3 Periodo - The World of Work

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A estrutura do teste sintetiza-se no quadro seguinte:

Ativ. Componentes Competências Tipologia de Itens Número Cotação

de Itens (em pontos)

A Léxico- Competência linguística: ITENS DE 2 100 pontos

semântica: • competência lexical SELEÇÃO
Shaping your • competência gramatical • identificação
Future • competência semântica • identificação de
Career erros / correção
Choices Competência pragmática: • completamento
The New • competência funcional
World of Work • competência discursiva

B Competência linguística: 2 100 pontos

• competência lexical
• competência gramatical
• competência semântica

Competência pragmática:
• competência discursiva
• competência funcional/ estratégica

TOTAL 200 pontos



Name __________________________________________ No. ___________ Class __________
Date _____/_____/_____ Mark ____________ Teacher _________________________________


Exercises 1 and 2
You will hear the first and second parts of an article on the importance of taking a gap year.


A Gap Year Can Help You Figure Out Your Career

1. Listen attentively and circle the correct alternative. (10 x 5 = 50 points)

Deciding your future career is (1) quite easy / not that simple. (2) Few / A reasonable number of
people have the clear notion of the career (3) path / part they are going to follow. And this
(4) choice / change, considering all which is involved, is probably (5) the most difficult decision /
one of the most difficult decisions in people’s lives. (6) Taking a gap year / Working for a year
may be the best way for you to decide (7) what you want to do / where you want to go in the
future. If there is the possibility for you to make this decision while travelling (8) the world / by boat
or experiencing new cultures, even better. You will be (9) controlling / contributing to the world
while meeting new people, visiting new places, and broadening your (10) zones / horizons.

2. Now, listen to the second part of the article. Find 5 mistakes in this paragraph, underline
them, and replace them with the right words. (5 x 10 = 50 points)
A gap year gives you the perfect opportunity to prove, to yourself and to others, that you are
capable of making it on your own. Some of the best possible attributes for a successful career
are being self-reliant and confident, traits that you will naturally develop by challenging yourself
by going abroad. Developing a sense of dependence can also help you to disconnect from some
of the trappings of modern life (particularly mass media) and help you to develop as an individual.

1. ________________________ 2. ________________________ 3. ________________________

4. _______________________ 5. _______________________


Exercises 3 and 4
You will hear the last part of the article on the importance of taking a gap year.


3. Decide whether these sentences are TRUE or FALSE. (10 x 5 = 50 points)

1. Meeting new people while travelling is highly rewarding. _____
2. Some difficulties may occur when facing different cultural backgrounds. _____
3. Taking a gap year can harm the development of your soft skills. _____
4. Developing your soft skills is not of major importance. _____
5. People who face challenging situations while taking a gap year are usually more resilient
than the ones who don’t go abroad. _____
6. During the gap year you are only allowed to try out a specific role related to the subjects you
are studying. _____
7. There are a lot of opportunities for you to develop your technical skills. _____
8. When you are taking a gap year, every experience is positive and rewarding. _____
9. Both good and bad experiences are learning opportunities. _____
10. You may figure out what you want to do with your career if you take a gap year. _____

4. Listen to the last part of the article again and complete the sentences. (5 x 10 = 50 points)
1. One of the most rewarding parts of travel is ____________________________________
and ______________________________________________________________________
2. Developing soft skills, such as ________________________________________________
will really set you apart in the workforce.
3. Allowing yourself the freedom ________________________________________________
and will teach you a lot about yourself and what you love to do for work.
4. Take advantage of _________________________________________________________
- paid and unpaid - to expose yourself to roles that you may never have dreamed of trying.
5. There may be days that you are _______________________________________________

https://www.gooverseas.com/blog/gap-year-figure-out-career (abridged and adapted)





A estrutura do teste sintetiza-se no quadro seguinte:

Ativ. Componentes Competências Tipologia de Itens Número Cotação

de Itens (em pontos)

A Léxico- Competência linguística ITENS DE SELEÇÃO 3 40 pontos

semântica: • competência lexical • completamento
Shaping your • competência gramatical • identificação de

Future • competência semântica erros / correção

Career Choices • competência ortográfica • associação

Competência pragmática /correspondência
The New World
• competência functional • identificação
of Work
• transformação
Competência sociolinguística

B Competência linguística ITENS DE 5 80 pontos

• competência lexical CONSTRUÇÃO
Phrasal verbs
• competência gramatical • resposta curta
The article
• competência semântica • resposta restrita
Verbs and
• competência ortográfica
Competência pragmática
Clauses of
• competência discursiva
• competência funcional/estratégica
Emphatic structure
The passive
Competência sociolinguística
C Competência linguística CONSTRUÇÃO 1 80 pontos
Modal verbs
• competência lexical • resposta extensa
• competência gramatical
• competência semântica
• competência ortográfica
Competência pragmática
• competência discursiva
• competência funcional/estratégica

TOTAL 200 pontos



Name __________________________________________ No. ___________ Class __________
Date _____/_____/_____ Mark ____________ Teacher _________________________________


The final task you are expected to complete is

to write a text about your plans for the future and your career choice(s).
Activities A and B will provide you with input for Activity C.


1. Complete the text about the Erasmus Programme using the words in the box. There are
three extra words. (10 x 2 = 20 points)

requirement providing culture eligible course skills participating

successful independence CV creating opportunity education

The Erasmus Programme works to provide students with the

(1) ____________________ to experience a global education. There are
currently over 5,000 higher institutions (2) ____________________ in the
Erasmus Programme across the 37 countries involved in
(3) ____________________ the program to students. 6 million students
have been a part of it since it was introduced in 1987. Erasmus works by
providing free movement and (4) ____________________ exchange
between registered universities and institutions for (5) ____________________ students. Erasmus
can go for 3 months to a year. It could be a (6) ____________________ to do Erasmus as part of
your (7) ____________________ or degree, or you do it to experience another country. It will look
amazing on your Resume or (8) ____________________, assist in shaping you to be more
motivated, increase your (9) ____________________, massively improve your English (and other!)
language (10) ____________________ plus provide a unique angle to get some work experience.
https://www.erasmusprogramme.com/post/what-is-the-erasmus-programme (abridged and adapted)

2. There is 1 mistake in each sentence. Cross out the mistake and correct it. (5 x 2 = 10 points)
1. They were handing up fliers about the Erasmus Programme. ____________
2. There were a lot of applicants for the job, but the one who took a gap year stood on from the
rest. ____________
3. Erasmus programme has been highly beneficial for a lot of students. ____________
4. Vhils is a artist who is famous for his wall carvings. ____________
5. He decided to invest on a gallery where other artists can show their work. ____________

3. Refer to five qualifications you usually mention in your CV. (10 points)



Read the following text:

VHILS – The Artist who is Carving Walls Around the World

One of the top street artists today, Alexandre Farto, better

known as Vhils, is continuing to evolve and push his
trademark style. Emerging on the scene in 2008, his work,
which consists of chiseling away layers of walls using a
variety of tools, made him an instant sensation. Over time,
the Portuguese artist has honed and refined his
technique, using it across different media to great effect.
By cutting and carving his way through cities around the
global, he’s acted both as an urban archeologist,
revealing layers of history, and as a sculptor using his
tools to reveal a message hidden within the wall.

“Graffiti is my artistic background, it taught me a lot and gave me diverse working skills before I went
to art school and university,” says Vhils. “I’m a great experimentalist and much of the direction my
work takes comes simply from random results achieved through experimenting with materials and
techniques. When I put ideas into practice, some of them work out and many others don’t, but even
these can point a new direction, something interesting to explore. I never disregard mistakes or
errors, in one way or another, there is a lot of potential in them”, the artist goes on explaining.

Vhils has also been supporting local arts community in Lisbon with projects like Underdogs. This
involved opening a gallery where Portuguese and foreign artists who have been operating outside
the established circuit could show their work, while also creating the opportunities for them to work
properly in the public space and give something to the city and putting out affordable artist editions
as a means of reaching out to the public and creating a bond with them.

“I truly believe in this new art movement that some have labeled urban art or street art—which I
really dislike as it limits the diversity of a movement that includes a multiplicity of areas, visual
language, and backgrounds, from conceptual artists to graffiti writers, from graphic artists to
muralists, etc. The common thread between them is the fact that they are all working with or inspired
by the visual chaos that modern-day urban environments have been giving us for the last decades.
I truly believe that these creative energies should be part of the way we think the city as a whole—
by making art part of the city, not only does it make it accessible to everyone, it also drives freedom
of expression, injects new cultural value into the city by activating its cultural activities, it helps
regenerate the urban fabric, and all of these end up contributing towards creating social and
economic impact.”, says Vhils.

None of this was easy to achieve, but we’re lucky that the project has resonated so well with the
community, the artists, and the public.
By Jessica Stewart (abridged and adapted)


1. Complete the following sentences according to the text. (3 x 5 = 15 points)

1. Street artist Vhils has acted ____________________________________________________
and _________________________________________________________________________
2. Vhils’s artistic background - Graffiti - taught him a lot and _____________________________
3. Vhils has also been responsible for ______________________________________________

2. Match the halves of these sentences according to the text. (5 x 3 = 15 points)

1. Before going to art school and university, Vhils a. the work of an archaeologist,
already mastered ____ uncovering layers of history.
2. The artist has been refining and developing ____ b. a new path to follow.
3. His techniques resemble ____ c. diverse working skills because of his
4. Some ideas may not work out, but they may projects as a graffiti artist.
indicate ____ d. social and economic development.
5. Artistic and cultural activities contribute to ____ e. his technique and style.

3. Find in the text the words/ expressions that match these definitions. (5 x 3 = 15 points)
1. cutting or shaping wood, stone or metal with a chisel ____________________
2. has perfected ____________________
3. happening without method or conscious decision ____________________
4. a subject, theme or characteristic ____________________
5. has had such a positive effect ____________________

4. Why is Vhils’s project Underdogs so important? (20 points)


5. Complete the following sentences as suggested. Do not change the meaning of the
sentences. (5 x 3 = 15 points)
1. Peter decided to take part in Erasmus+ programme. He wanted to get more work experience.
_________________________________________so that_____________________________


2. She became a more resilient person after taking a gap year.

Only after ___________________________________________________________________
3. Young people have never been so worried about their future as far as work is concerned.
Never _______________________________________________________________________
4. They will organize new training programmes very soon.
New ________________________________________________________________________
5. The position Helen had applied for was offered to her.
Helen _______________________________________________________________________


Do you have any idea of the career path you are going to follow? What do you have to do to
pursue your dream? Write about 150-200 words on the topic. (80 points)





Intervenientes e Descrição das atividades
Professor Hello. Could I just check your names, please?
What’s your name? [O professor dirige-se ao aluno A.]
And what’s your name? [O professor dirige-se ao aluno B.]
For about four minutes, I would like you both to answer some questions so that I can learn a bit
more about you. Please answer the questions, but do not interrupt your partner.
[1. O professor usa a lista que se segue, escolhendo o número de estímulos adequados ao
tempo. 2. As perguntas são colocadas seguindo uma linha vertical (entrevistando um aluno de
cada vez).]

Professor e A B
alunos • Would you like to take a gap year? Why (not)? • What are the main benefits of a gap year?
• What are the advantages of taking part in a • Would you like to take part in a programme like
programme like Erasmus? Erasmus? Why (not)?
• In your opinion, what is more important: • Is it positive for students to have part-time jobs?
experience or academic qualifications? Why (not)?
• What factors are important when choosing a • Why are some jobs seen as the most satisfying
Total: career path? ones?
+/– 4 minutos • What qualities do entrepreneurs usually have? • What are the advantages of coffices?
Professor Right, now each of you will have to talk on your own for about two minutes.
You have one minute to prepare. You mustn’t interrupt your partner while he/she is speaking.
Here is some paper and a pen in case you want to make some brief notes.
Please do not write a text.
[O professor entrega o papel e a caneta aos dois alunos. Se o aluno A iniciou o 1.º momento,
será o aluno B a iniciar o 2.º.]

B, you’ll be first. Now it’s your turn, A.

[O professor entrega o material: Picture 1.] [O professor entrega o material: Picture 2.]

Look at this picture. I’d like you to talk about it. There are some prompts to help you.
You have a minute to prepare and then I’ll ask you to start talking.
[O aluno prepara o seu discurso.]
Cada aluno
+/– 3 minutos Please begin now, B. Please begin now, A.
+/– 6 minutos [Prestação do aluno. Caso o seu discurso seja insuficiente, revele pouco conteúdo ou o aluno
tenha dificuldade em começar a falar, o professor deverá ajudá-lo com as/algumas das
seguintes perguntas:

Professor Picture 1: Picture 2:

Cada aluno 1 • What can you see in the picture? • What can you see in the picture?
minuto • What does it represent? • What does it represent?
• What are the consequences? • What are the benefits?
• What do you think about that problem? • Are there any disadvantages?
• How can it be tackled? • How can these be tackled?
Cada aluno [O professor pode também ajudar o aluno a expandir o seu discurso, usando, por exemplo:
+/– 2 minutos • Can you give me some (more) examples/details?
• Can you tell me more about that?]
[O professor pode ainda lembrar o aluno da tarefa, dizendo, por exemplo:
• Remember you have to…]
+/– 6 minutos Thank you, A. Thank you, B.

Professor Now I’d like you to talk to each other for about three minutes while I listen.
+/– 30 segundos You have to speak clearly and loud enough so that we can hear you both.
One of you thinks coffices may be a nice alternative to the typical office and the other thinks they
+ are not appropriate places for people to work at.
Here is a card for you.
Alunos [O professor entrega o material aos dois alunos: Card 1 e Card 2]
+/– 5 minutos [Prestação dos alunos. Os alunos podem usar algum tempo para tomarem conhecimento do
material de suporte.
O professor poderá ainda repetir as instruções ou dizer, por exemplo:
• “Could you start, please?”, caso nenhum dos alunos tome a iniciativa e tenham decorrido mais
de 30 segundos.
• “Remember you have to…” para lembrar os alunos da tarefa, caso se verifique um grande
desvio ao tema.
• “Remember you have to talk to each other.” para lembrar os alunos de que devem interagir um
Total: com o outro.]
+/– 6 minutos
Thank you both. That is the end of your test.

Total final:
+/– 16 minutos FIM DA PROVA



• Describe the picture
• Describe the picture
• Explain the message conveyed
• Explain the message conveyed
• Describe your feelings/emotions towards
• Describe your feelings/emotions towards
this picture
this picture

You think coffices may be a nice alternative You think coffices are not appropriate
to the typical office. places for people to work at.

Mention: Mention:
• Relaxing and trendy atmosphere • Noisy and distracting atmosphere
• Less stress and more creativity • Insecure environment - lack of control
over who physically accesses the
• Commuting to a boring old office can be
• Insecure networks - lack of control over
• Free Wi-Fi
IT systems


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