise whether the flow
pattern in tailings is the same as in natural materials; shape, chemical and mineralogical
properties seem to affect the flow significantly.

This research study is part of the work within “Swedish Hydropower Center” SVC, which has
been established by the Swedish Energy Agency, Elforsk and Svenska Kraftnät together with
Luleå University of Technology, The Royal Institute of Technology, Chalmers University of
Technology and Uppsala University. The study is carried out in cooperation with the Swedish
mining industry and dam safety committee.


1. Bjelkevik, A. “Water Cover Closure Design for Tailings Dams-State of the Art Report”.
Research Report. Luleå University of Technology. 2005:19, 2005.

2. Bjelkevik, A. “Stability of tailings dams-Focus on water cover closure”. Licentiate thesis.

Luleå University of Technology. 2005:85, 2005.

3. Vick, S.G. “Planning, Design and Analysis of Tailings Dams”. BiTech Publishers Ltd.
Vancouver, Canada. 1990. ISBN 0-921095-12-0.

4. Pousette, K. ”Laboratorieförsök på anrikningssand från Aitik. Ödometerförsök,

skjuvförsök, triaxialförsök”. Internal working document, Luleå University of Technology.
Conference paper #2
Jantzer, I. and Knutsson, S. (2007)
Effects of Freezing and Thawing in Embankment Dams.

Proceedings of “International Symposium on Modern Technology of Dams – the

4th EADC Symposium”.
Chengdu, China. Oct. 14, 2007.
Isabel Jantzer Sven Knutsson
Dept of Civil, Mining and Env. Eng. Dept of Civil, Mining and Env. Eng.
Luleå University of Technology Luleå University of Technology
97187 Luleå, Sweden 97187 Luleå, Sweden

[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract: Embankment dams located in cold climate are subjected to freezing condition, which is
usually not taken into account in the design. Frost susceptible fill material may be exposed to frost
action, a process known for ice lens formation which increases water content and soil volume. Upon
thawing, rearrangement of particles takes place and the soil structure is altered. Fine grained soils may
therefore exhibit weak zones with reduced shear strength and increased hydraulic conductivity.
Internal erosion may start in such weak zones, thus causing problems for the dam construction.
Therefore, climate should be considered in order to find temperature distribution and pore pressures in
the embankment. A study of freezing effects has been carried out at the Suorva hydropower
embankment dam in northern Sweden. The study included field investigations, i.e. test pit excavation,
where weak zones have been observed. The comparison of results to those from temperature
calculations with a commercial finite element program showed that the core is exposed to frost action,
thus causing seepage problems.

Keywords Dam design, frost action, internal erosion .

1 Introduction
Construction in cold climate areas involves special engineering problems and designs in order to
manage the impact of freezing and thawing on the soil material. Such special problems generally refer
to unwanted movements and stress increases and it normally affects constructions like roads,
foundations, water pipes etc., but also dams are affected. The effects are most obvious in tailings dams
but also hydropower dams might be affected. This paper deals with a study of a frost exposed
hydropower dam in northern Sweden, where the length of winter varies from two months in the south
to 8 months in the north. The cold climate has significant influence on construction periods and

Most of the embankment dams in Sweden have been constructed during the 1950s and 1960s. A
common fill material used for the hydraulic barrier is glacial till, which has a complex grain size
distribution, ranging from clay to boulder. The relatively high amount of fines results in highly frost-
susceptible material. The constructions have been exposed to repeated freezing and thawing since

Cold climate can have significant influence on embankment dams both during the construction period
and the service life after construction. Effects of temperature and precipitation are not always taken
into account when making judgments on stresses, deformations or seepage.

One generally accepted definition of the term cold regions is that of areas with a minimum
seasonal frost penetration of 300 mm. Cold regions may be subdivided into permafrost regions, both
continuous or discontinuous, or seasonally frozen ground. Such regions are found in northern
America, Canada, parts of Europe and Asia.
2 Frost action and its effects on earth fill material
Civil engineering structures may suffer from climate impact in many different ways. Freezing
conditions in soil may result in frost heave and reduced bearing capacity upon thawing. Soil exposed
to repeated freezing and thawing processes may experience changes in its volume and structure, thus
altering properties such as strength, compressibility or hydraulic conductivity (Viklander, 1997).

2.1 Frost-susceptibillity and freezing index

Three conditions must exist for frost action to occur in a soil: Sufficiently cold temperatures for
freezing, the presence of a frost-susceptible material, and presence of water. The frost-susceptibility of
a soil is measured in terms of its behavior during frost heave and at thaw. The classification of a soil
regarding its frost-susceptibility can be done by laboratory frost heave tests. An approximate
classification of the frost-susceptibility of soils can be done by screening or based on the Unified Soil
Classification System [Andersland, 1994 #5]. However, many different methods have been suggested
for categorization, which implies that there is no generally accepted criterion.
In Sweden, four different frost-susceptibility classes are used for categorization: negligibly, low,
medium and highly frost-susceptible soils. The underlying criteria for classification are the percentage
of fine-grained material, the hydraulic conductivity and the capillary rise. Glacial till, which is
commonly used as hydraulic barrier in embankment dams in Sweden, has a complex grain-size
distribution ranging from clay to boulder. In order to fulfill its function as impermeable barrier, the
material has to meet several specifications: The content of fines is less than 40 % of the material
passing the 20 mm sieve. Out of these maximum 40 %, the fine-grain content < 0,06 mm is 15 to 40
%.The hydraulic conductivity should be 3 x 10-7 m/s to 3 x 10-9 m/s (RIDAS, 2004). With these
regulations, the material is supposed to be easily handled, with adequate bearing capacity and limited
separation of grains during placement. However, with this composition the material is frost-
susceptible: it is sufficiently fine-grained and permeable enough to support water transport to the
freezing front for ice lens formation. Further, it is dense enough for not draining away water very
easily during thaw and can therefore exhibit thaw weakening phenomena.

2.2 Frost heave and thaw weakening

Frost heave and ice lens formation are well-described processes, but is not very much studied in
relation to dams and dam design. The accumulation of ice in an embankment can be responsible for
regions with excess pore pressure and weak zones with increased seepage. This may start a process of
internal erosion and therefore frost action has to be considered in dam engineering. This paper
highlights the risk of internal erosion.
Ice lenses are formed perpendicular to the heat flow and therefore normally parallel to the ground
surface when the frost line advances into the soil and heat is extracted. A soil sample with an already
frozen upper part, an active growing ice lens, partly frozen pores and underlying unfrozen soil is
shown in Figure 1.

Water in the pores of the soil changes its state from liquid to solid due to the subfreezing
temperatures. However, not all water in the pores is frozen. Dependent on the capillarity effect and
surface absorption, some water remains unfrozen. The adsorbed water provides an unfrozen water film
creates a gradient which enables water transport along the temperature gradient. Thus, water from
lower parts in the soil profile can be sucked to the freezing plane. Below the active growing ice lens,
an area with partly frozen and liquid pore water grows. This so-called frozen fringe impedes the water
flow to the freezing plane. Water reaching the active growing ice lens at the frost front accumulates
and freezes.
Frozen soil with
ice lenses
Original surface

Active growing ice lens

Area with partly frozen
pores: ”frozen fringe”

Pore water
Unfrozen soil
drawn to

Tf Twater
(-) 0 (+)

Figure 1. Frost heave process (Andersland and Ladanyi, 1994)

The rate at which ice lenses are created depends on the rate of heat extraction and water flow. The
ice lens will grow as long as the conditions of freezing temperatures and water supply in the plane
prevail. Once the ice pressure becomes larger than the overburden pressure, the soil skeleton will be
lifted up. When the freezing temperatures advance deeper in the ground, a new ice lens will grow at a
lower level.
During ice lens formation, the pore pressures in the soil follow a cyclic pattern which has been
described by Eigenbrod et al. (1996). Results of freezing tests showed that the pore-water pressure in
the soil increases along with temperature increase. The repeating process is initiated with ice lens
growth and expansion into unfrozen soil, hence increasing the pressure on unfrozen pore water. The
increased pore water pressure results in an increased suction force, followed by pore pressure
decrease. The effective stress becomes larger and compression of the soil occurs. Again, the pore
pressure increases and the effective stress decreases, thus accelerating the ice lens formation. This
process is summarized in

Figure 2.
Active growing ice lens
⇒ Expands into unfrozen
Pore water
pressure increases
⇒ creates pressure on
unfrozen pore water

Effective stress
Pore water increases Pore water
pressure ⇒ Compression pressure
increases of soil decreases

Figure 2. Cyclic pattern of pore-water pressures during ice lens formation

Thawing in the ground proceeds normal to the ground surface, thus creating melting water in the
pores. Here, the temperature is lower deeper down in the ground, so that lower parts in the soil remain
frozen and the downward drainage path is blocked. Water has to move laterally or upwards. Due to
the water-ice accumulation during the frost heave process, excess pore pressures and reduced shear
strength and bearing capacity results.

2.3 Structural changes

Freezing and thawing causes water migration, ice lens formation, excess pore pressures and
displacements in the soils fabric. Heaving forces due to ice pressure and dissipating melt water from
thawing are responsible for movement of soil particles. When freezing and thawing occur repeatedly,
the rearrangement of the grains leads to structural changes. Structural changes have been summarized
by Viklander (1997). These are, among others, changes in the pore water distribution, volume,
strength, compressibility, and Atterberg limits. Significant changes for embankment dam engineering
are the formation of cracks, particle movements and increasing hydraulic conductivity.
Structural effects are dependent on the grain-size distribution, specific surface of particles, and the
amount of adsorbed water which govern the amount of unfrozen water and thereby suction force and
water migration during freezing. Due to the cohesion of a fine-grained soil, the cracks which
developed during freezing are not closed. The lower hydraulic conductivity of fine-grained soils does
not have a sufficient drainage capacity during thawing. Water remains in the cracks, thus leaving
paths open for water flow. Coarse grained soils exhibit self-healing and drainage capacity as particles
can move and fill the cracks when melting water is drained.
Both the initial void ratio and degree of compaction are essential for the effects on hydraulic
conductivity (Viklander, 1997). An originally loose, poorly compacted soil may become denser during
cyclic freezing and thawing. It will increase its volume during freezing, but become better compacted
when water dissipates after thawing. The thawing consolidation reduces the void ratio and the
hydraulic conductivity. On the other hand, originally dense and compacted material may be subject to
increasing hydraulic conductivity and void ratio after freeze/thaw. The repeated freezing and thawing
loosens the structure of the soil. Studies on fine grained till carried out by Viklander showed that the
hydraulic conductivity increased at least 10 times when exposed to freeze-thaw cycles.


Unfrozen Frozen Thawed

Increased void
ratio and

Unfrozen Frozen Thawed

Figure 3. Effects of freezing and thawing on fine-grained till (Viklander, 1997)

3 Internal erosion
Failure statistics carried out by Foster et al. (2000) showed that internal erosion through the
embankment is the second largest failure mode after overtopping for large embankment dams. It was
found that a large portion of erosion accidents occurs in earth-rock fill dams with a central core of
broadly graded material with glacial origin, and that glacial core materials have a larger tendency to
initiate piping than materials of other origin.
Terms such as piping and hydraulic fracturing are commonly used in connection with internal
erosion. Piping generally refers to a process of backward or concentrated erosion such as shown in
Figure 4, where a ‘pipe’ develops in the core from an exit seepage point. Two different modes of
erosion have been identified: backward erosion or piping, starting at the downstream part of the core
and regressing to the upstream side (Figure 4a), and concentrated leakage, where piping develops
directly from the water source inside the core to an exit point (Figure 4b).


Figure 4. Principles of erosion (Fell, 2005)

Hydraulic fracturing is commonly used to explain the cracking of the core due to settlements from
reservoir filling, creating a condition of reduced effective stress which allows water to enter and open
a path for leakage. Hydraulic fracturing has been questioned in terms of the condition of zero effective
stress, allowing water to penetrate and open a pipe. Whether the stress condition in the embankment
can support hydraulic fracturing may be questioned, since it appears unlikely that the total stress
condition is equal to the hydraulic pressure. However, zones with cracks or increased porosity may
not only be caused by differential settlements or other movements. These loose parts of the structure
can very well be caused by the impact of freezing and thawing which will be showed here.
Piping and internal erosion occurs when the following conditions are met: A water source, seepage
flow, and erodible material in the seepage path, an exit where the eroded material can escape, and the
presence of a material which can support a so-called ‘roof’ for the pipe (Fell, 2005).
Cracks or wet seams in earthfill cores have been reported to be responsible for concentrated leaks.
Such phenomena may be observed during the first filling of a reservoir, in connection with inadequate
filter layers, or settlements. Sherard (1985) reports experiences from homogeneous dams where wet
areas with completely saturated soil have been observed.

4 Freezing effects in embankment dams

Few cases of dam constructions experiencing frost action have been reported so far. The Waterloo
Lake Dam in Saskatchewan, Canada, was completed in 1961 as zoned earth-rockfill structure.
Deterioration due to frost action was identified from the first winter. Longitudinal cracks in the crest
and the downstream face have been subscribed to ice lens formation in the silt core. Test bore holes
showed that the frost penetrated 2,7 - 3,0 m into the hydraulic barrier, and that water was drawn from
the reservoir to the freezing plane. Thawing and consolidation of the permafrost foundation was made
responsible for the cracks in the upstream face (Solymar, 1983).
Paré et al. (1982) report on observations on frost penetration into glacial till. Even though damage
due to frost was not regarded being common for embankment dams, longitudinal fissures and ice lens
formation has been recorded at the Whitehorse dam in the Yukon, Canada. A study on frost depth
penetration in glacial till was carried out, showing that maximum frost depth of 12 ft., i.e. 4 m was
reached in the dyke crest of Lac Jacques.
An overview of some uncertainties in embankment dam engineering in terms of cold climate has
been given by Milligan (2003). These uncertainties refer to cold climate conditions both during and
after construction.

5 Freezing effects in the Eastern Suorva hydropower dam

The Suorva dams are three embankment dams, the Eastern Suorva dam, Sågviks dam, and the Western
Suorva dam, regulating Sweden’s second largest reservoir and most important hydropower source. All
three dams are rockfill dams with a central core of glacial till. A sketch of the construction is shown in
Figure 5.

Figure 5. Basic cross-section of the Eastern Suorva dam (Jantzer, 2006)

Suorva is located north of the artic circle in a mountain region which is known for cold winters and
severe wind conditions. The mountain valley is known for wind channeling effects and measurements
showed that Sourva is Sweden’s windiest inland location. The Swedish Meteorological and
Hydrological Institute SMHI measured a mean annual temperature of – 0,4°C in this area over a 30-
year period from 1961 to 1990. The Suorva dams were constructed during 1966 to 1972 and have
since then been exposed to annual freezing and thawing cycles.

5.1 Field investigations

Tests pit excatations was carried out at the Eastern Suorva dam during the summer 2004. The original
dam crest was removed and the condition of the material in the core examined.

Four test pits in different sections of the dam were excavated. The pits had a side length of 2 – 4 m
and were excavated by the help of an excavator. Disturbed samples were collected in each test pit at
five levels: 0,0 m, 0,5 m, 1,0 m, 1,5 m, and 2,0 m.
Visual inspections as well as collection of samples from pits were expected to provide information of
whether the core had been exposed to freeze/thaw cycles or not. If freezing had occurred, the
inspections were estimated to reveal in which way such frost action had influenced the fill material. In
case of freezing, the material was expected to be layered and to show visible water accumulations;
differences in the grain-size distribution, water content or varying dry density were hypothesized to be
For documentation of the condition of the moraine core, pictures were taken. In addition, the
temperatures were measured when the soil felt unusually cold during sampling. A few selected
pictures will be presented here to give a general overview of the observed aspects.

Results of field investigations

During field investigations, the overall impression was that the soil was comparatively cold in
comparison with the air temperatures, and that the soil had a layered structure with a considerable
higher water content in upper regions at a depth around 0,30 – 0,80 m. Three of the four test pits
showed such similar features. In case of one test pit, no water accumulation or low temperature was
measured. The material was homogeneous and did not give information about freezing processes. The
samples taken from the Eastern Suorva dam section 750 are significant for observations of
temperature and water content and will therefore be discussed in detail.
Field investigations in section 750 were carried out on July 5th, 2004, on a sunny day with
temperatures around 25 °C. The material on top of the core was removed right before excavation of
the test pit, which included a layer of boulders and an insulation layer. Remains from measures against
leakage in the embankment dam were found, such as standpipes which had been used for bentonite
grouting, see Figure 6. (Jantzer, 2005)



Figure 6. Surface of test pit in section 750. Note leftover standpipes from grouting as well as stones and
boulder. (Jantzer, 2005)

While the top layer of fill material was dry and well-graded, it appeared to have an increased
moisture content already at an excavation level of 0,3 m, see Figure 7. The soil seemed to be
completely saturated at this point and water was expelled when pressure was imposed by setting a foot
on it. The consistency varied from very soft to an almost liquid state. The water content was found to
be extremely high and the temperatures of the soil comparatively low, even though the weather
conditions warm and dry, see Figure 7. The water content ranged from a minimum of 6,6 % at level
2,0 m to a maximum of 13,4 % at 0,5 m. (Jantzer, 2005)
Temp [°C] W [%]
3,3 11,4

0,3 – 0,8 m 1,8 13,9


2,0 8,4

1,6 10,4
Crack with high water content,
Temperature measurement see 1,3 6,6
Figures 5,6,7

Depth [m]

Figure 7. Overall view of the trench and summary of values for water content and temperatures
measured of the excavated test pit. (Jantzer, 2005)

At a depth of 1,0 m the moisture content changed considerably to a much lower value: 8,4 %. A
horizontal fracture was found at 0,5 m depth and when excavation reached this level a long gap was
left open, see Figure 8. The surrounding area was wet and was found to have temperatures of about
1,7 °C to 1,9 °C in comparison to 3,3 °C in the upper layer and 2,0 °C in the lower layer. It was
obvious that the moraine core had been frozen at this level, see Figures 9, and 10. (Jantzer, 2005)


Figure 8. Fractured moraine core at level 0,4- 0,5 m. (Jantzer, 2005)

wet zone

Figure 9. Wet area in the fracture after removing loose material. (Jantzer, 2005)

Figure 10. Temperature measurement showing 1,7 °C in the area of moisture accumulation. (Jantzer,

The grain-size distributions of samples from the test pit in section 750 are shown in Figure 11. It was noted that
the particle-size distribution from level 2,0 m was coarser compared with the other four samples, and that
samples taken between 0,0 m and 1,5 m were more fine-grained. The difference was associated with the
comparatively high water content at upper levels, thus implicating that fine-grained material is more frost
susceptible, and that water is collected preferably in such locations. (Jantzer, 2005)

C lay & s ilt S an d G ravel




0,0 0 m
60 0,5 0 m
1,0 0 m
50 1,5 0 m
2,0 0 m

30 W aterc ontent:

20 0,0 0 m: 11 ,4 %
0,5 0 m: 13 ,9 %
1,0 0 m: 8,4 %
1,5 0 m: 10 ,4 %
0,0 6 0,1 2 20 60 2,0 0 m: 6,6 %
0,01 1 10 100

Figure 11. Grain-size distribution and water content section 750. (Jantzer, 2005)
In order to be able to draw conclusions about impact of frost action, pictures, analysis of water
content and temperature measurement were much more significant than the comparison of grain-size
distributions. As the water content was exceptionally high in some places, and the temperatures at the
same time low compared to the air temperatures, it was likely that the soil had been frozen. A
summary of these values is given in Table 2.

Table 2. Comparison water content values and temperature

Test pit
section 650 700 750 200
Temp Temp
Level w [%] w [%] [°C] w [%] [°C] w [%]
0,0 m 6,9 7,6 4,4 - 3,8 11,4 3,3 6,5
0,5 m 6,5 7,7 - 13,9 1,9 - 1,7 7,1
1,0 m 6,8 6,9 2,3 - 2,1 8,4 2,0 6,8
1,5 m 7,3 8,1 1,9 10,4 1,6 7,6
2,0 m 7,7 7,2 1,6 6,6 1,3 6,6
Mean value Ø 7,04 7,50 10,14 6,92

It was assumed that ice lens formation had been taking place in section 750, where the soil was found
to be saturated and temperatures between 1,3 to 3,3 °C were measured. Other observations such as
cracks or a layered structure were made in almost all test pits, mostly at depths between approximately
0,3 m to 0,8 m. Nevertheless, evidence for effects of frost action, such as changes in structure, density,
volume, permeability or particle movements is not given.

5.2 Temperature calculations

Temperature calculations were performed by a FEM program in order to illustrate the penetration of
the frost line during winter. One simplified sketch of the model is shown in Figure 12. The vertical
and horizontal scales differ.
The result of this calculation is displayed in Figure 12. It can be noticed that the freezing plane had
advanced into the moraine core approximately two meters and is marked by 0 °C isotherm. Again, the
water saturated part of the dam body is comparatively warmer than the rest of the dam body because
of seepage.

Figure 12. Calculated temperatures in the beginning of May, 2004.

6 Discussion
The field investigations showed that the core of the dam actually is exposed to freezing; a frost line at
a depth of about 0,3 – 0,8 m was found. Layered structures, water content and temperatures of the
moraine core give evidence for frost actions. The soil displayed different formations: it appeared
partly to be homogeneous, well-graded and dry, while other tests showed that the water content was
comparatively high and the soils temperature pointed at being close to the freezing point. A
comparison of water content and temperatures gives evidence for freezing of the core.
With regard to wind conditions, which have not been included in the analysis, it is assumed that the
freezing plane advances even deeper down in the central core. The water table, which tends to be
lower during winter time, reduces the possibility to warm up the inner part of the dam because of
seepage, as water passing through the dam during winter has a comparatively warmer temperature
than the air. Because of wind snow usually not cover the embankment dam. Snow can act as
insulation for ground in general. This factor will also increase the frost front advance.
Thermal modeling with the finite element program gives additional evidence that the hydraulic
barrier of the dam is exposed to freezing and thawing. Using an annual mean temperature of -0,4°C,
the results show that the frost front advances approximately 2 m into the core. The calculations were
carried out several times with varying values for the mean annual temperature, water table and
construction of the dam to be able to asses the variation of frost line depth. Freezing does even occur
in filter zones but these calculations show that frost action has to be considered.

7 Conclusions
During field investigations it was found that the soil had a layered structure, a comparatively high
water content, and low temperatures. The features were typical for soil structures affected by frost.
The frost depth was found to range between 0,3 m to 0,8 m from the top of the moraine core.
Calculations carried out with a commercial finite element program confirmed the observations. The
calculations, which were based on the actual temperatures measured in the area, showed that the frost
front could advance to a depth of 2 m down to 5 m into the core. This supported the idea that the dam
had been exposed to freezing and thawing.

However, it is not possible to draw conclusions about in which way the freezing actions affect the core
and the filter zones. Detailed information about porosity, void ratio and permeability is needed in
order to be able to compare the condition of the core today with the condition right after construction.
A thorough analysis of these properties would be necessary. However, it is highly probable that
freezing and thawing has caused structural changes of the core material, thus affecting critical
parameters like hydraulic conductivity. This is believed to be able to be the start of an internal erosion

Acknowledgements is given to Vattenfall AB, Sweden for providing me with information about the
dam and giving me the chance to perform the field tests. SVC (Swedish Hydropower Center) is also
acknowledged for financial support like Luleå University och Technology.

O.B. Andersland and B. Ladanyi. An Introduction to Frozen Ground Engineering. Chapman & Hall,
New York, USA. 1994.

K.D. Eigenbrod, S. Knutsson, and D. Sheng. Pore-water pressures in freezing and thawing fine-
grained soils. Journal of Cold regions Engineering, Volume 10, number 2, pages 77-92, 1996.
M. Foster, R.Fell and M. Spannagle. The statistics of embankment dam failures and accidents.
Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Volume 37, pages 1000-1024, 2000.

Jantzer, I.. A documentation of the Eastern Suorva dam core. Field investigations and thermal
modeling regarding frost action. Master’s thesis 2005:076, Luleå University of Technology. ISSN
1402-1617, 2005

V. Milligan. Some Uncertainties in Embankment Dam Engineering. Journal of Geotechnical and

Geoenvironmental Engineering, Volume 129, number 9, pages 785-797, 2003.

D.K.J. Noonan, L.H. Smith, and V. Milligan. The use of insulation to provide frost protection for the
Waterloo Dam in northern Saskatchewan. Proc., 35th Canadian Geotechnical Conf., Volume 2, 1982.

J.J.Paré, J.G. Lavallée and P. Rosenberg. Frost penetration studies in glacial till on the James Bay
hydroelectric complex.. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Volume 15, pages 473-493, 1978.

P. Viklander. Compaction and Thaw Deformation of Frozen Soil. Permeability and Structural Effects
due to Freezing and Thawing. Doctoral thesis. Luleå University of Technology. 1997:22.

RIDAS. Kraftföretagens Riktlinjer för Damm Säkerhet (Swedish HydropowerIindrustry Dam Safety
Guidelines). 2004.

J.L. Sherard. Hydraulic Fracturing in Embankment Dams. In: Seepage and Leakage from Dams and
Impoundments. R.L. Volpe and W.E. Kelly (eds). ASCE, New York. 1985.

Z.V. Solymar and J.O.H. Nunn. Frost sensitivity of core materials. Case histories. Canadian
Geotechnical Journal, Volume 20, pages 373-384, 1983.
Conference paper #3
Jantzer, I. and Knutsson, S. (2007)
Seepage and Critical Hydraulic Gradients in Tailings Dams and Natural

Proceedings of “2nd International Conference on Porous Media and its

Applications in Science and Engineering” ICPM2.
Kauai, Hawaii, USA. June 19, 2007.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Porous Media and its Applications in Science and
June 17-22, 2007, Kauai, Hawaii, USA



Isabel Jantzer and Sven Knutsson

Department of Civil Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, 97187 Luleå, Sweden

Embankment dams, both water Retention Dams Dams are designed and constructed to retain water for
(WRD) and tailings dams, are constructed of granular different purposes, such as the production of
material. Natural seepage flow through porous media, hydropower, irrigation, and flood control, or in special
i.e. soil, rock, and tailings, occurs in all types of dams. cases for the storage of mining waste. Natural seepage
During this process, particles in the porous media are flow through porous media, i.e. soil, rock, and tailings,
exposed to hydraulic gradients. Under certain occurs in all kinds of dams, either through the dam
circumstances seepage can initiate internal erosion body itself, through the foundation of the dam or close
which can seriously damage the construction, to the abutments. Seepage through dams is generally
eventually resulting in serious accidents or failure. The not considered being a problem, as long as the amount
process starts when a critical hydraulic gradient is of seeping water through the structure can be
reached, which may vary with the way of construction, controlled and no particle migration is involved.
materials used and its properties and compaction. This However, if particle transport occurs and seepage is
is of special importance for dams constructed of mine exceeding, internal erosion may result, with serious
waste, i.e. tailings dams, where the stability and consequences of damage or breach of the dam.
function has to be guaranteed over very long time The phenomenon of internal erosion is commonly
periods (>1000 years). Here, seepage, internal erosion discussed in reference to two groups of dams:
and the corresponding critical gradient are fundamental embankment dams, i.e. water retention dams (WRD)
parameters. It is not clear under which circumstances and tailings dams, where water flow through the dam
the process of internal erosion begins, i.e. when one body occurs. In Scandinavia, WRD are often made of
particle in the system starts to move, thus creating a natural materials such as soil and rock and known as
further process of particle transportation in the system. earth- and rockfill dams. They can be homogeneous or
A common way to control seepage, filter layers are zoned; the latter referring to a structure with some
included in the construction. However, erosion, piping impervious core, filter, and rockfill, shown in Figure 1.
or sinkholes are still observed.
Different models on the hydraulic conductivity and
hydraulic gradient are presented and discussed.
Properties of tailings in comparison with natural
geological materials are identified. Observations from
several natural geological formations in Sweden,
which have fulfilled the function of a dam since the
last glaciation, are presented and the critical hydraulic
gradients with respect to vary long time periods are
Figure 1: Example of zoned embankment dam(Fell et
al. 2005): (1) Core, (2) Filter zones, (3) rock fill, (4) rip

Tailings dams are constructed with by-products from

mining activities. Their purpose is often to store both
mining waste and process water. Tailings are a result
from the process of crushing rock and extracting ore.
This refining process leaves material in a typical grain
size corresponding to silt and sand, and the particles
may be toxic if released to the environment.
A main difference between WRD and tailings dams
besides the maximum hydraulic gradient is their life
time, and with that surveillance and maintenance. NOMENCLATURE
WRD can theoretically be removed when they are not
longer needed, i.e. their design life is finite. In WRD = Water retention dam
addition, they are subject to regular monitoring and v = Flow velocity
surveillance. On the contrary, tailings dams need to be k = Hydraulic conductivity
stable over long time spans, even after the closure of i = Hydraulic gradient
mining activities. Tailings storage facilities are Dα = Grain size of filter material with
designed to fulfil their purpose under an ‘infinite’ α% mass of smaller particles
period; they have to be free of maintenance to dα = Grain size of base material
guarantee the safe storage over a time period of
α% mass of smaller particles
‘thousands of years’, i.e. to the next glaciations.
De = Characteristic grain size
In order to control seepage, homogeneous embankment
Cu = Coefficient of uniformity
dams as well as tailings dams are normally exposed to
kh = hydraulic conductivity in
low hydraulic gradients. Zoned earth and rock dams
horizontal direction
are designed and built to withstand higher hydraulic
kv = hydraulic conductivity in
gradients. Each zone has a particular purpose giving a
vertical direction
structure with a material combination of acceptable
τf = shear strength in failure plane
permeability and stability. Filter zones between the
core and rockfill comprise intermediate grain size φ’ = friction angle of material
distributions. Filters are designed to fulfil two basic β = slope angle
functions: the proper drainage for the reduction of pore γ’ = buoyant unit weight
pressure, and the prevention of particle transport.
It is not clear under which circumstances the process of
internal erosion begins and when a particle starts to 1 Seepage and internal erosion
move. The study of internal erosion has included filter Natural seepage occurs in all kinds of dams, either
criteria, filtering and internal stability characteristics, through the foundation of the dam, the abutments or
critical hydraulic gradients, and even statistical through the dam body itself. This is basically not a
approaches. However, even though filters have been problem, as long as the hydraulic gradient is
provided and materials have been tested, erosion and sufficiently low, so all particles stay in place and the
sinkholes are still observed. construction remains stable. When hydraulic forces
Because of the increasing demand of metals and exceed and particles start to move, a zone develops
minerals the mining industry is prospering. It has where further migration of grains is possible, which
become economic to mine low-grade deposits, which may result in internal erosion or piping.
in turn leads to the production of large quantities of The problem with internal erosion is that it is a
fine grained waste material that has to be stored. complex, non-visible process, which makes it difficult
Former small mines producing a relatively small to describe and understand. Most often internal erosion
amount of tailings have to meet challenging is observed when the process already has progressed so
requirements on tailings treatment. Their tailings far that it is detected by measurements, or visible on
storage facilities have been constructed in stages and the sides of the dam. At this point, it is too late to
developed in stages, sometimes not according to recent determine the initial action.
knowledge and design standards. Nevertheless, the Some generally accepted basic principles have,
stability has to be guaranteed. Considerations of the however, been explained by Fell et al. (2005). Four
critical hydraulic gradient therefore become vital for conditions have been recognized being essential for
such structures. internal erosion or piping to occur: (1) the existence of
In Sweden, it has been observed that several natural a water flow, (2) erodible material in this path which is
geological formations in Sweden have fulfilled the carried away by the seepage flow, (3) an open exit for
function of a dam since the last glaciations, i.e. the eroded material, (4) material which is capable to
approximately 10000 years, although they do not create and support a pipe. Two different modes of
comprise any filtering or stabilizing layer. These erosion in a dam have been distinguished: backward
evidently successful structures lead to the assumption erosion and concentrated piping. The difference
that we can learn from nature. An analysis of material between these two is the initiation of the process:
properties and critical hydraulic gradient is carried out backward erosion (Figure 2a) refers to a leakage on the
and compared with conventional information and downstream part of the dam progressing backwards to
models. The study is limited to non-cohesive materials the upstream side. Concentrated piping (Figure 2b)
to meet the conditions of coarse grained structures in develops in the dam by cracking or leakage directly
WRD and tailings dams. from the water source to an exit point, where the pipe
grows and the erosion increases.


Figure 2: Principles of erosion (Fell et al. 2005)

Other terms used in this context are ‘suffosion’ and 2.1 Hydraulic conductivity
‘hydraulic fracturing’. Suffosion is the washing out of The hydraulic conductivity k is a basic property
fine particles in a soil and implies internal instability, dependent on the structure of the soil, i.e. particle size
i.e. filtering incapability (Fell et al. 2005). Hydraulic distribution, fabric and mineralogical composition,
fracturing has been discussed by Sherard, who states void ratio and degree of saturation. Besides that, the
that differential settlements in a dam can cause stress type of flow, the nature of the fluid and temperature
redistribution and zones with zero or tensile stress, has influence. In geotechnical engineering, the
where water can penetrate and result in leakage hydraulic conductivity is often simply referred to as
(Sherard 1986). Whether or not the stress condition in coefficient of permeability. Using the term
the dam body may enhance the development of permeability may, however, be confusing, as it does
hydraulic fracturing could be questioned, as the total not take the viscosity of the fluid into account. The
stress condition does not seem likely to be equal to the hydraulic conductivity of a soil may exhibit a large
hydraulic pressure, thus reducing the effective stress to variety of values as a function of void ratio.
zero regarding non-cohesive soils. However, Darcy’s law is the empirical relationship between the
differential settlements and movement of material from flow velocity v, the hydraulic gradient i and the
different zones relatively to each other may cause hydraulic conductivity k of a soil:
zones with increased porosity. Circumstances during
construction, such as poor compaction and separation v = k ⋅i (1)
of the material during placement may contribute to the
development of such weak zones. To measure the hydraulic conductivity of a soil,
Extensive statistic studies recognized internal erosion laboratory tests are performed; the principle is shown
as being one of the major incidents and failure causes, in Figure 3. Special attention has to be given to the
both regarding WRD and tailings dams. Foster et al. preparation of the soil sample, as the saturation and
published a study on the statistics of dam failures and presence of air bubbles may become sources of error.
accidents where it was stated that almost half of all
known failures were related to piping (Foster et al.
2000). h
Bjelkevik analyzed Swedish tailings dams and found
that more than 30% of incidents reported from Swedish
tailings dams were related to internal erosion. Failures
and incidents were mainly associated with earth- and
rock fill material (Bjelkevik 2005b). Q l
2 Theory
The interaction between soil and seeping water is a
compound process involving the soils characteristics
and stability when exposed to a hydraulic gradient.
Figure 3: Standard laboratory test to measure the
Successful filtration depends on the composition of the
hydraulic conductivity of a soil
coarse grained materials, the hydraulic gradient and
flow velocity. When no grains are washed out the
Unfortunately, such laboratory testing depends on the
material is regarded being stable. Instability and
reliability of the sample. It is difficult to obtain a
particle transport, i.e. internal erosion, implicates
representative, i.e. more or less undisturbed sample
increased hydraulic conductivity and deformation. The
under laboratory conditions. Testing clay samples
multiple natures of such an event and the lacking
almost always involves some kind of erosion processes
possibility to observation make explanations difficult.
in the testing device, where the walls of the test mould
serve as part of a ‘pipe’. Such dense material often 1996): To control erosion the relation between filter
needs to be tested under large hydraulic gradients to (D) and base (d) material D15/d85 ≤ 4 should be met, to
obtain results. guarantee permeability and drainage D15/d15 ≥ 4. The
The value of the hydraulic conductivity of a soil tested index indicates the grain size for which 15% or 85% is
in laboratory conditions is, besides that, a value for the finer, respectively.
vertical conductivity kv. However, the horizontal These two basic rules have been modified, refined, and
conductivity kh and the relation between horizontal and adapted to different countries’ materials and practices
vertical conductivity is an important factor for by a number of researchers. Extensive test programs
embankment dam engineering and may vary have been carried out by Sherard et al. (1984), Lafleur
significantly from the test result. In-situ testing of (1984), Lafleur et al. (1989), and Kenney and Lau
undisturbed soil may therefore regarded being more (1985), with the aim to account for filtration and filter
reliable. Such in-situ tests are well-pumping or criteria. Despite all studies and testing, the concept of
borehole tests. These methods may give results taking ensuring drainage and retaining particles by using filter
the horizontal hydraulic conductivity into account. The criteria is still in use. Sherard et al. (1984) considered
water flow measured comprises both a vertical and that they ‘employ the appropriate characteristics of the
horizontal component. Yet, also field testing implies filter and the base’, so that the ratio ‘should be
factors of disturbance and unknown sources of error, continued as the main criterion for judging filter
so that additional laboratory tests are usually needed. acceptability’. Åberg (1993) stated that the criteria
To calculate the hydraulic conductivity of a soil, were logical because of the defining grain size D15 for
different equations have been introduced by Kozeny pore size and permeability. Moreover, Terzaghis rules
and Carman, Hazen, and recently by Chapuis. In were approved by Fannin and Moffat through
general, laminar flow is assumed. The relationship laboratory testing in 2006.
proposed by Kozeny and improved by Carman takes Both the hydraulic conductivity and the internal
the void ratio, the specific surface area and specific stability of a soil are related to the size of the grains.
weight of the soil into account. In addition, the The inherent stability against particle loss has been
viscosity and a factor for pore shape and ratio for ascribed to the shape of the gradation curve, i.e. the
actual flow length path are considered. Hazen, on the coefficient of uniformity, which will be explained in
other hand, suggested a simple formula from his works the next section. The hydraulic conductivity of a soil is
with sand, where the hydraulic conductivity was influenced by the size of the pore channels in the soil
directly related to the ‘effective grain size’ D10. The matrix. Kenney et al. noted that the size of the pores
deficiency in both these relationships is that only primarily depends on a representative grain size,
particle size and void ration are regarded. Hazen’s whereas the shape of the complete gradation curve was
formula only refers to the particle size. The noted to have a minor effect on the pore size channels
composition, soil fabric and saturation are not included in the soil structure (Kenney 1984).
(Lambe and Whitman 1969). Chapuis presented a Researchers have, on the other hand, not come to an
method for estimation of the hydraulic conductivity as agreement on the actual grain size that governs this
recent as in 2004, regarding both the effective diameter property. Hazen found in 1892 that the relationship
and void ratio of the soil. The method may be applied between pore size and hydraulic conductivity was
to clean sand and gravel and is an extension of Hazen’s proportional, and that an increase in hydraulic
formula, which did not take the actual porosity into conductivity is related to the square of a ‘characteristic
account (Chapuis 2004). grain size’ De (Terzaghi 1996). The characteristic grain
size that governed the hydraulic conductivity was set to
2.2 Filters and filter criteria D10, i.e. a 10% limit of the particles of the soil. Kenney
The concept of filter criteria for a base soil – filter et al. (1984) stated that the permeability was primarily
system is related to the idea of internal stability or self- dependent on the finer particles with the grain size D5.
filtering of a material. Filtering or stability implies that Sherard et al. (1984) found this grain size to be D15,
the structure of the material prevents the transport and whereas Fell et al. (205) agree with Hazen on D10
loss of particles through voids. A filter that has the task being the defining factor. This discussion shows the
of protecting a base soil is commonly designed in variety of views; a consensus seems to be difficult to
respect to the gradation of the base soil, which usually reach. Nevertheless, it is generally agreed on that it is
has a larger content of fines than the filter. Thus, the the fine particles and roughly 5 to 15 % of the soil
grain size distribution of the filter has to be adjusted so which affect the hydraulic conductivity considerably.
that the voids are sufficiently small. The same applies The reason for transport and washout of particles is the
basically in case of only one material; the soil would inability of the porous material to filtrate and provide
be considered self filtering or internally stable if its internal stability. The grading stability of a soil is
gradation is such that no particles are lost. primarily based on its grain size distribution. Again,
Traditionally, the ratio between grain sizes of base soil the size of the pores and loose grains inside the pores
and filter has been applied to prevent erosion. The play a major role.
geometrical criteria present relatively easy applicable The soils structure was described by Kenney and Lau
design and construction rules, since they are (1985) being consistent of two units, a primary fabric
independent from the hydraulic condition. Terzagi which transfers load and stress, and loose particles in
introduced a basic concept for designing filters in the the voids of the primary fabric. The loose particles
early 1920’s by establishing two rules (Terzaghi, have the ability to move through the skeleton of
coarser particles. Skempton and Brogan (1994) found sedimentation of the tailings takes place. An
that internally unstable sand experienced fine grain impoundment may be created by natural heights and/or
migration. This was explained by Kenneys theory of a tailings. The tailings settle, and clarified water is either
load carrying skeleton where the smaller particles do re-circulated to processing, released into a river or
not transfer effective stress, see Figure 4. stream, or is left for evaporation in arid climate.
When the mining activities come to an end and the
facility is closed down, mining structures and office
buildings are subject to decommission. The tailings
storage facility, i.e. the tailings dam and the
impoundment, however, will be left. These facilities
have to be taken care of in order to provide security
against containment. The safety and stability has to be
guaranteed over a long time period, which has been
defined covering > 1000 years (Bjelkevik 2005b).
Figure 4: Example of stable and unstable soils Two methods can be applied for the remediation of
(a) internally stable material, (b) unstable gap-graded tailings dams: the dry method or the wet method. The
material, (c) unstable material with loose large grains. dry method implies the complete drainage of the
material and coverage against weathering and
While the hydraulic conductivity has been recognized oxidation. Enclosure of tailings by an artificial lake is
being strongly dependent on the amount and size of referred to as wet method, and this technique is subject
soil particles between D5 and D15, the filtering ability to this report.
of a soil has been related to the shape of the total grain The disposal of tailings in a dam construction and
size distribution. For instance, filter criteria concerning coverage with water is the most cost effective and
the ratio between base and filter have sometimes been practical way of handling mine waste. Using tailings in
extended with recommendations such as that in the the embankment construction reduces the amount of
USBR method: The curves of the base soil and the natural material, which makes this solution relatively
filter should be parallel (Fell et al. 2005). On the inexpensive. Yet, it is difficult to ensure the safety and
contrary, Sherard (1984) found that such a similar stability of the pond and the surrounding embankment.
shape of gradation curves is not necessary. However, The water balance has to be maintained even during
broadly graded or gap graded soils may display a lack extreme events, such as drought or flood. Focus for the
of certain grain sizes that are needed for an optimum in long term stability lies on the embankment dams, with
structure, pore sizes and successful filtration. the hydraulic gradient and pore pressure as critical
Suggestions on the shape of the grading curve by properties in question.
means of the coefficient of uniformity Cu, i.e. the ratio
D60/D10, have not been clearly expressed. Yet, most 3.1 Construction of tailings dams
filter tests have been carried out using uniformly Various fundamental methods for the construction of
graded material with a coefficient of uniformity lower tailings dams are described by Bjelkevik (2005a): the
than 6. Materials for which the ratio is less than 10 are upstream method, the downstream method, the
regarded as being stable, while a ratio above 20 is centreline method, and others. The tailings disposal is
considered being unstable (Skempton 1994). Practical in that way used as a part of the embankment
problems can be connected to wide graded materials construction. Especially for long term stability a low
because of their susceptibility for segregation during hydraulic gradient is essential for the structure. The
placement. Milligan stated that the instability of location of the seepage surface differs in particular
material tested by Kenney and Lau was closely related when considering the upstream and the downstream
to material which was typically susceptible to method, as the structure in the downstream method is
segregation during construction works (Milligan 2003). supplied with filter layers that control the hydraulic
gradient. Therefore, these two methods are explained
3 Tailings dams more detailed.
Tailings are one result from mining activity. The Applying the upstream method, a starter dike is
process of mining ore and extracting metals includes constructed and the tailings slurry is then discharged to
the crushing and milling of the excavated rock into the downstream side from the crest of this dike,
small particles. The valuable metal, the smaller portion forming a tailings beach, see Figure 5 (a). As the
of about 0,4 - 30%, is removed, and the by far larger tailings reach the height of the dike, the construction is
portion of left over waste material, i.e. tailings, have to raised by a next perimeter dike (b), located somewhat
be stored. Tailings could be regarded as natural more on the downstream side of the first dike. The
material as they are basically crushed rock. However, raise of the embankment will then follow these
the fine waste material contains chemicals and metals, sequences (c).
which may be harmful to the environment when
released in combination with water and air.
Tailings are commonly discharged as slurry in
impoundments, together with the process water from
the extraction of metals. The slurry is pumped directly
from the plant to the impoundment, where
and development in knowledge. The design of both the
Tailings discharge
a) Starter impoundment and the tailings disposal may be subject
Tailings beach dike to more or less unpredictable adjustments during the
mines’ production period. The difficulty is to create an
adaptable, safe and stable construction under any
circumstance, which is of utmost importance.
Environmental awareness and concern about dam
c) safety has increased, leading to the mining industry
facing problems arising from their past handling and
deposition of tailings. Design and construction of the
first tailings dams were based on knowledge from
water retention dams, as well as trial and error.
Figure 5: Principle of upstream method Knowledge and experience to construct and maintain
safe tailings dams is available today. Yet, the problem
The downstream method also is set up with a starter is that original structures are still a part of today’s
dike and raised along with the tailings level. However, tailings dams, which can not be removed. A major
in this case the dam is increased on the downstream question for stability and safety is the pore pressure
side, which makes it possible to include filter zones in and the hydraulic gradient; both closely related to the
the construction, see Figure 6. Both ways of deposition of tailings. The following sections will
construction include the utilization of tailings as a main therefore explain these main principles.
part of the structure.
3.2 Material properties of tailings
Starter dike Tailings are particles of crushed rock at a size of
Ponded water
Impervious element
Internal drain
0,01mm to 0,1 mm. This corresponds to a natural
material classified as fine sand or silty sand. Tailings
can be described in soil mechanics terms; the
geotechnical properties can partly be compared to
natural materials. Yet, tailings characteristics can
diverge in their characteristics due to the variations in
origin and processing of the ore, and deposition
methods. The origin affects the size and the gradation
of the grains, the internal friction angle and the density;
whereas the deposition method is responsible for bulk
density, void ratio and porosity, and the hydraulic
Figure 6: Principle of downstream method conductivity. Tailings generally have high water
content and porosity, a low to moderate hydraulic
Tailings leave the production plant together with conductivity, and a low plasticity when compared to
process water. The slurry is pumped through pipelines soil. The shear strength was rated low to moderate by
to the deposition place. The actual deposition at site is ICOLD, but found to be moderate to high in relation to
completed by single point discharge, i.e. from an open the grain size compared to natural material (Bjelkevik
end of a pipeline, by spigotting, or cycloning. 2005a).
Spigotting refers to a technique where smaller pipes The grinding creates particles that are much more
derive from a main pipeline. Several discharge points angular than natural grains. The angularity of the
are supposed to provide better control over the tailings involves some difficulties for description of
deposition to create a more uniform beach. Due to the material parameters. While natural material has been
variation in grain sizes, the coarser particles will settle tested and described extensively (see 2.2 Filters and
closer to the discharge point than the smaller particles. filter criteria), tailings properties rise new questions.
Reduction of pore pressures and lowering the hydraulic Porosity, shear strength, and hydraulic conductivity are
gradient makes it necessary to control the fines’ usually well described properties for natural round and
settlement. To obtain a uniform structure where the well graded material. In contrast, representative
fines are considerably far from the actual dam laboratory testing on tailings is difficult. Figure 7
construction, the points of discharge have to be moved. shows the principle structure of both tailings and
Cycloning is an alternative to separate the coarse from natural material. While geological material is often
the fine fraction, so that the coarse fraction can be more round and has a smoother surface, tailings are
utilized for the construction of the dam. The tailings angular, which may be an explanation for varying
are sorted by centrifugal action, the sand fraction is results in shear tests, where stress concentration at
used for embankment construction, and the fines are edges of tailings can lead to further crushing of the
discharged in the impoundment. particles and higher resistance to shearing. The friction
A significant feature of tailings dams is that they are angle of tailings is relatively high with values up to
raised along with the mines’ production, so that the 45º. The structure of tailings may also raise the
construction is an ongoing process. This implies that question whether the flow pattern is the same as in
tailings dams face problems such as changing design geological materials. The porosity maybe the same in
and construction, as well as the change of staff on site
both materials; yet, the shape of the grains may affect therefore be considered more stable in long-term
the seepage. thinking with regard to the lower seepage line (a).

Hydraulic gradient

a) b) a)

Figure 7: Comparison between a) tailings and b)

natural material

Tailings generally have a relatively low uniformity

coefficient; Bjelkevik and Knutsson (2005b) noted a Hydraulic
b) gradient
Cu between 3 and 8. The value is not constant, as it
varies with the distance to the discharge point because
of the sorting effect of sedimentation. The hydraulic
deposition does affect the properties of tailings; Figure 8: Comparison of the hydraulic gradient
dependent on the distance from the outlet the
parameters change. In addition, flow, velocity, and The hydraulic gradient in the tailings dam is
solid content in the slurry affect the sedimentation. For determined by the water level in the pond, the relative
instance, the hydraulic conductivity of tailings in place proportion of the foundations hydraulic conductivity to
varies by a factor of more than 10 when comparing the that of the tailings, and variations of the tailings’
horizontal conductivity kh and vertical conductivity kv. hydraulic conductivity due to grain size segregation,
The horizontal layering leads to a much higher value see Figure 9.
for kh. A calculation of an actual value by empirical
relationships is therefore not accurate. Both the bulk High water
level in
and grain density are also controlled by the distance of pond
the outlet, both decreasing with increasing distance. Low water
This results in varying void ratio, porosity and dry level in pond
density. The dry density also decreases at larger a) Effect of location of water level in
distance, whereas both the void ratio and porosity are pond
relatively smaller closer to the discharge point. In the
Impervious foundation
study conducted by Bjelkevik and Knutsson the
observed values for void ratio and hydraulic Pervious foundation

conductivity do not correspond to each other; a higher b) Effect of the foundations permeability
void ratio would imply that the hydraulic conductivity
also becomes larger. This may also be due to the nature
Low beach segregation
of the hydraulic deposition.
High beach segregation
3.3 Pore pressures and hydraulic gradient c) Effect of grain size and segregation
Understanding the principles of water flow through
tailings embankments is basic for stability
considerations. Important for the tailings dams’ Figure 9: Factors influencing the location of the
stability is the pore pressure inside the construction. phreatic surface
The pore water pressure affects the effective stress
condition; increased pore water pressure reduces the A lower water level in the pond (a) and a permeable
effective stress, leading to decreased stability and foundation (b) will draw down the seepage line in the
resistance to sliding. The hydraulic gradient emerges tailings dam construction. Segregation of grains will
from different water levels and induces seepage flow. take place because of the difference in size; the smaller
This seepage flow may induce a stress condition on the grains, the longer they will be transported and
particles and force them to move, resulting in erosion sediment from the outlet. High beach segregation, i.e.
processes. A basic rule is to increase the hydraulic separation of large and small particles, will lead to a
conductivity in the direction of the flow to achieve an major part of large particles with a higher permeability
as low phreatic surface as possible near the and a lower location of the phreatic surface (c).
embankment face. Especially the deposition and segregation of particles
Comparing the hydraulic gradient in the upstream and has been a source of problems; fine particles in the
downstream construction, it can be noted that the tailings dam construction raise the pore pressure and
gradient is higher in the downstream structure (b), hydraulic gradient. The stability of the dam
where a sealing element of moraine reduces the construction is directly related to the friction angle,
permeability, see Figure 8. The upstream method may density, and cohesion of the tailings (Bjelkevik 2005a).
3.4 Hydraulic conductivity of tailings above showed that measured and calculated values did
To be able to understand seepage and pore pressure not correspond. The variety in results is shown in
conditions in tailings dams we need to understand the Table 1. It can be noted that the ratio between
flow conditions and, with that, the hydraulic measured and calculated values vary to a large extend,
conductivity of the material. As mentioned before, the not only for different calculation models, but also for
grains themselves vary in shape, composition, and samples from the same site. The measured values
density regarding their origin. In addition, the range from 1,01 to 18,7 x 10-6 m/s. Calculations with
composition of tailings, the method of discharge and Hazen’s and Kozeny-Carman’s formula result in a
segregation is a factor which makes it difficult to variation between 0,36 to 56,25 x 10-6 m/s and 0,47 to
assess the hydraulic conductivity of the material and 51,56 x 10-6 m/s, respectively. Results from
the seepage conditions in the structure. calculations on basis of Chapius method are even more
The hydraulic conductivity as explained in section 2.1 extreme and lie between 5,73 to 263,99 x 10-6 m/s.
has so far been described for natural geological This shows that the properties of tailings have so far
materials. Tailings, however, are angular, have a not been studied sufficiently to provide a basis for
different chemical composition and vary in their seepage estimations and stability analysis.
structure and porosity because of the deposition Nevertheless, design criteria for tailings dams exist,
method. The horizontal layering results in an increased and embankment stability has been discussed.
horizontal hydraulic conductivity. Thus, flow through
tailings may vary considerably compared to flow
through natural materials.
A study on material properties carried out by Bjelkevik
and Knutsson (Bjelkevik 2005b) showed that the
hydraulic conductivity differed to a large extend when
compared to conventional materials. It was found that
the hydraulic conductivity decreased with increasing
distance from the discharge point, whereas the porosity
increased. Since the porosity is directly related to the
value of k, it would be expected that the porosity also
decreased. Laboratory testing on samples was
compared with field measurements, and again, the
results did not coincide. Values for the horizontal and
vertical conductivity differ up to one order of
magnitude. Finally, attempts on calculating the
hydraulic conductivity on basis of the models named

Table 1: Measured and calculated values of the hydraulic conductivity at different tailings dams in Sweden
Measured Calculation Ratio Calculation Ratio Calculation Ratio
Permeability Measurement Permeability Measurement Permeability Measurement
(Hazen 1991) / (Kozeny- / (Chapius) /
Calculation Carmen) Calculation Calculation

[10-6 m/s] [10-6 m/s] [%] [10-6 m/s] [%] [10-6 m/s] [%]
Kiruna 14,70 36,00 40,8 12,20 120,5 64,34 22,8
6,08 49,00 12,4 51,56 11,8 263,99 2,3
5,67 39,69 14,3 23,99 23,6 124,62 4,5
16,30 56,25 29,0 19,25 84,7 92,12 17,7
18,70 39,69 47,1 18,08 103,4 93,35 20,0
2,54 1,00 254,0 0,50 510,1 5,73 44,3
Aitik 1,41 2,56 55,1 1,58 89,2 14,91 9,5
1,01 2,56 39,5 3,24 31,1 32,11 3,1
2,56 1,44 177,8 1,67 153,2 18,58 13,8
2,78 0,36 772,2 0,47 588,2 7,19 38,7
2,68 1,21 221,5 0,79 338,6 8,81 30,4
1,70 0,36 472,2 0,52 328,9 7,94 21,4
Zinkgruvan 5,41 4,00 135,3 2,92 185,0 25,22 21,4
4 Design and stability of tailings dams material φ’, the angle of the slope β, and the mass
Geometrical criteria for filtering are related to soil density ρ:
geometry where constrictions are too small for
particles to migrate. The hydraulic criteria, on the other ρ tan φ '
hand, refer to the retaining and driving forces that FS = ⋅ (4)
1 + ρ tan β
result from seeping water. Seepage through the
embankments is commonly considered by applying a
This design method may be questionable, since a real
flow net with stream lines and equipotentials to
embankment slope is not infinite, and both the water
approximate the flow situation. The top flow line, i.e.
table and the slope surface are not parallel to the failure
the phreatic surface, has to be located inside the
plane. However, a more correct practical solution to
embankment at each point, so that the discharge point
the problem is currently not available, so that this
always lies within the structure. This method of
principle is commonly used (Bjelkevik 2005b).
controlling the pore pressure and hydraulic gradient is
essential for both the slope stability and internal
4.2 Other models on stability and erosion analysis
erosion. The hydraulic gradient and flow velocity has
To develop a model on critical hydraulic head, the
to be kept sufficiently low to avoid displacement of
hydraulic shear stress has been subject for discussion.
particles (Bjelkevik 2005a).
Wan and Fell made an attempt to investigate the rate of
erosion of soils in embankment dams on basis of a
4.1 Design criteria for tailings dams
hydraulic shear stress (Wan 2004). The soils erosion
The slope stability for an embankment exposed to
characteristics were related to its behaviour regarding
seepage flow is generally simplified as shown in
the rate of erosion under a certain hydraulic shear
Figure 10, where an infinite slope of constant
stress. It was found that this critical shear stress was
inclination with a parallel water table and seepage flow
lower for coarse grained soils, which implies that they
is considered.
erode more rapidly than fine grained soils. By using
two test methods, the hole erosion test and the slot
erosion test, a critical shear stress was determined.
However, this value varied to a large degree and could
not be related to other soil properties. A calculation of
the hydraulic shear stress in an open crack in the
Flow embankment was presented, but to be able to analyse
net this value, the geometry of the crack has to be known.
β Again, the problem of non-visibility of such cracks and
erosion processes inside the embankment set a limit for
application. Nevertheless, useful practical information
of the study was that the erosion rate is strongly
τf influenced by the degree of compaction and the water
content of the soil. Compaction to a high dry density
σ on the wet side of optimum water content was found to
show a higher resistance against erosion. Arulanandan
and Perry examined piping failures in dams by means
Figure 10: Basic slope stability consideration
of the critical shear stress (1983). Yet, this study was
mainly related to cohesive soils.
The shear strength τf along a potential failure plane can
Sellmeijer and Weijers published a study on piping
be calculated taking the effective stress σ’ and the mechanism which presented a model used as basis for
internal angle of friction φ’ of the material into the design of dikes in the Netherlands. A mathematical
account: description was presented by means geometry of the
structure. The difference in water head H and length of
τ f = σ '⋅ tan φ ' (2) the seepage path L, as well as a certain seepage
thickness layer under the dike D were related to each
Relating the retaining and driving forces, i.e. the other. The study presented a solution for calculation of
mobilized shear strength and the actual shear strength a critical water head and verified by large scale tests.
in the sloping mass to each other, the safety factor F Yet, it was limited to geometry and material properties
for such a theoretic plane becomes of the sand used in the Netherlands, and application of
the results for variant material is uncertain (Weijers
τf 1993).
F= (3) Skempton stated that the critical gradient at which
τ particles start to move differs from the theoretical
critical hydraulic gradient that had been applied in
This equation is origin for the determination of long filter studies. Skempton and Brogan showed in tests
term stability of slopes of tailings dams applied in that instable material experiences particle migration at
Sweden. The factor of safety for tailings dam slopes is much lower hydraulic gradients than stable material.
currently assessed by means of the friction angle of the For horizontal flow, the critical gradient of stable
material was set to 70 %, whereas the critical gradient
of unstable material was only 17 %. (Skempton 1994). therefore considered to be dammed by a core of stream
These gradients are much higher than those gradients deposit surrounded by moraine, which is similar to an
found in nature, and the values show that laboratory earthfill dam with a core and filter layer.
tests often require extremely high gradients which are Another formation is located close to the mining area
not comparable to field conditions. Aitik in northern Sweden, which will be interesting for
further examination in connection with ongoing work
5 Observations of natural formations on tailings dams’ construction. Here, two lakes at a
Little knowledge or experience is available regarding distance of 250m show a difference of 19m in water
the long term stability of man-made embankments. level, which results in a hydraulic gradient of about
Therefore, valuable information may possibly be found 7,5%.
in geological formations which have fulfilled a similar Such examples from nature show that it is obviously
function. It is obvious that a natural barrier of soil can possible to retain water over long time periods.
withstand ageing or deterioration, and retain water over Unfortunately, we meet the same problem here as we
long time periods without experiencing erosion did when considering the hydraulic gradient. Tailings
processes. A study by the Geological Survey of differ from natural materials to a large extend, and our
Sweden (SGU) covered several landforms, giving engineering models to deal with the material may not
information about the geological structure as well as be sufficient in case of tailings. Hence, we need to
the hydraulic gradient the formation was, or still is, learn more about tailings and their properties.
exposed to. These structures are dated back to the last Nevertheless, regarding the life time a tailings dam has
glacial period, i.e. 15000 to 8000 years ago (Agrell to be stable, geological formations are the only
2002). structures we are able to refer to. Even though there are
A well-known Swedish example of a natural dam is limitations in the application of geotechnical models
Ragundasjön, which was located at the Indalälvens on tailings, we need to learn from nature.
valley the middle of the country. The lake was 25 km
long, 6 - 10 m deep and had a medium water level of
139 masl. The southern part of the lake formed two CONCLUSIONS
narrow bays: one where the lakes mean water level Tailings dams differ significantly from embankment
was regulated by a waterfall, and Sandviken, with a dams in their structure, the material they are
border formed as natural dam. The lakes’ history is constructed of, the hydraulic gradient they are exposed
comprehensively documented because it was to, and their design life. Because of the mineral
accidentally emptied in 1796. After a ditch was composition of tailings as a rest product of mining
burrowed to create a channel by erosion, the barrier activity, tailings have to be stored so that chemicals
broke and the lake was drained. Sandvikens southern and metals are not released to the environment. This is
barrier dammed the lake that was formed about 6500 often done by wet cover, i.e. by creating an artificial
B.C. until the accident and it is presumed that it would lake where tailings are used for construction of the
still exist if not a human being had destroyed it. The surrounding embankments. A major problem is to
eastern and western border consisted of rock, while the guarantee the stability of a tailings dam over a time
southern barrier was formed by layers of clay. Parts of period of more than 1000 years. Many man-made
this clay ridge are left, the western plateau at a height embankments have, however, no comparable life time
of 155 masl, and the eastern plateau at 160 masl. The and have suffered from accidents and failures because
ridge consisted of 60 m glacial clay in layered deposits of seepage and internal erosion. To be able to design a
with alluvium with a low hydraulic conductivity. tailings dam, information about the materials friction
Agrell stated in his report that the difference in height angle and shear strength is taken into account.
between the lakes highest water level and the water Nevertheless, the maximum hydraulic gradient for
level downstream was 40 m over a distance of about such a structure is not defined. Yet, this maximum
1000 m, which corresponds to a hydraulic gradient of gradient is crucial for the stability of the dam.
4 %. Geological formations that act as natural analogies of
Another example is the lake Hennan, in the county of dams have been identified. Such geological formations
Gävleborg in central Sweden, south of Ragundasjön. are the only structures that can be related to the subject
At this site, two lakes are located right beside each when regarding the design life of a tailings dam. It has
other. The lake Hennan upstream of the lake Storsjön been shown that the gradients natural dams are
has a water level of about 206,9 to 208,8 masl, while exposed to range from 2 % to 7,5 %. A further study
the lake Storsjön has a water level of 186,8 masl, i.e. a and comparison of material properties of both the
difference of 22 m. The headland between these two geological material and tailings will give additional
lakes is about one kilometre wide, which results in a information on the critical hydraulic gradient for the
hydraulic gradient of 2 %. The ridge between the two design of tailings dams.
lakes has an elevation of 240 masl. It is strongly
believed that the delta consists of a barrier of moraine
and well compacted material from an earlier glaciation.
Drilling showed that bedrock was located at a depth of
47 m, with an overlying layer of sediment from a
glacial stream which is at least 32 m thick. The upper
layer of moraine has a thickness of 8 m. The lake is
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS [17] Sherard JL, Dunnigan LP, Talbot JR (1984) Basic
This research study is part of the work within properties of sand and gravel filters. Journal of
“Swedish Hydropower Center” SVC, which has been Geotechnical Engineering. 110(6): 684-700.
established by the Swedish Energy Agency, Elforsk [18] Skempton AW, Brogan JM (1994) Experiments
and Svenska Kraftnät together with Luleå University on piping in sandy gravels. Géotechnique. 44 (3): 449-
of Technology, The Royal Institute of Technology, 460.
Chalmers University of Technology and Uppsala [19] Terzaghi K, Peck RB, Mesri G (1996) Soil
University. The study is carried out in cooperation with mechanics in engineering practice. John Wiley & Sons.
the Swedish mining industry and dam safety New York.
committee. [20] Wan CF, Fell R (2004) Investigation of rate of
erosion of soils in embankment dams. Journal of
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Conference paper #4
Jantzer, I. (2006).
Frost action processes in the Eastern Suorva hydropower dam.

17th European Young Geotechnical Engineers’ Conference EYGEC.

Zagreb, Croatia. July 20, 2006.
Frost action processes in the Eastern Suorva hydropower dam

I. Jantzer
Dept. of Civil, Mining and Environmental Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden

ABSTRACT: The hydropower embankment dam in Suorva, Sweden, is located in north of the
Arctic Circle. The region is known for cold winters and severe wind conditions. The construc-
tion was completed in 1972 and has since then been exposed to a wide temperature range and
low annual mean temperatures, leading to the presumption that the fine-grained frost susceptible
moraine core of the embankment was exposed to cyclic freezing and thawing. The aim of this
project was to find indications for freezing processes that affect the structure of the soil. The
project included field investigations and a theoretical thermal analysis carried out with a com-
mercial finite element program. Results from this analysis showed that the freezing plane ad-
vances to a maximum depth of 5 m from the top of the core. Hence, it may be possible that frost
action affects the construction in its function as hydraulic barrier.


The hydropower embankment dam in Suorva, Sweden, is situated north of the Arctic circle in a
mountain valley which is known for its low annual mean temperature and channelling effects on
wind. The dam was built during the years 1966 – 1972 and is one of the most important hydro
power sources in Sweden as it regulates second largest reservoir with a capacity of 5.9 · 109 m³
water. The mountain region is a part of cold regions with deep seasonally frozen ground. It is
exposed to severe wind conditions and annual mean temperatures around -1°C to -0,4°C. Hence,
the core of the embankment dam may possibly be affected by repeated freezing and thawing. As
a part of the Swedish dam safety program the dam crest was removed and the moraine core was
raised. The original material in the core was analyzed to ensure the quality of the material. In
combination with these works, the possibility of investigations regarding freezing and thawing
on the core was given. (Jantzer, 2005)
Cyclic freezing and thawing influences the structure of soil; studies of fine-grained soils ex-
posed to freezing reported changes in volume and structure, as well as significant increases in
permeability. (Viklander, 1997) Such changes may have an impact on seepage flow and reduce
the function of the core is significantly. Temperature and climate in this northern region provide
conditions for repeated freezing and thawing actions.
In order to find out if, and in which way, the central core may had been affected of the re-
peated cycles of freezing and thawing an in-situ study was carried out. In addition, a theoretical
part was carried out to illustrate the possible impact of climate on the dam with the help of the
finite element method, Temp/W.

2.1 Structure of the embankment

The Suorva dams are rockfill dams and consist of three different dams, East Suorva dam, Såg-
vik dam, and West Suorva dam. They were constructed during the years 1966 until 1972. The
total length of the crest is 1370 m; the length of the Eastern dam which is subject to this work is
780 m. All three dams have an impervious central core of moraine. They are founded on rock
with a grout curtain beneath the central core. A schematic cross-section of the East Suorva dam
is shown in Figure 1, where the different zones are numbered: 1 rock fill, 2 moraine core, and 3
filter zone.

Figure 1. Basic cross-section of the Eastern Suorva dam (Vattenfall)

2.2 Location and impact of climate

Frozen ground is defined as soil or rock with a temperature below 0°C. This definition is only
dependent on temperature and gives no information about the content of water or ice. If tem-
perature in the ground remains below freezing point throughout two subsequent winters and the
intermediate summer, the term permafrost is applied. If the ground is only frozen during the
winter period, it is referred to as seasonally frozen ground.
Cold regions are characterized with respect to air temperatures, depth of ground freezing,
snow depth, or ice cover on lakes. Such areas are assumed to have a minimum frost penetration
of 0,3 m occurring at least once during a period of 10 years. Cold regions are divided into per-
mafrost or seasonally frozen ground. Continuous and discontinuous permafrost regions may be
found in Polar Regions, such as Alaska, Canada or Siberia. Scandinavia, despite high latitude,
belongs mainly to regions with seasonally frozen ground, together with parts of the United
States and vast areas of Asia. Nevertheless, there are some areas found in Scandinavia which
belong to the category of discontinuous permafrost.
The embankment dam at Suorva is located north of the Arctic Circle in the upper reaches of
Lule River. The reservoir regulated by the Suorva dam is about a 60 km long. It originates from
five lakes. The area is marked with a circle in Figure 2, which shows the mean annual tempera-
tures based on records by Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute. The map illus-
trates the mean annual temperatures over a 30-year period from 1931 until 1960. These tem-
peratures range from -2°C to +8°C. For comparison, the registered mean annual temperature in
Stockholm is +8°C, in Luleå +2,5°C, and in Suorva -1°C. (Taesler, 1972) The following 30-
year period until 1990 showed a slightly increased mean annual temperature. The increase
ranges from 0°C to 0,6°C in different regions of Sweden. For the location of the embankment
dam, an increase of the annual mean temperature of 0,4°C was noted. (Alexandersson, 1991)
The reservoir is surrounded by a mountain valley with a main direction from north-west to
south-east, which is known for its channelling effects on wind. Wind conditions with an annual
average mean wind speed of 7,85 m/s were measured on a 35 m high tower situated between the
Eastern dam and Sågviks dam. This number is considered remarkably high for an inland loca-
tion. For comparison, average wind speeds at coastal sites were measured to approximately
7,0 m/s.



Figure 2. Map of Sweden with annual mean temperature zones (SMHI, 1991)

2.3 Properties of the core material

The core of the dam, which is subject to this study, is made up of earth fill material. Its function
is to limit the seepage through the dam and to ensure a reasonable low hydraulic conductivity.
In Sweden, the use of moraine, a glacial till with a complex grain-size distribution ranging from
fine-grained material such as clay and silt up to gravel, stones and boulder, is most common.
For this purpose, hydraulic barriers of moraine are predominant since large deposits of the mate-
rial can be found in mountain areas within economic hauling distance. Requirements suggested
by Vattenfall (1988) for moraine used as hydraulic barrier in Sweden are following:
- The content of fines is less than 40 % of the material passing a 20 mm sieve.
- A minimum amount of 70 % of particles passing a 64 mm sieve is smaller than 20 mm.
- A maximum amount of 85 % of particles passing a 64 mm sieve is larger than 2 mm.
- The hydraulic conductivity should range between 3 x 10 –7m/s to 3 x 10 –9m/s.
- Large boulders may occur, but a maximum size of two thirds of the placement layer thickness
may not be exceeded. The maximum diameter allowed is 300 – 400 mm.
2.4 Frost action
The term frost action refers in general to three features: frost heave, thaw weakening and thaw
settlement. Apart from the fact that soil in its frozen state may introduce positive properties such
as strength, increased bearing capacity and reduced hydraulic conductivity, does the process of
frost action also involve negative effects to engineering constructions.
Frost action occurs in frost-susceptible soils, when temperatures are sufficiently low and wa-
ter for freezing and ice lens formation is available. Frost heave results from freezing of the soil.
Water in the ground undergoes a phase change from fluid to solid state, thereby increasing its
volume. Yet, it is not only water freezing in situ in the voids that is responsible for the expan-
sion, but also unfrozen water migrating and turning to ice at the freezing front. The accumula-
tion of ice results in increased water content when the soil thaws. Consequently, the bearing ca-
pacity is reduced. (Andersland/Anderson, 1978)
Effects of frost action are changes in volume and water content, as well as loss of shear
strength and bearing capacity. Cyclic freezing and thawing influences the structure and perme-
ability. Both may have significance for fill material in the core of an embankment dam. The
process of freezing causes water to migrate, freeze, and increase the volume of the soil, and fi-
nally the soil skeleton to move. Pressure created by ice breaks up bonds between particles and
lifts them up. In contrast to that, thawing generates melting water which is pressed out of the
voids. Thaw settlement and consolidation, causing movement of particles and rearrangement in
the skeleton, are the result. It has been observed that fine-grained soils exposed to freezing and
thawing undergo structural changes. (Viklander, 1997)
These changes are not similar for fine-grained and coarse-grained soils, but differ because of
cohesion, specific surface of particles and the amount of bound water. A clayey soil may have a
different structure, where cracks filled with ice are located close to the freezing plane and
shrinkage occurs because of negative pore pressure. Cracks, ice lenses or fissures are alternating
layers in the soil with varying thickness. Such spaces will not be completely closed in fine-
grained soils during thawing because of cohesive forces of the fines in the soil. After thawing,
water filled cracks create new paths for water to flow through the soil, thus increasing its hy-
draulic conductivity. A coarse-grained soil, on the other hand, has a self-healing capacity be-
cause of the lack of cohesion and will have a similar structure before and after a freeze/thaw cy-
Effects on hydraulic conductivity and volume depend on the initial void ratio and the degree
of compaction. An originally loose soil with a small degree of compaction shows some volume
increase during freezing and after that an extended decrease of volume upon thawing. In this
case, the void ratio and hydraulic conductivity finally will be decreased, since particles move
closer together after each freezing cycle. After a number of repeated freeze/thaw processes, a re-
sidual void ratio is reached and the hydraulic conductivity has a lower value than before. Tests
with 10 cycles have been reported, and a decrease in hydraulic conductivity was noted to a mag-
nitude of approximately 50 times. In contrast, a dense and more compacted soil showed a void
ratio and permeability increase up to 11 times. Repeated freeze/thaw loosens the structure of the
soil, and again, the void ration reaches a residual value (Viklander, 1997).


3.1 Description of practical work

For field investigation, four test pits in different sections of the dam were excavated. The pits
had a side length of 2 – 4 m and were excavated by the help of an excavator. Disturbed samples
were collected in each test pit at five levels: 0,0 m, 0,5 m, 1,0 m, 1,5 m, and 2,0 m. Date, loca-
tion and depth were registered. The samples were stored in plastic bags and in containers.
Visual inspections as well as collection of samples from pits were expected to provide informa-
tion of whether the core had been exposed to freeze/thaw cycles or not. If freezing had occurred,
the inspections were estimated to reveal in which way such frost action had influenced the fill
material. In case of freezing, the material was expected to be layered and to show visible water
accumulations; differences in the grain-size distribution, water content or varying dry density
were hypothesized to be detected.
For documentation of the condition of the moraine core, pictures were taken. In addition, the
temperatures were measured when the soil felt unusually cold during sampling. A few selected
pictures will be presented here to give a general overview of the observed aspects.

3.2 Results of field investigations

During field investigations, the overall impression was that the soil was comparatively cold in
comparison with the air temperatures, and that the soil had a layered structure with a consider-
able higher water content in upper regions at a depth around 0,30 – 0,80 m. Three of the four
test pits showed such similar features. In case of one test pit, no water accumulation or low tem-
perature was measured. The material was homogeneous and did not give information about
freezing processes. The samples taken from the Eastern Suorva dam section 750 are significant
for observations of temperature and water content and will therefore be discussed in detail.
Field investigations in section 750 were carried out on July 5th, 2004, on a sunny day with
temperatures around 25 °C. The material on top of the core was removed right before excava-
tion of the test pit, which included a layer of boulders and an insulation layer. Remains from
measures against leakage in the embankment dam were found, such as standpipes which had
been used for bentonite grouting, see Figure 3. (Jantzer, 2005)



Figure 3. Surface of test pit in section 750. Note leftover standpipes from grouting as well as stones and
boulder. (Jantzer, 2005)

While the top layer of fill material was dry and well-graded, it appeared to have an increased
moisture content already at an excavation level of 0,3 m, see Figure 4. The soil seemed to be
completely saturated at this point and water was expelled when pressure was imposed by setting
a foot on it. The consistency varied from very soft to an almost liquid state. The water content
was found to be extremely high and the temperatures of the soil comparatively low, even though
the weather conditions warm and dry, see Figure 4. The water content ranged from a minimum
of 6,6 % at level 2,0 m to a maximum of 13,4 % at 0,5 m. (Jantzer, 2005)
Temp [°C] W [%]
3,3 11,4

0,3 – 0,8 m 1,8 13,9


2,0 8,4

1,6 10,4

Crack with high water content, 2,0

Temperature measurement see
Figures 5,6,7 1,3 6,6

Depth [m]

Figure 4. Overall view of the trench and summary of values for water content and temperatures measured
of the excavated test pit. (Jantzer, 2005)

At a depth of 1,0 m the moisture content changed considerably to a much lower value: 8,4 %.
A horizontal fracture was found at 0,5 m depth and when excavation reached this level a long
gap was left open, see Figure 5. The surrounding area was wet and was found to have tempera-
tures of about 1,7 °C to 1,9 °C in comparison to 3,3 °C in the upper layer and 2,0 °C in the
lower layer. It was obvious that the moraine core had been frozen at this level, see Figures 6,
and 7. (Jantzer, 2005)


Figure 5. Fractured moraine core at level 0,4- 0,5 m. (Jantzer, 2005)

wet zone

Figure 6. Wet area in the fracture after removing loose material. (Jantzer, 2005)

Figure 7. Temperature measurement showing 1,7 °C in the area of moisture accumulation. (Jantzer, 2005)

The grain-size distributions of samples from the test pit in section 750 are shown in Figure 8.
It was noted that the particle-size distribution from level 2,0 m was coarser compared with the
other four samples, and that samples taken between 0,0 m and 1,5 m were more fine-grained.
The difference was associated with the comparatively high water content at upper levels, thus
implicating that fine-grained material is more frost susceptible, and that water is collected pref-
erably in such locations. (Jantzer, 2005)

C lay & s ilt S an d G ravel




0,0 0 m
60 0,5 0 m
1,0 0 m
50 1,5 0 m
2,0 0 m

30 W aterc ontent:

20 0,0 0 m: 11 ,4 %
0,5 0 m: 13 ,9 %
1,0 0 m: 8,4 %
1,5 0 m: 10 ,4 %
0,0 6 0,1 2 20 60 2,0 0 m: 6,6 %
0,01 1 10 100

Figure 8. Grain-size distribution and water content section 750. (Jantzer, 2005)
3.3 Discussion
The field investigations were supposed to show if the core of the dam had been exposed to
freezing and thawing, thus influencing the structure of the core and its hydraulic conductivity.
The grain-size distribution was analyzed in order to find out if freeze/thaw cycles had influ-
enced on the soils structure and if segregation had taken place. Therefore, archive data and
grain-size distributions from the moraine pit from the time of construction works were viewed
and compared with the fractions of the material found in the test pits, see Table 1. Upper and
lower limits of fines, sand and gravel were identified, as well as their range of variation ∆ max –
min. It was found that the grain-size distributions generally varied to a larger extent than ex-
pected. For example, test pit 750 had a variation of fines around 20 %, and the grain-size distri-
bution found in archive records from section 737 showed a variation of 23 %. The same applies
to the fraction of sand, where test pit 750 had a variation of 16 % between the upper and lower
limits of this fraction, while archive records showed 23 %. Hence, statements about variations in
grain-size distributions or rearrangement of particles could not be made.

Table 1. Comparison of upper and lower limits in grain-size distribution

Test pit section 650 700 750 200 741+3,5 737 Borrow
archive archive pit
Fraction [%] [%] [%] [%] [%] [%] [%]
< 0,06 mm min 29,4 26,3 24,4 32,8 23 15 30
< 0,06 mm max 35,4 34,6 44,4 36,8 34 38 48
∆ max - min 6,0 8,3 20,0 4,0 12 23 18
< 2,00 mm min 74,7 62,6 65,1 73,5 66 72 78
< 2,00 mm max 84,1 74,8 81,1 79,6 89 88 91
∆ max - min 9,4 12,2 16,0 6,1 23 16 13
< 20,0 mm min 90 84 83 90 100 100 100
< 20,0 mm max 99 98 100 99 100 100 100
∆ max - min 9,0 14,0 17,0 9,0 0 0 0

In order to be able to draw conclusions about impact of frost action, pictures, analysis of wa-
ter content and temperature measurement were much more significant than the comparison of
grain-size distributions. As the water content was exceptionally high in some places, and the
temperatures at the same time low compared to the air temperatures, it was likely that the soil
had been frozen. A summary of these values is given in Table 2.

Table 2. Comparison water content values and temperature

Test pit section 650 700 750 200
Level w [%] w [%] Temp [°C] w [%] Temp [°C] w [%]
0,0 m 6,9 7,6 4,4 - 3,8 11,4 3,3 6,5
0,5 m 6,5 7,7 - 13,9 1,9 - 1,7 7,1
1,0 m 6,8 6,9 2,3 - 2,1 8,4 2,0 6,8
1,5 m 7,3 8,1 1,9 10,4 1,6 7,6
2,0 m 7,7 7,2 1,6 6,6 1,3 6,6
Mean value Ø 7,04 7,50 10,14 6,92

It was assumed that ice lens formation had been taking place in section 750, where the soil
was found to be saturated and temperatures between 1,3 to 3,3 °C were measured. Other obser-
vations such as cracks or a layered structure were made in almost all test pits, mostly at depths
between approximately 0,3 m to 0,8 m. Nevertheless, evidence for effects of frost action, such
as changes in structure, density, volume, permeability or particle movements is not given.

4.1 Introduction and definition of the problem

The question whether the core of the embankment dam had been subjected to freezing cannot be
answered by the results of the field investigations only. In order to get a more detailed picture of
the temperature distribution in the construction, a thermal analysis was carried out. Modeling
and calculation of thermal changes was carried out with they finite element program Temp/W.
The Swedish Meteorological Institute SMHI provided temperature records measured at the
meteorological station in Stora Sjöfallet, 10 km east from the Suorva dam. To be able to com-
pare the results of the thermal analysis with observations from field investigations, the tempera-
tures records from 2002, 2003 and 2004 where regarded as relevant for computation.
The problem is drawn and defined by a CAD-similar function. For drawing a cross-section of
the embankment dam a drawing from archive records was used as basis. The original drawing
from the archive is shown in Figure 9. In this drawing of section 400, the construction is 44 m
high and has a maximum width of 120 m. The core is sloped at water side and placed between
filter zones.

Figure 9. Archive drawing used to sketch the problem. (Vattenfall)

Since the water level is varying by time and the mesh cannot be changed during the computa-
tion of the problem, a medium water level was used. This is essential for the following defini-
tion of material properties in different zones and unsaturated and saturated condition, as the
thermal properties are substantially dependent on the water content. During the period 2002 to
2004 the mean water level was set to + 440 m. The seepage level throughout the whole con-
struction should have been calculated in order to get a more exact border line for material prop-
erties. However, as the actual seepage condition is only a presumption based on a medium
value, and is mainly supposed to show the influence of the water temperature in general, seep-
age was simplified and approximated by straight lines, see Figure 10.
To generate finite elements, a mesh was drawn, consisting of 2214 elements and 2384 nodes.
The elements have different side length, varying from 0,5 m in the upper zone up to + 446 m
above sea level, 1,0 m between + 446 m to 443 m and 2,0 m down to the foundation. Since the
area of the cross section of the embankment is quite large, the element size was increased at
lower levels to avoid a too large number of nodes and mistakes in the verification and sorting of
the elements.
Figure 10. Basic drawing of the problem for computation

4.2 Steady-state analysis

The steady-state analysis has to be carried out to create a basic condition of temperature distri-
bution. This basic condition is an essential part of the calculation as it influences considerably
the following transient analysis. The obtained temperature distribution governs the amount of
heat energy stored in the body of the embankment dam. It was therefore chosen to base the ini-
tial calculation upon the mean annual temperature, which was assessed according to SMHIs
temperature records for a thirty-year mean value. The value of about -1°C to -0,4°C was chosen;
the results for calculations based on the mean annual temperature for the last 30 years, -0,4°C,
are presented below. The temperature distribution inside the body of the embankment dam is
also dependent on the water table and the seepage through the construction. With regard to the
special property of water having its highest density at +4,0°C, a boundary condition of +4,0°C
was used at the adjacent nodes.
Figure 11 shows the result of the calculation of an initial temperature condition on basis of an
annual mean temperature of -0,4°C. The freezing plane advances about 3 m from the top of the
dam crest, but does not reach the central moraine core. The influence of the water can be seen in
the right corner of the drawing, where the boundary condition of +4,0°C was set. In this water
saturated area more thermal energy is stored; the temperature ranges between +4,0 to +2,0°C.

Approx. 3 m

Figure 11. Result of calculation of initial condition based on a mean value of – 0,4 °C.
4.3 Transient analysis
The transient analysis is carried out on basis of the temperature condition calculated in the
steady-state analysis. In this part of the calculation, the actual temperature variations during the
years 2002, 2003 and 2004 were applied. For this purpose, five-day mean temperatures where
calculated for the time periods winter 2002/2003, summer 2003, and winter 2003/2004, and a
time dependent function was applied. A winter period includes the months of November until
April, while a summer period runs from May until October. This results in 36 time steps or 36
five-day mean temperatures for winter and 37 steps for summer. The last step of calculation
computes the temperature in the beginning of the month May, 2004, which is approximately 6
to 8 weeks before field investigations began. This calculation was used for comparison with the
observations during field investigations.
The result of this calculation is displayed in Figure 12. It can be noticed that the freezing
plane had advanced into the moraine core approximately two meters and is marked by 0 °C iso-
therm. Again, the water saturated part of the dam body is comparatively warmer than the rest of
the dam body because of seepage.

Approx. 2 m

Figure 12. Result of the calculation for temperature distribution in the beginning of May, 2004.

4.4 Discussion
The field investigations showed that the core of the dam actually is exposed to freezing; a frost
line at a depth of about 0,3 – 0,8 m was found. Layered structures, water content and tempera-
tures of the moraine core give evidence for frost actions. The soil displayed different forma-
tions: it appeared partly to be homogeneous, well-graded and dry, while other tests showed that
the water content was comparatively high and the soils temperature pointed at being close to the
freezing point. A comparison of water content and temperatures gives evidence for freezing of
the core.
With regard to wind conditions, which have not been included in the analysis, it is assumed
that the freezing plane advances even deeper down in the central core. The water table, which
tends to be lower during winter time, reduces the possibility to warm up the inner part of the
dam because of seepage, as water passing through the dam during winter has a comparatively
warmer temperature than the air. Because of wind snow usually not cover the embankment dam.
Snow can act as insulation for ground in general. This factor will also increase the frost front
Thermal modeling with the finite element program Temp/W gives additional evidence that
the hydraulic barrier of the dam is exposed to freezing and thawing. Using an annual mean tem-
perature of -0,4°C, the results show that the frost front advances approximately 2 m into the
core. The calculations were carried out several times with varying values for the mean annual
temperature, water table and construction of the dam to be able to asses the variation of frost
line depth. A maximum advance of the freezing plane 5,0 m into the core was found. Freezing
does even occur in filter zones. Again, these calculations show the fact that frost action has to be


This project was carried out in order to analyze the effect of freezing and thawing in the mo-
raine core of the Eastern Suorva hydropower dam. Two different methods are applied. A practi-
cal part included field investigations, where test pits were excavated and visually inspected. A
theoretical part consisting of a thermal analysis using the finite element method has been carried
out to complement the physical study. In both cases it was found that the core actually is ex-
posed to freezing and thawing.
During field investigations it was found that the soil had a layered structure, a comparatively
high water content, and low temperatures. The frost depth was found to range between 0,3 m to
0,8 m from the top of the moraine core. Calculations carried out with a commercial finite ele-
ment program confirmed the observations. The calculations, which were based on the actual
temperatures measured in the area, showed that the frost front could advance to a depth of 2 m
down to 5 m into the core. Effects of wind and water table were not regarded in the calculations,
but are considered to lower the temperature in the embankment even further. It was found that
not only the core is subjected to freezing processes, but also adjacent filter zones. These zones
may not be affected by frost action like a frost-susceptible soil. Yet, the function of the filter
may be highly reduced.
However, it is not possible to draw conclusions about in which way the freezing actions af-
fect the core and the filter zones. Detailed information about porosity, void ratio and permeabil-
ity is needed in order to be able to compare the condition of the core today with the condition
right after construction. A thorough analysis of these properties would be necessary. However, it
is highly probable that freezing and thawing has caused structural changes of the core material,
thus affecting critical parameters like hydraulic conductivity.


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