SIS2GO Help Document: Caterpillar: Confidential Green
SIS2GO Help Document: Caterpillar: Confidential Green
SIS2GO Help Document: Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Introduction ............................................................................................................. 5
Home ....................................................................................................................... 15
Dashboard ............................................................................................................ 26
Feedback .......................................................................................................... 34
Help................................................................................................................... 36
Downloads .............................................................................................................. 40
In Progress ........................................................................................................... 40
On Device ............................................................................................................. 43
Cart ....................................................................................................................... 47
My Lists ................................................................................................................ 49
Notifications ........................................................................................................... 50
Contact Us .............................................................................................................. 52
Glossary .................................................................................................................. 52
Index ........................................................................................................................ 53
Getting Started
The SIS2GO application provides disconnected access for viewing parts and service
information. The application is optimized for a complete mobile experience and
includes the following benefits:
• A simple, intuitive, and efficient user experience
• Accessibility for all dealer and customer users of SIS 2.0
• Availability on Windows, IOS, and Android platforms
• Power to maintain, diagnose, and repair your Cat equipment while off-line
• Live updates to provide the latest, up-to-date service, and parts information
• Power to order genuine Cat parts for your Cat equipment
The information within this help document is to assist the user in understanding the
features of SIS2GO. For more information, contact us at [email protected].
Note: SIS2GO is the replacement for the current disconnected SIS USB solution.
The screenshot provided in this help may be slightly different from those
displayed in the SIS2GO application.
1. Select the SIS2GO icon from your device to launch the application.
Note: The application operates on the following operating systems: Android
9.0 and above, iOS 13.0 and above and Windows 10.0 and above.
2. At first launch, annually or if the Cookie Notice is updated, the Cookies Setting
pop-up appears for users to review the SIS2GO cookie notice. Select Accept
or No Thanks after reviewing the cookie notice.
Note: The Cookie Notice can be referenced anytime from the Main Menu >
Cookie Notice option.
Note: The policy and license agreement can be referenced anytime from
the Main Menu > Privacy & Legal option.
while off-line.
6. Enter Username (CWS ID) and Password at the login prompt. Select Log
In to verify your credentials. The SIS2GO Home screen appears, upon
What's New?
Addition of Notifications Tab
The SIS2GO application users are now notified in application when a prefix is
downloaded, cart is saved to My Lists, cart is processed/saved/sent, updates
available for downloaded prefix and prefix download fails via Notification tab.
The count on the Notification tab with Red indicates the number of newly available
notifications. Notifications can be deleted once viewed. A maximum of 50
notifications can be presented in the Notifications screen .The recent notifications
are listed on top of the list.
The product configuration includes Machine Build Date, Engine Build Date, Part
Number and Group Part Number. Users can navigate to the specific parts by
selecting the part number or group part number.
You can save the product configuration information while you are online and review
the saved production configuration information while offline as well. Note: The Save
option is disabled if you are offline and it’s enabled when you are online.
~ 10 ~
Improvements in Feedback
The existing Feedback feature is now enhanced and available as form in the
SIS2GO application. Primary dealers of SIS2GO can report issues with screenshots
and submit the feedback to SIS2GO support team. The improvements made for
better categorization of issues in taking actions.
All other users will still be redirected to the device’s default email application when
the Feedback option is selected.
~ 11 ~
Valid .csv file with prefixes are eligible for upload. During the .csv file upload, already
downloaded/failed prefixes will not be selectable. Other valid prefixes will be
selectable for download. Only selected prefixes will be added to the download
~ 12 ~
General UI Improvements
UI improvements in SIS2GO:
~ 13 ~
• Users can use the find keyword within the displayed part information or
service information to explore specific details.
• A Serial Number field is now available for part(s) which were added to the cart
from parts information.
~ 14 ~
• Part number in blue indicate that the part is hyperlinked and redirects the
user to the search screen to view the related parts information when selected.
Within the Home screen, the user can search equipment with serial number or prefix,
download equipment, and navigate to parts and service information for downloaded
~ 15 ~
1. Main Menu
2. Manage Cart
4. Search Equipment Field: Enter product family, sales model, prefix or serial
number to search
To search and download part/service information for equipment, follow these steps:
1. In the Equipment field on the Home screen, enter a valid product family, sales
model, serial number or prefix to search the available equipment for
~ 16 ~
~ 17 ~
3. Select Download icon to start the download for the selected prefix.
4. After a successful download, select the prefix within the search results or
select Navigate icon to view the parts and service information.
Note: The Navigate icon is enabled if the provided prefix is valid and the file is
~ 18 ~
successfully downloaded.
Parts Information
~ 19 ~
The Parts tab allows the user to view the related parts information for the selected
prefix. The user can search parts and service information by a keyword or part number
in the Keyword Search field.
1. In the Equipment field on the Home screen, enter a valid prefix or serial
number. If the prefix is successfully downloaded, select the prefix within the
search results or select Navigate icon to view the parts and service
Note: The Navigate icon is enabled if the provided prefix is valid and file is
successfully downloaded. You can update your prefix or serial number search
by selecting the Down Arrow icon near prefix.
2. The Parts screen appears. Under the Parts tab, Select the System,
Component or Arrow icon to navigate through the parts information to view
~ 20 ~
3. Select the part name and description to view the part details.
~ 21 ~
1. Manage Cart
8. Draw Slider: Drag to reposition drawer to view the full image or more
part details in mobile/Click to view full image
13. Add All to Cart: Adds all serviceable parts and quantities to the cart
14. Part Hyperlink: Redirects user to view associated details. Note: Part
number must be blue to indicate hyperlink
16. Add to Cart: Adds individual part and quantities to the cart. Note: The
Add to Cart option is not available for the parts that are not serviceable
Service Information
The Service tab allows the user to view the related service information for the selected
prefix. The user can search parts and service information by a keyword or part number
in the Keyword Search field.
1. In the Equipment field on the Home screen, enter a valid prefix or serial
number. If the prefix is successfully downloaded, select the prefix within the
search results or select Navigate icon to view the parts and service
Note: The Navigate icon is enabled if the provided prefix is valid and file is
successfully downloaded. You can update your prefix or serial number search
~ 23 ~
3. Select Service tab to view the service information. Under the Service tab,
select the Information Type, Procedure or Arrow icon to navigate through
the service information to view the detailed procedures or information.
~ 24 ~
~ 25 ~
1. Manage Cart
Users can view the product configuration details for the downloaded equipment in the
Dashboard tab when online. When users search for parts and service information with
serial number, the Dashboard tab is available with product configuration details along
with Parts and Service tabs.
1. In the Equipment field on the Home screen, enter a valid prefix or serial
number. If the prefix is successfully downloaded, select the serial number
prefix within the search results or select Navigate icon to view the parts and
service information.
Note: The Navigate icon is enabled if the provided prefix is valid and file is
~ 26 ~
successfully downloaded.
~ 27 ~
3. In the header, select Down Arrow icon near prefix, enter the Serial
Number and click Accept.
4. The Parts and Service screen appears along with Dashboard tab.
~ 28 ~
3. Manage Cart
6. Part Number
Keyword Search
Users can search parts and service information by using the Keyword Search. The
keyword search is available within the Parts and Service tab of downloaded
• Part Names
~ 29 ~
• Part Numbers
• Text or Phrase
• Media Number
1. In the Parts or Service tab, enter a valid keyword or part number to search the
downloaded parts and service information for the selected prefix, then select
Search icon .
~ 30 ~
2. The following screen appears. As the search results are auto-populated, the
entered keyword is yellow highlighted.
1. Manage Cart
~ 31 ~
3. Select Filters. The Filters screen appears. Select any Filters, then select
Apply to refine the search results.
4. The following screen appears. Select Clear All to remove applied filters.
Note: The count available on the Filter icon indicates the number of selected
~ 32 ~
Main Menu
The Main Menu contains the following user options:
• Feedback
• Help
• Cookie Notice
• Log Out
• Version of App
~ 33 ~
• Select Main Menu in the application header. The Main Menu screen
Primary dealers can report issues to the SIS2GO support team via the Feedback
feature. Other users are redirected to the device’s default email application to submit
their feedback to the SIS2GO support team via the Feedback feature.
The accepted file formats are .jpg, .png, .gif and .wmv. A maximum of 12MB file size
is allowed for attachments.
~ 34 ~
~ 35 ~
1. In the Main Menu, Select Feedback. An email template pop ups with
mandatory fields to populate.
You can refer to the Help for in-depth SIS2GO documentation. The Help is search
enabled and includes a Glossary with term definitions, an Index of important
keywords and an option to mark your favorite topic.
To view application help, follow the step:
~ 36 ~
• Open Source Software Notice: Permission that grants users the rights to
use, modify and share software or its components with anyone and for any
~ 37 ~
• In the Main Menu, Select Privacy and Legal. The Privacy Policy screen
appears by default.
Cookie Notice
Statement declared to the users outlining the types and use of cookies that are
active on the application, how the data is tracked and its purpose.
~ 38 ~
• In the Main Menu, select Cookie Notice. The Cookie Notice screen appears.
Log Out
To log out of SIS2GO application, follow these steps:
~ 39 ~
2. The following confirmation pop-up appears. Select Log Out to exit the
application. The SIS2GO Sign In screen appears.
Note: All active downloads will be paused once the user logs out of the
In Progress
The In Progress tab allows the user to upload equipment list to download, search for
equipment, download equipment, view active downloads and manage active
To view the list of equipment being downloaded and queued for download, follow
these steps:
Note: The steps to download a prefix are the same as Home > Download steps.
~ 40 ~
2. Upload List: Upload equipment list with prefix and sales model as .csv
file format to download prefix
~ 41 ~
Upload List
Users can upload an equipment list by saving a list of prefixes in a .csv file. The
Upload List option is available to help users in downloading bulk equipment lists.
Valid .csv file with prefixes are eligible for upload. During the .csv file upload, already
downloaded/failed prefixes will not be selectable for download. Other valid prefixes
will be selectable for download. Only selected prefixes will be added to the download
~ 42 ~
On Device
The On Device tab allows the user to view and manage downloaded equipment.
To view and manage the list of equipment downloaded to the device, follow these
~ 43 ~
~ 44 ~
~ 45 ~
To view, edit, save or process parts in the cart, follow these steps:
1. Select Cart icon near the Main Menu within the header of each screen.
The Cart screen appears.
4. Default name is Cart with the current date and time (Editable field)
5. Editable fields
8. Group Part Number and Name: Redirects the user to search screen
and populates search results for the selected part
9. Serial Number
12. Ability to manually add parts to the cart by part number and quantity
14. Saves the active Cart to My Lists. The name of the Save List will be the
entered text in the Order ID field.
15. Process the list of parts in the active cart by email; save a file locally or
2. Select Process Parts to process the active cart by saving a local file, send a
list via email or to PCC. The Process Parts pop-up appears. Select the
desired options to send parts details via email or save the list to the device.
1. Select Send E-Mail to open the device's default email application and
attach a .csv or .xml file to send.
2. Select Save to Device to save .csv or .xml file locally on the device.
3. Select to send the parts list to PCC to order. The user
must have a valid PCC account to order parts. The Select Dealer
My Lists
Within My List of the Cart, the user can view and edit the saved parts list.
To view, edit, or add parts from the saved parts list, follow the step:
• Select the Cart icon near the Main Menu within the header of each
screen. Select My Lists tab on the Cart screen. The following screen
6. Adds all the parts and quantities from the saved parts list to the cart
9. Group Part Number and Name: Redirects the user to search screen
and populates search results for the selected part
14. Ability to manually add parts to the cart by part number and quantity
Users are now notified in application when a prefix is downloaded, cart list is saved,
cart is processed/saved/sent, updates available for downloaded prefix and if a prefix
download fails via the Notification tab. The notifications are listed with timestamp.
The count on the Notification tab with Red indicates the number of available
notifications. Notifications can be deleted once viewed. A maximum of 50
notifications will be populated in the the Notifications screen. The recent notifications
are listed at the top of the list.
• Select Notifications icon within the footer of each screen. The Notification
Screen appears.
1. Main Menu
2. Manage Cart
CWS ID: Corporate Web Security (CWS) ID is the user id that Cat employees or
dealers use to log in to their email or other Caterpillar enterprise applications.
Equipment: The physical piece of machinery in the field identified by unique serial
number. Example of equipment includes Bulldozers, Trucks, etc. An object
that provides measurable and transmittable data to software platform.
Notification: Notification about a specific action that takes place on the application
in the form of in-app notification.
Order ID: Unique identification number of the part's order
Sales Model: Unique model number provided for the asset.
Dashboard 34 Search for Keyword 19, 40
Downloads 19 Service 19
Notifications 65 Upload Product List 54
Parts 19, 24