MIL-P-9400C Laminate-Sandwich Aircraft Structures

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“14 November 1991
26 Aprl 1 1977


“This specification is approved ,for use by all Departments and

Agencies of the Department of Defense.


1.1 ~. This specification provides detailed instructions for the

preparation of, and requirements to be included in, process specifications
required for the processing, inspection, pre-ftt, and assembly of structural
plastic laminate and sandwich construction parts for aircraft.

1.2 Classification. This specification covers the foliowing types and

classes of parts:

Type I - Plastic laminate (6.2.8).

Type II - Sandwich constructed pirts of plastic laminates

(Type 1) and nonmetallic or metallic cores (6.2.18).


2.1 Specifications and,standards. The following specifications and ‘

standards form a part of this document to the extent ‘specified herein. Unless
otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those listed in the
issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards
(DODISS)” and supplement thereto, cited in the sol icitation.



MI L-A-83377 Adhesive Bonding (Structural) for Aerospace and Other

Systems, Requirements for

Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent

data which may be of use in improVing this document should be addressed to:
Commanding Off icer, Systems Engineering an! Standardization Department
(Code 53) , Navai Air Engineering Center, i+kehurst, NJ 08733-5100, by using
the Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at
the end of this document or by letter.


DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unl imlted.

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MI L-P-9400C ..
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MIL-I-45208 Inspection System Requirements

;<. MIL-I-6870 Inspection Program Requirements, Nondestructive for

Aircraft and Missi le Materials and Parts


MI L-STD-490 Specification Practices

MIL-STO-1520 Corrective Action and Oisposi tion System for Nonconforming

Material ,’

MI L-STD-45662 Cal ibration Systems Requirements

(Unless otherwise indicated, copies of federai and military specifications,

standards and handbcoks are available from the Standardization Oocuments Order
Oesk, Bldg 40, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.)

2.2 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of

this document and the references cited herein, the text of this document takes
precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes appl icable laws and
regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.


3.1 Contractor process specification (contr prcs spec). A process

specification shall be DreDared by the Drime contractor (6.2.15) or obtained
f~om a subcontractor (6”.2.21) and- approved by the prime contractor and
submi tted for approval to the procuring activity. The submitted contr prcs
spec shal i be titled, numbered and dated and shal I:include a detai led
description of the manufacturing and fabrication processes, “including the
methods to control manufacturing variables. The.’contr prcs spec is def Ined as
a singular process specification or a package of two or more specifications,
that when put together provide al 1 the required information. The contr prcs
spec shal 1 comply with the requirements of this specification. In addition,
the contr prcs spec should conform to the format establ ished by MI L-STO-490.

_3.i.l Availability. The contr prcs spec shali be finalized and made
avai Iable by the prime contractor by the criticai design review of engineering
and manufacturing development of material to which it appl ies. Ouring the
course of production, the contr prcs spec shal I also be made available for use
by authorized Government and Industry inspectors in the faci 1ities of the
prime contractor, his subcontractors, or his vendors. It shail also be made
available, on request, for review by engineers of the procuring ac$ivity.

3.i .2 ComDl iance. The prime contract r represent’s that compliance (see
4. 1) with such process specifications WI! i produce Par,ts meeting all the
contract requirements. Any change in mater ials,,design, tcoling, or process
which affects material properties or part performance shal 1 “require
resubmittal and approval by the procuring activity. The fol lowing
requirements, processes, inspection methods, and precautions shall be 1isted.
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3.1.3 Referenced documents. The contr prcs spec shal I only reference
those documents or soeclflcations which have been aDDrOVed by the procuring
activity. Documents” listed in the 00DISS (ie. Federal, Mil i~aryand -
I DoD-adopted Industry specifications, standards, handbcmks, etc. ) shall be
acceptable unless specifically disapproved by ‘the procuring activity. Company
or contractor specifications shall be acceptable for use when approved by the
procuring activity.

3.2 Chemical and Dersonnel safety. Materials and processes shali be

selected to meet environmental and hazardous waste regulations, and ,
occupational safety and heaith requirements.

3.3. Materials and eauipment. Materials and equipment selected to be

used in the fabrication process and which are necessary for the production of
qual ity end iterns shal 1 be 1isteal and approved by the procuring activl ty.

3.3.1 Materials. Materials shall be so selected that parts are

consistently produced in conformance with the applicable laminate or sandwich
specification, purchase order or engineering drawing(s) Materials used
directly in the part shall conform to applicable specifications (see 3.1.3).

3.3.2 Equipment. Equipment used in the fabrication process shall be

described. The maintenance system and calibration system (3.3.2. ), where
applicable, shall aiso be described. : Equipment calibration. A cal ibration system for all measuring

and test equipment shal 1 be establ Ished in accordance with MI L-STD-45662.

3.4 Material storage, facilities control and tooling.

3.4.1 Material storage. The following envirorimental storage conditions

I and limits shal I be listed in the contr prcs spec:

a. Temperature.
b. Humidity.
.C. Maximum time “of storage.
d. Maximum time out of storage (see”handling life, 6.2.7).
e. Requirements for handling refrigerated materials, or other material
requiring special handling.
f. Criteria for determining suitabll ity of materials taken from storage.

Prior to use, resins, adhesives, primers, and preimpregnated fabric and tape
should be brought up to rcem temperature in a closed container to avoid
moisture contamination.

3.4. 1.1 Refrigerated storage 1ife. The refrigerated storage 1ife beg!ns
from the date of manufacture or shipping, ‘as appl icable, and shall be
warranted by the manufacturer. The contr prcs spec shal 1 specify:

a. The refrigerated storage 1ife, handling iife and mechanical 1ife

shall be specified as to time, temperature ‘and humidity.
b. Tracking methods for nmni toring out-time during shipping and storage.

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. Material test!ng. Incoming material shall be inspected in

< accordance with 4.3.1. If the storage 1ife has been exceeded for
preimpregnated fabric and tape, the resin flow, gel “time, volati Ie content,
and significant matrix dominated mechanical properties shali be determined
prior to use. Procedures for testing and extending of storage 1lfe of
material whicl ;has exceeded its storage life shal i be specified in the contr
prcs spec.”
3.4,.2 Facilities control. Environmental controls. The atmospher~c pressure, temperature,

humidity and cleanliness maintenance shall be described in the contr prcs’ spec
where ply kitting, tape laying, adhesive application, and bagging operations
are conducted. Cleanliness. Special handling requirements relating to the

cleanliness of the operations shall be given in the contr prcs spec, where
applicable, such as the use of clean cotton gloves during processing.

3.4.3. Tool ing. Tooling shall be designed and fabricated, as necessary,

to construct quality, dimensionally accurate, and mechanically and
electrically acceptable composi te parts. Teal drawings shai 1 be prepared for
significant tools, such as bond and cure tools and major assembly tools.
Tooling materials and designs shal I be selected based upon the tolerance
requirements of the engineering drawing< and the curing/processing
requirements of the raw material . Tooling shall be constructed to minimtze
shlrmnlng’during assembly. Critical tools shall be inspected periodical ly to”
ensure control of tool and part dimensional tolerances (see 4.3.5). Methods
and frequency of inspecting for, compensating for, and repai ring tool wear and
distortion, as applicable, shall be described in the. contr prcs spec, as
applicable. -,”
I Prove out, Procedures for tool ing prov’e out (6.2. 17) shal 1 be
described in detail.

3.5 Raw material preparation, lay-up and fabricating P rocedure. Each

steR in the manufacture of the laminate (Type I) or sandwich (Type 11) part
shall be completely described as outl ined below.

3.5.1, Type I - laminates. Met lay-up. Th’e resin to be used shall be one that compl ies
with an applicable specification (see 3.1.3) and shall be listed (3.3) in the
contr prcs spec. The procedure for ‘use and curing of resin shal1 not conf 1ict
wi th the resin manufacturer’s or prepregger’ s approved instruction sheet,
except where the fabricator has determined more suitable curing systems and
curing cycle for a particular application ~ Alternate curing cycles shall be
fully described in the contr prcs spec and supporting data shal 1 be submitted
prior to approval. The procedure and equipment used for mixing resins,
catalysts and hardeners shall be described where applicable. Dry lay-up. The prepreg to be used shall be Ilsted (3.3) in the

contr prcs spec and shal I be one that COMP1 !es Y! th an a~pl icab!e
specification (3.1.3).

3.5.2 ““’TypeII - sandwich. , Materials. The adhesive and core material to be used shal 1 be

listed (3.3) in the contr prcs spec and shall be one that complies with an
appl i.cable specification (see 3.1 .3). Unless otherwise specified in the
appl icable engineering drawi”ng, the pieces of core material .shal1 .be laid up
in the direction of core ribbon as specified in the applicable sandwich ,
specification. The procedure for use and curing of adhesive shal I not
conf 1ict Hi th the manufacturer’s approved instruction sheet, except
where fabricator” has determined more suitable curing cycles for a particular
appl ication. These shall be fully described in the contr prcs spec, and
confirming data shal 1 be required prior to approval .

3.5.212 Bondinq. Core-to-core and face-to-core bonding shal 1 be

performed in accordance with MI L-A-83377. The contr prcs spec shal ] contain a <
description of the methods used to maintain critical bond line thickness based
on the adhesive system selected.

3.5.3 Laminating and curing procedure. The following general

informat~on shall be given in the contr prcs spec: Laminating.

a. Procedures for preparation of’ tool surfaces, impregnation of fabric

and tape as appl icabl e, cut”ting of prepreg, and lay-up and
compact ion of Iay-ups.
b. The bagging sequence, describing release film, bleeder plies,
breather plies and caul plates.
c. Methods for tracking out-time of materl als taken from refrigerated
storage. w.

.a. Temperature’ and time process windows, or parameters, for the

application of vacuum, heat, and pressure. .
- b. Method of applying and control ling heat to cure the laminate or
sandwich part.
Location and cal ibration system (3.3.2. 1) of thermocouples.
;: Postcure time and temperature.
e. Postcure heat-up and cml down, atmosphere, and part support.
f. Cocuring procedures, as applicable.

The sDecific recorded charts for each oart shal 1 be made available in
accordance with Room tempe~ature and ultraviolet 1ight.‘curing
systems shal 1 not be used unless approved by the procuring activity.
Confirming data shal 1 be required prior to approval .
3.5.4 Drillinq and trimming. The fol lowing dril Iing and trimming
procedures and eauipment shal 1 be listed in”the contr Drcs sDec:
a, Routers, drills, saws, metal cutting tools, high p~essure water jets
and grinding wheels used, for drilling, reaming, coUnter-sinking,

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tri~lng and finishing “of the part. ‘

b. Tools shall be described in detai 1 and feed rates: speeds, backup
;. mater lals,”cool ing, and dust removal system,,descriptions given.
c. Sealing niethods, where applicable.
d. Acceptable level s,of hole and edge quality, dimensional checks and
Inspection methods.
e. Out=o~-roundness tolerance.” and inspection methods,
~ f.: Acceptance criteria and corrective action for edge delamination and
fiber breakout. ..

The contractor shall develop test data to determine machining and drilling
processes in order to prevent overheat ing,.breakout, and dimensional
nonconformity. Lubricants and ccmlants shall be used when appl icable to ,,
improve hole quality. When required by the contr prcs spec, cut edges shall
be inspected for delamination and defects. Damage caused by overheating
shall not be allowed.

3.6 Defects

3.6.1 Laminate (Type I) defects. The minimum requirements for the

laminate Darts and maximum allowable and rec)airable defects for structural
zones shai I be as specified by the contractor. The fol lowing shall be
specified in the contr prcs spec:

a. Structural zones shall be defined based on design requirements.

b. Levels of al Iowable defects, and the number and density of defects
that originate from the production process for each zone shal1 be
defined in the prcs spec. ‘\ ‘
Acceptance and rejection cri teria for all defects listed herein.
:: Repair procedures and nondestructive inspection methods (
used to verify repair quality shall be described in detail and
repaired areas recorded (
Any defect that wi 11 be completely removed from th,epart at a later stage of
manufacture is acceptable. The acceptance of any and al I defects and repairs,
insofar as they affect the serviceabi 1ity of the part, is the responsibi 1ity
of the prime contractor. Any part having defects in nature, size, location or
extent beyond approved repairable condi t~ons shal 1 be corrected or disposed
of, as applicable, in accordance with MI L-STD-1520. Defects to be specified
are ‘as follows:

3.6.1 ..1 Porosity and voids. Porosity is defined as a condition of smal 1

trapped pockets of air, gas or voids within a laminate part. Voids are a
condition of air or gas that has been trapped and cured into a laminate part.
Porosity is an aggregation of microvoids. Attenuation levels for porosity
shall be correlated with significant mechanical properties. Porosity and
voids shall be specified as folloys: .

a. Void size or porosity dispersion~area.

b. Location.
c. A quantifiable NDT variable (e.g. ultrasonic attenuation) Overlaps. The minimum and maximum, overlap for each layer of
fabric or tape shall specified in the drawing.

MI L-P-9400C
.. ~. Gaps are defined as the space between”butted edges of

,;’ faylng surfaces (mating surfaces), or two pieces of broadgtids or tape. Step
plate gaps are defined as a gap between the ends of piies and the vertical
component of a metal stepped (splice) plate. Gaps shall be as specified as
fol lows:

a. .“i4iii{rnum
acceptable repairable stze.
b. Location.
c. Number, maximum al lowed in a given area.

3.’6.1.4 Cracks (fractures). Cracks are defined as fractures in either

the matrix or both matrix and fibers. Cracks shall be specified in the,’contr
prcs spec as follows:

a. Maxlmurn.acceptable size.
b. “Location.
c. Number, maximum allowed in a given area. Surface pits and pin holes. Pits are defined as small, regular
or irregular craters in the surface of a plastic, usual Iy of a width
approximately the same order of magni tude as its depth. Pin holes are defined
as smal 1 cavities that penetrate the surface of a cured part. None shall be
allowed beyond the first layer. Within the first layer the following shall be

a. Maximum repairable size. ‘

b. Location.
c. Number, maximum al lowed in given area. Blisters. Blisters are air-containing areas in which there is a

lack of bond between any two D1 ies of fabric or tape in a laminate. The
following limits shall be specified:

a. Layers in which no blisters are allowed.

b. Size of blisters allowed in remaining layers.
c. Number of blisters allowed in a specified area and n relationship
to one another.
- d. Location. Resin starved areas. Resin starved areas are defined as areas
in which the fabric, tape or fibers are not adequately coated with resin. The
acceptable levels of resin starved areas shal 1 be specified in the contr prcs
spec. Tackiness. Tackiness is defined as a soft or fluid area of

resin that has “not ful 1y cured. Evidence of tackiness in the finished part
shall not be ai lowed. Methods ~or determining tackiness shall be specified in
the contr prcs spec. ,, Wrinkles. A wrinkle is defined as a imperfection in laminated

plastics that has the appearance of a crease or fold in one or nnre sheets of
the paper, fabric, or the base, which has been pressed in.. The fol lowing

MI L-P-9400C

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parameters shal 1 be speclfled in the contr prcs spec:

a. Sizel maximum.
b. Location, 1 Imitation.
c.. Repairable or nonrepairable. : Delamination and non-bonds. Delamination(s) are defined as the

separation of-the lavers of materjal in a lamlnate. A non-bond indicates that
the l“ami
tiatenever banded during ,the cycle cure. The fol lowing shal1 be
specified in the contr prcs spec:

a; Size, maximum.
b. Location, depth and proximity to other defects or to edge.
4’ Foreign matter. There shal 1 be no foreign objects or
substances in the laminate part which will cause structural or electrical
nonserviceabi 1ity of the part. Foreign matter shal 1 b.edefined as any
material not jnciuded jn the contr prcs spec or engineering drawing. Foreign
material in the lay-up area shall be demonstrated to be detectable by
production non-destructive inspection (NDI) techniques (3.10.2) . Maximum
allowable foreign material sizes shal 1 be determined by the contractor for
various materials, and inclusions exceeding these sizes shall require
engineering disposition. Breakout and splintering. Breakout is defined as fiber

separation or breakage of surface piies at dril led or machined edges.
Splintering is a combination of crackirig and delamination of the outer skin. ,
Breakout and splintering shall be minimized through control of feeds and
speeds, machine tool /dril I bit replacement, and backside support where
possible. For each breakout and splintering area, specify rejectable defect

a. Size.
b. Location.
c. Number, maximum per area.
d. Repairable or nonrepairable. Br’idginq. A condition where fibers do not move into or conform

to radj i and corners during molding, resulting In voids and dimensional
control problems. Fiber distortion. An abrupt change in fiber orientation. Resin rich areas. Localized area filled with resin and lacking
reinforcing material .

3.6.2 Sandwich construction (Type 11) defects. The minimum requirements

for the sandwich parts and the maximum allowable and, repairable defects for
structural zones shall be as specified b~ the prime contractor. Any sandwich
parts having defects in nature, size, lotation or extent beyond approved
repairable conditions shal 1 be disposed of, as appl icable, in accordance with
MI L-STO-1520. Oefects to be specified are as follows: Unbended areas. The following limits shall be given for

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“. UIL-P-9400C

unrepaired unbended areas between the laminate (s’kIn) and core, between Pieces
,<<ofcore material , or””between laminate and metal . The following shall be
specified in the contr prcs spec:

a. Maximum repairable unbended area between skin and core and between
piefe> of core.
b: .Size, maximum.
c. Location, (including proximity to other defects, edges or faste>er
holes). Laminate (skin) defects. Skin defects shall be al lowed to the

I extent specified in 3.6.1. t’

I Core crushes. Core crushes are defined as a collapse,
distortion or compression of the core. Cell distortion. Cell, distortion and variation of ribbon

direction shall be defined.

3.7 Mechanical and physical requirements.

3.7.1 Cured iaminates (Type I). The mechanical and physical properties
of the laminate in 4.3.3 .I.2, where applicable, shall be tested for in
accordance with and defined in the applicable laminate specification.

3.7.2 Bonded sandwich construction’ (Type 11). The mechanical properties

for sandwfch construction in 4.3.3 .1.2 shall be tested for in accordance with
and defined in the appl icable sandwich specification. The requirements of
3.7.1 shall also be met.

3.8 Electrical requirements (where appli cable).. The laminate or

sandwich construction parts shal 1 conform to the electrical requirements of
the appl icable laminate or sandwich construction specifications.
3.9 Dimensional requirements. The iaminate (Type 1) and sandwich
I construction (Type 11) parts shall meet the dimensional requirements”of the
drawings, specification or contract for the specified ,parts.

- 3.10 Inspection and testing. The contractors inspection and testing

program shal I meet the requirements of MIL-I-45208.’ Visual and nondestructive
inspection. methods shal 1 be described in detail in the contr prcs spec as
contained herein.

3.10. I Visuai inspection. Visual inspection procedures to detect

surface defects such as in 3.6 shall be described in detail ..

3.10.2 Nondestructive test~ng and inspection. !! nondestructive

inspection and testing program shal 1 be established in accordance with
MIL-I-6870. Methods and equipment used for nondestructive inspection shall be
described in detail . All nondestructive testing sha[l be performed in
accordance with the contr prcs spec. The appropriate nondestructive testing
methods shall be determined for al 1 zones of structure to ensure rejectable
defects may be found. Sampling plans shall be defined based on structural
zones (see 3.6.1) and may be used for nondestructive testing. All sampl Ing

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MI L-P-9400C
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,><plafjsshall identify the statistical risk of not detecting a ‘ejectable defect. ~‘) Ultrasonic inspection and testing. The following equipment,

methods and standards shal I be described:

a. ,Infpection method type.

b. Manufacturer and model numbers of instrumentation (include recordl ng
equipment, alarm equipment and electronic distance-amplitude !’
correction equipment).
“c. Description of manipulating and scan ing equipment.
d. Coupl ant.
e. Method of establ ishing scan sensitiv ty and index determinatio~ for
concave and convex surfaces, if appl cabie.
f. Scanning plan.
9. Reference standards.
h. Disconti”nuity evaluation procedure.
i. Attenuation - dB loss (thick section), dB loss (thin section).
~. Criteria for flaw type, size, and number. “
Description of recording methods and how traceabi iity is estabi ished.
1: Sampl ing plan,
m. Part positioning including water path length and sound entry angle.
n. Set up cal ibration using the appi icable reference standard.
o. Any special requirements relative to the specific technique (such
as. when usina focused transducers the waterpath shali be such as to
position the Focal point to miximize detection of the maximum (or
smaller) allowable size defect at any depth and location in the
P. Any other pertinent data. Radiographic testinq and inspection. . The following equipment

methods and standards shal i be described: -,

a. Manufacturer and modei numbers of equipment, KVP rating, focal spo

size, and tube head type.
b. Reference standards or radiographs.
-:: Level of exposure (duration) in mi 11iampere ‘minutes or Curi es.
- e. Focal film distance.
f. Film density range in the area of interest.
:. Film brand, type and size.
Screens (type and thickness).
Penetrameter thickness; type, number, and placement.
:: Quality levei of penetrameter.
k. Film processing (manual or automatic).
1. Description of marker positioning.
m. Acceptance criteria.
n. Sampiing plan. !’ O&. Other non-destructive inspection and testing techniques

shal 1 be described in regard to the samDling plan, equipment, recording
methods, and any other p~rtinent details. -

3.11 Pre-fit. The procedures for pre-f it shal 1 be described in detai’

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., MIL-P-9400C

3.12 Assembly: “The flttlng of parts and drjlling.and ihi~ing

: procedures shal 1 be”s)erformed in order to obtain an acceptable fit as
establ ished by the ‘contr prcs spec or the engineeri~g drawing. In the
assembly operation, gaps between ,parts shall be,minimized withoq~ excessive
force to assure structural integrity, prevent pre-stress or damage to
composite ,and jmprove fuel sealing (where applicable). Sanding of
substructure Darts to minimize aaDs shal 1 be restricted to the outer resin
layer only. The outer reinforc~ment PIy “may be ‘removed if not ‘required for .
structural purposes. The electrical properties (3.8) and lightning strike
protection materials should not be degraded if.the first ply must be removed.

3.12.1 D(rnensional checks. The contractor shal 1 verify, through I

sufficient sampling techniques, the composite assembly meets the dimensional
requirements of the engineering drawing.

3. 12.2 Fixturing. The fixtures, frames, or jigs used .in the mounting of
substructures (ie. ribs, spars, hardware) to the composite part, and their

placement shall be described in the contr prcs spec.

3.12.3 Shimming. The contractor shall determine the maximum allowable

gaps during the assembly process based on structural requirements, laminate
thickness, drilling technique, fastener style, and shim type. The maximum
allowable gap shall be that which minimizes the risk of ply delamination
during assembly. Shimming materials. Shi~ing’ materials (liquid and solid)

shall be listed (see 3.3). The requirements and test methods for shimming
compounds, such as shelf 1ife, vertical fiow, thixotroplc characteristics, pot
life, application life, cure time, density, hardness, thickness, compressive
strength, shear strength and environmental resistance, shal 1 be as specified
by the prime contractor. -.

3. 12.3.2 Shimminq a~pl ication. The following shall be described in the

contr prcs spec:

a. Methods for preparing the surface.

b. Methods for applying and curing liquid and solid sh”ims,
.-c. Methods for control of gap sizes.
d. Gap sizes, if not shown on the engineering’ drawing.
e. Techniques for excess shim removal .

3.12.4 Fastening. Interference fit fasteners are discouraged from use

in structural composite assemblies. Process for verifying length and
installing fasteners shall be described in the contr prcs spec. Description
of twls, torque or preload indicators, and bolt lubricants and sealants shal 1
be given.


4.1Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the

contract or purchase order, the contractor is responsible for the. performance ,
of all inspection requirements (examinations and tests) as specified herein.
Except as qtherwi se speclf ied in the contract or ,pu,rchaseorde,r, the
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MI L-P-9400C

contractor may use hls own or any other faci Iitles suitable for the ,,—
,#erformance of the inspection requl ~ements speclf i,edheretn, ‘unless
disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform
any of the inspections set forth in this specification where such inspections
are deemed necessary to ensure supplies and services conform to prescribed
-.. . .
4.1.1 Respons{blllty for compliance. All items shall meet all
requirements of Section 3. The Inspection set forth in this speciftcatlon
shal 1 become a part of the contractor’s overal I Inspection system or qual 1ty
program. The absence of any inspection requirements in the specification
shall not relleve the contractor of the responsibility of ensuring that al,l
products or suppl Ies submitted to the Government for acceptance comply with
al 1 requirements of the contract. Sampl)ng inspection, as part of
manufacturing operations, is an acceptable practice to ascertain conformance
to requirements; however, this does not authorize submission of known
defective material, either indicated or actual, nor does it commit the
Government to accept defective material .

4.2 Process specification. The primary and continuing purpose of the

acceptance ‘tests is to ensure that al 1 the requirements and procedures of the
approved contr prcs spec are continuously compl ied with during the production
of parts. This shall be accompl Ished by periodic review of the production
processes, inspection methods, controls, and other iterns covered by the
process specification for conformance with the requirements of the latter.
The process specification shall contain all the general requirements for
sampling, inspection and testing. Specific and detailed requirements shall be
as specified on the engineering drawing.
4.3 Classification of inspection. The inspections, which include
examinations and tests, performed under this specification shall be classified
as contained. herein.

4.3. I Incom{nq material inspection. The incoiningmaterial inspection,

including sampling and testing, of all materials or laminates to be used in
the fabrication of all laminates (Type I) or sandwich construction (Type II)
shall be in accordance with their applicab,l,especification (3.1 .3).

“4.3.2 First article inspection. Prior to fabrication of production

parts, fabrication procedures for each part” shall be verified to assure
conformity with the engineering drawing requirements as wel 1 as the physical
and mechanical requirements. The contractor shall specify and define a ftrst
part to be prepared In accordance with 3.5 on the tooling to be used in
manufacturing the contracted part. Conformance with the requirements of 3.6
and 3.9 shall be verified by visual inspection (3.10.1) and nondestructive
inspection (3.1O.2). Following testing. to 3.6 and 3.9, the part shal”l be cut
into specimens for testing for conformance with the requirements of 3.7 and
3.8. A destructive test plan shall be submjtted to the procuring activity for
approval. The first article destructive test’plan shall include, but 1s not
llmited to, the requirements of (including photomlcrographs) and
other tests required to verify part Integrity. Addi tlonal mechanl cal property
tests representative of the critical failure mode for ,crlti.calzones (see
6.2.4) of the part shall also be conducted. For buckl Ing critical structure,
the compression strength and niodulus test shall be conducted. First article

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“inspectIon shalI be performed for al 1 new tooling, or for any major change in
,? design,. materials, or process which could alter the properties or performance
,? of the finished part.

4.3.3 Production inspection.

,4.3.,3.J. Process control testing.

.,. Samplinq. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, the
fabricator shal1 specify and define the size, source and sampling rate of
specimens for testing for conformance to the requirements of 3.7, 3.8 and
3.9. Critical parts (see 6.2.4) shall be tested 100 percent. Specimen shall
consist of tab ends, cut-outs or cut-offs of production parts or eleme~ : s, or
test panels from a typical lay-up of the part from the same bag, tool and
processing conditions.

4.3.3. ].2 ~. Test methods shall be described in the contr prcs spec
if not shown in the applicable laminate or sandwich specification (see 3.7) .
The followlng physical and mechanical property values shall be determined:

a. Laminates.
1. Degree of cure.
2. Inter lam!nar shear strength (short beam shear).
3. Void content.
4. Ply orientation.
5. Critical mechanical property tests (where applicable and
approved by the procuring activi ty).

Ply orientation/stacking shall be determined through the use of

photomicrographs or other sui table methods to determine conformance of the
part with the engineering drawing or Part specification.

b. Sandwich construction.
1. Sandwich flexure.
2. Flatwise tension.

I Documentation. All parts shall be accompanied by a traveler

sheet through production and final inspection. The traveler sheet shall
cvtitain check-off inspection Doints for each steo in the manufacturlna and
inspection processes. ” A minimum check off inspe~t{on shall contain tie

a. Incoming material inspection (4.3.1).

b. First article inspection (reproduction) testing (4.3.2).
c. Any deviation from process (3. 1.2).
ie. Any abnormal ity or otherwise deviation/substitution from the
required process.
d. Process control test’results (
e. Facilities (4.3.4) and tooling inspection (4.3.5).
f. Repairs (4.4), retest (4.5), and rejection (4.6), if applicable.
9. Final quality assurance verification.

4.3.3 .2.1 Cure records. Time, temperature, vacuum and pressure recorded
charts (see 3.5.3) shall accompany each traveler sheet or the records shall be

. .

MI L-P-9400C

maintained with adequate traceab! 11ty In accordance WIth the contract.

;< 4.3.4’ Facil’ltiis inspection. An ins~ection plan shall “’beestablished n
and described In detail in the contr prcs spec for the periodic verification
of cleanliness and to verify the proper control of the facilities and
operations. Such Inspection shal 1 cover areas used for the storage, cutting,
1ay-up and c~rjng of material and the fabrication .of cured parts. The time
and date cSf the last inspection shall be “documented ( Conditions
found during such inspection whicli may be detrimental to the finished part
sha} 1 be recorded and corrective actions described. Such records shal 1 be
made avaiIable, in accordance with the contract, to the purchaser upon
request. ,.
4.3.5 ,Tmlinq inspection. An inspection plan shall be established and
described for the periodic inspection of critical tooling (3.4.3). Such
inspect ion.,shali include verification of dimensional accuracy and examination
for tool wear and distortion. The time and date of the last inspection shall
be documented (

4.4 Repairs. The contractor wi 11 supply the actions required to correct

any defects of a repairable nature as specified by contracts for specific
parts. Nonconforming parts judged repairable to the extent specified in 3.6
shal I be repaired such that the repaired parts conform to the requirements
stated in 3.7 and 3.8 as wel 1 as the engineering drawing, and demonstrate
conformance with 3.6 through nondestructive inspection. The methods used for
correcting defects of a repairable natu@ to conform to the above requirements
shall be fully described in the contr prcs spec and shall be substantiated by
appropriate test data. (-)
4.5 Retestinq. All” retesting of parts ,repaired in accordance with 4.4
shall be documented on the applicable traveler sheet. Such documentation
shal I include type of defects, methods of repair and, results of retesting.

4.6 Rejection. Rejected parts shal 1 not be,’resubmitted for inspection

without furnishing al 1 particulars concerning previous rejection and measures
taken to overcome the defects.

-- (This section is not applicable to this document. )

1. (This.section contains information of a general or explanatory nature
that may be helpful , but is not mandatory. )

6.1 Intended use. This specification is intended to cover minimum

requirements for the preparation of process specifications for the manufacture
of comDosite Darts. This .sDecifi’cationdoes not constitute a re~uirement for
any additional process specification

6.2 Definitions.

6.2.1 Bieeder. Porous materia” used to absorb excess resin from prepreg
during cure. 0“

. .

,.. . .
6.2.2 Breather. A loosely woven or matted. material that wt 11 serve as a
continuous vacuum path over a “part but not in contact WI th the resin,
;? ..
.- ,.’
6.2.3 Compact Ion. The appl Icatlon,of pressure to compact the lay-up.
6.2.4 Critical zone. A crlttcal zone of a part or component i$ defined
as one that carries prtmary aircraft loads and is essential in maintaining
aircraft $trtittural integrity. These zones must meet certain materials and
fabrication standards and test requirements. The failure of a critical zone
of a part or component during operating conditions could cause loss of the
aircraft or one of its major components, loss of control , unintentional
release of or inabi 1ity to release any armament store, fai lure of weapon
installation components, or which may cause significant injury to occupa~ts of
the aircraft.

6.2.5 ~Cut-off. An extension bui 1t on a part for removal as waste or for

testing putposes.

6.2.6 Oebuikinq. Compacting of, laminates at rmm temperature or under

moderate heat and vacuum to insure seating on the tool , to prevent wrinkles
and to remove volatiles and air,

6.2.7 Handlinq life (Work{ng life). The length of time that the
material can be exposed to temperatures between 60” F and 80”F and retain its

6.2.8 Laminate. A product made by bonding together two or more layers

(laminae) of material or materials.

6.2.9 Lay-up area. The fabrication area where raw materials are cut,
plied, assembled or kitted.
6.2.10’ Manufacturing process instruction (hiPI). A step-by-step
manufacturing procedure that provides greater control , precision, and
repeatabi lity in operations.

6.2.11 Mechanical 1ife (Open mold 1ife) . The out-of-refrigeration to

cure time through which ‘the material remain’s capable of attaining the required
mechanical and physical properties when laid up after its handl ing 1ife.

6.2.12 Non-critical zone. A zone is considered non-crl tical where a

fai lure wo,uld not affect efficiency of the system or part or endanger
personnel . These zones of parts or components are not necessary to ensure
structural integrity.

6.2.13 NOT (NOI) . Non-destructive testing (non-destructive inspection)

techniques used to detect internal anomalies in a structure without degrading
the chemical , physical or mechanical properties of the structure.

6.2.14 Pre-fit. 1) The process of ’dry fitting of detail parts that are
to be nmlded or bonded together to form a structural part. 2) A process to
check the fit of mating detai 1 parts in an assembly prior’to adhesive bonding
to insure proper bond 1ines. Mechanical ly fastened structures are also

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MIL-P-9400C ‘
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pre-flt sometimes to establish shimming requirements.

. ,. ,..
6.2.15 Prime contractor. A prime contractor is a contractor fabrl catlng
;< components, or subcontracting the fabrication of parts or al 1 such components,
under direct contract with -the Government; or a fabricator supplying
components direct to the Government.

6.2,.16; Process control test Danei. A standard test panei made at the
same ”tim,ef%m the same material ,stocks, and under the same bag (or in series
with) and the same conditions as’ the production unit to ensure that the proper
physical and mechanical properties were attained during the cure cycle.

6:2.17 Prove Out. The process of fabricating the first part on an

Inspected tool using the procedures specified in ‘the process specification.

6.2.18 Sandwich construction. A structural panel concept consisting in

its simplest form of ,two relatively thin, parallel sheets of structural
material bonded to and separated by a relatively thick, lightweight core.

6.2.19 Semi-critical zone. A zone is semi-critical when a failure could

reduce overal 1 effectiveness of the system but endangering of personnel would
not be experienced. These zones include but are not limited to zones which
serve to transfer aircraft loads to primary structural members. Normal ly, the
allowable defects in these zones is greater than that allowed for critical

6.2.20 Storaqe life (Shelf life),: The length of time the material will
retain its handl ing 1ife, mechanical life, and al 1 other requirements of the (“j
applicable material specification while exposed to specified temperatures
while contained in its original packaging system.

6.2.21 Subcontractor. A subcontractor is a fabricator supplying

components to a prime contractor.

6.2.22 Test coupon(s). Coupon(s) which are cut from the process control
test panel or cut-offs. The test coupon is used to verify the physical and
mechanical properties of the composi te part.

6.3 Consideration of data requirements. The fdl Iowing data requirements

should be considered when this specification is appl ied on a contract. The
aP-Plicable Oata Item Descriptions (OID’S) should be reviewed in conjunction
with the specific acquisition to ensure that only essential data are
I requested/provided and that the DIO’s are tailored to-reflect the requirements
of the specific acquisition. To ensure correct contractual application of the
data requirements, a Contract Data Requirements List (DD Form 1423) must be
prepared to obtain the data, except where 000 FAR Supplement 27-4.75-1 exempts
the requirement for a OD Form 1423.

Reference Para. OID Number D[b Title ~

3.1 DI-E-3130 Process Specification ---

3.4.3 DI-DRPR-81OO8 Special tool ing drawings ---

and associated 1ists

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MI L-P-9400C

,? The above DID’s were those cleared as of the date of this”specification. The
current issue of.DOD 5010. 12-L, Acquisition Management Systems and Data
Requirements Control List (AMSDL), must be researched to ensure that only
current, cleared DID’s are cited on the DD Form 1423.

.“6.4. Acceptable specifications and standards. The fol lowing list of

standards may be incorporated into the contr prcs spec or may be used for
guidance or information in the development of the process specification.

MI L-Q-9858 Quality Program Requirements

MI L-STD-401 Sandwich Construction and Core Materials; General Test
MiL-STD-1944 Polymer Matrix Composites
MIL-floEK-733 Radiography
MI L-HDBK-787 Nondestructive Testing Methods of Composite Materials -
ARP 1611 Quality Inspection Procedure, Composites, Tracer
NAS 999 Nondestructive Inspection of Advanced Composites

6.5 Subject term (keyword) listing.

8ond ing
I Prepreg

6.6 Changes from previous issue. Marginal notations are not used in
this revision to identify changes with respect to the previous issue, due to
the extensiveness of the changes.

Custodians: Preparing Activity:

Army : MI Navy - AS
Navy - AS (Project No. CMPS-0076)
Air Force - 11

Review Activity:
User Activity: ,
Army - ME

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1. The prrpedngac%vity 1,2,3,●nd 8. Inblink1,boththedc-acment
mustcompleteL?40cfu numberand revision
be given
2. Thecubmitter fo& muctcompletebhxks4,S,6,●nd 7.
3. i’he m”vity
mm protide
● reply
NOTE: fi$ form may not be usedto requ~ copiesof documen~,norto request waivam,or clarification of
requirem~ on currentcontracts.Comments submitted on this form do nc$t constitute or imply authorizati.?h to
waive any portion of tfse referenced dcmtmant(i) or to ●mend contractual requirements.


‘“ y::~o~’ 14 Noyember 1991
000JMUS1 -
(ldctify pmer@ m!,mbwad hdudl ~ mwtir. It Wlda And ●-a #!ceO ● nw&d.J


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