Simplified Modern Physics
Simplified Modern Physics
Simplified Modern Physics
The first postulate enunciates the existence of stationary states of an atomic sys-
tem. The second postulate states that the transition of the system from one sta-
tionary state to another is … accompanied by the emission of one quantum of …
Niels Bohr
◾ A proton is a tiny object having a small mass and positive (+) electric charge.
◾ A neutron is a tiny neutral object (zero electric charge) having approximately
the same mass as a proton.
◾ An electron is an even tinier object having negative (–) charge and mass about
1/(2000) that of a proton or neutron.
◾ A nucleus is made of protons and neutrons bound tightly together by so-called
nuclear forces, which we will not discuss in this text.
◾ An atom consists of a nucleus and one or more electrons moving around it.
◾ An element is a substance made of a single kind of atom.
As we discussed in Chapter 5, the net charge of an object equals the sum of the
charges of all particles making up the object. This means, for example, that the net
charge on a nucleus equals the number of protons in that nucleus, because the other
particles in the nucleus—the neutrons—have zero charge. Normally, atoms are neutral:
they have zero net charge. This means that the number of electrons surrounding the
nucleus equals the number of protons in the nucleus.
Many of us have a mental picture of an atom—a small, hard nucleus at the cen-
ter, with electrons orbiting around the nucleus like wee planets orbiting around a tiny
sun. We can think crudely of the electrons as particles moving in an orbit around the
nucleus, as shown in Figure 9.1 for the case of a helium atom. This picture of the atom
is somewhat naive and is not entirely correct. In fact, no one has a truly satisfactory
mental picture of exactly how electrons behave, although we do have a good math-
ematical theory describing their behavior.
By studying how atoms absorb and emit light of different colors, and how electrons
travel through electric and magnetic fields, scientists discovered after 1900 that atoms
and electrons do not obey the classical principles of mechanics that were put forth by
Newton and described in Chapter 3. Scientists of the time could not understand how the
basic “laws of motion,” which were so successful in describing the motions of typical
large objects, could fail when applied to atoms.
Perhaps, with hindsight, it is not so surprising that electrons don’t follow Newton’s
laws. The objects that we can see directly—those at the human scale—do obey Newton’s
laws. By human scale we mean the scale of baseballs, racing cars, and space shuttles.
Newton’s theory is extremely accurate for large, slow-moving objects, but fails when
the object is on the scale of electrons and atoms; that is, roughly a billion–billion times
less massive than a baseball. Newton did not take into account the behavior of such tiny
objects when he formulated his laws, because at that time nothing was known about
such objects. Any successful theory of atoms must take such behaviors into account.
One of the limitations of the naive Newtonian view of the atom was the faulty assump-
tion that an electron is actually a particle, as illustrated by the dots in Figure 9.1. What
is meant here by “particle”? A particle is an entity or thing with mass, a definite loca-
tion in space, and a definite speed. Surprisingly, this description does not apply to elec-
trons. It is not simply that we lack information about where an electron is at a particular
moment. Rather, the very concepts of location and speed are not strictly appropriate to
electrons. It is as if the electron is spread or smeared throughout some region in space,
rather than being at a specific place. This is one of the mysterious properties referred
FIGURE 9.1 Naïve picture of a helium atom, showing two electrons orbiting around a nucleus, com-
prised of two protons (black) and two neutrons (gray). The drawing of the atom is not drawn to scale.
to as the “quantum nature of electrons,” which distinguishes them from the classical
concept of particles used by Newton and his followers. We can crudely represent the
spread-out nature of electrons by drawing a fuzzy region as in Figure 9.2.
Although we need to keep this spread-out picture in mind, it is cumbersome to draw
it in this way, especially when there are many fuzzy orbits that need to be drawn. So
we will use the simpler style of drawing shown in Figure 9.2a to symbolically represent
the more accurate picture in Figure 9.2b.
We should wonder what the spread-out picture of an electron really represents. The
mathematics of quantum theory, which we will not study here, shows that a spread-out
electron behaves in some ways like a wave. A wave—such as waves in the ocean—is
not located at a particular position. A water wave is made of many separate water (H2O)
molecules, moving in an organized pattern. In contrast, the electron wave is associated
with only one electron. We believe in the validity of this wavelike description because
the mathematics that goes along with it is in excellent agreement with all of the experi-
mental observations on electrons.
This description of an electron might seem strange, but physicists have an interpreta-
tion of the meaning of the electron’s wave. The wave’s amplitude in a region of space
tells us the likelihood that the electron will be found in that region. In Figure 9.2b,
the darker shaded regions are the places with higher likelihood for the electron to be
located. Before we make the measurement, the electron is not at a definite location, but
the very act of measuring causes the electron to appear at a definite location.
To further develop the water-wave analogy for the electron in an atom, consider the
surface of water in a drinking cup. The wave is confined within the cup. The pattern
illustrated in Figure 9.3 is a circular wave, rotating counterclockwise as time goes
on. In the example shown, there are eight wave peaks around the edge of the circular
(a) (b)
FIGURE 9.2 (a) Naïve classical picture of an electron orbit as a localized particle traveling around a
localized path. (b) Quantum picture of an electron orbit as a spread out region in space. The darker the
shading, the more likely it is to find the electron at that location.
FIGURE 9.3 Frames (left to right) showing a rotating circular wave, in top view and side view. The
diamond labels a particular spot on the wave, showing how it rotates in time. In this simple model of an
electron’s wave, the likelihood that the electron is in some region is highest at the edges of the circular
region, where the amplitude is greatest.
pattern. This means that the wavelength along the edge equals one-eighth of the cir-
cumference of the circular edge of the pattern.
When you think of a wave, such as a water wave, you usually think of many
particles (H2O molecules) moving in an organized pattern. However, the
wave describing an electron corresponds to only a single electron. This is
very different from the idea of a wave in classical physics.
An analogy that is simpler to visualize is that of a water wave traveling around a cir-
cular canal, as in Figure 9.4. In this example, the wave travels around the canal in the
clockwise direction and has 16 wavelengths fitting precisely around the circular length
of the canal. This leads to constructive interference of the wave when it goes around
once and meets up with its “tail.” This reinforces and makes a stable wave.
The condition for stability of an electron wave is shown in Figure 9.5. For a wave
moving in a circular path to be stable, there must be an integer number of wave-
lengths exactly fitting around the edge circumference. If instead the wavelength
equaled, for example, 1/(8.5) of the edge circumference, as shown in the middle of
Figure 9.5, the wave would not constructively reinforce itself; rather it would tend
to cancel, leading to an unstable wave. This means that only certain discrete wave-
lengths are allowed for stable circular waves of a given circumference. (Discrete
means distinct or unconnected.) The figure also shows a wave with 20 wavelengths
fitting around a somewhat larger circumference; this is also a stable wave.
FIGURE 9.4 A water wave traveling around a circular canal. The circumference of the canal must equal
an integer number of wavelengths (in this example, 16), otherwise the wave cannot be continuous and stable.
Wavelength Wavelength
FIGURE 9.5 Constructive interference of electron waves. The circumference of the edge of an orbit
must be an integer number of electron wavelengths, otherwise the wave cannot be continuous and stable.
Niels Bohr, in the chapter-opening quote, called these stable conditions stationary
states. We refer to the discreteness of wavelengths by saying that the values of the wave-
lengths are “quantized.” This is the origin of the term quantum physics. The quantized
nature of a wave’s wavelength is a result of its being confined to a small region—in the
water case, the region of the cup. In the case of atoms, the electron is confined to the
small region around the nucleus.
The electron’s wave has a frequency as well as a wavelength. For the simple model
in Figure 9.5, the wave’s frequency could be observed by sitting at a fixed point on
the outer edge and counting the number of oscillations of the passing wave’s dis-
placement during a certain time interval. As for any wave, a decreased wavelength
means an increased frequency, although the precise relation depends on the type
of wave and the shape of the small volume to which it is confined. Because the
electron’s wavelength in an atom is quantized, its possible frequency values are also
According to quantum theory, an electron’s wavelike motion determines its energy.
When an electron is confined to the volume of an atom, this motion is quantized, and
therefore the electron’s energy is quantized. This means that when an electron is con-
fined to the volume of an atom, its energy can take on only certain discrete values.
This behavior is quite unlike a moon orbiting around a planet. Such a moon can have
any energy as it flies, depending on how fast it moves; that is, the energy of an orbiting
moon is not quantized. The mathematics of quantum theory makes it possible to create
accurate pictures of the electron’s wave within a hydrogen atom. A few examples of
electron waves of different energies are shown in Figure 9.6.
The quantization of an electron’s energy, first proposed by Niels Bohr in 1913, is
a remarkable property, totally outside the realm of classical, Newtonian physics. Its
discovery led to a revolution in our understanding of the nature of atoms, molecules,
and crystals and paved the way for developing computer technology. It was arrived
at—not by purely intellectual reasoning—but by thinking hard about how to under-
stand the results of experiments carried out around 1900. Next we review some of those
When we say that the electron behaves in a discrete manner, we do not mean
that its position is discrete (that would be more like a particle than a wave).
We mean that the electron’s energy is discrete, or quantized.
FIGURE 9.6 Realistic computer-generated images of electron waves in a hydrogen atom. (Created
using Atom in a Box, With permission of Dauger Research, Inc.)
FIGURE 9.7 The spectrum of light from a hot metal filament in an incandescent light bulb is made
up of smooth, continuous bands of colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet.
FIGURE 9.8 The spectrum of light emitted by an atomic-vapor lamp is made up of discrete lines of color.
FIGURE 9.9 Sharp lines of color appearing in the spectrum of light emitted by hydrogen.
In 1890, a Swedish physicist, Johannes Rydberg, found that he could represent all of
the wavelengths shown in the figure by a single, simple formula:
91.12671 nm
⎛ 1 − 1⎞
⎝ m2 n2 ⎠
In this formula, 91.12671 nm is called the Rydberg constant. The variables m and n take
on integer values (i.e., m = 1,2,3…, and n = 1,2,3…), but with the restriction that n is
always greater than m. The first four wavelengths are calculated as:
It is remarkable that such a simple formula can be used to calculate precisely the spec-
trum lines of hydrogen, and this fact provided a powerful clue to the physics “sleuths” of
the time about the nature of atoms. Niels Bohr used this clue to create the quantum theory
of electron motion in atoms. He and others formulated the quantum principles, described
in the following sections, specifically to create a theoretical model that could explain the
reasons behind Rydberg’s simple formula.
X-ray or
Al foil
FIGURE 9.10 Top: Experimental setup. Bottom: Artist’s rendering of G. P. Thomson’s 1927 record-
ings of interference, or diffraction, patterns observed when x-rays (left) or electrons (right) pass through
thin aluminum foil.
FIGURE 9.11 Electron interference patterns observed when electrons pass through two types of
AlCoNi crystals. In both cases 5-fold symmetry of the intensity distribution may be observed. (Courtesy
of Conradin Beeli, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. With permission.)
are EM waves, so it was not surprising to see interference with them. In contrast, it
was astonishing to see interference with the electron beam. It seemed that the electrons
interacted with the crystal as if they were waves, or as if they were being guided by a
wave. The phenomenon of interference that occurs when a wave passes through a mate-
rial is called diffraction.
The experimenters learned that 3 years earlier, in 1924, a young French physi-
cist, Louis de Broglie, had precisely predicted the behavior of electrons that the
Americans and British had observed. De Broglie had hypothesized that electrons
simultaneously have properties of both particles (called corpuscles) and waves. As
de Broglie said some years later, in his Nobel Prize address, “the existence of cor-
puscles accompanied by waves has to be assumed in all cases.” This hypothesis,
which has since been proven true, opened the gates to a mathematical formula-
tion of quantum theory. In 1926, Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger developed
a mathematical theory that updated the venerable theory of Isaac Newton. With
Schrödinger’s theory and with Davisson’s and Thomson’s experiments, the quantum
revolution had arrived.
Since it was discovered in 1927, electron diffraction has been an important tool
for studying the structure of crystals. The internal structure of the crystal lattice is
revealed by diffraction patterns, sometimes strikingly beautiful, as those shown in
Figure 9.11.
FIGURE 9.12 Naïve model of a helium atom, with two electrons orbiting around a nucleus. The
vertical lines indicate the axis of internal rotation or spin for the electrons, which are shown spinning in
opposite directions—one clockwise (cw) and the other counterclockwise (ccw). The spin of an electron is
roughly analogous to the spin of a basketball.
(i) The wave nature of electrons: An electron is a small entity or “thing” that cannot be
thought of as a tiny particle, because it cannot be said to have a definite location and a definite
speed. Although an electron has mass—a particle-like property— it also has wavelike proper-
ties, with the amplitude of the electron wave determining the likelihood of finding the electron
in a certain region.
(ii) Quantization of energy: An electron in an atom can have only certain discrete energies;
that is, its energy is quantized. The wave patterns associated with the electron’s stable motion
in the atom are called stationary or stable orbits.
(iii) Exclusion Principle: At most two electrons can occupy the same orbit. Furthermore, for
two electrons to occupy the same orbit, they must be spinning in opposite directions around
their axes.
FIGURE 9.13 Electron orbits in an atom. (a) Two electrons in the lowest-energy (first) shell. (b) Four
electrons, filling the first shell and partially filling the second shell. (c) Ten electrons, completely filling
the first and second shells.
electrons—the other orbits are empty. Although the fourth electron is shown as being
in the same orbit occupied by the third electron, this need not be the case. It can go into
one of the other unoccupied orbits in the second shell, all of which have about the same
energy. This is not an important distinction for our purposes. As always, any two elec-
trons in the same orbit necessarily have opposite spin directions. Figure 9.13c shows ten
electrons within an atom. Again, two (the maximum number) are in the lowest-energy
shell, and eight are in the second energy shell. The second shell has four distinct orbits,
which have equal energies but are distinguished by the details of their orbit shapes,
which are represented here simply by different orientations.
Remember that the actual orbit shapes are complicated three-dimensional patterns.
Although the drawings are shown as flat, two-dimensional pictures, the actual orbits
are three-dimensional. They can be visualized as filling a sphere, as in Figure 9.14.
The first three quantum principles, along with some advanced mathematics that we
will not discuss, correctly predict how many orbits are within each shell.
◾ The lowest-energy shell has one orbit (two states). So, according to the Exclusion
Principle, this shell can contain at most two electrons (one per state).
◾ The second-lowest-energy shell has four orbits (eight states). So this shell can
contain at most eight electrons.
FIGURE 9.15 Naïve representation of all possible electron orbits in the first four energy shells.
◾ The third-lowest-energy shell also has four orbits (eight states). So this shell
can contain at most eight electrons.1
◾ The fourth- and fifth-lowest-energy shells each have nine orbits (eighteen QUICK QUESTION 9.1
states). So these shells can contain at most eighteen electrons each.
An atom has 37 electrons. How
The first four shells are illustrated in Figure 9.15. Orbits within the same shell have many protons does it have,
assuming the atom is overall
equal, or nearly equal, energies. Shells with lower energies and smaller orbits are called
inner shells, and those with higher energy and larger orbits are called outer shells.
1. Electrons will occupy one of the lowest-energy orbits available (i.e., not fully occupied).
2. If an orbit is already occupied by two electrons (with opposite spin directions), then another
cannot join them in that orbit.
The first rule is consistent with common experience that normally objects will move
to the lowest energy they can reach. This is a rather general property of nature. An
analogy is a ball rolling down a grassy hill to the lowest level. The second rule is again
the Exclusion Principle.
1 Standard texts use the term shell in a different manner than used here, but for our purposes our usage is fine.
2 More precisely, one proton has mass equal to 1.007 atomic mass units.
Source: Adapted from Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Chemistry Division. In the online version, each element symbol links to a web page with more information.
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Quantum Physics of Atoms and Materials 315
Some of the Low-Atomic-Number Elements
FIGURE 9.16 The atoms hydrogen, helium, lithium, and beryllium have one, two, three, and four
electrons, respectively. Each electron added goes into the lowest-energy shell that is not fully occupied.
Gap (forbidden)
Gap (forbidden)
Gap (forbidden)
FIGURE 9.17 Energy-level diagram for the total (kinetic plus potential) energies of electrons within
atoms. Energy increases in the vertical direction.
Energy increasing
FIGURE 9.18 Energy levels of an atom viewed as a staircase of increasing total energy.
Energy increasing
Energy increasing
Energy increasing
Energy increasing
FIGURE 9.19 Energy-level diagrams for some atoms. Although each diagram is drawn with the
same spacing between energy levels, there are actually different spacings for different atoms.
than its third electron. Silicon (N = 14) and phosphorous (N = 15) are important atoms
for semiconductors, and their highest-energy electrons are in the third energy shell.
A way to think of each diagram in Figure 9.19 is as a high-rise building: each level
is a floor of the building, which may be occupied or not, as indicated by a room light
viewed from outside.
What are typical values of the energies of the atomic levels? This will be useful later
when we discuss lasers and light detectors in the context of optical communication. As
an example, in hydrogen, the difference of energies between the lowest shell and the
second-lowest shell is about 1.6 × 10 –18 joules (J), or 1.6 attojoules (aJ). According to
the metric system, 1 aJ equals 10 –18 J. This is a very small energy, reflecting the fact
that atoms are microscopic objects. It seems astonishing that even differences between
such small energies can be easily observed (e.g., in the colors of light in the spectrum
of a hydrogen lamp).
The liquid-crystal display (LCD) screen in a laptop computer is illuminated from within
the computer. What type of light source is inside, and why is this particular source used?
Laptop designers want a light source that is efficient, consumes (or converts) little elec-
trical energy from the battery, and generates as little heat as possible. Two types of light
sources could satisfy these requirements—light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and fluorescent
lamps. At present, most laptops use fluorescent lamps, because these are cheaper than
LEDs to produce. This is a much better choice than incandescent bulbs, which heat
up and waste a lot of energy, generating invisible infrared radiation rather than visible
A fluorescent lamp is closely related to the atomic-vapor lamps that we discussed
earlier in In-Depth Look 5.2. Figure 9.20 shows an oscillating voltage source, which
causes electric current to flow through a gas mixture containing several types of atoms,
typically mercury and argon. The electrons making up the current collide with the mer-
cury atoms, exciting the electrons inside these atoms to higher-energy shells. After a
brief time, those electrons drop down to a lower energy level, giving off light of vari-
ous sharply defined colors, primarily ultraviolet (UV). To alter the atomic lamp so that
it gives off white light, the manufacturer coats the inner walls of the glass tube with a
special substance called a phosphor. This substance is the same as glow-in-the-dark, or
fluorescent, paint. The phosphor absorbs the UV light, and re-emits this energy as white
light, that is, light containing all visible colors. Fluorescent lamps are typically about 5
times more efficient than incandescent bulbs in converting electrical energy into visible
light energy.
How does electric current flow through a gas? Normally the atoms in a gas, such as air,
are electrically neutral; that is, each atom has zero net charge and there are no electrons
roaming freely around in the gas. In such a situation, a gas is a very good insulator—if
a moderate voltage is applied across a region of gas, no current will flow. To make a gas
into a conductor, it must be ionized. This means that many of the atoms must be converted
into ions by removing one or more electrons from each atom, leaving it positively charged.
Ionized gas is called a plasma. The electrons that were removed can flow freely through
the plasma if a voltage is applied across it. The positively charged atomic ions can also
move—in the direction opposite to that of the electrons—and thereby can also carry cur-
rent. Finally, any electrons that are newly introduced into the plasma from a negatively
charged metal electrode can flow through the gas to another positively charged electrode.
Before a fluorescent lamp is turned on, the gas is neutral, so even a medium-sized
voltage would not create the current needed to light the bulb. Therefore, when the lamp
is first turned on, a control circuit applies a very high voltage (several hundred volts) for a
White light
Inner wall coating
Electrode Electrode
UV emitting gas
Starter switch
Control circuit
Oscillating voltage
brief instant to the electrodes, ionizing the gas and making a plasma, which then conducts
current. The control circuit also momentarily closes a starter switch, which causes cur-
rent to flow through thin wire filaments, which form the two electrodes. The filaments
heat to very high temperature, aiding the emission of electrons from the filaments into the
plasma. Once the lamp has been started, the starter switch is opened, because the plasma
can now sustain itself without external heating of the filaments. This type of operation is
used for room lighting, where fairly high powers are needed.
Most laptop computers use a thin, straight fluorescent lamp to illuminate the LCD
screen from behind, in an arrangement called backlighting. The operation of LCDs was
discussed in Real-World Example 7.3. To avoid generating too much heat in the laptop, a
so-called cold cathode lamp is used. That is, without heating the filament to a high tem-
perature, small lamps can be operated at sufficient power to illuminate an LCD screen.
To understand why high electrical conductivity arises in some materials but not oth-
ers, we need to understand the nature of the electron energy states in crystals and other
solids. The behavior of electrons in crystals is quite different than in isolated atoms, in
that each electron moves near several nuclei, rather than near just one nucleus.
A crystal is composed of a regular three-dimensional array of atoms. Figure 9.21
shows a small region of a lithium (N = 3) crystal, with each small circle representing a
FIGURE 9.21 Crystal structure with nuclei plus inner electrons (circles), and electrons (dashes).
nucleus along with its two inner electrons. Each oval-shaped cloud represents an outer-
shell electron in a smeared-out orbit. We are only concerned with the electrons in the
outermost shell, because they determine the electrical properties. In the right side of
the figure, for simplicity, we represent each nucleus with its two inner electrons by a
small circle and each outer-shell electron by a dash, or minus sign.
In Chapter 5, it was stated that electrons move easily between objects, whereas pro-
tons do not. The reason for this is that the protons are within the atomic nuclei, and
these are bound tightly by the chemical bonding that holds the crystal together. In con-
trast, the outer-shell electrons are spread out in the crystal, with overlapping orbits, and
in some materials can move through the crystal.
When a large number (NA) of atoms assemble into a crystal, the number of elec-
tron states, (i.e., energy levels) is NA times larger than for a single atom. In a typical
crystal 1 centimeter on a side, the number of atoms is about 1022. This is ten-thousand
billion-billion atoms. In this crystal, each atom provides one set of states of the type
shown above in Figure 9.18. Therefore, the crystal as a whole has 2 × 1022 states that
correspond to the first shell. Likewise, the crystal has 8 × 1022 states that correspond to
the second shell, etc. For each shell, the number of states is 1022 times larger than for a
single atom. Imagine trying to draw an energy-level diagram with this many states. The
states are so close together, that we can cannot draw a separate line for each; we can
only draw continuous “bands” of energy. An energy band is a region of very closely
spaced energy levels that are allowable for an electron in a crystal. For energies outside
of the bands, electrons are forbidden; these regions are the energy gaps.
Figure 9.22 shows the energy-level diagram for crystalline lithium. Energy bands
are shown as boxes. Because there are far more electrons than we can draw, we use
a schematic drawing using connected dots to represent electrons. In this way we can
indicate if an energy band is filled or only partially filled. Each dot in this example rep-
resents 1022 electrons. The figure also shows on the right a cartoon picture of the energy
bands, indicating that the energy within a band increases smoothly and continuously,
but in the gaps no energy levels exist. An electron simply cannot have energy in one of
the gaps. As before, there is no meaning to the horizontal axis.
In Figure 9.22, which of the Quantum Principles explains that the electron in
the second shell cannot lose energy and fall into the first shell?
FIGURE 9.22 Energy-level diagram of crystalline lithium (N = 3). Each dot represents a large number
(for example, 1022) of electrons. The lowest-energy band is filled (completely occupied) with electrons,
and the second band is partially filled, making solid lithium a metal. The right side illustrates that the
energy of the electron states is continuously increasing, like a ramp as opposed to a staircase.
9.7.1 Conductors
Crystalline lithium is a metal. Recall that this means it has high electrical conductivity,
which means that electrons can easily flow through it when pushed by a voltage. It is a
conductor. Why is lithium, with three electrons per atom, a conductor? It is because the
second lowest band is partially empty. Crystals that have partially empty energy bands
are metals, and have high electrical conductivity, as we now explain.
Consider attaching two wires to either end of a solid piece of lithium and attaching
the wires to a battery, as shown in Figure 9.23. Electrons will flow from one side of
the crystal to the other because lithium is highly conducting. Under the influence of
the battery’s voltage, electrons feel a force, and they accelerate; their speed increases
and they move through the crystal to the other side. To do this, each electron must gain
some energy when it accelerates. Recall that an electron at rest has zero kinetic energy,
whereas a moving electron has nonzero kinetic energy. Notice that the crystal remains
neutral at all times, because for each electron that enters it at the negative side, one
departs from the positive side. There is no buildup of extra electrons.
In terms of the energy-level diagram, the acceleration is visualized as follows. Each
electron in the partially empty band can gradually gain some energy, upon which it
gradually goes “up” the vertical energy axis in the diagram, as indicated by the arrow
in Figure 9.24. In contrast, the voltage cannot accelerate electrons that are in the lower,
filled band. This is because the small voltages used (up to about 100 V) cannot impart
enough energy for them to “jump the gap” and go into the second shell. The point is
Electron flow
Higher band
Energy increasing
Conduction band
Valence band
FIGURE 9.24 Outer-shell electrons in a metal accelerating under the influence of a small voltage.
Inner-shell electrons (those in the lower, filled band) cannot accelerate.
that electrons cannot accelerate gradually through the forbidden gap energies. They
cannot gradually gain energy and are therefore fixed with the energy they originally
had. Also, electrons cannot accelerate within the lowest band. The Exclusion Principle
prevents this, because if acceleration were to occur, there would be more than one
electron in some of the states in the lower band. Electrons also repel one another by
the electric force, but this is not the fundamental reason that no two electrons can be
in the same state. Rather, it is a fundamental property of electrons. The Exclusion
Principle “blocks” electrons from accelerating in a completely filled band. Physicists
use the term valence band for the highest-energy band that is completely filled, and
conduction band for the band just above the valence band. In the case of a metal, the
conduction band is partially filled. Electrons in the conduction band are free to move,
whereas electrons in the valance band are not.
When explaining why a metal is a conductor, we should not say it is because
there is a lot of unoccupied space for the electrons to flow; it is because
there are many unoccupied energy levels into which the electrons can be
When current flows in a conductor, there are no extra electrons in the metal.
If there were, the metal would have negative net charge, which it does not.
Rather, electrons that are already in the metal before the voltage is connected
are made to move through and out of the crystal by the voltage while being
replenished by new electrons from the battery.
9.7.2 Insulators
Diamond, quartz, and glass are insulators, meaning they have very low electrical
conductivity. This arises from the way the energy bands are filled, or not filled, in
these materials. Insulators have energy-level diagrams as shown in Figure 9.26. The
two lower-energy bands are completely occupied with electrons. There is a large gap
between the highest filled band and the next empty band. By large, we mean approxi-
mately 0.5 aJ or larger. When a voltage (not too great) is applied across an insula-
tor, electrons cannot accelerate, because there are no empty energy levels immediately
above the highest occupied energy level. Therefore no electrons can move or flow.
Again, the Exclusion Principle “blocks” the electrons from accelerating in a completely
FIGURE 9.25 A laboratory image of the surface of a silicon crystal, revealing atoms forming a regu-
lar pattern, along with some “defects” where atoms are missing. This image is taken, not with a regular
microscope, but by slowly dragging the tip of a tiny needle across the crystal’s surface and recording the
force felt at each location. Lights in the windows of a high-rise building indicate which floors are occu-
pied. (Silicon image by Juergen Koeble. Courtesy of Omicron NanoTechnology, Germany.)
Conduction band
Energy increasing
Large gap
Valence band
Lower band
FIGURE 9.26 Every energy band of an electrical insulator is either all filled or all empty. Electrons
cannot accelerate when voltage is applied.
filled band. Note that if too large a voltage (e.g., greater than 106 V) is put across an
insulator, the crystal structure can be damaged, allowing current to flow. This “break-
down” behavior is normally not useful for operating electronics.
Diamond and quartz are crystals. Although glass is a noncrystalline solid, its
energy diagram looks similar to that shown in the figure, explaining why it also is an
9.7.3 Semiconductors
The most useful semiconductor is the silicon crystal. Figure 9.27 shows the structure
of a silicon (Si) crystal. Each circle represents a Si atom nucleus plus all inner-shell
electrons. As we can see by referring to Figure 9.19, the Si atom has four outer-shell
electrons. In Figure 9.27, these electrons are shown as four minus signs, pointing away
from each Si nucleus. Because the atoms are close together, the orbits on different
atoms overlap, and there are eight electrons close to each atom.
A Si crystal is a semiconductor, meaning it has low, but not zero, electrical conduc-
tivity. A semiconductor has small conductivity because it has a small energy gap just
Silicon atom
FIGURE 9.27 A silicon crystal is made of a regular array of Si atoms, each with four outer-shell
electrons. Each outer-shell electron is indicated by a dash (minus sign).
above the highest filled band, as shown in Figure 9.28. The values of semiconductor
band gaps fall in the range of 0.01–0.5 aJ. By looking at the energy-level diagram for a
single Si atom in Figure 9.19, one would not expect that such a gap would be present in
the Si crystal, but experiments show that there is a small gap, nevertheless. Although
the gap is correctly predicted by quantum theory, for our purposes the existence of the
small gap is more important than the cause of the gap. In-Depth Look 9.2 explains the
physical origin of the gap.
Conduction band
Energy increasing
Small gap
Valence band
Large gap
FIGURE 9.28 At absolute zero temperature (–273°C), the energy bands of a semiconductor are either
completely filled or completely empty. Electrons cannot accelerate when a voltage is applied. At room
temperature (20°C), the thermal energy in the crystal raises some electrons to the band above the small
gap, making the crystal a conductor.
State occupation in rule: At very low temperature, an electron goes into the lowest unoccupied
state available. At higher temperatures, such as room temperature, a relatively small number of
electrons can gain enough thermal energy to go into a higher energy state, or band.
The important difference between an insulator and a semiconductor is the size of the
gap separating the highest-energy filled band (valence band) and the next higher band
(conduction band). Because this gap is quite small in a semiconductor, there is a small
temperature-induced current. The smallness of the gap also gives us the opportunity to
modify the properties of semiconductors by adding small amounts of other elements
into the crystal. This is a crucial technique for making electronic circuits with semi-
conductors, and is the topic of the next chapter.
When explaining why a warm semiconductor can conduct electrical current,
we should not say it is because there is a lot of unoccupied “space” for the
electrons to flow; it is because there are many unoccupied energy levels, into
which the electrons can be accelerated.
Keep in mind that some crystals are conductors (e.g., gold and copper),
whereas other crystals are insulators (diamond, quartz). In addition, some
noncrystalline solids are insulators (glass), whereas some other noncrystal-
line solids are conductors (some specialized plastics).
FIGURE 9.29 Magnified view of the interior of a single domain of iron. Each atom is repre-
sented as a tiny current loop.
Consider a domain made up of a million atoms. You might wonder, “Why is this
tiny piece of metal a magnet?” If you keep grinding this tiny speck of metal smaller
and smaller, so you end up with individual atoms, you will find that each iron atom is
by itself a magnet! This is not true of, say, aluminum atoms; there is something special
about iron. Each iron atom can be viewed as containing an atom-sized current loop.
Figure 9.29 shows an imagined blow-up of the interior of a domain of iron. Each atom
is represented as a tiny current loop. This is a reasonable picture, because atoms are
made of electrons orbiting around a central point. The electrons carry an electric current
around a loop-shaped path. According to Ampère’s law, electric current moving around
a loop creates a magnetic field. Because all of the atomic current loops are aligned in
same direction, their summation creates a stronger magnetic field than would otherwise
be the case.
The electrons in the outer shells of each atom in crystals and other solids are close
to neighboring atoms. The number of electrons in the highest-energy occupied shell
determines the physical properties of solids. Electrical conductivity is the ability for
electrons to flow through a material when pushed by an electric force associated with
a voltage. Materials are classified as one of the following: insulators, semiconductors,
or conductors, depending on how well they conduct. Using the quantum principles, we
can predict which crystalline elements are conducting or insulating.
◾ Metals are crystals that have their highest-energy occupied band partially
empty. This makes them electrical conductors, since the electrons can be
accelerated by an externally applied voltage.
◾ Insulators are crystals that have all of their occupied shells completely filled,
with a large energy gap between the highest filled shell and the next lowest
shell. They do not conduct electrical current, because the Exclusion Principle
prevents electrons from accelerating into already-occupied energy levels.
◾ Semiconductors are crystals that have all of the occupied shells completely
filled, with a small energy gap between the highest filled shell and the next
higher shell. At low temperature semiconductors do not conduct electrical
current, because the Exclusion Principle prevents electrons from accelerating
into already-occupied energy levels. At room temperature they can conduct,
because some electrons are boosted into higher, non-filled shells by thermal
energy in the crystal.
Where is this discussion leading in our quest to understand computers and the
Internet? We know vastly more about electrons and atoms than was understood only
four generations ago. In parallel with this intense scientific effort, engineers have
made astounding progress in applying the discovered basic knowledge to building
electronic circuitry that is small, fast, and energy efficient. Our next step will be to
study how the atomic nature of crystals is used to build electronic switches and other
devices that make up computer logic circuits and electronic memory.
Man seeks to form for himself, in whatever manner is suitable for him, a simpli-
fied and lucid image of the world, and so to overcome the world of experience.
Some years ago, a man came to my office at the university and announced that he had
invented a machine that produced energy using no fuel or other external source of
energy. He said it involved “chaos” and extracted energy from the rotations of mag-
nets in some mechanical contraption, and he wanted to discuss the physics behind it. I
politely said that if it were real, then I would like to see it and try to confirm its opera-
tion. I was not much worried that he would take up my offer; he replied that it was in
his barn in another town, and in any case, he needed to keep the details secret. I said
in that case, “I can’t help you.” He left. I believe that this man was practicing pseudo-
science. He used scientific terms such as energy, magnetism, and chaos and said he had
done experiments that supported his claims. Maybe he had, maybe he had not. Without
independent testing, there is no way to know.
Pseudo-science means fake science. It is defined as any kind of intellectual or
experimental exploration that is claimed to be scientific but actually does not follow
the widely agreed upon methods of science. In Chapter 1, Section 1.4 we discussed
the scientific method, which is the process by which repeated observations of physical
events allow people to discover regular rules, laws, or principles about such events.
The scientific method necessarily involves making quantitative measurements to rep-
resent the results of the observations being reported. A “good” scientific theory is a
theory about physical events that has been well tested and is seen not to make false
To be believable, the results of observations must be repeatable. Any person fol-
lowing the procedure described should be able to observe the same or similar results.
Therefore, if a person refuses to tell anybody else what procedure he or she used,
then the results probably should not be called scientific. This applies to my office
An additional requirement is that for any theory to be scientific it must be testable.
As well put by geologist Steven Dutch, “Refutability is one of the classic determinants
of whether a theory can be called scientific.” [1] That is, if there is no possible test or
evidence that would convince a believer that his or her favorite hypothesis is wrong,
then that idea can not be called scientific.
It is difficult to mark precisely the boundary between science and pseudo-science.
This is called the demarcation problem in the philosophy of science. For example, it
seems possible to apply the scientific method to the question of unidentified “flying”
objects, or UFOs. There are certainly some researchers (mostly amateur) who do apply
the scientific method to this question. But, it is apparent that no definitive conclusions
that could be called laws or principles have emerged to help us understand why so many
people report unidentified objects and to what these observations correspond. Pseudo-
science enters at this point—in the absence of any confirmed scientific results—and
exploits the gullibility of some people who cannot distinguish, or do not want to distin-
guish, between real science and pseudo-science.
Peoples’ gullibility perhaps comes from their need, which all people have, as Einstein
says above, to “form for himself, in whatever manner is suitable for him, a simplified
and lucid image of the world, and so to overcome the world of experience.” That is, to
be human is to be curious and to try to understand. The need to understand can lead
to self-delusion. A goal of science is to help people avoid gullibility and self-delusion.
(This discussion has nothing to do with whether one has religious or spiritual beliefs,
which are independent of science, according to many careful thinkers. If, on the other
hand, people try to invoke scientific methods to address fundamental religious ques-
tions, then most likely it turns into pseudo-science.)
Although there may be no sharp line between science and pseudo-science, various
thinkers have drawn up lists of “warning signs,” which indicate a high likelihood that
pseudo-science is being presented. Most pseudo-science claims do not suffer from all
or even most of these, but when you see more than one cropping up, beware.
Of course, scientists can be wrong, too. In fact, admitting that one is wrong when
evidence points in that direction is a hallmark of a good scientist—but not of a
Unfortunately, the media often report stories about pseudo-science as if it were real
science. This should be intolerable, but, “Hey! —It sells advertising space.” Rather than
laughing it off, educated readers would do us a favor by writing rebuttals to nonsense
when it appears in legitimate media.
An example of a broad area of pseudo-science is the purported connection between
quantum physics and spirituality or mysticism. As a subject of “pop-philosophical”
speculation, “quantum spirituality” can be a lot of fun, but at its worst, it exploits an
appeal to the unknown, rather than to known scientific laws and principles (see warn-
ing 10 above). Claims made that spirituality and quantum physics are somehow con-
nected miseducates the public about the fascinating subject of quantum physics. The
following quote sets the stage for some of the present confusion:
Gell-Mann is a Nobel-winning physicist and yet even he finds some of quantum phys-
ics hard to grasp and in a sense mysterious. Pseudo-scientists will point out that con-
sciousness and spirituality are also hard to grasp and mysterious. Therefore, they will
argue, “Ah-hah! These topics must be talking about the same thing!” This, of course,
is a fallacy. Two mysteries need not be related. In particular, no repeatable, verifiable
experiments have been conducted that convince the scientific mainstream that there is
any connection in this case. Although I feel that it would be nice if there were a con-
nection, I must recognize that science is plodding, and it slowly arrives at deep and true
insights. One cannot take shortcuts via wishful thinking. This is well explained in an
article in What is Enlightenment magazine [2].
It seems that the majority of quantum physicists see no need for the injection of
human consciousness into the mathematical formalisms that form the basis of their sci-
ence. As Ken Wilber pointed out 20 years ago, even the founding fathers of quantum
physics/mechanics—Max Planck, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrodinger,
Sir Arthur Eddington, etc. (who were all self-proclaimed mystics) strongly rejected
the notion that mysticism and physics were describing the same realm. The attempt to
unify them is, in the words of Planck, “founded on a misunderstanding, or, more pre-
cisely, on a confusion of the images of religion with scientific statements.”
By the way, the man who came to my university office 18 years ago never returned,
and the world never did hear of his self-proclaimed revolutionary energy-creating
“chaos” device.
1. S. Dutch, at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, He
also writes, “There is no single Scientific Method. Rather, I believe we must think of a battery of
methods that have proven useful. Testing of scientific ideas can include the classical experimental
method, replication, attempted refutation, prediction, modeling, inference, deduction, induction and
logical analysis.”
2. Huston, Tom. “Taking the Quantum Leap... Too Far? Not Just a Movie Review of What the Bleep
Do We Know!?” What is Enlightenment, October–December, 2004.
The following sources discuss how to distinguish pseudo-science from science:
Coker, Rory. “Distinguishing Science and Pseudoscience,” Quackwatch (2001). http://www.quackwatch.
Gardner, Martin. Did Adam and Eve Have Navels?: Discourses on Reflexology, Numerology, Urine
Therapy, and Other Dubious Subjects. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2000.
Hines, Terence. Pseudoscience and the Paranormal. Amherst, MA: Prometheus, 1988.
Park, Robert L. The Seven Warning Signs of Bogus Science (January 31, 2003). The Chronicle Review, 49,
no. 21, B20.
Sagan, Carl. The Demon-Haunted World—Science as a Candle in the Dark. New York: Random House,
Schick, Theodore, Jr., Lewis Vaughn. How to Think about Weird Things: Critical Thinking for a New Age.
Mountain View, CA: Mayfield, 1995.
Shermer, Michael. The Borderlands of Science: Where Sense Meets Nonsense. Oxford, UK: Oxford
University Press, 2001.
Simanek, Donald E. “What is Science? What is Pseudoscience?” (2005).
Wilber, Ken. Quantum Questions. Boston: Shambhala, 2001.
The image in Figure 9.11 appeared in Ritsch, S., et al., Philosophical Magazine Letters, 78, 67–75, 1998.
With permission of Taylor & Francis.
Popular-level discussions of the experiments carried out during 1900–1927 that led to our present under-
standing of quantum theory are given in:
Atomic number
Conduction band
Electrical conductivity
Energy band
Energy gap
Energy shell
Exclusion Principle
Quantum theory
Valence band
Boron (B)
E9.7 Go online to and transcribe the citation for Niels Bohr’s
Nobel Prize. From his biography there, to what three countries did he flee during the
Nazi occupation of his home country, Denmark?
E9.8 A basketball is rotating (spinning) at 3 revolutions per second around the axis
shown as a black line. In 5 sec, how many black seam lines pass a fixed point indicated
by the pointing finger? What is the frequency of seam lines per second passing the
pointing finger? Discuss a possible analogy between the basketball and the electron
wave in an atom.
E9.9 Think of three everyday examples of physical quantities (not mentioned in the
text) that are quantized and three quantities that are continuous.
E9.10 Think of an amusing analogy to illustrate the Exclusion Principle that could be
used for teaching the concept to middle school students.
E9.11 (a) Draw the occupied orbits (as circles or ellipses) for the oxygen atom, showing
the distinctions between shell radii and the direction of spin of each electron.
(b) Draw the occupied orbits for the scandium (Sc) atom.
E9.12 (a) Draw the energy-level diagrams for the following elements: carbon (C),
nitrogen (N), oxygen (O), sodium (Na), and aluminum (Al).
(b) What prevents the highest-energy electron in a sodium atom from being in
the second energy shell?
E9.13 There exists a minimum energy level in an atom, below which an electron’s
energy cannot be. Explain why this fact is incompatible with the classical theory based
on Newton’s and Maxwell’s theories. Hint: An oscillating electric charge always emits
or radiates EM waves. What would this energy emission do to the orbit of an electron
according to classical concepts?
E9.14 How is the concept of an electron state related to the concepts of orbit and of
E9.15 (a) Use and cite some of the quantum principles to explain in some detail why
solid beryllium (Be) is a metal and why it conducts current when a small
voltage is applied. Draw sketches of the energy bands and explain where
(in energy, not location) the electrons are in these bands and the effect of an
applied voltage.
(b) Likewise, use some of the quantum principles, plus a drawing of the bands,
to explain in some detail why solid Argon (Ar) is an insulator.
E9.16 The following solids have band gap values given in parentheses. Determine
whether each solid is a conductor, a semiconductor, or an insulator.
P9.1 Jakob Balmer’s observations of the spectrum of light emitted by a hot hydrogen
gas led him to a practical formula for calculating the frequencies of light corresponding
to the spectral lines observed.
The symbol n can equal any integer greater than or equal to 3; that is, n = 3,4,5,…
Use Balmer’s formula to calculate the frequency and the wavelength (in vacuum) of
each of the spectral lines corresponding to n = 3,4,5. What part of the visible spectrum
(i.e., what color) does each line fall into? Check your results against the spectrum of
hydrogen shown in In-Depth Look 9.1.
P9.2 The figure below shows two graphs of the emission spectrum of light versus
wavelength from a hot metal object at temperature 5,000K. One is the experimentally
observed brightness or intensity of light colors. The other is an incorrect prediction
based on Newton’s and Maxwell’s theories. From the discussion in the chapter, deter-
mine which curve is which, and explain your reasoning.
P9.3 Find a heavy rope or flexible chain and with one hand, hold it dangling down
toward the ground. Whirl your hand around in a horizontal, circular motion to make
the rope or chain whirl around. Observe that at certain rotation frequencies, distinct
patterns occur on the rope. Describe in words and sketches at least three of these pat-
terns and how they depend on the frequency at which you rotate the upper end. How is
this analogous to quantization of electron waves?
P9.4 Bohr’s theory, which we have not derived here, gives a formula for the energies of
the electron shells in the H atom:
En = R × ⎛⎜ 1 − 2 ⎞⎟ , R = 2.1799 × 10 −18 J
⎝ n ⎠
R is a constant, and n is an integer labeling each energy shell. The lowest-energy shell
(with energy defined to be zero) has n = 1, the second-lowest-energy shell has n = 2,
etc. Calculate the energies of the first four energy shells in H, and give your answers in
units of Joules and in attojoules.
P9.5 (a) Table 9.2 indicates that gallium (Ga) is a metal. Explain why.
(b) At very low temperature, argon (Ar) becomes a crystalline solid. Explain
what would be the electrical conductivity (high, medium, or low) for solid
argon and why.
P9.6 Not every crystal can be easily classified as a conductor, semiconductor, or insu-
lator only on the basis of its atomic number and the number of electrons occupy-
ing its highest occupied shell. For example, diamond is a form of carbon, with four
electrons in its outer shell, in which there is space in each atom for more electrons.
Nevertheless, diamond is an insulator. Explain this behavior of diamond. Hint: Study
the explanation in this chapter for why silicon crystals are semiconductors. There is
a similar effect in diamond, only much stronger. Each carbon atom is bonded to four
other carbons.
P9.7 The polonium (Po) atom has atomic number 84, and a mass 3.472 × 10−25kg. The
density of a particular crystal form, alpha-polonium, is 9,230 kg/m3. The structure of
this crystal is the simplest possible—the simple cubic lattice, shown below at left. In
this arrangement, the atoms are stacked vertically and horizontally in square patterns.
Assuming the atoms are tightly packed, so they are “touching,” we conclude that each
atom’s diameter equals the distance between two adjacent atoms’ centers, shown by
the bold bars in the magnified drawings. The centers of any eight adjacent atoms form
a cube, whose side length equals the single atom’s diameter. Each atom can be cir-
cumscribed by one of these cubes. From this information, calculate the diameter of a
polonium atom. Give your answer in both meters and in nanometers.
P9.8 At room temperature, a typical electron in a solid has an average energy of 0.004 aJ.
In a silicon crystal, the band gap is 0.18 aJ. Explain, in light of these numbers but with-
out any calculation, how room-temperature silicon (Si) can act as a weak conductor.
P9.9 (a) Use the Bohr formula given in P9.4 to write the formula for the difference of
energies of the shell labeled by integer n1 and another shell labeled by integer n2.
(b) Compare your result to Balmer’s formula given in P9.1. What does this com-
parison tell you about the relation between the energy difference between two
levels and the frequencies of light emitted by the H atom?