2017 Scig8q1

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Science G8| Q1

Force, Motion and


This learning module (LM) was developed by the Private Education Assistance
Committee under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education. The learning
modules were written by the PEAC Junior High School (JHS) Trainers and were used
as exemplars either as a sample for presentation or for workshop purposes in the JHS
In- Service Training (INSET) program for teachers in private schools.

The LM is designed for online learning and can also be used for blended learning and
remote learning modalities. The year indicated on the cover of this LM refers to the year
when the LM was used as an exemplar in the JHS INSET and the year it was written or
revised. For instance, 2017 means the LM was written in SY 2016-2017 and was used
in the 2017 Summer JHS INSET. The quarter indicated on the cover refers to the
quarter of the current curriculum guide at the time the LM was written. The most recently
revised LMs were in 2018 and 2019.

The LM is also designed such that it encourages independent and self-regulated

learning among the students and develops their 21st century skills. It is written in such a
way that the teacher is communicating directly to the learner. Participants in the JHS
INSET are trained how to unpack the standards and competencies from the K-12
curriculum guides to identify desired results and design standards-based assessment
and instruction. Hence, the teachers are trained how to write their own standards-based
learning plan.

The parts or stages of this LM include Explore, Firm Up, Deepen and Transfer. It is
possible that some links or online resources in some parts of this LM may no longer be
available, thus, teachers are urged to provide alternative learning resources or reading
materials they deem fit for their students which are aligned with the standards and
competencies. Teachers are encouraged to write their own standards-based learning
plan or learning module with respect to attainment of their school’s vision and mission.

The learning modules developed by PEAC are aligned with the K to 12 Basic Education
Curriculum of the Department of Education. Public school teachers may also download
and use the learning modules.

Schools, teachers and students may reproduce the LM so long as such reproduction is
limited to (i) non-commercial, non-profit educational purposes; and to (ii) personal use or
a limited audience under the doctrine of fair use (Section 185, IP Code). They may also
share copies of the LM and customize the learning activities as they see fit so long as
these are done for non-commercial, non-profit educational purposes and limited to
personal use or to a limited audience and fall within the limits of fair use. This document
is password-protected to prevent unauthorized processing such as copying and pasting.

Module 1: Force, Motion and

Lesson 1: Newton’s Laws of Motion


Usain Bolt. Cheetah. Peregrine Falcon. Can you guess what’s common
among them? Yes, they are the “world’s fastest”. But have you ever wondered what
makes them move the way they do? Why do some things move faster than the
others? In an airplane and other land vehicles, we are required to buckle our
seatbelts. In riding motorcycles, we adhere to the helmet policy. Do we really
understand why we are asked to do such? Motion has been a very common and
familiar concept to all even before one has learned to walk. But is our grasp of the
concept enough to understand the different kinds of motion that is happening
around us? Let us try to explore our minds and navigate through other resources
and learn what we can about motion.

In this lesson, you will find out the laws governing motion. These are the
Law of Inertia, Law of Acceleration and Law of Interaction, which were formulated
by Sir Isaac Newton. As you go through the lesson, remember to search for the
answer to the following questions: What does force have to do with motion? How
can motion be controlled? How can we take advantage of our knowledge on


In this lesson, you will examine the following questions:

a. What does each law of motion state?

b. What does force have to do with motion?
c. How can motion be controlled?
d. How can we take advantage of our knowledge on motion?

Developed by the Private Education Assistance Committee 1

under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education
In this lesson, you will learn the following:

 investigate the relationship of the amount of force applied and

the mass of the object to the amount of change in the object’s

 infer that when a body exerts a force on another an equal

amount of force is exerted back on it

 model passengers’ body response to changes in motion

 relate the laws of motion to bodies in uniform circular motion

 infer that circular motion requires the application of constant force

directed toward the center of the circle

Here is a simple map of the topics you will cover:

First Law of Motion: Second Law of Motion: Third Law of Motion:


Uniform Circular

To do well in this lesson, you need to remember and do the following:

 Familiarize the scientific terms and principles.
 Perform conscientiously all the tasks as instructed in every part.
 You may collaborate with other online students or consult other references,
should you deem it necessary.
 Take down some notes which you find important and interesting. These may
come in handy when you need to review.
 Keep a journal of your insights as well as questions.
 Determine the learning style and environment where you learn best so as to
maximize your learning.
 Lastly, enjoy what you are doing and be inspired to study well.

answers the question. Please answer all items. After taking this short test, you will see your score. Take note of the items that

1. What is the measure of an object’s inertia?

a. interaction c. acceleration
b. net force d. mass

2. What causes an object to accelerate?

a. inertia c. acceleration
b. net force d. mass

3. What relationship exists between mass and acceleration?

a. direct c. direct square
b. inverse d. inverse square

4. How would you compare the force you exert on pulling the hand of your
friend compared to the resistance your friend is offering?
a. greater c. lesser
b. equal d. zero

5. Which of the following is a reaction when swimming?

a. Hand pushes the water backwards.
b. Water flows backward.
c. Hand extends forward.
d. Water pushes the hand forward.

6. In a game of tug-of-war, the stronger team pulls the rope with a force that is
a. greater than the pull of the opponent.
b. equal to the total weight of the members in the opposing team.
c. equal to the force that the weaker team exerts on them.
d. double the amount of that the opponent pulls on them.

7. What concept may explain why you are thrown off a motorcycle as it speeds
round a curve?
a. action-reaction c. friction
b. law of acceleration d. inertia

8. Which statement is true about a moving spaceship which runs out of fuel in
the empty outer space?
a. It will slow down and eventually stop.
b. It will wander in any direction.
c. It will accelerate.
d. It will move at a constant velocity.

9. Which statement is FALSE when a bus is overloaded?

a. Its mass is increased.
b. Its acceleration is increased.
c. It requires greater force to keep moving.
d. Its inertia is increased.

10. Which of the following is TRUE about a person sleeping motionlessly on the
a. His inertia decreases.
b. No force acts on him.
c. Bed pushes the person with a force equal to his weight.
d. Only force weight acts on the person.

11. Which of the following allows the Earth to revolve around the Sun?
a. its well-designed orbit
b. the gravity of the Sun
c. the gravitational pull of the Earth
d. the similar movement of the other planets

12. What makes a horse move forward when it draws a carriage?

a. the carriage
b. the feet of the horse
c. the ground
d. the wheels of the carriage

13. Which of the following will NOT prevent injury on passengers riding a
moving vehicle?
a. handrails c. airbags
b. headrest d. GPS

14. Which of the following may NOT increase the speed of a race car?
a. Make it lightweight.
b. Change engine with a more powerful one.
c. Lower its body more closely to the ground.
d. Reduce air drag.

15. Which vehicle moving at the same speed may drag a food cart at a farther
distance upon collision?
a. bicycle c. taxi
b. train d. minibus
16. Which of the following will NOT help a sprinter?
a. strength training c. mass gain
b. running speed training d. none of the above

17. How will you remove a ply of tissue from a roll with only one free hand?
a. employ sudden pull on the ply
b. twist the tissue ply
c. pull the tissue slowly sideways
d. none of the above

18. In terms of motion, which may offer an advantage to an extremely obese

a. setting one’s self to run
b. climbing a flight of staircases
c. to be dislodged by others out of place by shoving
d. to be carried in someone else’s arms

19. What makes a butcher knife effective in cutting through bones?

a. It is sharper.
b. Force is increased when using it.
c. Its greater mass makes it more difficult to stop.
d. It is actually equally effective as a smaller knife.

20. How could an astronaut in empty space get back inside the space shuttle if
his rocket backpack runs out of fuel?
a. He should swim towards the stationary space shuttle.
b. He should throw the backpack opposite the space shuttle’s direction
to propel his body back to the shuttle.
c. He should start spinning as it creates a motion just like a typhoon and
continue to do so until he reaches the shuttle.
d. It would be impossible for him to get back.
ops? Have you ever thought what makes a massive rocket fly into space? Are there laws governing such actions? How do we ta

ACTIVITY 1: Caught on Camera

o clip showing a compilation of road accidents. As you watch the clip, keep this question in mind, “How can we control motion

Click this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xtz6laJXMMg

This video shows several road accidents.

Process Questions:
1. How did you feel about the victims? the culprits?
2. What causes of accidents are shown in the video?
3. In the video, what pieces of advice are implied to avoid getting into horrific
4. Can we control motion? In what way?
5. How can we take advantage of our knowledge on motion?

How much do you know about motion and the laws governing it? Let’s find out as you answer the next activity.

ACTIVITY 2: Anticipation-Reaction Guide

on. On the column before the statements, put a check [] mark if you agree with the statement and an X mark if otherwise. Do

1. With a jerk, a piece of cloth underneath a

wine glass may be removed without toppling
the glass off.

2. You are thrown backward if the vehicle you

are riding suddenly stops.

3. An empty grocery cart runs faster than the

loaded one because it is easier to move.

4. The engine of a jeepney uses more energy

in traveling when it is overloaded with
passengers than when it is only loaded to its
seating capacity.

5. Upon collision, a car receives a greater

force of impact than the wall it crashed into.

6. Every time you push the wall, it also pushes

you back with equal force.


arn in the next section, go over your answers in the previous section and compare your initial ideas with your learned concepts
Your goal in this section is to learn and understand key concepts by answering the questions:
How do the 3 Newton’s laws of motion differ from one another?
In what situations can we take advantage of our understanding of these laws?

ACTIVITY 3: Predict - Watch - Explain: Law of Inertia

low. PREDICT what would happen, WATCH the video clip to verify your answer and EXPLAIN your observation based on the giv

Consider a ladder placed unstrapped at the top of a moving truck. When the
driver suddenly slams on the brakes, which car would more likely be in danger
of a falling ladder – the one in front or at the back of the truck? Explain your
answer by filling out the first two columns of the table below. Do not answer the
last two columns yet as those will be filled out at a later time. Click on SUBMIT
when you’re done with the first two columns.


Now, click on the link below to know the answer. Use the reading article in
this site, as well as the other related links below, to understand the reason for
your observation. Then answer the process questions in your journal

This video clip shows in which direction the unstrapped ladder on top of a truck
falls off.

Process Questions:
1. On which side did the ladder fall --- the car at the back or the car in front?
2. What explains your observation?
3. Would there be a possibility that the unstrapped ladder would fall to the back part
of the truck? Why or why not?
4. How do we avoid such scenario?

To verify your answers and explain what you have observed in the video,
read the following links and take note of important ideas about the Law of

ACTIVITY 4: Reading Activity ~ Law of Inertia

1) http://www.physics4kids.com/files/motion_laws.html
This describes the law of inertia.

2) http://www.biologycorner.com/worksheets/articles/newtons_laws.html
This article briefly talks about each Newton’s law of motion.

3) http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Newtons_laws_of_motion.aspx
In this article, the law of inertia is explained by citing situations in the outer space.

ACTIVITY 5: Video ~ Law of Inertia

law of motion. Here are some videos that discuss the law of inertia more lengthily. While watching the videos, take note of the

Click on the links one at a time and answer the process questions on
your journal.
This website explains Newton’s 1st Law of Motion and the difference of the
inertia of varying masses.

This video shows the effect of inertia when you are riding a vehicle.

This video explains the diff types of forces that make objects move.

Process Questions:
1. What is inertia?
2. Which has a greater inertia --- a small stone or a huge rock?
3. What does the Law of Inertia state?
4. Why are we thrown forward if the vehicle we are riding suddenly stops?
5. Is there a way for us to control motion?
6. How can we use our knowledge on the Law of Inertia to our

Now that you have browsed several reading materials and video clips
about the Law of Inertia, let’s go back to the scenario where there is an
unstrapped ladder on top of a truck. Use the concept of the law of inertia
in explaining why the car in front of the truck is in greater danger than
the one behind the truck. This time, fill out the third and fourth columns
of the table below and click SUBMIT.



After submitting your answers, click on the box below to compare

and verify your explanation for the truck-and-ladder situation.

As the truck moves down the road, the ladder moves with it at the same speed. If the truck abrupt


Now that we have examined Newton’s first law of motion (Law of Inertia),
let’s try to move on to the second law. If in the first law we looked at how
moving and stationary objects behave in the absence of external force,
in the second law of motion, we will study at how force, as well as the
object’s mass, can influence the movement of an object. Let’s begin by
studying the situation below.

ACTIVITY 6: Law of Acceleration: Dump Truck vs. Honda Civic

n? Why? Write your prediction and explanation in the “BEFORE” column of the table below. Click the SUBMIT button after doin
dump truck Honda Civic

Answer: Answer:

Explanation: Explanation:

Go over the reading articles and videos in the following links where you
can verify your explanation in the table and know a little more about the
Law of Acceleration. Answer the questions that follow in your journal.

ACTIVITY 7: The “Law of Acceleration” Explained

This article describes the Law of Acceleration.

This is a more detailed discussion about the law.

This video explains the Law of Acceleration. It further discusses the
relationship among force, mass and acceleration.

In this video, Professor Mac uses an experiment to explain the law.

Guide Questions:

1. What does the Law of Acceleration state?

2. With constant mass, how does net force acting on the body affect its
3. With constant force, how does the mass of the object affect the acceleration?
4. How would your motion compare if you run with and without camping
backpacks on?
5. How can we then use our knowledge about motion to our advantage?

ACTIVITY 8: Demonstration [Loaded vs. Unloaded]

ple demonstration on your own. Use the result to support your explanation in the dump truck vs. Honda Civic scenario. Write y

Predict which car reaches the finish line first the loaded or the unloaded?

Observe what happens.

Set-up: Use two identical cars. Attach a 100-g mass on the second car. Hit both cars
with 2 identical suspended balls released from the same height. (This would serve as
a uniform force used to push the cars.)

Explain your observation.

1. Which car reached the finish line first? Why?
2. How did the additional load on the second car affect its movement?
3. How can you use the result of this demonstration to explain the dump truck
vs. Honda Civic case?
ACTIVITY 9: Laboratory Experiments

w do you compare the movement of overloaded jeepneys and empty ones? Find out if the results of the next two experiments

EXPERIMENT 1: Mass and Acceleration

OBJECTIVE: to determine how the acceleration of a moving body

is affected by its mass

MATERIALS: toy cart, stopwatch, plane, string and set of weights


1. Measure the mass of the toy cart.


2. Tie one end of the string to the toy cart and pass the other end through
the pulley attached to the plane.

3. Suspend a 200-g mass at the end of the string that passes the pulley.
4. Mark a starting and end points of a 100-cm distance on the plane.
5. Determine the time it takes for the toy cart to travel the 100-cm
6. Record the data in the table.
7. Repeat procedures 5-6 but add 100 g of mass on the toy cart at
every cycle.
8. Plot the total mass (in grams) against acceleration (in cm/s2) in a
9. Answer the Analysis Questions and write the generalization.

Mass of the toy cart:

Total Mass and the Acceleration of the Toy Cart

Suspended Added Total Time Average

(s) Acceleration
Mass Load Mass* Time
(g) (g) (g) (s)
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

*Total Mass = mass of the toy cart + added load


1. Why is there a need to know the mass of the toy cart?

2. Why is adding 100-g mass to the toy cart every cycle necessary for
this experiment?

3. What is the purpose of the 200-g suspended mass in the experiment?

Why is it necessary to be at 20 g at all times?

4. What happened to the acceleration of the toy cart if the mass is

a. increased?
b. decreased?

5. How would you compare the motion of an overloaded bus to a bus that
is loaded to its capacity?

6. Why are there seldom chubby athletes in running competitions?

EXPERIMENT 2: Force and Acceleration
OBJECTIVE: to determine how the acceleration of a body
is affected by net force moving it

MATERIALS: toy cart, stopwatch, plane, string and set of weights

1. Measure the mass of the toy cart.
2. Tie one end of the string to the toy cart and pass the other end through
the pulley attached to the plane.
3. Suspend a 100-g mass at the end of the string that passes the pulley.
4. Mark a starting and end points of a 100-cm distance on the plane.
5. Determine the time it takes for the toy cart to travel the 100-cm
6. Record the data in the table.
7. Repeat procedures 5-6 four times more but increase the suspended
mass by 50 g every cycle. Refer to the table.
8. Plot the force(in dynes) against acceleration (in cm/s2) in a graph.
9. Answer the Analysis Questions and write the generalization.


Mass of the toy cart:

Total Mass and the Acceleration of the Toy Cart

Weight* of Force Time
Suspended the pulling (s) Average
Mass Suspended the Toy Time
(g) Mass Cart Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 (s)
(dynes) (dynes)

*Weight (in dynes) = mass in grams x 980 cm/s2

Developed by the Private Education Assistance Committee 18

under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education
1. Why is there a need to know the mass of the toy cart?

2. Why is adding 50 g to the suspended mass every cycle necessary in this experiment?

What happened to the acceleration of the toy cart if the force is


How would you compare the engines of the taxi cabs and the sports cars? Explain your answer.


Going back to the scenario of dump truck colliding with a Honda

civic, which vehicle would more likely have a greater change in its
motion? Why? Complete the table below by answering the second
Substantiate your explanation using the reading articles, videos
and experiments in the previous activities then SUBMIT your

Answer: Answer:

Explanation: Explanation:

Developed by the Private Education Assistance Committee 19

under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education
After submitting your answers, click on the box below to compare
and verify your explanation for the dump truck vs. Honda Civic

experience equal force. But having a lesser mass, the Honda Civic will be accelerated more than the dump truck. Based on New

We have just examined Newton’s second law of motion (Law of

Acceleration). This time, let’s try to move on to the third law which is the
Law of Interaction. If in the first law we looked at how moving and
stationary objects behave in the absence of external force, in the
second law of motion we studied how force, as well as the object’s
mass, can influence the movement of an object, in the third law we will
focus our attention to the force of interacting bodies. Let’s begin by
studying the situation below.

ACTIVITY 10: Rocket Launching: Law of Interaction

ard? Why do you think should there be such large amounts of exhaust gas in a rocket launch? Jot down your answers in the box

I think …

Go over the reading articles and videos in the following links where you
can verify your explanation in the table and know a little more about the
Law of Interaction. Answer the questions that follow in your journal.
ACTIVITY 11: The “Law of Interaction” Explained

https://www.lcmrschooldistrict.com/demers/cbphysicalscience/Ch p%2012-
The first three pages of this file lay down the fundamentals of Newton’s 3 rd law of

This is a combination of text and video that provide comprehensive and detailed
discussion of the law of interaction.

https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/mcat/physical-processes /newtons-laws-
This is a video discussion that makes use of different situations to explain the

Process Questions:
1. What does the Law of Interaction state?
2. Why don’t the action and reaction pair of forces cancel each other out?
3. Would a rocket still be propelled if only half as much gas is released as its
4. In what ways have men taken advantage of the concept of the law of interaction?

really an opposite force that counters every action by performing the simple demonstration at home or in an office. Note the

ACTIVITY 12: Demonstration 3 [Who Pushed Me?]

Predict what would happen as you push the wall while sitting on the swivel

Observe what happens.

Set-up: Sit on a swivel chair with your feet off the floor. Push the wall.

Explain your observation.

1. Why did you move in the opposite direction?
2. Did the wall exert a force on you? If no, then how come you moved?
If yes, how do you compare your force with that of the wall?
ACTIVITY 13: Dyadic Task ~ Action-Reaction Pair of Forces

action-reaction pair of forces to check whether they are truly equal as explained in the videos. You may perform this with anot
nce laboratory.

Balancing Act

MATERIALS: 2 spring balance

Calibrate the spring balance to zero.
Attach the two spring balance at their hooks.
Pull one spring balance and have someone else pull the other spring balance. Get the reading on each balance.
This time, pull a little harder. How do you compare the reading of the two?
Does the result support Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion?

ACTIVITY 14: Pairing Up

air of forces present in every picture. Write your answer on the space provided for each number then click the CHECK THE ANS
For each picture, identify the action-reaction pairs of forces.




4. Give 3 pairs of action-reaction forces.



We have been looking at situations where objects move in a linear path. What
about the objects moving in a curved path? Do Newton’s laws of motion still
hold true for curvilinear or circular motion? Find out in the next set of activities.

ACTIVITY 14: It Also Goes Around

Click on the links below to read about uniform circular motion then answer the exercises that follow.

This discusses the how uniform circular motion is connected to Newton’s laws
of motion.

This talks about the basic concept of uniform circular motion.

This is a video which shows situations involving uniform circular motion.

This is a video discussion about uniform circular motion.

Test your comprehension about uniform circular motion by answering the

exercise below. Check your own answers by comparing them to the answer
key which can be found after the exercises.
ACTIVITY 15: Information Check

circular motion, answer the exercise below to check your comprehension. When you’re done, click the SUBMIT button then co


Based on the text, answer the following exercise. Choose your answers from the word bank below.



If a ball on a string is swung in circles and the string suddenly breaks, the ball will move in a direction.
The acceleration of an object undergoing a uniform circular motion is in the same direction with.
A stone whirled in uniform circular motion is moving in constant
The acceleration of a body in uniform circular motion is specifically due to its change in.
The direction of the centripetal force acting on an object in uniform circular
motion is towards the.

Click on the next box to see the answers and compare them with your own.

Based on the text, answer the following exercise. Choose your answers from the word bank b


If a ball on a string is swung in circles and the string suddenly breaks, the ball will move in a direction TANGENT
The acceleration of an object undergoing a uniform circular motion is in the same direction with CENTRIPETAL F
A stone whirled in uniform circular motion is moving in constant SPEED.
The acceleration of a body in uniform circular motion is specifically due to its change in DIRECTION.
The direction of the centripetal force acting on an object in uniform circular motion is

ACTIVITY 16: Jeopardy --- Motion Edition

ve learned so far? Select another online learner and play this game with him/her. The highest scorer at the game is the winner.

Follow this link: https://jeopardylabs.com/play/newtons-laws-of-motion

to play the game.
ACTIVITY 17: Thought Shapes

number of articles and watched several videos. It’s time to put your ideas into writing. So, let us know what’s in your mind so fa

3 things I learned What squares my beliefs?

What goes around my head?

End of FIRM UP:


sion. How much of your initial ideas are found in the discussion? Which ideas are different and need revision? At this point, wh

s go deeper by moving on to the next section.

in this section is to take a closer look at how we can make use of our knowledge and understanding about Newton’s laws of m

ACTIVITY 18: There is Strength in NUMBERS

understanding to the quantitative level. Verify the concepts you have learned about the Law of Acceleration in doing some pro

Follow this link for a comprehensive guide in problem solving involving Newton’s
2nd Law of Motion. Go over the text first for review purposes before you try to
answer the problems found in Check Your Understanding part. Solve the
problems on your own, then click on the See Answer box to see the correct
answer and explanation.

This website explains the Law of Acceleration and presents related problems to
be solved.

Now that you’ve figured out how to do the sample problems, try answering this
set of application problems. Keep your solution and answers in your journal.
Problem 1
The rising concern among athletic trainers regarding concussions among football players has prompted numerous st

Problem 2
Captain John Stapp of the U.S. Air Force tested the human limits of acceleration by riding on a rocket sled of his own

Problem 3
Space Shuttle Max is one of the extreme rides in Enchanted Kingdom. The first of its kind in the country, this roller c

Check the solutions presented below and compare it to the way that
you answered the application problems.
Law of Acceleration
Solution to Problem 1
a = 740 m/s2
m = 6.0 kg
Fnet = ?
Fnet = ma
Fnet = (6.0 kg) (740 m/s2)
Fnet = 4440 kg.m/s2 or 4440 N
The net force that could produce an acceleration of 740 m/s2 is 4440 N. Therefore,
protective head gears must be able to withstand such force to avoid head concussions.

Solution to Problem 2
a = 450 m/s2
m = 82 kg
Fnet = ?
Fnet = ma
Fnet = (82 kg) (450 m/s2)
Fnet = 36 900 kg.m/s2 or 36 900 N
The net force required to give the Gee Whiz the human acceleration limit is 36
900 N.

Solution to Problem 3
Fnet = 1800 N
m = 82 kg
= 33.96 m/s2
ACTIVITY 19: Muddiest Point

t this time, write the concept or part of the lesson that is still unclear to you. Then redo the related exercises and check if this h


Now that you are already loaded with the concepts of Newton’s laws of
motion, let’s perform a series of games that apply the concepts that we have
been studying about.

ACTIVITY 20: Minute To Win It

into some action by applying the concepts you have learned. Perform each challenge within a minute. Have someone take a v

Whack Job
Use a broom to knock a pie tin off a glass, allowing the egg that is sitting on a toilet paper roll on top of the tin to fall into

Shoe Fly Shoe

Toss shoe onto a table using only a foot.

This Blows
Player must continually blow up a balloon and expel the air from it to knock cups off of a table
Specific Instructions for MINUTE TO WIN IT Challenge

CHALLENGE #1: Whack Job

Use a broom to knock a pie tin off a glass, allowing the egg that is sitting on a toilet paper
roll on top of the tin to fall into the glass.

1. Set up tower so that it has a glass of water with a pie tin on top. On top of the pie
tin is an empty toilet paper roll with an egg balanced on top.

2. When the clock starts, player steps on broom bristles and releases handle so
that the handle hits the pie tin with the demonstrated motion.

3. The player may not make contact with the egg tower, and the entire egg
must land inside the glass to count.

4. To complete the game, player must knock the egg off the tower and completely
into the glass within the 60-second time limit.

>> glass of water >> raw egg
>> pie tin >> kitchen broom
>> toilet paper roll

CHALLENGE #2: Shoe Fly Shoe

Toss shoe onto a table using only a foot.

1. Set up each pair of shoes 9' from the table.

2. When the clock starts, player may insert foot into the first shoe and attempt to
toss it onto the table.
3. Player may not move closer to the table or use hands at any time.
4. Credit will be given for a shoe hanging partly off the table, as long as it stays on
the table for 3 seconds.
5. To complete the game, contestant must use a foot to successfully toss and land
1 shoe on the table where it must rest for 3 seconds within the 60-second time limit.

>> 12 shoes
>> 1 table
CHALLENGE #3: This Blows
Player must continually blow up a balloon and expel the air from it to knock cups off of a table.

Set up 15 plastic cups in a row across the table.

When the clock starts, player may grab the balloon and begin to blow it up.

Player may only knock cups off the table by using air from the balloon and must alway

If the player makes physical contact with the cup, the game is over.

To complete the game, the player must knock all cups off of the table using only the a

>> 1 balloon
>> 15 cups
>> table

Let’s take the next set of challenges to the next level! We will still make use of
the concepts of Newton’s laws of motion in each challenge. But instead of
asking you to follow the given procedure, you will make one of your own by
making sense out of the materials provided.

ACTIVITY 21: Loco-motion

In the next activity, you need to couple your learned concepts with imagination! Find out how and enjoy your experience.
g to any Newton’s Laws of Motion using the given set of materials. Write the step-by-step procedure on the space provided an


2 softdrink bottles
1 Php100-bill



rubber balloon
toy car
adhesive tape


At this point, let’s take a look at real situations where we can find the concept
of Newton’s laws of motion being applied.
ACTIVITY 22: Newton’s Laws AT WORK!

on’s Laws work in the different situations below. Once you’re done, click on the  button to emalithe answ

 What’s in a CAR?

What safety features can you see in the car’s interior?

Explain in the light of Newton’s laws how each feature keeps you safe.
 Cease Fire

When firing a rifle, the bullet is shot at a high speed as the rifle
recoils in the opposite direction.
a. How do you compare the force which they impart on each
b. How do you then explain the big difference in the velocities
of the two? Would you care to fire a rifle whose bullet is ten
times as massive as the rifle? Why or why not?

 Lights, Camera, Action!

a. In terms of inertia, what is the
disadvantage of a lightweight
camera when snapping the
shutter? Why?
b. Why is a massive tripod
5. preferred by most

 Smashed Up

a. If a Mack truck and a Honda Civic have a head-

on collision, upon which vehicle is the impact force
b. Which vehicle undergoes the greater change in its
motion? Explain your answers.

 Ka-Brooom!

How is a race car

different from ordinary
Click this button  if you’re ready to send your answers on
Newton’s Laws At Work to your teacher.


Using your answers in the previous activity, complete the table below by
summarizing in what ways or situations can each Newton’s law of motion be
proved to be useful. Then make a generalization about the laws of motion in all
situations. Write this in the fourth row of the table. Finally, answer the question in
the fifth row by connecting it to your generalization.

1st Law of Motion:

Law of Inertia

2nd Law of Motion:

Law of Acceleration

3rd Law of Motion:

Law of Interaction

In all situations, I can generalize that …

“How can we take advantage of our knowledge about motion?”

End of DEEPEN:

u have about the topic? What new connections have you made for yourself? How can we take advantage of our knowledge on

understanding of the topic, you are ready to do the tasks in the next section.

n this section is to apply your learning to real life situations. You will be given a practical task which will demonstrate your unde

ACTIVITY 22: Digital Journal

d accomplish your digital journal by answering the questions that follow. Type your answers in the tablet and click  to send y


Why do you think is the woman writing to her dad?

What could have happened to her dad?
Do you know of someone who faced the same tragedy?
Do you religiously follow the Seatbelt Use Act? Why or why not?
How can our knowledge on motion be useful to us?

Click here to submit this to your teacher.

ACTIVITY 23: Anticipation-Reaction Guide

ments and see whether you will answer them the same way. Draw your check mark (if you agree with the statement) or an X m


1. With a jerk, a piece of cloth underneath a

wine glass may be removed without toppling
the glass off.

2. You are thrown backward if the vehicle you

are riding suddenly stops.

3. An empty grocery cart runs faster than the

loaded one because it is easier to move.

4. The engine of a jeepney uses more energy

in traveling when it is overloaded with
passengers than when it is only loaded to its
seating capacity.

5. Upon collision, a car receives a greater

force of impact than the wall it crashed into.

6. Every time you push the wall, it also pushes

you back with equal force.
ACTIVITY 24: Performance Task

t everything that you have learned in this module to test. Apply the appropriate learning in performin


The Junior Scientists’ Club of your alma

mater holds their annual science camp.
Commissioned as the event organizer for the said
camping, you were asked
to prepare an activity a la “Amazing Race” for the
science club members. Dubbed as Newton’s Olympics,
it must comprise three relevant challenges. Details
of the plan must be submitted to the club adviser
for review prior to the science camp. Your output
will be assessed based on the following criteria:
relevance to the theme, originality, feasibility.

Developed by the Private Education Assistance Committee 44

under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education

4 3 2 1
Exemplary Satisfactory Developing Beginning
The task The task The task It is a task
Relevance clearly makes use of makes use of that simply
to the requires deep concepts and the concept makes use of
Theme understanding skills of of motion in the materials
of the concept Newton’s general but but has
and laws of not nothing to do
application of motion. necessarily with the topic
the skills Newton’s at all.
acquired laws of
throughout the motion.
The challenge It is not It is patterned It is
is uniquely copied from to certain completely
Originality and creatively any of the games in the copied from a
conceived. games module but is game in the
presented in given a twist module; only
this module. in the replacing the
procedure. materials.

The task is The task can The task is The task is

sufficiently be impractical impossible to
Feasibility challenging, successfully and difficult in achieve even
requires done with some parts. the organizer.
thorough relative ease
understanding in a
and dexterity reasonable
but could still period of time
be achieved. by one who
skills and has
the concepts
presented in
this module.
ted the performance task, take time to recall the entire experience and write a brief reflection by responding to the series of p


What skills did you acquire in the

completion of the performance task?

What did you find the most

challenging part of the task?

What did you learn about your own

learning throughout completing this
task? Specifically, how will you
apply that knowledge in the future?

ry to answer the Post-Assessment now and see for yourself how much your understanding about the laws of motion has impro

nswers the question. Your score will only appear after you answer all items. If you do well, you may move on to the next lesson

1. Which of these animals has the greatest inertia?

a. deer c. elephants
b. horse d. mouse

2. What causes an object to accelerate?

a. inertia c. acceleration
b. net force d. mass

3. What relationship exists between an object’s mass and the force

responsible to move it?
a. direct c. direct square
b. inverse d. inverse square

4. How would you compare the force you exert in punching a bag to the force
that your receives from the punch?
a. greater c. lesser
b. equal d. zero

5. Which of the following is a reaction when walking?

a. Feet pushing the ground backwards
b. Ground moving backwards
c. Feet sliding backwards
d. Ground pushing the feet forward

6. A high-speed bus and an innocent bug have a head-on collision. The force
of impact splatters the poor bug over the windshield. The corresponding
force that the bug exerts on the windshield is
a. lesser. c. the same.
b. greater. d. dependent on their mass ratio.

7. What concept may explain why it's tiring to pedal a bike when you have a
back ride?
a. action-reaction c. friction
b. law of acceleration d. inertia
8. What will most likely happen if the Sun suddenly loses its gravitational
pull on Earth? The Earth will
a. slow down and eventually stop.
b. wander in any direction.
c. accelerate.
d. move at a constant velocity.

9. Which statement is TRUE when a bus is overloaded?

a. Its mass is decreased.
b. Its acceleration is increased.
c. It requires greater force to keep it moving.
d. Its inertia is increased twice.

10. Which of the following is TRUE about a person standing on a platform?

a. His inertia decreases.
b. No force acts on him because he is not accelerating.
c. The platform pushes the person with a force equal to his weight.
d. Only force weight acts on the person.

11. Which of the following allows a satellite to revolve around the Earth?
a. its well-designed orbit
b. the gravity of the Sun
c. the gravitational pull of the Earth
d. the force used to launch it

12. What makes a person move forward as he walks?

a. the force that the feet exert on the ground
b. the force that the legs exert on the feet
c. the force that the feet use to step on the ground
d. the force that the ground exerts on the feet

13. Which concept is the reason why it is advisable to wear seat belt?
a. acceleration c. action-reaction
b. inertia d. centripetal force

14. Which of the following may decrease the acceleration of a jeepney?

a. unloading passengers
b. stepping hard on the accelerator
c. adding loads
d. using powerful engines

15. When moving at the same speed, which vehicle could less likely do harm to
a tree when it crashes into it?
a. bicycle* c. taxi
b. train d. minibus
16. Which of the following will help a sprinter?
a. weight loss c. mass gain
b. running speed training d. none of the above

17. How will you remove a ply of tissue from a roll with only one free hand?
a. employ sudden pull on the ply
b. twist the tissue ply
c. pull the tissue slowly sideways
d. none of the above

18. In terms of motion, which may offer an advantage to an extremely obese

a. setting one’s self to run
b. climbing a flight of staircases
c. to be dislodged by others out of place by shoving
d. to be carried in someone else’s arms

19. Why does banging the bottom of a hammer’s wooden handle to a

hard surface help in tightening the hammer’s head to its handle?
a. Banging the handle produces an impact just enough to tighten the
b. The inertia of the hammer’s head allows it to move down further even as
handle stops thereby tightening itself to the handle.
c. The wooden handle would cause the head to accelerate as it hits the
surface thus making it tighten itself to the handle.
d. As the wooden handle hits the surface, the surface would offer an equal
reaction force that would move the handle and tighten itself to the head.

20. How could an astronaut in empty space get back inside the space shuttle if
his rocket backpack runs out of fuel?
a. He should swim towards the stationary space shuttle.
b. He should throw the backpack opposite the space shuttle’s direction
to propel his body back to the shuttle.
c. He should start spinning as it creates a motion just like a typhoon and
continue to do so until he reaches the shuttle.
d. It would be impossible for him to get back.

Acceleration - the rate of change of a body’s velocity

Centripetal Force - force that pulls an object towards the center of a circular
path; makes the object move in a circular motion

Inertia - the tendency of a body to resist a change in its state of motion or rest

Linear Speed - the distance moved per unit time

Mass - the measure of a body’s inertia

Newton - the SI unit of force

Rotational Speed - the number of rotations or revolutions per unit time


This video shows several road accidents.

This website explains Newton’s 1st Law of Motion and the difference of the inertia
of varying masses.

This video presents similar concept as the previous video.

This video shows the effect of inertia when you are riding a vehicle.

This video explains the diff types of forces that make objects move.

This is an interactive presentation of the concept of the Law of Inertia.

This website explains the Law of Acceleration. It further discusses the
relationship among force, mass and acceleration.

This website discusses Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion.
This video shows that action-reaction pair of forces are equal.

This video presents several examples/situations where the Law of Interaction

This website summarizes the concepts of Newton’s Laws of Motion. It further
allows you to vary some variables like mass, acceleration, etc. to establish and/or
verify the relationships of different variables in each law.

This discusses the how uniform circular motion is connected to Newton’s laws of

This website allows you to play Jeopardy game about Newton’s Laws of Motion.

This is an interactive quiz about Newton’s Laws of Motion.

This website explains the Law of Acceleration and presents related problems to
be solved.

This website explains the Law of Acceleration and presents related problems to
be solved.

This presents problems and solutions pertaining to the Law of Acceleration.

This is a video showing the blueprint for the Whack Job challenge in Minute to
Win it.

This is a video showing the blueprint for the Shoe Fly Shoe challenge in Minute
to Win it.

This is a video showing the blueprint for the This Blows challenge in Minute to
Win it.
Lesson 2: The Relationship of Work, Power and Energy

Introduction and Focus Question(S):

You have heard adults say “I am so tired from working on the computer all
day!” or “All the paperwork I had to do today drained my energy.” Are these
claims rooted on scientific reasoning? In the scientific sense, when is work really
done? Does the amount of work that one can do relate to one’s power and
energy? How can we do a lot of work?

Find out as we journey together in this lesson and discover the

relationship of work, power and energy and learn about the factors that may
affect each of these important concepts.

As we progress in this lesson, always remember to address the question:

“How can a lot of work be done?”

In this lesson, you will examine the following questions:

a. When is work done?

b. How does work and power relate to energy?
c. How can a lot of work be done?

In this lesson, you will learn the following:

 identify situations in which work is done and in which no work is

 describe how work is related to power and energy

 differentiate potential and kinetic energy

 relate speed and position of object to the amount of energy

possessed by a body

 apply the concepts of work, power and energy in real-life


 infer the amount of work done based on the energy possessed by

a body
Here is a simple map of the topics you will cover:

Work: Layman vs Mechanical

Factors Affecting Work Done


Kinetic Energy & Potential Energy

Work – Energy Theorem

To do well in this module, you need to remember and do the following:

 Perform conscientiously all the tasks as instructed in every part.

 You may collaborate with other online students or consult other references, as
often as needed. Explore deeper and further as your time permits.
 Take down some notes which you find important and interesting. Writing on
paper or typing on your computer helps you remember and understand things
easier. Plus, these may come in handy when you need to review.
 Keep a journal of your insights as well as questions.
 Determine the learning style and environment where you learn best so as to
maximize your learning.
 Schedule your time for study and relaxation.
 Lastly, enjoy what you are doing and be inspired to study well.
Let’s find out how much you already know about this lesson. Click on the letter that you think best answer
Please answer all items. After taking this short test, you will see your score. Take note of the items that yo

1. In which of the following cases is there no work done?

a. A weightlifter lifts a barbell.
b. A weightlifter holds a barbell overhead.
c. A weightlifter slowly lowers a barbell.
d. A weightlifter drops a barbell and falls to the ground.

2. If the sign of work is negative,

a. the force is in the same direction as the displacement.
b. the force is perpendicular to the displacement.
c. the component of the force that does work is in the direction opposite the
d. the component of the force that does work is perpendicular to the

3. A painter lifts a bucket of paint, carries it 5 m horizontally, then sets it back down.
Which of the following is true?
a. The force of gravity does negative work when the painter lifts the bucket.
b. The painter does positive work on the bucket as he carries it horizontally at a
constant speed.
c. The painter does positive work on the bucket when setting it down
d. No net work is done on the bucket.

4. A parachutist falls at a constant speed for 200 meters. Which of the following is
a. The force of gravity is the only force doing work on the parachutist.
b. Air resistance is the only force working on the parachutist.
c. No forces are doing work on the parachutist.
d. No net work is done on the parachutist.

5. Friction does -400 J of net work on a moving car. How does this affect the kinetic
energy of the car?
a. The kinetic energy of the car increases by 400 J.
b. The kinetic energy of the car decreases by 400 J.
c. The kinetic energy does not change at all.
d. There is insufficient data.
6. Which of the following does not affect gravitational potential energy?
a. Object’s mass
b. Height relative to ground
c. Free-fall acceleration
d. Speed

7. If a big person and a small person run up the stairs at the same time,
which of them does greater work?

a. Small person
b. Big person
c. Both of them
d. Insufficient data

8. An engine moves a boat through the water at a constant speed of 15 m/s.

The engine must exert a force of 6.0 kN to balance the force
that the water exerts against the hull. What power does the engine
a. 21 Watts
b. 400 Watts
c. 0.4 kilowatts
d. 90 kilowatts

9. Isra has to get a piano onto a 2.0-m-high platform. She can use a 3.0-m-
long frictionless ramp or a 4.0-m-long frictionless ramp. Which ramp should
Isra use if she wants to do the least amount of work?
a. 3.0 – m long ramp
b. 4.0 – m long ramp
c. either of the two ramps
d. insufficient data

10. Brutus, a champion weightlifter, raises 240 kg of weights a distance of

2.35 m. He does work on the weights as he lifts them. Does he also do the
same amount of work on the weights as he lets go of them to the ground?
a. Yes, he does the same amount of work.
b. No, he does not do work in letting go of the weights.
c. Brutus does only half the work in letting the weights go.
d. There is no way of telling in which case is greater work done.

11. A forklift raises a box 1.2 m and does 7.0 kJ of work on it. What is the mass
of the box?
a. 8.4 kg
b. 5.83 kg
c. 595 kg
d. 5 833 kg
12. An elevator lifts a total mass of 1.1x103 kg a distance of 40.0 m in 12.5 s.
How much power does the elevator generate?
a. 13.75 kilowatts
b. 34.5 kilowatts
c. 88 kilowatts
d. 550 kilowatts

13. Two people of the same mass climb the same flight of stairs. The first
person climbs the stairs in 25 s; the second person does so in 35 s. Who
does the greater work?
a. the 1st person since he accomplished the task first
b. the 2nd person since he did the work longer
c. both did the same amount of work
d. cannot be determined

14. A student librarian lifts a 2.2-kg book from the floor to a height of 1.25 m. He
carries the book 8.0 m to the stacks and places the book on a shelf that is
0.35 m above the floor. How much energy is stored in the book in this
a. 0.77 J
b. 7.5 J
c. 27 J
d. 207 J
15. Two people carry identical 40-N boxes up a ramp. The ramp is 2-m long
and rests on a platform that is 1-m high. One person walks up the ramp in 2
s, and the other person walks up the ramp in 4 s. What is the difference in
power the two people use to carry the boxes up the ramp?
a. 5.00 W
b. 10.0 W
c. 20.0 W
d. 40.0 W

16. A 4-N soccer ball sits motionless on a field. A player’s foot exerts a force of
5 N on the ball for a distance of 0.1 m, and the ball rolls a distance of 10
m. How much kinetic energy does the ball gain from the player?
a. 0.5 J
b. 0.9 J
c. 9 J
d. 50 J

17. In a belly-flop diving contest, the winner is the diver who makes the biggest
splash upon hitting the water. The size of the splash depends not only on
the diver’s style, but also on the amount of kinetic energy that the diver has.
Consider a contest in which each diver jumps from a 3.00-m platform. One
diver, with a mass of 136 kg, simply steps off the platform and makes a big
splash. How can the second diver, with a lesser mass, compete with the
splash of the second contestant?
a. He must leap upward from the platform before diving.
b. He must be in spread-eagle position as he dives.
c. He should kneel on the platform before he dives.
d. He should land with minimum surface area in contact with water.

18. Medieval warriors used catapults to assault castles. Some catapults worked
by using a tightly wound rope to turn the catapult arm. What
forms of energy are involved in catapulting a rock to the castle wall?
a. elastic potential energy and kinetic energy
b. chemical potential energy and kinetic energy
c. gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy
d. thermal energy, potential energy and kinetic energy

19. You have been hired to make a roller coaster more exciting. The owners
want the speed at the bottom of the first hill doubled. How should you
rebuild the first hill?
a. Make it ½ the original height.
b. Make it ½ times higher than the original hill.
c. Build it two times as high as the original.
d. Build it four times as high as the original.

20. If you were a mobile crane operator of a wrecking ball, how would you
maximize the force of impact and knock a structure down easily?
a. Decrease the mass of the wrecking ball for easy maneuver.
b. Use a more massive wrecking ball.
c. Choose a weak structure to knock down.
d. Hit the side of the structure first.
sser time? Let’s find out the possibility of these as we explore of the scientific concepts behind these. Meanwhile, let’s find out

ACTIVITY NO. 1: Working or Not?

Study the pictures below. Identify which situations show that work is done by
clicking on the box found before each choice. Write your explanation on the
space below the choices.

 Work done  No Work  Work done  No Work

done done

 Work done  No Work  Work done  No Work

done done

1. What is your basis in choosing a situation where work is done?
2. When is work really done?
3. What are the factors affecting the amount of work we do?
4. How can a lot of work be done?
ACTIVITY NO. 2: IRF Worksheet: Eliciting Prior Knowledge

In the previous activity, you were asked to identify the basis in determining
whether work is done in a situation or not. But a more important question is “How
can a lot of work be done?”

Summarize your thoughts and ideas about the question and write them in the
Initial column of the IRF worksheet. The next two columns will be answered later
on as we progress in the unit to monitor if there will be a development of your
answer. When you’re done with the first column, click the “SUBMIT” button

“How can a lot of work be done?”



s are in line with the standard. You will also learn other concepts, which will help you complete a required project found at the
y, as well as the interrelationship between the three. The competencies you are to learn are found in the table below. Monitor

ACTIVITY NO. 3: Establishing Goals

As we go along this unit, put a check mark before each competency as soon as
you become confident about the described concept or skill.

 identify situations in which work is done and in which no work is
 describe how work is related to power and energy
 differentiate potential and kinetic energy
 relate speed and position of object to the amount of energy
possessed by a body
 infer the amount of work done based on the energy possessed
a body

ACTIVITY NO. 4: Demystifying Work

Complete the concept of Work as you accomplish the tasks in the series of
blocks below. Answer each set of mini-task to uncover the idea each block
conveys in order to build up the concept of Work.

1 2

3 4
Block 1: Complete each of the sentences below based on its corresponding

What is needed to push a table? What is necessary to be able to lift a load?

What happens to the load as it is lifted?

What happens to the table as it is pushed?

The table moved as I pushed it The load moved

as I exerted effort on it

Block 2: Working Out
In the first activity, you were asked to identify situations that showed
work. We will find out in this activity if your answers are in line with the
scientific sense of the word work. We will also see how the activity in
block #1 relates to this. Read through the webpage links listed below.
Just focus on the concept of work first. One of these links may
already talk about energy but that would be treated in detail at a later
part. Write down important ideas or questions in your notebook or
Notepad and find out if they will be strengthened or answered as we
go along the unit.

Definition and Mathematics of Work

Video discussion on Work

. 1
Block 3: Based on the web links given, summarize the concept of Work by
accomplishing the Frayer’s Model diagram.

1 2
Definition Characteristics of the Physical
Quantities Involved


Non-examples (2 Situations)
1 2
3 Block 4: Laboratory Experiment about Work

Working Out

Objective: To determine the work done in different set-ups

Materials: 2 identical blocks of wood, wooden plane,

spring balance, meterstick
A. 1. Set-up the wooden plane 1 meter from the ground. You
may use stools to support and position it horizontally.
2. Using a string, attach one block of wood to the spring
3. Holding the spring balance, slowly lift the block from the
ground and place it on top of the wooden plane.
4. Get the reading of the spring balance and record it in the
Table A below.
5. Do this two times more for verification of values.
6. Compute for the work done and record in Table A.
7. Repeat the same process but attach 2 blocks of wood to the
spring balance.
B. 1. Follow again steps 1-6 in procedure A but this time, change
the height of the wooden plane. On the first try, use ½ meter
and on the second try use 2 meters. Record all data in Table B.

Table A. Effect of Force on Work Done

MASS of the WOODEN in DONE on
NO. OF of the
(kg) the BLOCKS
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

Table B. Effect of Distance on Work Done

in DONE on
NO. OF MASS of the WOODEN BLOCK of the
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
continuation, Working Out

Analysis Questions:
How was the force exerted in lifting the wooden blocks determined?
What variable was changed in procedure A?
What effect did this change have on the work done on the blocks?
What variable was changed in procedure B?
What effect did this change have on the work done on the blocks?
What are then the factors that affect work?
What relationship exists between a) work and force
b) work and distance?

1. Are the results of the experiment supported by the concepts of work you have
gathered from the previous activities?
2. What may affect the amount of work we do?
3. How can a lot of work be done?

ACTIVITY NO. 5: Work: Layman Vs. Mechanical Language

This time, complete these two sentences based on the idea you have just
Before, I thought that WORK is
Now I think that WORK is

1. Is the layman concept of work the same as its scientific counterpart?
2. When is work really done?
3. How can we strategically increase the work that we do?

At this point, let us revisit the first activity and determine which situations show
that work is done. Compare your previous and new set of answers as well as
explanations and check whether there is a change. Post this new set of answers
in the Discussion Forum and find out whether other learners agree with you.
ACTIVITY NO. 6: Working Or Not --- You Judge!

 Work done  No Work  Work done  No Work

done done

 Work done  No Work  Work done  No Work

done done

1. Which of your answers were already correct in the first try?
2. Were the bases of the correct answers in line with the right concept of work?
3. So when can work be done?

Armed with the ideas that you have acquired in the previous activities, let us now
compare who or which has done greater work in the following situations.
ACTIVITY NO. 7: Who’s Doing Greater Work?

Study each picture and situation below and answer the question that follows.
Make a concise explanation for your answer. When done, click the “Submit”

Situation 1: Seven-year old female twins of

identical mass exhausted themselves in a
park slide. Kara consistently played in the 2-
meter tall yellow slide while her twin, Lara,
played on the blue slide. Who has done
greater work in each slide ride?

Situation 2: Harry and Sam went on a wall

climbing adventure for a weekend father-&-
son bonding. At the summit which both of
them successfully reached, who has done
greater work on himself – Harry or his 6-
year-old son?
1. How is the amount of force determined in each situation?
2. How is the amount of work affected by the force you exert on a body?
3. How is the amount of work affected by the distance moved by a body that
is applied with force? Give examples.

Is “doing greater work” different from “doing work faster”. Let’s try to figure that
out in the succeeding activities.

ACTIVITY NO. 8: Who’s Doing Work Faster?

Study each picture and situation below and answer the question that
follows. Make a concise explanation for your answer. When done, click the
“Submit” button. You may

Situation 1: In a newly renovated

office, workers busied themselves
in transferring materials into their
new areas. Jim who painstakingly
pushed a pile of boxes towards his
place, envied his co-worker who
effortlessly transported his boxes
using a trolley. At the end of their
task, who has done greater work?
Who has done his work faster? Why?

Situation 2: The picture at the right

shows a 105-Watt, 36-Watt and 11-Watt
compact fluorescent lamps (CFL).
The lamp with the greatest wattage
gives off the brightest light.
Which of the 3 lamps does its work faster? Why?
1. How can we do work fast?
2. Is “doing work fast” similar to “doing a lot of work at a given time”? Explain.
3. What factors may affect how fast the work is done?

Let’s find out if your answers will match the result of the experiment in the next

ACTIVITY NO. 9: Laboratory Experiment: Power Up!

This experiment needs to be done in a laboratory together with at least two other
students. Find out if the results of the experiment support your ideas in the
previous activity.


Objective: To determine the work done and the power developed in going
up the staircase

Materials: meter stick, stopwatch and bathroom

scale Procedure:
1. Determine your mass using the bathroom scale.
2. Measure the height of the staircase using a meterstick.
3. Let each member go up the staircase. Determine the time of travel.
4. Record the data collected in Table A.

Data and Results:

Work Done and Power Developed by the Members of the Group
Weight = mass in kilogram x 9.8
m/s2 Work = weight x height of the
stairs Power = work / time of flight
Names of the Mass of the Weight of Height Time of Work Power
Members Member the of the Flight (Joules) (watts)
(kg) Member Staircase (s)
(newton) (m)

1. What must a person possess to be able to climb staircases?
2. What form of energy is demonstrated in climbing staircases?

3. From what form of energy does the answer in #2 come from?

4. How is the work done in climbing staircases determined?
5. Who was able to perform the greatest work among your group mates?
6. What relationship exists between a) work and force b) work and distance c)
work and time?

7. Who is the most powerful in the group?

8. What physical quantities will determine the power demonstrated?
9. What relationship exists between a) power and work b) power and time?
10. In view of energy, why is running on the same flight of staircases
more tiring than just walking through them?

Verify if the results of your activity agree with the established concepts by
browsing different resources.

ACTIVITY NO. 10: I’ve Got The Power (Webpage Reading)

Definition and Mathematics of Power


1. What new concepts or principles were introduced in the links?
2. How can the value of power be determined?
3. How does this formula support the principles about power? What are some
examples where this formula is useful?
4. Are the data in your experiment supported by the ideas conveyed in the
resource materials? Justify your answer.

Check your comprehension by doing the following problem-exercises about


ACTIVITY NO. 11: Power Up

Analyze each situation and apply the concepts and information you have
acquired in the previous activities to solve the problems.

rself by 0.5 m in 2 seconds. If your weight is 600 N, how much work did you do, and what was your p
5-W light bulb consume while running for 30 minutes?
ht bulb run in order to consume a million joules of electrical energy?
60-kg dash-runner who accelerates from 0 to 4 m/s in 0.5 seconds?

1. Did you solve the problems with relative ease?
2. In what aspect do you need help most?
3. What must you do to address this need?
4. What can we say about a person who can finish a task at a shorter period of
5. What is really meant when we classify an appliance as “low-powered”?
6. How may this new information help you in accomplishing a lot of work?

Summarize the important ideas in the lesson so far in the next activity.
ACTIVITY NO. 12: Completing Ideas
Complete the sentences to sum up the ideas in the lesson.

 Power is
 It can be determined by
 Greater power either means that work is done in time
or that
work is done in a certain period of time.
 Its value is expressed in unit which may be broken
into units per .

What does it take to do a lot of work? Is the elders’ prompting of “Kumain ka na

at nang magkaroon ka ng lakas para magtrabaho” founded on a scientific
principle? Find out as we investigate the relationship of work to energy. Let’s
begin with the basic concepts of an important form of energy – the mechanical

ACTIVITY NO. 13: Mechanical Energy

Click on the links below to acquire the basic information about mechanical
energy. If necessary, go over the materials more than once in order to grasp the
concepts. You may also want to check related links to strengthen or verify the
ideas acquired from these sources.

Introduction to the concept of Mechanical Energy

Details on the Types of Mechanical Energy

Flash animation showing the total mechanical energy of a roller coaster rider
1. What new ideas about energy did you get from these references?
2. What old ideas about energy did you have that were strengthened in what
you have read and watched?
3. Does the amount of energy that a body possesses affect the work that it
can do? Explain.

ACTIVITY NO. 14: Organizing Facts

Organize the information gathered from the previous references. Construct your
own graphic organizer that will show the classification or types of mechanical
energy as well as the characteristics of each. Upload your output for the teacher
and other students to see.

For your reference, you may follow this link to check on some samples of graphic
organizers: http://www.enchantedlearning.com/graphicorganizers/

1. What are the types of mechanical energy? Compare and contrast the two.
2. How does one’s energy compare to the amount of work he can do?
3. What happens to a body’s energy as he performs work? Why?
4. What can you then say about a person or an object that possesses great
potential energy?
5. How can a person or an object gain energy?
6. What does this realization tell you about being able to do a lot of work?

Assess your own comprehension as you work on the following exercises.

ACTIVITY NO. 15: Exercises About Mechanical Energy

Let’s put your learning to test. Do the following exercises that involve conceptual
and problem-solving items. You may also click on this link to look at a sample
problem before heading on to the task.

Sample problem which can be used as a guide in answering the exercises

e type of energy possessed by each of the following: a raised book, a stretched spring water at the top of the falls, speeding tra
Would the gravitational potential energy of an apple be changed if it is removed from the tree and placed

You slam on your automobile brakes, sliding a certain distance with locked brakes. How much farther wou

In a hydroelectric dam, the gravitational energy of the water is converted into electrical energy as the wat

1. How did you find the exercises?
2. How confident are in your answers? What made you (can help you) become
confident about your skills?
3. What can be done in order to maximize the work that one can do?

To sum up the important concepts you have acquired in the entire section, click
on the link below and assess yourself if you are still on the right track.

ACTIVITY NO. 16: In A Nutshell

Summary of Work, Power & Energy

1. How is important is it to learn about the concept of work, power and
2. Would the knowledge and skills you have developed in all the
activities suffice for a deep understanding about work, power and
3. Would these be enough to prepare you in accomplishing your project at
the end of the unit?
4. How would these new learning benefit you?

Let’s now find out how much of your initial ideas have changed throughout this
section. Accomplish the second part of IRF worksheet.
ACTIVITY NO. 17: IRF: Revising Ideas
Answer the second column of this worksheet and compare it with how you
answered the question previously.

“How can you do a lot of work?”


End of FIRM UP:

concepts of each quantity in order to build a clear connection among the three.

e found in the discussion? Which ideas are different and need revision? Update also your Competencies Checklist at the beginn

s point it is expected that you already have a good grasp of the concepts of work, power and energy and how they affect one a

goal in this section is to take a closer look at some aspects of the topic by analyzing different situations where these concepts a
ACTIVITY NO. 18: Pull Back, Aim, Shoot

Want to be the next Katniss Everdeen? Learn the basics

and the Physics behind archery by clicking on the link
below. As you watch the video, don’t lose sight of our
target: how to maximize the work that one can do on
the arrow! Prepare to make a summary of what you
will learn in this video.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5iu KmSBVlk
Instinctive Archery_Basic Shooting Technique


1. How is an arrow released in archery?

2. On which object is work being done?
3. Why must the bow be drawn back as far as possible?
4. What physical quantity is manipulated in drawing the bow far back?
5. What form of energy is stored as one draws the bow?
6. How is the bow’s energy affected by how far it is drawn?
7. What happens to this energy as the arrow is released?
8. How does this affect the movement of the arrow?
9. In archery, how can one maximize the work that he can do on the arrow?

Now as a “learned” beginner, advise another aspirant archer on how he/she can
shoot arrows farther. You can do this by summarizing your ideas about archery
based on your answers to the process questions. Use the worksheet below to
guide you in organizing your ideas.

Give a catchy title for your advice

[You may insert a picture to illustrate what the advice is all about.]

1st Paragraph: Give your specific advice to the beginners who would like to try archery for far ranges.
2nd Paragraph: Explain conceptually how this advice works then justify your explanation by dragging in th

[This could make for a reliable advice! ]

With the help of this activity especially the worksheet, let’s analyze another
situation and put your skills to test.

ACTIVITY NO. 19: Golf Swing Made Simple

Let’s take a look at another sport, golf. Watch the video for a short tutorial in
doing golf swings. Check out how the swings vary with the distance of the holes.

Tips on Making Golf Swings

Still using the guide in the previous activity in identifying key notes in giving
information, spread the word through www.voki.com. Create your own avatar and
have it talk with your voice to guide beginner golfers.

1. How is a golf swing done?

2. On which object is “work” being done?
3. What determines the height from where the golf club is swung?
4. What is the relationship between the distance of the hole and the height of
swing? Explain.
5. What form of energy is stored as a golfer raises the club?
6. How is the club’s energy affected by how high it is raised?
7. What happens to this energy as the club strikes the tee?
8. How does this affect the movement of the golf tee?
9. In golf, how can one maximize the work that he can do on the golf tee?

ACTIVITY NO. 20: Hard At Work!

Assess your own understanding by working on the different application situations

of the unit. At the end, craft a generalization statement that would embody the
general idea underlying in all three situations.
Demolition Method: Crane & Ball

One of the oldest and most commonly used

methods for building demolition, the ball and
crane use a wrecking ball weighing up to
13,500 pounds to demolish concrete and
masonry structures. During the process, the
ball is either dropped onto or swung into the
structure that is to be demolished. The ball and
crane, however, is unsuitable for all demolition
applications. Some limitations:

 Additional work removing rebar in concrete structures is needed.

 Only highly skilled and experienced crane operators should be used
on ball and crane demolition
 Smoothness in controlling the swing of the ball is CRITICAL since
the target may tip or overload the crane.
 The size of the building that can be demolished with this method is
limited by crane size and working room, including proximity to power
 This form of demolition creates a great deal of dust, vibrations and noise.

Analysis Questions:
1. How does a wrecking ball work?
2. Is this the most effective way of demolishing buildings?
3. How does the mass of the wrecking ball affect its
energy? Explain.
4. How then does the mass of the wrecking ball affect its
purpose? Explain.
5. Does the vertical displacement of a wrecking ball affect its
energy? If so, in what way?
6. Does the level of elevation of the wrecking ball affect its
purpose? How?
7. Would the energy possessed by a wrecking ball affect the work
that it needs to do in demolishing structures? Explain.
8. How then can a wrecking ball be made a little more effective with
every swing?

Driving ‘em down!

A hammer is a tool that delivers a blow
(a sudden impact) to an object. The most
common uses for hammers are to drive
nails, fit parts, forge metal, and break
apart objects. Hammers vary in shape,
size, and structure, depending on their

Analysis Questions:
1. How high must a hammer be swung before it is made to strike a nail?
2. How does the height to where the hammer is brought affect its ability to
drive a nail down?
3. How will the energy of the hammer be affected by this height?
4. What effect does your answer in #3 have on the work that the hammer
does in driving the nail into a surface?
5. Should the hammer always be swung from a higher elevation? Explain.
6. How can a carpenter maximize his effort in hammering nails with
The Power of Water
Hydroelectric power plants
employ hydraulic power, the
force or energy of moving
water, to produce electricity.
This makes it one of the
cleanest sources of electrical
power and also the cheapest
to operate.

Large hydroelectric power plants work by harnessing the potential energy of

water in a dam and using it to drive a water turbine and generator. Water
from the dam is transmitted by the penstock, an enclosed pipe that delivers
and controls water flow to the turbine. The resultant forces cause the turbine
shaft to turn as it runs through the blades. The generator produces the
electricity by using the rotating force from the turbine shaft.
Small hydroelectric plants operate on the same principle mentioned above,
except that they do not make use of dams. Instead, they make use of run-off
from water bodies such as rivers, streams, and oceans.
First Gen, in its commitment to produce clean and renewable energy,
operates the 132-MW Pantabangan-Masiway and 1.6-MW Agusan
hydroelectric power plants. The Pantabangan-Masiway Hydroelectric
Plant makes use of a cascade arrangement to better utilize the hydraulic
potential of the resource and control the water flow. It does this by passing
the water through two (2) 50-MW plants upstream, and then further, to a
smaller 12-MW plant downstream using the same water resource. The
Pantabangan reservoir can hold up to 1,753 million cubic meters of water
which is used both for irrigation and power production purposes.
Analysis Questions:

1. Trace the energy transformation process in a hydroelectric power plant.

2. What is the difference between large and small hydroelectric

power plants in terms of power sources?
3. What is the advantage of damming water up?

4. Compare the electrical energy produced in 1- hour operation of the

Pantabangan-Masiway and Agusan .

Pantabangan-Masiway Agusan


5. Why would a large amount of water that turns the turbine help
in producing greater electrical output?

6. What does the quantity of electrical output say about the work done by
the power plant?

7. What does the quantity of electrical output say about the energy of the
water source?

8. How can the amount of work done in a hydroelectric power plant be


Based on the 3 articles, explain what is the best way to maximize the
amount of work a body can do. Explain and justify your point.
Let’s take your understanding a little further in the next activity.
ACTIVITY NO. 21: Machines to the Rescue

The concept of work and energy is greatly taken advantage of in the area of
construction. Where manual labor is a high form of demand, engineers make
good use of machines to reduce man’s effort. In this activity, help the social
media community become aware of the use of pile drivers in driving pre-cast
poles into the ground. Use the following links to gain helpful information about
this construction machine.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7mwq Hn3G1Y
How Pile Drivers Work

Diesel Pile Driver

Share your insights to a greater number of readers by creating an electronic

poster with videos about golf on http://edu.glogster.com/?ref=com. If you do not
have an account yet, sign up first and then create your file.

ACTIVITY NO. 22: IRF: Finalizing Ideas

Strengthen your ideas as you complete the IRF worksheet. Fill out the Final
Column as you answer the question: “How can you do a lot of work?”

“How can a lot of work be done?”


End of DEEPEN:

tion, we learned more about the relationship of work, power and energy through their applications in various situations.
realizations do you have about the topic? What helped you arrive at these realizations? What new connections have you made
you have a deeper understanding of the topic, you are ready to do the tasks in the next section.

Your goal in this section is apply your learning to real life situations. You will be
given a practical task which will demonstrate your understanding.

ACTIVITY NO. 23: Final Check-up

You have almost completed the module and you will soon be asked to apply your
understanding in a real-world context. But before you embark on such a
challenge, conduct a final check on what you have accomplished and achieved in
this module.

Level of What helped you achieve
Confidence this?
 identify situations in which work is
done and in which no work is done
 describe how work is related to
power and energy
 differentiate potential and kinetic
 relate speed and position of
object to the amount of energy
possessed by a body
 infer the amount of work done
based on the energy possessed
by a body
In summary, what have you learned from this module?

If you have rated yourself between 4-5 in each competency, then congratulations!
You may proceed to the next task.

ACTIVITY NO. 24: Performance Task

of online users, the website’s editor encourages anyone who can make clear & comprehensive, logical and practical tips in any


Use the rubric to guide in making your output as well as in evaluating it after.

RUBRIC for Scoring

Excellent Satisfactory Developing Beginning

(4) (3) (2) (1)

The importance The importance The importance The impor-

& relevance of & relevance of and relevance tance and
the identified the identified of the identified relevance of
issue &/or issue &/or issue &/or the concepts
recommenda- recommenda- recommendatio are not
tions are estab- tions are ns are not communi-
Impact /
lished and established clearly cated in the
Compre‐ communicated and commu- established output.
Hensive‐ in an engaging nicated clearly. and communi- Information
ness and meaningful Ideas are cated in the and ideas are
way. presented in a output. poorly
Ideas are manner that Information and sequenced.
presented can be followed ideas are The audience
presented in an has difficulty
clearly and with no order that the following the
comprehensibly. difficulty. audience can thread of
follow with thought.

The ideas The ideas are The ideas The ideas do

presented are supported by presented are not relate to
insightful and correct either not quite the concepts
are supported scientific facts. relevant or and do not
by correct Details exhibit bear weak contain
scientific a clear under- scientific supporting
concepts. The standing of the justifications. justifications.
entire output is concepts
a reflection of a involved.
deep under-
standing of the

The recommen- The recom- The recom- The recom-

dations are well- mendations are mendations are mendations do
Practical thought out, sound and already not really point
ity highly feasible doable. commonly to conser-
and are cost- done. vation of
effective. energy &


In this section, your task was to create a blog about smarter ways to do and
maximize work.

How did you find the performance task? How did the task help you see the real
world use of the topic?

You have completed this lesson. Before you go to the next lesson, you have to
answer the following post-assessment.
It’s now time to evaluate your learning. Click on the letter of the answer that you
think best answers the question. Your score will only appear after you answer all
items. If you do well, you may move on to the next lesson. If your score is not at
the expected level, you have to go back and take the lesson again.

1. In which of the following cases is work done?

a. lying still on the bed
b. holding a pail of water
c. tossing a ball
d. standing in a queue

2. If the sign of work is positive,

a. the force is in the same direction as the displacement
b. the force is perpendicular to the displacement
c. the component of the force that does work is in the direction opposite the
d. the component of the force that does work is perpendicular to the

3. A child picks up a teddy bear from the floor. The child then carries this toy with
constant speed to the other side of the room, and drops it down. At which part was
the child doing work on the toy?
a. when he picked it up
b. as he carried it across the room
c. the point when he dropped it
d. the entire time it was with him

4. A 7.0-kg bowling ball is moving on a bowling lane with a velocity of

5.0 m/s. What is the kinetic energy of the ball at that instant?

a. 12 J
b. 35 J
c. 87.5 J
d. 612.5 J

5. Which of the following affects an object’s kinetic energy?

a. Object’s mass
b. Height relative to ground
c. Free-fall acceleration
d. Power

6. Ramon and his 5-year-old son run up the stairs at the same time.
Between the two, who performs greater work?

a. Ramon
b. The son

Developed by the Private Education Assistance Committee 87

under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education
c. Both of them
d. Insufficient data

7. Two cars have the same mass, but one is moving three times as fast as
the other is. How much more work is needed to stop the faster car?
a. the same amount
b. twice as much
c. three times as much
d. nine times as much

8. In the annual Empire State Building race, contestants run up 1,576 steps to
a height of 320 m. In 2014, Australian Suzy Walsham won the women’s
competition in a record-breaking 11 minutes 57 seconds. Suzy Walsham
weighs about 50 kg. How much work did Walsham do in reaching the top of
the building? What was her average power output?
a. 16 000 J; 22 Watts
b. 78 800 J; 110 Watts
c. 156 800 J; 219 Watts
d. 772 240 J; 1077 Watts

9. As it orbits Earth, the 11,000-kg Hubble Space Telescope travels at a speed

of 7,900 m/s and is 560,000 m above Earth’s surface. At this state, what is
its kinetic energy?
a. 8.69x107 J
b. 3.43x1011 J
c. 4.87x1013 J
d. 3.78x1015 J

10. Two students are poised to dive off equal equal-height diving towers into a
swimming pool below. Student B is twice as massive as Student A. Which of
the following is true?
a. Student B will reach the water sooner than student A.
b. Both students have the same gravitational PE.
c. Both students will have the same KE just before hitting the water.
d. Student B did twice as much work in climbing the tower.

11. Best friends Jim and John transfer 5 blocks of concrete to a high table one
at a time. Jim accomplished the task in 55 seconds while John finished it 20
seconds later. Who does the greater work?
a. Jim since he accomplished the task first
b. John since he did the work at a longer time
c. both did the same amount of work
d. cannot be determined

Developed by the Private Education Assistance Committee 88

12. As shown in the Figure, a 26.0-kg child slides
down a playground slide that is 2.5 m high.
At the bottom of the slide, she is moving at
3.0 m/s. How much energy was lost as she
slid down the slide?
a. 117 J
b. 195 J
c. 520 J
d. 637 J

13. Identical cars A and B are being driven up the same steep hill. If the power output
of A is larger than that of B, what must be happening?
a. Car B is moving slower than car A.
b. Car B is consuming more fuel than Car A.
c. Car B needs to travel farther to get to the destination.
d. Car B arrives at the destination earlier than Car A.

14. When more people ride upward in an elevator,

a. the elevator requires greater power.
b. it takes longer time move from one floor to the next.
c. the elevator has to move faster.
d. energy expended is considerable reduced.

15. A particular hydraulic pile driver uses a ram with a mass of 1040 kg. If the
maximum pile energy is 11,780 J, how high must the ram be raised to take
advantage of its capability?
a. 0.09 m
b. 0.87 m
c. 1.16 m
d. 11.33 m

16. An archer puts a 0.30-kg arrow to the bowstring. An average force of 200 N is
required to pull the string back in order to provide the arrow with a velocity of 40
m/s, enough to hit its target. Assuming that all the energy goes into the arrow, how
far should the string be drawn back?
a. 0.70 m
b. 0.95 m
c. 1.0 m
d. 1.2 m

17. A 12.0-m-long conveyor belt angled at 33o with the ground is used to transport
bundles of newspapers from the mail room up to the cargo bay to be loaded onto
delivery trucks. Each newspaper has a mass of 1.0 kg, and there are 25
newspapers per bundle. Determine the power that the conveyor develops if it
delivers 15 bundles per minute.

a. 400 W
b. 2.5 kW

Developed by the Private Education Assistance Committee 89

under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education
c. 4.5 kW
d. 24 kW

18. Medieval warriors used catapults to assault castles. Some catapults worked by
using a tightly wound rope to turn the catapult arm. Why should the rope be tightly
a. in order to secure the catapult

b. so that it can store up enough elastic potential energy

c. because it’s a way of increasing the inclination of the throw

d. because doing such develops greater power

19. Two cars are lifted to the same elevation in a service station. If one car is twice as
heavy as the other, which of these sentences is true?
a. The heavier car has lesser potential energy.
b. The heavier car will land to the ground first if they are both accidentally
released from such elevation.
c. The heavier car will cause more impact thus create more damage if they both
d. The heavier car requires lesser power in being raised to its level.

20. As a learned coach of javelin throw, what technique would you advise your athlete
to enhance his performance?
a. Throw the javelin when your arm is up as high as possible.
b. Upon throwing, position your arm at shoulder level instead of from the back or
c. Stop running and relax your muscles before throwing the javelin.
d. Start the throw when your arm is at the same level and is at right angle
with your neck.

Work - something which is done by a body when it successfully makes an object

move with the force it has exerted on that object

Power - refers to how fast or slow a body performs work

Energy - possessed by a body to make it do work

Force - something that is applied to a body to make it change its state of motion


Physical Science, 10th Edition. Tillery, B. USA: McGraw Hill, 2014.

Conceptual Physics, 7th Edition. Hewitt, P. USA: Harper Collins, 1993.

It gives a comprehensive discussion on the relationship of work, power and

A pool of assessments pertaining to Work, Power and Energy

A pool of assessments pertaining to Work, Power and Energy

Laboratory experiment about work

Test questions about power

Common misconceptions in Science including the topics Work and Energy


Man pushing the brick wall


Girl reading a book

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Art-Illustration-Of-A-Cartoon- Black-And-White-Outline-Design-Of-A-Man-Rushing-To-Push-A-Panic-


When you tap a solid object like your shoes, your chair, your pen,
etc. you would hear a distinct sound. Why is this so? When you
talk, you can feel something vibrating inside of you. Have you
ever wondered how we are able to produce sound? On the other
hand, when we look at something, we see different colors as well
as identify the objects shape. When we look at the sky in the
morning it is blue, when we look at it during sunset it is red. Why
is this so? You’ve used your senses of hearing and of sight, how
about if you use your sense of touch? Why can you feel that
something is hot? Or that something is cold? Several of these
questions arise from the use of our senses. Remarkable isn’t it?

The sound that you hear, the light that makes you see the different colors
of nature, and the heat that you feel are effects of the movement of particles
and that of energy. We are able to perceive these because of the movement of
something, either matter or energy.

In this lesson, you will find out about the interplay of motion of particles
and energy that produces sound, light, and heat. You will learn a lot of wonderful
things about the natural world that you live in. How musical sound is produced,
why skies are blue, why rainbows are colorful, why things expand, and a lot more
are taken up in this lesson.
Remember to search for the answers to the question: Why are there

In this lesson, you will examine:
Sound, Light and Heat
A. Vibrations and Waves
B. Nature of Sound
C. Reflection and Refraction
D. Forced Vibrations and Resonance
E. Musical sound
F. The Electromagnet Spectrum
G. Light
H. Reflection, Refraction, and Diffraction
I. Color
J. Colors in Nature
K. Heat and Temperature
L. Methods of Heat Transfer
M. Heat Calculations and Calorimetry
N. Thermal expansion

In this lesson, you will learn the following:

The learner:
 Discusses phenomena such as blue sky, rainbow, and
red sunset using the concept of wavelength and
frequency of visible light.

Here is a simple map of the above lesson you will cover:

Movement of Particles in a Medium


Movement of ENERGY


To do well in this lesson, you need to remember and do the following:
1. Do the exploratory activities carefully. Always write down your observations
during the activities using Evernote. If you have some questions in mind during
the performance of the activity, write them down and remember to go back to the
questions as you progress in each lesson.
2. Read the contents of this module carefully. When in doubt, read again and try to
understand the directions clearly.
3. When asked to view a documentary video, write the guide questions in advanced
and then while watching the video, listen carefully and write down notes. If you
not understand the video on the first viewing, you can always view the video
again and pause in between significant lines or dialogues in the video.
4. This module provides you with a list of internet sites which you could browse
through for clarification. Visit the sites and read thoroughly the contents of the
5. When doing the performance tasks, bear in mind that these tasks are
applications to what you’ve gone through in this module. When asked to make a
brochure or any campaign material, always bear in mind the intended audience.
6. Keep an open-mind like any other follower of science. When in doubt,
consult other reliable sources of information and counter check.
7. Do the Web test for several times and don’t forget to click on the correct
answer for your reference.

In this lesson, you shall:

1. infer how the movement of particles of an object affects the speed of
sound through it,
2. investigates the effect of temperature to speed of sound through fair
3. demonstrate the existence of the color components of visible light using a
prism or diffraction grating,
4. explain the hierarchy of colors in relation to energy,
5. explain that red is the least bent and violet the most bent according to
their wavelengths or frequencies, and
6. differentiate between heat and temperature at the molecular level.

Let’s find out how much you already know about this module. Click on the
letter that you think best answers the question. Please answer all items. After
taking this short test, you will see your score. Take note of the items that you
were not able to correctly answer and look for the right answer as you go
through this lesson.

1. Which of the following set shows a CORRECT arrangement of colors

according to increasing energy?
A. Red, Green, Orange, Violet
B. Orange, Green, Blue, Violet
C. Yellow, Orange, Red, Violet
D. Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow

2. Why do we see red sunsets?

A. Sunlight travels through a bigger part of the atmosphere with particles that are
big enough to scatter red light but not all the other components of visible light.
B. Sunlight travels through a smaller part of the atmosphere with particles that are
small enough to scatter all other wavelengths of light except red.
C. Sunlight travels through the atmosphere with particles that scatter all the
wavelengths of light leaving behind red with the biggest wavelength.
D. Sunlight travels through a polluted atmosphere in the afternoon that
absorbs the bigger wavelength of light which is red.

3. The average kinetic energy of the molecules of an object is measured by

A. calorie
B. heat
C. specific heat
D. temperature

4. On some days, air nearest the ground is colder than air that is higher up. On some
of these days, sound waves .
A. travel without refraction
B. are refracted everywhere
C. tend to be refracted upward
D. tend to be refracted downward

5. A friend of yours would like to investigate on the effect of temperature on the speed
of sound. He intends to use a closed room with an air-conditioning unit and a sound
sensor that is placed inside the room. The sensor is placed in one end of the room
while a tuning fork that will serve as the source is placed on the opposite end. Which
of the following is a problem with his set-up?
A. The air-conditioning unit will not be able to cool the air to the desired
B. A closed room will produced too many reverberations that will be detected by the
sensor and will cause an inaccurate reading.
C. The sound sensor will not be able to detect the vibration of the tuning fork
because it is so close to the source.
D. The distance between the source and the sensor is too close that the
sensor must be very quick enough to detect the speed of sound.

6. In which of these media does sound travel the fastest?

A. Ice
B. Steam
C. Water
D. Water vapor

7. If the moon blew up, why would we not hear it?

A. The moon is far away such that sound coming from it would be dissipated before
it reaches us.
B. The explosion would not be too loud for us to hear, since the moon is much
smaller than the earth.
C. Immediately after the Earth’s atmosphere is empty space so that there is no
medium for the sound to travel.
D. Sound produced by the moon’s explosion will be directed away from the
earth; thus, we will not be able to hear it.

8. While playing with his ball point pen with a grooved transparent body, Rick
saw a rainbow as he placed the pen’s transparent body in front of his eye as
he was viewing the fluorescent lamp inside their classroom. He kept on doing
this to verify what he saw. Which of the following explains what Rick saw?

A. The grooved transparent body of the pen acted like an absorbent cotton
taking in all the light sources inside the classroom thus allowing him to see
a rainbow.
B. All other colors of light were present inside the classroom. These
were captured by the pen thus allowing him to see a rainbow.
C. The grooved transparent body of the pen served as a diffraction grating
separating all the colors of white light passing through it. This allowed him
to see a rainbow from the other side.
D. Several sources of differently colored neon lights were inside the
classroom and all of it were reflected onto the fluorescent lamp which Rick
looked at.

9. A five centavo coin is heated to a glow. Then it is placed hanging right on top
of the surface of acetone in a beaker. While hanging, the coin keeps glowing.
Why is this so?
A. Heat coming from the acetone is transferred to the coin causing it to glow.
B. The thermal energy of the acetone is transferred to the beaker then to the
C. The five centavo coin is just so hot that it will continue to glow until it gets
D. As it evaporates, acetone fumes hit the hot coin. The heat coming from
the coin vaporizes the acetone molecules in the fumes, thus letting us see
a glow.

10. Why would it be futile to attempt to detect sounds from other planets, even
given the very best in audio detectors?
A. The planets are very far away from the earth; thus, we would not be able
to hear it given the distances among them.
B. In between planets is empty space or vacuum, where there is no media for
sound to travel; thus, we will not hear anything.
C. These audio detectors must be placed near the source. We don’t have a
spacecraft that can go to each of these planets.
D. There are no sounds in these planets as they are without life compared to
the earth.

11.A A person standing waist-deep in a swimming pool appears to have short

legs because of light .
A. absorption
B. diffraction
C. reflection
D. refraction

12.A A green light is shining on a green plant in a red pot. There are no other
lights in the room. What color will the green plant and the red plant appear?
The plant will be and the pot will be .
A. green , red
B. green , green
C. green , black
D. both will be a darker color

13.A A volume of helium gas has a temperature of 0 0C. The same gas twice
as hot has a temperature of .
A. 0 0C
B. 2 0C
C. 100 0C
D. 273 0C

14. To say that something is twice as hot as another suggests that the hotter
thing has .
A. twice the thermal energy
B. twice the absolute temperature
C. both
D. none of the above
15. Theaters have spot lights that are covered with red, blue, and green
cellophane plastic. Why is this so?
A. The only available colors of cellophane plastic are red, blue and green.
B. Red, blue, and green are additive colors so a combination of these will
highlight an actor’s presentation.
C. Red, blue, and green are bright colors that will put emphasis on an actor’s
D. The colors can be easily obtained from the store and the bulbs can be
replaced if busted.

16. An acoustical engineer, in designing a theatre, will have to deal with

A. beats
B. forced vibrations
C. modulation
D. wave interference

17. With the advent of technology, most cellular phones are now able to capture
photos and store it in the device. What does the statement “You are against
the light” mean?
A. The person is standing in between a light source and the photographer.
The light source is facing the photographer.
B. The light source is between the person and the photographer facing the
latter’s direction.
C. The light source is on the side of the person and is illuminating only half
of the person.
D. The light source is at the back of the photographer directed towards the

18. Aside from ceilings, modern houses now have insulating materials made-up
of Styrofoam sandwiched between two sheets of aluminum. What purpose
does this insulating material serve?
A. The insulating material keeps the temperature inside the house low and
prevents it from rising up.
B. The insulating material keeps rats and other insects away from the ceiling
because it becomes hot once exposed to the heat of the sun.
C. On a hot day, it prevents heat transfer from the roof to the interior part of
the house. On a cold day, it prevents heat lost.
D. The material adds aesthetic qualities to the ceiling so that it doesn’t look
dull and lifeless.

19. In cold regions of the earth, most people would wear jackets that are either
stuffed with wool or have large packets of air. Why is this so?
A. Wool and air packets keep a person warm because the two are already
B. Wool and air packets prevent heat lost by the body keeping the body
temperature constant.
C. Wool and stuffed air have small particles that continuously jostle
producing enough heat to warm the body.
D. The particles in wool and stuffed air are good conductors of heat thus
keeping the body warm.

20. On a very cold and snowy night, a concrete house feels much colder than a
house made of solid wood. Why is this so?
a. Concrete loses thermal energy faster than wood, so it would feel colder
than the wood.
b. Solid wood has a lot of molecules that jostle; thus, it is warmer
than concrete.
c. Concrete molecules tend to stop more rapidly than the molecules of the
wood; thus, it becomes colder.
d. Solid wood gains heat more readily than concrete; thus, it
becomes warmer on a very cold and snowy day.
Let’s begin this lesson by gathering your ideas about sound, light,
and heat.

ACTIVITY NO. 1: Impossible!

Click on this website https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyovO2I4dPU (video

showing a child breaking a wine glass using his voice) and watch what the child
does. You may also do this at home but please wear safety goggles and gloves
when doing this.


1. What happened to the piece of drinking straw placed inside the wine glass?
2. Why was the straw placed inside the wine glass?
3. Could this experiment be true? Why or why not?
4. How did that child produce that sound?
5. Can we predict the behavior of sound? How?

Now you have an idea of what sound can do. Before proceeding to
an in-depth study of sound, light, and heat, answer the next activity
containing statements about the concepts that you are about to learn.

ACTIVITY NO. 2: Eliciting Prior Knowledge through ARG Chart

The box below contains statements about sound, light, and heat. On the first
column, write True if you think the statement is true and False if you think
otherwise. Do not answer the third column yet. You will answer the third column
when you finish this module. Remember to take note of the items in Evernote
and from time-to-time check on these. Click the icon “SUBMIT” so that your
teacher will know your initial ideas.

True or STATEMENTS Were you

False correct?
1. Sound is a transverse wave.
2. Vibrations of materials do not create
3. Sound can travel in a vacuum or in space.
4. Sound travels faster in cold winds.
5. Sound travels faster in wind than in solid
materials like steel.
6. White light is really just white.
7. Red, which is the first color in the visible
spectrum, has the highest frequency.
8. Violet has the lowest energy because it
has the lowest frequency.
9. Light does not have anything to do with
the color that we see on objects.
10. Blue skies result from the scattering of
the lowest frequency of light in the
11. Heat and temperature are one and the
12. Heat is something that an object contains.
13. When an object is heated, the motion of
the molecules of that object slows down.
14. Convection, as a method of heat transfer,
does not involve the movement of air
15. The amount of energy needed to raise the
temperature of an object by one degree
Celsius is determined by its specific heat

As you proceed to the rest of the activities, always have these

questions in your mind. How do sound, light, and heat change? Why do
such changes happen? Can these changes be predicted?


You have just seen one of the effects of sound and you have
answered questions about sound, light, and heat. As go along this
module, remember to think small. Think as though you are
molecule. What action(s) would you be doing if you were in air?
When something bumps you, what is the initial reaction of your
body? What would your reaction be if you were heated? If you
absorbed energy, how would your body react? Your understanding
of how sound, light, and heat behaves will allow you to explain
certain phenomena in your natural world.

Furthermore, you will be able to give an in-depth discussion of how these

phenomena such as blue skies and red sunsets happen. With this knowledge
comes your ability to enhance audiovisual presentations in school and in the

Your understanding of sound, light, and heat will be increased as you study the
lessons and perform the activities in the FIRM UP phase. Remember to take-
down notes all the time using Evernote or your notebook.

as about sound, light, and heat. Now it’s time for you to know more about these concepts. Remember to take down notes usin

ACTIVITY NO. 3.1: Vibrations and Waves

Before you begin to explore the nature of sound, light and heat, let’s take
a look at the fundamental characteristic of sound and light – both of these are
waves. Click this website http://www.brightstorm.com/science/physics/vibration-
and-waves - video discussions on vibrations and waves by Dr. Jonathan
Osbourne. In the website, watch the videos of the following by clicking the
appropriate link.
1. Wave characteristics
2. Frequency – period
3. Amplitude
4. Wavelength
5. Wave speed
6. Wave phase
7. Standing waves
8. Transverse waves
9. Longitudinal waves
Choose ten (10) important words from the videos that you’ve watched and
then complete the graphic organizer below.


1. What is a wave?
2. What is the difference between a transverse wave and a
longitudinal wave?
3. How do you calculate the frequency of a given wave? How about the
4. How do you calculate the speed of a wave?
5. When do you know if two waves are in-phase or out-of-phase?
6. How do waves behave?

Do you understand all the terms used in the video? If it is not clear
yet, you may go back to the same website and watch the videos
again. After watching the videos, complete the graphic organizer
below with Vibrations and Waves as the main idea.
ACTIVITY NO. 3.2: Calculating Wave Characteristics

In the previous activity, you learned that the frequency of a wave is the
number of wave cycles that are completed per unit of time. On the other
hand, period is the time it takes for a complete wave cycle to be done.
How are frequency and period related to wave speed? Click on this
website http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/waves (webpage
discussion on waves and its properties) and then read Lesson 2 about the
Properties of a Wave. After reading the webpage, answer the questions
that follow.
Remember to write your neat, clean, and complete solutions in your
notebook. Once you are done answering, click SUBMIT.

1. A longitudinal sound wave has a speed of 340
m/s in air. If this wave produces a tone with a
frequency of 1000 Hz, what is the wavelength?
2. A transverse wave has a wavelength of 0.50 m
and a frequency of 20 Hz. What is the wave
3. A student reading his physics book on a lake
dock notices that the distance between two
incoming wave crests is about 2.4 m and he then
measures the time of arrival between wave crests
to be 1.6 seconds. What is the approximate
speed of the waves?
4. Light waves travel in a vacuum at a speed of
300,000 km/s. The frequency of visible light is
about 5 x 1014 Hz. What is the approximate
wavelength of the light?
5. A certain laser emits light of wavelength 6.33 x
10-7 m. What is the frequency of this light in a

How did you fare in the previous activity? If you are still uncertain
about your solutions to the problems, click on this website
(contains problem sets on wave basics including audio guided
solutions) and answer the problems. Once you are done with the
problems in this website, you may listen to the audio guided
solutions that are found in the same page.


1. What are the different properties of a wave?

2. How were you able to calculate frequency, period, and wave speed?
3. How does a wave behave?
4. Why do these changes happen?
5. Can we predict these changes? Why or why not?
6. Whenever a public storm signal is raised, the Philippine Coast Guard will
never allow boats or ships to sail even if these boats have outriggers (see
picture below). Why is this so? (What happens at sea during storms?)

7. Policemen who go to the firing range for practice shooting will always wear a
headset before attempting to fire their guns. What’s the purpose of the
headset? How is it related to waves?

ACTIVITY NO. 4: Nature of Sound

Part I - Concepts
Now that you know about the characteristics waves, let’s us now proceed
to a very common wave that we encounter daily – sound. What is sound? What
kind of a wave is sound? Click on these websites and watch the videos. After
watching the videos, complete the graphic organizers that follow.
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kt1pTcfstC8 – Bill Nye’s video on
sound properties
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVGE854x1yQ – video showing
how sound is produced and how it is propagated

Now you have an idea of how sound works. Click this website
https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/sound (simulation of
sound), and download the Sound simulation or you can run it in
html. Once you’ve downloaded the simulation, you will see these
TASK tabs.

Click the “Listen to a Single Source” tab first.


1. What is the effect of changing the frequency of the tone generated?

2. What is the effect of changing the amplitude of the tone generated?
3. Using the slide bar as a rough ruler, and with the frequency set to
100 Hz, how low in amplitude (%) can you still hear the tone?
4. Using the slide bar as a rough ruler, and with the frequency set to
1000 Hz, how low in amplitude (%) can you still hear the tone?

This time, click the “Measure” tab of the simulator. You will see a ruler and a
timer in the simulator. Notice that the ruler is a scale of 5 meters and the timer
can record time up to ten thousandths of a second. Set the frequency to 10 Hz
and predict the time it will take for a wave to reach 5 meters. Complete the
prediction table below then observe what happens in the simulator.

Amplitude based from Prediction Observation

slide Bar
25 %

50 %

75 %

100 %

With the data that you have, how far do you think will sound reach in one
second? Why?

We will continue with the sound simulator in the next part of this activity. In the
meantime, proceed to the next part of this activity.

1. What is sound?
2. What kind of a wave is sound?
3. Why do we hear echoes?
4. How do we hear sound?
5. What’s the relationship between wave frequency and pitch?
6. How is sound propagated?
7. Can we predict the behavior of sound?

Part II – Properties of Sound

In the previous part of this activity, you were introduced to the
conceptual understanding of what sound is. Now, let’s go into a
little bit of math involving sound. Click this website
http://www.physicsclassroom.com/calcpad/sound (shows an
overview of the problem sets about sound and the different
properties that are associated with sound) and read about the
following topics:
1. The Speed of Sound,
2. Sound Intensity,
3. The Decibel Scale,
4. Speed of waves in strings, ropes, wires and cables, and
5. Frequency-Wavelength-Speed

relationship. PROCESS QUESTIONS:

1. In the previous part of this activity, you were able to make a rough
estimate of how far sound can travel in a second. How close is your
estimate compared to the speed of sound given in the webpage that
you’ve just read?
2. How does the frequency of sound affect your perception of it?
3. Consider this, dolphins as well as bats are able to communicate using
sound. But why can we not hear it?
4. We are often reminded not to make the volume of sound louder when we
are using a headset in listening to music. Why is this so?

Let’s continue playing with the sound simulator. Do you know what interference
means? Click on the “Two Source Interference” tab of the simulator and we will
try to discover what interference means. You will see two sources of sound in the
display and a head which will represent you. You move this head to a position
and this will allow you to listen to the sound of the sources at that position.


1. What pattern did you see as the two sources produced sound? Please
draw the pattern that you see in your notebook.
2. When the sound coming from the two sources meet, did you notice the
very dark spots? How about the very light ones? What could be happening
in these spots?
3. Try moving the head into these spots and listen carefully. What have you
4. In which spot will you hear sound? In which spot do you not hear a sound?
5. What then is interference?
6. How many sources of sound do you need in order to have interference?
7. Many jackhammer operators would wear noise cancelling devices before
working with a jackhammer. Can you describe what these devices
actually do?

We still have two more tabs in the simulator. Click the “Interference by
Reflection” tab of the simulator. On its right, you will see the same controls for the
amplitude and frequency. You will also see slide bars for adjusting the wall angle
and position with respect to the source. You are given the choice as well if you
want a continuous wave or just a pulse. Tick continuous for this part and observe
what happens to the wave as you go through each of the process questions that


1. What happens to the wave as it hits the wall?

2. Do you still see dark spots and light spots? What happens in these
regions again?
3. Now try this in your room, go to a corner and shout. What happens to the
sound you produced?
4. Likewise, do the same for a flat wall in your room. How loud is the sound
you hear?
5. If you move away from the flat wall, how loud will the reflected sound be?

On to the last tab in the simulator, click “Listen with Varying Air Pressure” tab and
notice what happens to sound when you begin to extract or pump out air from the
box containing the source of sound. Remember what you know about
atmospheric pressure? We feel the pressure coming from the atmosphere
because there are tiny molecules of air that push us down. That is why there is


1. Before you start, let’s begin with a few questions on what you see in the
simulator. It says 1 atm of pressure in the gauge, what does this mean?
2. If we pump out air in the box, what does it have to do with the pressure
3. So if the pressure lowers in the box, it also means that?
4. Observe what happens before you begin to pump out air from the box. Do
you hear a sound?
5. Now begin pumping out air from the box. What happens to the sound that
you’ve heard previously?
6. What happens when all the air has been evacuated from the box i.e. is
zero pressure?
7. What does this tell us about sound?
8. Suppose a big planet such as Jupiter exploded. Do you think we will hear
it? Why or why not?

After reading about the topics listed above and playing with the sound simulator,
click this website http://www.physicsclassroom.com/calcpad/sound/problems.cfm
(problem set about sound and its properties) and do the word problems first.
After doing it on your own, listen to the audio guided solutions of the problems
that you answered.


1. What are the factors that affect the speed of sound in air?
2. What factors affect the speed of sound in any material?
3. How do you calculate the intensity of sound?
4. What is the decibel scale?
5. What information does the decibel give us?
6. How do you calculate the speed of sound waves in strings, ropes, wires,
and cables?
7. How are frequency, wavelength and speed of sound related?
8. What do all these tell us about sound?
9. Can we predict its behavior? How?

ACTIVITY NO. 5: What’s That Sound Experiment?

Now you know what sound is! Let’s do a little experiment about sound
using a slinky. Click this website
http://hendrix2.uoregon.edu/~dlivelyb/phys101/lab8_s07.pdf (pdf file containing
experiments about sound) and do experiment no. 1 only. While doing the
experiment, ask someone to take a video of you doing the experiment then
upload this video to Youtube and share this to your teacher and friends. Let your
friends comment on the experiment that you did.


1. What role did the slinky do in the experiment?

2. Is energy transferred when sound is propagated? How?
3. How is the frequency and wavelength of a sound related to energy?
4. Can we predict this behavior of sound?

ACTIVITY NO. 6: Check Mic Test 1-2-3

Now it’s time to do a little bit of mind exercise about sound. Read, analyze,
and answer the questions below thoroughly. Click this website
www.vicphysics.org/documents/teachers/unit3/sound/SoundTest1.doc (test on
sound) and answer numbers 1 – 18 only.

Before you proceed to the next activity, do a quick check of the concepts
you learned by ticking the appropriate column of this check-bric

SOUND CHECK 1-2-3 Yes No Not Quite!

1. I can explain how sound is produced.
2. I can draw an illustration of how sound is
3. I can demonstrate how sound behaves and
explain its behavior.
4. I can now choose a good spot in a theater
or concert venue where I can hear the
sound well.
5. I can relate ocean waves with sound
6. I can now explain why two plastic cups,
connected with a thin string whose ends
are attached at the bottom of each, can be
used as a phone.
7. I can already position two or more speakers
such that sound is smoothly propagated
through these.
8. I can now do sound proofing at home.

In order for you not to forget what you learned, go to www.blabberize.com

and upload a picture of a radio. Make the radio talk about sound, its properties
and propagation, and why it is important. Then share it to your friends.
Congratulations! You have just learned about the properties of
sound and how it is propagated. In the next activity, you will
encounter another type of wave that allows us to see things in our
natural world. This type of wave is similar to sound in some
aspects. But, it is different from sound in other aspects because it
can travel even without a medium plus it is much faster than sound.
What is this wave? Read on.

ACTIVITY NO. 7: Let there be Light!

Why are we able to see things? Seeing things involve a particular kind of
wave that is called light. Click on these websites to know more about it and then
complete the graphic organizer below.
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtgBHsSzCPE – Bill Nye the science
guy video on light and color
2. http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/light/Lesson-1/Wavelike-
Behaviors-of-Light - shows a discussion on the properties of light as it
behaves as a wave
3. http://www.ivyroses.com/HumanBody/Eye/What-is-Light.php - gives a
discussion about the nature of light, white light, and its propagation
4. http://physics.tutorvista.com/light.html - enumerates the different
properties of light


1. How are light and sound the same?

2. How are they different?
3. Why do you see lightning first before you hear thunder on a rainy day?
4. What is light?
5. How many ways does light behave?
6. Is white light just white? If not, how many colors is it made of?
7. The arrangement of the component colors of white light is based from
what property of light?
8. What are the different properties of light?
9. How does each property help us to see things?
10. Can we predict the behavior of light?
ACTIVITY NO. 8: Colors Everywhere

In the previous activity, you learned about the behavior of light. White light
that hits objects is just a portion of what is called the electromagnetic spectrum.
Moreover, this white light is made-up of different colors of light with varying
wavelengths and frequencies from red to violet. In this activity, you will learn how
these components make your natural world colorful. Click on these websites:
1. http://physics.info/color/ - Physics hypertextbook
containing information about color and how we see color, and

2. http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/light/Lesson-2/The-
Electromagnetic-and-Visible-Spectra -this website is the start of
lesson 2 which is about light and color.

For the second website listed above, READ and CLICK the complete lesson 2 to
have a complete idea of how we perceive color. You should also do the practice
items that are found in each part of the lesson. Then complete the graphic
organizer below.


After reading the webpages, click this website
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu5u_6giZ-I (Paul Hewitt’s video on Colors)
then answer the following questions.


1. Why do we see a rainbow immediately after a rain?

2. What wavelength of light is absorbed by a ripe banana? What
wavelength does it transmit?
3. We always see water to have no color at all. But why do we see blue
tropical seawaters?
4. When a car is parked out in the sun, drivers will always place an
aluminum covered reflector in their dashboard. Why is this so?

ACTIVITY NO. 9: A Colorful Experiment

It’s now time to do a little bit of experiment about light. In this

TASK activity, you will need a friend to do the experiments. You will also be
handling a sharp cutter blade so, EXERCISE CAUTION IN

Experiment no. 1: Color Addition and Subtraction

For this experiment, you will have to click this website
https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/color-vision (contains a downloadable
simulation of the color humans perceive when photons of light are varied) and
download the simulation in your computer. After you download this simulation,
you will be asked to choose whether you will use a single light or three lights
(red, green, and blue). Choose the three lights and you will see on screen a
person with a dialogue box. Each time you adjust the color tabs of the light, the
color that is perceived by the person will be shown in the dialogue box. Now do
the following:
1. Move the tabs to 100% and observe what happens. What color does the
person see?
2. Move the red tab to zero (0) while the blue and the green tabs remain at
100% and observe the color that the person sees. What does he see?
3. Now, raise the red tab to 100% and move the green tab to zero (0) while
the blue tab remains at 100%. What color does the person see?
4. This time, raise the green tab to 100% while the red tab stays at 100%
and move the blue tab to zero (0). What color does the person see?
5. Do the first four steps of this virtual experiment confirm everything that
you’ve read so far? If so, write down your generalization in your
6. Now, you can play with the color vision simulator. Remember to take
note of whatever color you get while mixing the tabs.

Experiment no. 2: Light Diffraction

CAUTION: Please handle the cutter blade carefully.

Materials: cutter blade, ruler, 5-cm square illustration board, small flashlight, and
a dark room.
1. Draw a 1-cm border from each side of the 5-cm square board on the white
side of it.
2. In the smaller square, draw lines that are 2 mm apart. Using a cutter
blade, make slits on these lines. Your board should look like the figure


3. Now, in a dark room, switch on the flashlight and put it on the white side of
the board and observe the light that comes out of the dark side of the
board. Record all your observations.
4. Let your friend do the same thing and see if you both have the
same observations.
5. Observe a window blind in a room. Notice how it looks like? Why is the
size of each part equal and the spacing equal?
6. Grab hold of a Panda TM ball point pen. Take a look at the grooves that
you use for holding it. Now, observe a fluorescent lamp through the
grooves. What do you see? Is this something similar to what you observed
earlier with the illustration board? What effect did the grooves have on the
light that enters through it?

a. What color did you observe coming out of the dark side of the board?
b. What instrument did you just make out of the illustration board?
c. What do the slits do to the white light that passes through it?
d. The color that you see coming out of the dark board is an evidence of
what behavior of light?
e. Why does this behavior happen?
f. Can we predict this?

ACTIVITY NO. 10: Light and Color Problems

In the previous activities, you learned about how we see and why see
things. In the process of seeing, light is always involved. Light has to be reflected
by the object and into our eyes so that we can see it. The color of the object that
we see depends on its color and the color of light that illuminates it. Let’s put all
the concepts you learned in practice and try to answer the questions that follow.
Click “Submit” when you are done.

1. It is sometimes said that black is
the absence of all color or that a
black object absorbs all incident
light. If so, why do we see black
2. Several beverages, such as root
beer, when poured into a glass
develops a “head” of foam. Why is
the foam generally white or light,
while the liquid is dark?
3. Why does a white piece of paper
appear white in white light, red in
red light, blue in blue light, and so
on for every color?
4. Your friend reasons that magenta
and yellow paint mixed together will
produce red because magenta is a
combination of red and blue, and
yellow is a combination of red and
green – and that the color in
common is red. Do you agree or
disagree, and why?
5. Fill in the last statement. (All colors
are combined by the addition of
Red + green + blue = white
Red + green = yellow = white –
Red + blue = magenta = white –
Green + blue = cyan = white -

6. White light is incident on a material

with green pigment and passes
through it. After it passes through
the green-colored material, the
transmitted light is incident on a
material that has yellow pigment
(see figure below). What color of
light emerges from the yellow-
colored material?


7. When white light is shone on red ink

dried on a glass plate, the color that
is transmitted is red. But the color
that is reflected is not red. What is
it? Explain.

Before you end this part, fill-up the check-bric below. Should you have some
questions regarding the items in it, don’t be afraid to send a message to your
teacher or pose the question in the discussion group.
1. I can explain how light is produced.
2. I can draw an illustration of how light is
propagated in different media.
3. I can demonstrate how prisms and
diffraction gratings are used.
4. I can explain the hierarchy of colors in the
visible spectrum.
5. I can explain how we see things in our
natural world.
6. I can explain how light behaves in
transparent, translucent, and opaque
7. I can already position spotlights in a venue
that will enhance the aesthetic effects of
stage performers.
8. I can now choose the type of light that will
be cool for my own room and for our house.

Congratulations! You’ve learned another type of wave that is light.

Before proceeding to the next activity, observe what happens when
you do the following:
1. If you have a good singing voice, continuously sing at least 5 of your
favorite songs. What do you feel after the 5 th song? Why does your throat
dry up when you continuously sing?
2. If you don’t have a good singing voice, continuously tap with a beat one of
your textbooks for at least 30 minutes. After 30 minutes of tapping, how
does the book feel? How about your hand?
3. Now, go near a fluorescent lamp or any other light source in your house.
How does it feel? What sensation did your body feel when you went near
the light source?
In all the mini-activities that you were asked to do, what caused the drying of
your throat, the warmth of the textbook and your hand, and the warm sensation
that your body felt while staying near a light source? Do you see the energy? In
these mini-activities, heat was produced. How do we distinguish between heat
and temperature? Proceed to the next activities to find out and learn more.
ACTIVITY NO. 11: Hot or Cold (Experiment)

Before you proceed to the next topic in this module, let’s do a

TASK quick experiment. You will need three (3) dippers, 250 ml ice water, 250
ml warm water (about 50 0C), 250 ml tap water (4 0C), and a keen sense
of scientific observation.
1. Place the three dippers side-by-side and put the ice water on the left
dipper, the tap water in the middle dipper, and the warm water on the
2. Simultaneously put your right hand in the warm water, and your left hand
in the ice water. Do you feel the difference in temperature?
3. Count to 10 and then put both of your hands in the tap water. Do you feel
any difference in temperature?
4. Now switch hands and do the same procedure in step 3.


1. What did you feel when you dipped your hands in the ice water and in the
warm water?
2. Is there any difference when you dipped both hands in the tap water?
3. What does this tell you about heat and temperature?

In this activity, you found out that heat is not just a physiological feeling and
that it is difficult to determine which is hot or cold just by feeling it. If this is the
case, then how do we distinguish between heat and temperature? In order for
you to answer this question, proceed to the next activity.

ACTIVITY NO. 12: Heat and Temperature

In the previous activity, you had a short experiment on the difference

between heat and temperature. This time let’s look at the exact difference
between heat and temperature. Click on the websites below and complete the
graphic organizers that follow.
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdtUnNEH22c – Prof. Julius Miller’s
video on the ideas of heat and temperature showing the distinction
between the two terms
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4RCe TuAu_k&index=34&list=PLYYs
Omj5qI6XQi0ShPhBX9afy_J0r5DXK - Paul Hewitt video on Heat and
3. http://hop.concord.org/h1/phys/h1p.html - discussion and illustration of the
difference between heat and temperature
4. http://science.howstuffworks.com/dictionary/physics-terms/heat-info3.htm -
discussion on heat and the different temperature measures

Heat Temperatur e


1. What is heat?
2. What type of molecular motion is associated with heat?
3. Can an object contain heat?
4. What is the difference between heat and temperature?
5. If something has a high temperature, does it follow that it also has high
heat? Why or why not?
6. How does heat change the behavior of a particle?
7. Why does this change happen?
8. Can we predict this change? Why or why not?

ACTIVITY NO. 13: Heat Transfer and Thermal Expansion

In the previous activity, you were introduced to the concept of heat and
temperature. These two terms must be very clear to you now before you proceed
with this module. Heat, as defined in the previous activity, is energy in transit.
This means that when two objects have differences in temperature, heat will flow.
Click on this website https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBeJPpeeYJQ (Bill Nye
video on heat) and complete the Frayer model graphic organizer for each
method of heat transfer.




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Developed by the Private Education Assistance Committee 125

under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education
Now that you know the different methods of heat transfer, complete the following
table below.

Method of HOW DOES

Heat Transfer THIS WORK?

1. What condition will allow heat to transfer?

2. Why are there different methods of heat transfer?
3. What difference does each method have?

4. Will heat perpetually transfer from an area with high temperature to an

area with low temperature? Why or why not?
5. Why does heat behave this way?
6. Can we predict this behavior? Why or why not?

Now you know the ways in which heat transfers. We should remember
however, as pointed out in the previous activity, that heat affects the movement
of particles in objects. This movement causes expansion in the objects that are
heated. Click on this website https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZaAqRS6uOM
(Prof. Julius Miller’s video on the thermal expansion of solids) and watch how
solids expand.

1. At the molecular level, what happens when heat is applied?
2. When these molecules move, what happens to the object?
3. Do molecules of gaseous substances behave in the same manner as
molecules in solid when heat is applied? Why or why not?

In the previous part of this activity you learned that solids expand when heated.
The heat applied to the solid goes into exciting the molecules thus these
molecules would move into regions were they are less concentrated. This would
push molecules in the outer boundaries of the material to move towards empty
space. In relation to this concept answer the following questions below.
1. If you happen to pass by a bridge,
you will see that it is not entire
solid. Meaning, there are gaps in
between segments of the bridge.
Metal plates are often fitted into
these like teeth. Why is this so?
2. Whenever you change the
temperature setting of an air
conditioning unit, you will always
hear a clicking sound. What could
this be? Why?
3. A friend of yours said that you
should have the area of a parcel of
land measured during the night if
you want to buy it. Do you agree
with him? Why or why not?
4. Would you believe a friend of yours
if he said that the bottle used for a
1.5-liter soda comes from a small
pellet that is smaller than your
thumb? Why or why not?
5. Most glass food plates are not
microwavable. They crack when
they are microwaved. Why do glass
food plates crack when heated?

The next questions that need to be answered are these: (a) Does the
addition or subtraction of heat always result in a change of
temperature?, (b) With the application of heat, is the change of
temperature the same for all substances?, and (c) If the change of
temperature is not the same, what determines this? To answer all these,
click these websites and complete the graphic organize that follows thereafter.
a. http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/thermo/spht.html - gives a
discussion of specific heat capacity and has a heat calculator
b. http://www.iun.edu/~cpanhd/C101webnotes/matter-and-
energy/specificheat.html - gives a discussion of specific heat capacity with
a table of specific heats and sample word problems
c. http://www.kentshillphysics.net/thermodynamics/latent-heat-phase-
change/ - a discussion of phase change and latent heats

Specific Heat Capacity


1. So what does the added or subtracted heat do to an objects temperature?
2. Will the change in temperature be the same for all substances
assuming that the same amount of heat is added or subtracted? Why or
why not?
3. What does the specific heat capacity of a substance tell you?

4. If you look at the specific heat capacity table presented in the websites
you’ve just read, why do you think is water used as a coolant in
automobile radiators?
5. Can we use the information on specific heat capacities to predict how
much energy is needed by a substance to raise its temperature?

ACTIVITY NO. 14: Heat Calculations

In the previous activity you learned that the amount of heat lost or gained
by a substance that does not undergo a change of phase is given by the
where Q is the amount of heat lost or gained written in Joules (J), m is the mass
of the substance in kilograms, c is the specific heat capacity of the substance in
and ΔT is the change in temperature ∆𝑇 = 𝑇finaS — 𝑇initiaS

Hence the amount of heat lost or gained by a substance can be written as


The equation of heat tells us that the amount lost or gained is directly
proportional to the specific heat capacity of the substance. The previous activity
also showed that when two objects are in contact with each other and are
perfectly insulated with no heat lost or gained from the environment, then the
heat flows from the object with high temperature to the object with low
Now, it’s time to practice calculating heat lost or gained. Should you
encounter any difficulty solving the problems listed in the table below, you may
click these websites:
a. http://blowers.chee.arizona.edu/cooking/heat/ex11.html - shows an
example of calculating heat with two objects involved,
b. http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/thermalP/Lesson-
2/Measuring-the-Quantity-of-Heat - gives a discussion on how heat is
measured and shows examples of calculating heat, and
c. http://mypages.iit.edu/~smart/stonmar1/lessonC.htm - shows four
examples of heat calculations.

QUESTIONS Solutions and Answers

1) How much heat does 25 g of aluminum give

off as it cools from 100 0C to 20 0C? For
aluminum, c = 880 J/kg*C0.

2) A certain amount of heat is added to a mass

of aluminum (c=0.21 cal/g*C0), and its
temperature is raised to 57 0C. Suppose that
the same amount of heat is added to the
same mass of copper (c=0.093 cal/g*C0).
How much does the temperature of the
copper rise?

3) Two identical metal plates (mass = m, specific

heat = c) have different temperatures; one is at
20 0C, and the other is at 90 0C. They are
placed in good thermal contact. What is their
final temperature?

4) A thermos bottle contains 250 g of coffee at 90

0C. To this is added 20 g of milk at 5 0C. After
equilibrium is established, what is the
temperature of the liquid? Assume no heat loss
to the thermos bottle?

5) A 15.75-g piece of iron absorbs 1086.75 joules

of heat energy, and its temperature changes
from 25°C to 175°C. Calculate the specific
heat capacity of iron.
Before proceeding to the next section of this module, complete the
check-bric below on heat. Remember to send a message to your
teacher or post a question in the discussion group should you
have any questions or clarifications regarding the concepts
discussed in this section.

THE HEAT IS ON! Yes No Not Quite!

1. I can explain how heat is produced.
2. I can distinguish clearly between heat and
3. I can determine where heat will flow given
the differences in temperature of two or
more substances.
4. I can explain how a solid will behave when
heat is applied to it.
5. I can calculate the heat required to increase
the temperature of a given object.
6. I can explain why bridges have expansion
7. I can explain why home ceilings have foam
8. I can now improve the ventilation or flow of
air in my room and at home.

End of FIRM UP:

In this section, you ventured into the molecular world in order to

understand sound, light, and heat. You also learned that both
sound and light are waves although they differ in the materials that
they can travel on. For sound to travel, a medium must be present
in order to transfer the vibrations from one particle to other. Light,
on the other hand, can travel even without a medium. This explains
why we can see stars that are distant from the earth. With the
vibrations and movements of particles comes the production of
heat. Heat, as you have learned, has something to do with the
kinetic energy or movement of molecules that is why it is referred to
as the energy in motion. All objects have internal energy but an
object cannot contain heat. How do sound, light, and heat change?
Why do such changes happen? Can these changes be predicted?
Go back to the previous section and compare your initial ideas with the
discussion. How much of your initial ideas are found in the discussion? Which
ideas are different and need revision? How can your understanding of the
behavior of sound, light, and heat be of good use to you? Can we benefit from
the changes that they make?

Now that you know the important ideas about this topic, let’s go deeper by
moving on to the next section.

In this section, you will venture into what your senses can perceive
as part of the changes that sound, light, and heat make.
Remember, all the activities here are effects of what happens deep
within the molecular realm that you studied in the previous part of
this module.

ACTIVITY NO. 15: Resonance and Forced Vibrations

In the previous part of this module, you learned that everything that is
tapped or struck will produce sound as long as it is vibrating. What happens
when something continuously vibrates? Let’s look back at the video you watched
in the first part of this module and look at another video showing the effects of
vibration. Click on the websites below.
a. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyovO2I4dPU - video showing a
child breaking a wine glass using his voice
b. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mclp9QmCGs – video
showing the collapse of the Tacoma Bridge in the USA

1. Why do you think the glass broke in the first video you watched?
2. Is it really possible to break the glass just by using your voice? Why or
why not?
3. How about the second video clip, why did the bridge collapse?
4. How are these two videos related to each other?

Remember in the previous part of this module, when a molecule vibrates and hits
another molecule the other molecules will be forced into vibration also. Right?
Now, do you think the child in the first video has started vibrating the molecules
of the glass? Click on these websites and complete the graphic organizer that
c. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-Bn70PpbrM – demonstrations in
Physics – resonance and forced vibrations
d. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJj4Wjjf0WI – video from BBC
showing a glass goblet being shattered because of sound
e. http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/sound/Lesson-4/Forced-
Vibration - discussion on forced vibrations and resonance

1. What does it mean when an object resonates?
2. What is the difference between resonance and forced vibration?
3. How will you explain the collapse of the Tacoma Bridge using the two
4. How about the breaking of the glass?
5. Why does sound behave like this?
6. Can we predict this behavior? Why or why not?
ACTIVITY NO. 16: Musical Sounds and Acoustics

When you pluck the strings of a guitar, you are forcing it to vibrate.
When you start tapping the beat box, you are vibrating it. In all of
these actions where we allow materials such as strings or wood to
vibrate, we are trying to create a sound that is pleasing for our ears
to hear – music. Click on the websites listed below and know more
about how we produce music. Then complete the graphic organizer
that follows.
a. http://www.infoplease.com/dk/science/encyclopedia/musical-sound.html -
discussion on how some instruments produce music (for this website, also
click its “FIND OUT MORE” section)
b. http://method-behind-the-music.com/mechanics/physics/ - gives a
discussion about how music is produced and distinguishes
between fundamental and harmonics
c. http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/sound/Lesson-4/Fundamental-
Frequency-and-Harmonics - discussion on fundamental frequency and
harmonics with sample calculation of frequency; contains a timbre
calculator (you may try this calculator and hear the sound that you
produce by entering four different frequencies)

1. How is music produced?
2. What is the difference between music and noise?
3. What is the difference between a fundamental frequency and harmonics?
4. Why do different strings produce different sounds?
5. What happens when different sounds interfere with each other?
6. Why will two sounds overlap or otherwise cancel each other out?
7. Using the concept of interference, how do we reduce noise entering a
8. Can we prevent this? How?

The last question in the previous part of this activity might have left you
wondering if interference can be prevented or not. Fortunately, there is a science
that deals particularly with the interactions of sound, and how these interactions
can be used to our advantage. That is, the science of acoustics. This science will
help you design and construct the plenary hall of the convention center. Click on
the websites below, know more about acoustics, and complete the graphic
organizer that follows.
a. http://www.infoplease.com/dk/science/encyclopedia/acoustics.html - gives
a discussion of acoustics and different elements that are considered in this
b. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHBPvMDFyO8 – video from
Tutorvista.com showing the different elements that should be considered
in building acoustics or when building an audio-visual room
c. http://www.norsonic.com/en/applications/building_acoustics/ - gives a
discussion of the different elements of room and building acoustics as
well as suggestions for soundproofing
d. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPYt10zrclQ – video showing how
sound behaves in a room and how sound can be controlled within the


1. What is acoustics?
2. How is room acoustics different from building acoustics?
3. What are the different elements that must be considered when building an
audio-visual room / auditorium? Describe each.
4. What happens to sound when it hit an absorbent material?
5. Why should certain behaviors of sound be controlled in an audio-visual
room / auditorium?

Now, try to do a little bit of a qualitative experiment with your friends

at home using the concepts that you have learned in this activity.
You will need a 12-inch open-top box made of wood, packaging
TASK tape, pieces of rag (the cheap ones you can buy in the store), egg
trays, Styrofoam boards, and a cellular phone. Here are the

1. Put the cellphone on the floor and cover it with the box. Make sure that the
phone is not in silent mode but is in full volume.
2. Stay on the side of the box and ask your friends to stay on the other sides.
Now call the number of the phone that is inside the box using another
phone. Listen to the sound that you hear.
3. Now, using the packaging tape, tape the pieces of rag on the inside walls
of the box so that the inside walls are covered all throughout. Do
procedure numbers 1 and 2.
4. Remove the rags from the inside wall and replace these with egg trays.
Make sure that all areas of the inside wall are covered with egg trays. Do
procedure numbers 1 and 2.
5. Remove the egg trays from the inside wall and replace these with cut
Styrofoam boards. Make sure that all areas are covered with the same
thickness of Styrofoam board. Do procedure numbers 1 and 2.


a. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the loudest, how loud was the

sound you heard with just the uncovered inside walls of the box?
b. Which inside-wall cover reduced the ringing sound of the cellphone?
c. How will this experiment help you in the design and construction
of your proposal?
ACTIVITY NO. 17: Blue Skies, Red Sunsets, and White Clouds

You already know what light is and what it is made of. But most of all, you
have observed several phenomena that have something to do with light. Blue
skies, red sunsets, white clouds, rainbows after a rain, and a lot more! All of
these must have left you hanging with a question: why do these happen? To
answer your queries, click on the websites below and complete the table

a. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRh75B5iotI – Prof. Walter Lewin’s

lecture on Physics (start at the 27- minute mark)
b. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u RmdZVvzMzQ&list=PLYYsOmj5qI6X
Qi0ShPhBX9afy_J0r5DXK&index=43 – Paul Hewitt short lecture on
c. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vUzS9b_0IE – Paul Hewitt’s video on
why the sky is blue and why sunsets are red
d. http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/atmos/rbowpri.html -
discussion on primary and secondary rainbows
e. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Asyzw3gMfb0 – video showing a
thorough discussion of the different colors that can be seen in the sky as
well as addition of colors and Rayleigh scattering

PHENOMENON Explanation

Blue Skies

Red Sunsets

Primary Rainbow

Twinkling of Stars


1. What properties of light are common in all of the phenomena?

2. What do these phenomena tell us about how light behaves?
3. Can we replicate these phenomena on a smaller scale? How?

ACTIVITY NO. 18: Lighting Effects

In the Firm-up part of this module, you were introduced to the

different properties of light. In this activity, we will look at how these
properties are used in lighting audio-visual rooms or auditoriums.
Click on the websites below and complete the graphic organizer
that follows.

a. http://robertdavisinc.com/lighting.htm - webpage discussion on

the different types of lighting in an auditorium
b. http://www.slideshare.net/vinay12n4/auditorium-lighting - slideshow
presentation of the different elements to consider when lighting an
c. ftp://ftp.leviton.com/LevitonFTP-
900_Seats.pdf - contains a listing of equipment and their use in lighting an
Lighting Do’s and Don’ts



1. What are the factors that should be considered in lighting an audio-

visual room or an auditorium?
2. Why should the lighting system be put at the proper place?
3. How does the positioning of the lights affect visual effects?
4. What are the possible equipments that you can use in your proposed
plenary hall?

Now you know how auditoriums are lighted. Try to do a quick

experiment on lighting. You will need adult supervision in the
construction and handling of the light bulbs in sockets. For this you will
need: 3 white incandescent light bulbs attached to a rubber socket with
TASK wire plugs for switching on (light bulbs should be of different wattage),
aluminum foil, plastic cellophanes (red, green, blue), white cartolina, a
stapler, a step ladder, and a dark room.

1. Using the cartolina, make three right circular cones with different
radii and cut the tip so that the wire of the socket can pass through.
2. Cover the inside portion of the cones with aluminum foil. You can do
this by stapling the foil.
3. Now place one of the bulbs inside one of the cones and switch it on.
4. Switch-off the lights in the room and using a step ladder, hold the cone
and observe what happens to the lighted area of the floor as you go up
the ladder.
5. Using the same bulb, use the other two cones and repeat procedure
number 4.
6. Repeat procedure numbers 3 – 5 for the other bulbs.
7. Repeat procedure numbers 3 – 6 but this time cover the circular base
of the cone with plastic cellophane. Do this for the other colors.

a. Which cone lighted the biggest area on the floor?
b. What happened to this lighted area as you went up the ladder?
c. Which bulb illuminated the most floor area?
d. What was the role of the plastic cellophane?
e. Why do you only need red, green, and blue cellophanes?
f. Is it possible to have other shapes aside from cones? Why or why not?
ACTIVITY NO. 19: Putting it all Together (Revisiting the ARG)

Remember the table that you answered in the first part of this module?
Look at the table once again and check the statements that you answered
correctly. If your answer to a statement is incorrect, write the correct answer with
explanation in the third column.

True or STATEMENTS Were you correct?


1. Sound is a transverse wave.

2. Vibrations of materials do not create


3. Sound can travel in a vacuum or in


4. Sound travels faster in cold winds.

5. Sound travels faster in wind than in

solid materials like steel.

6. White light is really just white.

7. Red, which is the first color in the
visible spectrum, has the highest

8. Violet has the lowest energy because

it has the lowest frequency.

9. Light does not have anything to do

with the color that we see on objects.

10. Blue skies result from the scattering

of the lowest frequency of light in the

11. Heat and temperature are one and the


12. Heat is something that an object


13. When an object is heated, the motion

of the molecules of that object slows

14. Convection, as a method of heat

transfer, does not involve the
movement of air molecules.
15. The amount of energy needed to raise
the temperature of an object by one
degree Celsius is determined by its
specific heat capacity.

You’ve just finished learning about sound, light, and heat. To put
more color into what you’ve just learned, go to www.toondoo.com
and create a comic strip entitled “The Adventures of Light and
Sound”. You will have to register first before you can start creating
your comic strip. You can start light’s adventure with the heating of
a Tungsten filament in a bulb. Go ahead create and share this to
your friends and family.

End of DEEPEN:

In this section you went deeper into the application of sound, light,
and heat in everyday phenomena. What new realizations do you
have about the topic? What new connections have you made for

In your notebook, write a brief reflection on your experience about the nature of
sound, light and heat. How do sound, light, and heat change? Why do such
changes happen? Can these changes be predicted? How?

Now that you have a deeper understanding of the topic, you are ready to do the
tasks in the next section.

Your goal in this section is to apply your learning to real life

situations. You will make a proposed design and construct a model
of an audio-visual room / auditorium that will be constructed by your
school. This design should contain provisions for the control of
sound, lights, and heat through proper ventilation. But before you
can do the task, remember what you have learned about how
sound, light and heat behave.
ACTIVITY NO.20: My Music Studio: Sound, light, and Heat Proofing A Room

In this activity, you are going to transform your room into a music studio.
Your house is located in a densely populated community. Sound-proofing the
studio is needed so that the music or noise coming from the inside would not be
heard outside and disturb your neighbors. You will also arrange the lights of that
room in order for it to be conducive. And lastly, you will have to make sure that
the room is properly insulated so that the air-conditioning units will work properly.
You will need the assistance of your best friend here. Are you ready?

With a video cam or a cellphone camera, go to your room or to any

other room in your house and describe how you are going to do the
tasks mentioned earlier. You may use the table below as your
TASK guide.

1) I can make my room sound proof by …

2) This room will have a brighter look if I will add these …

3) The air-conditioning unit will work better if … (or This room will be well
ventilated if…)

Once you are done filming, upload your video in Youtube and ask some of your
friends or teachers to watch it and post a comment.
ACTIVITY NO.21: Sound, light, and Heat Proofing A Classroom

In the previous activity, you had to improve your own room. This time, you
are going to improve sound quality, lighting, and ventilation of a classroom. The
difference this time is that you will have to consider the positioning of the chairs
for students’ better viewing. You will also have to make sure that no noise enters
or goes out of the room so that other classes as well as the class in this room will
not be disturbed. Here’s a picture of that classroom.


You can go to www.edublogs.org, post this picture and write a blog

about the improvements that you will make. Share this to your
friends and teachers and ask them to comment about the
TASK improvements you’ve made.


The Cebu International Convention Center (CICC), a multimillion

peso project, was built in April 2006 when the Cebu province
hosted the 12th ASEAN Summit and the 2 nd East Asia Summit in
2007. But when the 7.2-magnitude earthquake hit Cebu, the
internal structure
TASK of the convention center was damaged. Now, the province of Cebu
is asking concerned citizens and individuals for proposals in the
renovation of the convention center. Before the damage, the
convention center had a large plenary hall that can accommodate
up to 500 people. This plenary hall served as venues for
events such as conventions, seminars, summits, and theatrical
plays. Your group has been invited to design and construct a model
of a new plenary hall.

Your design should have provisions for lighting, sound, and ventilation. It
is expected that the design incorporates features that will maximize sound
coming from whatever activity that will be held in the venue.
Your design and model will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
application of scientific concepts and principles, sustainability, space utilization,
and aesthetic value.

Rubrics for the Performance Task:

CRITERIA Outstanding Satisfactory Developing Beginning RATIN

4 3 2 1 G
The design The design Some lights The design
and model and model are not well- and model
uses the right uses the right selected. does not use
type of lights type of lights Some lights the right type
and position that are are of lights and
them correctly incorrectly these are all
strategically. positioned. positioned. incorrectly
Provisions for Provisions for Sound is positioned.
APPLICATION the smooth the proper inaudible in There are
OF SCIENTIFIC propagation propagation some parts of several “deaf”
CONCEPTS AND of sound to of sound to the plenary areas in the
PRINCIPLES all parts of all parts are hall. Wall plenary hall.
the plenary present. insulation is Air-
hall are Walls of the present but conditioning
present. room are insufficient. units will
Walls of the insulated for have to work
room are well functional air- harder due to
insulated for conditioning. poor
optimum air- insulation.
The plenary The plenary The plenary The plenary
hall is easy to hall requires hall has a hall has a
maintain regular slightly high
involving maintenance expensive maintenance
SUSTAINABILIT minimal cost. with maintenance cost and
Y It can be considerable cost and can cannot be
used for cost. It can only be used used long
several be used for for a few enough.
years. several years.
Seating Seating Seating Seating
arrangement arrangement arrangement arrangement
is thoughtfully is designed to can only is poorly
SPACE designed to accommodat accommodat planned and
UTILIZATION accommodat e the e the can only
e more than previous previous accommodat
the previous capacity of capacity of e a few
capacity of the hall. No the hall. people. Most
the hall. seats are Some seats of the seats
There are no blocked by are blocked are blocked
seats blocked columns. by columns. by columns.
by columns. View from
View from any area in
any area in the audience
the audience is pleasing.
is pleasing.
The color The color Only some The color used
used in the used in the events can be for the walls is
painting of painting of the held in the appropriate
the walls is walls is plenary hall only for a few
soothing and appropriate because of the events. The
calming for for several wall color. The seats are
any event events that seats can be uncomfortable
AESTHETIC that will be will be held in uncomfortable and cause
VALUE held in this this structure. for long-hour physical strain.
structure. The seats are events.
The seats comfortable to
allow sit upon for
maximum any event.
comfort for
in any event.

Before you go to the post-assessment, write a REFLECTION in

your synthesis journal about your experiences in the entire lessons.
You may choose to answer one, or all of these guide questions:

1. What have you learned about the entire lesson? Is it challenging to see
the world you live in?
2. What would our life be without sound, light and heat?
3. What other tasks would you like to work on in the future that could be beneficial
to humans and the environment?


In this section, you designed and created a model of an AVR /

Auditorium that will be built by your school using the concepts you
learned about sound, light, and heat. Your design incorporated all
aspects related to the behavior of the three concepts.

How did you find the performance task? How did the task help you see the
interactions among these natural phenomena?

You have completed this lesson. Before you go to the next lesson, you have to
answer the following post-assessment.

Let’s find out how much you have learned from this module. Click on the letter
that you think best answers the question. Please answer all items. After
taking this short test, you will see your score. Congratulations! You have
finished this module.

1. Which of the following is the correct arrangement of a secondary rainbow?

A. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet
B. Yellow, Orange, Red, Green, Violet, Blue
C. Violet, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red
D. Green, Blue, Red, Yellow, Orange, Violet

2. Why do we see blue skies?

A. The particles in the atmosphere during the day are bigger than a tenth of a
micron thus scattering the bigger wavelength of blue light.
B. The particles in the atmosphere during the day are big enough to absorb all the
blue light thus we see the sky as blue.
C. The particles in the atmosphere are smaller than a tenth of a micron thus it
scatters blue light predominantly in the atmosphere.
D. The particles in the atmosphere are enormously big that allows it to reflect the
blue light which has a bigger wavelength than violet.

3. A huge block of ice has more thermal energy than a very hot cup of coffee
because .
A. the cup of coffee has a higher temperature compared to the block of ice
B. the block of ice has more molecules jostling against each other
C. the temperature of the coffee causes its molecules to jostle more
D. the cup of coffee melts all of the block of ice

4. Cebu experienced scattered rain showers as the people celebrated the New Year
2015. They say that the firecrackers they lit, which were of the same kind as last
year’s, could not be heard from a distance as compared to when they celebrated the
New Year 2014. A look at the weather reports on that day of 2014 showed that Cebu
was experiencing a very hot day. What could be the reason why the sound cannot
be heard from afar?
A. The distance of the firecrackers from the observers were just so far that the
energy of the sound has already dissipated upon reaching their ear.
B. The firecrackers may have gotten wet before it exploded. The moisture slowed
down the reaction happening inside the firecrackers.
C. There were a lot of heavy water molecules in the air, which slowed down the
vibrations for the transmission of sound.
D. The sound emanating from the explosion of the firecrackers were transmitted in
an upward direction.

5. The speed of a sound wave in air depends on .

A. its frequency
B. its wavelength
C. air temperature
D. all of the above
6. Why will sound travel faster in solids than in liquids?
A. Solids have particles that are bigger than those in liquids so when one of these
particles are set into vibration the other particles will also vibrate immediately.
B. Solids have loose particles that are easily set into vibration once it is tapped or
applied with sound.
C. The particles of solids are near each other so when it is tapped, the vibration is
easily transferred from one particle to the other.
D. The particles of solids are very far from each other so when it is tapped, the
vibration pushes the nearby air molecules in between particles.

7. While at a concert, a wind blows directly from the orchestra toward you. The speed
of sound you hear is .
A. decreased
B. increased
C. both decreased and increased in some parts
D. neither decreased nor increased

8. Your friend was playing with the water hose when he noticed colors dispersed by the
water. Which of these could he have seen?
A. a single color
B. low frequency color
C. high frequency color
D. all colors of the rainbow

9. As you stir a hot cup of coffee with a metal spoon, you notice that the spoon
becomes warm. When you leave the coffee for some time and come back, you
noticed that the spoon became warmer. Why is this so?
A. Heat has flown from the spoon to the coffee.
B. Heat has flown from the hot cup of coffee to the spoon.
C. The hot molecules of the spoon have transferred to the coffee to keep it warm.
D. The hot molecules of the coffee have transferred to the spoon thus making it

10.A A friend of yours is doing an experiment about sound. He has with him an
electric bell and a bell jar connected to a vacuum pump. At the start of the
experiment, the bell is rung and then slowly the bell jar is pumped out of air.
After some time of pumping out air, your friend noticed that he could no
longer hear the bell but he can still see it operating. Why is this so?
A. The bell jar was airtight that no sound could pass through it that no one from the
outside could hear it.
B. The evacuation of air from the jar has stopped the machine from functioning thus
you can no longer hear the sound.
C. When air from the bell jar was pumped out, the air molecules needed for
vibration is gone. Thus, sound can no longer be transmitted.
D. The bell did not produce enough sound to pass through the jar. Only the sound of
the vacuum pump can be heard once the air was pumped out.
11. What is the advantage of having matte (nonglossy) pages in a book rather than
pages with a glossier surface?
A. The printed material in glossy surfaces will be erased through time whereas in a
nonglossy paper, the prints will be permanent.
B. Rough pages provide diffuse reflection which can be viewed from any angle. If
the page were smooth, it could only be viewed well at certain angles.
C. Glossy surfaces reflect more light which makes it hard to read as compared to
nonglossy surfaces which do not reflect any.
D. Both materials would do equally well because it just depends on the reader of the

12. The yellow clothes of a stage performer appear black when illuminated
by light that is .
A. blue
B. cyan
C. magenta
D. all of the above

13. Adding the same amount of heat to two different objects does not necessarily
produce the same increase in temperature. Why not?
A. Different objects have different thermal properties due to the differences in the
way energy is stored internally in the substances. That leads to differences in
their specific heat capacities.
B. The addition of heat meant that fast-moving molecules were also added to these
objects. But some of the molecules in the objects reject these so the effect on
temperature is different.
C. They should have the same effect because the addition of heat always results in
a change in temperature. Or a change in temperature is the same as a change in
D. Temperature and heat are one and the same. When we heat something, its
temperature rises as well. When heat is removed, its temperature lowers.

14. An iron thumbtack and a big iron bolt are removed from a hot oven. Both are
red-hot and have the same temperature. When dropped into identical
containers of water of equal temperature, which one raises the water
temperature more?
A. the bolt
B. the thumbtack
C. both will raise the temperature at the same level
D. neither of the two

15. After you measure the dimensions of a plot of land with a steel tape on a hot
day, you return and re-measure the same plot on a cold day. On which day
do you determine the larger area for the land?
A. during the cold day
B. during the hot day
C. the land will have the same area
D. incomplete data to say something about area
16. After you have driven a car for some distance, why does the air pressure in
the tires increase?
A. Air coming from the outside enters into the tires thus adding-up to the
number of molecules of air inside the tires. More molecules mean more
pressure on the tires.
B. The circular motion of the tires causes the air molecules to be spun
around. As they spin around, these molecules bump into the exterior of
the tires creating more pressure.
C. The tires heat up, which heats the air within. The molecules in the
heated air move faster, which increases air pressure in the tires.
D. In order for the car to remain on the ground, the air molecules inside the
tires push it towards the outer portion of the rim. This increases the
pressure readings in the tire.

17. In Olympic competition, a microphone detects the sound of the starter’s gun
and sends it electrically to speakers at every runner’s starting block. Why?
A. The electronic starting gun does not rely on the speed of sound through
air, which favors closer runners, but gets the starting signal to all runners
B. Some of the runners will not be able to hear it properly because of the
noise coming from the stands. Hence, it must be done using the speakers.
C. The sound coming from the starting gun is blocked by people watching
the event thus the need to have it electronically sent to the speakers.
D. The sound of the starting gun is not too loud so some of the runners
cannot hear it properly. It is therefore sent electrically to the speakers at
each starting block.

18. Why is it a sensible procedure for soldiers to break step when marching
over a bridge?
A. A bridge is narrow so not all of them will fit to pass altogether.
B. Some soldiers will really break step in order to catch up with the other
C. They need to break step so that they will not set the bridge into forced
vibration or resonance.
D. They need to break step so that they can pass through the bridge quickly
and not delay all other passers-by.

19. A ripe yellow banana will appear black when illuminated with light.
A. black
B. blue
C. green
D. red
20. How could you use the spotlights in a play to change the performers’ clothes
suddenly from yellow to black? You illuminate him with the colored
A. green and yellow
B. blue and yellow
C. blue and green
D. black and white

Amplitude – for a wave or vibration, the maximum displacement on either side of

the equilibrium position

Conduction – in heat, energy transfer from particle to particle with certain

materials, or from one material to another when the two are in direct contact

Constructive Interference – combination of waves so that two or more waves

overlap to produce a resulting wave of increased amplitude

Convection – means of heat transfer by movement of the heated substance

itself, such as by currents in a fluid

Crest – one of the places in a wave where the wave is highest or the disturbance
is greatest in the opposite direction from a trough

Destructive Interference – combination of waves so that crest parts of one

wave overlap trough parts of another, resulting in a wave of decreased amplitude

Diffraction – bending of light that passes around an obstacle or through a

narrow slit, causing the light to spread and to produce light and dark fringes

Diffraction grating – series of closely spaced parallel slits or grooves that are
used to separate colors of light by interference

Diffuse reflection – reflection of waves in many directions from a rough surface

Dispersion – separation of light into colors arranged according to their frequency

Echo – reflection of sound

Electromagnetic spectrum – range of frequencies over which electromagnetic

radiation can be propagated

Frequency – for a vibrating body or medium, the number of vibrations per unit of
time; for a wave, the number of crests that pass a particular point per unit time

Heat – the energy that flows from one object to another by virtue of a difference
in temperature

Heat of Fusion – amount of energy that must be added to a kilogram of a solid

(already at its melting point) to melt it

Heat of Vaporization – amount of energy that must be added to a kilogram of a

liquid (already at its boiling point) to vaporize it
Interference – result of superposing different waves, often of the same

Light – visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum

Longitudinal wave – wave in which the individual particles of a medium vibrate

back and forth in the direction in which the wave travels

Monochromatic Light – light made of only one color and therefore waves of
only one wavelength and frequency

Natural Frequency – frequency at which an elastic object naturally tends to

vibrate if it is disturbed and the disturbing force is removed

Node – any part of a standing wave that remains stationary; a region of minimal
or zero energy

Partial tone – one of the many tones that make up one musical sound; each
partial tone (or partial) has only one frequency

Period – the time required to complete a single cycle; for vibrations or waves, the
time required for one complete cycle

Photon – light manifesting as a particle; as a corpuscle of light

Prism – triangular solid of a transparent material such as glass that separates

incident light by refraction into its component colors

Radiation – energy transmitted by electromagnetic waves

Reflection – return of light rays from a surface in such a way that the angle at
which a given ray is returned is equal to the angle at which it strikes the surface

Refraction – bending of an oblique ray of light when it passes from one

transparent medium to another

Resonance – phenomenon that occurs when the frequency of forced vibrations

on an object matches the object’s natural frequency, producing a dramatic
increase in amplitude

Reverberation – persistence of a sound, as in an echo, due to multiple


Sound – longitudinal wave phenomenon that consists of successive

compressions and rarefactions of the medium through which the wave travels
Specific heat capacity – quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of a
unit mass of a substance by 1 degree Celsius; often simply called specific heat

Temperature – measure of the average translational kinetic energy per molecule

of a substance, measured in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit or in kelvins

Transverse wave – wave with vibration at right angles to the direction the wave
is traveling

Trough – the lowest part of a wave

Vibration – oscillation; a repeating to-and-fro motion about an equilibrium
position – a “wiggle in time”

Visible light – part of the electromagnetic spectrum that the human eye can see

Wave – a “wiggle in space and time”; a disturbance that repeats regularly in

space and time and that is transmitted progressively from one place to the next
with no net transport of matter

Wave speed – speed with which the waves pass a particular point

Wavelength – distance between successive crests, troughs, or identical parts of

a wave

1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyovO2I4dPU - video showing a child

breaking a wine glass using his voice

2) http://www.brightstorm.com/science/physics/vibration-and-waves - video
discussions on vibrations and waves by Dr. Jonathan Osbourne

3) http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/waves - webpage discussion

on waves and its properties

4) http://www.physicsclassroom.com/calcpad/waves/problems - contains
problem sets on wave basics including audio guided solutions

5) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kt1pTcfstC8 – Bill Nye’s video on

sound properties

6) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVGE854x1yQ – video showing how

sound is produced and how it is propagated

7) http://www.physicsclassroom.com/calcpad/sound - shows an overview of

the problem sets about sound and the different properties that are
associated with sound)

8) http://www.physicsclassroom.com/calcpad/sound/problems.cfm - problem
set about sound and its properties)

9) http://hendrix2.uoregon.edu/~dlivelyb/phys101/lab8_s07.pdf - pdf file

containing experiments about sound)

10) www.vicphysics.org/documents/teachers/unit3/sound/SoundTest1.doc
- test on sound

11)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtgBHsSzCPE – Bill Nye the science

guy video on light and color

Behaviors-of-Light - shows a discussion on the properties of light as it
behaves as a wave

13)http://www.ivyroses.com/HumanBody/Eye/What-is-Light.php - gives a
discussion about the nature of light, white light, and its propagation

14)http://physics.tutorvista.com/light.html - enumerates the different

properties of light
15)http://physics.info/color/ - Physics hypertextbook containing
information about color an how we see color

Electromagnetic-and-Visible-Spectra -this website is the start of lesson 2
which is about light and color

17)https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/color-vision - contains a
downloadable simulation of the color humans perceive when photons
of light are varied

18)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdtUnNEH22c – Prof. Julius Miller’s

video on the ideas of heat and temperature showing the distinction
between the two terms

19)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4RCe TuAu_k&index=34&list=PLYYs
Omj5qI6XQi0ShPhBX9afy_J0r5DXK - Paul Hewitt video on Heat and

20)http://hop.concord.org/h1/phys/h1p.html - discussion and illustration of the

difference between heat and temperature

21)http://science.howstuffworks.com/dictionary/physics-terms/heat-info3.htm -
discussion on heat and the different temperature measures

22) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBeJPpeeYJQ - Bill Nye video on heat

23)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZaAqRS6uOM - Prof. Julius Miller’s

video on the thermal expansion of solids

24)http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/thermo/spht.html - gives a
discussion of specific heat capacity and has a heat calculator

energy/specificheat.html - gives a discussion of specific heat capacity with
a table of specific heats and sample word problems

change/ - a discussion of phase change and latent heats

27)http://blowers.chee.arizona.edu/cooking/heat/ex11.html - shows an
example of calculating heat with two objects involved,

the-Quantity-of-Heat - gives a discussion on how heat is measured and
shows examples of calculating heat, and
29)http://mypages.iit.edu/~smart/stonmar1/lessonC.htm - shows four
examples of heat calculations.

30)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyovO2I4dPU - video showing a child

breaking a wine glass using his voice

31)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mclp9QmCGs – video showing

the collapse of the Tacoma Bridge in the USA

32)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-Bn70PpbrM – demonstrations in
Physics – resonance and forced vibrations

33)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJj4Wjjf0WI – video from BBC

showing a glass goblet being shattered because of sound

34) http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/sound/Lesson-4/Forced-Vibration
- discussion on forced vibrations and resonance

35)http://www.infoplease.com/dk/science/encyclopedia/musical-sound.html -
discussion on how some instruments produce music (for this website, also
click its “FIND OUT MORE” section)

36)http://method-behind-the-music.com/mechanics/physics/ - gives a
discussion about how music is produced and distinguishes
between fundamental and harmonics

Frequency-and-Harmonics - discussion on fundamental frequency and
harmonics with sample calculation of frequency; contains a timbre
calculator (you may try this calculator and hear the sound that you
produce by entering four different frequencies)

38)http://www.infoplease.com/dk/science/encyclopedia/acoustics.html - gives
a discussion of acoustics and different elements that are considered in this

39)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHBPvMDFyO8 – video from

Tutorvista.com showing the different elements that should be considered
in building acoustics or when building an audio-visual room

40)http://www.norsonic.com/en/applications/building_acoustics/ - gives a
discussion of the different elements of room and building acoustics as
well as suggestions for soundproofing
41)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPYt10zrclQ – video showing how
sound behaves in a room and how sound can be controlled within the

42)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRh75B5iotI – Prof. Walter Lewin’s

lecture on Physics (start at the 27- minute mark)

43)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u RmdZVvzMzQ&list=PLYYsOmj5qI6X
Qi0ShPhBX9afy_J0r5DXK&index=43 – Paul Hewitt short lecture on

44)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vUzS9b_0IE – Paul Hewitt’s video on

why the sky is blue and why sunsets are red

45)http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/atmos/rbowpri.html -
discussion on primary and secondary rainbows

46)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Asyzw3gMfb0 – video showing a

thorough discussion of the different colors that can be seen in the sky as
well as addition of colors and Rayleigh scattering

47)http://robertdavisinc.com/lighting.htm - webpage discussion on

the different types of lighting in an auditorium

48)http://www.slideshare.net/vinay12n4/auditorium-lighting - slideshow
presentation of the different elements to consider when lighting an

900_Seats.pdf - contains a listing of equipment and their use in lighting an
Lesson 4: The Safe Connection


Charges are present in any object as atoms are present in them. Positive and
negative charges exist in atoms as protons and electrons, respectively.
When the number of these charges happen to be different, then the object is
said to be charged. One type of electrical charge is electron. These electrons can be
transferred from one object to another by several ways. When these electrons are on
the run, they transfer energy. The energy supplied to the electrons will determine
how fast they should run and how much energy they should carry.

In this module, you will find out how these movements of tiny electrons make great
impacts in our day to day living. A very good example for this is the use of electronic
gadgets and devices.

Remember to search for the answers to the following question(s):

How do electrons flow? How do electrons pass energy? When do electrons start to
Can the transfer of energy be controlled?
What is the best way to save energy?


In this lesson, you will examine this question when you take the following topics:
Lesson 4.1 – The Electric Current
Lesson 4.2 – The Electric Circuit
Lesson 4.3 – Safety in Electrical Connections

In this lesson, you will learn the following:

Lesson 4.1  infer the relationship between current and charge; power
and energy; current-voltage-resistance (K)
 differentiate electrical power and electrical energy (K)
Lesson 4.2  explain the advantages and disadvantages of series and
parallel connections in homes (P)
 quantify current, voltage, resistance, power or energy using
appropriate formula (P)
Lesson 4.3 explain the functions of circuit breakers, fuses, earthing,
double insulation, and other safety devices in the home (P)

Here is a simple map of the above topics you will cover:

To do well in this lesson, you need to remember and do the following:
 read articles and take note of some important points;
 manipulate online interactively to investigate certain relationships;
 sketch schematic diagrams of safety and energy-saving circuits;
 quantify voltage, current or resistance based on their relationship in Ohm’s
 establish relationship between energy and power, energy and resistance;
 use web 2.0 tools in communicating ideas; and
 propose creative and effective way to educate community about safety
electrical connections.
Let’s find out how much you already know about this lesson.
Click on the letter that you think best answers the question.
Please answer all items. After taking this short test, you will see
your score. Take note of the items that you were not able to
correctly answer and look for the right answer as you go
through this lesson.

1. Which of the given below should be done to give an electrically neutral object
a positive charge?

A. Add protons to it
B. Add electrons to it
C. Remove protons from it
D. Remove electrons from it

2. A negatively charged rod is held near a neutral pith ball. What happens to the
ball and rod before and after touching each other?
A. Both will repel
B. Both will attract
C. Will repel then attract
D. Will attract then repel

3. Which of the following BEST describes the electron flow in a circuit?

A. The direction of electron movement

B. The total charge of the electrons

C. The rate of electron movement
D. The number of electrons

4. Which of the following BEST describes the electron flow in a circuit?

A. The direction of electron movement

B. The total charge of the electrons

C. The rate of electron movement
D. The number of electrons

4. Resistance of a wire is r. The wire is stretched to double its length, then its
resistance in ohms is
A. r/2
B. 4r
C. 2r
D. r/4

5.The electric circuit shown below consists of a battery and three identical
light bulbs. Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning this


A. The current through point X will be greater than that through point Z.
B. The current through point Z will be greater than that through point Y.
C. The current will be the same through points X, Y and Z.
D. The current through point X will be greater than that through point Y.

6. An electric current of 6A is the same as:

A. 6 Coulomb/second
B. 6 Joule/second
C. 6 watts/second
D. 6 Newton/second
A. 6 Coulomb/second
1A is equivalent to 1 Coulomb/second

7. The resistance of an electric bulb drawing 1.2 A current at 6.0 V is


A. 0.5 W
B. 5W
C. 0.2 W
D. 2W

8. Calculate the effective resistance of the following combination.

A. 3ῼ
B. 6ῼ
C. 10 ῼ
D. 16 ῼ

9. Given the figure below, identify which of the given statements is correct?

. A. 6 W , 3 W and 9 W are in series

B. 9 W and 6 W are in parallel and the combination is in series with 3 W

. C. 3 W , 6 W and W are in parallel

D. 3 W , 6 W are in parallel and 9 W is in series

10. Calculate the effective resistance of the following combination.

A. 5
B. 35
C. 42
D. 49

11. In a parallel circuit containing set of bulbs, if one of the bulbs blew up,
what happens to the effectiveness of the resistance?
A. Remains same
B. Increase
C. Decrease
D. Fluctuate
12.Birds can safely stand on high voltage electric power lines. This is because
A. they are at low potential with respect to the ground.
B. they offer no resistance to current.
C. they always choose power lines that are not in use.
D. the potential difference between their feet is low.

13.Household circuitry are prevented from overheating by means of which of the

following below:
A. fuse
B. switch
C. socket
D. transformer

14. Which of the given statements below is NOT true about extension cords?
A. They are used for operating multiple electrical devices
B. Their current capacities are not specified if they are sold in the market
C. Overheating may result if the current exceeds its rating
D. None of these is true

15. You have this set of materials: cloth, rubber, water and copper. Which of
these is known as a poor conductor of electricity?
A. Rubber
B. Copper
C. Water
D. Steel

16. Different circuits are used in households for different reasons or

purposes. Why is the use of series circuits not advisable or practical?
A. The bulbs can be controlled individually
B. The current becomes slower as you add more output devices
C. The power stays the same if having multiple sources
D. Other devices will not be affected if one runs out or does not function

17. Circuit breakers are part of every household’s electrical systems,

which of the following below best explains how does it prevent electrical
A. By storing potential energy for later use
B. By providing a path for excess charges to get to the ground
C. By reducing the voltage supplied to electrical devices
D. By melting if the current gets too high

18. You are asked by your teacher as your project to build a device that can
conduct current but will be safe if touched by a person. Which of the
following pairs of materials could you possibly use?
A. Glass as conductor, rubber as insulator
B. Copper as conductor, silver as insulator
C. Sand as conductor, plastic as insulator
D. Silver as conductor, plastic as insulator

19. Why does the body experience a shock after touching an electric wire?
A. The current flows the path of most resistance
B. The current flows through the person than the wire
C. The new path gives a small current
D. The new path has high resistance leading to high current

20. You are an electrical engineer who wants to help the people of your
barangay to be informed about the importance of electrical safety in the
household. Which of these statements is BEST to be given?
A. Accidents will never happen if the house does not have fuses and
circuit breakers.
B. Octopus connections can be of great help with less risk in the
C. Parallel connections will allow the appliances to be used independently
D. The body is not that sensitive in case an electric shock happens
Lesson 4.1: Electric Current

ly this electricity - there are the electrical outlets at home, and batteries in your flashlights and cars. A good question is "How d

the battery is totally consumed, what is being consumed? How do we moderate this consumption? Can this consumption be m

Let’s begin by knowing the important players in this topic.


In the KWHL chart below, fill in K, W and H columns with what you already know,
what you want to know about electricity, and how you will find the information
you need to know. Click "submit" when you’re done.

When you are done with KWH portions of the first activity, reflect on some
1. What are the concepts or ideas related with electricity that you
2. How did you know about these concepts or ideas that you have
written in the chart?
3. How can you relate these ideas with what you have observed at
4. How do you save energy? Why is it important to do it?
(EQ) “What is the best way to save energy?”

Let’s start meeting what you want to know by doing this next activity.

ACTIVITY NO. 2: Getting to Know V, I, R

Read the article found in https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/voltage-current-

resistance-and-ohms-law/all and watch the video in (1)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnLf090OPNg (2) (3)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRirbKxnYc0 to describe voltage, current
and resistance. Describe voltage, current and resistance and their relationship in
analogy. Find an appropriate picture (not illustrations) of analogy from the
internet. Below the picture, write the analogy.
1. Between thick wire and thin wire, which has greater resistance?
2. What does the voltage do to the electrons?
3. What is meant by big and small current?
4. How is current related with electrons?
5. How do the electrons pass energy?

e, current and resistance and their roles in the circuit. You just shared your ideas about voltage, current and resistance and the
sections will also enable you to do the final project which involves making an effective educational campaign about prudent an

rrent and circuits. By doing this next activities, you will be able to investigate the relationship among voltage, current and resis
ve energy?

Developed by the Private Education Assistance Committee 170

under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education
ACTIVITY NO. 3: A Simple Circuit
Follow the steps below to complete this activity.

Part 1: Construct a circuit

1. Open the simulation on
http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/circuit- construction-kit-dc-
2. Download the sims. Java player is required so that it can run.
3. In the main panel on the right, choose Schematic for Visual.
4. Construct a simple circuit similar to the one below. Take your time to
explore around the applet. Try splitting a junction, adding additional wire,
or light bulbs, or battery and so on.

5. Now try adding voltmeter and ammeter.

a. What do ammeter and voltmeter measure?
b. How are they connected in the circuit?
Refer to the next picture for the answer.
It should be noted that the voltmeter measures the potential
difference, so one (black electrode) must be connected to the region where
the energy of the electrons has not been used up yet and the other one (red
electrode) must be connected to the region where the electrons have already
given up some of their energy to the bulb. That should give you a difference.

Note: Connect the black electrode to any part in the right side since this part
has not used up the energy yet while the red electrode must be attached to the
part nearer the bulb.

6. Close the switch. Take note of the reading of the ammeter and voltmeter.
Now try moving the electrodes of voltmeter around like putting on the
same point or interchanging their places.

a. What voltmeter reading do you get when the electrodes are on

the same point? Why is that so?
b. What voltmeter reading do you get when the electrodes
are interchanged? Why is that so?
c. Why is the ammeter connected in such a way? What does
it measure?

7. Hit the pause button. With all parts of the circuit in place, add one more
battery. Close the circuit and note the reading. You can add more
batteries to explore.

a. When adding battery to the circuit, what does it have to do with

the electrons?
8. Hit the pause button. With all parts of the circuit in place, remove the
battery until there is just one in the circuit. But increase the number of
bulbs to two, three and four. Note: the black electrode should always be
on the region before the electrons’ energy are used up and the red
electrode should always be on the region on the region after the electrons
have given their energy to all the bulbs in the circuit. Close the circuit and
note the readings.

1. When light bulbs are added to the circuit, what does it have to do
with the electrons?

9. Now summarize your findings in the field below

10. Fill in the 3-2-1 field.

11. Save your work for compilation.

ost basic yet important relationship that all engineers and scientists need to know.

you will watch this video and take note of some important details about series and parallel connections. Do as good or better a

ACTIVITY NO. 4: Note Taking from a Video Lecture

1. Click on the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_5CWIYUoqk listen

to the lecture.
2. Take some important notes so you can answer the following questions.

Click on Y button if your answer to the question is YES and N button if it is

a NO.
If you got 4 out of 6 parts, then you did a good job!
You have done a good job in this activity. You are now ready to take the
next Laboratory Simulation.

You have done fair job in this activity. If you need clarification of some
concepts, you can go back to the activity or leave your teacher a question for

The previous activity allowed you to use the materials in making a circuit. You
were able to realize that electrons that flow in a circuit can produce electricity
lighting bulb

ACTIVITY NO. 5: Ohm’s Law in Series and in Parallel Circuits

1. Before we proceed to measuring the current and voltage, click on

this site and practice your skill on building circuit:
After that practice, you are now equipped to test the current and voltage
in series and parallel circuits.
2. This activity uses the same application that you used in Activity 1.3. Open
that application if you have downloaded it or click on this link:

kit-ac . Although your work and submission is online, it is better though to
print this handout for you to write the data you will obtain from the virtual

3. Read the printed handout carefully as this will guide you to assemble your
set up.

a. What happens to the voltage across each bulb in series circuit as

the number of bulbs increases? What about the current?
b. What happens to the brightness or performance of each bulb as
their number is increased?
c. What happens to the voltage across each bulb in parallel circuit as
the number of bulbs increases?
d. What happens to the brightness or performance of each bulb as
their number is increased?
e. Which type of circuit must the one used at home be?
f. What happens if there are more and more bulbs connected in parallel?
g. What happens when there are more and more appliances
connected to the outlets found in homes?

In the previous activity, you learned the effect of increasing number of loads to
voltage drop and total current. You will need to do some intelligent reasoning for
the next activity. Let us see how sound how much you have learned.

ACTIVITY NO. 6: How Electricians Work

Interview an electrician in your locality. Take note of some

important information you need to know from him and from his work. Your task is
to tell potential electricians how useful electricians are. You will also tell them
common precautionary measures that they have to consider while working. you
will compose your report using voki application ( www.voki.com ). Find time to
explore the application first. If you need some clarification, ask your teacher.

1. What safety precautions electricians have to consider when working?

2. What types of circuit are they installing and when do they use
each type?
3. Can they add an infinite number of appliances to the circuit at
home? Why or why not?
4. What safety features do they install to avoid problems caused
by electricity?
5. What tips can they give to reduce energy consumption?
6. Why are these tips they important for people to do in the society?

ACTIVITY NO. 7: Power and Voltage

Your task in this activity is to simple differentiate and relate electrical

power and voltage. You will differentiate them in electron level that is, talk about
power and voltage in the perspective of electrons. You will end your work by
telling the relationship of power and voltage in the perspective of an electrician.
Your work will be published online using prezi application ( www.prezi.com ).
Explore the application and if there are questions, fell free to ask your teacher.
Reminder, prior to working with prezi, have the the information verified by your

ACTIVITY NO. 8: Power Consumption Inventory

List down all available appliances in use at home. Write them on the table and
complete the table.

Appliance Wattage Time of No. days No. weeks Cost per Cost per
usage used used day month
(30 min, 1hr (per week)


To calculate the daily and monthly cost, click on

http://apps.meralco.com.ph/appcal/ . Calculate the daily power cost of each
appliance and get the total.
1. Is the bill you calculate almost the same as what your family
actually pays? Why or why not?
2. Can you say that you are a wise user of energy? Why?
3. What tip can you give to people who might want to save
power consumption?
EQ: “What is the best way to save energy?”

End of FIRM UP:

es. You are such a fast learner! Take note of what you’ve learned because you will be needing them to complete your perform

nections. The task you are to complete in this segment is very important in completing your performance task and in answerin

Why don’t you start with the next activity?

ACTIVITY NO. 9: Safety Connections

Search from the net from electricians the safety devices they installed in the
home electrical wiring system to make it safety to use without the threat of
overloading, overheating and eventually fire. List them in the table below

Safety device Picture How to use benefits

You now know the safety devices that electricians use to keep our electrical lines
at home safety. Let’s see if you can successfully install them at home by doing
the next activity.
ACTIVITY NO. 10: Connection Challenge

Assign the given sets of appliances to 5 different areas in the

house. Show where to safely put the safety devices and show how to connect
these appliances. Your goal is make an energy saving and safety connection.

15 20-watt light bulb

4 10-watt lamp shade
3 90-watt TV set
2 500-watt Refrigerator
5 50-watt Electric fan

1. Describe the work of an electrician.

2. Is there any other possible way of connecting them to make the
electrical system as safety by more energy-saving?
3. How should homeowners make their connections safety and
energy- saving?

ACTIVITY NO. 11: Let Me Analyze

You are given three different situations below. Analyze each and answer the
question/s that follow/s:

Situation 1:
Leah is fond of doing things all at the same time. She watches her favorite
tv show every 7:00 in the evening, while chatting with her friends on line. She
stays in their living room, but did not use the lights, as she wants to save
What can you say about Leah’s activity?
How does she conserve electricity?

Situation 2:
Alex wants to invite his friends in their house this Saturday. He plans to
have his group play video game all day. His mother told him that they can also
watch their favorite movie or listen to music if they want to. Upon hearing this,
he’s so happy that he starts calling his friends on the phone to give this good
Will Alex be able to save electricity? Why? Why not?
How will he conserve electricity considering his plan?

Situation 3:
Kyle was asked by his parents to look after his younger sister. He was in
his room when his mom called him. Before going out of his room, he made sure
the lights were off, the tv unplugged and aircon switched off.
Did you agree on what Kyle was doing? Why did you say so?
How did Kyle save electricity?

Which among the three given situations showed the best way of saving
electricity? Based on the given situation, what generalization can you now
make about the best way to save electricity? What does savings depend on?
ACTIVITY NO. 12: First Step to Safety

Now you are given a chance to plan for your own dream
house and put as many appliances as you need but have in mind the safety and
energy-saving. Make a rough floor plan of your dream house and put the lights,
the kind of light, the appliances that you need, the ventilation etc. most
importantly, include the safety devices that you wish to use in the electrical
connections. You may refer to some energy-saving house models from the net.
Take picture of your floor plan and upload it for submission.

End of DEEPEN:
nt with your beautiful and safety dream house! In the next segment, we will examine some models of energy-efficient and safet
Your goal in this section is to tell others the best way to make our connection energy-saving and safe.

ACTIVITY NO. 12: Best Practices

Examine some best practices of energy-saving. Find at least three models from
various sources: internet, magazine, books, etc. There are several in architecture
sites and magazines.

Describe their common way of making energy-efficient homes. Have them

describe in a blog. (WordPress)

1. What are the commonalities among these energy-efficient homes?

2. What safety features are installed?
3. Can that be imitated in a simple house? Why or why not?
4. What do you suggest to a simple homeowner to make their
connections energy-saving and safe?

Good job! You are now qualified to make a campaign. Alas! This is your last task
so make it the best.

ACTIVITY NO. 13: Save and Safety Campaign

You live in a barangay where residents frequently experience fires due

to electrical failures. As a head of the local electric company, you will make a
campaign that will educate the residents on safety and energy-saving practices.
Your campaign will consider informative contents, accuracy of the contents,
effective strategy and engaging. Therefore, you have the freedom to choose your
own way to disseminate information in the most efficient way. The questions
below will serve as your guide in your campaign presentation.

1. Why do you think your work is effective?

2. What do you think would be the audiences’ response to your campaign?
3. What problems did you think may occur in this project?
4. How will you manage it?
5. How will you convince your audience about the best way to save
and safety electrical connections?
Also, you will be graded based on the given rubric:

RUBRIC: Campaign Presentation

4 3 2 1
The content of the
campaign ad
The content of the
encourages the people The content of the
Informative 35% campaign ad The content of the
to promote the campaign ad
Ability to supply encourages the people campaign ad does not
purpose and encourages the people
content and to promote the purpose encourage the people to
importance of saving to promote the purpose
organize ideas and importance of promote the purpose and
energy . Its ideas show and importance of
clearly and orderly saving energy . The importance of saving
clarity and correct saving energy but some
that are relevant to ideas show clarity. The energy . The content is
information. It is of the information is
the theme content is scientific and not scientific at all.
scientific and erroneous
free from errors
supported by
interesting details

Creativity 20% The concept used in the The concept used in the The concept used in the
The concept used in
Ability to exhibit and campaign ad is campaign ad is heavily campaign ad is
the campaign ad is
execute concept common, well executed, borrowed and lacks ambiguous and does not
unique and appealing
creatively. and catches attention. appeal. catch attention

Effectiveness 25% The campaign ad

The campaign ad The campaign ad
Ability of the The campaign ad communicates opinions
communicates communicates opinions
presenter to exhibit communicates opinions and information of the
opinions and and information of the
mastery and clarity and information in a maker with some
information in a maker with limited
in introducing the clear way. effectiveness in a
striking way. effectiveness .
campaign ad. distracting way.

Engaging 20% The audience’s The audience’s Audience’s attention and Campaign did not catch
Ability to capture attention and interest attention and interest interest (are caught at the attention and interest
the audience to (are sustained) are are sustained the beginning of the of the audience
participate enthusiastic throughout throughout the campaign but not
thoroughly in the the campaign and campaign necessarily sustained)
discussion during audience interact are inconsistent
the campaign ad


In this section, your task was to tell others the best way to make our
connection energy-saving and safe.

How did you find the performance task? How did the task help you see the real
world use of the topic?

You have completed this lesson. Before you go to the next lesson, you have to
answer the following post-assessment test.
It’s now time to evaluate your learning. Click on the letter of the answer that you think best answers the que

1. Which of the following will you increase if you want to increase the flow of
current in a circuit?
A. load
B. temperature
C. resistance
D. voltage

2. Which of the following statements does NOT represent Ohm's law?

A. resistance x potential difference = current
B. potential difference/current = constant
C. current x resistance = potential difference
D. current/potential difference = constant

3. Which of the following is TRUE about the current in a wire?

A. it depends on the potential difference applied
B. it depends on both resistance and potential difference
C. it depends only on the resistance of the wire
D. it does not depend on resistance and potential difference

4. Which of the following is needed for the charges to flow through a circuit?
I. resistor or another electrical component
II. a potential difference
III. a conducting path
A. I only C. I and II only
B. II only D. all of the above

5. The resistance of a conductor does NOT depend on its .

A. length C. mass
B. cross-sectional area D. resistivity

6. Which among the given materials have the highest resistivity?

A. silver B. aluminum C. glass D.

7. The purpose of fuses and circuit breakers is to .

A. decrease the resistance in a series circuit
B. prevent breaks in the circuit
C. prevent circuits from overheating
D. allows the overheating of circuits

8. According to Ohm’s law, as the resistance in a circuit ,

the current .
A. increases, remains constant
B. increases, doubles
C. increases, decreases
D. decreases, decreases

9. When a portable radio is playing, the current in the radio is 0.3 A. If the
resistance of the radio is 30.0 Ω, what is the voltage supplied by the radio
A. 9 V B. 15 V C. 6V D. 12 V

10. What is the equation to find current in a series of three resistors?

A. I = V(R1 + R2 + R3) C. I = V/ (R1 + R2 + R3)
B. I = V/ (R1 x R2 x R3) D. I = V (R1 x R2 x R3)

11. A 3 pcs 30 Ω resistors are connected in parallel. This group is then

connected in series with a 20 Ω and 40 Ω resistors. What is the equivalent
resistance of the circuit?
A. 50 Ω B. 60 Ω C. 70 Ω D. 100 Ω

12. As a safety precaution, what should be done first before plugging in

the power cord?
A. check that the tool belongs to you
B. mark a danger zone or area
C. keep the tool storage box handy
D. make sure the switch is in its “off” position

13. Where is the most dangerous place to use electrical equipment?

A. indoors C. outdoors
B. near water D. near other electrical equipment

14. You discover the electrical cord on a drill has been damaged and some of
the cord’s insulation is missing. What should be done to fix this?
A. wrap tape around the damaged spot to prevent electrical shocks
B. check to see if the drill still works
C. tag the drill out of service and notify the department responsible for
equipment maintenance
D. make sure that the cord does not come in contact with the floor

15. Injuries from electricity can include which of the following?

A. electric shock that may or may not result in electrocution
B. falls
C. burns
D. all of the above

16. What happens when an electric switch is turned off?

A. A circuit breaker turns off
B. The circuit is broken
C. The circuit becomes a series circuit
D. There is a short circuit

17. If you have a 90 V power source with a 30 Ω and 60 Ω resistor in series, what
is the voltage drop over the 60 Ω resistor?
A. 2 V B. 30 V C. 60 V D. 90 V

18. If you have two lights in parallel and you add another identical light in parallel,
what happens to the total current?
A. it increases C. it remains the same
B. it decreases D. it becomes zero

19. Why must an ammeter have an extremely low resistance?

A. High resistance reduces risk of fire.
B. High resistance changes the voltage reading
C. High resistance will change the current in the circuit you want to
D. High resistance ensures that there are fewer ohms

20. What must a voltmeter have to function properly?

A. it must have very low resistance
B. it must have very high voltage
C. it must have high currents
D. it must have high resistance

These sites contain articles and video presentations that will help the students do
the activity in the Getting to Know part about the relationship between Voltage,
Current and Resistance (V, I, R)

This site is for the simulation activity of the student about making a simple circuit.
They will be able to have a visual presentation using Java player of a simple

This link is for a video lecture about circuit making. Students can get additional
information watching this video about circuit making

This site is to provide students additional practice skill on building a circuit

https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/circuit-construction-kit-ac .
This is for the virtual lab of making a simple and parallel circuit. Students will
have a better idea about the difference in the making of a simple and parallel

In this site, students will be asked to submit their activity on how electricians do
their work and how to give importance to saving electricity

This is for students output on power and voltage similarities and differences.
They will make a presentation for the given topics

http://apps.meralco.com.ph/appcal/ .
This link is for students’ calculations of the given power supply. This is for the
activity Power Consumption Inventory

This site contains some questions for electrical circuits

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