Manufacture of Yoghurt Drink Supplemented With Carrot and Guava Pulps
Manufacture of Yoghurt Drink Supplemented With Carrot and Guava Pulps
Manufacture of Yoghurt Drink Supplemented With Carrot and Guava Pulps
(6A) 2019
ABSTRACT: This study was designed to evaluate some properties of fruit yoghurts made with
adding carrot and guava pulp during storage. The obtained results revealed that, the pH was decreased
by time of storage while acidity was increased in all types of drinking yoghurt. Adding of 10, 15 and
20% guava pulp in yoghurt increased significantly (p<0.05) the total phenolic compounds (TPC),
antioxidant activity (AA), fiber content and ascorbic acid (Vitamin c). The rheological and sensory
properties of yoghurt were improved comparing to the control samples, While the protein content, pH
value and syneresis decreased significantly (p<0.05) than control samples. On the other hand, Addition
of 10, 15 and 20% carrot pulp to yoghurt increased (TPC), (AA), ascorbic acid and fiber content,
while the protein content, pH value decreased. Along the storage period of all treatments, the TS,
acidity, synersis and viscosity increased significantly, while the pH value, ascorbic acid, acetaldehyde
content, AA,TPC were decreased significantly.
Key words: Drinking yoghurt, protein content, carrot pulp, ascorbic acid, guava pulp.
activity of all pulp was measured by using measured at 765 nm using spectrophotometer.
DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1- picrylhydrazyl) assay Gallic acid was applied to gain the standard
according to Nishino et al. (2000).The total curve (20-200 µg/ml), and the lowering of
phenolic compounds (TPC) were estimated by Foline-Ciocalteu reagent by the samples was
Foline-Ciocalteu reagents as described by expressed as mg of gallic acid equivalents (GAE)
Cliffe et al. (1994). Ascorbic acid was per g of extract. The calibration equation for
determined using the method of Osborn and gallic acid was y= 0.001x +0.0563 (R2 =0.9792),
Voogt (1978). Where (y) is the absorbance and (x) is
concentration of gallic acid µg/ ml (Cliffe et al.,
Chemical analyses of milk and drinking
Determination of Antioxidant Activity
Total solids, fat, and protein contents of milk
(DPPH-assay) All Pulps and Drinking
and drinking yoghurt were determined according
to AOAC (1995). Lactose content was determined
according to Nickerson et al. (1975). pH value The DPPH (2, 2-diphenyl-1- picrylhydrazyl)
of drinking yoghurt samples were done radical scavenging activity was determination by
according to AOAC (1995) when fresh and the method of Nishino et al. (2000) The radical
during 12 days of cold storage at 5ºC. Colour of scavenging capacity of the samples was
drinking yoghurt was measured as described by measured as a decrease in the absorbance of
Jamilah et al. (2011) using Hunter lab (colour DPPH radical and it was calculated using the
spectrophotometer, USA) in food safty following equation:
Laboratory, Fac. Agric, Zagazig Univ. Radical scavenging activity (%)=
Determination of total phenolic compounds (Acontrol- Asample)/Acontrol x 100
(TPC) in all pulps and drinking yoghurt
Where: (Acontrol) is the absorbance of blank
Five grams of pulp or drinking yoghurt were
mixed with 100 ml of 70% methanol and stirred (Asample) is the absorbance of sample
at room temperature for 2 hr., and filtered Flavour Compounds
through whatman filter paper No.1. The total
Acetaldehyde and diacelyl in control and
phenolic compounds were determination in the
drinking yoghurt samples were determined according
mathanolic extract. One ml of sample was added
to Less and Jago (1969). Acetaldehyde reacts
to 5 ml from folin-Ciocalteu reagent (previously with semi-carbazide to form semi-carbazone
diluted with water 1:10, V/V) and sodium which has absorption value at wave length of
carbonate (75 g/l, 4 ml). The tubes were vortex 224 nm While diacetyle has an absorption value
mixed for 15 s and allowed to stand for 30 min at wave length of 270 nm.
at 40ºC for colour evolution. Absorbance was
Mohammed, et al.
Rheological Analysis indicated that carrot and guava pulp can be used
as functional ingredients.
The released whey from drinking yoghurt
Chemical Composition of Drinking
samples was measured according to the method Yoghurt Samples
of Aryana (2003). The quantity of whey Tables 3 show the effect of fortifying
collected from every sample in graduated drinking yoghurt with carrot and guava pulp on
cylinder after 3 hr., of drainage at 20˚C was used its composition. The moisture content was found
as index of syneresis. to be 88.71% in control yoghurt drink in day 1,
Viscosity and then decreased slightly after 12days of
storage to 88.12%. On the other hand, moisture
Viscosity of drinking yoghurt samples were
determined by the method of Aryana (2003) content of carrot drinking yoghurt samples was
using Rotational Viscometer Type Lab. Line found to be 86.25%, 85.34, and 84.52%with
Model 5437. addition of carrot pulp at ratio of 10%, 15% and
20%, respectively. Then decreased after 12days
Sensory evaluation of storage to reach 86.00%, 85.08 %and
Yoghurt treatments were evaluated by 11 84.12%. The moisture content of drinking
panelists of staff members of Department of yoghurt containing guava pulp reached 87.43,
Food Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig 86.65 and 85.42% in day 1, then decreased after
University in the following parameters, flavour= 12 days of cold storage to 87.09, 86.16 and
45 points, body and texture = 35 points, appearance 85.08%. The variations between different types
=10 points, acidity= 10 points according to the of drinking yoghurt in fat content were slight.
scale that suggested by El-Etriby et al. (1997). during storage period These results are in
Statistical Analyses agreement with Pereira et al. (2008), The pH
value of different drinking yoghurt decreased
The obtained data were statistically analyzed with prolong of storage period. It was reported
by a statistical for social science package "SPSS" that the high rate of production of lactic acid in
version 20 for Microsoft windows, SPSS Inc yoghurt was observed at the 12th day due to the
according to Dominick and Derrick (2001). high bacterial metabolic activity with the
consumption of lactose (Beal et al., 1999).
Sensory Properties of Drinking Yoghurt
Chemical Composition of Carrot Pulp, Table 4 shows the effect of addition of carrot
Guava Pulp and Milk and guava pulp on flavour and body and texture
scores compared to control. The flovour, body
Table 2 shows the chemical composition of and texture scores of guava drinking yoghurt
ingredients used in the manufacture of drinking were higher than this given to carrot drinking
yoghurt. Carrot pulp contained 12.9% total yoghurt. Scores for the sensory evaluation of all
solids, 0.4%fat, 2.11%protien, 6.15% total treatments decreased as the storage period
sugar, 2.03% total fiber. The fiber in food proceeded Ibrahim et al. (2003) revealed that
increase the feeling of fullness (Lyly et al., the scores for sensory attributes of fermented
2009), also fibers increase the viscosity and milk products were decreased with advanced of
thickness of the products by its water holding storage times probably due to the developed of
capacity (Harries and Smith, 2006). Total acidity and microbial growth. Table 5 indicated
phenols were 138.7%, 11mg Vitam. C/100 gm that colour which is an important parameter to
pulp and 20.12% antioxidant activity. The pH the quality of food products because of its
was 6.59 and 0.6% acidity. Guava pulp association with factors such as freshness,
contained 9.5% total solid, 12.56% total sugar, ripeness, desirability, and food safety. These
4.11% total fiber, 175.70% total phenols, 98.3 results are in agreement with Hussein et al.
mg Vitam. C/100 g pulp, 65.23% antioxidant (2017).
activity, 4.36 pH and 0.8% acidity. These results
Zagazig J. Agric. Res., Vol. 46 No. (6A) 2019
Table 3. Chemical composition of drinking yoghurt containing carrot pulp during storage at 5ºC
for 12 days
Item Storage Control Carrot pulp (%) Guava pulp (%)
period T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
Fresh 88.71±0.05 86.25±0.01 85.34±0.02 84.52±0.01 87.43±0.02 86.65±0.04 85.42±0.03
3 88.54±0.02 86.23±0.01 85.31±0.01 84.47±0.04 87.43±0.04 86.43±0.01 85.32±0.02
(%) 6 88.34±0.01 86.17±0.02 85.27±0.06 84.39±0.09 87.23±0.04 86.30±0.02 85.22±0.01
9 88.21±0.02 86.11±0.01 85.19±0.06 84.22±0.19 87.12 ±0.13 86.26±0.05 85.13±0.11
12 88.12±0.03 86.0±0.04 85.08±0.07 84.12±0.03 87.09±0.09 86.16±0.14 85.08±0.07
Fresh 3.0±0.05 3.0±0.00 3.2±0. 2 3.3±0.5 3.0±0. 1 3.1±0.1 3.1±0. 1
3 3.2±0.2 3.1 ±0.09 3.2±0. 1 3.4±0. 1 3.3±0.4 3.2±0.4 3.1±0. 2
Fat (%) 6 3.2±0.2 3.2 ±0.6 3.3±0. 1 3.5±0.3 3.4±0.3 3.3±0.1 3.4±0. 1
9 3.4±0.4 3.3 ±0.2 3.4±0.5 3.6±0.4 3.5±0.4 3.4±0.4 3.4±0.1
12 3.5±0.1 3.5 ±0.1 3.6±0.5 3.7±0.4 3.7±0.2 3.5±0.05 3.6±0.05
Fresh 0.76±0.01 0.79±0.05 0.83±0.02 0.86±0. 03 0.78±0.01 0.85±0.02 0.89±0.01
3 0.81±0.005 0.85±0.04 0.88±0.01 0.92±0.01 0.85±0.02 0.92±0.03 0.95±0.02
Acidity 6 0.84±0.06 0.93±0.02 0.95±0.01 0.98±0.01 0.90±0.04 0.97±0.02 0.99±0.01
9 0.93 ±0.06 0.97±0.02 0.97±0.03 1.00±0.03 0.93±0.005 0.99±0.01 1.05±0.06
12 0.95±0.06 0.99±0.11 1.00±0.01 1.10±0.005 0.96±0.08 1.05±0.05 1.00±0.05
Fresh 4.73±0.17 4.44±0.01 4.46±0.07 4.45±0.16 4.37±0.07 4.32±0.02 4.30±0.01
3 4.53±0.06 4.46±0.05 4.42±0.12 4.40±0.11 4.33±0.02 4.28 ±0.08 4.24±0.005
6 4.46±0.25 4.39±0.15 4.36±0.01 4.32±1.1 4.29±0.005 4.26±0.06 4.22±0.00
9 4.39±0.05 4.25±0.03 4.21±0.005 4.14±0.05 4.18±0.07 4.12±0.01 4.10±0.005
12 4.24±0.03 4.16±0.01 4.11±0.01 4.00±0.01 4.11±0.005 4.02±0.005 3.75±0.05
Mohammed, et al.
Rheological Properties of Carrot and affect the yoghurt properties by increasing its
Guava Drinks during Storage Period acidity and antioxidant activities by increasing
the storage time. On the other hand, the ascorbic
Table 6 shows the viscosity of drinking acid content of yoghurt samples was higher in
yoghurt. The viscosity of carrot and guava guava and carrot drinking yoghurt. During storage
yoghurt drink increased remarkably (p<0.05) period the ascorbic acid content was decreased.
with the increase of the added percentage from
these additives compared to control samples The Protein and Fiber Contents of
which can be attributed to the higher total solids Drinking Yoghurt
of the fruit additives. Moreover, there was an
Table 8 shows the protein content and fiber
increase in synersis of samples till the end of
content of drinking yoghurt samples. The
storage. The high values of synersis may be due
protein content showed increasing in the order
to high acidity resulting in shrinkage of the
carrot yoghurt > guava yoghurt. The fiber
protein matrix and separation of whey. These
content was higher in yoghurt supplemented
results agree with Wijesinghe et al. (2018).
with guava pulp > carrot pulp.
The Phenolic Compounds, Ascorbic Acid Conclusion
and Antioxidant Activity of Drinking
Yoghurt The addition (10, 15 and 20%) of carrot or
guava pulp improved sensory properties, specially
Table 7 shows that the addition of guava and addition of 20% of carrot pulp and 20% of
carrot pulp to yoghurt increased the total guava pulp improve rheological and sensory
phenolic compounds (TPC) and antioxidant properties and increase the total phenolic
activity (AA), Also TPC decreased with extending compounds (TPC), antioxidant activity (AA),
the storage period. In addition, the storage period fiber content and ascorbic acid (vitamin c).
Zagazig J. Agric. Res., Vol. 46 No. (6A) 2019
Table 6. Rheological properties of carrot and guava drinks during storage period at 5ºC for 12 days
Item Storage Carrot pulp (%) Guava pulp (%)
(day) Control T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
Table 7. Ascorbic acid, total phenolic compounds (TPC) and antioxidant activity (AA) of carrot
yoghurt drink during storage at 5ºC for 12 days
Item Storage Control Carrot pulp (%) Guava pulp (%)
(day) T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
Table 8. Rheological properties of carrot and guava drinks during storage period at 5ºC for 12
Item Storage Carrot pulp (%) Guava pulp (%)
(day) Control T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
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أجشٚد ْزِ انذساسح نرقٛٛى تعط انخٕاص نًخرهف إَٔاع انضتاد٘ انًُكّٓٔ ،انًصُع تإظافح نة (انجضس ٔانجٕافح)
ٔرنك خالل فرشج انرخض ،ٍٚأظٓشخ انُرائج انًرحصم عهٓٛا أَّ ٚحذز اَخفاض يعُٕ٘ ف ٙانـ pHخالل انرخض ٍٚف ٙجًٛع
انعُٛاخٔ ،جذ أٌ عُٛاخ يششٔب انضتاد٘ انًذعى تهة انجٕافح ٔانجضس نٓا َفس قٛى انـ ٔ ،pHعهٗ انجاَة اٜخش ذضداد
انحًٕظح ف ٙجًٛع انعُٛاخ تضٚادج انرخض ،ٍٚأدٖ ذذعٛى انضتاد٘ تثًاس انجٕافح ( )%01ٔ 01 ،01إنٗ صٚادج يعُٕٚح فٙ
انًشكثاخ انفُٕٛنٛح انكهٛح ،انُشاغ انًعاد نألكسذج ،يحرٕ٘ األنٛاف ،حًط األسكٕستٛك ٔكزنك حسُد انخٕاص
انشٕٚنٕجٛح ٔانحسٛح يقاسَح تانكُرشٔل ،إال أٌ يحرٕ٘ انثشٔذٔ ٍٛقٛى ال ٔ pHغشد انششش Syneresisاَخفعد يعُٕٚا
يقاسَح تانكُرشٔلٔ ،أدخ إظافح ( )%01ٔ 01 ،01يٍ نة انجضس إن ٙصٚادج ف ٙانًشكثاخ انفُٕٛنٛح ،انُشاغ انًعاد
نألكسذج ،حًط االسكٕستٛك ،يحرٕ٘ األنٛاف تًُٛا اَخفط يحرٕ٘ انثشٔذٔ ٍٛقٛى انـ ،pHنٕحظ خالل فرشج انُخضٍٚ
صٚادج يعُٕٚح ف ٙانجٕايذ انكهٛح ( ،)TSانحًٕظح ،غشد انششش ،انهضٔجح تًُٛا إَخفعد قٛى انـ ،pHحًط األسكٕستٛك،
يحرٕ٘ األسرانذْٛذ ،انُشاغ انًعاد نألكسذج ٔانًشكثاخ انفُٕٛنٛح انكهٛح(.)TPC
أسرار األنثاٌ انًرفشغ – كهٛح انضساعح – جايعح تُٓا. -1أ.د .محمــــــد تديـــر األلفـــــــــــي
أسرار األنثاٌ انًرفشغ – كهٛح انضساعح – جايعح انضقاصٚق. -2أ.د .عطية عثد المعطي عثد الثاقي