Prof. Dr. Jabir S. Aziz: Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Jabir S. Aziz: Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Jabir S. Aziz: Curriculum Vitae
1. Personal Issues
Full Name Jabir Salman Aziz
Date and Place of Birth July 1st, 1953 –Babylon, Iraq
Nationality Iraqi
Marital Status Married
Designation Professor
Present Position Electronics and Communications Engineering
Department, College of Engineering, AL-Nahrain
University, Baghdad, Iraq
E-mail [email protected]
Phone 07902386235
2. Languages
Original Language Arabic
Foreign Language English, French
3. Academic qualification
Degree Specialization College / City - Year
University Country
B. Sc. Electrical MEC Baghdad - 1977
Engineering Iraq
M. Sc. Communication ENSAE Toulouse - 1980
(DEA) Engineering France
Ph. D. Microwave ENSAE Toulouse - 1982
Engineering France
4. Academic Experience
Period Designation University - City
1982-1987 Senior Lecturer MEC - Baghdad
1987-2003 External Lecturer University of Technology and
(Assist. Prof.) Al-Nahrain University- Baghdad
2003-2005 Assist. Prof. Al-Mansour University College –
2005-2007 Assist. Prof. College of Engineering -
Al-Nahrain University – Baghdad
2007- 2010 Head of Electronics College of Engineering -
& Communication Al-Nahrain University – Baghdad
2010-4/5/2014 Prof. College of Engineering -
Al-Nahrain University – Baghdad
4/5/2014 – Head of Medical College of Engineering -
28/6/2015 Engineering Al-Nahrain University – Baghdad
28/6/2015 Prof. College of Engineering -
Al-Nahrain University – Baghdad
5. Practical Experience
Period Designation Company - City
1987-1991 Researcher Technical Research Center - Baghdad
1991-1994 Chief of Researchers Military Research and Development
Commission - Baghdad
1994-2001 Director of Research Electronic Warfare Research Center –
Center Baghdad
2001-2003 Director General AL-battany Reseach Company
(Space Technology and Remote
Sensing Research Company)-Baghdad
6. Acknowledgments
- Awarded the Iraqi Government Shield in recognition of the efforts in
Scientific Research, in the scientific day17 Jan. 1999.
- Awarded Al- Mustanseria University Shield in recognition of the efforts in
the Scientific Conference of Communications and Computer
Engineering, Dec. 2010.
- Awarded the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Shield
in recognition of the efforts in Scientific Research, 6 April 2011.
- Awarded University of Kerbala Shield in recognition of the efforts in the 1st
International Conference on Engineering Sciences Applications, ICESA,
24-25th December 2014.
- Awarded University College for Humanitarian Studies shield in recognition
of the efforts in Scientific Research, April 2016, Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf – Iraq.
7. Published papers
- 53 published papers (Details in Annex-1)
8. Students Supervision
- 34 Students were supervised in M.Sc. Level (Details in Annex-2),
- 5 Students were supervised in Ph.D. level (Details in Annex-3),
- 2 Ph.D. students currently supervised.
Member of the National committee for communication transmission
regulation, Ministry of Communications, 2010.
Member of the National committee for Non-Ionizing Radiation
Regulations Revision, Ministry of Environment, 2012.
Member of the Permanent National Technical Committee for the
Specifications of Electrical Devices in the Central Council of quality
control, 2012.
Chairman of the Central Objections Committee for Scientific Promotion
at Al-Nahrain University, 2015-2016.
Chairman of the Committee of Scientific Promotions, College of
Engineering, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, 2017.
Member of the Committee of Scientific Promotions, Al-Rafidain
University College, Baghdad, 2014-2017.
Member of the Committee of Scientific Promotions, Al-Mansor
University College, Baghdad, 2016-2017.
13. Journal Editorial boards
- Member of the Council Board of AL-Rafidain Journal, 2010 – to date.
- Member of the Editorial Board of Engineering College Journal, Al-Nahrain
University, 2009 – 2011.
- Director of the Editorial Board of Engineering College Journal, Al-Nahrain
University, 2015 – 2016.
Annex- 1:
16. Design and Implementation of Digital Radar Video Graphic Adapter (RVGA),
1st National Conference on Computer Communication and Control Systems
Engineering, University of Technology Dec. 2000, Baghdad-Iraq
17. Frequency Estimation of Frequency-Hopping Signals Using Modern
Techniques. Third National Conference on Computer, Communication,
Control and System Engineering, University Of Technology, Dec. 2000,
Baghdad, Iraq.
18. Parameter Estimation of Frequency-Hopping (FH-SS) Signals Using Modified
Autocorrelation Techniques, International Conference on Communication
Technology, ICCT’06, 27-30 Nov. 2006, IEEE Publisher.
19. Analysis and Formulation of Deception Capabilities against Monopulse
Tracking Systems, Engineering and Development journal, Vol. 10, No. 4,
Dec. 2006, College of Engineering, Al- Mustanseria University.
20. Protection of transmitting systems by using ground bounce technique,
Engineering and Development journal, Vol. 12, No. 4, Dec. 2008, College of
Engineering, Al- Mustanseria University.
21. Modulation and Frequency Estimation of FHSS Signal in the Presence of
Interference Environments, (Letter No. 782, dated 12-10-2008), First
Regional Conference of Engineering Science, College of Engineering,
Nahrain University, 5-6 Nov. 2008.
22. Design and Implementation of a Telemetry System for Environmental
Application, Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Al-Khwarizmi College of Eng.,
Baghdad University, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp 39-50 (2009).
23. Path Profile Analysis of a LOS System Using 3-D Digital Map, Accepted
paper, Journal of College Engineering, Nahrain University.
24. Design and Implementation of Radio Link Performance Analysis (RPLA)
System, (Letter No. 398, dated 20\4\2009), First Information Technology
25. Design of Telemedicine System for Rural and Urban Areas in Iraq, ARPN
Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, ISSN 1819-6608, 04 2009.htm
26. Design and Implementation of Low Cost Multi-purpose SCADA System using
Embedded Ethernet, Medwell Journals, Journal of Engineering and Applied
Sciences 4 (3), ISSN: 1816-949X, Pages: 210-214, 2009.
27. Analysis of Biological Effects of Microwave Energy and Safe Distance
Calculations, Presented on theThird Scientific Conference for Al-Rafidain
University College, 21-11- 2009 and Accepted in the Journal of the Al-
Rafidain University College for Science (Letter No. 664 dated 9/11/2009).
28. Bandwidth Enhancement of Microstrip Patch Antenna, Medwell Journals,
Journal of Mobile Communication, 4 (3), pp54-59, 2010.
29. Dual Band MSA Designs for GPS and GSM Applications, ARPN Journal of
Engineering and Applied Sciences, ISSN 1819-6608, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2010.
30. Design and Implementation of GPS-Based Direction Finding System, The
2nd Regional . Conf. for Eng. Sci., College. of Eng. , Al-Nahrain University ,1-
31. Complex Discrete Wavelet Transform-Based Image Denoising, Engineering
and Technology Journal, Vol. 29, No. 5, 2011.
32. Miniaturized Koch Pre-fractal Bandpass Filter, Journal of Mobile
Communication, 5 (5-6), pp57-61, 2011.
33. Coverage and Capacity Enhancement in Cellular Network by Using Digital
Relays and Load Balance, Journal of Mobile Communication, 5 (5-6), pp52-
56, 2011.
34. Design and Simulation of RFID Aperture Coupled Fractal Antennas, INTECH,
International Journal of Radio Frequency Identification and Wireless Sensor
Networks (IJRWSN), 2012, Vol. 2, PP 1-14.
35. Design of Miniaturized Fractal RFID Tag Antenna With Forced Impedance
Matching, International Journal of Electromagnetics and Applications (Vol.2,
No.5, September 2012)
36. Design and Simulation of Miniaturized Minkowski Fractal
Aperture-Coupled Antenna for 5.8 GHz RFID Applications, Journal of
Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, VOL. 3, NO. 7,
July 2012.
37. Design and Implementation of General Purpose Remote Terminal Unit
(R.T.U), Global Journal of Researches in Engineering, Electrical and
Electronics Engineering, Volume 12 Issue 7 Version 1.0, July 2012.
38. Design of a Novel Patch Antenna with Enhanced Gain and Side Lobe
Reduction, Engineering and Technology Journal, Vol. 30, N0.16, 2012.
39. Performance Prediction of Carbon Nanotube Dipole Antenna Using the
Complex Permittivity Approach, Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing
and Information Sciences, VOL. 3, NO.12 Dec, 2012.
40. Performance Investigation of Loop and Helical Carbon Nanotube Antennas,
Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, VOL. 3,
NO.12 Dec, 2012.
41. A Design Methodology for Miniaturized Fractal Slot RFID Antennas Using
Particle Swarm Optimization, Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and
Information Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 5 May 2013.
42. Design and Implementation of Miniaturized Antennas for Wireless Sensor
Network Applications Using Particle Swarm Optimization, International
Journal of Electromagnetics and Applications 2013, 3(4): 81-95.
43. SAR Simulation in Human Head Exposed to RF Signals and Safety
Precautions, IJCSET, September 2013, Vol 3, Issue 9, 334-340.
44. Design Of A Dual Band GSM Micro-Strip Patch Antenna, Inernational Journal
of Scientific & Technology Research Vol. 3, Issue 7, July 2014.
45. Design of a Dual Band GPS Micro-strip Patch Antenna, International Journal
of Electrical and Electronics Research, Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp: (92-95), April -
June 2014.
46. Design and Simulation of UWB Monopole Disk Antenna, International Journal
of Computer Science Engineering and Technology (IJCSET), Dec 2014, Vol.
4, Issue 12,404-411.
47. An Interlaced E-shaped Antenna for LTE (Band-Class-13) Handset
Applications, Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference (LAPC),
48. A Meandered line-PIFA Antenna for LTE (Band-Class-13) Handset
Applications, Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference (LAPC),
49. Design and Simulation of an Enhanced Bandwidth Microstrip Antenna Using
Metamaterial, IJCSET ( | December 2015 | Vol 5, Issue 12,
50. CubeSat Communication System, a New Design Approach, IJCSET
( | December 2015 | Vol 5, Issue 12, 399-405.
51. Compact High Isolation Meandered-Line PIFA Antenna for LTE (Band-Class-
13) Handset Applications, Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 67,
153–164, 2016.
52. Design and Implementation of a PIFA Antenna for Multi-band LTE Handset
Applications, Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference (LAPC),
53. Design and Implementation of a Secure Reliable and Software
Reconfigurable CubeSat Communications Subsystem, The First International
Conference for the University College for Humanitarian Studies, April 19-20,
2016, Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf – Iraq.
Annex- 2:
6. Design and Practical Implementation of Log-Periodic Dipole Antenna, Jun.
2000, Hussein Ali
7. Detection of Angle Keyed (PSK) Signal in DSSS System with the Presence of
Noise And Jamming (NBT) By Using Transform Domain Processor March,
2001, Ahmed U. Aftan
8. Accurate Frequency Measurement Using Digital Signal Processing
Techniques for Electronic Warfare Applications March, 2001, Bahar F. Kadim
9. Parameter Estimation and Spectrum Analysis for Frequency-Hopping Signals
April, 2002, Anwar K. Abdul-Mahammed.
10. Path Profile Calculation of a LOS System between any Two Points on 3-D
Digital Map, 2008, Saba Talib.
11. Enhancement & Design Considerations of Satellite Power sub-
System,2008, Diyana Adnan.
12. Design of Direction Finding System Based on GPS, 2008, Bilal Rabah.
13. Analysis of Satellite-to-Aircraft Communication using Ray-Tracing modle,
2008, Ali Mohammad Ali.
14 . Design & Implementation a Multi-Purpose Telemetry System Using
Different Communication Scenarios, 2008, Osama Abbas.
15. Medical Electrical Measurements Utilizing the Dielectric Properties of Blood
Samples, 2008, Reem Jamal.
16. Design & Implementation of Marks System for the College of Eng., 2008
Shmaa Walid.
17. Parameter Estimation and Analysis of FHSS signals, 2008, Wissam Subhi.
18. Design & Performance Analysis of Line-of Sight (LOS) Radio Link, 2009,
Sarmed Safa.
19. Design and Implementation of Telemetry Reading of Power, 2009, Mustafa
M. Rada.
20. Bandwidth Enhancement of Rectangular Patch Antennas using Multi-slots,
2009, Hatem Hatef.
21. Design and Simulation of Enhanced Bandwidth of Rectangular Patch
Antenna using Slot Technique, 2009, Lara Khalid.
22. Complex Discrete Wavelet Transform-Based Image Denoising, 2009,
Arshed Nadhom Mohammed Ali.
23. Optical Flow Estimation using Framlet Transform, 2010, Wissam Khassem.
24. Design and Simulation of Multiband Microsrip Antenna for GPS and GSM
Applications, 2010, Haider A. Sabti.
25. Design and Implementation of Data Extraction Unit for Consumed Electrical
Power Account, 2010, Mustafa H. Saleh.
26. Coverage Enhancement of Cellular Network, 2012, Zaid Shakir.
27. Fractal Based RF Dual Mode Microstrip BPF Miniaturization, 2012, Ahmed
Abdulghani Mahdi .
28. Design of Dedicated Remote Terminal Unit Prototype, 2012, Wael Esam
29. Design and Simulation of Miniaturized RF Antenna for Wireless Sensing,
2013, Reem Amer.
30. Resolution Enhancement of Direction of Arrival Estimation, 2013,
Mohammed Al-Hashimy.
31. Investigation and Simulation of Mobile Phone Effects on Human Health,
2013, Sahar Aqeel Abdulrazzaq.
32. Design and Simulation of UWB Monopole Disc Antenna, 2015, Samer
Nezar Naji.
33. Design and Implementation of CubeSat Communication System, 2015,
Ayman Naseer Mohi.
34. Design and Implementation of an Enhanced Bandwidth Ultra-Wide Band
Printed Antenna Using Metamaterial structures, 2015, Mustafa Hazim
Annex- 3: