Compensation Survey 2021
Compensation Survey 2021
Compensation Survey 2021
Sectors ranked by average pay Mean Total Compensation ($US) Median Total Compensation ($US)
1. Sales and Trading 406,847 280,400
2. IBD 273,028 194,779
3. Risk 197,352 189,300
4. Technology 196,796 195,000
5. Research 195,219 165,200
6. Finance 180,282 126,143
7. Compliance 169,950 126,143
8. Operations 130,347 111,650
9. Corporate Banking 120,926 111,650
However, this still means that on an hourly basis Further down the table, although research is
the investment banking division is a comparatively generally a significantly better-paid job than finance
unlucrative place to work. Average pay per hour or compliance, it’s worth considering that this is
for people in IBD is only slightly better than for largely because research analysts work as much
banking technology staff, and is somewhat worse as two hours a day longer than their colleagues in
than for quants. those roles.
Sectors ranked by average Average hours worked per Average Pay per hour (no Average Pay per hour (incl.
pay per hour incl. bonus week bonus) US$ bonus) US$
Sales and Trading 55 78 148
Quant 50 65 92
IBD 73 43 87
Technology 48 65 82
Risk 51 58 75
Compliance 48 59 72
Finance 50 47 67
Research 58 46 66
Operations 53 40 50
Corporate Banking 53 31 43
Job title Average Average Average Total Job Title Average Average Average Total
Base Salary Bonus Compensation Base Salary Bonus Compensation
US$ ($US) ($US) US$ ($US) ($US)
Managing 365,900 322,315 688,215 Managing 396,429 1,792,143 2,188,571
Director Director
Director 254,242 233,083 487,325 Director 281,667 513,333 795,000
VP 199,453 161,507 360,960 VP 233,571 196,357 429,929
Associate 158,074 75,356 233,430 Associate 169,714 106,643 276,357
Analyst 82,634 34,877 117,511 Analyst 100,000 41,000 141,000
Job Title Average Average Average Total Job Title Average Average Average Total
Base Salary Bonus Compensation Base Salary Bonus (€) Compensation
US$ ($US) ($US) (€) (€)
Director 191,764 123,457 315,221 Managing 186,723 108,787 295,510
VP 162,404 67,095 229,499
Director 171,248 109,091 280,339
Associate 160,000 44,833 204,833
VP 143,341 95,899 239,239
Analyst 70,580 4,125 74,705
Associate 115,817 82,609 198,427
Analyst 74,337 36,522 110,859
Job Title Average Average Average Total Job Title Average Average Average Total
Base Salary Bonus Compensation Base Salary Bonus Compensation
US$ ($US) ($US) US$ ($US) ($US)
Director 307,192 326,503 633,695 Director 256,481 291,963 548,444
VP 193,838 146,782 340,620 VP 199,458 159,271 358,729
Associate 153,342 62,585 215,927 Associate 142,222 111,889 254,111
Analyst 79,226 28,555 107,781 Analyst 88,000 19,000 107,000
Oren Elbaz/Unsplash
As we saw above, pay for people in technology equivalent to pay for directors in sales and
roles in finance is comparatively impressive at the trading. Bonuses are to blame: bonuses are
median, but doesn’t have the outliers which drive big in technology, but not compared to front
front-office averages. office roles. At low ranks in technology bonuses
were typically 20-30% of base salaries. Even
Our data suggests that pay for managing at MD level, technology bonuses are typically
directors in technology functions is roughly percentages rather than multiples of base.
Job title Average of Base Salary Average of Bonus ($US) Average of Total Compensation
US$ ($US)
Managing Director 275,000 220,833 495,833
Director 207,870 66,173 274,043
VP 169,979 24,769 194,748
Associate 109,164 25,128 134,293
Analyst 74,988 19,140 94,128
Grand Total 155,888 40,908 196,796
Markus Spiske/Unsplash
While technologists in finance aren’t badly paid, with advanced degrees in mathematical statistics.
once you get beyond analyst level, quants are The real source of higher earnings for quants is
paid more. more likely to be the fact that they have more
opportunity to demonstrate revenue generation
Quants working in banks tend to have a different and so earn far higher bonuses, particularly if
skill set from general finance technologists, often they’re located on trading desks.
Job title Average of Base Salary Average of Bonus ($US) Average of Total Compensation
US$ ($US)
Director 256,059 141,830 397,888
VP 165,276 70,439 235,715
Associate 120,677 31,878 152,555
Analyst 71,887 8,255 80,142
Grand Total 164,326 66,880 231,206
Pay for risk specialists really brings the front full rank lower than those self-classifying as quants.
office/back office distinction into focus. Many risk
managers have similar qualifications and skills Our data suggests that risk MDs earn the same as
to those of quants and there’s some overlap in quant directors and that directors in risk earn only
roles (with many market risk specialists also being slightly more than quant VPs. In risk, the balance of
quants) but the total compensation of people total compensation is skewed toward base salary
classifying themselves as working in risk is almost a rather than bonus.
Job Title Average Base Salary US$ Average Total Average Total Compensation
Compensation ($US) ($US)
Managing Director 249,400 108,800 358,200
Director 222,898 65,716 288,613
VP 154,910 38,304 193,214
Associate 86,955 24,778 111,733
Analyst 58,665 4,645 63,310
Grand Total 154,154 43,198 197,352
Markus Spiske/Unsplash
Although technology is often seen as a Cinderella Pay progression in compliance is also not
job, the real forgotten workers of investment great. Directors in compliance earn only slightly
banking are arguably the compliance staff. Despite more than vice-presidents in compliance. More
having a crucial role in keeping the bank out of noticeably, compliance directors earn less than
regulatory trouble (and averting massive conduct many associates in front office jobs. On the plus
fines), pay for people working in compliance is side, compliance is one of the roles with the fewest
lower than for any other specialty in the survey. hours worked per week, so there may be a better
work-life balance.
Job title Average of Base Salary Average of Bonus ($US) Average of Total Compensation
US$ ($US)
Director 158,962 23,516 182,477
VP 151,278 29,056 177,113
Associate 75,191 8,626 83,816
Analyst 56,200 5,961 62,161
Grand Total 110,408 16,781 126,392
sscott Rodgerson/Unsplash
The good news is that accounting functions of director and managing director level, accounting
investment banks have a steeper progression jobs often involve more input into business
than most other back-office roles. At the lower strategy, and are paid accordingly. These higher-
levels up to Vice-President, general accounting level positions are often filled by transfers from
jobs are, as one might expect, not as well paid as front office.
the specialists in compliance or risk. However, at
Direct comparison between buy-side and sell- a bank, compensation is close to the UK average
side compensation is tricky, because the roles and higher than APAC or Europe.
are different. One thing which it is possible to say,
however, is that hourly pay is much better on the Hedge funds, as one might expect, pay the best.
buy side, largely because there is no equivalent to On average, a portfolio manager in a hedge fund
the very long hours worked by junior bankers on will earn more than a private equity MD, and is
comparatively low pay. compensated similarly to managing directors
in sales & trading on the sell side. Hedge fund
Comparing roles which might be seen as in technologists earn somewhere between the
competition for the same talent, we can see compensation of general investment banking
that global compensation in private equity is techies and quants.
reasonably comparable compensation for bankers
in IBD. Although managing directors in investment Pay in the traditional asset management sector
banking divisions can do much better in the USA, is considerably lower than in hedge funds. This
elsewhere pay between the two areas is fairly is almost entirely the result of far more modest
similar. Taking “principal” in private equity as a bonuses.
rank covering the VP and director equivalents in