Fad - Food & Agriculture

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IS 8267 : 1976 Dalapon - sodium, technical

IS 8702 : 1978 Diuron, technical
IS 6444 : 1979 Specification for Sulphur Dusting Powders
IS 8294 : 1976 Liquid amine salts of MCPA
IS 8291 : 1976 Phenthoate emulsifiable concentrates
IS 14159 : 1994 Cartap hydrochloride, technical
IS 14510 : 1997 Lambda - cyhalothrin, WP
IS 4783 : 1982 Specification for Thiram Seed Dressing Formulations
IS 8445 : 1991 Carbendazim, (MBC) technical
IS 8259 : 1976 Oxydemeton-methyl emulsifiable concentrates
IS 7126 : 1973 Specification for Fenitrothion Dusting Powders
7155_3 IS 7155 : Part 3 : 1986 Code of Recommended Practice for Conveyor Safety - Part 3 : Belt
Conveyors and Feeders
IS 8258 : 1976 Oxydemeton-methyl technical concentrates
IS 8190 : Part 4 : 1988 Requirement for packing of pesticides: Part 4 Fumigants
IS 12003 : 1987 Fenvalerate, technical
IS 12004 : 1987 Isoproturon, technical
IS 11997 : 1987 Fenvalerate EC
IS 11996 : 1987 Deltamethrin EC
IS 12932 : 1990 Atrazine, technical
IS 8701 : 1996 Temephos, technical
IS 8498 : 1977 Temephos emulsifiable concentrates
IS 8497 : 1982 Paraquat dichloride water soluble concentrates
IS 8496 : 1977 Propoxur, technical
IS 14549 : 1998 Hexaconazole technical
IS 8488 : 1977 Phosalone, technical
IS 8190 : Part 1 : 1988 Requirements for Packing of Pesticides - Part 1 : Solid Pesticides
IS 14409 : 1996 Ethepon, solution
IS 14410 : 1996 Quinalphos AF
IS 14411 : 1996 Deltamethrin F
IS 14509 : 1997 Lambda - cyhalothrin, Technical
IS 8487 : 1977 Phosalone emulsifiable concentrates
IS 8446 : 1991 Carbendazim (MBC) water dispersible powder concentrates
IS 8494 : 1977 MCPA, technical
IS 12873 : 1990 Copper oxychloride OP
IS 8071 : 1976 Propanil, technical
IS 8029 : 1985 Quinalphos dusting powders
SP 18 : Part XI : 1981 Handbook of Food Analysis - Part XI : Dairy Products
SP 18 : Parts VIII, IX and X : 1984 ISI Handbook of Food Analysis - Part VIII : Fruits and Vegetables -
Part IX : Stimulant Foods - Part X : Alcoholic Drinks and Carbonated Beverages
IS 12751 : 1989 Pendimethalin EC
IS 8027 : 1976 Specification for Propanil Emulsifiable concentrates
IS 12769 : 1989 Thiobencarb EC
IS 12685 : 1989 Pendimethalin, technical
IS 12912 : 1990 Bromadiolone RB
IS 12913 : 1990 Bromadiolone, CB
IS 12914 : 1990 Bromadiolone, technical
IS 12915 : 1990 Acephate, technical
IS 12916 : 1990 Acephate SP
IS 10243 : 1993 2, 4-D Ethyl ester emulsifiable concentrates
IS 12768 : 1989 Thiobencarb, technical
IS 12502 : 1988 Glyphosate, technical
IS 11995 : 1987 Isoproturon, WP
IS 12005 : 1987 Deltamethrin technical
IS 8190 : Part 2 : 1988 Requirement for packing of pesticides: Part 2 Liquid pesticides
IS 12015 : 1987 Cypermethrin, technical
IS 8489 : 1977 Specification for Phosalone Dusting Powders
IS 12017 : 1987 Cypermethrin technical concentrate
IS 8072 : 1984 Quinalphos, technical
IS 8703 : 1978 Specification for Diuron Water Dispersible Powder Concentrates
IS 12702 : 1989 Pendimethalin granules
IS 9370 : 1980 Specification for Lindane Granules
IS 9372 : 1980 Specification for Methyl Parathion, Technical Concentrate
IS 8074 : 1990 Monocrotophos SL
IS 12562 : 1988 Ferbam WP
IS 9666 : 1980 Specification for Blank Granules
IS 8190 : Part 3 : 1979 Requirement for packing of pesticides: Part 3 Household pesticides
IS 12501 : 1988 Ferbam, Technical
IS 10267 : 1982 Phenthoate granules
IS 14408 : 1996 Ethepon, technical
IS 9356 : 1980 Butachlor emulsifiable concentrates
IS 9355 : 1980 Butachlor, technical
IS 9354 : 1980 Alachlor emulsifiable concentrates
IS 2862 : 1984 Specification for Diazinon Water Dispersible Powder Concentrates
IS 9358 : 1980 Triallate emulsifiable concentrates
IS 9351 : 1980 Nickel chloride, hexahydrate, pesticidal grade
IS 10265 : 1982 Endosulfan granules
IS 10268 : 1982 Chlorfenvinphos, technical
IS 10295 : 1982 Fenitrothion water dispersible powders
IS 10300 : 1982 Captafol technical
IS 10319 : 1982 Ethion emulsifiable concentrate
IS 10627 : 1983 Methods for sampling of pesticide formulations
IS 10946 : 1996 Method of sampling for technical grade - Pesticides
IS 9353 : 1980 Alachlor, technical
IS 9364 : 1980 Trichlorfon granules
IS 10119 : 1982 Ready-to-use insecticides for spot application
IS 9667 : 1981 Tridemorph, technical
IS 9665 : 1981 Propoxur emulsifiable concentrates
IS 9371 : 1980 Aldicarb granules encapsulated
IS 9369 : 1980 Diazinon granules
IS 9357 : 1980 Triallate, technical
IS 9366 : 1987 Quinalphos granules
IS 8963 : 1978 Chlorpyrifos, technical
IS 9363 : 1980 Fenthion granules
IS 9362 : 1980 Butachlor granules
IS 9361 : 1980 Alachlor granules
IS 9360 : 1980 Carbofuran granules, encapsulated
IS 10244 : 1992 2, 4-D Ethyl ester water dispersible powders
IS 9359 : 1995 Phorate granules, encapsulated
IS 9368 : 1980 Carbaryl granules
IS 8958 : 1978 Fluchloralin, technical concentrates
IS 11784 : 1986 Specification for Carbaryl lindane granules
IS 14250 : 1995 Etofenprox EC
IS 14251 : 1995 Captan, technical
IS 4808 : 1982 Specification for Pyrethrum Emulsifiable Concentrates
IS 8960 : 1978 Methyl parathion dusting powders
IS 10950 : 1984 Phenthoate dusting powders
IS 14299 : 1995 Neem extract concentrate containing azadirachtin
IS 14186 : 1994 Diflubenzuron WP
IS 8955 : 1978 Edifenphos emulsifiable concentrates
IS 8954 : 1978 Edifenphos, technical
IS 8944 : 1978 Chlorpyrifos emulsifiable concentrates
IS 8708 : 1978 Mancozeb water dispersible powder concentrates
IS 14300 : 1995 Neem based EC containing Azadirachtin
IS 11785 : 1986 Captan WP
IS 8959 : 1978 Fluchloralin emulsifiable concentrates
IS 14183 : 1994 Cartap hydrochloride SP
IS 12944 : 1990 Dithianon, technical
IS 11008 : 1984 Methabenzthiazuron water dispersible powder concentrates
IS 11009 : 1984 Chlorfenvinphos granules
IS 11010 : 1984 Ziram collodial
IS 11019 : 1984 Carbofuran, technical
IS 11063 : 1984 Metoxuron water dispersible powders
IS 14249 : 1995 Etofenprox, technical
IS 14160 : 1994 Simazine WP
IS 8961 : 1978 Chlormequat chloride, technical
IS 11151 : 1984 Barium carbonate, pesticidal grade
IS 8962 : 1978 Chlormequat chloride, aqueous solutions
IS 3901 : 1975 Specification for Ziram Water Dispersible Powder
IS 4323 : 1980 Specification for Endosulfan Emulsifiable Concentrates
IS 14184 : 1994 Cartap hydrochloride G
IS 11007 : 1984 Methabenzthiazuron technical
IS 11135 : 1984 Metoxuron, technical
IS 13328 : 1992 Triadimefon, technical
IS 1488 : 1989 2, 4-D Sodium, salt technical
IS 14552 : 1998 Thiophanate methyl, WP
IS 14551 : 1998 Thiophanate Methyl, Technical - Specification
14552 IS 14552 : 1998 Thiophanate Methyl, WP - Specification
14572 IS 14572 : 1998 Chloroform - Code of Safety
IS 14550 : 1998 Hexaconazole, EC - Specification
IS 14185 : 1994 Pesticide - Diflubenzuron, Technical - Specification
IS 1486 : 1978 Specification for Copper Oxychloride, Technical
IS 13172 : 1991 Fluvalinate EC
IS 13133 : 1991 Chlorothalonil WP
IS 13329 : 1992 Triadimefon WP
IS 13330 : 1992 Bitertanol, technical
IS 13331 : 1992 Bitertanol WP
IS 13332 : 1992 Metribuzin, technical
IS 13333 : 1992 Metribuzin WP
IS 13402 : 1992 Anilophos, technical
IS 13146 : 1991 Allethrin, technical
IS 633 : 1985 DDT emulsifiable concentrates
IS 12931 : 1990 Atrazine, WP
IS 1311 : 1966 Ethylene dibromide
IS 1251 : 1988 Zinc phosphide, technical
IS 1055 : 1984 Nicotine sulphate solution (Pesticide recommended for export only)
IS 1050 : 1984 Lime sulphur solution
IS 13138 : 1991 Alpha Naphthyl acetic acid SL
IS 634 : 1965 Ethylene dichloride carbon tetrachloride mixture (3:1 v/v)
IS 13438 : 1992 Allethrin mosquito coils
IS 632 : 1978 GAMMA - BHC (Lindane) emulsifiable concentrates
IS 565 : 1984 DDT water dispersible powder concentrates (for public health use only)
IS 563 : 1973 DDT Technical
IS 1832 : 1978 Specification for Malathion, Technical
IS 1824 : 1978 Specification for Insecticidal Space Spray
IS 13132 : 1991 Chlorothalonil, technical
IS 885 : 1994 Common names for pesticides
IS 14726 : 1999 Fenarimol, Technical - Specification
IS 13785 : 1993 Dodine, WP
IS 13786 : 1993 Benomyl, technical
IS 13787 : 1993 Benomyl WP
IS 13788 : 1993 Kitazin, technical
IS 882 : 1984 Specification for Lindane
IS 13403 : 1992 Anilophos EC
IS 13790 : 1993 Kitazin EC - Specification
SP 18 : Part I : 1980 ISI Handbook of Food Analysis - Part I : General Methods
IS 14727 : 1999 Fenarimol EC - Specification
IS 14156 : 1994 Cyfluthrin, technical
IS 8707 : 1978 Specification for Mancozeb, Technical
IS 14157 : 1994 Simazine, technical
IS 14158 : 1994 Cyfluthrin WP
SP 18 : Parts XII, XIII, XIV and XV : 1984 ISI Handbook of Food Analysis - Parts XII, XIII, XIV XV
IS 13789 : 1993 Kitazin Granules - Specification
SP 44 : 1989 Handbook of Agricultural Machinery Terminology
IS 1506 : 1977 Copper oxychloride dusting powder
IS 13439 : 1992 Allethrin mosquito repellant mats
IS 13454 : 1992 Pirimiphos methyl WP
IS 13455 : 1992 Pirimiphos methyl EC
IS 10369 : 1982 - Specification for Ethion, Technical
IS 13456 : 1992 Pirimiphos methyl space spray
IS 13784 : 1993 Dodine, technical
IS 13458 : 1992 Metalaxyl, technical
SP 18 : Parts V, VI and VII : 1982 ISI Handbook of Food Analysis - Part V : Bakery and Confectionery
Products - Part VI : Protein-rich Foods - Part VII : Spices and Condiments
IS 1051 : 1980 Specification for Pyrethrum Extracts
IS 13513 : 1992 2, 4-D ethyl ester granules
IS 13641 : 1992 Metalaxyl WS
IS 13692 : 1993 Metalaxyl - mancozeb WP
IS 8293 : 1976 Phenthoate, technical
IS 12016 : 1987 Specification for Cypermethrin EC
IS 13457 : 1992 Deltamethrin WP
IS 5552 : 1970 Warfarin, technical
IS 1312 : 1980 Methyl bromide
IS 7122 : 1984 Carbaryl dusting powders
IS 7121 : 1973 Carbaryl water dispersible powder concentrate
IS 6940 : 1982 Methods of test for pesticides and their formulations
IS 6438 : 1980 Aluminium phosphide formulation
IS 7233 : 1991 2, 4-D Ethyl ester, technical
IS 6014 : 1978 Emulsifiable larvicidal oil, pyrethrum based
IS 7539 : 1975 Carbaryl technical
IS 5551 : 1970 Warfarin sodium, technical
IS 5549 : 1970 Warfarin bait concentrates
IS 5281 : 1979 Fenitrothion, emulsifiable concentrates
IS 5280 : 1969 Fenitrothion, technical
IS 5279 : 1969 Dicofol emulsifiable concentrates
IS 5278 : 1969 Dicofol, technical
IS 6177 : 1981 Phosphamidon water soluble concentrates
IS 8025 : 1990 Monocrotophos, technical
IS 12945 : 1990 Dithianon WP
IS 13070 : 1991 Alpha Naphthyl acetic acid, technical
IS 13080 : 1991 Pirimiphos methyl, technical
IS 13097 : 1991 Fluvalinate, technical
IS 13110 : 1991 Carboxin, technical
IS 7168 : 1973 Warfarin sodium salt water soluble powder
IS 8026 : 1987 Formothion EC
IS 4929 : 1978 Dichlorvos, technical
IS 8024 : 1976 Formothion, technical solution
IS 7976 : 1976 Phorate, technical
IS 7950 : 1989 Fenthion, technical
IS 7948 : 1987 Fenthion EC
IS 7945 : 1976 Trichlorfon, technical
IS 7943 : 1976 Trichlorfon dusting powders
IS 8028 : 1987 Quinalphos EC
IS 2127 : 1984 Stabilized methoxy ethyl mercury chloride (MEMC) concentrate
IS 2865 : 1978 Methyl parathion emulsifiable concentrates
IS 2861 : 1980 Diazinon emulsifiable concentrates
IS 2570 : 1980 Methyl parathion, technical
IS 2569 : 1978 Malathion water dispersible powder concentrates
IS 2568 : 1978 Malathion dusting powders
IS 5277 : 1978 Dichlorvos emulsifiable concentrates
IS 2358 : 1984 Formulation based on stabilized methoxy ethyl mercury chloride (MEMC) concentrate
IS 3898 : 1981 Zineb, technical
IS 1833 : 1980 Diazinon, technical
IS 1827 : 1989 Dimethyl amine SL salts of 2, 4-D
IS 1682 : 1973 Cuprous oxide, technical (fungicidal grade)
IS 1669 : 1960 Cuprous oxide dusting powders
IS 1665 : 1977 Cuprous oxide water dispersible powder concentrates
IS 1507 : 1977 Copper oxychloride water dispersible powder concentrates
IS 2567 : 1978 Malathion emulsifiable concentrates
IS 3905 : 1966 Thiometon emulsifiable concentrates
IS 8286 : 1976 Dalapon - sodium, water soluble powder
IS 4766 : 1982 Thiram water dispersible powder
IS 4344 : 1978 Endosulfan, technical
IS 4324 : 1967 Endosulfan water dispersible powder concentrates
IS 4322 : 1967 Endosulfan dusting powders
IS 4321 : 1989 2, 4-D Technical
IS 3284 : 1984 Organo mercurial dry seed dressing formulations (for export only)
IS 4015 : 1998 Guide for handling cases of pesticide poisoning
IS 3383 : 1982 Wettable sulphur powder
IS 3904 : 1966 Thiometon concentrates
IS 3903 : 1984 Dimethoate emulsifiable concentrates
IS 3902 : 1975 Dimethoate technical
IS 3900 : 1975 Ziram, technical
IS 3899 : 1981 Zineb water dispersible powders
IS 4958 : 1968 Phosphamidon, technical
IS 4320 : 1982 Thiram technical
IS 9069 : 1979 Inter-carrier chains (To be withdrawn)
IS 5975 : 1970 Raw sugar
IS 11481 : 1985 Supporting liners for batch type centrifugal machines for sugar industry (To be
IS 11238 : 1985 Hubs or cane knives
IS 11201 : 1985 Cane crushing rollers for sugar industry
IS 498 : 1985 Grading for vacuum pan sugar (Plantation white)
IS 11492 : 1985 Rotary vacuum filter screens for sugar industry
IS 9952 : 1981 Batch type centrifugal liners for final massecuite for sugar industry (To be withdrawn)
IS 11604 : 1986 Woven (mesh) type supporting screens for continuous centrifugal machines for sugar
IS 9054 : 1983 Inter-carrier slats (To be withdrawn)
IS 8847 : 1978 Dried glucose syrup
IS 8465 : 1990 Cane carrier chains (To be withdrawn)
IS 8461 : 1987 Cane knives
IS 8236 : 1994 Slats for cane carriers
IS 7424 : 1987 Photoelectric reflectance method for measurement of whiteness of plantation white sugar
in solid state
IS 11102 : 1984 Glass bottles for sugar standards
IS 12924 : 1990 BURA
IS 14668 : 1999 Supporting Screen and Centrifugal Liners for Various Types of Centrifugal Machines -
IS 1162 : 1958 Specification for Cane Molasses
IS 14400 : 1996 Palm sugar
IS 13952 : 1994 Palm jaggery
IS 13929 : 1993 Stainless steel decking plates for cane mud filters
IS 11482 : 1985 Supporting screens for continuous centrifugal machines (To be withdrawn)
IS 12935 : 1990 Recommended industrial screens for grading sugar
IS 11090 : 1984 Self discharging centrifugal liners for A & B massacuites of sugar industry (To be
IS 14667 : 1999 Conveyor Chains and Slats Used in Sugar Industry - Specification
IS 12923 : 1990 Cane gur (jaggery)
IS 12906 : 1990 MISRI
IS 13953 : 1994 Khandsari - Specification
IS 12198 : 1987 Sprockets for sugar factories
IS 11605 : 1986 Woven (mesh) type supporting liners for batch type centrifugal machines for sugar
IS 13316 : 1992 Welded austenitic stainless steel tubes for heat exchangers for the sugar industry
IS 873 : 1974 Liquid glucose
IS 5527 : 1969 Layout plan for sugar factory laboratories
IS 11190 : 1985 Continuous centrifugal liners of B & C massacuites of sugar industry_ (To be
IS 5521 : 1980 Specification for Steel Tanks for Storage of Molasses
IS 5982 : 1970 Specification for Plantation White Sugar for Identification from other Sugars
IS 874 : 1992 Dextrose monohydrate
IS 1151 : 1969 Refined sugar
IS 8466 : 1990 Bagasse Carrier Chains - Specification
IS 1152 : 1976 Icing sugar
IS 1168 : 1973 Cube sugar
IS 1679 : 1960 Sugar used in food preservation industry
IS 4772 : 1983 Code of practice for construction of sugar godowns
IS 1504 : 1996 Beeswax, crude and refined
IS 8524 : 1977 Solar wax extractor
IS 6695 : 1998 Honey bees - Code for conservation and maintenance
IS 1736 : 1960 Honey extractor, tangential type
IS 2072 : 1977 Comb foundation sheets
IS 3894 : 1978 Comb foundation mill
IS 4941 : 1994 Extracted honey
IS 5426 : 1969 Travelling bees box
IS 1735 : Part 2 : 1978 Beehives stand: Part 2 Fixed type
IS 7459 : 1974 Wasp trap
IS 5427 : 1969 Specification for Honey Extractor, Radial Type
IS 1735 : Part I : 1977 Specification for Beehive Stand - Part I : Folding Type
IS 1515 : 1998 Beehives
IS 8444 : 1977 Fumigant strips for treatment of honey-bees
IS 3891 : 1974 Layout for Honey Processing Plant
IS 14133 : 1994 Beeman's kit
IS 14136 : 1994 Package bee Box
IS 14522 : 1998 Honey processing unit - Technical requirements
IS 7849 : Part 1 : 1975 Layout for honey house: Part 1 Large scale honey handling units_ (To be
IS 8846 : 1989 Method for determination of reducing sugars and sucrose in tobacco and tobacco
IS 1925 : 1992 Bidis
IS 1577 : 1989 Cigarettes
IS 10335 : 1982 Glossary of terms for tobacco and tobacco products
IS 7753 : 1989 Tobacco and Tobacco Products - Method for Expression of Analytical Test Results
IS 1769 : Part 2 : 1994 Cigars and Cheroots - Specification - Part 2 Cheroots
IS 5643 : 1999 Tobacco and Tobacco Products - Methods of Test for Tobacco
IS 1578 : 1989 Smoking mixtures
IS 1769 : Part 1 : 1994 Cigars and Cheroots - Specification - Part 1 : Cigars
IS 14332 : 1996 Hookah Tobacco Paste
IS 12942 : 1996/ISO 8243 : 1991 Methods of sampling for cigarettes
IS 4698 : 1968 Code of practice for seaworthy packing of unmanufactured cigarette type tobacco
IS 10666 : 1983 Cigarette filters
IS 2111 : 1973 Snuff
IS 9978 : 1991 Tendu leaf
IS 9379 : 1999/ISO 6488 : 1981 Tobacco and tobacco products -Method for determination of moisture
IS 8600 : 1988 Method for sampling of tobacco - General principles
IS 4469 : 1985 Code of practice for construction of flue-curing tobacco barns
IS 4463 : 1973 Hooka tobacco, manufactured
IS 3041 : 1994 Chewing tobacco, manufactured, minced type
IS 2344 : 1994 Chewing tobacco, ZARDA flake type
IS 11820 : 1986/ISO 4389 : 1981 Method for determination of organo chlorine pesticide residues in
tobacco and tobacco products (reference method)
IS 7874 : Part 2 : 1975 Methods of tests for animal feeds and feeding stuffs:Part 2 Minerals and trace
IS 10657 : 1983 Solvent extracted soyabean oilcake (Meal) as livestock feed ingredient_ (To be
IS 10165 : 1982 Decorticated sunflower oilcake as livestock feed ingredient
IS 10147 : 1982 Undercorticated sunflower oilcake as livestock feed ingredient (To be withdrawn)
IS 9867 : 1981 Par boiled rice bran as livestock feed ingredient
IS 9863 : 1992 Nutrient requirements for poultry
IS 9703 : 1980 Glossary of terms for animal feeds and feeding stuffs
IS 1932 : 1986 Mustard and rape seed oilcake as livestock feed ingredient
IS 7874 : Part 3 : 1975 Methods of tests for animal feeds and feeding stuffs: Part 3 Microbiological
IS 10672 : 1983 Mineral mixture for supplementing sheep and goats feeds
IS 7874 : Part 1 : 1975 Methods of tests for animal feeds and feeding stuffs: Part 1 General methods
IS 7472 : 1986 Pig feeds
IS 7061 : 1973 Calcined bone-meal as livestock feed suplement
IS 7060 : 1973 Blood meal as livestock feed
IS 7059 : 1973 Solvent extracted sal seed meal for feeding livestock
IS 6242 : 1985 Solvent extracted undecorticated safflower oilcake (meal) as livestock feed ingredient
IS 9599 : 1980 Rubber seed cake as livestock feed
IS 13426 : 1992 Animal feeds and feeding stuffs - Methods of sampling for aflatoxin analysis
IS 2052 : 1979 Specification for Compounded Feeds for Cattle
IS 14325 : 1996 Bypass protein feed for cattle - Specification
IS 14275 : 1995 Technical requirements for urea molasses liquid drought feed for cattle
IS 13574 : 1992 Animal feed and feeding stuffs - Determination of calcium and magnesium in mineral
IS 13451 : 1992 Urea molasses block as ruminant feed supplement
IS 13433 : Part 2 : 1992 Animal feeds and feeding stuffs - Determination of calcium: Part 2 Atomic
absorption spectrometric method
IS 10670 : 1983 Virginia tobacco seed cake as livestock feed ingredient
IS 13427 : 1992/ISO 6651 : 1987 Animal feeds and feeding stuffs - Determination of aflatoxin B-1
IS 10671 : 1983 Mango seed kernals as livestock feed ingredient
IS 13399 : 1992 Animal feeds and feeding stuffs - Determination of Urea
IS 13398 : 1992 Alga spirulina, feed grade
IS 12829 : 1989 Mango seed kernel (solvent extracted) as livestock feed ingredient
IS 11968 : 1986 Dog feeds
IS 11586 : 1986 Malt sprouts as livestock feed ingredient
IS 10741 : 1983 Ambadi (HIBISCUS CANNABINUS) cake as livestock feed ingredient
IS 5672 : 1992 Mineral mixtures for supplementing poultry feeds
IS 13433 : Part 1 : 1992 Animal feeds and feeding stuffs - Determination of calcium: Part 1 Titrimetric
IS 1942 : 1968 Bonemeal as livestock feed supplement
IS 6107 : 1971 Silk worm pupae as livestock feed
IS 3160 : 1965 TUR CHUNI
IS 2503 : 1986 Decorticated safflower (KARDI) oilcake as livestock feed ingredient
IS 2239 : 1971 Wheat bran
IS 2154 : 1986 Coconut oilcake as livestock feed ingredient
IS 2153 : 1985 Maize bran as livestock feed ingredient
IS 3162 : 1965 Gram husk
IS 2151 : 1985 Maize germ oilcake as livestock feed ingredient
IS 3163 : 1965 Rice polish
IS 1935 : 1982 Linseed oilcake as livestock feed ingredient
IS 4193 : 1986 Guar meal as livestock feed ingredient
IS 1934 : 1982 Sesamum oilcake as livestock feed ingredient
IS 1713 : 1986 Decorticated groundnut oilcake as livestock feed ingredient
IS 1712 : 1982 Cottonseed oilcake as livestock feed ingredient
IS 1509 : 1972 Tapioca as livestock feed
IS 1374 : 1992 Poultry feeds
IS 2152 : 1972 Maize gluten feed
IS 4307 : 1983 Fish meal as livestock feed ingredient
IS 920 : 1972 Common salt and cattle licks for animal consumption
IS 5654 : Part 3 : 1983 Feeds for laboratory animals: Part 3 Monkey
IS 5654 : Part 2 : 1970 Feeds for laboratory animals: Part 2 Guinea pigs
IS 5654 : Part 1 : 1970 Feeds for laboratory animals: Part 1 Rats and mice
IS 5560 : 1970 Compounded feeds for young stock
IS 5470 : 1969 Dicalcium phosphate, animal feed grade
IS 3161 : 1965 Gram CHUNI
IS 5064 : 1980 Tapioca spent pulp as livestock feed
IS 5862 : 1970 Solvent extracted nigerseed oilcakes (meal) as livestock feed
IS 3648 : 1975 Rice bran as livestock feed
IS 3593 : 1979 Solvent extracted rice bran as livestock feed
IS 3592 : 1985 Solvent extracted decorticated cottonseed oilcake (meal) as livestock feed ingredient
IS 3591 : 1985 Solvent extracted coconut oilcakes (meal) as livestock feed ingredient
IS 3441 : 1982 Solvent extracted groundnut oilcake (meal) as livestock feed ingredient
IS 3440 : 1985 Solvent extracted linseed oilcake (meal) as livestock feed ingredient
IS 3198 : 1965 Fodder yeast
IS 5065 : 1986 Meat meal as livestock feed ingredient
IS 5063 : 1969 TUR husk
IS 1664 : 1992 Mineral Mixtures for Supplementing Cattle Feeds - Specification
IS 14702 : 1999 Sunflower Oilcake as Livestock Feed Ingredient - Specification
IS 5343 : 1996 Butylated hydroxyanisole, food grade
IS 4818 : 1996 Sorbic acid, food grade
IS 5055 : 1996 Lecithin, food grade
IS 5056 : 1969 Common names for coaltar, food colours
IS 5057 : 1997 Potassium nitrite, food grade
IS 5058 : 1996 Sodium citrate, food grade
IS 5191 : 1993 Sodium alginate, food grade
IS 4753 : 1996 Potassium nitrate, food grade
IS 5342 : 1996 Ascorbic acid, food grade
IS 4750 : 1996 Sorbitol, powder, food grade
IS 5346 : 1994 Synthetic food colour - Preparations and mixtures
IS 5708 : 1996 Sodium tartrate, food grade
IS 5709 : 1997 Calcium saccharin, food grade
IS 5719 : 1970 Gelatin, food grade
IS 6022 : 1994 Fast green FCF, food grade
IS 6031 : 1997 Calcium propionate, food grade
IS 6385 : 1997 Saccharin, food grade
IS 14725 : 1999 2-Jaw and 3-Jaw Hand Operated Heavy Duty Cam Type Self Centering Chucks -
IS 5306 : 1996 Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, food grade
IS 3827 : 1966 Riboflavin (Lactoflavin)
IS 1694 : 1994 Tartrazine, food grade
IS 1695 : 1994 Sunset yellow FCF, food grade
IS 1697 : 1994 Erythrosine, food grade
IS 1698 : 1994 Indigo Carmine, food grade
IS 1699 : 1995 Methods of sampling and test for food colours
IS 2557 : 1994 Annatto colour for food products
IS 2558 : 1994 Ponceau 4R, food grade
IS 4752 : 1994 Sodium metabisulphite, food grade
IS 2962 : 1964 Methods of sampling and test for KATTHA
IS 6406 : 1994 Brilliant blue, FCF, food grade
IS 3841 : 1966 B-Carotene
IS 4446 : Part 1 : 1986 Chlorophyll Part 1 Magnesium complex
IS 4446 : Part 2 : 1986 Chlorophyll Part 2 Copper complex
IS 4448 : 1994 Benzoic acid, food grade_
IS 4467 : 1996 Caramel
IS 6793 : 1996 Fumaric acid, food grade
IS 4751 : 1994 Potassium metabisulphite, food grade
IS 2923 : 1995 Carmoisine, food grade
IS 13462 : 1992 Ascorbyl palmitate, food grade
IS 11686 : 1997 Iso-propyl alcohol, food grade
IS 11909 : 1986 Sweet orange oil, cold pressed, food grade
IS 11910 : 1986 Spearmint oil, food grade
IS 11911 : 1986 Caffeine, food grade
IS 11912 : 1986 Lime oil, distilled food grade
IS 11913 : 1986 Tert-Butylhydroquinone (TBHQ)
IS 12342 : Part 2 : 1988 Raw Seeweeds Part 2 Alginophytes
IS 6405 : 1971 Canthaxanthine, food grade
IS 13186 : 1991 Citric acid, food grade
IS 10502 : 1993 Guar gum, food grade
IS 13657 : 1993 Aspartame, food grade
IS 13658 : 1993 Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids, food grade
IS 13659 : 1993 Polyglycerol esters of interestrified ricinoleic acid, food grade
IS 13702 : 1993 Propylene glycol, food grade
IS 13704 : 1993 Glycerol ester of wood rosin (ester gums), food grade
IS 14123 : 1994 Sodium ascorbate, food grade
IS 14124 : 1994 Malic acid, food grade
IS 14125 : 1994 DL-Tartaric acid, food grade
IS 12408 : 1988 Gum Karaya, food grade
IS 7908 : 1997 Sulphur dioxide, food grade
IS 6794 : 1997 Dodecyl gallate, food grade
IS 6796 : 1997 Propyl gallate, food grade
IS 6797 : 1972 Methyl ester of Beta-apo-8 carotenoic acid
IS 6798 : 1997 Octyl gallate, food grade
IS 7237 : 1997 Carob bean gum, food grade
IS 7238 : 1997 Tragacanth gum, food grade
IS 7239 : 1974 Gum ghatti, food grade
IS 7260 : 1974 Ethyl ester of Beta-apo-8 `carotenoic acid' food grade
IS 10563 : 1983 Mineral oil, food grade
IS 7905 : 1996 Calcium Alginate, food grade
IS 10508 : 1983 Phosphoric acid, food grade
IS 7928 : 1993 Alginic acid, food grade
IS 8356 : 1993 Titanium dioxide, food grade
IS 9504 : 1980 L(+)-Tartaric acid, food grade
IS 9505 : 1980 Monosodium L-Glutamate, food grade
IS 9605 : 1992 Alpha-amylase, food grade
IS 9953 : 1981 Glyceryl monostearate, food grade
IS 9971 : 1981 Lactic acid, food grade
IS 5345 : 1996 Sodium saccharin, food grade
IS 7584 : 1975 Reference food colour boxes
IS 5707 : 1996 Agar, food grade
IS 4359 : 1967 Specification for Kattha
IS 4447 : 1967 Specification for Sodium Benzoate, Food Grade
IS 6030 : 1997 Sodium Propionate, Food Grade - Specification
IS 6386 : 1971 Specification for Beta-APO-8'- Carotenal, Food Grade
IS 9970 : 1981 Specification for Dicalcium Phosphate, Food Grade
IS 12342 : Part 1 : 1988 Specification for Raw Seaweeds - Part 1 : Agarophytes
IS 6795 : 1972 Specification for Acacia (Arabic) Gum, Food Grade
IS 5453 : Part 1 : 1996 Saffron, Part 1 - Specification
IS 5453 : Part 2 : 1996/ISO 3632-2 : 1993 Saffron - Part 2 Method of test
IS 9486 : 1980 Dehydrated green pepper
IS 5955 : 1993 Tamarind concentrate
IS 6364 : 1993 Tamarind pulp
IS 7807 : 1975 Method of test for Asafoetida
IS 7826 : 1984 Ginger oleoresin
IS 5452 : 1994 Dehydrated garlic
IS 2447 : 1993 Cumin, whole
IS 2323 : 1983 Specification for Mustard, Whole and Ground
IS 2443 : 1994 Spices and Condiments - Coriander, Whole and Ground - Specification
IS 1797 : 1985 Methods of test for spices and condiments (IS 1797:1985 is also technically equivalent
with ISO 928:1980, 929:1980, 930:1980, 939:1980, 941:1980 in addition to ISO 927)
IS 1798 : 1982 Black pepper, whole and ground
IS 1877 : 1985 Terminology for spices and condiments
IS 4811 : 1992 Cinnamon, whole
IS 1909 : 1992 Indian curry powder
IS 4404 : 1992 Cloves, whole and ground
IS 3576 : 1994 Turmeric, whole and ground
IS 3795 : 1993 Fenugreek, whole and ground
IS 3796 : 1993 Fennel seeds, whole
IS 3797 : 1993 Celery seeds
IS 4403 : 1979 Ajowan
IS 2322 : 1998 Chillies, whole and ground(powdered)
IS 1907 : 1984 Cardamom (capsules and seeds)
IS 13474 : 1992 Green pepper canned in brine
IS 4452 : 1967 Specification for Dehydrated Onion
IS 13895 : 1994 Tamarind powder
IS 13663 : 1993 Chillies oleoresin
IS 10925 : 1984 Turmeric oleoresin
IS 13545 : 1992 Garam masala
IS 13644 : 1992 Dry Kokum
IS 13446 : 1999/ISO 10622 : 1997 Spices and Condiments - Large Cardamom - Capsules and Seeds -
IS 1908 : 1993 Ginger, whole and ground
IS 13242 : 1991 Amchur, raw mango [MANGIFERA INDICA (LINN)] powder
IS 5832 : 1984 Specification for Black Pepper Eleoresin
IS 13145 : 1993 Spices and Condiments - Methods of sampling
IS 11300 : 1985 Caraway seeds
IS 6669 : 1972 Guide for storage of apples
IS 5800 : 1970 Orange juice
IS 6028 : 1983 Guide for storage and transport of green bananas
IS 5781 : 1993/ISO 1026 : 1982 Fruit and vegetable products - Determination of dry matter content
under reduced pressure and of water content by azeotropic distillation
IS 6670 : 1972 Guide for storage of potatoes
IS 7191 : 1974 Guide for storage of tomatoes
IS 7192 : 1974 Guide for storage of citrus fruits
IS 4936 : 1968 Fruit squashes
IS 7730 : 1975 Guide for storage of pears
IS 7731 : 1975 Guide for storage of peaches
IS 7252 : 1974 Guide for testing of physical conditions in cold stores
IS 4935 : 1968 Synthetic syrups
IS 4628 : 1978 Dehydrated okra (BHINDI)
IS 4626 : 1978 Dehydrated potatoes
IS 7732 : 1975 Apple juice
IS 4624 : 1978 Dehydrated peas
IS 9789 : 1981 Canned apricot
IS 3884 : 1993 Canned tomato concentrate - Tomato paste
IS 3883 : 1993 Canned Tomato Concentrate - Tomato puree
IS 3882 : 1966 Tomato ketchup
IS 3881 : 1993 Tomato juice
IS 3880 : 1976 Canned mango pulp
IS 3547 : 1976 Mango nectar
IS 4625 : 1968 Dehydrated carrots
IS 10253 : 1982 Canned papaya in syrup
IS 14267 : Part 4 : 1995 Quick frozen vegetables : Part 4 Quick frozen green beans and quick frozen
wax beans
IS 14267 : Part 3 : 1995 Quick frozen vegetables : Part 3 Quick frozen spinach
IS 14267 : Part 2 : 1995 Qucik frozen vegetables : Part 2 Quick frozen cauliflower
IS 14267 : Part 1 : 1995 Quick frozen vegetables : Part 1 Quick frozen peas
IS 14266 : 1995 Canned mushrooms
IS 13846 : 1993/ISO 763 : 1982 Fruit and vegetable products - Determination of ash insoluble in
hydrochloric acid
IS 13845 : 1993/ISO 751 : 1981 Fruits and vegetable products - Determination of water-insoluble solid
IS 13844 : 1993/ISO 750 : 1981 Fruits and vegetable products - Determination of titratable acidity
IS 13816 : 1993/ISO 762 : 1982 Fruit and vegetable products - Determination of mineral impurities
IS 13815 : 1993/ISO 2173 : 1978 Fruit and vegetable products - Determination of soluble solids content
- Refractometric method
IS 11977 : 1987/ISO 3959 : 1977 Green bananas - Ripening condition
IS 9304 : 1979 Guide for storage of mangoes
IS 11965 : 1987/ISO 6000 : 1981 Round-headed cabbage - Storage in the open
IS 7750 : 1975 Cashew kernels
IS 10252 : 1982 Canned carrot in brine
IS 9823 : 1981 Canned potatoes
IS 9812 : 1981 Canned spinach
IS 9811 : 1981 Canned KUNDRI
IS 9791 : 1981 Canned TINDA
IS 9790 : 1981 Canned french beans
IS 3247 : 1976 Canned bitter gourd(KARELA)
IS 9311 : 1979 Guide for storage of onions
IS 3543 : 1966 Papain
IS 9303 : 1979 Guide for cold storage of table grapes
IS 8786 : 1978 Okra (BHINDI) canned in tomato sauce
IS 11966 : 1997/ISO 6663 : 1995 Garlic - Guide to cold storage
IS 2860 : 1964 Methods of sampling and test for processed fruits and vegetables
IS 3501 : 1966 Pickles
IS 8713 : 1978 Specification for Mango Juice
IS 9822 : 1981 Specification for Canned Parwal
IS 7749 : 1975 Specification for Walnuts
IS 5861 : 1993 Jams, Jellies and Marmalades - Specification
IS 3500 : 1966 Mango chutney
IS 2867 : 1964 Canned mangoes
IS 2868 : 1964 Canned pineapples
IS 2869 : 1964 Canned orange segments
IS 3245 : 1965 Canned peas
IS 3246 : 1976 Canned Okra (BHINDI)
IS 3248 : 1993 Canned tomatoes
IS 4627 : 1968 Dehydrated cabbage
IS 9750 : 1981 Sardines, canned in tomato sauce
IS 9808 : 1981 Fish protein concentrate
IS 10059 : 1981 Edible fish powder
IS 10760 : 1983 Mussels canned in oil
IS 10761 : 1983 Sardine canned in curry
IS 10763 : 1983 Frozen minced fish meat
IS 3892 : 1975 Frozen lobster tails
IS 10762 : 1983 TUNA canned in curry
IS 9312 : 1979 Mackerel canned in curry
IS 8836 : 1985 Dry-salted DHOMA
IS 11427 : 1985 Methods of Sampling for Fish and Fisheries Products
IS 2885 : 1975 Frozen frog legs
IS 8076 : 1976 Frozen cuttle fish and squid
IS 3853 : 1985 Dry-salted horse mackerels (CARANX sp)
IS 3852 : 1985 Dry-salted leather jackets (CHORINEMUS sp)
IS 3851 : 1966 Dry-salted catfish
IS 5472 : 1985 Fish maws
IS 3850 : 1973 Dry-salted threadfin (DARA) and dry-salted jewfish (GHOL)
IS 3849 : 1976 Mackerel (RASTRELLIGER sp) canned in brine
IS 3336 : 1965 Shark liver oil for veterinary use
IS 8653 : 1977 Sardines fresh
IS 6121 : 1985 LACTARIUS sp canned in oil
IS 4793 : 1997 Pomfret, frozen
IS 14520 : 1998 Fish Industry - Operational cleanliness and layout of market - Guidelines(Amalgamated
Revisio of IS 5735, 7581 and 80 82)
IS 4780 : 1978 Pomfret, fresh
IS 5198 : 1985 Dry-salted seer fish
IS 4304 : 1976 Tuna canned in oil
IS 4302 : 1985 Dry-salted Mackerel
IS 5471 : 1969 Dried shark fins
IS 5734 : 1970 Sardine oil
IS 4796 : 1977 Threadfin, frozen
IS 14515 : 1998 Fish Pickles
IS 6033 : 1971 Mackerel, frozen
IS 8652 : 1977 Sardines frozen
IS 6122 : 1997 Seer fish (SCOMBEROMORUS sp) frozen
IS 6123 : 1971 Seer fish (SCOMBEROMORUS, spp), frash
IS 6677 : 1972 Sardines (SARDINELLA sp) caned in brine
IS 7143 : 1973 Crab meat, canned in brine
IS 7313 : 1974 Glossary of important fish species of India
IS 14517 : 1998 Fish Processing Industry - Water and Ice - Technical Requirements
IS 7582 : 1975 Crab meat, solid packed
IS 14516 : 1998 Cured fish and fisheries products - Processing and storage - Code of Practice
IS 14514 : 1998 Clam meat - Frozen
IS 14513 : 1998 Bache - de - mur
IS 6032 : 1971 Mackerel, fresh
IS 5199 : 1985 Specification for Dry-Salted Shark
IS 4781 : 1978 Specification for Threadfin, Fresh
IS 2884 : 1979 Dried and laminated Bombay Duck
IS 5736 : 1985 Dry-salted SURAI (TUNA)
IS 2168 : 1971 Pomfret canned in oil
IS 2236 : 1968 Prawns/shrimp caned in brine
IS 2345 : 1985 Dried prawns/shrimps
IS 2420 : 1985 Mackerel (RASTRELLIGER sp) canned in oil
IS 2421 : 1981 Sardiness (SARDINELLA sp) canned in oil
IS 2237 : 1997 Frozen prawns/shrimp
IS 2883 : 1985 Dried white baits (STOLEPHORUS sp)
IS 4449 : 1988 Whiskies
IS 14326 : 1995 Cashew Fenny
IS 13428 : 1998 Packaged Natural Mineral Water
IS 13019 : 1991 Soft drink concentrate [Earliar title - Non-alcoholic beverage bases (concentrates) for
domestic use]
IS 12544 : 1988 Non-alcoholic beer
IS 8538 : 1988 Toddy
IS 7585 : 1995 Methods of analysis of wines
IS 7058 : 1995 Table wines
IS 5287 : 1989 Country spirit (distilled)
IS 14327 : 1995 Coconut Fenny
IS 4450 : 1988 Brandies
IS 14543 : 1998 Packaged drinking water (other than natural mineral water)
IS 4100 : 1988 Gin
IS 3865 : 1993 Beer
IS 3811 : 1988 Rum
IS 3753 : 1984 Methods of sampling for alcoholic drinks
IS 5286 : 1988 Vodka
IS 14398 : 1996 Fortified wines
IS 2346 : 1992 Carbonated beverages
IS 3752 : 1988 Methods of test for alcoholic drinks
IS 8212 : 1976 Edible groundnut protein isolate
IS 7187 : 1989 Ice cream cones
IS 7481 : 1974 Method for determination of protein efficiency ratio (PER)
IS 7482 : 1989 Protein-based beverages
IS 7487 : 1986 Protein enriched biscuits
IS 7592 : 1989 Peanut chikki candy
IS 7835 : 1975 Edible medium-fat soya flour
IS 7836 : 1975 Edible low-fat soya flour
IS 8806 : 1978 Pan goods confectionery (Dragees)
IS 8211 : 1976 Edible soya protein isolate
IS 8222 : 1976 Edible leaf protein concentrate
IS 8555 : 1988 Bread rusks
IS 8556 : 1988 Bun
IS 8676 : 1977 Edible coconut flour (solvent extracted)
IS 8677 : 1977 Edible sunflower seed flour (solvent extracted)
IS 8678 : 1977 Vegetable protein-based yoghurt (vegetable curds)
IS 7837 : 1975 Edible full-fat soya flour
IS 12741 : 1989 Bakery prooducts - Methods of sampling
IS 9038 : 1979 Reconstitutable protein beverage food
IS 12564 : 1989 Fried jack fruit chips
IS 12565 : 1989 Salted and spiced fried dals
IS 12566 : 1989 Ready-to-eat extruded snacks
IS 12569 : 1989 Potato french fries
IS 12574 : 1989 Fried banana chips
IS 12220 : 1987 Ready gulab jamun mix
IS 12711 : 1989 Bakery products - Methods of analysis
IS 11581 : 1986 Edible cottonseed flour prepared by liquid cyclone process
IS 12895 : 1990 Alga SPIRULINA, food grade
IS 13264 : 1991 Ready khichdi mix
IS 13265 : 1991 Ready vegetable pulav mix
IS 13266 : 1991 Instant curried DAL mix
IS 13267 : 1991 Ready suji-halwa mix
IS 14366 : 1996 Food Processing machinery - Dough mixers - Safety and hygiene requirements
IS 6287 : 1985 - Methods of Sampling and Analysis for Sugar Confectionery
IS 12575 : 1989 Fried potato chips
IS 10065 : 1981 Roasted, groundnut (peanut) kernels
IS 9039 : 1979 Edible sunflower seed grits
IS 7021 : 1973 Protein rich food supplements for infants and preschool children
IS 13354 : 1992 Ready upma mix
IS 9328 : 1989 Confectionery industry - Glossary of terms
IS 9373 : 1979 Glossary of terms relating to bakery industry
IS 9487 : 1980 `Ready-to-Eat' protein-rich extruded foods
IS 12221 : 1987 Rice chidwa
IS 9712 : 1981 Cakes
IS 9095 : 1979 Protein chewy candy
IS 10619 : 1983 Seasoned, spiced and sweetened cashewnuts
IS 10620 : 1983 URD (black gram) VADA Mix
IS 10621 : 1983 Jelebi Mix
IS 10622 : 1983 Dosa Mix
IS 10759 : 1983 Brewer's yeast
IS 11231 : 1985 Milk bread
IS 11536 : 1997 Processed cereal based complementary foods for infants
IS 9488 : 1980 Edible coconut protein concentrates
IS 6747 : 1981 Chewing gum and bubble gum
IS 10038 : 1981 Specification for Textured Plant Protein Foods Prepared By Extrusion Cooking
IS 1011 : 1992 Biscuits - Specification
IS 12230 : 1987 Specification for Sandwich Bread Moulds
IS 14367 : 1996 Food Processing machinery - Planetary mixers - Safety and hygiene requirements
IS 966 : 1999 Desiccated Coconut - Specification
IS 8665 : 1977 Specification for Protein-Fortified Bread
IS 8220 : 1976 Specification for Protein-rich Concentrated Nutrient Supplementary Foods
IS 6360 : 1971 Specification for Lacto Bonbon
IS 4684 : 1975 Specification for Edible Groundnut Flour (Expeller Pressed)
IS 1008 : 1981 Hard boiled sugar confectionery
IS 1159 : 1981 Baking powder
IS 1320 : 1988 Baker's yeast
IS 1483 : 1988 White bread
IS 8664 : 1977 Specification for Edible Coconut Flour (Expeller Pressed)
IS 3839 : 1989 Food yeast
IS 3838 : 1966 Self-raising flour
IS 4876 : 1986 Edible cottonseed flour (solvent extracted)
IS 1667 : 1981 Toffees
IS 2650 : 1975 Bombay halwa
IS 4875 : 1975 Edible groundnut flour (solvent extracted)
IS 6108 : 1971 Edible sesame flour (solvent extracted)
IS 3137 : 1974 High protein mixes for use as food supplements
IS 2397 : 1988 Wafers
IS 6109 : 1971 Edible sesame flour (expeller pressed)
IS 2234 : 1989 Ready IDLI mix
IS 1960 : 1979 Wheatmeal bread
IS 1668 : 1975 Lozenges
IS 8184 : 1976 Method for determination of ergot in foodgrains
IS 8574 : 1977 Maize SUJI or RAVA (Semolina)
IS 8162 : 1998/ISO 5531 : 1978 Wheat flour - Method for determination of wet gluten
IS 8453 : 1977 Code of practice for construction of polyethylene embedded earthen bins for bulk storage
of foodgrains
IS 8972 : 1978 Method for determination of co-efficient of friction of foodgrains
IS 9130 : 1979 Edible spray dried potato flour
IS 7247 : Part 3 : 1974 Code of practice for fumigation of agricultural produce: Part 3 Aluminium
IS 9194 : 1979 Wheat flour for use in cake industry
IS 9215 : 1979 Outdoor steel bins for foodgrain storage
IS 9374 : 1979 Glossary of terms relating to flour milling industry
IS 9629 : 1980 Maize ATTA
IS 9027 : 1978 Method for determination of thermal conductivity of foodgrains
IS 7716 : 1975 Methods for testing efficacy of fumigation for disinfestation of grains in domestic bins
IS 7715 : 1975 Methods for testing suitability of bins for safe storage of foodgrains
IS 7464 : 1988 Wheat flour (MAIDA) for use in bread industry
IS 7463 : 1988 Wheat flour (MAIDA) for use by biscuit industry
IS 7247 : Part 4 : 1975 Code of practice for fumigation of agricultural produce: Part 4 Ethylene dichloride
and Carbon tetrachloride mixture
IS 7247 : Part 1 : 1974 Code of practice for fumigation of agricultural produce: Part 1 Methyl bromide
IS 10524 : 1982/ISO 3983 : 1977 Colorimetric determination of alpha-amylase activity in cereals and
cereal products
IS 10902 : 1984 PAUSHTIK wheat MAIDA
IS 6895 : 1973 Barley malt
IS 6894 : 1993 Malting barley
IS 6261 : 1971 Methods of analysis for detection of insect and rodent contamination in grains and milled
IS 2639 : 1984 Specification for PAPAD
IS 6151 : Part 1 : 1971 Storage management code: Part 1 Terminology
IS 5606 : 1970 Steel bins for grain storage
IS 7247 : Part 5 : 1985 Code of practice for fumigation of agricultural produce: Part 5 General
IS 11261 : Part 1 : 1985 Methods for assessment of post harvest grain losses by rodents: Part 1
General considerations, direct measurement techniques and biological aspects of survey procedures
IS 11816 : Part 3 : 1986 Storage of cereals and pulses: Part 3 Control of attack by vertebrate and
invertebrate animals
IS 12516 : Part 3 : 1988 Determination of physical characteristics of doughs made from wheat flour: Part
3 Water absorption and rheological properties using a valorigraph
IS 12516 : Part 4 : 1996/ISO 5530-4 : 1991 Determination of physical characteristics of doughs made
from wheat flour: Part 4 Rheological properties using an alveograph
IS 12700 : 1988/ISO 3093 : 1982 Method for determination of falling number of cereals
IS 13046 : 1991 Sweet potato flour
IS 13662 : 1993 Isabgol husk
IS 13678 : 1993 Isabgol
IS 13693 : 1993 Determination of de-husked grains in rice by double staining method
IS 13863 : 1993/ISO 7973 : 1992 Cereals and milled cereal products - Determination of viscosity of flour
- Method using an amylograph
IS 13864 : 1993/ISO 5529 : 1992 Wheat - Determination of sedimentation index - Zeleny test
IS 14613 : 1998 Roasted Bengal Gram Flour (Channa Sattu)
IS 11535 : 1985/ISO 2164 : 1975 Method of test for determination of glycosidic hydrocyanic acid in
IS 10900 : 1984 Fortified barley powder
IS 11396 : 1985 Test methods for determination of storability (safe storage life) of foodgrains
IS 10597 : 1983 Soluble starch phosphate (edible grade)
IS 10903 : 1984 PAUSHTIK barley powder
IS 7147 : Part 1 : 1973 Steel bins for domestic storage: Part 1 GHARELU KOTHI
IS 10901 : 1984 PAUSHTIK wheat ATTA
IS 5503 : Part 1 : 1969 General requirements for silos for grain storage : Part 1 Constructional
IS 10899 : 1984 Fortified wheat MAIDA
IS 10898 : 1984 Fortified wheat ATTA
IS 10834 : 1984 Maize MAIDA
IS 10770 : 1984 Beaten rice
IS 10769 : 1984 Wheat porridge
IS 10768 : 1984 Method of test for quality characteristics of pulses
IS 10699 : 1983 Method for determination of specific heat of foodgrains
IS 10698 : 1983 Method for determination of thermal diffusivity of foodgrains
IS 11454 : 1985 Method for measurement of carbondioxide in the inter granular atmosphere
IS 609 : 1955 Code of Practice for Improvement of Existing Structures Used or Intended to be Used for
Food Grain Storage
IS 1156 : 1957 Pearl barley
IS 1155 : 1968 Wheat ATTA
IS 1009 : 1979 Wheat flour (MAIDA) for general purposes
IS 1007 : 1984 Custard powder
IS 1006 : 1984 Arrowroot starch
IS 631 : 1979 Outdoor aluminium foodgrain storage bins
IS 899 : 1971 Specification for Tapioca Sago (Saboodana)
IS 1005 : 1992 Edible Maize Starch (Corn Flour) - Specification
IS 1010 : 1968 Specification for Suji or Rava (Semolina)
IS 3155 : 1965 Specification for MAKHANNA Products
IS 1157 : 1957 Barley powder
IS 2404 : 1993 Malt Extract - Specification
IS 11816 : Part 2 : 1986 /ISO 6322-2 : 1981 Storage of Cereals and Pulses - Part 2 : Essential
IS 5503 : Part II : 1969 General Requirements for Silos for Grain Storage - Part II Grain Handling
Equipment and Accessories
IS 11261 : Part 2 : 1985 Method for Assessment of Post-harvest Grain Losses by Rodents - Part 2 :
Loss Determination by Population Assessment and Estimation Procedures
IS 6151 : Part II : 1971 Storage Management Code - Part II : General Care in Handling and Storage of
Agricultural Produce and Inputs
IS 6151 : Part III : 1976 Storage Management Code - Part III : Specific Care in Handling and Storage of
Agricultural Produce and Inputs
IS 12516 : Part 2 : 1999 /ISO 5530-2 : 1997 Method for Determination of Physical Characteristics of
Doughs Made from Wheat Flourÿ- Part 2 : Rheological Properties Using an Extensograph
IS 12529 : 1988 Storage of Foodgrains - Storage Losses by Insects - Methods for Estimation
IS 6663 : 1972 Method for Determination of Angle of Repose of Grains
IS 11816 : Part 1 : 1986/ISO 6322-1 : 1981 Storage of cereals and pulses: Part 1 General consideration
of keeping cereals
IS 5315 : 1978 Methods of sampling for milled cereals and pulses products

IS 7247 : Part 2 : 1974 Code of practice for fumigation of agricultural produce: Part 2 Ethylene dibromide
IS 4333 : Part IV : 1968 Methods of Analysis for Foodgrains - Part IV : Weight of 1 000 Grains
IS 4333 : Part 5 : 1970 Methods of analysis for foodgrains: Part 5 Determination of uric acid
IS 12516 : Part 1 : 1999 /ISO 5530-1 : 1997 Method for Determination of Physical Characteristics of
Doughs Made from Wheat Flour - Part 1 : Water Absorption and Rheological Properties
IS 1158 : 1973 Corn flakes
IS 4940 : 1968 Sampler divider (To be withdrawn)
IS 4782 : 1968 Method for determination of sedimentation value of wheat (flour)
IS 4706 : Part 2 : 1978 Methods of tests for edible starches and starch products: Part 2 Chemical
IS 4662 : 1977 Methods for sampling of starches and starch products
IS 4333 : Part 3 : 1967 Methods of analysis for foodgrains: Part 3 Determination of hectolitre weight
IS 4333 : Part 2 : 1967 Methods of analysis for foodgrains: Part 2 Moisture
IS 4333 : Part 1 : 1996 Methods of analysis for foodgrains: Part 1 Refractions
IS 4287 : 1992/ISO 1227 : 1979 Starch - Glossary
IS 3729 : 1966 Corn sampler (PARKHI type) (To be withdrawn)
IS 2400 : 1976 BESAN
IS 1317 : 1969 Edible tapioca chips
IS 1318 : 1969 Edible tapioca flour
IS 4706 : Part 1 : 1978 Methods of tests for edible starches and starch products: Part 1 Physical
IS 3714 : 1978 Method for sampling of bigger size foodgrains
IS 1484 : 1974 Rolled oats (quick cooking type)
IS 1485 : 1993 Macaroni, spaghetti, vermicelli and egg noodles
IS 1319 : 1983 Edible tapioca starch
IS 2813 : 1995 Terminology for foodgrains
IS 2814 : 1978 Method for sampling of smaller size foodgrains
IS 2815 : 1964 Slotted tube sampler_(To be withdrawn)
IS 2816 : 1964 Grain sampler (PARKHI type) (To be withdrawn)
IS 2821 : 1964 Thermo-sampler (To be withdrawn)
IS 8832 : 1978 Method for cut test for cocoa beans
IS 7236 : 1974 Glossary of terms for coffee and its products
IS 8833 : 1978 Method for determination of moisture content of cocoa beans
IS 4074 : 1981 Grading for monsooned coffee
IS 6400 : 1993/ISO 3103 : 1980 Method for preparation of tea infusion for sensory evaluation
IS 6399 : 1971 Code of practice for construction of coffee seed storage structures
IS 8865 : 1978 Cocoa beans
IS 4541 : 1986 Glossary of tea terms
IS 6762 : 1986 Drinking chocolate (sweetened cocoa powder)
IS 3802 : 1992 Roasted coffee-chicory powder
IS 3633 : 1972 Tea
IS 3581 : 1982 Green coffee
IS 3309 : 1992 Soluble coffee chicory powder
IS 9314 : 1979 Method for sampling of cocoa beans
IS 13861 : 1993/ISO 7516 : 1984 Instant tea in solid form - Sampling
IS 3077 : 1992 Roasted and ground coffee
IS 2791 : 1992 Soluble coffee powder
IS 1263 : 1986 Cocoa butter
IS 3611 : 1975 Method of sampling for tea
IS 13856 : 1993/ISO 1578 : 1975 Tea - Determination of alkalinity of water-soluble ash
IS 1164 : 1986 Cocoa powder
IS 13862 : 1999 /ISO 9768 : 1994 Tea - Determination of Water Extract
IS 612 : 1992 Roasted chicory powder
IS 1163 : 1992 Chocolates
IS 13860 : 1993/ISO 7514 : 1990 Instant tea in solid form - Determination of total ash
IS 13859 : 1993/ISO 7513 : 1990 Instant tea in solid form - Determination of moisture content (Loss in
mass at 103 degree celcius)
IS 13857 : 1993/ISO 1577 : 1987 Tea - Determination of acid-insoluble ash
IS 10017 : 1981 Code of practice for construction of cocoa beans storage structures
IS 13855 : 1993/ISO 1576 : 1988 Tea - Determination of water-soluble ash and water-insoluble ash
IS 13854 : 1994/ISO 1575 : 1987 Tea - Determination of total ash
IS 13853 : 1994/ISO 1573 : 1980 Tea - Determination of loss in mass at 103 degree celcius
IS 13852 : 1994/ISO 1572 : 1980 Tea - Preparation of ground sample of known dry matter content
IS 11923 : 1986 Cocoa mass
IS 11730 : 1986 Glossary of terms for cocoa, chocolate and its products
IS 10814 : 1984 Method for sampling green coffee in bags

IS 13858 : 1993/ISO 6770 : 1982 Instant tea - Determination of free flow and compacted bulk densities
IS 12410 : 1988 Terminology related to soil reclamation
IS 6046 : 1982 Specification for Gypsum for Agricultural Use
IS 5409 : Part 1 : 1985 Agricultural liming materials Part 1: Hydrated lime and burnt lime
IS 5409 : Part 2 : 1985 Agricultural liming materials Part 2: Lime stone and dolomite
IS 9138 : 1979 Azotobacter Chroococcum inoculants
IS 14403 : 1996 Agriculture grade iron pyrites as soil amendment
IS 14634 : 1999 Code of practice for application of blue green algae as bio-fertilizer in soil
IS 10170 : 1982 Specification for Byproduct Gypsum
IS 14765 : 2000 - Determination of Water Retention Capacity in Soils - Method of Test
IS 8268 : 1986 RHIZOBIUM inoculants
IS 8967 : Part 1 : 1992 Farm Drainage Equipment - Drainage Clay Tiles - Specification - Part 1 : Tiles
with Open Joints
IS 13548 : 1992 /ISO 5008 : 1979 Agricultural Wheeled Tractors and Field Machinery - Measurement of
Whole-body Vibration of the Operator
IS 9869 : 1981 Technical requirements for power take-off pulley assembly for agricultural tractors
IS 12363 : 1988 Recommendation on Track Width of Agricultural Tractors
IS 11442 : 1996 /ISO 5721 : 1989 Agricultural Tractors - Operator's Field of Vision - Test Procedures
IS 10274 : 1993 Agricultural Wheeled Tractors - Maximum Travel Speed - Method of Determination
IS 12362 : Part 1 : 1993/ISO 6489-1 : 1991 Agricultural vehicles - Mechanical connections on towing
vehicles - Part 1: Hooktype
IS 11822 : 1986 Methods of tests for spark arrester of agricultural tractors and power tillers
IS 11841 : 1986 Form for reporting accidental overturning of agricultural tractors
IS 11858 : 1986 Handle grip for power tiller
IS 11859 : 1986 Method for determination of turning and clearance diameter of agricultural tractors
IS 12036 : 1995 Agricultural tractors - Test procedures - Power tests for power take off
IS 12062 : 1987 Method for measurement of exhaust smoke emitted by agricultural tractors
IS 12207 : 1999 Recommendations on selected performance characteristics of agricultural tractors
IS 12224 : 1987 Method of test for hydraulic power and lifting capacity of agricultural tractors
IS 12226 : 1995 Agricultural tractors - Power tests for drawbar - Test procedure
IS 12239 : Part 1 : 1996/ISO 4254-1 : 1989 Guide for Safety and Comfort of Operator of Agricultural
Tractors and Power Tillers - Part 1 : General Requirements
IS 12239 : Part 2 : 1999 Tractors and Machinery for Agriculture and Forestry - Technical Means for
Ensuring Safety - Part 2 : Tractors
IS 11821 : Part 2 : 1992/ISO 5700 : 1989 Method of test and acceptance conditions for protective
structures of agricultural tractors: Part 2 Static test
IS 12343 : 1998 Agricultural tractors - Operators seat technical requirements
IS 12061 : 1994 Agricultural tractors - Braking performance - Method of test
IS 12362 : Part 3 : 1994/ISO 6489-3 : 1992 Agricultural vehicles - Mechanical connections on towing
vehicles - Part 3: Tractor drawbar
IS 12953 : 1990 Drawbar for agricultural tractors - Link type
IS 13064 : 1991 Power tillers - Installation and preventive maintenance - Guidelines
IS 13539 : 1992 Power tillers - Selected performance characteristics - Recommendations
IS 13549 : 1992/ISO 5676 : 1983 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry - Hydraulic
coupling - Braking circuits
IS 13581 : 1993/ISO 5007 : 1990 Agricultural wheeled tractors - Operator's seat - Laboratory
measurement of transmitted vibration
IS 13642 : 1993 Agricultural tractors - Silencers - Technical requirements
IS 13732 : 1993/ISO 5675 : 1992 Agricultural tractors and machinery - General purpose quick-action
hydraulic couplers
IS 14414 : 1996/ISO 5721 : 1996 Agricultural tractors - Axle power determination - Test procedures
IS 4468 : Part 1 : 1997 Agricultural wheeled tractors - Rear-mounted three-point linkage: Part 1
Categoies 1, 2 3 & 4
IS 9253 : 1987 Guideline for field performance and haulage tests of agricultural wheeled tractors
IS 12239 : Part 3 : 1988 Guide for safety and comfort of operator of agricultural traactors and power
tillers: Part 3 Requirements relating to power tillers
IS 6847 : 1995 Code of practice for installation of agricultural wheeled tractor
IS 4468 : Part 2 : 1993/ISO 730-2 : 1979 Agricultural wheeled tractors - Three-point linkage: Part 2
Category 1 N (Narrow Hitch)
IS 4931 : 1995 Agricultural tractors - Rear mounted power take off Types 1, 2 and 3
IS 5994 : 1998 Agricultural Tractor - Test code
IS 6283 : Part 1 : 1998/ISO 3767-1 : 1991 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry, powered
lawn and garden equipment - Symbols for operator controls and other displays Part 1 : Common
IS 6283 : Part 2 : 1998/ISO 3767-2 : 1991 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry, powered
lawn and garden equipment - symbols for operator controls and other displays : Part 2 Symbols for
agricultural tractors and machinery
IS 12180 : 1987 Method for noise measurement of agricultural tractors
IS 6840 : 1972 Code of practice for preventive maintenance of agricultural wheeled tractor
IS 11821 : Part 1 : 1992/ISO 3463 : 1989 Method of test and acceptance conditions for protective
structures of agricultural tractros: Part 1 Dynamic test
IS 8132 : 1999 /ISO 3600 : 1996 Tractors and Machinery for Agriculture and Forestry, Powered Lawn
and Garden Equipment - Operator's Manuals - Content and Presentation
IS 8133 : 1983 Guidelines for location and operation of operator controls on agricultural tractors and
IS 8265 : 1996 Agricultural tractors - Guards for power take-off (PTO) drive-shafts
IS 9864 : 1981 Guidelines for stocking spare parts of agricultural tractors
IS/ISO 789-8 : 1991 Agricultural Tractors - Test Procedures - Part 8 : Engine Air Cleaner
IS 9935 : 1988 Test code for power tiller
IS 11082 : 1984 Technical requirements of agricultural tractors for wet land cultivation
IS 6483 : 1981 Linch pin assembly

IS 11806 : 1986/ISO 3462 : 1980 Method for determination of seat reference point of agricultural tractors
IS 9939 : 1981 Glossary of terms relating to agricultural tractors and power tillers
IS 11081 : 1993 Agricultural tractors - Half cage wheel
IS 10747 : 1983 Dimensions of hitch for power tillers
IS 10743 : 1983 Method for determination of centre of gravity of agricultural tractors 789-6:1982
IS 10740 : 1983 Recommendation for operating requirement for power take-off driven implements
IS 10703 : 1992 Agricultural tractors - Maximum actuating forces required to operate controls
IS 10318 : 1982 Technical requirements for PTO drive shafts for agricultural tractors and machines
IS 10282 : 1982 Cage wheel for power tillers
IS 10273 : 1987 Guidelines for declaration of power and specific fuel consumption and labelling of
agricultural tractors
IS 9980 : 1988 Guidelines for field performance and haulage tests of power tillers
IS 14626 : 1999 Method for Determination of Total Bromide Residues in Grains and Food Commodities
Fumigated with Methyl Bromide
IS 13830 : 1993 Method for determination of residue of captafol in agricultural and food commodities
and soil and water

IS 13831 : 1993 Method for determination of residues of acephate in agricultural and food commodities
IS 13832 : 1993 Method for determination of dithiocarbamate residues in agricultural and food
IS 14161 : 1994 Determination of metalaxyl residues in agricultural and food commodities
IS 14162 : 1994 Determination of fosetylAl residues in agricultural and food commodities

IS 14311 : 1995 Determination of lindane (GAMMA BHC) residues in agricultural and food commodities
IS 14437 : 1997 Method for determination of quinalphos residues in agricultural and food commodities
IS 14627 : 1999 Method of test for determination of carbendazim residues in agriculture and food
IS 10630 : 1983 Methods for Determination of Methyl Parathion Residues in Foods
IS 14630 : 1999 Method for determination of dicofol residues in agricultural and food commodities
IS 12609 : 1989 Pesticides - Residues in foods - Fenthion - Method For determination
IS 12611 : 1989 Pesticides - Determination of Residues in Foods and Water - Endosulfan
IS 14628 : 1999 Method for Determination of Chlorinated Pesticide Residues in Agricultural and Food
Commodities by Multiple Residues Technique
IS 13829 : 1993 Method for determination of residues of atrazine and simazine in agricultural and food
commodities and soil and water
IS 14629 : 1999 Method for Determination of Dicofol Residues in Agricultural and Food Commodities
IS 11374 : 1985 Methods for determination of monocrotophos residues in foods
IS 6169 : 1983 Methods for determination of BHC,(HCH) residue in food comodities
IS 5952 : 1970 Methods of test for the Estimation of parathion residues (To be withdrawn)
IS 10169 : 1982 Methods for determination of carbaryl residues in fruits and vegetables
IS 12616 : 1989 Pesticides - Residues in foods - Cypermethrin, Deltamethrin, Fenvalerate and
Permethrin - Method for determination
IS 10168 : 1982 Methods for determination of Fenitrothion residues in foods
IS 12610 : 1989 Pesticides - Residues in foods - Phosphamidon - Method for determination
IS 11020 : 1984 Methods for determination of carbofuran residues in crops, soil and water
IS 10629 : 1983 Methods for determination of Aldicarb residues in crops, soil and water
IS 11301 : 1985 Methods for determination of phosalone residues in food commodities
IS 11380 : Part 1 : 1985 Methods of sampling for the determination of pesticide residues : Part 1
Agricultural and food commodities.
IS 11773 : 1986 Method for determination of ethion residues in food commodities, Soil and water
IS 11774 : 1986 Method for determination of dichlorvos residues in food commodities
IS 12335 : 1988 Method for determination of propoxur residues in food commodities
IS 12336 : 1988 Method for determination of diazinon residues in food commodities
IS 12365 : 1988 Method for determination of chlorpyrifos residues in food commodities
IS 5864 : 1983 Method for Determination of DDT Residues in Food Commodities
IS 5863 : 1985 Method for determination of malathion residues in food commodities
IS 11021 : 1984 Methods for determination of dimethoate residues in food commodities
IS 14465 : 1997 Textile Dyestuffs - Evaluation of Disperse Dyes, Vat Dyes and Pigments Migration
IS 14485 : 1998 Recommendations for heating, ventilation and cooling of green houses
IS 14462 : 1997 Recommendations for layout, design and construction of green house structures
IS 12039 : 1986 Spent bleaching earth
IS 12067 : 1987 Palm fatty acids
IS 12031 : 1986 Soap stock
IS 12030 : 1986 Semi-acid oil
IS 13680 : 1993 Imported rapeseed oil
IS 12068 : 1987 Rice bran fatty acids
IS 12069 : 1987 Coconut fatty acids
IS 12124 : 1987 Rubberseed fatty acids
IS 12029 : 1986 Acid oil
IS 12361 : 1988 Partially hydrogenated rice bran fatty acids
IS 12983 : 1990/ISO 8892 : 1987 Oilseed residues - Determination of total residual hexane
IS 13037 : 1991 Chilli seed oil
IS 12451 : 1988 Specification for Margarine
12457 IS 12457 : 1988 Code of Practice for Evaluation, Repairs and Acceptance Limits of Surface
Defects in Steel Plates and Wide Flats
IS 13168 : 1991 Tomato seed oil
IS 13660 : 1993 Musk melon seed oil
IS 13679 : 1993 Okra seed oil
IS 10006 : 1981 Grading for NAHOR kernels for oil milling
IS 546 : 1975 Mustard oil
IS 14309 : 1995 Blended edible vegitable oils
IS 7797 : 1975 Grading for soyabeans for oil milling
IS 13661 : 1993 RATANJYOT oil
IS 9586 : 1980 Silk-worm pupae oil
IS 7787 : 1975 Grading for NEEM kernel and depulped NEEM seeds for oil milling
IS 8323 : 1977 Palm oil
IS 8428 : 1977 Grading for KARANJA seeds for oil milling
IS 8443 : 1977 Grading for tobacco seeds for oil milling
IS 8557 : 1977 Grading for KOKUM kernels for oil milling
IS 8591 : 1980 KOKUM fat
IS 8879 : 1980 DHUPA fat
IS 8881 : 1978 KHAKAN fat
IS 8882 : 1978 Grading for Khakan seeds for oil milling
IS 8896 : 1978 NAHOR oil
IS 9037 : 1979 Peanut butter
IS 10634 : 1983 Bakery shortening
IS 9232 : 1979 Ambadi oil
IS 11674 : 1986 Method for determination of residual solvent in oilseed flours and meals by modified
Pensky Martens closed tester
IS 9587 : 1980 Tamarind kernel oil
IS 9955 : 1981 Rubber seed oil
IS 9956 : 1981 PALAS oil
IS 9957 : 1981 UNDI oil
IS 9993 : 1981 Grading for DHUPA kernel for oil milling
IS 10633 : 1999 Vanaspati - Specification
IS 10931 : 1984 Lauric acid
IS 10932 : 1984 Palmitic acid
IS 10933 : 1984 Myristic acid
IS 11068 : 1984 Criteria for edibility of oils and fats
IS 11069 : 1984 Refined, bleached, hydrogenated, winterized and deodorized (RBHWD) Soybean oil
IS 11476 : 1985 Glossary of terms relating to oils and fats
IS 9231 : 1979 Mango kernel fat
IS 548 : Part III : 1976 Methods of Sampling and Test for Oils and Fats - Part III : Analysis by Gas Liquid
IS 548 : Part 1 : 1964 Methods of sampling and test for oils and facts: Part I Methods of sampling,
physical and chemical tests
IS 5637 : 1970 Watermelon seed oil
IS 544 : 1968 Groundnut oil
IS 5294 : 1969 Grading for KUSUM seeds for oil milling
IS 5293 : 1969 Grading for niger seeds for oil milling
IS 5292 : 1969 Grading for safflower seeds for oil milling
IS 4427 : 1967 Grading for Groundnut Kernels for Oil Milling and for Table Use
IS 4765 : 1975 NEEM kernel oil and depulped NEEM seed oil
IS 545 : 1984 MAHUA oil
IS 543 : 1968 Specification for Cottonseed Oil
IS 5686 : 1970 Code of practice for handling and storage of oilseeds
IS 548 : Part 2 : Sec 20 : 1983 Methods of Sampling and Tests for Oils and Fats - Part 2 : Purity Tests -
Section 20 : Test for Detection of TARAMIRA Oil in Mustard/Rapeseed Oil
IS 5638 : 1970 Acid oil (cottonseed and groundnut)
IS 7798 : 1975 Grading for sunflower seeds for oil milling
IS 542 : 1968 Coconut oil
IS 435 : 1973 Castor oil
IS 75 : 1973 Linseed oil, raw and refined
IS 4620 : 1968 Grading for cottonseeds for oil milling
IS 4619 : 1968 Grading for MAHUA kernels for oil milling
IS 548 : Part 2 : Sec 22 : 1993 Methods of sampling and test for oils and fats: Part 2 Purity test - Section
22 Detection of tricresyl phosphate in edible oil
IS 8361 E : 1977 Specification for Palmolein
IS 4618 : 1968 Grading for castor seeds for oil milling
IS 4617 : 1968 Grading for linseed for oil milling
IS 548 : Part 2 : Sec 21 : 1988 Methods of sampling and test for oils and fats: Part II Purity tests: Sec 21
Test for detection of animals fat in vegetable oils and fats and vice-versa by GLC
IS 547 : 1968 Specification for Sesame Oil
IS 3491 : 1965 Safflower oil
IS 548 : Part 2 : 1976 Methods of sampling and test for oils and fats: Part II Purity tests
IS 595 : 1954 Blown rape (or mustard) oil for use in lubricants
IS 887 : 1977 Animal tallow
IS 1035 : 1972 Methods of sampling and test for bleaching earths
IS 1675 : 1971 Stearic acid, technical
IS 1676 : 1960 Oleic acid, technical
IS 1780 : 1961 Vegetable tallow
IS 4429 : 1967 Grading for sesame seeds for oil milling
IS 1965 : 1972 Bleaching earths of Indian origin used for bleaching vegetable oils
IS 5614 : 1980 Tobacco seed oil
IS 3490 : 1965 Nigerseed oil
IS 6220 : 1971 Grading of copra for table use and for oil milling
IS 4088 : 1966 KUSUM oil
IS 548 : Part 2 : Sec 9 : 1988 Methods of sampling and test for oils and fats: Part II Purity tests Sec 9
Test for presence of Karanja (Pungam) oils in other oils
IS 7375 : 1979 Salseed fat
IS 4428 : 1967 Grading for mustard seeds for oil milling
IS 4277 : 1975 Sunflower oil
IS 3448 : 1984 Rice bran oil
IS 4115 : 1967 Methods for sampling of oilseeds
IS 3492 : 1965 Specification for Karanja Oil
IS 4056 : 1966 Fish oil for leather industry
IS 4055 : 1966 Maize (corn) oil
IS 4054 : 1966 Neatsfoot oil
IS 3579 : 1966 Methods of test for oilseeds
IS 4276 : 1977 Soybean oil
IS 5059 : 1969 Code for Hygienic Conditions for Large Scale Biscuit Manufacturing Units and Bakery
IS 7005 : 1973 Code for Hygienic Conditions for Production, Processing, Transportation and Distribution
of Milk

IS 7688 : Part I : 1975 Code of Practice for Labelling of Prepackaged Foods - Part I : General Guidelines
IS 14348 : 1996 Code for hygienic conditions for alcoholic beverage industry
IS 6541 : 1972 Code for hygienic conditions for establishment and maintainance of mid-day school meal
IS 7799 : 1975 Code for preservation of vitamins in foodstuffs

IS 7688 : Part 3 : 1976 Code of practice for labelling of pre-packaged foods: Part 3 Nutritional labelling

IS 7688 : Part 2 : 1976 Code of practice for labelling of pre-packaged foods: Part 2 Guidelines on claims
IS 7655 : 1975 Code of practice for food advertising
IS 7003 : 1973 Code for hygienic conditions for sago (SABOODANA) manufacturing units
IS 6969 : 1973 Code for hygienic conditions for handling and sale of refrigerated drinking water
IS 14350 : 1996 Code for hygienic conditions in sugar factories
IS 6542 : 1972 Code for hygienic conditions for fruit and vegetable canning units
IS 8182 : 1976 Code for hygienic conditions for processed meat products

IS 6540 : 1972 Code for hygienic conditions for manufacture and handling of ice for human consumption
IS 5837 : 1970 Code for hygienic conditions for soft drink manufacturing units
IS 4303 : Part 2 : 1975 Code for hygienic conditions in fish industry: Part 2 Canning stage
IS 4303 : Part 1 : 1975 Code for hygienic conditions in fish industry: Part 1 Pre-processing stage
IS 2491 : 1998 Food Hygiene - General Principles - Code of Practice
IS 5839 : 2000 - Food Hygiene - Code of Practice for Manufacture, Storage and Sale of Ice Cream
IS 6968 : 1973 Code for hygienic condition for PAN (Betel leaf) stalls and vendors
IS 10974 : Part 4 : 1984 Code for hygienic conditions for production transport, storage and distribution of
indigenous milk products: Part 4 Frozen products, KULFI
IS 8124 : 1976 Code of Hygienic Conditions for Sale of Sugarcane Juice
IS 15000 : 1998 Food Hygiene - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) - and Guidlines for
its Application
IS 14349 : 1996 Code for hygienic conditions for edible oil and vanaspati units
IS 14216 : 1994 Code for hygienic conditions for spices and condiments processing units
IS 14135 : 1994 Code for hygienic practices for dehydrated fruits and vegetables edible fungi
IS 7802 : 1975 Code of hygienic conditions for sweetmeat shop
IS 10974 : Part 5 : 1984 Code for hygienic conditions for production, transport, storage and distribution
of indigenous milk products: Part 5 Fermented products SHRIKHAND
IS 8123 : 1976 Code for hygienic conditions for sale of cut fruits, fruit juice and fruit salad
IS 10974 : Part 3 : 1984 Code for hygienic condition for production, transport, storage and ditribution of
indigenous milk products: Part 3 Coagulated products CHHANA and CHHANA based sweetmeats
IS 10974 : Part 2 : 1984 Code for hygienic conditions for production, transport, storage and distribution
of indigenous milk products: Part 2 DAHI
IS 10974 : Part 1 : 1984 Code for hygienic conditions for production, transport, storage and distribution
of indigenous milk products: Part 1 KHOA and KHOA sweets
IS 10973 : 1984 Code for hygienic conditions for food hawkers
IS 9071 : Part 2 : 1979 Code of practice for control of aflatoxin in groundnut: Part 2 Plant storage and
processing flour and oil
IS 9071 : Part 1 : 1979 Code of practice for control of aflatoxin in groundnut: Part 1 Harvesting, transport
& storage of groundnuts

IS 14595 : 1998 Food Hygiene - Microbiological Criteria - Principles for Establishment and Application
IS 14134 : 1994 Code for hygienic practices for processing and handling of quick foods
IS 7128 : 1973 Proteose peptone, microbiological grade
IS 7590 : 1975 Gelatine, microbiological grade
IS 5401 : 1969 Method for detection and estimation of coliform bacteria in foodstuffs
IS 5402 : 1969 Method for standard plate count of bacteria in foodstuffs
IS 5404 : 1984 Code of practice for handling of samples for microbiological analysis
IS 5887 : Part 2 : 1976 Methods for detection of bacteria responsible for food poisoning:Part 2 Isolation,
identification and enumeration of STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS and faecal streptococci
IS 5887 : Part 4 : 1976 Methods for detection of bacteria responsible for food poisoning : Part 4
IS 5887 : Part 5 : 1976 Methods for detection of bacteria responsible for food poisoning :Part 5 Isolation,
identification and enumeration of VIBRIO CHOLERAE and VIBRIO PARAHAEMOLYTICUS
IS 6850 : 1973 Agar, microbiological grade
IS 6851 : 1973 Meat extract, microbiological grade
IS 6852 : 1973 Bile salts, microbiological grade
IS 6854 : 1973 Method of sampling and test for ingredients used in media for microbiological work
IS 7004 : 1973 Yeast extract, microbiological grade
IS 7127 : 1973 Tryptone, microbiological grade
IS 7535 : 1975 Liver extract, microbiological grade
IS 7536 : 1975 Soluble starch, microbiological grade
IS 14397 : 1996 Detecton, isolation and identification of pathogenic E. coli in food
IS 6853 : 1973 Specification for Peptone, Microbiological Grade
IS 5887 : Part 7 : 1999 Methods for Detection of Bacteria Responsible for Food Poisoning - Part 7 :
General Guidance on Methods for Isolation and Identification of Shigella
IS 5887 : Part 6 : 1999 /ISO 7932 : 1993 Methods for Detection of Bacteria Responsible for Food
Poisoning - Part 6 : Identification, Enumeration and Confirmation of Bacillus Cereus
IS 5887 : Part 3 : 1999 /ISO 6579 : 1993 Methods for Detection of Bacteria Responsible for Food
Poisoning - Part 3 : General Guidance on Methods for the Detection of Salmonella
IS 5887 : Part I : 1976 Methods for Detection of Bacteria Responsible for Food Poisoning - Part I :
Isolation, Identification and Enumeration of Escherichia Coli
IS 7203 : 1973 Casein hydrolysate (acid digested), microbiological grade
IS 5403 : 1999 Method for Yeast and Mould Count of Foodstuffs
IS/ISO 7402 : 1993 Microbiology - General Guidance for the Enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae without
Resuscitation - MPN Technique and Colony-count Technique
IS 11061 : 1984 Code for preparation of VIBRIO CHOLERAE diagnostic sera
IS 10972 : 1984 Code for preparation of ESCHERICHIA COLI diagnostic sera
IS 10232 : 1982 Guidelines for preparation of dilutions for microbiological examination of food
IS 7801 : 1975 Trypsin, microbiological grade
IS 7591 : 1975 Malt extract, microbiological grade
IS 12411 : 1988 Paddy dehusker, centrifugal type
IS 11787 : 1986 Specification for Paddy Dehusker, Rubber Roll Type
IS 11834 : 1986 Symbols and flow diagram for rice milling
IS 13794 : 1993 Oilseeds milling machinery - Power GHANIES Portable
IS 10507 : 1999 Paddy separator - Specification
IS 10520 : 1989 Agricultural produce milling machinery - Emery stones for burr flour mills
IS 10892 : 1984 Recommendations for aperture size of sieves for seed cleaners
IS 11032 : 1984 Rotary screen-type precleaner
IS 11041 : 1984 Air-screen seed cleaner
IS 9981 : 1981 Glossary of terms relating to agricultural produce processing equipment
IS 11473 : 1985 Test code for groundnut decorticator
IS 9049 : 1989 Paddy dehusker, rubber roll type - Test code
IS 12047 : 1987 Oil seed cookers/kettles, horizontal type
IS 12064 : 1987 Code of practice for paddy parboiling
IS 12792 : 1989 Mini rice mill
IS 12396 : 1988 Paddy cleaner
IS 1973 : 1999 Sugarcane Crushers - Specification
IS 12833 : 1989 Agricultural produce milling machinery - Roller flour mills - Flow diagram
IS 13793 : 1993 Agricultural produce milling machinery - Milling of pulses - Flow Diagram
IS 11459 : 1985 Power-operated chaff cutter
IS 7897 : 1975 Test code for chaff cutter
IS 1511 : 1979 Blades for manually-operated chaff cutter
IS 4596 : 1968 Glossary of terms relating to oil expellers
IS 5223 : 1993 Oilseeds milling machinery - Oil expellers - Test code
IS 5224 : 1993 Oil milling machinery - Oil expellers single barrel
IS 5718 : 1980 Test code for seed cleaners
IS 6997 : 1973 Test code for sugarcane crushers
IS 10048 : 1999 Rice grader - Specification
IS 7052 : 1973 Test code for power maize shellers
IS 12576 : 1989 Seed Processing Machinery - Indented cylinder grader - Test code
IS 7898 : 1981 Manually operated chaff cutter
IS 8108 : Part 1 : 1984 Test code for grain dryers: Part 1 Selection and preparation for test
IS 8108 : Part 2 : 1984 Test code for grain dryers: Part 2 Method of tests for continuous dryers
IS 8108 : Part 3 : 1985 Test code for grain dryers: Part 3 Methods of tests for in-silo dryers
IS 8420 : 1977 Glossary of terms relating to grain dryers
IS 8427 : 1989 Agricultural produce milling machinery - Rubber rolls for paddy dehusker
IS 8440 : 1977 Test code for paddy cleaners
IS 7051 : 1973 Power maize shellers
IS 14460 : 1997 Seed processing equipment - Gravity separator
IS 14603 : 1998 Potato grader - Test code
IS 14442 : 1997 Milling machinery - Burr mill - Test code
IS 9555 : 1999 Rice Polisher - Specification
IS 14605 : 1998 Irrigation equipment - Micro sprayer - Specification
IS 12232 : Part 2 : 1995 Rotating sprinkler: Part 2 Test method for uniformity of distribution
IS 13062 : 1991 Evaluation of field irrigation efficiencies
IS 13479 : 1992/ISO 3501 : 1976 Assembled joints between fittings and polyethylene (PE) pressure
pipes - Test for resistance to pull out
IS 13487 : 1992 Emitters
IS 13488 : 1992 Emitting pipes system
IS 13939 : 1994 Intercepter drains for steep hill slopes under plantation crops - Guidelines for laying
IS 14178 : 1994 Pressurised irrigation equipment - Terminology
IS 11711 : 1986 Recommended criteria for adoptability of different irrigation methods
IS 14606 : 1998 Irrigation equipment - Media filter - Specification
IS 12232 : Part 1 : 1996/ISO 7749-1 : 1995 Irrigation equipment - Rotating sprinkler: Part 1 Design and
operational requirements
IS 14632 : 1999 Farm Drainage System - Performance Evaluation of Horizontal Subsurface Drainage -
IS 11077 : 1984 Glossary of Terms on Soil and Water
IS 10808 : 1984 Code of Practice for Installation Operation and Maintenance of Hydraulic Rams
IS 10799 : 1999 Irrigation Equipment - Design, Installation and Field Evaluation of Microirrigation
Systems - Code of Practice
IS 14743 : 1999 Irrigation Equipment - Hydrocyclone Filters - Specification
IS 14483 : Part 1 : 1997 Fertilizer and chemical injector system - Part 1 Venturi injector
IS 10317 : 1982 Guide for evaluation of soil properties relevant to irrigation
IS 8967 : Part 2 : 1983 Farm drainage clay tiles: Part 2 Perforated tiles with collar joints
IS 8968 : 1978 Farm drainage concrete tiles
IS 9633 : 1980 Farm drainage asbestos cement pipes
IS 9696 : 1980 Code of practice for installation of farm drainage tile or pipe system
IS 12785 : 1994 Strainer-type filters
IS 9979 : 1981 Code for design and laying of mineral filters for tile drain system
IS 11624 : 1986 Guidelines for the quality of irrigation water
IS 10809 : 1984 Hydraulic rams
IS 10907 : 1984 Code for design of farm drainage tile or pipe system
IS 11495 : 1986 Code for design of surface farm drainage system
IS 14482 : 1997 Irrigation Equipment - Polyethylene Micro Tubes for Drip Irrigation - Specification
IS 11493 : 1986 Glossary of terms relating to farm drainage
IS 14151 : Part 2 : 1999 Irrigation Equipment - Sprinkler Pipes - Specification - Part 2 : Quick Coupled
Polyethylene Pipes
IS 14151 : Part 1 : 1999 Irrigation Equipment - Sprinkler Pipes - Specification - Part 1 : Polyethylene
IS 11494 : 1986 Code for construction and maintenance of surface farm drainage systems
IS 11538 : 1986 Code of practice for design and installation of farm drainage pumping plant
IS 11390 : 1985 Test code for hydraulic rams
IS/ISO 3100-1 : 1991 Meat and Meat Products - Method of Sampling
IS 6628 : 1972 Specification for Slide Rails for Use in Abattoirs
IS 5960 : Part 9 : 1988 /ISO 2294 : 1974 Meat and Meat Products - Methods of Test - Part 9 :
Determination of Total Phosphorus Content
IS 5960 : Part 14 : 1988/ISO 5554 : 1978 Methods of Test for Meat and Meat Products - Part 14 :
Determination of Starch Content
IS 3060 : 1979 Specification for Pork Sausages, Canned
IS 4950 : 1968 Specification for Bacon Rashers, Canned
IS 12541 : 1988 Chicken curry, canned
IS 4393 : 1979 Basic requirements for an abattoir
IS 7049 : 1973 Code for handling, processing, quality evaluation and storage of poultry
IS 5960 : Part 13 : 1988/ISO 5553 : 1980 Methods of test for meat and meat products : Part 13
Determination of polyphosphates
IS 10382 : 1982 Edible egg albumen-powder
IS 9810 : 1981 Method for evaluation of quality of fresh chicken eggs
IS 9800 : 1993 Day-old chicks (Layer/broilers) - Basic requirements
IS 8895 : 1978 Guidelines for handling, storage and transport of slaughter house by-products
IS 11533 : 1985 Sheep dressing hook
IS 7053 : 1996 Basic requirements for a stall for sale of meat of small and large animals
IS 11631 : 1985 Gambrel for sheep and goats
IS 6950 : 1973 Pig hooks
IS 6782 : 1972 Hog gambrels
IS 6559 : 1972 Code of practice for ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection for poultry
IS 6558 : 1972 Code of practice for cold storage of shell eggs
IS 6557 : 1972 Albumen flakes,non-edible quality
IS 5960 : Part 15 : 1989/ISO 3496 : 1978 Methods of test for meat and meat products : Part 15
Determination of L(-)-hydroxyproline content
IS 7909 : 1993 Slaughter house equipment - Electrical stunning tongs for pigs
IS 12486 : 1988 Meat inspection table
IS 12543 : 1988 Canned egg curry
IS 13401 : 1992 Determination of Thiobarbituric acid value in meat
IS 13400 : 1992 Chicken sausages
IS 13165 : 1991 Mutton biryani, canned
IS 12561 : 1988 Pickled quail eggs
IS 10697 : 1983 Chicken,canned in brine
IS 12487 : 1988 Offal handling table for small animals
IS 7891 : 1975 Inedible offal trolleys
IS 12190 : 1987 Sheep bleeding shackle
IS 12189 : 1987 Sheep spreader
IS 11771 : 1986 Soup stock medium (beef)
IS 11748 : 1986 Meat extract, food grade
IS 11747 : 1986 Corned beef, canned
IS 11746 : 1986 Luncheon beef,canned
IS 12542 : 1988 Canned ham, minced
IS 1982 : 1971 Code of practice for ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection of meat animals
IS 1723 : 1973 Pork
IS 8539 : Part 1 : 1977 Terminology of meat products and meat animals: Part 1 Poultry
IS 1981 : 1978 Animal casings
IS 5960 : Part 12 : 1988/ISO 4134 : 1978 Methods of test meat and meat products : Part 12
Determination of L-(+)-glutamic acid content
IS 2475 : 1979 Smoked bacon
IS 2476 : 1963 Ham
IS 2536 : 1995 Mutton and goat meat(chevon)-fresh, chilled and frozen
IS 2537 : 1995 Beef and buffalo meat-fresh, chilled and frozen
IS 3044 : 1973 Mutton and goat meat, curried and canned
IS 3061 : 1979 Pork sausages, fresh
IS 4352 : 1967 Pork luncheon meat, canned
IS 4674 : 1975 Dressed chicken
IS 4723 : 1978 Egg powder
IS 4951 : 1975 Ham, canned
IS 5960 : Part 8 : 1996/ISO 3091 : 1975 Methods of test for meat and meat products: Part 8
Determination of nitrate content
IS 1743 : 1973 Mutton and goat meat canned in brine
IS 5558 : 1970 Chichen essence
IS 5960 : Part 11 : 1988/ISO 4133 : 1979 Method of test for meat and meat products : Part 11
Determination of glucone-delta-lactone content
IS 5960 : Part 10 : 1988/ISO 2917 : 1974 Methods of test for meat and meat products : Part 10
Measurements of pH
IS 5960 : Part 7 : 1996/ISO 2918 : 1975 Methods of test for meat and meat products : Part 7
Determination of nitrite content
IS 5960 : Part 6 : Sec 2 : 1997/ISO 1841-2 : 1996 Meat and meat products - Method of Test Part 6
Determination of Chloride content Section 2 Potentiometric method
IS 5960 : Part 6 : Sec 1 : 1997/ISO 1841-1 : 1996 Meat and meat products - Method of test Part 6
Determination of chloride contentSection 1 Volhard method
IS 5960 : Part 4 : 1997/ISO 1444 : 1996 Meat and meat products - Method of test : Part 4 Determination
of free fat content
IS 5960 : Part 3 : 1970 Methods of test for meat and meat products: Part 3 Determination of total fat
IS 5960 : Part 1 : 1996/ISO 937 : 1978 Methods of test for meat and meat products: Part 1
Determination of nitrogen content
IS 5960 : Part 5 : 1971 Methods of test for meat and meat products: Part 5 Determination of moisture
IS 5960 : Part 2 : 1970 Methods of test for meat and meat products: Part 2 Determination of ash
IS 2025 : 1962 Cylindrical pipettes for bacteriological examination of milk
IS 1613 : 1960 Milk bottle crates
IS 1656 : 1997 Milk cereal based weaning foods
IS 1705 : 1972 Aluminium foil for milk bottle caps
IS 1806 : 1975 Malted milk foods
IS 2145 : 1962 Hand bottle filler
IS 2336 : 1963 Stainless steel milk vats
IS 2144 : 1962 Hand-operated bottle washer
IS 1479 : Part 5 : 1962 Methods of test for dairy industry: Part 5 Methods of dairy plant control
IS 1000 : 1989 Lactose, commercial
IS 2688 : 1964 Specification for Insulated Stainless Steel Milk Storage Tank
IS 2146 : 1962 Hand-operated cap sealer for milk bottles
IS 1825 : 1983 Aluminium alloy milk cans
IS 1479 : Part 4 : 1977 Methods of test for dairy industry: Part 4 Freezing-point depression of milk Ho
rtveet method
IS 1479 : Part 2 : 1961 Method of test for for dairy industry: Part 2 Chemical analysis of milk
IS 1479 : Part 1 : 1960 Methods of test for dairy industry: Part 1 Rapid examination of milk
IS 1224 : Part 2 : 1977 Determination of milk fat by the gerber method: Part 2 Milk products
IS 1223 : 1982 Apparatus for determination of fat by gerber method
IS 1165 : 1992 Milk powder
IS 2785 : 1979 Specification for Natural Cheese (Hard Variety), Processed Cheese, Processed Cheese
Spread and Soft Cheese
IS 3382 : 1965 Specification for Stainless Steel Milk Pipes and Fittings
IS 3893 : 1966 Specification for Slides for Direct Microscopic Count of Milk
IS 2495 : 1963 Specification for Cheese Hoops
IS 7607 : Part 3 : 1975 Code of practice for keeping dairy accounts: Part 3 Products plants
IS 2342 : 1963 Manually operated milk can washer
IS 11766 : 1986/ISO 6092 : 1980 Method for determination of titratable acidity in milk powder and similar
products (routine method)
IS 1166 : 1986 Condensed milk,partly skimmed and skimmed condensed milk
IS 11202 : 1984/ISO 3495 : 1975 Method for determination of lactic acid and lactate content in milk
powder and similar products
IS 1224 : Part I : 1977 Determination of Fat by the Gerber Method - Part I : Milk
IS 14433 : Part 1 : 1997 Infant milk substitutes - Specification : Part 1 Milk protein based
IS 11763 : 1986/ISO 5943 : 1978 Cheese and processed cheese products - Determination of chloride
content - Potentiometric titration method
IS 11762 : 1986/ISO 1737 : 1985 Method for determination of fat content in condensed milk and
evaporated 1737:1985 milk
IS 11721 : 1986/ISO 1736 : 1985 Method for Determination of fat content in milk powder and similar
products (reference method)
IS 11623 : 1986 Method for determination of moisture content in milk powder and similar products
IS 11622 : 1986 Method for determination of total solids content in condensed milk
IS 11602 : 1986 Packed GULAB JAMUNS
IS 13689 : 1992 Butter oil (Butter fat)
IS 11546 : 1999/ISO 707 : 1997 Methods of sampling for milk and milk products
IS 13688 : 1999 Packaged Pasteurized Milk - Specification
IS 10501 : 1983 KULFI
IS 10484 : 1983 PANEER
IS 1167 : 1965 Specification for Casein (Edible Quality)
IS 10083 : 1982 Method of test for determination of SNF(solids not fat) in milk by the use of lactometers
IS 9967 : 1997/ISO 4099 : 1984 Cheese - determination of nitrate and nitrite content - Method by
cadmium reduction and photometry
IS 11888 : 1987 /ISO 5739 : 1983 Method for Determination of Scorched Particles Content in Caseins
and Caseinates
IS 2311 : 1973 Fat extraction apparatus for milk and milk products
IS 12176 : 1987 Specification for Sweetened Ultra High Temperature (UHT) Treated Condensed Milk
IS 2343 : 1963 Can washing trough
IS 11585 : Part 1 : 1986 Insulated stainless steel silos for milk storage Part 1 Capacities 60 000 l and
100 000 l
IS 11765 : 1986/ISO 6091 : 1980 Method for determination of titratable acidity in milk powder and similar
products (reference method)
IS 11917 : 1987/ISO 5549 : 1978 Method for determination of protein content in caseins and caseinates
(reference method)
IS 11918 : 1987/ISO 5546 : 1979 Method for determination of pH in caseins and caseinates (reference
IS 11919 : 1987/ISO 5544 : 1978 Method for determination of fixed ash in caseins (reference method)
IS 11920 : 1987/ISO 5550 : 1978 Method for determination of water content in cassein and caseinates
(reference method)
IS 11962 : 1987/ISO 5545 : 1978 Method for determination of ash in rennet caseins and caseinates
(refernce method)
IS 11963 : 1987/ISO 5548 : 1980 Method for determination of lactose content by photometric method in
caseins and caseinates

IS 11964 : 1987/ISO 5547 : 1978 Method for determination of free acidity in caseins (Reference method)
IS 12333 : 1997/ISO 6731 : 1989 Methods for determination of total solids content in milk, cream and
evaporated milk (reference method)
IS 13690 : 1992 Pasteurized butter
IS 12757 : 1989/ISO 2963 : 1974 Cheese and cheese products - determination of citric acid content
(Reference Method)
IS 9853 : 1981 Milk collection trays
IS 11764 : 1986/ISO 2911 : 1976 Method for determination of sucrose content by polarimetric method in
condensed milk
IS 12758 : 1989/ISO 1735 : 1987 Cheese and processed cheese products - determination of fat content
by Gravimetric method (Reference Method)

IS 12759 : 1989/ISO 8156 : 1987 Dried milk and dried milk products - determination of insolubility index
IS 12760 : 1989/ISO 8070 : 1987 Dried milk - determination of sodium and potassium contents by Flame
Emission Spectrometric method
IS 12898 : 1989 Dairy products - Yoghurt
IS 12899 : 1989 Enumeration of specific lactic acid bacteria in yoghurt - Method of test
IS 13334 : Part 1 : 1998 Skim milk powder - Standard grade
IS 13334 : Part 2 : 1992 Skim milk powder - Extra grade
IS 13500 : 1992 Spray dried milk powders - Scorched particles - Determination
IS 12756 : 1989/ISO 2962 : 1984 Cheese and cheese products - determination of total phosphorus
content by molecular absorption spectrometric method
IS 3507 : 1966 Method of sampling and test for butter
IS 4883 : 1980 KHOA
IS 9854 : 1981 Code for construction of milk delivery vans
IS 4709 : 1968 Flavoured milk
IS 1479 : Part III : 1977 Methods of Test for Dairy Industry - Part III : Bacteriological Analysis of Milk
IS 4238 : 1967 Sterilized milk
IS 4079 : 1967 Canned RASOGOLLA
IS 3922 : 1966 Recommendation for ghee refinery
IS 3864 : 1966 Mobile kit for milk testing
IS 3661 : 1966 Farm milk cooling tanks
IS 12299 : 1998 Dairy Whitener - Specification
IS 3508 : 1966 Method of sampling and test for ghee
IS 4884 : 1968 Sterilized cream
IS 2981 : 1964 Layout plan for dairy laboratories
IS 2829 : 1979 Steam jacketed ghee pans (Stainless steel)
IS 2803 : 1964 Capillary pipette for direct microscopic count of milk
IS 2802 : 1964 Ice cream
IS 2689 : 1964 Batch pasteurizer (stainless steel)
IS 2647 : 1964 Cheese mill
IS 2504 : 1964 Hand operated cheese press (vertical)
IS 2498 : 1963 Cheese knife
IS 2492 : 1976 Stainless steel road milk tankers
IS 3509 : 1966 Method of sampling and test for cream
IS 6387 : 1987 Vegetable protein infant food with milk (To be withdrawn)
IS 9617 : 1980 DAHI
IS 9585 : 1980 Lactometers
IS 9584 : 1980 Cheese powder
IS 9532 : 1980 Chakka and Shrikhand
IS 9070 : 1979 Method for determination of fat in cheese by Van Gulik method
IS 8479 : Part 2 : 1977 Method for determination of phosphatase activity in milk and milk products: Part
2 Reference method
IS 8479 : Part 1 : 1977 Method for determination of phosphatase activity in milk and milk products: Part
1 Routine method
IS 7839 : 1975 Dried ice cream mix
IS 7607 : Part 2 : 1975 Code of practice for keeping dairy accounts: Part 2 Market milk plants

IS 7607 : Part 1 : 1975 Code of practice for keeping dairy accounts: Part 1 Primary milk collection units
IS 4743 : 1968 Settling tanks for GHEE (stainless steel)
IS 6591 : 1972 Rail milk tankers
IS 4938 : 1969 Insulated stainless steel milk storage tanks, vertical type (10 000 and 15 000 litres
IS 5567 : 1970 Bottles for sterilized milk
IS 5550 : 1970 BURFI
IS 5253 : 1969 Guidelines for cleaning and sterilizing dairy equipment
IS 5162 : 1980 CHHANA
IS 14542 : 1998 Partly Skimmed milk Powder - specification
IS 6684 : 1972 Milk can trolleys
IS 8105 : 1976 Method for sensory evaluation of pungency of black pepper by scoville heat units
IS 6273 : Part 3 : Sec 2 : 1983 Guide for Sensory Evaluation of Foods - Part 3 : Statistical Analysis of
Data - Section 2 : Ranking and Scoring Tests
IS 6273 : Part I : 1971 Guide for Sensory Evaluation of Foods - Part 1 : Optimum Requirements

IS 6273 : Part II : 1971 Guide for Sensory Evaluation of Foods - Part II : Methods and Evaluation Cards
IS 8140 : 1976 Guide for Selection of Panel for Sensory Evaluation of Foods and Beverages
IS 10281 : 1982 Method for senosry evaluation of processed cheese
IS 8104 : 1996/ISO 3513 : 1995 Method for test for pungency of chillies by scoville heat units
IS 8153 : 1986 Method for sensory evaluation of fresh fruits
IS 8639 : 1977 Code for evaluation of the effect of packaging and storage on the sensory qualities of
foods and beverages
IS 9216 : 1992 Nutrition and nutritious foods - Glossary of terms
IS 9820 : 1981 Method for estimation of biotin in foodstuffs
IS 9840 : 1981 Method for estimation of pantothenic acid in foodstuffs
IS 10029 : 1981 Methods for sensory evaluation of sweetened condensed milk
IS 10030 : 1981 Methods for sensory evaluation of milk powder
IS 8077 : 1976 Procedure for checking technique of quick frozen food
IS 10226 : Part 2 : 1982 Method for determination of crude fibre content: Part 2 Modified scharrer
IS 11583 : 1986 Method for sensory evaluation of Indian made foreign liquors (IMFL)
IS 10641 : 1983 Recommended methods for determination of aroma and taste thresholds
IS 10642 : 1983 General guidelines for consumer sensory evaluation of foods and beverages
IS 10643 : 1983 Sensory evaluation procedure to establish guidelines for open dating processed food
IS 11062 : 1984 Method for estimation of total dietary fibre in foodstuffs
IS 11582 : 1986 Method for sensory evaluation of pungency of ginger by scoville units
IS 12014 : Part 1 : 1986 Determination of organic preservatives in foodstuffs: Part 1 Benzoic acid and its
IS 12014 : Part 3 : 1986 Determination of organic preservatives in foodstuffs: Part 3 Sorbic acid and its
IS 13285 : 1992 Guidelines for addition of essential nutrients to food
IS 14594 : 1998/ISO 3591 : 1977 Sensory analysis - Appratus - Wine testing glass.
IS 10226 : Part 1 : 1982/ISO 5498 : 1981 Method for determination of crude fibre content: Part 1
General method
IS 5886 : 1970 Methods for estimation of carotenes and Vitamin A (Retinol) in foodstuffs
IS 12014 : Part 2 : 1986 Determination of organic preservatives in foodstuffs: Part 2 Propionic acid and
its salts
IS 7770 : 1975 - Method for Sensory Evaluation of Ghee (Clarified Butterfat)
IS 8168 : 1976 Method for determination of available lysine in foods
IS 5126 : 1996/ISO 5492 : 1992 Glossary of general terms for sensory evaluation of foods
IS 5399 : 1969 Methods for estimation of riboflavin (vitamin B-2) in foodstuffs
IS 5400 : 1969 Methods for estimation of nicotinic acid (Niacin) in foodstuffs
IS 7999 : 1998/ISO 5494 : 1978 Tasting glass for liquid samples
IS 5838 : 1970 Methods for estimation of Vitamin C in foodstuffs
IS 5398 : 1969 Methods for estimation of thiamine (vitamin B-1) in foodstuffs
IS 6273 : Part 3 : Sec 1 : 1983 Guide for sensory evaluation of foods: Part 3 Statistical analysis of data:
Section 1 Difference/preference tests
IS 7997 : 1976 Guide for tasting products of intense flavour
IS 7234 : 1974 Method for estimation of folic acid in foodstuffs
IS 7235 : 1974 Method for estimation of tocopherols
IS 7529 : 1975 Method for estimation of Vitamin B-12 in foodstuffs
IS 7530 : 1975 Method for estimation of pyridoxine (Vitamin B-6) in foodstuffs
IS 7675 : 1975 Method for sensory evaluation of beer
IS 7219 : 1973 Method for determination of protein in foods and feeds
IS 5835 : 1970 Method for estimation of Vitamin D in foodstuffs
IS 7768 : 1975 Method for sensory evaluation of milk
IS 7769 : 1975 Method for sensory evaluation of table butter
IS 7815 : 1975 Method for estimation of amino acids in foodstuffs
IS 9019 : 1979 Code of practice for installation, operation and preventive maintenance of power
IS 8122 : Part 2 : 1981 Test code for combine harvester-thresher: Part 2 Performance tests
IS 8213 : 1987 Agricultural trailer
IS 8463 : 1987 Axle assembly for agricultural tractor-trailer
IS 8548 : 1977 Test code for power-operated hydraulic sprayer
IS 9020 : 1979 Safety requirements for power threshers
IS 9164 : 1979 Guide for estimating cost of farm machinery operation
IS 9129 : 1979 Technical requirements for safe feeding systems for power threshers
IS 8480 : 1996 Glossary of terms relating to crop protection equipment
IS 8122 : Part 1 : 1994 Test code for combine harvester-thresher: Part 1 Terminology
IS 7927 : 1975 Method of field testing for manually operated paddy weeder
IS 7825 : Part 2 : 1975 Cylinder type hand lawn mower: Part 2 Roller type
IS 7825 : Part 1 : 1975 Cylinder type hand lawn mower: Part 1 Wheel type
IS 7640 : 1975 Test code for disc harrows
IS 9217 : 1979 Test code for agricultural discs
IS 7565 : Part 2 : 1988 Tines for tractor operated cultivators: Part 2 S.type tines
IS 10134 : 1994 Methods of tests for manually operated sprayers
IS 7565 : Part 1 : 1975 Tines for tractor operated cultivators:Part 1 Rigid tines
IS 7353 : 1974 Blade for tractor operated terracer
IS 7230 : 1974 Plain spool for tractor operated disc harrows
IS 7593 : Part 1 : 1986 Power operated pneumatic sprayer-cum-duster: Part 1 Knapsack type

IS 9877 : 1981 Code of practice for installation, operation and preventive maintenance of grain combine
IS 10684 : 1983 Tree pruner
IS 10683 : 1983 Khurpi
IS 10691 : 1983 Share for tractor-operated mouldboard ploughs
IS 3606 : 1998 Soil working equipment, Dischauow, Animal drawn - Specificaton
IS 7201 : Part 1 : 1987 Methods of sampling for agricultural machinery and equipment: Part 1 Hand
tools and hand operated/animal drawn equipment
IS 10618 : 1983 Pictorial representation for cautionary notices for power threshers
IS 10378 : 1982 Knife back for harvesting machines
IS 10254 : 1982 Share for animal-drawn ridger
IS 9856 : 1981 Test code for potato planters
IS 10225 : 1982 Bearing spools for tractor-operated disc harrows
IS 9575 : 1980 Power lawn mower, pedestrian-controlled cylinder (reel) type
IS 9855 : 1981 Glossary of terms relating to sowing, planting, fertilizers and manure application
IS 9826 : 1981 Glossary of terms relating to harvesting and threshing equipment
IS 9821 : 1981 Glossary of terms relating to farm transport equipment
IS 9818 : Part 2 : 1981 Glossary of terms relating to tillage and intercultivation equipment: Part 2 Terms
relating to equipment
IS 9818 : Part 1 : 1981 Glossary of terms relating to tillage and intercultivation equipment: Part 1
General terms
IS 9813 : 1981 Tractor-mounted blade terracers

IS 9632 : 1980 Code of practice for operation and preventive maintenance of crop protection equipment
IS 9581 : 1980 Safety and operational requirements for pedestrian-controlled cylinder (reel) power lawn
IS 10239 : 1982 Blade for tractor-operated scraper
IS 2563 : 1978 Hedge shears, straight-edge type
IS 3906 : 1995 Hand-operated knapsack sprayer
IS 3372 : 1965 Bund former, animal drawn
IS 3369 : 1965 Puddler, Animal drawn
IS 3342 : 1998 Soil working equipment - cultivators, Animal drawn - Specification
IS 3327 : 1982 Pedal-operated paddy thresher
IS 3122 : 1982 Budding and grafting knife combined
IS 3094 : 1982 Bill-hook
IS 3093 : 1981 Dah, jungle cutting
IS 10778 : Part 3 : 1983 Furrow opener for seed-cum-fertilizer drills: Part 3 Disc type
IS 2565 : 1979 Ridger, Animal drawn
IS 3652 : 1995 Foot sprayer
IS 2559 : 1978 Garden rake
IS 2192 : 1998 Soil working equipment - Specification - Animal drawn mouldboard plough, fixed type
IS 1976 : 1976 Rotary paddy weeder, manually operated
IS 1971 : 1996 Hand operated stirrup-type sprayer
IS 619 : 1979 Pruning and slashing knives hooked and curved
IS 13378 : 1992 Forestry Tools - Felling Lever - Specification
IS 12613 : Part 4 : 1989 Sowing and Fertilizer Application Equipment - Fertilizer Metering Mechanism,
Fluted Feed Roller Type - Part 4 : Specification for Feed Cup
IS 10233 : 1982 Specification for Tractor-operated Disc Ploughs
IS 1970 : 1995 Crop Protection Equipment - Hand- Operated Compression Knapsack Sprayer -
IS 3092 : 1982 Rubber draining and tapping knife
IS 6284 : 1985 Test code for power thresher for cereals
IS 6817 : Part 1 : 1973 Plate type seed metering mechanism: Part 1 Seed plates
IS 6816 : Part 4 : 1973 Fluted feed roller type seed metering mechanism: Part 4 Seed feed cup
IS 6816 : Part 3 : 1973 Fluted feed roller type seed metering mechanism: Part 3 Retaining ring and
IS 6816 : Part 2 : 1973 Fluted feed roller type seed metering mechanism: Part 2 Seed feed cut-off
IS 6816 : Part 1 : 1973 Fluted feed roller type seed metering mechanism: Part 1 Seed feed rollers
IS 6813 : 1993 Seed-cum-fertilizer drill
IS 6638 : 1972 Tractor-mounted spring loaded cultivators
IS 6320 : 1985 Power thresher, Hammer mill type
IS 3494 : 1978 Pruning secateur
IS 6288 : 1971 Test code for mouldboard ploughs
IS 6817 : Part 2 : 1973 Plate type seed metering mechanism: Part 2 Seed feed rollers
IS 6025 : 1982 Knife sections for harvesting machines
IS 6024 : 1983 Guards for harvesting machines
IS 5135 : Part 2 : 1994 Hand rotary duster: Part 2 Shoulder mounted type
IS 5135 : Part 1 : 1994 Hand rotary duster: Part 1 Belly mounted type
IS 4930 : 1985 Axle assembly for pneumatic wheeled animal drawn vehicles
IS 4366 : Part 2 : 1985 Agricultural tillage discs: Part 2 Flat type
IS 4366 : Part 1 : 1985 Agricultural tillage discs: Part 1 concave type
IS 4358 : 1996 Sickles
IS 10778 : Part 2 : 1983 Furrow opener for seed-cum-fertilizer drills: Part 2 Shoe type
IS 6316 : 1993 Seed-cum-fertilizer drill - Test code
IS 13377 : 1992 Forestry tools - SHRUB cutting knife
IS 12599 : Part 2 : 1989 Sowing and fertilizer application equipment - Fertilizer metering mechanism,
Plate type: Part 2 Agitator roller
IS 12599 : Part 3 : 1989 Sowing and fertilizer application equipment - Fertilizer metering mechanism,
Plate type: Part 3 Auger roller
IS 12334 : 1988 Tractor mounted bund former
IS 12337 : 1988 Manually operated fertilizer broadcaster
IS 12599 : Part 4 : 1989 Sowing and fertilizer application equipment - Fertilizer metering mechanism,
Plate type: Part 4 Feed cup
IS 12613 : Part 1 : 1989 Sowing and fertilizer application equipment - Fertilizer metering mechanism,
fluted feed roller type: Part 1 Fertilizer feed roller
IS 12613 : Part 2 : 1989 Sowing and fertilizer application equipment - Fertilizer metering mechanism,
fluted feed roller type: Part 2 Fertilizer feed cut off
IS 12613 : Part 3 : 1989 Sowing and Fertilizer Application Equipment - Fertilizer metering mechanism,
fluted feed roller type: Part 3 Fertilizer retaining ring and cover
IS 12698 : 1989 Forestry tools - Tree marking digit set
IS 12917 : Part 1 : 1990 Farm transport equipment - Conventional animal drawn vehicle Part 1 Cattle,
donkey and mule
IS 12917 : Part 2 : 1991 Farm transport equipment - Conventional animal drawn vehicle Part 2 Camel
IS 13151 : 1991 Forestry Tools - Two-men Log tongs
IS 13373 : 1992 Grass shear
IS 12599 : Part 1 : 1989 Sowing and fertilizer application equipment - Fertilizer metering mechanism,
Plate type: Part 1 Fertilizer plate
IS 14523 : 1998 Forstry tools - Dibbling board
IS 10778 : Part 1 : 1983 Furrow opener for seed-cum-fertiliser drills: Part I Shovel type
IS 12371 : 1988/ISO 5670 : 1984 Technical requirements for single acting telescopic tipping cylinders
for agricultural trailers
IS 14541 : 1998 Forestry and plantation tools - Holes and forks - Specification [amalgamated revision of
IS 621, 13375, 13486(Pt 1), 4315]
IS 14540 : 1998 Intercultivation Equipment - Hand hoes - Specification
IS 14526 : 1998 Forestry tool - plant carrier
IS 13374 : 1992 Forestry tools - Hand sappie, nursery (Kutla)
IS 14524 : 1998 Forestry tools - Dibble iron
IS 13376 : 1992 Forestry tools - Debarking spud
IS 14459 : 1997 Battery operated rotary atomiser disc type ULV Sprayer
IS 13821 : 1993 Forestry tools - wooden filing vice
IS 13818 : 1993 Harvesting equipment - Tractor operated potato digger shakers - Test code
IS 13733 : 1993/ISO 5669 : 1982 Agricultural trailers and trailed equipment - Braking cylinders
IS 13485 : Part 1 : 1992 Forestry tools - Stalk puller:Part 1 Light duty
IS 12653 : 1989 Rubber tapping tools - coagulation tray
IS 14525 : 1998 Forestry tools - Seed plucker
IS 11234 : 1985 Test code for power thresher for groundnut
IS 11313 : 1985 Hydraulic power sprayer
IS 11272 : 1985 Glossary of terms relating to horticultural equipment
IS 11271 : 1985 Groundnut planter
IS 11270 : 1985 Technical requirements for ring-type hitches for agricultural trailers
IS 12409 : 1988 Garden sword
IS 11429 : 1985 Methods for calibration of sprayers
IS 12199 : 1987 Pneumatic wheeled animal drawn vehicle
IS 11235 : 1985 Test code for groundnut digger, animal drawn
IS 12703 : 1989 Forestry tools - Tree marking hammers
IS 6690 : 1981 Specification for Blades for Rotavator for Power Tillers
IS 11204 : 1985 Sugarcane harvesting knife
IS 11033 : 1984 Animal drawn potato digger, Ridger type
IS 10807 : 1984 Axles with brakes of trailer for power tillers
IS 10806 : 1984 Trailers for power tillers
IS 11269 : 1985 Axle assembly for conventional animal drawn vehicles
IS 12162 : 1987 Lifting hook
IS 12191 : 1987 Felling wedges
IS 6635 : 1972 Specification for Tractor Operated Disc Harrows
IS 11467 : 1985 Test code for cereal harvesting machines
IS 12163 : 1987 Cant hook
IS 3062 : 1995 Crop Protection Equipment - Rocker Sprayer - Specification
IS 12161 : 1987 Test code for animal carts
IS 11976 : 1986 Sugarcane planter semi-automatic
IS 11580 : 1986 Glossary of terms relating to forestry equipment
IS 11893 : 1986 Potato planter, semi-automatic
IS 11691 : 1986 Power thresher, spike tooth type
IS 12482 : 1988 Methods of test for manually operated dusters
IS 11905 : 1986 Shaft assembly for rotavator for power tiller
IS 11531 : 1985 Test code for puddler
IS 12164 : 1987 Log tongs
IS 4746 : 1968 Code for transport of dogs and cats by rail, road and air
IS 5236 : 1962 Code for transport of pigs by rail and road
IS 5237 : 1969 Code for transport of small and medium sized seed eating birds
IS 5238 : Part 2 : 1982 Code for transport of poultry:Part 2 Transport of poultry other than day-old chicks
and turkey poultry
IS 5255 : 1986 Poultry feeders
IS 4157 : Part 3 : 1983 Code for transport of livestock: Part 3 Transport of sheep and goat by rail and
IS 5284 : 1969 Recommendations for community milking shed
IS 5283 : 1969 Poultry waterers, portable

IS 5238 : Part 1 : 1982 Code for transport of poultry: Part 1 Transport of day-old chicks and turkey poults
IS 4157 : Part 1 : 1981 Code for transportation of livestock: Part 1 Transportation of equines (horses,
ponies, mules and donkeys) by rail, road, air and sea
IS 3916 : 1966 Code of practice for pig housing
IS 3907 : Part 3 : 1967 Code for transport of laboratory animals: Part 3 Transport of frogs
IS 3907 : Part 2 : 1967 Code for transport of laboratory animals: Part 2 Transport of snakes
IS 3907 : Part 1 : 1977 Code for transport of laboratory animals: Part 1 Transport of mice, rats, rabbits,
guinea pigs,cotton rats and hamsters
IS 3699 : Part 2 : 1978 Code for transport of monkeys by land: Part 2 Transport from rail-head to the
nearest airport
IS 3699 : Part 1 : 1978 Code for transport of monkeys by land: Part 1 Transport from trapping area to
the nearest rail-head
IS 3059 : 1981 Code for transport of monkeys by air
IS 6543 : 1972 Glass artificial insemination pipettes for cattles
IS 5309 : Part 1 : 1987 Brooders: Part 1 Battery brooders
IS 13125 : 1991 Goblets - Specification
IS 13006 : 1990 Freezing grill
IS 6384 : Part 2 : 1971 Code for care, management and housing of laboratory animals: Part 2
Laboratory dogs
IS 10450 : 1983 Code for transport of fresh water aquarium fish
IS 11786 : 1986 Recommendations for cattle housing for an average farmer
IS 11799 : 1986 Recommendations for cattle housing for a rural milk producer
IS 11800 : 1986 Artificial vagina for bovines
IS 11942 : 1986 Recommendations for GAUSHALAS and other organized milk producers
IS 12237 : 1987 Recommendations for loose housing systems of animals
IS 12939 : 1990 Method for heat resistance test of frozen semen of breeding bull
IS 12946 : 1990 Filling nozzle
IS 12964 : 1990 Method of quantitative determination of progressively motile spermatazoa in frozen bull
IS 8103 : 1976 Code for cleaning and sterilization of artificial insemination equipment
IS 13005 : 1991 Method for detection of faculative pathogenic micro-organisms of bull semen
IS 8102 : 1990 Technical requirements for frozen semen of breeding bull
IS 13033 : 1990 Straw holding clips
IS 13044 : 1991 Technical requirement for freshly collected semen of breeding sheep
IS 13181 : 1991 Artificial insemination sheath
IS 13819 : 1993 Articifial insemination guns
IS 13820 : 1993 Artificial insemination straws
IS 2732 : 1985 Code of Practice for Poultry Housing
IS 2733 : 1985 Code of Practice for Sheep and Goats Housing
IS 2734 : 1964 Code of Practice for Equine Housing
IS 5804 : 1987 Specification for Poultry Debeakers
IS 6228 : 1971 Specification for Poultry Egg Fertility Tester
IS 13002 : 1990 Method for enumeration of living aerobic micro-organizms of bull semen
IS 6384 : Part 1 : 1978 Code for care, management and housing of laboratory animals: Part 1
Laboratory monkeys
IS 5310 : 1987 Electrically-heated poultry incubators
IS 5701 : Part 1 : 1981 Code for breeding, care, management and housing of laboratory animals: Part 1
Laboratory mice and rats
IS 5701 : Part 2 : 1979 Code for breeding, care, management and housing of laboratory animals: Part 2
Laboratory rabbits
IS 5701 : Part 3 : 1979 Code for breeding, care, management and housing of laboratory animals: Part 3
Laboratory guinea-pigs
IS 5701 : Part 4 : 1979 Code for breeding, care, management and housing of laboratory animals: Part 4
Laboratory golden hamsters
IS 5701 : Part 5 : 1972 Code for breeding, care, management and housing of laboratory animals: Part 5
Laboratory snakes
IS 5701 : Part 6 : 1981 Code for breeding, care, management and housing of laboratory animals: Part 6
Laboratory cotton rats (sigmodon hispidus and sigmodon hispidus hispidus
IS 5701 : Part 7 : 1977 Code for breeding, care, management and housing of laboratory animals: Part 7
Laboratory frogs
IS 5701 : Part 8 : 1979 Code for breeding, care, management and housing of laboratory animals: Part 8
Laboratory chicks
IS 5701 : Part 9 : 1979 Code for breeding, care, management and housing of laboratory animals: Part 9
Laboratory pigeons
IS 10449 : 1983 Code for transport of live fish seed for inland pisciculture purposes
IS 6027 : 1970 Recommendations for farm cattle housing for large dairy farms
IS 5309 : Part 2 : 1987 Brooders: Part 2 Floor brooders
IS 6384 : Part 3 : 1971 Code for care, management and housing of laboratory animals: Part 3
Laboratory cats
IS 6544 : 1972 Wing band for poultry
IS 6545 : 1972 Leg band for poultry
IS 6692 : 1972 Method of milk recording of cattle
IS 6696 : 1972 Egg washing machines
IS 7179 : 1973 Disposable plastic artificial insemination pipettes for cattle
IS 7180 : 1973 Disposable artificial insemination gloves
IS 7516 : 1974 Trap nests for poultry
IS 7517 : 1987 Pedigree hatching boxes for Poultry
IS 7518 : 1974 Laying battery cages for poultry
IS 5701 : Part 10 : 1981 Code for breeding, care, management and housing of laboratory animals: Part
10 Laboratory mosquitoes

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