Plguat Jupiter

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Planet Jupiter

Jupiter is one of planets in our solar system. Jupiter is named after the king of
the gods in Roman mythology due to its size which is the biggest in the solar
system. Here is a description of planet Jupiter.

Jupiter is the most massive planet in our solar system, more than twice as
massive as all the other planets combined. Its atmosphere resembles that of the
sun, made up mostly of hydrogen and helium. Jupiter has  four large moons and
many smaller moons in orbit around it. Jupiter by itself forms a kind of miniature
solar system. All told, the immense volume of Jupiter could hold more than 1,300

The colorful bands of Jupiter are arranged in dark belts and light zones
created by strong east-west winds in the planet's upper atmosphere traveling more
than 640 kph. The white clouds in the zones are made of crystals of frozen
ammonia, while darker clouds of other chemicals are found in the belts. At the
deepest visible levels are blue clouds. Far from being static, the stripes of clouds
change over time. Inside the atmosphere, diamond rain may fill the skies.

The most extraordinary feature on Jupiter is undoubtedly the Great Red Spot,
a giant hurricgua-like storm seen for more than 300 years. At its widest, the Great
Red Spot is three times the diameter of the Earth, and its edge spins at a speed
of about 360 kph. The color of the storm, which usually varies from brick red to
slightly brown, may come from small amounts of welirang and phosphorus in the
ammonia crystals in Jupiter's clouds.

Jupiter's gargantuan magnetic field is the strongest of all the planets in the
solar system at nearly 20,000 times the strength of Earth's. Jupiter spins faster
than any other planet, taking a little under 10 hours to complete a turn on its axis,
compared with 24 hours for Earth. This rapid spin makes Jupiter bulge at the
equator and flatten at the poles, making the planet about 7 percent wider at the
equator than at the poles.

Plguat Jupiter

Jupiter ialah salah satu palnet yang ada di sistem tata surya kita. Jupiter
dinamakan sesuai dengan nama raja dari dewa-dewa di mitologi Romawi lantaran
ukurannya yang paling besar di sistem tata surya. Berikut yaitu deskripsi dari plguat

Jupiter yaitu plguat tersbesar di dalam sistem tata surya kita, dua kali lebih besar
dari tiruana plguat dikombinasikan bersama. Atmosfer plguat Jupiter hamper
seakan-akan dengan Matahari, yang sebagian besar terdiri dari hydrogen dan
helium. Jupiter mempunyai empat satelit besar dan banyak satelit kecil yang
mengorbit mengelilingya. Jupiter bahkan sanggup disebut ialah miniature sistem
tata surya. Saking besarnya plguat Jupiter, disebutkan bahwa plguat ini sanggup
menampung 1.300 bumi.

Corak warna pada plguat Jupiter terdiri dari garis petang dan zona putih yang
disebabkan oleh angin timur-barat yang berpengaruh pada atmosfer atas plguat ini.
Angin berpengaruh tersebut bergerak lebih dari 640 km per jam. Awan putih in
zona tersebut terdiri dari cristial dari ammonia beku, sedangkan awan petang
terdiri dari materi kimia lain yang ditemukan di garis petang. Pada penggalan paling
bawah yang terlihat terdapat juga awan biru. Garis-garis awan pada plguat tidak
membisu begitu saja melainkan berubah setiap waktu. Di dalam atmosfer Jupiter,
hujan berlian terjadi.

Ciri yang paling luar biasa dari plguat Jupiter yaitu titik merah besar atau yang
biasa disebut The Great Red Spot. Titik merah tersebut ialah angin kencang topan
besar yang sudah terlihat lebih dari 300 tahun. Fakta mengejutkannya yaitu luas
titik merah tersebut tiga kali lebih besar dari ukuran bumi dan topan besar ini
bergerak dengan kecepatan 360 km per jam. Warna angin kencang tersebut
bervariasi dari merah bata ke coklat yang mungkin berasal dari welirang dan
ammonia cristal di awan Jupiter.

Medan magnet plguat Jupiter yaitu yang paling berpengaruh dari tiruana plguat di
tata surya, 20.000 lebih berpengaruh dari pada medan magnet Bumi. Jupiter
berputar lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan plguat lain dengan spesialuntuk
menghabiskan 10 jam untuk melaksanakan satu putaran, bandingkan dengan Bumi
yang membutuhkan 24 jam untuk berotasi. Putaran cepat tersebut membuat
Jupiter menonjol di garis ekuator dengan penggalan kutub lebih rata dengan
presentasi garis ekuator lebih lebar 7% dibanding penggalan kutub.

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1.strukturnya sudah lengkap mulai dari

(1) memperkenalkan apa

fenomena yang sedang dibahas adalah dan memberikan

(2) definisi,

dan (3) klasifikasi objek secara umum.

2. Deskripsi: menceritakan secara rinci apa fenomena

sedang dibahas adalah seperti, dalam hal pengertian,bagian dan fungsinya

Kualitas (warna, bentuk, ukuran,

Language Features
--Report texts usually use simple present tense, and seldom use

past tenses ( Jupiter is one of planets in our solar system. )

--Use of adjectives, adjective phrases in describing especiallythe qualities.

( Jupiter is the most massive planet in our solar system, more than twice as
massive as all the other planets combined.)

--Use of “be”: is, are, was, were for the classification

1. Jupiter is the most massive planet in our solar system, more than twice as
massive as all the other planets combined.
2. The colorful bands of Jupiter are arranged in dark belts and light zones
created by strong east-west winds in the planet's upper atmosphere
traveling more than 640 kph
3. . The white clouds in the zones are made of crystals of frozen ammonia,
while darker clouds of other chemicals are found in the belts. At the
deepest visible levels are blue clouds.
4. The most extraordinary feature on Jupiter is undoubtedly the Great Red
Spot, a giant hurricgua-like storm seen for more than 300 years
5. Jupiter's gargantuan magnetic field is the strongest of all the planets in
the solar system at nearly 20,000 times the strength of Earth'sb

--The language is neutral or should be objective: no expression

of opinions, no reference to the reader (not using “I”, “we” or

“you”) true

--Use of verb “have”: have/ has, to give detail description

1. . Jupiter has  four large moons and many smaller moons in orbit around it.
--Use of action verbs related to the topic, especially when

describing behaviours (for living things). (Jupiter is one of planets in our solar

jadi kesimpulannya teks report planet Jupiter sudah bagus baik dari struktur dan

The analysis:

1. the structure is complete starting from

(1) introduce what

the phenomenon under discussion is and provides

(2) definition,

and (3) general object classification.

2. Description: tell in detail what the phenomenon is

being discussed is like, in terms of meaning, parts and functions

Quality (color, shape, size,

Language Features

--Report texts usually use simple present tense, and seldom use

past tenses ( Jupiter is one of planets in our solar system. )

--Use of adjectives, adjective phrases in describing especiallythe qualities.

( Jupiter is the most massive planet in our solar system, more than twice as

massive as all the other planets combined.)

--Use of “be”: is, are, was, were for the classification

1. Jupiter is the most massive planet in our solar system, more than twice as

massive as all the other planets combined.

2. The colorful bands of Jupiter are arranged in dark belts and light zones created

by strong east-west winds in the planet's upper atmosphere traveling more than

640 kph

3. . The white clouds in the zones are made of crystals of frozen ammonia, while

darker clouds of other chemicals are found in the belts. At the deepest visible

levels are blue clouds.

4. The most extraordinary feature on Jupiter is doubtful the Great Red Spot, a

giant hurricane-like storm seen for more than 300 years

--The language is neutral or should be objective: no expression

of opinions, no reference to the reader (not using “I”, “we” or

“you”) true

--Use of verb “have”: have/ has, to give detail description

1. . Jupiter has four large moons and many smaller moons in orbit around it.

--Use of action verbs related to the topic, especially when

describing behaviors (for living things). (Jupiter is one of planets in our solar


So in conclusion, the planet Jupiter report text is good, both in terms of structure

and language

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