Motivetional Factors Affecting Employees Work Performance (In Case of Abay Bank at Head Office)

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(In Case of Abay Bank at head office)

A Research Proposal Submitted to Department of Management, College of

Business and Economics Addis Ababa University in the Partial Fulfillment for
The Requirement Bachelor Art (BA) Degree In Management

BY: Hana Misgana- ID NO. BER/4122/11

Advisor: Dr. Yonatan Gebre

Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics

Department of Management

August 2021

Ababa, Ethiopia

First and for most I am very enchanted to thank almighty God who graciously helps me in all my
life endeavor including the accomplishment of this proposal from the beginning to its finishing.

I would like to express my deepest and greatest appreciation to my Advisor, Dr.Yonatan Gebre,
for his valuable and constructive criticism and advice in the course of this proposal preparation,
which genuinely guided me in the right direction.

I also want to extend my gratitude to that Abay bank HR manager who have shared his valued
time from his busy schedule and spare his effort in responding what I asked him about the
number of employees and other questions.

Last but not least, I am very much indebted to my family and friends, who unconditionally
supported and loved me, without their spiritual support of whom, this work would not have gone
this far.

Table of Contents


List of table & List of Figure...........................................................................................................v

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................1

1.1. Background of study.................................................................................................................1

1.2 problem of the study..................................................................................................................3

1.3 Operational Definitions of Key Terms......................................................................................4

1.4 Research objectives...................................................................................................................6

1.5. Research Questions...................................................................................................................6

1.6. Significance of Study................................................................................................................7

1.7. Delimitations (Scopes) of the study..........................................................................................7

1.8 Limitation of the study...............................................................................................................8

1.9. Research Methodology.............................................................................................................8

1.9.1 Population and Sampling Design............................................................................................9

1.9.2 Data Collection Methods......................................................................................................12

1.9.3 Data Collection Tools...........................................................................................................12

1.9.4 Validity and reliability of instrument...................................................................................13

1.9.5 Data Gathering Procedures...................................................................................................14

1.9.6 Data analysis.........................................................................................................................14

1.9.7 Ethical Considerations..........................................................................................................14

1.10 Budget....................................................................................................................................14

1.11 Work plan / Time schedule....................................................................................................16




The main purpose of this study is to assess motivational factors and their effect on employees
work performance in Abay Bank at head office. Motivation plays an integral role in all
organizations, whether private or public. In order for organizations to achieve their objectives,
they must motivate their employees to work towards them. It is easier for an organization to
achieve its goals when its employees are motivated towards their personal, professional, and
organizational objectives. It is important for organizations to establish motivational programs
that improve motivation and consequently, performance of both the organization and the
individual employee. The study will guide by the following research questions; 1) why employees
should be motivated? 2) What are the commonly used motivation theories and approaches? 3)
What are the effects of using different motivational approaches on employees work
performance? 4) What does the current motivational practice look like in Abay bank at head
office ? and 5) what are the observed problems that need taking action?

A study will adopt descriptive research design with Abay Bank (head office) being the focus
organization. The population of this study will comprise 330 employees at head office of which
the target populations for this study are 300. By using proportionate stratified random sampling,
out of this total population the researcher will take 56 samples by using Slovene’s sample size
formula with 0.12 margin of error. The data-collecting instrument that will be used self-
administered & structured questionnaire developed by the researcher, particularly for this study.
The collected data will be analyzed by using Excel. Finally, the researcher will recommend the
Abay bank management if there is any observed problem.

CoBE: College of Business and Economics

HRM: Human Resource Management

List of table & List of Figure
Table 1.1 Strata sampling table----------------------------------------------------------------------------10

Figure 1.1 Number of staffs in different strata in Abay bank of Ethiopia---------------------------9


1.1. Background of study

The role of motivation in organizational behavior can have a critical impact on productivity,
workplace atmosphere, and many other areas that help determine an organization's level of
success. Understanding the psychological importance of motivation can help businesses, schools,
sports teams, and other organizations create a healthy, supportive culture that helps meet
organizational goals.

Managers within companies or organizations are primarily responsible to ensure the tasks or job
is done through employees in the right way. To achieve this, these managers must ensure that
they have a competent personnel department for the recruitment of the best employees that are
capable to do the job. For the company to optimize employee’s performance there is need for the
employees to be sufficiently motivated. Therefore, motivation in theory and practice becomes a
difficult subject touching on several disciplines. Although a lot of scholarly research has been
written on motivation, this subject is not clearly understood and more often than not poorly
practiced. On this score, to best understand how motivation can influence employee´s
performance one must understand human nature. In as much as motivation impacts on employee
performance, there is need to blend the appropriate motivational tools with effective
management and leadership to achieve this goal

In the recent time, the main concern of the organization is to increase their profit and customer
satisfaction. These organizations, to achieve the goal, they usually send their employees for
awareness sessions, trainings and seminars as there are the main asset of the organizations.

Employees were considered just an input to the production of the business. A research referred to
as the Hawthorne Studies, conducted by Elton Mayo from 1924 to 1932, changed this way of
thinking (Dickson, 1973). The thoughts that employees are just assets have been changed when
the study concluded that employees are not just assets, they are the main contributors and
affective factors for business production. Furthermore, the above study found that employees are
not motivated solely by money and employee behavior is linked to their attitudes (Dickson,

To define motivation, we can say it is an aspect that is approached by different work levels, from
senior to junior levels, in the workplace as employees up to all other workers and people in the
organization. Nevertheless, it is the manager role to start the motivation process and open the
door for employees to add their inputs on what does really motivates them and it should be as a
strategy to achieve business goals through their main assets, which are people. Furthermore,
Garderner and Lambert (1972), defined motivation as it is about the moving employees toward
doing the job and achieving the goal through rewards.

On the other hand, Steers and Porter (1987) stated that work motivation is a factor that changes
employee’s way of working and behavior and Allscheid & Cellar (1996) stated that in order to be
good in anything in the workplace, the only talent required is motivation. Therefore, it is a talent,
which is required to do any job or task. Also, Anne (1994) defined motivation as a term that
refers to a process that draws, controls, and sustains certain behaviors and also explored that each
employee has different needs and desires which means the motivation factors is different from
one employee to another. Based on that, several motivation theories should be used to be aware
of almost all employee’s needs. Several need and motivation theories will discuss in the study to
clarify what might affect the motivation.

Moreover, Hislop, (2003) well-defined motivation as it is kind of force which pushes employees
to do things which is a result of the individual needs being satisfied so that they have the
inspiration to complete and proceed with the task.

In addition, motivated employees are needed and required in our rapidly changing workplaces
and markets. They will help organizations survive by performing the job and work required with
their full latent; hence, employees will be more productive (Yongsun, Barbara, and Christy,
2002). Putting the right employees in the right positions depending on their skills and amount of
work they can generate will enhance their ability to use their skills and abilities more frequently
which will lead them to concentrate on the business missions and objectives (Yongsun, Barbara,
and Christy, 2002).

Therefore, without motivation nothing exclusive will ever occur which will lead the organization
to get a high performance rate, high productivity and hence high profit.

1.2 problem of the study

The questions of how to motivate employees is critical issues and important in organizations for
their success and real improvement. Now a day s more concern is being expressed for
employees performance ,satisfaction ,turnover rates ,poor performance and carelessness of
employees, absenteeism, tiredness, strikes and grievances. Highly motivated employees can
bring about substantial increase in performance and substantial decrease in problems of the
above.(Rue and Byers 2005) In a highly competitive, global environment, organizations are
constantly under pressure to retain their workforce (Deci, 2013). Highly skilled, reliable, and
experienced employees are a valuable asset for any organization. It is evident that highly
motivated employees are more likely to have high productivity. However, according to Certo
(2006), good performance is not because of motivation only, but also includes ability i.e. skills,
equipment, supplies and time.

Some organizations have been known to experience a high staff turnover despite offering above
average salaries (Aguinis, 2012). This tells us that money is not the only way to motivate
employees. Additionally, different people are motivated by different factors. It is important for
managers and supervisors to understand what motivates individual employees, and not assume a
one-size-fits-all approach (George and Jones, 2013).

There are different motivational factors are known that affect the employees work performance
in an organization. These are:

An organization is only as strong as its workforce is. Human resources need to be treated with
great care, since they are a special resource that needs to be given special managerial attention
and time. (Storey, 2013). Therefore, studies like this are an invaluable resource in helping
organizations identify and maximize on ways to motivate employees whilst mitigating employee
turnover and under-performance (Steers and Porter, 2011).Since most business organizations aim
is to get maximum amount of profit, but most of the time they forget the other parties/employees
interest Unmotivated employees again create adverse problem for the organization. From these
problems, the following are some of them. Lower level of involvement or commitment, unusual
delays or unexplained and repeated sick leave, impression that the employee is intentionally
sabotaging projects or acting as a roadblock, repeated mistakes or signs of thoughtlessness,

negative behaviors and attitudes, lower productivity and performance, disregards warnings and
comments. So in order to give emphasis and to solve such problem, the researcher is interested to
conduct a study on the motivational factors affecting employees work performance in Abay
Bank at head office.

1.3 Operational Definitions of Key Terms

1.3.1 Motivation:

Motivation is a driving force, which affects the choice of alternatives in the behavior of a person.
It improves, stimulates, and induces employees leading to goal-oriented behavior.

A persons desire to do the best possible job or to exert the maximum effort to perform assigned
tasks (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin and Cardy, 2015).

1.3.2 Motivational Factors:

They are drivers of human behavior related to the intrinsic nature of the work, but not necessarily
to the surrounding circumstances or environment. Motivating factors include achievement,
advancement, autonomy, personal growth, recognition, responsibility, and the work itself .

1.3.3 Performance:

A continuous process for improving the performance of individuals by aligning actual

performance with that desired organizational goal (Cole and Kelly, 2011).

1.3.4 Work Performance

Work performance is the job related activities expected of an employee and how well those
activities were executed (Business dictionary)

Recognition- it is a useful positive tools where usually people are recognized by their work and
job done and based on that they receive recognition.

Pinar, (2011) stated that employees work harder when they are recognized and appreciated for
their effort toward the work and tasks have been given and this is a simple, easy and powerful

strengthen system. When employees are recognized and appreciated, they do their best to prove
the skill, talents, and abilities they have. Furthermore, recognizing employees is also considered
a way of communication that strengths and rewards the outcomes people create for your
business. For that, leaders should develop recognition system, which is powerful for both
employees and organization (Hsiu-Fen, 2007).

Salary increment- it is the most important factor influencing employee motivation. Once an
employee salary has been increased, life has become much easier in the sense that you will be
able to accomplish with the increment. Salary increment gives employees a sense of being
recognized for his/her effort and so he/she will be automatically reflecting that in his or her

Assigning New roles- usually satisfied employees who are given higher roles and
responsibilities work as motivators toward unsatisfied employees.

Employees who are given new role and high responsibilities are motivated to work harder
because they see that all their effort in work will accomplish positive results and based on that
they will receive recognition (David, Louis, Micheal, 2004).

Saying thanks and admire individuals is the most commonly ways of motivating employees. It is
easy to use, and it is said usually from the heart and naturally. Looking on the employee’s eyes in
front of others and say thanks, really means a lot (Salasiah, Zainab, Rosmawati, Ermy, 2010).

Promotion- it is used as a reward for better work performance and organizationally approved
form of behavior. People will work harder if they feel that this will lead to promotion. It provides
satisfaction to personnel, who enhance their morale, productivity, and loyalty to the organization.
Promotion provides avenues for continuous learning and developing of personnel as promotion
depends on promo ability that is a result of continuous learning and development. This process
increases individual effectiveness and, consequently, organizational effectiveness (Prasad, 2012).

Teamwork- It is the interdependent components of performance required to effectively

coordinate the performance of multiple individual. The impact of teamwork on employees’ work
performance has been a major topic of many researches done by academics and practitioners in
the previous years (Jones et al, 2007). The reason behind this attention is the fact that the

practical concept of teamwork has a strong influence on the performance of any organization and
the employees who work in it.

Fringe benefit-Almost, any property or service provided by an employer to an employee as

compensation for the employee's performance of services is considered a fringe benefit. Such
benefits may be ; an employer-provided vehicle ,a free or discounted commercial airline flight
through organizations frequent flyer miles , discount on services or property etc. affect
employees work performance positively.

1.4 Research objectives

1.4.1. General objectives:

The overall objective of this study is to assess motivational factors and their effect on employees
work performance in Abay Bank at head office.

1.4.2. Specific objectives:

1. To explore why employees should be motivated.

2. To investigate the commonly used motivation theories and approaches.
3. To examine the effects of different motivational factors on employees’ work
4. To investigate the current practices to motivate staff in Abay Bank at head office.
5. To propose action-demanding recommendation for any observed problem.

1.5. Research Questions

1. Why employees should be motivated?
2. What are the commonly used motivation theories and approaches in Abay bank?
3. What are the effects of using different motivational approaches on employees work
performance of Abay bank at head office?
4. What does the current motivational practice look like in Abay bank (head office)?
5. What are the observed problems that need taking action Abay bank (head office)?

1.6. Significance of Study

 The study will be of immense benefit to the employees and, management of Abay Bank.
For the bank management the study serve to be able to use motivation not just for the
sake of it but to know how, when and what type of motivation to use to achieve
maximum performance of staff. In addition, the findings of this study will assist them to
develop effective managerial strategies and policies that can help in improving the
administration and realization of their goals. Finally the findings will enable the Abay
Bank management in particular and the banking sector in general to identify the
motivational factors and their problems and can use it in the improvement of
management concerning employee’s needs, issues of welfare, motivation of employees
and enhance their performance for a better deliverance of good services.
 The study will also serve as a good reference material for students and academicians in
CoBE and other Addis Ababa University students.
 The research exposes the researcher to the practical issues of the subject.
 Finally the researcher self utilizes this study to improve his knowledge, experience, skills,
and to know how to motivate employees in order to use the employees different
knowledge for the organizations performance.

1.7. Delimitations (Scopes) of the study

1.7.1 Geographic scope

This study will be conducted at head office of Abay Bank in Addis Ababa.

1.7.2 Time Scope

This study will be going on from April 1 to September 10, but it may be continuous for other
time as well.

1.7.3 Theoretical scope

Whether different motivational factors affect employee’s job performance or not will be proved
or disproved.

1.8 Limitation of the study
Every research project has some limitations that can affect the overall research activities,
throughout research project there were flowing limitations:

i. Some employees may not will to fill questionnaires.

ii. There may be difficulty in getting reasonable, adequate, and reliable information from
some employees of the organization.
iii. Another limitation of the study which face during the research article is difficulty to
access the company’s internal information
iv. Due to lack of budget large sample cannot be taken
v. Due to the impact of COVID-19, it is difficult to contact employees physically to collect
vi. Finally busy scheduling to read different sources (i.e. textbook, magazine, and journal)
especially to collect secondary data.

1.9. Research Methodology

Descriptive research design will be used in this study. Descriptive research involves gathering
data, describes phenomenon and then organizes, tabulates, depicts and describes data collection,
in the form of graphs and charts, in order to help the reader understand the distribution of data
(Cooper and Schindler, 2011).

According to Mugenda & Mugenda (2003), descriptive survey design helps a researcher to
gather, summarize, present and interpret information for the purpose of clarification.
Statistical instrument to be used for the research analysis will mainly be inferential statistics.

1.9.1 Population and Sampling Design

The study population will be composed of 330 employees of the organization (Note: it includes
only employees, which is found at head office). The study population refers to the total
collection of elements, which one would like to study or make inferences (Cohen, Manion, and
Morrison, 2013). The population aspect however refers to the individual participant or object on
which the measurement is taken; it is the unit of study (Cooper and Schindler, 2011). The
researcher will use proportionate stratified random sampling procedure. After dividing the whole
population into three strata, the researcher will deploy proportionate random sampling in order to
cover the whole staffs found in different levels in the organization.

Stratified random sampling is a type of probability sampling using which a research organization
can branch off the entire population into multiple non-overlapping, homogeneous groups (strata)
and randomly choose final members from the various strata for research that reduces cost and
improves efficiency. Members in each of these groups should be distinct so that every member of
all groups gets equal opportunity to be selected using simple random sampling. whereas Simple
random sampling is the probability sampling where all members in the population have an equal
chance of being selected and it will apply in the study because everyone in the study is expected
to give required information as they are randomly selected both male and female respondents.

In Abay Bank, the employees are divided into three large strata. These are

1. Managerial staffs those staffs who involved in the managerial activities of the
2. Clerical staffs typically refer to a staff give a variety of office and administrative support
3. Non-clerical staffs are employees not doing or involving routine clerical work in an

The research populations are 330 and target populations of the study are 300 of employees
selected in Abay bank, which were classified into:

64 managerial staffs, 130 Clerical employees, and 106 non-clerical employees are
considering in the study. Since employees who found in different position have different
work performance, due to variety in motivations.

The total a sample size are 56, to determine the ideal sample size for a population, Slovene’s
formula used in this study, which is:


Where n Sample size

N Population size

e margin of error which is 0.12


n= → = 56.3≈56

n = 56

Fig 1.1 shows the number of employees of Abay bank in different strata.

From this population the researcher will take a total of 56 samples from the entire stratum
according to their proportion in the total population. Proportional Allocation of sample in each
stratum will take by using the following formula

Where ni Sample size from stratum (1, 2, & 3)

N Total population size

n Sample size

Ni Total population in each stratum (i.e. 1, 2, &3)

So the number of sample in each stratum is as follow:

From stratum 1 which is Managerial, staff

From stratum 2 which is Clerical, staff


From stratum 3 which is Non clerical staffs

= 20

Table 1.1 Stratified sampling

NO Categories Target population(at head Sample from Sample

office of Abay Bank) each stratum
1 Managerial staffs 64 12 56
2 Clerical Staffs 130 24 56
3 Non-clerical staffs 106 20 56
4 Total 300 56 56

1.9.2 Data Collection Methods

During the study, both primary and secondary data will be used. The method that will used to
collect primary data will be self-administered questionnaire. In collecting of secondary data
various books, journals, articles, and library textbooks will be used.

Secondary data are used because they broaden the database from which specific generalization
can be made and data can be collected quickly. That provides easy information accesses for the
researcher. Thus, secondary data are helpful in verifying the findings based on primary data.

1.9.3 Data Collection Tools


(Kothari, 2004), defined questionnaire as a method of collecting data which uses a set of
questions for collecting data.

In Primary data, Open ended and closed ended questions are used. The selected respondents (i.e.
the sample) will answer both open –ended and close- ended questions. Questionnaires will be
distributed for employees of united bank. For this research, the researcher himself will deliver
the questionnaires.

Questionnaires is used for the study because questionnaires are cheap to administer to
respondents and also participants felt free to explain their opinion, also questionnaire avoid
interviewer bias and there is uniformity of response in closed ended questions, it also guaranteed
anonymity and respondents have enough time to answer questions at their own time thus there
are some accuracy in response. Questionnaires are also used in the study because information
can be collected from a large portion of group and have standardized answers to compile data.

1.9.4 Validity and reliability of instrument

Reliability: Healy & Perry (2000), assert that reliability is the extent to which results are
consistent over time and an accurate representation of the total population under study. Although
unreliability is always presents to a certain extent, there will be generally is good deal of
consistency in the results that is similar to the theory that will be explained in the literature
review part of the research.

Validity: can be defined as the degree to which a test measurement measures what it is supposed
to measure (Carmines & Zeller 1979). Healy & Perry (2000), explain that validity determines
whether the research truly measures that which it was intended to measure or how truthful
the research results are. It estimates how accurately the data obtained in the study
represents a given variable or construct in the study (Mugenda, 2008). The questionnaire
gave to other experts in research to seek their opinion about the adequacy and representativeness
of the instrument to ensure it covers all the variables being measured as a way of eliminating
content validity.

This study used primary and secondary data to investigate the impact of employee motivation on
job performance in united bank. The study is qualitative in nature. Questionnaires and various
documents are used in collecting the information needed. The result that a researcher is
expecting to get during the research will produce the same results that even if other people
repeated on same trials. Therefore, the study is considered highly reliable.

1.9.5 Data Gathering Procedures
A letter addressed to management of the company was written requesting permission to carry out
the research from Addis Ababa University department of management to enable for
identification by the employees of Abay bank, when approaching respondents to provide relevant
information for achieving the research objectives. A cover letter attached to the questionnaires
to introduce the respondents to the research topic to avoid any suspicion or mistrust
respondents might have about the study. The cover letter is also expected to help motivate
respondents to participate in the study and answer the questions and to assure them of anonymity
and confidentiality, and to show them how to fill the questionnaires. The questioner will be
collected within four days. This gives the respondent more time to complete the questioner and
to return for the researcher.

1.9.6 Data analysis

The purpose of data analysis is to reduce accumulated data to a manageable size, developing
summaries, looking for patterns, and applying statistical techniques (Cooper and Schindler,
2011). The data collected will be coded and captured into the computer for analysis using Excel.
The data is then presented in a convenient and informative way including frequency tables,
graphs, and charts for easier analysis and interpretation. Descriptive analysis will be used to
determine the proportions and frequency of the variables.

1.9.7 Ethical Considerations

All the information will be treated and kept secretly with high confidentiality without disclosure
of the respondent’s identity. No information is changed or modified, hence the information is
presented as collected, and the same with the literatures collected for the purpose of this study.
The questionnaire is anonymous and high level of confidentiality is considered. The information
gathered through questionnaire will be used solely for this research whose objective is one of
fulfilling requirement of the researchers BA degree.

1.10 Budget
The budget is a line item (tabular) representation of the expenses associated with the proposal
project. The Budget Justification contains more in depth detail of the costs behind the line items,
and sometimes explains the use of the funds were not evident. The source of income that the

researcher gets from family & relatives borrowing. The following table shows the summary of
budget requirement for each activity for the completion of this research.

Budget Summery

NO Item or description Quantity Duration Unit cost per page Total cost (Birr
1 Language editor exp. 40 1 10 400
2 Type writer expense 40 1 6 240
3 Transportation exp. 10 20 200
4 Food and tea & coffee 8 20 160
5 Paper duplication 40 2 1 80
6 Binder 2 1 10 20
7 Pen 3 8 24
8 Telephone expense 200
9 Contingency 10% 120
Total cost 1444

1.11 Work plan / Time schedule
Time schedule / timetable shows that how the study will be undertaken (it is the plan
which task will be performed in which date). 2021

NO Actives





1 Topic selection 10
2 Literature Review
3 Proposal development
4 Data collection
5 Data editing and coding
6 Data analyzing
7 Draft report writing
8 Final report generation & submiss 10

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International Journal of Manpower, 23 (7), pp. 635-675.

Addis Ababa University

College of Business and Economics

Department of Management

Dear Respondent,

I am Hana Misgana pursuing Degree of Art in Management at Addis Ababa University College
of Business and Economics. The research questionnaires have been prepared in order to facilitate
the collection of data for the research, which is, conducted under the title “Motivational factors
affecting employees work Performance” a case study on Abay Bank at head office. The study
is conducted for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Bachelor’s degree in
Management provided by Addis Ababa University. Your frank and timely response is vital for
the success of this study. So please take a few mints to answer the attached questionnaire. The
researcher wants to underline that the data collected are kept confidential and used only for
academic purpose.

Note: For the success of this study, your response is very much important. Therefore, you are
kindly requested to fill this questionnaire. You do not need to write your name and address. You
are expected to write only the accurate information in the space provided and put mark in the
given box. Try not to skip questions unless you are to do so.

Thank you in advance for cooperation!

Part I Personal Information

1) Sex Male Female

2) Age <20 20- 30 31-40 41- 50 >50 >50

3) What is your education level?

A. Primary Education

B. Secondary education

C. Diploma

D. Degree

E. Master and above

4. Your position

Managerial Clerical Non clerical

5. How long have you worked in Abay Bank?

A. < 3 years

B. 4-6 years

C. 7-10 years

D. > 10 years

Part II Questions Related to the Research Variable

6. What are the motivational packages for employees of Abay Bank? (You can select more
than one or all if there is).

A. Salary increment

B. Recognition

C. Fringe benefits

D. Employee housing loan scheme

E. Promotion

7. By ranking them in order of priority which package is most important to you?

A. Salary increment

B. Recognition

C. Fringe benefits

D. Employee housing loan scheme

E. Promotion

F. Other specify

8. Do you think these packages are adequate enough to motivate employees of Abay Bank to
give out their best work places?

A. Yes B. No C. To some extent

9. If no, please suggest alternatives adequacy levels of package for the Bank management

10. In what ways do this packages influence you?

A. Early reporting to work

B. Staying on the job

C. Delight to customer

D. Inner satisfaction

F. Loyal to the bank

11. For how much the Top Management involve you in decision making which are connected to
your department? And are you motivate with that?

A. Always B. Often C. Sometimes D. no at all

Part III Salary/ Wages:

12. Is salary increments influence your work performance?

A. Yes B. No C. To some extent

13. How far are you satisfied with the allowances provided by the Organization?

A. Very satisfied B. Satisfied C. Dissatisfied D. Very dissatisfied

E. Neutral

Part IV Appreciation & Recognition and Team work

14. What is your level of satisfaction in your work recognition and appreciation?

A. Very satisfied B. Satisfied

C. Dissatisfied D. Very dissatisfied

E. not applicable

15. What is the role of teamwork in enhancing job performance?

A. Achievement B. Poor performance C. No teamwork

D. Other

16. How do you rate the overall motivation packages of your organization that is given for you
to improve your work performance?

A. very satisfied

B. satisfied

C. Dissatisfied

D. very dissatisfied

E. Neutral

If you have any questions related to the study, you can contact at [email protected]

Thank you very much for your cooperation!


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