Random Encounters Barovia

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Random Encounters

1. 6 BANDITS VISTANI HP 10 AC 12 (Leather Armor)

+3 1d8+1 Range 80 ft Light Crossbow/Scimitar
TREASURE 400gp worth of gems ROLEPLAY: Hunting small game/graverobbing. Ask
for 100gp as guides

2. 2 Barovian SCOUTS HP 15 AC 13 (Leather Armor) surprise party 16 PP

Double Attack +4 1d8+2 150ft shortsword/longbow
ROLEPLAY: Looking for missing villager (it's CORPSE #8) if they find him,
200gp reward

3. GRAVE- 500 gp in coins. solider of Valentia. Rusty Chain Mail (AC 11, Dis
Stealth, 13 STR, Heavy armor) and corroded greatsword (2 hand, heavy, 1d4)

4. WEREWOLF- immune to non-magic, non-silvered. AC 12 HP 60

2 attacks +4 1d8+2 DC 12 CON or be cursed ROLEPLAY: fur trapper hunting
bears, action to transform. Only attacks if party has no silver weapons

5. WOLFTRAP. DC 15 Survival to spot. DC 13 DEX to avoid. 1d4 pierce can't move. DC

13 to free yourself (failure means hurt 1 HP)
6. 4 BAT SWARMS. Resistance Mundane. AC 12 HP 20
+4 2d4 pierce. Can only attack creature in own square
1d4 if at 1/2 health or less

Resistant Mundane Vulnerable Fire. 2 attacks +3 2d4+1 DC 11 WIS or Fear until
end of Scarecrow's next turn
Fear Gaze (full action): within 30 ft DC 11 WIS or Fear until end of
Scarecrow's next turn
Stuffed with dead ravens. Knives for claws
8. CORPSE that looks like one of the characters before dissolving.

9. Valentia Revenant HP 200, AC 13 +7 2d6+4 longsword- Restore Corvinus. Will not

march on Schloos Gravenburg without orders.
Rusty Chain

10. SKELETON WARHORSE. AC 13 HP 20 Speed 60 Vulnerable Blunt. Darkvision 60ft

+6 2d6+4 blunt
SKELETON AC 13 HP 15 Vulnerable Blunt. Darkvision 60ft
+4 1d6+2 Shortsword
Lantern that sheds no light

11. RUINED TOWER. Empty wooden chest. 3 SKELETONS 2 ZOMBIES

ZOMBIE AC 8 HP 20 Speed 20 Darkvision 60ft

+3 1d6+1 blunt slam DEATH SAVE: DC 5+damage taken. Success= 1 HP
Cannot Death Save on radiant or critical hits
SKELETON AC 13 HP 13 Darkvision 60ft
+4 1d6+2 80ft Shortsword/Shortbow

10. SHADOW AC 12 HP 15
Vulnerable Radiant
Resistant to damage unless psychic or force
Immunue to Necrotic, Poison
Darkvision 60ft
Stealth +4 always advantage (hide in shadows)
+4 2d6+2 necrotic -1d4 STR (short rest) 0 STR=dead
11. 4 WOLVES
AC 13 HP 11 Speed 40 +1 SAVE
+4 2d4+2 DC 11 STR or knocked prone
WOLFPACK: ADV if active ally witin 5 ft of target


AC 14 HP 40 Speed 50ft +2 SAVE
+5 2d6+3 DC 13 STR or knocked prone

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