Heat Transfer Characteristics of Ice Melting in Water and Salt Solutions
Heat Transfer Characteristics of Ice Melting in Water and Salt Solutions
Heat Transfer Characteristics of Ice Melting in Water and Salt Solutions
# Institution of Chemical Engineers
Trans IChemE, Vol 80, Part A, April 2002
ce cubes were placed in identical beakers, one containing tap water and the other con-
taining a sodium chloride salt solution. Both beakers and their original contents were at
20± C. As expected, the ice cubes oated and slowly melted, however, it was found that the
ice cube in the water melted 25% faster than in the brine, contrary to expectation. A second
series of tests were undertaken in which the ice cubes were made to sink to the bottom by
placing them in a coarse string bag with weights attached. It was found that the submerged ice
cube in the brine solution melted four times faster than that submerged in tap water.
Computational Fluid Dynamics, has shown that the paradoxical experimental ndings can
all be explained by considering the strength and direction of buoyancy driven currents.
3% by weight of salt, while the last two used a 10% brine out the ice melting process. This is not the case for the brine
solution. In each experiment an ice cube (made from tap solution, where the uid temperature at the top of the beaker
water, and hence containing virtually no salt) was either decreases monotonically as the ice melts. This is believed to
allowed to oat or submerged in the uid in the beaker. arise from buoyancy forces which tend to keep the most
Temperature measurements were taken from each of the dense uids at the bottom and the least dense at the top. For
thermocouples from the time the ice cube was introduction the tap water experiment, any melt from the cube will be
to the time all the ice had melted. colder, and therefore, denser than the surrounding water,
The thermocouples provided a temperature-position distri- hence, this cold water will tend to quickly sink to the
bution evolution in the uid with time after the introduction bottom, leaving the cube surrounded by relatively warm
of the ice cube. For the case of the oating ice cube, it was water. This is not the case for the brine experiment where
found that the temperature of the water adjacent to the cube the density of warm brine is much higher than that of the
did not drop as fast as that of the brine. However, the coldest water. Thus, any cold water resulting from melting
temperature of the water lower down the beaker dropped ice is ‘buoyant’ in a brine environment, and cannot sink. The
faster than that of the brine. This effect is illustrated in ice cube, therefore, generates its own cold water environ-
Figure 1. Almost the reverse was found for the case of the ment which tends to stay with it.
submerged cube; the temperature of the water adjacent to the This ‘cold layer’ at the top of the beaker slows down the
submerged cube dropped faster than that of the brine. melting process, for the brine and oating cube experiment.
The time taken to completely melt the ice cube for the Two effects slow the rate of melting, the rst is due to a
different boundary conditions are illustrated in Figure 2. reduced driving temperature difference between the ice and
This gure clearly shows the dramatic differences in the the surrounding (now very) cold water. The second results
melt times (almost an order of magnitude difference from the stagnation effects of the low buoyancy ow
between the oating and submerged ice cube in brine). velocities and accompanying low heat transfer coef cients.
The rate of melting will be faster for the tap water case
where the ice is surrounded by warm water (hence a large
driving temperature difference) and a higher level of buoy-
It has been observed that, for the oating cube in tap ancy driven mixing.
water experiments, the temperature of the water near the top The same arguments apply to the submerged ice cube
of the beaker remains at an almost constant value through- case. However, in this case the cold water generated by the
Figure 1. Sketches of the temperature-time evolution for the ice cube oating in water and brine respectively (numeric key refers to distance in mm from
Figure 2. Time taken to completely melt the ice cube for the different boundary conditions.
and the beaker walls. The calculations predict that the heat
transfer rate is 12.24 watts in the case of the ice cube
oating in water, and 2.47 watts for the ice cube in brine.
The CFD computations appear to give the correct quali-
tative trends (a oating ice cube will melt faster in water
than in brine), and hence, gives credence to the buoyancy
dominated heat transfer explanation that has been suggested.
However, it is worthwhile examining the various approx-
imations that have been made in undertaking the CFD
computations. Firstly, in order to save on computing
resources, the CFD calculations have been undertaken as
though the process took place under steady state conditions.
This is obviously incorrect; for the authors system the
temperature of the uid in the beaker decreases as the ice
cube melts. This has the effect of reducing the driving
temperature difference as the melting process proceeds.
Indeed, the calculations are likely to be ‘more’ correct for
Figure 7. Iso-surface of T = 16± C. the situation near the start of the experiment, when the
buoyancy driven ows have just been established, but before CFD computations have been undertake to cast light on
the uid in the beaker has signi cantly cooled. Secondly, it this paradoxical behaviour. These indicate that buoyancy
has been assumed that the ice cube provides just a heat sink forces determine whether natural convection currents are
at 0± C, without any mass transfer resulting from phase enhanced or inhibited and whether the cold water is
change. This is not as bad an approximation as may rst convected away from the ice cube or forms a cold ‘blanket’
appear. The volume change in transforming from ice to around it. These convection currents together with different
water is quite small (approximately a 10% reduction). The degrees of thermal strati cation and are responsible for
accompanying heat sink resulting from a phase change is vastly differing melting rates.
large (latent heat of fusion of 333 kJ kg¡1 as compared to It is important that designers and operators of ice making
the relatively modest speci c heats of 2.1 kJ kg¡1 K¡1 for and storing equipment be aware of these buoyancy effects,
ice and 4.2 kJ kg¡1 K¡1 for water). Thus, there is a rela- especially in an era of energy ef ciency and climate change
tively modest momentum ux resulting from phase change, levy.
whilst there is a considerable buoyancy driving force that
results from the ice being able to maintain its temperature at
0± C in a warm sea of uid.
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accounted for in order to obtain a representative buoyancy drop of ice slurries in plate heat exchangers, UK Heat Transfer Confer-
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Experiments have been reported which show that there
can be large differences in the time required to melt ice in
what nominally appears to be similar thermal boundary Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed to Professor
conditions. Heat transfer rates in a melting system are G. L. Quarini, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Bristol,
Queen’s Building, University Walk, Bristol, BS8 1TR, UK.
affected by the presence of freezing point depressants in E-mail: [email protected]
the liquid and the location of the ice. Further, contrary to
intuition, it has been found that oating ice lasts longer in The manuscript was received 19 November 2001 and accepted for
‘warm’ water than in brine at the same temperature. publication after revision 15 December 2001.