The Merciad, Jan. 24, 1985
The Merciad, Jan. 24, 1985
The Merciad, Jan. 24, 1985
VOL 58 NO, 14
$Maintenance, faculty, and students Gretchen Walsh spent her day working A seemingly buried Baldwin Hall (photos by Jotty Williams)
worked throughout the morning in Fine cafeteria t along with Heidi Some of the offices in Preston were played cards and recovered from the
vacuuming the two and one half inches Winkleman and Karen Miskiv preparing opentbut not many students roamed day before." A group of girls in Egan
of water which soaked the carpets of the meais for the residents. I the halls. A few professors braved the were playing "Upword" a sort of Scrab-
the Communications department and According to a K. C. Foods circumstances to get to school. Angela ble game. One replied, "Do you think
Media Services. * \ \ employee, many deliveries could nbt Elston, professor of English, said/"I we have nothing better *to do on our
\ The Merciad , the Praeterita , arid be. madeJfoeca^usgjl of the-, severe had^to ''tunnel my way througrttha^ day off than iStM,dy?$" ^ ^ ^ _
4hy wmpqo radi (^station, WMCTS gab** weat enyjconditions. Milk was not snow from acrosdf'the? parking lot." Other students, like Noni Hess said,
periencedE theimost difficulties as a available tbfstudents -on Monday. When asked what she was^ doing at "I spent the day catching up an all the
result of 1ms misfortune.! 3 ^f However, it was readily available on school she explained, '1 am writing an homework I've been blowing off the
Martha'i Camp, editor of the Tuesday along with other necessary a essay- an essay on the fact that we last ?two and one half weeks." The
Praeterita , reported that some items. * & | don't know who invented water but we same with Janice Johnston who said,
photographs were damaged due to Students seeking a place to study can be sure it wasn't a fish." I "I spent the day < working out3 the
water. £ were forced to cram the classrooms of A n o t h e r p r o f e s s o r , ^Joseph mistakes of my roommmate's accoun-
According to Rick Wendt, program Old Main or make the best of it in their Filonowicz, of the Philosophy depart- ting homework." f < f
director of WMCY, three- fourths of the dorm rooms because the library did not ment said, "I'm here because of three One group of girls in Mercy apart-
things, the typewriter, the xerox ment 214 were glad they had the day
machine and the post office.!' off. An occupant replied, "Yesterday
Doing work in his office in the Com- we went to; the store twice, played
munications department, Steve Curcio Trivial Pursuit three times, and watch-
said, "I was checking on the radio sta- ed the Super Bowl, so we we were
tion making sure eveything was alright' ready for fhejsnow but not ready for
and correcting a few quizzes." classes/' -f I M • *; W
Meanwhile, some students could be Katie Brown, a resident of McAuley
found in groupsi playing igames or found it a great time to catch up on her
cards in their dorm rooms, apartments, favorite soap opera but "no thanks to
or townhouses. Six students were play- the Presidential Inaguration." Dawn
ing Monopoly in McAuley in the midst Daugherty summed it|up best when
of the bickering of players cheating, ^ j she said, "I'm going to stay in and keep
The mood was calmer in Townhouse warm." This was the message heeded
Two according to MatcWhelan, "We by most of the Mercyhurst community.
A member of the maintenance staff vacuums the wet carpets in the Merciad office.
station's records were overcome by open till 6 p.m. Monday evening. ^ ^ ^
water. Some personal records of the One student voiced her objection to
dee jays also sustained water this, "I would have like-to have gone to
damages. the library, but unfortunately it wasn's
For precautionary measures, WMCY open," said freshman Baldwin resi-
was unable to continue broadcasting dent, Jean Kellick. \ ||
due to the electrical equipment being Like the library, the Student Union ^m
surrounded by water. Broadcasting did not open till later that evening also. klpiiPiii UP
would resume when an engineer could Maree-Lynn Cicon, director of the Stu-
survey the situation. & *£ dent Union, said she opened the Union
The Merciad off ice was also forced to provide recreational i activities for ».;<-
The Mericad staff, with terminals, ing their:shifts allowing the Union to Walking around the campus was a difficult task as students fought the snow drifts on
printer,, and office supplies in hand, open. Tuesday. !. !
- * 1
JANUARY 24,1985
Open Forum
Trumpet Alcohol proposal, campus policies
stolen asked of College administrators
The Open Forum held last example, the site of the party) hours for the tennis courts. waned considerably, accor-
Thursday night in Baldwin lob- by other behavioral man- It was explained that both ding to Dean Palmer. Next
A trumpet valued at by proved^to be an interesting nerisms (such as loud noise) facilities have posted hours. year's calendar has already
$1,000 was stolen f from St. exchange^ between students then we would close the facili- Sometimes reservations or been set in the present 4-3-3
Mark's music department a n d t h e c o l l e g e a d - ty down and fine the sponsors- special events scheduled in mode.
on Saturday, January 12. ministrators. Mercyhurst Col- residents of that unit." the Campus Center may not Heidi Beezub asked about
The owner, freshman lege President Dr. William P. | Consequences for violating allow the students to utilize the disappearance of The
music major? Mike Good- Garvey, Academic Dean Dr. this proposal will first be a fine the gym. t Merciad classified section.
man, was practicing earlier David Palmer, and Director of for action. Second offenders As for the tennis courts, Dr. All three administrative pane
that evening in a sound- Student Services? E. William will receive a larger fine and a Garvey explained that they members noted it was a deci-
proof music cubicle. Also Kennedy answered questions ban from campus housing. were built entirely by a group sion by the editor of the paper
practicing was freshman for about an hour and a half. Kennedy comments that a of Trustee members in 1969. It to abolish this particular
music major, Julie Approximately 30 students lack of tolerance for drunken- was understood that members section. |,
Jaskolski who was with him ness has invaded society could use these courts three Other questions asked at
at the time of the theft. who were at the Forum asked
a variety of questions to the everywhere except college or four nights weekly from 7-10 the Forum Included the pass-
% Apparently the two left p.m. for their own personal fail system at Mercyhurst, the
the site at approximatley panel. campuses.
By far, the most talked Michael Goodman opened use. ; - I !. idea of having a used book
7:43 p.m. and returned at Barb iSayers asked Dr. store on campus^specific
7:55 p.m. to find Goodman's about issue at the Forum con- the Forum concerning a re-
cerned the -administration's cent ;theft?up at St, Mark's. Garvey how the Capital Cam- academic department re-
instrument stolen while paign was doing.* To date $3 quirements, {(cleaning the
J a s k o l s k i ' s was n o t proposal to crack down on the Kennedy said that security
drinking on campus. systems are not foolproof. If million has been received. Dr. rocks off the baseball field and
disturbed. the procedure for setting class
According to Kennedy, "the keys are left in the locks, as it Garvey says the goal of four
fllpon their return from a proposal is to obey the state seemed to happen on this oc- million dollars wasuraised^to times and registering for
short break, the two law of Pennsylvania." The pro- casion. Goodman's trumpet $4.5 million. Also, the Ham- classes. »
students found Jaskolski's posal covers three areas in ac- was stolen from the premises. mermill Paper Co. donated
keys in the door lock. Prior cordance with Pennsylvania A $50 reward is being offered one quarter of a million SAC Chairperson, Jean
to leaving the premises the law, In this state, drinking is for any information concern dollars. This money will go to Moniewski, felt the Forum was
keys were left on a nearby prohibited under the age of 21, ing this incident; expanding the library. The col- "a good way for students^ to
table. | •: it is illegal to be "drunk", and lege library will be named for ask questions of the Big
The t w o s t u d e n t s Goodman complained about
it is* illegal to sell alcohol the lack of security up at St. Hammermill. Guys." However, Moniewski
notified security im- without a license. M * The academic calendar was surprised at the low atten-
mediately. In the meantime, Mark's. He also inquired about
From an administration the lights which have not been issue has seemingly| been dance. She did, however, feel
Goodman has been borrow- view, the proposal has two replaced along the Mercy resolved. "It appears interest the administrators* were free
ing a trumpet from the points; first it states the defini- Walkway. in a semester calendar has with their answers.
D'Angelo School of Music/^ tion of drunkenness, which in- } i p
The college is offering a m Goodman 5 suggested that
cludes abusive behavior. The there should be some sort of
$50 reward for any informa-
tion leadingrtojthe returnof
second point calls for enforce- check-in system late night up Mercyhurst College
m e n t—o t±-lh e_|s o - c a II e d
the IhstFumeni^According at St. Mark's, similar to that in
"speakeasy" law. \ This law the dorrrST Kefinedy claimed Catholic Men*
to Goodman, "No ques-
tions will be asked." ****'
does not allow anyone to such a system would be too
distribute or sell alcohol expensive, £ $
and Women
without a license or distribute
it to someone under 21. r
Another issue raised at the
Forum,;was the utilization of
Let's Talk m
The purposes of,:the en- the Campus Center and the ad-
* «
v.-. .-•-*;->'
£ ••v
•V I
You A re
r&* .- :-*
"those areas that would bring lack of an open gym and Scott
attention to themselves (for Donnelly, asked about the
i / M
pr^\ ®m
"Academics come first, they By Brenda Lowe In a preliminary report Mary Baldauf is with Ernst and Moore | cannot make any
have to make the grades in Every year the Mercyhurst released on January 3, Moore W h i n n i n g in B a l t i m o r e , assumptions, but he believes
order to play so they have no Career Services Office makes said, "76 percent of the Maryland awhile Jeff Jones is many graduates^ find work
an extensive studyIof the graduating class was gainfully with Arthur Anderson & Co. in away from their hometown.
choice." $ £ employed in their^field and 7
Women's basketbaM Head whereabouts of the previous Cleveland, Ohio.Si He also believes each
Coach Darlene Rosthouser graduating class. A question- percent were" a t t e n d i n g Sheila Delaney is with Stan- Senior of this year should ex-
feels the same. The Lady naire is sent? out to each graduate school on a full-time dard Oil of Ohio as an EDP pand their horizons by going
Lakers GPA's for |first term graduate. Approximately 90-95 basis. Of that 76 ^percent Auditor. Karen Black is a com- to all the^seminars offered by
freshmen ranged from* a high percent of the questionnaires employed, 84 percent were puter programmer for Erie In- Career Services. He suggests
of 3.50 to a low of 1.65. | are returned and tallied to hiredffor full-time work while surance Exchange. f that students take advantage
osthouser states,?#'With keep J he. i ndividuals creden- 15 percent were hired for part- ™ Ann Gilligan is presently a off the elective? courses* of-
class loads as heavy as they tial s^updated. j y ^ * ^ ^ time work. An additional* 50 computer programmerjpuialyst fered^'Take opes, jhat wjlj
are, it does put a bit more of a Ifyrone Moore, director of responses need to be incor- in San Francisco. W 1 ! ^r. help you individually later to
Career Services, is takfng the porated into the final report," Carla Anderson, a graduate make your dream come true,"
strain on the student athlete,
but my players know that they final steps to conclude this Moore said. """^ from the Communications he commented.
have to get it done or they study. Early next'week Moore " l a m very pleased with \f\e department, works in the per- ppMoore emphasizes that
can't play." 1 | ( W- will begin calling graduates graduates of last year," Moore sonnel office of National Fuel need for all Seniors to contact
As far as Rosthouser is con- who did not send back the said with enthusiasm. Gas in Erie. Karen Merkle, also the Career Services office to
cerned, basketball has not in- questionnaire and contacting Two accounting majors a past Communications major begin their individual creden-
terfered with classes. other graduates fore more found employment in two of is currently reporting for,the tial file to aid them in seeking
Academics are stressed, and information. - * • r; the big eight accounting firms. Millcreek Sun newspaper. employment.
grades do come first.
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Enthusiasm in education It's time to prove your spirit!
Enthusiasm should be exercised every day in It is that|tlme of theifyear $100 pizza party, courtesy of makes noise.
again.; We *are tapproaching Housing Director, Phyllis I hope to see a jam-packed
education. Students experience boredom in the ;
Spirit Week. With basketball Aiello. The same -prize will Campus Center for the rest of
classroom. Yet, who do they blame; the^teacher, of game attendance growing again be awarded this year. the home basketball season. If
course. each time our Lakers perform I This year's competition for there are any questions about
"|j Both the teacher and the student can enhance at ithe Campus Center, this the Lakers during Spirit Week Spirit Week competition, con-
education. The key to this task is the involvement of year's competitors should be includes Coppin State on Fri- tact one of the judges men-
more vivacious than ever. day, February 1, and rival Edin- tioned above. See you at the
both the teacher and thejjstudent. The object of Spirit Week is boro on Monday, February 4. Campus Center.
Faculty should make greater use of active modes two-fold. First, it is our duty as These games could prove to Sincerely, / f-
of teaching and|required that students.take greater Mercyhurst students to create1 be very pivotal as the Lakers Steve Seymour
responsibility for their learnings. Attending classes the sense of the "sixth man' strive for 20 wins this season.
and taking notes is an effort. However, education is playing on the court of the The judges for thisfyear's
Lakers. This "sixth man"] is event are: the head of the THE? MERCIAD welcomes
more tharuan effort, ifeis an involvement/Asking often instrumental in aiding to Bleacher Creatures, James the expressions of its readers
questions, reasoning and even disagreeing with a Laker victories. The second "Bimmer" Benusa, organizer in "Your Opinion"^ All let-
theory are actions which portray an enthusiastic object of Spirit Week is to of this? year's event, Steve ters must| be signed and
student, f I* I discover the most spirited Seymour, and "Crazy Dave" should contain an address or
Professors who do not interject! a variety of group; of students at gthe Armstrong. Teams will f be telephone number to be us-
'Hurst. In past years, the men judged on the number, of ed for verification purposes
teaching styles \ will will most llikely^ have twenty and women on McAuley Hall members in their respective only. Contributions will be
uninterested students staring him in the face. Bored have been difficult to defeat. group, organization of cheers, edited for grammatical or
as^students may appear, very often they are scream- Last year, however, the women s i g n - m a k i n g and? other spelling errors.
ing for a variety of teaching styles. of Baldwin put on an excellent creativity, and finally, but most Letters must be submitted
showing and the contest was importantly, noise volume! Br-
Lectures are an essential part of campus life. They declared a draw, each team ing pots, pans, noisemakers,
by noon on Tuesdays
preceding publication, f
can be useful, economical and effective. But receivinq the nrand prize of a airhorns, or anything • that
research suggests that a mix of teaching styles can
be an effective device for increasing involvement.
New technologies can |have a^ tremendously
beneficial impact on learning. However, sometimes M ^
The Merciad
* * \
Frances M. Moavero, Editor AUJM^XIMC: A
Naomi A. Romanchok, Assistant Editor
Brian Sheridan, News Editor *f
Laura Ruby, Feature Editor College Press Service f ^
Greg Yoko, Sports Editor* -
Jothany Williams, Photography
£•' Gary Laurnoff, Art Design -
Wydetta Carter Susan Marcy
Michael Fachetti Brigid Nee
Debbie Hison Sandy Taylor
Betsy Lantz Jeff Vonaf
Brenda Lowe * Robert Zonnd
Rena Zicarelli, Chris Cardinal! N
Distribution Managers
Tim Hoh, Pete Werbaneth
Matt Duska, Cartoonist fe*g« * Grace Rlcci, Copy Editor
Richard Prem, Business Manager Stephen J. Curcio, Faculty Advisor
* m\ i mmw> mwmmm^-to K&P wuuHNrams!*
Newstaff member
joins|HRM Faculty
By Susan Durante \
Paula Paschke has joined presenting it In such a manner
the teaching staff of the HRM that is pleasing both to the eye
Townhouse living Department. This t e r m , and stomach. |
Paschke is teaching Quantity Paschkel opened the first
showers. f ing colors, we were anxious to
: The beginning of fall term be together again. The start of
also produced some of the
best meals, but it rapidly turn-
new term and the onset of
winter j weather has brought
10% Student Discount
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Sunday, January 27 - "Six- will be performing Friday and from 10 p.m.- 2 a.m. Drink
teen Candles" will be shown Saturday from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. specials include double drafts
in the Back Porch Cafe at 7 and 75 cent shooters. ft
p.m. and 9 p.m. Admission 50 \DocksIders - 420State St.
cents. Drink specials Friday include 3
for $1 ponies. Saturday "The
Dogs" will be performing from
10 p.m.- 2 a.m. Happy hour will
continue until the band starts.
Tough night
Swimmers brave cold
Lakers perform disappearing act By Heidi Beezub | Sarasota, Florida. $
half points, with 24 markers. The Laker swimmers travell- Jones, proud of the^ Laker
-By R.J. Zonna The second half:was a dif- performances so far, is confi-
ferent story. The 'Hurst was as Moss ended with 18 points, ed to Indiana, Pennsylvania in
cold In the second half as they shooting 7 for 7 from the field near-blizzard conditions last dent that the remainder of the
The Mercyhurst Lakers Friday to swim against Indiana season will be. much \ better
men's basketball team blew a were hot in the first stanza. and 4 for 4 from the line. The
The Lakers hit a woeful 29 per- Wolves were led by Barnett University of Pennsylvania. saying, "The ultimate
12 point halftime lead on their Although the Lakers lost 66 acknowledgement of what a
way to the losing end of a cent from the floor in the se- with 19 and Randy Monroe,
cond half. The Laker cold spell who had 17. to 31,*1hey set eight new team is stems from improve-
73-67 decision against power- school records. Coach Tom ment; J that has always been
ful Cheyney State last Satur- enabled Cheyney to run off a Cheyney State held a 49-36 Jones was pleased with the
14-3 spurt and pull to within rebound ^advantage. Although our number, one goal. The
day at the Campus Center. eight new records show that
I The Lakers came out of the three points 44-41. The Lakers the Lakers held a 26-23 field team's performance against
managed to hold and actually goal edge, the Wolves made the much larger "Big Indians." we are getting better as a team
gates strong as they shot 59 and hopefully as individuals."
percent from the field com- enlarge the lead until Cheyney the difference afjthe charity He felt the team did very well
State outscored the 'Hurst stripe by hitting ^27 freebies commenting thatr "they held The next local meet the
pared to Cheyney State's 30 Lakers swim is at Gannon,
percent. Sophomore sensa- 10-3 to take a 65-61 advantage Compared to Mercyhurst's 15. their *own, though totally
with just under three minutes outmanned." Saturday January 26 at 7 p.m.
tion Todd Lee hit on 9 of 10 Jones would like to remind
from the floor on his way to a remaining. The Lakers'were The Lakers, now 10-6, have a * The Lakers have "bounced
forced to *foul and Cheyney light schedule over the next back" from early season everyone that this is Mer-
22 point? half,? while Kenny cyhurst's last local meet.
Moss, who did not miss a shot State * widened; their lead to week, playing road games disappointments "when three
eight, 71-63 before Mercyhurst against St. Johrt Fisher (Fri- of their December meets had | Setting records for Mer-
the entire game, added nine cyhurst were Sean Kennedy
points in the first half. Ron scored! two uncontested day) and Central State to be cancel led due to bad £
jumper&in the final seconds. (Wednesday) before returning weather. This made Friday's (100 yard 'Butterfly and 100
Barnett kept the Wolves within yard Backstroke), Tim Karlin-
striking distance by netting 13 Lee led the Lakers, although to the Campus Center for a 4 meet the second of the
game homestand. season. Coach Jones remark- chak (100 yard Breaststroke),
first half markers. he managed only 2 second Jane Anne Mohr (100 yard
ed, I "It's really hard to swim
continually at practices with Backstroke),i Mary Kaliszak
(100 yard Breaststroke), Ken-
Women's teanrccontinues to struggle no meets to keep you going."
| The team has been working
hards to overcome jjthe early
nedy, K a r l i n c h a k , Mike
Stohzenburg, and Matt White
/ By O.A. Hlson tributed to Mercyhurst in the women's team travels to season cancellations. Over (100 yard Freestyle Relay and
The Lady Lakers kept their losing effort. Rochester, NY to oppose St. Christmas break, assistant 400 yard Medley Relay), and
perfect record intact with a Weather! permitting, the John Fisher. coach Terri Stempin led the K a l i s z a k , ! Mohr, Laurie
93-81 loss to the Thiel Tomkit- Albecht, and-Amy Coti (400
p ^ e a r r f orlphe |jp(|orTiMig fot|j| team through'a 10 day inten- yard Freestyle Relay). * *
tens last Friday evening. sive straining session i in
(The 'Hurst encounter with wk-: '1at#ihex$$SSeek%"ff*e-team has
dTar i o r ^ o n M on da yj was
postponed due to the! poor
travel conditions.) Yokes
Top-20 college hoops
The Campus Center defeat ssP&ifc Georgetown was once again 11 to 6 position, while DePaul
pushed the Mercyhurst slate «£^£ the unanimous number one moves up 3 notches to 7th.
to 0-9. The visiting Tomkittens, choice; in -.the Associated Rounding out the top>ten
o ^ ^ p u p e p B o w l |wa|pp were Oklahoma and Oregon
however, upped their record to ft so s | p e S ^ ^ f ^ t e d i h e ^ | i Press top-twenty college
9-2. I '- i ' S basketball poll. The Hoyas, State. I* ; ' i
M? The Lady Lakers looked very who were unbeaten in 17 Falling out of the top ten
impressive in the exciting first games, received all 60 first was Syracuse, going from
half. The 'Hurst cut the Thiel mJSHBBMsSSSM place votes, for the fourth time number 7 last week to 11 this
week. After Syracuse are
lead to three, 44-41, at twwHfcoeeW
in six weeks.
mi Louisania Tech, Indiana, Villa
Intermission. 4 i P t si|>^^;|£pmg Moving up from number
\ But, a strong surge at the I ^ P i i p S p l t f ^ i | | | p©e«ii| So -Jlifte oi||wWfc^wlll three to number* two is Nova and Kansas. j
onset of the second stanza Southern Methodist, with a The I remaining five are
resulted into a large 13 point record of 15-1. ^ } i Georgia Tech, Tulsa,
Thiel advantage. This margin Georgetown's opponent Michigan, Virginia Com-
was upheld |for*the remainder this Saturday!,-St. John -?was monwealth arid Nevada. 8
of the contest. ssaws&s
third, followed by Memphis
Amy* Moore and Theresa |M$Ditie&tli Xr<Kv??lv
a e s ^ B ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ p §SP^<S^pWBIw^aK^pi
State and Duke, j | & g
Collins paced the Tomkitten's For the past five weeks,
51 percent? shooting. Moore
led all scorers with 36 points IMP* isp^pp^ ^i^Sp Duke has been ranked second,
but* lost a couple of overtime 'V
on the evening while Collins that o|r sfident- bodvi d|d J|$| Regp|Jes3| JPalt Fr^cJs||| games last week before rally-
chipped in 23 more. aff||i A§|p M|K>fe|"a^<| r^ ing with a win over. North
High ^scorer for the Lady Carolina on Saturday. That
Lakers was Sherry Putnam. ila|jsfield pp^ersi^Mi | ^ $ | W K i e | m ^ f t ^ « f l e « li|| loss dropped Norths Carolina
The senior forward accounted from 6th position to number 8
i f or 20 Laker markers. Jeana say IIOUIH M t t , :
^ ^ ^ ^ tie smaller.
this week. Illinois moves from
White (16), Bea Tomczak (11), I -weiBsftfaral Me NBA STANOING6 i As Of January 22,1908
lB|slSS.^S As Of January 22,1985 '?•
land Jean Deegan (11) con- .
w L PCT. . GB Washington 28 12 7 63 198 142
Boston 34 7 \829 — Philadelphia 28 12 6 62 199 134
Philadelphia 33 7 .825 V4 NY Islanders 45 18 2 52 214 181
Washington 23 19 .548 11V* Pittsburgh 18 22 4 40 182 198
New Jersey 09 22 .453 15 NY Rangers 15 22 8 38 165 188
New York 14 29 .326 21 Now Jersey 15 25* 5 35 158 187
Milwaukee 28 14 .667
Detroit 23 16 .590 3Vi Montreal 23 142 10 56 M 180 153
Chicago 20 21 .488 7V4 Buffalo 21 13 12 54 168 193
Atlanta 17 24 .415 10% Quebec - 22 18 6 50 182 165
Indiana 14 27 .341 13 Vi Boston 21 19 7 •$9* 187 159
Cleveland 11 28 .282 15% Hartford 16 22 5. 37 144 182
• B s
Denver 25 17 595
Houston 23 18 .561 IV* St. Louis 19 18 a 46 166 171
Dallas 22 19 337 2V4 Chicago 21 23 3 45 188 177
San Antonio 19 20 .487 4V4 Minnesota 14 24 8 36 161 189
Utah > 18 24 .429 7 Detroit 13 28 6 32 166 219
Kansas City 14 26
.350 10
Toronto ;•£ 30 5 23 137 200
LA. Lakers 28 14 .667
Phoenix 21 21 .500 7 Edmonton 32 9 8 70 1 241 157
LA Clippers 19 23 .452 9 Calgary £ 23 17 6 52 213 IOI
Seattle 19 23 .452 Winnipeg 20 4 206
WHERE BEER W i l l NEVER BE. T<*€ SCMOCNtlNCOREWINO (JOMi^Nv i ' i * C * # U T | t 8 QHIO Portland
Golden State
Los Angeles
18 19
206 196
•11 7 29 168 .255