Kevin Zhang 0 To 50k Case Study PDF
Kevin Zhang 0 To 50k Case Study PDF
Kevin Zhang 0 To 50k Case Study PDF
Thank you for registering for my eCommerce and Business Masterclass training! As promised,
here is your case study. We will break down the exact steps that I used to scale a brand new
eCommerce business from $0 starting on March 26th to over $50,000 per day by April 11th.
This is the Shopify Reports view of the sales over time. It also captures the discounts and
refunds that were provided during the same time period. The business offered free shipping,
so all logistics costs were factored into the price.
The Financial Breakdown
From March 26th to April 11th, I spent a total of $51,245.05 on Facebook ads to generate
$338,115.10 in sales. Facebook Ad Manager recorded total sales of $282,486.56 and a 5.51
ROAS (Return on Ad Spend). The difference in 17% of sales not attributing to Facebook can be
explained by both the existence of repeat buyers and Facebook’s tracking capabilities
(impossible to track 100% of sales).
The profit margin that we achieved on goods alone was 55%. The Average Order Value was
$118.68. This means that on average, a customer would spend $118.68 per order and then it
would cost me $65.27 to fulfill that order, which results in an average of $53.41 profit per
order BEFORE advertising costs.
Everyone always asks, “Your sales are great, but HOW MUCH MONEY DID YOU MAKE?”
This case study will break down how I was able to achieve these results for this particular
business. At the end of this case study, I’ve included an Appendix section that will include
Shopify sales day by day as well as the Ad Manager view used to achieve those results.
If you want to learn even more and potentially repeat these results for yourself, I
recommend you attend my next free training.
I truly believe in the power of eCommerce and the remarkable ability that this space has for
changing lives. eCommerce fits all of the criteria for a great business model for aspiring
entrepreneurs. It’s a rapidly growing and disruptive industry, provides a meaningful path to
passive income, and is sustainable when executed properly.
Considering the incredible opportunity that exists in eCommerce, it’s a shame that the vast
majority of “gurus” and “YouTube experts” are actually pursuing the model in the wrong way.
These gurus are pushing outdated, spammy tactics like “FREE + SHIPPING” or telling you that
you need to spend weeks aimlessly clicking around, searching for the perfect “hot” product,
hoping to just get lucky.
My approach is completely different. You don’t need gimmicky advertising and you definitely
won’t be relying on luck -- instead, my eCommerce and Business Masterclass will show you
how to build a BRAND that lasts.
In my training you’ll learn…
I’ll even build an eCommerce store completely from scratch, right in front of your
Who am I?
My name is Kevin Zhang and I am a serial eCommerce entrepreneur and investor. I am best
known for successfully generating $20 Million in sales in my first year as an entrepreneur,
despite starting my journey swamped with credit card debt and student loans. I pioneered the
branded niche approach to eCommerce that allows everyday individuals without previous
eCommerce experience or oversized bank accounts to turn their interests and passions into a
legitimate eCommerce brand. No need to invest in inventory, use sketchy sales tactics, or
spend years learning how to code a website.
There is a secret to ALL eCommerce success and it lies within what I like to call the GOLDEN 6.
if you can do these 6 things right, then you’ll experience great results -- no mystery or luck
involved. In fact, because eCommerce is a digital business, you will always have access to data
that provides instant feedback on how well you are doing and how you can quickly improve -
- NOTHING is left to chance.
Once you find your winning combination of the GOLDEN 6, you will see your business go from
making a few hundred bucks a month to TENS OF THOUSANDS A DAY, all in a matter of days.
I am going to walk you through how I accomplished ALL 6 for one of my businesses.
Why does following the GOLDEN 6 work so well?
Simply put, it’s a logical way to give customers EXACTLY what they want. Think about your
own experience buying something online. You probably saw a compelling ad on Facebook that
was related to one of your interests (Step 1: Targeting) and got excited enough to click (Step
2: Advertisement). The advertisement then took you to a homepage that looked trustworthy
enough for you to linger (Step 3: Landing Page) and featured a variety of interesting products
-- one of which you decided to click on. While looking at the product images, reading the
description, and browsing the reviews you fell in love and decided to buy (Step 4: Product
Pages). Once you started the checkout process you received an offer to add another item to
your cart for an additional discount -- who could refuse! (Step 5: Checkout Process). Finally,
you paid for your order, immediately received tracking, and even received an email followup
weeks after delivery, ensuring you were satisfied (Step 6: Post-Purchase Experience).
This hypothetical example illustrates the power of the GOLDEN 6 to create an irresistible chain
of attraction that takes someone from mindlessly browsing social media to enjoying an order
from YOUR brand.
If you master all 6 steps then you are guaranteed to find success in eCommerce.
Now it’s time to see these steps in action as I walk you through the process of building an
eCommerce business!
Simply put, it’s a logical way to give customers EXACTLY what they want. Think about your
own experience buying something online. You probably saw a compelling ad on Facebook that
was related to one of your interests (Step 1: Targeting) and got excited enough to click (Step
2: Advertisement). The advertisement then took you to a homepage that looked trustworthy
enough for you to linger (Step 3: Landing Page) and featured a variety of interesting products
-- one of which you decided to click on. While looking at the product images, reading the
description, and browsing the reviews you fell in love and decided to buy (Step 4: Product
Pages). Once you started the checkout process, you received an offer to add another item to
your cart for an additional discount -- who could refuse! (Step 5: Checkout Process). Finally,
you paid for your order, immediately received tracking, and even received an email followup
weeks after delivery, ensuring you were satisfied (Step 6: Post-Purchase Experience).
This hypothetical example illustrates the power of the GOLDEN 6 to create an irresistible chain
of attraction that takes someone from mindlessly browsing social media to enjoying an order
from YOUR brand.
If you master all 6 steps then you are guaranteed to find success in eCommerce.
Now it’s time to see these steps in action as I walk you through the process of building an
eCommerce business!
Solve a problem and the money will come. This is a piece of advice that has rung true
throughout my experience as an entrepreneur. When you offer value to someone, you will
receive value in return, regardless of whether it is a business deal or a relationship.
In March 2020, COVID19 had just hit the national stage and countries around the
world were locking down, so I thought to myself...
While most entrepreneurs immediately thought about PPE supplies like masks and hand
sanitizers, there was more to the story. I didn’t want to go into the same space as everyone
else and fight for a slice of the pie; I wanted the entire pie…
So I thought to myself, with everyone forced by the government to stay indoors due to COVID-
I decided to use Google Trends (a FREE tool that allows individuals to look up the “popularity”
or “virality” of certain activities and terms) to research interest in every single sport out there
from basketball to bowling.
I noticed a big dip in interest. Were people suddenly less interested in golf?
No, that’s not logical. It had to be because COVID-19 led to the shutdown of many golf courses
and practice facilities.
I’m not a golfer myself, but I do know that it’s a sport with a rabid fan base. Thousands of
golfers were probably devastated that they couldn’t play. Furthermore, golfers tend to
represent a wealthier demographic, so they would probably be willing to pay for a solution
to their problem.
So while everyone else was focusing on the surface-level analysis of medical supplies (which
is quite frankly unethical), I got to work figuring out how to deliver an…
I headed over to AliExpress in order to find products. Aliexpress offers a variety of products at
discount pricing and is used by resellers across the country from eCommerce store owners to
Amazon sellers (you’ve probably bought a product from Amazon that the seller got from
In my free training, I discuss how you can source high quality products from AIiexpress, get
your logos onto them, and also Access fast logistics.
After doing 30 minutes of research into the world of golf, I found these golfing cages that
allowed players to work on their stroke from the comfort of their own home, without fear of
sending a wayward ball into a neighbor’s window…
This product SOLVED my future customers’ needs. Now they could practice their
skills without leaving home!
These would be my PRIMARY products, or the ones that I want to focus most of my sales on.
Next, I wanted to find COMPLEMENTARY products. These would be the products that I would
encourage customers to add to their carts AFTER they’ve already committed to one of the
primary products.
The best types of complementary products are ones that “go well” with primary products, by
improving the experience provided by either product alone.
This is the same thing that tech companies like Microsoft and Apple do to you when they ask
you if you want to add peripherals like a mouse, printer, or warranty to your order. Same story
when you buy sneakers at Nike and then they push sneaker cleaners.
As you may have seen from these examples, the ideal complementary products should be
lower priced than your primary products.
I strongly believe that whether you are selling $1,000 handbags or graphic print t-shirts, brand
execution is very important.
When you don’t have a brand, all you are able to compete on is product and price - this is a
guaranteed way to lose because the moment other merchants start selling your product at
the same or lower price, it’s a race to the bottom.
The Logo
Believe it or not, this logo took me ten minutes to make with a combination of stock photos
and a free font I found online. It’s simple, professional, and direct, allowing my brand to quickly
communicate the unique value proposition it offers to golfers.
I will cover my easy approach to logo design in my free training, so you never have to rely on
costly graphic designers again
Now that the logo is taken care of we can start working on the elephant in the room…
The Website
After selling over $20 million in products online I have come to realize that WHAT you decide
to sell on your website is FAR LESS IMPORTANT than HOW you decide to sell it.
When I started in eCommerce there were thousands of digital stores that were selling the
exact same products as me, but my unique branded approach allowed me to cut through the
noise and outclass the competition.
Here are my 4 principles for creating a branded site that SELLS...
Not only are these strategies ineffective, but if you approach eCommerce with this mindset
YOU WILL FAIL, because you aren’t actually providing value to your customers and building a
sustainable business.
So how can you build a brand that is designed in a way to communicate trust and
You guessed it, model your business after the “big brands”
Big brands like Warby Parker and Allbirds aren’t using these spammy tactics. Instead, these
companies use strategic marketing techniques to gently convert visitors into customers
WITHOUT being pushy.
Now compare that to this random eCommerce store that is made using some of the same
techniques the “gurus” will try to sell you on…
Which store would YOU buy from?
I think the answer is clearly Allbirds, which makes sense considering they launched in 2014
and are now valued at over $1 billion dollars.
I used a clear image of the golfing experience that I know my customers are missing coupled
with a simple message that fully communicates my brand’s appeal: “practice like the pros from
A visitor to this site immediately knows what experience my store is offering and it’s presented
in a visually appealing, professional manner -- free of annoying popups and glaring red text..
2 - Achieve Consistency in Front-Facing Products
Let’s take another look at the average eCommerce store a beginner following other methods
might make. This time we are looking at a collection page…
There’s random green ribbons, inconsistent background, and even different fonts being used
-- all on the same page. These types of inconsistent product pages cause customers to lose
trust in brands.
“If this business owner can’t even make her website (read: digital storefront) presentable
then how can I trust her to sell me a quality product?”
Now take a look at the collection page from my store…
Every product has a white background, the same font, and there is a consistent color scheme.
Instead of losing trust and leaving the site, a customer viewing this page is more likely to feel
reassured that she is purchasing from a reputable seller and will probably continue browsing.
3 - Leverage Psychology when Building Collection Pages
See if you can spot the difference between these two product listings on my site…
One product has a small red “sale” tag while the other does not.
This may seem inconsequential, but this example of PSYCHOLOGICAL FRAMING and is a very
powerful way to increase the number of sales a store can generate.
In this example, by showcasing a product that offers more features (more targets) and is on
sale alongside a more expensive product with less features, I am subtly pushing customers
towards the sale item. This is exactly why, whenever I build an eCommerce store, I like to
alternate between sale items and non-sale items. I also make sure to never have a never
ending sale. This allows me to preserve the appeal of the limited time discount instead of
having it become expected.
Now that you understand the elements of a trustworthy, visually appealing homepage we can
move onto building high-converting product pages...
The best way to think about crafting a product page is to pretend that it’s a sales associate at
a retail floor whose job is to convince the customer to purchase a product. Not only must the
associate answer all the basic questions a customer may have such as…
But also, the emotional needs of the customer must be addressed. The associate may make
statements about the product such as…
This will make you feel great / look good / win friends / etc.
Understanding BOTH the practical and emotional needs of the customer is KEY to converting
them into a buyer.
Take a look at this product page to see these principles in action...
In this product description I answer all of the practical questions the customer may have by
giving them critical information such as the price, materials, dimensions, and differentiating
features (tear resistant & easy to clean).
Then I go a step further and add an emotional element that plays upon the customer’s desire
to beat his friends in golf and be admired by saying...
“It will increase your confidence and have your golfing buddies jealous”
Kevin, this all makes sense, but won’t the customer be thinking...
I’ve never heard of this brand before, why should I trust them with my hard earned
Part of the answer lies in actions we’ve taken that have already boosted trust.
Just by creating a beautifully designed landing page, we’ve helped separate ourselves from
run of the mill, low quality dropshippers.
Furthermore, by adding clear, helpful descriptions and emotional triggers we have already
done most of the work required to win the customer’s trust.
The final step is removing any risk from their decision by adding a series of trust badges which
emphasize the brand’s commitment to quality, customer service, and (most importantly) the
30 day, money-back guarantee.
“Compare at prices” show the price of a product before discount, and because you are
sourcing your products from Aliexpress at close to wholesale prices you can generally afford
to price your products well below the mainstream competition.
In this case I found a physical golf store in my area selling a similar product for $111.
As a finishing touch I also got creative and paid a local golf coach to record a quick 10-video
lesson series, covering some basic golf pointers for practicing at home.
I paid a total of $200 for these lessons, but this one time investment paid off as I was able to
offer the following limited time offer on my product page, and it definitely increased my
conversion rate (i.e. the percentage of people who viewed my product page and then
You should CONSTANTLY be looking for conversion rate boosters regardless of how old your
store is or how much money you are making. In my experience you can always squeeze out
some more value from your store while simultaneously improving the experience for your
Now that your customer is convinced that they absolutely NEED this product, they
begin the checkout process...
While my main focus was selling the 3 Target Chipper Net, I also needed to make sure that I
offered both an UPSELL and DOWNSELL during the checkout process.
Example: Imagine if you purchased the leather shoes, but decided not to add the cleaner. An
appropriate downsell at this stage would be a low cost related item such as shoelaces.
Then I would offer them the golf mat offer for an additional $60.
Assuming the customer accepted, the overall purchase value would then increase by over
153% from $49 to $124
Remember, the beauty of an upsell and downsell is how well they compliment the primary
product that you are selling.
You should try to target at least 10% of your users taking your first upsell offer and
then 2-5% taking your second upsell or downsell offer.
In the same way that there are key principles for effective website design, there are also
important rules to follow for designing engaging ads that generate MASSIVE amounts of clicks.
Here is an example of one of the advertisements I successfully ran for this business.
1 - The Creative
“Creative” is marketing speak for the visual element of an advertisement. A creative is THE
MOST IMPORTANT aspect of an ad and usually takes the form of an image, video, slideshow,
or carousel.
You want to make sure that your creative GRABS THE VIEWER’S ATTENTION.
It doesn’t matter how engaging your creative is if it doesn’t relate to the product
you’re selling.
The best part is that these creatives are actually easy to make and in my training I
will even cover how you can use FREE tools to design them.
Notice how all these creatives address the problem that I’m trying to solve -- improving golf
skills from home. Never forget what your end goal is when crafting creatives or you will end
up with something visually appealing but irrelevant.
2 – Headline
This is the natural place where someone’s eye will gravitate to after they see the creative
and stop scrolling.
This is a valuable part of the advertisement, because it provides additional information that
captures more of your audience’s interest and primes them to become a customer.
There is no one-size-fits-all.
These are my winning combinations for this store, but you will need to test different
approaches and find out what works best for you!
3 - Post Text
This is where you have a chance to get a little more wordy both in how you describe the
product you’re selling and also your brand.
If a viewer has interest in learning more before they click, then this is your chance to inform
Testing is critical here, because I’ve seen a variety of approaches work well…
Pro Tip: Most customers will be viewing your advertisement on mobile; in fact, 70% of all sales
come from mobile NOT desktop users. As a result, it is important to front load your most
important content, so it is visible before the ad cuts off on a mobile screen. You can preview
how your ad will look as you design it within Facebook’s ad manager tool.
In the below example you can see that I strategically made sure that SHARPEN YOUR SKILLS
and Golf indoors…. Were both visible in the preview.
Golf indoors regardless of what’s going in the world. Up to 50% off and FREE SHIPPING.
Receive an at-home GOLF TRAINING ON US.
⛳ Premium at-home chipper nets
4 - Call to Action
The call to action is simply text that directs your viewer towards your website.
Facebook has several options to choose from. For eCommerce physical products,
SHOP NOW is the easy choice.
5 - Description
This is probably the least consequential portion of the advertisement, so I decided to just
reiterate the message of “sharpening your skills indoors.”
For the purposes of this case study, I am going to limit my focus to explaining part of my
strategy: mainly, how I decide on INTERESTS to target.
If you didn’t know already, Facebook groups all of its users in pre-made audiences called
INTERESTS that are comprised of individuals who have all expressed interest in the same
For example, there is a Facebook interest called “Golf,” which has over 297 million
individuals who have all expressed interest in “Golf.”
In order to select the interests to target when you first start, I suggest you use my AVATAR
TARGETING approach.
It’s simple, but it does require some critical thinking and creativity...
Step 1 - Determine the TYPES of individuals that you expect to be interested in your
The most obvious TYPE of individuals for this golfing store are those who explicitly express
an interest in golf.
Since golf is also a higher-income sport (basic research taught me that the average golfer
had an income of $100K+), I may also target higher-income people.
While these interests may be obvious, there are probably a lot of companies advertising
golfing related products to these audiences.
By expanding beyond these common sense choices I can discover individuals with a secret
interest in golf. For example, maybe individuals interested in Rolex watches happen to also
like golf. This isn’t immediately obvious (but it is plausible) and, if it turns out to be true, I will
have found a receptive audience that is not receiving that is not receiving a lot of golf-
related ads from other brands.
Step 2 - Determine the different TYPES of things that your audiences from step 1 would be
interested in. For this case study, I’m going to do the next steps for the GOLFERS group.
Step 3 - Find INTERESTS that you can target on Facebook under each category
made in Step 2.
Here is an example of my adset for “Golf Entertainment” - you can see that I was able to
successfully apply the interests that I mapped out conceptually into Ad Manager for
successful targeting. I started my campaign to focus on the United States, where most
eCommerce sales are generated and did not segment by age or gender in order to give
Facebook’s algorithm maximum potential to hone in on the ideal audience.
Ultimately, instead of just targeting the interest GOLF, I was able to find multiple pockets of
Facebook users that my advertisements would likely resonate with.
I performed the same exercise for RICH PEOPLE and through repeatedly performing this
exercise I was able to generate new interests for my targeting throughout the entire lifecycle
of the business.
That’s right, this strategy + some basic Google research allowed me to generate thousands
of dollars in sales.
Keep in mind that this strategy is just for COLD TRAFFIC or individuals that have never
interacted with your brand before.
WARM TRAFFIC is comprised of individuals who have seen your offer before and is another
important aspect of the targeting process.
How do you market to someone who has already seen your product but needs to be pushed to
How do you target someone who adds a product to their cart, but then abandons it?
I teach my students a variety of techniques for optimizing for this traffic, stemming from text
message marketing to dynamic advertising, but I will not be going into that level of depth in
this case study.
What I will say is that DISCOUNT CODES work exceptionally well in tipping someone
over the edge from a near-buyer into a bonafide customer.
Post-Purchase Experience
Just because you have successfully sold a product doesn’t mean that your job is over. Now you
have to ensure that the customer’s experience from shipping to usage is seamless.
I did this because the business took off and was growing faster than I could work to improve
my customer experience by providing fast and reliable shipping as well as branded packaging.
I temporarily paused the business in order to work with my fulfillment team in China and
ensure that the products would arrive to my customers with FASTER SHIPPING TIMES and
In the free training you registered for, I discuss in greater detail how you can achieve this for
your products and also give you a way to access my team in China.
Not only is this good ethically, but it is also critical when advertising on Facebook that your
customers are satisfied.
Facebook actively requests feedback from your customers through random surveys and if you
receive terrible reviews, Facebook will actually punish you by making your ads more expensive
to run.
It’s ALWAYS worth it to sacrifice short-term growth for the ability to make your business
more sustainable.
Concluding Remarks
In this case study, you learned the strategies I used to achieve the right combination of the
GOLDEN 6 and scale a brand new eCommerce business.
Best of all, these strategies have not only worked for me, but also HUNDREDS of my students.
They ALL started in the EXACT same free training that you registered for.
As you’ve now seen, my approach to eCommerce is VERY DIFFERENT from these “Gurus” and
“YouTube Experts.”
I feel blessed to have generated life-changing wealth from these strategies and there has
never been a better time to apply them as the entire drop shipping industry is projected to
grow by 5X to $550 Billion in the next 5 years.
If you found this case study to be an exciting one, I encourage you to attend my free training.
It’ll be 90 minutes of immersive content where you’ll learn ALL OF THE STRATEGIES that
allowed me to GENERATE $20 MILLION in my FIRST YEAR.
You’ll also get a chance to see the EXACT websites that gave my students success.
Regardless of what you choose, best of luck on your journey into eCommerce!
NOTE: Total sales on Shopify is gross revenue minus discounts and refunds.
March 26th
Total sales: $0.00
Facebook recorded revenue: $0.00
Facebook spend: $43.24
Facebook recorded ROAS: 0.00
March 27th
Total sales: $1,187.64
Facebook recorded revenue: $1,237.61
Facebook spend: $61.26
Facebook recorded ROAS: 20.20
We had cancellations from customers on this day, which resulted in a Total Sales number on
Shopify that is lower than what was recorded by Facebook. Whenever Facebook “over-
reports,” it’s due to customer service related activities. Facebook usually never over-reports
and consistently under-reports as a result of flaws in tracking. Experiencing such quick results
like this is not normal. It confirmed to me that my hypothesis of going after golfers that were
stuck indoors could be a very lucrative one.
March 28th
Total sales: $2,078.37
Facebook recorded revenue: $1,979.40
Facebook spend: $108.50
Facebook recorded ROAS: 18.24
March 29th
Total sales: $2,969.10
Facebook recorded revenue: $3,602.89
Facebook spend: $128.37
Facebook recorded ROAS: 28.07
March 30th
Total sales: $9,379.07
Facebook recorded revenue: $10,330.85
Facebook spend: $813.83
Facebook recorded ROAS: 12.69
At this point, I’ve tested a lot of different creatives and messaging. I am confident that I
found a strong combination of the GOLDEN 6 aside from the checkout process. I increased my
budget, which meant lower ROAS, but much higher profitability.
March 31st
Total sales: $16,923.09
Facebook recorded revenue: $16,430.27
Facebook spend: $1,046.06
Facebook recorded ROAS: 15.71
My re-targeting of warm traffic started performing very well on March 30th and I decided to
increase budget even more. Next step, I had to perfect the checkout process in order to claim
more value per order. I started re-marketing customers that just
recently purchased in an UPSELL strategy.
April 1st
Total sales: $16,172.16
Facebook recorded revenue: $14,798.57
Facebook spend: $1,639.81
Facebook recorded ROAS: 9.02
April 2nd
Total sales: $10,956.30
Facebook recorded revenue: $9,378.93
Facebook spend: $814.82
Facebook recorded ROAS: 11.51
I added in Zipify OneClickUpsell in order to boost cart value even more. It’s an app that
enabled me to add in several UPSELL and DOWNSELL processes to the checkout experience. I
also added in an additional payment processor that was more eCommerce friendly than
Shopify Payments. I also began spreading my spend out to prospect additional audiences and
also foreign countries. Simultaneously, I began testing more creatives because I knew that
this business had A LOT of firepower as long as I gave it enough diverse creatives, so that
viewers wouldn’t be bored of seeing the same advertisements over and over again.
April 3rd
Total sales: $361.91
Facebook recorded revenue: $0.00
Facebook spend: $22.39
Facebook recorded ROAS: 0.00
This was a pivotal moment for the business and something that separates myself from a lot
of other eCommerce entrepreneurs. I purposefully de-scaled the store in order to spend time
reviewing customer support emails, negotiating better margins on my goods, and also
ensuring that products would arrive with faster logistics than the norm. The sales that did
come in on this date were organic from customers that didn’t buy before, but wanted to buy
now. This is the final piece of the GOLDEN 6 for success in eCommerce. If you provide value,
you will receive value in return.
April 4th
Total sales: $18,785.84
Facebook recorded revenue: $18,478.67
Facebook spend: $1,653.29
Facebook recorded ROAS: 11.18
After figuring out things with my team in China, I resumed advertising. At this point, I also
added in the free video series for indoor golf lessons, which contributed to an increase in
conversion rate. Now I was confident to start scaling faster, especially by pushing into foreign
April 5th
Total sales: $27,259.45
Facebook recorded revenue: $24,795.58
Facebook spend: $2,812.64
Facebook recorded ROAS: 8.82
April 6th
Total sales: $16,530.36
Facebook recorded revenue: $13,471.46
Facebook spend: $1,969.47
Facebook recorded ROAS: 6.84
April 7th
Total sales: $31,589.18
Facebook recorded revenue: $25,107.65
Facebook spend: $5,000.00
Facebook recorded ROAS: 5.02
At this point, I was very confident that my business satisfied the GOLDEN 6 so I didn’t hesitate
to spend more. Even though the ROAS declined compared to before, overall profitability was
higher than ever. I also shifted my Facebook targeting to broader and broader audiences
because I was very confident that I had given my pixel enough guidance and now I could
really leverage the power of Facebook’s algorithm to its full potential. My spending was also
capped on this ad account to $5K per day, so I had to submit a request with my VIP Facebook
Rep in order to increase it. At this point, this business became fairly passive. I spent 2-3 hours
a day on it just making sure that my team continued to test creatives, my team in China was
handling orders the right way, and checking up on Ad Manager. Eventually, I would have one
of my remote team members handle the business completely, so it would turn into a passive
money maker for me. I discuss how to turn your eCommerce business into a passive one in
the free training.
April 8th
Total sales: $34,091.30
Facebook recorded revenue: $27,585.15
Facebook spend: $5,162.42
Facebook recorded ROAS: 5.34
My budget limit was raised, I had a clear understanding of which foreign markets I could
reliably sell in and deliver products to, my checkout process was complete after a series of
testing, and my landing page and product pages were converting higher than ever - It was
time to take things to the next level.
April 9th
Total sales: $47,177.42
Facebook recorded revenue: $36,701.78
Facebook spend: $9,536.60
Facebook recorded ROAS: 3.85
So close to $50K/day! The profit on this day was absolutely NUTS. After advertising costs and
cost of goods, it was roughly $16,411. How was I able to do this? I practice eCommerce unlike
anyone else out there. I build businesses that consumers ACTUALLY trust. Learn more about
my approach at my next free training.
April 10th
Total sales: $49,640.97
Facebook recorded revenue: $37,968.80
Facebook spend: $9,814.26
Facebook recorded ROAS: 3.87
April 11th
Total sales: $53,012.94
Facebook recorded revenue: $40,618.95
Facebook spend: $10,618.09
Facebook recorded ROAS: 3.83
As promised, Mission Accomplished! If this was exciting to you, you’ll absolutely love my free
training. You’ll learn about my entrepreneurial journey, why I believe that eCommerce is the
BEST opportunity in the world for someone that wants to generate wealth despite not
starting out with a lot of resources, the difference between my approach and that of “Gurus,”
and so MUCH MORE. The best part is that my strategies don’t only work for me - I’ve had the
privilege of educating thousands of students around the world and I’d love to teach you also.
You’ll be able to see their results and more in the training. I’ll see you at my next season!
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