ST P Bullying: Vocabulary
ST P Bullying: Vocabulary
ST P Bullying: Vocabulary
ARGI could ET targets. I seek out targets in order to feel better about
T myself. I was most likely the target of abuse at one
HEtend to single
be anyone. Bullies point in time.
out others who
religious background than the bully. Or, I might be in
I am not directly involved in bullying, but I
the wrong place at the wrong time. Since the
am present when it occurs. I face a choice. Do I, or
bully has picked me, I am the Target.
do I not get involved? How should I handle this
rus . .
C y
comes out on top!
Types of BUllying
PHYSICAL BULLYING: Hitting, poking, pinching,
Have I ever.... pulling hair, or damaging someone else’s things
hurt someone else’s feelings because I was jealous?
are all examples of physical bullying. Hurting
made fun of someone because it made me feel better about myself?
someone physically is never ok, even if they do
joined in with my friends’ taunts even though I didn’t actually want to participate?
it first.
pinched, slapped, or physically hurt someone else because they were different?
damaged someone’s property on purpose to make them upset?
VERBAL BULLYING: Teasing, name-calling,
sent hurtful text messages, e-mails, or spread online rumors?
spreading rumors, insulting, mean jokes, threats,
made fun of someone else simply because I could?
or other verbal attacks that make us feel hurt or
threatened. The old adage, “Sticks and stones may
break my bones but words will never hurt me” is not true.
Verbal torments can lead to depression and even suicide,
in some cases. If you wouldn’t want someone to say
DO I something to you, then don’t say it to them.
BULLY? SOCIAL BULLYING: Excluding or teasing others who are
Sometimes a different from you and your friends (What a geek!). Or,
picking someone last or not at all for kickball, just because
bully cannot you don’t like them or they are unpopular among your
recognize that friends.
they are being CYBER BULLYING: Using the internet or electronic
a bully. devices to engage in verbal or social bullying. Spreading
When we routinely hurt others
rumors on social media sites and sending hurtful text
on purpose we become bullies. messages or e-mails are a few examples. In some states,
Reflect upon your actions and cyber bullying is now illegal. For more information,
decide if you need to work visit:
harder at RESPECT.
BULLYING VOCABULARY N comes out on top!
Take a Stand!
Bullies often target those who they believe are not
going to stand up for themselves. Be assertive and
confident if you are bullied. Don’t Stand By
If you are confronted by a bully... If you see
Don’t: bullying
ÒÒ Engage the bully with similar behavior. If they occur... Get
taunt you, don’t taunt back. If they shove you,
don’t shove back. It’s exactly what they want. It may seem Don’t
ÒÒ Show you’re upset. Try to control your emotions obvious
and keep cool. to not Speak up, if
it’s safe
ÒÒ Keep it a secret. contribute to
Do: bullying. But, it can
sometimes be difficult. Can you think of a time
ÌÌ Proudly walk away and ignore the bully. Don’t
when it might be difficult? Discuss.
show you are affected.
ÌÌ Confidently tell the bully you don’t like what When should you speak up and when shouldn’t
they are doing and tell them to stop. Remember, you? Can you think of a situation where speaking
you deserve respect and the bully is being up would be a bad idea? A good idea? And, what
disrespectful. should you say? Discuss and practice/roleplay.
ÌÌ Ask your friends for help and to accompany you in
places the bully might confront you. If you are going to get help, where should you
ÌÌ Ask an adult you can trust for help. Even if you get help from? Together, come up with several
think you have solved the problem, let an adult bullying scenarios. For each scenario, come up
know. The bully may move on to someone else. with a plan to get help.
Describe a time you or another person were bullied:
Given what you’ve learned, what would you have done differently?
Judgment: Bullies will sometimes judg RemEMber:
e another on their appearance or dres It’s not your fault. It’s
Silence: Not speaking out; what allo s.
ws bullying to continue. the bullies that have
Tormenting: Intentionally causing
excessive pain or worrying. the problem, not their
Name-Calling: Verbal bullying that
involves “put-downs,” insults, racial targets. Speak out, get
other unpleasant names. slurs, and
Malicious: Intentionally being vicio help. You deserve to
us, causing suffering and harm to be respected and not
“That was a malicious thing to say.” others, e.g.
Worry: The emotion we feel when tormented.
we think we might be bullied again.
Bystander: A classmate or adult who
witnesses bullying taking place.
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8. The spreading of rumors, gossip, or anonymous actions that are meant to hurt another person.
10. A feeling of resentment against someone because of that person’s success or advantages.
11. The person a bully picks on.
13. An emotion we feel when bullied.
14. Using the internet to bully, in order to damage someone’s reputation.
19. Verbal bullying that involves “put-downs,” insults, racial slurs, and other unpleasant names.
Down 20. Intentionally causing excessive pain or worrying.