SOP067 - How To Add Google Analytics To A Shopify Store
SOP067 - How To Add Google Analytics To A Shopify Store
SOP067 - How To Add Google Analytics To A Shopify Store
Shopify Store
Last Updated / Reviewed: April 1st, 2020
Execution Time: ~15-30 minutes
Goal: To add Google Analytics to a Shopify store and verify that it is working properly.
Ideal Outcome: Google Analytics is properly added without any technical issues.
Why this is important: Google Analytics is the most popular tool to measure website
data to gather visitor insights. With it, you will be able to know the amount of traffic you
are getting, and how your visitors are behaving inside your website.
When this is done: Only once—the first time you install Google Analytics.
Who does this: The person responsible for website management, or analytics.
1. Go to
2. If you are not logged in to your Google account you will be prompted to login;
3. If you are already logged in to your Google Account but you don’t yet have a
Google Analytics account, you will want to create one now by pressing “Sign Up”:
a. Note: Your Google Account can be used for multiple Google services
(e.g. Gmail, Adwords, Analytics, etc) but you still have to sign up
individually for each service.
i. If you don’t know what your website’s protocol is type your website
URL in Google Chrome starting with “https://” (e.g.
1. If you see a green padlock before the URL appearing, it
means you should select “https://”
5. Scroll down to the bottom and click on: “Get Tracking ID”:
8. Click on “Okay, got it!” → Take note of your Google Analytics tracking code, you will
need it for the next steps.
Note: If you have just created your Google Analytics account you will notice you now
have one view named “All Web Site Data”. This is alright if you are sure you will not be
doing any customizations on your Google Analytics properties.
- Main View: This is your go-to view. This is where you will be doing all your
analysis and should be working flawlessly. All customizations to Google
With this structure, you will always have a way to recover lost data in case something
goes wrong. The unfiltered view will always have all your data. And the “Main View” will
have all your filters properly applied.
3. Under “View” click on the dropdown box and select “Create a new view”:
7. In the “New view name” field type “Staging View”, and click “Copy View”:
9. All we need now is to rename the original view and we’ll be done. To do it, select
the “All Web Site Data” view.
11. Click on “View Settings” and rename the view name that will now be your “Main
View” and hit “Save”:
12. You should now be able to see your first three views:
2. Make sure you’ve selected the right Account, Property, and View on the top → Click
“E-commerce Settings”.
a. Note: If you’ve followed the previous chapters of this SOP you should have now
1 Account, 1 Property, and 3 Views. Remember to first add the new settings to
your Staging View. After you’ve confirmed everything is working great, you’ll
replicate those on your Main View.
4. Click ‘Save’:
5. That’s it! You’ll see a “Success” message on the top and your Google Analytics View will
now have E-commerce data once you add the Google Analytics code to Shopify.
4. That’s it! You’re now tracking your Shopify Store with Google Analytics.