Chapter 5 Review Questions and Problems
Chapter 5 Review Questions and Problems
Chapter 5 Review Questions and Problems
2. Who are some of the basic users of financial statements, and how do they
use them? , , ,,
8. Explain why the statement of cash flows provides useful information that
goes beyond incolT)e statement and statement of financial position data.
9. · What are the three primary sectiors of the statement of cash flows? In what
section would the payment of a cash dividend be shown?
11. Why is interest ~xpense said to cost 'ihe firm substantially less than the
actual expense, while dividends cost it 100 percent·ofthe Qutlay?
70 , Chapter 5
14. Identify wheth~r each of the following items ircreases or decre~ses cash \
flow. · · l
{/nderstanding_ Financial Statements 71
( If on Item
whether Items is Statement of ·
on ·Statement of Financial
Financial Position,
.. Position .or Designate
In<;OT[le · which ./
-~ - _..H"'V"lf""'f WIUM a:at -m . . ... , . C I 15 ....---..
11 Chapter 5
The {lSsets of J&R Associates consist entirely of current assets and net plant and
equipment. The firm has total assets of P2.5 million, and net plant and equipment
of P2 million. It has notes payable of Pl 50,000," long-term debt of P750,000, and
total common equity of p 1.5 million·. The firm does have accounts payable and
accl'\lals on its statement of financial position. The firm only finances •with debt
and common equity, so it has no preferred stock on its statement of financi~I
In its most recent financial statements, Newhouse Inc. reported PSO million of net
income and P810 million of retained earnings. Jhe' previous retained earnings were '. ·
P780 million.
How much in dividends were paid to shareholders during the year? Assume that ·
all dividends declared were actually paid.
Jennifer',s App~rel has total assets of P8Q0,00.0, current liabilities of Pl 50,000, and ·
long-tenn liabilities ·ofp.120,000 ..rhere is P65,000 in preferred stock outstanding.
Thirty thousand shares of common stock have been isslied. · '
llnderstandir,g Financial StaJemenJs 13
c. What is the.ratio of market value per share to book value per share? (Round
off to .two places to the right of the decimal point.) .
d. If the firm sells at two times book value per share, what will the PIE ratio be?
(Round off to the nearest whole number.) . ·
The Red ~ook Inc. sold J,300 finance textbooks for P6S0 each to Brilliant ·
University in 20XS. These books cost Red Book Inc. P4S0 to produce .. Book
Inc. spent P20,000 (selling expense) to convince the university to buy its books. In
addition, Re~ Book Inc. bc>rrowed P3S0,00O on January 1 20XS_, on which the
company paid IO .percent interest. Both interest and principal were paid on
December 31, 20XS. Red ~ook Inc. tax rate is 20 percent. Depreciation expense
for the year was P6,_000 .
Did Red Book Inc. make a profit in 20X5? Verify your answer with an income
Toyota Auto Shop had sales of P?00,000 in 20XS and cost of goods sold
represented 70 percent of sales. Selling and administrative expenses were 12
percent of sales. Depreciation expense was Pl 0,000 and interest expense for the
year was P8,000. The firm's tax rate is 30 percent.
_ ,.(
c.indentandinG_ Financial StaJernenL!S 75
, Sales for 20X5 were P220,000, and the cost of goods sold was 60 percent of~-
- Selling and administrative expense was P22,000. Depreciation expense was 8
percent of plant and equipment (gross) at the beginn'ing of the year. .Interest
expense for the notes payable was IO percent, and interest expense on the bonds
payable was 12 ,percent. These, interest expenses are based on December 31, 201.4
balances. The tax rate averaged 20 percent. Two thousand pesos in preferred stock
dividends were paid and P8,400 in_dividends were paid to common stockholders.
There were 1_0 ,000 shares of common stock outstanding. Darin$ 2015, the cash
balance and prepaid expenses balance were unchanged. Accounts receivable and·
invento_ry increased by IO percent. A new machine was purchased on ~ b e r
· 31, 2015 at a cost of P35,000 . .Accounts payable increased by 25 percent. Notes
payable "increased by P6,000 and bonds payable decreased by P 10,000, both at the
end of the year. The common· s~ock and paid-in capital in exces!t ·o f par accounts
did not change . .
a. Prepare an incolJ}e state111ent for 20X5 .
b. Prepare a statement of retained ~irigs for 20X5 _
c. Prepare a s~ement offinancia_l position as of December 31 , 20X5.
8 (Statement of Cash Flows)
Maris Corporation
Comparative s._tatements_of Fmancial Position
for the Years Ended 20XO and 20X1 ·
20XO 20X1 ,
Current assets
,,. 100,000 ,- 120,000
Accounts receivable (net) 500,000 s10,ooo
. 610,000 . 640,000
Inventory ,
Prepaid expenses 60,000 30,000
,1 1 ·,270,000 1,300,000.
Total Current.assets
IR~ents {long-ter.m-securities) 90,000 80,000
Plant and equipment 2,000,000 2,600,000.
Less: Accumulated Depreciation 1,000,000 1,230,000
Net -plant and equipment 1,000,000 1,370,000
Total assets n,3so,ooo P2.750;00Q ,,,
Liabilities and Owners' equity
Current liabilities .......
Accounls payable ,- 300,000 ,- 550,000
Notes payable - 500,000 soo;ooo :. ·
Accrued expenses 70,000 50,000
Total current liabilities 870;000 . 1,100,000 ,
Long-term liabilities
Bonds payable, 20YJ 100,000 160,000
Total liabilities ,- 970,000 . P1, 126,000 ·
Owneis' equity
Pref~ stock, f!i100 par value ., . 90,000 ,- 90,000"
Common -stock, ,-1 par value 150,000 150,000
Capital paid in excess of par - 350,000 _! 350,000
Retained earnings 800,000 ~. 900,000
Total9wners' equity ,.1,390,000 ft1,490;-000
Tota~ liabilities and owners' equity 1!2,360000 r 2,zso.00
Understanding Financial SlaJements 11
Maris Corporation
Statement of Retained
For the Year Emed December 31, 20X1
Retained earnings balance, January 1, 20X1
Acid: Earnings avaiable to common stockholders, 20x1 - 240,000
.Less: Cash~ declared and paid il 20X1 140,<XX>
Retained ,eamingsbalance, December 31, 20X1 ,-000,000
Additional questions:
a: Describe the general relationship between net income and net cash flows from
operatin~ activities for the ti~ ·
b. Has , the buildup .in plant and · equipment been financed in a satisfactory
manner? Briefly discuss.
c. Compute the book value per common ~are for both 20X0 and 20X I.
d. If the market value of a share of comm_on stock is 2.8 times book value for
20X I; what is the firm ' s PIE ratio for 20XJ? (Round of to the nearest whole.)
, Shown below in random order is a list of statement of financial position items for
SM Farms at September 30. 20X5:
-a. Prepare a statement of financial position by using these items and computing
the amount for retained earnings. (After .. Barns and Sheds" you may list the
remaining assets in any order.) Include a proper heading for your statement of
financial position. -
b. Assume that on September 30, immediately after this statement of financial
position was prepared, typhoon completely destroyed one of the barns. This
barn had a cost of P23,800, and was not insured against this type of disaster.
The ;0f iiinanc:iaJ position items for The Tasty · Bakery (arranged in
1alphab.etical order} w.ere as follows at August 1, 20X5. (You are to,eompute the
niissi)'.\g fi gure for iretained eamihgs.) · ,
a. P1epare a statement of financiiil position at August I, 20X5 .
b. Prepare .a statement of financial position at August 3, 20X5, and a cash flow
s.tatem~nt _for August 1-3. Classify the payment of accounts payable and the
purchase of suppJies as operating activities.
' J • ' I
c. Assume th~ note paya~le does riot come due for several years . . Is The Tasty
B.akery in a stronger financial position on August 1 or on August 3? Explain
Understanding_ Financial Statements 19·
Problem 11 (Preparing Financiai Statements;
Transactions) - I·
Effects ·or ·sos.niess
The stat.emen~ fin;..,; iat position .items of The First Malt Shop (arranged in
,.alphabeti~al or.der) wei:e as follo~s at the close ,of busin~ss on September 30,
20X5: ' . . ' . - ··
Oct. 3 Additj9na( share capital • was soil for P;,0,000. • The accounts
payable were paid i,n full. (No payment was made on the notes
Oct. 6 More furniture was purchased on account at a cost of Pl 8,000, to be
paid within ·JO days. Supplies were purchased fortt'l,0,00 cash from
a restaurant that was·going out of- business. These
supplies would have cost Pl ,875 if purchased under normal
circumstance's-. . '' r . . ,
Oct. 1-6 Reyenues · of PS,500 were earned and paid in cash. Expenses
re,q!lited to earn the revenues of P4,000 were incurred and paid in
cash. . . . . -
·. /'