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rocess Planning, Scheduling and

Flowsheet Design
Process engineering design is the application of chem- The process engineer also develops tests and interprets
ical, mechanical, petroleum, gas and other engineering data and information from the research pilot plant. He
talents to the process-related development, planning, aids in scaling-up the research type flow cycle to one of
designs and decisions required for economical and effec- commercial feasibility.
tive completion of a process project ['7] Although process

The process engineer must understand the interrela-

design engineers are organizationally located in research, tionship between the various research, engineering, pur-
technical service, economic evaluation, as well as other chasing, expediting, construction and operational func-
specific departments, the usual atrrangement is to have tions of a project. He must appreciate that each function
them available to the engineering groups concerned with may and often does affect or influence the process design
developing the engineering details of a project. This is in decisions. For example, it is foolish to waste time design-
order to provide process details as well as to evaluate bids ing or calculating in detail, when the basic components of
for the various items of equipment. Process design is usu- the design cannot be economically fabricated, or if capa-
ally a much more specific group responsibility in engi- ble of being fabricated, cannot possibly be delivered by
neering contractor organizations than in a chemical or the construction schedule for the project. Some specific
petrochemical production company, and the degree of phases of a project that require process understanding
distinction varies with the size of the organization. include plant layout, materials of construction for corro-
The average process engineer has the following sion as well as strength, start-up operations, trouble-shoot-
responsibilities: ing, maintenance, performance testing and the like.

1. Prepares studies of process cycles and systems for Organizational Structure

various product production or improvements or
changes in existing production units; prepares mate- The process design function may be placed in any one
rial and heat balances. of several workable locations in an organization. These
2. Prepares economic studies associated with process locations will be influenced by the primary function of the
performance. overall company, i.e., chemical production, engineering,
esigns and/or specifies items of equipment engineering sales, design and manufacture of packaged or
required to define the process flowsheet or flow sys- specific equipment manufacture, etc. For best efficiency,
tem; specifies corrosion resistant materials of con- regardless of the business nature of the company, the
struction. process design being a specialty type operation, works best
4.Evaluates competitive bids for equipment. when specifically identified and given the necessary free-
5. Evaluates operating data for existing or test equipment. dom of contact within and without the company to main-
6. Guides flowsheet draftsmen in detailed flowsheet tain a high level of practical, yet thorough direction.
preparation. A typical working arrangement is shown in Figure 1-1[7].
2 Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants

Chief Pracess Engineer or

Process Engineering Manager

F Process Process Process Process

Spec. or Spec. or Spec. or Spec.or
Leod Man Lead Man Lead Man Lead Man-

In a consulting or engineering contractor organiza-

tion, process design and/or process engineering is usual-
ly a separate group responsible for developing the process

Lead Man
with the customer, or presenting the customer with a
turnkey proposed process.
u \
In an operating or producing chemical or petrochem-
ical company the process engineering and design may be
situated in a research, technical service, or engineering
department. In most cases it is associated with an engi-
neering department if new projects and processes are
being planned for the company. If located elsewhere, the
designs and planning must be closely coordinated with
the engineering activity.
Most current thinking establishes a project team head-
ed by a project engineer or manager to oversee the Planning T e a m
accomplishment of a given plant development for a
process company. If the projects or jobs are small, then Figure 1-2. Typical organization of ‘engineering planning team.’ By
the scope of activity is limited and may often be consoli- permission, E. E. Ludwig [7].
dated in a single individual for project and process
responsibility. For projects larger than $500,000, the pro-
ject and process responsibility usually are best kept sepa- tive on all phases of the engineering functions by devel-
rate in order to expedite the specific accomplishment of oping a working atmosphere of understanding for accom-
the process design phase. When the process design engi- plishing the engineering design. This is physically repre-
neer is required to interrupt calculations and specifica- sented by mechanical vessels, piping, structures,
tion development and to follow some electrical, structur- electrical, instrumentation, civil and any other specialized
al or even expediting delivery question or problem, the functions. In many projects, the Lead Process Engineer
design work cannot be completed at best efficiency and and the Project Lead Engineer are the only individuals
often the quality of process design suffers, assuming there who see the details of the overall scope of the project.
is a fixed target date for completion of the various phases
as well as the overall project. Process Design Scope
Figure 1-2 diagrammatically suggests a team arrange-
ment for accomplishing the planning of a process project. The term process design is used here to include what is
The arrows indicate directions of flow of communications sometimes referred to as process engineering. Yet in some
and also the tie-in relationship of the process design func- process engineering operations, all process design func-
tion in the accomplishment of an assignment. The plan- tions may not be carried out in detail. As discussed,
ning team in the box works to place the proper perspec- process design is intended to include:
Process Planning, Scheduling and Flowsheet Design 3

1. Process material and heat balances. that the process engineer visualize the Row and pro-
2. Process cycle development, clorrelation of pilot or cessing of the fluids through the system and inside
research data, and correlation of physical data. the various items of equipment in order to ade-
3 . Auxiliary servicles material and heat balances. quately recognize what will take place during the
4. Flowsheet development and detailed completion. process.
5. Chemical engineering performance design for spe- 6. Prepare/supervise preparation of draft of process
cific items of equipment required for a flowsheet, flowsheets for review by others.
and mechanical interpretation of this to a practical 7. Prepare/supervise preparation of piping or
and reasonable specification. Here the process mechanical flow diagram (or P and ID), with neces-
requirements are converted into hardware details to sary preliminary sizing of all pipe lines, distillation
accomplish the process end results at each step in equipment, pumps, compressors, etc., and repre-
the product production process. sentation of all instrumentation for detailing by
6. Instrumentation as related to process performance, instrument engineers.
presentation and interpretation of requirements to 8. Prepare mechanical and process specifications for
instrument specialists. all equipment, tanks, pumps, compressors, separa-
7’. Process interpretation for proper mechanical, struc- tors, drying systems, refrigeration systems. This
tural, civil, electrical, instrument, etc., handling of must include the selection of materials of construc-
the respective individual phases of the project. tion and safety systems and the coordination of
8. Preparation of specifications in proper form and/or specifications with instrumentation and electrical
detail for use by the project team as well as for the requirements.
purchasing function. 9. Determine size and specifications for all safety
9. Evaluation of bids and recommendation of qualified relief valves and/or rupture disks for process safety
vendor. relief (including run-a-way reactions) and relief in
case of external fire.
ost of the functions are fairly iself explanatory; there- 10. Prepare valve code specifications for incorporation
fore, emphasis will be placed only on those requiring on item 6 above, or select from existing company
detailed explanation. standards for the fluids and their operating condi-
tions (see Figures 1-25 and 1-26).
F Q C ~ S SDesign Engineer 11. Select from company insulation standards (or pre-
pare, if necessary) the insula~oncodes to be applied
Although the working role of the process design engi- to each hot or cold pipe or equipment. Note that
neer may include all of the technical requirements listed insulation must be applied in some cases only to pre-
above, it is very important to recognize what this entails in vent operating personnel from contacting the base
some detail. The process design engineer, in addition to equipment. See Table 1-1 for typical insulation thick-
being capable of participating in evaluation of research ness from which code numbers can be established.
and pilot plant data and the conversion of this data into a 12. Establish field construction hydraulic test pressures
proposed commercial process scheme, must also: for each process equipment. Sometimes the equip-
ment is blanked or blocked off, and no test pres-
1. Prepare heat and material balance studies for a sure is applied in the field, because all pressure
proposed process, both “by hand” and by use of equipment must be tested in the fabricators’ or
computer programs. manufacturers’ shop per ASME Code.
2. Prepare rough cost economics, including prelimi- 13. Prepare drafts of line schedule and/or summary
nary sizing anid important details of equipment, fac- sheets (Figures 1-24A-D) , and equipment summary
tor to an ordler of magnitude capital cost estimate schedules (Figures 1-27, 1-28, 1-29, 1-30), plus sum-
[ 341 (see also [ 191 ) , prepare a production cost esti- mary schedules for safety relief valves and rupture
mate, and work with economic evaluation repre- disks, compressors and other major equipment.
sentatives to establish a payout and the financial 14. Prepare detailed process and mechanical specifica-
economics of the proposed process. tions for developing proposals for purchase by the
3 . Participate in layout planning for the proposed purchasing department.
plant (see [46] [47]).
4. Prepare final detailed heat and material balances. The process design engineer actually interprets the
repare detailed sizing of all process equipment process into appropriate hardware (equipment) to
and possibly some utility systems. It is important accomplish the process requirements. Therefore, the
4 Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants

Table 1-1 brittlement (see latest charts [54]). Another important

Typical Thickness Chart-Insulation for Services 70°F area is water service (see [49]). The engineer selecting the
through 1200°F Piping, Vessels & Equipment 36” materials of construction should recognize the impor-
Diameter & Smaller tance of plastics and plastic composites in the design of
industrial equipment and appreciate that plastics often
Pipe Insulation Thickness
serve as better corrosive resistant materials than do metals.
size 1” 1gu 2“ 2T 3“
2?4“& Smaller 700°F 1000°F 1200°F Flowsheets-Types
3” 700 900 1100 1200°F
4” 700 900 1100 1200 The flowsheet is the “road-map’’ of a process, and
6” 600 800 1000 1200
8” - serves to identi9 and focus the scope of the process for all
800 1000 1200
interested and associated functions of the project. As a
10” - 800 1000 1200
12“ - 800 1000 1200 project progresses, the various engineering disciplines
14” - 800 1000 1100 1200°F read their portions of responsibility from the flowsheet,
16” - 800 900 1100 1200 although they may not understand the process or other
18” - 800 900 1100 1200 details relative to some of the other phases of engineer-
20” - 800 900 1100 1200 ing. Here is where the process and/or project engineer
24” - 800 900 1100 1200 serves to tie together these necessary segments of work.
30” - 800 900 1100 1200 This often involves explanations sufficiently clear to
36” - 800 900 1000 1200 enable these other groups to obtain a good picture of the
Temperatures in chart are maximum operating temperatures in degrees objective and the problems associated with attaining it.
Fahrenheit for given thickness.
Note: All hot insulated piping shall be coded, including piping insulated for
The flowsheet also describes the process to manage-
personnel protection. Thickness is a function of insulation composition. ment as well as those concerned with preparing econom-
ic studies for process evaluation.
A good process flowsheet pictorially and graphically
identifies the chemical process steps in proper sequence.
engineer must be interested in and conversant with the
It is done in such a manner and with sufficient detail to
layout of the plant; the relationship of equipment for
present to others a proper mechanical interpretation of
maintenance; the safety relationships of equipment in the
the chemical requirements.
plant; the possibilities for fire and/or explosion; the pos-
There are several types of flowsheets:
sibilities for external fire on the equipment areas of the
plant; the existence of hazardous conditions, including
toxic materials and pollution, that could arise; and, in 1. Block Diagram, Figure 1-3
general, the overall picture.
Usually used to set forth a preliminary or basic pro-
The engineer’s ability to recognize the interrelation- cessing concept without details. The blocks do not
ships of the various engineering disciplines with the describe how a given step will be achieved, but rather
process requirements is essential to thorough design. For what is to be done. These are often used in survey stud-
example, the recognition of metallurgy and certain metal- ies to management, research summaries, process pro-
lurgical testing requirements as they relate to the corro- posals for “packaged” steps, and to “talk-out’’a process-
sion in the process environment is absolutely necessary to ing idea. For management presentations the diagrams
obtain a reliable process design and equipment specifica- of Figures 1-4, 1-5A and B and 1-6A and B are pictorial
tion. An example of the importance of this is hydrogen and help illustrate the basic flow cycle.

Ammonia Process

Low Temperature
Clean-up o f
R e f i n e r y Gas
99.9% HZ
Compression -
3500psi - C o R

o leiancgt i o n,,
Tank Cars
5000psi Separation Spheres and Barges

99+%N2 f r o m
Air S e p a r a t i o n P l a n t l-iRecycle

Figure 1-3. Block flow diagram.

Process Planning, Scheduling and Flowsheet Design 5

Figure 1-4. Pictorial flow diagram establishes key processing steps: Cement manufacture. By permission, E-M Synchronizer, Electric Machin-
ery Mfg. Co.

2. Process Flowsheet or Flow Diagram, Figure 1-7 detailed specifications cannot be completed until this
flowsheet is basically complete.
Used to present the heat and material balance of a
process. This may be in broad block form with specific key 4. Combined Process and piping Flowsheet or Diagram, Figures
points delineated, or in more detailed form identifylng 1-10 and 1-11
essentially every flow, temperature and pressure for each
basic piece of process equipment or processing step. This Used to serve the same purpose as both the process
may and usually does include auxiliary services to the and the piping flow diagram combined. This necessarily
process, such as steam, water, air, fuel gas, refrigeration, results in a drawing with considerably more detail than
circulating oil, etc. This type of sheet is not necessarily dis- either of types 2 and 3 just discussed. However, the advan-
tributed to the same groups as would receive and need tage is in concentrating the complete data and informa-
the piping flowsheet described next, because it may con- tion for a project at one point. It does require close atten-
tain detailed confidential process data. tion in proper reading and often opens data to larger
groups of persons who might misinterpret or misuse it.
Some companies do not allow the use of this sheet in
3. Piping Flowsheet or Mechanical Flow Diagram, Figures 1-8,
their work primarily because of the confidential nature of
1-9, or Piping and Instrumentation Diagram
some of the.process data. Where it is used, it presents a
concise summary of the complete process and key
Used to present “mechanical-type’’ details to piping mechanical data for assembly. This type of sheet requires
and mechanical vessel designers, electrical engineers, more time for complete preparation, but like all engi-
instrument engineers, and other engineers not directly in neering developments preliminary issues are made as
need of process details. This sheet contains pipe sizes, all information is available. Often the sheet is not complete
valves (sizes and types), temperature points, and special until the piping and other detailed drawings are finished.
details needed to insure a common working basis for all This then is an excellent record of the process as well as a
persons on a project. In some engineering systems, work sheet for training operators of the plant.
6 Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants



Figure 1-5B. Isometric pictorial flow diagram. By permission, J. W.

Keating and R. D. Geckler, Aerojet General Corp.

These are quite valuable and time saving during the engi-
neering of the project. They also identify the exact flow
direction and sequence of tie-in relationships for the
operating and maintenance personnel.

6. Special Flowsheets or Diagrams

From the basic process-containing flowsheet other

engineering specialties develop their own details. For
example, the instrument engineer often takes the
requirements of the process and prepares a completely
detailed flowsheet which defines every action of the
instruments, control valves, switches, alarm horns, signal
lights, etc. This is his detailed working tool.
The electrical engineer likewise takes basic process and
plant layout requirements and translates them into details
for the entire electrical performance of the plant. This
will include the electrical requirements of the instrumen-
tation in many cases, but if not, they must be coordinated.
O’Donnell [9] has described the engineering aspects
of these special flowsheets.

Figure 1-5A. Pictorial sections flow diagram for principal operations: 7. Special or Supplemental Aids
phosphate recovery. By permission, Deco Trefoil, 1958, Denver
Equipment Co. (a) Plot Plans, Figure 1-14
Plot plans are necessary for the proper development of
5. Utility Flowsheets m Diagrams, Figures 1-12 and 1-13 a final and finished process, piping or utility flowsheet.
After broad or overall layout decisions are made, the
detailed layout of each processing area is not only helpful
Used to summarize and detail the interrelationship of but necessary in determining the first realistic estimate of
utilities such as air, water (various types), steam (various the routing, lengths and sequence of piping. This is
types), heat transfer mediums such as Dowtherm, process important in such specifications as pipe sizing, and pump
vents and purges, safety relief blow-down, etc., to the basic head and compressor discharge pressures. The nature of
process. The amount of detail is often too great to com- the fluids-whether hazardous, toxic, etc.,-as well as the
bine on other sheets, so separate sheets are prepared. direction or location or availability for entrance to the
Process Planning, Scheduling and Flowsheet Design 7

%ornotics 120psial Fuel Gas ( 2 0 p s i z

Ca us t i c
-P t Synthesis Gas (435 psia) t(3:IHe:k)
Vents 1 Nitrogen
Air Plant

Figure 1-6A. Typical flow scheme .%

for separation and purification of
vent streams.




-Amine Unit
Scrubbing Feed Gas - - -
Aromatic Auxiliary Drier RI itrogen
Scrubbing Column
Compressor Removal Refrigeration
~ ~~




zt I-'





L-lt I
I k
(100 PSIA)

Figure 1-6B. This Bow pressure cycle is used for production of oxygen in steady state conditions. By permission, Air Products and Chemicals Inc.
8 Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants



12 Ib. of water vaporh.

*ace of noncondcns-
water obles.
13,075 Btu./hr.
,-Fatty acid
I 28OMW r F:A.distillate
1 IJlOlb.of vapor/hr. I I 0.85 sp.gr.
li c-l I 58 Ib.of liquid/hr. J -__- LReflux 1 950IbJhr.

4 BtU./hr.
527 E
- (not required
for design
1 134 gal./hr.
I zero Btu./hr.

TCrude fotty acid

~301,400 feed)

16mm. Product pump

1 0.85sp.gr.
1.000 Ib./hr
141 gal./hc
Hg -d J-4
225 f i A. pitch
gpm./ 50ib./hr.
\ zero Btu./hr.
\ I 0.14gpm.
475 F. t 22.600 Btu./hr.
O t = ISOF: A

area, definitely influences decisions regarding the equip- A complete model usually includes piping, valves, lad-
ment layout on the ground, in the structures, and in rela- ders, floor grating, etc. This essentially completes the visu-
tion to buildings. Prevailing wind direction and any other alization of the condition of the layout. In fact, many engi-
unusual conditions should also be considered. neering offices use models to varying degrees and often
make direct space-clearance measurements from them.
The use of pictorial isometric or oblique views of plot
Others photograph the models, or sections, for use by the
areas as shown in Figure 1-15 is very helpful for equip-
piping engineers at their desks. In some few instances,
ment location evaluation. With talented personnel, this
dimensioned photographs have been issued directly to
type of layout study can replace model studies. These lay-
construction forces in place of drawings.
outs are also useful for management presentations.
The models are even more helpful to the process engi-
(b) Models, Figure 1-16A and 16B neer than simple plot plans. The advantages are multi-
Scale models are a real asset in the effective and effi- plied, as with models the process engineer can study as
cient layout and sometimes process development of a well as solicit the advice of other engineers in visualizing
plant. Although any reasonable scale can be used, the a processing condition.
degree of detail varies considerably with the type of Plant model costs vary depending upon the degree of
process, plant site, and overall size of the project. In some detail included. Considerable decision making informa-
instances cardboard, wooden, or plastic blocks cut to a tion can be obtained from a set-up of block layout only,
scale and placed on a cross-section scale board will serve and these costs would be extremely small. For a reason-
the purpose. Other more elaborate units include realistic ably complete scale piping detail model the costs are
scale models of the individual items of equipment. These reported5 as 0.1 to 0.6 percent of the cost of the plant.
are an additional aid in visualizing clearances, orienta- The large plants over $20 million cost in the lower 0.1 per-
tion, etc. cent range while small plant models cost in the 0.6 to 1.0
I ,- -
22 5 M 14"- IS ( PH * 2 1

-. 237A-6"- IS
216CA-I 1/2''Is

Figure 1-8. Mechanical detail flow dia-

gram. By permission, Fluor Corp. Ltd.

IPH Q 2) I I

10 Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants

percent range. Even these costs can be reduced if all Flowsheet Presentation
minute detail is avoided, and only basic decision making
piping is included. The necessary model structure and Experienced flowsheet layout personnel all emphasize
rough block outline equipment for a $1 million hydro- the importance of breaking processes into systems and
carbon compression and processing plant costs around logical parts of systems such as reaction, compression, sep-
$1,000 to $2,000. arating, finishing, refrigeration, storage, etc., for detailed
drafting. This point cannot be overemphasized, since con-
siderably more space is needed for final completion of all
Paton [15] reports total model costs of 0.4 to 1.0 per- details than is usually visualized at first. The initial layout
cent of erected plant costs for a $1 million plant. These of the key equipment should be spread farther than looks
are actual costs and do not reflect profits. Material costs good to the eye. In fact, it probably looks wasteful of draw-
are less than 10 percent of total model costs, and usually ing space.
less than 5 percent. For a $30 million plant model costs Later as process and sometimes service lines, valves,
run as low as 0.1 percent. These are for models which controls and miscellaneous small accessories are added
include plant layout, piping layout, and piping details. If this “extra” space will be needed to maintain an easily
simpler models are used the costs should be less. readable sheet. As this develops, attention should be
Process Planning, Scheduling and Flowsheet Design 11

Figure 1-10, Piping detail isometric flow diagram.

given to the relative weights and styles of lines to aid in the offs, tie-ins to existing or known points, etc. Only in this
readability of the sheets. way can all the decisions as well as specifications be delin-
Figure 3-1 k suggests an approach to standardization of eated for the various parts contributing to the entire pro-
form for general use. It can be rearranged in several ways ject. The master process or mechanical flowsheet must
to provide a format suitable for any one of several pur- contain specific references to the other sheets for contin-
poses. Of particular importance is the flexibility of adding uation of the details and complete coordination.
or deleting data without changing other details. Some
companies prefer to place the process data on a separate Flowsheet size may vary depending upon the prefer-
sheet, although the same basic form for the table can be ences of the individuals using them. The most popular
retained as shown in Figure 1-11.The layout principles of system uses one size sheet about 24 x 36 inches for all
Figure 1-8 are also standardized by some companies. flowsheets. The use of miscellaneous large and small sizes
to represent the entire project is often awkward when col-
lected, and increases the possibilities of sheets becoming
misplaced. Some groups use sheets from a roll and these
Each phase of the process is best represented on indi- are sized to length by systems, becoming 24 x 60 inches,
vidual flowsheets. Electric power, fuel gas, drainage and 24 x 72 inches or longer. These are fine for initial study
the many other auxiliary system requirements are also but become tedious to handle on the usual desk. These
best defined bj7 separate individual flowsheets. These sheets can be reduce to 11 x 36 inches 01- 11 by 48 inches
should be complete including all headers, branch take- (text continued on page 151

..ws .?' 1
Process Planning, Scheduling and Flowsheet Design 13

Figure 1-12. Standard type layout for service piping diagram.

Figure 1-13. Typical utility flow dia-

gram. By permission, Stearns-
Roger Mfg. CO.
! I
I I ~ I
. 1
L L_7\

d I(

S W I T C H-

I ~ ' - O " O V E R H E A ~PIPES i

Figure 1-14. Typical process area plot plan and study elevations. By permission, Fluor Corp. Ltd.
Process Planning, Scheduling and Flowsheet Design 15

Figure 1-15. Pictorial plot plan

layout. Courtesy of Prengle,
Dukler’ and Crump, Houston,

Since the flowsheet is the primary reference for all

engineers working on a project, it must contain all of the
decisions, data, flow connections, vents, drains etc., which
can reasonably be included without becoming confusing
and difficult to read.
It is important that the various items of equipment and
valves be spaced, pictorially represented and sized as to be
easy to read, recognized and followed. On the surface this
may sound easy, while in reality it takes an experienced
flowsheet detailer to arrange the various items in an eye-
pleasing and efficient arrangement. Suggestive outline fig-
ures plus shading often yields the best looking flowsheet
(Figure 1-10);however, the extra time for detail costs time
and money. Some compromise is often indicated. Refer-
ence to the various flowsheets illustrated here indicates
that the equipment can be arranged by (1) working from
a base line and keeping all heights relative and (2) by plac-
ing the various items in a straight-through flow pattern
without relative heights. The first scheme is usually pre-
ferred for working flowsheets. Whenever possible, all aux-
iliary as well as spare equipment is shown. This facilitates
the full and proper interpretation of all the details.
Figure 1-17 [2] can be used as a guide in establishing
relative sizes of equipment as represented on a flowsheet.
This chart is based on approximate relative proportions
Figure 1-16A Simple block model plant layout. Courtesy Of Socony piccured by the mind’s eye [2]. For example, the 10-foot
Mobil Oil Co. Inc. diameter x 33-foot high tank would scale to 1.5 inches
high. By using the height-developed scale factor, the
diameter would be (1.5”/33’) (10’) = 0.45” or say 0.5”
(text continued from page 11) diameter on the flowsheet.
both of which are more convenient to work with. These For some purposes the addition of equipment specifi-
strip-type sheets allow large portions of the process to be cation and performance data on the flowsheets adjacent
grouped together, and are adaptable for folding into to the item is of value. In many cases though, this addi-
reports, etc. tional information makes the sheets difficult to read. The
16 Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants

Figure 1-16s. Detailed layout and piping model for a refinery unit. Courtesy of Socony Mobil Oil Co. Inc.

Feet actual dimension

Figure 1-17. Flowsheet scale reference diagram. By permission, R. H. Berg [2].
Process Planning, Scheduling and Flowsheet Design 17

use of equipment summary tables similar to flow and pipe chemical, petrochemical, and petroleum industry is
data tables can avoid this objection and yet keep the infor- accustomed to using. The bare symbolic outlines given in
mation on the sheets. Some flowsheets include relief valve some of the standards do not adequately illustrate the
set pressures adjacent to the valves, volume capacities of detail needed to make them useful. Accordingly, many
storage tanks, etc. process engineers develop additional detail to include on
flowsheets, such as Figures 1-19A-E and 1-20 A-€3-Cwhich
Computer-Aided Flowsheet Design/Drafting enhance the detail in many of these standards. Various
types of processing suggest unique, yet understandable,
Current technology allows the use of computer pro- symbols, which do not fit the generalized forms.
grams and data bases to construct an accurate and Many symbols are pictorial which is helpful in repre-
detailed flowsheet. This may be a process type diagram or senting process as well as control and mechanical opera-
a piping and mechanical/instrument diagram, depend- tions. In general, experience indicates that the better the
ing on the input. See Figures 1-9, 1-10, 1-18A and 1-18B. representation including relative locating of connections,
key controls and even utility connections, and service sys-
Flowsheet Symbols tems, the more useful will be the flowsheets for detailed
project engineering and plant design.
To reduce detailed written descriptions on flowsheets, To aid in readability by plant management as well as
it is usual practice to develop or adopt a set of symbols engineering and operating personnel, it is important that
and codes which suit the purpose. Flowsheet symbol stan- a set of symbols be developed as somewhat standard for a
dardization has been developed by various professional particular plant or company. Of course, these can be
and technical organizations for their particular fields. improved and modified with time and as needed, but with
Most of these have also been adopted by the American the basic forms and letters established, the sheets can be
National Standards Institute (ANSI). The following sym- quite valuable. Many companies consider their flowsheets
bol references are related and useful for many chemical quite confidential since they contain the majority of key
and mechanical processes: processing information, even if in summary form.
1.American Institute of Chemical Engineers Line Symbols and Designations
(a) Letter Symbols for Chemical Engineering, ANSI
Y10.12 The two types of lines on a flowsheet are (1) those rep-
2. American Society of Mechanical Engineers resenting outlines and details of equipment, instruments,
(a) Graphic Symbols for Plumbing, ANSI or ASA etc., and (2) those representing pipe carrying process or
Y32.4 utility liquids, solids, or vapors and electrical or instru-
(b) Graphic Symbols for Railroad Maps and Profiles, ment connections. The latter must be distinguished
ANSI or M A Y32.7 among themselves as suggested by Figure 1-21.
(c) Graphic Symbols for Fluid Power Diagrams, In order to represent the basic type of solution flowing
ANSI or ASAY32.10 in a line, designations or codes to assign to the lines can
(d) Graphic Symbols for Process Flow, ANSI or ASA be developed for each process. Some typical codes are:
(e) Graphic Symbols for Mechanical and Acoustical RW -River Water
Elements as Used in Schematic Diagrams, ANSI
TW -Treated Water
or ASAY32.18
SW -Sea Water
(f) Graphic Symbols for Pipe Fittings, Valves and Pip-
BW -Brackish Water
ing, ANSI or ASA 232.2.3
CW -Chilled Water
( 9 ) Graphic Symbols for Heating, Ventilating and Air
Conditioning, ANSI or M A 232.2.4 S -Low Pressure Steam
(h) Graphic Symbols for Heat-Power Apparatus, S150 - 150 psi Steam
ANSI or ASA 232.2.6 S400 -400 psi Steam
3 . Instrument Society of America V -Vent or Vacuum
(a) Instrumentation Symbols and Identification, ISA- C -Condensate (pressure may be indicated)
S5.1, also see Reference 27 D -Drain to sewer or pit
EX -Exhaust
Other symbols are established for specialized purposes. M -Methane
The physical equipment symbols established in some of A -Air (or PA for Plant Air)
these standards are often not as descriptive as those the F -Freon
18 Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants

Materials of Construction for Lines

The process designer must also consider the corrosive

nature of the fluids involved when selecting construction
materials for the various process and utility service lines.
Some designers attach these materials designations to the
line designation on the flowsheets, while others identify
them on the Line Summary Table (Figure 1-24D). Some
typical pipe materials designations are:

CS40 -Carbon steel, Sch. 40

CS80 -Carbon steel, Sch. 80
SS316/10 -Stainless steel
316m Sch. 10
GL/BE -Glass bevel ends
N40 -Nickel, Sch. 40
TL/CS -Teflon-lined carbon
Figure l-lw Computer generated I? and i D. flowsheet. Courtesy steel
of lntergraph Corp., Bul. DPOl6AO. PVC/CS Polyvinyl chloride -lined CS
PP -Solid polypropylene
(designate weight sch)

Test Pressure for Lines

The process designer also needs to designate the

hydraulic test pressures for each line. This testing is per-
formed after construction is essentially complete and
often is conducted by testing sections of pipe systems,
blanking off parts of the pipe or equipment, if necessary.
Extreme care must be taken to avoid over pressuring any
portion of pipe not suitable for a specific pressure, as well
as extending test pressure through equipment not
designed for that level. Vacuum systems must always be
designed for “full vacuum,” regardless of the actual inter-
nal process absolute vacuum expected. This absolute zero
design basis will prevent the collapse of pipe and equip-
ment should internal conditions vary. Some line design
systems include the test pressure in the line code, but this
Figure 1-186. Computer generated instrumentationdetail for F! and often becomes too unwieldly for drafting purposes.
I D. flowsheet. Courtesy of lntegraph Corp., Bul. DPOl6AO. The usual complete line designation contains the fol-
lowing: (1) line size (nominal); (2) material code; (3)
sequence number; and (4) materials of construction.
G -Glycol Examples: 2”-CL&CS40
SA- Sulfuric Acid 3”-CL6a-CS40
B -Brine 4”-RWl-CS40
CL -Chlorine 16”-S150-CS40
P-Process mixture (use for in-process lines not 3”-P-TL/ CS
definitely designated by other symbols) See Figures 1-23 and 1 - 2 4 through D.
Some engineers rearrange the sequence of the code
although the information remains essentially the same.
The line number sequence is conveniently arranged to
Sometimes it is convenient to prefix these symbols by L start with one (1) or 100 for each of the fluid designations
to indicate that the designation is for a line and not a ves- (CL, P, etc.) . Since the sequence numbers are for coordi-
sel or instrument. (text continued on page 23)
igure 1-19A. Process vessels. Figure 1-196. Pumps and solids.

Plate Column Packed Column Spray Column Pulse Column



~ i b r aFeeder
~ i ~ ~
Batch Centrifuge

Absorbers, Strippers and Fractionators

Rotary Feeder Ribbon Blender or Conveyor

Coolont or
Heating Medium In
ant or Htg. Medium Out
Horizontal Vessel
(Jocketed 8 Agitated) Oil-Fired Heater I
4* Pump (All Types)

Verse! with Immersion Or Compreosor

Vessel wit.h Electrical
Strip Heaters

Coolont or Htg.
Coolant at
Htg. Medium I

Coolont cr
Htg. Medium
Horizontal Vessel
(Jacketed 6 Agitated) (internol Coils 8 Agitated)

Coolant or
Htg. Medium In
Coolont or
Htg. Medium Out
Vertical Vessel
(Infernal Coils 80 Agitated)
f Bucket Elevator

Figure 1-19C. Storage equipment.

Horizontal Ves
(Pressure Storage)

Gas Holder Atmospheric

Bag Collector Storage Tank
(Wet or Dry) Hopper Bin
Hand ling
- Figure 1-19D. Flow and instruments.

Main Process Flow Solids in Chutes
___) Utility Flow Gases in Ducts
Flow Rate
Filtrate Solids

Continuous Centrifuge Material Balance I

Stream Feed Overhead 1 Bottoms
15 I
5 I
k z z l
Total Presrun
Screw Feeder

-d Overall Material Balance

(At Bottom of Flow Sheet)
Flow Balance
t-G 500 OF.

Blower or Fan
Or Centrifugal Compressor
*All Manual Volves
I $, Fkmr
Vacuum Breaker

-@- Steam Trap P


All Control Valves

--f)-Orifice Flowmeter Thermocouple

P Temporaturr Element
For Instrument

Belt Conveyor

Flight Conveyor
T Rotameter
A-J( n

Liquid Level Gage
j Controller

Size Reduction Equipment

Figure 1-19E.Filters, evaporators and driers.

- I


Single Effect Evoporator Crystallizer I Downflaw Spray Drier

Htg. Medium Wash Wash

Tower with Integral Reboiler

a s t n o u t Medium
Feed i
Htg. Medium Out Rotary Drier

Plate and Frome Filter Filtrate
Continuous Rotary Filter
Htg. Medium In
Htg. Medium In
I Drum Drier or Flaker
Plate Filter

By permission, B.J. Oriolo, Oil and Gas Journal, 56, Nov. 17, 1958, pp. 152-3.
Rotary Kiln Htg. Medium Out
Process Planning, Scheduling and Flowsheet Design 21


Horizontal Motor-Driven Steam -Driven Vertical ,Motor - D r i v e n V e r t i c a l , Motor - D r i v e n Rotary Blower Motor-Driven

Turbine Driven Steam Driven

Centrifugal Compressor Motor Driven Sump Pump Reciprocati ng Pu m p

Engine Driven Pump Vertical Centrifugal Motor Driven

(G = Gas or D = Diesel) Pump with Motor Reciprocating Pump

Turbine Driven Motor Driven

Rotary Pump Centrifugal Pump Centrifugal Pump

Figure 1-20A. Special types of descriptive flowsheet symbols.

-+I+- Orifice Plate +?+ Diaphragm Operated Butterfly Valve ‘e Pilot Light

---&-- Orifice Plate in Quick Change Fitting

&- Diaphragm Operated Angle Vaive
Data to Computer

e Venturi Tube or Flow Nozzle

Self-Contained Regulating Valve
Computer Set

4 Pitot Tube or Pitot Venturi Tube

Double Diaphragm Control Valve
Relay Function Designations

Turbine or Propeller Type Eiement =Add
Hydraulic or Pneumatic Piston
Operated Control Valve
= Subtract

Rotameter with Integral

Thrott!e Vaive
2%- Rotary Motor Operated Control Valve -
+ = Bias

= Extract Square Root

Solenoid Operated Gate Valve
Chemical Seal - = Divide

Rupture Disc for Pressure Relief Three-way Solenoid Valve I_lrl = Multiply
Latch Type With Manual Reset
1:) = ~ooster
Rupture Disc for Vacuum Relief
v] Multiple Orifice Plate I>/ = High Select

Pressure or Safety Valve l<r = Low Select

Vacuum Relief Valve

Locally Mounted Instr. R EV Rev = Reverse

E/ P EIP = Potential to Pneumatic

Press. Pressure aind vacuum relief Valve @--- Main Panel Mounted lnstr.
(Conservation Vent) I/ p IIP = Current to Pneumatic
Local Panel Mounted Instr.
Float Operated Valve (LCV)

Wand Control Valve

a- Instr. Mounted Behind Panel
E / I E l l = Potential io Current
Figure 1-2OB. Commonly used
instruments for process instrumenta-
tion flowsheets. Adapted by permis-
Instr. with Two Functions sion, ISA Std. ANSI V32.20-1975,
4: Diaphragm Operated Control Vaive
FC = Fail Closed, FO = Fail Open ISA S5.1-1973, “Instrumentation
Diaphragm Operated Controi Valve Heat Traced Instr. Symbols and Identification,” Latest
with Handvvheel S = Steam, E = Electric edition, 1984.
22 Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants

Gate Valve

Globe Valve
Angle Valve Fire Hydrant
LrJ Filter-Air Intake

Air Cleaner
Removable Pipe

-r -- --r Steam Traced

& Plug Cock 8 P. T.

Steam Jacketed
Plug Valve Line
Sample Connection Pressure Tap Steam

Check Valve Separator fzf Duct

4 --c
Stop Check C.S.O. = Car Sealed Open
C.S.C. = Car Sealed Closed
& Swage
L.O. = Locked Open Bootleg
Blowdown Valve L.C. = Locked Closed Dresser
Ball Valve
--.fF- Filter
Seal Legs
4\+ Butterfly Valve

Strainer Y
(B = Basket,
C = Cone, Gage Hatch
P = Plate)

Diaphragm Valve
$r “T” Type Strainer
b Manhole

Drain Conn. to
Closed System

* N.V.
Needle Valve
(Tag on Flow Sheet)
‘w “Y” Type Strainer @ Flame Arrester


Three-way Plug
Valve Twin Basket
aF Diffuser
Exhaust Head


Four-Way Plug
Valve 3 Screwed Cap
Valve 0- Weld Cap

5 Slide Valve

Angle Valve
4 Trap-Vacuum
Booster (Lift)

Spray Nozzle
Blind Flange

Bull Plug -$-*


Hamer Blind
Stop Check Angle

Boiler Blowdown
T Suction Tee
’t’ Pipe

Ejector, Eductor, -E Hose Connection

Valve (Tandem)
& Exhauster
tTii+ Damper
a , T b

Figure 1-20C. Flow diagram symbols: valves, fittings and miscellaneous piping. (Compiled from several sources, and in particular, Fluor
Corp, Ltd.)
Process Planning, Scheduling and Flowsheet Design 23

Key or Principal Process Lines

Uliiity. Service. Auxiliary Process Lines

I Line Schedule I
Existing Lines in a System
I I I i i I i
Flow Arrow', indicates Flow Directior 1 1 I I
i I I

Pneumatic Signal

Electric Signal
Figure 1-24A. Line Schedule.
Capillary Tubing (Filled System)

Hydraulic !Signal
Figure 1-21. Line Sym-
Radioactiv8a. Sonic or Light Signal bols. By permission, This contributes materially to the readability of the flow-
Connection to Process. Mechanical
ISA Std. S5.1-1973 sheets. Each line on the flowsheet must represent an actu-
Link or Instrument Air Supply and 1984. al section or run of piping in the final plant and on the
piping drawings.
Suggested guides for line identification for any one
principal fluid composition:

-3 1. Main headers should keep one sequence number

(Figure 1-23).
2. New sequence numbers should be assigned:
(a) Upon entering and leaving an item of equipment
Figure 1-22. Use of alpha-
(b) To take-off or branch lines from main headers
betical suffixes with line
symbols. (c) To structural material composition of line changes
3. Alphabetical suffixes should be used in the following
situations as long as clarity of requirements is clear,
otherwise add new sequence numbers.
(a) For secondary branches from headers or header-
(b) For by-pass lines around equipment, control
[ A ) Line Numbering AroMnd B y - P a s s valves, etc. Keep same sequence number as the
inlet or upstream line (Figure 1-23).
2"T w - 5 4'-TW-5 6" T W - 5 (c) For identical multiple systems, piping corre-
sponding identical service items, and lines.
e In order to coordinate the process flowsheet require-
ments with the mechanical piping specifications, Line
Schedules are prepared as shown in Figure 1 - 2 4 through
1 Line Numbering of Header with Toke - Offs
D. The complete pipe system specifications are summa-
ure 11-23. Examples of line numbering. rized by codes on these schedules; refer to paragraph on
Working Schedules.
Equipment code designations can be developed to suit
(text continued from page B) the particular process, or as is customary a master coding
nation purposes ancl will appear on piping drawings, Line can be established and followed for all projects. A sug-
Schedule (Figure 1-248 through D), the number has no gested designation list (not all inclusive for all processes)
significance in itself. It is convenient to start numbering for the usual process plant equipment is given in Table 1-
with the first process flow sheet and carry on sequentially 2 and process functions in Table 1-3.
to each succeeding sheet. Sometimes, however, this is not The various items are usually numbered by type and in
possible when several detailers are preparing different process flow order as set forth on the flowsheets For
sheets, so each sheet can be given arbitrary beginning example:
numbers such as BOO, 300, 1000, etc. Although the
sequential number may be changed as the line connects Item Code Repesents
from equipment to equipment, it is often convenient to C -l a Three compressors of identical size operat-
use the system concept and apply alphabetical suffixes to C-1b ing in the same process service, connected
the sequence nnarnbler as shown in Figures 1-22 and 1-23. C-lc in parallel.

Figure 1-248. Pipe line List. By permission: Fluor Corp, Ltd.

Figure 1-24C. Line schedule sheet (alternate). By permission,J. I? O’Donnell, ChemicalEngineer, September 1957.

I - i
I I l l


Figure 1-240. Line summary table.

Process Planning, Scheduling and Flowsheet Design 25

C -2 Single compressor in different service (by incineration, vent, and cooling tower waters and number
fluid OT compression ratio) from C-1's above. all like process items within that system, for example:
S -1 First separator in a process Reactor System, R Reactor is
S-2 Second separator in a process Reactor vent cooler is RE-1
S-3a Twoi entical separators connected in Reactor vent condenser is RE-2
S-3b parallel, in same process service. Reactor recycle pu
Level control

Some equipment code systems number all items on Then, establish the same concept for all other unit or
first process flowsheet with 100 series, as C-101, C-102, P- block processing systems. This is often helpful for large
106 to represent compressors number 101 and 102 in dif- projects, such as refinery or grass roots chemical processes.
ferent services and pump 406 as the sixth pump on the Valve identification codes are usually used in prefer-
sheet. The second sheet uses the 200 series, etc. This has ence to placing each valve specification on the flowsheet.
some engineering convenience but is not always clear This latter method is feasible for small systems, and is most
from the process view. workable when a given manufacturer (not necessarily the
same manufacturer for all valves) can be selected and his
To keep process 'continuity clear, it is usually best to
valve catalog figure number used on the flowsheet. For
number all like items sequentially throughout the process,
large jobs, or where many projects are in progress at one
with no concern for which flowsheet they appear on. Also,
time, it is common practice to establish valve specifications
another popular numbering arrangement is to identify a
for the various process and utility services (see Figures 1-25
system such as reaction, drying, separation, purification,
and 1-26) by manufacturers' catalog figure numbers.
These are coded as V-11, V-12, V-13, etc., and such code
numbers are used on the flowsheets wherever these valves
Table 1-2
A System of Equipment Designations
AD - Air Drier
AF- Air Filter Table 1-3
Ag - Agitator Typical Identification for Howsheet Process hnctians
B - Blower
BR - Barometric Refrigeration Unit AS-Air Supply
C - Compressor BD-Blowdown
CP - Car Puller BF-Blind Flange
CT- Cooling Tower
CBD-Continuous Blowdown
CV - Conveyor
D - Drum or tank CD-Closed Drain
DS - &superheater CH-0-Chain Operated
E - Heat Exchanger, condenser, reboiler, etc. CSQ-Car Seal Open
Ej - Jet Ejector CSC-Car Seal Closed
Ex- Expansion Joint DC-Drain Connection
F-Fan EBD-Emerg. Blowdown Valve
FA- Flame Arrestor ESD-Emerg. Shutdown
Fi - Filter (line type, tank, centrifugal) FC-Fail Closed
GT - Gas Turbine
FO-Fail Open
MB - Motor for Blower
MC - Motor for Compressor HC-Hose Connection
MF - Mctor for Fan IBD- Intermittent Blowdown
MP -- Motor for Pump LO-Lock Open
P - Pump M G M a n u a i Loading
PH - Process Heater or Furnace NC-Normally Closed
R - Reactor. NO- Normally Open
S - Separator OD- Open Drain
St - Strainer P- Personnel Protection
ST - Steam 'Tuibine
QO- Quick Opening
Str - Steam trap
SV - Safety Valve SC- Sample Protection
T r - Trap SO-Steam Out
V - Valve TSO-Tight Shut QfF
VRV - Vacuum Relief Valve VB-Vacuum Breaker
26 Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants



1%Cr. BODY: C.A.S. A-217 GR WC6 690 694
2V-14” STEM: WC6 WC6
600# SEATS:Integral Stel Alloy gr-6” fy-14’’
RF DISC: Body-Guided
RATING 2500 psig 8 650°F EDWARDS SW-6933
cs BODY: C.S. A-216 Gr. WCB 6674
gf-2“ STEM
2500# SEATS: Integral, Stellited r-2gl r-2”

RATING: 2500 8 650°F EDWARDS 125065WE
cs BODY C.S.A.-216 Gr. WCB 3994Y
2gf-12” STEM: WCB
2500# SEATS: Integral, Stellited 2T-12” 2g-10”
BW DISC: Piston Stellited ( 5 )(6)
V Add additional valves of all types
as needed for project

NOTE: 1. Vertical columns indicate valves acceptable as equivalent to the specification description.
2. V-11 is a typical valve code to use on flowsheets and piping drawings.
Figure 1-25. Typical valve codes and specifications. By permission, Borden Chemicals and Plastics Operating Limited Partnership.

are required. (Also see Figures 1-8 and 1-9.) By complete- ORFM-6, Orifice flanges and plate for Recording
ly defining the valve specification in a separate specifica- Flow Meter No. 6
tion book the various valves-gate, globe, butterfly, plug, OTrRFC--1, Orifice flanges and plate used with
flanged end, screwed end, welding end-can be identified Transmitter for Recording Flow Con-
for all persons involved on a project, including piping troller No. 1
engineers and field erection contractors.
TrRFC -lF, Flow Transmitter for Recording Flow
Figure 1-2OC summarizes a system for representing pip- controller No. 1
ing components on the flow sheets. IPC -8, Indicating Pressure Controller No. 8
The instrument symbols of Table 1-4 and Figures 1-23B IFC -6, Indicating Flow Controller No. 6
and C are representative of the types developed by the IFM -2, Indicating Flow Meter No. 2
Instrument Society of America and some companies.
RLC - , Recording Level Controller
Some other designation systems indicate the recording RLM - , Recording Level Meter
or indicating function in front of rather than behind the
instrument function. For example: ILC - , Indicating Level Controller
LC- , Level Controller
RTC -1, Recording Temperature Controller No. 1 PC - , Pressure Controller
VRTC -1, Control Valve for Recording Tempera-
ture Controller No. 1 Control valves carry the same designation as the instru-
RFM -6, Recording Flow Meter No. 6 ment to which they are connected.
Process Planning, Scheduling and Flowsheet Design 27

GENERAL MaTERwL : CarbonSteel
TEMPERATURELIMITS : 275 PSIG at -20/100”F; 100 PSIG at 750°F
LIMITED BY : 150#Flanges
~ O N S ~ U C ~ ~ ~: ~1%”’and Smaller-Socket Welded
2“ and Larger-Flanged and Butt-welded
PIPE: 1%‘’and smaller Schedule 80, ASTM-A106 Gr. B Seamless P.E. (Plain End). Nipples: Sch. 80 ASTM-
A106 Gr. B
2” through 10“ Schedule 40, Standard Weight, ASTM-A53 Gr. B, Seamless, B.E. (Bevel Ends)
12” through 24” Standard Weight, (.375”)ASTM-A53, Gr. B, Seamless, B.E.
FITTINGS: 1%” and smaller 3000# F.S., Socket Weld, ASTM-A105 Gr. I or I1
2” through 10” Schedule 40, Standard Weight, Butt-weld ASTM-A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless
12” through 24” Same Except Use Standard Weight (.3’15”)
BRANCHES: Full Use Tees
Half header
Size and larger Straight Tee and Reducer or Reducing Tee
Less half header
Size down through 2” Straight Tee and Reducer or Reducing Tee or Weldolets
1%”and smaller Sockoiets, Elbolets and Nipolets
FLALVGES: 1%”and smaller 150# ASA, %” R.F., Socket Weld ASTM-A181 Gr. I
2” and larger 150# ASA %“ R.F. Weld Neck, ASTM-A181 Gr. I
UNIONS: 1%“ and smaller 3000# F.S. Union ASTM-A105 Gr. 11,
(6) Socket Weld ASA B16.11. Steel to Steel Seats, Ground joint. No Bronze
BOLTING: iU1 ASTM-A193 Gr. B7, Alloy Steel Stud Bolts, with ASTM-Al94, Glass 2H Heavy Series,
Hex. Nuts
GASKETS: %“ Thick, Compressed Asbestos Flat Ring Type. (JM 60 or Equal) 500°F and above,
use Flexitallic CG.
LUBRICANT: 450°F and under Use Teflon Tape
Over 450°F Use “Molycote” G Paste
VAWES: l!4“ and smaller VGA-112, 800#, Socket Weld Ends,
(4) Welded Bonnet, F.S., ASTM-A105 GrJI
%” and smaller VGA-113,800#, Screwed Ends, Welded
(1) Bonnet, F.S., ASTM-A105 Gr.11
2” and larger VGA-101, 150#, Flanged O S . & I!,
( 2 )( 7 ) Cast Steel Body, ASTM-AZ16 WCB
VPLL’VES: 1%” and smaller VGL-215, 800#, Socket Weld Ends,
(4) Welded Bonnet, F.S., ASTM-105
Gr. I1
2” through 12” VGL200, 150#, Flanged, O S . & Y 3
(7) Cast Steel Body, ASTM-A216 WCB
VALVES: 1V and smaller VCH-314, 800#, Horizontal Piston
(4) (3) Trpe Socket Weld Ends, F.S., ASTM-A105 Cr. 11
VCH-312, 800#, Combination Horizontal & Vertical Ball Type, Socket Weld Ends,
F.S., ASTM-A105, Gr. 11
2“ through 16” VCH-302,150#, Horizontal Swing Check, Flanged, Cast Steel Body, ASTM-A216 WCB
INSTRUMENTS: 1” and smaller VGA-120, 800#, Male Socket Weld X
(4) Female Thread Ends, Welded Bonnet, F.S., ASTM-A105, Gr. 11

Figure 11-26. Partial presentation of piping materials specifications for a specific process service. By permission, orden Chemicals and
Plastics, Operating Limited Partnership. (Figure continued on next page)
28 Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants


Alternate Process Service
PressJTernp. Limits: 1'75 PSIG/-20 to 150°F 125 PSIG/35O0F
Corrosion Allowance: 0.05 inches
2 and smaller Sch. 40 Seamless Carbon steel ASTM A-53, Gr. B, T&C
3 through 6 Sch. 40 ERW Carbon steel ASTM A-53, Gr. B, beveled
8 through 12 Sch. 20 ERW Carbon steel ASTM A-53, Gr. B, beveled
14 through 20 Sch. 10 ERW Carbon steel ASTM A-53, Gr. B, beveled
2 and smaller 150# Screwed Mal. iron ASTM A-197
3 and larger Buttweld-Sch . to Carbon steel ASTM A-234, Gr.
match pipe WPB.
2 and smaller 150# RF or FF Carbon steel ASTM A-105
3 and larger 150# RF or FF Slip- Carbon steel ASTM A-105
on or weld neck
1 and larger 300# RF Weld Neck Carbon steel ASTM A-105
2 and smaller 300# Screwed Mal. iron, ground joint,
brass to iron seats
ASTM A-197
2 and smaller 3000# Threadolet Forged steel ASTM A-105
3 and larger Std. Wt. Weldolet Forged steel ASTM A-105
2 and smaller 150# Screwed Mal. iron ASTM A-197
Sch. 80 Swage Carbon steel ASTM A-234,
3 and larger Buttweld-Sch. to Carbon steel ASTM A-234,
match pipe Gr. WPB
2 and smaller 150 screwed Bronze with 30 mesh monel screen - Mueller #351 or equal.
All sizes % in. ring Compressed
All sizes X in. full face Compressed
All sizes Machine bolts w/ Sq. hd. ASTM A-307, Gr.B.
hex nuts
VALVES (Alternate, for different process liquid/vapor service)
2 and smaller 150# screwed gate Bronze, ISRS, union bonnet, Powell 2714 or equal
3 or larger 125# FF gate IBBM, OS&X bolted bonnet, Powell 1793 or equal
2 and smaller 300# screwed ball CS body, Teflon seats & seals CS ball, Hills McCanna Fig. S302-CSTCS
3 and larger 150# RF ball CS body, Teflon seats & seals CS ball, Hills McCanna Fig. S151-CSTCS
3 to 6 150# butterfly Cast iron body, Buna N seat &
w/locking handle seals, Al-Brz. disc, 316 SS stem. Keystone Fig. 100/122 or equal

Figure 1-26 (continued). Partial presentation of piping specifications for a specific process service. By permission, Borden Chemicals and
Plastics, Operating Limited partnership.
Process Planning, Scheduling and Flowsheet Design 29

Table 1-4
Instrumentation Nomenclature-Complete General Identification*


Controlling Devices Measuring Alarm
* Process


I Level LIA

NOTE: Blank spaces are impossible or improbable combinations.

By permission, D.J. Oriolo, 0. & G. Jour., Nov. 17, 1958; Also see ISA Stds. Latest edition.

Thermocouples carry the same designation as the sheet, but here again the use of detail which does not con-
recorder or indicator to which they are connected. Sequen- tribute to the communication function of the sheets is
tial point numbers are indicated thus (see Table 1-4): avoided. Such detail can be time consuming when consid-
ered over the entire set of sheets for a process. Figures 1-8
RTM-6-4, Thermocouple connected to point No. 4
and 1-9 are typical of reasonably good presentation with-
RTM instrument No. 6. Also see Figure
out unnecessary detail. Such specifications as height of a
seal leg, locked open valve, or other information not sum-
Additional symbols include: marized elsewhere must be recorded on the flowsheets.
PG--6, Pressure Gage No. 6 connected in the field
on some item of equipment. If panel board
mounted, it becomes-6B. Working Schedules
LTA-1, Low Temperature Alarm No. 1
HTA--1, High Temperature Allarm No. 1
LPA-2, Low Pressure Alarm No. 2 As a direct companion of the completed flowsheet, the
HPA--2, High Pressure Alarm No. 2 line schedule sheet transmits the process and mechani-
EM--6, Low Level Alarm No. 6 cally necessary details for proper interpretation of the
-8, High Level Marm No. 8 piping aspects of the flowsheet (see Figures 1-24A, B, C ,
D) . These schedules are initiated by the process engineer
PC- , Push E1utton
to further explain the requiremlents of the process as
Process flowshects do not normally show companion shown on the flowsheets. They are often and perhaps usu-
flanges for valves unless these serve as blinds or for orifice ally cooperatively completed by other engineers, particu-
plates. This detail is sometimes shown on the piping flow- larly the piping, mechanical and instrumentation groups.

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