Tryout 1 UM BIG
Tryout 1 UM BIG
Tryout 1 UM BIG
1 Menganalisis Ditampilkan Man : Do you know that Dina’s winning The man’s The woman’s Dina’s practicing for a Their practicing for
fungsi sosial, sebuah yesterday one of our friends, the speech winning the practicing for a speech contest a speech contest
struktur teks, percakapan Dina won the speech contest? contest speech contest speech contest
dan unsur sederhana
kebahasaan yang Woman : Really, I am proud of
pada mengandung her.
ungkapan ungkapan Man : She deserved it. She
memberi memberi practiced a lot.
informasi, pendapat serta
serta responnya, Woman : Yes, you are right.
responnya, peserta didik
sesuai dengan dapat
konteks menentukan Question : What are they proud
penggunaanny gambaran of?
a. umum dari isi
2 Menganalisis Ditampilkan Man : We have been waiting for I think we are Why don’t we I think, it’s better How about asking the It’s very good for
fungsi sosial, sebuah the bus almost an hour. supposed to should wait we take a taxi. police. you to go home.
struktur teks, percakapan change the bus. for the bus.
dan unsur sederhana Woman : Yes, I suppose its’
kebahasaan yang route has been changed.
dari ungkapan mengandung
memberi ungkapan Man : As far as I know, it never
pendapat, memberi passes through this road.
serta pendapat serta
responnya, responnya, Woman : What do you think we
sesuai dengan peserta didik should do?
konteks dapat Man : …
penggunaanny menentukan
a. rincian
deskripsi dari Question: What would the man
isi percakapan probably respond?
3 Menganalisis Ditampilkan Woman : Hey. Bob. He is sick He is healthy He is hospitalized He is being recovered He is being taken D
fungsi sosial, sebuah Man : Hey , Kayla care.
struktur teks, percakapan Woman : Bob, you look so pale
dan unsur sederhana today, what’s the matter?
kebahasaan yang Man : I have been recovered
pada mengandung from ill.
ungkapan ungkapan Woman : I am sorry. I don’t
meminta dan meminta dan know about that.
memberi memberi fakta
fakta, serta serta
responnya, responnya, Question: From the dialog above
sesuai dengan peserta didik what is the condition of Bob?
konteks dapat
penggunaanny menentukan
a. perincian
4 Menganalisis Disajikan Somba Opu was built in 1525 by in 1525 in 1990 In the 1980s In 1965 In 1669
fungsi sosial, sebuah teks the Sultan of Gowa IX, Daeng
struktur teks, berbentuk Matanre Karaeng Tumapa'risi'
dan unsur deskriptif Kallonna. The fort is a port and
kebahasaan peserta didik trading center for spicea that
pada teks dapat been visited by traders from
deskriptif menentukan Asia and Europe. In 1669, the
sederhana tujuan dari fort was occupied by the VOC
tentang orang, teks bacaan. then destroyed until submerged
tempat wisata, by a tidal wave. In the 1980s, the
dan bangunan fort was rediscovered by a
bersejarah number of scientists are. And in
terkenal, 1990, the fort was reconstructed
sesuai dengan so that it looks better.
penggunaanny Somba Opu became a historic
a. sights in the city of Makassar in
which there are several custom
home building representing
South Sulawesi tribes: Bugis,
Makassar, Mandar, and Toraja.
This fort is located in Jalan
Daeng Tata, Benteng Somba
Opu sub-district, Barombong
district, Gowa regency, South
Sulawesi. This place also has
cannon with a length of 9 meters
and weighing about 9,500
kilograms, and there is a
museum containing historical
objects of the Sultanate of
Believe it or notm this building
was built by clay and egg whites
instead of cement. This sturdy
fortress is in rectangular shape,
with a length for about 2
kilometers, and it has 7-8 meters
high, and it covers
approximately 1,500 hectares.
The entire building is being
fenced with thick walls.
We value our
relationship with your company,
and we regret the inconvenience.
You can be assured that this will
not happen again in the future.
We also enclose some
catalogues of our new products.
Sincerely yours,
Manager of order Department
10 kesimpulan Mr. Hasan Renaldi not complete not insured damaged wrong late D
PT. Jaya Sentosa
Jl. Hasanudin 73
In response to your
letter of December 20, 2015 we
apologize for the error in
shipment. We are sending
immediately the additional 500
boxes of glossy photo papers,
that were not included in the
We value our
relationship with your company,
and we regret the inconvenience.
You can be assured that this will
not happen again in the future.
We also enclose some
catalogues of our new products.
Sincerely yours,
Manager of order Department
We know from the text that the
first shipment was … .
In response to your
letter of December 20, 2015 we
apologize for the error in
shipment. We are sending
immediately the additional 500
boxes of glossy photo papers,
that were not included in the
We value our
relationship with your company,
and we regret the inconvenience.
You can be assured that this will
not happen again in the future.
We also enclose some
catalogues of our new products.
Sincerely yours,
Manager of order Department
15 Menganalisis Disajikan This text is for questions 15 to It uses a It needs It provides free hot It needs complicated It enables us to work A
fungsi sosial, sebuah teks 17 rechargeable energy more spot access cable installations with it anytime
struktur teks, berbentuk A laptop is a kind of battery than PC anywhere
dan unsur deskriptif computer unit which has the
kebahasaan peserta didik same function as a PC ( personal
pada teks dapat computer), but it is smaller,
deskriptif menyimpulka lighter and of different sizes.
sederhana n alasan Nowadays, most people choose
tentang orang, laptops for several reasons.
tempat wisata, A laptop is a portable
dan bangunan device. This portability is very
bersejarah helpful for our work, study and
terkenal, other activities. We do not need
sesuai dengan complicated cable installations
konteks to activate a laptop, and with a
penggunaanny laptop, we can do our work
a. anytime anywhere. Moreover, a
laptop allows us to access the
internet in public places which
provide free access called hot
spot areas. Some people like to
use this facility to carry out their
Finally, laptop consumes
energy more efficiently than a
PC does. This device uses a
rechargeable battery as a source
of electric energy. So if we
prefer using laptop, it means that
we support the government
program to save energy.
That’s why a laptop has
become very popular recently.
16 Dapat A laptop is a kind of more people like more people a laptop is cheaper a laptop is usually for a mobile person A
menentukan computer unit which has the a laptop better like a PC now than it was more expensive than a a laptop is more
gagasan same function as a PC ( personal than PC better than a before PC handy than a PC
utama computer), but it is smaller, laptop
lighter and of different sizes.
Nowadays, most people choose
laptops for several reasons.
A laptop is a portable
device. This portability is very
helpful for our work, study and
other activities. We do not need
complicated cable installations
to activate a laptop, and with a
laptop, we can do our work
anytime anywhere. Moreover, a
laptop allows us to access the
internet in public places which
provide free access called hot
spot areas. Some people like to
use this facility to carry out their
Finally, laptop consumes
energy more efficiently than a
PC does. This device uses a
rechargeable battery as a source
of electric energy. So if we
prefer using laptop, it means that
we support the government
program to save energy.
That’s why a laptop has
become very popular recently.
19 Dapat Asia News Network (The very dangerous comfortable complicated very useful affordable
menentukan Yomiuri Shimbun), Sci-Tech.
informasi Japanese researchers have
tersirat developed a robotic system that
can convey the sense of touch-
including temperature, hardness
and texture-from a robot to
human hand. The system was
developed by Susumu Tachi, a
special professor at Keiko
University, and his development
The user wears a helmet
with a monitor display, a vest
and gloves that can receive the
‘sense of touch’ of fabric and
objects grasped by the robot.
The vest transmits information
about the wearer’s position and
posture, while the gloves
recreate the sense of touch and
temperature of the object.
When the user tries to touch
an item displayed on the
monitor, the robot grasps the
real item and transmits data
about its temperature and
As the robot has a
number of sensors on its
fingertips, the user can even feel
the vibration of marbles in a
glass container and detect
differences in the fee.
21 Membedakan Disajikan The text is for question The princess The people of The King and the The princess loved the The Princess was
fungsi sosial, sebuah teks number 21 - 24 threw the the Kingdom Queen were very gift from the king. very beautiful.
struktur teks, berbentuk necklace the loved her very cruel to her
dan unsur narative Long long ago, there was a king gave much.
kebahasaan peserta didik kingdom in West Java. The
beberapa teks dapat kingdom was ruled by a king
naratif lisan menentukan named His Majesty Prabu. Prabu
dan tulis pikiran utama was a kind and wise king. But it
dengan dr cerita tsb was a pity that Prabu and his
memberi dan queen hadn't got any children.
meminta The queen often cried. That was
informasi why Prabu went to the jungle.
terkait There he prayed to God every
legenda day, begging for a child.
sederhana, A few months later, the queen
sesuai dengan got pregnant. Nine months later,
konteks a princess was born. Prabu and
penggunaanny Queen loved their beautiful
a daughter so much. They gave
whatever she wanted. It made
Princess turn into a very spoiled
22 Informasi Long long ago, there was a The King The Queen The people The prince The princess E
tersurat dr kingdom in West Java. The
paragraf kingdom was ruled by a king
tertentu named His Majesty Prabu. Prabu
was a kind and wise king. But it
was a pity that Prabu and his
queen hadn't got any children.
The queen often cried. That was
why Prabu went to the jungle.
There he prayed to God every
day, begging for a child.
23 Simpulan text Long long ago, there was a anger is not a we should be children should we must be helpful to throwing the C
kingdom in West Java. The good solution. patient to respect their our family and all necklace is a bad
kingdom was ruled by a king others parents. people. attitude.
named His Majesty Prabu. Prabu
was a kind and wise king. But it
was a pity that Prabu and his
queen hadn't got any children.
The queen often cried. That was
why Prabu went to the jungle.
There he prayed to God every
day, begging for a child.
24 Makna Long long ago, there was a Stand up Come up Go with Go down Come along B
sinonim kata kingdom in West Java. The
kingdom was ruled by a king
named His Majesty Prabu. Prabu
was a kind and wise king. But it
was a pity that Prabu and his
queen hadn't got any children.
The queen often cried. That was
why Prabu went to the jungle.
There he prayed to God every
day, begging for a child.
29 Ide utama teks JAKARTA : Blasts struck at the Terrorists Injured people Armed men in Bomb and gun attacks The terrorist effects D
heart of Jakarta on Thursday, murderer in after suicide Indonesia’s capital in Indonesia’ capital on people of Jakarta
leaving at least seven people capital city. bombers. city. city.
dead and 19 injured after suicide
bombers and a group of armed
men attacked Indonesia’s capital
city. The deadly blasts and gun
attacks took place in Jl. MH
Thamrin, one of Jakarta’s
busiest main streets in Central
Jakarta, located not far from
government ministries and the
State Palace.
31 Simpulan teks JAKARTA : Blasts struck at the victim Islamic group Criminal Actor Celebrity Police officer C
heart of Jakarta on Thursday,
leaving at least seven people
dead and 19 injured after suicide
bombers and a group of armed
men attacked Indonesia’s capital
city. The deadly blasts and gun
attacks took place in Jl. MH
Thamrin, one of Jakarta’s
busiest main streets in Central
Jakarta, located not far from
government ministries and the
State Palace.
33 Menentukan On Friday, June 12th, I woke up It was the the There were The writer got a lot The writer’s parents The writer has a C
ide pokok at six o’clock and no wonder, it day which the many kinds of of prizes on her gave her many prizes. new book.
was my birthday. But of course I writer celebrated gifts in the birthday.
was not allowed to get up at that her birthday. writer’s room.
hour, so I had to control my
curiosity until a quarter to seven.
Then I could bear it no longer,
and went to the dining room,
where I received a warm
welcome from Moortje (the cat).
Soon after seven I went
to Mummy and Daddy and then
to the sitting room to undo my
presents. The first to greet me
was you, possibly the nicest of
all. Then on the table there were
a bunch of roses, a plant, and
some peonies, and more arrived
during the day.
I got masses of things
from Mummy and Daddy, and
was thoroughly spoiled by
various friends. Among other
things I was given Camera
Obscura, a party game, lots of
sweets, chocolates, a puzzle, a
brooch, Tales and Legends of
the Netherlands by Joseph
Cohen, Daisy’s Mountain
Holiday (a terrific book) and
some money. Now I can byThe
Myths of Greece and Rome –
Then Lies called for me
and we went to school. During
recess I treated everyone to
sweet biscuits, and then we had
to go back to our lessons.
Now I must stop. Bye-bye,
we’re going to be great pals
34 Informasi On Friday, June 12th, I woke up 06:00 p.m. 06:45 a.m. 06:00 a.m. 07:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. B
rinci at six o’clock and no wonder, it
was my birthday. But of course I
was not allowed to get up at that
hour, so I had to control my
curiosity until a quarter to seven.
Then I could bear it no longer,
and went to the dining room,
where I received a warm
welcome from Moortje (the cat).
Soon after seven I went
to Mummy and Daddy and then
to the sitting room to undo my
presents. The first to greet me
was you, possibly the nicest of
all. Then on the table there were
a bunch of roses, a plant, and
some peonies, and more arrived
during the day.
I got masses of things
from Mummy and Daddy, and
was thoroughly spoiled by
various friends. Among other
things I was given Camera
Obscura, a party game, lots of
sweets, chocolates, a puzzle, a
brooch, Tales and Legends of
the Netherlands by Joseph
Cohen, Daisy’s Mountain
Holiday (a terrific book) and
some money. Now I can byThe
Myths of Greece and Rome –
Then Lies called for me
and we went to school. During
recess I treated everyone to
sweet biscuits, and then we had
to go back to our lessons.
Now I must stop. Bye-bye,
we’re going to be great pals
What time did the writer wake
35 Membedakan Disajikan Beggars have become a big There is The biggest There is a set of There are positive and There are close D
fungsi sosial, sebuah teks problem for us today. They disadvantages of problem of regulation to ban negative opinion of relation between
struktur teks, berbentuk come as a musicians, street boys, being beggars today is beggars beggars. beggars and
dan unsur analytical “sick” people, “lost” people, or beggars. criminals.
kebahasaan exposition, just beggars. As their number is
beberapa teks peserta didik getting bigger, the municipal
eksposisi dapat government feels the need to set
analitis lisan menentukan a regulation to ban beggars.
dan tulis topik/isu yang Many people support this. They
dengan dibicarakan say that begging makes people
memberi dan dari teks lazy and bad survivors. They are
meminta bacaan. like parasites. Criminals take
informasi advantage of their existence. Car
terkait isu driver are strong-armed in
aktual, sesuai crossroads, motorbikes are
dengan seized, trucks are hijacked, etc.
konteks A man in a rural area takes them
penggunaanny to the city with his truck in the
a morning and pick them up in the
afternoon. They have made an
agreement to share what they
get. Some children are reported
to have been kidnapped not for
ransom. They are forced to be
They become beggars because
they have no choice. What they
get everyday is only enough for
buying food. Being a beggar is
better than being a thief or a
robber. So it is a high time to
apply their religious teaching to
care for others. In addition, what
they do is to help the
government to check crime-
Despite the controversy of their
existence, beggars continue to
color the life of urban people.
36 Menentukan Beggars have become a big The government Beggars make Some people The beggars disturb Many people E
ide pokok problem for us today. They thinks negative an agreement disagree to the the citizens. support the beggar
paragraf come as a musicians, street boys, to the beggar to share what beggar existence existence.
“sick” people, “lost” people, or existence they get
just beggars. As their number is
getting bigger, the municipal
government feels the need to set
a regulation to ban beggars.
37 Beggars have become a big They like to be They help the They survive by They say that begging They are forced to B
Simpulan/sara problem for us today. They parasites government to begging others makes people lazy. be beggars
n come as a musicians, street boys, check crime-
“sick” people, “lost” people, or rates.
just beggars. As their number is
getting bigger, the municipal
government feels the need to set
a regulation to ban beggars.
What was Ronaldo’s father’s
freelance job?
What is social function of the
text above ?
What is the main idea of
paragraph 2?
The text mainly tells us about?
45 Mice might look cute, but they
can be harmful pest that destroy
household items, eat, and mess
with food and can spread severe
diseases through their feces and
parasites they carry. Here are
some useful tips on how to repel
house mice.
Where is the best place to put
cotton balls?