Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan

Unit 3 : Communication ; The Press. Competency targeted and objectives of the lesson:
Pedagogical media: The whiteboard, the textbook, newspapers. - Interpret a picture.
Book: At the crossroads. -Give titles of Algerian newspaper that are equivalent to some of American and British
-Identify the purpose for reading newspapers.
Phases T T Time The procedures (Teachers’ and learners’ activities) Aims/Remarks
Ti estimated
1-warm up and 10mn Introducing the topic of the new unit and preparing PPs to what will come next. In doing so, T shows PP’s a newspaper and aa
preparation Asks them some questions about it.
2-Presentation 50mn Anticipate p78
Of the lesson Correcting task1p78.
content Correcting task2p78.
Correcting task3p78.
Correcting task4p78.

3-Integration Listening+ speaking+ vocabulary.

4-Evaluation State how to evaluate the identified objectives.
Checking the PP’s answers to the activities.
5-Required Bibliography or other pedagogical material.
materials The textbook (at the crossroads).
The teacher’s book.
Progress of the lesson
T and PPs exchange greetings.
T asks a PP to write the date on the board.
T introduces the topic of the new unit which is communication; the Press and prepares PPs to what will come next. In
Doing so, T shows PPs a newspaper and asks them the following questions to interact with them:
-What do we call this? (She refers to the newspaper)= a newspaper.
-What do we find in the newspapers?= articles.
-What are the subjects of these articles? = politics, economics, sports, art, stories, TV programmes , advertisement….
-What do we call the person who writes these articles? = a journalist or a reporter.
-Why do we use newspapers? = we use them for many things such as: communicating, informing…
Then, T says:” The newspaper is one way of communication. What are the other ways of communication that you know?”
PPs answers” TV, radio, Internet, etc.”
T asks PP” Starting from all what is said, can you say what the topic of our unit is?”
PPs say that is: communication.
T writes the title of the unit on the whiteboard.

Unit2: Communication; The Press.

T asks PPs to open their books on p78.Then, PPs do it.
Tasks PPs to do the task 1p78.
Explains the instruction of the task.
PPs do the task.
PPs correct the task with the help of the teacher.
PPs write the correction on the board then on their copybooks.
Key to task1:
The picture shows newspapers and magazines.
T moves to task 2p78.
T explains the instruction of the task.
PPs do the task.
PPs correct the task with the help of the teacher.
PPs write the correction on the board, then on their copybooks.
Key to task2:
USA Today: El-Djazair, El-Youm.
Evening Standard: Le Soir d’Algérie.
The Daily Telegraph: Le Quotidian.
Herald Tribune: La Tribune.
T moves to task 3p78.
T explains the instruction.
PPs do the task.
PPs correct the task with the help of the teacher.
PPs write the correction on the board, then on their copybooks.
Key to task3 :
A –to inform us.
T moves to task 4p78.
T explains the instruction then, PPs do the task.
PPs correct the task with the help of the teacher.
PPs write the correction on the board, then on their copybooks.
Key to task4 :
When I read the newspaper, I check the information because there are serious as well as sensational newspapers

Lesson Plan
Unit 3 : Communication ; The Press. Competency targeted and objectives of the lesson:
Pedagogical media: The whiteboard, the textbook. – Speak from notes or memory with reference to the function of expressing point of view
and the related lge.
Book: At the crossroads. –Acquire new vocabulary concerning newspapers.
–Interpret a picture.
Phases T TTime The procedures (Teachers’ and learners’ activities) Aims/Remarks
Ti estimated
1-warm up and 10mn Asking PPs whether they read newspapers or not.
preparation Asking them to name the newspapers that they like reading and say why.
Asking them to name the newspapers that they hate reading and say why.
2-Presentation 50mn Listen and check.
Of the lesson Task2p79.
content Task3p79.

3-Integration Listening+ speaking+ vocabulary.

4-Evaluation State how to evaluate the identified objectives.
Checking PP’s answers to the already mentioned tasks.
5-Required Bibliography or other pedagogical material.
materials The textbook (at the crossroads).
The teacher’s book.
Progress of the lesson
T and PPs exchange greetings.
T asks a PP to write the date on the board.
T asks PPs” Do you read newspapers”
PPs answer” Yes”
T asks them to name the newspapers they read.
PPs do.
T asks PPs to say why they like reading them. Then, s/ he asks them to name the newspapers they don’t like to read and say
PPs do.
T says «these are your opinions .Now let’s see the opinion of the interviewee in the following interview .
T reads the interview p171for PPs.
T explains task 02 p79 which its aim is to: train PPs to speak from notes or memory with references to the function of
expressing point of view and the related language forms .
T reads the interview again and PPs take notes.
T asks PPs to report the information they have ticked.
PPs answer with the help of the T.
PPs write the correction on the board then on their copybooks.
Key to task 02:
The interviewee likes reading serious ‟quality” newspapers because of their objectivity and reliable information
The interviewee hates reading tabloids because of their subjectivity, half-truth and sensational stories.
T moves to task 2p79.
T explains the instruction of the task.
PPs do the task.
T helps PPs and guides them.
PPs correct the task.
PPs write the correction of the task on the board. Then, on their copybooks.
key to task 3:
B-Half-truth= a statement that is: c- true but not complete.
C-Tabloids= newspapers that: a-tell sensational stories.
T moves to task 3p79.
T explains the instruction of the task.
PPs do the task in pairs.
PPs correct the task with the help and guide of the teacher.
PPs write the correction on the board. Then, on their copybooks.
key to task 4:
A-I think they are on a train ( metro).
B-They are reading newspapers and magazines.
C-I think they are going to work.
D-No, none of them is/are talking.
E-Very few people do.
F-They talk to each other about various subjects or listen to music.
G-PPs’ personal answers.

Lesson Plan
Unit 3 : Communication ; The Press. Competency targeted and objectives of the lesson:

Pedagogical media: The whiteboard, the textbook. – Form compound words.

Book: At the crossroads. –Recognize stress pattern in compound words.
– Recognize stress shift from noun to adjective.
Phases Time Aims/Remarks
The procedures (Teachers’ and learners’ activities)
1-warm up and10mn Making a brief revision:
preparation -What is stress?
-What is syllable?
-What is the rule concerning stress in one syllable words?
-What is the rule concerning stress in two-syllable words(noun/verb)
2-Presentation50mn Say it clear
Stress in compound words and shift stress(N____adj)
Of the lesson 1-Stress in compound words:
content What is a compound word?
The rule
2-Stress shift( noun_____adjective):
The rule
3-Integration Vocabulary+ pronunciation.

4-Evaluation State how to evaluate the identified objectives.

Asking PP’s to give examples/give the rules.
Checking their answers to the task.
5-Required Bibliography or other pedagogical material.
The textbook (at the crossroads).
materials The teacher’s book.

Progress of the lesson

T and PPs exchange greetings.
T asks a PP to write the date on the board.

T says that they’ve studied stress in two-syllable words.
T asks PPs to remind her what they have said about” what is stress?”
PPs answer that stress is a kind of emphasis and focus in power when pronouncing a particular word.
T asks:” what is a syllable?”
_Syllable is a part of the word which contains one vowel sound.
T asks:” what was the rule concerning stress in one syllable words?”
_One syllable words in English are never stressed
T asks: ‟what was the rule concerning two syllable words?”
_In two syllable words ,stress usually falls on the second syllable when the word is a verb but it is placed on
the first
Syllable when the word is a noun.
T says this was all about stress in two syllable words .today we will deal with stress but in another way.
T writes the following on the board: News paper
T says: ‟how many words are here? ₺
PPs reply :2
T says, ‟can we make these two words one word? ₺
PPs say,‟ Yes₺ and one of them writes on the board: newspaper
T asks PPs, ‟what do we call this word ‟newspaper₺?”
PPs answer “It ‘s called compound word₺
T asks PPs to do task 1 P80 which its aim is to :help PPs form compound words
T explains the instruction of the task
PPs do the task
PPs correct the task and write its correction on the board then on their copybooks
Key to Task 01
01 02
-Newspaper -Bookshop
-Broadcast -Postcard
-Headline -Newspaper
-Newspaper -Sportsman
-Bestseller -Crossword
T moves to task 2p80.
T explains the instruction of the task.
T reads the words meanwhile PPs underline the stressed syllable of each word (in the table).
Key to Task 02
1-Newspaper, broadcast, headline, newsagent, bestseller.
2-Bookshop, postcard, newscaster, sportsman, crossword.
T asks PPs to give their own examples.
PPs do.
T asks PPs to give her the rule.
PPs do.
PPs write the rule on the board.
In compound words, stress falls on the first syllable.
PPs write the correction of the task and the rule on the board then on their copybooks
T says ‟, concerning stress in two syllable words, if the word is a noun; stress is on the first syllable. Yes or no?

PPs answer that this is correct.
T asks PPs ,‟what about adjectives?₺ and asks them to do task 3P80 which its aim is to: recognize stress shift
from noun to adjective
T directs PPs attention to the following table:
atom atomic drama dramatic
colony colonial grammar grammarian Recognize stress
comedy comedian proverb proverbial pattern in
strategy strategic compound words.

T pronounces the words in the table and asks PPs to circle the stressed syllable.Then, PPs do.
Key to Task 03
Oo(o) nouns oOo adjectives
/’ ӕtǝm/ Atom Atom /ǝ’tɒmɪk/
/’kɒlǝnɪ/ Colony Colonial /kǝ’lǝʊnɪǝl/
/’kɒmǝdɪ/ Comedy Comedian /kǝ’mi:dɪǝn/
/’strӕtǝdȝɪ/ Strategy Strategic /strǝ’ti:dȝɪk/
/’drɑ:mǝ/ Drama Dramatic /drǝ’mӕtɪk/
/’grӕmǝ/ Grammar Grammarian /grǝ’meǝrɪǝn/
/’prɒvᴣ:b/ proverb proverbial /prǝ’vᴣ:bɪǝl/

PPs draw the rule and write it on the board.

Stress shifts from noun to adjective
PPs write the correction of task 3 and the rule on their copybooks
T asks PPs to represent the phonetic transcription for some words.
Lesson Plan
Unit 3 : Communication ; The Press. Competency targeted and objectives of the lesson:
Pedagogical media: The whiteboard, the textbook. – Read and interpret a graph.
Book: At the crossroads. –Read and interpret a report.
-Answer questions about a survey.
Phases T TTime The procedures (Teachers’ and learners’ activities) Aims/Remarks
Ti estimated
1-warm up and 5mn T draws pie chart, line and bar graph and asks questions about them to introduce the concepts.
2-Presentation 55mn Anticipate( p82)
Of the lesson Read and check (p83)
content Task1p83
3-Integration Reading+ vocabulary +grammar.
4-Evaluation State how to evaluate the identified objectives.
Checking PP’s answers to the already mentioned tasks.
5-Required Bibliography or other pedagogical material.
materials The textbook (at the crossroads).
The teacher’s book.

Progress of the lesson

T and PPs exchange greetings.
T asks a PP to write the date on the board.
T draws the following on the board.
a 50
b 40
c 30
d 20
e 10
f 0
a b c d e f

Pie chart Bar graph Line graph

T asks PPs, ‟ what do we call each of these. ₺
PPs name them
T asks PPs, what do we use them for?
PPs answer differently
T asks PPs to open their books on P82 and do task :
T explains the different questions from (a-e).
PPs do the task.
PPs write the correction on the whiteboard .then, on their copybooks.
Key to Task: Anticipate.
A-The graph display is: a bar graph.
B-It displays: numbers.
C-It describes: the result of survey about the different uses of the computer.
D-The number60 represents: the total number of the people questioned.
E-PPs fill the table by guessing.
1 To keep addresses and phone members. C
2 To learn programming. D
3 To play games. A
4 As a calculator. F
5 For their studies. E
6 To do some work-processing at home. B read and interpret a
T moves to read and check P83 and asks PPs to do task 1 P83
PPs read silently and check their answers.
T asks them about the difficult words in the text.
T helps PPs to find the meaning of the difficult words.
Sample group = informants = part of a whole
Survey = study
To question = to ask questions
Diaries = diary = agenda
Findings = results
T asks PPs the following questions:
From where is taken The report?____________ Newspaper
What is its title? _________________________ The times
When was it published?___________________ Saturday, September 13 th,2004 -Help PPs check
T moves to task 2 P83 their answer to
T explains the task. the Previous task

PPs do it and interpret a
T walks around to guide and check report
PPs write the correction on the board then on their copybooks.
Key to Task 2:
A –the reporter questioned about 60 teenagers
B –He decides to do a survey to find out if it was true that teenagers know about computers
C–the survey shows that teenagers don’t really know how to use the computer.
D–do you use the computer to keep addresses and phone numbers?
Do you use the computer to study?
Do you use the computer as a calculator?
What are the other uses of the computer? Answer questions
E–The reporter uses the following verbs to report his findings: said /told About a survey.
F –The verbs used for reporting are in the simple past (to say/to tell)
G–The verbs following the reporting verbs are (are) also in the past (simple)
H–when reporting questions, we do not invert the subject and verb
1-their computers helped them with their studies
How do your computers help you?
2-they use computers to keep addresses and phone numbers on their computers
What do you use the computer for?
Why do you use the computer?
What do you keep on your computers?
3-do you use the computers to learn to programme them

Lesson Plan
Unit 3 : Communication ; The Press. Competency targeted and objectives of the lesson:
Pedagogical media: The whiteboard, the textbook. – Make an interview.
Book: At the crossroads. –report questions.

Phases T TTime The procedures (Teachers’ and learners’ activities) Aims/Remarks

Ti estimated
1-warm up and 10mn Making a brief revision
2-Presentation 50mn Discover the language
Of the lesson Task1p84
content Task2p84
3-Integration Reading+ speaking+ grammar.
4-Evaluation State how to evaluate the identified objectives.
Checking PP’s answers to the already mentioned tasks.
Asking them to give their own examples.
5-Required Bibliography or other pedagogical material.
materials The textbook (at the crossroads ‟SE1₺).
The teacher’s book (at the crossroads ‟SE1₺).

Progress of the lesson

T and PPs exchange greetings.
T asks a PP to write the date on the board.
T asks to remind .her of the previous lesson(a brief revision)
PPs do
T asks PPs different questions about the previous lesson:
1-What have we dealt with the last session?
_we have dealt with a survey
2-A survey about what?
_about ‟the use of the computer by our teenagers₺
3-The survey was made up of what?
_different questions about the use of the computer
4-Were the questions asked directly?
_No, they were asked indirectly(reported)
5-What was the most important thing that you’ve mentioned about that?
_when reporting questions, the verb will be changed in to the past and subject and verb are not inverted, etc.

T asks PPs to open their books on P84 and do Task 1

T explains the instruction of the Task and the different difficult questions e.g.: Where do you go to school? its meaning is:
T asks PPs to ask and another one to answer using the questions that they have in the task
PPs do
PPs read their dialogues and T corrects their oral
Reporter: what’s your name?
Informant: My name is Hayet.
Reporter: Where do you go to school?
Informant: I’m first year’s student in Sidi Ameur secondary school.
Reporter: Do you have a computer?
Informant: Yes, I do.
Reporter: what do you use it for?
Informant: I generally use it for my studies and I sometimes use it to play games.
PPs write one example on the whiteboard. Then, on their copybooks.
T moves to task2
T explains the instruction of the task. To conduct an
PPs do the task. interview
PPs act out the dialogues after transforming the questions from direct into reported speech.
T corrects their oral as well as their grammatical mistakes.
PPs write a model on the whiteboard. Then, on their copybooks.
E.g. a-What did s/he ask you at the university?
B-S/he asked me what my name was and where I went to school.
c-And then?
d- And then s/he asked me if I had a computer. Report questions.
T asks PPs to explain what they notice.
PPs explain that the question mark+ the quotation mark are removed, the subject and the verb are not inverted, and the
verb is changed from present to past.

Lesson Plan
Unit 3 : Communication ; The Press. Competency targeted and objectives of the lesson:
Pedagogical media: The whiteboard, the textbook. – Interpret a survey results and write a report.
Book: At the crossroads.

Phases T TTime The procedures (Teachers’ and learners’ activities) Aims/Remarks

Ti estimated
1-warm up and 5mn Making a brief revision, mainly about the concept “ survey”
preparation What is a survey?
How is it done?
-Through asking a group of informants different questions( about sth)
Explaining that these questions can be grouped in what we call questionnaire
2-Presentation 55mn Write it right.
Of the lesson Interpreting the questionnairep85.
content Writing a report.
▪Correcting the different mistakes.
▪Writing a model on the board.
3-Integration Reading+ writing.
4-Evaluation State how to evaluate the identified objectives.
Checking PP’s writing.
5-Required Bibliography or other pedagogical material.
materials The textbook (at the crossroads ‟SE1₺).
The teacher’s book (at the crossroads ‟SE1₺).

Progress of the lesson

T and PPs exchange greetings.
T asks a PP to write the date on the board.
T asks PPs the following questions (as a brief revision).
1-What is a survey?
2-How is it done?
_Through asking a group of informants different questions about sth.
3-What do we call this group of questions?
_ a questionnaire.

Tasks PPs to open their books on p85 and asks them to do the task: Write it right
PPs interpret the questionnaire with the help of T through answering the following questions:
▪How many informants are there?
▪How old are they?
▪How many questions are asked?
▪How are they asked?, etc
Tasks PPs to re-read the sports questionnaire and complete the report that follows it.
PPs work in groups of four or five.
T walks around to guide and check.
PPs read aloud their reports.
T and the other PPs correct the mistakes. Interpret a
PPs write a modal on the whiteboard. Then, on their copybooks. questionnaire and
Report write a report.
How sporty are our teenagers?
In present day Algeria, sport is the teenagers’ favorite pastime. But people keep complaining that the good sports-mans-
Ship of the old times is gone and dead. I decided to find out whether it was true that our teenagers were less sporty than
Their elders.
I questioned eighthly high school teenagers between 15and17 in order to know which sport was the most popular and
Why .When I asked them if they liked practicing sport. All teenagers said yes but my main interest was why they practise
Sixty (60) of them said they practised sport for fun. Twelve (12) told me they did it for challenge. Only eight (08) informa-
ants said they practised sport to keep fit. Then, I asked them what their favorite sport was. Fifty(50) of them told
me they liked playing football where as eighteen(18) said they liked playing Handball .Only twelve(12) of the informants
said they preferred practicing Basketball.
Surprisingly, my survey showed that our teenagers were sportier than their elders.

Lesson Plan
Unit 3 : Communication ; The Press. Competency targeted and objectives of the lesson:
Pedagogical media: The whiteboard, the textbook. – Interpret a picture.
Book: At the crossroads. _Read and respond to a reading passage.
_Acquire new vocabulary.

Phases T TTime The procedures (Teachers’ and learners’ activities) Aims/Remarks

Ti estimated
1-warm up and 5mn Discussing picture p88.
preparation (Asking PPs to describe the picture)
2-Presentation 55mn Task1p88
Of the lesson Task2page88
content Task3p89
3-Integration Reading +speaking+ vocabulary.
4-Evaluation State how to evaluate the identified objectives.
Checking PP’s answers to the already mentioned tasks.
5-Required Bibliography or other pedagogical material.
materials The textbook (at the crossroads ‟SE1₺).
The teacher’s book (at the crossroads ‟SE1₺).
Progress of the lesson:
T and PPs exchange greetings.
T asks a PP to write the date on the board.
T asks PPs to open their books on p88 and describe the picture.
PPs describe it briefly ,for example: The man is doing sth nice and kind for the boy, he is giving him water-melon which has the
-Help PPs interpret a
The shape of heart( heart-shape) a Picture.
T asks them to do task1 p88.
T explains the instruction of the task.
PPs do it.
PPs write their answers on the whiteboard.
Key to task1:
The picture illustrates love and kindness (b). -Help PPs check
T moves to task2 p88. their answer to
T explains the instruction of the task. task1.
PPs read the text and check their answer to task1.
T moves to task 3p 89. -Read and
T explains the instruction and the task. respond to the
PPs re-read the text silently and ask T about the difficult words. text by answering
T helps them understand the meaning of these difficult words.
PPs answer the different questions included in task3.
PPs correct the task with the help of the T.
PPs write the correction of the task on the whiteboard. Then, on their copybooks. questions.
Key to task3:
A-If I were the author of the newspaper article, I would give it the following title: The benefits of kindness(c).
___ Because: we find that there are different benefits of kindness in the text.
B-The author cites What famous doctors and authors think about kindness in order to: support her point of view about
kindness (b).
C-Carlson says that when we do Sth nice and kind for someone, we notice a beautiful feeling of ease and peace.
D-“On the contrary” in §2 expresses: Contrast(c).
E-“On the contrary” can be replaced by: But (b).
F-The author defines kindness as: A decent generous behavior.
G-Words ending with “ness”: Kindness, tenderness, calmness, happiness.
N.B.T, here explains the fact that these words( ending in “ness”) are nouns and T helps PPs understand that we can derive
nouns from some Adjs by adding the suffix” ness”.
Nouns Adjectives
Kindness. Kind.
Tenderness. Tender.
Calmness. Calm.
Happiness. Happy.

We can form nouns from adjectives by adding the suffix “ness” to some adjectives.

Lesson Plan
Unit 3 : Communication ; The Press. Competency targeted and objectives of the lesson:
Pedagogical media: The whiteboard, the textbook. – Transform sentences from direct into indirect/reported speech and making necessary
Book: At the crossroads. changes.

Phases T TTime The procedures (Teachers’ and learners’ activities) Aims/Remarks

Ti estimated
1-warm up and 5mn Asking 3 PPs to come to the whiteboard (A, B &C).
preparation Asking A to say sth to B.
Then, asking B to tell C what A has said.
2-Presentation 55mn Direct and reported speech:
Of the lesson Examples.
content Task1: Complete sentence (A) so that it means the same as sentence (B).→ Rule1:
Task2: Complete sentence (A) so that it means the same as sentence (B).→ Rule2:
4-Evaluation State how to evaluate the identified objectives.
5-Required Bibliography or other pedagogical material.
Materials English Grammar in use. (By Raymond Murphy).
Oxford Practice Grammar (by John Eastwood).
A Practical English Grammar (by A.J.Thomerson & A.V.Martinet).
A Practical English Usage (by Michael Swan).
Progress of the lesson:
T and PPs exchange greetings.
T asks a PP to write the date on the board.
T asks 3 PPs to come to the whiteboard (A, B &C).
T asks PP “A “to say Sth to PP” B “Then, asks PP” B “to tell PP “C” what PP” A” has told her/him.
T asks PP:” What did PP” B “do?”
PPs answer:” S/he reported what PP “A “told him/her.”
T says that this is correct and writes the example on the white. Then, T explains that today’s lesson is: Reported Speech.
E.g. A tells:” I am happy.”→Direct speech. = “I am happy.” A tells. A tells me that s/he is happy→ Reported speech.
Tells →Introductory verb.
“ “→ Quotation marks.
T explains the different elements of direct and reported speech as mentioned above.
T writes a task on the whiteboard.
PPs write the task on their copybooks.
Task one: Rewrite sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a).
A- Farid says:” I get pains in my leg.” →B- Farid says……………………………..
A-Leila adds:”I can’t sleep well.” →B- Leila adds……………………………..
A-Mohamed says:” I have hurt my back.” →B- Mohamed says…………………….
A-Mauna says:”I feel sick all the time.” →B- Mauna says………………………….
T explains the instruction of the task. Then; PPs do it.
PPS correct the task with the help of the teacher
PPs write the correction on the board then on their copybooks
Key to task1:
B-Farid says that he gets pains in his leg.
B-Leyla adds that she can’t sleep well.
B-Mohamed says that he has hurt his back. -Help PPs
B-Mouna says that she feels sick all the time.
understand that
T asks PPs what they understand from this .
PPs answer that when the introductory verb is in the present, the tense of the verb in direct speech doesn’t t change when when the
Reporting. introductory v is
T asks PPs to help her writing the rule on the board in the present,
Rule1: the tense doesn’t
When the introductory verb is in present, tense doesn’t change when reporting(the tense of the verb in the direct speech) be changed.
T asks PPs to give her some examples. Then; PPs do.
T asks PPs to write the rule on their copybooks
T writes task2 ,on the board
Task two: complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one
1-Hichem said ‟ I like their jacket.” → Hichem said that……………………
2-Mohamed shouted ‟ It is raining.” →Mohamed shouted that ………….
3-Adel claimed, ‟ you have annoyed the dog.” →Adel claimed that ……………………………………
4-Sabrina said, ‟I was joking about the price.” →Sabrina said that………………………………………
5-Oualid said, ‟ I had not seen you before that day.” →Oualid said that……………………………………………….
6-The Teacher said, ‟ you were absent yesterday.” →The Teacher said that……………………………………
7-My parents told me, ‟ We will be late.” →My parents told me that……………………...
T explains the task. Then; PPs do it.
PPs correct the task with the help of the teacher and write its correction on the board.
PPs write the task and the correction on their copybooks.
Key to task 2:

1-Hichem said that he liked that jacket.
2-Mohamed said that it was raining.
3-Adel claimed that I had annoyed the dog.
4-Sabrina said that she had been joking about the price.
5-Oualid said that he had not seen me before that day. Help PPs make
6-The Teacher said that I had been absent the day before. the necessary
7-My parents told me that they would be late. changes when the
T asks PPs to explain what they have done when reporting the speech. introductory verb
PPs explain that when the introductory verb is in the past tense, a lot of changes may occur when reporting ,mainly that of the
is in the past
T asks PPs to give her the changes, mainly of the tenses, orally and give example. Then; PPs do.
T writes the following on the board.
Rule2: When the introductory verb is in the past, a lot of changes may take place when reporting the speech.
Direct speech. Indirect /Reported speech
1-Present simple. Past simple.
2-Past simple. Past perfect.
3-Present perfect. Past perfect.
4-Past perfect. Past perfect.
5-Present continuous. Past continuous.
6-Past continuous. Past perfect continuous.
7-Will. Would

2-Adverbs and adverbial phrases.

Direct speech. Indirect/Reported speech.
Today That day
Now Then
Tomorrow The next day/The following day
Yesterday The day before/The previous day
A week, year…ago The previous week, year………….
This That
These Those
Here There

3-Pronouns and possessive adjectives
Direct speech. Indirect/Reported speech.
I She/he
My His/her
Me Him/her
We They
Our Their
Us Them

PPs draw the tables on their copybooks and give examples.

Lesson Plan
Unit 3 : Communication ; The Press. Competency targeted and objectives of the lesson:
Pedagogical media: The whiteboard, the textbook. – Report questions (WH -questions, yes/no questions.)
Book: At the crossroads.

Phases Time The procedures (Teachers’ and learners’ activities) Aims/Remarks
Ti estimated
1-warm up and 5mn Asking a PP to ask his/her friend a question.
preparation Writing this question on the whiteboard.
Asking PPs to transform the question into indirect/reported question.
2-Presentation 55mn Reported questions.
Of the lesson Example.
content 1-Wh-questions.
Task1: You have been away for a while and have just Come back to your home town .Ali is a friend of yours. He asks you a lot
of questions.
Now, tell another friend what Ali asked you. Use reported speech.
2-Yes/no questions.
Task2: Transform the following questions from direct into indirect /reported speech.
4-Evaluation State how to evaluate the identified objectives.
Asking PPs to deduce the rules.
Asking PPs to give their own example.
5-Required Bibliography or other pedagogical material.
materials The textbook and the teacher’s book( Getting through «  SE2 »)
English Grammar in use by Raymond Murphy
A Practical English Grammar (by A.J.Thomerson & A.V.Martinet).
A Practical English Usage (by Michael Swan).
Progress of the lesson:
T and PPs exchange greetings.
T asks a PP to write the date on the board.
T asks a PP to ask his/her friend any question.
PP asks his/her friend a question.
T asks a PP to write this question on the whiteboard.
T asks PPs to transform this question into indirect /reported speech.
PPs do.
N.B T explains that there are 2 types of questions ”WH questions” &” Yes/No questions”
“A “asked”B”,” What do you do here?”
→”A” asked me what I did there.
T asks PPs what type of questions this question is and PP answers that it is‟ Wh” question
T asks PPs to say what they notice.
PPs say that the quotation marks and the question marks are removed .They add that the word order is not the same and that
we have kept the ‟Wh”word.
T writes: 1-Wh questions
T writes an task for PPs
Task1: you have been away for a while and have just come back to your home town .Ali is a friend of yours .He asks you a
lot of questions

2-Where have You 3-how long have 4-what are you

been ? you been back? doing now ?
Help PPs
1-How are
5-Why did you transform Wh
You ?
come back? questions from
direct into

Now you tell another friend what Ali asked you. Use reported speech.
1-Ali asked me………
2-He asked me……..
3- He asked me……..
4- He asked me……..
5- He asked me……..
T explains the instruction of the task.
PPs do the task. Then, they write the correction on the whiteboard.
PPs take down the correction on their copybooks.
Key to task 1:
1-Ali asked me how I was.
2-He asked me where I had been.
3- He asked me how long I had been back.
4- He asked me what I was doing then.
T asks PPs to give the rule.
PPs give it to the teacher orally.
T writes the rule on the whiteboard.
Rule: -Reported questions do not have the same word order (aux verb before subject) as direct questions often have.
-Question marks are not used.
-The question word (who, what, when, where, how, etc) are repeated in the reported speech.
-Tenses, pronouns, possessive adjs and adv of time and place.
T asks PPs to give their own examples. Then, PPs do.
T moves to “ Yes/ no questions” and writes :
2- Yes/no questions.
T asks PPs to ask each other question that needs an answer with yes or no.
PPs ask each other a set of questions.
T asks them to write some of the questions on the whiteboard. Then, PPs do.
T asks them to transform these questions into reported speech.
E.g. “A “asked” B”:” are you happy?”
“A “asked”B“if he was happy.
T asks PPs what they notice.
PPs say that question mark and quotation s are removed, the word order is different and if/whether is used
T writes a task on the whiteboard.
Task2: Rewrite sentence (B) so that it means the same as sentence (A).
A-The interviewer asked him,” Are you willing to travel?” B-…………………………………………………………………………
A-Ali asked me Omar,” Do you have a driving license?” B-…………………………………………………………………………
A-Salima asked me,” Can you speak any foreign languages?” B-…………………………………………………………………………
A-The boss asked me,”Can you work on Saturday?” B-………………………………………………………………………. Help PPs
A-Mouna asked Samira,” Have you asked for permission to go out?” B-……………………………………………………………………… transform yes/no
A-The teacher asked me,”Were you revising seriously?” B-………………………………………………………………………. questions from
T explains the instructions of the task. Then, PPs do the task. direct into
PPs correct the task and write its correction on the whiteboard. reported speech.
PPs copy down the correction on their copybooks.
Key to task2:
B-The interviewer asked him if he was willing to travel.
B-Ali asked me Omar if he had a driving license.
B-Salima asked me if I Could speak any foreign languages.
B-The boss asked me if I Could work on Saturday.
B-Mouna asked Samira if she Had asked for permission to go out.
B-The teacher asked me if I had been revising seriously.
T asks a PP to deduce the rule. Then, PPs do.
T writes the rule on the whiteboard.

Rule: -“Do” is not used in auxiliary questions.
-“If” or” whether” is used in reported
-Tenses, pronouns, possessive adjectives and adverbs of time or place are changed as in statement.

Lesson Plan
Unit 3 : Communication ; The Press. Competency targeted and objectives of the lesson:
Pedagogical media: The whiteboard, the textbook. – Transform sentences +questions.
Book: At the crossroads.
Phases Time The procedures (Teachers’ and learners’ activities) Aims/Remarks
Ti estimated
1-warm up and 5mn Making a brief revision.
2-Presentation 55mn Practice:
Of the lesson Task1: Rewrite sentence (B)so that it means the same as sentence (A)
content Task2: Rewrite sentence (B)so that it means the same as sentence (A)
Task3: Rewrite sentence (B)so that it means the same as sentence (A)



Progress of the lesson:

T and PPs exchange greetings.
T asks a PP to write the date on the board.
T asks PPs to remind her of the most important changes that we can do when transforming from direct into indirect.
PPs do. (Tense +p. pronoun +p. adjectives…….)
T says that today they will make a kind of practice
T write the first task on the board
Task1: Rewrite sentence (B)so that it means the same as sentence (A)
A-The teacher said, I have explained this lesson very well.
A-Mohamed says, It is great pleasure for me to attend the session.
A-I asked the teacher, May I go out?
A-My neighbor asked me, How old you are?.
A-My friend said, Are you angry with me?.
A-The guest said, I must leave now.
T explains the task. Then, PPs do it
PPs correct the task and write its correction on the board then on their copybooks.
Key to task 1:
B-The teacher said that she had explained that lesson very well.
B-Mohamed says that it is great pleasure for him to attend the lesson.
B-I asked the teacher if I might go out.
B-my neighbor asked me how old I was.
B-My friend asked me if I were angry with her.
B-the guest said that she had to leave them.
T moves to task 2
T writes the task , explains it and PPs write it on their copybooks -To enable PPs
Task 2: : Rewrite sentence (B)so that it means the same as sentence (A) Transform
A-Paul said that his old job had been very boring. Sentences from
A-Sonia said that John was in hospital. Indirect to direct
A-James asked me when I had come back.
A-My mother asked me if I needed any help.
A-John said that he had been working all the morning.
PPs do the task and write its correction on the whiteboard. Then, on their copybooks.
Key to task2:
B- Paul said: “My old job was very boring.”
B- Sonia said: “John is in hospital.”
B- James asked me:”When did you come back?”
B- My mother asked me:” Do you need any help?”
B- John said:"I was working all the morning.
T moves to task 3. -To transform orders,
T writes the task on the whiteboard. warnings, etc into
T explains it. indirect.
Task3: Rewrite sentence(B) so that it means the same as sentence(A)

A-My father said:” Do not go out.”
A-The doctor said:”Stay in bed for a few days.”
A-“Please; don’t tell anybody what happened. », Jackie said to me.
A-I told Jim:”Don’t shout.”
PPs write the task on their copybooks. Then, they do it.
PPs write its correction on the whiteboard. Then, on their copybooks.
Key to task 3:
B- My father told me not to go out.
B- The doctor told me to stay in bed for few days.
B- Jackie asked me not to tell anybody what had happened.
B-I told Jim not to shout.
Lesson Plan
Unit 3 : Communication ; The Press. Competency targeted and objectives of the lesson:
Pedagogical media: The whiteboard, the textbook. – Form adverbs of manners by adding “ly” to some adjectives.
Book: At the crossroads.
Phases Time The procedures (Teachers’ and learners’ activities) Aims/Remarks
Ti estimated
1-warm up and 5mn T writes the following example on the whiteboard. Then, he asks PPs different questions about it to introduce the lesson.
preparation Jessica sang a nice song.→ Adj
Jessica sang the song nicely.→ Adv
2-Presentation 55mn Adverbs of manner:
Of the lesson E.g.
content Task 1: Derive adverbs from the adjectives between brackets in the following examples to have their meanings complete.
4-Evaluation State how to evaluate the identified objectives.
Asking PPs to deduce the rules.
Asking PPs to give their own examples.
5-Required Bibliography or other pedagogical material.
materials The textbook (at the crossroads ‟SE1₺).
The teacher’s book (at the crossroads ‟SE1₺).
Oxford Practice Grammar (by John Eastwood).
Progress of the lesson:
T and PPs exchange greetings.
T asks a PP to write the date on the board.
T writes the following example on the whiteboard. Then, he asks PPs different questions about it to introduce the lesson.
Jessica sang a nice song.→ Adj
Jessica sang the song nicely.→ Adv
What is the difference between two sentences?
→Approximately, they are the same .But in the first sentence, there is an adj: nice whereas in the second there is an adverb:
How did we get the adverb “nicely”?
→We got the adverb “nicely” by adding “ly” to the adj” nice”
What do we call this kind of adverb?
→Adverb of manner.
What is an adverb of manner?
An adverb of manner is an adverb which tells us « How » something happens.
T asks PPs to give some examples. Then, PPs do it. To introduce PPs to
T writes a task to PPs. adverbs of manner
Task 1: Derive adverbs from the adjectives between brackets in the following examples to have their meanings complete. and help th͢em
1-My brother won the game(easy) →easily deduce the rules.
2-I have checked the figures (careful) →carefully
3-Your dog barked at me very(fierce) →fiercely
4-It is raining quite(heavy) →heavily
PPs write the task on their copybooks
T explains the task. Then, PPs do it.
PPs correct the task and write its correction on the whiteboard. Then, on their copybooks.
T asks PPs what they notice concerning the spelling.
PPs say that “y” in adjs becomes” I” when adding “ly”. To set the adverb ”l” becomes ”ll” and ”e” remains ”e” just adding “ly”
after it.
T asks PPs to give examples. Then, PPs do it
Tasks PPs to help her writing the rule on the whiteboard.
We form many adverbs from an adj + ly. But there are some special spelling rules.
1-WE do not leave out”e”. E.g. : nice, worse,→ nicely
Exceptions are: true͢→͢ truly. Whole → wholly
2-Y→ily after a consonant .E.g. Easy →easily. Lucky →luckily. Also, angrily, happily , heavily, etc
3-“le”→”ly”.E.g. Possible→ possibly .Terrible → terribly
4-“ic”→ ically . E.g. Dramatic dramatically. Also, automatically, scientifically. To form advs of
5-We can use some adjs as adverbs without adding ”ly” E.g. fast, hard ,last ,late, early, best, worse ,better ,etc manner
PPs write the rule on their copybooks.

T moves to another task p94
T explains task Then PPs do it.
PPs correct the task on their copybooks.
PPs write the correction of the task on the whiteboard. Then, on their copybooks.
Key to task 3:
Anne: Positive: hard, cordially, politely.
Negative: late.
Tom: Positive: hard, quickly, carefully
Negative: coldly, heavily.

Lesson Plan
Unit 3 : Communication ; The Press. Competency targeted and objectives of the lesson:
Pedagogical media: The whiteboard, the textbook. – Derive adj by adding the suffix”ful” or” less” to some nouns.
Book: At the crossroads -Pronounce the suffixes”ful” and” less” correctly.
Phases Time The procedures (Teachers’ and learners’ activities) Aims/Remarks
Ti estimated
1-warm up and 10mn T writes the following examples on the whiteboard. Then, he asks PPs different questions about them.
preparation Joe helped me a lot .He is a helpful person.
The victims of the war were helpless.
▪What is the function of the 2 underlined words?→ Adjs
▪What do you understand from both of them?
-The 1st sentence →person gives help but, in the 2nd→ they don’t give help
▪How could we get these 2adjs? →Noun+ ful/less.
2-Presentation 50mn Suffixes: ful/ less:
Of the lesson ▪What is a suffix?
content Task 1p95
Rule 1
Rule 2
3-Integration Grammar+ pronunciation
4-Evaluation State how to evaluate the identified objectives.
Checking PP’s answers to the already mentioned tasks.
Asking PPs to give their own examples.
5-Required Bibliography or other pedagogical material.
materials The textbook (at the crossroads ‟SE1₺).
The teacher’s book (at the crossroads ‟SE1₺).
Progress of the lesson:
T and PPs exchange greetings.
T asks a PP to write the date on the board.
T writes the following example on the whiteboard. Then, he asks PPs different questions about them.
Joe helped me a lot .He is a helpful person.
The victims of the war were helpless.
▪What is the function of the 2 underlined words?→ Adjs
▪What do you understand from both of them?
-The 1st sentence →person gives help but, in the 2nd→ they don’t give help
▪How could we get these 2adjs? → Noun+ ful /less.
“Full/less” are suffixes ( a suffix is a letter or group of letters which is added to the end of a word to make another word.
T asks PPs about the difference between” ful” and “less”
PPs give answers.
T writes the following:
We can form Adjs by adding the suffix “ful” to verbs and nouns to get adjs.
The suffix→” ful” means; a lot of .E.g. Beatiful.
We can also form Adjs by adding the suffix “less” to verbs and nouns to get Adjs
The suffix→” less” means; lack of/ nothing .E.g. Helpless, careless.
N.B. Sometimes only one suffix can be used.
T moves to task 1p 95. Form Adjs from
T explains the task. Then, PPs do it. Ns+suffix “less”/
PPs correct the task and write its correction on the whiteboard. Then, on their copybooks. ”ful”
Key to task 1p95:
Nouns Ful Less
Worth ── Worthless
Harm Harmful Harmless
Price ── Priceless
Use Useful Useless
Delight Delightful ──
Beauty Beautiful ──
Care Careful Careless
Truth Truthful ──
Success Successful ──

T asks a PP to deduce the rule. Then, PPs do.

T writes the rule on the whiteboard.
Rule 1:
We can form adjs from nouns by adding the suffix “ful” or” less”
T moves to task 2p 84. To pronounce the
T explains the task. Then, PPs do it. suffix “less”/”ful”
T reads the words with suffix less/ful. correctly
PPs say the how the suffixes “ful” and “less” are pronounced.
T asks a PP to deduce the rule. Then, PPs do.
T writes the rule on the whiteboard.
Rule 2:
The suffixes “less” and “ful” are pronounced with schwa/ Iǝs/ and “ful”/fǝI/.They are not stressed
Lesson Plan
Unit 3 : Communication ; The Press. Competency targeted and objectives of the lesson:
Pedagogical media: The whiteboard, the textbook. – Pronounce correctly words which contain silent letters.
Book: At the crossroads -Make a difference between the silent letters and non-silent letters.
Phases Time The procedures (Teachers’ and learners’ activities) Aims/Remarks
Ti estimated
1-warm up and 10mn T writes some words which contains silent letters on the whiteboard. Then, he asks PPs to read them aloud.
preparation T asks PPs to identify the letters that are not pronounced.
T asks PPs what we call these letters. → Silent letters.
2-Presentation 50mn Silent letters:
Of the lesson ▪Examples
content Task 1p99
3-Integration pronunciation
4-Evaluation State how to evaluate the identified objectives.
Asking PPs to read the words which contain silent letters
Asking PPs to deduce the rule
5-Required Bibliography or other pedagogical material.
materials The textbook (at the crossroads ‟SE1₺).
The teacher’s book (at the crossroads ‟SE1₺).
Progress of the lesson:
T and PPs exchange greetings.
T asks a PP to write the date on the board.
T writes the following example on the whiteboard: Handsome, Island, wrong, fight, listen, psychology.
Then, he asks PPs to read them aloud.
PPs read the words aloud.
T asks PPs to listen to her carefully and pay attention to the pronunciation.
PPs say that there are some letters which are written but not pronounced. PPs have to identify them.
Handsome→ d. Island →s. Wrong →w. fight→ gh. Listen→ t. Psychology →p. To identify the
T asks PPs what we call these letters that are written but not pronounced. silent letters
PPs answer that we call them” Silent letters”.
T asks PPs to open their books on p99
T explains the task. Then, PPs do it.
PPs correct the task with the help of their teacher
PPs write the correction of the task on the whiteboard. Then, on their copybooks.
Key to task 1p99:
Words Silent letters Words Silent letters Words Silent letters Words Silent letters
Answer W castle T Half L Wednesday D
autumn N climbed B Handkerchief D Wrong W
daughter Gh column N Honest H Write W
flight Gh could L Hour H walk L
foreigner G cupboard P knife N would L
island S listen T know K should L
often T talk l yacht Ch right Gh
T asks a PP to deduce the rules. Then, PPs do.
PPs write the rules on the whiteboard with the help of their teacher.
PPs write the rules on their copybooks.
1-First letter: E.g.*Wrong →W
*Knob, knife →K
*Hour, honest →H
2-First letter: E.g.*Ghost →H
3-Last letter: E.g.*lamb→ B
*Hymn→ N
*Chair, car → R
4- L before, K, F, D: E.g.*walk, half, would

Lesson Plan
Unit 3 : Communication ; The Press. Competency targeted and objectives of the lesson:
Pedagogical media: The whiteboard, the textbook. – Pronounce correctly final “s”.
Book: At the crossroads
Phases Time The procedures (Teachers’ and learners’ activities) Aims/Remarks
Ti estimated
1-warm up and 10mn T writes the following words on the whiteboard ( talks, houses,bags). Then, he asks PPs to read them aloud.
preparation T asks PPs to identify the pronunciation of the final “s”.
T asks PPs what they notice
2-Presentation 50mn Pronunciation of final “ s”:
Of the lesson ▪Examples
content Task 3p99
Task: Classify these words in the table according to the pronunciation of final” s”
3-Integration pronunciation
4-Evaluation State how to evaluate the identified objectives.
Asking PPs to give their own examples.
Asking PPs to deduce the rule
Checking PP’s answers to the already mentioned tasks.
5-Required Bibliography or other pedagogical material.
materials The textbook (at the crossroads ‟SE1₺).
The teacher’s book (at the crossroads ‟SE1₺).
Progress of the lesson:
T and PPs exchange greetings.
T asks a PP to write the date on the board.
T writes the following example on the whiteboard: talks, houses,bags
Then, he asks PPs to read them aloud.
PPs read the words aloud.
T asks PPs to listen to her carefully and pay attention to the pronunciation.
PPs say that there the 3 words have the same final letter” s” but it is pronounced differently.
/tͻ:ks/ /haʊsɪz/ /bӕgz/
T asks PPs : “What do you think our lesson is going to be about 
→It s about the pronunciation of the final ‟S ”
T asks PPs to open their books on P99 and do task 3 To make PPs see
T asks PPs to read the tongue twisters The difference in
The pronunciation
Of the final‟ s”


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