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an architectural

muaz yahya
rusly dhanio
muh. sudjar adityadjaja
Published by :
Panrita Sembilan and
Andal Persada Utama Co. Ltd.

First Published in Indonesia in 2005

by Gramedia
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

Text Copyright c muaz yahya, rusly dhanio,

muh. sudjar adityadjaja
pothographs copyright muh. sudjar adityadjaja

graphic design by ichwan prayitno

ISBN 10987654321

historical trails of makassar

traditional building

historical building

contemporary building

makassar icon

makassar’s journey in time


……is strategically placed
Historical Trails of “Makassar at its height was a strategically-placed city,
geopolitics-wise. Flanked by two rivers, Tallo and
Makassar Jeneberang to the south and north respectively; and
by the fertile Bawakaraeng mountain range to the
east; and sea to the west, laced with islands, fortress-
like islands, protecting the shores of Makassar.”
cessitates the comprehension of Makassar’s ancient
existence and then connects it to a humanitarian vi-
sion that drove it in its historical presence. “Makassar”
is not a self-composed term; it was part of an archi-
pelagic-wide movement towards unity.
Several pivotal events that marked the growth and
development of Makassar: the first was the building
of the foundation on which Makassar would later ex-
pand itself from, the establishment of the merchant
port of Makassar, which took time from 1510 until
1590. The second was events of development col-
ored by a sturdier attitude for living, one that is more
dynamic and ever-reaching to the future, and the con-
struction of an existential relation that covers the en-
tire cultural shifts that were taking place in the entire
Archipelago. That was why, for the citizens of Jakarta,
June 22nd 1527 became the root where the identity
and personality of the peoples of Falatehan turned
out to be most imperative.
The impact of the event was inherited unto the
identity of Makassar, where on a Friday, 19 Rajab
1016 Hijriah or November 9th 1607 was the pillar of
Makassar’s history, and is still celebrated as
Makassar’s anniversary. To commemorate the event,
Makassar’s growth as a city, merchant port, and a sentence was born:
defense base of the Makassar Kingdom in mid-16th “nanikana mangkasara’, ka nabbija makkasara’
century was greatly helped by two decisive factors: anrini!” (and thus it was called Makassar, for there
the first was the Kingdom of Gowa-Tallo was at its was the place where prophet manifested himself)
apex, cobbled by Makassar protectorates stretch- From that day on, the presence of Makassar as a
ing the southern seaboard of Sulawesi. The second city, merchant port, and base of defense for the
was the arrival of Europeans interested in finding Makassar states stretching from Panakkukang in the
the best spice road. Another reason was the fall of south to Mangara’bombang in the east of Tallo and
Malaka into Portuguese hands, shifting forever the Somba Opu at its heart; is still the talk of the Archi-
center of Islam further east, and the acceptance of pelago, even of the world.
Islam as the official state religion of the Makassar
kingdoms at the beginning of the 17th century.
Traversing the historical trails of Makassar ne-
The historical wealth of Makassar qualifies it for a an old Dutch dormitory in Jl. Usman Jafar (now a
subject of study of urban perspective as a historical shop-and-residence complex); etc. The surviving left-
process. In the context of the city’s development, overs are the Municipal Office (formerly the
especially, as defined by Ahmad Rida Soemardi, that Governorial Office); City Museum (formerly the Mu-
the architectural design process and planned neigh- nicipality) in Jl. Balai Kota; Societeit de Harmonie
borhood as a process of creating places of signifi- Building in Jl. Ribura’ne, the courthouse (Raad van
cance and character, responsive towards the dynam- Justitie) in Jl. Kartini and the mayor’s residence in
ics of socio-cultural of the citizens; and preserving Losari Beach.
historical continuity and its environment. This is a criti- Those historical architectures need to be put into
cal issue, since the process places the architectural the conservation list, coupled with complete and ac-
pieces in the context of time (past, present, future) curate historical records. Another possible approach
and represents the norms and identities of the con- is by enhancement of the unique characters of a neigh-
temporary citizens. borhood (genius loci). Losari Beach area, being the
The discussion regarding norms and identities, to embodiment of significance and characters of the
urban observers, is an interesting and controversial Makassar city is the prime priority in this kind of
subject. Some tries to enhance that identity and the approach. Another area worthy of note is the
local image, through preservations of ancient/colonial Chinatown located in the surrounding vicinity of Jl.
era heritages. Some longs for a more modern con- Sulawesi, whereas most of the constructions there
struction trend and urge the community to move on were of the same style, capable of enhancing the
from the past. From a broader perspective, both views image of Makassar.
are fusible. Previous-era architectures need to be fil- Both approaches are valid architectural and ur-
tered from those that are unworthy of preservation. ban design guidelines. Urban revival will increase in
And the obsession for modernity and divination of tech- significance if those designs have gone through the
nology need to be checked. processes of a socio-culturally responsive explora-
Continuous historical approach, for the city of tion. Architects and urban developers (landscape
Makassar is viable through an effort to restore the architects, urban planners) must be active in pre-
condition and norms if a certain time period (period serving the continuity of history in the process of
conservation) in the struggle for preservation of ar- building the city.
chitectural/historical/cultural significance. Makassar
at one time was home to a host of old and glorious
buildings, but they are no generally extinct. Some of
them are the Emprees Hotel in Jl. Kajoalalido (now
the Islamic Schools of Athirah); Grand Hotel in Jl.
Ahmad Yani (now the BRI plaza); Esconto Bank in Jl.
Nusanatara (now serving as container park for the
seaport); Hoogepad Building, the Karebosi Correc-
tional Facility (now a shopping mall); Bijenkof building,
……raised by tradition…… empiric…..heritages
The Traditional Building :
• The Balla’ Lompoa
• The Bugis-Makassar
Traditional Houses
• Andi Odang House
The Traditional House Situated within the administrative boundaries
of Kelurahan Sungguminasa, Kecamatan
Balla’ Lompoa Somba Opu, Kabupaten Gowa, spanning an
area of 63,30m x 79m, located practically in
the heart of the town of Sungguminasa.
Balla’ Lompoa is one of the heritages of the 35th
King of Gowa, Sultan Muhammad Tahir Muhibuddin.
Balla’ Lompoa is a traditional Makassar-style house
built on raised platforms in 1936, the year the I
Mangngimangngi Daeng Matutu Karaeng Bontonompo
ascended the throne and took the royal title of Sul-
tan Muhammad Tahir Muhibuddin. Ever since its con-
struction was in Sungguminasa, the center for all
state affairs and was the last capital of the Kingdom
of Gowa.

AGE. It functions as
the house of the aristocracy,
Balla Lompoa was made of twin
house with two peaks named
anjong bala ; each has timpalaja
sambulajang with five and three
ABOVE. The ladder (addeneng)
with separated roof as a
connective facility is placed in
the veranda (lego-lego) with odd
RIGHT. The main house of Balla
Lompoa consists of pillars (alliri),
walls (renring) with an open
window, and roof (bakkaweng)
made of sliced woods, called
LEFT. The peak of the roof
(anjong bola) was ornamented
with bulk head as a symbol of the
highest social status and wealth
During the days of the Kingdom of Gowa, Balla’
Lompoa was the residency and seat of power of all
ruling kings/stewards of the kingdom of Gowa. After
the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, based
on the Decree of the Bupati ( the regent) of Gowa
N0: 77/AU/1973 dated December 11, 1973, Balla’
Lompoa becomes a local museum. Every year, Balla’
Lompoa hosts the Muslim festival of sacrifice (Accera’
Kalompoang) – more commonly known as the Eid-al
Adha. The traditional style Maulid event is also held
there every 12 Rabiul Awal (Muslim Calendar).

“ Balla’ Lompoa becomes
a local museum

ABOVE. The pillars stand on

stones as the foundations
support a connecting beam in
wide (pattolo riawa), longitudinal
directions (arateng), and the
place for the floor (tunebba) and
the wood floor (dappara)

LEFT.. The wide opening of the
windows allowed the natural
circulation of air to protect the
windows, the roof construction
was wider as the sun shading
and a splash of rainfall, and
underneath it is covered with
ceiling (rakkeang).
LEFT.. The traditional Balla
Lompoa is equipped with
gallery or pantry (jongke),
the materials made of brick
and tiles floor.
BEL OW.. Timpalaja
sambulajang in the Balla
Lompoa is equipped with
some small windows which
was formerly a place of
girls of Bugis - Makassar
girls to sneak away from
their confinement.

Balla’ Lompoa is a construction on raised platforms

(supported by pillars) made of teak wood and ama-
ranth wood.
The construction was divided into 3 parts:
A. Top (Pamakkang)
B. Middle (Paddeserang)
C. Base (Siring)
Balla’ Lompoa was renovated in 1978 – 1980 by
the Cultural Club (Sasana Budaya), and further by the
Renovation and Rejuvenation of Historical and Pre-His-
torical Heritage Project, inaugurated by the Director-
ate General of Culture, Prof. Dr. Haryati Sudibyo.
Today Balla’ Lompoa serves as a museum and object of
study of the history and cultures of the Kingdom of Gowa.

LEFT.. At present Balla
Lompoa functions as a museum
and a center for historical and
cultural research of Gowa
RIGHT.. Two peaks of the
house (anjong bola) are fulfilled
with various floral ornaments
stuck at the edge of the roof
RIGHT.. The ladder and wide doors
indicate that the owner is ready
to welcome the people in the front
room (latte risaliweng). The
functions of the room are to
accept the guest, the guest
resting places, the place for
discussion, or a place for
traditional celebration.
Traditional Houses Of Bugis-Makassar
in Miniature Garden of South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi has four main ethnic groups: Bugis, Makassar, Mandar, and
Toraja. These ethnic groups have varieties and patterns of culture, that
makes South Sulawesi rich in cultural products. These products can be seen
as traditional architecture in the miniature garden area.
Traditional houses of South Sulawesi
were built according to local traditional ar-
chitecture philosophy. Although came from
one root, which is Tomanurung, traditional
architecture shape of Bugis Makassar and
Mandar is far different. Bugis-Makassar
houses are more efficient and economical
in function and shape, while the Torajan’s
brings aesthetic and harmony as the main
concern enriches the tradition and culture
of South Sulawesi.
This difference in shape doesn’t affect
the cosmological perspective of three mac-
rocosms, which then implemented on to a OPPOSITE PPAGE.
AGE. The traditional
living house, stand as microcosms. The tra- house of Luwu has a three-tier
ditional architecture of stilt houses com- timpalaja symbolizes that the
prises the three parts of the universe: owner is the middle level of
A. Rakkeang or the house roof as the aristocracy (without any power).
sky. The house is equipped with a
B. Ale Bola or the house body as the ladder (addeneng) and a veranda
ABOVE. 1. The traditional house
C. Awa Bola or the cellar as the under
of Gowa has a three-tier
world. timpalaja symbolizes that the
These three parts centers on the Posi owner is the middle level of
Bola (House Center), which is a part of the aristocracy (without any power).
house considered as sacred. The main pil- The house is equipped with a
lar or Soko Guru (Alliri Posi) stands here. ladder (addeneng) without roof,
Bugis Makassar housing concept holds veranda (lego-lego) and
the philosophy of Sulapa Eppa’ meaning that additional side building (tamping).
The ornaments of the roof caps
the universe is a rectangle with four wind
(sambulajang) are jasmines
directions. Bugis Makassar houses as mi-
(parengreng) meaning
crocosms must be in a rectangle shape. This continuous luck and wealth.
philosophy is influenced by the spatial ar- RIGHT.. The details of timpalaja /
rangement of the of traditional buildings sambulajang and the vents with
which is not tightly related to wind direc- ivy shape and pattern.
tion, since the four directions have the same RIGHT BEL OW
OW.. The edge of the
ritual values. roof (ciring-ciring) was made of
wood as the cover of timpalaja
with floral ornaments. All of it
does not have any spiritual
values, just for aesthetic and
meaningful in real life.
Stilt houses consists of the main structure
and filling structure. The roof is supported by
columns as the main structure, leaned on to
Pallangga Aliri’ (Batu Umpak). The development
process of traditional house usually begun from
the cellar (Riawa Bola) by raising the main col-
umn. Then some other columns are established
along with Bola position by the length of the
house. Then the Pakka column, the site of the
Bugis - Makassar traditional
houses for the common people main ladder.
have only one timpalaja with After the column was raised, the process
the ladder (addeneng) leans on was continued to the Ale Bola (body of house).The
the main house. main blocks which bind the house columns
ABOVE LEFTLEFT.. The traditional (Pattolo) were then established. The blocks un-
house of middle level der the floor is called Pattolo’ Riawa, while the
aristocracy of Makassar has a upper side columns binder is called Pattolo Riase.
three-tier timpalaja having a Upon the main block, the sub blocks called
veranda (lego-lego) and
Arateng, are installed, while the sub blocks in-
ladders (addeneng). The house
is full of floral ornaments and stalled on the upper side is called Bare’. The
patterns with an excellent board floor (Dappara’) installed on Kaso Tunebba’
landscaping. is leaned on arateng. All parts of the house floor
CENTRE LEFTLEFT.. The pattern of are flat, and the kitchen floor (tamping) is lower
veranda railing was made of
pieces of woods as a fence of
the veranda.
LEFT.. The ladder was placed
beside the main house with
railing and balustrade made of
The vault (Para-Para) on Rakkeang is supported
by Kaso Barakapu the number of which must be
odd. Only few decorations inside the Bugis/
Makassar traditional houses. The decoration style
came from Hindustani art and culture taken from
natural resources, plants and animals etched on
woods without colors. No ornaments and patterns
with ritual values, nothing but decorations, but
some of themhave meanings in real life. Like
Parengreng (roses) stand for continuing wealth,
Manuk (Rooster) is an icon of bravery and admira-
tion. Dragon is the icon of great power, bullhead is
the icon of highest social status (Anakarung), and
the welfare icon is Anjong Bola.

“ Bugis-Makassar architecture has gone
through three phases of renewal along
with the change of years

ABOVE. The traditional house for the

aristocrats of Soppeng (Bola Soba). Its
veranda is nearly united with the ladder
(addeneng) and the walls made of plaited
bamboos (gamacca).
LEFT.. One of the structural systems in
the house is the log (pakkolo) which lies
in the center of the pillar below the
house (awaso).
RIGHT.. Besides the main building, the
traditional house is also equipped with
rear additional room (tamping) and the
side ladder as the entrance.

Bugis-Makassar architecture has gone through three phases of renewal along

with the change of years. The kingdom era inherits authentic traditional architecture,
along with the people living pattern. The architectural shape is simple, but as an
image of its people’s cultural identity. The penetration of Dutch affected the architec-
tural shapes, the influence of western civilization provided Lego-Lego and Tamping as
a part of cultural houses. Since then, traditional houses are divided into public, private,
and service areas, just like modern houses.
LEFT.. The traditional house
for the aristocrats of Bulukumba
has a five-tier timpalaja with
ornamented cover. The ladder
(addeneng) is big and long with
separate roof to show the
charisma of the owner.
ABOVE. The detail of the ornament
shows dragons and flowers
dominated the peak house
(sambulajang) plus the
calligraphic ornament of Allah as
the indication of the coming of
Islam in the area.
LEFT.. The traditional house of the
aristocracy of Bone has a three-
tier timpalaja, but around the
ladder and the veranda there is a
four-story roof enriched with so
many ornaments in each peak.
ABOVE. The traditional house
of the aristocrats of Majene
has a three-tier timpalaya
and the ornamented corner.
The ladder (addeneng) has no
roof bended to the veranda
RIGHT.. The traditional
house of the aristocrats of
Mamuju has a five-tier
timpalaja and the ornamented
cover. The ladder and the
veranda have no roof. The
kitchen and the pantry were
made of bricks and tiles floor.
traditional house of
aristocrats of Polewali has a
five-tier timpalaja and the
ornamented cover. The ladder
and the veranda are united .
AGE. Some structure
and construction systems of
the lower part (awaso) and
the middle part (ale bola) of
the Bugis - Makassar
traditional houses such as
stone foundation, pattalo,
arateng, tunebba, dappara,
and renring usually use
wooden nails to tighten and
strengthen the building.
The Architecture Of Bugis-Makassar
Traditional House
Scattered in Makassar, although it has various forms, functions, and types, but
still has the image of Bugis - Makassar traditional architecture is still apparent.
The Bugis-Makassar traditional architecture is recognized by the
form of its stilt houses. No body knows exactly the beginning of the
history of the traditional house. The Bugis-Makassar traditional house
has grown as the growth of Makassar City, long time before the
coming of west imperialism to Indonesia. Formerly the traditional
house dominated the residencies in the city of Makassar.
The development of infrastructure and the city by the Dutch forced
the Bugis-Makassar traditional architecture moved to the rural ar-
eas. Every development activity by the government forced the houses
to move out. At present the traditional houses still exist between the
arrogance of modern buildings.
The Bugis-Makassar traditional houses were created from the
philosophy of Sulapa’ Appa’, the way of life of Bugs -Makassar in an
effort of self perfection if the house is rectangular.

AGE. Traditional houses of Bugis-Makassar
architecture. The community gathers together to embellish the face
of Makassar. Sooner or later these houses will be swept away by
the flow of development.
AGE. The existence of Bugis-Makassar traditional houses in
certain areas needs to be repaired and preserved to develop the
characteristic of the area which can be developed as tourism
development for city tour.
The type of traditional house is influenced by the level of nobility and
the social status of the owner.
A. The Type of Noble Houses
The type of noble house for those holding a position and power
looks like a couple house with two peaks. Over the roof of the main
house has a five-tier sambulayang or timpalaja; The number of pillars
to the side and rear is 5 to 6, using tamping and separate kitchen
on the rear.
The type of middle noble house for those not holding any position is
much smaller and has only a three-tier sambulayang on top of the
house, with 4 to 5 pillars to the side and rear. It has tamping and
separate kitchen in the rear.
B. The Type of Common People House.
The number of pillars is four to the side and rear, without tamping,
If it has tamping, it has only one compartment. The roof has two a
two-tier sambulayang only. The ladder leans on the main house on
the left side, having separated kitchen or united with the main
C. The Type of Simple House.
The type and size of the house is much smaller, with the number of
rooms is only 3, with a kitchen in the main house. The roof is plain
or y has one sambulayang only.

This PPage.
age. Floating traditional settlement area. The
Tallo river is a settlement which has a specific and
unique urban development character. Its
environmental quality needs improving to make it
more attractive.

“ The Bugis-Makassar

traditional houses were
created from the philosophy
of Sulapa’ Appa’
AGE. TTamalate
amalate PPalace
Tamalate Palace Complex in
Sungguminasa, Gowa regency.
The palace was designed based on
complicated and accurate study from
ancient lontara book. According to the
architect, the Dutch tried to eradicate
the charismatic effect of Gowa Kingdom
by making the shape and scale of the
Tamalate Palace smaller as Balla
Lompoa today. In order to bring back
the golden era of Gowa Kingdom from
the point of view of architecture, a
restoration was made to recover the
real architecture of Tamalate Palace.
The grandeur of the palace can be seen
from the monumental scale which is
different from the Bugis-Makassar
traditional houses in general of which
the dimension planning was based on
the body size of its owner. The main
building stands on 112 big poles. It is said
that the woods were from Papua to get
the types of wood wanted.
The salassa (royal palace) house type
AGE. H. Andi Mappanyukki’s Residence
Jl. Kumala Makassar City.
This historical house has traditional
architecture of Bugis-Makassar. Formerly it was the
Palace of Gowa Kingdom in Jongaya, a strategic
location between Makassar and Sungguminasa. The
house has some very important historical records in
the struggle for independence.
a. A center for the struggle of the South Sulawesi
people since it was the place in which the freedom
fighters met.
b. A center for governance of Gowa Kingdom under the
leadership of I Makkulau, the 34th King of Gowa ( the
father of A. Mappanyukki).
c. A place to declare the second greatest war (1905)
after the war of Sultan Hasanuddin (1667).
d. A silent witness of the slaughtering of 40.000 people
in South Sulawesi.
e. A place for recruiting great ulemas (Moslem
f. A hiding place of Robert Walter Monginsidi, a young
freedom fighter from Makassar.
The house was built by Andi Mappanyukki in 1921 to
replace the former house/palace. It was renovated in
1953 or 1956. The changes comprised the addition of
brick walls underneath the house. The terrace was
removed. The ladder in front of the house was moved
into the house. The structure and walls are said to be
taken from one very huge tree of Cinaguri type. The
number of poles are 42. The salassa (royal house)
house type.
AGE. Haji Bau Dg. Sila’s Residence
North Karuwisi Village, Panakkukang
District, Makassar
The house was built circa 1915 long before
the Indonesia’s independence. The owner of
the traditional house was a freedom fighter
whose name was adopted as one of the
street names around the Losari Beach that
is Jalan Haji Bau. Because he had no son of
his own, the house was bequeathed to his
adopted daughter, Hajjah Dg. Bulan.
As time went by, this noble house
underwent a distortion and became a house
for common people. As a house consisting
of two parts (the main house and the
kitchen), today it is only one because the
main house was removed to another place.
Although only the kitchen left, the details
and architectural ornaments still show the
noble house. The house is old enough by
age, but it is still in good condition.
A house type for common people.
AGE. Abdullah Renr eng’s Residence
Jl. Bontotangnga No. 27, Pao-pao.
Abdullah Renreng had lived in
this house since January 31, 1979. This
house was renovated in 1992 as its
present architecture. The owner admitted
that this house is not in the shape of
traditional house of Bugis-Makassar
anymore because it has been modified as
a modern house. The shape of the building
is not rectangular anymore. The house
structure used ulin wood, a very hard
type of wood which can last for ages.
A house type for common
AGE. Athira’s Al-Quran
Reading House
Jl. Racing Center, Makassar
Not all stilt houses of Bugis-Makassar
traditional architecture are used as a
residence. The functions can be
varied according to the need of the
owner. This house functions as a place
for Al-Quran reading in which the
children learn to know and read
verses from the Al-Quran.
The architectural design was a
modification of Bugis-Makassar
traditional house showing a new
design that is contemporary
traditional design. The upper floor is
an empty hall for the santries
(traditional Muslim school students).
At the back there is a permanent
house for the owner.
AGE. Tjollo Dg. Roa’s Residence
Timongan Lompoa Village, Bontoala
District, Makassar
The house is in the middle of densely
populated area. It was built around 1962-
1963. The building has underwent changes
so the full traditional shape cannot be
seen anymore due to the addition of
rooms sporadically both in the house and
underneath the house. The house has
been worn out as can be seen from its
construction. The sidewalls are rotten,
most of them were eaten by termites. The
only part which is still good is the front
wall which is always taken care of by the
owner to show its traditional architecture.
From the shape, size, and use of
ornaments point of view, the house can be
classified into the house for slaves.
H.A. Mallombasang’s Residence
Formerly this residence was located in the suburb of Makassar. Due to the
rapid development of this town, this location is very strategic since it is in
the border between Makassar city and Gowa regency.
The arrival of foreigners during the occupation
period brought a change in the traditional architec-
ture of Bugis, Makassar, Mandar, and Toraja houses
in South Sulawesi. The sketch which was initially rect-
angular as a living room was gradually turned into a
terrace and a kitchen. Bugis- Makassar houses are
called lego-lego (terrace) and tamping as a part of a
traditional house. Since then the traditional house
consists of public hall, private room, and storage
just like a modern house.
The A. Mallombasang’s house is one of the
noble Makassarese traditional houses that has been
under the influence of the western architectural spa-
tial arrangement concept. This house consists of two
units of stilt buildings. The main unit is a residence
and the other is a meeting hall for the family. The
architectural forms of the two buildings have been
modified as could be seen from the existence of lego-
lego and tamping. Likewise the scale of building height
at the lego-lego and form of shield roof which is
uncommon in supplementary house unit.

AGE. Andi
Mallombassang’s residence is
consistent with the application
of Bugis-Makassar traditional
architecture among the
booming of modern buildings in
Makssar city. The double house
with two peaks (anjong bola),
each has a five/three tier
decorated with jasmines
RIGHT.. ABOVE. The terrace
(lego-lego) with the ladder
(addeneng) at the side is a
living room for the guests. The
roof (bakkaweng) was made of
shingle roof.
OW. The other
terrace is low. The roof was
made of zincs and the
materials are more modern.
The function is similar to the
living room and for the guests.
AGE. The
house had been modified
according to the need of
the residents. However, the
traditional stilt house and
decorations are main-
tained. The roof was made
of zincs in the form of a
RIGHT.. The two peaks
of the house, each of its
was ornamented with
rooster as a symbol of
brevity that must be
RIGHT.. The timpalaja/
sambulajang of this house
has no more tiers as can
be seen in other noble
houses. The space
underneath the house is
not high anymore.
Below. The rooster
ornament was placed at
the peak of the house.

“ The building could be recognized as
a noble house from the architectural
character and ornaments

The room in the main unit is unique by the difference in the height of the floor. The
height of the lego-lego floor is about 1.60 m and with a rather steep ladder the height
of the floor is raised again in the living room. In the family room a ladder connected a
bedroom over it. At the back there is a service room such as a kitchen and other
needs which is not in the form of raised platform and has brick walls. Overall there
are three elevating floors in this house, a modification showing the social status of the
The supplementary house unit is smaller and the height is similar about 1.50 m.
As its function as a meeting room, the lego-lego is big enough. This unit has similar
floor height.
LEFT.. The
window with its
decoration on top
functions as ventila-
tion. The window has
railings in the form of
ornamented wooden
structure of the space
underneath the house The building could be recognized as a noble house
stands on the stone from the architectural character and ornaments.
supporting the beam Timpalaja (upper front part) consists of five layers
connecting the pole is
designating ana’ arung as the highest nobility in
wide, the beam
connecting the pole is Makassar. The top of sambulayang (edge of the ridge)
horizontal and the is in the form of rooster’s head as a symbol of
beam for the timber courage which needs to be imitated. The difference
floor and safety in the height of floor in the main house shows the
railings of wooden level of nobility. The higher the floor, the higher the
bars. degree of nobility of the visitors.
SIDE PICTURE. The Located in the fast area of …….m2 , the house
ladder as a tool to has ………..massive house of stilt architecture.
connect the number of
rungs which is always
RIGHT.. This house has a
back terrace with roof made of
shingle roof is a favorite place for the
owner to relax and get together with
the family or receive guests.
Palattei Dg. Ropu’s Residence
The house is at the corner of Jl.Datu’ Ri Bandang
and Jl.Datu’ Ri Bandang III. This house is in the
historical area of the 40.000 Victims of South
Sulawesi Monument by Captain Raymond
Westerling and his squad.
In the 1960s at the era of Major Aroeppala the development was
triggered by expanding the administrative area of Makassar city toward
Maros and Gowa regencies. Hasanuddin University campus was estab-
lished in the Baraya hamlet in 1952. There were some settlement units
around the busy area.
The planned expansion of the city and the development of housing for
lecturers and Hasanuddin University’s officials, a hamlet near Jl. Mesjid
Raya was moved far to the north of the suburb at the vicinity of the
40.000 Victims Monument on Jl. Datu’ Ri Bandang. The hamlet name
was Kalukuang, a quiet place full of mystery and was prone to security
due to the rebellion by a certain group of rebels.

AGE. The Bugis-Makasasr people view the house as
oneself since it is a place to live for the family from the birth to the death.
They will live and struggle in the house to fulfill their ideals. Palattei Dg
Ropu held firmly to the philosophy.
RIGHT.. The originality of the traditional house can be seen at the
location of the ladder leading directly to the front part of the building.
The ladder has 11 rungs.
LEFT.. The middle of the house consists of living room, bedroom,
and kitchen. The door is put on the left side facing the lari-larian.
RIGHT.. The upper part of the building has a three-tier
timpalaja’ symbolizing the power of the owner although Palattei Dg .Ropu
was a common person.
AGE. The
window has its own philoso-
phy. The number of bars on
the railing is 5 symbolizing a
house of common people.
RIGHT.. The lari-lariang hall
leading to the kitchen. It is a
service room.
RIGHT.. Timbering for a
roof was completed by simple
mathematical logic.
OW.. The window
silhouette is at the living

One of the houses moved to Kalukuang was Palattei Dg. Ropu’s house,
a master of Makassar arts of self-defense. The house had a traditional
architecture of Makassar, a typical house of common people which still
exists today. This house is still original in design both philosophy and ma-
terial structure. The house was built in the 1940s and then it was
moved with other houses to Kalukuang in 1963.
The traditional value of its originality can be seen from the rect-
angular building which has a ladder from the front part into the house
without lego-lego or tamping which is the typical Makassar house of to-
day. The ornaments are on the window railings and the profile and its
three layers timpa’laja’ symbolizing the prominent figure of its owner. The
number of ladder rungs are eleven and still strong.
Unfortunately, the architecture was not followed by maintenance
and rehabilitation, so that the impression is slum. Apart from this impres-
sion, the house has a historical value of high architectural town develop-
ment and the only one left. Shall we lose our past time history just be-
cause this house belongs to the common people?
AGE. The structural parts and elements of the
building still use original wood.
CLOCKWISE. the connection system of the ladder and the
house, pallangga (umpak) as a supporting of alliri (pole),
the lock of the ladder , rungs, and door handle.
“ The hamlet name was
Kalukuang, a quiet place full
of mystery and was prone to
security due to the rebellion

by a certain group of rebels.


perspective of Palattei Dg.
Ropu’s residence. The space
underneath the house
functions as a multifunction
LEFT.. This monument is a
silent witness of human
tragedy, the victim of 40.000
people in South Sulawesi.
……have value with highest historical…..aged over 50
The Historical Building
Benteng Ujung Pandang
Benteng Somba Opu
Makassar’s Art And Cultural Centre
Municipal Water Corporation And Services
Makassar City Museum
The Courthouse of Makassar
Mulo Building
Mayor’s Office
Governor’s Palace
Mayor’s Residence
Sungai Tangka Residence
The Cathedral
Protestant Church
The Temple of Ma Tjo Poh
The Old Mosque of Katangka
Benteng Ujung Pandang Like most forts built in the nation, Fort
Rotterdam is situated in the coastline of the
(Fort Rotterdam)
Losari Beach. The fort was strategically built in
the heart of the city, in Kelurahan Bulogading
Kecamatan Ujung Pandang, Makassar.
Fort Rotterdam was built by the 9th King of
Gowa Daeng Matanre Karaeng Tumapa’risi
Kalonna. His son I Manrio Gau Daeng Bonto
Karaeng (Lakiung) Tunipalangga Ulaweng (the 10th
King) continued the construction, following the royal
decree of I Mangngerangi Daeng Manrabia Sultan
Alauddin. In 1634 the fort’s walls were improved
by adding layers of rocks, using sand and ground
limestone as mortar.
The Treaty of Bungayya (articles 10 and 11)
signed on November 18, , 1657 officially
relinquished the ownership of the fort to the Dutch.
Newer and more permanent constructions were
added and was named Fort Rotterdam, the town
in Holland where the Colonial Governor General
Cornelis Speelman was born. The first construction
was a church, right in the center of the fort. Then
a new residence for the Governor General was
built in 1676 (now it serves as the Lagaligo Museum
which houses historical artifacts collection).

AGE. The gates of Fort
Rotterdam covered and strengthened with
stone walls have 2 meters thick and 7
meters high. the Makassarese usually call
benteng pannyua, because it looks like a
turtle, but now it has lost its tail, in the
eastern part of the fort, after the
construction of an office building on Jalan
Slamet Riyadi.
AGE. The building in the fort has
Middle Age European style. The shape of
the roof looks like a saddle which ends with
the edge of the walls as high as the gable
on top of it without louver, ornamented with
pattern of racing cornice and three
amortize ants in the corner of the triangle.

“ The top view reveals its
pentagonal shape, and
some look like a turtle

The size of the fort is 28.595, 55 m2. Each

side length is unequal, possibly to fit the defensive
needs at that time. Western wall is 225m in length,
northern is 164m, eastern is 193,2m, and
southern (flanked by the bastions of Amboina and
Bacan) is 155,35m.
The height of the walls varies from 5-7 meters,
with average thickness is 2 meters.
The construction materials are not very different
from modern materials. Most buildings are 2-
storied, with the exception of the Japanese-built OPPOSITE PPAGE.AGE. The
two-story buildings were
single-storied ones. The frames are irons, 80-100
the foci of the fort, the
cm in diameter. The most common style is gothic,
upper story functioned as
indicated by the towering sidewalls bound by iron a church, while the first
nails, interrupted by tall and wide gates. floor as the arsenal and
Initially the constructions in the fort were the horses stall. At
wooden Makassar-style buildings, five bastions and present the building is
two gates. The main gate is in the west, facing the used for meeting and
beach, and a smaller one is in the east. The top seminar.
view reveals its pentagonal shape, and some look THIS PPAGE.
AGE. One of the
building units in the fort
like a turtle. This shape is commonly dubbed the
has the same architec-
“bastion fort”. The five bastions are:
tural identity, and by the
A. Bone Bastion adaptation of the climate
B. Buton Bastion and the tropical building,
C. Amboina Bastion the two or three-story
D. Bacan Bastion building is connected to a
E. Mandarsyah Bastion long veranda which
Each bastion is linked with parapet with the functioned as veranda to
exception of the walls between Bacan and Amboina. heat isolation. There are
also many windows and
doors using wood locks or
Defense and Command Headquarters, Trade Chamber
and residence compound for Dutch high officials. It was also
the temporary residence of Prince Diponegoro in 1937. It
was relinquished to the Fort Rotterdam Foundation in May
23, 1946, registered as a national monument with regis-
tration number 1010/1946, according to the Monumenten
Ordonantiestambul 238 year 1931 (now replaced with the
newer Statute No. 3/1992 regarding cultural preserves)
and was officially a national treasure, Number 01/UP/South
Sulawesi, registration number 320.
A. Japanese Occupation Period (1942-1945) Cen-
ter For Research and Linguistics.
B. Physical Revolution Period (1945-1950) Defense
Command Headquarters for subduing republican uprisings.
C. Year 1970, relinquished to the Department of Edu-
cation and Culture.
Today it serves as the Office of Prehistoric Research of
South, Southeast, and Central Sulawesi; also the site of
the Lagaligo Museum and Makassar Council of Art.

ABOVE. The building was resided by Governor Speelman

and the governors after him. Another side which is
separated by a corridor was the place for the evangelist
and the principal of trading division. In that time Fort
Rotterdam was a huge and nicest building because it
functioned as residential rather than the defense.
CENTRE. The details of windows with panel of krepyak is
the identity of the tropical building which is not found in
winter as in Europe.
LEFT.. One of the doors below the fort.
RIGHT.. The room under the roof
construction still functions The
windows are open to observe to
all directions to see directly if
there were enemies would like to
attack. from the outside.
OW.. The corridor
connecting the bastion to the
building in the fort area.
OW.. The roof platform
functions as the corridor to
connect the bastion.
Somba Opu Fort The size of the Fort Somba Opu based on the map of
ancient heritage conservation of South and Southeast
Sulawesi in 1986, is 113.590 m2 with S 05 11’ 36’’
and E 119 24’ 10’’ geographically. The Fort Somba
Opu is located in Sapiria Village, in the administrative
area of Bontoala, Palangga, Gowa.
AGE. The
fort of Somba Opu was
the principal forts to
defense tho Gowa The Fort Somba Opu was built at the beginning of
kingdom and became the 16 th century, by the 9 th Gowa King, Karaeng
center of government Tumapa’Risi’ Kallonna which was then continued by
activities. Some forts Karaeng Tunipallangga Ulaweng. In 1545 Karaeng
surrounding the front of Tunipallangga (the 10th Gowa King) strengthened the
Somba Opu were the forts fort’s wall structure with hard stone. In the Tunijallo
of Tallo, Ujung Tanah, Governance (the 12th Gowa King) the fort was ar-
Ujung Pandang (Fort mored with big calibers cannons on each corner of the
Rotterdam), Barobbaso,
bastion. Archeologically, the shape of the fort itself is
Mariso, Garassi,
Panakkukang, yet to be known, since about half of its walls is not yet
Barombong, Galesong, identified, specially the north side walls. Many excava-
Sanrobone, Ana’ Gowa, tions have been done to discover the existence of the
and Kale Gowa. walls, although the shape has been rediscovered by Bleau
ABOVE AND LEFT LEFT.. The in a framed map in 1638. From the map it has been
fort of Somba Opu is known that the Fort Somba Opu has a shape of a long
surrounded by brick rectangle. There was the king’s castle, residence of
walls. the royals, sovereigns, and staff of the kingdom, iso-
lated with high and thick walls, equipped with weapons.
lontar trees (tala’) in the
area become the myth for The residence of king and relatives was on the north
the people around it. side, separated by main road from north to south. On
the north side there was also a market. The main road
intersected symmetrically with another street on the
center of the complex from west to the east. A mosque
is in the southern edge of the main road from west to
east, oriented to the west.
Each building has its own yard, surrounded
by a small fence. Soldiers and their families,
blacksmiths, merchants, and expatriates
from many countries lived outside the fort..

In the north side of the fort there was a The structure shaping
building of Portuguese Trade Ambassador.
Then the Dutch came and built their buildings the building were bulk
of trade office in 1607. The Englishmen came of bricks with various
in 1613, Spain in 1615, while Chinese and
sizes hard stones,
Danish came in 1618.
In the eastern side there was a
Mangalekanna village where Malayan lived.
The Makassar traders lived in the areas sur-

and in several parts
there was irregular
rounding the fort and farmers who worked filling soil
on kingdom’s land, lived on Bontoala Village.
The structure shaping the building were
bulk of bricks with various sizes hard stones,
and in several parts there was irregular fill-
ing soil. Wall’s thickness varies from 200-
300 cm on east side and between 300-400
cm in the west side. In the west of the sea the center of defense for the
there lied a former site of Maccini Sombala Gowa kingdom, the wall was
castle with extremely thick walls. From here, built with the average 3
the king watched the merchants, traders, meters thick and 7 meters
ship traffic, load / unloading activities, and high, supported with 4
tax levying at the harbor. bastions.
AGE. In the era of King Alauddin (Circa 1593), the fort of Somba Opu equipped with cannons
named anak mangkasara’ regarded sacred by the people.. Those cannons were damaged together
with hundreds of cannons when the fort of Somba Opu fell and occupied by the Dutch.The efforts
to reconstructed the fort have been done by the government of South Sulawesi, through the
initiative to make the prototype or the replica of the house where the Dutchmen lived and the
commons found h in the fort.
AGE. The site of the fort of
Somba Opu was excavated to
remember the popularity, the
progress; and the big name of the
Gowa Kingdom after it was buried
about three and half centuries.
Some efforts have ben done to
conserve the buildings and the
environment which are
historically tied to the
development of Makassar City.
Sulsel’s Art And
Cultural Center
(Societeit De Harmonie)
The Art and Cultural Center is
situated in the Stad
Vlaardingen area, Jl. Prins
Hendrik (Jl. Riburane) to the
south and Middenstraat (Jl.
Bonerate) to the east, ap-
proximately 100 m north of
the Fort Rotterdam,
Kelurahan Melayu, Kecamatan
This neo-classical building was built in 1896. Its primary func-
tion was as a place of assembly, festivities, theater, music con-
certs, and other official occasions for the Dutch dignitaries.
In 1910, Societeit de Harmonie was renovated and enlarged
according to the needs of the Municipality of Makassar
(Gemeente).This building has been standing upright on the street
facing the Juliana Park, a park that could function as a front
yard for a transitional space. Garden party was often held here
to welcome the Dutch honorary guests disembarked from the
quay located 50 m to the west.
The building was unsymmetrical perhaps according to its in-
formal and recreative function. The sketch was in L – shape in
which two locals were separated by a condor. In the east was
the main building with a lobby functioned as a waiting room, exhi-
bition, and discussion with a performance hall. The performance
hall has a balcony in the form of spectator at the rear equipped
with a four –floor tower with a dome like roof. In the west there
is a supplement building consists of seven rooms and an open
large back space as an open performance hall. The size of the
building is 2.339 m2.
Societeit de Harmonie was decorated with architectural or-
naments at each of the building element. Even the structural
columns were camouflaged by showing the ornaments. The floor
was of metamo marble having a large wooden door. Today the
building is well preserved for its historical and important value
for science and culture.


building during Dutch occupation,
an assembly or a club for the
prominent Dutchmen. The function
was a place for arts performance.
In front of it was a park called
Juliana Park with music kiosks.
LEFT ABOVE. One of the entrance
doors to supplementary rooms in
the west and open stage at the
LEFT.. Corridor connecting the
supplementary rooms and the main
hall and the performance room.
The building functioned as an art theater and govern-
mental place of assembly. During the Japanese occupa-
tion and afterwards (1942-1953), it functioned as a
public meeting hall. Afterwards, it served as a clubhouse
for the Dutch, Chinese-Indonesians, and certain natives.
In 1960 to 1978 it was used by the provincial House
of Representatives as their office building, and then by
the KNPI Secretariat (1978-1980) and then by the
Makassar Art Council (DKM). In 1989 the Local In-
vestment Coordination (BPKMD) took over in co-own-
ership with the South Sulawesi Governor’s Assistant’s
Office, Area III. In the Era of Reform it was reverted
back to its original function as the Art and Cultural Cen-
ter Building.

“ The building functioned

as an art theater and
govermental place of


several changes of function,
the building was returned to
its original function as
Gedung Kesenian Sulawesi
Selatan Societeit De Harmonie
as a place for artists doing
their arts activity.
LEFT.. The four-story
supplementary building is
functioned as a monitor tower
and also a landmark which
can easily be seen from all
AGE. Some of
regional and national scale
arts forms have been
performed in this place
such as arts performance,
painting, sculptures, and
photos exhibition.
RIGHT ABOVE. Ranges of
ventilation are installed
over the doors and windows
to adapt European building
with tropical climate in
LEFT.. The supporting post
at the balcony is exposed
as a decorative element of
this building.
ABOVE. As a historical
building, the equipment
supplying electricity is also
Municipal Water
Corporation And Services
(Gementee Waterleiding)

At its early age, the building was still

outside the city limit, on Gowaweg
(Jl. Ratulangi). Presently it is located
in the heart of the city, standing on
land of 51.240m2 in size.
RIGHT.. There are two reservoirs
from the former era. At present
they do not function any longer as
the silent witness to the long
history of the waterworks of
OW.. One of the edges of the
machine which still exists and
functions well.

The Dutch colonialists did not build much of

the city’s infrastructures. The records indicated
the presence of a railroad system connecting
the seaport with the Rechstreek Bestuur (ad-
ministration office) in Gowa. Stretching from
the north of the Juliana Seaport, to the north
of Passerstraat, Roembiaweg (Jl. Seram);
snaking east to Oude Telloweg (Jl. Bandang);
and then to the south in the vicinity of Jl. Vet-
eran (still paddy fields at the time) down to
One of the important infrastructures
was the potable water service. The
installation was built in 1924 in Gowaweg
(Jl. Ratulangi). With a capacity of 50 l,
supplied by the Jeneberang River by means
of pumps. The installation covers a network
of transmission pipes 7 km long from
Sungguminasa reservoir, sedimentation
vessel, filter, and water tank tower. Though
corroded by age, this work of the Dutch
is still functional, supplying 8% of the city’s
needs (up until 1990, its capacity is 650 l.
The installation is consisted of a 40m2
water tower, 515m2 engine room, 353m2
filtering vessel, 2317m2 reservoirs, and
375m 2 sedimentation vessel. Other
buildings were built later to accommodate
services and administration.

“ The tower is perfectly

circular with cross-beams
construction, a unique

configuration for its time

AGE. Although the
machine and plumbing
system almost from the
Dutch era, but it is still in
prime operation and
provides the best service
to Makassar citizens.
ABOVE. Dutch has the excellent reputation in planning
and building water system. One example of that was the
spring for waterworks of Makassar lies in Gowa Regency,
many kilometers go through the underground piping
system and reaches the reservoirs. The plain water is
clean, potable, and odorless.
RIGHT.. The water tower has only 3 prototypes of its kind.:
in Surabaya, Semarang, and Makassar which were
constructed almost at the same time. Its shape and
construction are unique, where the columns were tied by
the radial to an axle. The core was supplied with iron steps
to the control chamber over the tower.
OW.. Collaboration between the machine and the old/
the new plumbing systems.

One of its unique features is the water tower construction, a standard and
typical construction in Java. It is supported by eight columns (each 60 x 90cm)
and a central pillar. The tower is perfectly circular with cross-beams construc-
tion, a unique configuration for its time. The round main pillar has a shear wall
concrete and there is an iron ladder in the middle to get to the top. The unused
remnants of piping from the past are kept at the Makasar City Museum with
pictures of the management and various kinds of furniture and original net-
works equipment.
The building functions as water treatment and distribution center for
Makassar, past and present.
AGE. Main building of
engine room, colonial style with the
arched entrance. It is still in its
original shape.
AGE. “I’m being old “
Makassar City Museum
Located Jl. Balai Kota No. 11 (previously Gouverneurslaan),
in the city’s historical buildings quarters. Administratively, it
is located in Kelurahan Baru, Kecamatan Ujung Pandang,
AGE. The building is closely related to the history, administration and
physical development of Makassar. Due to its important role the building’s street name (
Gouverneurslaan) was changed to jalan Balaikota in the era of independence.
The building was officially functioned as a museum in June 7, 2000.
LEFT.. The form of the building is symmetrical. The left side and the right one are similar.
The wall on the right side is shown.
ABOVE. The supporting structure of lower roof made of concrete and wood with a rare
and unique shape.
Small photo. Decorated hanging lamp in the main building lobby.

The museum previously served as the city hall, the seat of

executive powers. Christened in 1918 by the first mayor
of Makassar, J.E. Dan Brink, as the physical realization
of the decentralized politics policy (pressed into service
10 years earlier).
The museum previously served as the city hall, the
seat of executive powers. Inaugurated in 1918 by the
first mayor of Makassar, J.E. Dan Brink, as the physical
realization of the decentralized policy (pressed into ser-
vice 10 years earlier).
The location fitted the pattern and functions of the
city at the time. Situated near the Fort Rotterdam, the
choice of location reflected the desire to effectively ac-
commodate the commute of the city officials who mostly
resided in Vlaardingen, Hoogepad, and Koningsplein. The
building is now flanked by taller and newer constructions
(the new gubernatorial office – now the mayoral office;
and the Telkom building) – and its former glory is some-
what eclipsed, a contrast to the olden days when the
Stadhuis’ front yard was a vast square named
The City Museum is consisted of two parts: main and auxiliary. Rect-
angular in shape, multi-storied and of concrete construction. The size of
the building is 34m x 62m, erected on an area of 43m x 62m, and very
well maintained. Surrounded by front, sides, and backyards, it was an
application of the “Garden City”, the popular architectural at the time.
Doors, windows, and ventilations are wide to accommodate the ventilation
and natural lighting needs. The roof was steep, pyramid-shaped. No forms/
elements of local origins are detected – it was a mixed style of neo-classic,
renaissance, and gothic. These are proven by the monotonous, widened
walls, equally spaced by pilasters; and the arched windows, and the mold-
ing ornaments at the tops and bottoms of the pilasters.
The front side of the sloped roof contains a dormer, a European venti-
lation concept that aims to vent the space under the roof. The consul
construction to support the overstek is very protruding in design. The
consuls are like the elbow of man supporting the overstek. The construc-
tion of the entrance roof was in the shape of a half wooden arch.

Colonial elements are apparent in the building

architectural details — arched window,
ornament on the roof, and dormer window.
OW.. In the outer part of stair there are
three square windows, providing natural
lighting for the stair.
RIGHT.. Detail of stair and railing made of ulin
wood that may remain strong for years.
“ Doors, windows, and
ventilations are wide to
accommodate the ventilation
and natural lighting needs

Dutch government built it with

a very high architectural taste. Each
architectural element also functions as
a structure.
RIGHT.. Nut and bold, strengthening the
lower part of roof support.
Far right. Ending of building angle.
RIGHT ABOVE. The beauty of window’s
originality decreases because of the use
of nako glass.
The City Museum houses a wide variety of collections of ancient
and historical artifacts, old colonial documents, and photographic
documentations of the Olden Days. Once in a while, the building
hosts events and exhibitions.

RIGHT.. Detail of roof
supporting structure, which
is in the form of an arch, in
the main entrance.
ABOVE. Simple design of the
main gate.
key. It has a gold duplicate
which is now kept in the
Dutch embassy in Jakarta.
RIGHT.. Main lobby
directly faces the
entrance. This main
lobby is often used for a
contemporary exhibition.
BEL OW.. Meeting room. It
used to be functioned as
a meeting room of
Makassar legislative
AGE. Collection
room, a place to house
historical relics,
especially those related
to the long history of
The Courthouse of Makassar
(Raad van Justitia)
The Courthouse is situated on one side of the
town square, the field of Karebosi, precisely at
Jl. Kartini no 18 (front side), Jl. Jend. Sudirman
(right side) and Jl. Ammana Gappa (rear side),
Kelurahan Baru, Kecamatan Ujung Pandang,
justitia used to be the
biggest and the most
There have been no elegant building in Makassar.
significant changes, in function Located on a strategic area,
its existence indicates that
nor in architecture, ever since
the policy of political
the colonial times. According to decentralization is carried
a cartography study, this building out in executive, legislative,
has existed before 1915, and judicative bodies. The
erected on a former infantry building stands on a parallel
shooting ground, facing north axis to the north with
towards Koningsplein’s Gevangenis (a prison)
Julianaweg. separated by Koningsplein.
During its time, the building ABOVE. Viewed from behind
the building is unlike its front
was the largest and most
appearance with an arched
prestigious, plus it was entrance.
strategically placed. This BEL
BELOWOW.. Detail of overstek
indicates such high regard for has also an esthetic
justice, especially since function. It is made of wood
Makassar was elevated towards hung by steel.
gemeente status in 1906, in the
light of decentralizing politic.

“ The Entrance was
composed of a terrace and
arched gate

The building is rectangular in size, composed of 3 parts

stretching north-south. The front side (north) was decorated
with arch-like pilasters. The entrance was composed of a terrace
and arched gate.
The building’s size (48,40m x 44,90m) was styled according
to mixed neo-classical Europe, Renaissance, and Roman designs.
The attributes of its sides: symmetrical in nature, widened, regular
and monotonous; composed by elements of window arrays, doors,
ventilations, and decorations.
The roof is pyramid-like,
steep, using roof tiles. On its
tilted sides are arrayed with
dormer windows. The front
side has side-corridors to annex the offices and north
lobby. The columns on the corridors are not visible,
because of the use of Roman-style arches. So is the
hall, many of its pilasters are decorated on its tops and
bottoms, unlike anything seen in Europe at the time, but
more similar to traditional temples and local architecture.

LEFT.. Architectural ornament in the front open
verandah, which is in the form of an arched window,
emphasizes the Roman architectural style.
ABOVE. Four main columns function as roof
supporting structure in the hall entrance, forming
such a beautiful three-dimensional configuration. The
ceiling is embellished with a rather big wood frame and
decorated with a molding, creating beautiful
retangular lines.
AGE. An impressive entrance. The roof
is higher than others and its top is decorated with
lantern elements just like Renaissance architecture.
A bull’s eye is also there.
The Raad van Justitia (north part) was used to hold courts
for European, Chinese and local nobles. Landraad (south part)
was used to try indigenous citizens. There were some apartheid
practices that discriminated against the indigenous citizens.
There have been little changes done to the building, with the
exception the three great arches situated on the entrance that
have been converted into a canopy, a proof that the building’s
beauty, function, and construction could over a span of 75
years and more.

LEFT.. Raad van
justitia has four
meeting rooms: Cakra,
Chandra, Kartika, and
Tirta. In 1949 Cakra
room became a silent
witness of death
sentence for Robert
Wolter Monginsidi, a
pioneer of Makassar
young fighter.
ABOVE. Its tilted
sides are arrayed with
dormer windows.
LEFT.. Building units are
separated by an inner
court, creating natural
ventilation and lighting
LEFT ABOVE. The rain
water falling on the roof is
channeled through a
water pipe to the ground.
Detail of rain water piping
system and detail of roof
supporting structure
system are shown.
RIGHT.. Detail of
the main column
Mayoral Office Facing Hoogepad (Jl. Achmad Yani No.2), the building
occupies the Kerkplein area. Bordered by Jl Balaikota
(Gouverneur Laan) to the east and Jl. Slamet Riyadi to the
west, in Kecamatan Ujung Pandang, Kelurahan Bulogading.
In 1938 the Great East (Grote Oost)
Administration was founded, with Makassar as its
administrative capital. It covered the entire eastern
region of the country. Comprised of prefectures
(karesidenan) of Manado, Celebes, Moluccas, Timor, OPPOSITE PPAGE.AGE. For
Bali, and Lombok; each province was under the care several years Dutch
of a governor and each karesidenan under a prefect governor ran his
administration in Fort
(residen). In 1930 the population of Makassar reached
Rotterdam. When the
84.855, and as such was the greatest cosmopolitan political atmosphere
in Grote Oost. became better ( by the end
The early gubernatoril office was a building east of of 19 th century), a new
the Societeit de Harmonie (now the office of budgetary governor’s office was built
administration). After an organizational restructuring in 1937. In 1992 the building
of the colonial government, the new governor’s office was converted to the office
was commissioned. of Makassar mayor.
Its modern architectural designs adopted RIGHT
RIGHT.. The entrance
shape combined with
traditional-tropical elements on its roofs, shield-shaped.
elements of local
The two-storied building with its main entrance facing architecture, decreasing
Jl. Achmad Yani. The ground plan showed a rectangular its originality of
shape, symmetrical, with a vast garden in the middle. architecture and historical
The design was most fitting, for it allowed natural values.
tropical light and ventilation to flow inward – also ABOVE. Viewed from one
coupled by the wide windows and ventilations. side, it depicts a modern
Accesses to the rooms via corridors were ideal for architectural style. Such
heat and sunlight isolation an international style
reflected the latest trend at
that time.
“ Its modern architectural designs

adopted traditional-tropical
elements on its roofs,

AGE. Effort to minimize monotony is manifested by
moving the wall space forward to the end of building angle.
LEFT.. Stair void in the main lobby seems very spacious with big
windows close to it.
ABOVE. Detail of window’s architecture and a small balcony above it.
Left above. The existence of adjoining open verandah provides
accessibility to all room units
which are almost symmetrical.
FAR ABOVE. The building view from the inner part.
The building is now over fifty years old but still stands erect, and
has since turned function into the office of the Mayor of Makassar.
The colonial nuances are still there. The additional traditional elements
of the three-tier timpalaja’ affected the original architecture. An
eleven-story tower in the center of the ground is planned to
accommodate the needs for the office rooms.
The Office of the Governor of Great East, Office of the Governor
of South Celebes, Office of Mayor of Makassar.

Stair detail leading to the lobby

hall on the second floor; It looks
beautiful with terracotta colour.
OW.. The ending of
rear angle of building which is
similar with other angles of the
OW.. Detail of canopy
supporting shape in the
entrance; logical and reflecting
the simplicity of modern
LEFT.. Detail of balcony,
window , and the steel
railing on the stair.
guard house in its original
M.U.L.O. Building
(Middlebare Uitbruik Lagere Onderwijs)

Its original spot placed it in the fringe

area of the city. Erected on an open
field, between two main roads: to its
west was the Gowaweg, and to its
north is the Schijfbergweg, both of
which were comparatively small. The
two roads are now named Jl. Jend.
Sudirman and Jl. S. Saddang.
building is one of the
best works of
collaboration between
the colonial architecture
and the tropical
RIGHT.. Entrance with
its slanting roof and
wide overstek to
anticipate both rain fall
and excess sun in the
tropical region.
OW.. Cool building
with inner court inside
the building.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Holland was

divided into two camps in regard of an ideal treatment
towards her colonies. One camp favored to treat the
colonies as mere resource area, while the other
demanded that the indigenous people’s welfares should
climb in par with their contributions in the economy.
The latter’s view was the foundation of the “ethical
policy” consisted of the three points: Irrigation,
Education, and Emigration.
In the spirit of Education; lower, middle, and
sometime later, the high schools; were built.
The MULO building was erected in 1927, as an
answer to the growing pressure to apply ethical policy
to the colonies. The policy was still attached to the
colonial caste system: tribal and socio-economic
The building has been modified physically, and in
result the original construction design appears only
on the main building. Its planning and process of
evolution are still classifiable as historic. Its composition
was quite unique for its day. Single-storied, composed
of three stretches integrated into one, incongruent
shape, forming a rough decapitated L configuration in
the middle. Such composition allowed the existence
of vast front and backyards. The main entrance is
located on its diagonal side. There is a reception hall
and dividers that lead to the classrooms arrayed to
the left and right.
All rooms are connected by an open corridor leading straight
into the inner courtyard. This allows efficient heat isolation,
since the rooms are not facing directly at the sun. Numerous
windows, doors, and air vents lace the walls. Floor-to-ceiling

gap is 5.30 m. The combination of these factors results in an
All rooms are connected
ideal cross-ventilation. A necessity for a place of assembly.
Local elements appear in the steep pyramid roof. Also on
the corridor construction: teritisan with columns and consuls
similar to the traditional architectures. Its construction sys-

by an open coridor
leading straight into the
tem eschews the use of pillars and columns, adopting classi- inner cootyard
cal European construction, which is Bearing Wall built with
bricks. The consequence is an extra thickness to the walls,
but these also serve as heat shields. Specific decorative ele-
ments are non-existent but on the columns, and on wall con-
suls sporting molding.

AGE. Besides for
circulation purpose
between rooms in the
building, the existence of
a wide and high open
veranda is a solution to
humidity of buildings in
the tropical region.
OPPOSITE. A series of
wide window railings
provides the flow of
natural air.
LEFT.. Columns and
bright windows of the
open veranda. The
ceiling is high.
OW.. One of the
connections of acute
angles 1350

Ever sine its establishment in 1927, the

MULO building has changed inn functions,
along with the course of national and urban
histories. The Japanese occupation in 1942-
1945 did not change its function of educa-
tional purposes, and it served as Shihan
Gakko, or similar to junior high school. Next
functions include as office of the local gov-
ernment, office of the Education and Cul-
ture Board Representative, prefectural of-
fice of the Education and Culture Depart-
ment, and now as the cultural center/MULO
LEFT.. The use of iron
bars with modern design
decreases the originality
of its architecture.
LEFT.. Detail
structure of roof
typical building is
dominated by a series of
gigantic windows.
Gubernatorial Palace
(Governeur Woning)
Located on protocol road of Jl. Jend. Sudirman
No. 33 (previously Hospitaalweg), Kelurahan
Sawerigading, Kecamatan Ujung Pandang,
Built to replace the previous palace, the building was to mark the
separation between offices and residential quarters of the city. Only
one Dutch governor, Haze Winkelman, had the chance to reside in it
since the colonial rule was rudely interrupted by the Japanese invasion
of Indonesia.
The hilly ground on which it was built had been used as an army
shooting ground, stretching from the Militair Hospitaal to
Schijfbergweg (Jl. Sungai Saddang). Since its completion, it had
undergone three alterations. The governor’s adjutant’s apartment
was added to the east side of the building in 1960. The second was
in 1974, to expand the main building to the east, and the third was
to accommodate the additional staffs, with extra kitchen and garages.
The second alteration was built using a similar style, so that it would
seamlessly integrate with the original design.

Governor’s residence used to be

situated on Hoogepad which was
close to Immanuel church and
governor’s office. In accordance with
the master plan of the city
development, this area was reserved
for office buildings. The governor’s
office was eventually moved to a new
area, suburban area of Hospital weg.
This effort was in line with the
concept of Garden City.
LEFT.. Main entrance gate (north)
with its stage architectural style, but
it is not a traditional one.
ABOVE. ‘Time tunnel’
LEFT.. South main gate
“Its original design

was asymmetrical,
unlike most modern
buildings .....
with cantilevers on it,
and seem detail of railing
on the terrace; just like
the terrace railing in the
city hall that was built in
the same year.
OW.. Equator
monument embellishes
the ceremony yard.
Located on a spacious
area, the governor
palace looks elegant at

The expanse is around 2,90 ha, the main L-shaped part is in the center.
Initially the only front part was multi-storied. Its original design was asymmetrical,
unlike most modern buildings, with the presence of a northern meeting room. The
front part’s ground floor is semi-circular (viewed from top), with a terrace/dining
room. Second development was the addition to the eastern part of the main
building. The southern front side was added a protrusion similar with the northern
one; an expansion of the study room and a flat roof that doubles as a terrace.
Both twin protrusions are semi-cylindrical in shape, flanking a long terrace beneath,
making the entire construction symmetrical.
The building does not show any local/traditional elements, but its tropical design
is not negligible. The gargantuan amount of windows, doors and ventilations inundate
the entire spans of the walls. Such arrays form a highly efficient vent system, and
fuse the interiors with the exteriors. Southern yard now consist a pond, tennis
field, and garden. Northern yard is reserved for ceremonies – the Celebration of
Independence is held every year in this yard.
LEFT.. North main gate with
cantilevers on it.
ABOVE. The building had been
renovated and extended for
several times — in 1960 and
1974. The addition of rooms still
maintained the original
architecture, keeping it in
harmony with the old parts
parts of the building. One of
new building units added in
LEFT.. Wall and windows
are wide and high; typical
of colonial architecture
which is tropical.
OW.. A half circle
unit; the upper part is
used for a terrace of
dining room on the
second floor, emphasizing
the impression of a
Mayoral Residence
Situated on the corner of Jl. Somba Opu (west) and
Jl. H.M. Saleh (south), facing the Losari Beach
Duis autem vel eum
iriure dolor in hendrerit
in vulputate velit esse
molestie consequat, vel
The Mayoral (Burgemeester’s) Residence illum dolore eu feugiat
was constructed in 1933, designed by J.J. nulla facilisis at vero
Jiskot. Although its construction began in mid eros et accum san et
1900s, Cubism influence was dominant, vis- iusto odio dignissim qui
blandit praesent
ible by the surfaces and criss-crossing beams.
luptatum zzril delenit
The school of cubism is followed by many in
augue. duis dolore te
that time. It is similar to Hilversum’s city feugait nulla facilisi.
hall (by Willem M. Dudok, 1919) and Henny’s
House (1916) in Huister-Heide, The Neth-
erlands, a masterpiece by the great cubist
architect, De Stijl.
Located in the corner of a building, it looks
beautiful from various sides. The planning of
the walls forms a dynamic configuration. The
building seems to be of cubic boxes piled up
filling one another. So does the high and low
dynamic of the skyline silhouette. The build-
ing harmonization was accentuated with con-
sistent rectangular building elements such as
low terrace, balcony, canopy on the window,
rafters, and roof shape using flat concrete

“ ... it has been used
as the Mayor of
Makassar’s residence

The residence comprises of two parts: the main

part is the living quarters and the auxiliary part is the
meeting room, etc. The main part is two-storied, with
the guestroom, bedroom, living room, and dining room
in the ground floor. Another bedroom and living room
are in the top floor. The other part houses servants’
quarters, kitchen, bathroom, security post, and ga-
rage. Another addition is the baruga or hall, built in
Ever since the beginning, it has been used as the
Mayor of Makassar’s residence.

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in

vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum
dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et
accum san et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit
praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue. duis dolore
te feugait nulla facilisi.
Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in
hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie
consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat
nulla facilisis at vero eros et accum san
et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit
praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue.
duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
Duis autem vel eum
iriure dolor in hendrerit
in vulputate velit esse
molestie consequat, vel
illum dolore eu feugiat
nulla facilisis at vero
eros et accum san et
iusto odio dignissim qui
blandit praesent
luptatum zzril delenit
augue. duis dolore te
feugait nulla facilisi.
Sungai Tangka Residential Complex
The complex is located on Jl. Sungai Tangka
(Lajangiroeweg), arrayed between Jl Klabat
and Jl S. Saddang (Schijfbergweg), to the
east of the Gubernatorial Palace.
The houses existence was a symptom of evolution of the elite
suburban houses, in parallel with the Garden City concept introduced
by the British in the West. Similar evolution also took place in most of
other major colonial cities in Java. The urban areas were already
cramped, which resulted in an exodus of the wealthy to the suburban,
where they could enjoy vast yards. In Makassar, the leafy areas were
the vicinities of Jl. Sudirman (Hospitalweg), Jl. Sultan Hasanuddin
(Heerenweg), Jl. Botolempangan and, Bawakaraeng (Marosweg), also
the residential of choice of distinguished Chinese Indonesians.

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in

hendrerit in vulputate velit esse
molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu
feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et
accum san et iusto odio dignissim qui
blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit
augue. duis dolore te feugait nulla
Duis autem vel eum
iriure dolor in hendrerit
in vulputate velit esse The garden houses of Jl. Sungai Tangka were typical
molestie consequat, vel in their architecture and blueprints. Main unit is
illum dolore eu feugiat
symmetrical, with the guestroom in the middle – with
nulla facilisis at vero
a half-circle profile protruding into the front terrace
eros et accum san et
iusto odio dignissim qui (also half-circle in shape). There are three bedrooms
blandit praesent in the main unit, to in the front, flanking the guestroom
luptatum zzril delenit and one in the back. The living room is fused with the
augue. duis dolore te dining room; both are the continuation of the
feugait nulla facilisi. guestroom, and more to the back is the backyard and
patio. Next to the dining room is the kitchen and pantry,
connected to the pavilion. The service unit is next to
the main unit, consisted of the servants’ quarters,
bathroom/WC, and storage.
The roof is saddle-shaped, but the front part - in
accordance with the front terrace – is also half-
circular.The size is 60m x 25m. The houses were
built in the 1940s after the officers’ complex
surrounding the Hasanuddin Square.

The influence of modernization and age of the building
The garden houses of makes the total change of the building structures,
Jl. Sungai Tangka were typical in modern architecture; however, there are three houses
that have been renovated adopting the original
their architecture and blueprints
architecture. Others are still in their original shape
though old enough.
Duis autem vel eum
iriure dolor in hendrerit
in vulputate velit esse
molestie consequat, vel
illum dolore eu feugiat
nulla facilisis at vero
eros et accum san et
iusto odio dignissim qui
blandit praesent
luptatum zzril delenit
augue. duis dolore te
feugait nulla facilisi.
Duis autem vel eum
iriure dolor in hendrerit
in vulputate velit esse
molestie consequat, vel
illum dolore eu feugiat
nulla facilisis at vero
eros et accum san et
iusto odio dignissim qui
blandit praesent
The Cathedral
(Roomsch Katholieke Kerk)

Located on a unique and

strategic spot, the building is
monumental, since it stands on
the axis of Komedielaan (Jl.
Kajoalalido) to the east, and
Julianaweg (Jl. Kartini); each of
which is a one-way street. It is
still in the same neighborhood
of the Immanuel church,
bordered by Cantinelaan (Jl.
Thamrin) to the south,
Hoogepad (Jl. Jend. Achmad
Yani) to the north, Komedielaan
to the east and
Gouverneurslaan (Jl. Balaikota)
to the west)
Built in 1892, seven years after the
Immanuel Church. Its architect was a
Dutch combat engineering officer named
Swartboll. The construction was carried
out by a waterworks expert, then
continued by a certain Chinese contractor
named Thio A. Tek.
Previously, it was known as the
Roman Catholic Church or the Roomsch
Katholieke Kerk. It occupies a considerably
larger piece of land compared to the
Immanuel Church. All the while, the
pastoral apartment was finished at the
same time.

Cathedral church is the
second church in
Makassar. It is a Roman
Catholic church of which
development was designed
by Pastor Aselbergssj,
pastor Stasi Makassar.
Embellished windows with
vitrum glass. This type of
glass was imported from
Netherlands long before it
was known in Indonesia. Its
mosaic arrangement
depicts the life of Jesus
Christ, the Saviour.
remaining detail of door. Its
original Scandinavian
hinge style was imported
from Netherlands.
In the beginning, the architecture was an
exquisite neo-gothic design, adopting several Roman
ornamental details, such as the large circular
window (rose window) just above the main
its unique architectural
design, Cathedral church’s entrance, front and center. Other ornaments
original form is no longer include the tip of the front roof (also gothic),
existent. The original form reminding us to the characters of its Jakarta
of the church is like other counterpart.
Cathedral churches, such The church has only a nave in its centre,
as Jakarta Cathedral in rectangular, identical to the Immanuel. So are the
Jakarta, Santo Domingo divisions: sanctuary in the place of the front altar,
Cathedral in the Philippines,
worshippers’ area in the middle, and balcony in the
and Metropolitan Curitiba
Cathedral in Brazil.
Cathedral church’s After several overhauls and expansions in 1939-
architecture is embellished 1941, few remains of its original characters. Wings
with Roman ornament were added to the main building, serving as nave
details. One of them is a arcade or worshippers’ area (extra). The old walls
rose window which is no were torn down to integrate both naves into the
longer there. main building. The old columns were kept, but
LEFT.. Ornament on the reduced in number, down to 2/3 of the original
hypotenuse of roof
quantity. This arrangement left some capitals
ringbalk . Vestige of of the
suspended in the air. Vitrum windows with tainted
OW.. Additional glass are arrayed in a broken-circular configuration,
column at the feet of parallel to the inter-column faults, still in existence
minaret adopted from the on the outer walls. The arch was decorated with
original column. gothic floral ornaments.
Above. Top of minaret that A significant addition was done to the bell tower;
looks like the top of at its base was the main entrance.
Immanuel church.

“ In the beginning, the

architecture was an
exquisite neo-gothic
design .......

ABOVE. Window of vitrum
glass above the altar; the
lighting effects dramatically
illuminate the room.
LEFT.. The main gate
viewed from the parish hall.
LEFT.. Decorated wall lamp
made of brass
Small photo. Lower part of the
column with Roman floral
ornament type.
LEFT.. Closer view of minaret
bell of Cathedral church.
OW.. Outer side of
sacrament room situated
under the stair leading to
the balcony floor.
The Temple Of Agung Bahari /
The Temple Of Goddess Ma Tjo Poh
The temple is located in the south part of
Tempelstraat (Jl. Sulawesi). A place of worship
for Mahayana Buddhists.
AGE. Ma Tjo Poh
temple in thmidst of
modernization wave,
remaining unchanged by the
At its early age, it was simple
changing time. The temple is
and rudimentary, using wood,
characterized by its
bamboo, and thatch palm roof as concave (arch) roof; full of
materials, undistinguished from its decoration with bright
surroundings. The temple was built colours — yellow, green, red,
in 1738 and Ma Tjo Poh, the and golden.
Goddess of Good Fortunes and RIGHT
RIGHT.. The statue of Ma Tjo
Protector of Seamen is its patron Poh, Goddess of good
deity, hence its sea-facing fortunes and Protector of
seamen, made of bronze
orientation. Words had it that the
gilded with brass.
Dutch ordered to reverse its facing,
ABOVE. The original gate of
so that the Chinese immigrants lost the temple, the only unit
their appetite for homeland. saved from the fire in 1977. A
The exact date of its current beautiful view with the main
modern construction is lost to the unit background . Its
age. Its elaborate designs indicated reconstruction finished in
that the construction had to be long 2005.
and divided into phases. Many parts
used imported materials and
laborers shipped from China.
The architecture was uniquely oriental. Ever
part is a map, its construction system and
details are philosophically charged with the
wisdoms of Buddha and the lesser deities and
their prophets.
The Temple consists of several units –
The Main Gate, the Central Unit, and the Inner
Sanctum. The Central Unit is actually a porch
in a courtyard. The statue of the Goddess is
located deeper inside, flanked by two chambers
housing other deities. There are a total of 17
statues of deities in this temple.
The rear end of the Central Unit is the
location of the prayer’s ground, consisted of
two smaller rooms. The left room caters to
the worship of Buddha, and the right room is
the caretakers’ office.
The main gate unit is located in front. Its
protrusion is due to the location which is directly
toward the street. Besides that the
architectural beauty can obviously be seen in
the ornament details of oriental style dominating
all sides of the wall and the roof of the temple.
The grandeur of the temple can only be
represented by this main gate. The main gate
had been demolished when the temple was under
fire on September 15, 1997. Today an oriental
modern vertical building has been built for its
substitute. The main gate is left as a silent
witness for its architectural grandeur and
golden history of the Ma Tjo Poh or Ibu Agung
Bahari temple.

AGE. Detail of structure and
architecture, a harmonious combination of
excellent art of architecture.
AGE. Hand painting on the gording beam
describing Chinese community’s daily life. The
reconstruction of Ma Tjo Poh temple has taken
a very long time, spent a large amount of money
and needed a skillful hand in the field of
architecture, especially the arts of painting and
LEFT.. Detail of handle on the side gate
embellished with a hand painting
showing a couple of gate guards.
LEFT FAR. Hanging ornament of the
supporting structure with a golden
floral motif.
LEFT ABOVE. Three statues of
Buddha meditating in the main hall.
Above. Detail of roof and ceiling

“ “
The Architecture
was uniquely
RIGHT.. Atmosphere in the newly
reconstructed Ma Tjo Poh
temple; spacious and quiet.
OW.. Dragon statue on the
pillar made of concrete material
imported from China.
OW.. Dragon,
according to Chinese belief,
symbolizes courage, power, and
Protestant Church The church is located on Jl. Balaikota
(Gouverneurslaan), facing west. The square it was
(Immanuel Church) facing at was a vast unbroken open ground, going
all the way to the Fort Rotterdam’s rear walls and
Heerenweg (Jl. Sultan Hasanuddin). This square
was aptly named the Kerkplein.
It was built in accordance with the stable security and
political situations. To the north of Fort Rotterdam were
the growing settlements of the peoples of Chinese and Malay
ethnicities. Even the Dutch started to settle outside the
protective walls (extra muros living). This area was named
the Vlaardingen, with exclusively Dutch/European inhabitants,

also the place of Gubernatorial Office and Palace. A large window is put over
It was erected on September 15, 1885, one century
the main entrance
after the construction of the first church inside the fortress
Its architecture has not changed much from the original
design. It consisted of a main building and a bell tower with
the main entrance at its base. The tower is aesthetically
pleasing, especially with such high profile details on its sides.

A large window is put over the main entrance. The tower’s
tip was smaller than its base, prism-shaped, made of
concrete. At its tip was a bronze rooster weathervane,
but the originality only lasts so far.

OPPOSITE PPAGE.AGE. Immanuel church is the

first church in Makassar. The church had
undergone several significant changes since
the life of extra muros (outside kasteel
Rotterdam). The church has a close historical
ties with Makassar development.
OW.. Main entrance of Immanuel church,
directly facing the road; it is logical because
in those days four-wheel vehicles were still few.
RIGHT.. The great altar; simple and elegant
with a cross as a background.
At present the Immanuel Protestant Church
is symmetrical, simple, and composed of a rect-
angular open area. The room is divided into three
sections: the podium, with the backstage area to
its left and right, nave or the bleachers for the
worshippers, and balcony at the back. Its frontal
side is a simple, flat surface, and decreases in
width where it meets the roof. At the corner of
the ground there is yet a parish building and a
colonial architectural multifunction hall.

AGE. Immanuel
church in the midst of building
LEFT.. ……Collecte …..accompanied
with a hymn.
Left far. Very bright rooms
illuminated by natural light
coming from a row of giant size
ABOVE. The parish hall consists
of a row of chairs separated by a
circulation space in the middle,
connecting the main entrance
with the front altar.
pastory, which has become a
reserve room, possesses colonial
architecture; it is still well
RIGHT ABOVE. Detail of
architecture on the main gate. A
door hinge and a handle in the
form of a cross above the
window circle. These items are
still in the original form,
unchanged by the changing time.
LEFT.. In spite of the fact
that Immanuel church has
undergone physical
renovation, the statue of a
cock on top of the church
still faithfully stands there.
OW.. Immanuel church is
next to City Hall. There used
to be a very large park,
named Kerkplein, in front of
the church stretching until
The Old Mosque of Katangka’ In its earlier days, the mosque was located
at the entrance of the Kingdom of Gowa.
Now along with the development of
Makassar and Kabupaten Gowa, the
mosque finds itself in the border between
the two. Situated in the Syech Yusuf
Street, Kelurahan Katangka’ Kecamatan
Somba Opu Kabupaten Gowa, around 3 km
north of Sungguminasa
The Old Mosque of Katangka’ was erected around 1603 AD,
and is now one of the oldest mosques in South Sulawesi, built during
the reign of the 14th King of Gowa Mangngarai Dg. Manrabia, who
took up the title of Sultan Alauddin. His reign coincided with the reign

“ The mosque’s presence

is often linked to the
spreading of Islam in
the area (1603)
of the King of Tallo’/Mangkubumi, the Kingdom of Gowa Malingkaan
Daeng Manyonri, titled Sultan Awalul Islam.
The mosque presence is often linked to the spreading of Islam in
the area (1603). Other sources mentioned the golden age of the
Kingdom of Gowa, during the reign of the 9th King, Tumapa’risik

” Kalonna (1538). The prosperity achieved was owed to the height-

ened trade and merchant marine traffic in the Eastern Indonesia. The
fall of the Kingdom of Malay to the hands of the Portuguese in 1511
drove the Malays, the Johorians and the Pahangs, all longtime Mus-
lims, to seek new trade routes and markets, and to spread Islam to
the people of Makassar.

AGE. The mosque of Katangka is categorized as a
cemetery mosque. Beside the cemetery of Gowa kings
and their families, also the cemetery of the prophet or
ustadz who taught Islam in Tanah Melayu: Malaka, Johar,
and Pahang. The came and teach Islam and sought for
new areas for the expansion of trading after they were
sent out by Potuguese from their land.
LEFT.. The vividness of
ornaments of Old
Mosque of Katangka
was the window grills
design, which combined
the Arabian geometric
pattern with the local
floral pattern. The grill
was made during the
Dutch era
LEFT BEL OW.. The main
pillars consisted of four
cylindrical shapes, for the
pad of the prismatic /
hexagonal of the mosque
roof. The roof also
functions as the tower
because it is supported
with four walls. It has its
special characters which
is different from the other
old mosques such as Majid
Jami’ in Palopo, Masjid
Demak in Central Java and
Banten in West Java. The
logic of the structural
system and the burden of
the construction are quite

The Old Mosque stands firm on the hill of Bonto Biraeng, and
in its vicinity are the tombs of the kings of Gowa – such as
Imangerangi Daeng Manrabia and the King of Tallo Imalingkaan
Daeng Manyonri and the 16th King of Gowa, Imalombassi Daeng
Mattawang Karaeng Bonto Mangape (titled Sultan Hasanuddin),
or even the King of Bone, Aru Palakka as a part of Tamalate
Palace area.
To the west of Lakiung Ko’bang, an Islamic cemetery com-
plex, there is a grave of Syech Yusuf Al Maqassary, a charis-
matic ulema (Moslem scholar) who spread Islam up to South
Africa. These graves form the parts of the history of the Old
Mosque of Katangka.
The size of the mosque is 174,24 m2, rectangular in shape with each
side is 13,20m wide . The thick of the wall is 120 cm and the height is
12,15 m. At its time the mosque construction and structure was strong and
beautiful architecture as can be seen from the Arabic calligraphy decorating
the Mihrab and pulpit of the mosque.
The Old Mosque of Katangka’ retains its old function as a regular mosque

RIGHT ABOVE AND RIGHTRIGHT.. The Mihrab ( chamber indicating the

direction of Mecca) is ornamented with sculpture and Makassar
Arabian Calligraphic and the symbol of flags of Islam. Although in
Arabian calligraphic, but the meaning was in Makassarese
language explained the year of its construction. Its existence is to
enrich the legends of Katangka Mosque. Behind the mimbar (pulpit)
there is a small hole to the mihrab. It is said that it is the size of the
original door wide and high of the Katangka Mosque. Mihrab is
used by the imam (preacher) to lead communal prayers. The size is
1,20 m x 1,20 m with 1,80 m high.
ABOVE. The detail of windows in the top roof. There are two
windows in each side functioning to illuminate and ventilate the
main room of the mosque from the roof. The window is also
ornamented with Arabic calligraphy.
AGE. Syech Y usuf’s Grave
Located in Lakiung Ko’bang around 1 km from the mosque and burial complex of Gowa Kings.
Syech Yusuf Al-Maqassari was legendry known as Syech Yusuf Tuanta Salamaka. He was a
hero who was born in Makassar in 1626 who united two ethnic groups, Makassar and South Africa.
Syech Yusuf was believed as a sufi, an expert in mystics and a master of Islamic mysticism. He was
still a relative of Gowa King.
Syech Yusuf left his birth place to study in Islamic boarding school. After graduation, he
returned to Makassar and went to Banten, West Java because Gowa Kingdom was defeated in the war.
In Banten he fought with Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa against Sultan Haji, the VOC ally.
In 1683 he was banished to Ceylon and then to Kaapstad Cape of Good Hope in 1694. Syech
Yusuf spread his mystical teaching to become one of the national movements against apartheid.
He died at the age of 73 years in his banishment, Kampung Macassar, South Africa on May
23, 1699 . He bequeathed 17 written works often used as references by scientists and those who are
interested in his works. In 1703 Sultan Abdul Jalil, the King of Gowa asked the VOC to move his skeleton to
Gowa and the request was realized on April 3, 1705. The Syech Yusuf ‘s grave is similar to other graves
at the Katangka Mosque that is a dome shape roof. Many people both local and foreign visitors come to
his grave every day.
AGE. Sultan Hasanuddin’s Grave
Sultan Hasanuddin’s grave is located on the hill of
Tamalate , one of the grave complexes of Gowa
Kings such as Sultan Malikul Said, Sultan Amir
Hamzah, and Sultan Alauddin.
Sultan Hasanuddin was born on January 12, 1629
under the name of Mallombasi Daeng Mattawang
Karaeng Bonto Mangape Muhammad Bakir. He was
the son of Gowa King XV, Sultan Malikul Said.
Before he was appointed as a king for his
knowledge and skill in governance, he was
trusted to do some important jobs in the Gowa
Kingdom. After the death of his father, he was
crowned as Gowa King XVI on November 5, 1653.
During his governance some conflicts occurred
with the Dutch. Sultan Hasanuddin’s great defeat
was on June 12, 1669 and he was succeeded by
his son I Mappasomba Daeng Manguraga Sultan
Amir Hamzah. Sultan Hasanuddin died on June 12,
1670 at the age of 41 years and posthumously
awarded a title Tumenanga Ri Balla Mangkana.
Because of his valiance, the Dutch gave him a
nickname de Heentje Van Hot Oosten, the Rooster
from the East.
AGE. Aru PPalakka’s
alakka’s Grave
Aru Palakka’s grave is located at the hill of Bontobiraeng Gowa with
Mangadacinna Dg.Sibali Karaeng Pattingalloang’s grave, a Tallo King
and a Premier of Gowa Kingdom, La Pareppa Sappewali Sultan
MatinroE ri Somba Opu, Gowa King XX and also concurrently Arung
Pone and Datu Soppeng.
Aru Palakka was born in 1635 in Marioriwawo, Soppeng regency. His
father was Lapatau Bone Aru Tanatengnga Datu Lampuleng and his
mother was We Tenri Sui Datu Mario. Aru Palakka was brought up in
the Tallo Kingdom environment and associated with the noble families
of Gowa and Tallo.
As Aru Palakka grew up, he saw a lot of tortures of prisoners of war
by the troops of Gowa Kingdom. Since that time he fought to free the
prisoners of war by asking a hand from the Dutch. From that time on
he allied with the Dutch to fight against the Gowa Kingdom until the
peak of Makassar war in 1667 and 1669. Aru Palakka died on April 5,
1696 in Bontoala. His grave was rectangular with a dome shape roof.
This grave is like a mausoleum with modern western architecture.
Mausoleum is the highest award to someone who is very dedicated to
the country. For the Dutch, Aru Palakka had rendered a great
service in the war against Sultan Hasanuddin. In this building Aru
Palakka was buried with his wife.
…..modern style….fabricated material……less in non
functional detail architecture
The Contemporary Building
Al Markaz Al Islamy
The Great Mosque of Makassar
Imperial Aryaduta Hotel
Sahid Jaya Hotel
Marannu Tower Hotel
Makassar Trade Centre
Ratu Indah Mall
The Office of The Governor of South Sulawesi
The Lower House of Representatif of Makassar
Balai Kemanunggalan TNI-Rakyat
Al Markaz Al Islamy
Al Markaz Al Islamy Mosque is
located on Jl Sunu and Jl Masjid
Raya, Kelurahan Baraya,
Kecamatan Bontoala, erected on
a grant land from Hasanuddin
University of Makassar
Its existence is a breakthrough of
architectural development in Makassar, even
in East Indonesia. Post Al Markaz, the mosque
architectural plane shifted, as if paying homage
to the Mosque. Many newer mosques copied
the design, both in ornaments and style.
Its conception originated with Army General
M. Yusuf (Rtd) and Prof. Dr. A. Amiruddin’s
ambition to channel the will of the Muslims of
South Sulawesi, considering the Grand Mosque
(Masjid Raya) was already 40 years old and
no longer fit both in the senses of structural
integrity and its (lack of) facilities. A new
mosque, a cleaner and more aesthetic one,
with adequate space to accommodate a great
number of the faithful people is needed. Al
Markaz Al Islamy is one of the adjuncts of the
Islamic Center Complex, designated to be the
future center for religious studies. The complex
was a significant influence to the cityscape and
instantly became a landmark.

Al Markaz Al Islamy Mosque is the pride of South Sulawesi people.

It is the biggest mosque and it represents Islami religion
development in the eastern part of Indonesia. Elegantly located on
a spacious area, the mosque looks beautiful from all directions.
ABOVE. The mosque’s architecture, inspired by the old mosque
‘Al Hilal’ in Katangka., was embellished with Arabic geometric
ornament design.
LEFT.. Studying and learning religious teaching in the open air is
an effective way to be close to nature.
OW.. A type of lamp with a specific design.
Built on a ground of 10 hectares, the complex
was designed as the center for religious studies.
The mosque itself occupies a ground of 10000
m2 in its 3 stories. The ground floor alone is 4000
m2, and is reserved for offices and seminars.
The second floor is also 4000 m2 in size, re-
served for male prayer chambers, and the 3rd is a
2000 m2 mezzanine, housing the female prayer
chambers. The main building’s size is 54m x 54m,
with total vastness is 648 m2. At the back part
is a 2691 m2 corridor, surrounding an open plaza.
According to the planning consultant PT Birano,
the mosque incorporated modified local South
Sulawesi styles, such as multiple pyramid-shape
roofs, triangular bowed, twist tower houses. Tri-
angular shapes dominate the windows, doors, and
others. The impression of a Baruga raised-plat-
form house and timpalaja’ appear in the roof’s sup-
porting columns, and its multi-roofing concept. The
roof’s decapitated-pyramid is topped by 4 (four)
other pyramids, made of concrete frames, cov-
ered with copper (which would turn turquoise once
oxidized). The twist allows additional natural light-
ing and air circulations.

AGE. Ceiling
design on top of the
mosque seen in two
dimensions; The light
comes from the
surrounding vitrum
RIGHT.. Interior design
with strong Arabic
elements on the minaret
functioning as a space for
the stair.
RIGHT.. Dramatic
reflection of lighting
system on the main stair.
absorbed in listening to
the preacher.
“ ..... the mosque
incorporated modified
local South Sulawesi

LEFT.. One of the four minarets with Middle East
architecture. A crescent tops the mosque.
OW.. Geometric ornament on the stair of main entrance
ABOVE. Silhouette of Al Markaz
Al Islamy mosque at night.
RIGHT.. This minaret is the
highest building in Makassar
today. Its height is 84 meters.
From its top a muezzin calls the
faithful to prayer to all parts of
RIGHT.. Folded architecture
on the mosque’s top.
The Grand Mosque
of Makassar
The Grand Mosque of
Makassar is situated
between three main
roads. To the east is Jl.
Bandang, to the west is
Jl. Andalas, and to the
south is Jl. Mesjid Raya
(formerly known as Jl.
Bulusaraung). It is in
Kecamatan Bontoala,
The Mosque completes the city’s needs to ac-
commodate worshippers, even after the construc- OPPOSITE PPAGE. AGE. The
tion of Al Markaz Al Islamy Mosque. History tells mosque’s presence in
l949 was inseparable
the story of Aru Palakka, the King of Bugis (in truth,
from the political policy of
a Dutch puppet), was given a location in Bontoala, NICA ( Nederlandsche
2 km east of the Fort Rotterdam. At the beginning Indie Cooperation of
of the 20th century, the former site of the kingdom Administration ? ) that
transformed into a suburban area. In the 1930s was meant to attract the
the site was cleared and turned into a soccer field. ulemas and intellectuals
The first stone was laid down in March 1948 by of Makassar at that time.
the head of the council H. Muchtar Luthfi, and the Masjid Raya Makassar
construction was finished in 1949. The idea came with its long colourful
history is still existent in
from K.H. Achmad Bone, an ulema (Moslem scholar)
the midst of Makassar
from Kabupaten Bone, the birthplace of Aru Palakka. density.
The mosque was designed by Soebardjo, who won RIGHT
RIGHT.. Minaret. Its
the tender competition for the mosque design. shape is adapted from
It was once the greatest in Indonesia, perhaps the old minaret. The
even in Southeast Asia. The surrounding inhabitants minaret’s height is …m.
were encouraged to abandon their old places of wor- ABOVE. Geometric and
ship and to worship in the new mosque instead. It organic space on the
became the pride of Makassar’s religious. In 1970 south side. Its architec-
ture likes an oasis for
the first Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur’an was held in it.
other buildings in the
In mid-90s, the mosque was deemed unsafe and surrounding area.
no longer proper, due to its age, and a new tender LEFT ABOVE. Reciprocal
for a renewed design was held. The construction crossing on the minaret;
began in 2000, based on the design of Danny a dramatic combination.
AGE. The
Old Grand Mosque mosque looks majestic
The site is rectangular in shape; the building is with a beautiful lighting
system at night. The
at the intersection of its diagonals. This serves two
architecture is adopted
purposes: it provides proper guidance for the from Middle East style.
worshippers to face the kiblat (facing Mecca in View of arch window and
Saudi Arabia) proper, and to be able to maximize detail of ornament.
the length of the mosque. Its architectures were THIS PPAGE.
AGE. The opening
ahead of its time. The top view reveals a cross- windows a cross
shaped symmetrical construction, consisted of the ventilation system makes
main building (the elongated part) and left and right the atmosphere in the
wings to the west. The main building and wings have mosque cool and
comfortable. The
entrances with semi-circular verandas, similar to
reflection of shadow on
classic Western European churches. So is the dome the floor makes the
construction, precisely in the intersection of both mosque’s interior so
wings. The dome was supported by eight columns beautiful.
and one additional column at the center.
Mihrab, the diameter of the dome and the main
entrance in the east lies along the elongated axis of
the cross-shape. Another unique feature is a 4.00m
wide atrium, stretching and dividing the main building
into two halves, each half having its own roof
supported by cylindrical columns of Doric Order.
Several renovations had been done to the old
building, masking its original form.
The New Grand Mosque
The architecture was styled after Middle-East-
ern mosques, covered with geometrical ornaments.
Its architectures tend to be symmetrical, inspired
by the humanistic azas (principles): feet, body, and
head. The “feet” are the steps leading to the en-
trance, “body” is the boxy walls and “head” is the
decapitated prism-shaped roof, topped by a dome.
Each minaret (found on four corners) is also topped
by the domes.
The mosque is a two-story building with the ground
floor performing social functions and public services.
AGE. Detail of The wudhu wash was placed under the plaza. The
geometric ornament with top floor houses the prayer chambers. The domi-
an Arabic motif of eight- nant construction materials are GRC (glass fiber
side star, making the reinforced cement), the roof was made of zyncalum
opening windows for and the domes were made of enamels. The mosque’s
ventilation and lighting existence adds to the religious architectural scene,
more beautiful. The other than Al Markaz Al Islamy. The grand mosque
ornament is made of
was inaugurated by the Vice President of Indonesia,
Glassfiber Reinforce
Cement (GRC). Jusuf Kalla, on May 27, 2005.
RIGHT.. Entrance gate to
the basement and the door to the ritual
ablution place under the plaza.
SMALL PHOTO. Ceiling shape in the
parish hall; the seven level ceiling
symbolizes the mystery of seven levels of
sky in the Islamic concept.
The Imperial Aryaduta Hotel

Jl. Somba Opu No. 279, north side: Jl. Maipa, east side: Stella Maris
Hospital, south side: Jl. Yosep Latumahina, with sea view (Losari Beach).
Part of Kelurahan Maloku, Kecamatan Ujung Pandang, Makassar.
On its ground, once stood Pesanggrahan Makassar lodging house, hosting
regular guests and honored guests of the city.
The hotel construction is aimed to provide a fitting facility to accommodate
the tourism industry of Makassar, and to a greater extent, South Sulawesi.
The justification for this is the increase of tourists as many as 182.194 in
1992 and 207.964 in 1993.
The data indicate that four-star class hotels are in great demand. In
1993, there were only two such hotels, with room numbers totaling 215.

AGE. Losari is
famous for its beautiful
beach with its gentle wave.
The also functions as a
window display of Makassar
viewed from the sea. Situated
by the beach, Imperial
Aryaduta Hotel makes
Makassar more attractive.
RIGHT.. Imperial Aryaduta
Hotel, the skyscraper, is in
harmony with the concept of
water front city, Makassar.
Built on a ground 446 m2, with hotel coverage of
more or less 2400 m2, the Imperial Aryaduta
Makassar was conspicuous compared with the surround-
ing buildings. The hotel contributed significantly to the
cityscape and architectural development in Makassar.
Facing the entrance to the Strait of Makassar, the
building stands dominant on both the sea and skyline.
Main building stretches north-south with main car
entrance in the north, exit in south. Its main building,
dubbed the Tower Square by its designers, is 62m in
length, 19m in width, 41m in height (excluding the roof).
The main lobby entrance faces east, through a front
building (13m x16m). The roof design is inspired by
Torajan traditional house. The tower stands 12 stories
high, not counting the basement. The basement is on
the elevation of FFL -1.200. It serves as supportive
activities quarters, such as laundry, training, and pri-
vate room, bedroom and fitness center. Ground floor
houses the front office, banquet hall, coffee shop,
kitchen, lounge, swimming pool, etc. The mezzanine floor
houses the offices, meeting rooms, and entertainment
center. The mezzanine is situated on the second floor,
elevation + 7.300. At elevation +11.100 starts the
typical hotel floors, up to the 10th, with an elevation
difference of 3m. Floors 11 and 12 are slightly differ-
ent, with bigger rooms, more like presidential suites.


composition, a combination of
solid space and a hollow one;
lines of simple cube, plastic
colour, modern minimalist
architecture and eclectic
style with an additional roof on
top of the building.
RIGHT.. Appropriate swimming
pool design directly facing
Losari beach. Submerging in
the pool is like submerging in
Losari beach.
ABOVE. Decoration of
Imperial Aryaduta Hotel.
“ The hotel contributed
significantly to the
cityscape and architectural
development in Makassar

LEFT.. The lengthy shape of the
building is adjusted to the lengthy
shape of the ground. Perspective
of the building from different
directions: north and south,
showing eclectic architectural
style — a combination of modern
minimalist style and traditional
RIGHT.. The hotel’s main
lobby is situated
precisely in the middle of
the building. All activities
center on this room. The
side on the west uses
transparent glass,
enabling guests to enjoy
the beauty of Losari
beach from the hotel.
ABOVE. ‘Relaxed’ in
Imperial Aryaduta Hotel.
The Sahid Jaya Hotel
of Makassar
The Sahid Jaya Hotel is
located at the heart of the
city in the intersection of Jl.
Dr. Sam Ratulangi No. 33
and Jl. Lanto Dg. Pasewang,
part of Kelurahan
Mamajang, Kecamatan
Mamajang, Makassar.
The hotel marks the beginning of Makassar’s architectural development
of Makassar in the middle
contemporary architectures. The hotel is built on
of the nineties was
the former site of a police barrack and traffic
stagnant. International
patrol coordination office. Along with Aryaduta, hotels were only a few. The
they revolutionize the architectural progress in construction of Sahid
Makassar and raises the bar for the rest of the Jaya Makassar hotel
tourism industry in Makassar. marked the beginning of
contemporary architec-
ture in this city.
RIGHT.. The theme of
design concept of Sahid
Jaya Makassar Hotel’s
interior deals with the
social life of South
Sulawesi people who love

sea and marine activities.
The hotel marks the The interior of main lobby.
beginning of Makassar’s BEL OW
OW.. One of seminars
in the ballroom.
contemporary architectures
It adopted the traditional Bugis-Makassar
construction by adding protrusions on its roof and
its supporting columns mimic those of the traditional
raised-platform house. The building’s L-shaped
construction faces the intersection (and creating an
impression of a square formed by the hotel and the
two streets), and its main lobby entrance on the
diagonal axis of the imaginary “square”.
Main building is consisted of 12 stories. Ground
floor, and second floor (and a part of the 3rd floor)
are reserved for the managerial offices, lobby,
business center, fitness center, swimming pool,
entertainment room, laundry & dry cleaning, tennis
court, etc.
Floors 3 to 10 are the typical guestrooms of
deluxe type and Corner Suites, as many as 178 and
OPPOSITE PPAGE.AGE. The 32, respectively. Elevations between floors are
hotel’s sketch, the
+3.600. Floors 11 and 12 house the executive
antithesis of the area at
and presidential suites. There are 10 of them.
the corner. The remaining
space is used as an The supplement building is the Maraja Ballroom,
effective parking lot. The 985.0354 m2 with an elevation of +8.000 located
hotel looks so elegant on the left of the main building. The ballroom can be
from this side. used for two different scale activities using a flexible
OW.. Sahid Jaya
BELOW wall (condor) to separate the room. The ballroom is
Makassar Hotel at night, equipped with a very large hall stretching to the main
offering unique building. The supplement building is of contemporary
impression with its
architecture adopting the traditional house elements
diagonally folded wall
of the canopy of its entrance.
The Sahid Jaya Hotel was established in 1995
by PT Bumi Karsa and was inaugurated on November
20,1996. The owner of the hotel is PT Sahid
Makassar Perkasa.
AGE. The
hospitability of South
Sulawesi people is reflected
through the creation of
spacious room in each
public space. Also, through
the placement of a statue
wearing traditional
costume, baju bodo, on each
corner of vertical transport
facility (stair and lift).
RIGHT.. In a hall, ‘ Fly ….fly my sea gull ‘
OW.. The shape of Sahid Jaya
Makassar hotels is like a boat , ready to sail.
OW.. Diagonal space of wall is
optimized to create the best sea view.
The Marannu Tower
Standing as a tower in
Makassar down town, in the
west of Karebosi square as an
area of historic conservation,
near the business center,
shopping center and leisure
and another important areas
in the city. The location is in
the Marannu Hotel Area,
surrounding by Jalan Sultan
Hasanuddin in west side, Jalan
Muhammad Husni Thamrin in
the north, Jalan Kajaolalido in
the east; and Jalan Usman
Jafar in the south.
AGE. Simplicity is the
feature of Marannu Tower Hotel
architecture, manifesting the
influence of international style
prevalent in those days when the hotel
was first erected. The cube shape is
influenced by the retangular shape of
the land, according to the architect,
Mursyid Mustafa. The hotel is situated
on a very strategic location. Viewed
from Karebosi area, the hotel offers its
most beautiful visual effect.
AGE. Using a wide and high
glass wall the hotel lobby seems
spacious and is in harmony with the
outer environment. The reception room
and the waiting room are shown with a
design of simple lines.

The Ancient Makassar had facilities of Hotels and Inns; there

were some hotels named The Grand Hotel, The Empress Hotel,
The Hotel Negara (State Hotel), The Wynand Hotel, and The
Paris (Red) Hotel. Those hotels now disappear along with the
development and times. The Empress Hotel still exists as a part
of Athirah Educations. Another hotel has been transformed into
business or trading areas, offices, and commerce.
Physically The Wynand Hotel has disappeared, and in the
location stands a hotel under the management of Marannu
Group. One of the buildings is The Marannu Tower Hotel. The
building was constructed in 1990s and operated in 1991. It
has an architectural view in its era. The hotel is 50 m tall and
it is the highest building in Makassar. It consists of 14 stories
and 122 luxurious rooms and was recently renovated. The
kind of rooms offer is Deluxe Room, Executive Suite, and Presi-
dential Suite. The facilities provided are bed rooms, and a multi-
functioned room for meeting, exhibition, and so on. It has also
a swimming pool, fitness center, message and reflection, and
music lounge. Based on the hotel activities, The Marannu Tower
is classified as a conventional hotel.

AGE. Top of the
hotel with horizontally designed
windows in the ending of
window pattern and vertical
AGE. When entering
the bedroom, one will get an
impression of a luxury with an
excellent furniture and
fascinating design
Top: Presidential suite room
Medium : Excecutive suite room
Left : Deluxe room.
All are waiting for you with
warm hospitality.
The architectural style was influenced by international style which has been
old fashioned. The management of simple space with repetition of rectangular is
in the outside wall of the building. The space in ground floor uses a transparent
certain wall. To reduce the sense of boxes and to eliminate the tall, the entrance
is equipped with a reception canopy. This gives an effect of human scale to the
building. The basement has functioned as a music lounge. A parking lot is provided
for tens of vehicles and motorcycles.

Detail of architecture
on the lobby.
RIGHT.. The hotel is full of Tana
Toraja carving. One of the
ending of columns is embellished
with a carving motif of
Paqsekong Kandaure, meaning
the happiness of life.
RIGHT FAR. A classic
decorated hanging lamp
illuminating the lobby.
ABOVE. Ornament design with
an abstract motif, describing
abundant marine resources of
Makassar. The carving
beautifies the backdrop of
reception room.
“ The architectural style was
influenced by international
style which has been old

LEFT.. Building units are
separated by an inner court
for the sake of natural
ventilation and lighting.
LEFT ABOVE. Water rain
falling on the roof and
channeled through a pipe to
the ground; detail of rain water
piping system. Detail of roof
supporting structure.
RIGHT ABOVE. Detail of
ornament on the main column.
Makassar TTrade
rade Center (MTC)
MTC is located on a legendary area – The Karebosi –
the trade and business heart of Makassar. It is circled
by Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto (east), Jl. Achmad Yani
(south) and Jl. Nusakambangan (west).

“ It style is a dynamic-
innovative neo-modern

AGE. Makassar Trade Centre
(MTC) Karebosi stands on limited area,
located between three joints streets.
Optimalization of the building on the limited
site space causes the buildings lokks solid
with luxurious of scale.
RIGHT.. From the main side of one way
MTC Karebosi is a commerce facility of Achmad Yani street. MTC’s logo can be
Makassar. It is the newest shopping center seen from here.
of its kind. Its presence meant a new landmark BEL
OW.. The building can be easily
is born, and it enriches the city’s architectural recognized based on the corner arrange-
variety. Its style is a dynamic-innovative neo- ment with the lift tower design which is
similar to caldron as vocal point. This style
modern. Using high-tech materials such as
is an effort to present a region romantism
exterior cladding coupled with glass curtain wall which is side by side with Karebosi ground,
adds “techno-artistic” to its long list of a legendary place in Makassar.
characters. One character is accentuated on
the main corner by the presence of a tower
topped with fire cauldron – gesture of
interaction between the building and Karebosi’s
sportive spirits – a regional romanticism. In
the tower are two capsule lifts manufactured
by Hyundai of Korea, its main vertical access
Built by building owner PT. Tosan Permai
Lestari on a 4370m2 grounds, its nine stories
houses approximately 26000m2 of shopping
venues. Designated as mixed-usage buildings
mean that they could be used for a variety of
functions. The parking lot is located on
Basements I and II. Kiosks start at the Lower
Ground, Ground Floor, and floors 1, 2, 3. Food
court and children’s playground are located on
the fifth floor and the top floor is multi-
lightning gives three
dimensional effect to the
building details. Metropolis
atmosphere is present in the
night, mixed with most up to
date material element.
OW.. There is a
conventional stair and a part of
capsule lift inside the caldron,
expose the steel frame that
impress a future space.
LEFT.. “Caldron” transparent
capsule lift from the other side.

Its construction was divided up in phases, using mul-

tiple specialty contractors. Phase One was foundation
sheet pile embedment, open cut and dewatering system
– by PT. Waskita Raya. Phase Two was structural work
and building construction by PT. Pembangunan Perumahan.
Finishing touches were applied by PT. Wijaya Karya. Elec-
trical, mechanical and plumbing were done by PT. Surya
Marga Luhur, PT. Pradiptaya and PT Surya Tata
Internusa. PT Arkonin acted as Planning Consultant and
Construction Management.
The shopping center was officially opened by the Gov-
ernor of South Sulawesi on October 15, 2003. From
the architectural view point, it will be more phenomenal if
the torch crown is functioned as a modern mercusuar
(lighthouse) beaming to all parts of Karebosi by its re-
fraction and will make this building an icon.
LEFT.. The position of escalator
strategically on the right spot, stream
vertical circulation to all over the room.
LEFT.. The corner of cafeteria.
ABOVE. The basement as parking area, can
have around 200 vehicles.
South entrance. A canopy
entrance made by metal
sheet hanging as
cantilever as long as 8.50
OW.. Two dimension
look from Karebosi point of
Mall Ratu Indah
The mall’s building is located on Jl. Dr. Sam Ratulangi,
the main road that connects Makassar with
Sungguminasa, Gowa.
Along with the recovery of cities economic due to the
occurrence of monetary crisis, the growth of citizen and the
widespread cities expansion on late 1990s, the Makassar city
has become a gateway to the eastern region of Indonesia. As the
center for the region’s growth the requirements of compete city
facilities and infrastructure availability become higher. An
international scale shopping center stands as one of the supporting
parameter. With this perspective, the Mall Ratu Indah was built.

AGE. Ratu Indah Mall came into being in 1999.
It offers a significant architectural contribution to the city.
The mall, as an international shopping center, plays an
important role in social and economic development; also, in
the changing of people’s life style in a metropolitan city.
RIGHT.. Atrium is the architectural concept of this mall.
With an atrium along the building, the mall is impressively
felt spacious, creating visibility up to the roof. Design of
supporting columns is made of steel.
ABOVE. One of escalators situated in the middle of mall,
facilitating people to easily move vertically.
AGE. Interior design in a café with
an underwater atmosphere; as if it were in the
middle of an unendless ocean.
AGE. Each angle in the upper part of the
building is given elements of dome as focal
points. The dome offers romantic and classic
impression of this contemporary building.

Just like another new building in its era,

this mall has contributed a lot to
architecture and city development in
Makassar. Raised on same block with Hotel
Sahid Makassar, stands as a part of super
block city system, this building has a
distinctive architecture that gives a mark
to surrounding area. Contemporary
architecture style is dominating on the
façade factor and the building’s silhouette.
Most of the wall’s area consisted of
conventional concrete, some parts layered
with curtain wall and wall cladding. On the
roof there are four domes, in which each of
these domes lies on corners of the L-shaped
building. The function of these domes is
nothing more than receiving and
aesthetically an image of romantic neo-
classic style.
LEFT.. The hall in the atrium is used as a
multi function hall. An art performance
in the main atrium. It can be even
enjoyed from the highest floor.
BEL OW.. The west escalator is the main
escalator nearby the entrance.

The architecture of the Mall Ratu Indah was planned by PT Air Mas Asri, while the
structure system plan was the work of PT Gistana Inti Semesta, Jakarta. The
construction process was implemented by PT Bumi Karsa. The building system was
worked by PT Meltech Konsultindo Nusa and for Mechanical and Electrical, Air
Conditioning by PT Trirunggal Jaya, the Vertical Transportation System by PT Ihaka
Nusantara, and Escalator by PT Jaya Kencana.
The building is 38.631,2 m wide and 36 m high. Built on a 4,5 Ha area, on site
parking system which is able to accommodate up to 300 cars and not less than 500
The building has a mixed use with main function is shopping center, food court,
entertainment center, and boutique. There also provided cellular phone outlets, car
showroom, and electronic products outlets. From the main entrance on the first floor,
the rental rooms lie on the right and left sides. This continues on to the top floor, so
that it composes an atrium which extends through the length of the building. On the
atrium’s corner intersection there is a pair of lifts with exposed steel material.
The building entrance also consists of exposed steel material which lies on the corner
of the main building, which gives a shelter effect for pedestrians. The mall begun its
operation on November 16, 1999, the first shopping center with mall concept in
ABOVE. Having meal in a
quiet cafetaria.
RIGHT.. Detail of Ratu Indah
Mall archiutecture. Ending
of dome’s top; detail of lift

“The building has a mixed design made of steel; the

symbol of Ratu Indah Mall
use with main function is on the fence railing.

shopping center, food court,
entertainment center, and
AGE. Canopy in the
entarce is made of composite
steel frame and glass as
transparent cover fixed on a
lower position as an effort to
create a humanistic scale upon
the height of the building.
AGE. Decoration
of Ratu Indah Mall.
The Office of The Governor of
South Sulawesi
The former site of ethnic Chinese
graveyard of Bantu’ Jangang
Panaikang, on Jl. Urip Sumoharjo.
OPPOSITE. The provincial
The Gubernatorial Office was constructed in government has an active role in
developing tourism through the
1989-1991 and inaugurated by President
traditional architecture. The rapid
Soeharto on July 16, 1992. The office consists development of cultural tourism is
of eleven main units forming a modern office com- meant to lift up the forlorn traditional
plex. architecture. Modern government
The complexity of the building follows the offices are developed in South
Neo-Vernacular style, an evolution of the tradi- Sulawesi but of traditional
tional Bugis-Makassar architecture with the col- architecture. The picture shows the
umns representing the supporting beams, the walls traditional architecture of the
representing the trunk, and the roofs represent- gubernatorial office.
RIGHT.. Dragon ornament
ing the “head” of the house. Its traditional aspect
symbolizing a great power. According
is enhanced by the open space underneath the to a belief, when the dragon is angry
floors, formed by the uneven wall placements on it will devour the moon and the star
each floor. The walls have openings of sunscreen and cause eclipse. This ornament
façade with windows in the inside. Under the roof must be kept in the right position.
is a wide, covered passageway; and the timpalaja BEL
OW.. The highest leadership is
piles that project the social strata of the building’s illustrated through a four-layer
inhabitants. The rooftops and bottoms are laced timpa’laja’.
with anjong finishing.
“ From this unit, the
Governor carries out the
people’s mandate

OPPOSITE. Ladder on
the voide meaning the
balance of macro-
cosms concept.
This plural mass office
causes the spread of
rooms. Each mass is
connected with a
corridor to make the
massive mass.

The supporting beams are quite large, and

in harmony with the trunk and head. And thus
the building projects the aura of a super-el-
egant traditional Bugis-Makassar house.
The inter-unit access is made possible by
corridors. Most units have three stories, but
the main unit has four. From this unit, the
Governor carries out the people’s mandate.
The special thing about the place is the
landscaping covered with greeneries, keeping
the area cool and functions as the city lungs.
ABOVE. The philosophy of
Sulapa’ Appa’ regarding the
universe rectangular with the
compass point. The Bugis-
Makassar traditional architec-
ture as macrocosms must be
rectangular in form.
RIGHT.. Making a harmony
between the environment and the
green architecture on the
arrangement of landscape.
Silhouettes of the
architectural details
at the Gubernatorial
Office of South
The Regional
Legislative Council
of Makassar
On the corner of Jl. A.
Pangerang Pettarani and
Jl. Hertasning.
layer timpa’laja’
symbolizes the highest
strata in the
philosophical concept
of Bugis-Makassar
architecture of the
Regional Legislative
Council building.
RIGHT.. The completion
of the rear building is
the modification of
tamping, rear house,
and main house.
LEFT.. Details of
columns and beams
(pattolo’ anda’rateng)
have esthetic

The office building was the first definitive office

of the Provincial Legislative Council of Makassar.
It was officially opened on August 4, 1988 by the
Governor of South Sulawesi, Prof. A. Amiruddin.
The building consists of one unit, T-shaped top
view, and has four stories. The ground floor houses
the committees, committee meeting rooms, and
administration. There also exists a pair of ramps
to accommodate the vehicles, also connecting the
ground floor to the next. The first floor houses the
House Factions, and the room of the House
Speaker. The main convention hall, surrounded by
corridors is located on the second floor. The top
floor is a mezzanine area for those who wish to
observe the convening representatives.
The building was illustrious in the way that re-
flects authority and power of the legislators. The style
was Neo-Vernacular, adopting local Bugis-Makassar
elements, visible on the exposed columns ending with
RIGHT.. Wide overstek
the intersection of beams.
functions as a
The building’s main trunk tends to be transparent
protection from rain
to reflect the transformation of the lego-lego con- and sun beams.
figuration of Bugis-Makassar architecture. BEL
OW.. The sides of
The roof is unconventional, combining shield-form open veranda on the
on the lower part and saddle-form on the top, steeply left and right of the
angled, and added to that another local tropic ele- building create a
ment, a five-tier timpalaja and a very wide covered harmony between
passageway. outside and inside
Its shape is elegant yet dynamic, light, formal and
power-projecting. Not many ornaments grace the
Regional Legislative
building. Council building has a
perspective of solid
traditional architec-
ture although the
uncommon slanting
roof. The height of the
roof symbolizes
botting langi’ or the
upper world.

“The style was Neo-Ver-

nacular, adopting local
Bugis-Makassar ele-
ments, visible on the
exposed columns ending

with the intersection of
RIGHT.. Lobby for
reception is wide and
large by the voide
perforated to the top.
OW.. Although there
are elevators, ramps and
stairs are also available.
AGE. This
building does not adopt
the traditional
architecture of Bugis-
Makassar ornaments,
but it is rich in exploring
the forms of traditional
structure system of
modern version pattolo’
and a’rateng.
Balai M. Jusuf (Balai Kemanunggalan TNI-Rakyat)
The People and Armed Forces Co-Dependence Public Hall
The Hall is located on a 3300m2 grounds, forming
the main building of a future 9300m2 complex.
The Hall’s existence traces its history to the
people’s struggle alongside the regular armed forces
of Indonesia, where they fought together to gain,
defend, and signify the national independence. The
Hall is meant as a means to conserve and improve
soldiery welfare, and to strengthen the ties of
friendship between the Armed Forces and the people
by means of various social events. The idea was
coined by the then Minister of Defense and Secu-
rity/Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief – M. jusuf.
Construction commenced on July 15th,
1981, signified by the premiere pole embedment.
In 460 days, the building was finished and was of-
ficially opened on October 10th, 1982. As a monu-
ment, the concept was based upon philosophies of
army-people co-dependence. The people are sym-
bolized in the form of a traditional Bugis-Makassar
house, while the main building was conceived in the
form of an army armored vehicle – implying the
armed forces’ existence. The buildings are linked
by an annex that represents co-dependence.

AGE. The Bugis-
Makassar house was
designed as a special room,

“ ... the concept was for meditation, to think

based upon philoso-

phies of army-people
“ positively, a place for seeking
good behaviors for the
nation and country, “Panulad
Krti” from the ancient
co-dependence Javanese language. The
room does not have
practical and physical
meaning, but especially of
spiritual meaning a room for
triggering inspiration.
The main building’s octagonal form also signifies
the eight directions that are the rock of orientation
for mankind’s movements. Physically, the building is
aesthetically pleasing since it meant the building would
have multi-angle viewing. The Traditional House with
five columns signifies the five pillars of society. The
AGE. The octagonal timpa’laja’s penta-layered section implied it as a house
shape gives a flexible effect on the of nobility, the authority figures that guide the wheels
landscape conditions. The building
of progress.
is beautiful and grandeur viewed
from any point. The Hall is two-storied, with multiple chambers.
RIGHT.. The front building with The 3000m2 ground floor houses the conference
pools symbolizes life and strength hall and stage, the 1294m2 top floor houses the
of our grand parents in sailing the balconies, committee’s chamber and a projection
wide ocean and seas. room. On the same level as the Traditional House’
OW.. The
BELOW top floor is a special room.
number of stars on the chande- The roof is made of 3000m2 aluminums sup-
lier is 1945 and underneath are 17 ported by 350 tons of steel frame mesh, suspended
blue lights. The pads pattern is
20 meters off the ground. The mesh implies a blos-
octagonal. The numbers symbol-
ized the Independence Day of the soming mushroom.
Republic of Indonesia. The Hall’s existence in our midst, its physical
OW.. Aesthetic
BELOW and most importantly, spiritual importance will touch
element is the statue of the chest our hearts and burned it into our minds, from gen-
of Sultan Hasanuddin (now the eration to generation.
name for the hall) below the Bugis- The building is multi-functional. Its main function
Makassar house and the statue is as a conference hall, but also as host to a variety
of General Soedirman in a special of non-formal events: art, social, graduation, reli-
room. Both statues were made of
gious, wedding, exhibition, etc.
AGE. The Hall is
multipurpose. It is the place
for the National Indonesian
Army and the people to meet
for the unity of the country
and for social gatherings.
ABOVE. The partition panel
with traditional sculpture
pattern of Tana Toraja, “Pa’ Uli
Karua” or having eight heads.
It means the honor of the
community to the holy gods.
There is also “Pa’Bunga Kaliki”
pattern, meaning sincerity to
sacrifice and greatness of
RIGHT.. The ceiling is of
concrete plate with sculptural
shape, the aesthetic results of
the architect Leo Hehanusa to
give tri-matra (three
dimensions) as the
accentuation of architect.
…..character of a place (genius logic)……..on city scale
Makassar Icon
Losari Beach
White Sand Islands
Somba Opu Shopping Street
Port of Makassar
Kampoong Lette’
Mattoangin Stadium and Sport Centre
China Town
Gowa Makassar Tourism Development
Bukit Baruga Housing
University of Hasanuddin of Makassar
The Losari Beach
Geographically, it occupies
three kelurahan: Losari,
Maloku, and Bulogading,
Kecamatan Ujung
Pandang. It borders the
Strait of Makassar.

Thunderous applause and awe ema-
nated in competition with the sounds of
the wave, when a water skiing demon-
“ Losari is a public space .....

stration was performed by an infantry

lieutenant colonel, the late A. Matalatta.
The occasion took place in the opening
ceremony of the 4th National Sports
Week on September 28, 1957.
There is so much to tell about
Losari and also so much has changed
about it. In the olden days, Losari was
so close to the Stella Maris Hospital,
with only a thin strip of trail separating
them. The Dutch widened the trail, turn-
ing it into a decent road, and built a wave-
containment dam, stretching from the
fish market (now Makassar Golden Ho-
tel) to the Mayoral Residence – a
stretch approximately 1,5 km in length. OPPOSITE. Losari belongs to
There are talks about connecting Makassar from time to time.
Vice President of the Republic
Losari and Tanjung Bunga, extending the
of Indonesia marked with a
stretch to 2,1 km. stake Save Our Losari on
Historical reviews demonstrate September 11, 2004 for the
that Losari’s shore is an integral part reclamation of the Losari
of the Fort Rotterdam, making it one of beach as a public place.
the city’s most prized historical assets, RIGHT
RIGHT.. The Losari beach is
one that marks the development of this inseparable from the symbol of
colonial city in the era of spice trade in Makassar city. It stretches
the 14th century. from north to south as long as
2.1 km. It is also a series of
Makassar history. In the north
we can find Pacinan area, Port
of Makassar, Benteng Fort
Rotterdam and Somba Opu
Shopping Center.
BELOW RIGHT.. Makassar is
popularly known as “Anging
Mammiri” meaning a city with a
Losari is a public space, deriving from a
natural landscape clarification. It is the city’s
front porch, in visual contact of the water-
front, offering a unique spatial experience. The
beach with its alluring beauty of tranquil sea
world is the main attraction. In front of it is OPPOSITE. The main
Lae-Lae island as the natural wave breaker. attraction of Losari is the
Its alluring beauty is during the sunset. It beautiful panorama of sunset.
seems that your journey is not complete if Its location toward the west
you come to Makassar without going to Losari where the sunset can be
as a saying goes. viewed perfectly well. Jolloro’
can be seen in the back-
ground of the sunset.
OW.. The Losari Beach is
the Meeting Point of the people
of Makassar. The activity and
wheel of life last for 24 hours
in the beach and reach its
peak in the weekend.
LEFT.. Buroncong, the
traditional cake of Makassar
is made of flour, grating
coconut, and sugar baked in
its mold. We also have pisang
ijo and pisang epe’ spread
with grated coconut and
liquid brown sugar. These
traditional cakes are very
specific and become the part
of the Losari beach. A piece of
buroncong is Rp 250.- and a
portion of pisang epe’ is
Rp 2000.-
AGE. Losari is one
of the places for
investment in the field of
tourism. There are many
star hotels, restaurants,
and cafes with their live
music along the beach by
utilizing the serene and
beautiful alluring view of
the beach.
The Losari beach is a place for sea sports. Every
year in August a festival is held at the Losarai beach.
Sports events that have been held are Phinisi Nusantara
Race, Petra Race, Damar Sagara Race, and Makassar
Regatta. The annual agenda is Sandeq Race and
Mandar Specific Boat Race from Polewali Mandar to

AGE. The
beauty of Losari with
its various types of
boats coming to and
from the beach.
White Sand Islands The white sand-islands of Makassar is a part of approximately
120 series of Spermonde islands on the western region of
South Sulawesi. Spread between Pangkajene islands on the
north side and Selayar on the south. There are 12 islands
which are recorded belong to Makassar, and they are divided
into four kecamatan, which are: Ujung Tanah, Mariso, Ujung
Pandang and Biringkanaya.
Makassar is vastly recognized as a mari-
time city, having marine prospective consisted
of islands spreading across the beach of
Makassar strait. These islands are very exotic,
with natural view, clear water, clean white sand
spread and beautiful sunset are enjoyable along
the year. Seawater on these islands also pro-
vide wonderful underwater view. Bond of coral
reefs and fishes can be seen there. Beside, on
the island there can be viewed social condition
and traditional fishermen village, there are also
cultural attraction by the ship craftsman like
Apparoro (ship launching ritual). Unfortunately,
these islands are not optimally touched by pro-
fessional hands yet to make it reachable by tour-
ists, which is minimal.

AGE. Makassar Pasir Putih
Islands are parts of the 17.508 islands
belong to Indonesia. The splendor the
Makassar Pasir Putih Islands has been
known and well managed since the Dutch
and Japanese occupation.
BELOW RIGHT.. The activities at the Kayu
Bangkoa pier. This pier serves the
crossing need to all islands and shortens
the distance between the community living
in the islands and Makassar.
Above Right. Kayangan pier is located in
front of the Fort Rotterdam. It serves those
who would like to go out for recreation to
Kayangan Island.
The 12 islands are: Kayangan, Lae-Lae, Small
Lae-Lae, Samalona, Barrang Caddi, Barrang
Lompo, Kodingareng Keke, Kodingareng Lompo,
Bonetambang, Lumu-Lumu, Langkai, and
Lanjukang. Four of these islands are very prospec-
tive tourism islands. Others are for community
of the islands. The outmost is Lanjukang, which is
about 40,17 km and the nearest is the Kayangan
Island, which is only 1,4 km from Makassar.
Not all islands are reachable by regular cross-
ing transportation service with fixed schedule,
rental ships are provided for visitors who want
to get to an island with various rates, depending
on the distance. There are three shipping harbors
that can get you to certain islands: Kayu Bangkoa,
Kayangan Island tourism harbor, and from POPSA
(Association of Shipping Sports and Water Ski)
harbor. Kayu Bangkoa is the oldest and with higher
work rate compared to other harbors used by
civilians who enter and leave Makassar.
The existence of these islands comprising an
entity of regions securing Makassar on the sea
from sea waves and foreign sailors come to snatch
the fishery potential illegally. These islands also
have historical values which completed the his-
tory of the development of Makassar. In the depth
of the sea there are remnants of sunken battle-
ship and fallen war planes remains. Both the Dutch
and the Japanese used these islands as recre-
ational venues.

AGE. Bale-bale, boats, white sand,
and blue sea are natural sea view making mind
fresh in meditation.
AGE. 3 of the 12 islands owned by
Makassar, Samalona, Lae-Lae, and Kayangan.
“ These islands also have
historical values which

completed the history
of development of

AGE. Visitors
who go for recreation
to the islands will feel
secure and
comfortable by the
availability of facilities
such as marine
security and inn which
is relatively cheaper.
The islands are
crowded by visitors
on holidays and
AGE. The islands
can be reached from Kayu
Bangkoa by ‘Katinting’
boats. The boats anchor
safely on the white sand
since there is no pier.
AGE. Samalona, Lae-Lae, and
Kayangan Islands are the closest ones
to Makassar which can be reached
within 10 – 15 minutes.
AGE. The corners
of the Pasir Putih Island
and calm sea. Enjoying the
blue sea and the white
sand. The view of coral
reefs and fish is enjoyable
by snorkeling or diving.
Jalan Somba Opu
(Souvenir Shop Street)
Somba Opu is identical to the main street
dividing Kampung Baru in the south. It is
located at Kelurahan Losari, Maloku and
Bulogading, Kecamatan Ujung Pandang.
AGE. No one knows
for sure why this street is
named Somba Opu. A name
which is similar to one of the
defense forts of the legendary
Gowa Kingdom. This area
became a special Shopping
Center area on May 31, 1970 by
the Mayor H.M. Daeng Patompo.
AGE. The quality of gold
on Jl.Somba Opu is no doubt,
but the pedestrian way is not
available yet.
The designation the Fort Rotterdam has been
abandoned, replaced by “Benteng Ujung Pandang”.
To the south is the Kampong Baru, or the New
Village, so called because of the late arrivals of its
inhabitants. It served a new purpose: housing the
newcomers from Java, India, Pakistan, Moluccas,
etc., the majority of the population is Chinese,
almost all of them merchants. A street in the area
is named Somba Opu, sharing the similar charac-
ters with Chinese quarters in Wajo district. Some
of the shop-houses are of older constructions and
there are few for residence, a proof that the area
had once existed as a commercial area as well as a
residential .
Jalan Somba Opu is a multi-ethnic quar-
ters that has existed since the development of resi-
dential areas outside the Kasteel Rotterdam. With
the Staad Vlaardingen reserved for Europeans and
Chinese, the Kerkplein for religious facilities and of-
fices, Kampong Baru was reserved for the friendly
natives and mardijkers (freed slaves).
AGE. Jl. Somba Opu
formerly belonged to Mariso
district, the oldest
agglomeration area after
Vlaardingen, became a hamlet
for the incoming natives. Like
other places, the kampung
(hamlet) name on Jl. Somba Opu
was given by the native such
as Kampung Baru, Kampung
Jawa, Kampung Malokoe,
Kampung Galesong , etc.
Jl.Somba Opu appears to be an
old face of ancient time.
AGE. Your
visit to Makassar is Jalan Somba Opu developed into a commercial district,
not complete famous for its gold of unmatched quality. Many newcom-
without visiting this ers came to ‘hunt for gold’ in this area. These newcomers
place. Shopping or
of new generation inherit the trades of their predecessors
just window
– the Chinese are in gold and wristwatch business; the
shopping at the gold
stores is worth Indians and Pakistanis in handicrafts, musical instruments,
trying in this area. and sports devices; and the Javanese are in the restau-
rant business.
The shop-houses array also provide traditional South
Sulawesi handicrafts such as Bugis-Makasssar silk, sculp-
tures from Toraja, and salted fish, a perfect souvenir for
those at home.
Jalan Somba Opu remains vibrant as time goes by. Its
uniqueness does not wane, as immortal as the glow of
gold. Somba Opu, the Souvenir Shop Center is one of the
main colorful parts of Makassar.

“ Many new comers
came to ‘hunt for
gold’ in this area
AGE. Besides it is known as
kampong emas (gold area), Somba Opu
Shopping Center prepares various
handicrafts typical of South Sulawesi
such as silk, handicrafts of Toraja in
the forms of carvings and model of
Toraja traditional house (Tongkonan)
and varied silver handicrafts as a
Port Of Makassar
Spanning the length of Wilhelminastraat
(Jl. Martadinata, now already swallowed by the port
expansion facing Passerstraat (Jl. Nusantara).
AGE. The Port
of Makassar is divided into
two parts: to the north is the
passengers terminal and to
the south is the containers
port. Activities at the
containers pier, the
container freight station is
4000 m3, piling field is 362.13
m3 was made of interlocking
block, and containers field is
11.416 m3.
Before the arrival of the Portuguese who THIS PPAGE.
AGE. The Port of
conquered Malaka in 1511, the Makassar Makassar has a strategic
Trading Port was a vibrant post. As a mari- position precisely at the
time kingdom, Gowa expanded its merchant center of Indonesia trade
course makes it as one of
fleet base to Maccini Sombala, at the mouth
the busiest ports in
of two rivers, the Je’neberang and the Tallo.
Indonesia. Its great role is
The port grew out of Tallo. as a gate of the eastern
The Port of Makassar’s golden age un- part of Indonesia.
der the 9th King of Gowa Daeng Matanre
Karaeng Mangnguntungi Tumapa’risi’
Kallonna. The reign was strong with new
laws and regulations, including ones regard-
ing customs and the appointment of a port
In the 16th century the King shifted the
seat of power to Somba Opu and as the
effect, Makassar was a Freeport. Its geo-
political strategic value made it an obses-
sion of the Dutch to be used as a spring-
board to the spice-rich eastern islands. The
century saw clashes with the Dutch over
the control of the port.
The peak of the conflict was when the
16th King, Sultan Hasanuddin, was forced
to sign the Bungaya Treaty after his defeat
in the War of Makassar. The kingdom was
effectively under the Dutch control ever
Entering the 20 th century, the Port of
Makassar was projected to become an indus-
trial and modern transportation nodes.
Wilhelminakade or the Hatta Seaport to the
south of Passerstraat and Julianakade to the
The Port of Makassar with its inter-
national reputation has contributed greatly to
the growth and development of Makassar’s his-
tory – politically, economically, and socially. And
normally like any other major ports in the world,
round the port area, a red light district alias Jl.
Nusantara with its specific view at night……….
Just like other port cities in other regions. The
port of Makassar is planned to be an integrated
economic area to activate more export-import
activities by connecting the Makassar Industrial
Estate (KIMA), the Paotere’ People’s Port, and
the Port of Makassar.
The Port of Makassar accommodates pas-
sengers at its northern end and merchandise in
containers at its southern end.

“ The Port of Makassar

was projected to become
an industrial and modern
transportation nodes

AGE. Modern equipment of loading and
unloading containers : 2 units Reach Stacker, 2 units Top
Loader, and 6 units RTG, and 10 units Head Truck. These
facilities are continuously increased to meet the loading and
unloading activities at this port.
AGE. The course of passengers lines and containers
at the water of the Makassar Port. The length of the port is
12 miles, wide 200 meters, depth 16.00 meters, the pond
minimum depth is 9.00 meters, the pond maximum depth is
16,25 meters, the water size is 15.195 m2, the HWS ( high
water) is 1.80 meters, the LWS (low water) is 8.20 meters, the
internal rise and fall of the tide is 1.80 mm.
AGE. Until the end of
1945 Makassar developed to be
a port city, administration,
commerce, and military. The
port area was busier by the
commercial activities with the
existence of offices , banks,
storehouses, or shop houses.
The buildings were Koninklijk
Paketvaart Maatschappij (the
Dutch Shipping Company),
Nederlandsche Handel
Maatschappij (the Dutch Trade
Company), Bataafsche
Petroleum Maatschappij (the
Dutch Oil Company), SM Ocean
(Shipping Company),
Stoomvaart Maatschappij
Nederland, Javasche Bank (the
Largest Bank at that time). No
ruins of those buildings can be
seen nowadays because they
have been replaced by the
present port facilities.
AGE. Night life
always accompanies
the existence of any
port. Jl. Nusantara is
the red area of the Port
of Makassar where
one can pass the night.
Traditional Harbour of Paotere
While Batavia has Sunda Kelapa Harbor, Makassar has
Paotere, a traditional harbor of public water transporta-
tion, a heritage of elder generations. Located on the
west side of Makassar beach, administratively is a part
of Ujung Tanah Disrict, Kelurahan Gusung
AGE. Slow but
sure Paotere will become
an inhabitable area at the
sea shore. The sailors
sold their fish to the
communities so until now
Paotere is one of the
centers for fish auction in
Makassar City.
Another side of Paotere,…..
so naturally……….

On the 15th century during the regime of Gowa-Tallo

governance, Paotere Harbor has already well-known even
abroad as one of the busiest trade harbors. Acting as an
export gateway for various kinds of commodities from east-
ern of Indonesia, it is called as “Haven of Makassar”. This
happened because strategic position of Makassar between
Batavia and Molucca Islands as source of spices at the
As the result of trade activities escalation, on the early
year of 19th century Paotere was closed as a free harbor
by the Dutch. This turned into a battle between the Nether-
lands and kingdoms inside this region: Bone, Gowa, and Luwu.
The glorious Paotere Harbor is then faded along with the
ongoing conflict.
The existence of Paotere is an evidence of Gowa-Tallo
heritage which is recognized as the place of great sailors.
They are acknowledged by their proficiency of determining
directions with only relying on stars, predicting wind and tidal
by only watching the clouds movement, recognizing sea cur-
rent, depth and dangerous reef area and by smelling the
LEFT.. Every month about Nowadays there are no more large sized-Phinisi
150 boats enter and leave ships like the old days, and the magnificent trade har-
Paotere, loading and bor is already gone, but the pulses of living and traces
unloading about 24,080 of past are still there for the interest of community’s
tons of goods per month.
welfare The role of Paotere is the main supporter of
The goods which are
Makassar sea harbour in supplying daily needs of its
loaded and unloaded in
Paotere are farm people.
products and industrial Paotere was launched as public harbor by the
goods, household goods, Minister of Transportation, Haryono Nimpuno on
agriculture and sea November 26, 1977. In 1982 Paotere harbor was
commodities. From equipped with wave breakers as long as 400 m. The
Paotere the boats are port basin width is 4,56 HA with the depth of 820
loaded with prime m. The Paotere basin can accommodate 200 ships
products from this region
and around 150 ships from various places anchor
such as rice, flour, wheat,
there loading and unloading 24,000 T/M3 goods ev-
cement, etc.
OW.. …… my bike
BELOW ery month.
is more beautiful than Traditional harbor and public harbor for regional
yours! The strength of the and interinsular trade in Indonesia. Also as a tourism
old bicycles is out of the object for foreign tourists visiting Makassar.
question. Every day they
become the silent
witnesses of the fish
vendors pedaling along
the streets and paths in
OW.. …… after
anchoring. Simple tools
and gas lamp for lighting
in fishing.
PAGE. Any kinds of sea
transportation berth in
Paotere. There are Phinisi,
Jalloro’, Katinting, and
ship which usually cruise
to the entire Nusantara
and wide ocean. The boats
and ships in the Paotere
quay are classified as
“Pelayaran Rakyat”
(People Sipping) which
means expedition in the
sector of popular

“ They are acknowledged by their proficiency

of determining directions with only relying on
stars, predicting wind and tidal by only
watching the clouds movement, recognizing

sea current, depth and dangerous reef area
and by smelling the water.
AGE. Paotere is
derived from the word “otere”
or rope in Makassar
language. Local communities
added prefix “pa” because
Paotere means a place for
tying up boats.
The Village of Lette’
The village is one of the subur-
ban area of Makassar, located
in Kelurahan Lette’, Kecamatan
Mariso, on the southern tip of
Makassar’s designation as a metropolitan city has a store of problems for the
urbanists. Triggered by the socio-economic problems that started as a dream to search
for better living in the cities, the choice turn out to be a wrong one. Unskilled, unedu-
cated, and therefore unfit to penetrate the urban demand of a competent workforce,
they had to resort to marginal, informal jobs.
The urban people inhabit the slums, where conditions are far below the standards.
One of them is the Village of Lette’. But compared to other slums, Lette’ has a great
A. Location, it is located in the old city
B. Its inhabitants are fishermen, living in the heart of urban environment
C. Other inhabitants work in informal sector (as trader, daily workmen, becak
(pedicab) drivers, etc) supporting the mechanism of urban social superstruc-
At the end of the 1970s, the area that is currently the site of Lette’ was still part
of the sea, with mangroves in the reign. Arriving boats from nearby islands, even as far
as Mandar and other shore areas used the nook as a parking space. Stilt houses
sprouted here and there, and even more to come. Hence the name Lette’ literally
means moving.
Due to the process of nature, the marine area became shallower and shallower.
Sedimentation of sand and rocks gathered, and slowly it was formed into land. Lette’
then witnessed population booms, unchecked and unplanned, with inadequate infra-
structures to soften the impacts. As a result, squalor thrived and became a slum.
Urban renewal efforts paying attention to the city’s characters are gravely needed
and hoped to be a model of strategic approach for better environment and quality of

OPPOSITE. The district of Mariso consists of nine

villages. One of them is Kampung Lette’. Its population is
7861 people with the number of households 1509. The
density of population per square kilometer is 52.407
(data in 2003)
LEFT.. Before the establishment of Jl.Metro
Tanjung Bunga, Kampung Lette’ was connected with
the Losari beach forming like a gulf. The road
reclamation made it separated from the beach and it
became a lagoon. The only accessibility to the place is
through an alley under the bridge Jl.Metro Tanjung
LEFT.. Typical stilt houses on water are found in the
“ .....and are hoped to be a
model of strategic

approach for better
environment and quality
of living

OPPOSITE. In developed
countries the canal is used a
means of transportation and
tourism but at Lette’ the canal is
used to anticipate flood though it
does not solve the garbage
THIS PAGE. The regional
government has tried to improve
the environmental quality
through the Kampong Improve-
ment Program (KIP) by
providing a pedestrian way to
connect the settlement units
and can also be utilized as a
wharf for the fishermen’s boats.
LEFT.. The lack of open
space makes the
community use the
street to socialize
OW.. The
space under the stilt
house is also used as a
dwelling place. Different
families may live in the
house; One family lives in
the upper part of the
house and another
family lives under the
OW.. The joyful
faces of the children at
the village.
RIGHT ABOVE . The building
of facilities and
infrastructures has not
solved the slum problem yet
at Kampung Lette’ .
RIGHT BELOW . A mother is
waiting for a drop by drop of
drinking water.
Karebosi (Kanrobosi)
Karebosi is a town square, located in the center of
Makassar, surrounded by Jl. Jend. Sudirman (east),
Jl. Kartini (south), Jl. Kajoalalido (west), and Jl. Jend.
Achmad Yani (north).
Various myths followed its existence, one of
them is the Legend of Celebes. Its actual age is
a mystery. One thing is certain: Kanrobosi was
once paddy fields of Gowa Kingdom farmers (16th
century). The site was often used to hold the
post-harvest festivities hosted by the King of
Gowa-Tallo. Also as riding ground for the royal
family. It was then repaired by the Dutch as an
open space, public events, and army training
ground – and it was dubbed the Koningsplein.
Kanrobosi is derived from the word kanro,
meaning a divine gift, and bosi, meaning rain (lots
of it). Combined, Kanrobosi means a multitude
of divine blessings. The 8-hectare land was once
used as a shooting ground by both the Dutch
and the Japanese during their occupation. Other
than as a political place of assembly, after the
Independence it was also used as a site for mass
calisthenics. In the 60s and 70s it was a place
to hold annual county fairs.
Now Kanrobosi is more known as Karebosi.
It has become a silent witness to so many
events, occasions, and changes. A giant cen-
OPPOSITE. There have
been so many events tury-old banyan tree stands erect there, even
going on in Karebosi. One today.
of them was Make Music
Not War.
LEFT.. The
banyan tree (ficus
benyamina) at Karebosi
has its own history and
myth. It is said that the
tree is more than 100
years old.
LEFT.. Pedestrians walk
around the Karebosi field
that can be utilized as a
place for pedestrians

and for jogging.

“ It has become a silent

witness to so many
As the landmark of the city of anging
mammiri, it also functions as mass activities
such as mass calisthenics, mass worship at
Idul Fitri and Idul Adha, flag hoisting ceremo-
nies, campaigns, fairs, etc.


stage functions as a canopy
for the guests and invitees
when Karebosi is used for the
ceremony. The canopy has
local traditional architecture.
LEFT.. Lights as illuminations
also a supplement for the
architectural elements.
OW.. Soccer is very
popular among the people
and Karebosi is identical with
it. People of all ages play
soccer in this place.
ABOVE. The statue of
Ramang was immortal-
ized as a reminiscence
to one of the legendary
soccer players from the
Makassar Soccer
Association (PSM).
RIGHT.. Younger
Ramangs, the continua-
tors of the PSM glory.
There are many soccer
clubs in Makassar but
only one is managed
professionally, namely
Makassar Football
School (MFS 2000). This
school has been noted
for its achievement until
AGE. Karebosi is
quiet when there is no
activity and noisy during
the football match.
Mattoanging Stadium And Sports Center
In the former site of a cattle ranch of a Dutch
rancher named Zwanziger. It was located outside
the city limits, on Jl. Cenderawasih.
The desire to build a sports stadium was coinci-
dence with the initiative to host the National Sports
Week (PON) in 1957. The idea to host the 4th PON
was challenged on the ground that the securities of
South and Southeast Sulawesis were non-conducive.
But thanks to the blessing of Sri Sultan
Hamengkubuwono IX, the sports event was made pos-
Long before the plan to build the stadium was put
forth by Ince Saleh Daeng Tompo, and had the support
of the Commander of the XIV Territorial Army of
Hasanuddin. Then the Makassar Stadium Foundation
was founded under the notary Master Brunde Ernst
Dietz No. 2 dated December 31, 1951. After the
location evaluation and land acquisition in 1952, nine
months later the Mattoanging Stadium was completed.

OPPOSITE. The main

perspective of the
Mattoanging Stadium main
building of international
architectural style was
influenced by the trendy
de Stijl movement from
Mattoanging in color today.
Renovation in 2003 did not
change much of the
original architecture.
The sports complex consists of several buildings: the
soccer stadium (110m x 75m with 20.000 people ca-
pacity). The west side of the stadium houses the covered
tribune for VIPs and journalists. Surrounding the field is a
sentleband and open tribunes for the public. It also houses
several Olympic-size swimming pools and indoor sports fields.
The buildings were designed by Ir. J. Th. Droop, the Direc-
tor of Public Works of Sulawesi. Several sports secretari-
ats are based here; e.g., the KONI of South Sulawesi,
Up to now the Stadium serves as the site of many
sports events and a testing ground for the athletes of
South Sulawesi, before attending national and international

OPPOSITE. Closed Tribune.,

“Old Trafford van

“ ..... The stadium

serves as the sites
of many sport
events .....
“ Makassar”.
AGE. Decorating
the old lady, furnishing the
changing room, addition of
steel stairs and an alley
under the spectator
AGE. Mattoanging is
often regarded as an eerie
stadium or a hell stadium y the
visiting team because the
visiting team always suffers a
loss against the Makassar
Soccer Association (PSM) team.
It seems that the supporters,
footballers, and Mattoanging
…………… are only for the PSM.
AGE. Two of the three buildings built
from the beginning: Swimming Pool and Sports
Hall. Although it has been very old and out of
date architecture, it functions as it is. It is a
silent witness to up and down achievements of
South Sulawesi athletes both in national and
international events.
Stadvlaardingen’s nort end
The Chinese existence in Makassar is closely
related to the past trading practices. Along with OPPOSITE. China Town
the Europeans, they sailed the Islands for silk, spices, gate. It symbolizes
and rice. friendship and harmony
Historical records indicated that the cityscape among the people in
was designed based on ethnicities, religion, and poli- Makassar.
ABOVE. Although it is not
tics. The Chinese were considered crucial by the
of oriental architecture but
Dutch in matters of trade, and several blocks in
the houses in the China
Stadvlaardingen’s northern end were especially re- Town are still very much
served to house them. Vlaardingen was originally influenced by Chinese
reserved for Europeans, but slowly the Chinese culture and atmosphere.
dominated it, and thus it was dubbed the RIGHT
RIGHT.. A hotel and a
Chineesekamp or Chinese Village. The region boomed klenteng (a temple) are
in population, with the Chinese mingling with the harmoniously side by side.
natives. The remnants of past glory are still visible The temple still maintains
the typical Chinese
in the architecture.
The immigrant Chinese were devout followers
of the religion of their ancestors. Records indicate
at least four temples were built to accommodate
them. The oldest one is the Temple of Agung Bahari
in Tempelstraat or Passerstraat or Jl. Sulawesi.
Then the Kwan Kong Temple (1810s), Siang Ma
(The Temple of the Divine Dragon, built in the 1860s)
and the Nio Family’s House of Ashes. This region
form the Chineesewijk, the city’s center of trade.
Included in it was the Macciniayoweg (Jl. Buru),
Pakkareppestraat (Jl. Diponegoro), Muurstraat,
Sanzeestraat and Bandastraat.
One of the Chinese customs to honor their
ancestors is the Imlek Chinese New Year Fes-
tival. Topekong (a deity statue) is paraded in
the streets and Barongsai Dragon Dances
came out of Balla’ Dato’ka (The Temple) graced

A variety of activities “ the neighborhood.

“ keep the people

happy ...
From the New Year to the 15th night of
Cap Go Meh, relatives visit each other, of-
fering and receiving angpao (money in red en-
velopes). A variety of activities keep the people
happy, one of them is the carnival with Chi-
nese-Makassar/Chinese Bugis participants
riding on trucks decorated with colorful pa-
pers and balloons, musical groups would ema-
nate tunes from their guitars, cellos, bases,
trumpets and cymbals.
OW.. In running the government and commercial
BELOW The New Year Celebration reminds every
systems, the Dutch used the Chinese as a liaison Chinese family to mind manners, customs,
between the indigenous population and the white men. love between the people and God.
The Chinese people were given an opportunity and
facilities in the salt trade monopoly, pawnshop , and
tax collection. These socioeconomic and cultural
phenomena affected the town structure by the
development of China Town in the north of Fort
Rotterdam. Jl. Sulawesi (Tempelstraat) is seen as the
remain of the glory of the busiest area from time to
OW.. An effort to
revitalize the typical characteristics of the area
(genius loci) through the China Town revitalization
AGE. This building is one
of the Grand Hotel pavilions that
has been demolished. A Chinese
family is now living in the
pavilion. The architecture is still
original of colonial time. The
interior elements such as floors
were from India, the ceiling was
made of aluminium from England
and chandelier from Holland.
One of the corners (patio) is of
oriental Chinese.
LEFT.. Deeply absorbed in
RIGHT.. A large gong and a
censer made of brass.
OW.. An old
mother is praying.

trucks decorated with colorful papers and balloons,

musical groups would emanate tunes from their
guitars, cellos, bases, trumpets and cymbals.
The New Year Celebration reminds every
Chinese family to mind manners, customs, love
between the people and God.
Chinatown is one specific neighborhood,
housing Chinese for centuries.
LEFT.. The Kwan Kong Temple, built in 1810s, is a place to spread the teaching of
Kong Hu Chu.
LEFT.. Siang Ma Temple or Vihara Naga sakti was built in the 1860s. Siang
Ma goddess was a protector of women and children.
FAR ABOVE. Marga Thoeng’s Ash House was built in 1898 was meant as a place
to pray for the ancestor’s spirit.
ABOVE. Dewi Ma Tjo Poh Temple or Mother Agung Bahari was first built in 1737.
The name was derived from the goddess of fortune and safety at sea.
AGE. The situation
at China Town. The place
where Chinese, young and
old, buyers and sellers,
Muslims and Non-Muslims,
men and women socialize
with one another. Wonderful.
Tanjung Bunga
The Tanjung Bunga
area lies in the west
coast of the
Makassar straits,
with total develop-
ment area was 1,000
Ha, which 700 Ha lies
in Makassar and the
rest in Gowa district.
If you open a map of the year 2000
you will find an area named Tanjung Bunga.
There is no smooth hot mix connecting
across the Losari Beach forming a lagoon
and toward reclamation. The additional spa-
tial space is meant to revitalize the swamp,
fishpond, sea shore and sedimentation of
the Jeneberang river to be a Hopeful Is-
land. Tanjung Bunga is a magnet for the
local or international investors to develop
the eastern part of Indonesia. The Tanjung
Bunga area was formerly named Tanjung
Merdeka. Based on the area development
study by the government in 1990s it was
plotted as the development of self inde-
pendent especially for tourism development
center. The area is potential for tourism,
housing, and business.

AGE. The vision of Makassar city
is a commercial maritime city, education,
culture, and services of global orientation,
environmentally oriented and the most friendly.
The existence of GMTD is in line with its vision.
AGE. A gate at the side of Losari, a blue
lake area and a way splits the sea is the result
of reclamation connecting Makassar mainland
and Tanjung Bunga.
PT. Gowa Makassar Tourism Development, Tbk. (PT. GMTD, Tbk) has
developed the potentials for:
A. Tourism.
- Akarena Beach Recreation Center.
This area consists of around 10 Ha with almost 600 m along the sea
shore and 7 kms from the sea shore. Until now there are some facilities of
water tower, quay, food court, party bar, play land, religious facilities, health
center, bay watch, and sea tourism facilities such as jet ski, banana boat,
parasailing, tourism boat, and speed boat. The beach also has the best sunset
potency, because of its excellent alluring sea view.
- Tanjung Bunga Lake.
The lake is around 85 Ha started its operation in the year 2000 as
recreation facilities and water sports. The Federation Internationale Des Societes
D’Aviron (FISA) (or the International Rowing Federation) has equipped it to fit
the standard for International Rowing Events.
-The Jeneberang River.
The river is 80 km long started in the Bawakaraeng Mountain at Gowa
district through the city of Tanjung Bunga and ended on the shore; it is 300 m
wide and is potential for the development of tourism and water sports. The
bridge over the Jeneberang River functions as the outer ring road and in the
west it connects three areas: Gowa, Makassar, and Takalar.

AGE. A part of Tanjung Bunga
area is swampy, a haven for investors. Based
on the master plan, the swampy area will
become a super-modern area with skyscrap-
ers enriching the skyline of Makassar as a
water front city.
AGE. Akkarena beach is the most
interesting beach visited by people at the week
end. Tanjung Bunga has around 7 km coastline
to be developed as a beach recreation facility.
B. Settlement.
In general the development of housing in Tanjung Bunga supports
the city of Makassar expansion place to the west and south. It also
fulfils the needs for housing to the growing citizens of Makassar.
It plans to build 15,000 to 20,000 housing units to accommodate
60,000 to 80,000 people. Up to August 2003 there had been 2,609
housing units sold from the total of 2,807 units which the inhabitants
around 90 families. One importance aspect in the development of this
area is after sales services. Those services are provided by the Town
Management Division (TMD) to fit the security and comfort of the

“ .... named expected island

Tanjung Bunga was a magnet
for the local or international in-
vestors to develop the eastern of

Types of houses constructed are based on the area concept and developed
according to life style of today.
ABOVE. Pantai Biru villa, a residence at the beach where people can enjoy the
LEFT.. Danau Biru villa, a residence at the side of the blue lake.
OW.. Taman Massamba House, a residence with a verdant park arrangement.
C. Business.
As a self independent city it is developed into a
business and trading area. The commercial develop-
ment is concentrated along Jalan Metro Tanjung Bunga
as a “Showroom “area. Until August 2003, the prod-
uct of business (office and trading) sold 249 units
from the total of 249 units, and 30 % have been
The city of Tanjung Bunga has an area of 13 Ha
for a business center named Makassar Commercial
District / MCD, The construction is entering initial
stage with the existence of Mall GTC (Global Trade
Center). These GTC is prospected as the center for
retailers wholesalers, and exhibition in the eastern
part of Indonesia. The GTC Makassar has operated
since September 2003.

D. Supporting Facilities.
The city of Tanjung Bunga is equipped with inter-
national facilities and infrastructures. There is an edu-
cation facility named Dian Harapan School that has
under operation, a grand mosque, the Siloam
Gleneagles Hospital, and other facilities to be built
which would be a part of the development of Makassar

AGE. Global Trade Center (GTC) Mall is projected as a
center for the wholesale, retail, and exhibition hall, the largest in the
Eastern Part of Indonesia. This Mall is in the center of the area
which is easily accessible by the people to meet their daily needs.
AGE. Tanjung
Bunga is equipped with
professional education
facilities of international
scale. Dian Harapan school
is one of the best and
favorite schools in
Bukit Baruga Housing Complex
It occupies 300 Ha land in the administrative area
of Makassar and Maros with hilly topography.
PT. Baruga Asrinusa Development is a conversion
of PT. Bumi Sarana Indah under the banner of Hadji
Kalla Group established on May 27, 1992.
With a number of real-estate experiences under
its belt, PT. Baruga A.D. launched the Bukit Baruga
Project. This mega-project entails developing a multi-
function area on a 300 Ha land. Since its construc-
tion in July 1996, 850 mid-level houses, 100 simple
houses, and several luxurious houses have been built
with facilities such as children’s playground, schools,
places of worship, sports, banking, and supermarket
that cater to the needs of the inhabitants.
The concept adopts the garden city concept, where
the urban housing adheres closely to the nature. The
inhabitants can interact inside their environment with-
out having to leave the area. The concept fits per-
fectly with the hilly topography, making the area an
ideal home.

AGE. Bukit
Baruga residential area was
designed with the concept of
Garden City located in the
middle of natural and verdant
environment. Its hilly
topographical condition
creates a harmony between
human and its environment.
AGE. One of the types
of residence is of tropical
Mediterranean architecture
with large windows but wide

“ Bukit Baruga is
purposfully built east
of the city

AGE. A beautiful
landscape makes the house
and its park harmonious. The
house is of Spanish Mediterra-
nean architecture.
AGE. Various types
and models of houses can be
found in this area. The Bukit
Baruga management gives a
freedom for the owners to
choose their own house design
as long as the shape is still in
Other than the existing conditions, the
one design continuity to avoid
choice of location corresponds with Makassar’s the distortion of its architec-
macro-planning. Bukit Baruga is purposely built tural environment.
east of the city to anticipate the eastward
expansion of the city. The area will be inte-
grated into the heart of the city as a part of
strategic importance. Another important fa-
cility is the transportation grid consists of the
middle and outer ring road enhancing the ac-
cess to Bukit Baruga from all directions.
As a satellite city, Bukit Baruga will de-
velop a commercial quarter that houses the
central business district, shopping mall, hotel
and resort, water boom park, riviera (Tallo
River Tourism), agro-tourism, driving range,
sports and fitness center, cultural center,
street vendor’s quarters, apartments, and
Several other supporting factors that en-
able the existence of harmonious living in Bukit
Baruga are waste management, security, and
clean water access directly administered by
the Bukit Baruga’s management.
AGE. Playing jet ski
among the Nipa trees. The
most interesting recreation
facility in Bukit Baruga area
is along the Tallo river where
Nipa trees on its bank. This
Riviera is still in its
development stage.
AGE. The interior of
the house is impressive
with the split level system
between the living room and
the semi-living room.
University Of Hasanuddin
Of Makassar
The University of Hasanuddin
(UNHAS) is located in two places.
The old campus complex is in
Kampung Baraya Jl. Mesjid Raya and
the new complex is in Kelurahan
Tamalanrea, Kecamatan
It was the brainchild of the South Sulawesi’s educa-
tional and governmental prominent figures, who were
trying to reopen the School of Higher Education of
Economy, previously frozen. After a tough struggle, on
March 3, 1952 the Faculty of Law and Public Educa-
tion were inaugurated. On October 7, 1953 the Fac-
ulty of Economics was reactivated as the branch of the
University of Indonesia’s Faculty of Economics. On April
17, 1955 the Faculty of Medicines followed.
With three faculties in Makassar and one Faculty of
Teacher’s Education in Tondano, it restarted the ef-
forts for a higher education institution in Makassar. Fi-
nally through the Government’s Decree No. 23 dated
September 8, 1956, the National Gazette No 39/
1956 the University of Hasanuddin was inaugurated.
The name was given by Ir. Sukarno to immortalize the
16th King of Gowa, Sultan Hasanuddin. UNHAS was
inaugurated by the vice president of Indonesia, Drs. Moh.
Hatta in 1956. The rector was Prof. Mr. AG
Pringgodigdo who was also the rector of the University
of Airlangga in Surabaya.

OPPOSITE. Rectorate building, a

control center in this building.
LEFT.. The former Rectorate
building of Hasanuddin University in
the old Baraya campus. Its modern
architecture was influenced by
Yankee’s architecture.
RIGHT.. Rectorate building of
Hasanuddin University in
Tamalanrea Campus adopted the
tropical modern architecture and
vernacular element by protruding
roof and exposed column.
RIGHT.. Typical architec-
When Prof. Dr. A. Amiruddin stepped
ture of Faculty of Math-
up as a rector in 1973, the university’s ematics and Natural Science
Baraya complex was deemed no longer building, transparent
suitable as a representative education en- ground floor gives a wide
vironment and an exodus was planned. The effect and friendly
master plan was designed by the Paddock environment.
Uption Inc. of USA and OD 205 of Delft, BEL OW
OW.. Improvisation of
Holland covering 220 Ha land. The ground contour results in
dynamic and not monoto-
Tamalanrea complex was inaugurated on
nous building pattern
September 17, 1981 by President
OW.. Stairs at the
Soeharto. Central Library eliminate the
The area is surrounded by an outer difference of varied ground
ring road. Its style was modern-tropical contour height.
with some traditional elements.

“ It’s style was
moderntropical with
some traditional elements
architecture of Hasanuddin

Campus facilities of
Hasanuddin University.
AGE. Center for
Research and Activity
besides the lake. The lake
gives a contribution as a
recreation facility in the
LEFT ABOVE. Green trees
besides the lake as if
saying “Welcome to the Red
Campus” of Hasanuddin
Laboratory of Engineering
and Workshop. The
architecture is dominated
by steel and concrete.
AGE. Lecture
Theater, a very functional
room for general lecture.
Its architecture is in
harmony with the ordinary
lecture room.
AGE. One of the local
architectural works is the
mighty campus mosque of
Hasanuddin University.
LEFT.. A students dormitory, at the back of
the campus.
OW.. Students’ Union besides the lake
adopted the traditional architecture of
The Auditorium is typical with the Toraja traditional
architecture combined with modern architectural
…… is a long story
Makassar’s Journey Makassar is not come solely and the history was the
witness of the past story which framed the pieces of it
in Time mosaic development. Base on the history of Makassar
we could assemble a very long story about Makassar.
Beginning the time before conquered, the art of coloniza-
tion, the rise of independence, the end of 20th century,
and Makassar in the recently context.
To Elaborate Physical History of Makassar the VOC under the admiral Cornelis Speelman,
The growth of Makassar started from the tra- weaken the kingdom of Gowa. The battle between
ditional harbor city in the era of Gowa Kingdom, to VOC and Gowa was cause with the agreement held
be the center of main trade which always as ports in Bungaya on November 18, 1667 named Bungaya
of call for the ships from the surrounding of Agreement, which absolutely lower the kingdom of
Nusantara and also from European and China. The Gowa interm of economic and political. After that
People, the areas and the government gathered Sultan Hasanuddin fight again to recover his power.
and united form a structural space, buildings, and
inhabitance in the historical perspective of strate-
gic geo-political area. The inhabitance on the beach
under the kingdom of Gowa, grown up to be a city
named Makassar. Mpu Prapanca in his book “
Negarakertagama “ in the 14th centuries included
Makassar under the government of Majapahit in
East Java.
Early in the era of Conqueror of Dutch in the
15th centuries, almost Makassar lies under the
twin kingdom Gowa-Tallo. Under the 9th emperor
of Gowa, named Daeng Matanre Karaeng
Mangangantungi Tumapa’risi Kallonna has stated
the governance system, and issued some law and
regulations for the main trading center. The Dutch-
man tries to handle and control the trading activi-
ties in the eastern part of Nusantara which rich
and generous of seasoning mix. Consequently of
that since the 16th centuries the kingdom of Gowa
faced on conflicts and threatened of Dutch colo-
nialism. Faced on those problem the 10th emperor
of Gowa, at 1545 built fort of Tallo, fort of Kelle
Gowa, and fort of Barombong to strengthen the
existing three ports, it is : fort of Somba Opu, fort
of Ujung Pandang, and fort of Panakkukang in the In the battle on June 24, 1669 the Speelman trops
southern port Somba Opu then became the capi- occupied fort of Somba Opu. The connection and
tal and Makasr was the port and inter area trad- axle of Somba Opu and Makassar now disappeared.
ing services and also as a center for foreign trade, The rest, Makassar enter a new stage of history
and these area became a trade port. and Somba Opu the capital of kingdom of Gowa
The peak of the kingdom of Gowa while it gov- now being rim and wracks.
erned by the 16th emperor of Gowa, named Sul-
tan Hasanuddin beginning the 16th centuries up to The Era Dutch Government
17th centuries, but the reveals of the neighbored From a dot surround the fort of Ujung Pandang
kingdom and the political and military pressure of or fort Rotterdam which made by Speelman as
the Capital and inhabitance intramurals, then The development of Makassar City at the mo-
grown to be an elite inhabitance of Dutchmen in ment was related to the aims of kompeni to cre-
the north, named Vlaardingen and the Kampung ated tributal and political ill will to built structural
Baru (New Village) in the south. Based on the space based on status and tribes. The population
registration by Dutch government (kompeni) in was divided into two groups, named kompeni and
1730 the total population of Makassar was 4985 aborigin. Both people grown in inhabitance sur-
peoples, divided into etnical groups it’s : 364 people rounding the castle of Rotterdam included
Vlaardingen, Kampung Baru (New Village) and other
villages. The map of Makassar from the 17th cen-
turies shown that Vlaardingen is an inhabitance
consisting of grids. Those pattern is made up by
the pathway from the north to the south and
across from east to the west. Four of the longitu-
dinal street was china street (Passerstraat) now
is Jalan Nusantara, Twin Street/Temple street,
now is Jalan Irian / Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Hoesodo.
Middle Street now Jalan Bonerate and Burger
Street now is Jalan Jampea. China Street was
the past of very busily area in Makassar. We
could not omit the existence of traditional inhab-
itance villages as Bontoala which spatially span until
Pannampu and Mamajang. Bontoala is the center
for cultural and Islamic education for the people of
Makassar, in those place built a castle for the
Karaeng Karunrung, and Prime Minister of Gowa
When the political stability gained, Fort
Rotterdam more functioned as the central gov-
ernment and port. The life retried Fort Rotterdam
was grown up. In the edge of hoogepad in the east,
Dutch built a little fort named Vadenburg which
surroundings with ditches. The ditch connected
to Sea Canal as the transportation from Fort
of Bugese-Makassar, 310 Chinese and related, Although spatially Makassar city grow up and
10 Indians; 137 Butonese, 68 Ambonese and wider, the structure of city in the end of 18th cen-
Banda, 577 Melayu, 271 VOC officials, 351 turies not change too much, surround the
burghers (Christian but not Dutch government of- Rotterdam castle become the exclusive inhabitance
ficers/kompeni) and totally 2915 slaves. This popu- of Dutch, The condition of Vlaardingen is much
lation is not included the rural population of better with some buildings constructed of bricks
Makassar or the marginal peoples. and stones; While Kampung Baru (New Village),
Kampung Melayu (Melayu Village) and marginal ture and buildings is provided and designed by the
areas still an inhabitance with lesser conditions. government. In the edge of hoogepad lies three
The Dutch begin to build the center of important buildings as the manifestation of Dutch governing
activities far away from Fort of Rotterdam. system which shown the executive and judicative
Some of it was Army Hospital (Pelamonia) and components. The buildings was stadhuis (Mayor
the sugar factory of Matjtjiniaijo. The location of Office), Gevangenis (prison), and Gerechts plaats
those important activities made a triangle shape (judiciaries) in center north port was Koningsplein
with Fort Vredenburd in the center. These pat- (Karebosi Square). Geographicly the Koningsplein
tern influencing the main traffic an supporting line become the center of Makassar, and then grown
in Makassar. up to the entire directions.
Entering the 19 th centuries the areas of In the 20th Centuries as the implementation of
Makassar follow the traditional society line organi- decentralization in Indonesia in 1905, Makassar
zation under colonial administrations System. is proclaimed as the stadsgemeente (Big City) on
Binnenlads Bestuur or Public Services until the sys- April 1, 1906. Until 1920’s Makassar divided
tematic development of the city. The infra-struc- into six sub district, it was: Makassar, Melayu,
Wajo, Ende, Ujung Tanah and Mariso. Then it eras after the Independence Day at 1945, the
simplified into four sub districts, which constructed history of Makassar found the dualism era, it’s
based on social status and ethnic groups. In the the independence era and the internal rebellion.
centrum was Makassar sub district, sice the be- The chaos was caused by the DI/TII rebellion (1950
ginning of the development of Makassar still an - 1965) and Permesta rebellion (1957 - 1965)
elite area center government, and the inhabitance makes the cease of Makassar development.
of Dutchmen. In the north of Makassar was Wajo The pattern of Makassar city in the 1950’s
sub district inhabited by Chinese and in far north not changes very much. The city structure which
was Ujung Tanah, villages for the people / pribumi. made in social development process, economic and
The Mariso sub district from the beginning was colonial politics quiet the same. The down town
the villages of imigrants from surrounding by China Village,
the outside of Makassar, with trade areas and rural area
the landscape conditions was
rice-field, dry-field, and swamp
In the 1920’s the adminis-
trative border of Makassar
geminate is quite similar with
“ The evidence that the
historical artifact and
architectural could be the
indicators and param-
for the aborigin. In accor-
dance with the development
of the city, the governments
improve the administrative
coverage in the west of
Ujung Tanah sub district.
in the end of 19th Centuries. eters to assesses the long The fifth sub district named
In the east there’s Gowa is journey of a city. The Karuwisi, a village which ex-
Tallo river, to the south about ist long time before.
Jalan Korban 40.000 jiwa
past tied with now on The history of Makassar
(40.000 victims) to the Jalan
Abubakar Lambogo, Jalan
Veteran Selatan until Sultan

will produce a retrospec-
tive planning from time to
time. It’s really Makassar?
changed under the Mayor of
H.M. Daeng Patompo which
expanded the city of
Alauddin, Jalan Kumala and in Makassar on to Maros,
the south edge there is Pangkep, and Gowa dis-
Samboong Djawa and tricts. The space of
Jeneberang river. Makassar was 21 square ki-
Until the end of conqueror, Makassar sub dis- lometers and after the expansion reaching 115,
trict had the fast development by the construction 87 square kilometers consisted at 11 sub district
so many offices facilities, education facilities, mili- and 62 village with population around 700.000
tary and religion facilities, entertainment and the peoples. The expansion programmed was faced by
infrastructure as the factories which directly con- the regent of Gowa and Maros named K.S. Mas’ud
nected to port of Makassar and the administra- and Kasim D.M. In the middle of those chaoses,
tive office (Rechtstreek Beestur) in Gowa. It’s the expansion agreement for compensation was
planned to make a line to Maros, but its not real- the change name of Makassar into Ujungpandang.
ized yet. The line of Makassar - Gowa was the The change made an upset for many citizens, es-
first line in Sulawesi and also the last line and now pecially those historicalness and general commu-
there is no the track anymore. nities, because it narrowed the meaning of
The Beginning of Independent and Development communitiy efforts against the conqueror and not
fit to the history of the
The consequences of
those expansions,
Makassar became wider,
until 80’s decade
Makassar developed hori-
zontally the city
masterplan was
contstruct, with the con-
(abbreviation of Makassar
- Maros - Sungguminasa
and Takalar) as a concept
of integrated city develop-
ment. The development of
Makassar directed to the
north, east, and south
until the border of Maros
and Gowa Districts. Dur-
ing the 70’s and 80’s de-
cade until 1990 so many historical buildings with
high architectural from the Dutch was ruined in Entering the third millennium, in order to con-
the name of development, we noted De Javasche serve the norms and spirit of Makassar, the name
Bank and Pelni office was the victim against the of Ujung Pandang which used since the Patompo
expansion of port of Makassar; Bijn Korf became era, changed into Makassar, based on the local regu-
trading areas, Grand Hotel become the BRI office, lations number one in the year 2000 and claimed
Hotel Negara (Government Hotel), Dutch cemeter- as the day of Makassar was November 9, 1607.
ies, prison of karebosi, The Red Hotel, now be- Makassar started with the new life with total
come a Bussiness Center, and the other was gone population at 2000 was 1,130,384 people. Until
with the wind. The realizations of the meaning of now, physically Makassar grown up horizontally un-
heritage arise during the reformation in this stated. til the border of neighborhood districts. To the west
In 90’s decade was the development of Makassar a huge area which not productive near losari beach,
City architectural. The Stagnant down town now reclaimed to be a city on the sea shore. The city
had been revitalized with the more interesting city named Tanjung Bunga area, the new area which
architectural; we rated the development of inter- changes the map of Makassar City.
national hotels and shopping centers giving a spe- The evidence that the historical artifact and ar-
cials color, and also the development of inhabitant chitectural could be the indicators and parameters
in Makassar. An infrastructure, a tall in the city to assesses the long journey of a city. The past tied
gave the accessibilities and transportation within with now on will produce a retrospective planning
the city. from time to time. It’s really Makassar?
Bibliography :
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o UJUNG PANDANG EKSPRESS. Daily Newspaper. 15 September 2005.
Acknowledgments :
Mr. Amin Syam, the Governor of South Sulawesi Province. • Mr. Arifin Nu’man, the Speaker of the Provincial Legislative Council,
South Sulawesi Province • Mr. Ilham Siradjuddin, the Mayor of Makassar. • Mr. I.Adnan Mahmud, the Speaker of the Regional
Legislative Council, Makassar Municipality. • Mr. Arief Budi Sampurno, the Chief of the Regional Military Command VII Wirabuana.
• The Head of the Makassar District Court. • The Rector of Hasanuddin University. • The Language Center of Hasanuddin University.
• The Head of the Culture and Tourism Agency of South Sulawesi Province. • The Head of the Makassar City Museum. • The
Managing Director of Bank Tabungan Negara, South Sulawesi Branch. • The Managing Director of the Makassar Municipal Water
Corporation and Services. • The Organizers of the Al-Markaz Al Islamy Foundation. • The Organizers of the Grand Mosque
Foundation. • The Parish of the Cathedral Church. • The Pastor of the Immanuel Church. • The Organizers of the Ma Tjo Poh Temple
• The Management of the Mall Ratu Indah. • The Management of the Sahid Hotel Jaya Makassar. • The Management of the Imperial
Aryaduta Hotel Makassar. • The Management of the Marannu Tower Hotel. • The Director of PT Gowa Makassar Tourism
Development. • The Director of PT Baruga Asrinusa Developmnet. • The Director of PT Tosan Permai Lestari. • The Organizers of
the Association of Indonesian Hotels and Restaurants. • The Organizers of the South Sulawesi Sports Foundation. • The Organizers
of Balai M.Jusuf (Balai Kemanunggalan TNI Rakyat). • The Organizers of the South Sulawesi Arts Building. • The Organizers of the
Mandala Monument. • The Organizers of the Paotere’ Port • Imam and Congregation of the Katangka Mosque. • The Community of
the China Town. • The Community of Lette’ Village. • The Community of Somba Opu Shopping Street. • The Community of the South
Sulawesi Miniature Park at Benteng Somba Opu. • The Community of Samalona Island. • The Fishermen Community at Paotere’.
• Mappanyukki’s Family. • R. Sedjawidada’s Family. • Mallombasang’s Family. • Abdullah Renreng’s Family. • Homang Dg. Ropu’s
Family. • Tjolle Dg Roa’s Family. • H.Bau Dg Sila’s Family. • Artists of the Societeit de Harmonie. • Artists of the Balla Lompoa
Gallery, Tamalate Gowa Palace.

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