Bar Chart

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Directions for questions 1 to 7.

The following bar chart shows the monthly expenditure of a family comprising of five persons
over a period of months during three different years.

1. In any of the given years, which month sees the max imum percentage increase in
expenses with respect to the previous month?
a. Feburary
b. April
c. March
d. June

2. What is the average monthly expenditure of the whole family in the year 2000?
a. 314000
b. 315000
c. 316000
d. Cannot be determined
3. In April 2000, what was the percentage increase in Expenditure over April 1999?
a. 1.2%
b. 2%
c. 6%
d. 9.4%

4. Which period has shown the same change in trend Across all the given three years?
a. February-March
b. May-June
c. March-April
d. January-February

5. Which of the following statements is correct?

a. In 1998, May-June were the two consecutive months during which the expenditure
was the maximum.
b. During May-June 1999, the expenditure was the maximum for the year.
c. Expenditure during January-Februrary was the same in 1998 as well as in 1999.
d. None of these

6. For how many months of the given years the expend iture has been consistently
increasing or decreasing?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3

7. Out of the following months in the options, Which month accounts for the maximum
combined expenditure for three years?
a. March
b. May
c. June
d. February

Solutions to 1 to 7:

1. Among the given options March sees the maximum percentage increase in expenses from
year 1999 to 2000. If we check for all the 7 months, answer would be May from year
1998 to 1999. Hence, option C is the correct answer.

2. To find the average monthly expenditure during the year 2000, the total income for the
year has to be known. In the chart, the income of only seven months is known. Therefore
it cannot be determined. Hence, option D is the correct answer.

3. Value (April 2000) = 316

Value (April 1999) = 312
Approximate% age increase = 1.2%

Hence, option A is the correct answer.

4. The same increasing trend is seen every year during the period March-April. Hence,
option C is the correct answer.

5. In 1998, the period during which the expenditure was maximum was June-July. In 1999,
the period of maximum expenditure was April-May. So, option A and B are incorrect. Option
C is obviously incorrect. Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

6. Only April satisfies these conditions. Hence, option B is the correct answer.
7. Visual inspection we can see that option (b) is correct. It should also be noted that we
have to answer out of the options given. Hence, option B is the correct answer.

Directions for questions 8 to 12:

Refer to the following bar graph and solve the questions based on it. The following bar charts
represents the value of exports and imports (in crores) of a country for the given period:

(All the values in the above bar chart are the multiples of 10).

8. The value of exports in 2006 was what percentage of the average value of imports in the
years 2004, 2005 and 2007?
a. 200%
b. 100%
c. 150%
d. None of these
9. The value of exports in 2004 was exactly what per. Centage of the value of imports in the
same year?
a. 100%
b. 200%
c. 150%
d. None of these

10. What is the approximate difference (in crores) be tween the average exports and the
average imports for the given years?
a. 65
b. 85
c. 105
d. 135
11. In which year is the difference between the exports and the imports closest to 100 crores?
a. 2005
b. 2006
c. 2007
d. 2008
12. What is the percentage increase in the value of ex in 2006 over 2005?
a. 30%
b. 50%
c. 90%
d. 120%

Solutions to Q 8 to 12:

8. Required % age = (450/250) x 100=180%

Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.


Exports 370
Imports 250

Value of exports as percentage of value of imports = (370/250) x 100=150% Hence,

option C is the correct answer.


2005 2006
Exports 300 450

Percentage increase = [(450-300 )/100 ]x100 = 50%

Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.


Directions for questions 1 to 5: Refer to the following pie

Chart and solve the questions based on it.

Following is the cost analysis of a book “Pearson’s Guide to Quantitative Aptitude for CAT”.
13. What is the central angle showing the cost of paper?
a. 42.8⁰
b. 32.6°
c. 36.8⁰
d. 57.6°

14. If the cost of printing is 23,400 what would the cost of royalty be?

a. 6500
b. 2340
c. 4680
d. 7840

15. If the miscellaneous expenditure amounts to Rs. 18,000 then what is the expenditure on
a. 8000
b. 14400
c. 46800
d. None of these

16. The royalty on the book is less than the editing expenditure by
a. 8%
b. 80%
c. 44.44%
d. None of these

17. If 5500 copies of the book are published and the miscellaneous expenditure amounts to
₹36,960 and the marked price is 40% above the cost price, then the marked price of each
copy is
a. 122.50
b. 117.60
c. 126.40
d. 92.40

Solutions to Q.13 to 17:

13. Required Angle = (16/100 x 360) = 57.6°

Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

14. If the editing charges are 18, royalty is 10. On 18, it is less by 8. On 100, it is less by (8/18 ×
100) % = 44.44%. Hence, option C is the correct answer.

17. Let the total expenditure be x. Then, 8 : 100 = 36960 : x. So x = 462000. Therefore Cost
Price of 5500 copies of the book each = 4,62,000. Cost Price of copy=(4,62,000/500)= = 784. So,
marked price = 140% of 84 = 117.60. Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
Directions for questions 18 to 23:

Refer to the following pie charts and solve the questions based on it. The two pie charts given
below provide the expenses of two families:
18. Both the families decide to double the total expenditure keeping the pattern of spending
the same as given above. What will be the new ratio of expenditure on food between
family A and family B?
a. 27:31
b. 31:27
c. 2:3
d. 3:2

19. If the total expenses of family B increase three-fold, keeping the expenses on education
the same as given above, what will be the expense on education?
a. 6.33%
b. 57%
c. 19%
d. None of these

20. What will be the expenses on light by family A, as a percentage of expense on light by
family B?
a. 120%
b. 83.33%
c. 62.5%
d. 66.66%

21. If family A and family B decide to combine their expenses, then which one of the
following heads will be responsible for the highest expenses?
a. Rent
b. Miscellous
c. Food
d. Education
22. In the above question, how many heads will have a lower percentage share in the
combined total expenses of both the families than the percentage share of family B under
the same head?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
23. Under how many heads are the expenses of family B more than the expenses of family
a. Less than 3
b. More than 3
c. Equal to 3
d. Cannot be determined

Solutions to Q.18 to 23:

18. If the percentage increase in the expenditure of both the families, is the same then the
ratio will be the same. Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

19. The total consumption has become 3 times more keeping the expenses on education
the same. Hence the percentage consumption on education will become 1/3rd of the
present. Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

21. By visual inspection we can see that option C is the Correct answer. Hence, option C
is the correct answer.

22. It should be understood that the final percentage of expenditure will always be in
between the percentage of family A and family B (It is true of any mixture that the
percentage composition of the mixture will be always in between the percentage
compositions of the components). Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

23. By visual inspection we can see that the correct answer is option (b). Hence, option
(b) is the correct answer.
Directions for questions 24 to 28 : Refer to the following line chart and solve the
questions based on it. Percentage profit earned by the two companies A and over the

24. If the income for company A in the year 2004 was 35 lacs what was the expenditure for
company B In the same year?
a. 123.5 lacs
b. 128 lacs
c. 132 lacs
d. Cannot be determined
25. If the income of company A in 2006 and the income of company B in 2007 are equal,
what will be the ratio of expenditure of company A in 2006 to the expenditure of
company B in 2007?
a. 26:7
b. 17:16
c. 15: 170
d. None of these
26. During which of the following years is the ratio of percentage profit earned by company
A company B, the maximum?
a. 2003 and 2006
b. 2005 and 2007
c. 2003
d. 2008 only

27. If the expenditure of company B increases by 20% from 2005 to 2006, the income in
2006 will be how many times the income in 2005?
a. 2.16 times
b. 1.2 times
c. 1.8 times
d. None of these
28. If the income of company A in 2006 was 36 lacs, what was the expenditure of company
A in 2006?
a. 12.5 lacs
b. 18.8 lacs
c. 20 lacs
d. None of these

Solutions to 24 to 28:

24.Income-expenditures of company A and B cannot be correlated. Hence cannot be

determined. Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

25. Expenditure of company A in 2006 =

Income in 2006 of (A) x (100/160) =Income in 2006 of (A) * 5/8

Expenditure of Company B in 2007 = Income in 2007 of (B) (100/170)- 10/17 of

Income in 2007 of B
Now, [Expenditure in 2006 of (A)/Income in 2007 of (B)]=(5/8)(10/17) [Since
Income in 2006 of (A) = Income in 2007 of (B)]
= (5/8)*(17/10)
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

26. Ratio A:B is greater than 1 in only 2003 and 2007. It is 1.33 in 2003 and 1.1 in 2007.Hence,
option C is the correct answer.

27. Percentage profits are the same for two years, hence if expenditure increases by 20% the
income should also increase by 20%. Hence, the required ratio= 120/100 = 1.2.Hence, option (b)
is the correct answer.

Directions for questions 29 to 33: Refer to the following line chart and solve the questions based
on it.

The following line charts give the FDI (in $ billion) in 2006. And 2007 for the different sectors
in India:
29. For how many sectors, is there an increase in the FDI In 2007 over 2006?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

30. Which of the following sectors has seen the maxi mum percentage increase in its value in
2007 over 2006 (only for those sectors which have their presence in both the years)?
a. Fuel
b. Others
c. Chemical
d. None of these
31. Which of the following sectors has seen the maxi mum percentage decrease in its value in
2007 over 2006 (only for those sectors which have their presence in both the years)?
a. Fuel
b. Others
c. Chemical
d. None of these
32. Which of the following sectors will have the maximum FDI added in both the years?
a. Fuel
b. Others
c. Chemical
d. None of these

33. Which of the following sectors will have the minimum FDI added in both the years?
a. Fuel
b. Others
c. Chemical
d. Textile

Directions for questions 34 to 37: Refer to the following table And solve the questions based on
it. The following table gives the exports of top six industries (in value terms) from India in 2007:
The overall exports from India increased by 20% to 19,500 crore in 2007.

34. What is the share of the Glass industry in the total exports for 2007?
a. 2.5%
b. 4%
c. 5.6%
d. 7%

35. For how many of the given six industries has the Share in exports increased in 2007?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3

36. Which of the following has the maximum share among the given industries in 2006?
a. Glass Industry
b. Ruby Industry
c. Software Industry
d. Coal Industry

37. What is the percentage increase in the exports of the given six industries?
a. 0.1%
b. 0.5%
c. 1.05%
d. 1.75%

Solutions to 34 to 37

Export 2006 Export 2007

Glass industry 978 1093
Coal industry 1009 1080

Ruby industry 1000 913

Nickel industry 619 663

Software industry 690 605

Diamond industry 513 505

Total 16250 19500

34.The share of Glass in the total exports for 2007 = 1093/19500 x 100 = 5.6%.

Hence, option C is the correct answer.

35. Overall exports have increased by 20% while none of the given six industries have grown by
20%. So.

We can conclude that the market shares for all the six industries will decrease in 2003. Hence,
option (a) is the correct answer.

35.Coal has the maximum exports in 2006. Hence, its market share is the maximum. Hence,
option (d) is the correct answer.

37.Exports for the given six industries in 2006 = 4809 Crore

Exports for the given six industries in 2007 = 4859 Crore

Therefore, percentage increase in the exports = [(4859 -4809)/4809] x 100 = 5000/4809=1.05%.

Hence, option C is the correct answer.

Directions for questions 38 to 41: Refer the following table and solve the questions based on it.

The following table gives the number of students from different locations who appeared and
passed in the Xth standard examination conducted by CBSE over the years:
38. The students from which of the following locations was there a continuous increase in
both the appeared and passed member of candidates?
a. semi-urban
b. State capital
c. state capital and rural
d. None of these

39. In which of the following years was the percentage passed to appeared candidates from
the semi-urban area the least?
a. 1991
b. 1993
c. 1990
d. 1992
40. What is the approximate percentage drop in the number of semi-urban candidates who
appeared from 1991 to 1992?
a. 5
b. 10
c. 15
d. 8
e. 12

41. The total number of candidate who passed from the rural locations in 1993 and the semi-
urban locations in 1990 was exactly equal to the total number of candidates who passed
from the state capitals in which of the following years?

a. 1990
b. 1993
c. 1994
d. None of these

Solutions to Q 38 to 41:

38. By visual inspection. Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

39. Least percentage of passed to appeared.

(Passed/ appeared) *100 To make this least, We must passed minimum and appeared maximum.

In 1992,(2466/8133)*100 = ~30%, which is least among given four options. Hence d is the
correct option.


1991 1992
No. of semi urban candidates 8561 8133
Drop = 8561- 8133= 428

Drop percentage = (428/8561)*100= ~5 %

Hence a is the correct option.


No. of candidates passed from rural location in 1993 1792

No. of candidates passed from semi urban location in 1990 2511

Total 4303

1990 1993 1994

No od candidates passed from state capitals 1464 3627 4315

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