MIL-P-9400C Laminate-Sandwich Aircraft Structures
MIL-P-9400C Laminate-Sandwich Aircraft Structures
MIL-P-9400C Laminate-Sandwich Aircraft Structures
“14 November 1991
26 Aprl 1 1977
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MI L-P-9400C ..
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MI L-STD-490 Specification Practices
_3.i.l Availability. The contr prcs spec shali be finalized and made
avai Iable by the prime contractor by the criticai design review of engineering
and manufacturing development of material to which it appl ies. Ouring the
course of production, the contr prcs spec shal I also be made available for use
by authorized Government and Industry inspectors in the faci 1ities of the
prime contractor, his subcontractors, or his vendors. It shail also be made
available, on request, for review by engineers of the procuring ac$ivity.
3.i .2 ComDl iance. The prime contract r represent’s that compliance (see
4. 1) with such process specifications WI! i produce Par,ts meeting all the
contract requirements. Any change in mater ials,,design, tcoling, or process
which affects material properties or part performance shal 1 “require
resubmittal and approval by the procuring activity. The fol lowing
requirements, processes, inspection methods, and precautions shall be 1isted.
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3.1.3 Referenced documents. The contr prcs spec shal I only reference
those documents or soeclflcations which have been aDDrOVed by the procuring
activity. Documents” listed in the 00DISS (ie. Federal, Mil i~aryand -
I DoD-adopted Industry specifications, standards, handbcmks, etc. ) shall be
acceptable unless specifically disapproved by ‘the procuring activity. Company
or contractor specifications shall be acceptable for use when approved by the
procuring activity.
a. Temperature.
b. Humidity.
.C. Maximum time “of storage.
d. Maximum time out of storage (see”handling life, 6.2.7).
e. Requirements for handling refrigerated materials, or other material
requiring special handling.
f. Criteria for determining suitabll ity of materials taken from storage.
Prior to use, resins, adhesives, primers, and preimpregnated fabric and tape
should be brought up to rcem temperature in a closed container to avoid
moisture contamination.
3.4. 1.1 Refrigerated storage 1ife. The refrigerated storage 1ife beg!ns
from the date of manufacture or shipping, ‘as appl icable, and shall be
warranted by the manufacturer. The contr prcs spec shal 1 specify:
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:. Met lay-up. Th’e resin to be used shall be one that compl ies
with an applicable specification (see 3.1.3) and shall be listed (3.3) in the
contr prcs spec. The procedure for ‘use and curing of resin shal1 not conf 1ict
wi th the resin manufacturer’s or prepregger’ s approved instruction sheet,
except where the fabricator has determined more suitable curing systems and
curing cycle for a particular application ~ Alternate curing cycles shall be
fully described in the contr prcs spec and supporting data shal 1 be submitted
prior to approval. The procedure and equipment used for mixing resins,
catalysts and hardeners shall be described where applicable. Dry lay-up. The prepreg to be used shall be Ilsted (3.3) in the
contr prcs spec and shal I be one that COMP1 !es Y! th an a~pl icab!e
specification (3.1.3). Laminating. w.
The sDecific recorded charts for each oart shal 1 be made available in
accordance with Room tempe~ature and ultraviolet 1ight.‘curing
systems shal 1 not be used unless approved by the procuring activity.
Confirming data shal 1 be required prior to approval .
3.5.4 Drillinq and trimming. The fol lowing dril Iing and trimming
procedures and eauipment shal 1 be listed in”the contr Drcs sDec:
a, Routers, drills, saws, metal cutting tools, high p~essure water jets
and grinding wheels used, for drilling, reaming, coUnter-sinking,
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The contractor shall develop test data to determine machining and drilling
processes in order to prevent overheat ing,.breakout, and dimensional
nonconformity. Lubricants and ccmlants shall be used when appl icable to ,,
improve hole quality. When required by the contr prcs spec, cut edges shall
be inspected for delamination and defects. Damage caused by overheating
shall not be allowed.
3.6 Defects
—. Overlaps. The minimum and maximum, overlap for each layer of
fabric or tape shall specified in the drawing.
MI L-P-9400C
a. .“i4iii{rnum
acceptable repairable stze.
b. Location.
c. Number, maximum al lowed in a given area.
a. Maxlmurn.acceptable size.
b. “Location.
c. Number, maximum allowed in a given area. Surface pits and pin holes. Pits are defined as small, regular
or irregular craters in the surface of a plastic, usual Iy of a width
approximately the same order of magni tude as its depth. Pin holes are defined
as smal 1 cavities that penetrate the surface of a cured part. None shall be
allowed beyond the first layer. Within the first layer the following shall be
specified: Resin starved areas. Resin starved areas are defined as areas
in which the fabric, tape or fibers are not adequately coated with resin. The
acceptable levels of resin starved areas shal 1 be specified in the contr prcs
MI L-P-9400C
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parameters shal 1 be speclfled in the contr prcs spec:
a. Sizel maximum.
b. Location, 1 Imitation.
c.. Repairable or nonrepairable. :
a; Size, maximum.
b. Location, depth and proximity to other defects or to edge.
4’ Foreign matter. There shal 1 be no foreign objects or
substances in the laminate part which will cause structural or electrical
nonserviceabi 1ity of the part. Foreign matter shal 1 b.edefined as any
material not jnciuded jn the contr prcs spec or engineering drawing. Foreign
material in the lay-up area shall be demonstrated to be detectable by
production non-destructive inspection (NDI) techniques (3.10.2) . Maximum
allowable foreign material sizes shal 1 be determined by the contractor for
various materials, and inclusions exceeding these sizes shall require
engineering disposition.
a. Size.
b. Location.
c. Number, maximum per area.
d. Repairable or nonrepairable. Resin rich areas. Localized area filled with resin and lacking
reinforcing material .
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unrepaired unbended areas between the laminate (s’kIn) and core, between Pieces
,<<ofcore material , or””between laminate and metal . The following shall be
specified in the contr prcs spec:
a. Maximum repairable unbended area between skin and core and between
piefe> of core.
b: .Size, maximum.
c. Location, (including proximity to other defects, edges or faste>er
I Core crushes. Core crushes are defined as a collapse,
distortion or compression of the core.
3.7.1 Cured iaminates (Type I). The mechanical and physical properties
of the laminate in 4.3.3 .I.2, where applicable, shall be tested for in
accordance with and defined in the applicable laminate specification.
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,><plafjsshall identify the statistical risk of not detecting a ‘ejectable defect. ~‘)
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., MIL-P-9400C
3. 12.2 Fixturing. The fixtures, frames, or jigs used .in the mounting of
substructures (ie. ribs, spars, hardware) to the composite part, and their
placement shall be described in the contr prcs spec.
MI L-P-9400C
contractor may use hls own or any other faci Iitles suitable for the ,,—
,#erformance of the inspection requl ~ements speclf i,edheretn, ‘unless
disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform
any of the inspections set forth in this specification where such inspections
are deemed necessary to ensure supplies and services conform to prescribed
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4.1.1 Respons{blllty for compliance. All items shall meet all
requirements of Section 3. The Inspection set forth in this speciftcatlon
shal 1 become a part of the contractor’s overal I Inspection system or qual 1ty
program. The absence of any inspection requirements in the specification
shall not relleve the contractor of the responsibility of ensuring that al,l
products or suppl Ies submitted to the Government for acceptance comply with
al 1 requirements of the contract. Sampl)ng inspection, as part of
manufacturing operations, is an acceptable practice to ascertain conformance
to requirements; however, this does not authorize submission of known
defective material, either indicated or actual, nor does it commit the
Government to accept defective material .
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“inspectIon shalI be performed for al 1 new tooling, or for any major change in
,? design,. materials, or process which could alter the properties or performance
,? of the finished part.
4.3.3. ].2 ~. Test methods shall be described in the contr prcs spec
if not shown in the applicable laminate or sandwich specification (see 3.7) .
The followlng physical and mechanical property values shall be determined:
a. Laminates.
1. Degree of cure.
2. Inter lam!nar shear strength (short beam shear).
3. Void content.
4. Ply orientation.
5. Critical mechanical property tests (where applicable and
approved by the procuring activi ty).
b. Sandwich construction.
1. Sandwich flexure.
2. Flatwise tension.
4.3.3 .2.1 Cure records. Time, temperature, vacuum and pressure recorded
charts (see 3.5.3) shall accompany each traveler sheet or the records shall be
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MI L-P-9400C
-- (This section is not applicable to this document. )
1. (This.section contains information of a general or explanatory nature
that may be helpful , but is not mandatory. )
6.2 Definitions.
6.2.1 Bieeder. Porous materia” used to absorb excess resin from prepreg
during cure. 0“
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6.2.2 Breather. A loosely woven or matted. material that wt 11 serve as a
continuous vacuum path over a “part but not in contact WI th the resin,
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6.2.3 Compact Ion. The appl Icatlon,of pressure to compact the lay-up.
6.2.4 Critical zone. A crlttcal zone of a part or component i$ defined
as one that carries prtmary aircraft loads and is essential in maintaining
aircraft $trtittural integrity. These zones must meet certain materials and
fabrication standards and test requirements. The failure of a critical zone
of a part or component during operating conditions could cause loss of the
aircraft or one of its major components, loss of control , unintentional
release of or inabi 1ity to release any armament store, fai lure of weapon
installation components, or which may cause significant injury to occupa~ts of
the aircraft.
6.2.7 Handlinq life (Work{ng life). The length of time that the
material can be exposed to temperatures between 60” F and 80”F and retain its
6.2.9 Lay-up area. The fabrication area where raw materials are cut,
plied, assembled or kitted.
6.2.10’ Manufacturing process instruction (hiPI). A step-by-step
manufacturing procedure that provides greater control , precision, and
repeatabi lity in operations.
6.2.14 Pre-fit. 1) The process of ’dry fitting of detail parts that are
to be nmlded or bonded together to form a structural part. 2) A process to
check the fit of mating detai 1 parts in an assembly prior’to adhesive bonding
to insure proper bond 1ines. Mechanical ly fastened structures are also
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6.2,.16; Process control test Danei. A standard test panei made at the
same ”tim,ef%m the same material ,stocks, and under the same bag (or in series
with) and the same conditions as’ the production unit to ensure that the proper
physical and mechanical properties were attained during the cure cycle.
6.2.20 Storaqe life (Shelf life),: The length of time the material will
retain its handl ing 1ife, mechanical life, and al 1 other requirements of the (“j
applicable material specification while exposed to specified temperatures
while contained in its original packaging system.
6.2.22 Test coupon(s). Coupon(s) which are cut from the process control
test panel or cut-offs. The test coupon is used to verify the physical and
mechanical properties of the composi te part.
Reference Para. OID Number D[b Title ~
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MI L-P-9400C
,? The above DID’s were those cleared as of the date of this”specification. The
current issue of.DOD 5010. 12-L, Acquisition Management Systems and Data
Requirements Control List (AMSDL), must be researched to ensure that only
current, cleared DID’s are cited on the DD Form 1423.
8ond ing
I Prepreg
6.6 Changes from previous issue. Marginal notations are not used in
this revision to identify changes with respect to the previous issue, due to
the extensiveness of the changes.
Review Activity:
User Activity: ,
Army - ME
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