Notes Programming
Notes Programming
Notes Programming
Is a logical variable true or false value; result of a simple condition
Logical operators: AND, OR, NOT
Logical (literal) variables which can have a value of false or true
Truth tables
All possible input combinations and the results associated to each operation.
p NOT p
0 1
Complete the truth table for expression “NOT (((p OR q) AND (NOT q))
NOT (0 AND 1)
00 NOT (O AND 1) = 0
01 NOT (1 AND 0) = 1
10 NOT (1 AND 1) = 0
11 NOT (1 AND 0) = 1
Two logical expressions are equivalent if they have the same table of truth.
Useful properties
- Commutative: “p OR q” <-> “q OR p”, “p AND q” <-> “q AND p”
- Associative: “p AND (q AND r)” <-> “(p AND q) And r”, “p OR (q OR r)” <-> “(p OR q) OR r”
- Distributive: “p AND (q OR s)” <-> “(p AND q) or (p AND r)”, “p OR (q AND s)” <-> “(p OR q) AND (p
OR s)”
- Identity: “p AND true” ⟺ p, “p OR false” ⟺ p
- Complement: “p AND (NOT p)” ⟺ false, “p OR(NOT(p))” ⟺ true
- Idempotence: “NOT(NOT(p))” ⟺ p
- DeMorgan’s Law: “NOT(p AND q)” ⟺ “NOT p OR NOT q”, “NOT(p OR q)” ⟺ NOT pANDNOTq
C language
- High level programming language
- Developed in 1970 (C-ANSI standard)
- Popular and suitable for a wide range of application
- Most operating systems are still written in C (or C++)
C language is:
imperative: set of instructions (order to computer)
declarative: declare every variable
structured: basic constructs for definition of sequence, selection and iteration
sensitive: discriminate between upper- and lower-case characters
Structure of a C program
Program is a structured text file, that can be compiled (i.e. translated into machine language).
Learning its syntax and semantics to make it compilable (syntactic verification) and act as expected
(semantic verification)
First program:
Hello word!
Specifies the inclusion of the stdio library that allows you to use the input/output functions
Main indicates the start of the actual program
The program contains only one instruction which must end with ;
Compiler: translation
2 Execution
The abstract machine
Program in C: machine that is a bit more abstract than the real calculator
Memory cells data: numbers, characters, strings
Approximations: no limit to the number of cells, no limit to the numerical values contained
Organization of a program
Global declarative part:
- guidelines include specifying which libraries are used
- guidelines defined to define constants to be used in the program
- the definition on new types data
- the declaration of global variables
Local declarative part: the variables are declared
Executive part: are specified the instructions that implement the algorithm
#includes <stdio.h> Global declarative part
#define PI 3.14 Directives include
void main() {
float r, a; Local declarative part
scanf(“%f”, &r); Executive part
a = r * r PI;
printf(“%f”, a);
- Keyword, indicates the start of the actual program
- Subsequent instruction will be those actually performed by the computer
- The instructions that make up the main program are enclosed in curly brackets {}
Declaration of a variable:
type_variable name_var;
We can also declare several variables of the same type by separating them with a comma
type_variable name_var1, name_var2;
Variable must be declared prior to any executable instruction. The name of a variable must be unique (i.e. it
must not have already been used) and must not be a reserved word.
The variable declaration indicates which and how a variable will be used by the program
- Defines the unique symbolic identifier (name)
- Defines the type, suitable for the variable
- Reserve a memory location of adequate size to contain the type
- Uniquely associates the memory address to the name
- Allows you to detect errors during compilation about misuse of the variable in the program
- Variable = location in the main memory
- Before the execution: clear how much space the variable will require
- Accesses to the variable = access to the memory
- Program execution: the variables always have a well-defined value
Types of data
Macro-classes: built-in types (default); user-defined types
- 8 bits (1 byte)
- Represents characters in ASCII
- In memory: numerical value from 0 to 255
- In the code: simple quotas
- Special characters are represented by a specific sequence of two characters starting with \
‘\n’ : breakline
‘\t’ : tab
- At least 16 bits (2 bytes), depends on the type of computer architecture
- Represent the relative integers
- Value in two complement’s form -32768 to + 32767
- Modern calculators: 32 bites (4 bytes), values from -2147483648 to +214783647
- 32 bits (4 bytes)
- Represent the rationales in floating point
- Values expressed through mantissa and exponent, from -10E -38 to 10E+38
- 64 bits (8 bytes)
- Rationales in floating point
- Represent the rationales in floating point
- Values expressed through mantissa and exponent, from -10E -38 to 10E+38
Declaring constant
- Associating a symbol to a value
- Constant never change during the execution
- To declare it #define directive
- Name of constant = macro
Executive part
Contains instructions: assignment (=)
control (conditional (if, else); iterative or cycles (while, do-while,
for); flow control (goto))
- Every one terminates with ;
- Multiple simple instructions can be grouped together with {} to determinate a block
- It is not necessary; after } as the block is already an instruction
- Block can be nested together
Arithmetic operation: +, -, *, /, %
Assignment: =
Logical operator:
Assignment x = x+1;
It is an operator and is indicated with the symbol = (equal)
To the left of the operator there must always be a variable. On the right there can be a constant, a variable,
an expression.
Execution of assignments
1. Evaluation of the expression
The value of the variable that appear there is stored in the corresponding cells, and is read from there.
2. Storing the results
Expression result are stored in the variable to the left of the symbol =
Input: printf()
Output: scanf()
Print on video
Printf(control string, items to be printed);
Is the identifier reserved for the control string (enclosed between double quotes “”) contains: alphanumeric
characters to print on screen; conversion and/or format characters (preceded by the % symbol), used to
interpret the values of the elements to be printed; print control characters, ASCII characters that do not
correspond to any printable symbol have print format effects.
Keyboard input
scanf(control string, list of variables);
Control string contains: conversion and/or format characters (preceded by the % symbol) used to interpret
the values of the elements read from the keyboard.
-%d integer number
-%f number in floating point
-%c character
List of variable identifiers, the variables must be preceded by the symbol &, the list is ordered with respect
to the conversion characters.
clang file.c -0 file translate
./nomefile to execute the program
Scan function
scanf (f = formatted) is used to obtain a value from the user. The function reads from the standard input
(the keyboard)
scanf( “%d”, &a);
Format control string
Type of data that
%d conversion specifier indicates that the data should be an integer
% is treated by scanf as specia character that begins a conversion specifier
Assignment operations:
• The value to the right of the operator will be converted to the type of the variable on the left
• The type conversion is painless if the data type on the right is lower than the type of the variable on
the left of the operator, according to the following hierarchy:
char < int < float
Arithmetic operations:
• The smaller type value is converted to the bigger type
The conversion of a float value into an int value results in the loss of the fractional part.
You can also force the conversion of a value from one type to another by the cast operator ()
Specify in round brackets the type to convert to in front of the name of the variable/constant.
Char type
Is represented thought a numeric encoding based on integer (1 byte)
c = 1 the value 1 is assigned to c
c = “1” the character encoding 1 is assigned to c(49)
- Syntactical error
Instructions do not follow the syntactical rules of C
Compiler reports errors and does not generate the executable
- Semantic error
The algorithm does not solve the problem
Compiler can not notice such errors
Bohm and Jacopini’s theorem
All programs could be written in terms of only three control structures, namely
sequence structure selection structure iteration structure
selection while
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int grade; /*We have to initialize the variable*/
printf("Please insert the grade\n"); /*n stands for a new line*/
scanf("%d",&grade); /*%d for an integer number,&+address
of the variable*/
if(grade >= 18) {
return 0;
We can write other instructions inside both blocks <block if> and <else block>.
If we nest several <if block> and don’t put brackets, the first <else block> will correspond to the last if, the
second other to the penultimate if and so on…
Suppose the passing grade on an exam is 18. Draw a flowchart that prints “Congratulation!” when the
condition: “The student’s grade is greater or equal to 18” is true, and when it’s false it print “Failed :( “.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int grade; /*We have to initialize the variable*/
printf("Please insert the grade\n"); /*n stands for a new line*/
scanf("%d",&grade); /*%d for an integer number,&+address
of the variable*/
if(grade >= 18) {
printf("Congratulations!"); /*Use identation to distinghuish at glance the statement inside blocks*/
return 0;
Logical condition
False = 0
True = any integer other than 0
Relational operators: = = != > < <= >=
return 0 (false) or 1 (true)
Logical operators: !, &&, | |
return 0 (false) or 1 (true)
Precedence of operators
() From left to right
!- (cast) From right to left
*/% From left to right
+- From left to right
> < <= >= From left to right
== != From left to right
&& From left to right
|| From left to right
= From right to left
, From left to right
Write a program that acquires an integer that represents a grade and print «D» if the grade is less than 10,
«C» if the grade is between 10 and 17 extremes included, «B» if it is between 18 and 24 extremes included,
«A» if greater than 24.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int grade;
printf("Please insert the grade\n");
if(grade < 10) {
printf("D \n");
}else if(grade >= 10 && grade <=17) {
printf("C \n");
}else if(grade >= 18 && grade <=24) {
printf("B \n");
printf("A \n");
return 0;
Common error:
- condition must always be enclosed in brackets ()
- the if instruction should not end with the ;
- Iteration statement that allows you to specify that an action is to be repeated while some condition remains
- The statement(s) contained in the while iteration statement constitute the body of the while.
- The condition will become false (when n becomes negative). The iteration terminates, and the first
statement after iteration structure is executed.
Initialization: all variables must be declared and initialized before the evaluation of the cycle condition
Guard: a logical condition that determines the permanence into the cycle must be properly defined
Update: at least one of the variables that used inside the guard must be modified inside the cycle
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int n, f;
printf("Enter a non negative number\n", n);
scanf("%d", &n);
printf("You have entered %d\n", n);
if (n < 0){
printf("Error, you have entered anegative number!\n");
return 1;
f = 1;
f = f*n;
n = n-1;
printf("The factorial is %d\n",f);
Draw a flowchart of an algorithm that acquire a positive number and visualize all integers from 0 to the
acquired value.
int main() {
int n;
int c;
c = 0;
scanf("%d", &n);
while(c <= n){
c = c+1;
return 0;
A class of ten students took a quiz. The grades (integers in the range 0 to 100) for this quiz are available to
you. Determine the class average on the quiz.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
float sum,average;
int g,cnt, n; /*g is the grade and cnt is the counter*/
while(cnt < n) /*Insert the grade and add it to the sum until all the students
have inserted their own grade*/
printf("Insert the grade");
average=sum/10; /*Calculate the average*/
printf("The average is:%f",average);
return 0;
Do- while syntax
do{ <block>
} while (<condition>);
It executes the block until the while condition is verified.
for (initialization; test; modifythe control variable) {
Loop Continuation test
Increment of control variable
Block of instruction to be performed iteratively
C is the control variable
Increment expression
- i++ (increment)t
- variable++ (access to the variable, increment it)
- ++variable(increment it, access)
- i- (decrement)
data_type array_name[size_of_the_array]
- Every element is denoted by the subscript index (position inside the array)
- Index between 0 and DIM-1
Elements can be initialized when the array is defined by following definition with an equal sign and braces
{} contained a comma separated list of array initializer.
Memory location is allocated to contiguous addresses. Overall space occupied in memory = space needed
for each data type multiplied by the dimension of the array
Array dimension
Not possible to access to an element that is greater than its dimension
Operations in array
Every element = a variable of the type used in the declaration
You can use all the admissible operations for that type of data
Copy of array
for (size_t i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
a[i] = b[i];
An array of array(matix)
int m[DIM1][DIM2];
Variable m = array of DIM2 elements, each element being an array of DIM1 elements.
Char array
To memorize string, array do not utilize all positions but only an initial sub-part.
Where the string ends: ‘\0’ (additional position for the null character)
scanf(“%s”, str) //Not preceded by &
To read a string and store in int str.
Terminated by a space, tab or return
Automatically hangs the null character at the end of the read character sequence
Captures from the keyboard a string terminated by a ‘\n’ that can contain spaces.
‘\n’ is retained.
char str[DIM +1];
fgets(str, DIM+1, stdin);
Saves the string entered in the str array.
Functions to handle string
#include <string.h> library: number of functions for string manipulation
Built-in and derived data type
Primary: char; int; float; double
Derived: array(homogeneous information of fixed size), structure (heterogeneous info)
To declare variables that by means of a single identifier (tag) groups together heterogeneous info
Prefixed set of non-homogeneous fields (name, type)
Structure type declaration + Structure type variable declaration
New type of structure: put in the part of global statements. Not take up any memory space.
Declared variable will occupy a space corresponding to the declared types.
Structure type:
struct name_type1{
type_field1 name_field1;
type_field2 name_field2;
type_field3 name_field3;
Fields/members of the struct: unique names
Structure variable:
struct name_type1 name_variable;
Can be variables of primitive types or aggregates (arrays)
Declaration of struct-alternative
Structure type:
typedef struct {
type_field1 name_field1;
type_field2 name_field2;
} name_type2;
Structure variable:
struct name_type2 name_variable;
Initializing structure
Can be initialized using initializer list as with arrays.
Follow the variable name in the definition with an equal sign and a braces-enclosed, comma separated list of
Initializers < members in the structure remaining members automatically initialized to 0 (or NULL)
Group of instruction repeated in different parts within the same program define only once and give it a
is the set of instructions with a name, defined only once and activable within the program or another
function as many times as desired
Definition of a function
Must be put after the main (same structure), must be equal to the prototype, parameters names cannot be
Symbolic reference (identifiers) to objects used within the function
Used by function as if they were locally declared variables
Initial value of formal parameters is defined when the function us called using the current
parameters (parameters passing)
return <expression>;
The last executed instruction of a function, indicates: the value returned, the point where the control returns
to the caller
If it returns a type:
- must be at least one return instruction
- may be multiple return instructions but alternative to each others
- function can return a basic type or structure
- cannot return arrays
Call to a function
= an operation that must be inserted in the body of the main or other function
= indicates the point where the part of the code inside the function body id to be executed
<variable> = <function_name> (par1, par2, …);
Invoking a function without return value (void) or ignoring the return value
<function_name> (par1, par2,…);
Both cases:
- par1, par2 are the current parameters that must correspond by order and type the formal
- current parameters can be variables, constant or expressions defined in the calling environment
(values at the time of the call are copied into the formal parameters)
- you can specify parameters of basic type and struct type (NOT ARRAY!)
There are always a caller (the main invoking the function) and the function invoked
Caller: able to provide the current (specific) value on which perform the operations defined in the function
Called function: able to provide the caller with the processing result
Associating the current parameters to the formal parameters.
Passage by value
Passage by address
Functions: a mechanism has been introduced to define small “sub-programs” able to solve “sub-
Defined their variables and the channel of communication with the calling code
Support this: management of variable identifiers and memory during execution
Scope of an identifiers: specifies the part of the program where that identifier can be used
Global environment: set of identifiers (global declarative part); visibility rules (all program and the
Local environment of a function (and main): set of identifiers in the local declarative part and
identifiers defined in the header (formal parameters); visibility rules (only inside the function and
The struct: § The fields of the structure
§ Visibility rules: visible only as part of the structure
Enable programs to accomplish pass-by-reference, to pass functions between functions, and to create and
manipulate dynamic data structures.
Are variables whose values are memory address.
Contains an address of a variable that contain specific value indirectly reference a value.
Declare a pointer:
int * p;
p is a pointer to int (right to left)
* to declare pointer variables
Actual parameters: values that are passed to the function when it is invoked
Formal parameters: variables defined by the function that receives values when the function is called
Activation record
Variables of a function stored in contiguous cell of memory.
Function is invoked: a portion of the memory called activation record is reserved to that function.
is created when the function is invoked
is cleared when the function terminates its
Portion of memory that contains the activation record = stack. Last element inserted = the first one to be
extracted (LIFO).
Function is called:
- space memory is reserved at the top of the call stack
- this is cleared when the function ends
Activation record contains:
- scope of the function
- data necessary to handle the execution of the function
Passing an array
void invertArray(int[], int)