Ae It11 Test1

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A estrutura do teste sintetiza-se no quadro seguinte:

Ativ. Componentes Competências Tipologia de Itens Número Cotação

de Itens (em pontos)

A Léxico- Competência linguística: ITENS DE 2 100 pontos

semântica: • competência lexical SELEÇÃO
Teens and • competência gramatical • identificação
Consumerism • competência semântica • completamento
Advertising • identificação de
Competência pragmática: erros / correção
• competência funcional • completamento
• competência discursiva

B Competência linguística: 2 100 pontos

• competência lexical
• competência gramatical
• competência semântica

Competência pragmática:
• competência discursiva
• competência funcional/ estratégica

TOTAL 200 pontos



Name __________________________________________ No. ___________ Class __________
Date _____/_____/_____ Mark ____________ Teacher _________________________________


Exercises 1 and 2
You will hear the first and second parts of a radio podcast
on how Generation Z is leading an evolution in shopping habits.


1. Choose the correct option according to what you hear. (5 x 10 = 50 points)

a. 1. Generation Z’s behaviour in terms of the importance given to brands and shopping habits
presents no differences when compared to the behaviour of previous generations.
2. Generation Z’s behaviour in terms of the importance given to brands and shopping habits is
clearly different from the behaviour of previous generations.

b. 1. When Gen Zers are deciding where to shop, they look at the prices of the items first.
2. When Gen Zers are deciding where to shop, they look at the quality of the items first.

c. 1. Gen Zers don’t mind using the same outfits in pictures, they just don't want to pay full price
for anything.
2. Gen Zers live their lives in pictures, which means they need a lot of outfits, but they don't
want to pay full price for anything.

d. 1. Getting a Gen Zer to be loyal to a brand is easy. Brands just need to make sure their items
have affordable prices.
2. Getting a Gen Zer to be loyal to a brand is nearly impossible, which means that brands need
to work extra hard to earn their trust.

e. 1. Generation Z is giving rise to unconventional forms of shopping, like rental and resale.
2. Experts say there will be no massive change in terms of people’s shopping habits.

2. Complete the paragraph according to what you hear. (5 x 10 = 50 points)

Amanda Chernin, age 20, from Delray Beach, Florida, says she a____________________ almost
every day. She is not loyal to any brand or store. Instead, she shops wherever is
b____________________. She rarely goes to a c____________________ to try clothes on, and

if she ends up not liking a piece she buys, she resells it online. "Older generations grew up without
this technology and being able to shop online," she said. "I literally order something online every
day." While Chernin's approach to shopping might still be alien to d____________________, she
is an example of a Generation Z consumer. She is part of the first truly e____________________,
which has grown up cradling a smartphone and has never known a time without the Internet and
social media.

Exercises 3 and 4
You will hear the third and fourth parts of the radio podcast
on how Generation Z is leading an evolution in shopping habits.


3. Listen to the third part of the radio podcast. Underline the wrong pieces of information in
the paragraph and correct them. (5 x 10 = 50 points)
Gen Zers is poorly connected and want to take charge of their lives or they friends. They are also
very pragmatic and practical with their money. They are saving their money, which can be
achieved in two ways: by shopping for clothes at stands that already have low prices, or by buying
more expensive things they are fonder.

a. ________________________________________
b. ________________________________________
c. ________________________________________
d. ________________________________________
e. ________________________________________

4. Listen to the fourth part of the radio podcast and complete the sentences according to
what you hear. (5 x 10 = 50 points)
a. Tanner Frick shops at Nike, Lululemon, and Patagonia. He knows ______________________,
but he trusts them more because of ______________________________________________
b. Taryn Merari can’t afford nicer brands of clothes, so she ______________________________.
For her, ___________________________________________________________________
c. Business Insider has recently conducted a survey of 1,884 ____________________________
d. For Gen Zers the biggest factor when deciding whether to purchase items from a particular
brand _____________________, which __________________________________________
e. Gen Zers value _________________________________ that they shop from, and retailers
are gradually responding to this idea. (AmE; abridged and adapted)





A estrutura do teste sintetiza-se no quadro seguinte:

Ativ. Componentes Competências Tipologia de Itens Número Cotação

de Itens (em pontos)

A Léxico- Competência linguística ITENS DE SELEÇÃO 3 40 pontos

semântica: • competência lexical • completamento
Teens and • competência gramatical • transformação
Consumerism • competência semântica • associação
Advertising • competência ortográfica /correspondência
Consumer Rights Competência pragmática
• competência functional ITENS DE
Morfossintática: CONSTRUÇÃO
Verb tenses Competência sociolinguística • resposta curta
Order of attribute • resposta restrita
B adjectives Competência linguística 5 80 pontos
Relative clauses • competência lexical
Contrast • competência gramatical
• competência semântica
• competência ortográfica
Competência pragmática
• competência discursiva
• competência funcional/estratégica

Competência sociolinguística
C Competência linguística CONSTRUÇÃO 1 80 pontos
• competência lexical • resposta extensa
• competência gramatical
• competência semântica
• competência ortográfica
Competência pragmática
• competência discursiva
• competência funcional/estratégica

TOTAL 200 pontos



Name __________________________________________ No. ___________ Class __________

Date _____/_____/_____ Mark ____________ Teacher _________________________________


The final task you are expected to complete is to write a text discussing whether Generation Z
teens are changing their shopping habits and are giving rise to new forms of shopping .
Activities A and B will provide you with input for Activity C.


1. Complete the paragraph using ten words from the box. (10 x 2 = 20 points)

inclusivity identity consumer decisions confident understand

values sales appropriate brands shop-assistant empowerment

Gen Z wants to support and participate in a____________________ that they believe in and that
reflect them. They are loyal to brands that they feel b____________________ them and reflect
their c____________________, brands that stand for d____________________, diversity, and
youth e____________________. They also do not use brands to define their
f____________________ like past generations may have done. The dress codes young

millennials considered g____________________ were about the brand and what the brand was.
As long as they were in the right brand, they felt h____________________. That brand
represented more of who they were, and it made them feel safer or more secure in their
i____________________. The reverse is happening now. Gen Z is creating its own personal

brand. It's not the brand leading the j____________________; it's the consumer using the brand
or the product in whatever ways they want.

2. There are 5 mistakes in each sentence. Correct these sentences by making the necessary
changes. (2 x 5 = 10 points)
a. The digital influencer community has been gained major importance and popularity. They are
many teenagers where buy from online fashion companies and who choices have being
determined by what digital influencers wear.
b. Traditionally, a image brand was determined by the company and how the company chosen to
market it. Now, that image is more and more about what it is perceived and market by the
influencer whom wears it.

3. Name five advantages of shopping online. (10 points)



Read the following web article.

Living life in pictures

means you need a lot of outfits
Gen Z may be more sustainability-minded than previous
generations, but they also face constant pressure to wear
new items given that they are likely to be the most
photographed generation.

In the past, this would have been easily remedied by fast

fashion, and for many it likely still is. Fast fashion that is
created cheaply and discarded quickly contributes to
waste, however. According to the US Environmental
Protection Agency, 26 billion pounds of textiles end up in
a landfill each year.

Gen Zers want to flip their wardrobe, but they want to do that without doing damage to the
environment. Shoppers with an eye on sustainability and who also want to wear unique clothes have
given rise to nontraditional modes of shopping such as rental and resale or thrift.

Rent the Runway is paving the way in clothing rental. Its core subscription service plays into the
hands of customers who not only crave newness but are more conscious about sustainable living
and preserving the environment. "Gen Z lives their life in the cloud — their content, entertainment,
and music all exist in the cloud with unlimited choice," Rent the Runway CEO Jennifer Hyman told
Business Insider. "We are offering them the exact same thing for their physical lives." Hyman said
that Gen Z is one of the first groups to adopt this new style of shopping and to feel that it is the norm.

Legacy brands have adopted similar services. Express recently launched its Express Style Trial
service, which allows consumers to rent up to three items at any given time for a monthly fee.
American Eagle launched a near-identical clothing-rental subscription model known as American
Eagle Style Drop. For $50 a month, members can rent up to three items at a time and make an
unlimited number of exchanges. The shipping costs are covered each way, and dry cleaning is free.
If customers decide they like a piece, they can purchase it at a discount of 25% or more.

Secondhand shopping also affords Gen Z the chance to dress in unique ways. Gen Zers don’t want
to end up with the same clothes. They have become so obsessed with creating a look that "sets
them apart" that being unique has become THE trend. They go to the smallest stores they can find,
which they know no one else is shopping at, so they know they have something different. They use
thrift to build their own identity and create their own story.

This desire of uniqueness stems from the important societal and cultural changes that have occurred
during this generation's upbringing, which has made them more accepting of diversity. Gen Zers
accept everyone and are trying hard to make sure everyone feels included. To be involved in that
means that Gen Zers themselves must be different, unique. (AmE; abridged and adapted)


1. Complete the following sentences according to the text. (3 x 6 = 18 points)

a. Gen Z is aware of the need of keeping a more sustainable lifestyle. However, Gen Zers …
b. Fast fashion is cheap, but it is also quickly discarded. As a consequence of that, …
c. The fact that shoppers want to wear unique clothes without affecting the sustainability of our
planet has led to the creation of …

2. Match the halves of these sentences according to the text. (5 x 3 = 15 points)

a. Rent the Runway clothing rental service 1. to feel unique and dress diverse clothing
has been thought ______ items.
b. Express Style Trial service allows 2. to the important societal and cultural changes
consumers ______ that have occurred during their upbringing.
c. Secondhand shopping is also an option 3. to buy different pieces.
for Gen Zers, who want ______ 4. to attract shoppers who both want to wear
d. Gen Zers go to the stores they know no new and unique clothes and are more
one else is shopping at in order ______ conscious about sustainable living.
e. Gen Zers’ desire of uniqueness can be 5. to purchase any piece they like at a discount
related ______ of 25% or more.

3. Find in the text the words that correspond to these definitions. (6 x 3 = 18 points)
a. rejected as no longer useful or desired d. using money carefully, avoiding waste
b. a place where rubbish is buried e. to have a very strong feeling of wanting something
c. change and improve f. has its origins in

4. Do you think renting or buying second-hand clothes is a good idea? Why (not)? (20 points)

5. Rewrite the following sentences, using the word / expression in brackets. Do not change
the meaning of the sentences. (9 points)
a. Getting a Gen Zer to be loyal to a brand is nearly impossible, but brands are working extra hard
to earn their trust. (However)
b. Generation Z is giving rise to unconventional forms of shopping. However, there are still many
people who haven’t changed their shopping habits. (In spite of)

Discuss the following statement: Generation Z teens are changing their shopping habits and
are giving rise to new forms of shopping. Write about 150-200 words. (80 points)



Intervenientes e Descrição das atividades
Professor Hello. Could I just check your names, please?
What’s your name? [O professor dirige-se ao aluno A.]
And what’s your name? [O professor dirige-se ao aluno B.]
For about four minutes, I would like you both to answer some questions so that I can learn a bit
more about you. Please answer the questions, but do not interrupt your partner.
[1. O professor usa a lista que se segue, escolhendo o número de estímulos adequados ao
tempo. 2. As perguntas são colocadas seguindo uma linha vertical (entrevistando um aluno de
cada vez).]

Professor e A B
alunos • Do you like shopping? • And what about you? Do you like shopping?
• What do you spend your money on? • Are you a shopaholic or a smart consumer?
• Do you think it’s a good idea to buy what you • Do you think celebrities influence teen fashion
need during sales or at outlets? style?
• Do you buy things on the Internet? • Do you think brands are important? Why?
Total: • Do you think people are obsessed with • Do you think social media promote
+/– 4 minutos shopping? consumerism?
Professor Right, now each of you will have to talk on your own for about two minutes.
You have one minute to prepare. You mustn’t interrupt your partner while he/she is speaking.
Here is some paper and a pen in case you want to make some brief notes.
Please do not write a text.
[O professor entrega o papel e a caneta aos dois alunos. Se o aluno A iniciou o 1.º momento,
será o aluno B a iniciar o 2.º.]

B, you’ll be first. Now it’s your turn, A.

[O professor entrega o material: Picture 1.] [O professor entrega o material: Picture 2.]

Look at this picture. I’d like you to talk about it. There are some prompts to help you.
You have a minute to prepare and then I’ll ask you to start talking.
[O aluno prepara o seu discurso.]
Cada aluno
+/– 3 minutos Please begin now, B. Please begin now, A.
+/– 6 minutos [Prestação do aluno. Caso o seu discurso seja insuficiente, revele pouco conteúdo ou o aluno
tenha dificuldade em começar a falar, o professor deverá ajudá-lo com as/algumas das
seguintes perguntas:

Professor Picture 1: Picture 2:

Cada aluno 1 • What can you see in the picture? • What can you see in the picture?
minuto • What does it represent? • What does it represent?
• What are the consequences? • What are the consequences?
• What do you think about that problem? • What do you think about that problem?
• How can it be tackled? • How can these be tackled?
Cada aluno [O professor pode também ajudar o aluno a expandir o seu discurso, usando, por exemplo:
+/– 2 minutos • Can you give me some (more) examples/details?
• Can you tell me more about that?]
[O professor pode ainda lembrar o aluno da tarefa, dizendo, por exemplo:
• Remember you have to…]
+/– 6 minutos Thank you, A. Thank you, B.

Professor Now I’d like you to talk to each other for about three minutes while I listen.
+/– 30 segundos You have to speak clearly and loud enough so that we can hear you both.
One of you thinks brands are important and the other is not a brand name person.
+ Here is a card for you.
[O professor entrega o material aos dois alunos: Card 1 e Card 2]
Alunos [Prestação dos alunos. Os alunos podem usar algum tempo para tomarem conhecimento do
+/– 5 minutos material de suporte.
O professor poderá ainda repetir as instruções ou dizer, por exemplo:
• “Could you start, please?”, caso nenhum dos alunos tome a iniciativa e tenham decorrido mais
de 30 segundos.
• “Remember you have to…” para lembrar os alunos da tarefa, caso se verifique um grande
desvio ao tema.
• “Remember you have to talk to each other.” para lembrar os alunos de que devem interagir um
com o outro.]
+/– 6 minutos Thank you both. That is the end of your test.

Total final:
+/– 16 minutos FIM DA PROVA



• Describe the picture • Describe the picture
• Explain the message conveyed • Explain the message conveyed
• Describe your feelings/emotions • Describe your feelings/emotions towards this
towards this picture picture

You are highly enthusiastic about ethical You are not that enthusiastic about ethical
shopping. shopping.

Mention: Mention:
• environmentally friendly products • difficulties related to changing shopping
• organic food, causing no harm to the habits
environment • more expensive products
• fair trade • difficulties related to buying some products
• animal welfare • sustainable brands lack of possibility to
• local production keep up with the latest fashion trends
• workers treated with respect, being paid fair • lack of sustainability of some brands which
wages label themselves as eco-friendly


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