Lesson 3
Lesson 3
Lesson 3
Gifted Linguists:
Suzanna Bolter
Joshua Welsh
Learning Objectives (what pupils should know, understand, be able to do, be aware
of by the end of the lesson)
Pupils will use their understanding of the Spanish alphabet and the pronunciation rules from the previous
lesson to work out how to say the numbers 1-20.
With their understanding of numbers, pupils will be able to explain how old they are to other pupils in the
Pupils will be able to recall school stationary items.
Key processes:
2.1 Developing language-learning strategies (a) Identify patterns in the target language. (c) Use
their knowledge of English or another language when learning the target language. 2.2 Developing
language skills (d) Use correct pronunciation and intonation. (e) Ask and answer questions 3. Range
and Content (a) The spoken and written forms of the target language. (b) The interrelationship
between sounds and writing in the target language.
Links to MFL KS3 Strands:
1.1 Understanding and responding to the spoken word. 1.2 Developing capability and confidence in listening. 1.3
Framework Being sensitive to the spoken word. 1.4 Talking together. 4.1 Letters and Sounds 4.2 Words 4.3 Gender, number
and other inflections 4.4 Sentence Structure 5.1 Identifying patterns in the target language 5.2 Memorising 5.3
using knowledge of English or another language 5.6 Reading Aloud
(i) Pupils will be asked to use the pronunciation grids and pronunciation rules to work out how to say
the numbers 1-20.
(ii) Pupils will make a note of the numbers 1-20 in their exercise books.
(iii) Pupils will use the mini whiteboards to write down the number that they hear.
(iv) Pupils will be shown two slides with various images relating to Spain. They will say how many of
each image they can see in Spanish.
(v) Pupils will look at a slide with dominos and will write down the numbers in Spanish.
Review – Which objectives have we met so far?
(vi) Pupils will be shown a slide with the question ‘How old are you?’ in Spanish and an example
answer. Pupils will answer the question themselves when they catch a toy/ball that will be thrown
around the room.
(vii) Pupils will copy the question and their answer into their exercise books.
Review – Which objectives have we met so far?
(viii) Pupils will be shown various slides with school stationary items. Again, using the pronunciation
grids and rules, pupils will say the school items out loud.
(ix) Pupils will copy the vocabulary into their exercise books.
(x) Pupils will choose nine stationary items and as a group play bingo. Winner will receive a prize.
(xi) Pupils will be shown images of school stationary and using the mini whiteboards, write the
vocabulary down of the images that they see.
Review – Which objectives have we met?
Plenary: Pupils will be shown stationary items and will have to say how many of each item they can see.
AFL Pupils will have the opportunity to feedback on how they pronounce the
Pupils will use the mini whiteboards to recall numbers and school
stationary items, giving the teacher the opportunity to check their
Challenge Pupils are required to engage actively from the start of the lesson.
Pupils are required to draw on prior learning. Pupils will be required to
build up language very quickly from word level to sentence level.
Write a paragraph about what you have in your school bag for next lesson.